Nelson Mandela was a violent man


Nelson Mandela was a violent man.

I must deal immediately and at some length with the question of violence. Some of the things so far told to the Court are true and some are untrue. I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression of my people by the Whites.

He was also a terrorist.

I have already mentioned that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto. I, and the others who started the organization, did so for two reasons. Firstly, we believed that as a result of Government policy, violence by the African people had become inevitable, and that unless responsible leadership was given to canalize and control the feelings of our people, there would be outbreaks of terrorism which would produce an intensity of bitterness and hostility between the various races of this country which is not produced even by war. Secondly, we felt that without violence there would be no way open to the African people to succeed in their struggle against the principle of white supremacy. All lawful modes of expressing opposition to this principle had been closed by legislation, and we were placed in a position in which we had either to accept a permanent state of inferiority, or to defy the Government. We chose to defy the law. We first broke the law in a way which avoided any recourse to violence; when this form was legislated against, and then the Government resorted to a show of force to crush opposition to its policies, only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

But the violence which we chose to adopt was not terrorism. We who formed Umkhonto were all members of the African National Congress, and had behind us the ANC tradition of non-violence and negotiation as a means of solving political disputes. We believe that South Africa belongs to all the people who live in it, and not to one group, be it black or white. We did not want an interracial war, and tried to avoid it to the last minute. If the Court is in doubt about this, it will be seen that the whole history of our organization bears out what I have said, and what I will subsequently say, when I describe the tactics which Umkhonto decided to adopt.

I do not call Mandela a violent man or a terrorist in order to cast aspersions on him. Rather, I do so simply to state the facts. Make of these facts what you will. The usual suspects are already using them to speak ill of the dead. (I’m looking forward—in a not-looking-forward sort of a way—to reading Mandela’s obituary over here.)

Was Mandela’s violence justified? I put it to you that Mandela’s life is further testament against the non-initiation of force (NIOF) principle. By all means, accept the NIOF principle. But, if you do, make sure also to accept that the NIOF principle has principled exceptions!

Racism is one of my pet hates. Obviously, it was one of Mandela’s, too.

I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days. Even although I now happen to be tried by one whose opinion I hold in high esteem, I detest most violently the set-up that surrounds me here. It makes me feel that I am a black man in a white man’s court. This should not be.

So Mandela was a violent terrorist? I am unmoved. Nelson Mandela is, was, and will always be a true hero.

I’ll leave it to my co-blogger Tim to post the respectful obituary that Mandela deserves. I have a feeling it’s going to start off something like this …

Nelson Mandela was probably the greatest man of our times …


Visitations. Fox News atheist Democrat: I met Jesus!

Kirsten Powers portraits by Len Spoden Photography

She’s the intelligent, gorgeous, Democratic commentator at Fox News who has been an atheist for much of her life until she says she had a personal encounter with Jesus.

It was in 2006 during an overseas trip that Kirsten Powers says, “I woke up in what felt like a strange cross between a dream and reality. Jesus came to me and said, ‘Here I am.’”

“It felt so real. I didn’t know what to make of it,” Powers explains in Christianity Today. “I called my boyfriend, but before I had time to tell him about it, he told me he had been praying the night before and felt we were supposed to break up. So we did. Honestly, while I was upset, I was more traumatized by Jesus visiting me.

“I tried to write off the experience as misfiring synapses, but I couldn’t shake it. When I returned to New York a few days later, I was lost. I suddenly felt God everywhere and it was terrifying. More important, it was unwelcome. It felt like an invasion. I started to fear I was going crazy.”

In a Fox News Channel interview with Howard Kurtz, Powers explained the revelation to her “wasn’t a one-moment-kind-of-thing. It was something that over a year probably of going to church and studying the Bible and a lot of different things.

“And I had this experience where I had a dream that sort of up-ended my world a little bit and that I, at first, just thought was just a dream, you know, because I didn’t really believe in things like that. And maybe it was just a dream, I don’t know, but it put me on a path of then sort of seeking out to learn more about it. I ended up in a Bible study and the rest is sort of history.”

Read more >>>Here<<< **************************************************************************************************** ^^^^ This story grabbed my attention because of it's description of a 'vision'/ visitation which challenges Materialist Naturalism, and is an example of the sorts of real life experiences which must then be 'dealt with'... in one of several ways. Many Atheists will attempt to simply write off such experiences as 'figments of their own minds', yet when they do so they are allowing their preconceptions to blind them to other explanations... ie that Jesus really did visit. Thus erroneous world views and cosmologies based upon poor reasoning and lies can literally blind a person and trap them in delusion. What_Happened_To_Your_Hand
“What happened to your hand?” by Harry Anderson.

