Category Archives: Nazi Thugs

Spineless Betrayal and Evil Prevail. Voting Idiots, Cowards, and Traitors.

mymeme tw4

It’s Election season … The Zombies are hungry.

It’s election time…. time to abandon your heroes and cower like scared children tugging on the smock of your Mother Superiors.
Fucking Idealists make you sick?
Those arrogant little nobodies who think they can change things!
Why do those no-hopers bother to stand?
So what if they represent what I really believe…Nobody will will eva vote for them!

my meme tw 6

It’s election time… Hate the arseholes in power? Lets vote in the other arseholes who shafted us last time!…. that’s the only choice we have.

It’s election time… time to forget about your hopes and dreams for a better society…. lets take the safer course and re-elect our Jailers!

Politics is all about ‘strategy’…. ‘Compromise’…..

666 666 666.

my meme tw2

There is nothing worse for an Idealist Activist than to watch people who profess to support certain Ideals and values abandon them at election time, and make excuses as to why they are going to treacherously betray the Brave individuals who have heroically and at great personal cost put themselves forward to give Kiwis *Real choices* at election time…. and then have the audacity to say these heroes have no chance of being elected!
Who’s fault is that?
These people have put themselves in the Ring…. *it is up to the voters *who believe in the cause* to do their bit!!!
To fulfill their Moral Duty… and vote according to their consciences!

*BUT NO!!!!!!!! THESE DIZZY LAME LUKE WARM %^&*ERS turn tail like cowards and vote for freaks that *Dont support their values*


mymeeme TW3

A Vote that is not according to your own conscience is a wasted vote!
To vote for a party out of Malice and hate… cheering at the promise of heavy handed persecutions of others is about as evil as it gets… and sadly Many people vote according to their wicked hearts!
Any Bullshit about ‘voting strategically’ is a lowlife and cowardly betrayal… of Fools whom are playing straight into the hands of the Powers that be.

*It is this lunacy*… of the voting idiots which guarantees the Arseholes of the establishment stay in power… either Arsehole Team A or Arsehole team B.

Well you stupid sheeple have no one but yourselves to blame for the misery which continues to flow downhill.
When the Jackboots kick in your Door… just remember your ‘Strategic votes!’.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Some people may think I’m being Rude… The truth is I am disgusted at the lack of moral backbone of many of my peers.

Then there are those Brave few whom are bravely carrying the Banners of freedom and reform to the Front!

I salute you!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

mymeme tw5

IDF Code of Ethics. Fighting a just fight.


Copied from Facebook…
One of our StandWithUs Fellowship Alum, serving these days in the Golani infantry corps. He sent us a picture of himself inside a tank holding the IDF Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics states that The IDF servicemen and women will act in a judicious and safe manner in all they do, out of recognition of the supreme value of human life. During combat they will endanger themselves and their comrades only to the extent required to carry out their mission.
Support our soldiers! LIKE And Share!



My Son is currently applying to join the NZ Army as a part time soldier.
It is very worrying to think of the possible dangers he could be signing up to, though as a Libertarian, I very much support the idea of having a well trained and armed defence force.
If he is successful in his application, I also sincerely hope that he not only becomes disciplined in the arts of Combat, but also Disciplines his heart and soul to place *the higher laws* of Ethical conduct above any evil commands which unscrupulous superiors might issue.
The greater fear I have about my son joining the Army than him simply loosing his life for some pointless cause, is rather that he may be deployed for some unjust political ends… and become a tool of tyranny and oppression.
Only he himself can decide what orders are Righteous, and which are wicked.
And when you are dealing with such villains as Hamas who use Children as human shields…. It will fuck with your mind.
You may make it home…. but have lost your soul.
It is in such hours that faith in the Goodness, and mercy of God could be the only thing that can keep a Vet from insanity or suicide.
That God is Forgiving…. and that ultimately *He* will balance the scales… and one day… there will be no more war.


I pray for Both Israel, and the people of Gaza.

Yet Evil prevails when good men do nothing.

I morn my own thoughts that Hamas is Evil, and that there can be no peace until they, and the other Fanatical Islamic terrorist groups are destroyed.
I morn that a lot of innocent people, and honourable soldiers will continue to die… until the Day of the Lord.



IDF Code of Ethics Below from >>>Here<<< It has some very important points regarding respect of Human life, not to cause physical harm to Non-combatants and property, and most importantly mentions that soldiers *ought not* obey 'Illegal' orders. These ethics have been put to the test with regards to Hamas using civilians as esp children as human shields, and reportedly forcibly stopped Palestinians from evacuating areas which the IDF has warned civilians that military actions will be carried out. The internet is filled with dis-information... a propaganda war, and so sitting so far away from events, it is very difficult to know the truth, yet it is certain that it is Hamas which is the aggressor and has Insane and evil ambitions to annihilate The Israeli people. This is a Satanic obsession straight out of the Bible. Tim Wikiriwhi. ham scumm



Israeli Defence Force Code of Ethics.

IDF Mission

To defend the existence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state of Israel. To protect the inhabitants of Israel and to combat all forms of terrorism which threaten the daily life.


