My submission in Opposition to the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

Committee Secretariat
Committee Secretariat
Māori Affairs Committee
Parliament Buildings

Phone:04 817 8086

My name is Tim Wikiriwhi

Kia ora,
I oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill.

The Following is my submission in opposition to the Entrenchment of the Maori Seats in parliament and the perpetuation of the Apartheid Electoral system.

By Apartheid I am of course referring in particular to the current Race based electoral system, the Maori seats in Parliament, and more generally to the Body of Legislation and Government institutions that segregate the people of New Zealand in two… on the basis of Race granting great Political advantages to one favored race, and relegation everyone else to a lower second tier with less rights.

The following are my reasons…

The proposal to entrench the Maori seats is nothing short of an attempt to prevent Reform… and to maintain political advantages… that have seen The Political class of Maori enjoying easy access to the Nations coffers… and positions of Privilege and power… all the while pretending to be the voice of ‘an oppressed people.
This is a gigantic scam.
Maori Have enjoyed massive Positive discrimination for Decades… and yet the Racist radicals leading their racist political parties never cease to cry out that Maori are somehow Racially discriminated against… by a corrupt *European government and population*!
How long will these charlatans be allowed to treat their fellow countrymen like fools?

Decades have past of both National and Labour Party led Governments pandering to the Racist Radicals occupying the Maori Seats… Billions of Dollars have flowed in one direction… Untold numbers of Race Based institutions have been built… and Treaty Settlements given over… yet we see no end in site of the grievances… no abatement… no peace. What we see is ongoing and increasing Greed… and a lust to continue with this Bribery and extortion.
This is the shameful desire of those whom have proposed the entrenchment of the Status quo.

This Apartheid system is patently unjust… Patently a travesty of the principles of Justice… esp the principle of Racial equality before the Law!
and yet Socialist academics and Politicians try and pretend all this legalised racism is *More just* than the time honored Paramount Principles of justice!

What is all the grievance but claims of having been discriminated against and having been treated un-equally?
Ie *Even the grievances* are an emotive appeal to the principle of equality ( yet in fact its political advantages they desire.)

The Socialist academics and Radicals say… “oh… all this political favoritism we have established is just a temporary measure… to help rectify ‘past injustices’… and to give Maori a boost up out of the gutter… and then… at some future date… when Maori are flourishing… then… we will abolish this apartheid system.”

*Yet this is another despicable ruse*… Proven by the very fact that they want to entrench the Maori Seats so as to make it even harder to abolish these Racist thrones and end the Treaty Gravy train.
These Socialists want to perpetuate the Apartheid system indefinitely whereby it matters not how many generations the majority of New Zealanders have been born here… you will *never* be a real *citizen*… never a true New Zealander… this will never be politically considered *your home*… These Birthrights will only and forever be the preserve of the Privileged race… The so-called Tangata Whenua (though they are in truth late arrival Migrants too).
This is what the entrenchment of the Maori Seats seeks to maintain indefinitely.

What else has Decades of Favouritism… Billions of Dollars achieved for Maori… has this social engineering been a Pragmatic Social success?
No! After All this Socialism… all this Welfareism… all the Treaty settlements the Maori people still wallow at the bottom of virtually all social statistics!
Poverty, Serious Crime, and Ill health… shorter life expectancy… Maori Rank the worst of all!
Why is this?

Is it because of ‘Racism’ and ‘oppression’ as all the Maori radicals and activists… and academics in our Education system claim?
Absolutely not!

*Why all this Socialism and Political favoritism* is failing the Maori people is because it wrongly diagnoses the *Real Moral disease* that is keeping Maori in the gutter…

In fact it is making things far worse for the average Maori Family… because it fails to place the real responsibility for their plight where it belongs… Not on their Pakeha Neigbours… The real responsibility for Maori Crime, and poverty, and ill health belongs with *Maori themselves* … and by making it easy for them to get onto welfare… by making excuses for their horrific crimes… and lack of personal care for their own health and prosperity… the entire Socialist system has been perpetuating a gigantic lie… and has been ‘enabling their ongoing denial of who is *really responsible* for their own plight!

Maori Politicians get elected to the Race based seats by pedaling Nasty lies about the Pakeha into the ears of their Maori constituents… saying its all the Greedy Pakehas fault!
They have fostered a Terrible prejudice against the Pakeha within the hearts of the Maori people and this corrodes the soul like canker.

Maori like myself who instead try and tell Maori that the Pakeha are not to blame, but that it is the Maori peoples own shameful lack of personal ethics and responsibility that are to blame… We truth tellers are hated for our honesty by our own people… our families… The Maori Radicals who get elected to the Race based seats in Parliament *Dont represent progressive thinking Maori like myself*… and by seeking to perpetuate the culture of blame… the culture of welfare dependence… and the culture of entitlement above their fellow countrymen The People who sit in these race base seats do not represent what is in the best interests of the Maori People… or the whole country…. all the people of New Zealand as a nation.

The reasons these seats were originally created have long since disappeared… and they ought to have been abolished over a century ago… yet of course once positions of power have been created… there also exists a powerful vested interest *to maintain* the status quo and resist reform.
This is why they have not yet been abolished and New Zealand continues to suffer the shameful consequences because of a lack of spine and principle.

Yet New Zealanders are growing tired of this massive scam… despite all the State propaganda and the Vested interests now fear there is enough people in New Zealand to demand these seats be abolished… by a simple majority … This is what the vested interest of Racist radicals fear… the loss of their political advantages that allows them to perpetually extort wealth from the people of New Zealand.
They want to thwart this Democratic reform.

These are the Reasons why I oppose the entrenchment of the Maori seats in parliament.
I want the People of New Zealand wake up to all this evil and to be able to Reform their democratic system and abolish all this Apartheid shame and to steer an new and better course away from Socialist racism, welfarism and blame… towards self responsibility, and self-reliance, under the justice of Equality before the Law… one Law for all… and for all the people of New Zealand to be able to claim their Birthright as Full Citizens… for this country to truly belong to them just as much as the Maori people.

Under freedom and equality Maori will still be Maori… They will still be free to revel in their culture… and New Zealanders of all races will still be able to Celebrate Maori culture as most of them do.
The claim that there is a race relations crisis has been a complete fabrication… to the degree that we suffer real race relations problems in this country we may thank the toxic prejudices of the Maori radicals themselves… a minority of Haters and Bigots that New Zealand has had the misfortune of suffering… and the sooner they are thrown out of parliament the better for everyone… including… especially the Maori People!