I once was an Atheist who had a visit… and yet because of my world view…I wrote it off as a sleeping dysfunction. (Read about that >>>here<<<) Now that I have become aware of the reality of God, and the spiritual Domain I have had to re-think about that past event. I now appreciate how Atheist materialism automatically writes off any phenomena which does not fit into it's paradigm as Illusory... and then foolishly claims 'Materialism can explain everything'. Its a circular trap. St Paul talks about this blindness... "...the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Cor2vs14) Jesus talks about spiritual blindness in his story of the Beggar Lazarus and the Rich man... 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." Luke 16vs20-31 That's right! If an Atheists Dead friend returned from the grave... it is very probable that they would deny they were really their once-dead friend... or that they had not really died.... etc.... *Any Bullshit excuse* not to believe. man_with_blinders

Spiritual Blinders…. A man can only see the world via his pre-suppositions… his premises, and when they are wrong… he is wandering lost in blindness and delusion… and doesn’t even realise it.
Atheist Materialism is a severe mental handicap.
It can take a miracle to remove the scales from our minds.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on this subject of ‘visitations’, etc …

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Ke$ha’s Incubus.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.


Home D gets Home D… for the crime of pulling teeth! NZ Herald.

This is a case out of the Dark ages….
Guildist protectionism… only Guild Bakers can bake…. only Guild Wheelwrights can make wheels.

It demonstrates the sorts of people our ‘system’ persecutes… Anyone whose ‘enterprise’ does not conform to their Monopolistic, Favour-istic, Compliance/ Credential heavy,…. and Exorbitant extortion rackets.

Here’s an experienced guy who has been helping the poor… for more than 9 years… alleviating pain
He has the support of 500 people…. yet he’s been busted, and treated like he was a violent or dis-honest criminal.
You think socialism cares about your Health…. about your pain?
Get Real!
It cares about maintaining it’s stranglehold upon everything we do!

Personally I dont think I would get my teeth worked on in a Garage.
When it comes to pain killing drugs…. I want the good stuff!
I pay! I pay!
My Dentist does a great job…. yet the thing is though if I was struggling financially and was suffering tooth related pain … which is very torturous….*Then*… I probably would.

To my way of thinking anyone who went to this man for dental work would know they were getting a ‘back yard job’… the same as when you take your car to a friend’s mate to get fixed…. because he’s cheep.
And I would only do such a thing if these back yard operators had a good reputation… and It appears that 500 people were willing to support his activities.

This is exactly the sort of thing the socialist power trippers want to nip in the bud.
They dont want the people to realise you can get stuff done without all the Rules and regulations, and certificates…. etc.
Thus the lie …. they say they have shut down and punished Mr Vailea for the sake of health and safety … to protect the public, when in reality they have shut him down and punished him to protect their own power-base and political racket.
Tim Wikiriwhi

sione Vailea

Underground dentist gets home detention

A man who ran an underground dental practice from his South Auckland home has been sentenced to four months home detention.

Sione Heinave Vailea appeared in the Manukau District Court this afternoon facing charges of criminal nuisance, performing a restricted activity, forgery and possession of prescription medicines.

The court heard how Vailea had carried out dental work including root canals, extractions and gold inlays from his Mangere home, despite not being a registered dentist.

A summary of facts showed pictures of where Vailea carried out his work; showing unhygenic conditions and old equipment.

The majority of patients were from the Tongan and wider Pacific community.
Vailea worked as a dental therapist in Tonga for many years, but was not qualified in that same area in New Zealand.

It is understood the offending carried on for about nine years.

Judge Fraser initially sentenced Vailea to 12 months imprisonment, but was later reduced to four months home detention.

The judge said he acknowledged Vailea’s lack of previous convictions and a petition with more than 500 signatures from his community, showing their support.

Mangawhai Rates Rebels to defy corrupt Beehive legislation.


New Zealand has rotten political institutions from top to bottom.

New Legislation…. Kaipara bill passes, validating Mangawhai rates

Listen to this podcast.

The Kaipara City council acted with gross incompetence and criminally in intentionally overspending by tens of millions of dollars on a new sewage system, and yet instead of finding the Councillor culprits guilty and accountable… Our Mikey mouse Parliament tries to ‘legalise’ this corruption by passing a special new law to force the ratepayers to into submission.


