The Preppers were Right. The Christians were Right. The Libertarians were Right. Covid-19 and New Zealand’s plummet into Tyranny. (Part1)

I am going to release this post in a series that will eventually be parts of a whole.
I am doing this so that I can publish it to ‘Eternal vigilance’ as early as possible, and in chunks that are not ‘War and Peace’.

“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression which purports to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically; life is better in “uninteresting times” of peace and tranquility than in “interesting” ones, which are usually times of trouble.
Despite being so common in English as to be known as the “Chinese curse”, the saying is apocryphal, and no actual Chinese source has ever been produced.”

These are interesting times.

This will be the most significant Blog post I have written for years.
It will encapsulate virtually all my most important values and warnings and declarations I have made over the past 20 years.
I will try and stitch together as many essential elements as possible without writing a book… yet a Book… many Books… will need to be written to explore the events that are unfolding around us… that threaten our very lives…and way of life.

A friend of mine took puerile glee on social media the other day … displaying contempt for our Panic… by asserting that the Covid-19 is… quote: ‘not an existential crisis’ for mankind *as a species* … because despite the death toll… human life will go on… yet such a shallow indifference to the fact that many thousands are dying… must also be called out for its callous indifference to the very real *existential crisis that is afoot for Human liberty and clear boundaries against Totalitarianism*.

Now I love my unnamed friend… and i know it’s poor taste and rough usage on my part to proceed to frame everything I am about to say upon his off hand remark, in truth the following is absolutely not about that… It is simply a matter that I can utilise his comment to exemplify *what is really at stake*… above the mere fact that life will go on for most.

He is correct in that… and I guess for many, that is all they care about… It does not even matter to them that things will never be the same.

To be fair I know my friend is as concerned about the leap Western Nations are making in the face of Covid-19 as I am… maybe even more so.
His remark was a protest that tyranny cannot be justified upon the false premise that Covidid-19 constitutes an existential threat to Humanity as a species.
This being so… what justification if any exists for the Usurpation of extraordinary powers by Governments, and the heavy curtailment of individual rights and liberties?

PM Jacinda Ardern was acting very casually when she introduced to the nation the 4 tier Government emergency response plan she would be implementing.
at the time of announcement the question of whether or not she actually has the legal authority to carry out this scheme was never put to her by the news media who are supposed to ask the tuff questions of our leadership… on behalf of We… the people.
And so she was allowed to do what ever she liked based upon the mere unquestioned assumption she had the authority to do so.

Was it a devious ruse on her part to set the country at alert level two, and to keep the schools open for the sake of keeping the people in a false state of calm for a critical few days when she was all along rushing to get ready to jump straight up to level 4 and shut the roads… trapping us in… so that we had no opportunity to relocate ourselves in more congenial spots to hibernate?

When we read of reports from places like Italy where before roadblocks were imposed or flight restriction, people left the main centers and traveled to other towns… that their governments considered this behavior detrimental to their ideas of containment…. I suspect Ardern *did* intentionally lull us into a false sense that things were better than they actually were.

Think about that, and what that says about the way she operates.
What ethics… if any… underpin her actions?
I put nothing past her… she displays all the characteristics of a person who thinks her ambitions justify any means necessary… including deception of the New Zealand public.
Remember how she ran for office on the promise of running the most open and transparent Government ever?
Yet time has proven the opposite is true… she has time and time again refused to answer questions put to her.
She springs edicts upon us without public discussion or debate.

I was offered a place to escape to out of Hamilton City yet because of Arderns sudden implementation of Alert level 4 it became too risky to be stopped on the roads by Police who might treat people looking to escape the cities as criminals.

There are other reasons why my family chose to weather the storm in Hamilton.

As a Maintenance Engineer at one of New Zealand’s ‘essential food industries’ I have continued to work while my family are in Isolation.
The Company has implemented many changes to make our working environment safer.
Sanitiser everywhere, no meetings in confined spaces, less people per Smoko room breaks, maintaining social distance of 2 meters, anyone who can work from home is doing so, etc.
There is still opportunity for Smokoroom banter and discussion about whats in the news… albeit at greater distances… and a continuous theme among my peers is an incessant exclamation that the government should be implementing Far heavier … Martial Law type actions.. than it already is upon those whom are perceived to be ‘non-compliant’ to self isolation.
The primary underlying thinking of these people is firstly Fear, and secondly they are exposing their fundamental belief that Tyrannical government is a Collective good that trumps individual rights.

These fools should be careful what they wish for!
In a National environment full of such thinking, Heavy handed’Jacinda Ardern’ type politicians are in their element, and she will be most willing to oblige them in their desires to be rendered Rightless slaves beneath her all powerful rule!
She is after all… a Socialist.
I am surrounded by ‘nice people’ who in fact endorse totalitarianism and are happy to surrender their rights in a heartbeat!
I am sure any legal authority to do so is being quietly, yet hastily drafted as we speak.
No media seem to be interested in asking such questions about what extra powers our government is planning to usurp… to rush through parliament… under urgency… with no public consultation.

Where did I get that impression?
Oh that’s right… that’s precisely what happened just last year… precisely how Comrade Number 1 Ardern and *all our elected representatives behaved *bar 1* in the wake of the Christchurch Terrorist attack when they flouted due legal process to rush the prohibition of semiautomatics and high capacity magazines into law!
All it took was for Ardern to declare Gun ownership in New Zealand is not a right, but a privilege!
This arbitrary assertion set up the notion that the State was not acting tyrannically in confiscating the Guns from Law abiding citizens who had done no wrong.
And it was basically swallowed hook, line, and sinker by virtually every member of parliament and almost every journalist in the country.
Virtually No time was allocated for Public consultations or submission of protest, and those few token submissions that were herd fell on deaf ears.
The Government simply gave themselves the legal powers they wanted.
Kinda like Hiter’s ‘Enabling Act’.

That’s the sort of government we have running this country!

Things are quite calm at present… 400 odd cases Nationally last time i checked.
Everyone has plenty of supplies… for a month or two.
No one has even died of the virus in New Zealand… The Morale of the nation is fearful… yet still high, yet this calm will not last long.
Panic will replace calm as hospitals become overwhelmed, and the virus starts to claim lives.
The Reaper will thrust in his sickle.
Family and friends will die.

Martial law is probably just around the corner… as the supermarkets begin to run out of supplies… and the people realise that they dont have enough stores in the cupboards.

All the compulsion that is being implemented and that will be ramped up is being almost universally touted as the only possible means of tackling this Pandemic.
Its taken as a given
It’s considered unquestionable.
Any suggestion that the governments and populations of the world could possibly have worked collectively together to fight this pandemic without Tyranny has not even been openly discussed.
Many consider anyone questioning why people should be compelled to obey all the restrictions as being dangerous to the common good… as being criminally negligent.
And because this is the path that most nations are taking, It may appear moot to even ponder whether or not things could have been done better… differently
When Chaos ensues and martial law imposed it will be even more difficult.

*yet to my mind if martial law is imposed it will signal the utter failure of Ardern’s heavy handed policies*… not justify them.

After the crisis has past… and the scale of devastation reconsidered, it is very probable many people will wake up to the fact that our Nations surrendered our precious rights too easily… and that the promised security that such Heavy handed Government imposed did very little to hinder the inevitable out come… over and above what could have been achieved by a purely voluntary approach that respected rights and liberties.

It is very possible that the governments whole strategy will be judged to be an abject failure.
That what in fact happened was we ended up with a Rash ‘Enemy like’ State working against the people … not for the people as was supposed.
Yet having gained broad ranging powers that circumvent any lawful obligation to follow important due processes that were created to keep Government just and in check… they will be very reluctant to surrender these powers.
Such powers that allow the police to enter houses without warrants, power to detain people on mere suspicion, the power to compel vaccinations, the power to arrest critics of Government edicts when ‘national emergencies have been declared’. etc.

They will be especially ardent in their desire to retain these powers even after the present crisis is passed because if they are allowed to do so it will mean they can use them to more easily impose the entire political UN Globalist agenda than otherwise would be the case if they were compelled to follow time-honored due process that exist to protect the people from Power grabs.

Many Independent thinkers perceive the current crisis as a practice run for the overthrow of Western civilization consisting of Free and independent sovereign nations by the UN Globalists embedded in almost every government on earth.

Will the ultimate result of the Ardern Doctrine prove to having been a disaster in the long run?
I suspect so.

My next part to this issue I will discuss more about how this crisis could have been handled much better… and far more justly.
I want to post this portion, yet for now let it be known that just because I strongly disagree with the usurpation of power Ardern and other world leaders have assumed in this crisis, that this means I wont voluntarily comply with all those edits that are in fact based upon common sense and sound reason.
The whole trust of my counter-argument rests upon the idea that Peoples ability to reason, and to grasp what is in their own best interests,and the interests of the country as a whole… and that when political leaders display high character and integrity… that by far that majority of people will willingly comply *to a national strategy that does not require State Jackboots.*
So let me make this very clear.
I am all for self isolation.
I am all for social distancing.
I am all for the washing of hands.
I am all for staying out of Public spaces as much as possible.
I am all for collective effort to flatten the curve!
Totalitarianism does not have a monopoly on these obvious actions, nor the means to impose them by force!
It is voluntary compliance that will be the deciding factor.
Ardern could have in fact still introduced the four tier alert system, and have called the nation to act collectively on a totally voluntary basis.