The IDF Spirit

The Israel Defense Forces are the state of Israel’s military force. The IDF is subordinate to the directions of the democratic civilian authorities and the laws of the state. The goal of the IDF is to protect the existence of the State of Israel and her independence, and to thwart all enemy efforts to disrupt the normal way of life in Israel. IDF soldiers are obligated to fight, to dedicate all their strength and even sacrifice their lives in order to protect the State of Israel, her citizens and residents. IDF soldiers will operate according to the IDF values and orders, while adhering to the laws of the state and norms of human dignity, and honoring the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

Spirit of the IDF – Definition and Origins

The Spirit of the IDF is the identity card of the IDF values, which should stand as the foundation of all of the activities of every IDF soldier, on regular or reserve duty. The Spirit of the IDF and the guidelines of operation resulting from it are the ethical code of the IDF. The Spirit of the IDF will be applied by the IDF, its soldiers, its officers, its units and corps to shape their mode of action. They will behave, educate and evaluate themselves and others according to the Spirit of the IDF.

The Spirit of the IDF draws on four sources:

The tradition of the IDF and its military heritage as the Israel Defense Forces.

The tradition of the State of Israel, its democratic principles, laws and institutions.

The tradition of the Jewish People throughout their history.

Universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life.

Basic Values:

Defense of the State, its Citizens and its Residents – The IDF’s goal is to defend the existence of the State of Israel, its independence and the security of the citizens and residents of the state.

Love of the Homeland and Loyalty to the Country – At the core of service in the IDF stand the love of the homeland and the commitment and devotion to the State of Israel-a democratic state that serves as a national home for the Jewish People-its citizens and residents.

Human Dignity – The IDF and its soldiers are obligated to protect human dignity. Every human being is of value regardless of his or her origin, religion, nationality, gender, status or position.

The Values:

Tenacity of Purpose in Performing Missions and Drive to Victory – The IDF servicemen and women will fight and conduct themselves with courage in the face of all dangers and obstacles; They will persevere in their missions resolutely and thoughtfully even to the point of endangering their lives.

Responsibility – The IDF serviceman or woman will see themselves as active participants in the defense of the state, its citizens and residents. They will carry out their duties at all times with initiative, involvement and diligence with common sense and within the framework of their authority, while prepared to bear responsibility for their conduct.

Credibility – The IDF servicemen and women shall present things objectively, completely and precisely, in planning, performing and reporting. They will act in such a manner that their peers and commanders can rely upon them in performing their tasks.

Personal Example – The IDF servicemen and women will comport themselves as required of them, and will demand of themselves as they demand of others, out of recognition of their ability and responsibility within the military and without to serve as a deserving role model.

Human Life – The IDF servicemen and women will act in a judicious and safe manner in all they do, out of recognition of the supreme value of human life. During combat they will endanger themselves and their comrades only to the extent required to carry out their mission.

Purity of Arms – The IDF servicemen and women will use their weapons and force only for the purpose of their mission, only to the necessary extent and will maintain their humanity even during combat. IDF soldiers will not use their weapons and force to harm human beings who are not combatants or prisoners of war, and will do all in their power to avoid causing harm to their lives, bodies, dignity and property.

Professionalism – The IDF servicemen and women will acquire the professional knowledge and skills required to perform their tasks, and will implement them while striving continuously to perfect their personal and collective achievements.

Discipline – The IDF servicemen and women will strive to the best of their ability to fully and successfully complete all that is required of them according to orders and their spirit. IDF soldiers will be meticulous in giving only lawful orders, and shall refrain from obeying blatantly illegal orders.

Comradeship – The IDF servicemen and women will act out of fraternity and devotion to their comrades, and will always go to their assistance when they need their help or depend on them, despite any danger or difficulty, even to the point of risking their lives.

Sense of Mission – The IDF soldiers view their service in the IDF as a mission; They will be ready to give their all in order to defend the state, its citizens and residents. This is due to the fact that they are representatives of the IDF who act on the basis and in the framework of the authority given to them in accordance with IDF orders.

Main Doctrine

Basic Points
– Israel cannot afford to lose a single war
– Defensive on the strategic level, no territorial ambitions
– Desire to avoid war by political means and a credible deterrent posture
– Preventing escalation
– Determine the outcome of war quickly and decisively
– Combating terrorism
– Very low casualty ratio

Prepare for Defense

– A small standing army with an early warning capability, regular air force and navy
– An efficient reserve mobilization and transportation system

Move to Counter-Attack

– Multi-arm coordination
– Transferring the battle to enemy’s territory quickly
– Quick attainment of war objectives

Read more….

Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

RIP Matt Judd. Tributes to a Veteran of the War to Liberate Iraq.

More Prohibitionist Lies exposed: ‘Crack baby’ study ends with unexpected but clear result. By Susan FitzGerald, For The Inquirer.


“Ever since her birth 23 years ago, a team of researchers has been tracking every aspect of her development – gauging her progress as an infant, measuring her IQ as a preschooler, even peering into her adolescent brain using an MRI machine.

Now, after nearly a quarter century, the federally funded study was ending, and the question the researchers had been asking was answered.

Did cocaine harm the long-term development of children like Jaimee, who were exposed to the drug in their mother’s womb?

The researchers had expected the answer would be a resounding yes. But it wasn’t. Another factor would prove far more critical.”


“My worst fear was that Jaimee would be slow, mentally retarded, or something like that because of me doing drugs,” she said. She agreed to enroll her baby in the cocaine study at Einstein. Drakewood promised herself that she would turn her life around for the sake of Jaimee and her older daughter, but she soon went back to smoking crack.

Hurt arrived early at Children’s Hospital one morning in June to give a talk on her team’s findings to coworkers. After nearly 25 years of studying the effects of cocaine and publishing or presenting dozens of findings, it wasn’t easy to summarize it in a PowerPoint presentation. The study received nearly $7.9 million in federal funding over the years, as well as $130,000 from the Einstein Society.