In truth when the Apartheid system is abolished *Maori will not lose any legitimate rights*.
When they stop blaming the Pakeha for all their misfortunes… and stop heeding the hateful racism of the radicals who seek to poison their hearts against their neighbours… and instead start to adopt all the essential personal ethics that *all civilised individuals must respect… these ethics will Keep their sons out of trouble with the law.
Maori must forsake welfare dependence and embrace the value and virtues of hard work and savings… and realize that the only people who can keep them from being Obese or wasting the money at the pub… Beating their wives… etc… *is themselves*.

Then we shall start to see a change in their social statistics that have been so horrific under decades of Failed socialism and welfarism, and Blame.

It is not the Governments Job to raise them out of the gutter… that is impossible… because it can only happen via *a moral revolution* within the hearts and minds of the Maori people themselves.
And the best thing we can do for them is get rid of the Evil race based seats that empower the racist radicals who fill the Maori peoples minds with poison, and hate, and dependence.

I hereby Oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

I would also like the opportunity to deliver a speech in person to Comittee if that is at all possible.

I am proud of my own Maori heritage, yet I want My children to firstly think of themselves as *New Zealanders*… equal with their Fellow Kiwi of all races.
I want them to be judged… not by the colour of their skins… but the content of their character… and for that to be how they judge others too.

Thank you for reading my submission.
I believe these issues to be of the Highest order of importance for the future success and well-being of our beautiful country.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

For reference and extra public commentary, an edited version of my blogpost appeared as a Guest post on the Whale Oil Blog here : I oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

RIP Wayne Elliot.

I think Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity … I Challenge you to Change my mind. (Good God/Evil World part 8)

The following argument has been in my mind for decades… ever since I was converted from Atheism to Bible believing Christianity.
I am not a trained academic or Logician myself, Yet have attempted to solicit dialogue on my conjectures from several ‘Trained academics’ yet so far have had no response.
Thus I have never received any Rebuttal that might dissuade me from my conclusion… simple Atheist assertions that ‘God does not exist… or Satan does not exist’ are not arguments but groundless (and in my opinion erroneous) claims, and this post will attempt to prove the idea that even if I cant say Satan’s existence today is knowable… that at one point back in history of all reality… his existence was a certainty.

The following is an expanded form of my assertion, just to lay down the framework/ context of my contentions plainly.
That I say Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity is based upon the Title Jesus Christ called Satan… “The Father of Lies”… ie Satan *invented Lies* and deception… or at least he was the first *to actually lie*… and this brings up the principle of non-materialist *Free will*.

Christ calls himself… The Way… *The Truth* and the life and the Bible says that *all things were created by him and for him*, and many Infidels who cannot get past their notions of Determinism therefore argue that ‘if the God exists… then *God himself* is responsible even for Satan’s lies… because God made Satan, yet as I have already said they are unable to accept any notion of any created being having autonomous free-will that may differ from the ultimate will of God himself.

Yet the concept of Free will is fundamental to Christian Morality… It permeates the whole Bible from the very Beginning when God commanded Adam not to eat of the forbidden fruit, and it is what makes us *morally culpable* for our own actions while exonerating God for giving us the Liberty to make choices … for good or ill.

“…And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Gen 2)

The Fallen Angel Satan entered the garden and deceived Eve… Adam then chose to disobey the commandment of God Almighty and ate of the Forbidden fruit… and then tried to blame God for what happened by saying “… And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (Gen 3vs 12)

Yet God was not responsible for Adams choice to mistrust and disobey God… even though God did create *the possibility* for Adam to so choose… It was Adam who was the free will moral Agent who made the choice and that is why Adam was morally culpable… and God without blame.
God is completely within his right to so order his creations of both the Angels and Humanity with the *potential to sin against him*… Not making us *mere robots*… but True *Children* whose love and ongoing obedience to his Divine rule is not something imposed upon us by our nature… but something *real* and special… and moral… none the less this requires having so ordered things that *the potential to rebel against God* was an inescapable necessity to the dynamic of being able to freely submit to his Sovereignty.

So Like the temptation of Mt Everest in the distance calling vain Men to their doom… trying and Conquer its peak… so to Did God create *the potential for Evil*… for Rebellion… yet that was only as a counterpoise for Freewill love and submission.. not because he *wanted* anyone to rebel… yet still to have *Loving Children* rather than Robots… God Deemed this risk to be worth it… and their would be few honest people who would prefer to be like Ants… wholey driven by their instincts and physical drives, than to be as they are… with Freewill to determine their own lives and activities… Taking credit for their own virtues and successes.

Now I have laid out the groundwork, I can address the main point of which the Title of this post… God Created The Highest Heaven… God Created The Holy Angels and that was When Satan was ‘Lucifer’… the highest Angel in that Order of beings.
I have already explained that God created them with Freewill and gave them the scope to exercise this essential component of their being for which they were created.
An unknown length of ‘time’ passes, and then God Created ‘the Heavens and the Earth'(yet not Mankind)…. and it was sometime after this that Lucifer became jealous of God… and desired to be worshiped… and that is when Evil grew in his ‘heart’ and he chose to Rebel against God.
This is when Satan decided to start telling lies… To corrupt many of his fellow angels into following him instead of God Almighty.
So While the *potential to tell lies* had always existed in counterpoise to being able to tell the truth…. Satan was the first Being to *ever exercise* that potential… he became ‘The father of Lies’.

and it is here that I now posit my Logical challenge… We exist in a reality in which *Telling lies* is a fundamental fact of Human existence… liars exist… Down here on Earth Lies are a currency as often traded in as the truth, which of necessity raises the question… who… in the entire existence of all reality… was the first being to ever tell a lie?
We know that because lies exist today that somewhere someone back in eternity past *must have been the first Lying being*… and it is this Being The Bible calls *Satan*… the Father of Lies.
Satan is therefore a Logical necessity!
And Satan is the Being responsible for Bringing All Evils into the world… even though We as Freewill moral agents are responsible for our own choices to follow Satan’s lies rather than trust in God Almighty.
This is a fundamental Dynamic to our existence!

Change my mind!

Satan Laughing… spreads his wings.

Some Atheists may say… “The father of Lies must have been a human being”… I admit that this ‘Idea’ is worth contemplating… yet when you consider that there is virtual universal consensus on the conjecture that the Human race has not existed for very long… and that even the Earth has not existed for ever… and that Most Atheists also harbour Ideas that we are probably not the only intelligent beings in the universe ( that this is a belief for which they dont have any more *Physical evidence* for such alien beings than I do for Satan seems to escape them… they base their conjectures on no more firm unproven rationale than I do for mine)… yet still does not their own conjectures make the notion that ‘the father of lies’ must have been a Human being uncertain?
Could not *another being* that pre-dates Humanity have told the first lie? (He would then be Satan!)