The meme above insinuates that *Even anarchists* become supporters of tyranny in such times as these, yet this is simply false.

This does not mean they endorse the States heavy hand.
It means they are asking people to voluntarily comply *to common sense actions*… and act in a collectively responsible manor… it is quite secondary that many of these wise ideas are *also government policy*.
The Idea that Anarchists *must* rebel against *all government policies and laws* just goes to show that people dont understand Anarchism or Libertarianism*… because both will *voluntarily* comply with Laws that are in accordance with their own values and Ideals… while maintaining the right to condemn Government coercion in such matters.

None of these essential basic habits require compulsion!

So why allow Ardern to strip us of our rights?

The need to do so is pure illusion.

I will sign off here with one final ‘shout out’ and that is to all the Good citizens still leaving their families, and the security of their own homes to go to work in the midst of this pandemic for that sake of keeping their communities supplied with the necessities of life!
It is truly Noble.
Their personal risk means our whole society will be able to maintain our isolation much longer… which is the best hope of defeating the spread of this killer disease, and will save lives by taking pressure off our hospitals.
I salute every Nurse and Doctor, and Orderly, Evert Trucky, every Supermarket check out person, Every factory worker and farmer, etc young, old … Boy or Girl… or other who continue to provide for us, mostly without any extra reward.
While some degenerates will use times of crisis to create chaos, these Good citizens are showing us that Tuff times are also when the best of humanity shines brightest.
Tonight Sunday 29-3-20 at 7pm the call has gone out for the Citizens of New Zealand to go out onto their front doorsteps, or to open a window… and put your hands together and give these essential workers a clap!
This is a token of our appreciation for what they are doing in such a dangerous time… the personal risks they are taking for our countries sake!
I also ask for every person of faith to say a prayer for their personal safety… esp the ones that you personally know.

And remember everyone… should you contract the virus or not…. remember that the throne of God’s love and grace is still open to you.
get right with God!
Look to the Cross of Christ for your salvation while the door is still open for you.
My prayers are with everyone who reads this post, and with your loved ones… may you all get through this crisis.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 30-3-20

“Police Commissioner Mike Bush explains what will happen to anyone not abiding the new laws.
The Defence Force is ready to respond with aircraft, vehicles and personnel if the public doesn’t comply with isolation rules during lockdown.

Commander Joint Forces NZ Rear Admiral Jim Gilmour said they have military planners and people with specialist skills working with the Government to assist in the response.

“We have a range of capabilities should these be required to assist in the response to Covid-19, including transport aircraft and vehicles, and skilled personnel who can assist other government agencies if needed,” he said.

“We have initiated Operation Protect to focus and organise our contributions to the all-of-government effort to respond to, and manage the effects of Covid-19.”

Read more: Coronavirus: NZ Defence Force on standby if people don’t comply with lockdown.

Official Status 29-3-20 (remember there will be many many times this number in the community who have not been identified)

Update: 29=3-20 1st New Zealand Death.
Death rate at 0.2% of known cases.




Remembering March 15 2019… The Darkest day for New Zealand.

One Year ago today a left wing Mad Man… a foreigner… aided by the failings of the New Zealand Police carried out the most barbaric act of Terrorism our Nation had ever seen in modern times.

Today is a day to remember the innocent victims of this heinous crime.

There is little reason for me personally to mention the religious affiliation of the victims other than to say that their lost is felt by all New Zealanders of good will… including Christians like myself.

I wish that was all we should be meditating upon today… but its not.

This is also a time to reflect at how Draconian and Agenda driven the Ardern government has behaved since in taking the lowest level of political opportunism to use this tragedy to ram through their own Anti-freedom, anti-New Zealand culture Jackbooted Power grabs.

The small Muslim community of New Zealand has been used by Ardern as a Political football… not only to propel herself onto the international stage, but also to justify the unprecedented curtailment of their fellow citizens rights and liberties.
How is that supposed to ‘improve social relations?
Its not… it only serves to create angst.
Its little wonder they did not want Arderns virtue signally circus to come to town for a National memorial day!
They just want to move on… and remember this tragedy in their own way … yet Ardern was hell bent on getting her Publicity Extravaganza onto the world stage so she could ‘strut her stuff’ and boast about how she has implemented sweeping legislations … all WOKE UN Policies… because this is *All about Her*….

Read here: Muslims don’t want March 15 memorial service: ‘We want to move on’

If it were not for the risk that Covid-19 posed to her Mass Public relations campaign… we would be watching a grand Ardern spectacle as I write these words… in total disregard for the expressed wishes of the Muslim community in Christchurch.
It was only cancelled at the last minute.
Thats how she rolls.

History will prove how the government has acted against our Nation was at least as monstrous a crime as the terrorist’s foul deed.
In fact the NZ Government… like puppets on a string… did precisely what the terrorist wanted them to do!
Yet they banned the terrorist manifesto that explained all this and came down on anyone who copied or shared his testimony.

That is how Ardern and the police have covered up their own failings and despicable treatment of New Zealanders over the past year.
All the Raids, jailing, Arms confiscations, alarmism about ‘White supremacists’ that does not even exist!
Their headlong plunge to ram home Anti-free speech legislations… dont say anything too controversial (like this post) lest you get a visit from the Thought Police!

Their Armed swat teams patrolling our streets doing Police work that should be left to regular force…. intimidating our nation into silence… and compliance.

Yes my friends March 15 2019 was a very dark day for our country… not only did many dozens of innocent people lose their lives… but it was also the Day our government stepped fully over the line… against our rights and liberties… and turned our nation into a fearful Police State.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…
















My Covid-19 facebook page. Tyranny and The Post-free speech Era.

I cannot write any new posts… and have not been given any Time-frame for how long my Exile will last… and this serves to validate this blogpost I wrote 2 weeks ago and many others I have written over the years… and my chapter ‘Free Speech and the fate of Socrates’ in the book ‘Free speech under Attack’ published by Tross publishing.
Order your Copy!
And Stand up for free speech!
People can find me and chat on MeWe > here

My facebook page is still there.
My Covid-19 New Zealand page that my fellow Admin will keep updating Here.

Despite the magnitude of what is going on the Great herd is becoming tired of having their News feeds filled with Corona virus stuff.
This page is a place to share discuss what is happening with others who want to talk about it.

It is Highly Probable that Facebook will have algorithms to suppress pages such as this one as they want to control the spread of information, So I do hope you check in regularly even if you dont get notifications, and please share articles and posts you think have important information for your friends and families, and also invite others to join.
We live in a Post-free speech era now thanks to the likes of Ardern, Little, and the Woke Globalist cabal in charge of Social media and so we must learn how to ‘beat them at their own game… learn how to keep our pages alive and vibrant…
This will take a conscious effort.

At some point they will accuse these sorts of * renegade pages* as being spreaders of ‘Fake News’… or ‘Hateful’ so that they can shut them down.
It may happen without notice.
People like me could suddenly ‘disappear’ off facebook completely… and worse… We could receive visits from the Thought Police… esp during times like this when ‘The powers that be’ decide that the Crisis justifies *very heavy handed suppression* of criticism of their policies and alternative views.

Look at this (video below) … A perfect example of Socialists trying to suppress the truth!
Look at the dates…

We now know the so-called ‘False information’ was in fact *TRUE* and that it was *The Government* that was lying… spreading *Fake News* from nefarious Political aims.
It is a fact that many who contract Covid-19 get Pneumonia … and that it is this pneumonia that is Fatal….

This is what happens when governments have the legal authority to impose their own narratives upon the Public.

Important note: It is not my intent to cause undue ‘panic’ or to pointlessly ‘buck the system’, for its own sake… I simply want to create a page where *all the information* is available for people to make up their own minds about what is going on.
In fact I encourage my fellow citizens to voluntarily comply with logical measures and desires of the Government when we can see good reason that such collective action will tend to the best outcome… up to a point.

I don’t intend to ‘Vet’ stories and only publish things I agree with… that’s not the point of this page… If you think a story going about *is bullshit* then you have the opportunity to say so and make your argument in the comments… and it is in that way that *even the Bullshit stories* serve a good purpose by presenting opportunities for people to rebut them.
Thereby demonstrating how Free speech is superior to censorship in how to combat bad Ideas and falsehoods.

Facebook has already *limited* the number of posts I can share here in a day ‘under the pretense of fighting spam’… which is a farce …. how can I ‘spam’ my own page?
Again this is part of a ‘control’ .

So I will be relying on others to make contributions to insure this page is fully stocked and up to date.

Please post jokes too!
There is no need for this page to be sombre.

Let me ask you this…. Are you watching the internet or is the internet watching you?
Are you choosing what internet information you believe or is the Internet choosing and controlling what you believe?
The People of the globe need to wake up to just how diabolical the Usurpation of control of the internet really is and that it is fast becoming a tool for tyranny (only their Propaganda is streamed).

The people need to rise up and insure they have legal protections against such Political manipulations!
We need laws that *prohibit* the censorship and prohibitions that people like Arden and Little are busy imposing on our Nation.
Currently We are rushing backwards into Tyranny and the Thought Police.
We must organise and protest… and vote for Politicians and parties that will scrap the evil restrictions on Free speech that are so dangerous to our society.
We must have Legal protections that forbid politicians imposing controls and censorship… threats of shutting down the internet… during times of crisis… and that if they do so… they will face harsh real punishments as crimes against the people.