Hurt, who had taken her team from Einstein to Children’s in 2003, began her lecture with quotations from the media around the time the study began. A social worker on TV predicted that a crack baby would grow up to “have an IQ of perhaps 50.” A print article quoted a psychologist as saying “crack was interfering with the central core of what it is to be human,” and yet another article predicted that crack babies were “doomed to a life of uncertain suffering, of probable deviance, of permanent inferiority.”

Hurt, who is also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, is always quick to point out that cocaine can have devastating effects on pregnancy. The drug can cause a problematic rise in a pregnant woman’s blood pressure, trigger premature labor, and may be linked to a dangerous condition in which the placenta tears away from the uterine wall. Babies born prematurely, no matter the cause, are at risk for a host of medical and developmental problems. On top of that, a parent’s drug use can create a chaotic home life for a child.

Hurt’s study enrolled only full-term babies so the possible effects of prematurity did not skew the results. The babies were then evaluated periodically, beginning at six months and then every six or 12 months on through young adulthood. Their mothers agreed to be tested for drug use throughout the study.

The researchers consistently found no significant differences between the cocaine-exposed children and the controls. At age 4, for instance, the average IQ of the cocaine-exposed children was 79.0 and the average IQ for the nonexposed children was 81.9. Both numbers are well below the average of 90 to 109 for U.S. children in the same age group. When it came to school readiness at age 6, about 25 percent of children in each group scored in the abnormal range on tests for math and letter and word recognition.

“We went looking for the effects of cocaine,” Hurt said. But after a time “we began to ask, ‘Was there something else going on?’ ”

While the cocaine-exposed children and a group of nonexposed controls performed about the same on tests, both groups lagged on developmental and intellectual measures compared to the norm. Hurt and her team began to think the “something else” was poverty.

As the children grew, the researchers did many evaluations to tease out environmental factors that could be affecting their development. On the upside, they found that children being raised in a nurturing home – measured by such factors as caregiver warmth and affection and language stimulation – were doing better than kids in a less nurturing home. On the downside, they found that 81 percent of the children had seen someone arrested; 74 percent had heard gunshots; 35 percent had seen someone get shot; and 19 percent had seen a dead body outside – and the kids were only 7 years old at the time. Those children who reported a high exposure to violence were likelier to show signs of depression and anxiety and to have lower self-esteem.

More recently, the team did MRI scans on the participants’ brains. Some research has suggested that gestational cocaine exposure can affect brain development, especially the dopamine system, which in turn can harm cognitive function. An area of concern is “executive functioning,” a set of skills involved in planning, problem-solving, and working memory.

The investigators found one brain area linked to attention skills that differed between exposed and nonexposed children, but they could not find any clinically significant effect on behavioral tests of attention skills.

Drug use did not differ between the exposed and nonexposed participants as young adults. About 42 percent used marijuana and three tested positive for cocaine one time each.

The team has kept tabs on 110 of the 224 children originally in the study. Of the 110, two are dead – one shot in a bar and another in a drive-by shooting – three are in prison, six graduated from college, and six more are on track to graduate. There have been 60 children born to the 110 participants.

The years of tracking kids have led Hurt to a conclusion she didn’t see coming.

“Poverty is a more powerful influence on the outcome of inner-city children than gestational exposure to cocaine,” Hurt said at her May lecture…. ”

Read full article >>>Here<<< catnip

The War on Drugs is not only Unjust, Bigoted, and Oppressive in the extreme… It is an evil founded upon a mountain of falsehoods, Lies, and foolishness.
Cannabis is proving itself to be one of the most beneficial plants to humanity.
Science is now exposing the myths about Magic Mushrooms and Ecstasy… Now they are being investigated for their beneficial qualities for the brain, and helping with PTSD, etc… and yet the disastrous War on drugs continues.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

The New Jews… Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.

Utilitarianism vs Libertarianism. Socialist pragmatism vs Libertarian Idealism

The Speed of Hypocrisy: How America got hooked on Legal Meth. Motherboard.


A terrible number of words have been written about Breaking Bad, yet none have struck upon the irony at its core. For all of the cult hit’s vaunted fine-brush realism and sly cultural references, the show never even winked at the real world “blue” that grew up alongside it.

During the five years Heisenberg spent as a blue-meth cook, the nation experienced a nonfictional explosion in the manufacture and sale of sapphire pills and azure capsules containing amphetamine. This other “blue,” known by its trade names Adderall and Vyvanse, found its biggest market in classrooms like Walter White’s. As this blue speed is made and sold in anodyne corporate environments, the drama understandably focused on blue meth and its buyers, usually depicted as jittery tweakers picking at lesions and wearing rags on loan from the cannibal gangs of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.

For presenting such a compelling one-sided cartoon of speed in America, Breaking Bad deserves recognition as a modern day Reefer Madness. That 1937 film immortalized the selective attentions of the first drug war, in which hysteria was stoked over Mexican marijuana but nothing was said about that era’s brisk drugstore trade in Benzedrine, the patented speed of the Great Depression.

american_horror_story__asylum_by_apetrie74-d5loi6o (1)

To understand why the “edgy” AMC drama fits so snug in the Reefer Madness mold, it helps to see the show from the perspective of pharmaceutical executives, whom I suspect held some rowdy Breaking Bad viewing parties.

