Category Archives: Apartheid

Phil Arps: A Portrait of a real Alt Right Nationalist White Supremacist: Combating Malicious Left wing propaganda.

Update: In the past few years I have had several conversations with Phil Arps via social media, and gave him opportunity to tell me his side of events. I spoke frankly with him about what I wrote below, and he responded cordially.

One of the most vile and Machiavellian ploys being used by the left today to discredit their political opponents and critics… esp those whose they cant defeat in open debate … those they seek to silence… those they seek to persecute and disparage the Public from paying them any heed, is to falsely label them ‘Alt Right’… White supremacists…. ‘extremists… etc.
The most common types to suffer this abuse are Conservatives and Libertarians.
This post is my attempt to expose this well known tactic, by presenting an *actual example* of a Real Alt Right Nationalist white supremacist … aka A Nazi… to serve as a template to show just how dishonest the left are when they label likes of Hobson’s Pledge *Don Brash* ‘Alt right’ etc.

That there does exist some genuine Alt Right Neo-Nazi Racists in New Zealand is not in dispute, yet they are *an infinitesimal minority*, yet again it is the desire of our devious agenda driven Left wing Government to greatly exaggerate the scale of this extremist group and the danger they pose to others so as to justify Heavy handed legislation against free speech, voluntary association, and extreme Jack booted behaviour by the Police.

Since the Christchurch Terror attack, all it takes to be raided by Armed Police now in New Zealand is for some radical left Social justice warrior to call a police hot line and finger anyone they disagree with … any critics of Arderns Government as being ‘Alt Right’.

The New Zealand Police have now become Politicized and are now acting as ‘Thought Police’ intimidating Critics of Ardern and themselves.

I want to discuss how and why the Police and government are demonstrating a very *left handed* bias when it comes racism and who they are choosing to focus their heavy handed attention upon , and talk a bit about the concepts of ‘Left, right, center, and Libertarianism yet let me first present to you a poster child exemplar for what a real New Zealand Alt Right Nationalist and White Supremacist looks, acts, and talks like.
Phil Arps.

Phil Arps (left) with Guns giving the ‘White Power’ Nazi Salute.

I think its important to insert a NewsHub link ‘Opinion:Why we ran the video of the white supremacist and the pig’s head’ here that exposes the sort of dangerous Racist and criminal Phil Arps is.

Without Doubt Phil Arps, who has just been convicted for sharing Brenton Tarant’s Prohibited Live footage of his Murderous Killing spree is a dangerous and Evil Alt Right Nationalist White supremacist… a Criminal who deserves to be behind bars.
Though I dont support the censorship of Tarrant’s manifesto… or the rationale that was given to justify it becoming a criminal offence to possess it or share it, nor do I agree with the extremely heavy penalties that apply to sharing the ‘prohibited’ video footage… and despite the fact that I believe the New zealand Police has been acting in a very Jack booted mannor themselves… post Christchurch… pointing guns in the faces of children, etc… still… despite all that… I congratulate the New Zealand Police for arresting Arps as he clearly represented a danger to Non-whites, Migrants, and Muslims.

I contend that even without the censorship of the Video, … or any New Hate speech legislation that New Zealand already has regulations against Threats of violence that Arps has violated many times, and justify him being Prosecuted and heavily punished.
Even if the Video was not outlawed, there still is probably a sufficient case to prosecute him for his intention to get the video doctored so that it had ‘Cross hairs’ going from victim to victim… so that he and his mates could use it to intimidate others, and watch it with Glee while drinking beer in Tarants honor, Eating Popcorn, and planning what crimes they might perpetrate against the focal point of their vile Racism and Bigotry… the Muslim community of Christchurch.
I believe that an argument may be made that his intent to doctor the video in such a way constitutes yet more threats and intimidation to commit violence against his local and peaceful Islamic community… the very community that lost 50 souls in Tarants cowardly and barbarous attack.
and as it turns out… even if such a case could not be made in that regard… the public has just found out that Arps has made explicit threats *Countless times* that he intends to commit murder against Muslims, and Jews.

All the censorship, and secrecy the Government and Police have shrouded around Tarrant and Arps (and another… including a youth who shared the banned manifesto *Before it was prohibited*)… has meant that the New Zealand public have been left in the dark about these very important cases… and I think this secrecy is outrageous as we the people have *the right* to know what the hell is going on and why… yet after News Hub ran their story ‘Opinion: Why we ran the video of the white supremacist and the pig’s head’ Many New Zealanders including myself got their first glimpse at what sort of person Phil Arps *Really is* and the Crimes that he has been committing against the Islamic community in Christchurch.
This is when We got to see *What a genuine Alt Right Nationalist White Supremacist looks like… how they behave… and how they think… driven by Evil… harboring malevolent intents against Non- whites, Migrants, etc… mimicking attitudes common in Nazi Germany in the 1920-40s.

So Phil Arps *is a genuine Alt right Nationalist White supremacist Hater*… a Loathsome racist… a danger to civil society that upholds Liberty and equality before the law for all.
Promoting Tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

The limits on free speech is not whether or not someone may be offended by what someone else has said, but whether or not incitement to or threats of violence have been made, thus Australian Rugby Legend Israel Folau was completely within his right to quote the bible that says sinners… including homosexuals… are in danger of Gods wrath.
This is nothing new to be said in western nations, nothing to loose your job over… until Left wing radicals who hate Christianity, have managed to totally dominate the political landscape and weaponise ‘Taking offence’ via the pseudo-moral construct of ‘Hate speech’… a construct that attempts to totally destroy the right to free speech in any nation that accepts its legitimacy.

