Category Archives: Easy Listening

Falling like flies


Such a great pic of David Jones fraternising with Ian Kilmister circa 1970. Too bad it’s photoshopped!

My brother Tim and I grew up listening to the likes of Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath. At our family lunch on Christmas Day I reiterated to him that I was still undecided about whether or not to go see Black Sabbath play Dunedin’s Forsyth Barr Stadium on 30 April this year. I mentioned that 30 April is Walpurgisnacht. I also mentioned that it wouldn’t be reasonable just to assume that all three remaining band members will be well enough or even alive four months hence to play the gig, so if I did decide to go ahead ticket insurance would be a must!

I then mentioned that Motorhead’s drummer “Philthy” Phil Taylor had died recently and that Motorhead’s main man Lemmy had only the previous day (Christmas Eve) celebrated his 70th birthday. Rock music’s founders (excepting members of the 27 Club) are mostly still alive but getting well long in tooth and claw.

My brother then morbidly observed that we can expect half of the big rock legends of our youth to die in the next ten years, and the other half to die in the ten years after that. At the rate of about one per week.

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (NIV)

We didn’t care to speculate who would be next, but by a strange coincidence it was Lemmy himself! You can read my co-blogger Tim’s wonderful tribute to Lemmy here.

And then David Bowie! You can read my co-blogger Blair’s wonderful tribute to Bowie soon. šŸ™‚

The day a person dies is better than the day he was born.

It is better to go to a funeral than to a party.

We all must die. Everyone living should think about this. (ICB)

I confess. I’m not even a big fan of Motorhead (or Lemmy’s original band, Hawkwind). But I still enjoy listening to them from time to time, of course, what self-respecting metalhead doesn’t?!

I’m not even a fan of Bowie at all. Well, I thought I wasn’t. But now I’ve been given the opportunity to peruse his back catalogue, it’s amply confirmed what I always knew about David Bowie. He’s out of this world talented. So put me down as a small fan of David Bowie. šŸ™‚

So I just thought I’d share some Bowie gems.

You can keep up with who’s rockin’ and rollin’ six feet under here. (We’ve lost a few smaller rock legends since Christmas too, inlcuding Stevie Wright, John Bradbury and Robert Stigwood.)

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.



Lemmy RIP

Ace of Spades… Lemmy the Legend … The rock wild man who made Keith Richards look like a choir boy: As Lemmy dies two days after being told he had aggressive cancer, it is only surprising that the hard-drinking Motorhead frontman managed to make it to 70

Read it >>>> here<<<< bar open
”The new one would like to know when does the bar open….”


Motƶrhead ā€“ Ace of Spades. The Young Ones, Bambi, 1984

Posted by British Ideas Corporation on Monday, December 28, 2015

Update: Glenn Hughes FB Tribute

Glenn and lem

“The lads from Staffordshire … We met in London when I was in ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽDEEPPURPLEā€¬ back in the 70’s …when you made friends with Lemmy , you Made friends for life …thru thick & thin.. Thru it all … Lem was someone who told the truth .. No bullshit …he had ā€Ŗ#ā€ŽNOFEARā€¬ …the truth will set you free… Bless you lad … You will live forever … & that my friend is the truth … hughesy …???”

More Biker posts by Tim…

Other Worldā€¦The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Iā€™m Hunter S. Thompsonā€™s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Natā€™s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Tim Wikiriwhiā€™s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Read Ozzy’s Tribute to his mate…

Ozzy Osbourne Remembers Lemmy: ‘He Was My Hero’

” To look at Lemmy, you’d never think he was as educated as he was. People look at the music we do and the way we look, and they go, “Oh, this bunch is a bunch of yobbos. They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re bad people.” But it’s not true. Lemmy looks like an old biker, but he was so well read. He was very up on a lot of things. He was a very clever guy. On his bus on the first tour, he had a plaid suitcase and all he had in there was a pair of knickers and a pair of socks, and the rest was books. When he stayed with us, he’d stay in the library for three days, reading fucking books. And if I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he’d still be reading. And I’d go, “Why don’t you sleep?”

He was a serious friend to us. He was very loyal. And if he had something to say to you, he wouldn’t mince about it. He wouldn’t yell at you. He’d just say, “That pissed me off.” That was very rare. I don’t think he said that to me, but he was just everybody’s friend.”
I’ll miss him so much. We all will. There’s a big hole in the music industry as far as I’m concerned.

He was a character. There ain’t many characters in music today. I mean, you’ve got Miley Cyrus, OK, but there’s not many characters in the game anymore. But he was definitely a character. An original. He lived the lifestyle. Sex, drugs and rock & roll, that was Lemmy.

You know what? There goes a hero for me. He was my hero. He was fucking great, a good friend. I’m missing him already. I’ll never forget him. I don’t think a lot of people will forget Lemmy. He’ll be so missed in my camp. He was a good guy, a good man, a good friend of mine. He was just a fucking great dude, man. Not enough time for him.

