The Doomed HMNZ Manawanui . 6 October. Samoa. Photo from here
By John McLean, author of “A Mission of Honour; The Royal Navy in the Pacific, 1769-1997”.
In my article of a couple of days ago on the HMNZS Manawanui disaster, entitled “Is The Navy Fit For Purpose?”, I raised the issue of the perceived over-promotion of minority groups in the services at the expense of the efficiency of our defence forces.
Speculation is rife throughout the country as in both general conversation and on social media (usually a truer reflection of opinion than the mainstream media) the suspicion is that the captain of HMNZS Manawanui, Commander Yvonne Gray, was over-promoted because she ticked the boxes of being both female and lesbian.
Instead of facing this issue and providing some facts to rebut such a presumption the Navy has compounded the problem by appointing as chair of the Inquiry into the disaster yet another person who can only too easily be perceived to be another of its over-promoted women – in this case Commodore Melissa Ross, who also ticks the boxes that seem to be more and more important in naval promotions – in her case being both female and part-Maori.
So passionate is she about the importance of promoting women in the Navy (apparently because they are women rather than on merit) that the Navy website of 6 December, 2019, stated of her: “She is passionate about the development of women in the military and was co-chair of the N.Z. Defence Force’s Women’s Development Steering Group, which she helped create”.
She gave away her prejudices in her own words: “With women in the Navy, we still have work to do to create the environment where they can thrive” (presumably at the expense of men). And yet the speaker of this sexist nonsense has been appointed by her fellow feminist, Judith Collins, to investigate the sinking of the Manawanui by another woman officer, Yvonne Gray whose ability to tick various boxes is widely believed to have been the reason for her rapid promotion to command of the $100 million vessel that, under her command, sank in Samoan waters.
How could anyone have faith in such an Inquiry, headed by one who appears to be so fanatically committed to her fellow female officers as to bring her objectivity into doubt? Commodore Ross is the very last person who should be involved in an inquiry into the sinking of the Manawanui. Much of the blame for this continuing “train crash” can be laid at the feet of Judith Collins who, as Minister of Defence, was responsible for appointing her fellow feminist, Melissa Ross, to head the inquiry.
Instead of trying to rebut the obvious presumption that Yvonne Gray might have been appointed to command due to her ability to tick certain boxes of political correctness that the Navy apparently now deems so essential to promotion, Judith Collins resorted to smear tactics, which are always easier than giving truthful answers to allegations. Those who dared to point out that the purpose of the Navy is to defend the country and that this can best be achieved by promotion on merit rather than gender/sexual orientation were damned by Collins as “misogynists” and “armchair admirals”.
The Inquiry seems to be organised so that the Navy can protect its own back as well as its policies, including – and especially – the criteria for promotion in this ever more feminine (and feminist) service. As Peter Cresswell pointed out on his Not PC Blog “An inquiry by the Navy about the Navy doesn’t give confidence that we’ll ever know much more”.
The New Zealand Navy is a small affair where everybody knows everybody else and that is especially true of the coterie of powerful female officers who all seem to be of the same stripe – of advancing women (and covering up for them?) at the expense of men. Obviously Melissa Ross and Yvonne Gray know each other – probably very well. If a litigant in court is known to the judge, that is always pointed out and the judge will normally remove himself from the case. So why not follow this rule for the naval Inquiry?
For an Inquiry to be credible in should be headed by the Judge Advocate of the Armed Forces with two others: one from Britain’s Royal Navy and the other from the Royal Australian Navy. Only then could the public, whose taxes have to pay for a $130 million replacement vessel, have confidence in the outcome of the Inquiry. The choice of Melissa Ross to head it is yet another example of Judith Collins’ notoriously bad judgement. Former Defence Minister, Ron Mark, would never have made such a blunder.
Not surprisingly, the continuing absence of any meaningful information from the Navy has fuelled the rumour mill. One of these rumours is that Yvonne Gray’s “wife”, Sharon, was also on board the Manawanui when she sank. This is either true or false; it would be helpful if the Navy (or its Minister) would either confirm or deny it. As the well-paid Minister of Defence, Judith Collins has a lot of questions to answer and merely smearing those who ask them is not good enough. This thing is becoming a bigger mess by the day.
Final Draft Below.
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.
I had to axe about 50% of my original draft.
A longer (better) version can be found here
I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.
For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.
Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of tolerant.
It is a closed and oppressive society.
A free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of an open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
The *Anti-freedom mentality* sees contrary opinions as *only bad*.
In truth… like a Black canvas allows a white picture to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull and the dissenter shines with superior proofs, this is when the Powers that be are provoked and resort to calling their opponents ‘haters’, ‘harmful’, etc to justify silencing them before the general public grasp the official narrative they are being spoon fed is not the best evaluation of the facts.
The vital question is this… How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all been censored?
They can’t… they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.
There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses.
This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.
Censorship is being advocated by the use of ambiguous yet derogatory terms such as ‘harmful’, ‘objectionable’. ‘hateful’, ‘offensive’, ‘misinformation’, ‘fake news’, etc.
Intentional ambiguity leaves the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Assent is sort to this bill via the ruse… ‘Who could possibly protest the suppression of ‘hate’ and ‘harm’?
The bill states that take down notices may be issued when ‘(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionable’… hence the scope of Free speech in NZ will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official ‘believes’.
This bill is totalitarian as it leave nothing beyond it’s scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything*.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!
All it takes to trigger the censorship powers is for someone ‘to submit a complaint.’, and for some Orwellian ‘Inspector’ from ‘the Ministry of Truth’ (Read Orwell’s 1984) to deem any utterance as ‘probably harmful to the public good’.
I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore ‘harmful’.
This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line.
Once in operation it will intimidate the people into silent obedient conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all.
esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariah’s for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees… fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. No Sarcasm. They shall become crimes.
Take care not to allow your weary heart to thoughtlessly commit any perceivable micro-aggressions!
You will have to be reeducated to understand and embrace the new rules this bill really entails.
Ambiguity leaves caprice for overlooking any truly malicious speech congruent with politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
Political operatives will use the ambiguities in two ways.
By rigorously implementing censorship and punishment’s for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed ‘right think’.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis.
There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will ‘instinctually recognize hate speech when they see it’.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.
Let me list a few specific examples of offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the gauntlet unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this suppression will be officially sanctioned.
Not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist will be suffered to curtail their guile.
Any written complaints against these hate mongers will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their free speech, but no one else will as these are seen as the trail blazers of the New woke Socialist ‘inclusive’ Utopia.
The New Zealand we grew up in will be gone…. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in ‘Animal Farm’… the once ‘oppressed’ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.
Statements critical of Treaty separatism, Climate change, open immigration, transgender sex theory, vaccinations, abortion, or any promotion of traditional Christian values… shall be deemed as harmful, offensive, misinformation, conspiracy theory, etc and ‘against the public good’ and therefore illegal.
Platforms carrying such content will be forced to ‘take it down’.
Only one narrative can be allowed… The Official narrative.
This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive.
If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent in this bill it surely must be by creating indemnity for officials from accountability for any injustices incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
‘No action to lie against Officials’… So no consequences for abuse of power!