What Ardern and the NZ Police need to remember is that a free and equal society *tolerates Free speech* and dissenting opinions, and the right to hold and expound religious opinions that may be critical of others…. *This is fundamental* to freedom and toleration…. *not a Police state that attempts to outlaw the people from expressing their religious views simply because another group dont like what they are hearing!
This Liberty is founded upon a body of enlightenment truths learned and fought for from centuries of struggle and is what has distinguished western Liberty from Tyranny of all sorts, from Fascim, from Communism, and from Islamic and even Christian forms of tyranny…. and why in most western nations Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists , and Hindus, have all been able to peacefully coexist… each group peacefully following their own consciences…under a social compact of equality before the law.

And all this was going just fine here until the foreign terrorist and psychopath Brenton Tarrant brought his murderous hatred to our shores!
yet instead of appreciating how good New Zealand really was in regard to these matters… the Ardern government took opportunity to destroy it all and impose tyrannical restrictions on guns and free speech!

They are manufacturing a crisis that never even existed here.
I’m Glad they have put Arps in jail. they should have done that a long time ago… they had enough laws in place to do so… yet now they are way out of hand and i hope the people of New Zealand put them back in their place!
Neither Arp or Tarrant are representative of any real crisis endemic in New Zealand!
There are Race relations problems here to be sure, yet they stream from a completely *different quarter*… and they too are the result of a politically manufactured crisis.

I want to talk about *Racist Doctrines that come from the far left* that likewise works to destroy yet another foundational principle of Western freedom… the principle of racial equality before the law.
Their divisive doctrines of ‘indigenous rights’… and ‘White privilege’ … ‘Treaty partnership’ etc etc have spawned deep racial divisions and a loathesome horde of racists of Colour… against Pakeha (New Zealanders of white European descent).
These left wing Racists far outnumber their Far right counterparts, and represent a far greater danger to New Zealand society than *real* white supremacists do.
But to talk about this blatant form of racism is to risk being labeled ‘A White Supremacist’.

Because of the failure of our Government to uphold the principle of Racial equality before the Law *Left wing Racist ideology has penetrated our government* and established an apartheid system complete with Race based Laws and institutions and created a two tier society based upon race.
Not only does this Officially endorsed form of Left wing racism now affect government policy, it also affects how they view critics of this institutionalized racism like Don Brash and his Anti-Treaty separatist lobby ‘Hobsons pledge’, and myself who has been a Libertarian activist calling for an end to Waitangi apartheid politics that has sprung up from Racist Radical separatist on the far left.
And yet neither *Don Brash, nor myself*… nor the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders who have had a guts full of the institutionalized racism that has sprung up under the guise of ‘honoring the treaty’… are Alt right Nationalists/ white supremacists… yet it is all too easy for the left wing politicians like Andrew Little and Tariana Turia to label anyone who opposes their Racist politics as being ‘Far right’… and racist.

Update: 19-5-19 Facebook temporarily suspends Candace Owens over post about ‘liberal supremacy’


The truth is that Don Brash’s desire (and mine) to end Race based Laws in New Zealand is as antithetical to Alt Right racism as it is to Alt Left racism.

The Leftwing racist radicals of New Zealand are the Maori separatist movement… yet these radicals have managed to find support within the mainstream political parties mainly because they have taken control of the guaranteed Race based seats in our parliament, and the two big parties have fallen over themselves to bribe the radicals in these seats into coalition deals for the sake of control of the government and country.
Its a well known corruption of our democratic system now know as ‘Brown mail’.(a phrase coined by Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters)

And if we step back we see this same Machiavellian mechanism being used by left wing socialists right across democratic Western societies whereby any critics of Left wing policies that involve matters of Racial or cultural content… eg people who are not happy with the way immigration is being managed… these people are being labeled ‘Far right nationalists’.
An example of a Far left Racist Radical organisation in the US that pretends to be representing oppressed Blacks is *Black lives Matter*.
this organisation is very much like the Maori radical separatist movement in that they are infested with White-haters who advocate radical left wing ideology all the way up to establishing full blown Communism in the US and here in New Zealand.

Another Violent Radical left wing group that was founded in the US that is causing Riots and violence, and is spreading throughout western Democracies … yet is not meeting with Due Police restraint is ANTIFA… with their ‘Punch A Nazi’… most people getting punched are not like Phil Arps… are not supporters of Adolph Hitler… but are often little skinny White Teens wearing MAGA caps!
And by far and large these Violent left wing scum get away with it because the Police forces are soft on left wing violence and racism.

The Media across the Western world is now so infested with Woke left Wing social justice warriors that in both New Zealand and the US the Media routinely paint President Trump and his supporters as *Alt right nationalist racist white supremacists*… Fueling the mindless Zombies of Antifa into frenzied riots and acts of violence… as if a white kid wearing a MAGA hat *Really is a Nazi!*

The irony is it’s ANTIFA who are acting Like NAZIs … they are the Intolerant hateful Barbarians calling for virtually everything to be banned, and attacking anyone who holds a different opinion to their own!
This is a classic demonstration of the absolute ignorance of how the Left have no idea how similar The two extremes of the Left and right are.

The Radical Left-wing Maori Joe Trinder wants Don Brash shut down and ‘Punished’ because Don Brash wants Racial equality before the Law whereas Trinder seeks to maintain and expand Racial separatism of the Treaty industry because of the vast wealth and political advantages it affords to people like himself.

Many Caucasian Vocal Internet personalities who have supported President Trump and been critical of the Lefts mass immigration policies and how Liberal governments have failed to maintain law and order (esp in France) have been systematically labeled ‘Alt right’ and ghosted on the internet.