God bless you, Lemmy. I’m so honored to have you a part of my life.”

Anti-Terrorism at its finest. The Road out of darkness into the light.

The above link was shared by Muslims against Isis.
Im going to write more of my own thoughts on this soon, yet my title says everything.
Bombs and fences will never stop the hating.
The war is in the hearts and minds of humanity.
Such a demonstration of Libertarian co-operation in the face of the Horrors of religious extremism and terror shines a light of peace and hope for the world.
They are to be highly commended for resisting the paranoia that grips so many of their fellow citizens,… and actively resisting the wiles of the Terrorists puppet masters who have millions dancing like marionettes to symphony of hate and Destruction.

Let all of us pray for God’s grace upon these two brave communities, that His hand protects them from the fury and malice their show of solidarity will undoubtedly conjure up in those who desire greater divisions and death.
It is truly fantastic… how in this time of crisis they have chosen unity over antagonism.
They stand head and shoulders above so many of my fellow countrymen, Atheists, and Christians whom presume to occupy a higher plane… Christians…who of all people ought to Love peace, and their fellow Man.

St Paul… our Apostle says… ” And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13 vs 2.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God”
Jesus Christ Mathew 5vs9

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;…”
Jesus Christ Mathew 5 vs 43,44

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”
St Paul Romans 12 vs 21.

“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”
St Paul Romans 12 vs 18.

And Matisyahu….

Haters and extremists everywhere want the same things… to Kill, and to oppress.

Christian fundamentalists and Takfiris have a lot in common. They're two sides of the same coin. #HappyEnding #Wait4It

Posted by Syrian Republic on Friday, 27 November 2015

Update: 3/12/15

A French Journalist Nicolas Henin who has just emerged from 10 months of Isis captivity says the way to beat Isis is not by bombing the people caught up in the crisis but …. “As an example of how the international community had responded well, he described the recent escalation of the refugee crisis ā€“ and corresponding offers from Europe of homes to fleeing Muslims ā€“ as ā€œa blow to Isisā€.

He said: ā€œHundreds of thousands of refugees, fleeing this Muslim land that is like a dream for Isis ā€“ that is supposed to be their Israel? And fleeing that land to go to the land of the ‘unbelievers’?

ā€œThis is why they probably tried to manipulate the public during the Paris attacks,ā€ he said. ā€œTo make us close our borders, and maybe even more importantly, close our minds.ā€

ā€œWhat we have to do ā€“ and this is really key ā€“ is we have to engage the local people. As soon as the people have hope for a political solution, the Islamic State will just collapse.

ā€œThere will be a very easy way to make Isis lose ground at a high speed. The international community must decide all regions held by the Syrian opposition are no-fly zones.

ā€œNo-fly zones for everybody. Not the coalition, not the Russians, not the regime, nobody. Providing security for people [there] would be devastating for Isis. Thatā€™s what the international community should focus on.ā€

Read more >here< save the syrian kids
Innocent Syrian Children sheltering from Russian Bombers.

I think Nicolas Henin makes much more sense than Putin and his Syrian Tyrant, More sense than any other military strategy I have herd so far… ie Take the higher moral path… fight Isis yes… but don’t support Assad’s campaign against his own people…protect them from his, and Isis terror and tyranny.

Courageous Syrian Kid Holds Back Tears after 40 members of his family died#save #humanity

Posted by Save Humanity on Friday, November 27, 2015

More from Tim Wikiriwhi….

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Menā€™s souls.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Where Haters come from.

What can we do? Socialismā€™s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

The Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism.

Albert J Nock and the Atrophy of Charity and Self-Reliance

Hamilton City Councilā€™s relentless agenda to starve out the homeless.

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.


To The ACC Levy Review Board.

I would like to speak against the currently extortionate ACC levies being born by Kiwi bikers via Motorcycle Registration, and make 3 points aimed to make the system fairer.

Though I personally would rather abolish ACC all together in favor of a Free-market in accident insurance, and that this would make for the best deal for ‘consumers’, I know this is not ‘on the table’ at present…. I make this small disclaimer for the record.

Clearly current Draconian method’s of ‘Zero tolerance’, lower drinking limits, etc have failed.
It’s time New directions are considered, which promote self-responsibility rather than mindless compulsions, and so I submit that ACC needs a new Game plan…


How Ironic…. This officially titled ‘ Safence’ is known as ‘Cheese cutters’ in Biker circles.

Like so many Safety issues…. eg in Industry… The Main hazards are generated on the drawing board… and could have been solved/ greatly reduced from the get go.
From a Bikers perspective itā€™s clear from the sections of Expressways in the Waikato, and BOP, and in general, that road design in New Zealand takes virtually no consideration for Motorcycles.
They are forever putting up Obstacles.

Dangerous Cable barriers are proliferating… not only on the median, but also often dangerously close on the outside as wellā€¦ leaving no lane in which a motorcyclist can distance themselves from these vicious hazards.