Should this Bill not be scrapped, to safeguard free speech these indemnity clauses should be reversed making any misuse and abuses by officials an offence.
Heads should roll!
Big Sister is watching.
In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the voting populations. Enough to skew elections.
They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those who suffered mass censorship from this unholy alliance have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views.
This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke monopoly as the single source of truth.
Platforms independent of the Leftist Cabal today allow countless numbers to slip through the Socialist Net.
Via legislation such as this bill we see these socialist governments mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish thereby restoring their Politically correct stranglehold on information.
This regulatory activity is much to the advantage of the Establishment Mega corporations who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information either On line, or off.
The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents.
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.
The Socialists don’t care.
Power Corrupts.
Freedom is in peril.
The article below which follows my commentary is very well worth reading (Or listening to on Leighton Smith Podcast 24)…. thank you Robin for sending me the link.
There is so much about this opinion piece that is weighty… esp the fact that the Left Bitch all day every day about Trumps manor when in truth he is practicing Street fighter rules… the very same ‘Urban warfare’ rules the left uses (yet cloak in PC Sheeps clothing) … and is beating the crap out of them!
*That is what Makes Trump Great*, and that is what the Left are crying about….
He is succeeding where preceding, Tamer, more congenial Men have utterly failed!
Appeasers, Compromisers, Sell outs, etc.
Only a Man with Gigantic Balls… and personal belief…. tenacity… would dare to pursue policies that would reverse the relentless drive of the globalist agenda on such fundamental things as Pandering to the UN, Climate change hysteria, and Mass Immigration.
And that is not Arrogance…. that is virtue.
Yet it amazes me how effective the incessant little whiny bitch complaints from the Global leftists are in conning such a substantial portion of the worlds population into enmity against Trump…. not because they can articulate reasoned and nuanced criticisms… but because they are so fickle… pompous.. and childish in their thinking… habitually judging things on their exterior forms… which is why people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders find it so easy to maintain their Support.
Lefty supporters prefer the sallow end of the pond… to the degree that they ‘block their ears’ and refuse to listen to any argument if it emanates from a person they have been told to consider Rude, Obnoxious, Un educated, etc.
The Left’s entire political platform itself is only knee deep… yet their Demagogues all are practiced at appearing ‘ Polite’, ‘Caring’, etc.
That is not to say that they are are not dirty fighters… they are absolutely Corrupt… but they do their best to cloak their Malice and hate and Political Bullying under sheepish skins of defending the oppressed… and their Sheeple dont even care when *their tyrants* trample their political adversaries underfoot… they cheer!
These same idiots rank Obama as the greatest American President of all time!
We all know just how polished a Liar Barack Obama is… a master of Oratory… yet he was in my opinion *America’s worst ever president!*
I would never claim *all* Liberal policies are wrong or without merit or that all the policies on the right are just, still the electioneering promises and scare tactics of Liberal Politicians know no bounds and they only need to gear their rhetoric the lower 75% demographic on the Political IQ bell curve to be formidable in the race for Power.
Fortunately it is also true that ‘you cant fool all of the people all of the time’ and there have been many occurrences that give reason for hope that the Lies of Liberalism and their Global Agenda can be stopped.
Many Many people are seeing through the Facade of Liberal Paternalism for the malevolent anti Freedom Tyranny that it really is.
In this Ideological struggle for power the next few years are critical.
Anyway… Read the article below and appreciate the scam the Left are Peddling when they critisise Trump for being ‘Un-presidential’…
As a Libertarian I cannot call myself a Bona fide Trump supporter, as he does many things I disagree with, yet I can say with 100% certainty that I am glad he defeated Clinton, and that he is the Man of the Hour… doing far more good than wrong, and I hope he wins in 2020 …. There is no one comparative to him in stature that can do such an effective job in putting the breaks on the Left/right Global Agenda. Trumps Arrogance is his virtue!
And as an ideological ‘Street fighting’ Non-PC activist myself, When I watch Trump I see a great man *who really does care* for his people, and for what is right… He’s genuine… he does not pull his punches… In Trump I see a kindred spirit.
Despite his failings (and there are many)…I like him… and watching as things have unfolded I have modified some of my own views… I was very critical of Trump when he was running for election.
Yet he has grown in my respect.
Fighting the Politically correctness that shields the evils and Tyranny of Lefty Liberalism, I know what its like to be down in the trenches getting dirty… Ideologically fighting the Zombies… hand to hand.
It is easy for adversaries to label me a crackpot or a ‘Savage’… or ‘an apologist for the Far right’.
I used to be quite concerned about such Ad hominem slander. yet now I realise that if you are going to fight the good fight, and not shy away from contentious issues simply to out of fear of being labeled ‘far right’.. that such cowardice is a victory for those who seek to silence your voice.
In reality *If you are not being singled out for slander by the left… I question your effectiveness!
Understand how the left Operate… Because their Agenda is Globalist one world government. they are doing what they have become masters at doing… ‘Ideological equivocations’… using the term ‘Nationalist’ to mean ‘Alt right’ racist, when in reality the new Nationalist movements are *Anti globalist* Patriots fighting for their own sovereignty, and Cultures against the Manufactured insidious planned destruction and centralisation of power by Lefty globalist traitors.
One final comment… on Evan’s paragraph below… from Leighton Smith
‘…Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis…’
Leighton remarks that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book ‘Rules for radicals… to Satan.
Read: My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….
Copy and Pasted below from here only out of fear that it may get wiped… please go to that link to read the article…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.
7=18-19 Update:
My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….
My leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” Here’s my answer:
There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as John McCain? Has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney? And the results were always the same.
This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.
I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about lying, as Obama did, about what went down on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., or lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your tracks. I don’t see anything “statesmanlike” in weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service to destroy your political opponents and stifle any dissent.
But while the left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in its way, the right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.
With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Trump is America’s first wartime president in the Culture War.
During wartime, things like “dignity” and “collegiality” simply aren’t the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. Ulysses Grant was a drinker whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming. Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today. Lincoln rightly recognized that, explaining to Grant’s critics: “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”
Trump is fighting. And not only is he fighting, he’s defeating the left using its own tactics.
Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis.
Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do.
First, Trump isolated CNN. He made it personal. Then, just as Alinsky suggests, he employed ridicule, which Alinsky described as “the most powerful weapon of all.”
He has left CNN and its friends with two options: report the news accurately, or ratchet up the propaganda.
The problem is that, if they were to start honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of the Democratic Party they serve. It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (i.e., propaganda) that keeps the left alive.
Imagine, for example, if CNN et al. had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s weaponizing of the IRS to against its political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration’s cover-up.
This leaves them no other option but to ratchet up the fake news, conjuring up the next “nothing burger” and devoting 24 hours a day to hysterical rants about how it’s “worse than Nixon.”
As they become more hysterical, they become more obvious. Each new effort only makes it more clear to any objective observer that Trump is and always has been right about the fake news media.
Do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war.
So, say anything you want about this president. I get it. He can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights.
Evan Sayet ( is the author of “The KinderGarden of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks.” A longer version originally appeared on
I have posted the two ‘Amazing Polly’ videos that I have watched and she is as sharp as a knife!
