Category Archives: Freedom

Facebook Dumps Fact Checkers and Diversity hire. Why I say We Should Negotiate a Settlement With the Zuckster.

There have been some amazing changes at Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberger has dumped ‘Fact Checkers’ …. services provided by heavily biased, woke, and politically affiliated companies in favour of ‘community notes’ as are used on X platform, and he has also scrapped diversity and inclusion hire which prioritised Demographic identities of applicants over skills and other far more weighty attributes.

Despite many interesting confessions (on Joe Rogan Podcast) and commitments to vast improvements on facebook to restore Free Speech … very understandably thousands of people who left Facebook in disgust and have since turned up at X (Twitter) are spitting tacs that The Zuckburger has been having meetings with President elect Donald Trump.
They harbour great contempt for the many evils they believe Zuckerburg is guilty of and they are hoping he is one of many Trump will send to the gallows (metaphorically speaking) when he re-assumes power.

They see Zuck’s latest moves as nothing but a sleezy attempt to avoid the Wrath of The Don once again he is sworn into office!

The level of evil that conspired against Donald Trump and his supporters over the past 4+ has been un-believable for a first world nation to experience!
They tried to ruin him, jail him, and even assassinate him!
They have jailed some of his supporters for 4 years on absolutely bogus charges of ‘insurrection’!!
They corrupted every institution of law and order and twisted them all for the sake of persecuting their political opponents.
All of it fabricated… and all of it failed!
During all this The WEF and minions (esp Jacinda Ardern) have worked like demons to create laws in every Nation to destroy the right of free speech for their citizens.
Despite it all Trump returns victorious!
By the Providence of The Almighty!
Yet now the Democrat WEF Minions are scattering like rats in fear of just retribution!

Even Bill Gates has been kissing The Don’s arse lately!

Millions of people around the globe want Zuckburger punished for his censorship which has affected elections around the globe, and during the Covid Scamdemic.

The Zuck was one of many Billionaires and powers who worked to defraud Donald Trump of Re-election in 2020.

Certainly the fear Trump could seek retribution will be a significant motivating factor for MZ in ‘demonstrating a change of heart’ by ‘fixing’ facebook.
He now admits ‘fact checkers’ have been too biased and too often ‘Got it wrong’.

Zuckerburger also blames the Biden administration for putting pressure on Facebook to censor Truth and says they ‘came after his company’ when they failed to cave into their demands.

I was one of the millions who got censored by Facebook countless times, thrown in Facebook jail right on the weeks leading up to elections, etc.
I had several of my pages axed… one on Covid 19… another on the battle of the sexes, and men’s rights.

I left Facebook because of it’s heavy political bias and censorship, so I know first hand Facebook is/was corrupt, yet still I ask Freedom lovers and Trump supporters to put their righteous indignation to the side for 5 minutes to calmly consider the following question.

Does your need for vengeance and punishment of Zuck overthrow your desire to win the information war and establish Free Speech on line… in the world?

With the WEF seeking to control the worlds internet… determined to brainwash the entire world into conforming to their dictates… seeking to censor all dissent… legislating to deploy thought police against those who post opinions detrimental to their aims.
That is a question of monumental importance!

I believe the fate of the world hangs on this very question.

Look at what is happening today in Great Britain!
Britain is no longer Great.
She has fallen under Globalist socialist Tyranny.
In the courts of WEF Puppet PM Keir Starmer’s Britain people get heaver jail sentences for Social media posts than Rapists and violent offenders do!
And this is at a time when Britain’s jails are overcrowded to the extent they are letting *real criminals* go!
Starmer is implementing WEF policies which many Western Governments around the world are trying to impose upon their people too… including Australia and New Zealand.
They want to make it illegal to question lax Immigration policies.
They want to make it illegal to say ‘Transgenderism’ is a mental health problem… gender dysphoria.
The other day I was critical about that very subject with a Woke Labour Party MP on X, when the thought occurred to me that this MP could possibly flag my posts as ‘hate speech’ and ask the NZ police to pay me a visit!

Police forces around the world no longer stick to the letter of the law, but are trained in Globalist ideology and implement ideas and agendas that are not the law of the land.
In Britain it is common for the police to harass and arrest Christian street preachers under highly dubious charges.