When ever the Left writes an opinion piece that links Radical Nazis like Phil Arps with moderate conservative ‘center right’ critics they are perpetrating Political Slander of the highest order
An example of this is here … where by the conservative center right Facebook administrator of ‘Right Minds NZ’ Dieuwe De Boer is listed as being a part of the ‘Organised Far Right in Aotearoa/NZ’
At least the author has the honesty to admit De Boer is *a conservative*… not Alt right… yet still it is outrageous to include him in an article labeled ‘An Introduction to the Organised Far Right in Aotearoa/NZ’.
This is how the left opperates.

And governments across Western Civilisation are now sending out the police to harass voices of dissent, treating them as ‘dangerous radicals’ ‘hatemongers’ etc when in reality by far the majority of them are not Radicals at all… but conservatives protesting the rapid growth of the Police state being driven by the Left.
New Zealanders are being intimidated by the police for expressing their political opinions on Social media… exercising their right to fee speech… no threats… no hate… just critisisms of what our government is doing.

This is how dangerous and hateful the left wing has become… and yet how blind to it all the Mainstream Media and mainstream parties have become…. and because of this failure on the part of the media and Mainstream political parties… those who have had a guts full of militant left wing Aggression are far more likely to gravitate to the far right, given they can find no reasonable and determined opposition in the main body of the Center right.

Thus we should not be surprised to see the rise of Far right Groups and parties… though here in New Zealand the numbers have been very low… yet because the heavily slopped activities of Arderns government and the police post Christchurch, and their attempts to suppress free speech… we can expect the numbers of the Alt Right here not to subside… but to grow… all because the likes of the National party are not acting as a Conservative opposition party against all this left wing radicalism.

The truly *conservative center right voice* is no longer the Nz National party that has fallen so far left as to be almost indistinguishable from Labour… the Conservative right are now Epsom Mp’s David Seymour’s Act Party, Hobsons Pledge, and Libertarians like myself who voice our opposition to left wing radicalism and racism, yet also express our opposition to Alt right radicalism and racism…. yet the great propaganda lie is that we are Alt right… that because we want to end racial privilege to Maori that we are therefore Racist white supremacists… etc etc… all absolutely despicable lies… and yet willfully lapped up by the media, and the Left.

This is such a massive subject that I will have to make a second post that goes into detail about the so-called ‘left/ Right’ political spectrum and how cumbersome it is and how it is an insufficient… way too simplistic tool to describe individuals and various party co-ordinates within the whole political paradigm.
I will simply finish here with a photo of my own result having completed a political quiz that shows political positions on a two dimensional graph rather than on the one dimensional linear straight line from left to right that is taught in Zombie school politics class or law.

This tool is called ‘the Political compass’.
There are many different versions of this quiz that have different questions, and get different results.
For people like myself I often dont like the way many of the questions are framed, nor the limited ‘answers’ available to pick from… (like most political polls)… and yet usually I end up just on the left side and in the middle of the Libertarian lower half of the compass… yet in the one I post below I ended up just to the right, and closer to the demarcation line between Libertarian and authoritarian (not happy about that!) … yet most importantly *still in the Libertarian sector of the compass* which is the *very opposite sector to Socialist authoritarianism of both the Left and right!
Liberarianism is one of the Hardest political ideologies to sell because on one hand when we critisise the left we get called fascists, and again when we critisisze the Right we get called communists! Both equally false… both equally despicable slanders

This is a result of me doing a political compass quiz.
I am the red dot on the lower quadrant… just right of center.
Where Phil Arps would register I have represented with the Swastika High up on the Authoritarian scale and to the hard right.
Jacinda Ardern would register near the top (but not at the top) and near the far left (but not at the far left extreme).
The most important thing though is not so much how far to the left or the right a person scores but more how high or low a persons views puts them into authoritarianism… and the use of political power,force, and coercion, as opposed to how Libertarian a person is… those who believe in personal liberty, self reliance, self responsibility,free speech, and volunaty community actions.

Do the political compass yourself here (see sidebar)

So despite everything the left tries to say and assume about my politics because I critisise them so much… I am not an Alt right wing Fascist whatsoever.
Libertarianism *is not Alt right* and such accusations by haters on the left are filthy and disgusting Lies of the highest order.

New Zealand is *not* a nation that treats everyone equally yet this dangerous systemic racism is not Alt Right… but Alt Left!
The toxic *socialist racist doctrine* of treaty separatism and indigenous rights… and Colonialist ‘white guilt’… has grown to such a degree that even the center-right parties now advocate for it.
The Alt Right in New Zealand remains a tiny minority and yet the Way or Prime minister Jacinda Ardern and the Police are behaving anyone would think New Zealand is crawling with Neo Nazis and that New Zealand facebook users are chanting ‘Seig Heil’… and threatening their Muslim neigbours!
This is total Bullshit!
This is a propaganda generated hysteria… for Machiavellian political ends,,, the subjugation of the New Zealand people…. a massive power grab!

And to state something that is almost a crime to mention… The Monster who committed the Atrocities in Christchurch that has been used by Ardern and the Police to trample underfoot the rights and liberties of New Zealanders wrote in his now Prohibited Manifesto ‘The Great replacement’ that it was his intention to accelerate the march towards Civil War between the left and right factions within Western societies…. and the actions of Ardern and the Police are doing precisely that!
Ardern and the Police are playing their part in Brenton Tarrants diabolical plan… and they are doing there best to shut down voices like my own who use free speech on the internet to warn the Public what is going on, and to call the people of New Zealand to rally and protest against this *Police state* that has been foisted upon us in a mere matter of months.
And its not just happening here… but elsewhere also… It started earlier in Australia… its happening in the US, Britain, France, Canada… wherever Woke left wing Governments are selling out their nations to Leviathan seated at the UN.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.

More from Tim….









Update: 19-5-19
“OPINION: If you need evidence of why governments should not be trusted with regulating social media companies you only need to flick through the twenty four page advertorial masquerading as a report produced by the freshly minted Helen Clark Foundation last week.