We can be sure that at some point in the future she will be targeted for de-platforming and internet ghosting so I have included some of the alternative sites where she has set up in preparation for this inevitable censorship she will face.
Polly’s video ‘Censoring Opposition to Censorship’ is under attack by SJWs… eg… here.
And the Alt-Left are psychopathic… they are Trolling the Internet trying to get any critics of their ideology and Political agenda Banned/ De-platformed, etc.
On that note I will also add the fact that I have set myself up on MeWe here in anticipation of the high probability that I will probably loose my page on facebook, due to Political prejudices and Censorship, and that this Blog may also get blacklisted.
Published on 6 Jun 2019
Globalist politicians are ERASING testimony and holding semi-secret hearings. They are holding sham hearings where they don’t let people speak and the erase testimony that contradicts their objectives.
This is a dystopia. MORE…
paypal for contributions:
Amazing Polly on Bitchute:…
One very important point to appreciate in the video above that I want to discuss here is how in a Canadian Free Speech hearing, was how a hand picked Muslim ‘hate speech law proponent’ was allowed to present his very dishonest opinions about Alexandre Bissonnette who shot six members of a Quebec City mosque in 2017, and The Christchurch Anti-Muslim terrorist Brenton Tarrant saying these killers were ‘Pro-Conservative’.
This slant was correctly rebutted by Canadian Conservative party MP Michael Cooper who labeled this testimony Slanderous and defamatory … lacking in credibility… and then went on to prove that Tarrant was opposed conservatism by quoting from Tarrants own Manifesto (that is conveniently banned in New Zealand under threats of Jail) in which Tarrent expressly states that he rejects conservatism and that the closest Political system to which he subscribes is *Communist China!*
This clearly marks Tarrant *as a LEFTIST*
And the very fact that there is a murderously dangerous anti-muslim Alt-Left is a fact that the left are desperate to keep from the Public mind.
The left seeks to deceive the public into thinking that only the so-called ‘Alt right’ are ‘islamiphobic’ and so by default any so-called ‘anti-Muslim activities’ *can all be blamed on Alt right extremism*… this is why they lump conservatives with Nazis.
Yet the truth is The Leftist Atheist Communist China is Ruthlessly oppressing Muslims in China… It may indeed be the most anti-muslim government on Earth!
Yet we dont hear so much of a peep out of Our Lefty Government who will Bag the US and Trump all day long, yet who are terrified stupid of offending Beijing and also do not wish to advertise the fact the Left wing has its share of vicious Islamiphobia of the sort Lauded by The Christchurch Terrorist.
Lets not forget that in 2008 Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Leftists and the UN are also notorious Anti-Israel Anti-Semites.
What is also absolutely abhorrent about this Canadian Hearing is how MP Michael Coopers testimony and use of Tarrants manifesto was met with outrage and has been sort to be deleted from Public record!
*Censoring the truth… Doctoring the Public record… and in effect Re-writing history to suit their own desires!*
This stuff is why Free speech Advocates are saying we are now living in the Orwellian Universe of 1984.
And we New Zealanders can be sure this same suppression of the facts cover up, will define the trial of Brenton Tarrant, and that what we the public will get to see and hear will only be a narrative constructed to present Events the way the Government wants you to swallow as fact.
It will be propaganda… not the truth.
The Idea that banning Tarrant’s manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ is somehow to prevent ‘copy cat’ crimes is totally bogus!
The real reason is because the Government wants to control *all information*… your thoughts… and as we have seen for this video the manifesto contains this terrorists political views that are very inconvenient and contradictory of the governments Narrative.
We are in the middle of an Information war… The battlefield is domination of the Public mind.
We live in such frightening times that just by talking about these matters and individuals, Thinkers and writers like myself could find ourselves being targeted and intimidated by the Police who will look for any pretext by which they can arrest us, prosecute us, put legal Gags on us, and shut down our Blogs and social media presence.
Just by daring to express our personal opinions and critisise what the government is doing we will be flagged as ‘Dangerous’… ‘Alt Right’… etc with all the Ugly connotations tat those terms carry… Racists… Islamiphobes… etc… and when the Authorities think of a person in such terms it is very easy to abuse them, violate their rights … without conscience… indeed to joke about it… and take pride in it… and thats precisely how the persecution of the Jews was carried on in Nazi Germany.
The German police thought of the Jews as Dangerous traitors and Subversives to the National weal… vermin who *deserved* to be oppressed by the State.
So who really are the haters???
In my view the Spirit of Official persecution is Satanic… and we see this oppressive anti- Freedom Spirit is now running rampant all across western civilisation.
What sort of world are we bequeathing to our children?
I will not remain silent and Complicit!
I will raise my voice in protest for their sake!
With regards to his criticism of the politics of Green MP Golriz Ghahraman, Trevour Mallard has accused David Seymour of ‘bullying’ yet it is easy to see that it is Seymour who is being ganged up against for daring yet again to swim against the general current in parliament as he did recently with respect to the new arms confiscations.
David Seymour warns of the dangers to New Zealand should new hate speech laws be enacted, and is now experiencing the wrath of Feminist Mob bully tactics from a gang of Woman Mps, for daring to ‘express his sincerely held view’ that the Green MP is a “menace to freedom”.
Ghahraman has been actively promoting new hate speech legislation.
David received a letter demanding he apologise to Ghahraman…’signed by Labour MP Louisa Wall and National MP Jo Hayes – co-chairs of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) New Zealand group…’
This group is a feminist Lobby, and its typical for Identity politics’ peddlers to view most things men say as being ‘Toxic’ and somehow Misogynistic and somehow ‘White supremacist’… and that he is ‘somehow’ responsible for on line threats she has received (that the Police have discovered) , when in reality what David Seymour was critical of was *her politics*, and her *Naivety* without reference to her gender , race, or creed.
In my view David Seymour’s evaluation of Golriz Ghahraman is 100% accurate… she is a menace to freedom in New Zealand … yet so are most of the Mps of both sexes in parliament today… including Jacinda Ardern and Judeth Collins.
“Further, we maintain that the best tool to defeat terrorist speech is productive speech, and thus we emphasise the importance of promoting credible, alternative narratives as the primary means by which we can defeat terrorist messaging.”
This was an absolutely farcical attempt to make out David Seymour was islamiphobic, and that he had no argument of substance to rebut Ghahraman, when in fact Seymour was right to list Free speech as the vanguard of a free society, and that it has been the first thing attacked by all the monstrous tyrannies of history… and that it was on this basis of her Push for Hate speech laws that will suppress free speech he labeled her as naive and dangerous.
he was being interviewed at the time about his views on Jacinda ardern’s ‘Christchurch Call’ to censor the internet
Miles saying Seymour comments were ‘Dehumanising’ is just socialist trite!
Its plain Free speech… and when Ghahraman joined parliament she should expect to have her policies scrutinized and to face hard criticism, esp from political opponents, and that she must respect free speech, yet this Gang of irate woman want to Bully Seymour into retracting a Statement of fact… that needs to kept a matter of Record…. and it is evident that these woman seek to equate his comments with ‘incitement to violence’… a most dangerous equivocation that Seymour rightly rejects. “When asked on Tuesday if he felt responsible for the increase in threats made against Ghahraman, Seymour said: “No, I’m not responsible.”
