Category Archives: King James Bible

Osculum infame…. John Key’s Smarmy Smile and the Real Reason for the GCSB Bill…. The Daily Blog.

devils anus

Osculum infame

New Zealand’s Quisling Prime minister John Key…. Kissing Satan’s Anus!
Hollywood Global Copyrights ….
Secret Deals and Human Trafick ….
Mandating The Global Evil Eye….

Your Darkest imaginations …. are True!
The GCSB Bill must be Stopped!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian Independent.


Read The Daily Blog’s Take on the real reason for the GCSB Bill….

“National is placing considerable time, effort, money, and energy in pushing two Bills through Parliament;
Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Amendment Bill
Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill
Key’s rationale for the expansion of spying over all New Zealanders has consisted of purely bullshit excuses, relating to “weapons of mass destruction”, “terrorism”, and other fantasy scare-mongering. None of it is remotely true.
The real rationale for pushing these two inter-related Bills is more prosaic.
The common description of the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill (aka “GCSB Bill) has been that this allows the GCSB to spy on all New Zealanders.
This is correct.
Literally, correct. The Bill, alongside it’s barely acknowledged “sister-Bill” – the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Amendment Bill – is designed deliberately to mandate the GCSB to spy on all New Zealanders.
Not just criminals.
Not just left-wing radicals.
Not just Maori nationalists.
Not just anti-TPPA acctivists. Or environment campaigners. Or trade unionists.
In fact, those people aren’t the real targets at all.
The targets are all New Zealanders.

Read Full Blogpost >>>> Here <<<< skull_fillagree

stop gcesb

^^^ I hope to attend this Meeting…. even though it is full of Shyster Lefties and Political Opportunists!
You gotta worry when you download anything from John Minto’s FB page. 🙂
Yet still I am beginning to think Smarmy smiley JK is *Worse*…. more dangerous to New Zealand than Helen Clark/ Winnie the Poo ever were!

Earlier Eternal Vigilance Blog Posts on the GCSB Bill….

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

GCSB Legislation

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks


^^^ A FB Friend posted this You tube video.
I was an Atheist Materialist when I experienced this Phenomenon first hand.
And it was like a demonic attack…. very frightening…. very real.
I have placed a link below to a previous blogpost in which I describe my experience, thus there is no need for to repeat myself other than to reinforce the very important fact that Because like the appearance of design in Biology…like freewill… because ‘Ghosts’… ‘Demons’….etc don’t fit into the Materialist world view… ‘western thinkers’ will do everything the can to deny they exist…even when millions of people report first hand experiences with them.
Thus Materialists will deny reality to defend their Bogus ideology…. and they do this all the Dooo Daaa Day!

What Materialists assert goes something like this…. Free will? … You are deceived.
Saw a Ghost? … You imagined it.
Biology looks designed? … It’s an illusion.
…Then they Pompously declare with full pious conviction of absolute authority… “There is no Evidence of any Reality which is not explainable via Naturalistic Materialism! All that exists is Matter and energy …. therefore Atheism is true!”
…and Millions of Sheeple are suckered by this trickery… they want this to be true.

The fact is they have shut their eyes to reality… *as it really is*… for the sake of maintaining their Atheist Naturalistic Materialism…

Thus when confronted with this virtually universal experienced historical phenomenon of an Evil entity attack which crosses millennia and cultural boarders rather than admit the possibility of Demons… they have invented a bogus theory that makes these millions of people out to be suffering some sort of ‘sleep dysfunction’… Thus no amount of personal testimony will ever convince them to abandon their fanatical superstition.

These are Factual Spiritual attacks is the best explanation.
The only reason that Western Psychiatry wont accept this as the truth is because it does not fit into their personal belief system.
Everything about this phenomenon points to demonic attack… the victims see and feel the demon!
Yet victims are told to doubt their own first hand experience because *some quacks* don’t like to admit that the facts support the reality of the super Natural.
They put their own prejudices ahead of Empirical facts.

Read My personal experience with Entity Attack….>>>> The Green Manalishi.


I have been discussing the superstition of Materialism, morality and Free will with an Atheist Facebook friend I am trying to help ‘see the light’.
Their answers are textbook naturalism…. textbook Materialist *assumption*… “We are just our brains”…”We don’t have free will…. We are not Morally responsible… etc.
I am not mocking these answers.
They are understandable given that Naturalistic Scientism which Western Civilisation has embraced.
They are ‘orthodox dogma….

I pointed out that Materialist Naturalism…” is a faith, nothing more… and based upon some archaic Rationale which was formulated several centuries before Science proved the whole Universe, Matter, and energy had a beginning… were created… just as the Theists claimed it was.

Materialism was born out of ignorance… the belief that the Universe was eternal. I would ask you to re-read your last two comments (Re: No Free will… no Moral responsibility) and *really contemplate* whether or not they are believable *in the face of Reality*?

I appreciate they are consistent with a belief that *we ….and everything else is only Matter*, and yet In the face of experience… of empirical reality..Is it plausible to deny that we have free will, and are not morally responsible for our actions?

I fully understand why Materialism forbids freewill.
You need to grasp the fact that Free will is not denied because of empirical evidence, but because of the *Ideological difficulty* it presents to Materialism.

Free will destroys Materialism.

If we have free will then Materialism is proven false… and that is why Evolutionist scientists are hell bent on convincing people that Free will is just an illusion….

They must con you this way or else admit their theory is wrong.

