Category Archives: Covid-19

It’s all about *The Spike*. Covid 19 is a Bioweapon released upon Humanity for the sake of Global power.

What evidence supports this Theory?
A lot!

Picture Credit: from here

Must watch (Above). It was this video that put the final piece in place for me… Watching Fauchi obfuscate when questioned directly about the Spike protein.
BOOM! Yet this has far more implications than merely exposing that Fauchi has been lying and illegally funding gain of function research.
It exposes the whole evil plot.
This video will probably be censored like so many valuable truths the powers that be want to keep from the sheeple.

Remember Lie number 1 was keeping humanity from thinking Covid 19 could possibly be Genetically engineered and escaped from the Lab.
And yet finally that lie has been exposed… what follows is either it was released by accident… or by intent.

Well what circumstantial evidence can we muster to give us some plausible explanations or probabilities?

These are of course more Forbotten questions the Globalists don’t want the sheeple to contemplate…. or talk about.

I have been pondering this…. and just recently the random components have fallen into conjunction.

I will write more on this shortly supplying evidence… yet because I have had a ‘Eureka moment’… I must share the substance of what I now realise as a provable fact.
The Spike itself is evidence of the origin of Covid19 as being genetically engineered…. via gain of function experiments.
Grasp this and the evidence that the world is experiencing *a Biological war* by Evil people seeking world domination… *Is obvious*!!!

It’s *all* about the Spike!

The evidence of the origin of the Pandemic as being genetic engineering is in the spike.
The vaccines all are centered on the spike.
And… the variants…. we are told are variants… all ‘found’ and identified in their spike!
This is a statistical proof… because variants ought to be random… not specific.

New model of the Spike… Photo credit here

They are all centered on the *Spike!*

Dont you think it’s a bit odd they keep looking at *the spike protein*… ie the very part of the virus they synthetically make in their labs for the *The MRNA vaccines???*

This smacks of *a designed racket* to keep justifying the use of their Spike protein factories to keep rolling out ‘Variant vaxx’es’ perpetually… !!!!

and how convenient it is that the so-called ‘random mutations’ just so happen to be in the part of the sequence *Big Pharma* have industrialized.

This is BOGUS!

The Technocrats have control of this Genetic weapon….

This really is *the Smoking Gun!*

Note: Even if the math suggests Covid 19 is a plandemic rather than a ‘pandemic’… it does not follow that therefore the virus itself does not exist.
It means the Evil Globlaists have this weapon at their disposal and can release ‘variants’ at will while being safe themselves.
This is an absolutely frightening proposition.

And yet we know they can easily fabricate some pseudo-moral justification for what they plan to do…. mass genocide of billions.
The Ecological/ Malthusian hate for Humanity… and Messianic notion of ‘saving the planet’ from the ‘Human virus’…. etc…etc… all current beliefs of the Atheist far left who concider humanity to be mere ‘animals’…. in fact ‘destructive vermin’.
If you are Woke… you will confess your own ‘Vermin-hood’…. and voluntarily embrace global slavery….

A common counter argument used to counter ‘Vacination hesitancy’ is that People may know friends and neighbors who have had the vax, and not experienced any problems… not admitting to themselves that Death can be a slow process, and even if the Endgame is not direct mass culling of humanity via the virus… because the Vax was rushed into deployment… no safety studies referring to human fertility has been done… The adverse affects could be *Sterilizing the youth* which would have the very same effect as mass genocide… without the mess.
Vax Czar and WHO Patron Saint Bill Gates is a vocal exponent of Population control.

And yet again…. even if the Vax proves to do neither of these things, what is indisputable is the use of the pandemic to destroy Western societies and establish a Socialist Global Police State.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


I Was Whacked.

More from Tim…


Pied Piper Anthony Fauchi’s Lies Crippled Western Civilisation. ( While Big Government and Big Tech Censored the Truth Tellers)

Still editing…

Be sure your sins will find you out!

Only the stupid members of society (and there are a lot of you) were surprised to discover Anthony Fauchi has been engaged in a massive fraud and conspiracy with regards to the Covid 19 Plandemic.

The rest of us… those of us who have taken a stand against the Lockdowns and ‘Frankenshot’ roll outs knew all this for a very long time… and we did not cease to warn the rest of you morons about what was going on yet our voices largely fell on deaf ears.
Mainstream media chose to call us ‘tin foil hat wearing loons’!

