Stand Fast! Vote Heroically My People! New Zealand General Election 2023
I’m disgusted to see so many who have been outraged by the antics of our Government over the past 6 years, and the absolute failure of the Opposition parties to defend our rights, now intend to vote for those rotten 2 faced charlatans! Turning their backs to Our Freedom movement!
Come election day we shall see how many true Freedom fighters of Resolve stood firm in this land in the hour in which it matters most.
Elections are when we get to throw out the incompetent and corrupt and elect better representatives to take care of our interests.
Those of you who chose to vote for one of the New Freedom parties are the Heroes who withstood all the defeatism and wooly headed sophistry of poll fixated strategyzers.
The sell out compromisers.
Will it be 15 out of every 100 who hold the line? or 10? or less?
Ultimately it matters not how few our numbers be.
Those who resolutely vote for any one of the Freedom parties… You are *my people*.
My Brothers and Sisters in the struggle.
You remained steadfast.
You have earned my respect and gratitude.
You will have done your part in keeping the freedom movement alive and viable to fight on.
As for the rest of you who spent the last 3 to 6 years crying about the Woke Radical destruction and globalist enslavement of our once great nation…
Many who even had the nouse to resist Ardern’s Medical tyranny only to lose heart in the final few months and desert the freedom movement and instead choose to support Weasel Act or swallow the Cool aid of the Great Charlatan and New Zealand First… Both guilty of collaboration with The Ardern regime!
They will not defend New Zealand’s National sovereignty from the WEF, WHO, UN Great Reset and Number of the Beast!
Shame on you!
You of Feeble hearts!
Fickle supporters who deserted our army like rats in the face of trials and tribulations!
You have no idea how hard it is to get a small party up and running and keep it going though the gauntlet!
The Pressures are immense and you must expect slings and arrows of outrageous fortune to rain down hard.
Yet such storms can almost always be weathered as long as your people hold their nerve and remain true to the cause.
Yet you left your post!
You and I are not the same.
I am reminded of Tom Payne’s great call to Freedom… The Crisis. Uplifting The American revolutionary Army in their struggle for Freedom against the British.
December 23, 1776
THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God. …
Great American. War of Independence.
Tom Paine.
There is still time for many of you whom have faltered to redeem yourselves.
Think hard before you betray the freedom movement.
This is the hour they need you to step up and fulfill your duty.
We owe it to them.
Drain the Swamp!
Stand for Real Change
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Never ever vote for Winston Peters!
Thomas Sowell Condemns Black Democrats : Same Indictment Applies Equally to Leftist Maori Politicians
Thomas Sowell
Read about him here
^^^ Click that ^^^ and listen to Sowell.
“… as with so many other groups around the world, The leaders of groups that are lagging are often themselves one of the biggest handicaps for those groups…”
Thomas Sowell.
As a Libertarian Maori and Political activist who has participated in the Political discourse of New Zealand for over 2 decades, I can emphatically state that Sowell’s statement (above) applies 100% to the Sorry Stats of the Maori People and their politically corrupt leaders.
He expressly speaks about them when he says… “as with so many other groups around the world… ‘lagging’…”
This is a message I personally have been raving about for more than 2 decades.
Socialism has been an absolute failure for Maori.
Socialism has not raised Maori out of their Dire social statistics because it fails to address the real cause of their plight.
To blame Maori poor health, Criminality, and poverty on ‘European colonistaion’ is a complete cop out!
Colonisation has in reality brought ever opportunity for them to succeed!
The Key to their ongoing misery is evident in that word *Blame*.
When you blame others… you take no *personal responsibility*
When you blame others you are *playing the hapless victim.*
That is the grand delusion the Maori people hear from their so-called Leaders and political class.
That is the great lie!
Sowell is completely right!
The Truth is the complete opposite.
Maori Only have themselves to blame for their low socioeconomic misery!
They have completely failed to take self responsibility for their own well being and prosperity!
Instead of having ethics of hard work, Saving and eschewing Vice… too Maori prefer to rot on welfare and waste their resources on gluttony and drunkenness… and have the audacity to blame these personal short comings on ‘Pakeha Greed and oppression!
Yet so few Leaders of the Maori People have the integrity to preach these truths to them.
Most Maori Leaders and politicians incessantly Blame Pakeha for all Maori woes.
They poison the Maori peoples minds with race hate and envy.