Let me do a small experiment. I ask you to touch your nose with your left hand.

Now I argue that there is no physical Causal Determinism between me asking you to do this random thing, and whether or not you actually do it.
*You have feel will to choose*
You see that if you do do it, to believe you had no choice you must assume that Me asking you this random question, and your performing the task are all pre-determined by the Big bang and that we had no say in this experiment… that we are utterly slaves… and not even responsible for this conversation…. That’s how crazy Materialism is!

I have written a lot these subjects. Below is a blog on a short You tube video about our minds.

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

The reason it is important to appreciate the historic timeline of when Materialism was borne is because prior to the scientific acceptance for a beginning of the Universe the materialists could claim that all reality was (in theory) within the scope/ reach of naturalistic science…. but once it was admitted that the universe was not eternal, that necessitates the existence of a greater….beyond the universe….beyond physics…out of which the Universe and Law of Matter…were borne.

This means there is a greater reality than mere materialist Laws of physics… A greater Non-physical reality that could be described as a ‘spiritual reality’…. it is because of this that materialists have had to invent… a second level of ‘Deadness’…. The ‘God’ of Materialism is now an absolutely unproven entity deemed to be… ‘a quantum field’…. This is wholly an invention of the atheist mind designed to hide the fact that their materialism was in fact proven wrong and that the greater reality lies behind the laws of matter and is not governed by them.

Materialism is Defunct!
It has been overthrown with the progress of science.
The Atheist of the Gaps is being utterly crushed!

Read more… The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Thou shalt THINK


I noticed something interesting about the Great Commandment.

The first and great commandment is stated in the Gospel of Matthew

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy MIND.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (KJV)

and stated again in the Gospel of Luke

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy MIND (KJV)

and again in the Gospel of Mark

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy MIND, and with all thy strength (KJV)

(emphasis mine).

Notice how in each Gospel account you are commanded to love God with all your MIND? That’s odd, because Jesus is supposedly quoting a verse from the Book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament. But there’s no mention of MIND.

And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. (KJV)

So where did MIND come from? I think it’s a Christian innovation. I think Jesus is commanding us to THINK. What do you THINK?

Do you believe that the Bible (in particular, the KJV) is the inerrant Word of God? Then please explain why Jesus misquotes himself. (But first go away and have a THINK.)

World’s Hottest Porn Star gives life to God.


Once named by Maxim as one of the hottest porn stars in the world, Jenna Presley performed in more than 275 pornographic films, stripped for money, sold her body in prostitution, abused drugs and even tried to kill herself – but now the young brunette stunner says she has found her true calling in life.

“Thank you, Jesus! I found Him, I’m home!” she declared, announcing that she has become a born-again Christian.




True Christian Modus Operandi. Jesus Loves Porn Stars.


The False Deity Called Evolution.

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Way too Starry for Atheism.

Divine Aesthetics.
Some people may think I’m being a Knob when I say that the sight of a Beautiful woman is proof to me of God’s existence, yet I am being absolutely serious! My argument is It is too incredulous to believe that it is a mere coincidence that there is such beauty in the world and that I just so happen to have the eyes to see it and the mind to appreciate it. To me this ‘symbiosis’ smacks of design… and causes an urge to ‘Worship’ the creator of this *Art*.

And I am alluding to more than just the beauty of Woman… I am saying *Beauty* itself, and my ability to experience it is evidence of God…. beautiful beaches…. sunsets… too prove this.
Thus I am saying that my sense of beauty here is more than just a genetic/ sexual urge… Thus I find a Female butterfly to be Beautiful… and a Male Peacock… and this carries over into sound, taste, smell… etc.
Why I make this point Re : Beauty is because before I was a theist, it never occurred to me just how spectacular was this relationship between the beauty of Creation, and my ability to perceive it. after my conversion it dawned on me that all this could have existed and yet if I was ‘born a tree’ I would never have appreciated any of it! Never tasted a peach… never smelled a rose…. never herd a birds song… never appreciated the sun setting over the ocean… Ie My perception was heightened as to just how miraculously God had made me… so as to be able to apprehend his greatness as an artist… The beauty of God.
On a facebook tread discussing my assertions an Atheist tried to say my ‘feelings’ and sence of beauty were merely a product of ‘Nurture’… not nature.
I retorted… Give me a break! What I am talking about is something which is a fundamental capacity designed in human beings to the degree that it’s absence would be a mental handicap… nothing to do with cultural relativism.”

To me Naturalistic theories not only struggle to explain The happy conditions of Life on Earth, they really become absurd when you realise that the Atheist must believe that not only is every beautiful thing merely the product of a giant explosion, but that our sense of beauty itself must be explained thereby… as merely another property of matter.

When I was an Atheist myself, I was blind to this reality, and it was not until I have converted that the true implications of how many things which pass as common experience actually testifies to Intelligent design.
Prior to my faith, I Saw beauty, I tasted beauty, yet took it for granted… as mundane.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


There is a God! (part1)


Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

A Mathematician Debunks Atheist Evolutionism. Lennox vs Dawkins


I love how Dawkin’s hangs his disdain for the word ‘faith’ … according to his own warped definition of the term. And this is a fundamental Sophist Semantic Delusion… an anti-concept purposely designed to make Faith look ridiculous. Lennox annihilated Dawkins puerile argument that belief in a creator tends towards and is a product of Intellectual sloth! He was able to show that not only was it Faith in a God of REASON which spurred the idea that the universe was *Rationally constructed and therefore comprehensible, But also that increasing scientific wisdom and discovery increases reverence for the Creator!