Because here’s the thing about hide-the-children caricatures of street speed and the class stigmas they weave: Without them, the needle starts to skip on pharma’s marketing lullabies about the safety and expanding therapeutic application of their purer product. Take away Goofus and Gallant-style contrasts between backwoods Crank Zombies and suburban Adderall Aspirationals, and suddenly we’re having some very awkward conversations about the periodic table, addiction, and the experience of getting high.

Aside from some foul cutting material, Winnebago methamphetamine and pharmaceutical amphetamine are kissing chemical cousins. The difference between them boils down to one methyl-group molecule that lets crank race a little faster across the blood-brain barrier and kick just a little harder. After that, meth breaks down fast into good old dextroamphetamine, the dominant salt in America’s leading ADHD drug and cram-study aid, Adderall…

Read more >>>Here<<< And Here>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

I have no doubt that with the process of time that all the Hype about synthetic cannabis will also be exposed as just another Prohibitionist witch craze…. as suggested here >>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.


The common thread of Drug Prohibition has been lies and Politicised Pseudo-science inciting a public Hysteria for the express purpose of justifying the State usurping tyrannical powers in complete disregard for Rights and liberties… in the name of ‘Safety and social order’.
Socialists have convinced the Clean shaven Perfumed masses of arrogant vicious little dipshits that Pragmatism trumps just Ideals… that it’s Ok for the State to trample those whom dont share their tastes and phobias underfoot.

Even though their interventions are Catastrophic… The Liars and the Fools delude themselves that the alternative…. Liberty and an end to the War… would result in something much worse.
Western Social Democracy is a Lunatic asylum… run by sadistic psychopaths whom cloak their criminality in the garb of ‘Sisters of mercy’… and ‘Doctors.’…. they will cut the devil out of you! Their noble Ends justify their Depraved means.
(Hence my choice of ‘American Horror story’ Artwork for this Blogpost 🙂 )
What is beyond insane is that the same legions of Zombies whom are happy for the State to persecute Meth dealers and users will happily allow major corporations to manufacture truckloads of the very same products and to gobble them down via Doctors prescriptions!
The very height of self delusion and hypocrisy.
Tim Wikiriwhi.


Where was Jamie Whyte while Laila Harre was getting high?


So Laila Harre has seized the initiative… and the high ground on Cannabis Law reform.
Good for her!
I chuckle because this will test the bonds of the Internet Mana Marriage.

Will Hone Harawera do a ‘Hone Banksy’ on her?

We all witnessed last election ‘Righty Hone Banks’ knife his dear leader, Don Brash for publicly expressing his views that Cannabis should be de-criminalised.
We all know this treacherous disloyalty cost the Act party and Don Heavily … though Banksy still got his Baubles of power.
Consequently Acts support under ‘National Banks’ sunk to absolute Zero.
(Did Banksy and his Fascist Faction really think Freedom lovers would support such a Carnie side show?)

From all the rhetoric I have herd from ‘lefty’ Hone Harawera… he is as anti- Decriminalisation as his Pakeha counterpart to his Right.
Things could get ugly for Laila… just as they did for Don.
This could be an interesting week in politics.
As a Libertarian, I am always hoping that more, and more parties adopt policies in favour of ending prohibition on Cannabis because to achieve such reforms through parliament and maintain them requires a broad multi-party consensus.


And thinking more about this one must ask the obvious question as to where the hell is Act’s new Brash-man Jamie Whyte on this Issue?

What can voters infer from his silence that either he doesn’t give a shit, or that the great Fraudulent Liberal prohibitionist Banksy still wearing the Pants in the Act party?

Why is it that all we hear from James is all about *Business*…. nothing about individual freedom and responsibility?

Why the hell has he allowed The Lefty Freaks of Internet Mana seize the High ground on this fundamental issue of Personal freedom?

Am I the only one who thinks this is farcical?
It’s quite embarrassing for Act… or should be.
How can Act claim to be the part of Personal Freedom and Anti- Nanny State when they are being out shined on this important matter???

Come on Jamie….
Are you going to let the Lefty Freaks win all the support that is out there for Cannabis Law Reform?
Are you only concerned with Business interests?
Where is your stuff on Freedom and getting rid of Socialist Nannyism?

Why Do You think silence is the best policy?
I think you are letting one of your greatest opportunities slip through your hands…

Rather than standing tall like a Beacon in stormy Seas you appear to be just another Grey suited politician whom calculates that conservatism on such issues is the best way to ‘win a seat at the table’.

I should not have to point out what a monumental *Fail* such Compromises have historically proven to be for Act.
Power without principles is hopeless.

That sort of wet flannel politics is why they have achieved absolutely *Zero* for all their time in parliament (worse than zero actually if you count the Super city fiasco)… and it is why Act have no credibility today.
How about growing a pair and showing some Brash principles… rather than playing possum on such a vital, yet contentious issue!
Brash was onto something great.
His biggest mistake was getting John Banks into the Act Party.
John Banks has achieved nothing but being the flunky for John Key.
Is a vote for Jamie Whyte’s Act *still* nothing more than another vote for John Key’s National party?
It seems that way from where I’m sitting.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.



Read about Laila Harre’s press release >>>> Here <<<< Read more from me .... Tick…Tock… Tick… Puff Puff. Where does Act’s Jamie Whyte stand on Cannabis Law Reform?

Open letter to Act’s new leader Jamie Whyte … Stop being National’s Lapp-dog.

Norml J Day Protest Hamilton 2014

Ross Meurant: The case for decriminalisation

P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.

