A Fan Meets and Greets The Nicest Rock Legend In the World: Auckland Classic Deep Purple with Glenn Hughes.

Note: I will edit this post to get rid of errors, etc.

As a life-long fan hooked into Glenn Hughes Facebook page I got chills at the news he was coming to New Zealand to play His Deep Purple material.
Having missed his recent tour with the Cream Tribute band due to my current financial crisis (Cheers IRD) I had thought that I had probably missed my only opportunity to see one of my all time favorite Music Legends… as from my Teens I had not only ranked Deep Purple as one of the very best, but I had in particular cottoned on the the greatness of Glenn Hughes Funky voice.
The Songs and Lps He did were my favorite Purple, plus I had his Black Sabbath LP Seventh star…. all this … made the thought that I might miss his tour… quite frightening.
I had seen Deep Purple fronted by Ian Gillan (who is a Legend) twice, and in fact Their Tour in the Mid 80s was my very First Rock concert (I could write about that epic experience too… it was a Riot…. Literally!) … yet it was far from certain that I would make it to see Glen Hughes given my life… and that of my family being held to ransom by the Tax department for arrears.

When my wife asked me if I had anything I would like for my approaching 50th Birthday (3 August) …I could think of only one thing that I wanted… and I Cheekily said… “Well there is this Rock Legend called Glenn Hughes Coming to Auckland…”
In truth I did not expect her to get tickets… I was sure I would get the usual undies… etc, yet when the day arrived and she handed me the ticket I was overjoyed! (my wifes name is Joy)
Then she told me it was a ‘Meet and Greet’ I was dumbstruck! She had chosen to forego getting two tickets for us both to attend, and had instead got me the deluxe deal …. Best seat in the house… Meet the Legend etc etc!
It was seriously the Best Birthday present I have ever had in my life!

Yet now I was scared!
What the heck was I supposed to say to Glenn Hughes?????


The date 2-10-17 seemed to roll around incredibly fast… and my anxiety had not faded when I jumped in my Car and drove up to Auckland from Hamilton listening to Stormbringer on Cd… and so I arrived downtown Auckland about 3 hours earlier than I needed to out of sheer panic… and I was the first person sitting in the Lobby of the ASB Aotea Center after trying unsuccessfully to catch a few zzzz in my car parked directly below.
I had brought a book to read and dragged that out of my case… containing two of my Favorite Purple Lps… ‘Burn’, and ‘Come taste the Band’… in the hope that Glenn might sign at least one of them… I myself could not decide on just one…(alas it was not to be… many fans had come with the same idea and the promoters said just before we met him it was impossible for him to sign stuff as there was not enough time… yet we all left with a signed poster)

Sitting there in the lobby I was treated to hearing Glenn doing sound checks… Highway star was rockin out through the closed doors just a few meters away!

I was on the phone to Joy skite-ing about having this private performance when I saw through the window a guy walking towards the doors and remarked to her… ” I see a Dude in a Black Sabbath tee shirt commin… and when he got inside I fist pumped “DEEP PURPLE!”
It was Kristos Tsitsiridakis… and Ironically he had the seat next to mine!
And thus started an evening in good company!
And it is Kristos who took many of the photos that are on this Blogpost… Thanks for letting me use them Brother!
We also met a lovely Girl by the name of Leanne with whom we enjoyed the night.

It was not long before there were 50 (est) people filing into the front of the theater about to meet The Man and the Band… for questions… a chat… and photos.
And moments later…there he was… and he did not disappoint!

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What followed cemented in my mind what I already knew… That Glenn Hughes is not only one of Rocks Greatest… that he Lived and breathed Rock and Roll at its most extreme… but also that he was the nicest and most spiritual, and most caring of Human beings… yet he will be the first to tell you he was not always so.
He spent the next 30-45 minutes talking to us all… telling stories… and candidly answering questions… doing his very best not to blow his own trumpet too loudly.

He talked about the loss of his friend Tom Petty who had literally just died minutes before coming out to greet us.
He talked about being broken by all the violence in the world, and in particular the horrific carnage ‘At home’ at the Vegas Music festival merely days ago

We were talking to the much older wiser Hughes who constantly ridiculed the person he once was… in his Purple Glory, referring to himself as being ‘7 years old’ at the time.

One of the things that had stressed me out before the show was trying to think what questions will I ask the Man… without being too dumb… and one I meant to ask was that out of the countless gigs he has done.. ‘What makes certain shows stand out as special for him? yet I never did ask.
He talked about collapsing on stage just a few days ago in Christchurch due to Dehydration and exhaustion … and I was imagining how scary that must have been for him given he had also just talked about suffering a life-altering Heart attack in 1991 from which he had been given a artificial Heart valve!
No doubt in Christchurch just a few days earlier, his life had once again flashed before his eyes… yet here he was… telling us he was fine… and ready to perform for us!
That surely will be one of his more memorable gigs… yet for all the wrong reasons!
He expressed gratitude to his fans concerns for his health, then joked that had the young arrogant Glenn Hughes collapsed on the stage like that half the audience would have yelled out “Let him Die!”.

He mentioned that as he performs he takes positive energy from seeing his fans having a good time… loving his music.
His Near death experience in 91 was Pivotal for him in that it defines the low point… in fact the death of the infantile Drug and Booze fueled Hughes and the Re-Birth of the Humbled and Deeply appreciative Hughes… who now describes himself as ‘deeply spiritual’ and ‘a missionary of Love’… yet without carrying a Bible around… or seeking to lay a trip on his fans.
He want us to know the importance of loving one another and that He loves us.
I hope that he has put his trust in the cross… and resurrection of Christ…yet it was clear that he did not wish to become a Sunday school teacher to his fans who were there to hear the Rock and Roll Preacher!

Due to Excess…He said he could not remember the 80s!… and one of his companions made us all laugh when he told Glenn he had not miss much!
Before his Heart attack in the late 80s he was living up a mountain somewhere with his girlfriend and her Family… whom he moved into his pad because Dad was a heck of a drug dealer!
They would all sit around in their undies doing drugs…one of the very young children would roll them joints.
He said the day he saw his girlfriends mother stepping over the body of her own Daughter who was in the throes of Od-ing reaching for the crack pipe… he knew Sh%t was getting heavy! (expletive mine…Glenn never swore)
Glenn has seen many of his friends taken by excess… in particular alcohol… which when asked about whether alcohol was more dangerous than any of the illicit substances… he said *YES!*
He ranks alcohol as the most lethal drug!

Yet it would take several more years… and a heart attack to snap him out of his insanity…and vanity.
So Glenn is straight now … unlike the rest of Deep Purple!
Glenn also depressed me when he said the Deep Purple was going to Finnish up this year!
He spoke of flatting with David Bowie, and that Ringo Star is a good mate, and that David Coverdale remains close… yet there is little chance they will ever tour together again.

Like clockwork, and very Typical for me in the awe of having *The Man* standing mere feet away…my brains flew out the window… and I struggled to think clearly what I ought to ask and say….and so it was not until during the show that some more questions popped into my head that I could have asked him… like… “Where are your ‘Orange’ amps?
He had done adverts for Orange.
Was the size of the venue a factor for not using them tonight?

Or…. does it suck for you that we are going to be sitting here like idiots rather that standing and jumping about… like idiots?

Or…. with the venue being so small and enclosed does that negatively affect the vibe for you… not being able to crank it up Stadium style?
Yet The music was flowing like wine… and he stopped between songs to tell us that playing a seated gig in a small setting means he tries to substitute a lack of ‘bigness’ with *Quality*…

And the stage itself was Low tek and simple… no video… almost how local hometown bands have it set up… with just a Painted sheet backdrop… and psychedelic.
I did wonder at the weird bloodthirsty ‘Hindu God’ with severed head bleeding into a bowl of kai that hung over one of the amps!
Quite an amusing juxtaposition!

We got our photos taken with him… I shook his hand and said “Praise the Lord for You Glenn”… and soon we were back in the lobby having a few Monteiths Pillsiners in anticipation for what we were about to experience.
Then the show Began!
Boom! I was listening to Stormbringer live!
And many many more of my most favorite Purple tracks (See Kristos pic below of the track list he scored!)
I have learned that when you are at a concert like this to relish every second!

Glenn’s voice was unbelievable!
Like Rob Halfords at his prime… 5 octave range… like Paveroti … and driven by massive lungs …. more like Aqualungs!
So that he can hold these incredible notes for twice as long as other great vocalists.
He told us before the show that he still takes singing lessons!
He is always in control… never screaming….

There no need for me to go though the song set he delivered with precision, Each one a stand alone Rock classic, yet I must single out his comments about writing the mesmerizing ‘This time around’ with Jon Lord… drunk as skunks in the early hours of the morning… in about 30 minutes… at the age of 23!!!
He admits that he still wonders about how such words could flow out of himself at such a young age… and hinted at it being like ‘divine inspiration’… who can doubt it when you listen to that song… its depth… and beauty!

The Band was restrained by the venue, yet each was tight on their performance, taking full advantage of the genius of Purples material!
Guitarist Jeff Kollman hit every note with studio precision.
The drummer Pontus Engborg thrashed the drums… yet was still beautifully understated.
The keyboard Lachy Doley jumped about like mad man as he did justice to Lord’s Epic Hammond genius!
Go > here to get more details on the band.

The show went on and on… Classic after classic…growing in intensity yet inevitably there was the encore and then it was over.

I did not have time to hang about with my two new friends, yet I gave them my card and said to hook up with me on facebook.
My self proclaimed status as Glenn Hughes greatest Kiwi Fan was cemented after waiting in line to pay for my parking at the vending machine… $12 $12… was what everyone was asked to pay… yet when I put my ticket in the machine… it said $24.00! 🙂
That was the price I … his greatest fan… had to pay to be first at the gig!
I’m just laughing about it.