And then Atheists have an even greater problem… *How lies*… or even *telling the truth*… can even be concepts… if we exist in a Purely Materialistic Reality in which everything is inextricably locked into a chain of physical causation right back to the big bang?

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
King James Bible believer.

More from Tim….





The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.



Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part 2) The Thirst for Blood.

Horror stories. How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 3)

How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 4) Interlude.

Seether: Know Thyself. How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Part 5.

‘Good Atheists’ and the seriousness of sin. Good God/Evil world. 6

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Car Crash.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Sick Puppies.

Thorns in the Flesh.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less
Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

Willful Ignorance and the Limits of human reason (without Divine Revelation.)

Scientific fact…We Human beings are the children of Adam and Eve. Mendel is King of Genetic truth…not Darwin! If not evolution then why do different Races exist?

This question (above) was asked on a facebook debate page and my answer follows below.
This is a subject fundamental to why/ how I myself abandoned atheist evolution and became a Genesis literal bible believer… I Followed the evidence…..

The following is my reply to the above moot….

This is basic Biology.
Not hard to understand… even though so many Atheist evolutionists certainly dont get it.

Firstly… appreciate the fact that science has already admitted *all humans come from a single pair* Read more *here*

Its a fact… yet you still may need to know *how the differences happen*

Its written in our genes…. there is only *One human Race*
(Genus) yet there are basically three subgroups (species) Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid… all Humans (and groups) today being explicable in terms of ratios of these sub groups… that have come about by sexual reproduction either in Segregation or hybridization (mixing).
*No New Genes* are required to create the distinct characteristics… this happens via *combinations of dominant and recessive genes (Mendels Law)

Why are you and your Brother and sister different and not identical?
Do you know that the potential genetic variation between just a single couple is they could hypothetically have several Billion children… all slightly different genetically!

So When God separated the great mass of Humanity at the Tower of Babel… different goups began to migrate throughout the world *separating* themselves into *Gene pools*… each with different sets of dominant and recessive genes… and the further they separated… the more they interbred and the Dominate Genes started to develop *Physical Traits* that were peculiar to each gene pool (while the underlying fact that we are all still humans never altered and is why we can still interbreed… a Nordic Giant can still produce offspring from a Hottentot… because we are all still a single *kind* …. human beings. )…

From Babel… thousands of years ago… some who traveled in one direction became white… some who traveled in another became black… etc etc… yet we are still fundamentally the same…underneath the skin….
And these genetic laws have been understood for millennia even before Mendel proved scientifically *why*.
Farmers have always taken their best animals and bred them together… etc etc… and this is how we have different *breeds* of Dogs, cattle, etc etc.

This is just a basic outline of why…. there is much more… yet this will suffice.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Christian Libertarian Dispensationalist 1611 King James Bible believer.

“Let there be light.” A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018.

It is telling that many of the Woke Folk who demand Western 1st world Nations open their boarders to mass immigration also praise the North Sentinelesse for murdering the Christian Missionary the man of peace and good will John Chau… calling him ‘an invader’… and that their Deadly act was ‘defending their Boarder”…. Woe unto you…. Hypocrites!
Your infidel minds have been twisted by politicized Fake narrative pseudo history.
John did not approach them to exploit them in any way.
He was not coming to take their property, or to freeload off their generosity, but hoped to be a source of Light and hope for these human beings living in Darkness and Barbarism.

‘Please do not be mad at them or at God if I get killed’ John Allen Chau.

John Allen Chau, 26, was shot dead with arrows when he went to the remote North Sentinel Island last week
It is one of the world’s most isolated regions in India’s Andaman islands and is off-limits to visitors
Chau had paid local fishermen to help him get to the island last Thursday
He was shot at but safely able to return to the boat where he penned a letter to his parents and several journal entries about his initial encounter
Chau detailed how he was committed to teaching the tribe about Jesus
In a letter dated November 16, Chau asked his parents not to be mad at the tribe or at God if he was killed
After he returned to the island the following day, fishermen said they saw the tribesmen dragging Chau’s body away…

Read more Here

“He was attacked by arrows but he continued walking,” said one source, quoted by AFP. “The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body.”

More here

Obviously if you think Christianity is a false religion there is a high chance you are not going to think much of what John Chau was trying to do.
Few Infidels appreciate the debt of gratitude they ought to have for the Liberty and civilization they themselves enjoy in Western Society… a modern term for that prosperous portion of the globe that used to be called Western Christendom.

Science and modernity would not be possible for most countries on Earth were it not for Brave missionaries risking their necks to bring the Christian truth to savages … the basis for civil society…
This Missionaries bravery and strong convictions which include his concern for the spiritual well being of these savages got him killed…
like has happened many many times over the centuries… including here in New Zealand.
The desire to bring the light and hope of the gospel to people living under dark superstitions is a noble thing to do.. the Socialist idea that these people should be left to live like animals… so they can carry on being an enclave of Backwards primitivism… is *inhumane*… its treating them like Lab rats… and shows the atheist intellectuals who say they should be left alone have zero respect for the many blessing they themselves enjoy because of the Values that were established in their own nations by Christian Missionaries.

One Facebook Critic who claims to be a Christian has said….

“I am a Christian, but from the get go this was a horrible idea. This tribe has a history of attacking outsiders and killing them, plus we don’t know their language. So not sure what he thought was going to happen. Here are the facts of the case….

1) It’s illegal to go to that island.

2) It’s illegal to go there because their immune systems not being the same as anyone else’s. He could’ve wiped out the tribe by introducing a disease they have no defence against.

3) It’s illegal to go there because they kill anyone who does.

4) He bribed local fishermen to take him there, which is illegal. These poor fishermen who make barely enough to feed their families have been arrested and are going to jail. Bad for their families.

5) Spreading the gospel is a good thing, but what this man did was incredibly arrogant, ignorant and just flat out stupid. He died for nothing, and put a whole tribe at risk as well as two poor families who of course took the bribe because they have no money.

Spread the word of God, but not at the expense and harm of others around you.”