Dawkins contradicts himself? One minute he is saying Theism is Anti science… and intellectual sloth, the next he is admitting that Theism / creationism is making Scientific claims! Haha!
Dawkins has shot himself in the foot here. It is one thing to say theistic Faith is Anti-science, and quite another to say it is Bad science.

The greatest aspect of the Theism/ atheism debate is that Atheists are delusional about holding a monopoly on science… because of their worship of Naturalism… They think *their myths* are somehow ‘more rational’ because they are cloaked in naturalistic jargon…. and conversely, they foolishly assume that because Theists believe in a Super- Nature above and beyond the laws of physics that they have utterly abandoned all claims to science… and that their notions of creationism… because they involve intelligence which is not a naturalistic law, or property of matter…. are somehow more absurd that their own far fetched Fantasies. And yet Design is by far the most Rational reason for the existence of such things as man than the blind forces of Nature, and belief in a Super nature does not negate belief and understanding of mundane nature also … atheists really are pitiful creatures!
“The fool hath said in his heart there is no God”.

Read more…

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.



“The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that , compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”
Albert Einstein

Read more…

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Way too Starry for Atheism

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.


That Christ’s atonement for sin on the Cross is a very unpleasant Business/ Idea I agree… yet this does not make it objectively false.
Indeed The Cross makes us realise just how costly our sins are and how serious God is about judgement.

‘The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”
St Paul. Roman’s 6vs23

Dawkins obviously does not consider his own sins… are that bad.

Dawkins needs to understand that God is God, and appreciate the obvious just reality that God sets the terms of Salvation…not him
It matters little if we may find Christ’s substitutional atonement on the cross an offensive proposition.


God chose a means of salvation and the restoration of our communion with him which puts all human beings on the same level.
Receiving Salvation is not a vain self-righteous act, not a reward, or an intellectual achievement.
To receive Christ We must humble ourselves… and admit our personal moral guilt to be saved.
This is what proud and vainglorious Toffs like Dawkins hate!
The Idea that they must give account of themselves to God is bad enough… but that they must do so on the same level as the rest of us … as one of the great unwashed… is unbearable!
There is no elitism in the gospel… “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”
St Paul Roman’s 3vs 23.

Dawkins exposes his great ignorance of Religion… in particular the Theology… the principles which underpin Christ and the Cross.
He actually proves he has not even bothered to learn even the basics about the Religion he spends his life attacking.

God revealed our need for a Christ immediately following Adams fall, having broken his covenant with God, the punishment of which was Death.
If Dawkins bothered to read the Bible he might just come to apprehend that Christ was typified by God clothing Adam and Eve with the skins of animals. He may be seen in Noah’s Ark. And by Abraham offering up Isaac… God providing a sacrifice, and again by Moses holding up the serpent on a stick in the desert during the Exodus…. etc etc

Sin and Evil are why we have Wars, Murders, Rapes, Poverty, Lies, Perversions, Robberies, extortions, Tyrannies, etc etc. Every vile and despicable act comes from the evil heart of mankind.
This is why God will not let all this slide, but will judge with wrath… for Justice’s sake!

Yet he send Christ “For God comendeth his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”
St Paul Roman’s 5vs8.
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”
st Paul. Roman’s 10vs 13.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

The end of this month marks the 7th anniversary of my Grand Father, John Steele Clark’s death.
He was a wonderful and inspirational person.
The Greatest human being I have ever known.
I was blessed beyond measure to have him as my Granddad.
I have not seen my own father since I was 5 years old and yet this loss was greatly mitigated by my Grandfathers Love and guidance.

I miss him, and still reverence his memory.
When I knew his time was short I did something a tad different.
I wrote a Tribute to his Life and death and sent it to him before he died so he could read with his own eyes what his Grandson thought! 🙂
My tribute was very controversial as it was *My take* *My perspective* rather than simply a concise record of his exact doings and faith.
That was another reason I sent it to him… to see if he would discuss what I had written.
We never did discuss it, and so I took that as a Tacit endorsement! 🙂 And this was important to me because I expected some of my family members to not be that impressed with my Rendition of things.

Thus with my Granddad’s anniversary in mind I have typed out my Tribute to him and posted it below.
I hope to post more about this wonderful man in the future.
I also hope my tribute is of benefit to people struggling with the Pains, trials, and tribulations of Life as this is not just the story of an individual’s life but about Hope and happiness in the face of death and loss.

Love You Heaps Granddad! XOX
Tim Wikiriwhi.

granddad 001

My Granddad. (Left) Married Me to my Wife Joy at Mclarens Falls Tauranga. March 2002.
Best Man: Bruce Davies.
Sergeant at Arms… My Son… James Fifield (Wikirwihi)


Tribute to Reverend John Steel Clark.

Anglican Minister.
Thames/ Coromandal Peninsular.
New Zealand

Man of Faith and Reason.

A Christian view of Life and Death.
By his eldest Grandson.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

“For the Invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse;”
St Paul. Romans 1vs 20

“I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…”
Jesus Christ: John 11vs 25

“for by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”
St Paul: Ephesians 2vs8,

After an exemplary life, and a heroic fight against cancer, my beloved Grandfather has passed on.
There is not enough time today to fully express what he means to me, I therefore shall leave much out of this tribute for others to share.
I have chosen to focus on the most precious values that I personally treasure… that I see as the Greater part of his legacy.

