Category Archives: Waitangi Apartheid

Open Letter To Synlait Dairy Company Defending You Tuber Lee Williams Democratic Right To Critisise The Political Policies Of The Maori Party.

This blog post is an open letter to the Synlait Dairy company.
It covers matters of a very sensitive, unpleasant, yet vitally important nature to justice, freedom, and the future wellbeing of our country.
Right now, a brave and good man’s livelihood hangs in the balance.
Now He needs his countrymen to speak up in his defense.
Please share this on your Social media platforms.
Thank you.

To the management of Synlait Dairy Company.

I write to you in defense of Dairy worker and independent You Tuber Lee Williams for the purpose of explaining why Synlait must not dismiss Lee because to do so would be wrongful.

Your company has become ensnared in a dirty political game through no fault of your own, and for this you have my sympathy.
Take courage, most New Zealanders understand this.
New Zealanders are not blind to what is going on.
This is a matter of National importance.

Lee and Synlait are but the latest victims of despicable systematic, politically motivated attacks upon your names and character.
These attacks are attempting to circumvent the rights of free citizens to speak out against the political policies of Racist radicals peddling a blatantly racist agenda by threatening their reputations and livelihoods.
I am in this instance talking about the unscrupulous behavior of the Maori Party, who are a notorious bunch of racist radicals who do not even represent what most Maori people believe, let alone what most New Zealanders believe, yet still because of the way they operate in labeling anyone who speaks out against their racist agenda as being ‘White Supremacist’ most New Zealanders are too scared to stand up against them.

I am well aware of the pressure Synlait will be feeling having become the focus of their attention, and that the last thing you want is to be dragged through ongoing ugly public protests with a bunch of ill behaved radicals saying all sorts of nasty things about your company… until you give them what they want… the head of your worker… Lee Williams.

Every time companies cave in to such demands only serves to embolden this type of political extortion.
The latest occurrence was when Media Works Corp decided to ‘let go’ 2 of their best broadcasters, John Banks and Sean Plunket, because like Lee, they dared to take less than agreeable positions with the racist radical agenda that divides New Zealand into a two tier society… First class citizens being those with special indigenous rights… and Second Class citizenship goes to all the rest.
If you complain about being rendered a second class citizen, the Maori party will call you racist!

Woke left wing activists successfully applied the very same pressure Synlait is now experiencing to several of Mediaworks major advertisers who then threatened to pull their advertising revenues from Media works unless they ‘deplatformed’ Ex Mayor of Auckland John Banks.
Fellow Radio Works talk show host Sean Plunket made ‘the mistake’ of speaking up for Banks.
When the despicable tactics of the radical Left got the results they hoped for New Zealand lost two prominent public voices brave enough to challenge the racist policies of the Maori Party and others in parliament.
Now they have turned their sights on defender of the Kiwi Dream, and You Tuber Lee Williams.

These tactics are what has become known globally as ‘Cancel culture’ and are a clear demonstration of how leftist militant political activists are systematically undermining legitimate free speech, and attacking their critics… not in a civilised manor with superior reason and facts, but with Bulling and threats, and slander… going for their throats by attacking their jobs and livelihoods.
These underhanded and Machiavellian tactics cause New Zealanders to shut their mouths to the vile antics and policies of these radicals out of fear of coming under attack themselves.
These despicable tactics are running amok across Western societies because of a failure of Parliaments to recognize this subversive political behavior for what it really is.
Hateful, malevolent, and anti-democratic.

The Lust for power is the root of every form of evil.

Let me make this clear.
It is outrageous slander to label anyone who disagrees with the separatist policies and financial largess going on in our parliament today as being ‘White Supremacist’.
I myself am of Maori descent, and I stand with Lee, as do the majority of New Zealanders in opposition to the racially divisive agenda commonly known as ‘Treaty Separatism’.
Lee, a migrant from Britain, in his private life is a passionate defender of the Ideals and values that made New Zealand great.
Far be it that his attitude should be frowned upon!
He ought to be highly commended, esp given the caustic political environment of our times under which brave and principled people come under attack for defending such fundamental principles as racial equality before the law.

Lee did not ask me to write this.
I do not personally know Lee, nor do I agree with everything he says yet from watching his videos I can tell he is a good worker as he is often seen on his Go Pro walking in the cold and dark to work while the rest of the community are still lights out… snuggly tucked into their beds.
Synlait is fortunate to have such a conscientious man with strong work ethic on their team.
I understand the predicament he has now found himself, not because of any evil he has done, but because he has chosen to take a stand against Political corruption in high places.
He is a fighter for all that is Good about New Zealand that has become endangered by the Radical politics of Treaty separatism.
Lee now needs the Good people of New Zealand to stand up in his defense, and I for one will not cower from coming to his aid, and giving him my moral support out of fear the radical mob might turn their attention upon me.

Synlait must not submit to this Political harassment. It was a big mistake to suspend Lee because now you have sullied yourselves in private matters that are legally none of your concern.
That we are talking about *private matters* here… about what workers do in their own time… in their private lives… Lawful things that are not crimes.
These facts show the swampy ground Synlait is treading upon in suspending Lee.
In truth this should never have been made a question of his employment with your company. That it has become so is no fault of Lee, but yet another frightening example of how Radical Leftist political activists with malevolent intentions are working to ruin the lives of their political critics.
Getting people like Lee the sack from their jobs by labeling them as racists is one of their nasty tactics, and they are applying this tactic here and now, attempting to drive a wedge between Lee and his source of income… how he provides for himself.
Synlait must not allow themselves to be manipulated in such a despicable way… out of fear of being slandered in the public sphere by radical activists for refusing to play their dirty games.

You would do well to contemplate the fact that Rugby Australia had to apologise and reach a hefty settlement with Israel Folau because in dismissing Israel for things he said in private on Social media they violated Israel Folau’s rights. Though this case was in Australia, the principle is the very same as your situation with Lee Williams. If you recall, Rugby Australia had suspended Israel because he had privately expressed his Christian beliefs that among other things that Homosexuality is a sin, for which Rugby Australia had taken offence.
This is symptomatic of the vehement Social intolerance and spirit of persecution which has sprung up in Western Nations today in which private citizens come under threat simply for expressing their own personal views. And all this we are told is supposed to be making our societies ‘less hateful’.
In reality it is making our Nations Less free, and more like oppressive Socialist dictatorships, and Police States.

The only legitimate reasons Synlait might have for dismissing Lee is for serious misconduct at work, or for criminal activities.
Certainly not because of the shrill and venom filled cries of Racist radicals baying for Lee’s blood.

This is a shameful politically driven ‘witch hunt’ that must be called out for what it is and rigorously opposed.
This sort of political Bully tactics cannot be condoned.
The MPs behind this evil witch hunt should be dragged over the coals for such a malicious attempt to destroy a mans life… simply because he opposes their politics and aims.
That New Zealand countenances parliamentarians and policies that divide our nation according to race… that is the *Real Racism* New Zealand suffers.

I believe the best course for Synlait to take forward would be to engage Legal representation and make a complaint to Parliament for the behavior of Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa for her despicable actions that have caused your company harm to its reputation, and the well being of one of your staff… for personal political gain, esp her creation/promotion of a ‘Change.Org’ on line petition with the title ‘Synlait- Stop Employing White Supremacists’.
This crosses legal boundaries, and is a form of defamation and intimidation, and it is in the public interest that this corrupt political behavior by members of parliament be called to account.

When you read what his accusers actually say… they attack Lee because he dares to warn the public about what he perceives as the dangers of the ‘He Puapua report’… a document that Jacinda Ardern was keeping secret from the New Zealand public but an unredacted copy was leaked to the Opposition.
These same concerns that Lee expressed on You Tube have also been highlighted by the Leader of the National Party Judith Collins!
Is Judith also a ‘Far Right White Supremacist’?

The ‘He Puapua Report’ is a government commissioned blueprint upon how New Zealand might be systematically and fundamentally changed under the pretext of honoring the UN Declaration of indigenous rights, itself a document signed by the Key led National Government in 2010 which New Zealanders were told at the time was not binding.

Judeth Colin’s has publicly called out Jacinda Ardern for working in stealth towards the goals listed in the report, and asked the PM to start ‘an open public conversation’ about the contents of He Puapua to lay on the table what is at stake.
Yet here we see that the Maori party has straight away gone on the attack when Lee Williams has dared to start expressing his view on this subject… which the National party Leader herself has said we need to have public discussion!
Can we have any sort of public discussion if the Maori party is able to get people fired from their employment for simply not going along with Maori Party ambitions regarding the He Puapua Report?

The petition against Synlait and Lee Williams not only accuses Lee of ‘disseminating extreme white supremacist material’ but also say’s “Synlait espouses values such as diversity, inclusion and thriving communities. This is entirely at odds with the violent rhetoric of their employee Lee Williams.
We call upon Synlait to review his contract, in reflection of their espoused values, and make it clear that they give nothing to racism, most especially a paycheque.”

Now there is so much vile contradiction and hypocrisy in that statement (above) that beggars belief!
I will only have space here to mention a few.
Firstly Lee does not advocate or incite any violence and it is a patent falsehood and slander to say otherwise.
On the contrary it is the Maori Party themselves who disseminate ‘extreme racist materials’, and are attempting to perpetuate Real harm/violence against Lee Williams by seeking to destroy his livelihood!
This is the sort of staggering dishonesty and malicious nature of Lee’s accusers… and the whole country knows this… even if few have the moral spine to say so.

Also, and most importantly, the case at hand has very serious implications for our country’s democratic processes.
It is the right of Citizens, and permanent residents to critisise the political policies of Parties and members of parliament.
The Maori Party MPs have no special rights that render *their political views* as sacrosanct… above reproach, and the idea that anyone who disagrees with them can be labeled a racist and a white supremist is an outrage!
Offensive in the extreme and nothing more than a fallacious Ad Hominem attack upon the character of their detractors.
Maori party policies must withstand the rigors of public scrutiny and criticism just as every other political parties wares must do for this alone is how democracy justly functions.
That New Zealanders and residents should have their jobs and livelihoods placed in jeopardy for expressing legitimate dissent is despicable!
Synlaits Legal response should definitely incorporate these counter claims against the perpetrators of this witch hunt.
Some sort of Legal ‘Cease and Desist’ Order should be sort to prevent the ongoing harassment of Synlait and its employees.

Ultimately the goal should be to turn the tables upon the real Bad actors in all of this, and set a precedent whereby New Zealand Businesses and Employers demonstrate the proper demarcation between employees private affairs, and what rightfully may be deemed to be within the bounds of a fair employment contract.
A persons privately held political views cannot become the basis for discrimination in Employment contracts because this violates that persons democratic rights.
Nor should a person lose their job for lawfully and peacefully exercising their right to free speech simply because it is critical of the political policies of any Party or members of parliament.

This highlights just how dangerous are our Socialist politicians current attempts to legislate Free speech into the criminal codes because in so doing they will be able to construe what is currently lawful criticism of government policy as an actual criminal offence.
These are the grave dangers we face today as a Nation.

It is my sincere hope that Synlait takes the high road and boldly choses to defend itself, and your employee Lee Williams from this malicious activity.
In so doing you will be doing our nation a great service in defense of Free Speech, and worker rights for which the great percentage of New Zealanders will be grateful.

I offer my services to Synlait, and Lee Williams for any support I can give.
I have been actively opposing Treaty Separatism for two decades, and recently contributed to a book entitled ‘Free Speech under attack’ (Tross publishing).
I place my experience in these matters at your disposal.
My Email address is below.

Lee, If you are reading this you have my support.
Please contact me.
I understand how heavy is the burden upon your shoulders right now, yet you should not go to England at this time but remain here to defend your name.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Judith Collins calls for ‘national conversation’ from Jacinda Ardern after controversial He Puapua report. Synlait – Stop Employing White Supremacists

Synlait investigating ‘white supremacist’ worker

Rugby Australia and Israel Folau settle legal dispute over sacking

Israel Folau and Rugby Australia settle unfair dismmissal claim over social media post.

More from Tim….






Update : see video below.

NZ Libertarian voting New Conservatives, and ‘Yes’ for both Cannabis Legalisation and the Assisted Dying Referendums.

Read about the kind of guy New Conservative Deputy Leader Elliot Ikili is… here > Motorway rescue earns recognition

With regard to the up and coming referendum on the right to assisted death for the terminally ill, and to politics in general, a fundamental question asked by Libertarians is Who owns your life?
Answer: You do! Not society.

Upon that basis I believe a Yes vote for the right to assisted dying for the terminally ill is the moral vote because it is the only consistent position with the principle that (politically speaking) *you own yourself*.
Otherwise you become the slave/ property of society.

The above statement is clear cut, yet not without controversy.
The ‘No’ voters think this reform erodes the sanctity of Human life. So argues the New Conservative party.
I say it does the very opposite thing.
It removes power from the State and gives it back to individuals to make their own choices.

I myself am both a Libertarian, and a Christian, yet many Christians will not be able to reconcile my ‘Yes vote’ with how they interpret ‘Christian values’, and in fact many people… both believers and infidels can’t imagine how Christianity and Libertarianism can be coherently united and consistent in application.

More on these nuances later, first of all I want to talk about the curious mental gymnastics I am forced to engage in this election whereby my votes on both referendums will be in conflict with the expressed policies of the political party I have decided to support. New Conservatives.

I forgive people for this default starting assumption.
Hopefully those of you who find my decisions incredulous will take the trouble to read this post whereby I will do my best to extricate myself from being written off as a nutbar.

I know that my choices will win few friends, and will more likely annoy any I already have because splitting my votes will tend to draw the ire and consternation of *all camps*.
Nonetheless this is the course I am choosing to navigate.

We here in New Zealand live in chaotic times politically speaking, and the two referenda being run in unison with the national elections are two highly polarising subjects… which is why they have become referenda as neither of the two large parties have the Nads to legislate these reforms, or run with them as election policies.

The assisted dying referendum for the terminally ill has come about because of a bill presented to parliament by Act Leader David Seymour.

I will be supporting Seymour’s reform, yet I won’t be giving Act my party vote.

Even though Act have never been a great party, deciding not to vote Act this election was not an easy decision to make, as what other party even remotely represents my essential values?
On several key matters of personal freedom David Seymour had stood head and shoulders above the rest of parliament in how he conducted himself this election cycle, with respect to the issues of free Speech, and his opposition to the shameful way the new Firearms prohibitions were enacted.

In the light of these noble actions I was definitely leaning towards giving Act my vote and encouraging others to do the same, yet as time progressed, Seymour’s virtues became overshadowed by other unconscionable actions he would proceed to commit which have undermined my support.

With regards to the new abortion Legislation he not only supported late term abortions but also failed to vote for a proposed amendment that would have defended the rights of babies born alive after botched Abortions to receive medical aid rather than being neglected to die.
The whole basis of the pro-abortion arguments are that a woman is sovereign over her own body and the government has no authority to dictate what she does within her own body… yet once a baby has in fact been born… is *outside* the woman’s body, then they ought to have the full rights of an independent human being!
I consider these failings by David Seymour to be morally reprehensible.
And how disgusting that such laws were passed under a parliament led by a Woke PM who claims she entered politics ‘For the Children’!!!!
Seymour is fully complicit in this foul business.

I was also disgusted with the way he treated some of his most loyal candidates with regards to this elections Act party list, and I have always disliked what I see as a general lack of spine on some of the most important social issues facing our Nation such as ending the Race based seats in parliament, and his support for the UN Global compact on migration.

These are not attributes of a leader I can endorse.