The Great Lie has now been exposed, and the truth about what Fauchi has been doing can no longer be denied.
The public release of Fauchi’s email correspondence has blown the scheme wide open.

Are you feeling stupid yet?
Are you at all peeved to find out you have been taken for a ride and have sacrificed the future wellbeing of your nations because you allowed Shysters to prey upon your cowardice, ignoracnce, and fear?

Myriad upon myriad of dullards went merrily along with all the State propaganda… even when time and time again reality exposed one fallacy after another!
You were impervious to reason… incapable of re-evaluation in the light of new facts.

You fools cheered when the Woke Tech giants ‘jailed’ or deplatformed dissidents, doctors, and nurses who risked everything to tell you… the captivated public, that this entire Covid 19 response was a monumental fraud.
The science *never* supported the Big Government-Big Pharma lockdowns, mask mandates, or grand vaccination scheme!

We now have evidence of Fauchi admitting as much on virtually every score!

Sen Rand Paul called Fauchi out for ‘Theater’… in wearing his mask after claiming he has been vaccinated… a proposition not supported by science!
Fauchi was seeking to maintain Covid hysteria.

Fauchi lied point blank to Rand Paul while under oath denying he had funded ‘gain of function experimentation’ on bat viruses at Wuhan China.

Fauchi knew waaaaay back that the Covid 19 gene sequence had hallmarks of being the product of gene splicing yet worked like a devil to bury the idea that the virus had escaped from the Lab.
He had a personal vested interest to mislead the public.
He discussed this in emails, yet even before this became public knowledge independent thinkers had already asked this question, done the math; and concluded that it was too much of a coincidence that Covid 19 broke out just down the road from the Wuhan lab for that high probability to be ignored.
It was in fact the most obvious source.
Despite this the Social media tech giants set about to silence the voices of questioning citizens and independent experts who wanted to debate such matters.
Fauchi’s opinions and Fauchi worship were the only narrative allowed to be aired.
Even US President Donald Trump got censored when he said this was the most likely scenario.
Trump Derangement Syndrome much!
Partisan political corruption!

The whole globalist pandemic response had as it’s ultimate goal the mass ‘vaccination of humanity’ and the imposition of the global digital vaccine passport system… all predicated upon Fauchi / Gates lies!
The Plandemic is a bonafide conspiracy by the Globalists to enslave the billions of Dumbfounded Dipshits… and the so-called ‘Anti-Vaxxers’, anti-mask, anti-lockdown ‘Freaks’ were right about everything!

The lies are all exposed to the light!

That Fauchi should lose his job is a given.
He must also face prosecution for his frauds and culpability, not only with regards to covering up his own roll in funding the gain of function experiments in Wuhan, but also for his knowledge that Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment that rendered the development and mass vaccination of humanity absolutely unnecessary!

The problem is too many NWO Great Reset Bigwigs were more than happy to impose his lies upon the world… including New Zealand’s own PM Jacinda Ardern… accelerating their Globalist Totalitarian Scheme, so there is virtually no chance he will ever be held to account.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

It is hard to grasp the massive scale of Fauchi’s fraud in misleading the world with respect to masks, lockdowns, and the efficacy of drugs like Hydroxychloroquine… all designed to get ’emergency dispensation’ for vaccine use through such institutions as the FDA sidestepping normal safety protocols… and to stimulate Governments to usurp despotic powers, holding virtually the entire Western civilisation and beyond in lockdowns so as to traumatise their populations into wanting Bill Gates/ Big Pharma’s untested and dangerous ‘Frankenshots’ (pseudo-Vaccines) that contain Genetic engineering that alters (contaminates) the populations Genetic make up.
Those promoting the New World order also have Freaky ‘Trans-humanist’ aspirations.

A side note: Christians know this happened before Noah’s flood with the mixing of Human and Angel DNA… just sayin. The End Is Nigh!

And what TF are the ‘Humanized Mice’ spoken of used in testing for ‘Gain of Function’?
Sounds a hell of a lot like Human-animal hybrids!
How are these monstrosities… these abominations created?
Anyone like to consider the moral implications of that aspect of Fauchi’s ‘research’?
Apparently Fauchi’s Wife Chistine Grady is Head of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health!
The mind Boggles!
Update: Things are even worse than I feared… apparently a ‘Humanized mouse’ is a mouse that has had aborted human fetus tissue surgically implanted!
Apparently this is big business… aborted babies and parts for sale.
This is a horror story for real!