Thank you for joining my page and may you all *practice* wisdom in your conduct to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe during this crisis.
May the Lord be with you.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 18-3-20 I CALLED IT! We do live in the Post-free speech Era, and facebook has already started trying to shut my Covid-19 posts down

Update 19-3-20 “Youtube has been ‘inscribing people’ without notification”….

Update 21-3-20 Cases in NZ jump to 53 from 11 in just a few days.
Italy is reeling…. over 600 deaths in 24 hours.


COVID-19 is like the Spanish Flu that killed Millions. Take This Deadly Pandemic Seriously My Friends.

For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.

My Covid-19 facebook page… All uncensored Opinions and articles… (blogpost) MY COVID-19 FACEBOOK PAGE. TYRANNY AND THE POST-FREE SPEECH ERA.

I started writing this post a week ago, yet as things have been developing so fast, and because there has a powerful debate about how serious this virus is, I put my writing on hold to gather more information and watch how things have been developing….
The News is not good.
In fact my heart is sinking as I realise that almost a worse case scenario is unfolding before our eyes…

Today I released my personal Civil Alert.

The rationale is to look to your own safety and that of your families …. while the window of opportunity is still open.

To all my Family and friends, and facebook Peeps!

Its time to go into self Isolation people! The Virus will be in your street in a matter of days… weeks…not months.

I’m doing a shop today and hope to stay out of supermarkets etc for the next week.
I may pull Roman out of school next week…
Its that serious….

Most people will just laugh…. they only see the sun shining outside and all is well…. they have no idea how this thing is like the invisible approach of a tsunami… Nek minnit…. BOOM…. yet you left it too late to get to high ground.

A special warning and message to friends working in the Health system (and other services)… *Take care*…. and look to your own well-being… to what degree you choose to put your Vocational care for others above your own safety can only be decided by *you*… not your Employers…. and you have families of your own that you must consider… At some point *soon* you too may choose to self Isolate… and *no one* will have the right to accuse you of breaching some sort of *public duty* to sacrifice yourselves…. No doubt many will do so… many will put their vocation ahead of their own safety… and to such people our society owes an incalculable debt of gratitude… because it will cost many of them their lives….

These are horrible things to contemplate… yet that does not mean we should not talk about them…. because the Covid 19 is *no myth*… it is real… it is coming… and *the System* has its own agenda to keep society calm… so they will be hesitant to speak the scary truth… Yet The Truth must be said… so that we all walk into this thing with our eyes open… under no delusions… fully ready and prepared… and that my friends *is the best way we can fight this fight*… by being awake… ready…”

“The coronavirus is coming to you.
It’s coming at an exponential speed: gradually, and then suddenly.
It’s a matter of days. Maybe a week or two.
When it does, your healthcare system will be overwhelmed.
Your fellow citizens will be treated in the hallways.
Exhausted healthcare workers will break down. Some will die.
They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies.
The only way to prevent this is social distancing today. Not tomorrow. Today.
That means keeping as many people home as possible, starting now.”

Read more here Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

There is a lot of pressure on governments to ‘do stuff’… yet what in reality ought they do… what powers ought they rightly to exercise under such emergencies… institute martial law?
There are of course legitimate concerns about Government measures crossing the line from legitimate activity straight into tyranny.
Using emergencies as a time to usurp great powers is a quintessentially Tyrannical thing to do!
Video footage of how the Chinese authorities has treated its people in ‘dealing with Covid 19 are absolutely terrifying!
China is Ruled with an Iron fist.
I do not have time to fully discuss this very important aspect in this post as I want to focus on what *we as individuals* ought to do *voluntarily* acting from our own intelligence… in our own interests… the question of the rights or wrongs of *Government actions* will have to wait for another time.
I will however include a short comment on the desire of the powers that be to ‘control information’ and the fact that nefarious globalist powers also seek to use this crisis to promote their wet dreams of a Cashless world order.

That aside there are serious Economic concerns about how best to act under this crisis… Internationally, regionally, and for individuals and families.
The stock market is spiraling downward… closed boarders are suffocating Trade.
Businesses are going broke… and that all means some households are struggling more than just the usual amount.
Many people live from week to week and have no ‘cash stash’ to use to get themselves emergency supplies enough to last months.

A commentator on the ‘explosive global situation’ makes the following statement…

“If you do not have active and aggressive containment measures right out of the gate, you are going to have a great big medical emergency later on.
Remember there is that three way balancing act… Do you contain the virus and stop the Pandemic, Do you preserve your economy, or do you risk overcoming your Hospital systems… those are the three variables you have to play off against each other… a lot of countries in the West in particular have made the decision to preserve their economies… not panic peoples… put out soothing statements… at the expense of what we are going to find out Italy has discovered here of a fairly overwhelmed hospital system that we think can only get worse…”

The point of implementing protective measures and practicing self-isolation is to ‘Flatten the Curve’… the rate of infection… see Ben Shapiro graph below.

A friend just asked me… “Mass self isolation is not without economic cost. What if your employer (and thousands of others) go out of business? Economic depression and ensuing poverty can also be fatal for many.”

I replied…
“These are weighty matters that everyone must strike a balance they believe is in their own best interest… and ultimately being Dead or having loved ones die because of a collapsed health system is surely one of the highest considerations.
If the spread of the plague can be slowed it gives all our systems the least stress… and valuable time to get supplies… etc.
It depends upon the inclinations and interests of individuals as to how they will suggest is the best way of dealing with this crisis… At one end of the spectrum…many seem to be rolling the dice and doing nothing… these are the ones who say… “Oh its not even as bad as the flu…”…. others at the other end of the spectrum…. mainly Asians… *Have already bought out New Zealand’s supply of face masks*… are buying up all the toilet paper*… etc etc*… ie they are in full *self preservation mode*.
Somewhere between these two extremes most people will be sitting… yet I fear most will be down the ‘Do nothing’ end of the spectrum rather than prepping for the worst.
I myself am waaay down the ‘Action stations’ self preservation end of the scale…. and I worry about everyone who is acting so Blase about it.
I have good reason to think these people simply dont appreciate how dire this situation is… and by the time they wake up… there will be *no supplies* to stock up for self isolation… or worse… they will be in the first wave of victims…
My Thinking is that it is better to prepare for the worst… and find things turned out better than expected rather than letting misplaced optimism leave you and your loved ones unprepared when things turn out far far far worse than you could have imagined.
Now Put yourself in one of the Italian or Chinese cities that has been locked down… surrounded by a plague that is killing your neighbours…. what message… what advice do you think they would have for us…??
Don’t you think they would tell us with all urgency to prepare prepare prepare???

Read Coronavirus ‘panic buying’: Dunedin toilet paper factory working overtime to meet demand.

‘Panic buying’ is a euphemism for ‘loonie’… for ‘irrational fear’… yet are people like myself who are taking action for our own welfare Really behaving irrationally?
I think not.
I received some funny looks and comments from fellow shoppers when they gathered that I was prepping for Covid19

It is staggering to me that there are so many people who think this virus is less dangerous than the common flu!
The Coronavirus is probably number 1 news topic on the globe at present… and though the net is now flooded with contradictory information, my Social media page is awash with posts saying ‘it’s no big deal’ and that all the Doom saying news is just ‘media sensationalism’.
They say not to worry about preparing for massive interruptions of our normal social operations such as supermarkets, etc.
These posts all carry the insinuation that those of us who take this crisis more seriously… that we are somehow foolish simpletons who cant comprehend ‘the latest scientific updates and statistics’ that say that ‘Only Old people need to be concerned’… or ‘The common Flu has a greater mortality rate’…. etc.

That is simply *BULLSHIT!*

Its like these people are willfully selecting the information according to what *they want to believe*…*hope to be true*, rather than being Objective.
How is it possible to maintain such apathy in the face of such facts that entire cities are being locked down?
To my thinking You just dont do that shit when its just a Flu!
This thing is way more serious than the powers that be would have you think….
The UN when discussing how to handle ‘Information’ during pandemics have indicated their desire to control and censor the internet… even shut down social media… because they want to control the public narrative… they want to halt popular protests against their activities, etc…
You see the powers that be have a separate vested interest that can be in conflict with the people knowing the whole truth… and that their agenda is to *maintain control*
The following video is a *must watch*… its the sort of video that could get a Free speaker in trouble….

Wake up people!

In the following (video below) Joe Rogan Experience interview with Michael Osterholm “…an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP)…”

*He states that Covid 19 is up to 15 times more dangerous than the common flu* and goes on to make closer comparisons with the Spanish flu pandemic of the early 20th century that killed 60+ Million people.
Watch this video…..

Read about the Spanish Flu here

Making the decision as to when to go into self isolation is critical.
The exponential nature of this plague coupled to the unique geographical characteristics of various countries makes it extremely difficult to ‘guess’ when things change from ‘acceptable risk’ to Too late… I do think favorable factors will give New Zealand a small amount of extra time… maybe a week or two… the problem being that if you self isolate too soon not only do you burn through your supplies and incur more personal economic hardship (by not going to work), but also some wives will start to think isolation was a dumb idea and step back out into society… *just as the pandemic hits*… rendering all efforts and wisdom for naught.

It goes without saying that the extreme risk comes from tarrying too long… and the ‘exponential explosion of contagion’ catching you out and about…because you left your escape too late.

