Category Archives: Zombies

Square Circles. When Continuity is claimed as Evolution


Read the claims of ‘Hamilton Science Tutor’…

“The flu vaccine would not exist if scientists did not have a firm grasp on the facts of evolution. It is updated yearly to keep up with the evolution of the virus, which changes so much and so quickly that the previous year’s vaccine is no longer effective. How do these changes occur? You might think that the answer is mutation, but that’s only a small part of the process. Mutations are random, but the virus keeps growing more drug-resistant. Clearly there’s something else going on here.

When you get a flu shot, your body gains the ability to produce antibodies to the flu virus; if you are exposed to it afterwards, your body fights it off. The antibodies kill most, but not all of the virus particles. Some virions have genetic variations that allow them to survive the onslaught of your antibodies. They aren’t any better or stronger than the others; it’s just genetic randomness.

Eventually these survivor virions will be passed onto someone else whose body will perform the same process, helping to weed the virus population down to only those virions that are completely resistant to the vaccine. The following year when their descendants return, they will be immune to it. They will be genetically different from the ancestor virus. They will have evolved from a previous state.”

From Facebook Here:


^^^^^ There you have the bold claim that *Evolution is an observable Reality*.
Yet I want people to think about this with a bit more depth.
Does the fact that life forms become resistant to chemicals or bugs… or that their genetics can be seen to be in some way different from their parents really mean they are ‘evolving’ ?

I dispute this!
I say when life forms adapt in such ways they are work within the designed parameters of their Species.
They are in no way ‘evolving’.

Thus I say it may be so that a flu virus may ‘change’ so as to become immune to our bodies own artificially enhanced defenses (re via a vaccine) … but it certainly does not *Evolve*….any more than we ‘evolve’ when we get a vaccine and start to manufacture new antibodies.

Let me suggest to you that the shyster Evolutionists have set up a scam.
The scam is they have two definitions for the word evolution… they have legitimized a form of philosophical equivocation and via cunning trickery have managed to deceive people into believing that Evolution is both the Continuity of species… and it’s transmutation.
I am referring to the scam claims of Micro-Evolution.

Real Darwinian Evolution is the claim that species transmutate from one species into a completely *new* and fundamentally *different* species like from Germ to fish. Fish to Mammal, etc.
And while I admit that this is said to be a process which takes place via thousands/ millions of tiny steps, I wish to point out that the so-called evolutionary steps are not like gaining immunity, but are like a flipper slowly turning into a foot via a linear series of fortuitous genetic accidents.

I say this ‘Flu virus argument is completely bogus because it does not involve anything like this linear transition from one specific species into another.
It is completely dishonest to say that when anything becomes immune to something that the thing has evolved.
That is pseudo science and it evidences just how vacuous the theory of evolution is in that they must grasp at straws in attempts to justify their absurd superstition.

So-called Micro-evolution is nothing more than a ruse.
I could say that your nose is turning into beak, or that a birds beak is turning into a nose!
There is *no science* at all in the so-called notion of Micro evolution.
Merely wild conjecture based upon a very doctored and systematically arranged/ cherry picked samples of comparative anatomy… and a heavily ideologically imposed interpretation of everything biological.
*This claim of Flu Virus ‘Evolution’ is a perfect example*
The Virus is not evolving but doing what it has always done… ie it is being a virus!

The reality is that many species have the capacity for a great variation while remaining true to their kinds.
Dogs are a good example.

And this can easily be proven by comparing the so-called ‘latest’ virus with the ‘older one’ and realizing that there is no discernable linear progression from some unknown pre-virus… into some unknown Post-virus life from.
Ask the Evolutionist from what is the virus evolving away from and into what is it transmutating?
The facts are the Virus is going nowhere.
It remains a virus.
It is maintaining it’s ‘Virus-ness’… and this is the exact opposite of evolution… ie it demonstrates a continuity and fundamental integrity of the species.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Update: 17 June 13. Here is a link to an article which validates my asertions above Re: When bugs become resistant to antibiotics and vaccines they are not evolving. This one is about Bacteria…
Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action?
Read about The Ludicrous claims of Evolution Here:

Read about how Russells Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism here:

^^^^ WoW that was Great to hear Live!
Auckland 22 April. Vector Arena.