Fauchi should be investigated also for his roll in other schemes such as the HIV crisis as he has now been exposed as a pathological liar who will deceive the world for his own ends.
The testimonies of Doctors and scientists who have blown the whistle on his alleged other dirty dealings were blacklisted, jailed, and written off as ‘kooks’.
Now their claims that Fauchi is a devious Liar have proven to be true, more credence should be given to their claims against him for example virologist Judy Mikovits with respect to having her life destroyed by Fauchi frauds with regards to Big Pharma profits from her HIV research.

Read: Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video.

So Fauchi has been caught in his own web… yet it is too late now… the damage is done!

Fauchi achieved his objective of fooling the governments of the world into buying hundreds of Billions of dollars worth of Gates ‘vaccines’/ Frankinshots instead of using things like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, and now these Governments are fully committed to forcing their people to take the vaccines.

Governments will never admit they were scammed. Many knew the game plan all along.

Those $billions spent on dangerous experimental pseudo-vaccines and on ‘lockdown stimulus/welfare’ have bankrupted nations and extorted wealth that might have gone to better uses.
Fauchi and the Globalists like Jacinda Ardern destroyed the liberty of Western nations with all the ’emergency Covid legislation’ and Police State lockdowns.

He should hang! So too all the Tech giants, and Woke politicians who all participated in the Covid 19 Global Plandemic.
The Fake News NZ Mainstream media remains quiet about the Fauchi fraud revelations… no surprise there as they take their cue from PM Ardern’s Office.
Those who followed the Pied piper Fauchi and worship Jacinda Ardern will remain in a haze of cognitive dissonance… isolated from facts, truth, and reality.

They cannot excuse their blundering jackboots by claiming to have acted upon the best information available at the time, because despite every attempt to censor and silence dissenters a massive portion of global populations… people like myself … were not drinking their cool aid and *knew for a long time* that this whole scheme was corrupt!

That these powers were engaged in mass propaganda and censorship, forbidding democratic protests, passing Police State legislations under urgency without public participation and due process… all these are fairly big clues as to which side of the ‘debate’ were acting rashly and in bad faith!

What remains to be seen is whether ‘the people’ will hold their complicit elected Parliaments to the flame for what they have done?
Politicians who endorsed Covid 19 tyranny must be thrown out of office in disgrace!

Like so many compromised leaders, by every measure Jacinda Ardern has shown herself to be an incompetent Tyrant and Radical Leftist Socialist working as a treasonous globalist minion of the UN.
Ardern lied about such things as having the legal authority to order in and mass distribute the Frankenshots to the New Zealand population, and when taken to the High Court by Lawyer and Social activist Sue Grey it was determined that Arden and co were breaking the Law… that in fact her regime did not have the legal authority to bypass safety protocols and rush general distribution of an experimental vaxx by exploiting existing special dispensations … so… unfazed by mere Laws… she simply rushed through legislation in the dead of night to magically make her Covid 19 overreach legit!
Her government used the excuse ‘We thought we were legal’… yet does that defense work in court for ordinary citizens? No!
Where is the punishment for such a massive violation of Public Health Law designed to protect New Zealanders from precisely the sort of actions power mad and unscrupulous Ardern was involved in… as was the Nuremburg code!
What also is of importance to realise about this saga is that had not Sue Grey and co called out The Ardern regime upon their unlawful activities… they would have happily deceived the New Zealand public about the legality of their activities!
And even though Ardern and co abused their powers by legalising their own unlawful activities, Sue Grey and co are to be commended for being eternally vigilant for what their parliament is doing.
It is up to us voters at election time to ensure these Machiavellians are thrown out!

Without punishment / consequences politicians like her escape the political condemnation due for such behaviour which would virtually guarantee they step down from office and have no hope of re-election.
And this was not the only time Ardern’s Covid measures were found to be unlawful. Anyone remember when it was found the Police were violating Kiwi’s rights when they were arresting people for surfing, etc and that again Ardern changed the law?
Is anyone out there paying attention?
Ardern is in fact *Lawless* because she does whatever she pleases and no law is allowed to stand in her path!
This exposes *everything* we have and are to her caprice!
If that does not alarm you… you are fully lobotomised!