They instill militant outrage… founded upon Toxic ideology and Pure lies from fabricated revisionist pseudo-history.
Of course like all socialists in high places, these corrupt Far Left Maori Leaders personally profit from the Maori peoples ongoing misery…
Yet of equal evil is that lack of Pakeha outrage and protest to the endless vile racist denigration They face… The endless slander against great cultural heritage of their Pioneer Colonial ancestors from the Malice possessed Radicals baying for Reparations, Privileges, and power!
It is shameful to see they have unwittingly been duped into accepting Blame for the plight of Maori!
Self loathing fools ashamed of their own whiteness… It does not get more pathetic than that?
The greatest reason for this feeble acquiescence is because successions of Chamberlain-type governments have chosen appeasement instead of defending Our Glorious History, and culture, to the degree that the Marxist narrative is now the official narrative … taught in schools, expounded in the media, and now a legislated pre-requisite for employment in many jobs and institutions.
The small number of heroic Pakeha that dare to challenge The Neo-Marxist ‘Critical Race Theory’ of Oppressors and the oppressed get publicly castigated, Deplatformed, Cancelled, professionally ruined, to the degree that terrorises the rest into silence and cowardly subjection.
Yet Year after year the Lies, the hate, the grievances do not abate.
You cannot beat Tyranny by submitting to it!
When will You People grow a pair and resist and overthrow this Travesty????
You act like your Accusers are 100 foot tall giants, when in reality they are puny pathetic miserable wretches.
We have an Election before us!
It goes without saying we must get rid of all the Leftist radicals… Labour, Green, Te Maori Pati’.
Bugger National Too!
Bugger Act! Bugger New Zealand First!
They are all traitors and collaborators!
Time to kick out all the Old guard who have brought this madness upon us!
Time to vote for The New Breed of Freedom Fighters and Patriots whom have stepped up in the New Freedom parties!
That is the only Moral choice we Kiwis have.
Don’t be suckers of the polls!
‘Strategic voting’ Be Damned!
Those are just ploys to trick you out of voting for the True patriots we need in office!
Vote heroically out of determined principle, not for intimidated childish paranoia!
Vote for real change!
Vote for a restoration of New Zealand’s once Great and Free, and tolerant society!
Those are the votes the Socialists and WEF, and Soros fear!
They are the votes that can destroy the Great reset!
Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…
A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill
The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…
Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013
Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.
Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.
My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton
Libertarian Javier Milei could become Argentina’s next President. Tucker Carlson on X Interview
Update: Javier Milei Wins!!!!!!
Read… Hard-right libertarian Milei wins Argentina’s presidential election.
Posted 15 September 2023.
In 3 days Tuckers interview had been watched 401.2 million times.
I have not been able to get the embedding code to properly attach the interview to this post.
Watch Interview Here.
This guy is a wise man. Argentina will be far better off with him at the helm… yet the Soros Schwab WEF Globalists will move to destroy him as they have done with Trump and every one else who defies them.
The Socialist Globalist elites like Gates don’t want Nations like Argentina to save themselves. They want the whole world to be reduced to this condition so they can canabalise these Nations property and resources, and impose the great reset upon them.
He is an inspiration. Best Libertarian speech I have herd in years from a politician.
His words reinvigorate my own Libertarian heart.
Speeches like this prove there is still hope for freedom against the Socialist Globalist New World Order, yet we must rally behind such leaders.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Darwin DEBUNKED: Using Modern Science. Daily Dose of Wisdom. You Tube.
Is Intolerance a virtue?
The Meme (below) was posted to Gab Social media platform.
It makes a subtil claim appealing to Zeal… Zealotry… my retort to @Boomstick follows below.
Tim Wikiriwhi Responds…
@Boomstick Beware… This has no context, and is therefore deceptive in the extreme.
It’s claiming *Intolerance is a virtue!*
That cannot withstand any scrutiny.
Without some tolerance a person becomes a fanatic… indistinguishable from any form of fanatic… eg an Islamic extremist.
They would wholeheartedly endorse this claim.
Are you any better than they?
Now hear the enlightened truth!
Just as there are things that may be compromised, and others that may not be compromised, so too there are things that can, and ought to be tolerated, and others that ought not to be tolerated.
It is an equal wrong *not to tolerate what you ought* as it is to tolerate what you ought not.
Wisdom and Enlightenment teaches which is which.