Glenn intends to keep touring… and says he wants to come back next year… and if he does, dont miss the opportunity to hear The Voice of Rock for yourselves!
Better still get the deluxe package… best seats in the house… and meet and greet the legend for yourselves.
The tickets were dirt cheap for such an experience.


Lachy Rockin out at the Auckland Gig (From his facebook)

Glenn has written a Book which is something I must get my hands on, and I’m sure most of what I have spoken about above will be covered in more detail in that… and so you guys reading this blogpost can get that… and hear these tales first hand.

I would not expect the show in Auckland to rank as one of *His* most memorable gigs… *YET* for me… and many of his Kiwi fans there that night is certainly was!
And I have been to many Rock concerts of the very Biggest names.

I thank my wife Joy for such a fabulous gift… seriously a Tick off my bucket list!

And Glenn… if you read this I hope you like what I have written and I would love chat with you sometime via facebook messenger!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian, Libertarian.

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Me and my mate Glenn Hughes.

Caveat: Some of my ‘Quotes’ are not verbatim, but ‘what I was hearing’… and written from my seat.

More Music stories from Tim….

Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.

BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Jimi vs Jesus.

Peter Steele Type 0 Negative. ‘Dead again Hipo-Christian’.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

and from my mate Richard…. about Blackie Lawless…
I came not to bring peace, but a sword

Thomas Beard: tutor of God’s Englishman. Commentary on passages from C. Hills historic biography of Oliver Cromwell. (Origins of Libertarianism.)

I have just started reading Christopher Hill’s ‘God’s Englishman’ Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution and from the very start I find the Biblical political Ideology and dynamics within the Reformation that led to the full exposition of the Just limits to Kingly or Popish powers, and the inalienable nature of the God given rights of every Individual.
The Author introduces his readers to ‘Thomas Beard’.
He was Schoolmaster in the Free school of the Town of Huntington attended by Oliver the Boy… and is a person whom Hill says history records as a greater influence on the young O.C than his own father.

The whole book can be found on line here

There is a vital truth in all this for the factual historic argument that Libertrainism was born of Protestant Christianity.
An unassailable fact that has been utterly bamboozeled by that commonplace naive and ignorant Atheist delusion about a historic battle between science and religious superstition.
The modern world and esp Western Freedom and prosperity are not the fruits of any supposed ‘triumph of secular materialist rationalism’.

It was not the growth of Materialism them gave birth to the ideals and principles of Liberty… but all the struggles for power and tyranny between the Religious factions , and the arguments the Protestant theologians found in the bible… that justified their calls for Freedom of Religion, private property rights, freedom from excessive taxation…. etc.
Thus the Doctrines of the equality of Humanity and the God given inalienable rights of the individual, and the limited just powers of government.

You have to be ignorant of a massive amount of the history of western civilisation to maintain that tired fantasy that enlightened progress and prosperity in the West is due to atheism and the abandonment of religion.
The Protestant Reformation was a doctrinal and political revival of the true faith …it stands opposed to the absolute power of either State or the Church.

So far I am only up to page 40… 250 more still to go so no doubt I will blog a many more comments on this book before I am through… so epic were the game of thrones at this time… for real.
The Right of Revolution….even Regicide.
So Thomas Beard is yet another example of this Protestant Christian Libertarian Enlightenment.
It’s King James Bible Time.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist.

History of The King James Bible: God’s Perfect Word

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and comentary on strategy.

Being edited over the next few days…

Disappointment is only possible when it is preceded by hope, thus at Election time with respect to policy, I am never disappointed by National or Labour… what I experience from them is sickening depression, disgust, and anger.
I ask myself why it is that I have suffered a succession of disappointments from The Act Party, and it is obviously because with Act I have always harboured much higher Hopes than the others that they would stand up for the values and principles of Liberty and justice… only to watch them sell out everything for the sake of sitting in parliament as Eunuchs to the tyrants.
Why do they do it?
As someone who has myself stood for Election many times, I have steeled myself against the temptation of dropping unpopular principles for the sake of getting more votes, believing that selling out for the sake of getting into power as not only cowardly and a betrayal to the minorities whose plight is dire and yet have no representation in parliament… but that without carrying my principles with me it would also be an absolutely hollow victory!
I have always believed that when it comes to politics it is a persons integrity to principles that is essential as they alone distinguished my political wares from all the rest… and what elevated me to the higher ground… and from which alone I can have self esteem.
And this has been proven true for Act… with their track record for achieving virtually nothing while in parliament.
They of course try and justify their gross compromises with the opposite lame idea that being in power is the most important value.

The bitter taste in my mouth is because all of Act’s rhetoric about being a party of Freedom and small government is ultimately farcical!
They all sound like Libertarians at their election speeches, and all their leaders have written books that tend to make the reader think these people understand what is wrong with the status quo and are the party who seeks to reform all the violations of Freedom and justice yet when they get to the coal face…Parliament… they have already bargained away all their picks and shovels… and sit there smugly like useless toothless Lions…. and all the Evils continue on unabated… all the while still kidding themselves that they still represent something better and more noble!
They prop up virtually all the new oppressive measures their overlords dictate… if not expressly, then by simply continuing to support the wicked regime of which they are a part.
They think their compromises have gained them the world… yet it has been at the cost of their souls.
How could Act have ever gotten into bed with National AND the Maori party… and still sleep at night???!!!!!
Its mind boggling!
They have no base line below which they will not stoop.

This blog post is primarily about what I see as current Act Leader David Seymour’s absolutely shocking strategy to “Save the Act Party’… Keep the bad guys out… and make the good guys better” (to paraphrase David).
I intend to point out what I believe are the fatal errors in his plan… and to put in writing an alternative strategy that I am sure is pragmatically smarter and also far more ethical for Act.
It is not my intention here to just throw mud.
My introduction (above) was written with the intention of showing how the principled liberty-loving voter evaluates Act’s historic modus opperandi.
I hope that the above shows how Act has disappointed the sizable minority who would otherwise vote for them this election.
It is *this sizable minority* that David should be aiming his policies to gain his own political foundations within the voting populous, instead of his current fatally flawed strategy of ditching all the most precious principles that Act are supposed to represent in hope of having a much broader popular appeal.

I went to the Waikato ‘Beers with David Seymour’ event on the East side of the Waikato river a few nights back to size him up face to face and with the hope of discussing these things with him, yet unfortunately it was late in the evening when I made my move… too late for this private discussion… and so I missed my opportunity.
I am primarily writing this for his sake… for Acts sake… you see another reason I went to this meeting was on the outside chance that he may be able to convince me to spend the rest of this election period advocating for Act instead of Winston first.
There was perhapse 30 people there, and it was held at the ‘Good Neighbour’ restaurant and bar, which though a tad noisy from the diners below the mezzenene, sold good beer and I hear great food.

I saw a Man who was much more likable than he appears in the media, and from his speech and answers to the questions that followed, I can see that he is an honest man… even if I strongly disagree with how he operates.
I refrained from taking him to task over the many points that made me recoil as It is always important to be respectful at such events… only lefties think they have the divine right to ruin such evenings and attempt to shut down speakers who say things of which they disapprove… because they have no respect for free speech and no sense of decency.
I express my negative reactions to his answers here not to scorn him or to undermine him, but in the hope of explaining how many of that sizable minority of Freedom loving voters feel about what we see as his constant lack of political spine.
Hearing him talk and answer questions it was obvious to me there was zero point in even raising the topic of all the Toxic Deaths attributed to synthetic cannabis happening right now… on his watch… in Auckland city, and the obvious solution of the legalisation of the much safer alternative… Cannabis … even though I believe this is another righteous opportunity being lost by Act.

It’s like he has been hanging out with Super-conservative Bill English too long and has been sitting at his feet like a puppy taking notes… much to National’s satisfaction!
It is easy to imagine him having Beers with his good mate Bill… The Old statesman tutoring the younger and hence somewhat gullible student who assumes his mentor has his best interests at heart… and is bequeathing to his apprentice the mysteries of political success… when in reality Bill has his own Agenda and seeks to keep David in check.

This senerio has weight because of how David answered the questions at question time… there was a definite theme… a definite mindset, for example when I fired my most important question I had on my list to ask him about whether or not he would support Winston Peters call for a referendum on the Maori Seats he in so many words said *NO!*, and his excuse was to quote National party/John key/ Bill English line that to work to dismantle the Apartheid electoral system would produce ‘Hikois from hell’.
He is prepared to ignore this most cancerous situation out of fear of the Maori radicals… allowing the malignancy to reach the bone where it will become nothing but pain and misery for future generations… all because he wont lace up his boots… grab his gun… and head to the front himself.

Not only was this a testament that he has no spine to confront the most serious injustice that our Political system embodies, but also that was a clear indication that he either thinks following the same strategy that National is following… will also work for Act or that he is too cowardly to differ from National on this vital issue out of fear they may stand against him in Epsom!
Seriously think about that.
Its fundamental.
If its the first reason he’s stupid, and if its the second he’s proving to just be Nationals Lap dog!
I think its both.
He fails to see that the only reason that freedom lovers will vote for Act rather than National or Labour is because they believe Act has more Mettle and higher values than these mainstream parties with their legions of Sheeple voters and absolutely Evil Racist politics!
He underestimates the cost to Act in votes that his lack of spine on such important matters costs them in the polls.