That we live in such times is a disgrace!

Why should citizens living in democracies fear they might get arrested for expressing their personal opinions?
That is an attack on democracy… pure and simple.

People want justice for all the massive frauds like Covid and Climate change alarmism, and for allowing their nations to be over run with hostile aliens who hate them and and their cultures, and who flout their laws, and rape their woman… They hold Mark Zuckerberg as complicit for playing along with it all by heavily censoring Facebook.

Britain is a powder keg about to blow! Governments like Starmer’s have created a situation where a Racial civil war is looming.
Tommy Robinson is locked up for exposing the Government’s cover-up of Illegal immigrant crime.
Instead of enforcing the Law… they buried the truth.
Facebook permanently banned Tommy Robinson.

There is no doubt Facebook has collaborated with tyrannical authorities censoring dissidents and helped rig elections, etc.
These are serious charges and it is no wonder people want all the globalist traitors and tyrants… and collaborators behind bars!

I hope the axe of justice does fall on them … yet I believe we must not lose sight of the ultimate battle for free speech that is being waged… and that for the sake of victory we should be prepared to negotiate terms with some of these Bad actors when expedience demands it… for the sake of ultimate victory.
Sometimes circumstances are such that this is necessary… unpleasant though it may be.
Should Facebook be reformed that would go a long way towards turning the tide in favour of saving Western civilisation from the clutches of Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’.
That IMO would go a long way to redeeming Zuckerberg for his many evils.
Ultimately *nobody* escapes Justice.
The Zuck will one day have to stand before God Almighty and give account for his deeds.

Free speech has been extinguished in Britain, and hangs by a thin thread in most other Western nations.
This is why Trump must take care with how he deals with the Zuck.

This is what is at stake with Freedom on the internet.
The problem for tyrannical Socialist governments is the the internet and social media is more powerful than their traditionally controlled forms of media… TV, Radio, and Newspapers which had very limited reach and limited public response.

Social media and the internet with 100s of thousands of independent citizen political critics, commentators, and journalists (I like to think of myself in those terms) exposing the evil and absurd things politicians are up to is proving a bane to their Diabolical schemes and agendas.
They are hell bent on taking control of the Internet and turning it to their own Nefarious political ends.
This is why there is an ideological war going on for Freedom vs tyranny over the Internet.

It is in light of this that we need to consider what Zuckerburger is doing… just how massive a victory it is for Freedom to have this powerful Social media Giant switch sides and become another platform for global Free speech!

What a blow against the aims of the WEF!
What another massive problem for Socialist governments who are hoping to make Politically incorrect opinions illegal!
Facebook will represent millions of freedom dissident comments and arguments!
This is what winning looks like my friends!
Don’t be so foolish and let your need for seeing Zuc suffer cloud your understanding for what’s at stake and how this battle must be fought…

To my way of thinking… and given the super-critical situation where Global freedom hangs in the balance I believe with regard to Zuckerburger and Facebook that we should subordinate our desire for justice for the sake of winning the War for Freedom and Western Capitalism, and civilisation.

And I believe that is how Trumps mind works too.
He’s more interested in good outcomes than petty vengeance.

The Zuck Fears Trump… and that’s a good thing as it has caused him to change his business model from that which suited the WEF and Democrat Anti-Free speech Tyrants to a model that far more closely resembles a free speech platform that best suits a Free world that holds Political powers and governments to account… by the people.

I believe Trump is fighting the ‘Big’ game plan… that’s what makes him a target of the Globalists.
He stands in their way of Global power.
Should Zuckerburger maintain Facebook as a Free speech Platform I believe that will suffice Trump’s purposes.
Turning an enemy into an asset… willing or not.
Freedom wins!
Trump might also call on him to supply evidence against other adversaries who plotted to defraud him via all the Lawfare, the Russian collusion hoax, and Hunter Biden Laptop scandal… etc etc… asking facebook to censor truth.