My Grandfather was the Abraham of our family!
When I was growing up his word was Law.
He set the standards for manhood and he always stuck to his word.
His glory as a faithful husband to my Nana and as a father to his children (and Grandchildren) gave me such assurance that life makes perfect sense, and that all is well in the world.

Rev Clark was a man of Reason and a man of Faith.
He was a Christian minister, which is a huge testimony to the value of that religion.
Those who knew him and loved him, yet are not Christians ought to pause and contemplate the huge implications that such a man of great wisdom and integrity was not ashamed to wear the garb of a Man of God!
It is this truth that I hold dearest about my Grandfather, and it is in honour of his principled faith in God that I wish to write to you about life, religion, and death.

This is a fitting time to talk about religion and death.
If it’s not cool to talk about religion and death at the funeral of a preacher, then I ask when?
For many Death is the hardest most frightening reality we face.
How are we to deal with it?
We all must face our own mortality sooner or later and worse still we must face the mortality of those we hold dear.

Some like my Grandfather, live full term and death becomes a sort of mercy, yet many tragically die before their time and it seems a truism to say “Life’s not fair!”
Should we die from our own immorality or foolishness we may find small solace in seeing such deaths as justly ‘reaping what we have sown’, yet often death comes to the virtuous and innocent…at the hands of some evil, and so this rule appears violated.
The Soul that looses a loved one in such a way, or they find themselves facing an early death by some evil is in danger of becoming bitter and twisted, and a hater of God, even if they don’t believe in him!
Indeed they choose not to believe in him simply because they see life as unjust!
It is for this reason that a positive philosophy about death is essential for every one of us if we are to truly enjoy life.
Without a sure reasoned faith powerful enough to overcome these sorts of pain… bitterness and hatred of God are almost as sure to consume your soul as the sun will rise tomorrow!

Perhaps some may delude themselves into being happy by such base notions that ultimately ‘Nothing really matters’, but this can never suffice the deep hearted.
This can only leave you cold.
I therefore say True Religion is essential for the survival and happiness of everyone of us, and not to have such a faith is a disaster!
Pain bitterness, hopelessness, and hatred are the lot for the lost soul without true religion.
Rev Clark Knew this, and this was one reason he was a minister of God.
Peace, hope, and a clear sense of justice are only possible for the man of reason that has reason enough to have faith that ultimately all is well and that life has real meaning and value.

It is my testimony, and that of my Grandfather that reason enough does indeed exist for hope and belief in Divine Justice.

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Tears. Knowing time was short. Me and Granddad shortly before his death.

Let me now share with you a tiny fraction of the logic for faith in God, faith in his goodness, and faith in Christ by a few self-evident truths.

What lies in that box is not my Grandfather!
That dead body is but the house he lived in.
Science tells us that we replace every cell in our body every seven years.
This being so, most of us have had many bodies in our lifetime already!
They are miraculous things that were designed by incredible genius, but they are not the essence of who we are.
What is missing from that corpse is the *Real Granddad* whom we all love!
*His Soul*.

A great portion of Mankind are suffering from the delusion that we are but soul-less matter.
This is a great inhuman and evil superstition that has the most evil consequences for those under it’s spell.
The fruit of it is nihilism and this lowers man down to the level of a germ.
Granddad knew this truth and was a minister of men’s *souls*.

Now think about love… what is the chemical formula for that?
Can chemicals love?
Can rocks feel?
Can robots be conscious of their own existence and care about the existence of other robots?

The man of reason and science, who holds that good and evil have objective reality must say no!
There is no Atheistic science that can accommodate the facts of reality or human experience!

All human invention is childlike when compared to such marvels as the human mind, brain, and hands.
The scripture that declares we are made in God’s image is the most rational statement pertaining to our existence!

I say that if the Earth was like the moon, and there was no such thing as mankind… then it might be rational to think ‘there is no God’ or that whatever is responsible for existence is dead not living.
But we live!… and science has proven that Life only comes from life.
It therefore follows that whatever is primary in reality must not only be alive, but also of supreme intelligence.
We call this Supreme being God…. who is before all temporal Laws and things.

The scripture wisely declares “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God”, and that mankind must beware ‘science falsely so-called’.

Don’t be deceived by *Fake Science* like Darwinism.
Understand the difference between science proper, and poor speculations that are contrary to it.
Darwinism is fatally flawed and already fading away, yet Christianity stands fast and ready for you to embrace.
It alone accounts for cause and effect, both Physical and Moral.
The foolish man builds his house upon the sands of man’s ever changing myths.
The wise man builds his house upon the rock of God’s sure word of truth, The King James Bible.

This article appeared in the Waikato Times.

Why must we embrace Christ?
It is because this is how God has declared as his only acceptable way of salvation, and it is God who sets the terms for such a thing… not us.
To be so vain as to believe God must accept us on *our terms* is to hang reality on our whim, and to Deify our pea-sized intellect!

Socrates, who believed in life after death, said it ought to be a man’s chief concern to ‘Know thyself’, and that the unexamined life is not worth living.
I say that if we dare to examine ourselves our need for Christ and God’s forgiveness becomes as clear as day!
What is wondrous about God’s salvation through Christ is that he has managed to satisfy both Justice and Mercy, and to reveal his loving grace towards us.
He has achieved this by giving us freewill, and the liberty to choose to accept his gift of salvation… or reject him.
For us to choose Christ we must recognize we are sinful and lost.
Do not hide behind such foolish cliché, as ‘Religion is the cause of all mankind’s woes… such as war.”
Sin and Evil are the cause of these and knowing this ought to convince us all of the need for salvation and God’s government!
The good news is “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Salvation is a free Gift!
The Bible says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.
Rev Clark believed in God and was a minister of this truth.

