Category Archives: Sorros

The WEF. Klaus Schwab’s New Age Religious Cult.

The diabolical Claus Schwab Sells A Heavenly futuristic vision of Global Tyranny

From X.
Posted by ‘Resist CBDC’ @Resist_CBDC here

“The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.

“You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”

The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.

This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.

All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”

Click and watch…

My commentary….

There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…

And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?

WEF, Soros Determined to insure Donald Trump Does not win 2020 Election… and they achieved their objective.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

“There’ll be NO FOOD LEFT And It’ll Be WAR” – Farmers Expose WEF Agenda: Russell Brand.

UK PM Starmer does sharp U Turn on illegal immigration. Admits ‘Open Boarders experiment’

NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?

Christchurch terror attack: Coroner probes how gunman obtained firearms licence

So in the One News story (above) we are told that ‘The New Zealand Police have had training how to spot ‘Extremist views’.
The question must be asked… what exactly such training might entail?

We can have a fair guess given both Ardern’s ‘Disinformation Project’ and sycophantic Leftist New media outlet ‘News Room’ cite the attitude of ‘anti-immigration’ as being one of the signals for ‘Dangerous Far right extremism.’

This is probably also the sort of thing the police are looking to detect when they ‘Drop by unannounced’ to have a little chat with fire arms owners.
With this in mind it is probably advisable not to speak to them unless you have a lawyer present.

It’s an absolute fact that the Police did not apply the law or follow the safety processes and that theirs was the chief failure that resulted in the Terrorist death toll… yet Ardern used the situation to Rob law abiding citizens of their rights to have semiautomatic rifles and large mag shotguns.

The whole business was a travesty of justice and a usurpation of Power. Ardern and the Police had an agenda to take away New Zealanders Rights in this regard *already in process*… just waiting for the opportunity to impose it.

Tarrant himself even wrote in his still illegal manifesto that he chose to use these fire arms because he knew it would result in the NZ government persecuting NZ gun owners and Banning these fire arms… and like puppets on strings Ardern and Co did exactly what Tarrant wanted… and banned his manifesto so few Kiwis would actually know the Gun ban was part of Tarrant’s plan!

Yet I suspect things could be far more rotten than what the average ‘conspiracy theorists’ believe… because what Tarrant did is a carbon copy of what Norwegian Gunman Anders Breivik did in 2011. Both Tarrant and Breivk declared that why they were committing their atrocities was because they wanted to highlight what is called ‘The Great Replacement’… ‘conspiracy’ in which (to my limited knowledge of this subject) is a claim that there is a Conspiracy of Powerful elites seeking to overthrow Western democracies *By flooding western Nations with legal and illegal migrants from the third world*.

Now of course after these psychopaths committed their terrorist evils… The official narrative became… ‘Anyone who is anti-immigration’… ‘anyone who speaks up against Mass immigration’ … these people are dangerous Far Right Radicals espousing the same psychopathic delusions *as Tarrant and Brevik*! Ie because of what Tarrant and Brevik did… made it possible for Socialist governments to basically prohibit any public discourse which implies there is a Global political agenda to destroy Western democracies via mass immigration of Aliens who do not share Western Religion, Values, ideals… but who in fact carry beliefs that are violently opposed to Western beliefs.

This is where I tell you *There is exactly this Globalist Agenda going on before our very eyes!* And we should not be afraid to speak up about it! To discuss it… etc. Now I utterly condemn what Brevik and Tarrant did. I think it was horrific and Evil in the extreme and I would never ever condone anyone *Copy cating* their crimes… yet it smacks of 4 D Chess that these two events happened centered on *this fundamental reality* of systematic Mass migration… esp when we had NZPM Jacinda Ardern delivering speeches at the UN saying shit that no New Zealander sanctioned her to say as our representative on the world stage about promoting a ‘Border-less’ Global community…!!!

That’s not a bogus conspiracy theory on my part… non of this is mis-information! It’s all documented *Facts*.

My next point is conjecture founded upon an assessment of all the facts. I’m not saying this happened because it’s beyond the pale of what is conscionable! Yet it’s almost like both Brevik and Tarrant were CIA MK Ultra programmed useful idiots who both preformed false flag operations for the sake of making speech in resistance to Mass migration illegal ‘Racist hate speech’.