And this raises another dilemma… what of the households where one of the adults wants the family to go into isolation… but the other one thinks thats being silly?
This thing presents problems and dilemmas of 1000 kinds… any of which mistakes could be met with the highest consequence.

(photo from Tool fan page)

Tool Concert a personal wake up call.
Just how difficult it is to make smart decisions to self isolate rather than attend ‘important’ events… like Big parties, concerts, etc was made clear when My favorite band Tool toured New Zealand just a few weeks ago, yet it was only at the last minute that I got a ticket and attended their Saturday nite show in Auckland.
It was a bucket list item for me… yet the fleeting thought did occur to me… ‘what about the Corona Virus?’… I decided the risk was low and the gain high… and Tool did not disappoint!
It was fabulous seeing them live and esp hearing their New Tracks from ‘Fear inoculum’.
Yet a Week later it became big news that in fact a Person with Corona Virus *did attend* one of the Tool gigs in Auckland… and consequently…frightfully… *2 people* caught the virus who also attended the show and stood near where the contagious carrier watched the show!
It turned out this happened at the show the day before I went, and the sick person was located well away from where I sat… yet all of this was pure luck.
*That could easily have been me* and I could have carried that contagion home!*
The risk may have been extremely low, yet for the poor people who caught the disease and are now in Isolation no doubt they appreciate *just how dangerous* attending Gigs and parties really is, and how easily such events *can spread the virus far and wide*.
This is why *self Isolation is essential*

Learning my lesson I have had to decline attending a 60th party in West Auckland of a Good friend who is not well (heart issues)… who may not have many… if any… parties left.
This is a painful decision… a hard decision… yet I believe it is the right decision.
It is *very difficult* to decline *personally important events* for Covid 19’s sake.
It is awkward and unpleasant explaining your reasoning… even though the truth is Isolation is in everyone’s best interest.

Read: Coronavirus: Northland man who went to Tool concert now sick, being tested

Making a decision to keep your kids home from school… making a decision not to go to work… these are Tuff calls… yet that is sometimes what must be done.
People who dont have the stones to weigh up the risks and make the judgement call for themselves… are like sheep waiting for the shepherd to make a grand declaration … or for the flock to panic and all stampede…. like maniacs.

Things could get nasty when the Zombies realise they underestimated the gravity of what is about to unfold.
They wont have any food… they wont have any sanitisers, health products, etc etc
They will have no Personal protection equipment.
These fools dont realise how the functionality of our society will be severely impacted… they assume things like internet shopping will carry on as normal… they dont realise that *all the supplies of essential items are already disappearing off the shelves* … not only by smart people who are fast enough to look to their own security and well being… but apparently there have been groups of Asian migrants who have stockpiled important Items to send home to their families… again… this is not some sort of ‘Evil plot’… but is in fact *what should be expected* people will do in such times of global crisis when the Mother countries where their loved ones live are in the throes of the pandemic have exhausted all their supplies.
They are doing what they can for their families and loved ones.
I do not mention the fact that that it has been Asians who have emptied the shelves to incite any form of hateful backlash against them.
God forbid!
I only say it because it is a fact reported to me voluntarily from virtually every store I have visited trying to buy face masks, etc. I did not ask who or why the shelves are now ‘out of stock’… the store attendants told me as a matter of fact.

This is how societies behave when faced with a Global epidemic.

This is a perfect example of *why we all should have listened to Civil defense* warnings about *Always having Emergency supplies*… a civil emergency kit.
Because when the shit hits the fan… it is simply *too late* to stock up.
You slept when you should have been a busy squirrel!
Now winter is here!

Dont allow this crisis to turn you into a Racist.
Dont let it turn you into a lawless
How we all behave in this time of crisis will determine our Mettle… what sort of human beings we *really are*… for it is only in times of crisis that our morals and values are truly tested.
Most of us have seen the pathetic video of the three Auzzy woman pulling each other hair out over rolls of dunny paper… and how one evil cow with a shopping cart chocker with rolls would not even allow the stranger to have a single pack to maintain her own dignity!
*That my friends is a demonstration of how thin the skin of civility is on many people and that beneath lurks heartless savages!*
In the time of crisis we will see that many Human beings dont give a rats arse about anyone but themselves!

Well my people I pray you have a great soul that that!
Be wise and frugally manage your supplies, yet I pray that should things become dire for your friends and neighbors that you do what you can to share anything you possibly can… because even the smallest measures of generosity and compassion could make the world of difference to those in dire straights.
And how you act in these time will not only be the measure of your humanity… but also will not be forgotten by those you help… or refuse to help…. remember that.

May the Good Lord be with you and your loved ones.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Update: Big News… Good news for children and young people…

US SURGEON GENERAL JEROME ADAMS: “If you are a child or young adult, you are more likely to die from the flu, if you get it, than you are to die from coronavirus. So, there is something about being young that is protective.”

More here: Surgeon General: Coronavirus Less Deadly Than Normal Flu For Children And Young Adults

This lifts a massive weight off the shoulders of parents concerned about their children.

Update 14-3-20

This graph (Below) is very handy for understanding the spread of the virus.
It will help people to judge risk in the early period… yet for many countries thay are already in the the first phases of the steep climb.
It shows exponential growth over a cycle of 15 days.
10 000 x 10 000 …. in 15 days time…. in Italy, Iran, and south Korea.
We here in New Zealand have not yet hit 100 ‘confirmed cases’… yet that should only be in the next month…. in 6 weeks we could hit 10 000.
Globally the numbers will soar to a staggering number.
The death rate will be proportional.
Yet regional factors also have some variable affects… some positive… some negative.

Update 22-3-20

White Devils! How much Racist BS will Kiwis continue to swallow from Bankrupt Socialist Academics and experts?

Read Why do Māori suffer inequality in the health system? One expert says it’s ‘white privilege’

What a load of crap!
I am sure that instead of talking to ‘academics’ if the press actually went and talked to front line staff who work in hospitals they would speak of the very opposite reality
The New Zealand health system bends over backwards to Maori…pandering to the skewed dictates of ‘fulfilling treaty obligations’.

Think about what these academics preach and what the NZ press so thoughtlessly reports.

Maori crime? White privilege!
Maori Health? White Privilege!
Maori abuse of children? White Privilege!
Maori Obesity? White Privilege!
Maori Poverty? White Privilege!
Maori Alcoholism and drug use? White Privilege!
Maori dropping out of School? White Privilege!
Maori violence against other Maori? White Privilege!
Maori in Gangs? White Privilege!

Notice how nothing is actually Maoris own responsibility?
And this has been the ‘Diagnosis’ of Socialist politicians and academics for the past 30 years… and they have thrown Billions at this…. which has proven to be a utter failure… only growing dependence upon the state!

Could it be the whole diagnosis is absolutely wrong?
would that not explain why their remedies dont work?
How about a different prognosis… how abot we start seeing the problems faced by Maori as fundamentally a matter of *self responcibility and personal ethics… ie *their own fault*… not the fault of the Pakeha at all!
After all colonisation introduced *great advantages* to Maori of western science and wisdom! And it is a complete lie to suggest they have not had access to this valuable store of wealth creating wisdom.

Could it be that the Maori people have actually been led down the garden path by their own leaders for their own political advantages, power, and wealth?
Could it be that Socialist have used the Maori people as pawns to attack New Zealand freedom, equality, and prosperity… to fulfill their maniacal delusions about the forced redistribution of wealth by the all powerful socialist state?
Dump the Race based seats in parliament!
Dismantle all the Socialist crutches that enable the victim mentality.

When will The press in New Zealand actually do their job and produce some Journalism of quality instead of just parroting the state agenda?

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…



If Ardern’s Political Contagion doesn’t Kill us…. The Caronavirus just might.

Get your copy of ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ from Good Bookstores or order direct from Tross publishing


This Blogpost has been a bloody nightmare to write… and will probably suck just as badly to read!
Not only is it Obscene in length, containing last weeks news that has been thoroughly covered by other writers when it was actually current … The whole theme I was trying to lay out simply didnt work!
There has been too much crap going on!
Yet because I have spent 3 days writing this sod of a thing, I am too peeved to just Euthanize it … letting it die quietly… with dignity…
I’m sorry…. Read at your own peril.

As the calendar clicked over into 2020 I was wallowing under a cloud at how oppressive Ardern’s regime and her henchmen The New Zealand Police has been behaving with regards to the Police raid on Right Minds Social media Commentator and critic of the Ardern Globalist doctrine and Concerned Citizen who made a Submission in opposition to the Firearms Amendment Act… Conservative Thinker Dieuwe de Boer.

The Police had evidently used his submission to the bill as ‘pretext’ to invade and ransack his home and traumatise his family… finding nothing…. yet leaving him (and the Independent NZ Blogging community) a clear message from the regime… of the consequences contrary opinions to the State Agenda could expect to be treated if they dare express them in the public domain.

This shocking act of Political Gansterism was just the latest in a series of such raids on independent Kiwi social media commentators … a clear systematic pattern now evident to all who are awake… one which the so-called mainstream media have done their part to condition the sheeple to endorse as a legitimate suppression of ‘Far Right extremism’.

I had predicted this Jackbooted activity would commence (here) given the Gun confiscation amnesty had been such an utter failure… the Police eager to ‘Punish’ those who had in any way attempted to protest against their new tyrannies…. and because the raid on de Boer’s family home was well covered by several Bloggers there was little I could have added to the discussion, and so I chose to share these commentaries rather than write another one myself.
Here are a few good ones….