Was he an irrational superstitious Fool?
He was a man of Reason and a true Humanitarian.
This is what Christianity is all about!
I don’t ask you to become a pew warmer.
I implore you all to ask Christ to be your savior!

Let us maintain our faith in justice in the face of every hardship.
Let us play the hand we have been dealt with dignity to the very end.
Let us love one another and cherish every moment we have!

I thank God for my Grandfather and trust his soul is now in a much better place.
And I expect to see him again!

Thank you Granddad for everything.
You are an inspiration to us all.

I cannot finish without giving recognition to my Nana who is the best wife any man could have.
Thank you Nana for loving and caring for my Granddad.
We all love you so much!

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness: but unto us which are saved: it is the power of God”
St Paul. 1 Corinthians 1vs18.

Contact Tim: 078498323ah,

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More from Tim…


Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!


The main topic of this post is the use and abuse of mathematics.
By ‘abuse’ I mean using math in such a way as to deceive people into believing falsehoods.

Though I am not by any stretch of the imagination a skilled Mathematician, I am an Engineer, and so I appreciate Math.
Engineering is applied Math and Science.
Engineering is ‘generally speaking’ a very ‘Grounded’ discipline… while there is at times the need for innovation and experiment, It is more often Methodical.
There is little room for wild speculation, with expensive equipment and material, and so it’s use of Math is very ‘pure’… righteous … and exact.

Engineer at work on a Lathe… Applied Science and Maths… without wild conjecture or speculation.

When making components I often rely on gauges and dials on my machines, calculating precisely what I want the machine tool to do so as to end up with a work piece which will do the job it is supposed to.
Many jobs are done to very fine tolerances so as to achieve the necessary ‘fit’.
Using high tolerance measuring gear the engineer must decide what degree of rotation on a hand wheel will result in infinitesimal perfection.
Like a captain navigating a ship in the Dark, or a Pilot flying through a storm,
Math becomes essential in Engineering situations where you must ‘fly blind’…for eg when a cutting tool is turning out internal details deep within a work piece.
Like a pilot flying in a storm… Often the Machinist cant see much at all, and must rely on his dials and hand wheels to make very precise and calculated sets of moves.
The smallest errors can result in catastrophe, either in the form of an industrial accident during production of the component, or a failure for it to fit, function or perform when the time comes for it to serve the purpose for which it was designed.

Thus I appreciate just how wonderful Math is as a tool for man in applied science… esp for high accuracy and for working in situations beyond sight verification.
It gets results!
This is applied math at it’s purest and best… firstly because in these applications theory is practically proven beyond any doubt, ….Being well understood and fundamentally ‘Secular’ …as the term is properly understood ….there is no need for wild conjecture or speculations….in this sense it is very mundane, and secondly because of the advances made in this type of applied science and math, which has resulted in the greatest benefits to mankind… and advances in almost every other field of Human Endeavour… for example in astronomy.
Yet alas technical advances are impotent to improve the spiritual condition of Humanity, and instead Mankind’s corrupt nature consistently employs even the greatest of Arts into the most terrible evils and infernal purposes.

The Engineering advances in the development of the telescope serves as an excellent example of how ‘basic’ technical advances led to the expansion of human knowledge of our Universe…. The higher degree of accuracy to which a telescope is made, (and calibrated), the better observations the astronomer can make.
Yet man being man new technical advances not only brought greater knowledge and apprehension, but also brought new opportunities for Man to exercise his vanity and capacity for delusion!


What I am about to talk about now is a very different way in which math is often used … In domains where wild Political and mythical speculations are countenanced, being tailored to accommodate the most Rabid and biased agendas …and even revered as the work of genius…. Under the guise of ‘scientific hypotheses’.
I would like the reader to consider just how ridiculous is the commonly touted atheist ‘Myth’, that Science has always been the tool of Rationalism against religion, primitive ignorance, and superstition!
An Objective survey of the march of Materialist Naturalism testifies to the fact that any pretence that Science may be understood to be the advance of truth against religious superstition is a very naive proposition indeed!

The truth is that on one hand no purely technical scientific advance has ever been in conflict with Religious belief… or placed true religion/ biblical Christianity in any retreat whatsoever!
This Atheist contention that the advance of Science has been squeezing God and Supernaturalism out of existence is patently false.
I will have to leave my explanations for this to another Blog post, It will have to suffice for now to say that this belief stems from a misguided yet historic trend which followed the Enlightenment, and also that this atheist assertion as it stands today is not founded upon the solid rock of science proper…like engineering is, but relies totally upon wild conjecture… upon ‘impure usage of mathematics… and ‘Pseudo-scientific theory’….all of which are expressly designed to prop up and legitimize an absolutely unscientific ideological bent..
And this type of agenda driven pseudo scientific theory is also visibly operational in political arena as well… eg Climate change.
On this subject, I suggest readers go and listen to the arguments of Climate change skeptic Lord Monkton… He is very critical about the Warmist’s Math!

There are many things which can and do corrupt real and genuine scientific objectivity, and ideology, and vested interests… Bigotry, Profit, and power over the minds… and lives of humanity… are all at work today, and have utterly corrupted science so as to render the world to be filled not with light… but with utter confusion… and darkness.