In the not too distant past voting for me was a far less convoluted enterprise.
During the first decade of this new Millennium voting was relatively easy because New Zealand had a vibrant Libertarian Party for whom I could cast my vote with confidence, and for many elections in the second decade, I stood as a Libertarian Independent, and so obviously I at least knew which candidate I would support.. yet the question of where to place my party vote has never been an easy decision since the Libertarianz Party disbanded.

It is a matter of political folklore that the Act Party are a ‘Libertarian party’, yet this is to the largest extent a myth.
A myth that is mostly to the detriment of Libertarianism.
Politics in New Zealand truly is a confounding mess and almost madness to try and untangle… which causes many not to bother trying.

Act may have been founded with the aid of some Libertarian minded people, yet there were also many Ex Labour Party Neo-liberal Bigwigs like Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble, and so instead of advocating any Libertarian social reforms, Act quickly became a Crony Capitalist/’National Socialist party’ that supported some Free market Economics, yet maintained Welfare State socialism with regards to virtually everything else.

Take a look at the picture (above) that exposes how far the National party have drifted from their original charter!
If only they had remained true to their original aspirations upon which they were founded!

Act became the most Right Wing party of New Zealand.. to the right of National.. a lobby to bludgeon Left wing heavy Taxation Anti-Business ambitions of Labor and their more radical minions yet despite lofty rhetoric Act absolutely failed to stand for any reforms on individual liberty.
This has remained the case throughout their history perhaps with the one exception during the party leadership by the Great New Zealander Don Brash.

It was under Brash that Act came anywhere near a forthright stand on any law reform that was a matter of personal freedom, when Brash came out on TV in favour of ending cannabis prohibition.
His party associates like John Banks nearly had a heart attack!
Brash stint with Act was short, and any mention of Cannabis law reform left when he did.
Act has always and only played lip service to being the party of small government and personal freedom.
This is because apart from Brash the Party has been run by a bunch of Ball-less wonders.
The most disappointing for me was Jamie Whyte… because of all of them he knew better.
Most of them put money matters above personal liberty and social justice.

Act are not Nazis, yet their party is part way down a continuum at the end of which is full blown fascism.

Labour are not Communists, yet their party is well down the continuum at the end of which stands full blown Communism. Today under Ardern their policies and loyalties lie not with the interests of New Zealanders but with UN Socialist Globalism.

By labeling Act as ‘Libertarian’ the leftist media managed to confound Libertarianism with being Far right.
This is disgraceful slander.
Libertarianism is fundamentally different to every other political ideology.

Act’s alignment with *Fascism* rather than true capitalism and Freedom, is why the True Libertarians who initially helped found Act, quickly realised what was afoot and jumped ship.
They formed their own genuine Libertarian party, and so Act became just another Party against whom the Libertarianz party had to cross swords.

For more than a decade the Libertarianz Party fought valiantly for Individual liberty and rights against ever expanding Government encroachment, yet sadly after years of courageous activism they were forced to throw in the towel from lack of traction and financial support.

MMp’s 5% mark to get an MP into parliament is in my opinion far too high, and represents a barrier to breaking the stranglehold the two major parties enjoy.
The Political playing field is also heavily tilted in favour of maintaining the status quo, and New Zealanders themselves are heavily conditioned to their chains.
The Libertarianz party could not sustain itself against the overwhelming odds.

Freedom lovers failed to rally under their noble banner from a delusion of ‘wasting their votes’.
Well… I ask… where did casting your votes for other parties get our Nation?
Because New Zealanders did not heed the Libertarians on their Soap boxes, and rally behind them is why our nation now experiences the dawning of an era of Tyranny!

I implore Freedom lovers to not make the same mistake!
Stop voting for the very parties that have abandoned our values and taken our nation towards complete enslavement!

The demise of the Libertarianz Party spelled the end of New Zealanders clear choice between Freedom and various levels of Tyranny.
Between Justice and various levels of oppression.
Between fairness in economics vs heavy Political obstacles.

Libertarian minded New Zealanders were cast adrift… forced to swim about in a stinking cesspool, looking for the best place to put their democratic votes.
The political climate and darkened mentality of our times have made this a very dirty business.
Most of the wares on offer by todays mongers are of dubious quality.
The Libertarian pines over his ale, looking out upon a scene of chaos, confusion, and mayhem.

Is there any hope to be found?

The question of which political parties (if any) should the Libertarian now give their vote is a highly troublesome dilemma, as at a glance there appear only shades of grey tending towards complete blackness.
It is very difficult to determine whether *any* of the parties standing ought to be supported.

Trolley Problems © Steve Lillie 2016. Please visit

The closest way to describe what voting now entails for a Kiwi Libertarian is to liken the decision making process to solving a bunch of ‘Trolley Problems’ that will be familiar to those who have to some degree studied moral philosophy.
‘The trolley problems’ are designed to highlight the many complexities involved in dealing with moral dilemmas in which *means and ends* are far from ideal.
Solution tends towards making pragmatic determinations hoping for the best outcomes attainable via the least repugnant means… for the overall sake of committing the lesser Evil.
The trouble is the lesser evil is still evil.

Wikipedia discussion on Trolley problems can be found here

There is no space here or sense in attempting to fully articulate the conundrums involved. It must suffice to say this is an abhorrent ‘game’ for any Idealist to be forced to play, and being independent thinkers, the once united Libertarians have now fragmented… going their own ways… as each individual makes their own determinations as to how to solve the set of trolley problems presented to them at election time. This election is particularly significant as we also must vote on the two referenda.

In truth the most moral of men and woman, and the greatest leaders of history have had to face frightful moral dilemmas, and most of them have had to carry the weight of harsh criticism for the decisions they made from lesser mortals who would have been stupefied and paralyzed had they themselves been faced with the same crisis.
To shrink from tuff calls is symptomatic of Moral weakness.
One day we all will stand before our Maker and give account of ourselves, and it is He who shall determine the virtue of those who made tuff calls.

Two examples might be the decision to use the Atom bomb on Japan in 1945, another might be Churchill’s decision to ally with Stalin for the sake of defeating Hitler.
Both of these involve weighty moral dilemmas that provoke strong criticism to this day.

Given today’s circumstances I know a few Ex Libertarianz party members who today throw up their hands in disgust… and refuse to vote… the irony is that not voting… *is their vote*… to do nothing.
In the perspective of the Trolley problems not voting is the equivalent of never choosing to throw the lever… not intervening at all to try and mitigate any crisis that is unfolding, and allowing things to take their course… no matter how horrendous the result of their inaction might be, or how things could have turned out had they been brave enough to reach for the switch.

Most of us have heard the saying “Evil prevails when good men do nothing”.

For me *to automatically* determine to ‘do nothing’ is no escape from moral culpability in what ensues, it is in fact an abdication of moral duty… a most heinous moral failing… maybe the worst of them all!
Bible Theologians would call this ‘The sin of Omission’… and one example of this in the Bible is told by Jesus when asked about the moral duty to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’.
He spoke of the predicament of the man who was beaten and robbed, yet the ‘Religious Jew’ walked past him without giving him any aid. It was only when the Good Samaritan came along that the man received care.
By doing nothing The Religious Jew was deemed to be wicked, and so *automatic inaction* cannot be the moral position…if there exists at all any plausible means of steering things towards a more desirable outcome without committing unconscionable evils in the process. ‘Not Voting’ cannot absolve a person from the resulting evils his inaction inevitably entails.
It’s like walking past our sick and dying country on the other side of the road as if it’s not your problem, rather than inconveniencing yourself and getting your hands dirty.

The reality is that though no registered political Party standing in October 17 is fundamentally a Libertarian party, there is still a broad range of parties standing and the fact is it still makes a massive difference which ones manage to get their hands on the levers of Power.
Lives are at stake!
Freedom is at stake!
Quality of life is at stake!
Our Children’s futures are at stake!

New Conservative candidate for Hamilton West Rudy du Plooy.

When I survey the Political landscape, despite the absence of a Libertarian party, judged by their policies and election campaigns certain parties do stand out as vastly superior to either National or Labour.
Some are worse, such as the Greens, and The Maori Party.
Some are no better such as NZ First, Top.
Many ex Libertarianz will be voting for Act, yet personally speaking of the two parties that most clearly articulate principles, and values that I considered honorable, it is the New Conservatives who come out on top.
Their forthright defense of Free speech.
Their rejection of 1080.
Repeal all the new and hastily enacted Firearms prohibitions created in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack.
Their defense of National sovereignty in opposition to UN Globalist slavery.
Their rejection of Ardern’s Covid 19 ‘elimination strategy, Lockdowns, and their absolute rejection of compulsory vaccinations.
No to carbon taxes, first 20k of income tax free.
Their rejection of ‘Transgender indoctrination’ in schools against parents wishes.
Their rejection of the UN Global compact on migration, etc all these clearly stated policies mean New Conservatives trump the Act Party by a country mile, and that is why I will be giving them my party vote, and having had a coffee with their Hamilton West candidate Rudy du Plooy last week I will also be giving him my candidate vote.

It is fitting that here I discuss one of NC’s most important policies, and examples of their party’s integrity and courage and that is their forthright call for the end of Treaty separatism and the race based seats in parliament.
Rudy is an immigrant from South Africa and so he has experienced the evils of Apartheid and appreciates just how violent and unjust Racist politics and bigotry can become.
That is why his party is calling for racial equality before the law.

The Treatment of White South Africans currently going on over there is appalling! Yet not a peep is raised about it by our Woke PM Ardern… because ultimately socialists like her support the oppression of White people.
Many of her own policies are heavily prejudiced against Pakeha New Zealanders, and for all her talk about humanitarian migration, she remains silent in opening New Zealand’s doors to help more oppressed white South Africans… because they are white.
This too despite the fact that White South Africans integrate well into our society as they share common traditional values… yet these are the very values socialists like her are determined to destroy.
Statistically speaking Ardern wants Less white people in New Zealand, and she can turn a blind eye to the fate of white farmers there under the contemptible socialist bromide that they are paying the dues of the white race for the past apartheid regime.
By Socialist math two wrongs do make a right.
Hence Ardern has little conscience about supporting Racist legislations under the pretense of ‘De-colonising’ New Zealand.

In New Plymouth which is a hot bed of Radical Maori separatist activism the NC candidate Murry Chong has heroically weathered a Tempest of outrage for his forthright stand against attempts to further entrench fraudulent Waitangi Apartheid and Treaty partnership doctrines and institutions there. He has suffered the most skewed press that mischaracterised his defense of Racial equality as ‘Opposition to Maori Representation’… which is a complete lie.
What he and his fellow New Conservatives oppose is the ongoing creation of special seats of power whereby Iwi can extort the rest of the people perpetually… as if they have more rights than everyone else.
They seek to rid our nation of such corrupt politics, and when the Maori seats and the rest of the apartheid institutions are abolished, He understands that Maori rights will still be protected by the Law in common with everyone else. Maori will still be able to stand of Parliament and Council, only to do so they will have to campaign before the entire community which will cut off the truly *racist radicals* for ever attaining office because their nasty bigoted views and ambitions will never fly with the whole of the people… and that is how a democracy is supposed to function!
The Racist radicals know that should apartheid politics be brought to an end… so too will their ability to extort unearned and undeserved wealth and privilege be broken.
So many New Zealanders have completely forgotten the most important fundamentals of justice and good government!

The New Conservatives have candidates in every electorate including the Maori seats.
Personally I don’t think it was the right thing to stand in those electorates, yet having said that I appreciate the Nads it takes to do so.
Their candidates in the Maori electorates will face heavy angst from many Maori who have been brainwashed into thinking their party policy to abolish the race based electoral system is a demonstration of anti-Maori bigotry. They will face threats. Yet should they maintain their composure and speak truth with eloquence they will be able to present their case with love.
Truth and principle, and Righteousness are on their side!

You know The New Conservatives are the party that threaten Left wing Radical socialism as no other party is enduring the hate and violence as they are…

Read: Police investigating after New Conservative member ‘slashed’ with knife in west Auckland

Read: Controversial political candidate claims vandalism has got personal

Read: New Conservative party’s electoral campaign billboards defaced with swastikas

I salute all NC candidates for their bravery… The one-eyed mainstream media takes no more pleasure than to pillory the small parties and their candidates who bravely challenge the ‘norms’ of the status quo.

Act’s David Seymour in private professes that the race based system is corrupt and ruining our country yet does not have the balls to say so in public at election time.
That is cowardly. That is unprincipled scheming, and demonstrates the sort of Game playing politician he really is.
How is he any different for the scoundrel Winston Peters who betrayed his supporters last election with regards to making the abolishment of the race-based seats a bottom line for coalition talks?
Sadly… when you dig deep down… despite many good things David has done… he and Winston are not as different as he likes to think.
He too is a game player.

The Leftist radicals of Labour, the Greens, and the Maori Party demonstrate their absolute disregard for fair elections in that they have implemented a strategy of destroying New Conservative election bill boards all about the country… despite their own parties getting far more Taxpayer loot to fund their own campaigns!
Like I said earlier about the struggles of the Libertarianz Party before them… New Zealand elections are far from fair… far for being fought on a level playing field, and so The New Conservatives face an uphill battle against dirty political tactics at every step.
I urge every New Zealander who is alarmed at our headlong plunge into tyranny under Jacinda Ardern to get behind the brave and principled New Conservative party!
If 5% of us do… they will be in parliament and possibly even be included in a coalition government, most likely with National and Act.
This would position them well to lever National into making concessions in alignment with our Values and principles… away from the direction Ardern has carried us.

These are good people who hold to the traditional values that made New Zealand a great and prosperous place to live.
They care about all New Zealanders.
I attended a public meeting a few months back in Te Awamutu where I heard several candidates speak, including the party’s passionate and compassionate deputy, Elliot Ikilei.
He spoke very well, and I was particularly impressed with his insights into the many social conditions that are common for troubled youth that play a large role in such important issues in Maori criminality.
He articulated that from his experience working in this field that all the separatist rhetoric about Maori crime statistics as being evidence of systemic oppression of Maori from colonisation are absolutely false!
Instead he argued that the main driver of Maori criminality was broken homes and a lack of a Father in the house, and thus all the ‘positive discrimination’ going on in the name of ‘closing the gaps’ between Maori and the rest of the country absolutely miss the fundamental issues.
He described how the institution of the Domestic Purposes benefit *was devastating for Maori* because that was corrosive to maintaining families, promoted single parent-ism, and it’s institution correlates perfectly with the exponential growth of Maori dependence on welfare and Broken homes.
Thus Elliot understands that socialism is a dangerous trap!

I myself also know Maori must take ownership of their own violence and substance abuse… these are not evils that can be justly blamed on their Pakeha neighbours but represent the ugly truth of a serious lack of wholesome values that are requisite in having happy homes and personal prosperity in a free and modern society.
Maori need to cut with the shameful blame, and take more ownership of their own mess!

I like the New Conservative party very much.
They have their hearts in the right place.
They offer real and much needed alternatives.
None of them appear to me to be in politics for powers sake, yet they are not perfect.
They have many policies and values I myself hold dear, yet I know they are not a consistent Libertarian party.
They are Democrats… with all the weakness that entails.’
This being so I see great opportunity for improvement, and given the chance I would like to engage in healthy dialogue to see if they are open to reasonable challenge on some of their policies which I do not endorse.
I have already mentioned that I will be voting yes for the right to assisted dying.
This is at variance with the New Conservatives.
Maybe sometime soon I will write a blogpost explaining in more detail why I believe they are wrong to oppose this legal reform, yet because this current post is already insanely long, I want to finish by discussing the New Conservative policy of Citizens Binding Referenda and my intention to vote ‘yes’ for Cannabis law reform in the forthcoming referenda which is again against the expressed policy of the New Conservatives.