They leave no room for bikers to take evasive action, and even at slow speeds any otherwise minor error can and does result in a catastrophic accidentā€¦
No doubt these cables work well for cars.
No doubt they are cheap to construct, yet as part of my submission, I would like to suggest that such poor designs, and short sighted cost savings on construction are born by bikersā€¦barriers which may protect occupants of cars, are lethal to bikers.
These barriers serve as but one example that to improve statistics on Motorcycle accidentsā€¦ Road design ought to be a priority.

Thus ACC and the Government who sign off on road designs need to take responsibility for the increased risk we Road users (motorcyclists) unfairly carry, and reduce our Levyā€™sā€¦ and instead spreading the cost across all road users (I also own 2 cars).

Though I personally think ACC should be shut down, while it behooves me to pay ACC I believe that it would be a farer system for ACC to spread all Road user accident expenses collectivelyā€¦ because of factors in my argument above about road design.

My second submission is that on State Highways that are of the best standards that The speed limit for motorcycles be raised to 120 kph.

I believe this would help lower Motorcycle accidents, by encouraging Bikers to enjoy using these ā€˜Better roadsā€™, rather than thinking they are smart avoiding Mr Cop.ā€¦ doing 140kph out on country lanesā€¦ where the roads are not well designed, and there are more ā€™Agricultural obstacles ā€˜ aboutā€¦. From Cows to Milk Tankers.
I submit that if the Main Highways had a 120kph speed limit that this would result is safer ridingā€¦ less accidents.

My Final submission is I that ACC itself implement a Bureaucratic cost cutting exercise, and significantly reduce the costs of running ACC.
Reduce the size of the Corporation, and abolish as much Red tape as possible…

This would obviously be expected to result in significantly lower Levies.
Thank you for taking the time to read my submission,and I am available to front up to make a verbal submission.
Tim Wikiriwhi


Read more from Tim….

Natā€™s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Other Worldā€¦The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

New Zealand Tribute to Dr Robert H Schuller. Great Christian Possibility Thinker. 1926-2015.

ā€œTheistic Faith is Optimistic and springs from a Possiblity Thinker, whereas Atheistic doubt is Pessimistic and springs from an Impossiblity thinkerā€. Robert Schullerļ»æ Senior.


It is with both sadness and pleasant memories, that I and my wife joy say good bye to a wise old Christian, whose ‘Hour of Power’ brought inspiration and faith into our Non-Churchgoing lives.

Dr Robert H Schuller

For years his ‘Hour of Power’ was our TV church.

Now Dr Schuller was not a 1611 King James Guy.
He was not an exponent of Dispensationalism.
He was even lacking in preaching the Gospel of grace… yet still I say he was a Great Christian man, and one of my Spiritual Fathers.
He reminded me very much of my own Grandfather… John Steel Clark… and that is how millions of people around the world saw him, as a Caring and Wise Christian Elder.

God creates Individuals each with specific contributions to make, so that all knowledge, all truth, all the godliness and virtues of Christ do not reside in any one person/ sect.
We are all single members of the Body of Christ.
I Add Dr Shullers personal contributions to Christian Thought as one of the necessary pillars in my Ideological Fortress.
His is an ideology to help us master our Psychology, and steer us towards bold action and positive outlook.

To his credit Dr Schuller was very Libertarian in his Political Ideals and beliefs about Voluntary action in the pursuit of values.

He taught Pragmatism….


His Ministry brought many Great testimonies of faith from Achievers, and people with amazing stories,
His Sermons were inspirational calls to action… to pursue your God-given visions and dreams.

He wrote about how to rally back from personal loss… ” Tuff times never last, Tuff people do…”
We wrote about the psychology of the ‘Impossibility thinker’… “..trapped in the tiger cage of their own mind.”


For the Bi-centenary of The Birth of America, Schullers Message ‘I am the American Flag’, was an Epic on Freedom and prosperity… as long as the Morals of the people do not themselves ‘flag’.
Freedom is only fit for a people of strong Personal values and Self governing Self reliant ethics.
Unfortunately Later deliveries of that great speech have been trimmed down to the extent that they do not do justice to the Libertarian theology in the original.

Years Before facebook, … Joy and I would share with our Battling Kin… positive insights we had picked up from watching Hour of power on Sunday morning, or comment on what fantastic musicians, Choirs, etc… we enjoyed very much.

Robert Schuller built his ministry from the ground up into a global audience.
I do not know the details of the eventual collapse of his TV ministry, so I wont make any comment on that.
What I will say is that irrespective of that unfortunate end to his ministry, his character, example, and intellectual contribution to the faith building self reliance , tolerance, Christian thinking of his day is secure.

I believe his greatest legacy will be found in his Children and Grand children.
The Schuller family are and have always been Exemplary.
They were a Pillars of strength in America’s darkest hours after 911, and no doubt we can continue expect great things from them.

Robert A Shculler’s Hour of Power message “God’s truth is Marching on” is an Inspirational call to America to Keep Strong in faith, esp in Religious liberty.