I Replied…

“And yet Heroic Christians have *always chosen to obey God* rather than Men,
For example Brave Christians have risked their necks and broken Laws smuggling Bibles into Soviet Russia and Communist China… and Christians shared the gospel and held meetings during the times of great persecution in Roman Times…Refused to worship Caeser etc etc.
Christianity is a world changing revolutionary ideology… for Good… against Tyranny…. Bringing Civilisation, Freedom, and Rights.

and also Missionaries have also boldly taken the gospel to Savage lands *knowing the personal risks*.. ie they are heroic people who change the world for the better…

There was nothing *arrogant about wanting to enlighten and raise these people out of squalor and superstition* and your comment is cowardly and unchristian on all these levels.

Only point 2 is of weight… and if you read my blog [postscript below] I discussed the issue of immunity to disease quote:
” Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.”.
And thinking more about particular critisism regarding the risk John posed to them from carrying disease, the more obviously apparent to me that this critisism does not come from any *genuine concern* for the Native Sentinelese but is a mere cloak to disguise the real heart motive of his critics… hate for Christianity and those that propagate it.
This is simply a fake concern… in Truth… esp with modern transportation most of these critics probably dont think twice about carrying their local diseases far and wide across the globe when they go on holidays… nor give a second thought that they themselves might bring back some Evil germs to their own communities which they are not immune to… and this in fact happens all the time!
Quarantine is a seldom used measure these days for traveling humans.
I think this puts some perspective on things on this account…

I am sorry this brave Christian has lost his life for the sake of these primitive savages and the Gospel.
Personally I am a worm of a Christian… carnal and cowardly… unfit… I am in awe of Johns Courage and conviction… and love for his fellow man.
Obviously as a person who believes the Bible is true… and that its Truths and Ethics are of vital importance to humanity, I have a far more positive view of what John was trying to do!
I share Johns belief that Christian truths are of higher value that my own life.
I believe he righteously followed higher laws than mere human prohibitions that would leave these people perpetually in squalor and darkness… without Christ.
John was Christ-like… Christ himself traveling to Jerusalem *despite knowing he would be Crucified by the hateful mob.
Neither sacrificed themselves out of vanity… but had contempt for death… motivated by love to do the will of God… and service to humanity.
God did not will either of their deaths… yet he was well pleased that Jesus chose rather to do what was right, than to cowardly let evil dominate and dictate his actions.
To the world it may appear that Satan won… yet They know nothing of the Victory over Satan, Sin and death in the Resurrection!

As the arrows flew… I can hear Johns prayers… “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… I will fear no Evil…”

The stone age was just last week here in New Zealand… and it still exists for the North Sentinelese …. The 1st world morons and Treaty separatists who scorn British colonization of New Zealand fail to contemplate the gravity of this fact.

There has been a vile gloating by atheists and Antichrists at the murder of this good man, mocking memes, and pseudo justification cloaking his attempt to just talk with them as some sort of threat to their security, and his murder as some sort of legitimate defense of the boarders and property… all bogus…
This man was no threat to them, and it even turns out the Law everyone quotes that it was illegal to visit this Island had recently been lifted!
So he broke no law… while they *did break the law by murdering him*… yet the police are too scared to go there it interview them about his death.
These Hateful opinions come from the children of Satan… those who despise Christianity… those who have been brainwashed into holding contempt for the spread of the Gospel that has brought the greatest geographical spread of civilization and peaceful coexistence in human history.
See this meme below.

The truth is quite different… Meekness is not Weakness…He was not shot in the back running away… like a fleeing woman but shot in the chest many times… as he continued to walk forward… like a Viking.
A Heroic Man of resolve… like so many Missionaries before him.
Braver than I.
The Spirit of a Warrior for Christ… and he deserves to be honored as such by his Christian Brothers and sisters… and his name remembered.
His death was not ‘pointless’.
He will receive his reward in heaven from his Saviour Jesus Christ.

Now These people had the chance to know Christ yet they killed his servant… and they will give account of this on the day of Judgement… like all sinners who Hate Christ and reject him.

Update: There are concerns about any attempt to retrieve his body that this could endanger both the recovery crew and the Natives…(read this).
I say leave it there!
That is what he would have wanted… in no way would he want more lives to be lost over his Mortal shell.
He has finished with it.
Let it return to the dust.

Here is a Positive Christian article I think is worth contemplating…. 10 Lessons From the Death of John Chau

RIP John Allen Chau… see you on the other side.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…







Postscript: Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.

Love Liberty…. Ride Easy… Live Heroically… Squeeze the juice out of life and to hell with Death and Taxes!

The past weekend was Black for Kiwi bikers with 4 fatalities… three from charity and remembrance rides in the South island and a Westy in Henderson, Auckland.
The New Zealand Biker social media community all felt sick about it and reminded each other to take care during the start of the silly season… wear good gear… practice sensible riding principles… etc yet were disgusted to read about the Bogus comments by the minister of Police Stuart Nash who said “… there was no silver bullet for road safety but if more regulation was required then it could be looked at.
Both Mr Nash and the Police Association president Chris Cahill said the road toll was nearing crisis point and in the case of motorcycle deaths the anecdotal evidence suggested it was middle-aged men who did not have the experience to handle large motorbikes who were involved in most accidents.
“Dare I say it, it’s a lot of men going through a sort of mid-life crisis … they go out there and buy a big powerful bike and they just haven’t got the skills and experience to handle it when they get into trouble and they kill themselves,” Mr Nash said.”
Read article here: Men in ‘mid-life crisis’ causing motorcycle crash deaths – Stuart Nash

After hearing about the high bodycount for the weekend we all knew this SORT OF POLITICAL Bullshit would follow.
In New Zealand when ever something sensational happens in the media The Police and Politcians, and doctors all cry out for more Rules and regulations, prohibitions and taxes
What a Tosser!
As if this Pompous twat (Nash) … in the space of a few hours… is well informed and has done a thorough investigation on the causes of these sad events and can definitively say all these guys were *Blow arses*!
Its Fr&ggin disrespectful… and he’s full of crap!
Yet the media laps up this sort of Rubbish that says every problem just requires more government… less freedom.
This is whats wrong with western civilisation these days… anti freedom Knee jerk Legislations suffocating the joy out of life…. its like we live in Jail!
Socialist HELL!
This is why Bikers cant afford to ignore politics… The PC Freaks in the Beehive are 24/7 trying to take away our freedom and what we love.

Furthermore in another… later article about one of the fatal Offs this weekend… though it presents more questions than it answers it still offers quite a different probable cause than what Police Minister Stuart Nash jumped to as a primary cause of the black weekend fatalities… ie that the accidents were chiefly ‘Middle aged idiots’ who buy bikes they dont have the skills to ride’…

This sort of comment is pure preconceived prejudice!
Gross generalizations and assumptions… PC propaganda.
Not grounded in actual facts of the specific cases.