At the Te Awamutu meeting my friend and fellow Libertarian Robin Thomsen and I introduced ourselves to Elliot and engaged in a short conversation.
Elliot was happy to talk and spoke candidly.
After a few other subjects I broached the topic of the Cannabis Referendum and asked what his party would do should they succeed in getting into parliament, yet also the people of New Zealand vote for Cannabis legalisation?
He said his party would honor that result despite it being contrary to their own policy and hopes.

That answer was consistent with their policy of citizens binding referenda and demonstrates integrity to that political school of thought despite the result going against their own opinions as to what is best for the country.

As far as ending the war on cannabis being ‘bad’ for New Zealand I emphatically reject that position.
This is a topic I have involved myself for many years having experienced first hand the injustice of criminalising cannabis users, and understand the manifold other detrimental effects these bad laws have on our society. I have been an activist for reform for over 30 years, and in fact it was activism to ‘Free the weed’ that was my first foray into politics trying to fix a broke system.
I would jump from hedge to hedge… covertly distributing ‘NORML’ Pamphlets in Tauranga letterboxes in the dead of night.
I knew the difference between dishonesty and violence, from peacefully enjoying a doobie with friends in my own home… I knew I was being oppressed and that the Law needed to be changed.
I will post links to other Blogposts on this subject below.

The point I wish to finish on, and one I hope the New Conservatives are open to reconsider is the weird way in which they promote binding Citizens referenda in the face of knowing it is just as likely for the majority of people to vote for laws they believe to be *Bad* as it is for good… and I am using the Cannabis referenda as an example.

Is it not apparent to them that *Mob Rule* is no guarantee of Good law or justice?
I see their policy on binding referenda as their Achilles heel.
It’s a policy that actually undermines the *Real foundations of Just Law* which are the Objective principles of Justice such as personal sovereignty, and equality before the Law… and that just government has strictly limited authority over the lives of citizens, the impartial enforcement of legally binding contracts, and limited powers over only such matters pertaining to the defense of rights.
The terms and condition upon which Government is founded, and limits of it’s powers ought to be embodied in a constitution with an iron clad bill of rights upon which democratically elected Parliaments have no authority to encroach.
This is a million miles away from having a system of Mob rule… open ended social arbitrary Law whereby the greatest mob get their way.
Under such a system there is no protection for Individuals or minorities, and the Masses are notorious for being easily duped and manipulated by Charismatic demagogues.

I have much to say on these matters, and it would be my pleasure to open a dialogue with the New Conservatives about these vital political truths.

Now remember the moral dilemmas of the Trolley problems and the uncomfortable reality of having to make choices under circumstances less than ideal, via means that are less than ideal, and which also probably will result… no matter what decision is made in ends that are less than ideal?
My decision to vote ‘Yes’ on the Act Party’s Right to assisted death for the terminally ill referendum, and ‘Yes’ on the Green Party’s Cannabis Law reform Referendum, and also ‘yes’ for the New Conservative party this election are each individual decisions I have arrived at as being the most moral, and just choices available to voters this election.
I am being compelled to make compromises, and there is always an element of risk, yet ultimately from my best evaluations all these choices are the most consistent with my Christian Libertarian values and ideals.
Such is the human condition and predicament.
I don’t pretend my choices are not open to critisism… such is the nature of moral dilemma.

I hope this blogpost is instrumental in winning support for the New Conservatives from Liberty lovers, Free thinkers, and all who are concerned about the Free fall of our country into socialist tyranny.

I believe they will reach 5% if enough of us resolve to give them our support.
They deserve it.
Our Country desperately needs to steer a new course to get back to the freedom and Values we enjoyed not too many years ago before the likes of Ardern came to power.
She is turning our Nation into a Police State!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim.








If Ardern’s Political Contagion doesn’t Kill us…. The Caronavirus just might.

Get your copy of ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ from Good Bookstores or order direct from Tross publishing


This Blogpost has been a bloody nightmare to write… and will probably suck just as badly to read!
Not only is it Obscene in length, containing last weeks news that has been thoroughly covered by other writers when it was actually current … The whole theme I was trying to lay out simply didnt work!
There has been too much crap going on!
Yet because I have spent 3 days writing this sod of a thing, I am too peeved to just Euthanize it … letting it die quietly… with dignity…
I’m sorry…. Read at your own peril.

As the calendar clicked over into 2020 I was wallowing under a cloud at how oppressive Ardern’s regime and her henchmen The New Zealand Police has been behaving with regards to the Police raid on Right Minds Social media Commentator and critic of the Ardern Globalist doctrine and Concerned Citizen who made a Submission in opposition to the Firearms Amendment Act… Conservative Thinker Dieuwe de Boer.

The Police had evidently used his submission to the bill as ‘pretext’ to invade and ransack his home and traumatise his family… finding nothing…. yet leaving him (and the Independent NZ Blogging community) a clear message from the regime… of the consequences contrary opinions to the State Agenda could expect to be treated if they dare express them in the public domain.

This shocking act of Political Gansterism was just the latest in a series of such raids on independent Kiwi social media commentators … a clear systematic pattern now evident to all who are awake… one which the so-called mainstream media have done their part to condition the sheeple to endorse as a legitimate suppression of ‘Far Right extremism’.

I had predicted this Jackbooted activity would commence (here) given the Gun confiscation amnesty had been such an utter failure… the Police eager to ‘Punish’ those who had in any way attempted to protest against their new tyrannies…. and because the raid on de Boer’s family home was well covered by several Bloggers there was little I could have added to the discussion, and so I chose to share these commentaries rather than write another one myself.
Here are a few good ones….

BREAKING: The Raids Have Begun & I Was the First; All for a .22 Bunny Gun.

TRUST in Police Destroyed by Politically Motivated Raid Against Young Family

The Government, Media and Police Work Together To Suppress The Kiwi People

Excerpt: “Many New Zealanders were shocked yesterday by the news that Right Minds columnist Dieuwe de Boer had been raided by Police, ostensibly to look for a now-banned magazine for a .22 rifle. As this essay will show, the true reason for the Police raid was as part of a wider effort to suppress dissent – an effort carried out in co-ordination with the Government and the mainstream media.

The New Zealand Government knows what it wants to do to the New Zealand people, and it’s going to do it to them whether they like it or not.

Like all authorities throughout history, the New Zealand Government has a number of people who oppose it, and a number of arse-licking slaves who support it. Those who oppose it are the New Zealand people, whose natural will is to live freely. Those who support it are the soulless hordes of weaklings who have always fallen in line behind authority figures.

That the Government works together with the Police is obvious. In theory, the Police are supposed to be politically independent. The reality is that most Kiwi alternative media commentators have now received Police harassment visits. Vinny Eastwood, VJM Publishing, Cross the Rubicon and now de Boer have all been targeted in recent months – all selected for harassment on account of their outspoken criticism of the Government.

What is less known is that the Government and Police also work hand-in-hand with the mainstream media. The media plays an essential role in this suppression by manufacturing consent for the crackdowns. They present pro-Government propaganda, and attack the reputations of anti-Government speakers…”

^ That is an exceptional piece of truth telling by VJM Publishing which exposes the mainstream media as fake news and complicit in the loss of liberty and headlong plunge of our nation under the Jackboot of a Socialist Police State.

And If that was not enough to depress the Concern citizens of New Zealand… the media kept pumping out the bad news that the State Juggernaut was steam rolling forward with ‘more ‘Hate speech legislation’… and more betrayal of the ‘Full and Final Treaty settlement process’ (re: Arderns utter disregard for the Law with respect to Inhumatao).

Anti-freedom Social engineers are constantly baying for more heavy handed socialism.
Academics and the Media have been promoting sugar taxes… and Taxes on Meat and dairy… Hospitals are changing their menus, not to improve Patients health but for the so-called Politically correct rationale of making their operations ‘more environmentally sustainable’.

I was feeling the weight of the relentless Millitarisation of the New Zealand police as being the new and accepted ‘Post Christchurch ‘Norm’ … having been sold to the public via the same lies that were used to justify the concurrent disarmament of Law abiding New Zealanders… that the Christchurch attack ‘had forever changed the rules of the game’… and that We New Zealanders must accept a heavy curtailment of our rights across the board… because we are being told our rights and liberties were ‘dangerous’… and therefore the Police needed far more Powers.
Today if the police pay you a visit they will always be armed… and they will treat you as if you are dangerous irrespective of the reason they have come to see you about.

Until Ardern took office, that B.S only happened in Communist shitholes or in Gun ho America!
certainly not here in Gods own!
Yet in the blink of an eye The New Zealand Police have become a serious danger to the New Zealand Public and they waive loaded guns in people faces on a regular basis and have shot more people in the past 10 years than in the previous 40… and at an accelerating rate…

Just recently 14 armed police turned up to Uplift a child from a single mother

Read more here

This is the new oppressive reality that the Power Mad Socialists of both the Left and the Right are foisting upon us!
Worse… a huge deluded and ‘woke’ portion of our population are actively lobbying for their own enslavement… begging for the all powerful State to crush independent thinking and Self reliance… primarily these people are Bat-shit crazy … the brainwashed fear driven Pompously self righteous Vegan Zealots of the Cult of Climate change.

In the first weeks of the new year I was also contemplating how New Zealanders are being systematically railroaded into a cashless society… The enormity of this is chilling to the bone!

A Google search will bring up many articles that have been written in the past few years… here is one…

NZ heading to become a cashless society Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The realisation that this will probably happen without without any significant protest… being fully propagated in the public mind by our Mainstream media…. and the complete loss of Liberty and privacy… the All-seeing Evil Eye watching, and regulating, and taxing your every transaction… such a massive power accrual… in ensnaring the entire population into this system of Mammon.

What sort of future are we bequeathing to our Children????

It is Ironic that while the media report Climate change Doom hysteria is creating a wave of anxiety destroying the hopes and dreams of the youth because they are being told that the governments of the world are not acting decisively enough to reign in capitalism and Far Right extremism and hate…. yet I have been harboring my own anxiety and bleak outlook for precisely the opposite reasons… as I watch the loss of Liberty… The systematic vilification of dissenting opinions… and exponential growth of the Police state… how do tell my son to have faith in God’s grace and providence, while at the same time warn him of the fast approaching Global Kingdom of The Antichrist?

Laugh at me if you like yet anyone familiar with the New Testament and particularly Book of Revelation can see the Prophecies about the Global system of the Beast all coming to fruition… The spirit of Antichrist… the Roaring Lion… the evil seducing spirits at work sewing the idea that Christianity is Evil and its dissemination should be should be Legally suppressed as ‘Hate crime’.

Revelation 13
“11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

These thoughts and others have been weighing heavy on my soul and because of a sense of utter helplessness to prevent the advance of Leviathan I have been suffering despair for the future… despair for my Children and Grand children… will they grow strong enough in Fortitude and wisdom… in Faith, and Truth to be able to walk the path that the Children of God must walk… and endure the Powerful delusions that will be propagated against the truth?
I am fearful that they will not be strong enough to resist and to endure… for I know what a monumental trial lies ahead for Christians and Libertarians.

And yet in the past few weeks several monumental things have happened that have reminded me of the importance of maintaining a positive faith.
When things look dark it is easy to get tunnel vision and to focus on the gloom… yet I am happy to say that I have today good reason to think that The Powers of Light are not yet defeated, and that Though things are dire… that still resistance is on several fronts causing the minions of Satan to retreat… and the first of those was January 31… BREXIT!
YAY!!!!!!!! 😀


What a great day for Freedom and self determination in Britain!
What a Kick in the teeth for Socialist Globalism and their desire to destroy Western civilisation via Immigration from the third world, and the suppression of western values under the guise of ‘multiculturalism.
Britain is about to restore their place in the world as advocates for free Trade which PM Brian Johnson rightly accredits as the greatest means by which to raise humanity out of poverty and of creating bonds of mutual benefit between nations thereby greatly reducing the likelihood of Armed conflict.

Read his Great speech here: Boris Johnson’s Beautiful Celebration of Free Trade

Will Brexit cause other European nations to reclaim their independence?
Lets hope so!
As Nigel Farage said in his epic Farewell speech to the EU while saying that Britannia loves Europe he condemned the EU as Power without accountability… he slammed the EU’s pigheaded refusal to bend to the expressed will of the people… relentless in their determination to impose their agenda

“I’m hoping this begins the end of this project. It’s a bad project, it isn’t just undemocratic it’s anti-democratic.”

What a kick in the nuts for Socialist Globalist One world order!
A return to Independent Nations!

Again anyone who is familiar with the scriptures and the Genesis account of the Tower of Babble stands in awe of the wisdom of God in dividing the nations in the first place… to prevent the Evil One world Government of Nimrod… King of Babylon.
Politically speaking the concentration of Power has always been the greatest danger… for as the dictim goes… ” Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” … so the Socialist delusion that a One world Globalist government is the way to end wars and wealth disparity is fundamentally flawed as by centralizing all power … which has always been a tenet of Socialism… you usher in not peace… but unleash the Leviathan upon humanity!
Christianity has the Ideological Goods that exposes such dangerous enterprises for what they really are.
Like Satan, Socialists hate the Bible because it stands in the way of their will to Power.
Being peopled and promoted by Globalists the EU is fiercely anti Nationalistic independence and effectively put the whole of Europe under the sway of UN Socialist Policies and agenda.

Hopefully we are in fact witnessing a turn of the tide against the machinations of Anti Western Socialist Globalism!

Add to this the acquittal of Trump in his Senate Impeachment trial… ending the latest Farcical and Malicious attempt by the Whacko Leftist Democrats to discredit and even topple Trump from power.
Now I am no Trump worshiper yet the fate of the World was very precarious in 2016 and the Defeat of Hillary Clinton by Trump may be understood to be akin the Brexit in that it represents yet another massive defeat for the Woke leftist Globalist Agenda.
Like British Brexit is patently a resurgence of Nationalism and independence… so too was the election of Trump a resurgence of American Nationalism…. away from the socialist New world order.

As Farage pointed out “Populism is becoming very Popular”, and Both Bexit and The election of Trump are symptoms of a Populist backlash against Woke Liberal Globalist bullshit that is attempting to destroy western values and ideals and impose a Global socialist dictatorship.
And as such the Rabid Woke democrats have sold their souls to Belzeebub …. and possessed with the deepest malice have incessantly labored to fabricate outright despicable lies to try and impeach Trump in the hope to damage his chances of Re election.
Their Fraudulent Congressional process of impeachment was an absolute partisan travesty by any legal standard, yet their Evil plans were once again thwarted by the US Senate which the Machiavellian Democrats did not control.

So My spirit has been buoyed by these huge events.

Now 2020 is not only a pivotal year for the US in that its Election year for them… it is also Election year for us too in New Zealand… an opportunity to Boot out The worst government we have suffered this millennia … the Ardern Regime, The problem is there is little to be gained given how utterly hopeless the main opposition party is!
This is of itself a very depressing fact, and yet the National party Leader Simon Bridges has made Several announcements that do in fact constitute some important improvements on what Ardern and Labour are peddling.
In particular he has said he wants the farcical Treaty settlement process to be fully wound up by 2024, He says that the waitangi tribunal should eventually go, and also wants to see an end to the Apartheid electoral system and race based seats in parliament!

Both these things are of the highest importance to me and so while ‘Regeim change’ will not exactly be reason for dancing in the street as would be the case if New Zealand elected a Libertarian party into office, none the less there are at least some reasons to be more positive than the current misery.