Which is absolutely correct.
That Miles has so construed what David said to be ‘Islamiphobia’, and labeled it ‘Dehumainsing’ demonstraights how ‘Critisism of socialist activities and politics will be twisted into ‘Hate speech’.
It proves the treatment he is experiencing is a vindication of his claim that *Freedom is under threat*, esp *Free speech* by Politicians like Ghahraman and Socialists who seek to write ‘hate speech laws’ that insert ‘Identity Politics’ into legislation to virtually outlaw criticism of Islam, of Transgenderism being socially engineered into schools, etc and we see this the way Leftists like Andrew Little have come up with a political ploy to claim ‘there are gaps in current legislation outlawing threats to ‘certain groups ‘ …. which any adult knows is an absolute falsehood… and that currently it is illegal to threaten violence to anyone… *The laws being *universally applicable* without having to enunciate all the various groups into which New Zealanders may be arbitrarily collectivised by those who pedal ‘Identity politics!
This is an example of how dishonest Lefty socialists are and how they conspire to get their oppressive Nanny state politics made law… at the expense of freedom.
It shows their utter contempt for the principle that the law… as Lady Justice is supposed to be *blindfolded*… ie not interested in *the sex* *the race* *The religion* *the wealth or social status* of those brought before her.
She carries *just scales*… that weighs the matters Objectively… impartially… without emotional bias… one law for all.
Yet Socialists want Lady Justice to remove her blindfold and see that Big Bad White He-Devil David Seymour is ‘Threatening the Feelings’ of wee oppressed little cute precious flower Golriz Gharaman … and to grant Ghahraman special protection… just for being a Girl and a migrant… and to pass a judgement on Seymour because he is a White man… irrespective of the objective facts that David was in no way threatening Ghahraman, or being sexist, or racist, but expressing a very important political observation that many New Zealanders like myself believe needs to be said.
Socialists want to shelter Ghahraman’s Politics from critisism under the guise of her ‘political identities’…. “You cant call a woman a menace to freedom”… “You cant call an Immigrant a menace to Freedom”…. ie You cant criticise *Left wing Socialist nanny state politics and agendas* … *This is where the lefts ‘hate speech’ laws and Identity politics is heading.
And they are doing it across the board with trying to make Vaccinations *compulsory*… trying to *Outlaw climate change denial*… trying to put the squeeze of Meat and dairy… trying to emasculate Men, etc etc.
My critisisms of Gharaman (like Seymour’s) are in no way *hateful* nor can they be in any just way be construed to be designed to incite violence against her… all such retorts do nothing to address the actual concerns David raises about her politics.
Nor does the fact that some whackos may have discussed violence against her mean we should not speak in harsh terms of her politics.
This does not provide her a shield from criticism.
Has the Police trawled through the internet to find all the threats made against all the MPs in parliament?
I would say… *No*, and i would say that *many Mps* will have had nasty threats made against them.
*I have had threats made against me* yet I have not received any special state protection!
In fact David and I are treating Ghahraman *as an equal*… which is what true ‘Female emancipation’ is all about… ie not pandering to so-called ‘Patriarchal culture’ that is supposed to treat woman as *lesser beings*.
Would the Police provide the *same level* of personal security boot as they are providing today … if she was a man?
I think not… i think the Police are pandering to the feminist agenda.
We would say the very same things if she was a man, yet it appears she, and her feminist mates are determined to insist she be treated like a hapless victim… * this is because in spite of all their ‘Woman are Equal to men in every way’ chanting when you look at how they function at the political level we actually see these Lefty’s and feminists are the ones who think of woman as lesser beings*… Maori as lesser beings… because that is their entire modus opperandi… and virtually all their policies are attempts to skew the playing field of life to provide crutches for their Pet groups of ‘perpetual victims’… who the left assume cant get through life on an equal footing… in freedom.
Feminists Roar how strong woman are yet all their politics are driven by the assumption that woman are weak.
Virtually All the politics on the left are a menace to Freedom… except some support cannabis law reform… the only pro-freedom policy I can think of from their quarter.
I hope New Zealanders are waking up to all this and shift their political Loyalties away from the two Mainstream parties that are both enacting these types of cancerous Nanny state politics, and abandon The Green Party, The Maori Party, and New Zealand First, and instead Reward David Seymour for his forthright courage and principle to call out Gharaman for what she stands for and how dangerous are the Ideas she represents for Freedom in New Zealand.
David was right when he said that
Vote for Act!
Check out some of the New Parties that have sprung up, like the New Conservatives… like the Kiwi Party.
Americans had a guts full of this Woke left anti-freedom Globalist agenda when they voted for Donald Trump.
The British had a guts full of the Globalist agenda when they voted for Brexit.
Austrailians have just told the lefties where to stick all their Globalist agenda and climate change Taxes, and tyranny.
Lets hope the just backlash against all the insane Woke leftism also happens here!
Ultimately the Left want to control the Internet for their own political advantage… to shut down dissenting veiws, to guarantee them victory at elections and to socially engineer Global opinion to embrace their agenda.
This is a Machiavellian tyrannical Conspiracy on a truly Cosmic Scale… All in the name of Peace and love….
Only Evil White Men and their enslaved wenches are opposed to this fabulous ‘New World’
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clintion and started dismantling Obama’s Fascist agenda shockwaves rippled trough the Internet.
Because the Political Candidate that the Admins of Google+Youtube, Twitter, and facebook endorsed and wanted to win (Hillary Clinton) lost!… and they realised that their own creations were a primary cause for their own defeat, and they took the Trump victory as such horror they envisioned the end of the Socialist Dream and Human Civilisation!
All their hard work deceiving the world into embracing Climate Change.
All their hard work imposing their anti-christian views on sexuality, all their dreams of a Global centralized Socialist Government etc looked like they were going to be set back 20 years…
This is when they abandoned any pretense to respect for free speech and open dialogue and determined that *Next US election* they would be better prepared to shut down political debates that were not in their own interests… and not just US elections… but they would control information on the Global scale.
Google searches will Bury Websites, blogs, memes, photos, and articles that are anti-left agenda, and would instead put pro left propaganda to the fore.
Facebook will simply axe whole pages they see as being anti-left platforms for their opponents, create Alogorithms that can read memes, and hunt out and automatically ban photos, memes, articles that have been flagged by their SJW minions and spies that infest the internet and political forums.
This is more than just the usual vetting of malicious content… its a massive escalation of definite suppression of dissenting opinions to the political views of these Social Media/ Internet Mogals.
A flexing of mussel designed to slope the playing field, giving massive advantage to their own opinions, to the degree that they will be manipulating the democratic process as surely and effectively as any tyrannical Government censorship.
And Facebook is not an absolutely ‘Free enterprise’. as Governments have heavily invested in Facebook shares.
To those of us whom understand the essential nature of having open dialogue, Alarm bells began to ring out when this Cabal of Internet Lords, all Banned Alex Jones and his ‘Info wars’… virtually wiping him off the map.