I pray God’s grace and providence remains upon them.



Dr Scheuller in New Zealand.

A great orator like Dr Schuller must have been used to having a few Zealots in the crowd… and so it would be when he came Down under.

I have my own Robert Schuller story.


I met Dr Schuller very briefly in about 2002.

Joy and I travelled up to Auckland to see him at a large Central City Church.
Several 1000 people in attendance.
Joy and I are Big fans of the Schuller family, Though we have always thought Dr Schuller needed some ‘encouragement’ regarding The Gospel of Grace, The King James Bible Issue, Dispensationalism, and Libertarianism, and I would not let this opportunity pass….so I had packed a small pile of pamphlets and small ‘tracks’, etc to give to him.
The question remained as to exactly how I was going to achieve ‘the drop’.

This was post 911.
GW Bush era.
War pending in Iraq.
The Schullers had been a source of Moral Spiritual support for the American people directly after 911, and in the War years that have followed.

Back then there were Anti-American terrorists and Jihadists, hiding on every grassy knoll.
Postal Anthrax.

The Program we had been given told everyone to remain seated when Dr Schuller exited.
Well…. the moment was fast arising, and Joy ribbed me saying that if I was going to give him the package that I had better do something fast… and Being a subscriber to ‘Possibility thinking’… I decided I would simply break the rule of remaining seated, and walked up out of the Auditorium over to the exit.

There I met him for a few seconds, and gave him my ‘present.’
I called on God to bless him, and America as he was getting into his car.
Mission accomplished!


Possibility thinking may involve some risk, yet can get spectacular results!
I got to shake Dr Schullers hand.

I Figure he would forgive me for being cheeky enough to ignore the Rules.
I was ‘Optimistic’ and opportunistic.
What he did with my gift, I have no idea.
I had Fulfilled *my Part*… my moral duty to put the goods into his hands.
It was now up to God to inspire him to read it.

Insignificant as this tale is it actually is descriptive of how his teachings have moulded my thinking and motivated me to action and activism.
Dr Schuller is one of my Mentors whom has been helping me get out of my seat for the last 15 years.


Robert Schuller’s legacy will continue through his Children, and Grandchildren whom in many ways exemplify Enlightened Christian character, and through his fans as they continue to share his Humanity, His wisdom, his Possibility thinking.
He will continue to be a source of my own resolve to always be an optimistic chaser of of big ideas and visions.

His Son Robert Jnr says on Facebook “My Father is now in Heaven with Mum”.

Thank you Robert H Schuller.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Possibility thinker.
New Zealand.

Update: Schuller’s Funeral …

ā€œThis is the day the Lord has made. We will be glad and rejoice in it.ā€

Bobby Schuller lifted up his chest and enunciated those words in a booming voice ā€“ exactly as his illustrious grandfather had done for more than half a century opening the ā€œHour of Powerā€ program every Sunday, beamed across the globe to millions.

The more than 2,000 attendees at Crystal Cathedral founder Robert H. Schullerā€™s memorial service Monday morning, who packed the Christ Cathedral plaza in the shadow of the gleaming glass tower and sanctuary, burst into laughter, tears and thunderous applause….

Read more >>>here<<<

Head Games. Three Dog Night, Foreigner, and Heart rock out in Whitianga New Zealand 25-1-15


The Three Dog Night / Foreigner / Heart Concert in Whitianga last Sunday was AWESOME! … a fact completely wasted on NZ media ā€¦ with itā€™s severe lack of coverage of this event… and so Iā€™m writing this post to in some small way REPRESENT the appreciation We Kiwi fans have for the Musical Genius these Folk spread about our Country ā€¦ a show in Taupoā€¦ one up the Coromandal peninsula, and one more due to kick off in Queenstown on the 31st.

During the Show my mind was buzzingā€¦. I had been waiting 30 years to hear Heart and Foreigner… not that I really thought I ever would see themā€¦. And yet there they were!
I was experiencing a very special moment in my lifeā€¦
I was back in the 80ā€™s ā€¦ West Aucklandā€¦. sitting on the floorā€¦. Back against the wall of my friend Terryā€™s sleep outā€¦ Smoking Bags of Weedā€¦ drinking as much of the cheapest nastiest piss as we could affordā€¦ Wall to Wall Wasted Wallies head bangin to a scratchy rendition of ā€˜Cold as Iceā€™ā€¦ on the cheapest Crappiest portable turntable ā€¦.
Life is Grand!

My Blog tribute may not be the greatest they have ever received, yet I Hope they know just how special this Day was for thousands of people just like meā€¦ We were humbled by their presence.
It may have just been just one more show to themā€¦ yet for us fansā€¦ itā€™is something we will remember with immense happiness..

During the Gigā€¦ several different ideas for a blog post lighted upon meā€¦. Each better than the lastā€¦. Yet because I did not bring a pen and paperā€¦ they divorced me almost as quickly as they arrivedā€¦ do you think I can remember any of them now?