Read: Man in fatal West Coast motorcycle crash was allegedly drink-driving

Yet still even looking at this later article we see there are almost *no facts* other than the fact that he tested *above the legal limit* (which is just a bogus number PC politicians invented and does not objectively prove a person is intoxicated)
… and we can confidently assume the rider was *Only just over the limit* as the media *always* love to make a big deal when they are way over… (so how much information did Stuart Nash have before he began to spout off? Id say almost zero!)

Plus we dont even know if the fact he had a few *was the actual cause of the accident*…. I see no mention of speed… no mention of how the crash occurred… ie road conditions, etc.

Its too easy to make the leap of logic that this accident happened *because he was 52 and the bike was too powerful for his skills… ie no evidence he was a novice…
Or because he had had a couple of drinks* …given how little information is in this article.

Maybe he was pissed… maybe he was speeding… in any event this certainly calls into question the B.S about a primary cause of accidents being ‘Middle aged idiots’ who buy bikes they dont have the skills to ride’… by Police Minister Stuart Nash… and that part of the solution may be even more Licence restrictions etc.
More tiers of licenses will never prevent fools who get Drunk and ride like loons… which is already illegal.

And none of these factors may be the real cause!

This is just a political football.
*Against our Culture*

These tyrannical Nanny state regulations simply punish the innocent and miss the mark by a mile!
We already have enough laws and taxes… too many… they do nothing to reduce the road toll….

What we are witnessing is the modern delusions about Safety and political intervention… as if having enough laws will legislate away death and create a utopia… when in reality it is creating a tyranny and Slave/ prison society.
‘Public safety’ is one of the major Gimmicks Tyrannical powers use to justify their trampling over the rights and liberties of minorities.

Kain Parsons died after being injured during a charity boxing match in Christchurch.

The Feminist driven PC Brigade have attacked *Manly pursuits*/ Freedom twice in as many weeks…this BS about middle age men buying bikes they cant ride (even though they have licences from the government that says they can)… and also …. Charity Boxing…(with the sad death of a Boxer)… yet what this is really all about is ‘Politically correct tyranny’… a whole bunch of old Nags (and people who think like old Nags… no offence to female Bikers who obviously dont subscribe to this Nanny BS… who want to impose their Narrow minded tyranny… and envision a future for the world in which there are no loud motorcycles… no Boxing… No manly Men or Hot Biker babes… etc etc etc…. *Vomit!
Just Man Buns and Buses… and Tree hugging conventions…
No Beer… no Donuts… No Rambo movies… That is the future they are determined to impose upon us and our Children by force… and they want to Brainwash our Kids into thinking all this anti-freedom tyranny is just wonderful!
and all this utter crap is what passes for *political wisdom* today… esp in the two main Nanny state parties…. National and Labour.
Both these parties will make VLAD Laws here… you can count on it… unless we Bikers Rally.

Read NZ medical organisations call for boxing ban following charity fight death.

Tim Wikiriwhi
New Zealand Biker.
Christian Libertarian.

More Biker stuff by Tim…


Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Protect and Serve.

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.


Kent E. Hovind…. Bible believer… Christian Libertarian!

My kind of guy!
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement whose ministry focuses on denial of scientific theories in the fields of biology (evolution), geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible. Hovind’s views, which combine elements of creation science and conspiracy theory, are dismissed by the scientific community as fringe theory and pseudo-scholarship. He has been criticized by Young Earth Creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis for his continued use of discredited arguments that have been abandoned by others in the movement.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989 and Dinosaur Adventure Land in 2001 in Pensacola, Florida. He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Hovind began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions.

Radical Islam is like Socialism… Neither are Religions of Peace.

Note: This post is not about Peaceful Muslims who practice their faith without a desire to impose their values upon others by force.
Its about *Radicalism*.


Facebook Here

Please watch her video (below)

I hear this woman’s cries!
Radical Islam is a kissing cousin of Socialism… both are a threat to our Life, Rights, and liberty.
Religious liberty exists within strict Moral limits… yet both socialists and Radical Islamic want totalitarianism and must be resisted at all costs.
Radical Atheism… Radical Christianity… *Extremism* that is intolerant of the liberty and rights of others and desires power to impose their beliefs upon everyone by force… they are the enemies of humanity… the enemies of justice.
The answer *is Libertarianism*
Look it up folks!
Under Libertarianism you are free to peacefully follow your own conscience … be an atheist… be a Muslim… be a Christian… even be a socialist… and propagate your values via free speech… yet *not* impose your beliefs by force of the Law.
For our Rights are *equal*

The God of Confusion reigns down here… anyone doubt this?
for example… most of us recognize the fact that opening the port callus to allow mobs of Radical Islamics to just walze in and set up shop is a recipe for self destruction! and yet we dont seem to appreciate the fact that letting in Socialists is just as insane… for the very same reason!
Because we have become acclimatized to living with extremist socialists who have no regard for our rights…. shame on us.
Because the media does not alert us to this danger and we are such sheeple as to not contemplate this truth for our selves… shame on us!
Having Open Boarders is a Libertarian ideal… for sure… yet it is not something that can be achieved overnight… it is an ultimate goal… so too is having well defended boarders…. The difficultly is in transitioning from the status quo to the ideal without being foolish… but also by being brave enough to avoid inhumanity towards the needy (like real refugees)
To those paranoid about allowing foreign refugees to stay here.. yet dont apply the same concern for social Democrats who want to stay here… I say you are either foolish and dont appreciate the equivalent risks involved to our country’s Liberty and justice,… or deceitful… because you yourself are a socialist with zero respect for the Freedom of others.
It Acient times, there was noting Evil about having a walled city to keep the barbarians out and the existence of strict terms and conditions for entry (keeping the peace, and respecting the rights and liberties of the inhabitants)… those that enter must consent to minimum standards of conduct that are universally applicable… even outside the walls…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Ministry: Everyday is Halloween!

Last night I came home with my son Roman when my wife announced to him… “It’s Halloween!”.
I had just finished a short Father/Son discussion in the car about this subject with him saying that Halloween is about evil things, and that Christians ought not to celebrate it, yet that because our God is stronger than the powers of darkness we have nothing to fear from it.
I had just stopped off to buy a few beers, and had contemplated buying some sweets to give to the kids that knock on the door… yet I decided against it… we were not going to do the Halloween thing…. yet that changed as soon as we walked in the door.
My Wife knew Roman was looking forward to it, and she had bought a few treats to hand out…. I was not going to argue about it… and I did not even protest when she asked me if I had any Ghoulish accessories I could put at the letterbox to let kids know this was a ‘Trick or treat’ house.
I had a genuine Pig’s skull and a ‘Chrystal skull’ Vodka Bottle that I painted white with red eyes and these were placed on our letterbox.
Nor was I done yet, and I hastily created the ‘Happy Halloween’ poster (Below), and as you can see for yourself, my intention was to take this opportunity to tell any of the neighborhood kids who showed up trick or treating( and their Guardians) that Jesus loves them!