Given that Arderns recent meddling, having ignored the *Legal* status of Treaty grievances at Ihumatau as being full and finally settled , is threatening to completely put our nation back to square one

Read: ‘A dog’s breakfast’: Former Treaty Settlement Minister Chris Finlayson slams Ihumātao process

If Ardern is defeated so too will her Evil Collaborator be booted out!
Bridges early declaration that He will not consider any coalition deal with the current deputy Prime minister and Leader of the New Zealand First Party Winston Peters was music to my ears!
And watching Peters behave this a child kicking a tantrum has also been delicious!
It will be Good riddance to this Charlatan!

So I am doing my best to shrug off my recent depression and put on a more positive outlook…in spite of the Coronavirus outbreak!

Our world is in constant flux, and contrary to how I how I was feeling at the end of last year… I do appreciate that there is a wave of protest rising against Socialist Globalism that is starting to seriously impact upon their Agenda.

Their Greatest diabolical machine that is causing the most trouble is their great Global warming Scam… how much longer will they be able to fool so many billions of people and deceive them into supporting their Tyrannical Globalist ambitions?

Sadly there is very little to distinguish the National party from Labour esp when it comes to matters of Draconian militarization of the Police and intrusive surveillance.
Under National New Zealand’s slide towards a cashless society will not skip a beat.
What Simon Bridges has said about ending New Zealand’s Apartheid system is Great stuff…. yet will he actually deliver on it?
It was talk like this from Don Brash that put the fear of God into the Establishment Maori at the thought of losing all their Political privileges and Billions of annual tax loot that has them furiously working to entrench the Treaty and make it harder for this apartheid system to be abolished….
So be vigilant!
This challenge to Racist separatist power and extortion will not go without a nasty fight… and the real problem is that I fear New Zealanders dont have the spine to do what must be done.

Plagues and pestilence.

I have been doing my best not to freak out too much about this, yet evey day the news gets worse.
Is The Coronavirus Outbreak China’s Chernobyl?
What Bullshit are we being fed,,, and what is the real truth?

If we survive the Caronavirus Pandemic I myself will be giving my party vote to Act.

Read … Act’s David Seymour starts setting conditions for coalition

I cannot Blog more about the virus here and now… it will have to wait.
Still…Maybe it would be wise not to wait for people to start dropping dead in the streets and our country plunges into chaos and panic before making sure our Civil defense Survival Packs and your stores are in order to sustain your family for a Month at least, and start to fortify your body….
” Strengthen your immune system now. Stock up on iodine, high dose vitamin C, B.complex, garlic or allicin and vitamin D.Be prepared to self quarantine where possible, so stock up the pantry too.”

That last piece of advice was given me by a friend… (what the hell the Iodine is good for against viruses I do not know… a disinfectant?)
You will have to google that and find out yourselves, yet I think that sums up about all we can do for our own self reliance self preservation at present in the face of this terrifying virus… Waiting on the *The Government* to instruct you what to do is not a plan.
If shit gets real here in NZ supplies of essentials will immediately disappear off the shelves.
Dont be a sheep.

And at Times of crisis do you really want to live in a cashless society???
We all need to consciously resist the push to do all our business via the internet and make using Cash cool again!
This is just one way we can resist the evil desires of the Beast system and maintain our privacy and independence as Free Men and woman… lets tell the Banks, and IRD, and the Government to bugger off with their Evil plans for a cashless society!
Lets tell then No thanks!
We dont want it.

IMO despite all the evils we are wallowing in I believe having a positive outlook depend upon having a Life affirming faith in Christ and that no matter how bad things may get… Ultimately Good will conquor Evil.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

UPDATE: 24-2-20

Read: Public want a ‘right’ to use cash, says Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr

More from Tim….





Takedown notices and internet filters coming to NZ

Also read…Climate change teaching as dogmatic as religious indoctrination

Plotting Ihumatao : Unscrupulous Protesters seek to Manipulate the Police and Create another ‘Bastion Point’ type Flash point.

From what have seen in the news it is my opinion that the Organizers of the Race based lobby group’SOUL’ (Save Our Unique Landscape) who have instigated the ongoing protests at the Fletcher Buildings development in Ihumatao are nothing like the characters that they seek to portray themselves to be to the New Zealand public… the ‘Pacifist’ face of a righteous cause protesting a past injustice, but are in fact Dangerous schemers and opportunists harboring complete contempt for the Law.
I want to talk about their Machiavellian scheming and intents… esp the devious means by which they hope to achieve their goals yet first I need to lay out the frame of reference… the stage upon which these ‘Actors’ are plotting.

The Longer this Spectacle continues… the more the evidence mounts that they want to manipulate the situation to their own advantage and create a Riotous revolt for the express purpose of extorting from the government what they want… And Jacinda Ardern is the perfect spineless and unprincipled weakling who will cave in to their extortion and give them what they want… not because they are entitled to anything… but simply to make this mess ‘Go away’.

There is a very real danger of things getting very Ugly.
A strong and principled plan needs to be implemented in dealing with these dangerous radicals.

Like many woman, Ardern has Janus type personalities… she is scary …stone cold ruthless to those whom she despises, yet there is another side to her that is pathetically Feeble… both of Mind and of heart… and that is in dealing with her own ‘Naughty Woke Children’.
Look at her track record!
Its a fact that since Arden has taken power that we have seen Lefty uprisings turning up the heat on their own ‘PM’ because they know she is a soft touch.
I only need to refer you to how State workers in both the Health and Education sectors have both staged ‘Protest strikes’ for their own interests and were wildly successful… Ardern being incapable of saying *No!* to them…. why? Well firstly she is a very shallow operator who weighs lightly principles of Law… Due processes, spends almost no time in sober contemplation, but is driven by her feelings and a desire to be seen as someone who Rushes into the fray with her shallow womanly Liberalism to the rescue!
As such… at the pitiable sight of *Her own pet social demographics* waving emotive socialist Banners* She will relent to them… irrespective of whether or not their demands are just or fair.
She is consumed by her own vanity… and so another reason she is incapable of saying ‘No’ to Noisy Picketers because she is consumed about her own Political legacy as a Socialist Leader of ‘historic significance’ and to her Ego the well being of our Nation must take second place.
She is terrified at the thought that History may record that she said NO to ‘the victims of White privilege’… and she thinks nothing of breaking out the Public cheque book to make the noisy problem go away… even if her ‘solution’ is a bad one in the long term.

Ardern should never have waded in to the troubles at Ihumatao other than to say she expects the police to uphold the law and for Fletcher building to be able to commence their Development plans that they have the lawful right to do… yet she could not help herself and she has played into the hands of Troublemakers.
Ardern has overstepped her rightful authority as PM and trampled the law underfoot!
She has embroiled herself where she ought never to have set foot and in so doing has succeeded in entrenching the troublemakers who ought to be evicted *and prosecuted* for trespassing and interfering with a Lawful enterprise.
Yet now she is in a bind… and because she is so weak… the troublemakers from SOUL know that the greater the storm they can now Brew up at Ihumatau will without doubt succeed in achieving their goals… She will give into their demands… and they will chuckle to themselves that their absolute disregard for the law… and all their intimidation tactics will have given them a big payday… and this successful extortion of Weak government will only serve as a blueprint for ongoing future troubles!
SOUL will have proven that they can ignore such things as ‘Full and final Treaty settlements’.

Now let me talk about the Police who due to Arderns Leadership incompetence are fast becoming the Meat in the sandwich!
The New Zealand Police have been placed in an extremely difficult situation in fulfilling their duties to maintain Law and Order and prevent things getting way out of hand, and we can see from several different New reports that the strategy of the Troublemakers running the Protests is to use the brain dead Media to portray themselves as peaceful victims of Oppressive Police
treatment, not only to weaken the Police, and cause them to falter in carrying out their duties… effectively allowing the protesters to call the shots… but also I believe we can see these Subversive thinkers are looking for ways to create a ‘Bastion Point’ type outbreak of conflict with the Police.
While they are busy feigning they are peaceful to the media, nothing would please them more than if things got out of hand!
They know that any clash with Police that the Liberal media will sensationalise it and that this News could spark the Protest to swell exponentially as every Maori Radical comes out of the Bushes, and Bus loads of Woke White Social justice Warrior Antifa types descending on Ihumatau like a Barbarian horde!
Every unemployed New Zealander on welfare would be there!
These are the types that see no Irony in hating the government while collecting government welfare!
As a friend of mine commented on line…. dont any of these people have jobs?

Another question is who is funding S.O.U.L?
Are they receiving Government money to finance their operation via some convoluted means?

The Troublemakers rely on the media misrepresenting the facts and grossly misreporting the truth… that any altercation with the Police deliberately started by them, will be reported by the media as if it was the Police who were belligerent towards them!
And this is precisely the narrative we are being fed by the media… ‘Peaceful protesters at Ihumātao have been cut off by police who have descended on the site in increased numbers.’

It is apparent that the Police themselves are aware of their dicey situation and that by maintaining a close and friendly interaction with the protesters were able to gain intel on a planned escalation and attempt to Re-occupy Fletcher Buildings property, and were only thwarted in their ambitions by the police preemptively calling in Reinforcements.

It is absurd to believe that the Police have any desire to provoke unnecessary strife that could quickly get out of hand and endanger public safety…esp at night and from a Video taken by one of the Stupid Protesters Monday night we got to see how these troublemakers are behaving towards the Police when the media is no where to be found.
It reveals disgusting racist taunts and remarks against officers… Some presumed to being Maori are accused of being traitors whom ‘should be ashamed’ of upholding the law
Another ‘Dark skinned’ Officer is presumed of being a Non-New Zealander was to to ‘Fuck off home’…

*This is the True face of SOUL*… what comes out after dark… and these Policemen showed absolute professionalism in the face of such provocation and it is a credit to them.
New Zealanders should pay little attention to the complaints by the protesters that the Police actions were excessive, and I also congratulate them for doing an excellent job in thwarting the devious intentions of S.O.U.L by bring in reinforcements!
Yet we should not think this will be the last time they try to occupy the Fletcher Building site.

The Police issued a statement (here) to the Public:

Statement regarding Ihumātao protest
Tuesday, 6 August 2019 – 10:43am
National News
Attribute to Superintendent Jill Rogers, Counties Manukau District Commander:

Police recognises the lawful right to protest. For the past two weeks, our purpose at Ihumātao has been to uphold the law and keep the peace.

We have had regular meetings with organisers to ensure protest action remains peaceful.

Yesterday, during a meeting with organisers, the protestors communicated their intent to move past the cordon and reoccupy the land. In response to this, Police was required to increase our presence at the site. Officers had to be taken off their other duties to come to the protest site.

Despite repeated warnings from police, a large group of protestors attempted to bypass the police cordon.

Police attempted to stop those trespassing, but protestors pushed their way past our staff.

The protestors eventually vacated the private land and no arrests were made. Police reject allegations that a protestor was pushed over.

There is misinformation being circulated suggesting that Police have broken agreements with protestors.

Police cannot facilitate unlawful activity by allowing protestors who have been served an eviction notice to trespass on private land.

We would like to acknowledge the incredible professionalism our staff showed yesterday evening, and throughout the last two weeks despite at times being subjected to verbal abuse, being physically shoved and even in some cases being spat on.

Police will continue to assess the situation and our operational response, including talking to the protest organisers.

Police supports any process that will achieve a successful outcome for the parties involved.


Superintendent Jill Rogers will only be available for interviews today between 12.30pm – 1.30pm today. Email (link sends e-mail) to arrange an interview time.


So it is that The ongoing Governments pandering to Radical Racist Maori, and Billions in treaty settlements has achieved almost *nothing* to put an end to their endless grievance!
Worse… It has fueled the flames of race hatred and contempt for the Law.
Treaty separatism has done zero to alleviate the dire social statistics of Maori!
And now there is every reason to believe Arden is about to make everything much worse!
Because she is weak and callous there is every reason to despair…
as she will fail to publicly declare that the process of settling any ‘Treaty grievances’ was lawfully concluded in 2014 .
If she uses a heavy legislative hand and ‘confiscates’ Fletcher Buildings property and gifts it to the Racist radicals running SOUL she will utterly destroy the modicum of credibility underpinning all the treaty settlements as being Full and final and in so doing ensnare our nation in perpetual grievance and Racial division.
Such a disastrous move inflict a Staggering wound to security of New Zealand Private property rights!

Its almost a given that Arden will fail to publicly instruct the Police to uphold the law, and protect the property rights of Fletcher Building to start their development forthwith, which may require another escalation of Police numbers and putting an end to this protest should the protesters refuse to disband in accordance with the Law… it may require mass arrests and convictions of protesters… the sooner the better to prevent this situation getting way out of hand.

Thanks to decades of pandering to Maori Radicals New Zealand must now contend with a very dangerous Ideological movement that is the the Treaty separatist movement.
Just how dangerous should be understood by how events at Ihuamatao are a powder keg!
Sooner or later New Zealand must confront the Ugly reality about the Maori separatism and their absolute disregard for the Law and Property rights… their vile racism against Non-Maori New Zealanders who in truth have just as much right to live here as they do!
The longer this evil is fed… the harder it will be to stamp out.

When I contemplate how deeply embedded the race-hatred is within the Maori separatist movement is it make a mockery of Arderns concerns about ‘Alt Right Nationalism’ in New Zealand… the likes of the notorious ‘Phil Arps’ being a infinitesimal minority in New Zealand compared to the massive number of Racist Maori who harbour deep hatred for their Pakeha neigbours!
And it has been Socialists of the same ilk as Ardern and her mentor Helen Clark who have used our education system to indoctrinate this race hatred into Maori!
And you wonder why after having your head filled with tales that you are the victim of white oppression why so many Young Maori men end up in jail?
Its because of the Toxic ideas they have been fed by left liberal like Ardern!

And now the Police must deal with the consequences.
Now New Zealand industries like Fletcher Building must endure blatantly corrupt violations of their rights by racist groups like S.O.U.L. who are doing everything the can to take their property and destroy their ambitions… right when Auckland is suffering a housing Crisis!

The New Zealand Government needs to Put an end to the Treaty settlement industry…. FULL AND FINAL!
Any Grievance henceforth assigned to history!
The Government must dismantle their Apartheid systems of State… abolish the race based electoral system.
Maori must quit their endless Whinging for hands out… Quit their lives of Crime… Get jobs and take care of their own lives by hard yaka like the rest of New Zealand does!
And if it takes a period of social unrest to destroy the evils of Treaty racism and ‘entitlement’ among Maori whom harbour race hatred towards their non-Maori neighbours then so be it!
Non-Maori New Zealanders have done Maori no harm whatsoever and its time Maori snapped out of the delusion that they are victims of anything other than their own lack of ethics and hard work! In Truth it is Non-Maori who are the victims!
They are the ones who suffer endless strife from Maori Criminals, Maori welfare, and Maori bigotry…. ALL THIS VILE RACIST EVIL… that comes under the heading of Treaty separatism.
This shameful Bigotry against Non-Maori is what we New Zealanders must destroy… if we are ever to see an end to the troubles such as are brewing now at Ihuamatao.
Non-Maori New Zealanders have rights and its time the government respected them!