It isn’t a long read, being mostly stock photos and images of Clark and Ardern, but its message is clear: new regulations are needed to prevent online hate speech in order to combat terrorism.

And by hate speech they mean Neo-Nazis and people who say mean things about the LGBT community.”
Read more here Mass shootings predate social media, so let’s focus on the real problems

Update: 19-5-19 Revealed: Government to allocate Budget funding to fight white supremacy

Welcome to the Machine! I guess it wont be long before I am put in jail for breaking New Zealand ‘Hate speech’ legislation.

Update:From Facebook, Andrew HS: 15-4-19.

“Hate Speech Laws and Blasphemous Libel: A Tale of Hypocrisy.

A few months ago, the Honourable Andrew Little quite rightly proposed a bill that eventually removed the last blasphemy law (s 123 of the Crimes Act 1961) from our statute books.

Before its removal, the effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity with an intent to cause serious offence or by abusing sacred objects or beliefs (Bowman v Secular Society Ltd).

Section 123(3) went on to specify: “It is not an offence against this section to express in good faith and in decent language, or to attempt to establish by arguments used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, any opinion whatever on any religious subject”.

Thus the cumulative effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity either in bad faith, or using indecent language.

At any rate, the repeal of s 123 was premised on concerns about the right to free expression. The necessary implication being that speech is *protected* notwithstanding that it is expressed in bad faith or indecent language, and vilifies Christianity.

If free speech grounds a right to vilify Christianity in bad faith or using indecent language, there is similarly a right to vilify any other religion in bad faith or using indecent language.

And yet I’m told that the latter would be legally actionable hate speech…”

The pace with which the current Ardern government is moving towards a police state, and the destruction of freedom is truly frightening!
And there seems to be nobody in parliament standing up in opposition to any of it!
The National Party have been hypnotized by the Ardern Cult of Personality… they pander to her every whim!
How the hell they ever expect this sort of Kowtowing to the Liberal agenda will help them get elected into power again is a mystery.

The Lefty infested New Zealand Press are hard at work lobbying for New Hate speech legislation and has acted like a Lynch mob towards Austrailian sports star Israel Folou quoting the Bible on his own social media page. and the condemnation he has received from our New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern herself, with the press goading her… begging her … to label what he said hate speech…here ‘Jacinda Ardern fires back at Israel Folau and social media comments’… while she was restrained by current legal definitions to label what he said as being a crime, she said she called it ‘Damaging’, yet we also know that her government is determined to push through New ‘hate speech’ legislation… with the same callous disregard for the rights of New Zealanders and due process they displayed with the latest Firearms prohibitions, and when you see what her minion Andrew Little thinks constitutes ‘hate speech’ if New Zealanders are not alarmed, and rise up against this abuse of power they truly deserve the expression of being a bunch of Sheep!
Unless new Zealanders wake up and stand against this sort of agenda driven anti-religious liberty… anti Free speech propaganda… Our country is doomed, and our children will not be taught anything other than what the government wants them to learn… and what they are allowed to believe… and think.
What has been circulated in the NZ media about Folou’s ‘Homophobia’ has been absolutely dishonest!

Read: Why does the Left have such venom when it comes to Folau?
And… ‘Faith comes first’ for unrepentant star Wallaby

For the record… I’m too a Christian, I do not hate homosexuals, yet I reserve the right to peacefully and freely preach about my Religion and quote the Bible… precisely as I have done for the last 34 years, and no Law from Parliament will stop me from doing this… They will have to arrest me to stop me!
This is precisely what the Right to free speech entails!
Go study the history of religious oppression and the birth of religious liberty in western civilisation… This is where the right to free speech was born!

Look at What Arderns’ Minion Andrew Little has to say about a political pamphlet that was circulated in Point Chev… this is her main man responsible for framing new Hates speech laws!
The Pamphlet called for ‘One law for all’… thats an *inclusive* Ideal in which all peoples of New Zealand are subject to the same laws… no favoritism… no discrimination… and yet he has called this *Racism*!

Quote: “The pamphlet titled One Treaty One Nation, calls for an end to state partnership with Māori, scrapping the Waitangi Tribunal, Māori electorates and wards and says Māori have benefited from colonisation lifting them out of “a violent stone age existence”.

Andrew Little who is overseeing a review of hate speech in the wake of the terrorist attacks told the Herald his view was the pamphlet is racist.

“It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”

How Arse-backwards and hypocritical could anyone possibly be???
The Man is worse than an imbecile!
Hes a Dangerous Political snake… and if he thinks by writing legislation that outlaws political opinions that disagree with his own patently wrapped Ideas he has another thing coming!
Little is suggesting this pamphlet calling for one law for all is written by some nutcase when in reality it is expressing a view that is held by a great portion of New Zealanders including many respected politicians more than his equal and many other prominent and intelligent New Zealanders.
The Principle of Racial equality is neither ‘Anti-Maori’ nor Fringe!
It is a legitimate Political position held by thousands of New Zealanders, well reasoned, and has been a foremost topic of elections for the past 50 years!
Does Andrew Little think he can impose his own liberal apartheid views by labeling opposition as hate speech?