Jones was instrumental in the Trump victory as one of his most ardent supporters with a large global audience, and attacking Hillary Clinton as a Criminal and traitor.
Jones would talk daily on Items of importance… like the Bundy ranch resistance to the BLM, The Murder of Lavoy Finicm by The Black opps ‘Hostage rescue team’… things the mainstream media refused to Air.
The Mainstream media and Hollywood are also largely under control of Rabid Lefty Nutbars and they too engage in a program of keeping the sheeple in the dark.
Now I wont deny that Alex Jones says and does some pretty whack things, and that many of the ‘Investigative reports’ on Infowars are considered by many to be nothing but delusional conspiracies and ‘Fake news’.
Also I am a person who is myself disgusted by all the patently dishonest content on the internet flowing from legions of sites and blogs, and individuals with very bent opinions about everything… many of who mass produce Photo-shopped images, and fabricate patent lies about their political enemies… and in this dirty business it is the Right who i say are the chief offenders, and in this sence it should not be surprising that this mass-dishonesty by the Right has added fuel to the rage harboured by the Liberal Internet giants, it has also given them the pretext to begin their heavy censorship program… feigning a legitimacy to their Machiavellian schemes… and they used the notorious Alex Jones as a posterchild for what was about to follow.
Then Zuckerburg made his move and shut down 800+ facebook pages with millions of followers… mostly Anti-liberal agenda sites… under the pretext that these sites prosper from and disseminate fake news.
There was no warning… no discussion… it was a Night of the long knives action… fast, clean, and soon to be forgotten… while normalising the Idea that Anti-liberal opinion is ‘Hate speech’ and ‘fake news’and as such can rightfully be suppressed.
Of Course these actions would have caused Champagne to flow like water among the Lefty Parties, and hordes of Purple haired social justice warriors who have zero respect for any notions of fairness, free speech, etc and whose whole political means of action involves Compulsions and prohibitions.
This is the new puddle of stink that we all must now swim in… the Internet has changed… dramatically for the worst. Freedom is the victim. Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
And this is just the beginning… they will come for the Christians, They will come for the Mens Rights groups, They will come for the likes of The Leuren Sotherns and Stephan moloneuxs … who dare to challenge the Anti white propaganda of the left….. and Libertarians and bloggers like myself.
And just as insidious will be the *fear* this activity will generate among internet users who witnesswill drastically reduce what they share, and what they dare to say fearing that their pages could be shut down without redress at the whims of Facebook administrators…. All it takes is for a single Nasty purple haired Female SJW to ‘take offence’ at a comment or post that they dont like and to report you to the FB gestapo.
As a Passionate Voice of Dissent against Ideological evils and activities of both the Right and the left I have suffered an increasing number of these types of attacks, despite being vigilant and quickly blocking people who make it clear to me they are a SJW and are ‘Triggered’ by something I have said.
I have learned to move quickly to their profile and block them… hopefully before they have run to the Gestapo… one time I was too slow, a Joke I told on a Mushroom Identification page ‘Triggered’ a Purple hair thing (I wont assume her gender 🙂 ) and I was sent to Facebook Jail… for telling a joke!
This is not equal treatment but special privilege!
You can tell jokes about how Dumb Men are… but not any jokes about Transgenders, or SJW Neofeminists, etc…. another recent case was when I was commenting on an ENFJ Briggs-Meyers personality type page (I took the test and it said I was ENFJ Type) , and my comment was on the topic of Briggs-Meyers when some Purple-hair thing told me flat I was not an ENFJ because she had seen my previous profile pic and because it was a Meme-joke that mocked Neo-feminism… this was all the proof she needed that I was too ‘insensitive’ to be a member of *Her caring personality type!*
(The offending Picture Below)…
I dont have time to explain in detail what then transpired … it is enough to say a bunch more SJW Woman showed up and within a day of this, I had been thrown out of the group, and had my picture reported to Facebook whom quickly said It violated Facebook community standards and was Deleted.
Remember that I was not even discussing politics at the time this Attack started.
It was simply enough that It was my profile pic that the SJWs had taken offence to and got me thrown out and reported to the Facebook Gestapo.
^ This is what a SJW Feminazi looks like.
One more example I must share, It will take some explanation, yet it is worth it because it is very telling about how frightening things have become at facebook… and how powerful are their methods to screen everything that everyone is saying, and to crush anything that goes against their agenda, while leaving any BS that serves their purposes.
Below is another pic I shared in one of my photo albums, that is actually an example of despicable Right wing doctoring aimed at provoking anti-left sentiment. And they specialise in this particular type of photo doctoring that changes the message on a Protesters placard.
This one above is the Doctored picture. The one below is the original
Now it is only obvious to see that this picture has been doctored when you see the original, and I was taking it at face value, and had shared it to my page, when I read in the comments that followed that this was Doctored and the original was provided.
Of course I was peeved at this deception, It was not the first time I had gullibly shared a picture that had been doctored by the Right, and so Determined not to be so easily fooled again!
I noticed a pattern in these deceptive placard pictures that is also a dead giveaway for fake News articles in that if the Picture is too overt… or the Headlines of the ‘Newspiece’ is also way over the top’… then it is highly likely these things are manufactured Propaganda designed to doop the naive, and generate outrage.
Of course this should have been obvious to me before I had shared these things… yet It just goes to show how successful these dirty tricks can be.
Pissed off at the dirty tactics of the Right this time I created a photo album with the title of ‘The Right is as full of Dirty Liars as the left.’… and it featured this doctored picture, and I placed a description with it that said “I foolishly shared this photo thinking it was a *Real self-loathing white Lefty*… which it actually is… *Yet the message has been photoshopped by a dirty bastard Right winger who added in ‘Killing all’.
This is despicable deception… the sort that has ruined the internet… filled it with lies!
Designed to generate outrage and hate….”
I also shared the un-doctored Original so that my readers could see the obvious doctoring (photo shopping)
All was great… I was starting to populate my new album with more examples of these despicable Right wing deceptions when My Page was frozen by an automated program that had detected the doctored pic and told me that my Picture violated facebook standards.
Remember I had not put this pic in my album to *Spread the lie* but to expose the lie… yet the automation did not give a toss about that! It was simply ‘obeying za orders’ programmed into it to search and destroy this pic where ever it had been posted in Facebook.
I was however given the option to ask for a review… which I clicked… and was told this process would take about 24 hours… anyway much to my surprise my picture was restored!
And it was accompanied with the reply that the Review process found that my pic *Did not breach facebook standards* and that they had made a mistake!
Now it is not a long bow to draw that my picture had been reviewed by a living breathing Liberal SJW Facebook censor who realised I was using this picture to put the hate on the Right wingers… whom Facebook are trying to destroy… and so all of a sudden this picture was acceptable!!!!
All of a sudden it Did not breach their community standards!
This shows they are patently discriminating against the Right, while giving anything that is anti-right licence to kill! and has nothing to do with ‘Community standards’ at all!
And This copy remains as we speak in my photo album for the world to see!
Yet when I try and share it from my album, It gets sniped again by the search and destroy algorithm!
You can try this… copy the pic above and share it on your page and I guarantee you will get a visit from the Killbot.