The ratepayers intend to challenge this in the high court.
We must watch this case and support the rebels because depending on what the High court determines will have serious implications…. not just for Mangawhai…. but for all New Zealand.
This Corrupt new parliamentary dictate must be overthrown because it opens the floodgates for incompetent big spending councils to completely disregard the Ratepayers they are supposed to represent, and to frivolously spend up however they please…. without accountability.

mark t

In my view this new Beehive legislation is proof that the Mangawhai Ratepayers were/ are in the legal right to withhold their rates…. and the Evil bastards in the Beehive know this!
Yet instead of supporting these righteous folk they chose rather to pass a tyrannical new Law to halt Ratepayers/ taxpayers all about the country from questioning the Spending practices of the government, and withholding their money.
Parliaments actions show that the scum in the Beehive will simply legitimize any such miss-representation, miss-appropriation, and extortion.


Should their appeal to the High court fail…. they should take it to the Supreme court.
If that fails, this will prove the dire consequences of not having a written and binding constitution which limits the powers of Parliaments for the sake of protecting the Rights and liberties of Individuals and citizens from tyrannical legislation, Mob rule, and the Political agendas of Party politics .
It’s a pity Hamilton ratepayers did nothing when their City council’s sleazy dealings with the V8 Supercars ended up costing then ten’s of millions more than the Mayor and council said it would.
(read about that >>>here<<<) You can contact the Mangawhai Ratepayers >>>here<<< jeff

I salute these brave people standing up for their rights.
It is a travesty that the strikers are now inciting people to ‘Break the Law’.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


“Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association chairman Bruce Rogan said residents were refusing to pay because the sewage system was an ever-expanding “Ponzi scheme” foisted on the community without its consent.

Meeting papers show councillors secretly agreed to expand and more than double the cost of the project in 2006 without telling the community for another four years and the council’s own legal opinion shows it has collected about $17 million of rates illegally.

Mr Rogan said residents were being asked to bail out the scheme again when many had already paid a lump sum which was supposed to cover the capital costs.

The council resigned in August and was replaced by commissioners. Chairman John Robertson, a former National MP and Papakura mayor, said 90 per cent of residents were paying their rates, including 75 per cent in Mangawhai…
Read more….From…>>>
NZ Herald Kaipara rates rebellion grows

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on City Council tyranny and spending…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Liberty Conference: Dick Quax and the Great Leap Backwards. Agenda 21.

Comparing Hamilton City’s Dire straits to Bankrupt City of Stockton.

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Conspiracy of Silence.

Which direction is heaven?


Acts 1:9-12 Jesus Ascends to Heaven
Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.”

What precisely happened when Jesus ascended?

Why did Jesus go up to get to heaven?

Is heaven closer or further than Kolob?

A libertarian dilemma


Here are two libertarian axioms.

1. The non-aggression non-initiation of force (NIOF) principle.
2. Private property rights.

The two libertarian axioms CONTRADICT each other. (As I recently explained here and here.)

You have four choices.

1. Deny the contradiction. (Objectivist libertarianism)
2. Maintain the contradiction.
3. Reject the non-aggression non-initiation of force (NIOF) principle. (Christian libertarianism)
4. Reject private property rights. (Anarcho-pacificism)

The choice is up to you.

Paul Walker. Not just another Norma Jean.


News of Paul Walker’s death has flooded the net and facebook, and I must confess to being cynical about all the fuss.
Not knowing that much about him, and not really being all that much of a ‘Fast and Furious’ fan, I was thinking that all this hype was kinda silly, and that he died being a bit of a stupid bugger… just another Hollywood.

I was thinking that the prime mover of what fans were really upset about was not that a person was dead, but that they were driven by *Envy*… they were pissed that *Someone who had the world at his feet*… some one with Money, Fame, and Sex Power was dead…. so young… so many Babes left unslayed…. so many bags of blow left un-snuffed.
Yes…. most of these bleeding hearts change the channel when ever their local news reports about ‘ordinary folk’ dying in their own towns and villages.
Fickle as.
Paul Walker…. Just another Norma Jean.


I should not have been so jaded…
The truth is…. for better or worse Movie stars and Rockers do play a significant roll in ‘us plebs’ lives… they enrich our sometimes mundane existences … they add poetry and dramatic effect to our experiences, and they give us visions and dreams.
And personal success and beauty are indeed things to be admired and enjoyed.
Most importantly I forgot that Famous people are ordinary people too…

rip dad
Paul Walker has left behind a grieving Daughter….