My blogpost generated immediate debate.
In the process of looking for supportive sources for my position I came across several interesting sites…
Has the HIV Virus Demonstrated Evolution In Any Way?

No! Many false claims have been made. Here are the facts.

#1 If we had an example of new information being added by a random mutation, by random chance (though we do not have any example of new information being added by random chance, neither in HIV nor anywhere else), we would not have any evidence that evolution ever took place causing one kind of plant or animal to become another kind of plant or animal. If there were such an example, which there is not, in HIV or anywhere, then we would have shown that such addition of new information could possibly happen, (though present observation implies that it is absolutely impossible, but, if an example were to be be found, which it has not, then such an observation (which is only imagined at present) would only show that such a thing would be possible.

“Viruses can have no evolutionary relationship to any other form, and so whatever may have happened to say, the AIDS virus, has no relevance to the supposed history of truly living organisms in any case. An apparently major effect is probably caused by only a horizontal or even a negative change in informational content, and therefore does not relate to the sort of evolution postulated generally. It certainly does not involve any increase in functional complexity…. Long after this article was published, the PBS/SBS Evolution series used HIV/AIDS as ‘proof’ of evolution. Yet the new data has done nothing to make the principles in this article obsolete. Rather, in one case, HIV resistance to drugs was clearly caused by a deleterious mutation, as shown by their inability to cope with the ‘wild’ type when the drugs were removed; and immunity to AIDS can be conferred by a mutation that causes loss of certain receptors on the immune cells preventing the HIV from docking on them.” ~

Read more here:

And here is an interesting you tube vid which confirms my point about Evolution’s ‘Equivocation’ and non-falsifiable pseudo scientific nature.

Update 2. 26-4-13


Thinking about this more… the most important aspect of this is Mutation and *the question of new Genetic information* Ie In what way do random mutations bring ‘Change over time’?
And anyone knowledgeable on this subject understands that *Mutation does not add improved codes but destroys portions of code…adds errors etc and I… though no geneticist can easily see how such a random degenerative step caused by an error in replication of a virus could fortuitously render it capable of escaping detection by our immune system… yet in itself clearly not represent any thing that can be described as an evolutionary change.
An example I have used in my arguments is the creation in the Lab of the Wingless fly.
Scientists bombarded flies with radiation and caused various mutations in their young.
One was the Wingless Fly.
Now clearly it’s genetics have been altered and a ‘new’ type of fly created… yet it is still a fly… a grotesquely deformed fly.
Other ‘mutations’ to the genes occurred too that were not as detrimental to the fly as this heinous deformity, yet none can be said to have been the addition/ writing in of ‘advanced’ DNA which can vindicate the claims of the evolutionists that mutation is the mechanism by which Germs became people… the transmutation of species… and lets not forget that that is what the theory of evolution is!
do not be smoked into thinking that ‘any’ change is evidence of evolution… or proof that the theory has merit.
Mutation is in reality a degenerative force, and the Math is so far against the wild conjecture that Mutations can be used to advance Evolution that it ranks up there with the ‘Spontaneous generation of life’ in statistical absurdities.
This is the extreme unscientific basis Atheist Naturalist evolutionist must go to deny Intelligent design and the existence of God!
Life indeed has all the hallmarks of having been designed for a purpose!

Random accidents cant draw up blueprints… cannot write turn a Model A into a Bugatti Veyron!

Raed more about that here:

Chump Kai.


“Lake Taupo owners Ngati Tuwharetoa insist their demands for payment from Mighty River Power for storing water in the lake are not about money.”


Read about it Here:

At the Funeral of the Corrupt Copper who planted evidence which sent an innocent man (Arthur Allan Thomas) to jail for over 9 years…
“Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Bush, who told mourners last week that the officer in charge of the Crewe murder investigation, Bruce Hutton, had “integrity beyond reproach”.

Read about that Here:


Domestic spy agency the Security Intelligence Service commits 88 crimes against New Zealanders.
John Key denies this resulted in any arrests… yet wants to get the Law changed to legitimize these criminal government actions… as if their dishonesty warrents granting them further powers!

“Deputy Prime Minister Bill English said Section 14 of the 2003 act, which prevented the bureau spying on New Zealanders, was only included in the legislation by then Prime Minister Helen Clark “to get the votes in the House”.