Read: Anti-Māori pamphlet show gaps in hate speech law: Andrew Little calls for action

Here is the Pamphlet (Thanks Kiwi Front line)

As a Libertarian… I reserve my right to propagate the Idea of *One law for all New Zealanders* and to fight for the Principle of Justice… *Racial equality before the law*… just as I have done for the past two decades, and no new ‘hate speech laws’ written under the excuse of the Christchurch atrocity
will silence me from condemning the apartheid state that Ardern and Little are now at the helm!
I dont care if Andrew Little believes that Fighting for Racial equality is somehow ‘Anti-Maori’ and Hate speech!
It is not hate speech! I do not Hate Maori… I am a Maori myself!
I want what is best for them and all the people of New Zealand, and I condemn as unjust and an absolute failure the current Apartheid syatem that has not lifted Maori out of the gutter of our Social statistics, but has been a gigantic extortion racket!
I will not stop… I will never cease from seeking to expose the dishonesty of the Governments False revisionist history that seeks to deceive New Zealanders into accepting the lie that the Treaty of Waitangi created a two tier Racial system rather than uniting *all the peoples of New Zealand as one people under one law and one sovereign with equal rights* The Government will have to arrest me and throw me in jail because I will never stop using my natural right to freely speak the truth!
I declare that the current policies of Waitangi separatism are Evil!

One month on from Christchurch mosque shootings, big changes are still coming

So New Zealanders… will you surrender our country to such evil and tyrannical powers as have manifested themselves under Jacinda Arderns Psychotic Government????

I wont!
I have Children and Grand children who I want to live free and know the truth!
Id rather die in jail that surrender Political Freedom and My faith to the evil powers that threaten these most precious of values!
Will I have to rot in a dungeon as a political prisoner for New Zealanders rights to free speech and the principle of racial equality before the Law???
That this is even a possibility shows how dangerous to rights and freedom this new proposal for hate speech legislation is!

We can be sure that Little’s new Hate speech laws will result in a wave of censorship and Punishment for Thought Crimes… maybe the will force some of us to drink Hemlock for not worshiping the State Gods and Corrupting the Youth!


Political writer Dr Muriel Newman has written about these things in an article named ‘A totalitarian state’ and I quote…

“Calls for restrictions on free speech by radical Government MPs should raise the alarm about our future. While the Bill of Rights protects our freedom of thought, expression, and association, as we have already seen through the Censor’s bans, these rights are fragile and can easily be taken away.

Laws to protect New Zealanders from ‘hate’ can already be found in the Crimes Act, Harmful Digital Communications Act, Human Rights Act, and the Sentencing Act. If the Government is committed to stronger deterrents, they simply need to enforce the existing laws.

Already the call for action against ‘hate’ since the Christchurch attack has resulted in people losing their jobs for making thoughtless remarks, websites being blocked, and a social media crackdown being implemented. It may also have been responsible for a man losing his life.
New Zealanders who value the freedom and liberty that underpins our society should strongly oppose new laws to ban ‘hate’. Such laws, that would enable the Police to act against anyone expressing ideas contrary to those deemed acceptable by the Government, have proven to be a disaster in countries where they have been introduced, over-criminalising the population and allowing vexatious complainants to destroy lives. “…

I concur with Muriel, and implore the People of New Zealand to rally and protest against this Hitlarian Drive against Freedom in our country!
Do you want your children to grow up free?
Do you reserve the right to teach them your own Values and beliefs?
Or do you surrender these priceless things .. and give your children’s minds to the State to brainwash them with the beliefs and ideals these Political psychopaths running the machine?
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…












Thrown Under The Campaign Bus… The Ride To Hell With Winston Peters. 2017

To be edited.

The following is about a Post election exposè by New Zealand First Party candidate Kym E Koloni on her facebook page which expresses her deep disappointment with how she was personally treated by her party and how utterly betrayed she feels by Winston Peters himself.

I will let her speak for herself and make a few comments at the end.


Kym E Koloni
3 hrs ·

For the record …..
When I decided to stand as a candidate for NZ First I knew it was going to be stepping out of my comfort zone.
I value my privacy…and as much as I have a bubbly personality…I enjoy privacy and silent times too.
The sacrifices of putting myself out in the public eye for the sake of my country was carefully considered. But I was up for the journey…believing NZ First policies best represented my views for NZ.
My SPEECH on the 11th Sept changed this journey, and exposed how racially separate our people have become.
Removing ALL race-based policies, including promising a Binding Referendum to remove the Maori Seats was what Winston Peters and NZ First stood for and campaigned on…100%.
Why was I not supported by my party…? Why did Winston dismiss my speech and brutally demean and insult me by saying “What do you expect…that’s why she’s number 38.”
That insulting slamdown was not just to me…it damaged every NZ First candidate from 2 to 56.
How did those at 39 to 56 feel…? Utterly disappointed and demeaned.
I’ve asked the party to please point out what part of my speech was NOT our policy, and if policy had changed please inform me WHEN…and inform me when the candidates were informed.
That was 13th September. No response, no reply…silence.
Oh but the party gagged me in the meantime.
Apparently my comments were inappropriate in tone, misrepresented NZ First policy, caused significant damage to the campaign position and caused concern, indeed distress, to other candidates and members of the party.
My Northcote committee said I was arrogant and selfish, and I had jettisoned any hope of a political career.
I was told to remove the link to my speech from my Facebook page.
It was even suggested I remove my whole Facebook presence.
I was then told:
1. Not to make any media statements whatsoever, or respond to any media query.
2. Not to make any social comment on any NZ First issue.
3. Not to attend any public meeting or gathering related to the election campaign on behalf of NZ First.
4. Not to undertake any campaign activity on behalf of NZ First for the remainder of the campaign.
Effectively, they gagged me and the only option I had left was to continue campaigning independently of the party. My name was already on the ballot papers as the NZ First candidate for Northcote.I still believed I had represented our policies in everything I said in my speech.
I was still waiting for a response to my questions.
To date they have NEVER responded.
Thankfully, my faith in real NZers like me was restored.
The groundswell support I received publicly and privately was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
I needed it…thank you. ?
I suddenly had people around me who had my back.
I had eyes and ears who kept me informed and a step ahead of things happening…thank you.
My speech was being misreported over the media…but I was gagged from responding to correct it.
I was particularly disturbed to be alerted to a Head Hunter’s Facebook page with a link to my speech and my face plastered over the page….”This piece of shit needs to be executed “…share this bruthas. Yes, I kid you not.
The very content of my speech wanting UNITY and one law for all…and wanting ALL New Zealanders to be treated equally, was ironically exposing the very real racial separatism I was speaking against.
So there were bully’s to endure from within NZ First, the party I was representing.
There were bully’s from Maori radicals, including gangs.
I learned how to BLOCK….a skill I had no need to know before.
BUT, I am now being disowned by the party…they want my membership revoked….they want me gone.
So for the record….this has certainly been a life-changing journey…not quite the way I had envisioned.