The following is a few excerpts from a very Bold New`Zealander whom has the audacity to question many Mainstream pet political superstitions.
Mike is revered for his substantial efforts to expose the lies of Waitangi treaty separatism.
Today he challenges the lies and exaggerations of the NZ Police in respect to their Propaganda campaign designed to justify their oppressive war against Meth amphetamine.
I make a few short comments on the bottom.

mike Butler

“Details of the number of clan-lab busts and information on the harm likely to occur from living in a property where meth-amphetamine has been produced shows that the scale of the problem has been substantially overstated.”

“Having established that the incidence of illegal manufacture of P is quite rare, how harmful is it to live in a dwelling where such illegal manufacture has occurred.

The best that Ministry of Health guidelines can say is: “Though often found in small amounts, clandestine methamphetamine laboratory (clan meth lab) contaminants may pose health hazards to people exposed to them” – with the operative word being “may”. (1)

Burns, tissue irritation and rashes can be the consequence of chemical spills and skin contact. Other health effects such as nausea, dizziness and headaches can result from the inhalation of vapours and gases.

A request under the Official Information Act on the numbers of illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths resulting from methamphetamine contamination or fires from P labs shows no record of such hospitalizations, with a note that the collected data does not have any codes to record such hospitalizations. …”

“It is safe to ignore claims that the police are finding a new lab every 45 hours. Police dismantled just 77 of such labs last year and the most labs busted in a year occurred in 2005, when 211 were found.

Bear in mind that the total number of rental properties in New Zealand is 480,000 while the total number of dwellings is around 1.3 million. “….

091012 1 meth lab sb

” An eye-watering part of the report may be found in the over-the-top clean-up requirements. Demolition is recommended to ensure “no residual risk” of a miniscule amount of a substance that may trigger a visit to a doctor if directly contacted. This is what is required to ensure “acceptable residual risk”:
Remove carpeting, wallpaper and unpainted gib board.
Remove suspended and attached ceiling tiles.
Spray paint textured ceilings.
Remove upholstered furniture, mattresses, paper items, and other porous contents.
Remove clothing, toys, bedding, baby bottles and cups, and other personal items used by infants and small children.
Dispose of those items in an approved landfill with appropriate acceptance criteria
HEPA vacuum all remaining porous surfaces such as raw wood, brick and cement block.
HEPA vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
Detergent wash all building surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
Spray paint all building surfaces with two coats of a high-quality paint, polyurethane or concrete/brick sealer. (2)
Over-reaction to clan labs is captured in what the report describes as “community perception of risk” (where most people freak out at the mere hint that a property is contaminated) that is not based on technical risk assessment alone, and “outrage at involuntary exposure to hazards not of one’s own making”.


Such fear and alarm, overstatement of risk, panic knee-jerk reaction by local bodies and government agencies, and opportunism by clean-up companies, has combined to create a minefield for property owners. Everybody should take a deep breath until hard scientific data that derives from the New Zealand experience proves that the actual chemical risk is not very great at all. ”

Mike Butler…. Read Full article >>>Here<<< Read more Eternal Vigilance ..... The New Jews… Meth Users.

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong.

The Tyrannical War on drugs is out of control and purporting injustice on a monumental scale.
It has *always* relied on Lies and propaganda to Terrorise the gullible public into mandating the Jackbooted police with all their Weapons of War.
Just recently we saw the Media beat up and Political Machiavellian surrounding the Legal supply of synthetic cannabis.
You have to have Poo for brains not to realise that the terror mongering of The Anti-legal High Prohibitionists is typical Nonsense which has always underpinned prohibitions of every sort, and that all their so-called ‘evidence’ is ridiculously un-objective and Extremely dubious.

Read>>>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.

Of course the police dont want the sheeple to consider the reality that it is Prohibition which is responsible for clandestine P labs being set up in Rental properties, and that prohibition prevents Meth from being manufactured in safe industrial facilities… thus any explosions and fires which result in destruction of property, Injury, and even death, may be squarely blamed on *Prohibition*.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Why your kid doesn’t want to talk to you, and prefers to sleep on the streets.


My Last >Blog post< criticizing the Governments reversal on synthetic cannabis received a heated response from a fan of this latest Prohibition... someone who admits they could not be bothered to actually read my post... She said ... "bit long to read extensively but i gather your saying legal highs are fine and to test them on animals would be fine? have you used it yourself or been around others who are addicted to it, in the court news for flying off the handle, seeing young parents make it a priority rather than feed their kids and even allow them the luxury of wearing a nappy....what a load of bollocks. this shit is worse than p and has no right to be in this country. in fact i think it helps the argument for legalisation of cannabis. and since when is it LEGAL to get high..hypocrisy..." End Quote. orrrwell

First things first….
I used to think that the best opinion pieces are short, yet it occurred to me while reading George Orwell, that The short opinion piece is not really of high educational value, and is in fact a product of a growing culture of Rush… and intellectual sloth… like druggies… looking for a ‘quick Hit.’

So I am not going to apologize any more to people who complain about the length of my spiels.
It’s not my problem that they cant be bothered investing the time and effort into reading my stuff.
Bugger them!
I think it’s *Extra Rich* for someone who has not bothered to read what I wrote, to then pass judgement on what I wrote!
Do you think me pedantic?