It is as if we have no Opposition parties here in New Zealand!
Nobody is stepping forward to lead the way in insuring politicians like PM Ardern answer to the New Zealand public for their bungling and dishonesty.
The system is geared to keep the public stupid so that they will vote her back into power again next time… or should that not appear to be on the cards… to give her the election via fraudulent means as I believe happened last time… Read VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
For those of you who think I’m a loon for suggesting the New Zealand elections were compromised as a forerunner to the stealing of the US elections, you all had better go back to school!
You are the same idiots who believed Fauchi about Covid 19!
You are the same Idiots who think Ardern is fantastic despite violating every principle of good governance, trampling our rights underfoot, and burring our nation in crushing debt!
You are the useful Idiots who Socialist Tyrants love to use like Pawns.
Wake The Flock up!
Or go back to sleep… and sell out your children’s future to the system of the Beast.


Is it possible, given the zombified nature of so many in Western Society that any lessons will be learned from this monumental scam?

Will this experience work to stop governments acting in such a draconian way the next time a so-called pandemic alarm is raised?
Will the truth of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as *life savers* against viruses spell the end of the entire Big Pharma Flu vaccination racket?
Will populations demand these safe and effective treatments be made available off the shelf without prescription in every pharmacy in every town?

Will Bill Gates be bankrupted, or held account for his scheming?
Will the contents of the Frankenshots be fully and independently investigated?

We are yet to understand the consequences of what has just transpired!
How many really died from Covid 19 (over-reported), and how many died from the pseudo- vaccines (underreported).
MRNA vaccinated sheeple have now had their very genetic make up modified to produce virus spike proteins, it is possible at some point in the future they will suffer autoimmune problems as their bodies immune systems attack their own organs and tissues.

Will there be any long term effects for the population of vaccinated sheeple such as infertility?
For small children it could be over a decade before we know if they have been sterilised by the shots.
When you appreciate that people like Bill Gates and many radical Leftists harbour ‘Population downsizing’ to be a long term environmental goal, what a tragedy it shall be for the next generation to realise they have been mass sterilized!

These are not the fruit of wild baseless paranoia!
These are the sorts of concerns many highly professional medical experts are putting on the table.
Not only were the MRNA vaccines not rigorously safety tested, Big Pharma secured indemnity from liability and prosecution should any harm be found to result from their pseudo-vaccines.

Another lession ought to be take care for who you vote for!
Will people wake up to the fact that Socialists will not hesitate to pass tyrannical / unconstitutional laws that violate your rights, take away your freedom, destroy your livelihoods, and even deploy the Police against you!
Do you now realise our Police Force has not been trained to defend your Rights and Freedoms, but instead have been trained to obey government dictates and are more than willing to arrest you for surfing, arrest your Pastor for holding church services, arrest mothers with young children present exercising their democratic rights to protest government tyranny?

Knowing this can happen should stimulate public pressure to get some sort of Constitutional protections!

My God! How enslaved, and mistreated, and deceived must you be before you decide to stand up for freedom?

That Lesson is the most important of them all.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Note: I am opposed to the death penalty as I don’t believe the State should exercise such a dangerous power.
History proves evil governments use the death penalty to murder dissidents and reformers… and it still goes on today in places like the China and North Korea.
I use the term ‘hang’ (above) as a loose ‘euphemism’ for ‘facing justice’, which given the magnitude of their crimes I would believe life in jail without parole, for every life their wickedness cost would be their just deserts.
I feel it necessary to make this ‘meaning’ clear as we live in such dangerous times that to say people in power ‘should be hung’ can now be misconstrued as being ‘threatening violence and insurrection’. Maybe used as ‘evidence’ that I am a dangerous extremist.
This is how bad things have gotten under Woke Socialist politically correct tyranny.
This is now the common modus opperandi of the Left seeking to criminalise and silence their critics.
Just ask Kiwi You Tuber Lee Williams.

Read Newsgrub The Destruction of New Zealand through Debt

More from Tim…




More from Tim…



Cell phones are exposing the monumental scale of vaccine injury. The medical establishment is losing the battle to cover up their atrocities.