BREAKING: The Raids Have Begun & I Was the First; All for a .22 Bunny Gun.

TRUST in Police Destroyed by Politically Motivated Raid Against Young Family

The Government, Media and Police Work Together To Suppress The Kiwi People

Excerpt: “Many New Zealanders were shocked yesterday by the news that Right Minds columnist Dieuwe de Boer had been raided by Police, ostensibly to look for a now-banned magazine for a .22 rifle. As this essay will show, the true reason for the Police raid was as part of a wider effort to suppress dissent – an effort carried out in co-ordination with the Government and the mainstream media.

The New Zealand Government knows what it wants to do to the New Zealand people, and it’s going to do it to them whether they like it or not.

Like all authorities throughout history, the New Zealand Government has a number of people who oppose it, and a number of arse-licking slaves who support it. Those who oppose it are the New Zealand people, whose natural will is to live freely. Those who support it are the soulless hordes of weaklings who have always fallen in line behind authority figures.

That the Government works together with the Police is obvious. In theory, the Police are supposed to be politically independent. The reality is that most Kiwi alternative media commentators have now received Police harassment visits. Vinny Eastwood, VJM Publishing, Cross the Rubicon and now de Boer have all been targeted in recent months – all selected for harassment on account of their outspoken criticism of the Government.

What is less known is that the Government and Police also work hand-in-hand with the mainstream media. The media plays an essential role in this suppression by manufacturing consent for the crackdowns. They present pro-Government propaganda, and attack the reputations of anti-Government speakers…”

^ That is an exceptional piece of truth telling by VJM Publishing which exposes the mainstream media as fake news and complicit in the loss of liberty and headlong plunge of our nation under the Jackboot of a Socialist Police State.

And If that was not enough to depress the Concern citizens of New Zealand… the media kept pumping out the bad news that the State Juggernaut was steam rolling forward with ‘more ‘Hate speech legislation’… and more betrayal of the ‘Full and Final Treaty settlement process’ (re: Arderns utter disregard for the Law with respect to Inhumatao).

Anti-freedom Social engineers are constantly baying for more heavy handed socialism.
Academics and the Media have been promoting sugar taxes… and Taxes on Meat and dairy… Hospitals are changing their menus, not to improve Patients health but for the so-called Politically correct rationale of making their operations ‘more environmentally sustainable’.

I was feeling the weight of the relentless Millitarisation of the New Zealand police as being the new and accepted ‘Post Christchurch ‘Norm’ … having been sold to the public via the same lies that were used to justify the concurrent disarmament of Law abiding New Zealanders… that the Christchurch attack ‘had forever changed the rules of the game’… and that We New Zealanders must accept a heavy curtailment of our rights across the board… because we are being told our rights and liberties were ‘dangerous’… and therefore the Police needed far more Powers.
Today if the police pay you a visit they will always be armed… and they will treat you as if you are dangerous irrespective of the reason they have come to see you about.

Until Ardern took office, that B.S only happened in Communist shitholes or in Gun ho America!
certainly not here in Gods own!
Yet in the blink of an eye The New Zealand Police have become a serious danger to the New Zealand Public and they waive loaded guns in people faces on a regular basis and have shot more people in the past 10 years than in the previous 40… and at an accelerating rate…

Just recently 14 armed police turned up to Uplift a child from a single mother

Read more here

This is the new oppressive reality that the Power Mad Socialists of both the Left and the Right are foisting upon us!
Worse… a huge deluded and ‘woke’ portion of our population are actively lobbying for their own enslavement… begging for the all powerful State to crush independent thinking and Self reliance… primarily these people are Bat-shit crazy … the brainwashed fear driven Pompously self righteous Vegan Zealots of the Cult of Climate change.

In the first weeks of the new year I was also contemplating how New Zealanders are being systematically railroaded into a cashless society… The enormity of this is chilling to the bone!

A Google search will bring up many articles that have been written in the past few years… here is one…

NZ heading to become a cashless society Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The realisation that this will probably happen without without any significant protest… being fully propagated in the public mind by our Mainstream media…. and the complete loss of Liberty and privacy… the All-seeing Evil Eye watching, and regulating, and taxing your every transaction… such a massive power accrual… in ensnaring the entire population into this system of Mammon.

What sort of future are we bequeathing to our Children????

It is Ironic that while the media report Climate change Doom hysteria is creating a wave of anxiety destroying the hopes and dreams of the youth because they are being told that the governments of the world are not acting decisively enough to reign in capitalism and Far Right extremism and hate…. yet I have been harboring my own anxiety and bleak outlook for precisely the opposite reasons… as I watch the loss of Liberty… The systematic vilification of dissenting opinions… and exponential growth of the Police state… how do tell my son to have faith in God’s grace and providence, while at the same time warn him of the fast approaching Global Kingdom of The Antichrist?

Laugh at me if you like yet anyone familiar with the New Testament and particularly Book of Revelation can see the Prophecies about the Global system of the Beast all coming to fruition… The spirit of Antichrist… the Roaring Lion… the evil seducing spirits at work sewing the idea that Christianity is Evil and its dissemination should be should be Legally suppressed as ‘Hate crime’.

Revelation 13
“11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

These thoughts and others have been weighing heavy on my soul and because of a sense of utter helplessness to prevent the advance of Leviathan I have been suffering despair for the future… despair for my Children and Grand children… will they grow strong enough in Fortitude and wisdom… in Faith, and Truth to be able to walk the path that the Children of God must walk… and endure the Powerful delusions that will be propagated against the truth?
I am fearful that they will not be strong enough to resist and to endure… for I know what a monumental trial lies ahead for Christians and Libertarians.

And yet in the past few weeks several monumental things have happened that have reminded me of the importance of maintaining a positive faith.
When things look dark it is easy to get tunnel vision and to focus on the gloom… yet I am happy to say that I have today good reason to think that The Powers of Light are not yet defeated, and that Though things are dire… that still resistance is on several fronts causing the minions of Satan to retreat… and the first of those was January 31… BREXIT!
YAY!!!!!!!! 😀


What a great day for Freedom and self determination in Britain!
What a Kick in the teeth for Socialist Globalism and their desire to destroy Western civilisation via Immigration from the third world, and the suppression of western values under the guise of ‘multiculturalism.
Britain is about to restore their place in the world as advocates for free Trade which PM Brian Johnson rightly accredits as the greatest means by which to raise humanity out of poverty and of creating bonds of mutual benefit between nations thereby greatly reducing the likelihood of Armed conflict.

Read his Great speech here: Boris Johnson’s Beautiful Celebration of Free Trade

Will Brexit cause other European nations to reclaim their independence?
Lets hope so!
As Nigel Farage said in his epic Farewell speech to the EU while saying that Britannia loves Europe he condemned the EU as Power without accountability… he slammed the EU’s pigheaded refusal to bend to the expressed will of the people… relentless in their determination to impose their agenda

“I’m hoping this begins the end of this project. It’s a bad project, it isn’t just undemocratic it’s anti-democratic.”

What a kick in the nuts for Socialist Globalist One world order!
A return to Independent Nations!

Again anyone who is familiar with the scriptures and the Genesis account of the Tower of Babble stands in awe of the wisdom of God in dividing the nations in the first place… to prevent the Evil One world Government of Nimrod… King of Babylon.
Politically speaking the concentration of Power has always been the greatest danger… for as the dictim goes… ” Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” … so the Socialist delusion that a One world Globalist government is the way to end wars and wealth disparity is fundamentally flawed as by centralizing all power … which has always been a tenet of Socialism… you usher in not peace… but unleash the Leviathan upon humanity!
Christianity has the Ideological Goods that exposes such dangerous enterprises for what they really are.
Like Satan, Socialists hate the Bible because it stands in the way of their will to Power.
Being peopled and promoted by Globalists the EU is fiercely anti Nationalistic independence and effectively put the whole of Europe under the sway of UN Socialist Policies and agenda.

Hopefully we are in fact witnessing a turn of the tide against the machinations of Anti Western Socialist Globalism!

Add to this the acquittal of Trump in his Senate Impeachment trial… ending the latest Farcical and Malicious attempt by the Whacko Leftist Democrats to discredit and even topple Trump from power.
Now I am no Trump worshiper yet the fate of the World was very precarious in 2016 and the Defeat of Hillary Clinton by Trump may be understood to be akin the Brexit in that it represents yet another massive defeat for the Woke leftist Globalist Agenda.
Like British Brexit is patently a resurgence of Nationalism and independence… so too was the election of Trump a resurgence of American Nationalism…. away from the socialist New world order.

As Farage pointed out “Populism is becoming very Popular”, and Both Bexit and The election of Trump are symptoms of a Populist backlash against Woke Liberal Globalist bullshit that is attempting to destroy western values and ideals and impose a Global socialist dictatorship.
And as such the Rabid Woke democrats have sold their souls to Belzeebub …. and possessed with the deepest malice have incessantly labored to fabricate outright despicable lies to try and impeach Trump in the hope to damage his chances of Re election.
Their Fraudulent Congressional process of impeachment was an absolute partisan travesty by any legal standard, yet their Evil plans were once again thwarted by the US Senate which the Machiavellian Democrats did not control.

So My spirit has been buoyed by these huge events.