It was Hotā€¦. and I was Drinkingā€¦. A lotā€¦. šŸ™‚
So was everybody else yet the mood was sooo cruizie ā€¦ peace reignedā€¦ the only spoiler was a silly fat bitch sitting beside me who complained that Joy (my wife) was partially blocking her view of the big screenā€¦ even though we were sitting in the very best possie availableā€¦ a mere 70 feet from the stage!
I told her to get a life.

That was the only ill spirit that appeared that dayā€¦ I didnā€™t even see one Coppaā€¦ the crowd were havin a Lazy Sundayā€¦. Well done all!
I got Jiggy.

Three Dog Night were Cool asā€¦. Absolute Maestrosā€¦. 15 albums.
They joked with the crowd and told yarns about their Heydaysā€¦. How they came to write their songsā€¦ what was the stimuliā€¦ the expedience.
I leaned over to my friend and expressed my wonderā€¦ Gob smackedā€¦. ā€œNever did I ever expect to hear them playing these Classic Famous songsā€.
Their spoof ā€˜modern/ Rap versionā€™ of ā€˜Mama told me not to comeā€™ā€¦ had us wetting ourselves with Glee!

Closing encores with their New Releaseā€¦ ā€˜The Prayers of the Childrenā€™ ā€¦ about the children suffering in War Zonesā€¦ had us Dumb struck with tears.

Flower Power mixed with the best Harmonyā€¦. They just donā€™t make music like that any more…. unless you are 3 Dog Night!
And that was something I noticed about all three of these Bandsā€¦ a definite and purposeful spiritualityā€¦ Even Lead Singer for Foreignerā€¦ Kelly Hansenā€¦ was calling for ā€˜Hallelujahsā€™ from the crowd!

Foreigner Rockin out in Whitianga… Gig Photos by David Wolfe.

And what a Singer Kelly Hansen is!!!!!
He had all the woman fizzing at the bung!
His Voice is like he stepped out of a 70ā€™s Time warp!
Classic Rock vocals worthy of the company of Paul Rogers, Peter Green, ā€¦ Watch out Chris Cornel!
Foreigner songs are like a Male strip showā€¦ Provocatively Stud-lyā€¦ not just any wannabe can sing them with credibilityā€¦. Yet no problem for this showman!
He had a great rapport with the crowd.
My Girlfriends all tell me that Foreigner were the highlight of the Dayā€¦ and I agree.
They Banged out Hit, after Hit, …

I was there especially to see Heart.
BOOM! Nancy Wilson walks on stageā€¦ Sun Glasses, Guitarā€¦ and Luscious Golden Blonde hair!!!
Sheā€™s only 60.

oh yeah
Heart Rocks Whitianga New Zealand 25-1-15 (Photo by Wolfy… David Wolfe)

Hearing their songsā€¦ ā€˜What about Loveā€™ā€¦.. ā€˜Crazy on youā€™ā€¦ brought tears to my eyes.
Stealing Lyrics from Foreigner ā€œIā€™ve been waiting for youā€ Heart for 30 yearsā€¦ and now there you areā€¦ performing for meā€¦. Thank youā€¦ thank youā€¦. I love you! šŸ™‚
Just fantastic.
The reason I give the day to Foreigner, and not Heart was because of the extra effort Kelly made to connect with the crowdā€¦ the fact that Heart didnā€™t even bother putting up any Backdropā€¦ and that they finished off on Led Zep coversā€¦ which were bloody awesomeā€¦ yet I would have rather herd more of their own stuff.

Unlike poor old Meatloafā€¦ All these Old Rockers still have it!
They baked themselves for usā€¦ the stage facing the direct Sun.
We were blessed with a slight breeze which took some of the Heat Bite away, yet Anne Wilson was dressed in Black laceā€¦


Caught the Ferry across to the other side and within an hour we were back at my friends Bungalowā€¦ more musicā€¦ more boozeā€¦.
Thank you Heart!
Thank you Foreigner.
Thank you Three Dog Nightā€¦. For taking the trouble to come all the way down to the bottom of the world to share your awesome Artā€¦. And your awesome soulsā€¦ with us Kiwis.

Well done Greenstone Entertainment!
Very well organised events… very reasonable price!
Thanks for bringing these legends of Rock to God’s Own country.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Music Critic Down Under.

Christian grace and compassion for the Suffering. Against suicide, yet tolerant of euthanasia.

Mother-Theresa-with-Baby-Mother-Theresa-41801 (1)

Two different perspectives about Life, Death, Suffering, and Euthanasia have appeared here recently…

Why No Christian Should Support Euthanasia, by Blair Mulholland


Godā€™s gift to the terminally ill by Richard Goode.

Most thinking people fall squarely into either of these camps.

I would like to suggest that there is a third way… a middle course.