I personally think this is the best way for a Christian to deal with this Pagan celebration… esp if they have young kids too, because it teaches them many valuable lessons that I believe are important about Christian tolerance, Liberty, and conduct.

Christianity is not properly *Anti-Everything*… anti-Fun… etc.
I am not saying that Christians who refuse to have anything to do with Halloween are doing anything *intrinsically wrong*, as long as they are abstaining from a desire to please God, rather than from some sort of Pharisaic legalism that thinks Halloween should be illegal, and that Children who dress up as Ghouls are some how *worshiping Satan!*
That is delusional… and Medieval!
That most Christians today tolerate things like Halloween is Far more within the Spirit of Love and Grace… ie… truly Christian Civility… than earlier times when The church Tyrannized over society and Burned witches, and heretics at the stake… Tortured and maimed Thieves… etc.

So many Pharasaic type Moral legalist Christians dont grasp what the Gospel of grace is all about… or how living by grace in the fellowship of the Mystery is supposed to be vastly different than living as an Old Testament jew under the Law!
Our Apostle Paul had to constantly tell his spiritual children not to return to the Yoke of Bondage… the Law…(Galatians 5) and he even said that *We can even eat meat that has been offered to Idols!*(1 Corinthians chapter 8)… such is the great liberty we have in Christ under Grace!
Thus there is no reason why a Christian cant attend a celebration, a wedding, etc when invited by his non-christian neighbours… even if the food has somehow been consecrated to a false God!

And this is another important fact of Liberty we Christians ought to understand today… That we have nothing to Fear from the powers of Darkness!

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”(2Tim1vs7)

It is pure superstition to think that by allowing your kids to dress up for Halloween that somehow you are inviting Satan into their lives… Because *OUR GOD IS GREATER* than Satan and his demons.

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”(1John4vs4)

Taken in totality The Christian does not have to fear being ‘defiled’ or ‘cursed’ by his unbelieving heathen neighbours…
We can Love them any use every opportunity that presents itself to practice Christian love, Liberty, and Grace!

Matarehua/ rotokakahi This Epic Painting by my Cousin Jae Jae Wickliffe

I do not deny the reality of spiritual things… far be it! I am no Materialist. I have personally experienced a spiritual encounter, and I study phenomena that does not fit the materialist paradigm, from freewill, to Near death experiences, etc… all the things that Materialists must arbitrarily delineate as ‘Illusory’… yet I am careful not to be carried away by delusional hokus pokus.

In My library of History, Philosophy, Religion, and Law I have a Buddha, some African ‘Fetish’ looking wooden carvings, an Aztek God… among other things.
I have recently acquired a large painting of a Taniwha… a Water spirit… and guardian that My People believed lived in their Lake (above)…. and I fear no ill from any of these things… they are a part of History, and culture… and it is important to me that I teach my 8 year old son that Christians should not behave superstitiously towards such things, and to understand them… not fear them or be ignorant about them.
The most important thing being that I educate my son in Biblical truths, and Ethics… and set him an example by my personal walk… so that he sees how important The Lord is to me, and how I implement Christian values in my life… Loving my neighbours… being heroically Good in spite of hardships … To have fun! and enjoy life… to have grace… to be wise… Appreciating the many blessings we enjoy… asking The Lord to help us live as a good Christian… to revere the wisdom of the scriptures… and not being superstitious about things like Halloween.

If you raise your children right they will be able to navigate themselves in this world even after you have gone… even if they stray yet still will they have a light shining in the darkness to where they can find their way again… The sure foundation you taught them, and your own personal example.

Next Year I hope to have greatly improved my Gospel poster ready for October31, and also have some cool gospel tracts to give out with the sweets.
By my reckoning we are not going to stop Halloween from being celebrated in our communities so we may as well turn them into an opportunity to share our Saving faith that is so desperately needed by the lost.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
1611 King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist.

Update: In response to a comment below about ‘All Hallows Eve’ as a ‘historically Christian celebration’.

I appreciate your view… ‘All Hallows Eve’ today can basically be considered the same as celebrating Christmas, and Easter…. Looking back in time we see the Roman Catholic Church ‘Christianized’ all these days, yet the fact remains that these were all Pagan celebrations.
The ‘Prudence’ of Roman domination and Empire was not to absolutely annihilate the institutions and customs of the nations they Conquered by sword, or by Saint…. but to *assimilate* them so that the people did not feel absolute subjugated (less alienation…less likely to rebel… easier to rule)… and of course more likely to embrace the Catholic faith and submit to the Pope.

Protestants historically have challenged all these types of Popish additions to the Christian faith yet slowly have assimilated these themselves so that it is rare that a christian does not celebrate Christmas with a decorated tree (Pagan), or Easter with chocolate Rabbits and eggs (Pagan)…. and it appears that even Halloween is now becoming the Norm too… despite all its Wikken and occultist trimmings.

Though personally I am uncomfortable with all this business, nonetheless there is a futility in trying to avoid it all, and still retain the christian spirit of Love, and grace… just as futile as trying to get the names of the days of the Week changed from their Pagan origins… etc etc….
I think The important thing is to be aware of the history behind all this stuff, and to teach our Children the truth… without becoming fanatically legalistic… trusting in the Grace of God (as prescribed above).