It was sooo apparent to me that David does not realise how disconnected he is from the very people whom he should be appealing to!
That significant voting block that is far in excess of 5%… and is currently homeless… currently thinking of holding their nose… and voting New Zealand first!
Anyone who knows Winston knows the man can smell where the votes are!
Old whiley Winston knows a Massive percentage of the voting public have had a guts full of all the racism and extortion that results from treaty separatism and the Maori seats, and that out of desperation will will rally around *anyone* who campaigns to bring this evil to an end and establish Racial equality before the Law.
David cant be associating himself with the same political forums that I frequent and so he does not appreciate just how many votes that Winston has gained solely from his forthright assault on these Racist seats and agenda!
It massive, and the chief reason Winston is skyrocketing in the polls and was the chief reason Don Brash was able to raise National out of the pit of despair they were in when he inherited the leadership… a doldrums they were suffering in the wake of Helen Clark, very similar to doldrums Labour has suffered in wake of john Key.
Winston is not phased by the threat of ‘Hikois from hell’… which is nothing but tale wagging the dog!
All the vileness of treaty separatism springs from MMP chiefly because of the perpetual failure to abolish the Maori Seats and is why New Zealanders of significant numbers are desperate to get rid of them… if only David would grow a pair… be willing to cross the floor away from Bill English… and support Winston’s call for a referendum.
Votes like mine would flow into Act instead of NZ First!
And his Mana and integrity would rise in the eyes of the voters… I would be far less disappointed with Act!
I cant help also think that David is reciprocating a petty dislike for Winston as he claims Winston holds for Him (David alluded to this with respect to Winston refusal to endorse his euthanasia bill)
If this is so it also demonstrates a lack of character by David which again means he falls from walking the higher path, and is a turn off.

It was grotesque when having flat out denied that he would not defend Racial equality before the Law that minutes later he was spieling on about being a champion of equality for Woman!
Oh! such a brave stand…. in our times of Politically Correct tyranny and Feminist domination!
It is just Lame.
This is the sort of rubbish that people expect from Labour and Green MPs appealing to their dopey useful idiots!
Again he fails to connect with the traditional Act voter and fails to appreciate how they are looking for a far different and just approach in politics!
An ex card carrying Act member told me how affronted he was when David introduced his List team as ‘Embodying diversity’… Girls… young people, ethnic minorities… as if these were important merits rather than because they are the best most skilled people for the job!
Ie Act is supposed to be about Merit… not such PC Rubbish that should be the preserve of the Zombie Left!
He betrays the sad fact that he has swallowed the lefty propaganda that Act is the party for ‘Wealthy Old White Men’ and crumbled under pressure!
Again his strategy show a disconnect from the serious minded Act voter.

Davis enunciated his strategy to save Act.
He said he is employing the latest Election techniques from America, and had polled and talked with 1700 people for half a hour first asking them who they would vote for… and then at the end asking them again… noting those whom had changed their mind and decided they would vote Act.
He said they gleaned what policies were the ones to had positively swayed these people and said these were the policies he would hammer on about in the rest of the election campaign.
he said Act is sitting at 1% in the polls, but that he would win Epsom, and that only by degrees of a few % of party vote would increase the number of List MPs he could carry with him into parliament.
From this you see that he has abandoned his faithful and things that if he can sell Act with the most broad and non-threatening policy that he only needs a few % more to get his best people in parlaiment with him… and with more Act mps… more clout to wrestle better deals.
Obvious to me this exercise he employed did not ask the right questions… because of his unwillingness now to make bold policy.

Think about this…He is not aiming at reaching 5%, and is only attempting to garner a few measly percent of the vote! and for such a minuscule return he is prepared to sell out on the most important principles Act professes to stand for!
That is the impression his strategy stimulates in the mind of the thinking principled freedom loving demographic that he is supposed to represent!

And I’m sure this rationale does have some support from a proportion of Act members even though it demonstrates that Act is no longer about principles but about playing the numbers… just like National… this theme is consistent in all his thinking and is why He does not understand how to function as a minority Party.
If he does not win Epsom, Act is finished… yet to win Epson he sell out everything Act represents and becomes indistinguishable from National.
I think he underestimates the mettle of the Epsom electorate and their capacity to vote for a far stronger and more principled MP and that out of fear of alienating himself from the electorate.
He admitted almost daily knocking on doors there and how tiny the numbers were of people whom were interested in talking politics, yet somehow thinks he has enough Data to justify treading such a low path.
Safety rather than Bold principle is the very heart of his strategy, and his own political position in parliament as representative for Epsom comes first rather than Act principles… and even more important than getting his fellow list members in with him.

He’s all about the Numbers… not about spine… not about principles… and I believe his numbers are wayyyyy off.
To sumerize David may be honest… and I believe that is his most virtuous aspect, yet he has fallen into a trap, and has absolutely has the wrong strategy to win support for Act….
His strategy is one you would expect from Bill English…. His thinking is not about fighting for his professed values, but about keeping Act within what he believes is ‘popular opinion’… and that is why Act must fail… hes not connecting with *the minority demographic that wants to Vote Act*… if only they are significantly distinguishable from National and will have the backbone to wrestle *Real Concessions* .

I would love to discuss this further with David, it is impossible to present everything in a blog like this, and I hope that my criticisms are not childishly dismissed with the wave of the hand and written off as written in malice, and seeking to undermine Act.
They are written for the very opposite reason.

It was only yesterday that I read a press release about Jacinda Ardern’s striving to win the The Maori seats for Labour by saying she supports the entrenchment of the Maori seats which will make it much harder to abolish them. Read/watch that Here
This sets the tone for the ugly face-off between National and Labour come post election coalition talks and the competition for which party will sell out most to Racist Treaty separatism!
This demonstrates how urgent it is that these seats must be established immediately and that anyone with any Political nous knows that we are looking down the barrel of Massive Race relations injustices being perpetuated and that our Children will inherit this mess because of spinelessness of those Mps whom claim to know better unwillingness to take the fight against the rabid racism of Treaty separatists.
This is an evil that grows exponentially… and the task ahead grows more perilous by the day as the brainwashing that is going on in schools and in the media is relentless.

Sadly, I left the meeting still affirmed that I’m best giving my vote to Winston, and unless there is a significant and immediate change in direction I will continue telling others to do the same.

And this makes my pain and disappointment in likes Of David and his minions so much more acute.
The time cannot be far away before I loose my disappointment in Act… not because they have grown a pair… but because like most of the traditional Act voter whom have abandoned them…I have learned to expect nothing better from them than from Labour or Nation.
I may not suffer this misery long as there is every possibility that act will disappear after this election and they will deserve it because they have sold out all everything that the significant minority of freedom lovers hold dear and the greatest reasons Act have had any votes at all.

By far Acts greatest Leader was Don Brash!
He is hero of mine, and was set to Put act back on the map with his adroit stand for one Law for all, and the decriminalization of cannabis yet he shot himself in the foot by taking on board John Banks who was not ACT material at all and caused Don to Falter on the decriminalization of Cannabis.
Banks Took Epsom but Sunk Act!
And now because of that very Peanut brained nasty Dinosaur mentality that dominates in parliament towards ending Prohibition we have young people dying on Auckland streets from imbibing Poisons!
I dont know what polls National and David Seymour follow yet they cant be the same ones the rest of the country look at as the pols on this issue clearly indicate a majority of Kiwis want decriminalization!
Read here how Don Brashes integrity to what are supposed to be act core principle resulted in an outcry within his own ranks!
Ending the War on cannabis embodies all the Values and principle Act claim to represent, and when it happens will result in a massive improvement in justice… massive reduction in police expenses and man power and less body bags… and not cost the taxpayer a dime!
David is already on record that though he personally thinks it should be legalised … he wont move on it as he fears it will cost him votes…
If only he was not so cowardly and show some kahunas… he would win votes!
I am sure he could sell this in Epsom if he had the courage of his convictions.
Its dishonest to know what is right in your heart… but refuse to defend it.
The demographic for cannabis Law reform is massive and the the only advocates for this are all on the left.
This means there are a huge number of homeless Pro cannabis voters who hate the left who are just waiting for someone on the Right to give them a home!
In a flash he could boost his own ranks and rob support from the left.

You dont need to appeal to the masses of dumbfounded dipshits!
Your whole strategy is wrong… and it makes you stink!
Your Votes are to be found in that 15-20% of principled and outraged thinkers!
Give Don Brash a call FFS!
Ask Jamie Whyte what he thinks he did right and what he did wrong.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim…

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

And Richard… Hikois from hell

I just dropped in

I just dropped in to proffer an explanation of my absence from this blog for the past 18 months or so.

In a word, depression. I have been beset with mental health problems my entire adult life. I have at least four diagnosed DSM-5 disorders. Of these, depression is the worst. It is, quite literally, a life-threatening illness. Fortunately, amongst other things, my life is not mine to take. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Things took a turn for the worse about 18 months ago. Amongst other things, the full implications of having recently been belatedly diagnosed with adult ADHD were sinking in, winter was coming, and my usual coping strategies of injudicious drug use and abnegation of personal responsibility were failing me. But what really got me in a tailspin was when the state started bankruptcy proceedings against me, for alleged failure to pay taxes. I saw my GP about my predicament and he had no hesitation in giving me a medical certificate for WINZ. The upshot is that, since last autumn, I’ve been on the sickness benefit. Yes, that’s right. I’m a ward of the welfare state. So you can see what condition my condition is in.

But that’s enough about me, I don’t want to make this post all about my personal woes. In time-honoured fashion, I want to make it about this country’s political woes. This post will be about the government’s role in providing mental health services and, in particular, it’s role in NZ’s high rates of depression and suicide.

Straightaway, let’s get one thing straight. The government doesn’t actually care. The present National government doesn’t even want to know. Why else would it re-brand what was formerly the sickness benefit as “job seeker support”? A sickness beneficiary already has a job, and they know it! Their job is to get well. Well enough to seek, find, and then hold down a permanent paid position. All of which is easier said than done for the chronically mentally ill. Some of whom should, and do, end up on the invalid’s benefit.