Lower values can be sacrificed for the sake of higher values.
Treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves… is natural justice.
Tolerance is guided by higher principles and convictions… it is not the abandonment of them as is claimed above.
A Tolerant man ought not to be a weak and an easily beguiled man, but show tolerance from a position of strength and vigilance.
And there is a line in the sand.
It is only by the embodiment of such values and principles than any man can claim to be civil and walk the higher path than the savage.
Intolerance is the hallmark of the Barbarian.
Intolerance is the hallmark of Tyranny.
Intolerance comes from fear.
Principled tolerance is in fact a symbol of courage.
” If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacably with all Men.”
Paul the Apostle.
Romans 12vs8.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Soros sees himself as a god….
Who will I vote for this Election? New Zealand 2023 Election.
Let me state this from the get go… some of you won’t like what I’m about to say… tuff titties!
I won’t pander to defeatist cowards who don’t have the Balls to stand behind the Brave Freedom Heroes who have put themselves in the fight.
Lets be clear about this…. If you vote for any of the parties that supported Vax mandates and lockdowns (including Act, and NZ First), you will no longer have the right to complain about these evils.
*You* are the problem if you intend to support these evil F237$!
Vote for one of the new parties who are expressly for your rights or shut TF up!
The only way you can maintain your integrity and maintain any claim to be part of the Resistance to the Woke Covid Climate change Globalist’s is if you vote for one of The New Small Freedom parties… Not National. Not Act. Not NZ First.
The most common gripe I hear as to why many people think voting for one of the small New Freedom parties is ‘a waste of your vote’ is because they don’t think any of them will get past the 5% threshold to get people into parliament.
This is Bogus! Not only is it a self-fulfilling/ self-defeatist stupidity… in reality it does not matter if a party gets 5% to still be a valuable vote!
It sure would be nice to get straight into parliament, but The truth is they only need 3-4% to remain a viable fighting force after the election and set them in good stead for growing to cross the line *next election*.
This is a long term game.
Not to appreciate this is plain Naïve.
It takes a monumental amount of work and effort to build credibility and get a party across the line. These parties are only at first base.
*They need us to vote for them* so that they will take heart and carry on the fight long term.
Photo (above) was posted to Twitter (X). It was from Hamilton West where dozens of Labour Party election bill boards were sprayed with Graffiti, others totally destroyed.
Symbolic of many New Zealanders outrage and disgust for Jacinda Ardern’s catastrophic governance of our country over the past 6 years.
Labour are toast.
A friend sent me an email asking who I’m voting for this election.
My reply follows… This is difficult to write as by declaring my views, it will cause some people I respect do be disappointed that I have not come out in full support of them or their team.
This is not because I don’t in support them… the problem is *the Freedom moment is fractured*, making it a nightmare for people like myself who does no want to be part of this this division and wants to work to unite as many Freedom advocates together as we can for under a democracy there is strength in numbers.
Divided we fall.
That this is true has effected my leanings for this election.
I know many friends will disagree with my recommendations below.
This is why freedom and tolerance are essential for friendships and society.
If after the election a single party stands head and shoulders above the rest, that is most likely to be where I will support moving forward.
As the election is close I don’t believe I can sit on the fence in indecision any more… so I’m revealing my preference now for others to contemplate my rationale.
I will still vocally support *These small parties* right up to the elections, and I wish them all success.
Each of them has their merits, and true Freedom advocates whom have my deep respect.
Note: What follows is a reply to an old friend. It’s not meant to be Razor sharp and unassailable… It’s lightweight.
Hey Tim… Who will you be voting for?????
This election is a terrible mess for those of us who want New Zealand to return to ‘the good old days’ of freedom, tolerance, etc.
In my opinion *All* the parties and politicians currently in parliament are corrupt and guilty of complicity with the radical woke agenda, Covid tyranny, massive debt, and expansion of racism. all of which are the legacy of Jacinda Ardern selling our country out to the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset.
So I will not vote for *Any of them*. I hold both National and Act, and New Zealand First as all guilty.
Yet where does that leave me?
The people of New Zealand are most likely to vote our Labour, and they will be replaced with a National-Act Government.
This will be an improvement on the Labour madness but not as great a reform as is needed, and will not save our country from the tentacles of the WEF.
Out of fear that Labour might win, many freedom people will be voting for Nat/Act.