More from Tim…








The Atheist delusion. David Berlinski

“Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close. Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in the terrible 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to being close. Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy in the sciences? Close enough. Does anything in the sciences or their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational? Not even in the ball park. Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt? Dead on.”
David Berlinski

“If somebody says something to me particularly stupid, yet they say it with Proper Grammar… Then I immediately assume the following…What Graduate school did you attend?…”
Dennis Prager.
“The Chaotic forces have taken over education…”
Watch this great video (below)

Night of the Long Knives: SJWs Running the Internet are silencing critics and systematically undermining free and fair elections on a global scale

When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clintion and started dismantling Obama’s Fascist agenda shockwaves rippled trough the Internet.
Because the Political Candidate that the Admins of Google+Youtube, Twitter, and facebook endorsed and wanted to win (Hillary Clinton) lost!… and they realised that their own creations were a primary cause for their own defeat, and they took the Trump victory as such horror they envisioned the end of the Socialist Dream and Human Civilisation!
All their hard work deceiving the world into embracing Climate Change.
All their hard work imposing their anti-christian views on sexuality, all their dreams of a Global centralized Socialist Government etc looked like they were going to be set back 20 years…
This is when they abandoned any pretense to respect for free speech and open dialogue and determined that *Next US election* they would be better prepared to shut down political debates that were not in their own interests… and not just US elections… but they would control information on the Global scale.
Google searches will Bury Websites, blogs, memes, photos, and articles that are anti-left agenda, and would instead put pro left propaganda to the fore.
Facebook will simply axe whole pages they see as being anti-left platforms for their opponents, create Alogorithms that can read memes, and hunt out and automatically ban photos, memes, articles that have been flagged by their SJW minions and spies that infest the internet and political forums.
This is more than just the usual vetting of malicious content… its a massive escalation of definite suppression of dissenting opinions to the political views of these Social Media/ Internet Mogals.
A flexing of mussel designed to slope the playing field, giving massive advantage to their own opinions, to the degree that they will be manipulating the democratic process as surely and effectively as any tyrannical Government censorship.
And Facebook is not an absolutely ‘Free enterprise’. as Governments have heavily invested in Facebook shares.

Read: Facebook has created an AI that can understand memes

To those of us whom understand the essential nature of having open dialogue, Alarm bells began to ring out when this Cabal of Internet Lords, all Banned Alex Jones and his ‘Info wars’… virtually wiping him off the map.
Jones was instrumental in the Trump victory as one of his most ardent supporters with a large global audience, and attacking Hillary Clinton as a Criminal and traitor.
Jones would talk daily on Items of importance… like the Bundy ranch resistance to the BLM, The Murder of Lavoy Finicm by The Black opps ‘Hostage rescue team’… things the mainstream media refused to Air.
The Mainstream media and Hollywood are also largely under control of Rabid Lefty Nutbars and they too engage in a program of keeping the sheeple in the dark.

Read this article from Reason: Facebook Slams Independent Voices With Latest Political Purge

Now I wont deny that Alex Jones says and does some pretty whack things, and that many of the ‘Investigative reports’ on Infowars are considered by many to be nothing but delusional conspiracies and ‘Fake news’.
Also I am a person who is myself disgusted by all the patently dishonest content on the internet flowing from legions of sites and blogs, and individuals with very bent opinions about everything… many of who mass produce Photo-shopped images, and fabricate patent lies about their political enemies… and in this dirty business it is the Right who i say are the chief offenders, and in this sence it should not be surprising that this mass-dishonesty by the Right has added fuel to the rage harboured by the Liberal Internet giants, it has also given them the pretext to begin their heavy censorship program… feigning a legitimacy to their Machiavellian schemes… and they used the notorious Alex Jones as a posterchild for what was about to follow.

Then Zuckerburg made his move and shut down 800+ facebook pages with millions of followers… mostly Anti-liberal agenda sites… under the pretext that these sites prosper from and disseminate fake news.
There was no warning… no discussion… it was a Night of the long knives action… fast, clean, and soon to be forgotten… while normalising the Idea that Anti-liberal opinion is ‘Hate speech’ and ‘fake news’and as such can rightfully be suppressed.
Of Course these actions would have caused Champagne to flow like water among the Lefty Parties, and hordes of Purple haired social justice warriors who have zero respect for any notions of fairness, free speech, etc and whose whole political means of action involves Compulsions and prohibitions.

This is the new puddle of stink that we all must now swim in… the Internet has changed… dramatically for the worst. Freedom is the victim. Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
And this is just the beginning… they will come for the Christians, They will come for the Mens Rights groups, They will come for the likes of The Leuren Sotherns and Stephan moloneuxs … who dare to challenge the Anti white propaganda of the left….. and Libertarians and bloggers like myself.
And just as insidious will be the *fear* this activity will generate among internet users who witnesswill drastically reduce what they share, and what they dare to say fearing that their pages could be shut down without redress at the whims of Facebook administrators…. All it takes is for a single Nasty purple haired Female SJW to ‘take offence’ at a comment or post that they dont like and to report you to the FB gestapo.

As a Passionate Voice of Dissent against Ideological evils and activities of both the Right and the left I have suffered an increasing number of these types of attacks, despite being vigilant and quickly blocking people who make it clear to me they are a SJW and are ‘Triggered’ by something I have said.
I have learned to move quickly to their profile and block them… hopefully before they have run to the Gestapo… one time I was too slow, a Joke I told on a Mushroom Identification page ‘Triggered’ a Purple hair thing (I wont assume her gender 🙂 ) and I was sent to Facebook Jail… for telling a joke!
This is not equal treatment but special privilege!
You can tell jokes about how Dumb Men are… but not any jokes about Transgenders, or SJW Neofeminists, etc…. another recent case was when I was commenting on an ENFJ Briggs-Meyers personality type page (I took the test and it said I was ENFJ Type) , and my comment was on the topic of Briggs-Meyers when some Purple-hair thing told me flat I was not an ENFJ because she had seen my previous profile pic and because it was a Meme-joke that mocked Neo-feminism… this was all the proof she needed that I was too ‘insensitive’ to be a member of *Her caring personality type!*
(The offending Picture Below)…

I dont have time to explain in detail what then transpired … it is enough to say a bunch more SJW Woman showed up and within a day of this, I had been thrown out of the group, and had my picture reported to Facebook whom quickly said It violated Facebook community standards and was Deleted.
Remember that I was not even discussing politics at the time this Attack started.
It was simply enough that It was my profile pic that the SJWs had taken offence to and got me thrown out and reported to the Facebook Gestapo.

^ This is what a SJW Feminazi looks like.

One more example I must share, It will take some explanation, yet it is worth it because it is very telling about how frightening things have become at facebook… and how powerful are their methods to screen everything that everyone is saying, and to crush anything that goes against their agenda, while leaving any BS that serves their purposes.
Below is another pic I shared in one of my photo albums, that is actually an example of despicable Right wing doctoring aimed at provoking anti-left sentiment. And they specialise in this particular type of photo doctoring that changes the message on a Protesters placard.