The issue was not whether New Zealanders could be spied on “because they can” but “the issue here is whether the SIS can use the GCSB to carry out some of that function”.

“The assumption has always been that they can.”

Read about that Here:

Rigged Statistics supply Ammo for Racist claims of Maori Oppression.
The Maori and the Green Party Demand answers!

Using a massive Data set of 3 cases a report was able to conclude that 100% of Pakeha got off charges for Homocide, while 100% of Maori faced prosecution.
Seems Legit 🙂

Read about that Here:

Lord Christopher Monckton- ‘CLIMATE OF FREEDOM’ TOUR of NEW ZEALAND -APRIL 2013-Itinerary

lord m
Lord Christopher Monckton

An Old Libertarian Comrade Robin Thomsen invited me go with him next week to hear Lord Christopher Monckton Debunking Global warming/ man made climate change.
I will be there with bells on! (very cool manly bells that is!)
Monday @ Waikato Uni
It would be great to see other Libertarians there too.

warmist scientists
Muppet science… seems legit.

While I am pondering this subject I remembered reading a while ago that The Warmists had figured out that… Quote:
“People with very strong free-market support had very high skepticism of climate change,” said John Cook, a cognitive psychology doctoral candidate at the University of Queensland.”
He goes on…
“Such individuals also tend to distrust scientists and scientific processes such as peer review…”

Now what is telling about this is that if this is true (and I believe the first part is), then obviously the reverse is also obviously true… ie that Climate change is supported predominately by Quote: ” Retarded Anti-Capitalist Socialists whom hate the free market and believe the State should regulate all trade and Reasources”… said Libertarian Hunk, Tim Wikiriwhi in the greatest blog Ever… Eternal vigilance.
He goes on…
” John Cook is simply another State paid flunkey! The truth is Free thinkers do not have any faith in the heavily Politicized scientific community whose pay checks are dependant upon their manufacture of Pseudo-scientific hysteria mongering which generates mass phobia of free enterprise and conveniently recommends heavy handed government regulation of trade, virtually an end to private property, and absolute control of the earths natural resources, whereas the Earth worshipping Luddite Retards snort it like Cocaine! ”


^^^Criptic message from Roger Waters.


Climate Realists’ Network
was formed in July 2009.

We link to many other like-minded groups throughout New Zealand.

Our main form of communication is by way of fortnightly newsletters to our members. (Contact details below)

Our website contains a number of relevant articles of interest; however anyone wanting to explore the issue of climate on a much deeper level is encouraged to check out our LINKS page which provides a broad range of websites with endless hours of reading to suit any taste.

Lord Christopher Monckton

During April 2013 Lord Christopher Monckton will be in New Zealand to speak on Climate Change and its underlying idealogical framework, the United Nations Agenda 21 and the threat this is to freedom. The tour is entitled Climate of Freedom.

While few of us are familiar with Agenda 21 we are likely to have heard the term “Sustainable Development”, “Smart Growth”, or “Renewable Energy”. We may think that this is a “not in my backyard” issue that we can take or leave as we wish. But if you conduct even a cursory Google search for some of the key concepts of Agenda 21 you will find that most New Zealand local government long term policy has been explicitly implementing Agenda 21 for nearly 20 years, and that this dictates many aspects of YOUR life.

Understanding the underlying goals and intentions of Agenda 21 makes the Global warming, and Climate Change debate infinitely clearer. The motivations, purposes and methodology of those who persist in alarmism on this topic, despite the mounting scientific evidence to the contrary and the 16 year ‘pause’ in rising global average surface temperatures is more transparent. As the evidence increasingly contradicts the theory of greenhouse gas impacts on global temperatures the alarm is morphing to climate disruption, climate chaos, extreme weather and other scary stuff, since the temperatures are not keeping in step with rising CO2.

Don’t you want to know what is going on here?

Contact us for further information or media enquiries.

al g


Monday 1st April
Northland: ( Please note minor changes)
6pm Ascension Wine Estate, 480 Matakana Road, Matakana.
30 min introductory presentation followed by a brief opportunity for questions from the audience.
Light refreshments may be purchased from Ascension, but no dinner will be available.
Entry by donation.