Link > Here

Stuff article…. NZ First candidate vows to remove Treaty of Waitangi from law

TV1… Watch: ‘That’s why she’s ranked 38’ – Winston brutally cuts down candidate after controversial Treaty remarks


After reading Kyms post I was Angry.
Angry for Kym given she had stood up bravely for the Principle of racial Equality before the law yet had been utterly betrayed and marginalised by Winston Peters.

I was angry that this insider information served to confirm the view that Winston Peters had swindled voters like myself who gave NZ First our vote on the understand that should he hold the balance of power after the election, that he would secure a referendum on the issue of New Zealand’s race based Apartheid Electoral system.

Read : ‘Winston Peters delivers bottom-line binding referendum on abolishing Maori seats’

This was a policy that Winston was most vocal about leading up to the election , and one that I personally held to be the most pressing issue facing our Nation today!
And it was this policy that stirred myself and many others into throwing our support behind Winston Peters and New Zealand First despite our many reservations based upon his seriously checkered past.

In good faith I jumped into action and I wrote this… New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

and This… Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

My reply to Kyms post was… “Had I known all this before election day I would have immediately changed my mind about giving Winston first my vote and would have raised the alarm!”
Many People who voted for Winston feel the same way, yet of course Kym could not say any of this *before the election* being duty bound not to scuttle her own party… despite the treatment she received.
She did however work to the best of her ability to get supporters to put pressure on Winston Peters to stay the course… and not Reneg on his promises.
There was much that she saw from within the party that was shocking… and raised serious alarm bells… yet she could not communicate this to the general public.
We do not hold Kym at all responsible for Winston Peters Machiavellianism.

The Sad reality was at the time leading up to Vote Day, we supporters were left to our own imaginations… Can we Trust Winston?… are we being taken for a ride?
None the less many of us were committed to trying to get the referendum… the legitimacy of these not being something I readily accent to… yet given the circumstances was at least a shot at New Zealanders voicing their desire for reform.

Her Post-election Facebook exposè (above) made concrete what many of us suspected had happened … yet had no way of knowing for sure during the election campaign period … there were ominous signs yet we were always hoping we were going to get a referendum on this absolutely vital problem… while weathering a storm of slander by our more skeptical friends…. who all claimed to ‘Know with certainty’ that we were Fools to trust Winston Peters.
We were prepared to walk through this gauntlet for the sake of the cause to end New Zealand’s shameful Apartheid system.

I knew that there was at least a 50%… even a 60% chance they would prove to be correct as I myself had spent over a decade arguing that Winston Peters was a dishonest Rouge … in fact there would hardly be anyone who has been more vocal on this issue than myself… yet I also knew that these people could no more predict the future than I can… or Read minds better than I… and that if we voters wanted to get the referendum we could not falter on rallying as many votes as we could for NZ first… yet all the while being active in notifying NZ First and Winston Peters that the only reason we were voting for him was for the sake of the referendum.
I did have to pinch myself often… and reaffirm to my self my premises for maintaining my support.
I was one of many who actively conveyed this message… tagging in Winston Peters to every post, saying he must not falter… and encouraging everyone else to do the same…. yet I only once received a second hand ‘thank you’ from a third party… the silence was deafening from Winston.
And after he failed to support Kym on her brave speech… instead he publicly derided her in spite of her speech being received by us and with Joy… and being itself in full accord with Winston’s own speeches in recent times on this Vital issue… not surprisingly support for NZ First started to falter.

For all Winston Peters vast experience in Politics it is staggering to appreciate just how foolish and self-defeating his treatment of Kym was in the media!
If only he had doubled down and fully supported Kym in her stance and had encouraged *all of the 50+ NZ First candidates* to do the same… it is very reasonable to speculate that the ensuing sensation would have delivered at least twice the number of Votes for NZ First!
Just look at the impact and publicity Kyms single speech garnered!
Winston’s duplicity shot himself and his party in the foot and left all the candidates wondering what the hell they were supposed to say!
When the low life media pounced on Kim’s speech, Big Bad Winston crumbled like an amateur!
Instead of praising and supporting her… he threw her under his Big shiny Bus!
Looking back we can now say that even at this early stage…Winston’s retreat against the Brownmail and the PC Media had begun!

When I saw this at the time, as someone who was committed to voting for NZ first on this policy alone of course it disturbed me… of course it made me begin to doubt Winston’s sincerity on this matter… yet again being only left to my thoughts… I was wondering how much weight I could really place on this sad failure of Winston.