Having come down from my mountain I’d like to wade in šŸ™‚ … Mine is the lonely path… loved by few… because it appears to these antagonists that I’m too cosy with their enemy… not resolute enough… yet I believe it to be the best course.

I support certain aspects of Blair’s Anti-Euthanasia post to a high degree… yet ultimately I support Richard’s conclusion regarding Opium.

Both are arguing from the premise of ‘the sanctity of human life.

It’s a very interesting subject because it’s one of these issues which if the Christian is not careful, he will find himself supporting harsh and inhumane Laws out of a misguided sense of piety (like the twats who support drug prohibition).
It is ‘one of those’ controversial issues which some Christians insist gives them the right to impose *Un-Libertarian* prohibitions on others…. thus these so-called Christians also tend to insinuate that Real Christians *cant be Libertarians*… that there can be no separation of Church and state.

It is my experience to note that most of the Anti-Euthanasia Religionists do this because they still have not figured out the dispensational distinctions of the Christian living under grace, from the OT Jew living under the Law.
They dont yet grasp the reality that Euthanasia is just like the issue of Smoking Cigarettes…. that a Christian can be ideologically *against Cigarettes* yet also ought to be Ideologically *against a prohibition on cigarettes*… and that it is quite right to speak out against the vise of smoking cigarettes… if they be so moved…. yet to maintain a libertarian respect, and compassion for cigarette smokers and their rights rather than the Legalistic spirit *self righteous persecution and hate*.


Let me speak about what I mean with myself as the example.
As a Christian I do believe in the sanctity of human life, and that it would be insulting to God and a gross lack of faith, for me to ‘Commit suicide’ out of depression… yet I also know that we are not under the Law, and that God is a merciful God.
I do believe that he put things like Alcohol, Opium, etc on the Earth to alleviate pain and I am not so silly as to not be able to distinguish someone wishing to avoid a Ghastly and excruciating death, from someone callously throwing their life away out of spite, or sloth.

Not appreciating these distinctions is a bit like those dullards whom cant distinguish Loving discipline from child abuse (forgive my terseness).

Assisting a terminally ill person to end their own life, or taking your own life rather than facing the torture of a brutal enemy, are not the same things as assisting a Depressed, faithless, Godless, and ungrateful, (yet otherwise healthy) person to harm themselves.

The thing is that I dont think *prohibitive Laws* have anything good to add to this situation for the Obvious reason that a depressed person determined to kill themselves is in no way obliged to obey Human conventions…. which is all a prohibition is… when not underpinned by a personal ethic… and those whom actually have such a personal ethic *dont need any such law*.

Depressed yet otherwise able bodied people donā€™t need help to kill themselves.
Only the dying fear that the longer they endure, the less capable they become to take their own life in a peaceful wayā€¦. And so then may come to rely on their loved ones for assistance.
The people who want such prohibitions simply seek to persecute the caring Doctors and Family members whom assist their patients and loved ones from ending their sufferings.
I think many are acting out Malice against people whom dont share their personal religious sentiments, which is far Colder …. far less forgiveable than simple ignorance or delusion, … cloaking their evil hearts under the guise of ‘concern’ and religious piety.

This is the very antithesis of Christian Love.

Worst of all is that fact that many supposed ‘Orthodox’ Christians employ false doctrines ā€¦ resorting to the time of Jewish Law, and Christs preaching to the Jews about being found worthy to enter his kingdom.
They attempt to say that a Christian risks loosing their eternal salvation if they choose Euthanasiaā€¦. Because they have failed to ā€˜endure unto the endā€™ā€¦ etc.

This is a clear demonstration of mishandling the word of truth and results in a horrible in-humane doctrine which increases the un-necessary misery and human suffering in the world and when these false doctrines are used to Rally zealots into lobbying the government against Libertarian Law reformā€¦. It causes unbelievers to despise Christianity as Barbaric and oppressive.
It causes Christianity to stink and makes a mockery of the Grace and compassion of God.
It Damns men’s souls via unbelief.

The Truth is quite different.
Under Godā€™s Graceā€¦. In this dispensation we are free from the Law, and salvation is absolutely a free giftā€¦. Not determined at all upon our good works, endurance, etc.

So the Libertarian Christian (like me) does believe in the Sanctity of Human life, and intends to do what I believe is the Godly thing to do… with as much bravery as I an musterā€¦to endure… and face my own fate (Following in the footsteps of my Heroic Grand Father) yet I confess that certain terminal conditions terrify meā€¦ and I reserve the right to chicken out and take matters into my own hands.

I know that such a decision would be to opt for the ‘weaker’ path for the Christian to take, yet I am confident of God’s grace and mercy.

I certainly donā€™t desire any legal prohibitions to prevent me having this option, and I would never be so cold and uncaring as to desire to prohibit others having the right to make this decision for themselves either… or loving parents making the painful decision that it is not in their child’s best interest to postpone the inevitable!