The government doesn’t actually care. Certainly, the neoliberal government we’ve had in this country since 1984 doesn’t give a damn. To begin with, take the fact that the suicide rate for New Zealand males aged 15-19 doubled in the course of three years from 16 per 100,000 in 1985 to 32 per 100,000 in 1988. While trustworthy statistics aren’t easy to find, it would appear that this alarming increase in NZ’s youth suicide rate has held up. I see no reason to dispute the claim that NZ now has the highest rate of teen suicide in the developed world.

Former Children’s Commissioner Ian Hassall makes a couple of especially pertinent points (notwithstanding his dubious analogy to climate change).

The critical fact is that New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the OECD. This excess of young people’s deaths in New Zealand when compared with other OECD countries must be a result of local factors.

The statistics show that whatever these factors were, they began to operate from 1985 to 1988. That was a time of social turmoil in New Zealand. The economic restructuring that was sweeping the world was imposed faster and deeper in New Zealand than elsewhere.

“No pain, no gain” was the catchphrase of Rogernomics. What it meant was that it was expected that the structural changes would be painful but they would be worth it in creating a more robust economy.

For young people, the changes were rapid and painful indeed. Suddenly, finding a job was not guaranteed and bright future prospects dimmed for many. A reduced welfare safety net meant that many were not sufficiently helped and inequality widened.

I don’t think that we can say for sure what aspect of neoliberalism is to blame, or even that we can definitively blame neoliberalism in the first place for the sustained rise in youth suicides. But it’s certainly a prime suspect.

As ever: what is to be done?

Officially New Zealand has focussed on mental health and mental health services as a means of dealing with the problem. Mental ill-health and lack of mental health services cannot explain the sudden doubling of youth suicide from 1985 to 1988.

Not surprisingly, then, this approach has failed. Mental ill-health undoubtedly has a part to play in many youth suicides, but there is no reason that this should be more of a problem in New Zealand than in other countries.

It is comforting to believe that young people will be safer if our mental health services are improved but it is largely a false hope. Saying so will, no doubt make me unpopular, but so be it.

So be it, and I agree.

Sadly, throwing more money at the problem isn’t going to help much, if at all. In fact, I submit that a big part of NZ’s current mental health crisis is down to excessive reliance on the state to fix the problem. A bigger part is due to state intervention in the first place. It is completely wrong, for example, that the state treats the simple administration of a proven cure for depression as a greater crime than rape or armed robbery, and instead busies itself funding a lolly scramble of often worse than useless placebos.

Whereas I don’t think more government money is going to fix the problem, I do think it’s downright criminal to cut funding to mental health services in a time of mental health crisis. And that’s what this National government has done. My point is that where the state has taken on responsibility for the provision of mental health services, it must honour that commitment in the meantime. Until such time as we can successfully devolve this responsibility to families, friends and support at the local community level. Faceless bureaucracy never made anyone happy.

At a time like this, it is utterly appalling that the government saw fit to cut funding to Lifeline, one of NZs biggest and long-established suicide counselling lines. And instead, allocate that funding to a “new, preferred supplier” called LaVey. All very well, perhaps, except for the six-month hiatus between Lifeline’s funding being cut and the new provider stepping in. Oh, and the fact that Bill English’s wife is on the board of LaVey! Nepotism doesn’t get much uglier. (LeVa, LaVey. Whatever.)

Now, a closing few words about the efforts of the government-funded agency Like Minds and their take the load off campaign. When I first saw their video featuring Daniel from Taihape I was immediately reminded of the disturbingly dark comicbook art of the Spanish artist Joan Cornellà.

Wait just a moment! Take another look at take the load off. What on earth is that woman friend using to get her mate Dan out of his pit of depression? That’s right, it’s a hangman’s noose.

Sure, it’s supposed to be a lasso. But seriously, what sort of subliminal message are they sending to the suicidal? The people at the agency that created this plagiaristic monstrosity sure have a sick sense of humour. (It wouldn’t surprise me if they were the same outfit responsible for Colin Craig’s election campaign material last election.)

I’m glad that I also have a sick sense of humour and can appreciate it. I hope you do too. To all my depressed friends out there, I say, life is very much worth living, no matter if it seems like a sack of shit right now. Hang on in there!

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

Editing is in progress….

The up coming election is looking like a complete disaster for Justice and race relations with both National and Labour Poised to outdo each other in selling out our Country to Racist interests for the sake of their own short term political gains.

This is nothing new but has long been a feature of our shameful apartheid system… yet things have become acute in recent decades with the rise of The Socialist Racist radial Maori separatists and their grip on the the Maori seats in Parliament and esp since the establishment of MMP.
It has its own coined phrase… ‘Brown-mail’.

Despite a veneer of revisionist lies that try to legitimize these abominations… and the Actors involved performing with such believe-ability that they deserve Oscars… the facts remain and are so infamous… and blatant… that they barely need enunciating … I only add these details here to my blog for the sake of the monologue!
Only fools and Vested interests Swallow the BS!

The Politics surrounding our race-based electoral rolls and Seats have morphed from a misguided benevolent anomaly of Ages long dead into a grotesque cancerous monstrosity… inflicting pain and extreme injustice upon our Nation… a source of Power and extortion for Liars and bigots.
Everybody with an ounce of wisdom knows the race-based seats should have been abolished over 100 years ago… yet come election time and the struggle for power… the two major parties have neither the scruple… nor the Nads to abolish them.

National and Labour dont care about what is in our Nations best interests… yet there is a cunning fox circling the Chicken coup …. the shrewd New Zealand First Party Leader Winston Peters… and he smells an opportunity to deliver something most New Zealanders want … and as such… I am about to ask something weird! and make an appeal to National and Labour supporters… I’m asking you to put principles ahead of Party… for your own sakes, and that of our Nation…. lets put New Zealand first!

I ask those of you who traditionally vote Blue or Red whether or not Bill English or Kelvin Davis truly represent your sentiments and interest with respect to their refusal to put the question of the ongoing existence of these Race-based seats in parliament to a special vote of the people.
The very seats that are always occupied by Racists who want Pakeha to ‘go home’… while expecting Pakeha to pay for everything and give them special rights and privileges… those seats.
You see… Neither Bill or Kelvin want to give you an opportunity to express how sick and tired you are of Treaty separatism, and the way it renders most of you… and your children second class citizens… because they are more concerned about out maneuvering each other at election time than having just policies.

Labour rules out Māori seat referendum

Bill English lends Winston a helping hand by rejecting Maori seats referendum

National and Labour are both desperate to kiss up to the Maori radicals again and count on your ongoing apathy to allow them to continue to trade away our country via coalition deals to a bunch of bigots who think the colour of their skin entitles them to greater right to live here and enjoy our country than everyone else… no matter how many generations your Family has existed here.
They expect to simply live off the pigs back!

Only Winston Peters wants to give you… the voter an opportunity to have your own voice on such an essential principle of Unity and equality before the Law!

I will be honest with you… I am no fan of National… no Fan of Labour… not a dedicated fan of Winston… I’m not even a fan of Binding referenda… yet on this essential issue there is extreme urgency that the Apartheid system must be abolished and Winston’s referenda is about the only conceivable means by which this could happen in the shortest time frame… before the rest of our country has been bargained away!
And remember he’s a Maori too!

I also know you guys ought to be peeved about this…
I know from such previous Polls and other things like the Constitutional review held in 2013 that the desire to End the separatism is by far in the majority… and so their attitude against Winston’s call for a referendum is patently against what everyone knows is the will of a significant majority of Kiwi.
National/Maori halted the review process in its tracks and quietly shelved the submissions they received when it was clear That an overwhelming majority of Kiwi wanted no part in their desire to entrench the treaty… currently all the racist Bunk of Treaty separatism can be abolished by a simple majority in parliament.
And that is what the Maori radicals fear most… That kiwi will wake up from their stupor and abolish their Scam… that is netting them BILLIONS… yet not helping the average Maori one iota… in fact The Radicals in power enjoy the ongoing grievance and misery of the Maori people they pretend to care about… Its all money, Mana, and power in the bank for them… that its all filthy lucre and founded upon lies and misery matters not to them.

It’s time for you to wake up… to step up for your own sake and show your displeasure by getting in behind Winston Peters.
I cant even believe it is me who is writing this!
I know you wont vote for Libertarians, and that though I have spent a good deal of my adult life as a Libertarian castigating the populism of Winston Peters, yet so dire is our situation… and such a contrast between Winston and the Blue/Reds that I appeal to your sense of justice to prevail over your usual Party political election decisions.
End the Official Racism!
Stop The Racial extortion!
Vote for your own Rights and liberties and Equality before the Law!

There are massive grabs by the Racists afoot…. It is staggering to witness just how far National has sold out our Nation to the Racist radicals!
Nothing less than our Beaches and Water rights!
It matters not to the scoundrels in National or Labour that the Treaty established British sovereignty, British law and order, and British rights and liberties under which the beaches and waterways are held in ownership by the Queen… in trust for the common use of all.
All they care about is getting into power… and they expect you to continue to believe the revisionist lies that the treaty retained Maori Sovereignty… and gave ownership rights of these absolutely essential assets to Maori.
They want you to continue believe the lies that it was only by greed and dishonesty that Maori wallow in poverty today… and that somehow *You owe Maori the shirt off your back*… you know… all the BS they teach about British Colonization in State Uni.


And these lies have been official policy for nearly half a century now and yet all the loot and injustice has not raised up the average tribesman… has not ‘closed the gap’… but entrenched the poverty and exacerbated the racial divisions and enmity.

All the Racial divisions and injustices reached crisis point decades ago and yet tragically Kiwis have become acclimatized to it all.
I know most of you are sick and tired of it yet again its now the Norm…and National and Labour are counting on you to remain un-moved in your Party Political support.
I ask you to seriously look at Winston Peters as not only a viable alternative, whose policies on most everything else are indistinguishable from National and Labour, but also as you best hope to ending the travesty of a tiny minority of Maori Radicals holding our whole country to ransom… every election.
Your Party Leaders dont give a damn about it… but Winston does…because he knows you do too.