It was easy for me to make excuses in that Winston was touring the country at the time… and was clearly tired… impossible to communicate with… as he was the man of the hour.
Despite the so-called ‘Jacinda affect’… or because of it, the number-crunchers were predicting that Winston would hold the balance of power and so be the ‘King maker’ come coalition talk time.
This fact in itself was enough for people like me committed to the cause of ending apartheid to put aside our doubts… ignore the naysayers… and stay the course… as by doing the math there was every indication that Winston would indeed be in the perfect position after the election to fulfill his election promises to us in regards to the Referendum… despite Labour categorically stating they would not support a referendum , and National making similar noises… yet not so emphatically.
And when The election was over and all the special votes were tallied… Winston had not received as many votes as he had hoped for… yet was still the most powerful man in the country given he would decide of the two Obese parties who would govern.
From a policy point of view, and given that the Maori party had been wiped out, I expected Winston to be easily able to negotiate the referendum as part of a coalition with National… though I appreciated that it was all dependent on what Winston’s true ambitions were, and what National and Labour each put on the table.
Yet all the talks were done in secret… and we the public have not been informed about any of it… even after the decision was made… and this is a travesty!
We the people deserve to know what the hell was going on!
Why the secrets now?

Winston’s duplicity came to the fore!
Straight after the election he started making noises that indicated he was about to do the dirty on us… excuses such as “A Referendum on the Maori Seats is not so important now the Maori and Mana parties have been eliminated…” to paraphrase.
This is an absolute Joke!
The Racist seats are still there… still occupied by Racists… and still perverting our government into making racist Laws and favours!
What more Winston decided he was going to get into bed with the very Party that now occupies those apartheid seats!

I now suspect Winston Peters did not even bother himself trying to negotiate for the referendum… did not play hardball on behalf of those who voted for him specifically on this policy and to whom he was morally obliged to champion in honoring his campaign promises… even though we had delivered to him the supreme power to make Ultimatums!

I have several times tried to get Winston Peters to at least explain why he was not able to swing the deal… and why he went with Labour… yet we only get silence.
Apparently Winston does not communicate with the little people.
I even suspect he was intending to go Labour very early on and knew he would not be fighting for the referendum once Labour announced they would not agree to it… yet of course he dishonestly carried on letting us believe that he was going into post election negotiations… “not for Baubles of Office… but for what was for the good of the country”.
Hollow words.
He sold us out for what was his *real goals*.
And he and his mates have again taken the Baubles of Office… over what was in our Nations best interests!
And now I must even bear my Wife’s derision for giving Winston my support… she… like many of my friends tells me she ‘Knew’ all this would come to pass.
This would have to be one of the lowest Political low points for me… yet despite being made a fool of… when I look back at how I ended up here… I still see a clear rationale… and I still believe that I voted upon Principle.
A worthy Principle.
And that as voters… we who voted for NZ First on the basis of Ending Treaty separatism did everything within our power to see that principle prevail, yet that is the limit of our strength… and the limit of our responsibility.
The Failure squarely rests upon Winston Peters, and National, and Labour… *and the voters who voted for them*.
I voted for The principle of One law for all, and New Zealand first because of people like Kym Koloni who have now joined a most heroic club… those brave souls whom have suffered threats to their safety because they have challenged Racist Laws and institutions.

Nobody else was prepared to stand up…. certainly not David Seymour and Act.
For people like me New Zealand First was the only hope.
And this was also the opinion of the lobby Group ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ . .. though not specifically endorsed… you can see this from their posts and from some of their reasoning’s why they believed we should stay the course even when Winston was making comments that raised concerns.

Despite having vocally condemning Winston for years esp his underhanded grab of the baubles of Office in 2005, I was prepared to show grace… and to give Winston one last shot at personal redemption… which is something I personally believe in… only to have my olive branch trampled underfoot by a charlatan of such a grand scale that despite all my reasoning and excuses in this blog… I still question my own intelligence for being sucked in so badly!
Given that I never stood myself for election due to financial troubles with the IRD, I am in a quandary as to how I could have acted more wisely, and will have to bear the ignominy of having cast a vote for the Used car salesman… the very poster-child of a dirty scheming modern politician… a Lawyer none the less!… for the rest of my life.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Though Winston was King Maker and he now has many baubles of Office…the election for New Zealand First was actually a failure generated by a fiasco of Party chaos and mis-management and confusion.
Though Winston had managed to con more than twice as many candidates to stand for him this election, because of the incompetence of Winston’s team leadership and the uncertainty he generated during the campain, they ended up with Far less votes than the previous election and Less seats in Parliament!
Many of MPs lost their jobs and are wondering ‘what the hell happened?’
I guarantee they will be given some lame excuse… if any… like ‘The Jacinda effect’

As a homeless Libertarian I knew that after the election either National or Labour would be in the driver’s seat, a very depressing thought… for me that is like …do I prefer to be trodden underfoot by a Left Boot… or a right one?
Neither is at all appealing or preferable… and so morally speaking this situation was virtually neutral as far as my personal culpability goes as a voter…should Winston choose of go left or right… yet like I said… I did expect him to go with National… even though I think they suck … and one perverted part of me enjoys hearing all the National Party supporters squeeling like stuck pigs because Winston did not choose National!
All their decrying of MMP because they still cant get it trough their thick Meat heads that just because National got more than Labour… they did not get enough to win!
I am shocked that Jacinda Ardern is now our PM…. I think it’s ridiculous… I think Labour is ridiculous… yet I also think National is an absolute joke too!
The Idea that Bill was ‘A steady hand’ on the economy is such a delusion that beggars belief!
His Party borrowed and spent more than any other government in the history of our Nation and leaves office with our Nation Buried in debt!
Good Riddance!
Though I expect many foolish policies from this Labour Led coalition I also have hope of some good stuff… one very important law reform is far closer now with the sacking of Bill English… and that is Cannabis Law reform … something that despite the howls of all the nasty prohibitionists will deliver massively on Social Justice and Law and Order.
I am happy that there will be an attempt to recover the Dead of Pike river and investigate this Cover up.
I am also Happy that Ron Mark is Minister of Defense and that there is good reason to think the 10:80 Program… dumping toxins by the hundreds of tonnes … and the cruel deaths it inflicts will also end.