The more I think about this the more I begin to see that it is more likely my cynicism which is germinated from envy.
Maybe it is because it’s easier to appreciate the value of human life …the waste…. the loss… the tragedy when a Rich, beautiful, and famous person dies…. than when a Starving Ethiopian dies many people probably think they are better off! ???

Rich… Poor.
Famous…. nobody.
Old… Young.
Black… white.
Male…. female….etc.
Death makes us all Equals.

What I now want to talk about is an Irony.
It’s both a great pleasure, but something that also adds extra grief… there was more to Paul Walker than merely Looks, Talent, fame, fortune,…
Indeed he was *the Full package*…. he was not only outwardly handsome …. he had depth of soul… he was a caring, charitable, Christian.
Praise the Lord… this makes his death even more tragic…. the world needs people like him.
He died while engaged in charity work for the Philippines Typhoon relief.
Which in itself is a testimony of a humanitarian.
What-more… according to Ray Comfort…. Paul was also a man who shared the Good news of Salvation and Eternal life through Jesus Christ!
He was a cool Christian!

From R.I.P Paul Walker

“Many people know Paul, but not everyone knows his story. Paul Walker has traveled around the world helping those in need after natural disasters. He was one of the few celebrities to donate over $2.5 million dollars to people who were in need of shelter and food. He was a true hero.
Share To Show Respect –> R.I.P Paul Walker ”

rip paul walker

Read the following….

Paul Walker, on atheism (source IMDb):
“I’m a Christian now. The things that drove me crazy growing up was how everyone works at fault-finding with different religions.”


“The people I don’t understand are atheists. I go surfing and snow boarding and I’m always around nature. I look at everything and think, ‘Who couldn’t believe there’s a God? Is all this a mistake?’ It just blows me away.” 150,000 people die every 24 hours. Those who repent and trust alone in Jesus have everlasting life.”
Paul Walker.

Paul’s testimony is for mortal sinners to trust in Jesus!

For details see Paul Walker on set.

Liberated this from >>>Here<<< ***************************************** As a Father, and friend Paul has left this awesome testimony of faith! Though he has gone... His legacy to his daughter is... *have faith.... and we shall be reunited!* In Christ there is Hope! Without Christ.... only despair. surfing

Now when I contemplate all his achievements…. his testimony, and charity…. I am humbled.
Paul Walker truly was a man to be admired.
He’s not even dead!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: You gotta check out this link below!

From Tinseltown to tsunami-zone: Moving never-before-seen images of Paul Walker’s inspirational charity work across the globe

The National government is criminally insane


Yesterday’s post was about a Cosmic Corner brand of fake cannabis. Back in July 2011, Juicy Puff was suddenly ordered off the shelves by the government and temporarily removed from sale after it was found to be contaminated with phenazepam.

Here’s what Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne had to say at the time. (Emphasis mine.)


Associate Minister Peter Dunne today said finding phenazepam in a second product within a week reinforced the problem of suppliers being able to put unregulated drugs on the market.

“The people in this industry are generally not trustworthy or reliable,” he said.

“They are fast-buck merchants who, on the one hand claim to be offering a legal and safe alternative to illicit drugs, then throw their hands in the air and say they do not know what is in their products when our testing catches them out.

“They cannot have it both ways.”

Dunne said restrictions that would curb the marketing and advertising of synthetic cannabis products were just weeks away, and would be made through amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act.

“In the longer term the solution we are looking at is reversing the onus of proof and making the manufacturers and suppliers prove their products are safe before they get anywhere near the market.

Currently, authorities have to prove such products were unsafe before they could be taken off the market. “We are doing that successfully, but it is not an ideal process. It is cart before horse and the restrictions that will come in the next few weeks are an important step in addressing these issues.”

The following month, in August 2011, Parliament voted to pass the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act (No 2) 2011. This amendment enabled Peter Dunne to start issuing temporary drug bans called Temporary Class Drug Notices.


Remember how Peter Dunne sold us the follow-up Psychoactive Substances Act?

Here‘s what he told the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs when he took the world stage in Vienna, Austria earlier in 2013. (Emphasis mine.)

While we have placed more than 30 synthetic cannabis-like substances under temporary bans, but we are aware that there are potentially hundreds more that could replace them.

Last month, the New Zealand Government introduced new legislation into our Parliament that will end the game of catch-up once and for all.

We are going to reverse the onus of proof so the manufacturers of these products have to prove they are safe before they can bring them on to the market.

He said the same thing in 2012. It’s what he’s said all along, time and again. In his capacity as a Cabinet minister. On behalf of the New Zealand government. (Emphasis mine. Click the banner below for the official statement from the Beehive.)