Because Winston’s other policies are not very far away from either Nationals or Labour… a vote for New Zealand First instead of either will not represent a massive departure politically speaking for most of the people I am appealing to here and now.
Please grow a pair…. and think these things through!

Jacinda Ardern won’t do power sharing deal with Winston Peters

I am Maori… and I long for the day that Treaty separatism ends!
I can look my own race in the face and say that this will be as great a day for them as for the whole country… an end of shameful Apartheid electoral system… the essential beginning of the end of Apartheid Law… and the first step for Maori to stand as equals with the rest of New Zealand!
That is the beginning of their recovery out of the mire!
I also know that when all the racist Laws and institutions have been abolished that this will not impinge upon the legitimate rights and liberties of Maori to enjoy their culture any more than equality before the Law prevents any other Nationality from peacefully enjoying their own freedom.
It will not detract … but in fact will restore the truth with respect to Maori history.
The Truth that New Zealand was the home of what is know as Maori Culture and heritage… cannot be erased… yet nor should it be allowed to perpetually enslave our Nation!
So Its time stand up and tell your parties you want the opportunity to have your say via Winston’s referendum, and unless they reverse the decision to allow it… you will jump Waka and give Winston your votes!
Let them know that you have had a guts fully of their treacherous selling out and bribery of the Maori radicals… and that they better appreciate just how outraged you are about their shameful politicking… and make it clear they better allow Winston’s referendum to take place… Demand you get your say on this matter!

Or will you blindly vote for these mongrels who think you are chumps… proving them right?
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

I am contemplating standing as a Libertarian independent in Hamilton West, yet because of the urgency and essential principles of justice at stake I implore you Labour and National voters to do what I myself am committed to doing… and that is putting aside all my personal apprehension and giving my party vote to New Zealand First.
If I dont stand I will also give my electorate vote to the New Zealand First candidate as well.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017
The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The New Zealand War of the 1860s was not a ‘Land war’… It was a Sovereignty War.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Where Haters come from.

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.


As a Libertarian Maori who has been fighting Socialism and Nanny State for two decades, I have been Labeled an uncaring fool because I reject all the so-called ‘Government assistance programs and prohibitions’… all the social engineering of the ‘Paternal/Maternal State that are supposed to be working to correct the disparities between the misery of those at the bottom of the heap, from the affluence enjoyed at the top.
Yet who really are the Uncaring fools?
All the key indicators reflect the Failure of Nanny Statism… by the ever worsening Statistics of those at the bottom… more poverty… greater disparities!
With few exceptions, there is a correlation between the more Socialist ‘assistance’ any demographic receives… the worse their plight becomes… and even when there is an apparent gain… it is at the increased burdens and misery of someone else… who is unjustly criminalized by Bad Laws and dragged down closer to the poverty line via Taxes, etc.

What increases is the Net total of *Dependence upon the State* and what Atrophies is the net total of *Independent self reliance and self-responsibility*.
At the Heart of all this is the delusion that the State ought to treat adults like helpless Children… the result… the punishment of Adults who want to run their own lives and make their own choices… and the mass production of Child-like helpless adults! … which tends to confirm the assumption of those who have no clue about their own part in this misery… that more Nanny State social engineering is required!

Its not a circle… but a spiral downwards… and its lunacy.


These things being scientifically provable via social statistics, and the fact that governments dont generate wealth, or instill morals and values but creates Legions of Hapless state worshiping drones, I would like to focus on one group whom this selfish and uncaring Libertarian has always sort to awaken… a group who has suffered the greatest amount from the meddling of Nanny State, and the Toxic Doctrines that underpin and pseudo-legitimise all this social Engineering… The Maori people.
I want to discuss in particular Drugs and Alcohol… though this is not to be construed as saying the problems associated with them are unique to Maori… but that they are suffering a definite politically engineered disaster… not from oppression…. but from the very opposite… from a system that has encouraged them to fail… and then criminalizes them when they do… to a higher degree than other demographics… all under the guise of ‘Positive discrimination’… ‘Closing the gaps’… and pretending the State has the legitimate duty to Mother us like kids.

I marvel that this is such a mystery!
Is it not self evident that the Ideal for Human beings is self-reliance and self responsibility?
It it not Obvious that Laws are not a substitute for an Inner moral compass with a needle that points Northward?
Is it not obvious that We want Maori to function and succeed as equals on an even playing field with everyone else?

The Cold truth is that no amount of misguided Nannyism can solve the ethical issues at the heart of the problem.. no matter how well intended these heavy handed measures are.
You cant shortcut the necessary steps required by Maori themselves to escape the mire they wallow in by passing Laws that tend to entrench them in dependence by treating them like special basket cases… filling their heads with lies that corrodes their minds about their own responsibility to climb out of the hole… by their ownership of their problems…rather than Blaming and hating their Pakeha neighbors.

So all the Blame that The Maori Radicals heap upon the Heads of Pakeha… and all the sycophantic Pakeha who swallow these lies and who are chiefly responsible for the Apartheid state we suffer… and all the Nanny State Prohibitions and Taxes on smokes and Alcohol are the chief causes as to why Maori remain ensnared in poverty and misery!
Its a clear case of the remedy being more deadly than the diseases themselves!

What is the greatest travesty of them all is that People like myself… and Don Brash… who want to put an end to all the injustices of the Apartheid state that are so repugnant to Good Law, and so disastrous in effects…. yet we are called the Lunatics… and the racists!
Those whose politics are a vile repudiation of the Equal Rights and Liberties of individuals, and the Strict limitations of Just Law and Political power… are Rabid in their fanatical zeal to retain their tyrannical Laws and powers… the powers they wield to Bully us about… and impose their delusional sense of superiority upon everyone else.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

The War on Drugs is collapsing around the globe, yet it is a testament to just how backward New Zealand is that instead of Leading this Revolution in Social justice… we are lagging well behind… and it is primarily the Doctrines of Nanny State socialism that are maintaining the prohibition of Cannabis… as almost all the political parties that line up for the job of Government here are captained by Dinosaurs who have no intention of rolling back Nanny State. (Read more here)
They all have their heads in the sand when it comes to the injustices their evil politics imposes upon our society… for Example I would describe Prime minister Bill English’s attitude… and most of his ministers.. towards the Collapse of the war on drugs as *worse than Neanderthal*… and Because Maori statistically use more cannabis than other demographics … they suffer the injustices of ongoing Prohibition to a greater degree than others… even though the Bad Law is not an example of racial oppression… the results impact them harder… The Good news is that though ending Prohibition on Cannabis will in no way be a reform that fundamentally reduces the apartheid state… It will have a significantly Greater Boon for social justice for Maori… and with greater social justice and liberty… we can expect Greater gains in Law and Order and the Social statistics of Maori…across the board.
Read more here


One misguided Maori Warden has lodged a Treaty claim with the Tribunal calling for the government to Hike up Alcohol prices…. Read Here… Treaty of Waitangi claim targets alcohol harm among Maori… not at all considering what has happened with regards to that same type of Nannism with regards to cigarettes…

Think about how Tax Rapine on cigarettes that the do-gooders have imposed…and how this has directly fueled a epidemic of violent armed robberies in Daries and Service stations … and what repeating this on Alcohol would likely cause…
Not to mention that these Taxes hit everyone… including all the sensible people who drink in an Adult manor… all under the pretense of putting the squeeze on a minority of fools!

Demonstrating not only how unjust such Heavy handed compulsions are… but how they result in Greater evils for society as a whole.

Yet again conciser the following… Just as there are Un-expected negative consequences from Naive heavy handed Social engineering… so too are there ‘un-expected benefits’ when social engineering is abandoned… that the Naive prohibitionists never factor into their thinking… as is evidenced by the debate between Green Mp Julie Anne Genter and the national party spokesman Simon O’Connor about the Medical cannabis Bill. (See here)
Simon O’Connor rabited on about Law reform as ‘Bringing more Drugs into society’… when in fact the opposite occurs… esp when the drug being legalized is Patently more safe than Alcohol… that powerful poison that has a government monopoly for recreation… and which most of the Nanny statists Guzzle themselves into a stupor on a regular basis.

What happens is the people Drink Less…. which is a Social Justice ideal given the association of alcohol and violent crime,property Damage, Death behind the wheel, poverty, etc etc… and so here have a clear example of how Less Nanny statism… will work to achieve the social ambitions of Caring human beings.
And you cannot get a better Testament of this than among the many Ex-Gangster Ex-Criminal Maori Men of elder generations whom have given up the bottle… because they know that their demons dwell therein… and have instead taken to smoking weed in their Garden sheds and garages!

They have forsaken the life of violence and are doing their best just to chill out… peacefully in their own properties… and just want to be left alone… maybe grow a few plants out the back… yet what does Nanny state say about that????
Nanny State Kicks down their doors and drags them off to Jail!
What dose this Teach them… if not the lesson that the Government is evil… and that there no difference between a peaceful pot smoker and a violent drunk???
Prohibition is a violation of the just principles of Individual liberty and the limits of political power.
“Fuck the Government!” becomes a watchword amongst any sector of our society that is unjustly treated by the Law and justice system.
And Crime thrives in a society in which the Faith in the Justice system is destroyed… I know all this from first hand experience… my life is a living testament to these processes in action… and it is only by the grace of God that I myself am not one of the Lost… yet it was a very near thing for me.
I will attach a short personal testimony at the end of this post… yet for now I hope I have pointed out how Nanny statism, and Drug Prohibition, and the the monopoly of alcohol for recreation have a disproportionate negative affect on Maori even though prohibition is not a race based legal injustice.