Even if they were not MK Ultra Zombies… the end result of what they did is the same… It worked in favour of the Soros/WEF/ Ardern/ Gates Cabal to outlaw criticism of their Globalist agenda to destroy Western First world capitalist societies so they can set up their Totalitarian New World order which does away with pesky Individual rights to property, freedom, free speech, The 2nd amendment, limited government, Medical freedom, etc etc etc.

Even if Tarrant and Brevik were not MK Ultra Zombies the Global push to control the internet and Ban firearms… *certainly represents a real world Tyrannical agenda that threatens individual rights and The freedom of Western civiisation*… and it cannot be a crime for free citizens to openly talk about what these corrupt politicians and Power trippers are doing!

The Great Replacement is a real thing! We see it In Europe! Look at France! Look at London! Look at what is happening on the Mexican boarder of the US! We are talking about a systematic invasion.

And seeing this fact… knowing this fact does not make anyone a ‘dangerous far right extremist’!

What it makes you is a dissident activist whom the Powers that be want to suppress and outlaw!

*IE it’s the Globalist power trippers who want to destroy our societies and take away our rights and create Police States that arrest people like me who dare say things that might stir the voting public to resist their evil political schemes!

They are trying to make writing a post like this one illegal. They want the power to arrest voices like mine. They want to force X not to allow conversations like this to take place on line.

As far as the Corrupt WEF and their minions are concerned my musings and thinking ought to be illegal!

That is what’s at stake regarding Tarrant…. That is what Ardern has spent the last 5 years flying around the Globe seeking to cajole governments into passing anti free speech laws and taking control of social media.

Remember her speech to the UN that called free speech a weapon of war!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

Jacinda Ardern Pilloried in International Press as Authoritarian Psychopath for calling Free speech ‘a weapon of war’.

New Zealanders Must Not Countenance The Extremist Language Of Kate Hannah’s ‘Disinformation Project’. Abolish Them Now !

Marc Daalder Propagandist for Far Left Extremism. His Roll in ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021.’ (part 1)

I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence.

Phil Arps: A Portrait of a real Alt Right Nationalist White Supremacist: Combating Malicious Left wing propaganda.

New Zealand Gun community Roast National Party Mps for Selling them out on Ardern’s New Gun Confiscations.

Report from New Zealand…. Gun Buy Back scheme and Amnesty period finished. Over 100 000 Guns not surrendered. Raids expected.

Remembering March 15 2019… The Darkest day for New Zealand.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

From X here.

Scott Stapp lead singer of the band Creed performing at the Cruzan Amphitheater
West Palm Beach, Florida – 16.09.09.
Where: United States
When: 16 Sep 2009
Credit: WENN

Scott Stapp from Creed goes off on epic screed explaining the need for Rs & Ds to unite against Soros and the WEF.

“That’s exactly what they want. The powers that be want us divided. They want us separated. They want us compartmentalized in our own little niches, in our own little groups. Thinking we’re right, they’re wrong, and bickering. You know why? To keep us distracted from holding them accountable.”

“They start dividing us and programming us in kindergarten. They teach us about how to be slaves to authority, about how to think this way, and think that way; All conforming us into this divided group of assets and pawns.”


“It’s divide & conquer. We say they’re doing it everywhere else, but it’s happening right here at home. Everything we accuse every other country of doing, we’re doing right here.”

“Your civil rights are being violated every single minute of every single day. And what do we do about it? We focus on what divides us. We argue like keyboard warriors. The only way to make change is to come together as one to focus on what we have in common. Life. Freedom. Love.”

“We start reminding them of what our Constitution says. We start reminding them what our Bill Of Rights says. We remind them that we are a Constitutional Republic built upon the Bible and the word of God and NOT a democracy.”

“Take back the power that was rightfully given to us. It’s our birthright. We can’t do it alone, the only way is Unity. We’re One but we’re not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One.”

Amen! I couldn’t have said it better.

As soon as you want to hold the elite accountable more than you want to attack your fellow Americans, we will have the change we all want.

The Great Awakening is HERE…”