Category Archives: Alternative Medicines and Treatments

Home D gets Home D… for the crime of pulling teeth! NZ Herald.

This is a case out of the Dark ages….
Guildist protectionism… only Guild Bakers can bake…. only Guild Wheelwrights can make wheels.

It demonstrates the sorts of people our ‘system’ persecutes… Anyone whose ‘enterprise’ does not conform to their Monopolistic, Favour-istic, Compliance/ Credential heavy,…. and Exorbitant extortion rackets.

Here’s an experienced guy who has been helping the poor… for more than 9 years… alleviating pain
He has the support of 500 people…. yet he’s been busted, and treated like he was a violent or dis-honest criminal.
You think socialism cares about your Health…. about your pain?
Get Real!
It cares about maintaining it’s stranglehold upon everything we do!

Personally I dont think I would get my teeth worked on in a Garage.
When it comes to pain killing drugs…. I want the good stuff!
I pay! I pay!
My Dentist does a great job…. yet the thing is though if I was struggling financially and was suffering tooth related pain … which is very torturous….*Then*… I probably would.

To my way of thinking anyone who went to this man for dental work would know they were getting a ‘back yard job’… the same as when you take your car to a friend’s mate to get fixed…. because he’s cheep.
And I would only do such a thing if these back yard operators had a good reputation… and It appears that 500 people were willing to support his activities.

This is exactly the sort of thing the socialist power trippers want to nip in the bud.
They dont want the people to realise you can get stuff done without all the Rules and regulations, and certificates…. etc.
Thus the lie …. they say they have shut down and punished Mr Vailea for the sake of health and safety … to protect the public, when in reality they have shut him down and punished him to protect their own power-base and political racket.
Tim Wikiriwhi

sione Vailea

Underground dentist gets home detention

A man who ran an underground dental practice from his South Auckland home has been sentenced to four months home detention.

Sione Heinave Vailea appeared in the Manukau District Court this afternoon facing charges of criminal nuisance, performing a restricted activity, forgery and possession of prescription medicines.

The court heard how Vailea had carried out dental work including root canals, extractions and gold inlays from his Mangere home, despite not being a registered dentist.

A summary of facts showed pictures of where Vailea carried out his work; showing unhygenic conditions and old equipment.

The majority of patients were from the Tongan and wider Pacific community.
Vailea worked as a dental therapist in Tonga for many years, but was not qualified in that same area in New Zealand.

It is understood the offending carried on for about nine years.

Judge Fraser initially sentenced Vailea to 12 months imprisonment, but was later reduced to four months home detention.

The judge said he acknowledged Vailea’s lack of previous convictions and a petition with more than 500 signatures from his community, showing their support.

LEAP NZ Law Enforcement against Prohibition. New Zealand.

Hat tip… Dakta Green

ross mRoss Meurant: The case for decriminalisation.

NZ Herald 21-6-11

What simply does not work is the system of severe penalties for producing, transhipping and selling substances deemed illegal.

During my first four years as a National MP I initiated four policy papers, three of which were ultimately embraced as party policy.

But the fourth, to legalise drugs, failed miserably.

By the time I articulated my views on this subject in my second book, The Beat to the Beehive, I had wimped out under internal National Party pressure and merely articulated a case to study, in depth, the consequences of legalising cannabis, and to consider changes in that direction.

Privately I argued all dope should be decriminalised and now, 10 years later, I believe the evidence I gathered is as valid as ever. My case in 1990 was based on research done during my last few years in the police. As an inspector and university student I had high-level access to police data and an academic interest in drug crime.
The research suggested that perhaps 50 per cent of all crime in New Zealand was drug related. The data – which I collected in the Auckland police cells and extrapolated as a hypothesis across the country – covered arrests for importing; supply; possession for supply; thefts, burglaries and robberies for drugs or money to buy drugs. Possession for self-use brought up the rear.

It was obvious that a high percentage of serious crime – such as bank robberies, kidnappings and serious assaults – had a drug-related theme.

Gangs needed ready cash to make down-payments on large imported caches, addicts needed cash to feed their habits. Then there was gang warfare over territorial distribution rights and retribution over payments not made.

It occurred to me that the police workload might be reduced substantially if the drugs people fought over, killed for, and died protecting, were dispensed through government-licensed outlets – just like alcohol.

It would be possible to establish the names of all who entered government-licensed stores to make legal purchase of substances we presently deem illegal.

This record of “users”, those who used hard drugs such as heroin, could be placed on a register for treatment and counselling from health professionals.