Look at this poor girl.
Appreciate why she is broadcasting this message… as a warning that there is a high risk of serious injury from taking the Covid 19 vaccines.
We are seeing more and more of these despite Social media threatening to deplatform ‘users’ who share such information that might be construed as being ‘Anti-Vaxx’.

Watch the video here
Chest Pain, Paralysis, Seizures: Woman Details HORRIFIC J&J Covid Vaccine Side Effects from Hospital Bed

She just had the Johnson and Johnson vaccine…. never had seizures before… yet no medical staff will admit the vaccination is the most likely cause!

It does not take a rocket scientist to do the math!

The willful non-committal ‘ignorance’ of the medical staff is simply trained collusion in a cover up.
They don’t want to admit their Snake oil is most likely the cause and that their so-called cure is worse than the disease!

What is blowing away the medical establishment is that now patients have the technology to broadcast these sorts of adverse reactions that in the past could easily be hushed up … and the scale of this Medical Scandal is an outrage!
Just as cell phones in the hands of ordinary people are catching out rouge Police engaging in abuses of power, intimidation and violence this same ability to broadcast videos to the internet is exposing that scale of adverse vaccine reactions that in earlier times would not be known by the general public.
Medical staff who witness such adverse affects are often too scared or indoctrinated to speak out about what is really going on.
We can see why Socialist Governments want to get control of the internet, and use AI Algorithms to hunt out and block streaming that exposes their programs as dangerous…. because they want to keep the populations stupid and gullible, and submissive to their tyranny.

What is also amazing is watching friends and family’s Cognitive dissonance when they are confronted with this empirical evidence!
They have an automatic shield … a fire wall… which will not allow them to properly evaluate the mounting evidence… and so they simply resort to name-calling and other derogatory devices to excuse rejecting what they don’t want to acknowledge… and they are hell bent on maintaining the lies of the Medical establishment.

Just the fact that this video is being shared by Alex jones Infowars can be enough for them to throw up their shied and not contemplate the evidence.
They label people like myself as Nutcase conspiracy theorists.

They completely fail to appreciate that these sorts of stories will never be front and center on main stream media, or given traction on their officially sectioned woke social media platforms.
They label people like myself as Nutcase conspiracy theorists.

Meanwhile poor young girls like this are having their lives destroyed.

Watch the video below… It explains how the Medical Guild maintains its ‘Orthodoxy’ in the public mind and thereby protects it’s monopoly over the healthcare of nations… Not by the quality of science it champions, but by indoctrination, persecution, Mass marketing, and coercion.
And the results are abhorrent.

In ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ I said this…

“Consider how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity from the measles outbreak in Auckland in 2019 to drive home her desire to make vaccinations compulsory.
She blamed the anti-vaxx movement for low uptake on the government’s vaccination programme and the spread of the disease, even though medical experts said there were other factors that were responsible.
The anti-vax movement is another unpopular minority group that has been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the concept of compulsory vaccinations. They too have been getting slandered and de-platformed on social media.
The biggest problem with regards to vaccinations in New Zealand is that, because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures. As the saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and so many people don’t trust politicians or the health system they run. Personally I am not anti-vaxx but I am absolutely opposed to compulsory vaccinations because there are defnitely serious risks involved. And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access to the whole truth – not just the government’s side of the story. It is a parent’s right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet, to exercise this parental responsibility, they must be told the whole truth; they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions. Yet the power-trippers who want compulsory vaccinations, seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks. The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ – the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there is a risk of serious reactions to vaccinations. They should not be lied to about this or have their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot. She was crippled, and died young.
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition. Thus families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who don’t give a dam about such things and have convinced themselves that they are acting for “the public good”. And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe that vaccinations are dangerous to make their case publicly and it is wrong for the government to censor them.”

‘Free Speech Under Attack.’ Tross Publishing. pgs 188-189.
Get a copy from here.

I pray for Tabatha Lauren.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

The year of Covid 19 lockdowns and loss of freedoms. It has always been about the Vaccine passports. They have had this plan for years. Chris Sky. Must watch video.

Must Watch Video. Please watch on Bit chute here

I would embed the bit chute video here if I could. Unfortunately I can only embed the You Tube version (below) which will at some point be censored.
For this reason I choose to give as much of my viewing time to alternative sites like Bit chute, Rumble that respect free speech.