I have also received links to reports that Facebook has been developing the software to screen *Every picture and meme* that gets posted… so they have absolute control to censor everything and anything, and that this is what they are doing.
I have had other attacks to my page too that affect my ability to function as a Libertarian Advocate and critic, yet this will suffice.
Multiply all this by Billions of times and the net effect this will have on the democratic process of western societies is mind numbing to apprehend!
The Masses of Facebook sheeple will be receiving more and more propaganda of the Left… with less and less voices of descent.
I fully expect to have my page shut down in the near future, yet until then I will be exposing this corruption!
Now this post is already ridiculously long, and maybe no one will read it yet I must make one final point… and it has to do with the solution to this Tyranical Cabal of Left wing Internet monsters.
First of all it is worrisome that many who suffer the oppression of the Facebook Gestapo will run straight to *Their Governments* asking them to pass legislation to take away the ‘evil powers’ from these Liberals who are hell bent on manipulating the public and the election processes of western nations.
They will probably say this is a perfect example of the need to implement *Antitrust legislation* to break up these massive companies into smaller chunks that are supposed to then work in competition with one another instead of collusion… Yes The Government regulators will save us!!!
That will be to leap out of the frying pan… into the fire!
You see *Internet Tyranny and control* is in fact something Western Socialist Democratic States have been dreaming of accomplishing *for themselves!*
The result will not be greater freedom of speech… but simply a shift of power from private hands into the Governments.
They will not simply legislate to break up Facebook, Google, etc, but will also legislate to make all sorts of internet communications illegal… and so instead of merely being thrown in ‘virtual jail’ as happens now… there is every probability that we will begin to be thrown in *Real jail* simply for expressing our own opinions (it is already happening!).
The Real solution is for some smart entrepreneurs and programmers to understand what is going on and to take steps to capitalise on the massive outrage that is being generated by the prejudices of the current internet giants, and to develop alternative social media sites and search engines… ones that have Iron clad security, and that have a constitution/ code of ethics to be what all ‘Free Press’ are supposed to be… the Vanguards of Freedom… of equal rights… of free speech!
And when this happens and people realise that there are far better places to do business than Facebook and Google… their power will be broken… their stocks will crash… and their reign of terror will be over.
This can be done without surrendering anything to Governments.
It will take time.
I have already signed up to MeWe social media site as an interim bolthole should my facebook page get axed, yet I have herd rumours of far better and secure social media site are in development as we speak!
Something called ‘Chain-blocking’ which is gibberish to me, yet my geeky friends assure me its very snazzy and will be awesome when it arrives!
And this is the Free market in action… and to the rescue!
The despicable tyrants running Youtube, Facebook, Google, have sown the seeds of their own destruction, and I hope the creators of these better sites are not only more ethical… which will be their greatest marketing strategy they could aspire to… but also that they become super wealthy from their creations that will go a long way towards halting the diabolical evils of Liberals Fascists in high places.
While I in no way fully endorse Donald Trump, I will say that By Defeating Hillary Clinton Trump saved America from a very very dangerous socialist tyrant.
And Donald Trump is by far a more honest, and just President than the despicable and psychotic Hillary Clinton who fully endorsed everything that Barack Obama did… they conspired together, and was poised to take things to the next level.
Thankfully the American people had had enough of their Diabolical and treasonous Agenda that was trying to destroy American Values, Rights,and freedom and force everyone into embracing Anti-Christian depravity and delusions… Grown men… perverts…. mentally ill allowed in Little girls Toilets!
Trumps victory has in fact caused the left to become even more psychotic… things are getting progressively worse… not just on line, but on the streets, and how Law and order is now being implemented.
The destroyers like violent Fascists groups like Antifa can cause riots etc with impunity, while anyone who tries to physically defend themselves will get arrested. Critics of the Left get their speeches cancelled, etc etc… there is a war against Freedom going on and its getting very violent.
It is becoming dangerous to oppose the psychotic Left.
^ here we see a guy in court who dared belong to a group called ‘Proud boys’. He was labeled a ‘member of a ‘hate group’ and a White Supremacist… even though he is married to a black woman and has black kids!
And you can guarantee it was Antifa who threw the first punch.
We all know their moto ‘Punch a fascist’… how Ironic… Today a Communist is just a Transgenderised Fascist!
Fascism in Drag.
Is this the world you wish your children to inherit?
At least Like and share my blogposts!
Get active!
ITS NOT NORMAL for me to speak ill of a beautiful woman… as a red blooded man I find it much easier to pour out guile upon Ugly Obese Female Social justice Warriors, or Dufus Hipsters who apologize for being men and are happy to take a strapped on you know what …up their… you know where… from their Dominatrix Better others.
Subdued… repentant….
That’s just my innate God given maleness that I must keep in check that otherwise naturally grants great privilege to Beautiful woman.
My topic today is Lizzy Marvelly… to whom I am going to honor as an equal… rather than the sexual Goddess she is…and be openly critical of her as a babe with very very deluded opinions.
Who in reality enjoys the fruits of extraordinary natural and political advantages… yet loves to play the victim… and put the hate on people like me … a Guy who is not ashamed of My manliness… and does not feel sorry for her.
Giving her a fair hearing… I find her to be little more than a Trendy thinker… going with the flow of what she has been spoon fed.
She can rest assured she will never be banned or deleted from Facebook, Google,etc… as she absolutely conforms to ‘Their community standards’
I’m married, and very much older than her so it’s not like I’m blowing my chances of a date!
She… if she was ever to read this… and look up my Facebook profile would no Doubt just take me as a Dirty Old man engaging in petty (or nasty) ‘Cyber bullying’… not realising I am doing her the decency of taking her seriously as a thinker… and worthy of criticism… which in my opinion is more than she *objectively* deserves.
Though I find her opinions puerile, I do take them seriously because I take sexism and racism seriously… She is both these things… and more… which is why she gets paid by the New Zealand Herald for being the politically correct professional victim.
Despite her Immense Sexual Capital as a hot babe, for whom life is demonstrably ‘privileged and ‘easier’ Lizzy says she lives under an oppressive patriarchy… so she’s a victim
Lizzy writes on Maori oppression … and claims to suffers the consequences… living under an oppressive system of white supremacy.
Her latest claims…. Lizzy jumped out of the closet to tell us she has sexual fantasies about other woman… and so is a self professing member of the oppressed ‘Rainbow community’… and just over the last few weeks she appeared on the front page of the NZ Herald as the poster child for those oppressed for ‘Cyber Bullying’.
So she has added this as well to her list of personal Victimhood!
If playing the victim was an Olympic sport, Shes would be one of the champions!
It is typical of someone like her… with the victim mentality… to take any critisisms… esp from angry White Men who she maligns at ever opportunity…. as being some sort of ‘injustice’ and ‘prejudice’ she is enduring.
No doubt some critisims *Are simply nasty and hateful*, the world is full of haters… and I am not saying that *all* the critisims she receives will reasonable and just… nor that the problem of cyber Bulling is not a real thing of concern… but that she has a pathology to construe virtually everything as some sort of form of social oppression… and a penchant for Lording ‘Identity Movements’ and playing ‘Identity politics’… which is a signature of a prejudiced mind.