When will New Zealand gain the Moral courage and have the Caliber of Leadership we desperately need to lead our Nation out of this racist mire?
Back in the early 2000s, When Don Brash was Leader of the National Party he was one man who could see the evils of Treaty separatism and was prepared to stand up and lead the way towards and Nation of One Law for all.
And New Zealand rallied to his side.
He was only prevented from becoming PM by The election fraud of Helen Clark (pledgecardgate) and the dirty dealing of Winston First accepting the Baubles of Office!
(Read here)
With this swindle New Zealand lost our best hope of Ending treaty separatism that has come along in decades.
Though Don Brash continues to stand against Waitangi racism via his Lobby group ‘Hobson’s Pledge‘, We have never since had any leadership that has been willing to confront this race relations Crisis, latter National Party Leaders John Key and Bill English actually went into coalition government with the racist radicals of the Maori Party!
They were terrified of confronting the problem as they feared ‘Hokois from Hell’… and so this evil has been allowed to fester and grow…
Only when New Zealanders themselves decide they have had enough of all this ugly business and elect principled political leadership who stand for office upon the principle of One law for all New Zealanders, and have the spine and moral fortitude to do what it takes to ridding our country of the influence of Racist Maori radicals will our country finally be free of their Guile, and the Rule of Law and Justice be established.
One thing is for sure… Ardern and Winston Peters are not the principled Leadership Our country desperately needs.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: ‘Radical rebels’: Sean Plunket blasts Ihumātao protesters

Protesters at Ihumātao are “radical rebels” who “want the world to burn”, according to MagicTalk host Sean Plunket.
Plunket let rip on the demonstrators who have been protesting at the south Auckland site for the past few weeks, after occupiers were served an eviction notice. They say the land is sacred and want a planned housing development on the site blocked.

The protesters have been in a standoff with police ever since, with tensions peaking on Monday night. Increased policing numbers were deployed, and protest leader Pania Newton claimed she had been pushed to the ground by an officer – something police reject.

A video Newshub reported on Wednesday also shows a protester racially abusing an officer.

Currently, protesters are in talks with relevant parties to find a way forward. The Prime Minister announced last month that there would be a temporary halt to construction until that happened.

But Plunket said it was clear that protesters had no legal right to be there, and should leave the site immediately.

More from Tim…





OneLaw4all Pamphlet Does Not Cause Me Any Offence: Bugger The Advertising Standards Authority! By Libertarian Maori Tim Wikiriwhi.

As a Libertarian Maori Living in such times as we do, and having spent two decades fighting the racist separatism that has been imposed upon our Nation under the general pretense of ‘Honoring the Treaty of Waitangi’ I have become weary… Fatigued… to the point that I often struggle to summon the strength to get myself up upon my soap box to decry the latest Racist, slanderous, and Fallacious claims made daily by Socialist academics and politicians leveled at Pakeha New Zealanders, yet despite my exhaustion the latest outrage by the ‘Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) demands I once again raise my voice in disgust.
Having now deemed a political pamphlet distributed by the Political Lobby group ‘Onelaw4all’ as a‘Racist’ pamphlet likely to cause ‘serious offence’ and must not be distributed I see this as farcical, and yet another example of patent hypocrisy and pretentious arrogance against a legitimate political perspective that is calling for the abolition of treaty separatism.
The Ideals contained within that pamphlet are definitively *Anti-racist* in nature!
The pamphlet is an exposition that condemns the systemic racism of our government today!

These are the facts that the Ardern government (and obviously many of within the ASA) seek to shield from the gaze of the New Zealand Public.
The ASA is self-appointed Non-governmental organisation that falsely claims to be be ‘an authority’ whose judgments and opinions they now expect to be binding upon Political lobby groups and parties such as OneLaw4All.
The Truth is the ASA has no such Legal authority… esp no authority to prohibit Political pamphlets that express the valid opinions of a large portion of the New Zealand people!

Yet Because Onelaw4all exposes the travesty of Waitangi separatism, Andrew Little seeks to use his position of power to push for legislation to prohibit these contrary political views from being freely expounded in the Public sphere.
It is from that motive that he scurrilously labels the tract as ‘Racist’, ‘offensive’, and attacks it’s veracity… as by slinging such muddy accusations he is practicing Textbook lefty Liberal modus opperadi… By arbitrarily painting 1law4all as malicious and deranged, he is laying the groundwork and pseudo justification for perusing the forceful legislative suppression of His own ideological opponents.

The Judgement the ASA have passed upon the OneLaw4all pamphlet obviously was not arrived at via any sort of robust process or hearing that could withstand rigorous scrutiny.
I question what degree of objective investigations… if any… were performed on the content before arriving at their verdict???
It appears they have simply taken upon themselves to label it as ‘Racist’, ‘Miss-leading’, ‘contains False statements’, and ‘likely to cause serious offence’… upon no more solid grounds than their own Political opinions, prejudices and ignorance!
They are merely parroting verbatim what Andrew Little said to the media back in April!
It is preposterous to expect that New Zealanders who subscribe to the contents of the Pamphlet, and know that it’s claims are grounded in historic facts, and who are quite within their democratic rights to organise themselves, and to solicit support from the public for their Political values and policies will pay the slightest heed to this so-called Toothless and Corrupt Authority!
The very point of Free speech, and open debate, in a democracy is to *allow the people to hear for themselves*,discuss and weigh the merits of various arguments *for themselves* *NOT* for some Pompous organisation to do all the thinking for them… and try and ‘spare the people from hearing arguments they may not like’… and effectively make political judgments and decisions for them!
It is only when Citizens are fully informed that they can then cast votes founded upon the dictate of their own mind and conscience.
The truth is there are Political interests who dont want the New Zealand voter to be fully informed!

OneLaw4all asserts that it is our Current government whom via separatist policies are the culprits practicing all the Racism here, that it is the Governments manufactured Treaty narrative that is Misleading, contains false statements, and that all this shameful institutionalised Prejudice causes grievous offence to a great portion of the New Zealand people!
You see the duplicity of those within the ASA who obviously dont give a toss *about how hateful and offensive and racist and unjust, the Governments Treaty separatist policies and institutions are!
Why? because the bigots within the ASA are complicit with the prevailing Politically correct racism and prejudices of the status quo.
They should stick to judging Toothpaste advertising and the like… ie stay withing the narrow confines of their expressed objectives…stay out of practicing partisan politics and matters of legitimate Free speech!

Opposition to the Separatist Status quo… those who want to establish One Law for all are not confined to a few fringe dwelling loons either!
Polls indicate that such a view may in fact be above 50% of the New Zealand population, and includes many notable New Zealanders, and despite what the ASA assumes… Maori like myself also Support the views and claims as expounded in this now infamous document.
We Are Not offended by the assertions made therein!
We are offended by the shameful way Maori are characterized by the socialist government as Social basket cases and hapless victims of British colonisation!
In fact though I was a Libertarian Independent at the time, I was honoured to be asked to deliver a guest speech for OneLaw4All at their AGM in 2014.
Read it here

Like I said at the beginning of this Blogpost I have in fact spent the last 2 decades publicly expounding Ending Treaty separatism and establishing One Law for all.
I have delivered speeches all over the North Island, I have argued for this several times on NZ Television and radio, and I have stood on this platform for Parliament in the Hamilton West electorate both as a Representative and spokesman on Maori affairs for the Libertarianz party and later as a Libertarian Independent.
I have challenged the official narrative and revisionist history that is used to excuse the governments Racist meddling and laws, and so I know what I am talking about when I say that the current Treaty separatism is a massive racist fraud that is being perpetrated upon the people of New Zealand and I am prepared to step up upon any public forum, against any academic or politician who is willing to debate me.
And though the said pamphlet does not contain any of my own contributions it does contain several from individuals I know personally and admire, and whose opinions I share, and so I take it upon myself to express my indignation at the Advertising Standards authority for labeling my Values, Principles, and well founded historic assertions as being something that should not be allowed to be propagated and ‘Removed from circulation’!
Basically they are trying to make all my work for the last two decades Illegal!
Thank God they have *Zero Legal authority* to do so!

I defend the authors and contributors of the Onelaw4all pamphlet standing up for their own honour against the slanderous, Bigoted, and racist lies that are peddled by the Government against them and their ethnicity!
Onelaw4All are not the villains here!
The blatant hypocrisy of Andrew Little and Ardern is clear for all to see in that these lefty Liberals have been falling over themselves to counter what they describe as ‘Anti-immigration’ hate speech oblivious to their own conceit in that they themselves support a very potent form of that very type of ‘Anti-immigrant’ bigotry that is systematically heaped upon a very large portion of New Zealanders…The Pakeha.
the decedents of the British Pioneers and Colonialists… Immigrants…. whose Blood, sweat, Ingenuity and Toil made New Zealand a First world Nation… bequeathing to us all the Advantages and enlightened Ideals of High British Civilization are held in contempt by our so-called ‘inclusive Coalition government’!
And so I maintain that the Pakeha have every right to protest the systematic vilification of their heritage via Highly propagandized Revisionist history which is nothing short of Falsification for nefarious political ends.
It is the Liberals infesting our government whom practice *Identity politics* that segregates the races, and sexes, and religions, and pits them all against each other!
They cant accept the fact that there are many Maori like myself who know that Treaty separatism is a based upon monumental frauds, and reject their socialist propaganda that the British colonization of New Zealand was some sort of ‘Criminal take over’.
In Truth, historically speaking the colonization of New Zealand stands in stark contrast to how colonization unfolded in other parts of the Empire.
For Starter New Zealand was Colonized in the midst of the most enlightened Era in which England had abolished slavery!
The Treaty of Waitangi is a document of unparalleled enlightened values that attempted to safeguard Maori interests by granting them Full Rights as British subjects!
Yet when Pakeha New Zealanders stand up to defend themselves and their Ancestry from the bigotry heaped upon them by Socialists and radicals, they are the ones being vilified as racists… they are the ones being to ‘to go home’!
This is very same evil that our Woke PM Jacinda Ardern spoke publicly against when she condemned US President Donald Trump when he said that of the ‘Squad’ of Radical Liberal democrats did not like America… they could leave!
In the light of such posturing, we should ask how then can she reconcile her patently contradictory stance by which she supports the ongoing vilification of the descendants of Pakeha immigration?
Obviously she cheery picks her moments to ‘Virtue signal’ whenever it serves to further her own political objectives!

The truth is that People who support the establishment of One Law for all… like myself.. a Maori, and Don Brash are *humanitarians* fighting systemic racism for the principle of Equality before the Law!
I fight Waitangi apartheid not only because it is racist and unjust, but also because it has ensnared the Maori people in poverty and welfare dependence and is the chief cause why Maori are doing so poorly across the board as measurable by every social metric.
The simple facts are that Socialism and Treaty separatism are Abject Humanitarian failures… and its time it was forsaken.

We live in dangerous times!
We have a political class that is determined to erode our rights and liberties!
What makes the attack on Onelaw4all esp dangerous to our democracy is because unless their right to expound their political arguments is successfully maintained, there is *no other means by which the people of New Zealand will hear their side of the debate.
The Left will have an effective monopoly on free speech, as the mainstream media only reports on issues from the official Leftist Narrative, and the escalation of Censorship on the Liberally controlled social media, Liberalism is busy shutting down dissenting onions on line.

New Zealand freedom is slipping away.
We have never before suffered such a relentlessly oppressive political ideology… all cloaked under the Facade of Politically correct ‘benevolence’.
These Wolves in sheeps clothing pretend to be fighting against oppression and intolerance, when in reality they are systematically imposing an extremely intolerant and oppressive socialist tyranny!
They fool the gullible by filling their heads with the delusion that ‘Nanny State cares’… when in fact Nanny State Hates!
Nanny state Hates anyone who disagrees with their policies and agenda.
Nanny state hates anyone who does not embrace their Godless values.
If they get their way the Freedom that we grew up in and loved, and which made New Zealand one of the greatest places on Earth to call home… will be gone forever.
It will be replaced with a Politically correct Tyranny… and the Racial separatism of Watangi apartheid will grow and be perpetuated indefinitely… This is what Ardern, Her Socialist Minions, and esp the Racist Maori radicals who profit from all the Treaty Loot are tirelessly working to acheive.
My fellow countrymen I raise my voice in dire warning for Arderns Coalitions governments desire to write and enact ‘Hate speech legislation’ that is nothing short of a tyrannical desire to take away our rights to Free speech and critise the government!
Voices like mine will be outlawed!
More and more people will find themselves in court for expressing their own views!
We are already seeing Christians being prevented from sharing the beliefs in public!

Opposition to the Ideals embodied in the call for OneLaw4all is not new.
I have faced many Maori radicals who have hurled abuse and threats.
I have been snubbed by the media and at Election rallies, yet never before has their been such a determined effort by those who disagree with us… the vested interests and powers which our arguments threaten… to have us shut down… have our pamphlets outlawed, have us banned and de-platformed on social media!
Our Political adversaries cannot defeat us with facts and reason and so they are resorting to Force!
They want to silence our voices and have us punished for sharing ideas and facts that they dont want the general public to contemplate.
They want to control what you Read.
they want to control who you get to hear!
They want to control what you think.
WAKE UP! It’s time to Rally!
Its Time to stand up and kick out these enemies of your Rights and liberties… the enemies of your Traditional Kiwi values!
Speak Up!

Support Onelaw4All

As Things stand the best advice I can give you all for now is to Join the Act party and start being active in growing their ranks.
I am not a spokesperson for the Act Party, but as an Independent Political observer and commentator on New Zealand politics, I know the Act Party have strong views about maintaining Free Speech and many members there also wish to End Treaty separatism.
Dont Delay!
Get Involved NOW!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Maori.

More from Tim…







Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017
The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The New Zealand War of the 1860s was not a ‘Land war’… It was a Sovereignty War.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Where Haters come from.







Bad personal choices and Socialism to blame for Maori predicaments, not Colonisation. Lets talk about Facial Tattoos.

Important note: Never forget… No matter what we have done… God’s mercy and new life is waiting for us… through the Cross. The Power of The Gospel to Change Lives…
Find Truth, Redemption, and the Love of God
Read article (below) then watch this one… (above^)

50 Cent pokes fun at Mongrel Mob member’s tattoo on social media

‘Rapper 50 Cent has used his personal Instagram account to poke fun at a Mongrel Mob member’s face tattoo.

“What the f… is really going on man. I wonder why he can’t get a job?” the rapper wrote.

The image shared was a picture of Mongrel Mob member Puk Kireka, who has the word “Notorious” tattooed in red and black across the lower half of his face.

Kireka’s story was picked up by global media following an interview he did with the NZ Herald last week, where he admitted it would be tough to find employment with the tattoo. ‘
**** **** ****

Who thinks 50 Cent is wrong about his derision of how detrimental Puk Kireka’s Mob Tattoo will affect his future Job prospects????
Even Puk Kireka knows thats a simple fact.
The following blog post is written in disgust… not racism… though it does focus on what is happening to a particular racial demographic… the Maori people… *My People*…
My disgust centers upon the vile lies and socialist politics that subverts the truth and fails to correctly identify the *real causes* for why…despite decades of social engineering and Billions of Tax dollars of special treatment, Maori remain trapped in State dependence, and fill up New Zealand’s Jails.
Its about how our Government falsely and relentlessly attributes Maori Social failings to ‘Oppression and racism’ suffered from ‘Colonisation’ when in reality Maori are victims of the delusions that derive from this very Deceitful and toxic Socialist ideology.

One of my latest blog posts here poured scorn on a recently completed and heavily funded Government inquiry into the question of Maori Criminality that is starkly out of all proportion to their number comparative to all other racial demographics, and the resultant report called ‘‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ recently tabled for the government to consider.
This report is supposed to give MPs guidance and insights into the root causes of why Maori have such disastrous social statistics. esp in relation to crime and Jail.