Having squared that I will now share with you my response to this woman’s criticism…. tweaked slightly to communicate with my readers rather than how it originally took aim at the silly twat herself.
(I got carried away again, and have actually added a substantial amount…. 🙂 )

Maybe I should not be so harsh…. maybe this silly Cow really is incapable of rational thought due to being absolutely consumed with ‘Righteous indignation’.
The thing is that I am so bloody sick and tired of such utter Bullshit…. stacked to the roof!
It’s typical of the Bat Shit Lunacy which was out Marching in the streets…. and given Prime time Air on Campbell live, and front page coverage on countless editions of News papers throughout the country… That I think it’s time to take the gloves off and rip into these Nasty little Morons in large numbers!

I probably have already lost 60% of my readers. Oh well.

She said Synthetic Cannabis is “Worse than P”.
I said I thought that she herself was unhinged, and asked if she was on Prescription medication?
(If not she should go see her Dr… Pronto.)

Not that I believe for a moment that P is as bad as Prohibitionists make out either!
I am merely calling her out for her wild *Highly emotive* exaggerations.
Prohibitionist civilians are predominantly throngs of mindless Zombies.
Incapable of being objective.

Notice the examples she sites as evidence that Synthetic Cannabis is Evil.
Prohibitionists always take the most pathetic people who have virtually *zero ethics* and zero self control, and who exceed recommended doses etc…. as being the poster child/ yardstick for measuring the drug… as if the Drunken bums who drink meths and sleep under bridges are the *standard* by which alcohol should be measured… instead of using the sensible hard working adults who enjoy a couple of beers after work… as their examples… and this is because they seek to delude themselves and everyone else that we need to model our society around the hapless Idiots and social misfits in our midst, rather than around sensible adults.

I make the point that there are plenty of people who smoke the legal high’s on a Friday night, Saturday… and don’t starve their kids or leave them without nappies.
By far the majority of drug users behave sensibly and don’t allow their indulgences to lead them to wreak and ruin… thus proving the notions of the the prohibitionists to be nothing more than an outrageous and un-objective Rantings.

Obviously there are *other factors* at play as to why *some few* people abuse the drugs, and live chaotic lives.
They have maturity problems.
They have a lack of ethics.
They have troubled lives and up bringing s.

*These are the types of real underlying issues that cause the problems!

Drug abuse is merely a symptom of Damaged personalities.
It has little at all to do with the Drugs themselve!
If anything These troubled souls are taking drugs to ‘self medicate’… to sooth their frayed nerves… to bring some pleasure into what is their Train wreak of a life.


Yet the prohibitionist never wants to fully analyse the circumstances regarding why some people are really going of the rails…. because if they discover *other factors* are involved…. then they cant climb on their Prohibitionist hobby horse…. and man o man they love to flog that thing!

They say stuff like…

” My Boy was a wonderful young Lad… yet when he hit university he hooked up with a crowd of young hoodlums… and they led him down the Garden path… and he started doing Drugs!
Nek Minut… it was like he was a completely different person!
We couldn’t even talk any more… he was always high!
He would sneak out at night, and when he came home he would go straight to his room… and lock the door.
Whenever I tried to talk to him… he would just scream abuse!….”
“Yip! It was those Evil Drugs!
They turned him into a monster!…”


*This sort of crap really gets up my nose because of how it absolutely blames the young adult and the drugs for the break down in communication… and the swift change of the relationship… the distance and alienation.

Yes their Young adults have discovered and are experimenting with drugs!
They managed to do this *In spite of the tyrannical prohibitions* which threaten to destroy their lives should the Jackbooted police get wind of things.
*At least when drugs are legal they don’t have to face such heinous oppression from a hypocritical and bigoted society!
Some of them dont like getting high and move along… others really enjoy it…. and wake up to how They have been lied to their whole lives about how ‘evil’ drugs are.
They have an enlightenment… that Prohibition is Bogus!
That in reality it is the Laws of Prohibition which are shameful and wrong.


Then along comes Mom with her tired old bullshit screeching…
“Cannabis will kill you!”
“Not under my Roof!”
I’ll call the Police”
“Cannabis will put you in Jail”
Etc etc…. and you wonder why Johnny calls Mom a Stupid old Bitch and tells her to F- OFF!

He knows you are speaking from a position of complete ignorance.
Every world you say is Rubbish you have been fed by the Prohibitionist media and Draconian Police.
Do yourself a favour… climb down off your high horse…. and actually try informing yourself about what the other side of the Debate has to say for itself…

Oh…. so you say you do know!
You say that you smoked weed when you were at Uni!
Well then what the hell are you doing yelling at your own kids?
If you do know anything at all then you should know how much BULLSHIT you are spouting at your own kids.


It never occurs to such ‘Parents’ that the reason why their Adult Kids prefer to get high with their mates and not talk to them any more is because they are so sick of their outrageous BULLSHIT!
It never occurs to them that it is their own fanatical Bigotry which has destroyed the relationship they had with their Young adults… and has alienated them!*

Ie the primary cause of the relationship breakdown is their own Anti-drug Mania!
Get That?


Some Parents have a real problem with their Kids growing up and making their own decisions.
Some parents seek to keep their kids under their thumbs, and loose their marbles when their now grown up kids refuse to simply do as they are told…
So they blame the drugs!

Hell may freeze over first yet if they want to restore their relationship with their Kids, they need to stop being such Tyrants.
They need to quit Rantings and Ravings like Muslim Fanatics!
No wonder your kids would rather sleep on the Streets… to get away from *YOU!

You can still voice your opinion and lay down rules of behaviour in your house, but wisdom dictates you should do so using tact… without acting like a psychopath.
You may say you love your kids but your actions make it almost impossible to love you back.
If you keep telling your sons and daughters that they are losers and are a disappointment… that can utterly crush their sense of self worth and push them into Gangs etc whom will welcome them with open arms.