Twitter under the helm of Jack Dorsey was once just as bad as Facebook. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, and cleaned house… saving the company and turning it into a bastion of Free speech this was a massive victory against the evil powers who sort absolute control over the internet and the world.
We can credit Elon’s ‘X’ as he rebranded it as being pivotal in the Re-election of Donald Trump and in the exposure of The Coivid 19 Scamdemic.
Still it will be great for the world to have another Mega-sized alternative social media platform that is pro-free speech… in competition with X.
That’s Healthy.
Monopolies are dangerous.

When I left Facebook I dusted off my sandals against them… yet given now things have been ‘fixed’ over there… in a few months time I may re-open my account there… as a reward for the Zuck doing the right thing.
It was a big sacrifice for me to leave Facebook and in the process I lost contact with many friends and family… that was a price I had to be willing to pay to be true to my values about Truth and free speech.
Will Zuck make good on his promises to reform Facebook?
Let’s just see how things develop over the next few months.

I know this post will anger a lot of people and open myself up to a mountain of criticism.
I’m fine with that.
I’m sitting down with a coffee… change my mind!

Tim Wikirwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

So… Facebook/ Meta’s Mark Zuckerburg Now claims to be a Libertarian… This prick helped rig the US 2020 election against Trump!

Bye bye my Facebook people. It’s time to go.

Gab, Mewe. Life on the Frontier. My Post-Facebook experience in Alternative Social Media sites.

Plan B: Preparing to Abandon Facebook, Google, and Youtube. Propaganda machines for Communist New World Order and the Great Reset.

Tim Wikiriwhi: My Submission to the Discussion Document for Safer Online Services and Media Platforms.


Bill of Rights for Internet Users: Donald Trump, Champion of Free Speech.

The Matrix : Facebook, and the end of free speech and democracy in New Zealand.


FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

Its time for the Freedom movement to liberate themselves from facebook… Get the party started over on Me We!


Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.


Facebook’s ‘Community Standards’ are a despicable fraud to cover their Political suppression of Criticism of the Leftist Globalist Agenda

Welcome to the Machine! I guess it wont be long before I am put in jail for breaking New Zealand ‘Hate speech’ legislation.

Guilty Plea by New Zealander who shared the Banned Live Facebook feed of the Christchurch attack is a victory for tyranny and a defeat for Liberty


Free Speech is in Peril. Powerful testimony by Lara Logan.

Facebooks collaboration with Liberal Tyranny. Shutting Down Dissent Against New Zealand PM’s New Gun Bans

Facebook AI does not follow their own Community Standards… but then who expects intelligence from a Stupid Robot?

I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence
World War 3 On The World Wide Web. The Crushing Of Free Speech in New Zealand.

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

The Rise Of The Amish In defense of Organic Farming and Raw Milk Products. Trump’s Victory in Pennsylvania. Viva Frei. Barnes Law.

Click the link below… and watch.

Watch… Police Raid the Amos Miller Amish Farm for the Second Time for Providing Good Organic Food

Bill Gates want’s to depopulate the Planet using Vaccines… “He Said it. He Meant it. He’s Doing it. And It’s Working”. Rob Schneider.

Click and play (below)

Freewill vs God’s plan…. Determinism? A Synthesis.

IMO This is not an ‘either/or’ situation IMO.
Despite assumptions I believe both propositions can be true at the same time… 🙂
Let me explain.
I say 1. We have free will and 2. God controls the universe.
Just as my young son was not my slave I could guarantee that if I held out an ice cream… he would grab it.
He was not *compelled* to grab it… yet I knew that I only had to put the cone in front of his face… and he would behave exactly as I planned/ foresaw.
We read in Exodus that God ‘hardened pharaoh’s heart’ so that he would not let the people go.
All God had to do is via some inconsequential way provoke Pharaoh’s pride/ego… to know Pharaoh would of his own volition *harden his own heart*!
There is no *deterministic mechanism* involved in what God did that absolves Pharaoh of his personal volition and culpability for what he did!
He was tested… and failed because of his own evil… and God is fully just in holding him accountable for what he did.
Does this make sense?
So God’s Authority does not negate Freewill.
He simply knows the heart of every one of us.
Pharaoh could have acted differently… yet chose the wicked path.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Sam Harris fails miserably to vindicate his claim that Science can answer moral questions.