The release of this report, and its utterly contemptible conclusions are what have spurred me to blogging on this Current affair, as I utterly reject its main premises as not merely missing the mark by a thousand miles, but because it is a work of Evil political agenda driven propaganda… not an objective inquiry leading to sound conclusions… and it is outrageous that this fraudulent report is going to be used as a guide to Future Government policy!

We can see that the result will be precisely what Socialists intended to do all along *even before the inquiry was undertaken*… like so many of the farcical processes acted out for the sake of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public before Socialist enact their heavy handed and expensive agendas.
Such Inquiries pretend to be ‘sound governance practice’… ‘due diligence’ feigning ‘due process’… with copious helpings of ‘Public consultation’… garnering ‘expert opinion’… etc etc … when we know the result has been pre-determined and will entail Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer dollars more being spent expanding State interventions and apartheid politics… yet because all this Nonsense does not correctly identify the root causes of Maori criminality and poverty, it is with mathematical certainty doomed to failure just as all the Socialist Apartheid politics of the last 50 years has proven to be.
They are not only continuing to Flog this dead horse… continuing with political ideas that are proven failures, these Socialist Politicians are doing what they always do… *Enabling* and *perpetuating* the misery!
*And this Angers me!* *This incompetence* and dishonesty Disgusts me!
Yet of course because Nanny State Socialists are ‘one trick ponies’… they dont have any other Game to play…
Unfortunately the entire country must pay a heavy price for their ongoing incompetence and delusions… no one paying a higher price than Maori themselves who have been indoctrinated with these toxic lies that corrode their ability to appreciate the fundamental causes of their own predicament.

The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Nanny statism… but less…. and more self responsibility.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Apartheid politics and blame… but less… and more self responsibility.
Ie If Maori are ever going to climb out of the gutter it will be *when they do it for themselves* by embracing the ethics of *Self responsibility*

This is the truth that is missing from the report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that instead tries to blame ‘White Colonialism’for Maori’s plight rather than their own failure to embrace Ethics and values necessary to prosper… and stay out of prison.

The Fundamental truth that Current Socialist Apartheid politics and Welfare dependence are 100 times more destructive to Maori individuals well being than the so-called ‘culture shock’ of 19 century English Colonisation can be proven at all points if only people will open their eyes and ears… and esp their minds to considering *alternative perspectives* to the ones that they have been spoon fed by Socialist politicians and their ‘Education system’.

Today’s blog will consider just one aspect of detrimental choices and behaviour that makes life harder for those people who make this choice… just one reason why many Maori will find themselves welfare dependent… yet it has little to do with their race.
Upon reading the following only the belligerent minded will not already appreciate what I am about to say as being so basic and irrefutable that it barely requires being stated, yet I must do so to demonstrate the dynamics of Falsely labeling *personal individual choices* as ‘systemic racism’.
Failure to Call out Maori for their own poor choices, and instead blaming the Pakeha for their woes virtually guarantees succeeding generations of Maori will continue to wallow in the mire… and continue to cultivate Race hatred for their Pakeha neighbours!
And from hatred comes violence and crime.

Read: Dangerous man on the run from police.

So lets talk about the vital issues of Self responsibility, and personal choices… issues Socialists avoid like the plague in favour of an ideology of *Blaming others* .
Socialism thrives on victimism… they envisage an endless struggle between Oppressor and the oppressed.
They Never associate personal outcomes with personal choices and responsibility.
Instead they seek to circumvent personal responsibility via Nanny State interventions, Prohibitions, and compulsions.

Life is Tough!
And yet Good Parents attempt to raise their children to take responsibility for their own actions.
Yet ‘Adulting’ can be very difficult… especially when it comes to self discipline and voluntarily obeying and maintaining morals and values you know in the long term to be wise and beneficial… all the while resisting urges and temptations to indulge in vice, or ‘short cuts’… for immediate short term benefit and gratification… that are gained at the expense of others… and ultimately… ourselves.
There will always be a personal price to pay for Bad choices!
Call it Karma… reaping what you sow…. etc.
Though this is tuff… nonetheless these truths are *vital* for every individual to apprehend… irrespective of Race.
Despite what the Morally bankrupt Academics of our day preach in our institutions of learning about ‘cultural relativism’… in truth the same essential morals, values, and principles apply equally to all… and your success or failure as an individual depends upon how well you grasp these essential truths… and how resolved you are to following Virtue as your guide…and in maintaining them in your personal walk.

I want to apply this theme to the story at the top of this post… 50cent and the Mobster Puk Kireka’s Heavy Gang Facial tattoo…and how this demonstrates the Truth about a lack in self responsibility as being the Primary source of the Maori peoples sorry social conditions… not Colonisation.

50 cent derided Puk because his personal choice to get that tattoo is guaranteed to make his life harder ‘in the big wide world’… esp with respect to future employment… and employment is one of the *most essential factors* in being self reliant and independent human being!
The ability to Earn an honest dollar.

So unless you are Filthy Rich and dont need a Job, obviously getting that sort of Tattoo may therefore be considered to be *a bad personal choice* because is will undoubtedly negatively impact on that persons ability to uprightly take care of themselves.
It is a Bad choice not restricted to Maori, but by people of all races, and yet it is a Bad personal choice made to a much higher degree by young Maori Men… usually to impress their Peers.. or to serve as a type of ‘War paint’… that this person is ‘Staunch’… ‘Bad ass’… etc to intimidate others or cause others to be wary of messing with them… I am of course taking about Tattoos… esp Face, neck, lower arms and hand tattoos that are impossible/ difficult to conceal.
And it is the higher prevalence of such tattoos among Maori men that is but one factor that works to lower Maori Social statistical outcomes… not colonisation.

I will discuss Traditional ‘Moko’ in the postscript.

Many of these Tattoos are purposefully ‘aggressive’, most often of very poor quality, and often associated with fringe subcultures,Gangs, and Jail.
I appreciate that when you are raised in a poor community (not a personal choice children make), and immersed in Gang culture (which is often family related, or Neighborhood related, yet ultimately still a life style choice to participate in) these Tattoos are considered to be ‘positive goods’… emblems of belonging… have urban warfare value… even value when it comes to ‘Hooking up’.
This is what life appears to be ‘all about’ to young people immersed in it, yet they are setting themselves up for a very hard lesson in life that the Greater world… the world in which better quality of life exists, will not be at all impressed.
This whole ‘Culture’ is a study in personal ethics and choices that too easily is talked about by socialists who make excuses for Bad personal choices by their pet demographics they instead frame as ‘helpless victims’ of ‘social failings’ and oppression rather than individual choices.
If only More Youth would have the wisdom and foresight to appreciate how bad a decision to get a facial tattoo can be… unfortunately many youth dont get good parenting or mentor-ship that sets an example worthy to be emulated… unfortunately Young Maori men take their roll models from older siblings, Uncles, etc… Gang Members… heavily tattooed… Hard Drinkers… drug users… and quick to use their fists if they feel ‘disrespected’.
Thus the older generation of Maori have to accept that their own life choices play a very strong part in the choices their youth will make… for better or ill.
What sort of examples did Puk’s Whanau set for him?

None of this has anything to do with ‘Colonisation’ or Pakeha oppression.
It has everything to do with a culture of poor judgement, poor ethics, poor values, and poor exemplars.
Maori have enjoyed decades of Political and legal favoritism and yet Socialists never cease to insist Maori are oppressed.
In reality Maori criminality is a testament to Maori failure to honour the Treaty!

That Racism has little to do with this particular issue can be seen with the well known case of ‘Devast8’… White boy Mark Cropp.
“A man with ‘Devast8’ tattooed across his face, who last year opened up about his job struggles as he tried to turn his life around, is back before the courts.”

Read more here…
‘New charges revealed: Jobseeker with ‘Devast8′ across his face is back before the courts’

The fact is that these types of Tattoos carry definite social stigma and are justly associated with Anti-social behavior, and crime.
And this Sigma has nothing to do with race.. and nothing to do with ‘Bigotry’… A White person with a Facial ‘White Power’ tattoo with find his lot in life just as difficult as any Maori with ‘Black Power’
Its a simple fact that Employers, Landlords will with good reason think twice about employing or renting to a person with heavy tattoos
That this trait is very predominant among young Maori… ie that many Maori men have heavy Facial tattoos,Hands, Neck… and also carry high statistical gang affiliations is why their demographic is proportionally heavily affected, yet in reality New Zealanders are collectively a heavily Tattooed People… New Zealand has a high statistical Tattoo count from all ethnic backgrounds… yet not so much on the face.

The Internet is full of accounts of Non Maori… White Individuals who have a harder time in life because of their facial tattoos.
Its an internationally recognised problem for individuals.

Australian Craig Ginter
Read : ‘Man denied entry into Winnipeg bar because of face tattoos likely not protected by law’

Many people will not even bother to read this post simply because the facts are so obvious!
That the serious negative consequences result from this sort of personal behavior by young people has nothing to do with systemic racism, and everything to do with having made very bad choices that will impact negatively upon your future is something so Obvious that many people will wonder why I bothered to write this?
As I have explained in the very first paragraph… This post is about exposing the Lies of socialism that try and blame ‘Colonialism and White Prejudices’ for the poor social conditions/ High Criminality of Maori, and in the process deny the fact that the *real causes* are the lack of Self responsibility for their personal choices… and that blaming Colonisation and White racism is a disgusting lie for political ends, that not only slanders Pakeha, but attempts to justify *Racist politics* extorting hundreds of millions of dollars all the while failing to address the real Moral crisis that is impoverishing Maori and ensnaring them in Socialist dependency.

Let me finish by saying most of the insights on the importance of personal ethics I have expressed are not things I have learned in school but truths I have lived.
I spent my youth as part of the Fringe subculture in rebellion to ‘conservative society’, in which tattoos were the norm, and in which many foolish values are embraced as being ‘Cool’ ‘Staunch’.
I have many Tattoos. Tattoos I wish I did not have, yet fortunately they are not on my Face, Hands, Neck, or lower arms.
I like Tattoos, yet for religious reasons I regret mine, and discourage anyone from getting them… and if they do implore they do so on discrete areas of the body that can be covered at times of Work, Job interviews, etc… because for most professional interactions with wider society having overt tattoos will be a disadvantage.

It is pointless for the Tattoo community to act as if they are somehow being ‘oppressed’ by ‘bigoted’ outsiders for ‘Judging them’ because of their Tattoos when its a patent fact that Tattoos and criminality… Tattoos and Gangs…, etc are not mythical associations but factual… and that not only are a large percentage of tattoos purposefully intended to send a message of ‘Baddassness’ but that even the Tattooed community judge each other by their tattoos… eg a Tattooed Maori is highly likely to immediately hate a Pakeha with a white power Tattoo… and so when you analyse all this you can easily see that deriving *First impressions about a persons character* from their Tattoos is a universal habit founded upon some very valid associations.
Yet sometimes these first impressions can be wrong… and of course there are many Great people with Facial Tattoos.
People can change… Criminals can reform… First appearances can be very deceiving… People do form judgments by first appearances and may will not bother to investigate further whether or not their first impressions were correct.
It has just been reported that Puk Kireka actually wants to change his ways and is seeking donations from the public to fund his education.
Read ‘Tattooed Mongrel Mob member mocked by 50 Cent seeks donations to fund education.’

“A Givealittle page, started by Kireka’s partner Waiora Tareha, is now seeking donations from the public to help the gang member turn his life around.
Tareha said the page was an attempt to get Kireka a helping hand from others to kickstart a new, positive life.”

I wish Puk Kireka every success in his endevour to step up and create a better life for himself!
It will be very hard with that Heavy Facial Tattoo… Yet not impossible… He will have to find the inner strength to persevere.
Maybe getting it removed would be in his own best interest… these are the sorts of tuff choices he must make for his own future.

I hope he also mentors his younger Whanau into not making the same detrimental life choices that he himself made… in this way he can help them to have a better life… a smoother path… Break out of Poverty and crime… and is not this what we all want for Maori?
They must turn their backs on the lies of Socialism and race hate against the Pakeha… turn away from blaming Colonisation which has brought 1000 times more benefits and opportunities to these shores than the socialist claims of the evils of ‘Land alienation and loss of culture’.
In Freedom and equality before the Law Maori may embrace *all the positive aspects of their Cultural inheritance* while also embracing the advantages of Western Science, technology, and life affirming Values and ethics that are essential for all human beings to escape socialist dependence on the State and prosper by their own efforts.

I wrote this ‘Pamphlet’ ‘Whistle while you Work‘ on work ethics and work culture to help individuals seeking to better themselves via personal effort and self responsibility… Please share it with Job seekers and anyone who is keen to make a better life for themselves… they have the power!

Stop with the self-defeating Victimism and Blame!
There are Political injustices in life, and they can and do make life harder… and as a Libertarian I busy myself exposing them and calling for reforms, yet this blog post has focused on merely *one example* of a *personal choice* that has heavy consequences for individuals irrespective of their race… Yet of course there are countless other matters of personal choice, values, and personal responsibility that when considered in totality are sufficient to explain why some people wallow in poverty, commit crimes, and never rise to their full potential… while others rise above the hurdles and succeed… in spite of all the Political BS.
Be like them!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Postscript: Moko.

Without spending too much time talking about the ‘Old World’ tradition of Moko (of which I make no claims of expertise) I just want to make a few passing points.
Firstly I want to say their is a world of difference between ‘Tribal art’ and Gang tattoos.
I also want to point out that Facial Moko even back in Pre-Colonial times was not universal, and that the notion that any contemporary Maori thinking that by getting a Facial Moko today somehow makes them ‘A greater Maori’ or somehow symbolises them as being ‘more passionate’ about Old world Maori culture… I cant help but to consider such motives as being Poor judgement
and actually perpetrating a type of cultural fraud.

Tattoos in Old times may have been associated with high Mana, and imbued *ferocity* to a Warriors presence in war (and on the street… and in jails… all reason why Modern Gangs love Facial Tattoos)… yet that same ferocity will work to defeat you in times of Peace… outside Gang culture…in the modern world where prosperity and Freedom from Crime and jail is to be found… so a person must weigh up the positive personal consequences they perceive of Getting a facial tattoo that they like, from any negative social costs such a Tattoo may carry in affecting their ability to prosper… and this is a personal choice… not a matter of prejudice…

More from Tim…








Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

My submission in Opposition to the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

Committee Secretariat
Committee Secretariat
Māori Affairs Committee
Parliament Buildings

Phone:04 817 8086

My name is Tim Wikiriwhi

Kia ora,
I oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill.

The Following is my submission in opposition to the Entrenchment of the Maori Seats in parliament and the perpetuation of the Apartheid Electoral system.

By Apartheid I am of course referring in particular to the current Race based electoral system, the Maori seats in Parliament, and more generally to the Body of Legislation and Government institutions that segregate the people of New Zealand in two… on the basis of Race granting great Political advantages to one favored race, and relegation everyone else to a lower second tier with less rights.

The following are my reasons…

The proposal to entrench the Maori seats is nothing short of an attempt to prevent Reform… and to maintain political advantages… that have seen The Political class of Maori enjoying easy access to the Nations coffers… and positions of Privilege and power… all the while pretending to be the voice of ‘an oppressed people.
This is a gigantic scam.
Maori Have enjoyed massive Positive discrimination for Decades… and yet the Racist radicals leading their racist political parties never cease to cry out that Maori are somehow Racially discriminated against… by a corrupt *European government and population*!
How long will these charlatans be allowed to treat their fellow countrymen like fools?