Ie *She is participating in precisely they types of thinking and politics she pretends to be fighting!
who is the real sexist, racist, and bigot?
What if I told you this post is not really about Lizzy?
This is not personal.
What if I told you I am only using her as an example of a far greater ideological cancer Western society is suffering?
I dont hate her… I pity her… If she is a victim… she is a victim of our Politically correct Lobotomizing society… that puts Racists and Sexists of the Politically correct types up on a Pedestal and holds them forth as Heroic exemplars.
This type of dirty politics also tries to monopolise the Public discussions on all the important topics… so that men critical of feminism are considered ‘unqualified to talk’ because of the bulge in their undies.
White critics of Treaty separatism and so called positive political discrimination… are considered ‘Unqualified’ to discuss the matter… because they dont belong to the particular racial minority that is being held up as suffering oppression.
So we see socialist Politicians are desperate to be able to identify themselves with some group that is popularly seen to be socially oppressed?
So I do not hold any malevolence against Lizzy… I dont think she is one the absolutely Seething Men haters or Racists who hate Whites…that infest the Social justice scene.
She is probably absolutely oblivious to the fact that she is just a puppet of the predominant delusions of our day.
What is Drummed into the kids at schools and Universities by deranged socialist teachers… following the dangerous and deluded policies dictated from the Beehive.
We are bombarded by this propaganda via the Media, and thus She is helping to fuel this madness with her own skewed mind that has been programmed like a robot.
Woman have held some of the Top Jobs in this country!
Yes it is had for me to take her claims of being a victim seriously given how she is a member of the most privileged Sex, the most privileged Race in our Politically correct skewed society.
Privilege has nothing to do with statistical outcomes like about how much more men earn… or how many Maori are in jail… but about the principles of Equality before the law, and fairness in courts… and under that measure Woman won the war against ‘the Patriarchy’ a long time ago… yet they have refused to disband… why? Because playing the victim is a powerful tool to manipulate the system, and because if you get rid of ‘Victemhood’ socialism has absolutely nothing to offer.
Reality is that Woman have and do hold some of the Top Jobs in this country!
Social Statistics are far more complex than Socialists pretend when they blame ‘oppression’ all day… yet because that is virtually the only trick in the socialist bag… they have destroyed movements that were once great reforming powers… Highly Moral… into grotesque Caricatures of their former Glory… Feminism now represents hatred of Men… Anti Racism now represents Race hate against whites… etc etc.
Lizzy, if you ever read this, please see the funny side of my jibs about finding you sexually attractive… This too was just to make a point… that its not a crime for a man to find woman sexually appealing based upon their looks…. in fact I believe God designed us the do exactly that and enjoy Sex and Beauty, and manliness and distinct from the feminine… Differences we should should greatly appreciate.
Nor as a married man do I think it proper for me to carry on like a hot blooded single young man.
My own Christian Ethics definitely says I should keep my overt sexual desires in check, and respect woman for far more than just their looks… which fade anyway… and to value their minds, Character, and their soul.
Yet to me there are few things as ugly as a Raging woman pouring out hatred against men.
How is our society ever going to be strong if woman have been taught to be irrationally demanding and of ridiculous expectations of Men?
You are setting up young woman to fail in relationships if they are Taught that Basic Male-ness is toxic.
Please think about these things.
How sad it is that a wolf whistle has been twisted from an expression of admiration and is now construed as some sort of ‘Rape culture’!
The truth is that Socialism has made *Men* the most oppressed sex… yet we will never see The NZ Herald putting this fact on the front page of their Politically biased propaganda…
The meme below may be a reference to the US, yet the same is tragically true in New Zealand… and its absolutely shocking to witness the oppression of Men at the hands of our corrupt system.
One final quote from Lizzy encapsulates her utter delusional victim mindset… despite Maori and Woman having *more say* on all topics in this country she cant stand *any other opinions being voiced*… such as Don Brash whose group ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ represents New Zealanders (like myself) who are fighting for racial equality before the Law… she says
“I’ve met Don Brash, and I have actually enjoyed time in his company. He is personable and courteous. He also holds and voices opinions I wholeheartedly believe are harmful to my people and my culture, and that I find nauseating. They’re the kind of views that, in my opinion, distort history and stoke separatism. And he insists on repeating them, over and over.
So forgive me for not feeling any great depth of feeling about Don Brash being denied one of the many platforms that he regularly enjoys. The decision to ban him from speaking at Massey University was undoubtedly an ill-considered own-goal, but it hardly amounts to an attack on the foundations of our democracy.”
“As a Māori woman, who is often the only Māori and/or the only woman in speaker line-ups, on panels and on media shows, I’m far more concerned about the women and people of colour who are effectively censored by exclusion or tokenism than I am about Don Brash not speaking to a handful of students.
While Brash could quickly reinstate his freedom of expression by squawking to the media, others aren’t so fortunate. In practice, free speech for people of my culture and gender is more of a luxury than a right.”
And on the individual level the ‘Victim mentality’ would be one of the most self-defeating, self-flagellating psychological millstones any human being can have!
It is absolutely dis-empowering because it always blames others of our personal problems rather than taking ownership of our own lives and realising our success or failure is determined by the choices we make ourselves and personal responsibility… rather than simply being leaves blown about by the wind.
This is the poison Maori’s own spokespeople are preaching into the minds of their youth… and is why the terrible social statistics never improve despite billions being thrown at them ‘to right the wrongs of the past and end racial oppression’.
Maori’s shameful condition has nothing to do with racial oppression and everything to do with their Culture of Hatred and Blame, and Drug-dependency on Toxic Socialism.
By now you are probably aware about how Formula 1 racing has arbitrarily decided to cut the jobs of all the beautiful Grid Girls that have added Glamour to the events and gone a long way to spreading some of the wealth and prestige into the feminine demographic out of a Male dominated industry. (sport)
Just think about all the hypocrisy involved in that these woman all got the sack for doing nothing wrong!
If this had been *any other* industry other than the beauty industry, there would have been a humingus moral outrage!
Yet because this happened to *This demographic* all the wowzers applaud it…. Shamefully pandering to whacko neo-feminism that is sweeping the globe like an influenza of the mind.
Neo-feminism is *Not* like ‘classical feminism’…. this liberalist craze is not about equality for woman but hatred of men and persecution of Beautiful woman out of envy.
There has been a lot of heated argument on social network over this, The media cashing in on the sensation, with many men like myself spitting tacks that the Neo-feminists have yet again been successful in wreaking something we enjoy, followed by the lame and hypocritical responses of Emasculated liberal men who hate themselves, and all the Nannas want to turn the whole world into a safe space for the delicate.
They blatantly deny that this is Rabid Political correctness run amok … they emphatically state its not another raid by ‘The Fun Police’ …. On Stuff….as if such fraudulent denials can somehow hide the truth about what is going on!
My reply was … ” Ummm it *is PC gone mad*, and it is the Fun Police’s fault, and sadly Freedom is loosing the war against the hypocrites.
Neo-feminism hates beautiful woman… everybody know this.”