After watching this video please take a read of my blogpost THE STORY OF COVID 19 IN NEW ZEALAND, BY TIM WIKIRIWHI 2021.
This Video (above) dovetails perfectly with what I am talking about in my Blogpost.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….





The Story of Covid 19 in New Zealand, by Tim Wikiriwhi 2021.

People have reached ‘Peak Covid’… and are by and large ‘sick to death’ of this subject and so many people will roll their eyes when they see this blogpost.
I don’t blame them.
I have written this post ‘for the record’, yet still I believe it contains many important truths that the people of New Zealand have become apathetic about to their own peril.
I would hope this post would be a wake up call… and yet how do you wake up a population wallowing in boredom and indifference?
They cant even be bothered spending 30 minutes reading an article of great importance.
Oh well… let he that still hath an ear to hear… let him hear!


I was one of the earliest people I know who became alarmed at the reports of the outbreak of a deadly virus well before the general panic and lockdowns ensued… early2020, and I began to blog about it way back then, and my concerns were that it was an escaped Germ Warfare / Bio-weapon from the Wuhan Lab.


What I appreciate now but did not know back then was that I was being influenced by what I can only describe as a well orchestrated propaganda campaign.
I saw ‘Tick tock’ videos of people dropping dead on the streets of China, footage of the draconian way in which the CCP was attempting to contain the outbreak… welding Chinese citizens into their apartment blocks, etc, and also this is when the false counting of Covid 19 deaths began in such places as Italy.
China in fact was releasing statistics that portrayed the outbreak as less than valid reasons for panic, and yet the general response in the West was that the CCP could not be trusted to tell the truth.

I was the first people I know to develop an extreme anxiety about it’s spread and at that time feared it would rampage through New Zealand like a Biblical plague!
Before the general alarm went out I was the first person I know who started preparing for the worst and bought up on Food supplies, and other essentials, and when I went to buy PPE like face masks I discovered that bus loads of Chinese people had already been and bought out all the stock in the city!
I ended up purchasing 3 high grade masks at considerable expense just before the government slapped a prohibition on the plebs being able to buy such items for their own protection.
Supplies were so low that the Government wanted to get their hands on all such PPE for their own front line workers.
And then the Lockdowns began… and the destruction of the Economies of the West… and all the legislations that robbed us of our rights, etc,etc.

It turned out the Covid 19 Mass hysteria was the perfect means by which Socialists could empower themselves, to standardise their systems on a globalist basis, destroy our entire way of life, and impose their ‘New Normal’.

What I think is important to note about my personal experience and why I am taking the trouble to blog it is that I can show a process of reason whereby I have moved my position from that of Fearful concern and belief in the extreme danger Covid 19 as it was purported to be in the press, to the new position I hold now of Activist against the lockdowns.

Early on I had a few Libertarian friends in medicine who via social media expressed their skepticism at what was being reported, and questioned whether or not the Governments response to this supposed pandemic might turn out to be more destructive than the disease itself.

At that time listening to their position, I could not see how it would be possible to ‘Fake’ such things as were being reported in Italy… headlines like ‘1000 dead overnight’ seemed to justify other headlines such as ‘Italy locks down entire cities’.

It was only after whistleblowers started to report how Covid 19 deaths were being grossly overstated for political reasons to amp up public hysteria to justify ongoing lockdowns and more and more legislation giving the police intrusive and oppressive powers, taking away the peoples rights that I began to question what the hell was really going on.
I learned that US Hospitals profited from inflating numbers of Covid deaths because every death recorded as being Covid 19 they received lump sum payments of thousands of dollars… hence a motive to exaggerate and falsify the pathogenic potency of Covid 19… hyping up the perceived danger in the minds of the masses.
This is when it dawned on me how in fact such massive deception and lies *could be* generated and spread as propaganda via the socialist infested and brain dead mainstream media.
I was beginning to understand Covid 19 was being manipulated by vested interests for their own ends.
The pandemic was more political than biological.

As more and more information came into my possession I began to modify my own thoughts and feelings about what was going on.
Like myself, more and more intelligent people were starting to question the official narrative.

This is when the censorship, deplatforming, and rage against dissenters started to happen.
Doctors found themselves under reputational assault should they dare criticise the lockdowns, and how Covid 19 was being portrayed to the public.
I witnessed the Trump Derangement syndrome in action when he promoted Hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment for Covid 19.
IF Trump promoted it… it *had* to be false… according to Rabid Liberal Press.