Drug addiction, like alcoholism, is a sickness. It should not be treated as a crime – although penalties for abuse in a public place would be part of the armoury of the state to protect other citizens from those who took drugs lawfully but caused a nuisance. This is what happens now with alcohol.

The question of young people being vulnerable is no more potent a concern with drugs than with alcohol.

Alcohol has an impact on perhaps 75 per cent of crime, and much road carnage. It is not good for your health, nor does it have spin-off benefits for the community.

Yet we as a society tolerate continued advertising of alcohol as a desirable cultural characteristic – and why? I suggest it is the power of the brewery lobby and the recognition that prohibition simply won’t work.


The best way to control alcohol use by young people is not to make it unobtainable but to impose draconian penalties for misuse, particularly where the effects of misuse are manifest in a public place or impact adversely on others.

Zero tolerance with drink-driving for people under 28 is my start point. Overnight in a police cell for street drunkenness is another bottom line.

The rationale being: abuse of a substance lawfully available is where the penalties should fall and not on supply or possession, which effectively stimulates a black market and underworld.

This same rationale I suggest could be applied to drug use.

What simply does not work is the system of severe penalties for producing, transhipping and selling substances deemed illegal. Whether it be the death penalty, life imprisonment or examples of many past and present profile cases where mere “mules” let alone people higher up the supply chain are imprisoned in foreign jails with terrifying reputations.

All these and other attempts to prohibit possession and use of drugs through a punitive approach to the supply line have failed.

Instead, the policy has spawned drug barons with the wealth to own private armies which deliver terror to the doorsteps of politicians, judges and police and by this corruption govern entire states de facto.

At the same time, the impact of the drug trade on the world economy is massive.

Recently, former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan acknowledged that the international war on drugs had failed.

Others suggested that the international community (a euphemism for “someone else – not me”) revisit the question of legalisation.

It is my contention that the pain to society of trying to protect a minority from themselves is disproportionate to the benefits to society.

* Ross Meurant is a former MP and drug squad detective.

Tim Wikiriwhi. Hamilton … No to Fluoride!

water treatment

Dear Mayoral candidate,

We are a local group of citizens with an interest in promoting the health benefits of fluoridation.

Could you please respond to these two questions:

(1) Do you support the resumption of fluoridation in Hamilton’s water supply?

(2) If the referendum results in a majority of voters in favour, would you support the resumption of fluoridation?

The opinions of candidates obtained from this canvass will be made known to our members and released publicly.

With regards,
Selwyn June

‘Fluoridate Our Water’
A Campaign for Better Dental Health in Hamilton

Tim Wikirwhi respond’s….

Dear Selwyn,
Q1. I don’t believe my personal opinion about Fluoride is what is important, but there are higher issues/ principles at stake.|Namely it is not the councils job to force medicate the people of Hamilton, which is what the pro-fluoride lobby seems to believe is ok.
My argument is the people who want fluoride in their water can find means of dispensing it into their own supply.

Q2. No! I do not support binding citizen referendums which seek to impose upon the legitimate rights of minorities.
Ref to my answer above.
Fluoridation is one current task which the council can rightly divest itself, and pass on to citizens as a matter of personal choice and responsibility.
Kind regard’s Tim W.

Yo Kotton mouth Kings… Dont you get it? Obama Sux nuts just as badly as the rest of them…except Jimmy Carter.

“Reefer Madness”

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized

Why People Always Be Afraid Of What They Don’t Know
I Understand can’t Comprehend The Infos So Old
The Reefer Madness video is Purely Propaganda
A Movie Made To Scare All Of The Kids In Alabama
Maybe they’re Afraid To Think That They Might Lose Control
Instead Of Embracing It’s Many Uses Performing The Medical
It’s All Pathetic Though A Pharmaceutical Company
Can Make You Feel High Than Low
It Seems It’s All About The Money
Funny Cause

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Too Much Peace And Harmony
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Open Minds And People Free

No Rest Upon My Feet Until My People Free
When They Turn The Ganja Plant Into An Evil Weed
It’s Reefer Madness

Check this
So Many Friends that I know Have Suffered The Lies The Governments Strangle
Into The Ground illegal Bound In Every Angle
Even The Lawmakers Making The Laws Are Smoking The Bong And Vapin The Chronic
And Nobody Hearing The Voice Of The Weed I Find It Ironic
So How Do We Govern The Danger Of Not Becoming To Hostile
Not Losing The Mind Not Crossing The Line Not Feeling Colossal
There’s Only One Avenue We Can Be Sure That We Getting Our Justice
The legalization of it, of the weed, they tryin’ ta bust us.