What makes one drunk a danger to others… yet another drunk just a funny fool?
Drugs affect different people differently, and so giving people whom get violent on alcohol a legal alternative … esp one as Famous as Cannabis for Chilling people out and bringing calm and peace ought to be a no-brainer!
And Guess what!… 10s of 1000s of Good people have realised this and are ignoring the Wicked Laws and are smoking weed rather than drinking… yet they live as aliens… always with the threat of the jackboots kicking in their doors and ruining their lives.
On top of that I believe there is even something more fundamental at work with regards to why some people get violent on alcohol… yet others dont… its an inner ethical belief about what it means to be a real man (or woman).. about what it means to be a civilised human being and the use of Violence.
The Day a violent man apprehends in his heart of hearts that violence towards others only drags themselves down to level of Savage… and that Real men can be sworn at… cheated on by their wives, etc… yet never resort to violence… they have become a New… truly reformed human being … and this enlightenment can never result from Draconian Prohibitions or Violence by the agents of the State.
Self responsibility must be instilled via education and example… yet this is the very opposite of what is taught in schools… everyone is taught that it is the government who are supposed to dictate everything… and that all life’s problems have political solutions….


Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.

My Submission to Stuffs ….’How has cannabis affected your life?’

I was introduced to cannabis when I was about 15 at work, doing my Engineering apprenticeship in West Auckland. Many of the elder Apprentices and workers smoked it… people I admired… hard workers… not bad guys… not criminals.. and when I got high for the first time I began to realise that everything I had been told about it was lies… It did not make you go crazy… in fact it made you relax and have a good time… and meditate… and enjoy friendship and music, etc.
And had that been all… I would say that my experience was all Good… but then the Police turned up at my house one day because of some silly stuff some visitor had done in town… and they searched our house and they found some pot… and arrested us all… I admitted that it was mine… it was a terrible experience… The cops were horrible… and I knew that Had not hurt anyone… but still got chewed up by the system.
I remember walking out of Court feeling like I was no longer a welcome member of society… I was an Outlaw… a criminal… I could no longer travel… I worried about getting Jobs etc… and I learned that the justice system was not just.
I did not stop smoking Pot, but learned to be more devious about it… I thought of the Police not as my defenders but as Dangerous enemies to be avoided at all costs… and that you had to lie to them… for my own safety.
This way how Prohibition got me on the road to petty crime … and it was not for many Years that I realised what had happened to me… and that I needed to fight prohibition, and end this injustice that I knew from first hand experience was destroying thousands of innocent lives every year. It corrupts what Freedom and Justice are… as long as our actions do not harm others… we have the right to do *anything*, and its not the polices Job to impose *Political agendas* on innocent people… but only to stop *Real crimes*… which are defined as violations of other peoples Rights and Liberties.
Sometimes *The Law Itself can be Unjust and is therefore corrupt and illegitimate*… and Bad Laws make criminals out of innocent people… and it is then that The Law is in the wrong… and the Police then become the Jackbooted thugs outside your door. They are Killing People… Jailing People over it… and that is absolutely an atrocity in this day and age!
The sooner it is legalized this will be a massive improvement in Law and Order and Justice!
I have smoked *Truck LOADs* of the stuff and I am not retarded… not unhealthy… and not criminally minded (thankfully I woke up to the dangerous Path that I was on… thanks to the social alienation I felt at being criminalized)
I am now a Father and Grandfather who wants Cannabis legalised so that my Kids and Grand Kids are not exposed to the Draconian Police like I was… As a concerned parent I worry about my Kids *Stealing* Vandalising* Or being Violent* Or drinking too much alcohol and getting poisoned* I dont worry about them smoking Pot… and they choose not to!
I avoid it now because of Drug testing at work, yet that means I drink more and that worries me… Cannabis helps me to relax and sleep better, and to ‘chill out’… not be so stressed about the Rat race… helps me to cope, and so when it is legalised I will rejoice for our Nation… and will no doubt drink less… and smoke more.
It is risky for anyone to say these things in Public yet if we are to Win the reform Brave and principled people must speak up.
Kind regards Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim…

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Hell’s Bells! Drugs and Alcohol are being consumed in an Adult manner by the employed masses!

Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

Prohibition fails again. Synthetic Cannabis still here… driven underground. TVNZ

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Norml J Day Protest Hamilton 2014

“Liberty. Article 350”…. Venezuelan Police Pilot shows the world what a Constitution is all about!


A Hero Venezuelan Cop has had enough of the corruption of the Government, and the misery of the people and has taken up arms against the State… lobbing granades at the Supreme Court of his impoverished nation from a Helicopter… towing a Banner “Liberty. Article 350”… a reference to the Constitution….

‘The people of Venezuela, faithful to their republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that runs counters to democratic values, principles and guarantees, or that undermines human rights.’

In so doing he Towers above his Peers… further afield and puts Police all about the globe to shame… esp the American Police!
Here we have a man who is truly dedicated to the rule of Law and who has witnessed enough tyranny and injustice for him to say ENOUGH!
His Name is Oscar Pérez.

No doubt he is a man of Principle and Conscience!
How many Starving Children does it take?… how many times will you witness a tyrannical government flout the constitution of your land?… more importantly how long will you stand idle when your conscience is screaming out against cowardly compliance to an Evil Regime?

This Cop has done his duty to the Venezuelan people he took an oath to serve and protect… he has put his very life on the line…. and The Law is on his side!
The Government has always been Criminal in Venezuela.. yet the inevitable collapse of Chavez Socialism has Brought absolute misery to the people… and the evil Regime has been propped up by a Corrupt Supreme Court… against the expressed will of the people for Regime change.350

Please Pray for this Good Man’s safety… and those of his family who will no doubt be targeted by the Criminals in power.
His actions immediately reminded me of Abolitionist John Brown who gave up waiting for Lincoln to Liberate the Slaves of the Southern Sates… Moved by his conscience, he risked it all and took his gun down there and started to free the slaves until he was captured and Hanged.


“According to the Venezuelan daily El Nacional, the man who piloted the helicopter is Oscar Pérez, a former captain in the CICPC, Venezuela’s intelligence and investigative body. In a video released on social media, Pérez speaks directly to a camera flanked by four masked men wielding what appear to be assault rifles.

“Venezuelans, dear brothers, we talk to you on behalf of the state. We are a coalition of military, police and civilians in search of an equilibrium and against this transitory, criminal government,”Pérez said. “We have two choices: be judged tomorrow by our conscience and the people or begin today to free ourselves from this corrupt government.”

Read more about article 350 here

‘Videos circulated on social media showed a man piloting the helicopter while holding a banner that read “Liberty. Article 350”, in reference to the part of the Venezuelan constitution that allows citizens to declare themselves in civil disobedience in front of “any regime that runs counter to democratic guarantees or undermines human rights”.’

Read and watch more here

Ultimately All our Freedoms do not hang on Government or Courts… but on the Eternal vigilance of the people and their willingness to take up arms against tyranny.

This heroes actions are to be contrasted with the Shameful indifference of American Police and Sheriffs in the light of the plight of the Bundy Ranchers and the murder of Lavoy Finicum could not be more stark!
This is what Gavin Siems have been Boldly broadcasting about in the face of hostility from those whom should be his Allies!
As Gavin rightly say… No Sheriffs … no Police.. in America can claim to be ‘good’ in light of their betrayal of their oaths to defend the rights and liberties of the people.
They are allowing Americans greatest sons to be trodden underfoot by a Corrupt government hell bent on removing Americans rights to defend themselves from tyrannical government… exactly;y as Lavoy and the Bundy’s did… actions that are protected by the highest Laws of the Land!
The US constitution.


The Police in America have been trained to have contempt for anyone who claims their Constitutional rights… they have been conditioned to think that anyone who defends the constitution is a potential ‘Domestic Terrorist’… exactly as the Corrupt Venezuelan government has said about Oscar Pérez…

I will add to this blogpost over the course of the next few days.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Watering the Tree of Liberty. Lavoy Finicum.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Why having a Maori All Blacks team is Great and not a violation of the principle of equality…. Lions tour of New Zealand 2017.


I did not watch Last nights Rugby game … Lions vs the Maori All Blacks, though I had a cousin at the game screening bits of it live on Facebook.
I was waiting to see the results to start pouring out on my news-feed… waiting waiting… in New Zealand when it comes to rugby…No news is Bad news!
The silence was deafening!… Sure enough my hunch was correct… The Lions had eaten our Maori ‘Taua’ for Dinner!


After Kiwis scrape themselves back off the floor… have a group hug… they will appreciate that this win has made the rest of the Lions tour ten times better than if the Maori had been victorious!
* ITS ON NOW BOYS!!!!* Oh yes… we want UTU! (vengeance!)
And it is part of Maori culture to pay homage to the prowess of mighty Enemy Warriors… The Lions have reminded us why the tiny Isles of Britain once ruled the world!


*One of the great truths about Sport…whether competition between rival schools… or Nation States (like the ancient Olympics)… the field is a mock Battle ground… Players are Warriors on the field of battle… Tries are Mock victory of small battles and Absolute victory of the war goes to those Mighty combatants whom win the most battles.

* Yet all this is in the name of Peace and good sportsmanship*… It has all the hidden elements that are known as ‘the glory of War’… Heroic deeds… Mana (Prestige) to the Victors…and a humbling effect on the losers… etc etc… there may even be blood!, yet hopefully no one dies in the process… Its what the Rap-battle was all about on the streets in the 80s.
*A civilized substitute for violent confrontations and Wars.
Its part of maintaining friendly relations.

This aspect of friendly sporting rivalry and completion raises sport up from being merely something of Entertainment… of fun… of physical prowess… into the higher domain of working for Peace and good will between different groups of people… often groups whom in the past have faced off on real battle fields.
I have mentioned all this to remind myself that Rugby and Sport in general has this higher element… its not all about brute strength… more than just grown men chasing a peanut about like children.