I won’t.
The reasons being 1. They do not deserve our votes.
They will not hold inquiries into the evils of the past 6 years because the themselves went along with those evils… so they will continue the great lies… and we will be in danger of more lockdowns when ever any so-called ‘new Covid strains’ are announced.
2. There are several small new parties that have been formed by good freedom fighters who need support,
Parties that want to fix the real problems.
Parties that want to have investigations and hold the guilty to account.
Parties that actually champion *my Freedom and equality values*
It would be immoral for me to turn my back on these heroic good parties out of fear and vote for Nat/Act.
New Zealand desperately needs *New Blood* in parliament and there are some excellent Heroic New Zealanders who have stepped up.
The sad thing is they have not formed a single strong united party,
These are head strong individuals and there are personality clashes,
So they are leading their own parties, against each other. splitting / weakening the Freedom vote.
Its a real shame… The established parties can celebrate because our division in the freedom movement is self-defeating.
The parties…
The Leighton Baker Party.
The New Conservatives.
Democracy New Zealand.
NZ Loyal.
Freedoms New Zealand.
As the election approaches internal squabbles cause some of these parties to self destruct.
I still have not made a final decision as to which of these I will vote for.
Yet one will get my party vote.
If any of them have a candidate in Hamilton West. They will get my candidate vote.
If they were united we could guarantee that party would easily get past the 5% mark and into parliament, yet because they are fractured It makes it very hard… and fewer people will vote for any of them because they ‘think’ to do so ‘is a wasted vote’.
I think that is 100% wrong!
New Zealand needs to get new people into parliament. People who believe and support freedom, national independence, defends free speech, defends of our rights to chose our own medical treatments, racial equality before the law, and prohibit the education system from Woke indoctrination,
This being so I will be voting for one of these new parties, and even if they only get 3% I will stand by my vote and be happy I voted for them.
The more of us who do this the stronger result they will get, and it will uphold them to remain in the fight for the next election.
Hopefully some of them will be able to get over their differences and Unite, making them much stronger for 2026.
I may then put myself back in the game too.
The Freedoms New Zealand Party is a coalition of groups with Brian Tamaki and Lawyer Sue Grey.
This party will get a strong result. Some people don’t like Brian Tamaki… understandable… yet the man has done much to show he is for Freedom and New Zealand. Sue Grey is another wonderful Freedom fighter.
New Zealand would be much better off with these people in parliament.
Hear Leighton Baker here
Leighton Baker is Ex New Conservatives Leader… and another great freedom Advocate.
NZ Loyal was founded by Ex TV personality Liz Gunn. Another wonderful Freedom advocate and vocal opponent of Jacinda Ardern.
Liz is full of patriotism and passion, very articulate and has a large and growing following.
Listen here
Democracy NZ has an Ex National Party MP (Matt King) as Leader, and was doing extraordinarily well with a good chance of getting in to parliament, yet had a big implosion which caused a big loss of support.
New Conservatives have been in the game for several elections. They are an established party, I voted for them last time. Yet after the last election they spat the dummy and lost a lot of their top people… including Leighton baker, who now has his own party. Despite these things I have been strongly considering voting for them again.
The last election was *super suspect*.to the degree I believe there is evidenced of election fraud… I blogged about this evidence… (see Link below)
So My friend… that is how I read the cards as of today.
It really is a difficult choice.
I’m leaning towards *Freedoms New Zealand.* with one caveat… I need to clarify their position on *Co-governance*.
For me resolute opposition to that is morally non-negotiable.
I believe they have a fair chance at getting 5%, I believe their structure will allow them to assimilate some of the other parties into their coalition group… which I believe is the way forward.
This does not mean I have anything against the other small parties… I would love to support them all. Yet that can’t be done.
I have made some efforts to contact some of these parties yet received no feed back.
None of them have approached me to join them… another small party did yet it will not be registered this election, and I declined.
I have contemplated standing as an independent, yet to be fair I don’t have the spare resources to do that.
Anyway I’s great to get your email!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
It would have been easier to make a choice… for everyone… if there was one stand out party that clearly had the greater share of top notch candidates, and popular support, yet that is not the case. All the choices have virtues and vises, strengths and weaknesses.
For example I have spent years criisising Brian Tamaki’s political antics over the last 2 decades, yet now I am considering giving his party my vote.