This one above is the Doctored picture. The one below is the original

Now it is only obvious to see that this picture has been doctored when you see the original, and I was taking it at face value, and had shared it to my page, when I read in the comments that followed that this was Doctored and the original was provided.
Of course I was peeved at this deception, It was not the first time I had gullibly shared a picture that had been doctored by the Right, and so Determined not to be so easily fooled again!
I noticed a pattern in these deceptive placard pictures that is also a dead giveaway for fake News articles in that if the Picture is too overt… or the Headlines of the ‘Newspiece’ is also way over the top’… then it is highly likely these things are manufactured Propaganda designed to doop the naive, and generate outrage.
Of course this should have been obvious to me before I had shared these things… yet It just goes to show how successful these dirty tricks can be.
Pissed off at the dirty tactics of the Right this time I created a photo album with the title of ‘The Right is as full of Dirty Liars as the left.’… and it featured this doctored picture, and I placed a description with it that said “I foolishly shared this photo thinking it was a *Real self-loathing white Lefty*… which it actually is… *Yet the message has been photoshopped by a dirty bastard Right winger who added in ‘Killing all’.
This is despicable deception… the sort that has ruined the internet… filled it with lies!
Designed to generate outrage and hate….”
I also shared the un-doctored Original so that my readers could see the obvious doctoring (photo shopping)
All was great… I was starting to populate my new album with more examples of these despicable Right wing deceptions when My Page was frozen by an automated program that had detected the doctored pic and told me that my Picture violated facebook standards.
Remember I had not put this pic in my album to *Spread the lie* but to expose the lie… yet the automation did not give a toss about that! It was simply ‘obeying za orders’ programmed into it to search and destroy this pic where ever it had been posted in Facebook.
I was however given the option to ask for a review… which I clicked… and was told this process would take about 24 hours… anyway much to my surprise my picture was restored!
And it was accompanied with the reply that the Review process found that my pic *Did not breach facebook standards* and that they had made a mistake!
Now it is not a long bow to draw that my picture had been reviewed by a living breathing Liberal SJW Facebook censor who realised I was using this picture to put the hate on the Right wingers… whom Facebook are trying to destroy… and so all of a sudden this picture was acceptable!!!!

All of a sudden it Did not breach their community standards!
This shows they are patently discriminating against the Right, while giving anything that is anti-right licence to kill! and has nothing to do with ‘Community standards’ at all!
And This copy remains as we speak in my photo album for the world to see!
Yet when I try and share it from my album, It gets sniped again by the search and destroy algorithm!
You can try this… copy the pic above and share it on your page and I guarantee you will get a visit from the Killbot.
I have also received links to reports that Facebook has been developing the software to screen *Every picture and meme* that gets posted… so they have absolute control to censor everything and anything, and that this is what they are doing.
I have had other attacks to my page too that affect my ability to function as a Libertarian Advocate and critic, yet this will suffice.
Multiply all this by Billions of times and the net effect this will have on the democratic process of western societies is mind numbing to apprehend!
The Masses of Facebook sheeple will be receiving more and more propaganda of the Left… with less and less voices of descent.
I fully expect to have my page shut down in the near future, yet until then I will be exposing this corruption!

Now this post is already ridiculously long, and maybe no one will read it yet I must make one final point… and it has to do with the solution to this Tyranical Cabal of Left wing Internet monsters.
First of all it is worrisome that many who suffer the oppression of the Facebook Gestapo will run straight to *Their Governments* asking them to pass legislation to take away the ‘evil powers’ from these Liberals who are hell bent on manipulating the public and the election processes of western nations.
They will probably say this is a perfect example of the need to implement *Antitrust legislation* to break up these massive companies into smaller chunks that are supposed to then work in competition with one another instead of collusion… Yes The Government regulators will save us!!!
That will be to leap out of the frying pan… into the fire!
You see *Internet Tyranny and control* is in fact something Western Socialist Democratic States have been dreaming of accomplishing *for themselves!*
The result will not be greater freedom of speech… but simply a shift of power from private hands into the Governments.
They will not simply legislate to break up Facebook, Google, etc, but will also legislate to make all sorts of internet communications illegal… and so instead of merely being thrown in ‘virtual jail’ as happens now… there is every probability that we will begin to be thrown in *Real jail* simply for expressing our own opinions (it is already happening!).
The Real solution is for some smart entrepreneurs and programmers to understand what is going on and to take steps to capitalise on the massive outrage that is being generated by the prejudices of the current internet giants, and to develop alternative social media sites and search engines… ones that have Iron clad security, and that have a constitution/ code of ethics to be what all ‘Free Press’ are supposed to be… the Vanguards of Freedom… of equal rights… of free speech!
And when this happens and people realise that there are far better places to do business than Facebook and Google… their power will be broken… their stocks will crash… and their reign of terror will be over.
This can be done without surrendering anything to Governments.
It will take time.
I have already signed up to MeWe social media site as an interim bolthole should my facebook page get axed, yet I have herd rumours of far better and secure social media site are in development as we speak!
Something called ‘Chain-blocking’ which is gibberish to me, yet my geeky friends assure me its very snazzy and will be awesome when it arrives!
And this is the Free market in action… and to the rescue!
The despicable tyrants running Youtube, Facebook, Google, have sown the seeds of their own destruction, and I hope the creators of these better sites are not only more ethical… which will be their greatest marketing strategy they could aspire to… but also that they become super wealthy from their creations that will go a long way towards halting the diabolical evils of Liberals Fascists in high places.

While I in no way fully endorse Donald Trump, I will say that By Defeating Hillary Clinton Trump saved America from a very very dangerous socialist tyrant.
And Donald Trump is by far a more honest, and just President than the despicable and psychotic Hillary Clinton who fully endorsed everything that Barack Obama did… they conspired together, and was poised to take things to the next level.
Thankfully the American people had had enough of their Diabolical and treasonous Agenda that was trying to destroy American Values, Rights,and freedom and force everyone into embracing Anti-Christian depravity and delusions… Grown men… perverts…. mentally ill allowed in Little girls Toilets!

Trumps victory has in fact caused the left to become even more psychotic… things are getting progressively worse… not just on line, but on the streets, and how Law and order is now being implemented.
The destroyers like violent Fascists groups like Antifa can cause riots etc with impunity, while anyone who tries to physically defend themselves will get arrested. Critics of the Left get their speeches cancelled, etc etc… there is a war against Freedom going on and its getting very violent.
It is becoming dangerous to oppose the psychotic Left.

^ here we see a guy in court who dared belong to a group called ‘Proud boys’. He was labeled a ‘member of a ‘hate group’ and a White Supremacist… even though he is married to a black woman and has black kids!
And you can guarantee it was Antifa who threw the first punch.
We all know their moto ‘Punch a fascist’… how Ironic… Today a Communist is just a Transgenderised Fascist!
Fascism in Drag.

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Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

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Give me Liberty, or give me Death!