[Daddy X:]
We Got A Black President Before Weed’s Legal
In My Mind In My Time That Shits Unbelievable
I Love Obama I Love All People
I Just can’t Believe That The Plants Not Legal
A Plant, A Seed, That Grows In The Soil
And They’re Still Fightin’ Bloody Wars Over Oil?
Reefer Madness Is Useless Propaganda
Fear Is The Tool That They Use To Command Us
So Understand Us We Don’t Fear No Plant
We don’t fear no plant


Obama does not deserve any respect from Cannabis users.
He has maintained the oppression, and actually worked to hinder the independent states from legalising it for medical use.
Fortunately many of the States have ignored the Federal government and gone ahead and legalised it anyway.

Read more…
Ex US President Jimmy Carter wants to end the war on drugs.

The War on drugs is lost

Helen Clark calls War on Drugs a failure

Personal Enlightenment… That Glorious moment when the Scales fall from the Eyes of a Sheep blinded by Propaganda…and they See the truth! Cannabis is a Medicine.


When Realisations like this happen it’s called a personal Enlightenment.
I Salute any person who realises they were wrong about supporting an oppressive Law, and comes clean about it…. and says sorry…esp if they then actively work for the cause they once oppressed…
They Redeem themselves thereby.

Read more here>>>> Dr. Sanjay Gupta comes out in favor of medical marijuana

There is every reason to believe that Western society is at this moment waking up to the follies and delusions which underpin The prohibition of Cannabis and restring it’s reverenced Status as a blessing to Humanity which it previously enjoyed since the dawn of time..


Read more…

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

Self Help. Hands on…Fighting the Demon Cancer (No2). Cannabis cures Cancers

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Crist canab

This is controversial stuff but the Video below is a *must watch* for Parents with Children who suffer seizures or Epileptic fits.

The Australian News clip in the following blog post also validates this important medical treatment….It is a must watch too! >>> Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

It is important to appreciate that the parent’s in both these countries have exhausted ‘Orthodox treatments’ and they are now desperately searching for Alternative treatments.
They are well aware of the controversial nature of choosing to give Cannabis a try.
It is truly nasty to hear the ‘orthodox bigots’ who, though they have failed to help these Children, tell parents that they should not use medical Cannabis “because it has not been through ‘trials’! Such Closed minded people have vested interests, and would rather you let your children die in your arms than have the freedom in alternative medicine… and being bold enough to make your own decisions without their professional opinions… and fees.
Pot is in fact the most ‘Field tested’ substance on Earth!
We know its Safe, and these parents are coming forward and sharing the News that Cannabis is Saving lives!

Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

tony bower mullaway
Tony Bower Director of Mullaway Medical Cannabis Limited, and Auzzy Hero!
Facebook here:!/Mullaway

Any one with Children who suffer from Fits and Seizures needs to watch this Video!
If you know anyone with children who suffer Fits and Seizures please forward this Video to them!
It could save their lives.
It is a matter of extreme urgency that Medical Cannabis be Legalised and made available to the New Zealand public!
IF had a child with such a condition, I would not hesitate to break the Law and get some of this Medicine for my child.

Tony Bower is a hero who is battling Prosecution for Cannabis cultivation to produce his wonder Medicine. I implore the people of Australia to Rally in his defence.

Post script update 15-6-13

It appears that the benefits of Cannabis in respect to treating Epilepsy were well known before it was prohibited…

Chapter 3 – (2nd Edition)

[America’s 1st Drug Czar, Harry Anslinger]

This section of the Antique Cannabis Book, was meant primarily as a tool for active News Media Reporters who needed a quick (yet well documented) source of information on the subject of Governmental Censorship as it relates to Medical Cannabis. As such this (1947) study, which was openly published and never actually under the threat of censorship, would normally not qualify for inclusion.

However, a quick look beneath the surface shows a different story. One that reveals, wheels within wheels, circles within circles, all spinning around . . . . let’s just say that this study, came very close to (ah, how shall we put it), going the way of oh so many other Medical Cannabis studies.

The author is convinced that had Anslinger (or anyone at the D.E.A.) known about the study BEFORE IT WAS PUBLISHED , it most assuredly would have been CENSORED. Either that or (doing what the Narc’s do now), killed it in its cradle by simply denying the researchers the needed licenses and permits.

This one however, seems to have slipped though the cracks. Here let us go over the facts (those we’ve been able to locate), and let the reader to decide.

The following, located via 420 Magazine [1] is the shortest summery that we’ve been able to find. However, as it’s still filled with lots of PHD gobble goop, so the reader is advised simply to skim-read-it. The long and the short of it is that “ Cannabis Works. ”
Anti-Epileptic Action Of Marijuana-Active Substances BY JEAN P. DAVIS, M.D., and H.H. RAMSEY, M.D. [2]

The demonstration of anticonvulsant activity of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) congeners by laboratory tests (Loewe and Goodman, Federation Proc. 6:352, 1947 ) prompted clinical trial in five institutionalized epileptic children.