Decades have past of both National and Labour Party led Governments pandering to the Racist Radicals occupying the Maori Seats… Billions of Dollars have flowed in one direction… Untold numbers of Race Based institutions have been built… and Treaty Settlements given over… yet we see no end in site of the grievances… no abatement… no peace. What we see is ongoing and increasing Greed… and a lust to continue with this Bribery and extortion.
This is the shameful desire of those whom have proposed the entrenchment of the Status quo.

This Apartheid system is patently unjust… Patently a travesty of the principles of Justice… esp the principle of Racial equality before the Law!
and yet Socialist academics and Politicians try and pretend all this legalised racism is *More just* than the time honored Paramount Principles of justice!

What is all the grievance but claims of having been discriminated against and having been treated un-equally?
Ie *Even the grievances* are an emotive appeal to the principle of equality ( yet in fact its political advantages they desire.)

The Socialist academics and Radicals say… “oh… all this political favoritism we have established is just a temporary measure… to help rectify ‘past injustices’… and to give Maori a boost up out of the gutter… and then… at some future date… when Maori are flourishing… then… we will abolish this apartheid system.”

*Yet this is another despicable ruse*… Proven by the very fact that they want to entrench the Maori Seats so as to make it even harder to abolish these Racist thrones and end the Treaty Gravy train.
These Socialists want to perpetuate the Apartheid system indefinitely whereby it matters not how many generations the majority of New Zealanders have been born here… you will *never* be a real *citizen*… never a true New Zealander… this will never be politically considered *your home*… These Birthrights will only and forever be the preserve of the Privileged race… The so-called Tangata Whenua (though they are in truth late arrival Migrants too).
This is what the entrenchment of the Maori Seats seeks to maintain indefinitely.

What else has Decades of Favouritism… Billions of Dollars achieved for Maori… has this social engineering been a Pragmatic Social success?
No! After All this Socialism… all this Welfareism… all the Treaty settlements the Maori people still wallow at the bottom of virtually all social statistics!
Poverty, Serious Crime, and Ill health… shorter life expectancy… Maori Rank the worst of all!
Why is this?

Is it because of ‘Racism’ and ‘oppression’ as all the Maori radicals and activists… and academics in our Education system claim?
Absolutely not!

*Why all this Socialism and Political favoritism* is failing the Maori people is because it wrongly diagnoses the *Real Moral disease* that is keeping Maori in the gutter…

In fact it is making things far worse for the average Maori Family… because it fails to place the real responsibility for their plight where it belongs… Not on their Pakeha Neigbours… The real responsibility for Maori Crime, and poverty, and ill health belongs with *Maori themselves* … and by making it easy for them to get onto welfare… by making excuses for their horrific crimes… and lack of personal care for their own health and prosperity… the entire Socialist system has been perpetuating a gigantic lie… and has been ‘enabling their ongoing denial of who is *really responsible* for their own plight!

Maori Politicians get elected to the Race based seats by pedaling Nasty lies about the Pakeha into the ears of their Maori constituents… saying its all the Greedy Pakehas fault!
They have fostered a Terrible prejudice against the Pakeha within the hearts of the Maori people and this corrodes the soul like canker.

Maori like myself who instead try and tell Maori that the Pakeha are not to blame, but that it is the Maori peoples own shameful lack of personal ethics and responsibility that are to blame… We truth tellers are hated for our honesty by our own people… our families… The Maori Radicals who get elected to the Race based seats in Parliament *Dont represent progressive thinking Maori like myself*… and by seeking to perpetuate the culture of blame… the culture of welfare dependence… and the culture of entitlement above their fellow countrymen The People who sit in these race base seats do not represent what is in the best interests of the Maori People… or the whole country…. all the people of New Zealand as a nation.

The reasons these seats were originally created have long since disappeared… and they ought to have been abolished over a century ago… yet of course once positions of power have been created… there also exists a powerful vested interest *to maintain* the status quo and resist reform.
This is why they have not yet been abolished and New Zealand continues to suffer the shameful consequences because of a lack of spine and principle.

Yet New Zealanders are growing tired of this massive scam… despite all the State propaganda and the Vested interests now fear there is enough people in New Zealand to demand these seats be abolished… by a simple majority … This is what the vested interest of Racist radicals fear… the loss of their political advantages that allows them to perpetually extort wealth from the people of New Zealand.
They want to thwart this Democratic reform.

These are the Reasons why I oppose the entrenchment of the Maori seats in parliament.
I want the People of New Zealand wake up to all this evil and to be able to Reform their democratic system and abolish all this Apartheid shame and to steer an new and better course away from Socialist racism, welfarism and blame… towards self responsibility, and self-reliance, under the justice of Equality before the Law… one Law for all… and for all the people of New Zealand to be able to claim their Birthright as Full Citizens… for this country to truly belong to them just as much as the Maori people.

Under freedom and equality Maori will still be Maori… They will still be free to revel in their culture… and New Zealanders of all races will still be able to Celebrate Maori culture as most of them do.
The claim that there is a race relations crisis has been a complete fabrication… to the degree that we suffer real race relations problems in this country we may thank the toxic prejudices of the Maori radicals themselves… a minority of Haters and Bigots that New Zealand has had the misfortune of suffering… and the sooner they are thrown out of parliament the better for everyone… including… especially the Maori People!

In truth when the Apartheid system is abolished *Maori will not lose any legitimate rights*.
When they stop blaming the Pakeha for all their misfortunes… and stop heeding the hateful racism of the radicals who seek to poison their hearts against their neighbours… and instead start to adopt all the essential personal ethics that *all civilised individuals must respect… these ethics will Keep their sons out of trouble with the law.
Maori must forsake welfare dependence and embrace the value and virtues of hard work and savings… and realize that the only people who can keep them from being Obese or wasting the money at the pub… Beating their wives… etc… *is themselves*.

Then we shall start to see a change in their social statistics that have been so horrific under decades of Failed socialism and welfarism, and Blame.

It is not the Governments Job to raise them out of the gutter… that is impossible… because it can only happen via *a moral revolution* within the hearts and minds of the Maori people themselves.
And the best thing we can do for them is get rid of the Evil race based seats that empower the racist radicals who fill the Maori peoples minds with poison, and hate, and dependence.

I hereby Oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

I would also like the opportunity to deliver a speech in person to Comittee if that is at all possible.

I am proud of my own Maori heritage, yet I want My children to firstly think of themselves as *New Zealanders*… equal with their Fellow Kiwi of all races.
I want them to be judged… not by the colour of their skins… but the content of their character… and for that to be how they judge others too.

Thank you for reading my submission.
I believe these issues to be of the Highest order of importance for the future success and well-being of our beautiful country.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

For reference and extra public commentary, an edited version of my blogpost appeared as a Guest post on the Whale Oil Blog here : I oppose the Electoral (Entrenchment of Māori Seats) Amendment Bill

RIP Wayne Elliot.

Thrown Under The Campaign Bus… The Ride To Hell With Winston Peters. 2017

To be edited.

The following is about a Post election exposè by New Zealand First Party candidate Kym E Koloni on her facebook page which expresses her deep disappointment with how she was personally treated by her party and how utterly betrayed she feels by Winston Peters himself.

I will let her speak for herself and make a few comments at the end.


Kym E Koloni
3 hrs ·

For the record …..
When I decided to stand as a candidate for NZ First I knew it was going to be stepping out of my comfort zone.
I value my privacy…and as much as I have a bubbly personality…I enjoy privacy and silent times too.
The sacrifices of putting myself out in the public eye for the sake of my country was carefully considered. But I was up for the journey…believing NZ First policies best represented my views for NZ.
My SPEECH on the 11th Sept changed this journey, and exposed how racially separate our people have become.
Removing ALL race-based policies, including promising a Binding Referendum to remove the Maori Seats was what Winston Peters and NZ First stood for and campaigned on…100%.
Why was I not supported by my party…? Why did Winston dismiss my speech and brutally demean and insult me by saying “What do you expect…that’s why she’s number 38.”
That insulting slamdown was not just to me…it damaged every NZ First candidate from 2 to 56.
How did those at 39 to 56 feel…? Utterly disappointed and demeaned.
I’ve asked the party to please point out what part of my speech was NOT our policy, and if policy had changed please inform me WHEN…and inform me when the candidates were informed.
That was 13th September. No response, no reply…silence.
Oh but the party gagged me in the meantime.
Apparently my comments were inappropriate in tone, misrepresented NZ First policy, caused significant damage to the campaign position and caused concern, indeed distress, to other candidates and members of the party.
My Northcote committee said I was arrogant and selfish, and I had jettisoned any hope of a political career.
I was told to remove the link to my speech from my Facebook page.
It was even suggested I remove my whole Facebook presence.
I was then told:
1. Not to make any media statements whatsoever, or respond to any media query.
2. Not to make any social comment on any NZ First issue.
3. Not to attend any public meeting or gathering related to the election campaign on behalf of NZ First.
4. Not to undertake any campaign activity on behalf of NZ First for the remainder of the campaign.
Effectively, they gagged me and the only option I had left was to continue campaigning independently of the party. My name was already on the ballot papers as the NZ First candidate for Northcote.I still believed I had represented our policies in everything I said in my speech.
I was still waiting for a response to my questions.
To date they have NEVER responded.
Thankfully, my faith in real NZers like me was restored.
The groundswell support I received publicly and privately was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
I needed it…thank you. ?
I suddenly had people around me who had my back.
I had eyes and ears who kept me informed and a step ahead of things happening…thank you.
My speech was being misreported over the media…but I was gagged from responding to correct it.
I was particularly disturbed to be alerted to a Head Hunter’s Facebook page with a link to my speech and my face plastered over the page….”This piece of shit needs to be executed “…share this bruthas. Yes, I kid you not.
The very content of my speech wanting UNITY and one law for all…and wanting ALL New Zealanders to be treated equally, was ironically exposing the very real racial separatism I was speaking against.
So there were bully’s to endure from within NZ First, the party I was representing.
There were bully’s from Maori radicals, including gangs.
I learned how to BLOCK….a skill I had no need to know before.
BUT, I am now being disowned by the party…they want my membership revoked….they want me gone.
So for the record….this has certainly been a life-changing journey…not quite the way I had envisioned.

Link > Here

Stuff article…. NZ First candidate vows to remove Treaty of Waitangi from law

TV1… Watch: ‘That’s why she’s ranked 38’ – Winston brutally cuts down candidate after controversial Treaty remarks


After reading Kyms post I was Angry.
Angry for Kym given she had stood up bravely for the Principle of racial Equality before the law yet had been utterly betrayed and marginalised by Winston Peters.

I was angry that this insider information served to confirm the view that Winston Peters had swindled voters like myself who gave NZ First our vote on the understand that should he hold the balance of power after the election, that he would secure a referendum on the issue of New Zealand’s race based Apartheid Electoral system.

Read : ‘Winston Peters delivers bottom-line binding referendum on abolishing Maori seats’

This was a policy that Winston was most vocal about leading up to the election , and one that I personally held to be the most pressing issue facing our Nation today!
And it was this policy that stirred myself and many others into throwing our support behind Winston Peters and New Zealand First despite our many reservations based upon his seriously checkered past.

In good faith I jumped into action and I wrote this… New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

and This… Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

My reply to Kyms post was… “Had I known all this before election day I would have immediately changed my mind about giving Winston first my vote and would have raised the alarm!”
Many People who voted for Winston feel the same way, yet of course Kym could not say any of this *before the election* being duty bound not to scuttle her own party… despite the treatment she received.
She did however work to the best of her ability to get supporters to put pressure on Winston Peters to stay the course… and not Reneg on his promises.
There was much that she saw from within the party that was shocking… and raised serious alarm bells… yet she could not communicate this to the general public.
We do not hold Kym at all responsible for Winston Peters Machiavellianism.

The Sad reality was at the time leading up to Vote Day, we supporters were left to our own imaginations… Can we Trust Winston?… are we being taken for a ride?
None the less many of us were committed to trying to get the referendum… the legitimacy of these not being something I readily accent to… yet given the circumstances was at least a shot at New Zealanders voicing their desire for reform.

Her Post-election Facebook exposè (above) made concrete what many of us suspected had happened … yet had no way of knowing for sure during the election campaign period … there were ominous signs yet we were always hoping we were going to get a referendum on this absolutely vital problem… while weathering a storm of slander by our more skeptical friends…. who all claimed to ‘Know with certainty’ that we were Fools to trust Winston Peters.
We were prepared to walk through this gauntlet for the sake of the cause to end New Zealand’s shameful Apartheid system.

I knew that there was at least a 50%… even a 60% chance they would prove to be correct as I myself had spent over a decade arguing that Winston Peters was a dishonest Rouge … in fact there would hardly be anyone who has been more vocal on this issue than myself… yet I also knew that these people could no more predict the future than I can… or Read minds better than I… and that if we voters wanted to get the referendum we could not falter on rallying as many votes as we could for NZ first… yet all the while being active in notifying NZ First and Winston Peters that the only reason we were voting for him was for the sake of the referendum.
I did have to pinch myself often… and reaffirm to my self my premises for maintaining my support.
I was one of many who actively conveyed this message… tagging in Winston Peters to every post, saying he must not falter… and encouraging everyone else to do the same…. yet I only once received a second hand ‘thank you’ from a third party… the silence was deafening from Winston.
And after he failed to support Kym on her brave speech… instead he publicly derided her in spite of her speech being received by us and with Joy… and being itself in full accord with Winston’s own speeches in recent times on this Vital issue… not surprisingly support for NZ First started to falter.

For all Winston Peters vast experience in Politics it is staggering to appreciate just how foolish and self-defeating his treatment of Kym was in the media!
If only he had doubled down and fully supported Kym in her stance and had encouraged *all of the 50+ NZ First candidates* to do the same… it is very reasonable to speculate that the ensuing sensation would have delivered at least twice the number of Votes for NZ First!
Just look at the impact and publicity Kyms single speech garnered!
Winston’s duplicity shot himself and his party in the foot and left all the candidates wondering what the hell they were supposed to say!
When the low life media pounced on Kim’s speech, Big Bad Winston crumbled like an amateur!
Instead of praising and supporting her… he threw her under his Big shiny Bus!
Looking back we can now say that even at this early stage…Winston’s retreat against the Brownmail and the PC Media had begun!

When I saw this at the time, as someone who was committed to voting for NZ first on this policy alone of course it disturbed me… of course it made me begin to doubt Winston’s sincerity on this matter… yet again being only left to my thoughts… I was wondering how much weight I could really place on this sad failure of Winston.

It was easy for me to make excuses in that Winston was touring the country at the time… and was clearly tired… impossible to communicate with… as he was the man of the hour.
Despite the so-called ‘Jacinda affect’… or because of it, the number-crunchers were predicting that Winston would hold the balance of power and so be the ‘King maker’ come coalition talk time.
This fact in itself was enough for people like me committed to the cause of ending apartheid to put aside our doubts… ignore the naysayers… and stay the course… as by doing the math there was every indication that Winston would indeed be in the perfect position after the election to fulfill his election promises to us in regards to the Referendum… despite Labour categorically stating they would not support a referendum , and National making similar noises… yet not so emphatically.
And when The election was over and all the special votes were tallied… Winston had not received as many votes as he had hoped for… yet was still the most powerful man in the country given he would decide of the two Obese parties who would govern.
From a policy point of view, and given that the Maori party had been wiped out, I expected Winston to be easily able to negotiate the referendum as part of a coalition with National… though I appreciated that it was all dependent on what Winston’s true ambitions were, and what National and Labour each put on the table.
Yet all the talks were done in secret… and we the public have not been informed about any of it… even after the decision was made… and this is a travesty!
We the people deserve to know what the hell was going on!
Why the secrets now?