Here some typical dialogue that I have been involved with… (I have saved them here because there is every chance that the facebook police will delete my arguments and throw me in Facebook jail for daring to have a contrary view to that of Zukkerburger and his Pinko minions. Facebook has become one of the worst engines of Propaganda for the Liberal agenda!)
Nanna apologist 1: “I’ve had to listen to too many gross comments from men at these events that makes my daughters and I feel uncomfortable and unsafe. When I was younger I got fully harassed at a speedway race when the promo girls came out.”
Tim Wikiriwhi: “Well you have to harden up and prepare your daughters for a hell of a lot more than guys talking about hot woman if they are going to survive in this world… and respect the freedom of others… because you dont have the right to think of such places as Kindy garden.
And that is the problem with Liberals trying to turn the whole world into a ‘safe space’ for Babies!
You dont allow any space for Men to be Men… and you think we have to all behave like we live in a giant kindy garden… sorry thats tyranny.”
The hypocrisy of Liberal Hollywood with respect to these issues Beggars belief!
Self hater Male 1: “Lay off the sauce, Tim. Men have no more right to public spaces than women. Perhaps you could go back to your “kindy garden” and learn about sharing??”
Self hater Male 2: “Tim… The reason why there is no “space for men to be men” is because EVERYWHERE is their space. If it is something to claim, a man has made claim to it.”
Tim Wikiriwhi: “Rubbish! Men are the most harassed Sex in western civilisation… accused of ‘Rape culture’ just for whistling at a Babe… not that the babes complain about it… its all the monsters who *never get whistled at doing all the complaining!
It was certainly not the Grid girls who complained about men being men, or about the glamorous well paying Jobs they had until the wowzers rained on the parade.
It’s guys like you who ‘Apologize for being a Man’ who ought to be ashamed of how you pander to the feminist bigotry!
I’m all for equality… yet thats not *special treatment*…. equality is being able to work in a workshop beside men… if you have the skills… yet not demanding they take down Calendars with babes on them… and no man would worry about them putting up calendars with hot guys on them…. *Thats equality*… not imposing your petty sensitivities every 5 seconds… thats being precious… and expecting to be treated like some delicate flower!
Grow up!
The video below shows how feminists are attacking Darts ‘walk on girls’
Todays ‘Fourth wave’ feminism is not about equal rights… its about Nut bar Liberals forcing their deranged ideas down everyone elses throats By countless new rules and regulations… and its evil and suffocating.
Listen to the words of a grid Girl (Link below)…. esp the part about how this sort of deranged submission to the Neo-feminist craze hurts woman and is *hypocritical* in the light of claims the movement seeks *Wage equality*… etc.
Here was a Job in which *Woman* clearly have the advantage over Men and shows what a joke the whole delusion that woman are somehow disadvantaged by systemic ‘patriarchal oppression’.
Feminists *cherry pic* certain occupations where they say they have found disparity (as if perfect symmetry in human demographics is even a rational ideal) yet not only do they ignore any statistics that clearly show men are at at a disadvantage… they actively work to destroy jobs like this that woman dominate… under the deranged idea that these woman are oppressed!
The entire edifice of Neo-feminism is founded upon vicious propaganda, and *Sexism* against Men and any woman whom like men and dont fit into the feminist framework of Man-hating victim.
Grid girl Giorgia Davis
Read what Grid Girl Gioria Davies has to say about losing the job she loved… from her Facebook page… Here
Gloating Liberal: ” Poor Tim. You sound so angry and having your perving curtailed.”
Tim Wikiriwhi: “I am not ashamed to be a man who likes beautiful woman.
I refuse to take on board any guilt trip about that… its natural and completely within the bounds of decency, in fact beauty is something that ought to be appreciated.”
Naive Male: “[Tim] Check out who owns F1 and who made this decision, you could not be more wrong.”
Tim Wikiriwhi: “Dont pretend this is not part of the whole wave of nutbar Liberalism! We see this crap going on across the board, in every industry… Its all related.
They are feeling the backlash of the hysteria around Weinstein and the ‘Me too’ movement…. full of hypocrites.”
And thats the truth!
This is nothing new… all predictable… all part of the surrender of Freedom and Mens’s rights to the Lunatic hysteria of Lefty Liberalism and Neo feminism.
We can be sure that they will attack cheer leaders in othe sports too!
The feminist movement that ones had noble ideals has been completely over run by whacko Man haters whose agenda is nothing short of absolute Sexist bigotry against men and sexy woman.
This is the nutbar movement that hangs giant Vaginas over their heads and parades down the street!
This is the movement that thinks calling themselves ‘Nasty woman’ and having blood tricking down between their thighs is a some sort of Bold stand for womans ‘Liberation’!
This is the perverse movement whose members bring Cookies to school for young children shaped like vaginas!
They are violent.
They act like a crazy mob!
They hate men and want them to die!
Biscuits provided by a whacko liberal mom to a 2nd grade class.
The truth is the War was won against woman’s oppression in the west a long time ago, yet the Liberals have no other modus opperandi but to play perpetual victims of the demographic they despise most… White Men.
It is frightening to realise that most of western civilisation is governed by Liberal Freaks who seek to make all this insanity offical doctrine… and Law.
It is frightening to realise that Men have been systematically driven out of the education systems and that these are now infested with whacko feminists and liberals who are not only teaching little girls and teens to be militantly neo-feminist, but are also torturing our boys… simply for being boys… whom they see as future ‘rapists and benefactors of the patriarchy’.
Schools are purposely disadvantaging our sons to try and hobble their ability to function in the future… socially engineering… an advantage for girls across the entire spectrum of society.
Our Law courts are heavily weighted against men and fathers.
Woman escape justice every day for their Violence and frauds committed against men!
Police refuse to charge woman for their lies and abuse.
Its an outrage!
And its why I am writing this blog, and why I have opposed Neo-feminism for years as a Moral Libertarian duty.
Those of you who think I am over reacting to this F1 decision are brain dead Zombies… oblivious to the magnatute of the Evil that is involved in all this.
Western civilisation is going down the toilet… and I for one will not cheer.
Now I am not a misogynist.
I respect woman, and I believe in their equal rights and liberties, yet these Neo-feminists are Dangerous and deranged, and their bigoted and hate filled militancy is absolutely frightening to behold and I fear for my Children’s future!
Our Sons will inherit an oppressive system, and our daughters will be brainwashed and not understand what the true virtues of femininity are!
This will only accelerate the collapse of Marriage, Family, and the home… to the misery of all.
I dont have any angst against ‘Big’ woman… or ‘plain’ woman… or woman past their prime, yet *Envy* is one of the most prevalent and base of human characteristics and these types are easily consumed with envy at the ‘sexual capital’ of young and sexually attractive woman, and how men swoon at their feet.
They try and pretend that there is something Evil about that to justify their outrageous jealousy and rage.
The side of Equality of rights and liberties is clearly on *my side* in this debate, and it is *I*… not the side of the ‘Fourth wave’ Neo-feminists who is speaking up for the rights of woman in these situations.
The woman’s whose rights I am defending just so happen to be the most gorgeous creatures on the planet who make the most of their Beauty… and I am defending them from all the fake feminism that is nothing but vile sexism cloaked under the garb of a liberation movement.