I believe both himself and Sue Grey have stepped up over the recent Tyranny and Woke madness of the Arden Regime and absolute lack of opposition from National and Act.
*Freedom* has become their watchword… so though undoubtedly I will not agree with many of Brian and Sues ideas and opinions, I do not hesitate to suggest that New Zealand would be much much better off with them in parliament compared to the shysters we now suffer.
They are fighting for our Freedom and Rights, and National Sovereignty… which is essential if we New Zealanders are to maintain of Democratic society in which we choose how our country will be governed… not a committee of Evil Foreign Dictators.
Friends, I know you appreciate how important this election is. You desire to make your votes count. So do I. I will not waiver from calling you all out should you decide to vote for Ardern’s collaborators Act, National, NZ First! There are Freedom Heroes who need our support!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim….
Doctors advised to ‘Adjust’ how Death certificates filled out. Jordan Peterson Short.
Global Boiling! Global Burning! Are The Globalists about to Implement ‘Climate Lockdowns’ and impose their New World Order?
Panic Sheeple!
The end is nigh!
Global Boiling is here!
OH Dear God! What shall we do?????
We had better institute a Global Shut down!
Are the Globalists poised to implement the Great Reset?
All Auguries bode ill!
Many factors lead me to believe the Globalists are about to pounce… and that is why they have in recent days elevated their climate alarmism to truly unhinged levels.
Just in case you have been in a coma for the past decade, and are wondering what I’m raving on about, ‘The Great Reset’ is the Socialist Gospel… the institution of the Socialist New World Order. The End of Independent Sovereign Nations, replaced with Global citizenship, and a Cashless global digital currency.
I believe the NWO is nothing less than the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist as foretold in the Bible. 666.
As foretold… As it was in the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, All Nations will be gathered under one All powerful Kingdom, presided over by the Enemy of God and mankind.
You will own nothing… yet you are told that you will be happy.
No one will be able to buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 13)
There will be no more Religious Liberty.
To achieve their Diabolical ambitions The World Economic Forum are manufacturing a fake existential crisis to justify their monumental grab for total power over the entire planet!
And billions of idiots are falling for it!
They have control of the UN, The World Health Organisation, and their puppets are in positions of power in almost every Western nation.
It has been decades in the planning, and the fate of human freedom hangs in the balance.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
The secretary-general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.
It will be the end of Capitalism, and the birth of the New Age of Socialism!
Hearts and Hugs!!!!
Individual pursuit of wealth and happiness will be over.
All resources will be used for the greater good of the Herd.
*That is the sort of Socialist Bullshit they expect us all to mindlessly embrace*
Anyone with any understanding of how Socialism really works knows that if this New World Order is allowed to get established It will Be Hell on Earth!
Every individual will be allocated their share via the Global social credit system, your personal carbon footprint will be tracked, Your opinions will be scrutinised and policed.
All you must do is submit to the New World Order by taking the implant.
Rejoice Ye Damned Slaves!!!
Some of you may think this is all a bit stink… yet then you remember the Earth is Boiling!!!!!!!
Capitalism and Freedom are destroying the planet! ( At least that’s what the WEF and Leftist Greens wants you to believe!)
Click and watch that Bangin video (above) from Daisy Cousens.
Our benevolent billionaire banker elites have foreseen all of this and have been selflessly labouring for decades on such a scheme of salvation. The Great Reset.
(If you believe these maniacs have the best interests of humanity at heart, you have rocks for brains!)
It seems patently obvious to me the recent escalation in extreme alarmist retoric is prepping the sheeple of the world into complying with the extreme political evils the Globalists are about to launch… right across the globe. All at once.
The embedded WEF Minions making these absurd claims about ‘Global Boiling’ take their orders from and are working to a schedule dictated by the Globalist Puppet masters, Schwab, Gates, Soros.
Fact check that!
On cue no sooner does The UN and other alarmists ramp up their retoric… catastrophic fires start to break out’ in Hawaii and elsewhere.
The media squeals “Global Boiling!” Global Boiling!
Of course it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and that’s fire season, just as it is 6mths later in Australia. Poor management of national forests… the failure to maintain fire breaks, and do controlled burn offs of ‘Undergrowth ‘Fuel loads’ is the chief reason why massive fires have become the new normal. Nothing to do with a climate crisis.