Now 2020 is not only a pivotal year for the US in that its Election year for them… it is also Election year for us too in New Zealand… an opportunity to Boot out The worst government we have suffered this millennia … the Ardern Regime, The problem is there is little to be gained given how utterly hopeless the main opposition party is!
This is of itself a very depressing fact, and yet the National party Leader Simon Bridges has made Several announcements that do in fact constitute some important improvements on what Ardern and Labour are peddling.
In particular he has said he wants the farcical Treaty settlement process to be fully wound up by 2024, He says that the waitangi tribunal should eventually go, and also wants to see an end to the Apartheid electoral system and race based seats in parliament!

Both these things are of the highest importance to me and so while ‘Regeim change’ will not exactly be reason for dancing in the street as would be the case if New Zealand elected a Libertarian party into office, none the less there are at least some reasons to be more positive than the current misery.

Given that Arderns recent meddling, having ignored the *Legal* status of Treaty grievances at Ihumatau as being full and finally settled , is threatening to completely put our nation back to square one

Read: ‘A dog’s breakfast’: Former Treaty Settlement Minister Chris Finlayson slams Ihumātao process

If Ardern is defeated so too will her Evil Collaborator be booted out!
Bridges early declaration that He will not consider any coalition deal with the current deputy Prime minister and Leader of the New Zealand First Party Winston Peters was music to my ears!
And watching Peters behave this a child kicking a tantrum has also been delicious!
It will be Good riddance to this Charlatan!

So I am doing my best to shrug off my recent depression and put on a more positive outlook…in spite of the Coronavirus outbreak!

Our world is in constant flux, and contrary to how I how I was feeling at the end of last year… I do appreciate that there is a wave of protest rising against Socialist Globalism that is starting to seriously impact upon their Agenda.

Their Greatest diabolical machine that is causing the most trouble is their great Global warming Scam… how much longer will they be able to fool so many billions of people and deceive them into supporting their Tyrannical Globalist ambitions?

Sadly there is very little to distinguish the National party from Labour esp when it comes to matters of Draconian militarization of the Police and intrusive surveillance.
Under National New Zealand’s slide towards a cashless society will not skip a beat.
What Simon Bridges has said about ending New Zealand’s Apartheid system is Great stuff…. yet will he actually deliver on it?
It was talk like this from Don Brash that put the fear of God into the Establishment Maori at the thought of losing all their Political privileges and Billions of annual tax loot that has them furiously working to entrench the Treaty and make it harder for this apartheid system to be abolished….
So be vigilant!
This challenge to Racist separatist power and extortion will not go without a nasty fight… and the real problem is that I fear New Zealanders dont have the spine to do what must be done.

Plagues and pestilence.

I have been doing my best not to freak out too much about this, yet evey day the news gets worse.
Is The Coronavirus Outbreak China’s Chernobyl?
What Bullshit are we being fed,,, and what is the real truth?

If we survive the Caronavirus Pandemic I myself will be giving my party vote to Act.

Read … Act’s David Seymour starts setting conditions for coalition

I cannot Blog more about the virus here and now… it will have to wait.
Still…Maybe it would be wise not to wait for people to start dropping dead in the streets and our country plunges into chaos and panic before making sure our Civil defense Survival Packs and your stores are in order to sustain your family for a Month at least, and start to fortify your body….
” Strengthen your immune system now. Stock up on iodine, high dose vitamin C, B.complex, garlic or allicin and vitamin D.Be prepared to self quarantine where possible, so stock up the pantry too.”

That last piece of advice was given me by a friend… (what the hell the Iodine is good for against viruses I do not know… a disinfectant?)
You will have to google that and find out yourselves, yet I think that sums up about all we can do for our own self reliance self preservation at present in the face of this terrifying virus… Waiting on the *The Government* to instruct you what to do is not a plan.
If shit gets real here in NZ supplies of essentials will immediately disappear off the shelves.
Dont be a sheep.

And at Times of crisis do you really want to live in a cashless society???
We all need to consciously resist the push to do all our business via the internet and make using Cash cool again!
This is just one way we can resist the evil desires of the Beast system and maintain our privacy and independence as Free Men and woman… lets tell the Banks, and IRD, and the Government to bugger off with their Evil plans for a cashless society!
Lets tell then No thanks!
We dont want it.

IMO despite all the evils we are wallowing in I believe having a positive outlook depend upon having a Life affirming faith in Christ and that no matter how bad things may get… Ultimately Good will conquor Evil.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

UPDATE: 24-2-20

Read: Public want a ‘right’ to use cash, says Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr

More from Tim….





Takedown notices and internet filters coming to NZ

Also read…Climate change teaching as dogmatic as religious indoctrination

Suck Eggs Winston Peters! No Fraudulent Coalition Bargaining for you this time! NZ Elections 2020.

This was not supposed to be my first blogpost for 2020… yet because I have procrastinated on getting out my other planned posts…. events have transpired to make this one first.
It’s election year… and the stakes are high for our country and so I expect the election will feature large in this years blogposts….

Simon Bridges rules out working with NZ First after election

I’m going to award Bridges 10 points for this move…. Suck Eggs Winston Peters!

It was with some satisfaction that I have seen Winston Peters has already spoken about this via facebook that he accuses Bridges of ‘still having much to learn’ about Politics.

This is a crack up because what Bridges has done cuts off one of Peters Greatest scams… the pretense of the ‘Coalition bargaining process’ whereby not only did he scam the most baubles of power for himself… he also used it to betray his own voter support base…. IE his ‘Charade’ that his choice would put ‘New Zealand first’… rather than his own Personal vendettas and Power Status….

The National Party Leader simply says he does not trust Peters.
Bridges has shot Peters in the arse!
Well done sir! 😀
Just deserts!

Winston is a Fraudster of the first order! (IMO)
The Man is without doubt the most Snaky scoundrel of New Zealand Politics… ever… and his games have cost our nation incalculable damage… perpetuated the injustices of Treaty separatism… absolutely betrayed the NZ gun Community, absolutely sold out our Nation to the UN on Migration, Been instrumental in aiding Ardern and Little on destroying Free speech… and so much more….
He and his Party must go!

(Artwork by Perfect Circle)

…and yet he is also the great Election Snake oil salesman… the TV Vangelist extraordinaire … a showman loved by our Fake news brain dead mainstream media… who always propagate his election time promises and lies…. so that enough chumps will vote for him…. well I was one of those chumps that voted for him last election… it was the greatest political blunder of my life that still haunts me… and so as you may expect I am passionately opposed to him … he is my political enemy along with Ardern…. yet who is any better than these snakes???
Not Bridges! Not National!
So it is that the only alternative I see that is to any degree better is Act…. So This election it is The Act Party and David Seymour who will have my support.
Tim Wikiriwhi.



Why Christians should support ending Cannabis Prohibition. New Zealand Referendum 2020.

The Question:

“Hi Tim. Happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I’m just wondering if you can explain to me why you are in favour of legalizing recreational cannabis. You are obviously very informed and intelligent. As a Christian I have always believed in keeping the mind protected so that it can’t fall prey to the influences of the enemy. So that would mean alcohol is ok unless you get drunk. But the sole purpose of using cannabis is for its mind altering properties. I can’t reconcile that with my beliefs. I am fully 100% supportive of medicinal cannabis. I’m always interested in different viewpoints but it’s a very sensitive topic that always ends in abusive exchanges. Thanks and have an awesome day.”

Happy New Year ‘Eternal Vigilantes’!

The inquiry above was private message to me via Facebook from a friend, and it was important enough to inspire this first ‘Eternal Vigilance’ Blog Post for 2020.

It is a fair question, and also supplies a common explanation as to why many Christians perceive the idea of cannabis law reform as being a negative step into chaos… thus think they should oppose legalisation.

So what follows is a relatively short explanation as to why I believe such a perspective is disastrously misguided.
I hope to show why as a Christian myself I am an enthusiastic supporter of cannabis legalization… on the strongest grounds of Justice and Good Christian values and ideals.

First I suggest Christians seeking to investigate this legal matter, should ask themselves…
“Who commits the greater Evil… a peaceful person getting high… or the person who calls upon an oppressive State to throw people in jail and ruining their lives because they enjoy cannabis?”

“What basis can you justify *your personal beliefs* as being a good enough reason to call for the persecution of others who dont share your opinions?”

“Have they not an equal right to their own opinion… how would you like it if they forced their personal beliefs upon you?”

“Do you seriously believe you have the Divine right to legally persecute Pot smokers?”

“Where is Freedom and the virtue of following your own conscience in any of this oppressive politics?”

This year’s General Election will include 2 ‘peoples referendum’. One on Legalising Euthenasia, and the other on Ending Cannabis Prohibition.
So these questions are being talked about by the politically awake sections of New Zealand, the Media, Social networks, etc as people either seek to be better informed on what is at stake, or seek to sway others into similar opinions to their own.