As promised, we are reversing the onus of proof. If they cannot prove that a product is safe, then it is not going anywhere near the marketplace

None of these products will come to market if they have not been proven safe.

I think I’ve said enough to establish beyond reasonable doubt that Peter Dunne, the National government’s Associate Minister of Health, promised us this on behalf of the current National government.

Would you feel happy purchasing and consuming a product that had been proven safe? Many of you will answer, yes. What reason do you have to think the products now on the market are safe? Well, none of the products now on the market would be on the market if they hadn’t been proven safe, right? The National government promised us that that simply wouldn’t happen.

But the government has broken its promise. None of the products now on the market have been proven safe. None of the products now on the market has been tested. They are only now being tested. On you, the consumer. And some of the products the government approved for sale have since been proven unsafe.

Is it morally right to test untested drugs on people after promising them that they’ve already been tested and proven safe? Is it morally right to test untested drugs on people after first having obtained their misinformed consent? It’s certainly not legal.

Here’s Section 10 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation
Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person’s consent.

The National government is in breach of the Act. Someone should take these conscienceless psychopaths to court. They’re criminally insane.

What’s the damage? Kidney failure is the damage. A government approved product called Kryptonite has caused some test subjects to experience

Kryptonite: Kidney failure, hallucinations, vomiting, chest pains.

This according to the Dominion Post.

Back when it was still on the official records, and approved for sale from approved outlets, this is what the MoH told us about Kryptonite.

Product name Psychoactive substance(s) Quantity Company name Physical address  Status Interim product approval number
Kryptonite Red SGT-7 25mg per gram Lightyears Ahead Limited Unit 4/24, Airborne Road, Albany, Auckland Under consideration P0058
Kryptonite Green SGT-19 40mg per gram Lightyears Ahead Limited Unit 4/24, Airborne Road, Albany, Auckland Under consideration P0059

What are SGT-7 and SGT-19? The Ministry of Health has never told us, and neither have the manufacturers or suppliers, even though Section 58 the Psychoactive Substances Act says

Restrictions and requirements relating to labelling of approved products

(2) A label for an approved product must include the following information in a prominent position on the label:
(a) a list of the active ingredients of the product and the appropriate quantity of each active ingredient;

But the Ministry of Health has let slip (here) that SGT-7 is


and SGT-19 is


So now you know. No, wait …

You’ve never previously heard of ADB-CHICA or 4-fluoro-AM2201, right? Well, neither have I, and neither has Google. We still don’t know WTF-7 and WTF-19 they are.

Suppose that someone other than the manufacturers and the Ministry of Obfuscation knew the chemical identities (structures) of these substances? Could they have reasonably guessed that they would cause serious adverse effects such as kidney failure? Well, it’s reasonable to think so. Indeed, I sounded the alarm here a few months ago.

AB-005 XLR-11_structure

The compound on the left is AB-005 which has interim approval. The compound on the right is XLR-11 which was banned as from 13 July 2012 by Peter Dunne. They are structurally similar. They are analogues.

The problem here is that XLR-11 has been linked to acute kidney injury in some users. Now the Ministry of “Health” has seen fit to approve an analogue of a suspected kidney toxin for human use. But it’s legal so it must be safe, right? Yeah right.

But it turns out there’s a problem in my reasoning. You see, we can take an educated guess that analogues of known nephrotoxins are quite likely unsafe. But we don’t know which structural similarities count. Some wise heads in the online drug-using community have suggested that the culprit is not the backbone of the XLR-11 molecule (i.e., the ring structures) but the fluoropentyl side-chain. And there’s at least three products with interim approval that contain a fluoropentyl side-chain, viz., 5F-PB-22, (S)-N-(1-amino-3, 3dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(5-fluoropentyl-1H-indole-3-carboxamide and 1-(5-fluoropentyl)-3-(4-fluoro-1-naphthoyl)indole.

However, in the event it’s none of the suspects above that have so far caused kidney failure in some users. It’s one or both of ADB-CHICA or 4-fluoro-AM2201. And what this means is that we cannot make a reasonable educated guess as to which synthetic cannabinoids are possible nephrotoxins. They’re all suspect.

The National government is conducting medical experiments on New Zealand citizens without their informed consent. Really, they’re only one step away from the Tuskagee syphilis experiment and two steps away from the Nazi human experimentation of Josef Mengele.

Never again!

The National government is criminally insane. And must be stopped.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!