All of them had severe symptomatic grand ma1 epilepsy with mental retardation; three had cerebral palsy in addition. Electroencephalographic tracings were grossly abnormal in the entire group; three had focal seizure activity. Their attacks had been inadequately controlled on 0.13 gm. Of phenobarbital daily, combined with 0.3 gm. of Dilantin per day in two of the patients, and in a third, with 0.2 gm. Of Mesantoin daily. Two isomeric 3 (1,2-dimethyl heptyl) homologs of THC were tested, Numbers 122 and 125A, with ataxia potencies fifty and eight times, respectively, that of natural marijuana principles. Number 122 was given to two patients for three weeks and to three patients for seven weeks. Three responded at least as well as to previous therapy; the fourth became almost completely and the fifth entirely seizure free. One patient, transferred to 125A after three weeks, had prompt exacerbation of seizures during the ensuing four weeks, despite dosages up to 4 mg. daily. The second patient transferred to 125A was adequately controlled on this dosage, except for a brief period of paranoid behavior three and a half weeks later; similar episodes had occurred prior to cannabinol therapy. Other psychic disturbances or toxic reactions were not manifested during the periods of treatment. Blood counts were normal.

The cannabinols herein reported deserve further trial in non-institutionalized epileptics. Reprinted from Federation Proceedings, Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology, vol. 8, lY49, p. 284.
Source: Anti-Epileptic Action Of Marijuana-Active Substances

The below newspaper article, taken from the “Salt Lake City telegram [May 20, 1947], was located via the National Archives (College Park, MD). It belonged to and was integrated into the files of Harry Anslinger’s old Bureau of Narcotics, today known as the D.E.A. We believe that it was the first that Anslinger knew about the study, and thus too late to CENSOR or put a stop to it.

[Bureau of Narcotics files, — National Archives, College Park, Md.]

[As per the Bureau of Narcotics Files ; National Archives]
Marijuana Leaf Plays Epilepsy Cure Role

Drug principles isolated from leaves of marijuana, an innocent-looking plant that grows wild in different parts of the world, are playing an important role in research on a cure for epilepsy.

This is the same marijuana which so many people fear as a habit-forming drug and which is noted for the opium-like dreams it produces in those who partake of it.

The drugs being used are synthetic substances related to cannabinol, which is contained in marijuana, but does not produce the same effects. Dr. Jean P. Davis, faculty researcher at the University of Utah medical college, has done considerable research with the drugs in treatment of minor and convulsive epilepsy.

She reports that the drugs have been found effective about 50% of the time. Future for epileptics appears “very bright,” she said, “because of not only one new drug, but a whole field of new compounds to combat epileptic seizures.”

Helps Minor Seizures One of these new drugs, trimethadione, is most effective in petit mal epilepsy, minor seizures common in younger patients. Another, paramethadione, a sort of second cousin to the first, is useful in such spells.

A third compound, called phenerone, is effective in psycho-motor seizures, sudden episodes of unusual behavior, accompanied by amnesia.

Epilepsy comes in four degrees: grand mal, or pykno-epilepsy, with brief staring spells; psycho-motor, accompanied by amnesia and unusual behavior, and Jacksonian, identified by retention of consciousness with progressive twitching and numbness of one leg or arm.

Mr. Davis is in charge of a section of the psychiatric clinic at Salt Lake General hospital, where she does some clinical work. She also instructs advanced courses in the departments of pharmacology and physiology at the university.

Began in 1929 According to Dr. Davis, actual valuable research with modern methods of fighting epilepsy came into their own in 1929 with the invention of the electro-encephalograph, an instrument for recording brain activity.

And the latest of the compounds used in treatment of the affliction was developed in 1948. Meanwhile, research is advancing at a rapid pace, Dr. Davis said.

She studied for three years under Dr. William Lennox, one of the top U.S. experts on epilepsy. She received her doctor of medicine degree at Yale university in 1943.

Most of her clinical work has been confined to children, with whom she “likes to work.”
Here note the wording:
“. . . Have been found effective about 50% of the time. “

“ . . . the same marijuana which so many people fear “

“ . . . Drug principles isolated from leaves of marijuana . . . being used are synthetic substances related to cannabinol, which is contained in marijuana, but does not produce the same effects. “
With respect to the above — note that a Medical Cannabis like “synthetic substance” is being referred to.