I witnessed Facebook, etc starting to ban and deplatform people who claimed that vitamins played a significant roll in the severity of cases, and that those most likely to suffer were people whom were vitamin D deficient.
I witnessed the confusion sown whereby Masks were early on not recommended by the Health authorities, only later to become compulsory… despite evidence they were virtually useless, and even detrimental… and that being outside in the open air and sunshine was in fact the best place to be!
So the Government lockdowns were not only pointlessly destroying our economy… not only robbing us of our rights, but were in fact the worse possible response medically speaking.

Ironically only a few months before Covid 19 kicked off I had contributed to a Book called ‘Free Speech Under attack’ where in one of the chapters I wrote I spoke about the importance of Free Speech with respect to people making informed choices when it comes to whether or not they will take vaccines.
This is a right of supreme importance as it defines the difference between a free individual, and a slave.
Individual sovereignty over one’s own Body, and it also extends to Parental rights as the custodians of their Children’s rights.
Thus it would be dishonest for anyone to accuse me of being Anti-Vax… I am no such thing.
I am anti-compulsion, Pro-Freedom, and pro- Consent.


All the while censorship was ramping up.
Despite this as time passed the truth that Covid 19 was no where near as deadly as we were first led to believe became harder and harder for the Powers that be to keep hidden… something they wanted to keep suppressed because they had all invested Billions into Bill Gates Vaccines and they knew that the only reason the populations would voluntarily consent to having the shots was if they maintained a high degree of paranoia about the virus.
And The desire to maintain this hysteria is still the defining nature of the governments of the world because it is this hystera by which they gain the greatest measure of sheepish fearful compliance and submission to their new tyrannical powers and aims.

Witnessing this spectacle unfolding from the inside, with the process of time (A year), and gaining more and more information from independent sources, I modified my own position on Covid 19 from fearful father who expected to see my neighbours be taken away in body bags to return to my Libertarian outraged self at having been fed massive lies and fooled for the purpose of robbing my nation of our rights and precious liberty… and the destruction of our economy.
I would make a submission to the inquiry into the governments handling of the pandemic.
Read :

It is with contempt that I note that after all the attempts to suppress the truth that drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc were highly effective treatments for Covid 19… things I mentioned in my submission have now become a matter of public knowledge.
Not only does it turn out that it was the ‘Fact checkers’ of platforms like Facebook who were *the real fake news*… and that they were unjustly punishing’s *Truth tellers* for daring to critisise the erroneous, and dangerous Socialist Official line, but had these truths been allowed to be discussed as they ought to have been… lives would have been saved!
In truth the governments of the world responses to Covid 19… the lockdowns… the mass untested vaccinations… the massive financial destruction… the massive cost in Social consequences in the loss of rights, liberties, and the establishment of a whole new body of tyrannical laws on the books…. The massive cultural change within the police forces of the world who are now willing to knock down doors and drag away mothers in front of their children over such ridiculous reasons as maybe disobeying lockdown rules and taking their child to the park!
This has been a social catastrophe for Western civilisation of unimaginable scale!
Yet I suspect few if any Politicians will face any justice for their gross incompetence and dishonesty.

What about our rights to assemble and peacefully protest ongoing Government lockdowns and closed boarder?
Under the ‘New Normal’ that Politicians Like Jacinda Ardern have created, she can declare a lockdown any time she pleases, and the Police will not hesitate to drag away dissidents they have been trained to think of as Dangerous troublemakers… We have seen plenty of videos from Austraila that show this very thing, and We should not be so naïve as to believe that wont happen here in God’s own.
They will target the ‘Ring leaders’ of protests, and attempt to provoke violence at otherwise peaceful and lawful gatherings to create the pretext for dispersing legitimate mass protests which are fundamental to democracy..

Who would have believed any of this was possible just a few short years ago?

What more the powers that be have no intention of allowing things to return to how they were before Covid 19.
There is every reason to suspect that when public hysteria is lost on this variant, that some new strain will conveniently appear.