Rugby and Politics.
With our history surrounding the infamous 1981 Springbok Tour, New Zealand has a legacy of mixing Politics and sport, so it should be of little surprise that an interesting theme has been popping up on social media in light of this match… that is symptomatic of current Race relation troubles New Zealand is reeling under with respect to the political charade of Waitangi Treaty separatism.
With all this history some people are wondering how it is that New Zealand can field a race based team?

Race relations and the topic of equal rights and Equality before the law in New Zealand focuses chiefly on the dynamics between the descendants of the Native Maori people… and the descendants of the European colonization that happen in the 1800s… though in reality no such division exists now that with the process of time Integration of the two peoples means there are now no ‘purebred’ descendants of Maori blood left… which is not something to be mourned but a great testament to the success of the peaceful relations between the Natives and the colonialists… intermarriage means we have all become family… an actualization of the political reality that occurred at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi… at which Hobson.. the Queens Representative.. shook the hands of the Maori Cheifs and declared “He Iwi Tahi tatou”… we are now one people.
Unfortunately subversive Racist elements have been able to smoke the New Zealand public into ignoring these facts that physically and spiritually bind us as one… and successfully forced a massive racial rift extorting Obscene sums of Money, and Power on a scale of cosmic proportions… so that an effective Apartheid state now exists… with all the evils that follow in the wake of such legalized injustice.
Contrary to the Official line… it is not the Maori people whom suffer legal oppression because of their ethnicity… but Pakeha!(British colonials and their descendants).
Maori in reality enjoy Perverse Legal favoritism!

From this short description of New Zealand political climate with respect to race relations, you can see New Zealand wallows in ideological confusion and this sore spot created by the apartheid system has caused some Kiwi to question the legitimacy of New Zealand fielding a so-called ‘Race-based rugby teams, etc… noting there would undoubtedly be outrage by the Maori Politicians and radicals if New Zealand wanted to field a ‘Pakeha’ team.
This is more than mere conjecture… we witnessed this in concrete reality when an group of youth at Auckland University sought to establish a ‘European association’ and was slammed down by all the powers that be including Race relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy… read about that … Here


That aside What is Ironic… if not amusing… is that in reality the Maori All Blacks is not made up of players of strictly Maori decent at all! … every player on the field carrying the genes of their Pakeha ancestors onto the field just as much as their Maori ancestors!
They *Cant be separated!*… there us no chemical, or mechanical means by which Maori living today can remove their Pakeha Genes… or the heritage… that is associated with them… so the whole idea that the Maori All Blacks is prohibitive to allowing anyone with Pakeha blood into the team is patently false and only exists in the shallows of the public mind.

More than this… more than simply highlighting these plain facts, I want to now get to the heart of a grand mis-understanding as to what the principle of equality before the Law *Really means*… and it is the absolute opposite of what Shyster socialists have ingrained into the sheeple mind.
And this is absolutely essential for a population to understand if they are grasp how Equality before the Law rightly functions in a free society.


It is Essential for the public to grasp…. esp the people of Maori descent… to appreciate that Equality before the law does not inhibit the freedom of Free citizens of any demographic from establishing their own voluntary associations/clubs/ etc but in fact protects their rights and liberties to do exactly that… *But Prevents the Government* from passing laws, or forming institutions that discriminate on such basis.
Thats right… The principle of (racial) Equality before the Law means Its the Government that is forbidden from such rights and liberty… not us the citizenry… and that is why it is completely within the Natural rights of Free individuals to establish Woman only Gymnasiums, Christian only bookshops, Motorcycle only Clubs, etc etc… and so there is no difference between a Private club forming to create ‘the Maori All Blacks’… than for independent Iwi to hold inter-tribal competitions.
Do you get that?
This is what *FREEDOM* is all about and it is my hearts desire to show the Country… esp the Maori People that they have nothing to fear from the destruction of Treaty separatism and the establishment of ‘One law for all’, and that in fact *Equality before the law* is the principle that protects their rights to do so… to freely revel and peacefully enjoy their culture to maximum degree… justly possible.

Freedom and Equality before the law is essential.
Anything less is political oppression.
And New Zealands Waitangi Apartheid state is *very oppressive* *Very unjust* despite the absolute lies that the Socialists in government are teaching the sheeple… that their political violations of the principle of equality before the law are about *Justice*… and establishing Racial harmony!
There could be no greater deception than that!

I will Edit and improve this post over the next week or so which is process that refines my opinion pieces significantly as I ponder further, yet I hope I have put some clarity as to how the Principle of Racial equality before the Law *DOES NOT PROHIBIT* such liberties as forming a ‘Maori’ AllBlacks Team any more than A ‘woman only’ Volleyball team.

Ponder this and you will see that this is the only rational reality possible… esp in the light of the INSANE AGENDAS of the whacky Liberal left and their armies of Nut ball and vicious ‘social justice warriors’ who are busy telling us we cant even have segregated toilets the Keep dirty old men and pervs out of little girls rest rooms.
They want to Ban us from being able to make such fundamental distinctions as…’Gender’!

So we exist in a state of Socialist confusion, Madness, and chaos that completely undermines the traditional values that have delivered us the Glory Of Western Freedom and civilization!
race realizations … not just in new Zealand but in Western Civilization are in crisis.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings…

Someone must stand up for what is right… and remind the world what the principles of Justice are all about… which will lead to the complete destruction of Socialism and its Evils.

End of Rant… Now lets drop all this pettiness regarding the Maori All Blacks… rise above the current political environment… and embrace it for the freedom that it represents.
The Battle is on Peeps…. hopefully one of our Platoons will Route these Lions and send them home.. tails between their legs!!!!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Kiwi, Maori, Libertarian Independent.

^My Son Roman and I.

God knows our weaknesses.


I Thank God I never encounter this… I am a Married Christian man yet I am weak…
This seriously would break me….

God knows our weaknesses.

1 Corinthians 10:13King James Version (KJV)

13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

King James Version (KJV)

Read more… Thorns in the Flesh.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Willful Ignorance and the Limits of human reason (without Divine Revelation.)


Today I want to make my rebuttal of a friends defense for Larkin Rose’s expressed position on God/ Deism.
Larken Rose Recognizes the fingerprint of Intelligence within the incredible design of living things yet appears ambivalent towards any further thought or discussion about the ramifications of this Revelation.
He reminds me of the late A Flew… the once High priest of Atheism who in the face of the discoveries of Modern science esp the complexity of living things abandoned his Atheism for belief in Intelligent design… yet never made the full traverse to Bible believing Faith in THE LORD.
Flew was an honest thinker yet ran out of Time…whereas Larken Rose still has time to discover the truth… yet his attitude appears to me to be that of a Man who does not really want to go down that road…and I question his motives.

I argue why Deism may once have been forgivable/ understandable in the distant past, yet is inexcusable today, and that now Reason and Logic are on the side of the Theist.
While both entail the belief in a Creator God, what distinguishes Deism from Theism is that Deism rejects Divine interventions in the affairs of Men… No Miracles to circumvent the laws of Nature… and esp No Divine special Revelations to mankind.
It will be necessary for me to skip over large portions of history and related material for the sake of brevity such as the Deism of the 18th century.
(I will have to do a separate Blog post on these important aspects of this topic at some later date, and insert a link to it here)

Watch Larken Rose Here…

Ten or more years ago I was asked to debate Hamilton based Atheists for the existence of the Christian God.
One of my opponents was Garry Mallett from Act.
Now The only reason I have mentioned this debate is because the 2nd part of my argument was the logical assumption that *If there is in fact a God (in the Full context of the word) and that he made us human beings…as Rational, conscious beings… that it would be a reasonable assumption to think that surely he would communicate with us some how… who he is… why he made us…etc rather than just leaving us Ignorant about such things.

That was my premise for why it is rational to at least consider the possibility that the Bible’s claim to be the Divine Revelation from the Creator of the Universe to be a plausible possibility at least… and that the honest thinking person having first concluded that the Universe and Living things are best understood as the products of intelligent design… that following upon that, that The Bible answers the questions that naturally flow on…. The *Who* is this Great designer of the Universe… and what message does he have for us… his Conscious Rational Moral Free Agent Creations… and most importantly… that such a Revelation is precisely what the rational mind would expect from the God who is there… rather than silence.

This is an argument that places Theism as superior to mere Deism and in fact renders belief in Deism today to be a cop out…poor reasoning at best… mostly willful ignorance.

Deism and Theism both draw upon what has been described as ‘Natural religion’… Ideas about God derived from looking at Nature… looking at what has been described as ‘The Book of God’s works’.
Yet Theism makes an additional claim that we have a second Book that we may also gain direct and infallible knowledge about God.. The Book of his actual words.

Deism/ Natural Religion is great up to certain point, yet severely limited as it can never tell us Human beings *who God is*… only that he is there… and that he is super intelligent and super powerful, and that there is some sort of Objective moral law which We Human beings ought to at least try and live by… that gives our Moral sence some legitimate foundation and purpose… rather than simply being some sort of illusion… mere sentiment… mere feelings.
An Idea such as ‘Kharma’, or ‘Reaping what you sow’… These are the sorts of ideas human beings have arrived at via contemplating nature… ‘Do unto others as you would have done unto you’ … ‘Be Good’… we know that’Theft is evil’…because we hate it when someone steals from us… so dont steal from others… yet still none of this has anything higher than our own opinion to rest upon… or the opinion of ‘wise others’… and is therefore not impervious to arguments of evil men that assert that all such moralizations are vacuous.
Dark minds may posit the question… Maybe the Deity is Malevolent?
Do not Floods and Earthquakes signal that our creator is far from a caring God! ????
Is the only Moral Rule …contrary to what the wowzers would have us believe…that the Strong may subject the weak?
Are they trying to subject the strong to whiles of the weak?
What the heck is really going on?
Deism cant definitively answer this… yet it gives those whom cling to it a certain self-justification for not being Nihilistic… for claiming they are Moral and good. (something that is necessary because of what the bible describes as our innate knowledge/ consciousness of Good and evil)

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:…”
St Paul. Romans 1:20.