This is all well understood, yet satellite images of recent fires in Canada show 6 or more fires starting in synchronicity. Obvious arson… yet Trudeau and Biden take to their National podiums fanning the flames of Climate change hysteria.
This is all by design… All part of the script to justify what is coming… The end of freedom in the West. That is unless we the people rise up in mass protest and Refuse to submit to this Globalists treachery.
If they are poised to implement a global climate lockdown We should be on the watch for some truly gob smacking brazen catastrophe… possibly A fire of unprecedented scale to break out somewhere with massive loss of life so shocking as to cause everyone on Earth to gasp. Not to infer what happened in Hawaii was trivial, if something of stupendous magnitude happens that can be construed to be a result of ‘Global Boiling’…. I for one will not be surprised.
The Globalists are ready to turn such a happenstance to their own advantage. IMO they are evil enough to engineer such an atrocity.
The stakes don’t get any higher than this.
The elites don’t give a rats arse about the billions of filthy little people who scurry about on *their planet*!
They have already decided there are too many of us… and the anti-human far left Environmental movement has done a fabulous job of instilling this Malthusian myth into the hearts and minds of the sheeple of the world… esp their children.
The evil Globalists are about to seize control of *everything*.
It is coming down to the wire!
A show down between the Globalists New World Order, and Freedom loving Americans and Nationalist patriots in all Western nations.
We shall fight to retain our Independence and right to self-determination!
We see the evil hand of George Soros directly at work manipulating the legal systems right across The US seeking to circumvent democracy and prevent American citizens from being able to vote Donald Trump back into office. It does not matter whether you like Trump or not… this corruption ought to be patently obvious to all! It ought to disgust and alarm *All enlightened people* (I’ll be writing another article on this) yet if The Soros Scheme to block Trump from running in the coming election is unsuccessful, there is an extremely high possibility the Globalists will pull the pin *just before the elections*.
That is how immediate this monumental conspiracy could kick off!
A Trump Presidency would be a massive blow to their aims… The Aged Schwab, Gates, and Soros might never live to see another ‘opportunity’ to grab Global power.
These Machiavellian Megalomaniacs have a sense of urgency to achieve their ultimate aims for Global Domination.
Soros is counting on Mass Trump Derangement Syndrome to cause the world to turn a blind eye towards this massive travesty against the American democracy.
Sadly I think he can have confidence that a massive portion of humanity don’t care if Trump is defrauded. They are blinded by their own contempt.
If you don’t want your children to grow up slaves be ready to march in the streets!
Be ready to go to Parliament and protest!
They are getting ready to impose their New World Order under the guise of the climate emergency. *NOW*
And it will resemble North Korean Type totalitarianism… but on steroids.
They have the technology now to monitor and control all human beings on Earth.
Big Brother… 1984… George Orwell.
Understand the level of tyranny they must impose if they hope to maintain an iron grip on power over the entire earth!
Understand the level of suppression of Thought and ambition they must hold over the peoples minds!
Enlightenment Ideals, and Christianity must be crushed out of existence.
We can still beat them and they know it!
They are desperate to gain control of the internet and pass censorship laws to make articles like this one ‘illegal’!
Because it is via Free speech that We the people can rally against them and thwart their evil plans.
Remember what these Evil Bastards did during the Covid Scamdemic!
Remember it was only the compliance of the sheeple that allowed them to trample our human rights, destroy our nations economy and impost tyrannical lockdowns… all of which were a travesty!
Did we learn anything from that massive social experiment on Global control????
Realise what I am saying is not fantasy, but an accurate description of the Political Establishment’s modus opperandi.
Wake up Sheeple!
So be ready to march in the streets people!
Be ready to resist!
Be ready to defy their evil orders!
Refuse to comply!
United we stand!
And especially remain peaceful in your civil disobedience… for history has proven that peaceful resistance can break despotic powers… as long as *all the people* act in solidarity and do not waiver in the face of the jackboots.
We must be prepared to make the ultimate personal sacrifices to save our children from Satanic Slavery.
It is also election time!
We desperately need to get rid of Labour, The Greens, and the Maori Party, yet if you want to save New Zealand from the great Reset for goodness sake Don’t vote National.
Don’t vote Act! Certainly don’t vote NZ first!
These parties were fully complicit in Arden’s Tyrannical activities since 2017.