For Me the subject of Ending the War on drugs, esp the legalisation of Cannabis is one that I have spent a large amount of time advocating.
I have been an activist seeking to End cannabis prohibition for over 2 decades, in fact this was the topic that first got me interested in Politics and freedom as I had been in the West Auckland ‘Pot Scene’ as a teenager from the mid 80s… even before I became a Christian at the age of 18.
The Drug war was in full swing back then… yet despite the oppression, Pot was everywhere in West Auckland… Prohibition certainly *did not prevent* young people from getting plenty of it… and even though The Jack booted police raids and the criminalisation of youth was very oppressive… it did not deter young people from smoking it…. it just made them more defiant… and hate the police… and the society that was treating them like scum…. Cannabis was Sociable… Cannabis was enjoyable… and that was that…. no amount of Heavy handed Draconian Police raids and jails was ever going to stamp it out…
Cannabis use in New Zealand is among the very highest of all Western Nations.
Most adults have at some stage tried cannabis and a very large portion regularly do so.
The Police have had a war on Cannabis…. and cannabis has won!
The admission that the Drug war has failed is now a matter of Global realisation… New approaches are being implemented….
Many Nations have now legalised cannabis and have regulated markets.
Cannabis is also now recognised for having many health and medicinal benefits.
Where law reform has occurred recreational use has not increased, and Crime stats have improved.

Me, Max (Then NormL co-ordinator for the Waikato and organiser of Hamilton J day), Joe Citizen(Guest speaker), And Nandor Tanczos at Hamilton J day 2008

There is a strong argument that a Legalised yet regulated market for cannabis will actually reduce the amount available to under-aged users that is currently a significant problem under prohibition… just as having Licensed alcohol sales *reduces access* to underage drinkers… it cannot 100% prevent access… yet does significantly reduce it for a number of reasons… esp that venders will lose their licences to sell if they are caught supplying underage youth.

I got arrested several times before the age of 20, and those experiences taught me that *it was the system that was Evil*… not me. I knew that smoking weed was not like Violence to others… or like Theft… ie that my Pot smoking was no different to having a few beers… and that as long as I did not harm others that it was wrong for the government to punish me for enjoying myself with my friends.
This mistreatment by the system via these oppressive laws only served to alienate the pot smoking community and make them more sympathetic towards the *real criminal community*… having been made criminals themselves by the State… and so in this way does the unjust prohibition of cannabis *cause large numbers of citizens to lose faith in the justice of that societies Law and order* and Muddies the water of clarity as to what really ought to constitute a crime… and what does not justly meet the criteria by which it should be criminalised.
Via these unjust laws, the system is *actually manufacturing criminals out of peaceful people* from a bigoted and fanatical desire to force these people to comply to the Bigots demands.

When cannabis prohibition ends this will be a massive boon to our society on the law and order front as it will fix a situation that is a monstrosity of injustice and Bad Law. in fact I predict the legalisation of cannabis will easily prove to be the greatest law reform that will make our society safer, and more just so far this millennium!
I can think of no other law reform in the past 20 years that will have had as comparatively significant improvement in social justice and redeeming such a large section of the population from criminalisation… and with it a jump in respect for law and order in general.
I know this from first hand experience as to just how corrosive suffering the sting of cannabis prohibition by the state was to my own young perceptions about the justness of society and how alienating the legal persecution of pot smokers is.
It was from these experienced based insights that I began as a young man in my 20s to start my political activism to ‘Free the weed’.
25 plus years later… after many speeches at Jay days, and blog posts, etc and the effort of countless other Activists and heroes like Dakta Green, Chris Fowlie, Nandor Tanczos New Zealand is finally going to put the question of ending the War on cannabis to public referendum, and there is every reason to be positive that the People will call for an end to prohibition in favour of a decriminalized and regulated legal use similar to Alcohol regulations.

I have many more points that I could raise on this issue, yet the points above suffice as an introduction to how I became an activist to end prohibition and some of the most weighty reasons why calling for Law reform is justified… and urgent.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 William Mckee, Gary Chiles, Dakta Green, and Tim Wikiriwhi.

Now I would specifically like to address why I say *Christians* ought to also support the referendum to end prohibition.
I am a Christian, and the first argument I would use to convince other Christians into supporting Law reform is because *Christians are supposed to stand up for the oppressed*… not cheer for their persecution!

When the Pharisee Saul was confronted on the Damascus Road by the risen Christ (later to become Paul The Apostle of Grace) he forsook moral legalism and never again took up stones to throw at Sinners, Heretics, or infidels.
God Gave him a New Gospel… the Gospel of Grace… That Christ had taken all the sins of the world upon himself on the cross and that Whosoever will Believe the Gospel will be saved… without works…. we are free from the Law that Condemns us.
By the cross are we sinners set free.

Having been freely forgiven for our own sins how then can a Christian justify being so legalistic and judgmental of others… by supporting oppressive laws like Cannabis prohibition?

You need to grasp this important fact…. that calling for an end to an unjust jack booted law is not the same thing as endorsing any such activities!

As a Christian I support the fact that Homosexuality is no longer a crime… or that a woman can no longer be burned at the stake for witchcraft… or that Prostitutes are no longer jailed… yet in none of these cases does that mean I endorse homosexuality, witchcraft, prostitution, etc!

It simply means I do not believe it is just to use the force of the Law and police to attack and control such activities… that (like smoking weed) are all non-violent… that are all in fact matters of adult Free choice… just like choosing to follow Christ is a personal freewill choice that cannot be compelled.

I dont want people to believe and practice witchcraft, yet it is not just… nor the true Christian way for me to impose my personal beliefs upon others by force of Law… who in reality have the same and equal liberty I have to peacefully follow their own conscience on religious matters.. and questions of religious ethics… just as I do.
And I have Free speech via which I can work to persuade unbelievers of the truth.
I have no use whatsoever for Laws to compel others against their will.

The reality is that *only the feeble minded* will demand the Legal system oppress sinners and infidels because they cannot summon a powerful enough reason based argument that is able to convince others to voluntarily abandon their vises and false beliefs.

Furthermore the *need to oppress* people who do not willingly follow the same values as you do *is definitive of the vile oppressive anti freedom… anti-equality of rights mentality and unenlightened ignorance that underpins the psyche of supporters of Tyranny and persecution.
Hardly Christ like attributes.

Legalised weed in no way imposes upon Christians any obligation to smoke weed or refrain from expressing their personal views about alcohol and drug use… it merely prevents them from using the Police as some sort of Religious tool to try and force sinners and infidels into submission.
Such oppressive means as the Drug war have not only proven to be a complete failure… but also are a distinctly *unChristian* means to try and get your way!

Christianity is never going to extend its true influence by such tyrannical means!
Christianity works via the preaching of the gospel!
By the power of persuasion… and by personal example!
Christians persecuting Pot smokers in the name of Christ are doing the devils work!
You are causing the Name of Christ to stink in the eyes of those you are persecuting!
You are making them think of Christ as a source of heartless oppression… not salvation!
Woe unto you when you stand before the Lord and give account of your deeds!


The moment you abandon tyrannical moral legalism and start to practice Christian love and grace towards sinners will your whole Christian ministry cease to be like the Whited sepulchers of the Pharisees… and you will become like Christ and st Paul… who took God’s messages of Love, grace, and forgiveness to the sinners…. and instead of persecuting them… you show charity and grace towards them… showing them that they are important to God, and that they have value… instead of calling for them to be dragged off to jail!
Ie you will cease to act like their hateful enemy and start to appear more as a minster of the gospel… of Peace… of Love… of mercy.

For we Christians are not under the law!
Who among us is Holy and without sin?
who among us is worthy to cast the first stone?
Why then… if you admit your own moral failings would you think yourself Pious enough to gazed down from a higher plain assuming divine sanction to impose your own hypocritical self righteous opinions on your unwilling friends and neighbours?

The bottom line is unless other peoples actions actually do you violence… and *violate your rights* rather than mere appear immoral to your personal sensibilities … there can be no justification for passing a law against them… and so if you seek to remove certain practices from society you can only do so righteously in the eyes of the Lord *via persuasion*.
He has given you no sanction to persecute sinners and infidels.

‘If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.’ Romans 12vs8.

Thus if you can convert a sinner into believing the Bible, then that is the start for them having ‘a new life’ guided by the scriptures…. by which they will voluntarily begin to reshape their behavior in line with Christian values and ideals.

*That is How Christianity is the salt of the earth… that is how Christianity leads to a better more civil society… via evangelism and standing up for the oppressed.
*IE Christianity Flourishes in freedom*… it is Freedom that is conducive to Christian evangelism and ministry…

This being so watch how the vile Socialists are trying to outlaw Christians promoting their values!
Ref: Israel Folau


The Truth is the Christian Fellowship is not fundamentally a Political faction… but a Private Voluntary society…
Pray for Liberty!…

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
St Paul (1Tim2vs1-4)


What we see from the activities of the WOKE Politically correct Social justice warrior Antifa type movements is that they are *Anti-Freedom* Pro-legalistic tyranny… and seek to use Political force to impose their lunatic and ungodly perversions upon Christians, Conservatives, and Libertarians alike.
The answer to their tyranny is not an equal yet opposite form of tyranny and persecution of the Liberal left… but the advocacy of Freedom and tolerance, and a large sphere of personal choice and responsibility.

This is why As a Christian who understands the difference between Old testament Jewish Nationalism and Moral legalism, from Gods New Dispensation of grace towards us gentiles *as individuals* via the Cross and a personal relationship and walk with God whereby we ought to choose freely to embrace Gods morally… not from Political coercion… but from our love of God and our desire to live lives pleasing to him.