*This is a fundamental principle of Christian Libertarianism ā€¦ That we are not the property of societyā€¦ or the governmentā€¦. We own ourselvesā€¦ and it is up to us whether or not we will impose upon ourselves certain religious convictions regarding our own death.*
Parents must have their parental rights and responsibilities respected by the state.

Though I hate the false doctrines which try and ensnare fearful souls back under Law, and I have contempt for people whom seek to use the Law to unnecessarily prolong human suffering, I have no problem with people peacefullyā€¦ and without recourse to political coercion propagating their belief that Euthanasia is wrongā€¦. From forming associations which seek to propagate that beliefā€¦ from boycotting Doctors whom are known to assist terminal patients to end their lives with dignity.
This is how Libertarianism worksā€¦ Nobody *forcing* their opinions on others.

* The most important Political reality is that having legally assisted suicide (of itself)does not effect any third partyā€™s rightsā€¦. And thus such prohibitions cant be justified*ā€¦ Iā€™m not saying there cant be any legal challenges Re: debts, and other contractual obligations)

When it comes to my loved ones, there is no way I would assist any of them to die, if they have still have the power of reason, yet have not receive the Gospel.
Death in that case will not end their sufferingā€¦ it will be but the beginning.
Yet I would assist them if they are trusting in the Resurrection of Christ…. and even though…. perish the thought that many may so choose…. I would not seek a law to forbid people from arranging for their own death… or assisting their loved ones… even if they reject Christ.
God has given them the right to go to their deaths un-repentant, and in their own sins.

Christianity is properly a tolerant liberal faith…which seeks to make the world a better place via preaching the gospel and Christian values to whomsoever hath an open ear… not a Religion of Political force.
Christianity seeks to convert hearts and minds… not impose an artificial draconian order.

Manā€™s knowledge and powers of Medical intervention have made these sorts of Moral dilemmas far more acute as we understand a lot more about things like Opium, Diseases, and how to prolong life than in the past, and so a lot of the so-called ā€˜lifeā€™ many people ā€˜endureā€™ at the end is wholly due to the Un-natural interventions of Humanityā€¦ orchestrated in the name of ā€˜the Sanctity of human lifeā€™ā€¦ ie this so-called ideal results in untold more *un-necessary and futile* misery.

*And it is to a large degree this *artificially engineered period of misery* which we are talking about hereā€¦ as if Natureā€¦ and Human concerns were left to themselvesā€¦ death would naturally end this misery a lot sooner.
Ie Medicine could concern itself more with ā€˜Mother Theresaā€¦hospice careā€™ rather than Frankenstein type fanaticismā€¦. Living Heads in a Jarā€¦ trying to steal a few last breathsā€¦ under delusions that this is honouring God.

And If I am ever undoneā€¦. laid out flatā€¦ writhing in agony ā€¦ beyond repair… I hope my caregivers are not Frugal with the ā€˜Milk of the poppyā€™ā€¦.
Fear not for meā€¦ My time will be doneā€¦. And my soul is secure in Christ.
Likewise all you whom have loved ones knocking on Heavenā€™s doorā€¦ Tell them to trust their souls to the Gospel of Grace and the Resurrection of Christā€¦ and to ā€˜relaxā€™ā€¦ accept death ā€¦ in the faith and hope of Godā€™s Love and promises.
Thatā€™s what I intend to do.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more…

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

A High Calling.

Car Crash.

Read about Dispensationalism….

The Gospel of Godā€™s Grace.

The Irony. Why I follow St Paulā€¦ Not Jesus.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

ā€œI thank God I Baptized none of youā€¦ā€ St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Did Paul Re- Invent Jesus?

Rediscovering Dispensational Truthā€¦Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a timeā€¦ Part 1. Christā€™s Gospel.

“One Day”. The Peace Song of Our Generation. Matisyahu.


“One Day”

Sometimes I lay
Under the moon
And thank God I’m breathing
Then I pray
Don’t take me soon
‘Cause I am here for a reason

Sometimes in my tears I drown
But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know some day it’ll all turn around because…

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


It’s not about
Win or lose
Because we all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent
Blood-drenched pavement
Keep on moving though the waters stay raging

In this maze you can lose your way (your way)
It might drive you crazy but don’t let it faze you no way (no way)

Sometimes in my tears I drown (I drown)
But I never let it get me down (get me down)
So when negativity surrounds (surrounds)
I know some day it’ll all turn around because…

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


One day this all will change
Treat people the same
Stop with the violence
Down with the hate

One day we’ll all be free
And proud to be
Under the same sun
Singing songs of freedom like
One day [x2]

All my life I’ve been waiting for
I’ve been praying for
For the people to say
That we don’t wanna fight no more
There will be no more wars
And our children will play
One day [x6]


More Prohibitionist Lies exposed: ‘Crack baby’ study ends with unexpected but clear result. By Susan FitzGerald, For The Inquirer.


“Ever since her birth 23 years ago, a team of researchers has been tracking every aspect of her development – gauging her progress as an infant, measuring her IQ as a preschooler, even peering into her adolescent brain using an MRI machine.