Yet Deism says *Nobody can claim to really know*.

Now I love many of the Great heathen thinkers of classical times, whom both believed a God exists, and that Humanity should be moral, and because of the times and places in which *they lived* I accept that they really had taken ‘Natural religion’ to its highest forms and that they had no ‘Rungs upon which they could possibly ascend higher and closer to God’, and that they were Good, wise, Moral men…In the context of how good any man might be under such circumstances. (Separated/ aliens from Israel, mostly living before the advent of Christ)
It is at this plateau that many of the Great Heathen moral thinkers had arrived.
The Stoic Marcus Aurelius is supposed to have said…


Though Aurelius lived post-Christ and had ‘herd’ about the Christians and held negative opinions about them, I am not sure to what degree he had any real first hand communications with them, or any familiarity with the Old testament/ Book of Genesis, thus I tend to consider his situation as very similar to that of the *Pre-Christ* Gentile thinkers… Aliens from the Divine revelation.
He was a very interesting thinker…God will judge him.
Here is an interesting link to this Topic

Now As a Christian Theist who believes the Bible, I know there are Mountains of the most vital truths missing from this Natural/Deistic Faith position because I have the Divine Revelation… The Holy inspired and preserved words of God Almighty himself esp the Facts That Humanity is under a curse because of our Sin, and that our Sin separates us from God and puts us in danger of His Judgement and Damnation.
*It is possible*… because it is so obvious… without the aid of scripture to apprehend by the power of reason alone Humanities fallen/ sinful condition… our wickedness… our depravity… our Cruelty…. and perhaps from this a rationale may be conceived of the need to somehow appease the anger of the God(s)… for justice sake… all sorts of weird Ideas have been proposed… *Yet via reason it would be impossible to conceive of the doctrine of Christs virgin birth, and substitutional atonement for our sins, and resurrection*…from nature alone.
Indeed many Naturally minded people find these Doctrines repugnant… which leads to my main contentions for this blog about Deists living today in western civilization… and their willful ignorance/ rejection of the Divine Revelation… the Bible in which all these doctrines are laid out in the most Logical fashion from the very beginning in Genesis.


As I have said Deism is severely handicapped to what degree it can reveal the nature of God to us… limited in its certainty of moral precepts, etc, none the less *Today*…far from these limits as being considered by trendy thinkers as pitfalls… these people actually *enjoy* them!
Most of these are people *Today* … follow a trend that became fashionable from the end of the Great reformation who… for various reasons…good or bad… *hate organised religion* (which tends to be where Theistic claims of having ‘Divine revelation’ are most prevalent) … they also enjoy what they see as ‘the Freedom to do as they please… the only moral restraints being their own conscience… and esp that Deism can make no emphatic claims of Divine Judgement for moral failures… it cant even emphatically state the validity of any Human Judgement derived from Nature.
They will say that ‘Reason’ is the only Authority they will subject themselves to, and as they have reached to limits of Reason… they cannot be subject to any higher Moral authority or law.

Philosophers love to quote Hume … “you cant get an ‘Ought from an Is”.
Its Funny though that ordinary people seem to be able to do just that without much trouble appealing to sentiment… they are not moved by arguments that say we can have no confidence in these… in fact to my thinking …the rational approach to this mystery of consciousness to the ideas of Good and evil is not to say ‘We cant ever know’… but instead to set out *in faith* on a Pilgrimage to discover some means by which our sentiments can find Objective validation… It is a quest of discovery for the Divine revelation from the Intelligent Creator whose existence is testified to by his Natural handiwork.
And It is an Irony that in a work by the great skeptic himself David Hume called ‘Dialogues concerning Natural religion’ in which there is a debate about the existence of God, in which Hume deploys his skeptical arguments in the person of ‘Philo’, yet stunningly… in the final analysis his Book ends by giving the victory to the Theist ‘Cleanthes’!

My contention at the Debate was that not only did the Deity Communicate his existence and expectations of Humanity via Prophets and the written word… He intervened into Human affairs in the Most personal manor…. He visited us… and Walked among us… God was manifest in the flesh.

“Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:…”

Now when you add up all the components I have briefly discussed above you ought to be able to grasp why it is that I myself am a Theist… a Bible believer… That the fact that we westerners have easy access to the King James Bible and the book of Genesis therein, that willfully seeking to remain ignorant of the Divine revelation is inexcusable… and why it is that I have a pet dislike for modern Deism… esp its corruption/heresy of what I call Christian Deism which I see as a pathetic retreat from true Christian Theistic faith…caused by a weakness in faith and Bad reasoning… in the face of Atheist sophistry. (Topic for another Post)
I actually struggle to contain my contempt!
I need to take 5… and chill… and remember that it is only by Gods grace that I myself am a Christian at all.
I need to remember *How alien* I once was… How utterly incapable of apprehending the existence of God let alone the truthfulness of the Bible!

It is with all this in mind that I decided to keep calm and write this post..
Recently A friend of mine tried to justify the Deism of one of his Favorite thinkers Larkin Rose, which I had critisised as being pathetic… because he refused to make the most basic inference that Intelligent design demands *GOD* and that from this obvious conclusion… if he was an honest thinker… would demand he then begin a personal pilgrimage to discover *Who* this Grand designer is.

My friend began to repair to the arguments *of Classical Deism* and the limits that Logic faced in that direction… as if that excuse… which of course appears quite valid when looking back to heathen lands… and times before Christ… aliens to the Divine Revelation, Yet This blogpost is my express rebuttal to that argument when applied to modern thinkers like Larkin.
It is invalid for Thinkers today to simply rest on that ancient Plateau… because they live post Christ and have access to the Bible and history.
This makes them fully culpable for rejecting Jesus Christ.
Socrates on the other hand was not privy to the Bible… and I even conjecture that he would have become a Christian had he been given the opportunity… so many of his conclusions about Divine things being in perfect harmony with the scriptures… that he never had opportunity to read.
I say that If Socrates would have considered the Gargantuan explanatory power for the first chapters in the book of Genesis…plus all the rest… the Biblical explanation for the existence of Evil…The explanation of why God has separated himself from mankind… why we die… why there are Natural disasters, etc etc that it is very possible that he would have realised that this divine revelation gives a great logical basis for Biblical theistic faith when one applies it to the world about him.
That in fact the Bible *Is the Revelation* of the Intelligent designer of everything…his message to us his creatures… esp telling us *Who he is*… and what is *Really* going on.


So I question why it is that though Larken Rose sees through the delusion of atheistic evolution, he still is apathetic towards discovering *Who God is* and challenge him to Read the King James Bible… to really contemplate it’s message… and that in doing so he would no longer be in a position to argue that Logic ends at the plateau of Natural religion.
The Bible is a logical extension from the Plateau at the top of the Mountain… upwards out of the stratosphere all the way… a direct line of communication to the Deity… a logical vindication of Bible believing christian Theism.
Of course Satan and his minions have been attacking the Bible, and via sophistry undermining faith in its veracity as The Bible is the Ultimate Fortress of God for the believer. It is the Ultimate Lighthouse in the storm of life Shining its beams upon the treacherous Rocks of peril, and a Guide of Safe passage… salvation to every soul who sees its light and navigates into the Harbour of God’s love and Grace.
Satan is the enemy Of God and Men’s souls…The Father of Lies… it was by cunning craftiness that he was able to deceive Eve, and get her to disbelieve Gods word and to Eat of the forbidden fruit, and he has been at this game the whole time… Deceiving… yet the word of God remains like a Rock

Happy Resurrection Day!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant, 1611 King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Christian Libertarian.

The last paragraphs of Humes Dialouges concerning Natural religion…

If the whole of Natural Theology, as some people seem to maintain, resolves itself into one simple, though somewhat ambiguous, at least undefined proposition, That the cause or causes of order in the universe probably bear some remote analogy to human intelligence: If this proposition be not capable of extension, variation, or more particular explication: If it affords no inference that affects human life, or can be the source of any action or forbearance: And if the analogy, imperfect as it is, can be carried no farther than to the human intelligence; and cannot be transferred, with any appearance of probability, to the other qualities of the mind: If this really be the case, what can the most inquisitive, contemplative, and religious man do more than give a plain, philosophical assent to the proposition, as often as it occurs; and believe that the arguments, on which it is established, exceed the objections, which lie against it? Some astonishment indeed will naturally arise from the greatness of the object: Some melancholy from its obscurity: Some contempt of human reason, that it can give no solution more satisfactory with regard to so extraordinary and magnificent a question. But believe me, Cleanthes, the most natural sentiment, which a well-disposed mind will feel on this occasion, is a longing desire and expectation, that heaven would be pleased to dissipate, at least alleviate this profound ignorance, by affording some more particular revelation to mankind, and making discoveries of the nature, attributes, and operations of the divine object of our faith. A person, seasoned with a just sense of the imperfections of natural reason, will fly to revealed truth with the greatest avidity: While the haughty Dogmatist, persuaded, that he can erect a complete system of Theology by the mere help of philosophy,
KS 228
disdains any farther aid, and rejects this adventitious instructor. To be a philosophical Sceptic is, in a man of letters, the first and most essential step towards being a sound, believing Christian; a proposition, which I would willingly recommend to the attention of Pamphilus: And I hope Cleanthes will forgive me for interposing so far in the education and instruction of his pupil.
D 12.34
Cleanthes and Philo pursued not this conversation much farther; and as nothing ever made greater impression on me, than all the reasonings of that day; so, I confess, that, upon a serious review of the whole, I cannot but think, that Philo’s principles are more probable than Demea’s; but that those of Cleanthes approach still nearer to the truth.

Read the whole Dialogue here (It is fabulous! 🙂 )

More from Tim…. The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!