Because Covid 19 is not the world ending plague it was first purported to be, Ardern’s aggressive lockdown did not merely ‘flatten the curve’ of infection as was planned, but totally extinguished the virus thus ruining the plan to slowly gain herd immunity via a controlled exposure to the virus as it passed through the population at a manageable rate.
Instead of admitting this unexpect result, Jacind Ardern lied about it and pretended elimination was her intended strategy all along.
She must think we are idiots to swallow that one, yet the sycophantic media never took her to task for this dishonesty, and the terrible result of this blunder is that New Zealand has remained a prison Island as Ardern keeps our boarders locked down while she awaits the bulk delivery of Covid 19 vaccine… while the rest of the world are already immerging out the other side having passed through the gauntlet and gained herd immunity.

In the US with Trump having been deposed, the media are modifying their activism to portray the Biden administration as successfully dealing with a crisis they claimed Trump was perpetuating.
Meanwhile our Kiwi economy remains suffocated with thousands of tourist businesses gone broke.

We are yet to face the pressures Jacinda Ardern will start to apply to coerce New Zealanders into taking the vaccine once the batches start to arrive yet we can be sure she will apply as much coercion as she possibly can… indirectly… esp via a big spend on Spin.
We can be sure that one way she will apply indirect pressure to comply is by allowing businesses to compel their staff into receiving the vaccine if the wish to keep their jobs… under the guise of workplace safety, and we can also anticipate her allowing stores to forbid customers from entering their premises without showing proof of vaccination… and to facilitate this we can expect the introduction of Vaccine pasports… effectively holding our rights and liberties to ransom, and creating a two tier society whereby those who have the passport will enjoy the most access and freedoms while those who choose to reject the vaccine will find themselves severely restricted and penalised.
All the while Ardern will claim all this is *not coercion* as technically speaking the vaccine is not legislated as compulsory.
To appreciate what is at stake with respect to the right to reject the vaccine, I refer you to ISRAELI RABBI CHANANYA WEISSMAN’S 31 REASONS WHY I WON’T TAKE THE VACCINE.
There are even more frightening risks involved than what he has stated.
Animal testing on similar MRNA treatments had disastrous results.


This is why it is imperative that a popular protest movement to rise up now and demand the restoration of our Pre-covid 19 Rights and liberties, including the right to gather for peaceful protest, that all such laws that were enacted via urgency without due process be scrapped, and that politicians and government employees who acted in anyway that can be seen as being draconian and a violation of legitimate rights be held to account… certainly sacked, and possibly face further punishment’s for their oppressions and usurpations.

I personally have zero charisma to get such a movement up and running.
I have tried in the past yet to no avail.
It is my hope that people who share my concerns, and who are better at organisation than I can at least get a foundational meeting scheduled.
I am willing to throw my support to it.
This is a crisis for the future freedom of our nation.
What sort of world will we bequeath to our children?
If you are a concerned citizen and parent… you must be prepared to struggle for their future against the evil Socialist powers that stolen so much from us and will not stop until they have established a Socialist Totalitarian vassal state of the New World Order.

Tim Wikiriwh
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 10-4-21 Check out the video here
It corroborates many of the important things I have said above, esp about the Vaccine Passports which have been planned for the beginning.

More from Tim….





Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman’s 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine.

Read/ download/ print the document from here Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman’s 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

Above is the definitive declaration on informed and prudent concerns about the Mass Covid 19 Vaccination scheme and a rational basis for refusing to consent.

Like Rabbi Chanaya Weissman I too do not trust the people involved, nor do I believe the risk/benefits are weighted in favour of taking these experimental treatments.

To have a good grasp of what is at stake a person need not go any further than digesting the points made within this document, and go research and fact check them for themselves.

Everyone who shares these concerns ought to download and save copies of this document, and share it with their Family, friends.

It ought to be printed in the thousands and handed out in city squares and dropped in every letterbox.

Because it exposes the dirty game the Globalists and Government are playing, it may ‘disappear’ off the net.
For that reason I have included screen shots of the document below yet I would prefer readers to click the link provided (Above) to read and share it from it’s original source.

The Authorities will certainly be displeased with anyone found distributing it to the public and I have no doubt they will instruct the police to harass and find grounds to arrest any dissident distributing this document in public squares, and to seize and destroy all copies in their possession.

Yet still I believe the crisis we face from government tyranny to merit running such personal risks… for Evil prevails when good people do nothing.
Be bold, stand up for your principles, Yet be prepared to maintain your peaceful and lawful composure if confronted by Law enforcement who seek to intimidate you into silence.
Have video recording your activism.