We are not called to act like Pharisees…. but are supposed to be messengers of God’s mercy and grace via the good news of the cross!
Now tell me how you can reconcile this true modus opperandi of the christian faith with ongoing support for oppressive laws against peaceful people?
Persecution is not the Christian way to ‘save society’… it is definitively oppressive… the way of Satan’s Tyrants.

The People of New Zealand have the opportunity this year to abolish a grave injustice that has been perpetrated against their own Youth, friends, and neighbours and improve our societies Legal system significantly with virtually no down side.
I implore my countrymen not to let this opportunity pass without boldly voting for Law reform and an end to the Nasty and failed War on Cannabis.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….

My weighing up on the very controversial subject of legalising Euthenasa …. CHRISTIAN GRACE AND COMPASSION FOR THE SUFFERING. AGAINST SUICIDE, YET TOLERANT OF EUTHANASIA.
As usual I lean towards Liberty and Grace… away from Dictatorial prohibitions.


Christianity is Pro Freedom and rights, whereas Atheist Materialism is anti-rights….


You need to understand the Bible better!
True Christianity is *Libertarian* in its modus opperandi….

On Homosexuality and their hatred of Christianity because of historic persecution…..


Report from New Zealand…. Gun Buy Back scheme and Amnesty period finished. Over 100 000 Guns not surrendered. Raids expected.

“Tonight marks the end of the gun buy back and amnesty, with thousands of guns handed over to police.
However, the Council of Licenced Firearms Owners say owners have been “hiding valuable firearms, protecting family heirlooms, and being ignorant of the fact they are affected by the new bans is now the new normal”.

The council estimated that 100,000 unlawful guns won’t be handed back after the buy back ends tonight, a figure it says came from talking to 11 of the 15 large gun suppliers and from custom numbers…”

Read article here

Report from New Zealand….
Guy Buy Back scheme and Amnesty period finished.
Over 100 000 Guns not surrendered.

Things are about to get real people…. The Police will seek to make ‘examples’ out of some people in the hope to terrify the rest into compliance….

I would expect the Police to flout the law and start systematically raiding the homes of licensed gun owners… with virtually no just cause… they will start with those whom they are suspicious…. maybe even having staff Trawling social media (like this forum) to ascertain possible non-compliant gun owners simply from the comments they have made…

Obviously anyone who has not handed in their now prohibited guns had better have them well stashed….


“The truth is, that we had a law-abiding firearm community who, in my view, have become engaged in civil disobedience on a massive scale because Parliament eroded the respect for the law.”
David Seymour Act Party Leader.

Read more here Claims that banned firearms are being hidden as gun buyback ends with 50,000 collected

Statement from the Outdoors and Recreation Party.

“After today thousands of law-abiding New Zealanders will become criminals and face up to 7 years jail for possessing what was a lawful and authorised firearm”. Alan Simmons co-leader of the NZ Outdoors Party said “The police attitude is threatening and intimidating with TV adverts depicting people heading off to court. The police and the Government need to take a long hard look at themselves. Less than half of the Semi Automatics have been handed in and for the police to now make threats of raids, prosecution and jail for honest citizens smacks of Tyranny…”

Read more here… THOUSANDS of Law Abiding Citizens Will Become Criminals From Today Onward


Someone with Legal nouse needs to write up a ‘Know your rights’ Bullet point list for Gun owners who find themselves getting raided.
It should include what paperwork the Police must have, what they are allowed to do… and esp what they are not allowed to do.
Are they allowed to photograph the contents of your safe?
Are they allowed to record in writing the contents of your safe?
You see that in the absence of a Gun register the Police will still be trying to build a database on what you own so they can demand you surrender them as their prohibitions broaden.

It should include what reasonable standard/ threshold must be met before such a heavy handed activity is undertaken… and who is responsible for it … esp when nothing is found… and by what means an innocent person is not robbed of his legal possessions and licence.
The Gun community must be prepared to keep vigilant on this because the Police will abuse their powers… do raids that are not justified… Take guns they are not justified on taking under the most flimsy circumstances… and will arbitrarily deprive innocent people of their licences.
Remember… do not talk to the Police… respectfully decline to answers their questions…

Are you allowed to video their Raid?

How are the police allowed to treat your children and spouse?
Are they allowed to murder your dogs?

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

This Mainstream media piece is vile… talk about making out the Police are the good guys in this… and that this innocent law abiding man is ‘Far right’ and hold opinions ‘Like Brenton Tarrent… the Christchurch Terrorist’…!!!
Disgusting Political Propaganda justifying tyranny!

CRIMEPolice deliberately targeting ‘law-abiding’ Kiwis in gun raids – COLFO

TRUST in Police Destroyed by Politically Motivated Raid Against Young Family

More from Tim…









Banning Plastic Utensils…. Ardern Drunk with Power while N P Bridges wants Raptor Units… Time for NZ to Elect a New Breed.


“The Government will move to ban non-compostible fruit stickers today in response to a huge new report about single-use plastic, Stuff understands.

It’s understood the Government will also move to ban plastic cotton buds and single-use plastic cutlery, items which both have biodegradable alternatives made out of bamboo.

Compostible apple stickers do exist but are not in wide-use.

The announcement will be made on Sunday morning as part of a response to report from the Prime Minister’s chief scientist, alongside a host of other measures…”

Read more here.

My Commentary…

Here we go… more Ardern Messianic Socialism in the name of saving us (and the planet) from our own stupidity and inability to make our own adult choices.
People are so stupid as to swallow just about any excuse to attack freedom ‘Tuff on Gangs’ … ‘Saving the environment’… and they simply dont care about the innocent people who get stomped on in the process as long as its not themselves…. these fools dont understand that this Political corruption is in fact destroying our country….and that they are paying the price in a thousand different ways as our nation asphyxiates itself.

This will cause undeserved pain to some workers and businesses, and will drive up costs because if there were economic advantages in the bamboo versions the market would have naturally gravitated towards them without Miss Dictators Edict.

One step at a time our Nation is sinking under dictatorship.
Like Frogs in a pot… the heat is imperceptibly being turned up… yet the frogs just sit their enjoying the warmth…until they are boiled to death.
Many are actually applauding their own enslavement.

What is especially vile about this is that our population and businesses could have been persuaded to voluntarily make these ‘sacrifices’ and supposed ‘ethical decisions’ had the will been there to have our society one of Reason as opposed to one of Nanny State Tyranny… yet the politics and ethics of freedom are despised by Socialists like Ardern… who *always* resorts to Legal coercion to achieve her aims.

Yet hopefully she will be gone next election… not that National are any better…. Both Bridges and Collins are *Fascists* when it comes to the Police!
We can tell from their recent public announcements that they would love to set up special ‘Strike-force Raptor Units’ to harass Gangs, when in reality These Units *Harass everyone* … and represent a massive descent from Freedom into tyranny.

These facts are seen with the shameful behavior of the Police in Australia…. The attitude of these Units and how they conduct themselves towards the public is outrageous! as can be seen by many Social media posts via Citizens filming their shameful bullying and escalation of the most trivial matters into serious situations whereby the Police are the main instigators… as if Courts are not already overloaded… these Fascist Units create violent situations out of thin air.

Just the facts…..

“The opposition party yesterday proposed setting up an elite police squad – modelled on Strike Force Raptor in New South Wales – with the sole purpose of crushing gangs.

National leader Simon Bridges repeatedly described the unit as “devastatingly effective” and referenced media reports which claimed it was driving outlaw bikies into extinction.
But former NSW detective Mike Kennedy told RNZ that was “nonsense” and Bridges was “living a dream” if he believed that.
“He needs to pull his head out of whatever it’s stuck in because … [gangs] exist. They’re always going to exist. They just go underground.

“I’m not a bleeding heart liberal,” he said. “But [the zero-tolerance strategy has] just been a disaster.”

Read: Australian ex-cop blasts National’s ‘Strike Force Raptor’ plan

Read: Australian criminologist says Strike Force Raptor didn’t reduce gang numbers

The MPs of both Labour and National just dont get *the value of freedom*…. they just dont get it that a Free society tolerates the broadest range of personal choice and association and that the Laws should not destroy Freedom simply to make the Police’s job ‘easier’…. at the expense of the citizens rights!
The Laws are sufficient and the Police have ample powers to arrest *real criminals* without the Evil of making *wearing certain garb (Gang patches)* a crime.
The principles of Freedom of choice and association are too precious to allow the Police to arbitrarily outlaw whatever they like…. yet the sheeple are too ignorant of what is at stake to care… and that is why New Zealand is sinking into a Police State….

And with every ‘Edict’… our economy takes a hit and imperceptibly our entire quality of life is being eroded…
Then these same Politicians say… “why is homelessness and suicides increasing???”… why are children going to school without lunches? Why is everyone struggling to keep their heads above water?
We must need more Nanny State!
More Taxes!

And this is the sad world we will be leaving to our children and Grand children!

Having such Ideologically Corrupt politicians both in power *and* in Opposition has been a gigantic disaster for our country that has nosedived into regressive Dictatorship… Ardern facing Zero resistance from the Main opposition party for her heavy handed policies… So in practical terms National have been in Cahoots with Labour and are effectively no less culpable for what has been afoot under Ardern’s Regime.

So Wake up!
Dont vote Labour or National!
Vote either Act or New Conservative!
Its time for New Zealand to have a better caliber of Parliament…. More respectful of Freedom, and our rights… and esp one that is not systematically selling us out the the UN.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim ….



Give me Liberty, or give me Death!