When the Accuser comes calling…Trust in the Lord’s Good Character…Trust in his word. (Good God/Evil world part 7)

The Absurd claims that Reason is the personal property of Atheism.

Tolerating Public Nudity. A Christian asks… Should Porn be allowed on X?

Christian X user asks the question… “Should Porn be allowed on this platform?”

Public nudity in a free and civil society has always been a contentious issue. Even the discussion of Sex is contentious.

As a Libertarian Christian I have defended the rights of Sex workers, and Public parades such as ‘Boobs on Bikes’ from Oppressive Councils and laws that were under pressure to prohibit these things largely from Christian activist lobby groups.

Some people will wonder how as a Christian I might take such a position? I take that position because I believe in a separation of church and state, and I do not like Christianity and the bible being used as a bludgeon to persecute sinners and infidels. I believe that to be absolutely Unchristian, and also a corruption of the Law… and a violation of individual rights.

Many anti-freedom people think that by taking the side of prostitutes that I am endorsing prostitution, yet that is false. I do not want anyone (man or woman) to prostitute themselves, yet that does not mean I therefore should support laws against them.

I believe In liberty.. as a Libertarian Christian we have far more hope of saving people from prostitution if we show love for them rather than hateful oppression. Christians can still work to reduce prostitution via the gospel… which is the true Christian way to battle sin and improve the world…. all under freedom.

Now I said all this here to give context to the question raised above. Porn in Western society may be construed as being anything from showing a nipple… to full on Sex. I personally am not bothered by the former being allowed in public yet would be very bothered by the latter… so even Libertarian Tim thinks there must be a line drawn *somewhere*.

Myself… applying the principle of Equality before the law when supporting ‘Boobs parades in Hamilton’ was that if men are allowed to walk topless down the street so too should woman be lawfully allowed to. Instead of allowing woman to do so, we could instead simply create a new prohibition against men having bare chests…. yet is this the best direction for society… less freedom… more laws/rules/punishments? It’s obvious to me thats the wrong direction to take society… that leads to what is happening in the Islamic world with Burkas and Beard police.

The truth is Christians need to be tolerant of others who do not share *all* the same values and sentiments we do… yet who are still peaceful and civil. Ie seeing a boob on the street you may find offensive (I don’t) but is certainly does not violate any of your rights!

If we were to apply that to social media platforms and boobs were allowed… then anyone offended by it could scroll past that post… and even block the sender of the post…. thereby *self policing* their own content without imposing their views on others. And this is how a free and civil society really works. Tolerance… and Individuals taking responsibility for their own moral standards rather than expecting the government to act like the Taliban.

X could set up an ‘R18’ tab (maybe they already do) and users could click that tab to prevent any R18 content appearing in their feed. They probably already do this… I’m not sure. I’m fairly certain most x users don’t want explicit porn turning up in their feed, yet I’m sure the odd boob pick from a chick on the back of a motor cycle does not bother too many people????

Ultimately such questions are for the Platforms themselves to figure out… yet if they get it wrong It would impact on their User satisfaction and cause people to leave. Lets say X allowed nudity yet not explicit sex acts… at first some millions who cant handle the sight of a boob to leave. That would be an expected cost. yet eventually those numbers would recover and users would just take such stuff in their stride like adults. And personally speaking I think that is progress… an escape from the petty legalistic prudish attitudes that still support Legal oppression under the guise of Christian virtue.

If nudity was allowed on X that would not mean Christians could no longer maintain their own virtues. They might face more ‘temptation’… yet it would be up to them to overcome that as all Christian ought. Ironically It’s the more Pious types that have the most problem when confronted with a boob! Everyone else just laughs… or scrolls past.

That’s my 5 cents. 🙂

Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Babes and Ball Crushers.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

True Christian Modus Operandi. Jesus Loves Porn Stars.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Sick Puppies.

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

Free Speech is in Peril. Powerful testimony by Lara Logan.