Now, after nearly a quarter century, the federally funded study was ending, and the question the researchers had been asking was answered.

Did cocaine harm the long-term development of children like Jaimee, who were exposed to the drug in their mother’s womb?

The researchers had expected the answer would be a resounding yes. But it wasn’t. Another factor would prove far more critical.”


“My worst fear was that Jaimee would be slow, mentally retarded, or something like that because of me doing drugs,” she said. She agreed to enroll her baby in the cocaine study at Einstein. Drakewood promised herself that she would turn her life around for the sake of Jaimee and her older daughter, but she soon went back to smoking crack.

Hurt arrived early at Children’s Hospital one morning in June to give a talk on her team’s findings to coworkers. After nearly 25 years of studying the effects of cocaine and publishing or presenting dozens of findings, it wasn’t easy to summarize it in a PowerPoint presentation. The study received nearly $7.9 million in federal funding over the years, as well as $130,000 from the Einstein Society.

Hurt, who had taken her team from Einstein to Children’s in 2003, began her lecture with quotations from the media around the time the study began. A social worker on TV predicted that a crack baby would grow up to “have an IQ of perhaps 50.” A print article quoted a psychologist as saying “crack was interfering with the central core of what it is to be human,” and yet another article predicted that crack babies were “doomed to a life of uncertain suffering, of probable deviance, of permanent inferiority.”

Hurt, who is also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, is always quick to point out that cocaine can have devastating effects on pregnancy. The drug can cause a problematic rise in a pregnant woman’s blood pressure, trigger premature labor, and may be linked to a dangerous condition in which the placenta tears away from the uterine wall. Babies born prematurely, no matter the cause, are at risk for a host of medical and developmental problems. On top of that, a parent’s drug use can create a chaotic home life for a child.

Hurt’s study enrolled only full-term babies so the possible effects of prematurity did not skew the results. The babies were then evaluated periodically, beginning at six months and then every six or 12 months on through young adulthood. Their mothers agreed to be tested for drug use throughout the study.

The researchers consistently found no significant differences between the cocaine-exposed children and the controls. At age 4, for instance, the average IQ of the cocaine-exposed children was 79.0 and the average IQ for the nonexposed children was 81.9. Both numbers are well below the average of 90 to 109 for U.S. children in the same age group. When it came to school readiness at age 6, about 25 percent of children in each group scored in the abnormal range on tests for math and letter and word recognition.

“We went looking for the effects of cocaine,” Hurt said. But after a time “we began to ask, ‘Was there something else going on?’ ”

While the cocaine-exposed children and a group of nonexposed controls performed about the same on tests, both groups lagged on developmental and intellectual measures compared to the norm. Hurt and her team began to think the “something else” was poverty.

As the children grew, the researchers did many evaluations to tease out environmental factors that could be affecting their development. On the upside, they found that children being raised in a nurturing home – measured by such factors as caregiver warmth and affection and language stimulation – were doing better than kids in a less nurturing home. On the downside, they found that 81 percent of the children had seen someone arrested; 74 percent had heard gunshots; 35 percent had seen someone get shot; and 19 percent had seen a dead body outside – and the kids were only 7 years old at the time. Those children who reported a high exposure to violence were likelier to show signs of depression and anxiety and to have lower self-esteem.

More recently, the team did MRI scans on the participants’ brains. Some research has suggested that gestational cocaine exposure can affect brain development, especially the dopamine system, which in turn can harm cognitive function. An area of concern is “executive functioning,” a set of skills involved in planning, problem-solving, and working memory.

The investigators found one brain area linked to attention skills that differed between exposed and nonexposed children, but they could not find any clinically significant effect on behavioral tests of attention skills.

Drug use did not differ between the exposed and nonexposed participants as young adults. About 42 percent used marijuana and three tested positive for cocaine one time each.

The team has kept tabs on 110 of the 224 children originally in the study. Of the 110, two are dead – one shot in a bar and another in a drive-by shooting – three are in prison, six graduated from college, and six more are on track to graduate. There have been 60 children born to the 110 participants.

The years of tracking kids have led Hurt to a conclusion she didn’t see coming.

“Poverty is a more powerful influence on the outcome of inner-city children than gestational exposure to cocaine,” Hurt said at her May lecture…. ”

Read full article >>>Here<<< catnip

The War on Drugs is not only Unjust, Bigoted, and Oppressive in the extreme… It is an evil founded upon a mountain of falsehoods, Lies, and foolishness.
Cannabis is proving itself to be one of the most beneficial plants to humanity.
Science is now exposing the myths about Magic Mushrooms and Ecstasy… Now they are being investigated for their beneficial qualities for the brain, and helping with PTSD, etc… and yet the disastrous War on drugs continues.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more>>>> Forbes: Everything Youā€™ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

The New Jewsā€¦ Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler ā€¦ Breaking News.

Utilitarianism vs Libertarianism. Socialist pragmatism vs Libertarian Idealism