In my opinion the very best Parents were the tolerant ones whom allowed their kids and their friends to quietly hang out in the Garage… rarely encroaching there themselves unless things were getting too rowdy, and that way they maintained a respectful relationship with their adult kids… did not drive them out of the home at a young age…. got to know and influence their friends… and always knew where their kids were at night… having given them somewhere safe to enjoy themselves.


When I speak of ‘Kids’ I am specifically referring to 18+… yet suggest you show understanding to your Kids even earlier than that… 15 years old We were driving Cars.
at 16 we were legal to have sex and had left school, and started apprenticeships…
And it is at this age that most young people will come into contact with Pot… even though it is illegal.
If you take a liberal approach you can still express your concerns yet do so in a loving manor, and demonstrate that you know they are growing up fast… and need some space to make their own choices.
Let them party in your garage… Friday through Sunday.
That’s my advise… and you will maintain a good relationship with them and will be able to indirectly exercise far more control, than if your kids choose to do there Friend thing somewhere else.

Prohibition does not Prevent young people from getting, experimenting, and enjoying drugs.
It merely means they may get them from ‘dodgy dealers’, and exposes them to the Hazard of having their Rights and liberties violated by Draconian Police… getting a criminal record which affects their future Job prospects and ends any hope of Overseas travel.

Stephen Coon, the brother of school shooter Asa Coon,  is taken into custody.

So For Goodness Sake why would any caring parent be happy that the Government has created more Laws which threaten to turn your Kids, your friends, and your neighbours into criminals and outcasts?
How can you celebrate that?
Why would you join Matches and lobby government to create more oppressive laws which will be turned against your own Children?

I can understand that a parent may be terrified that their Kids may get arrested, yet that is no excuse to employ Bully tactics against them, and call them losers, etc.
If anything this fear should motivate Moms and Dads to join organisations which call for an end to the war on drugs… to end the tyranny which threatens the well being of so many peaceful youth simply wanting to have a good time.
*What sort of Crime is that?*

The War on Drugs is a greater threat to the well being of your Kids than Drugs are themselves!
Teach your Kids strong ethics and principles of self responsibility…. don’t neglect to instil good values and engage in character building … and simply rely on Legal prohibitions to keep your Kids safe!
It is their inner compass which they use to navigate themselves through life which is the vital component in living as a free adult in a world in which Drugs, Alcohol, Fast cars, fast woman, and other things exist which require proper ethics to contend with.

You cant wrap your kids up in cotton Wool.
You cant Ban everything.
Banning things doesn’t work!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Norml J Day Protest Hamilton 2014

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 002
Hamilton New Zealand.

An Eternal vigilance Salute goes out to Hamilton Activist Gary Chiles for organising the Norml J Day for the Waikato this Year.
It took place in the Hamilton Domain (Lake Stage) despite the fact that Hamilton City Council had tried to stop the event taking place on the basis that it violated their new ‘Smoke Free’ policy for public spaces.
Gary decided that he could not in good conscience allow such a pretext hinder his intention to rally Middle Earth Hobbits, wizards, and Ents for this annual protest against Cannabis prohibition.
It was peaceful Civil disobedience at it’s finest, Everyone was well behaved, and by the time I hopped back on my Triumph… gratefully… no one had seen any sight of the Police.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 001
We were graced with the presence of New Zealand’s Pre-eminent voice for ending the War on Cannabis Dakta Green.
It was great to catch up for a yarn with this Legend.
Dak is never short on interesting Schemes to inspire his Fans… sitting at his feet.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 009

The Bands Played on.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 004

I had already asked Gary for a speaking spot in today’s program, before the Council decided not to grant permission for Norml to use this domain.

This ruling put Gary and people like myself who had already said they would participate in this day of peaceful protest against oppressive prohibition in a very difficult position and we had to make a moral decision to step up for the sake of the cause…. an act of peaceful civil disobedience.
I got up and spoke for 5 minutes.

I Attempted to motivate people into becoming active in the struggle to end Cannabis Prohibition.
As a Libertraian Independent, I asked for Hamilton Westies to give me their Candidate vote this election, and suggested they give their Party vote to ALCP because IMO they have Cannabis users best interests at heart.

The following is the script I had penned as a ruff guide to my speech… which I ended up ‘winging’ to a great extent…

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 016

My Jay day speech 2014.

Hi Everyone, my name it Tim Wikiriwhi and I am an Independent Libertarian whom is standing for parliament in the up and coming election, for the seat of Hamilton West.

I have been actively involved in activism for ending the war on drugs for over 15 years.
I used to smoke a lot of Pot in my younger days and was arrested and processed 3 times so I know first hand just how oppressive and unjust prohibition is, and how it generates social alienation.

There have been some amazing progress on this issue in the US and other places.
Recreational use of Cannabis has been legalized in some states , yet here in New Zealand The movement to End prohibition seems to be barely treading water.
Why is this?
Many reasons… the main one being complacency by kiwi smokers themselves.

Another reality that it is certainly much easier to get the Government to ban things than un-ban things.

Just look at how easily the Anti-Legal high prohibitionists were able to get unprecedented media coverage, while the Legalise pot movement gets almost Zero…. In spite of the war on Drugs being such an overwhelming failure and drain on our legal system.

In spite of many Global Big wigs…. Including Helen Clark sitting in High Office in the UN declaring the War On drugs causes much more social evils and injustice than drug use does!