Tuesday 2nd April
6pm The Kumara Box, 503 Poutu Road, Dargaville
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

Wednesday 3rd April
3pm May Bain Conference Room, New Whangarei Library building, Rust Ave
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

6pm, Conference Room, first floor of the Dickens Inn, Cameron St Mall
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales, or advance booking through Ticketek

Thursday 4th April
10am-11am Lord Monckton will be a guest on the Leighton Smith Show (Newstalk ZB)

7.30pm, Netball North Harbour Function Room, 44 Northcote Rd, Takapuna
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 5th April
7-9pm Fisher and Paykel Lecture Theatre, (Room F&PAA/260-115)
Located at the Auckland University Business School, Grafton Road
No admission charge, but donations welcome.

Saturday 6th April
2pm, St Columba at Botany, 480 Ti Rakau Drive, Botany
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Monday 8th April
7am Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting, Events Room 1, Gallagher Hub building, Hamilton Wintec campus.
Price $45
Tickets available at or by going to

12 noon Student Union Forum-Village Green outside the shops, Waikato University
Public welcome, no admission charge

7pm Price Waterhouse Cooper Lecture Theatre, Waikato University, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton (opposite the Admin building)
Gold coin donation.

Sponsored by the NZ Institute of International Affairs (Waikato Branch)

Tuesday 9th April
7.30pm, Bureta Park Motor Inn, Vale St Otumoetai.
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Thursday 11th April
7.30pm, Cosmopolitan Club, Grey and Derby Street
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 12th April
7.30pm, Ellwood Function Centre, 12 Otene Road, Waipatu, Hastings
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Saturday 13th April
Palmerston North:
2.00pm, Masonic Centre, 168 Fitzherbert Ave, Palmerston North
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

7.30pm, Anglican Church Hall, 67 Cambridge Road, Ashhurst
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Monday 15th April
New Plymouth:
7.30pm, Devon Hotel and Conference Centre, 390 Devon St East
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Tuesday 16th April
7.00pm, Southwards Car Museum, Otaihanga Rd, Paraparaumu
Tickets: $20 adult, $5 15yrs and under

Tickets to this presentation available online from
or at the Customer Service desk,
Coastlands Shoppingtown,
Contact for this event: Peter Jones (04) 2938966 Mob: 0272266657
Sponsored by the Kapakapanui Lions Club


Wednesday 17th April
Lower Hutt:
7.00am – 9.00am Chamber of Commerce breakfast
Silverstream Retreat, 3 Reynolds Bach Drive, Silverstream, Lower Hutt
7am- 7.30 breakfast, 7.30-8.30 Lord Monckton to speak, 8.30-9am Q & A
Members $45 +gst, non-members $65 +gst
Bookings and cancellations by Monday 15 April
contact: Donna 09399821 or

Press Club meeting
Associated Audio ‘The Bose’ Experts
5.30pm, 95 Customhouse Quay Wellington
Free entry to Press Club members, $10 non-members
RSVP compulsory as numbers very limited.
Contact: .
Light refreshments provided.

Thursday 18th April
7.30pm Nelson Suburban Club, 168 Tahunanui Drive, Nelson
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 19th April
7.30pm Marlborough Convention Centre, 42A Alfred St
Admission by donation to cover expenses, surplus to go to hospice.

Sponsored by Federated Farmers (Marlborough)

Saturday 20th April
Christchurch: ( Please note minor changes)
2.30pm Forum, moderated by Rodney Hide
Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$25 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Door sales may be limited, book early to avoid disappointment.

Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$25 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Door sales may be limited, book early to avoid disappointment.

Monday 22nd April
8am -9.30am Business Breakfast
Show Gate Pavilion,
Riccarton Park Function Centre
165 Racecourse Road Sockburn
$45 entry Tickets available on
Search for ‘Monckton Tour’
Bookings essential for catering purposes- no door sales.

7.30pm Sopheze on the Bay, Caroline Bay, Timaru
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Tuesday 23rd April
12pm arrival for 12.30 lunch
1pm Lord Monckton’s presentation
The Savoy Reception and Conference Centre
50 Princes St, CBD, Dunedin
$40 entry, tickets available from Jock Allison
ph 03 4772903, mob 021 363337
Numbers limited- book early to avoid disappointment.