Winston’s duplicity came to the fore!
Straight after the election he started making noises that indicated he was about to do the dirty on us… excuses such as “A Referendum on the Maori Seats is not so important now the Maori and Mana parties have been eliminated…” to paraphrase.
This is an absolute Joke!
The Racist seats are still there… still occupied by Racists… and still perverting our government into making racist Laws and favours!
What more Winston decided he was going to get into bed with the very Party that now occupies those apartheid seats!

I now suspect Winston Peters did not even bother himself trying to negotiate for the referendum… did not play hardball on behalf of those who voted for him specifically on this policy and to whom he was morally obliged to champion in honoring his campaign promises… even though we had delivered to him the supreme power to make Ultimatums!

I have several times tried to get Winston Peters to at least explain why he was not able to swing the deal… and why he went with Labour… yet we only get silence.
Apparently Winston does not communicate with the little people.
I even suspect he was intending to go Labour very early on and knew he would not be fighting for the referendum once Labour announced they would not agree to it… yet of course he dishonestly carried on letting us believe that he was going into post election negotiations… “not for Baubles of Office… but for what was for the good of the country”.
Hollow words.
He sold us out for what was his *real goals*.
And he and his mates have again taken the Baubles of Office… over what was in our Nations best interests!
And now I must even bear my Wife’s derision for giving Winston my support… she… like many of my friends tells me she ‘Knew’ all this would come to pass.
This would have to be one of the lowest Political low points for me… yet despite being made a fool of… when I look back at how I ended up here… I still see a clear rationale… and I still believe that I voted upon Principle.
A worthy Principle.
And that as voters… we who voted for NZ First on the basis of Ending Treaty separatism did everything within our power to see that principle prevail, yet that is the limit of our strength… and the limit of our responsibility.
The Failure squarely rests upon Winston Peters, and National, and Labour… *and the voters who voted for them*.
I voted for The principle of One law for all, and New Zealand first because of people like Kym Koloni who have now joined a most heroic club… those brave souls whom have suffered threats to their safety because they have challenged Racist Laws and institutions.

Nobody else was prepared to stand up…. certainly not David Seymour and Act.
For people like me New Zealand First was the only hope.
And this was also the opinion of the lobby Group ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ . .. though not specifically endorsed… you can see this from their posts and from some of their reasoning’s why they believed we should stay the course even when Winston was making comments that raised concerns.

Despite having vocally condemning Winston for years esp his underhanded grab of the baubles of Office in 2005, I was prepared to show grace… and to give Winston one last shot at personal redemption… which is something I personally believe in… only to have my olive branch trampled underfoot by a charlatan of such a grand scale that despite all my reasoning and excuses in this blog… I still question my own intelligence for being sucked in so badly!
Given that I never stood myself for election due to financial troubles with the IRD, I am in a quandary as to how I could have acted more wisely, and will have to bear the ignominy of having cast a vote for the Used car salesman… the very poster-child of a dirty scheming modern politician… a Lawyer none the less!… for the rest of my life.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Though Winston was King Maker and he now has many baubles of Office…the election for New Zealand First was actually a failure generated by a fiasco of Party chaos and mis-management and confusion.
Though Winston had managed to con more than twice as many candidates to stand for him this election, because of the incompetence of Winston’s team leadership and the uncertainty he generated during the campain, they ended up with Far less votes than the previous election and Less seats in Parliament!
Many of MPs lost their jobs and are wondering ‘what the hell happened?’
I guarantee they will be given some lame excuse… if any… like ‘The Jacinda effect’

As a homeless Libertarian I knew that after the election either National or Labour would be in the driver’s seat, a very depressing thought… for me that is like …do I prefer to be trodden underfoot by a Left Boot… or a right one?
Neither is at all appealing or preferable… and so morally speaking this situation was virtually neutral as far as my personal culpability goes as a voter…should Winston choose of go left or right… yet like I said… I did expect him to go with National… even though I think they suck … and one perverted part of me enjoys hearing all the National Party supporters squeeling like stuck pigs because Winston did not choose National!
All their decrying of MMP because they still cant get it trough their thick Meat heads that just because National got more than Labour… they did not get enough to win!
I am shocked that Jacinda Ardern is now our PM…. I think it’s ridiculous… I think Labour is ridiculous… yet I also think National is an absolute joke too!
The Idea that Bill was ‘A steady hand’ on the economy is such a delusion that beggars belief!
His Party borrowed and spent more than any other government in the history of our Nation and leaves office with our Nation Buried in debt!
Good Riddance!
Though I expect many foolish policies from this Labour Led coalition I also have hope of some good stuff… one very important law reform is far closer now with the sacking of Bill English… and that is Cannabis Law reform … something that despite the howls of all the nasty prohibitionists will deliver massively on Social Justice and Law and Order.
I am happy that there will be an attempt to recover the Dead of Pike river and investigate this Cover up.
I am also Happy that Ron Mark is Minister of Defense and that there is good reason to think the 10:80 Program… dumping toxins by the hundreds of tonnes … and the cruel deaths it inflicts will also end.

I Visited Kym yesterday and we had a great talk (hence the photo).
We discussed things in confidence I am not a liberty to mention here, yet I suggest people pay attention to her facebook page.
I dont agree with everything Kym expounds yet certainly with a great deal.
She is a Christian and an exceptionally Brave woman who stood up for what was right… Ending Racist Laws and establishing One Law for all.
Cheers for that Kym!
You Rock!
Irrespective of what fate holds for you with regards to New Zealand first, I certainly hope this will not be the end of your activism to end Waitangi apartheid.
I hope we can work together for the sake of justice and all the people of New Zealand.

Any Kiwi interested in fighting Waitangi apartheid should sign up at Hobson’s pledge and become active supporters.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian Independent.
Activist for Ending Treaty separatism, and the establishment of Racial equality before the Law.

Another commentary….

Here is something from Whale Oil Blog that sums things up… “Winston made the most of those poll results and promised the nation an end to the festering apartheid problem embedded within our law and administration, Winston did this by promising his “Bottom line policy”, that he would require a “Full public referendum” on the retention of the Maori seats, NO conditions were attached or made public, just an unconditional public promise of a referendum.

Many frustrated voters looked past all Winston’s obvious faults and their concerns over other NZ First leftish Policy, to see a major reversal of the obnoxious evil of apartheid, and gave a party vote for Winston, based primarily on that one restorative policy.

Those trusting voters were DUPED, they were lied to, Winston seized his own power, by sacrificing the one policy that gave him his voting numbers and put him in that position of power.

It is a travesty of natural justice.”
From here : The Winston Legacy

Update: 11-8-17… The magnitude of Winston Peters deception is becoming more apparent by the day!
That he has filed legal proceedings against National party MPs The day before the election proves positively that the entire negotiations with National and Labour were one gigantic scam and yet again we have the evidence that Winston put his own interests ahead of the Good of the Country.
There never was any hope of Winston negotiating for the Referendum with National!
He had already decided he was going to use the position we gave him for his own selfish ends!

Pension leak real reason Winston chose Labour

If you ever wondered why Winston Peters decided to get into bed with Labour after the election and if you were ever in any doubt, you only have to have a squizz at the papers filed with the Auckland High Court fingering those who the New Zealand First leader thought were responsible for the leak of his pension overpayment.

They were filed the day before the election and named all the National Party suspects, including the then Prime Minister Bill English, along with his Deputy Paula Bennett and the campaign manager Steven Joyce.

It was just over a week later that the same three Nats filed into the coalition casino with the gambler Peters, who unknown to them, or anybody else for that matter, had already laid his cards on the table.

The dealing had been done. Like all good gamblers, Peters kept a stony face, letting them believe they were still in the game whereas in reality they’d been dealt out when the court papers were filed against them. The notion that he could now be sitting at the same Cabinet table with them is beyond comprehension.

More from Tim

Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and commentary on strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

Editing is in progress….

The up coming election is looking like a complete disaster for Justice and race relations with both National and Labour Poised to outdo each other in selling out our Country to Racist interests for the sake of their own short term political gains.

This is nothing new but has long been a feature of our shameful apartheid system… yet things have become acute in recent decades with the rise of The Socialist Racist radial Maori separatists and their grip on the the Maori seats in Parliament and esp since the establishment of MMP.
It has its own coined phrase… ‘Brown-mail’.

Despite a veneer of revisionist lies that try to legitimize these abominations… and the Actors involved performing with such believe-ability that they deserve Oscars… the facts remain and are so infamous… and blatant… that they barely need enunciating … I only add these details here to my blog for the sake of the monologue!
Only fools and Vested interests Swallow the BS!

The Politics surrounding our race-based electoral rolls and Seats have morphed from a misguided benevolent anomaly of Ages long dead into a grotesque cancerous monstrosity… inflicting pain and extreme injustice upon our Nation… a source of Power and extortion for Liars and bigots.
Everybody with an ounce of wisdom knows the race-based seats should have been abolished over 100 years ago… yet come election time and the struggle for power… the two major parties have neither the scruple… nor the Nads to abolish them.

National and Labour dont care about what is in our Nations best interests… yet there is a cunning fox circling the Chicken coup …. the shrewd New Zealand First Party Leader Winston Peters… and he smells an opportunity to deliver something most New Zealanders want … and as such… I am about to ask something weird! and make an appeal to National and Labour supporters… I’m asking you to put principles ahead of Party… for your own sakes, and that of our Nation…. lets put New Zealand first!

I ask those of you who traditionally vote Blue or Red whether or not Bill English or Kelvin Davis truly represent your sentiments and interest with respect to their refusal to put the question of the ongoing existence of these Race-based seats in parliament to a special vote of the people.
The very seats that are always occupied by Racists who want Pakeha to ‘go home’… while expecting Pakeha to pay for everything and give them special rights and privileges… those seats.
You see… Neither Bill or Kelvin want to give you an opportunity to express how sick and tired you are of Treaty separatism, and the way it renders most of you… and your children second class citizens… because they are more concerned about out maneuvering each other at election time than having just policies.

Labour rules out Māori seat referendum

Bill English lends Winston a helping hand by rejecting Maori seats referendum

National and Labour are both desperate to kiss up to the Maori radicals again and count on your ongoing apathy to allow them to continue to trade away our country via coalition deals to a bunch of bigots who think the colour of their skin entitles them to greater right to live here and enjoy our country than everyone else… no matter how many generations your Family has existed here.
They expect to simply live off the pigs back!

Only Winston Peters wants to give you… the voter an opportunity to have your own voice on such an essential principle of Unity and equality before the Law!

I will be honest with you… I am no fan of National… no Fan of Labour… not a dedicated fan of Winston… I’m not even a fan of Binding referenda… yet on this essential issue there is extreme urgency that the Apartheid system must be abolished and Winston’s referenda is about the only conceivable means by which this could happen in the shortest time frame… before the rest of our country has been bargained away!
And remember he’s a Maori too!

I also know you guys ought to be peeved about this…
I know from such previous Polls and other things like the Constitutional review held in 2013 that the desire to End the separatism is by far in the majority… and so their attitude against Winston’s call for a referendum is patently against what everyone knows is the will of a significant majority of Kiwi.
National/Maori halted the review process in its tracks and quietly shelved the submissions they received when it was clear That an overwhelming majority of Kiwi wanted no part in their desire to entrench the treaty… currently all the racist Bunk of Treaty separatism can be abolished by a simple majority in parliament.
And that is what the Maori radicals fear most… That kiwi will wake up from their stupor and abolish their Scam… that is netting them BILLIONS… yet not helping the average Maori one iota… in fact The Radicals in power enjoy the ongoing grievance and misery of the Maori people they pretend to care about… Its all money, Mana, and power in the bank for them… that its all filthy lucre and founded upon lies and misery matters not to them.

It’s time for you to wake up… to step up for your own sake and show your displeasure by getting in behind Winston Peters.
I cant even believe it is me who is writing this!
I know you wont vote for Libertarians, and that though I have spent a good deal of my adult life as a Libertarian castigating the populism of Winston Peters, yet so dire is our situation… and such a contrast between Winston and the Blue/Reds that I appeal to your sense of justice to prevail over your usual Party political election decisions.
End the Official Racism!
Stop The Racial extortion!
Vote for your own Rights and liberties and Equality before the Law!

There are massive grabs by the Racists afoot…. It is staggering to witness just how far National has sold out our Nation to the Racist radicals!
Nothing less than our Beaches and Water rights!
It matters not to the scoundrels in National or Labour that the Treaty established British sovereignty, British law and order, and British rights and liberties under which the beaches and waterways are held in ownership by the Queen… in trust for the common use of all.
All they care about is getting into power… and they expect you to continue to believe the revisionist lies that the treaty retained Maori Sovereignty… and gave ownership rights of these absolutely essential assets to Maori.
They want you to continue believe the lies that it was only by greed and dishonesty that Maori wallow in poverty today… and that somehow *You owe Maori the shirt off your back*… you know… all the BS they teach about British Colonization in State Uni.


And these lies have been official policy for nearly half a century now and yet all the loot and injustice has not raised up the average tribesman… has not ‘closed the gap’… but entrenched the poverty and exacerbated the racial divisions and enmity.

All the Racial divisions and injustices reached crisis point decades ago and yet tragically Kiwis have become acclimatized to it all.
I know most of you are sick and tired of it yet again its now the Norm…and National and Labour are counting on you to remain un-moved in your Party Political support.
I ask you to seriously look at Winston Peters as not only a viable alternative, whose policies on most everything else are indistinguishable from National and Labour, but also as you best hope to ending the travesty of a tiny minority of Maori Radicals holding our whole country to ransom… every election.
Your Party Leaders dont give a damn about it… but Winston does…because he knows you do too.

Because Winston’s other policies are not very far away from either Nationals or Labour… a vote for New Zealand First instead of either will not represent a massive departure politically speaking for most of the people I am appealing to here and now.
Please grow a pair…. and think these things through!

Jacinda Ardern won’t do power sharing deal with Winston Peters

I am Maori… and I long for the day that Treaty separatism ends!
I can look my own race in the face and say that this will be as great a day for them as for the whole country… an end of shameful Apartheid electoral system… the essential beginning of the end of Apartheid Law… and the first step for Maori to stand as equals with the rest of New Zealand!
That is the beginning of their recovery out of the mire!
I also know that when all the racist Laws and institutions have been abolished that this will not impinge upon the legitimate rights and liberties of Maori to enjoy their culture any more than equality before the Law prevents any other Nationality from peacefully enjoying their own freedom.
It will not detract … but in fact will restore the truth with respect to Maori history.
The Truth that New Zealand was the home of what is know as Maori Culture and heritage… cannot be erased… yet nor should it be allowed to perpetually enslave our Nation!
So Its time stand up and tell your parties you want the opportunity to have your say via Winston’s referendum, and unless they reverse the decision to allow it… you will jump Waka and give Winston your votes!
Let them know that you have had a guts fully of their treacherous selling out and bribery of the Maori radicals… and that they better appreciate just how outraged you are about their shameful politicking… and make it clear they better allow Winston’s referendum to take place… Demand you get your say on this matter!

Or will you blindly vote for these mongrels who think you are chumps… proving them right?
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

I am contemplating standing as a Libertarian independent in Hamilton West, yet because of the urgency and essential principles of justice at stake I implore you Labour and National voters to do what I myself am committed to doing… and that is putting aside all my personal apprehension and giving my party vote to New Zealand First.
If I dont stand I will also give my electorate vote to the New Zealand First candidate as well.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017
The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The New Zealand War of the 1860s was not a ‘Land war’… It was a Sovereignty War.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Where Haters come from.