Powerful testimony by Lara Logan:
“I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes, chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News. That was my home for 16 years. And as a journalist, I have sat down with world leaders, mass murderers, and terrorists. And I have held people on both sides of the aisle accountable. I have seen suffering and I have faced evil and I have walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields. I faced my own death at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang-raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death while on assignment for 60 minutes. And yet for almost a decade I have been targeted and falsely branded and accused of many things that I did not do.
They have attacked my work, my character, my sanity, and my marriage. And I am not alone. We are many. And we will not give up, and we will not give in. It’s important to all of us, because of everything discussed today, that we address the vital principles and values that exist really only in the United States of America.
And that said, these are the worst of times for the media in this country. We live in the age of information warfare, where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle. This is a war for our minds that is aided by advanced technology, and we have never been here, not in all of human history. It is a moment when we as journalists should stand together, united, and regardless of politics, we should fight for the truth and we should fight for freedom. Yet, not very long ago, we allowed one of our own to be branded as a traitor simply for doing his job. In fact, there were many so-called journalists who were leading the charge against Tucker, accusing him of treason for the simple fact of interviewing the president of Russia. And to my knowledge, there was not a single legacy media institution that spoke up. This was more than a politically motivated attack on one man. It was a betrayal of the most sacred principles of a free press. And my media colleagues know this to be true, no matter what they say. My fear is that they either no longer care or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves to those who wish to censor the idea of free speech in America and all over the world. Media companies, institutions and journalism schools have failed all of us. And for too long we have allowed non-profit organizations to masquerade as non-partisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are little more than highly paid political propagandists and assassins whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way and along with them the long held and cherished ideas of free speech, free thinking, and free minds. This is a blood sport for them, their political allies, and their puppet masters. They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them. We call it cancel culture. In truth, it is a death sentence. And they get away with it because they have information dominance. Some are strong enough to survive, but only a few like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, only a few like them are able to reach greater heights and thrive.
These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech. They use phrases like protecting democracy and make no mistake, words matter. While propaganda and censorship are not new. Technology means unprecedented power and reach in the hands of a few. Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, as you have heard many times today, have been allowed to amass monopoly power. And as a result, they not only reach billions of people across the world every second of the day, they have absolute control over what we see and what we hear.
Mao, Hitler. When I became a journalist more than 35 years ago, we were under emergency restrictions in apartheid South Africa. And I was 17 years old. Public safety and security were the weapons of state censors. Ours was the truth. We had no Bill of Rights, no Constitution, no First Amendment, no Declaration of Independence and journalists would have to hide their footage from the security police, sometimes sewing the tapes into their mattresses at home so they could not be seized and used to identify and target the protesters that we had filmed. The light of freedom that set fire to our hearts in South Africa was lit thousands of miles away. It was lit right here where we sit today in the United States of America.
When the Founding Fathers put freedom of speech first, it was not by chance, it was by design. The rights that followed were in part created to protect the First Amendment. Without it, they knew that freedom itself would perish. I am reminded today of the words spoken by the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Gray, in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War. He said, the lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. We are once again watching the lights of freedom. They’re going out here and all over the world. And it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again ever.”

Nuclear energy: Could the technology have a future in New Zealand? Newstalk ZB

“Nuclear energy is experiencing a resurgence in interest amid concern surrounding shortages.

Its greenhouse gas emissions are smaller than most – and reactors produce reliable baseline electricity cheaply and efficiently.

Fisher Funds expert Sam Dickie unpacks whether nuclear energy can have a future in New Zealand.”

Listen to ZB here

Tim’s commentary…

I’m against New Zealand building Nuclear Power stations, yet not for the ‘usual’ reasons regarding it’s safety. but rather because I know the WEF Globalist New World Order Seeks to overthrow the Oil based Civilisation and install their *Electric Based totalitarian system whereby they control the lives of every individual on Earth via their consoles.
This includes a Global Cashless system. 666.
This includes a Global ID social credit system of control whereby dissidents and critics of government get punished and silenced.
It will include some sort of Mark or chip imbedded into the body. All our Biometrics will be scanned and recorded. We are told it’s all for our own convenience and social good.
It’s a system of absolute slavery… yet the biggest hurdle to their New World Order is that there is currently not enough Electric generation to replace Coal, Oil, and Gas.
They are not doing this ‘to save the planet’. That is a gigantic scam. The Politically generated Climate Alarmism and hysteria is merely a ruse to deceive the gullible masses into complying with their tyrannical dictates.