7.30pm, Burns Theatre A
entrance opposite 84 Albany St
(Otago University Clubs & Socs Building)
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Wednesday 24th April
7.30pm, Gore Town and Country Club, Bury St, Gore
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Friday 26th April
7.30pm, Ascot Park Hotel, 2 East Rd, Invercargill
$20 entry, $5 students. Door sales only- cash and eftpos- no credit cards.

Contact us for further information or media enquiries.

Climate Realists (NZ) would like to acknowledge and thank the following supporters and sponsors:

Ian and Heidi Wishart
Uncensored Magazine
Kapakapanui Lions Club

Marlborough Federated Farmers

NZ Institute of International Affairs (Waikato Branch)

Our wonderful design and printing team: Alan, Sarah and Simon!

Our local organisers and network members- this tour wouldn’t be happening without you- thank you all very much.

Woman mauled to death by dogs. A victim of Nanny state and Ovine culture

victim of dogs

Thirty-one year-old Chloe Mathewson died after being attacked by two dogs at Redvale in the early hours of Friday morning.
Read more about it here:

My thoughts.
This is a horrific tragedy.
So very sad.

Yet Just imagine if it was both legal and routine in our country for woman to carry a small pistol?
She would probably still be alive.
Some may argue she is a victim of too much liberty (in respect to Dog ownership)
Others (like myself) can apprehend she is in fact a victim of Nanny state legalism which not only has disarmed us all and left us defenceless against criminals and wild animals, but also has generated such a sheepish culture where the very idea of carrying a weapon for personal defence is considered to be virtually a deviant mentality.

Thus it is also a great tragedy to grasp just how far Socialism has institutionalised our population.
The very idea of being Self reliant and bearing the means of self defense are completely alien concepts.
(I’ll probably recieve hate mail for making ‘political capital’ out of this tragedy.)


Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!


It has always amazed me that the atheist world is so enthralled with Bertrand Russell’s Celestial Teapot as a supposed logical argument against the credibility of belief in God.

This argument is routinely deployed by atheists in debates with theists, and so it was on a discussion I am having on face book about Science and belief in the after life.

I was going to simply make a direct reply but then it occurred to me that I ought to blog my answer because of the important place Russell’s teapot (and it’s mate… the flying spaghetti monster) play in the Great controversy between Faith and skepticism.

I don’t know why Russell’s argument is so revered by atheists when it only takes a small amount of contemplation to realize that His argument is actually a refutation of blind faith in Atheistic Evolution, not belief in God.
Let me explain.

The reason we ought to doubt the existence of a teapot orbiting between Earth and Mars is simply because we know that Teapots are the product of mind over matter… ie that unless Mankind, or some other intelligence formed a teapot out of china and placed it in that orbit that there is no way Nature could produce such an Object via it’s blind/ unguided forces!

The Theory of Evolution. The Illusion of Design.

This is an argument from design, and it makes a mockery of evolutionary theory because atheist evolutionists believe that something far far more complex than a china teapot can and has been made by the pure blind and unguided forces of Nature… I refer to the spectacle of Life on Earth!
For Atheists to believe life could possibly be the result of blind chance, and yet balk at the idea of a Celestial teapot being formed by pure chance exposes their credulous Absurdity!
According to their theory their ought to be all sorts of objects in space which have a quirky resemblance to Designed artifacts… teapots… not a problem!
(I am reminded of ‘The Hitch hikers guide to the Galaxy’ when it mentions the existance of “Casinos, all of which have been formed by the natural erosion of wind and rain…”)

Well we all know there very much is a problem!
Nature does not work like that!

Russell’s argument is actually a very poor argument given the nature of what he was attempting to disprove… ie religious belief. It is also a great testament to the duplicity of atheists whom Balk at the idea of a Celestial teapots yet will look at you square in the face and tell you they believe life started by accident! That is to strain at a gnat while swallowing a camel!
He has in fact furnished theists with a great argument against atheism… for it would be much easier to believe in a celestial Teapot than in the spontaneous generation and evolution of life…
Not to appreciate this is to be Pig headed indeed.