When I look at the Shrill alarmism of all the Moms and grannies who turned up at Ban the Legal High rallies, and then read about the relief and joy they felt at hearing about the election year reversal on the PSA and Banning of all synthetic highs…. I marvell that they are happy that their young ones are again exposed to police brutality, and that Police can now Bust Their young adults for quietly smoking these substances…. They rejoice at the Idea that their young people will get Police records… etc.

Isn’t that Crazy?

To me this demonstrates not only how Bigoted phobias operate, but also a wilful ignorance of just how evil the War is that they are supporting… it’s a war on their own Kids, their friends and neighbors.

We need to challenge that ignorance… we need to expose just how unjust and tyrannical the war on drugs is.
If we can do that…. Then we will have the Moms and the Grannies marching in the streets…. Calling for and end to the war…. And the Media will grab hold of it…. And parliament will fold….
That is how the system works.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 017

We have a lot of work to do changing the perception about just how nasty and wrong the War on drugs really is.

Yet that will only happen if you guys…. Pots smokers and Libertarians stop sulking…. Stop accepting all the slurs that the bigots heap upon you as being Dopey and lazy…. And claim the high moral ground which is rightfully yours!
Get up off your butts and agitate for change!
We need everyone to get serious and demand Liberation.


Let me tell you that Pot smokers and Libertarians by far out number the Vocal bigots who managed to grab the Media attention and sway Parliament to Ban Legal highs.
Way out number them.
Thus it cant be said that we lack numbers.
We only lack the will and the fortitude

How many people turned up today just because they thought this was a great day for smoking Weed?
While I appreciate you showing up, the truth is this day is about rallying support for Legal reforms, and if you do nothing for the cause in between Jay days… you are just a pretender… just a sheep.

Get agitating for change Guys.
This is election year.
I am sorry if I’ve laid a heavy trip on you…. And ruined your Buzz, I cant help that…. If the shoe fits… etc.
If that has been you… the good news is you can change that by getting active.

Be forthright in defense of your inalienable rights to peacefully pursue your own happiness!
condemn the bigotry every time it rears its ugly head in your presence!
Use The Social networks.
Contact Norml and ask what you can do to help.

We must rededicate ourselves to the struggle and regain momentum.

That’s all I’ve got to say.
I am Libertarian Independent Tim Wikiriwhi
I ask Hamilton Westys to give me your Candidate vote this election,n and suggest you use your party vote for the ALCP.

Thank you Gary Chiles for organizing today’s protest, thanks to the bands and every one else who is participating in this even despite Hamilton city Council and thanks everyone for Listening.
Enjoy the rest of your day

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014
William Mckee, Gary Chiles, Dakta Green, and Tim Wikiriwhi.

It was a successful days activism.
Great To meet Gary and catch up with Dak.
And to meet new faces.

meanwhile…. J-Day revellers spark up amidst controversy

Legalise Cannabis Party expects vote increase

Citizens denied access to public space for Hamilton J Day

Read more EV…. Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Tick…Tock… Tick… Puff Puff. Where does Act’s Jamie Whyte stand on Cannabis Law Reform?

Hero Dakta Green to continue fight against Cannabis Prohibition.

Dakta at the Liberty Conference. Auckland 2012.

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

@#$% you I wont do what you told me!

Medical Cannabis. Wonder Drug! Halts Epileptic Seizures in Children! PTSD. Etc etc.

The Exit Drug… Cannabis.

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Colorado and Washington Legalise Recreational Use of Cannabis!

Eternal Vigilance welcomes food porn queen Higella Lawson to New Zealand!

Hightimes. Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Cells.

Exercising Your Right to Refuse Random Drug Testing at Work.

LEAP NZ Law Enforcement against Prohibition. New Zealand.

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy: New York Times slander.

Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy.
Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy Stand together.

From Facebook … >>>Here<<< Please make viral. "The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He's a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator. One thing he definitely isn't - a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man's perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso's view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine? Furthermore, if you take the time to do your own research, you'll find that his statements about some black Americans actually hold weight. He posed a hypothetical question. He said, "I wonder IF" ... Hell, I'm black and I often wonder about the same about the decline of the black family. Bottom line is that we are all slaves in this waning republic, no matter our skin color. Mr. Bundy could have used any racial demographic as an example: Native Americans on reservations, whites in trailer parks, etc. He noticed the crippling effects of receiving government "assistance" and the long term result of accepting handouts. It's not progress at all. I challenge Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and others to read my comment and reconsider their position in this matter. Individual liberties are at stake here, yours and mine. THAT is the issue. Don't let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground. I sincerely hope you real patriots out there who can see through the smoke. Semper Fidelis ************************************* The New York times has tried to undermine public support for The Bundy's by gross distortion of Cliven's public statements about the plight of Americans, esp Blacks under the current socialist tyranny.... and they hacked and re-hashed his comments to make him out to be a stupid racist. Now obviously Cliven is no polished PR expert, yet to label him a racist is a disgusting slur...a lie yet a typical tactic of Tyranny loving lefty Obama sycophants. When the Media have gotten into bed with corrupt government they have utterly failed in their moral duty.


Thankfully demonstrations of solidarity like these above show that you cant fool all the people… all the time.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read this Infowars article and watch Cliven Bundy’s full discourse … >>>InfoWars: Bundy tape was edited to exclude his ‘pro-black, pro-Mexican’ comments<<< Read more on the Bundy Resistance.... US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Read more about the evils of Collusion between media and the State…

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

FOX5 Vegas – KVVU