Under Ardern these parties absolutely failed to be an effective opposition… that is because they are fundamentally in agreement on 90% of the big issues that New Zealand has faced… and they are fully on board with The Globalist agenda.|
I implore all Freedom fighters to vote for one of the New Freedom based parties!
Vote for New Conservatives, or Democracy NZ, or Leighton Bakers party, Or NZ Loyal, or Sue Grey’s and Brian Tamaki’s Freedom coalition.
New Zealand desperately needs to sweep out the despicable Status quo parties, and elect new blood!
It is my understanding that all these New parties stand for New Zealand’s Independence and National Sovereignty in opposition to the Globalist’s aims.
Voting for any of the status quo is a wasted vote.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 26-8-23 *Here we go!…
No less than 79 Arsonists have been arrested in Greece! You can bet they are all Far Left Radicals who are part of the Globalist scheme to promote the idea of ‘Global Boiling’. Their counterparts are lighting fires all over the globe then screaming ‘Climate change!!!!
Read article… here
“… Greece has called out “arsonist scum” after police made 79 arson arrests over wildfires ravaging the country.
Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias said there had been several attempts by arsonists to start new fires on Mount Parnitha, north-west of Athens.
The blaze is one of hundreds in the nation where wildfires have already killed at least 20 people this week.
“You are committing a crime against the country,” Mr Kikilias said.
“Arsonist scum are setting fires that threaten forests, property and, most of all, human lives,” Mr Kikilias told Greeks during a televised emergency briefing on Thursday.
“You will not get away with it, we will find you, you will be held accountable.”
Summer wildfires are common in Greece and scientists have linked the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, to climate change…”
Christian post-script.
The Bible predicted the Antichrist minions of Satan would try to enslave the world. It will only happen on our watch *if we wallow in apathy and indifference*.
If we fight this I see no reason in the scriptures why this ultimate scheme of Satan cannot be delayed for a generation or two… when a more Godless, and docile, and ignorant generation fails to appreciate what is at stake.
And irrespective of the outcome of this struggle, every one of us needs to turn to God Almighty and realise our need to accept the Gospel of his grace.
For We are all *individually* Sinners, and as such our souls are in danger of eternal damnation. It is sin and rebellion against God that is behind the New World Order. yet the gospel say’s God loves us all *as individuals* and has made a way for us to be redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed of our sins, so that we can spend eternity in heaven… in his presence.
The Gospel is that God our Father sent Jesus Christ his son to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was burred, and that he rose from the dead in victory over sin and Death.
Whosoever choses to believe this good news will be saved. Without works! Salvation is the gift of God! You can be saved and put right with God Almighty right now!
It matters not what evils you have committed or what vises you struggle with. If you turn to God and call upon the name of Jesus… you will be saved!
For his love and grace are sufficient *for all*.
Trust in the gospel and no matter what happens, you will spend eternity in Heaven. These are the sure promises of God found in the Bible.
When the Kingdom of the AntiChrist appears (The New World Order) The saved will be raptured out by God, yet all those who rejected Christ will be deceived by strong delusions and will accept the Mark of the Beast.
All who receive the Mark will be judged by God Almighty… Jesus Christ… and be separated from God… Damned… For eternity.
This is the Ultimate spiritual battle that is going on.
Schwab, Gates, and Soros are just the Foolish minions of Satan… deceived by their own Vanity, and lust for power.
My personal testimony is I believe Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life!
The accuracy of the Bible in predicting the coming of Global Tyranny is evidence of it’s Divine truth.
Christianity is the salt of the Earth that prevents the rot… yet Christianity has been systematically attacked and is being forsaken. This is why the world is sinking back into darkness.
Yet We can have a revival!
we must have a revival… if Western civilistaion is to be saved from the false evil Gospel of Socialist Tyranny.
When The Antichrist does finally come to power, he will rule for a mere 7 years… yet these shall be the worst years in the history of Human Government.
In the End, The reign of the Antichrist shall be cut short by the Return of Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Antichrist shall be destroyed, and Christ will set up his Kingdom in Israel.
Sounds Far fetched?
It is happening before your very eyes!
Christ visited Israel in the 1st century BC in accordance with the promises of God to the Jewish Fathers.
He changed world history.
Pears encyclopedia calls him “the greatest figure in Human history”.
The Bible promises that he shall return.
He shall rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years… the Prince of Peace.
More from Tim.
Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.
Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.
The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.
The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!
The Rock of Divine Revelation.