Thus ends today’s lesson.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Part 2 Here>>> The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Read about Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs. Here:

Read about Paley’s other Watch here:


Russell’s teapot arguement from RationalWiki…
In an unpublished article entitled “Is There a God?”, commissioned in 1952 by Illustrated magazine,[1] Russell suggested the following thought experiment to illustrate the burden of proof and falsifiability:

“If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes.
But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense.

If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.”

The Broad way. Morality by vote. Social Arbitrary Law.

mob rule

“Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be thereon.
Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it”
Jesus Christ.

The idea of the ‘Mandate of the majority’ in determining what ought to be Law, or how a country ought to be governed is a Pagan/ Greek idea.
It is a pseudo-morality which opposes itself to Christian Ideals of Justice.
Why then do so many Christians clamor for more democracy…less principle/ rule of Law?
Why is it that the socialists have been able to substitute the Idea of Majority Rule as being ‘the rule of law’ when it is no such thing?
Democratic whim is no more a protection of the rights of individuals than the whim of a dictator.
The Laws generated thereby are absolutely Arbitrary!
Why is this truth not taught in ours schools?

They dont teach this because the state does not want the people to slap Constitutional restraints on their power or limit their spheres of operation/ intervention.
Labour party Hench woman and Waikato University Propaganda Chief Margaret Wilson opposed the institution of a Constitution which restrained the powers of parliament. Ie she opposed the rule of Law, and desired the continuation of Totalitarian socialism.

She praised Social arbitrary law and mob rule… calling the Status quo… “Our wonderfully Fluid system…” !!!!

Remember that she was part of the Labour government who abolished Kiwi’s rights to appeal to Privy Council in England, and established the New Zealand Supreme Court.
This was a socialist Coup!


As one of New Zealand’s highest Lawyers/Legislators (Attorney General), it was in her parties vested interest to Bamboozle the people of New Zealand to keep her Party free to implement their Nanny state Agenda upon us.

These were dark days for unpopular minorities… Party pill/ NOS bans, Anti-smoking legislations etc. Massive handouts to Racist radicals, Anti smack legislation, etc.
By comparison John Keys inept governance looks enlightened!
We don’t see anywhere near as much Nanny state legislation being generated.
He still suxs badly, yet I will give him Credit for that…


That many people will look at the list of oppressive socialist laws and think they were all good ideas …. That Nanny State is great just goes to show that had they lived in Germany in the 1930’s, they would have been raising the One armed salute to the Democratically elected Socialist Tyrant Adolf Hitler.
He was all about ‘State Health’, ‘State Education’, ‘Nationalism’, etc.
This is why is is all too common to hear sheeple exclaim… “Hitler was a genius and had a lot of great Ideas…”.


be this guy

That Unchecked Social Democracy has bankrupted every Nation in Western Civilisation makes little difference to the Vested interests, dependent State Tit suckers whom now realise they have sucked the life blood out of their neighbors! They Clamour against state cost cutting… as if you can get more labour out of Dead slaves!
The Socialist politicians themselves refuse to admit they have ruined their Nations.
They make ridiculous statements “Austerity will cause a depression” when the truth is their largess has already Bankrupted us and that every year they continued their charade simply made things much worse!
We stagger beneath Massive Debts and Taxes!
Look at Cyprus today!
Frozen banks, and the prospect of looting the peoples savings!
It is difficult for me to feel sorry for them as the one thing that may be said about Democracy is that the Majority of people get the Government they deserve.
Ie In every Western Nation the resident sheeple have ignored the ‘Doom saying Libertarians preaching “The End is Nigh!” from their Soapboxes.
The greedy Sheeple have allowed their governments to lead them to destruction.

See Richard’s Post on Cyprus Here:

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.


Christian Libertarian Tim Wikiriwhi torches his New Zealand Compusory Census Papers 5-3-13.


I am Not a Number!
I am not a Statistic!
I am not a slave of Nanny State!
I know my rights, and the Census is a typical example of Government abuse of Power!
They have no right to demand I fill out any form!
Their threats of fines and convictions are a testimony to the Wickedness and disrespect for Individual liberty and privacy by our Nanny State Socialist democracy!
To all you Social engineers and Bureaucrats….Get Stuffed you little Nazi Scum!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“Oh, you have come to pick up my Census?…. Here you go!” 😀
weapon of choice 001

The Census. Are you really Free?