All too often the most wild of hypotheses are quickly christened ‘facts’… and are then wielded as clubs to bludgeon and crush dissenting opinion and scepticism of the powers that be.
And In academic circles today it is the Socialists and the Materialist Atheists whom occupy the Seats of Power … and who maintain their position via this corrupt means of employing Mass Pseudo scientific Propaganda… and by every means at their disposal …they actively protest and prohibit any opposition to their Naturalistic Cosmology, to their ‘orthodox medicines, to their environmentalism, etc etc.
Anyone questioning the Priests of Naturalism and Socialism receive similar treatment to Galileo when he argued for a Heliocentric model of the solar system !
How Ironic! 

Now it’s time for me to vindicate myself, yet let me confess to being not only ‘an amateur’ in the subject of Math, but also of having but a rudimentary apprehension of the modern methods, claims, and discoveries in field of Astronomy.
Just as I have done with Politics, Philosophy, and History, I have had to content my interest in Astronomy by reading the odd book, by watching The News, and Discovery channel, by chatting with friends in the smoko table or on line… and by Reading articles in Papers and magazines. And though I have been actively doing so for most of my 46 years, I must say that I do not pretend to be an expert, and what follows is purely based upon the limits of such an eclectic and non-professional assimilation of Data.
And these are my current thoughts on these matters, and I will be more than happy to modify my position should Good reason be provided by some critique.

Modern Astronomy = Modern Astrology!

Mankind had advanced virtually as far as possible in Earthbound Astronomy using ordinary optics, and the micrometer, when advances in Electronics, rocketry and the advent of Computers literally opened up New Horizons.

Mankind’s powers have been greatly magnified, yet still we remain trapped in our own self-destructive nature.
War has become so much more terrible, Thefts have become more massive, Tyranny has become more pervasive, and Mythology has become cloaked in White overcoats, and statistics.
We live in the Era of ‘Computer Modeling’ which can be a fantastic tool for running massive math calculations and other chores… yet like everything of Human construction it is not Free of the Human Factor… and so these things… including Mathematics (which play a major part in Computer modelling) can become a powerful tool of Propaganda… for selling Ideology to the Masses, and also can be a form of self delusion… by those who honestly believe their own fancy footwork is something more than mere conjecture and thereby unjustly elevate their hypotheses in the domain of proven *scientific fact*… of unquestionable truth which is supposed to discredit alternative theories and propositions.
We live in times when it is a form of blasphemy to question anything deemed to be a *scientific fact*

One Book… the title of which is ‘How to lie using statistics’ is ‘recommended reading’ in Libertarian circles, and I even own a copy, yet I have not actually read it.
Still it’s Title incorporates a truth that has relevance to a debate I am having regarding the naturalistic theory of the Big bang and evolution of the cosmos which tries to explain the formation of our Home planet the Earth , the solar system, the Moon, etc via the forces of nature, eliminating any need for belief in, or the interventions of a Creator God.

In a recent face book debate, I have been asked to explain the scepticism I expressed about this Naturalistic explanation, and the latest claims by astronomers using the latest techniques to discover new worlds.
I am particularly critical of the latest claims that there are probably billions of ‘Earths’ in the universe… ie the speculation that our planet is in no way special, and that belief in extra terrestrial life is somehow supported by mathematical probability… via the same process of naturalistic Evolution which are supposed by Atheists and materialists to have given genesis to life here on Earth.

One of the latest developments in astronomy which has become possible via the powers of exactitude, and Mass calculations afforded by the Technological revolution is the claims that tiny ‘observed’ patterns of orbital perturbations and oscillations in the positions and motions of stars are best explained by the postulation of the gravitational effects of unseen orbiting Planets… solar systems… similar to our own, and without spending my life checking that their methodology is not flawed, and that their equipment is actually capable of such feats… on face value… I have no problem with this basic rationale. I am impressed with the ingenious ways these technologies are being exploited.


If this basic rationale was maintained I would not be writing this blog post, The problem as I see it comes when Astronomers expose their religious Materialistic zeal… and attempt to conflate these discoveries of solar systems with evolutionary theory… esp the Abiogenesis of Life.

See here>>>> 4.5 Billion ‘Alien Earths’ May Populate Milky Way

This corruption is so commonplace that almost every article about Astronomy mentions something about it… eg almost every report from a Mars rover makes some claim that these rovers are vindicating belief that ‘Martians’ probably existed …’Millions of years ago’. ”Mars once had Oceans” “Mars once had potable water”…etc.
From this speculation you are supposed to leap to the conclusion that there were once also Martian ‘fish’.