So NO! I do not support the government or anyone setting up Nuclear power stations in New Zealand!
That is what they will use to enslave my children. That is when they will outlaw petrol cars and trucks.
Coal, Oil, Petrol, and gas represents *FREEDOM*.
I will not comply or support the building of a tyrannical system.

I fully admit that I am alarmed by the way everything is being assimilated into the electronic matrix. The total loss of privacy… the way Tech corporations invade our personal spaces… steal our data… track us and spy on us and I am gobsmaked by the apathy of my fellow citizens to all this… their sheepish compliance… their acquiescence… their surrendering their rights for the sake of petty conveniences. I think it has all gone way too far.
The balance between Smart tech and analogue stand alone tech that is not reliant on the Matrix has been well and truly crossed with no end in sight!
So much of the ‘Smart tech’ is absolutely unnecessary… quite ridiculous really so that our societies dependency on the internet is like Crack cocaine… a very real form of enslavement… Am I really that crazy to point these things out?

Given the WEF agenda for the Great Reset, we must expect a heavy propaganda spin campaigns promoting Nuclear energy under the guise of fighting ‘Climate annihilation’… yet we know the real game plan.
It’s Ironic when you know people like Bill Gates and the WEF Transhumanist want to reduce the population… yet these demons sucker so many fools into thinking they are trying to save the world.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Global Boiling! Global Burning! Are The Globalists about to Implement ‘Climate Lockdowns’ and impose their New World Order?

New Zealand Preps for the Great Reset: Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill. Submission by Tim Wikiriwhi, Christian Libertarian.

The UN And The Grand Centralization Of Power.

“Agenda 21” The UN’s diabolical plan for the world is explained on the “Glenn Beck Show”

No Utopia.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

“There’ll be NO FOOD LEFT And It’ll Be WAR” – Farmers Expose WEF Agenda: Russell Brand.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

The Fate of our Nation is in the Hands of Clowns. The Circus of New Zealand Election Year 2023.

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

From X here.

Scott Stapp lead singer of the band Creed performing at the Cruzan Amphitheater
West Palm Beach, Florida – 16.09.09.
Where: United States
When: 16 Sep 2009
Credit: WENN

Scott Stapp from Creed goes off on epic screed explaining the need for Rs & Ds to unite against Soros and the WEF.

“That’s exactly what they want. The powers that be want us divided. They want us separated. They want us compartmentalized in our own little niches, in our own little groups. Thinking we’re right, they’re wrong, and bickering. You know why? To keep us distracted from holding them accountable.”

“They start dividing us and programming us in kindergarten. They teach us about how to be slaves to authority, about how to think this way, and think that way; All conforming us into this divided group of assets and pawns.”


“It’s divide & conquer. We say they’re doing it everywhere else, but it’s happening right here at home. Everything we accuse every other country of doing, we’re doing right here.”

“Your civil rights are being violated every single minute of every single day. And what do we do about it? We focus on what divides us. We argue like keyboard warriors. The only way to make change is to come together as one to focus on what we have in common. Life. Freedom. Love.”

“We start reminding them of what our Constitution says. We start reminding them what our Bill Of Rights says. We remind them that we are a Constitutional Republic built upon the Bible and the word of God and NOT a democracy.”

“Take back the power that was rightfully given to us. It’s our birthright. We can’t do it alone, the only way is Unity. We’re One but we’re not the same. We get to carry each other, carry each other. One.”

Amen! I couldn’t have said it better.

As soon as you want to hold the elite accountable more than you want to attack your fellow Americans, we will have the change we all want.

The Great Awakening is HERE…”

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on the Political destruction of Alex Jones… On X.

“I’ve always liked Alex Jones.

The judge ordering Alex Jones’ Infowars to be auctioned off, to pay $1.5 billion defamation damages (a sum he could never pay), proves it was always really about destroying Alex Jones.

The shooter was the one who horrifically murdered those innocent children, not Alex Jones.

He might have said things that were wrong and then he repeatedly apologized.

How many times have you ever heard the mainstream media ever apologize about all the horrible things they have said? And lies they have told? And character assassinations they have made on people?


And are they being ordered to pay their victims billions or their media companies being auctioned off?


This is wrong.”

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on X