mars fish

Just as Engineers have ‘fits and limits’… Tolerances within which they can operate successfully … the breadth of which being dependent upon the task at hand… so too do the scientists of Astronomy, yet it is much easier for Astronomers to ‘play loose’, than it is for Engineers…and their maniacal bents mean they are in a habit of so choosing to interpret the data as supporting the notion that a certain observable perturbation in a stars motion indicates the presence of a particular sized planet… which just so happens to be within the so-called “Goldilocks zone” for that Star… *even if the perturbation can also be just as accurately explain in mathematical terms via a ‘less favourable’ set of variables which are just ad valid mathematically yet they would put a different massed planet either Too close or too far away to claim they have discovered a ‘Goldilocks planet.’
I proffer this argument both from experience of knowing just how often scientists meddle with data until they ‘prove’ their own theories… and because I know a larger planet at a greater distance will generate the same perturbation as a smaller planet at a closer distance… with the same orbital duration.
Me thinks that ‘Materialist Astronomers will tend to play with this extremely broad parameter… and suggest that a said perturbation indicates the existence of an ‘Earth like’ planet orbiting a said star… simply by arbitrarily choosing ‘convenient dimensions’ and by going to ether the inner or outer extremes of tolerance the received Data will allow so as to put the planet conveniently within what they consider to be the ‘goldilocks zone’ for that star.
It is most telling that these Astronomers are without doubt engaging in ideological propaganda because they just as easily say the perturbations are being caused by Mars-like planets!… yet that does not have the same Evolutionary wet dream ….Sex appeal!
I can make this assertion because
Mars is within the tolerances of the goldilocks zone…that’s how board a tolerance the astronomers set for this ‘idea’… and We are bombarded with propaganda from NASSA that they consider Mars to be ‘a goldilocks planet.
They justify the spending of Billions of extorted Tax dollars upon the grand delusion that Space exportation is a noble Endeavour in the quest for the discovery of the origin of Life. And The Billions of Dumbfounded dipshits… swallow this line and submit to their slavery!

The fact remains that it’s not so mystical to make the claim that the latest discoveries of Planets prove the existence of Billions of ‘Mar’s like’ planets… that is not sensational at all!
It is however extremely sensational to say the data supports the idea of ‘Billions of Earths’!… and yet this is a purely arbitrary statement!
Via this rationale Mars must be deemed to be ‘Earth-like’… and yet from this we can apprehend just how bogus such a claim really is!


The original Idea of the planetary goldilocks zone is actually *a theistic ID idea*.
The premise being that God placed the Earth in the Ideal orbit to sustain life.
This is a very devastating idea to Naturalistic atheism as it is one of many amazing factors about the Earth which the atheists must assume is not a matter of intelligent design but another ‘fortunate accident’…

Now lets look at what these sorts of Mathematical shinnaganism really means.
Is this a valid scientific modus opperandi or theory?
Not at all! Their theories are non-falsifiable because when they can jiggy the numbers to almost any Astronomical extreme… until they arrive at something pleasing to their preconceptions… and then declare the numbers add up… that’s not science!

And astronomy is filled to the brim with such conjectures… which are deemed to be established facts… simply because they ‘add up’.

Another example to further substantiate my point that Astronomers (and others) ‘play games with numbers and then pretend this is science , lets look at a current theory in respect to the formation of the Moon via a collision of another planet with Earth.

moon formation

Scientists set up a computer model and run through a whole series of variables/ scenarios… different size ‘Planet X’ traveling at various velocities …until they narrowed down the variables to a set which when run through the computer appears to give them a pattern which somewhat resembles the Earth and the moon ‘as they assume these bodies would have been like… and then they call a press conference… or write an article for ‘Nature’ declaring they have ‘evidence’ which supports their hypothesis that the Moon was created via a collision with imaginary ‘Planet X’ and the Earth… xxx years ago!
Now many reading this will say “what’s wrong with that?”
“It applies the laws of physics and mathematics and comes up with a working explanation!???”

The problem with this type of ‘science’ is that it was *a foregone conclusion*….even before they began to run the program, that they would eventually get a favourable scenario because when you are at liberty to feed into such programs whatever variables you like that one of these sets will inevitably produce the required Masses and forces to ‘prove’ their hypothesis! Ie this virtual experiment is *Non-falsifiable* … you simply ‘boogie the Masses and velocities until you get ‘a brew’ which satisfies your demands… and then argue that Planet x was such and such a size and it was travelling at such and such a speed…. And yet this whole exercise was nothing more than mathematical gymnastics!

Now that you apprehend the dubious nature of such methodology let me apply this insight to explain just one of the reasons why I am very sceptical about the latest claims of Materialist astronomers using computer modelling etc to make such claims as to have already found ‘Earth-like’ planets orbiting other stars… and further inferring that the earth is not amazingly Unique… but merely one of Billions.

Let me now explain the motive behind why Astronomers are determined to make people believe the universe is filled ‘Earths’ rather than ‘Mars’s’ .
They are playing the ultimate statistical numbers scam of them all!

One of the largest problems Materialist/ Naturalist/ Evolutionist/ atheist have is that advances in technology have not only greatly increase our powers to investigate the vastness of the Universe, but has also greatly increase our ability to investigate the Microscopic… the infinitesimal… and to the horror of the Atheist what has been revealed is not the simplicity they had postulated… and require for their Naturalistic theories of the spontaneous generation of life!

The cell compared to a Factory.

Indeed the advances in real science have done the very opposite…Looking at the Cell, they have reveled a mind blowing complexity! Thus with the advance of science the hopes and dreams of atheists ought to have faded… as the magnitude of improbability of the spontaneous generation of life is today beyond rational belief, yet instead of abandoning their unscientific superstition… they are hell bent on fixing the numbers… so that their wild and irrational belief in Atheism …appears more rational than it really is.
And to do this they Need either Billions of Earths… Or Billions of ‘Universes’.
Without writing another 3000 words to explain this I point out that the odds of life spontaneously generating on Earth have been described as *Infinitely improbable!*

Read about this improbability on my blog post here …

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Yet rather than be despondent about any of this, the Hard as nails fanatical atheist instead have postulated myriads of mythical Earth-like planets… and or infinite numbers of Universe occupying ‘other dimensions’! (and yet they have the cheek to deride theists for belief in Heaven!)


Modern Technology and the growing *real scientific knowledge* about Reality has forced Atheist Naturalists into the most extreme absurdities and Math shenanigans… to maintain their atheism… and they know it!
What this gimmick does is not make the spontaneous generation of life any less fantastic… but dupes the fanatical Materialist into a false sense of certainty…reasoning that if a truckload of 1 000 000 dice get tossed 1 000 000 000 000 times or more that simply by chance every now and then on particular throws… all the dices will fall six face up!… by pure chance!
They are so enthralled by this hope… their entire atheist faith has come to depends upon it being true… and as they have no hope of finding other universes …they today scan the heavens with the express determination of discovering billions of Earth-like planets … because to their way of thinking just finding one other earth-like planet improves the odds for their deranged faith by 50%!
It does not make the appearance of life by natural means any easier… but by a quirk of mathematics it doubles the opportunity for fate to smile!… and the atheist are betting the farm on this! They are so insane as to believe that if they can prove that billions of ‘Earths’ exist that this would somehow move the belief in The spontaneous generation of life from an absolute absurdity into an absolute certainty!
This surely must rank as the greatest majic trick of all time!
If ever there was a pseudo science… this must be the king of them all!
And knowing this powerful ulterior motive is a driving force in astronomy, is why we should be very wary of these latest claims that astronomers have already ‘discovered’ Earth-like planets. They have serious vested interests to make such wild claims…in the vain attempt to add credibility to their absurd Atheism and to rescue Naturalistic Evolution and Materialism from the dustbin where the latest discoveries of Biology indicate such superstitions belong.
The Idea that science has liberated Mankind from superstition via Naturalism and Materialism is a ridiculous joke!
Modern Astronomy differs little from the astrologers of old… in its superstitious notions.
Modern atheists academics are absolute hypocrites! They are barely distinguishable from the Superstitious Luddites of old whom they say resisted every scientific advance. Today it is the priests of Atheism whom rail against the appointment of any Free-thinkers as teacher… whom reject the absolute Religious Naturalistic orthodoxy of our day!
Just look at the extremes to which the will go to combat investigation of the alternative explanations… that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
King James Bible believer. Dispensationalist. Libertarian.

god created

One of the aspects of the Atheist quest to find life in outer space which I left out of this post is the fact that they stretch the so-called Goldilocks zone to the greatest extremes, and even justify the wildest speculation about life spontaneously Abiogenesising in the most Bizarre and harsh environments such as on Saturn’s Moon Titan, and Jupiter’s Europa… both of which do not fall into what is deemed to be the Goldilocks Zone for our Star by presenting examples of Life living under extreme conditions here on Earth… such as in the Darkest depths of the ocean by volcanic vents, or in Acid, or near boiling pools.

What this proves is that there is virtually no limit to the extremes these atheists will go to convince the world of the Atheistic theory for the Origin of life. All talk of the Goldilocks zone is in fact rendered meaningless. They prove this by making claims about abiogenesis on planets and moons which are’n even in the zone.
NASA Team Investigates Complex Chemistry at Titan

NASA experiment indicates possibility of life on Saturn’s moon Titan

The possibility of life on Europa

Update 2

Update:3 This just in…. so here we have the same game being exposed in yet another field… not only are astronomers, Evolutionists, and climatologists playing funky with Maths…. so are Economists….


Read more here:

“Praise you Jesus How I love you!” …Christian walks over the Abyss. Nik Wallenda


Wallenda is the first human to walk across the Grand Canyon.

At one point during the feat, Wallenda began praying.

“That’s a view there buddy. Praise God, this is awesome,” he said, as he stepped out into the void. “Thank you Jesus for this beautiful view,” he added.

“Praise you Jesus, how I love you,” he said repeatedly, adding that there was “a lot of wind”….

“Winds are way worse than I expected,” he said about six minutes into the wal

He later told reporters: “I was fatigued until I was three quarters of the way across, and then it was all just adrenaline,” Walenda said afterwards.

“There was dust. My mouth is extremely dry, it feels like I was walking in the desert for three weeks, not 20 minutes.”

Earlier, Wallenda said he was confident in his ability.

“But the mental part is where I have to be very, very cautious. It’s very challenging leading up to an event like this, it’s a worldwide event … that really plays a role on me mentally,” he said.

Wallenda, a seventh generation member of the Flying Wallendas circus family, said that as he steps out he would be thinking of his great grandfather Karl Wallenda, who died in 1978 after falling from a tightrope.

Video of the fatal fall in Puerto Rico is easily viewable online, and Wallenda said it is a constant reminder of the risks – and that he must stop performing at a much younger age than his forefather, who died aged 73.

“He had said publicly that that’s the way he wanted to go,” the younger Wallenda said, but added: “I don’t want to go that way … I wanna die in a bed next to my wife, at an old age over 100 years old. That’s my dream.

“I don’t want to die performing,” he added.

Read more here:

Watch 3 minutes here:

With almost every step Nik was calling upon his God for Providential care…
He walked over the Abyss… above, not though the Valley of death.
This was truly a testament to what a man of faith can accomplish…in defiance of Death.

Nik it truly an inspirational Man of faith and courage, and has given us all a valuable lesson!
Life is for the brave.
Life is either a bold walk faith, or a slow death… of slavery to your fears.
Live a victorious life Brothers and Sisters! Choose to put your faith in God’s word, and Christ!

“…and ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall make you free”
Jesus Christ.