I Visited Kym yesterday and we had a great talk (hence the photo).
We discussed things in confidence I am not a liberty to mention here, yet I suggest people pay attention to her facebook page.
I dont agree with everything Kym expounds yet certainly with a great deal.
She is a Christian and an exceptionally Brave woman who stood up for what was right… Ending Racist Laws and establishing One Law for all.
Cheers for that Kym!
You Rock!
Irrespective of what fate holds for you with regards to New Zealand first, I certainly hope this will not be the end of your activism to end Waitangi apartheid.
I hope we can work together for the sake of justice and all the people of New Zealand.

Any Kiwi interested in fighting Waitangi apartheid should sign up at Hobson’s pledge and become active supporters.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian Independent.
Activist for Ending Treaty separatism, and the establishment of Racial equality before the Law.

Another commentary….

Here is something from Whale Oil Blog that sums things up… “Winston made the most of those poll results and promised the nation an end to the festering apartheid problem embedded within our law and administration, Winston did this by promising his “Bottom line policy”, that he would require a “Full public referendum” on the retention of the Maori seats, NO conditions were attached or made public, just an unconditional public promise of a referendum.

Many frustrated voters looked past all Winston’s obvious faults and their concerns over other NZ First leftish Policy, to see a major reversal of the obnoxious evil of apartheid, and gave a party vote for Winston, based primarily on that one restorative policy.

Those trusting voters were DUPED, they were lied to, Winston seized his own power, by sacrificing the one policy that gave him his voting numbers and put him in that position of power.

It is a travesty of natural justice.”
From here : The Winston Legacy

Update: 11-8-17… The magnitude of Winston Peters deception is becoming more apparent by the day!
That he has filed legal proceedings against National party MPs The day before the election proves positively that the entire negotiations with National and Labour were one gigantic scam and yet again we have the evidence that Winston put his own interests ahead of the Good of the Country.
There never was any hope of Winston negotiating for the Referendum with National!
He had already decided he was going to use the position we gave him for his own selfish ends!

Pension leak real reason Winston chose Labour

If you ever wondered why Winston Peters decided to get into bed with Labour after the election and if you were ever in any doubt, you only have to have a squizz at the papers filed with the Auckland High Court fingering those who the New Zealand First leader thought were responsible for the leak of his pension overpayment.

They were filed the day before the election and named all the National Party suspects, including the then Prime Minister Bill English, along with his Deputy Paula Bennett and the campaign manager Steven Joyce.

It was just over a week later that the same three Nats filed into the coalition casino with the gambler Peters, who unknown to them, or anybody else for that matter, had already laid his cards on the table.

The dealing had been done. Like all good gamblers, Peters kept a stony face, letting them believe they were still in the game whereas in reality they’d been dealt out when the court papers were filed against them. The notion that he could now be sitting at the same Cabinet table with them is beyond comprehension.

More from Tim

Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and commentary on strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

28 October New Zealand: Fake Day of Remembrance :The Maori Wars of 1860s

To be edited…

This is yet another blog post that I have been paralyzed by the shear magnitude of the task involved in doing justice to the subject … and so have again literally left it to the last hours to attempt… as I have no more time to wallow in self-doubt about my writing skills.
The day is literally at hand, and so I am compelled to write this in spite of my fears that I will shortchange the virtuous.
I am of course talking about the Fake day of remembrance that Maori radicals have managed to manipulate our government into officially endorsing and even providing Tax payer money of 1 million dollars annually to fund what will prove to be a gigantic day of propaganda designed to present the wars as an injustice committed by the Colonial government against so-called ‘righteous and peaceful tribes’ for the sake of stealing their lands… as if the aggression was on the side of the Colonial government… driven by greed… and in violation of the Treaty of Waitangi.

See: Fund opens for NZ Wars commemorationsMonday, 10 July 2017, 10:29 amPress Release: New Zealand GovernmentHon Te Ururoa Flavell

We have already seen ‘Waitangi day’ being absolutely hijacked by the Racist radicals and turned from what was supposed to be a day of celebrations for the unification of Maori and European Settlers as one people, under the benevolent sovereignty of the British crown … into a day of Race hate and propagation for Separatism and special privileges for Maori.

Why on earth you may ask has the government set us up to endure more of the same vile opportunism for the lies and hatred from a small but highly politicized section of our society who are hell bent on propigating grievous racial divisions for the sake of their own political agenda of extortion?
The answer is simple… The National party was in Bed with some of New Zealand’s most prominent Racial separatists sitting in the shameful Racist seats of our parliament all members of one of the most racist political parties… the Maori party!
Ie the reason the National government has given this opportunity to ferment even greater racial division was because they have been selling out our country to these racist seats for decades!

A very warped and dishonest account of events and the wars of the 1860s will be rammed down the throats of our entire nation tomorrow.
No good will come of this travesty!
Truth will be the first and greatest victim… followed by ongoing and increasing injustices against the vastly superior numbers of New Zelander’s many of whom are completely oblivious to the fact that they are being taken for a ride!
These are the fools who are the ‘enablers’ … those whose accent empowers the Racists to achieve their vile ambitions.

Yet many of us Kiwi will immediately realise this day is just a big Charade… the familiar pantomime is again being acted out by the same old troupe of actors…with a sprinkling of new zealots… yet with the same old plot… like some badly written sitcom.

Que the Wailing Wahine!

Due to decades of False revisionist history being spoon fed to the sheeple in our Education system by radicals… some who have risen into political prominence by peddling their lies… such as Auckland University Radical Pita Sharples… later to be Co-leader of The Maori Party… sufficient numbers of Non-Maori New Zealanders have swallowed the separatist narrative of Pakeha Greed and have taken on a collective guilt trip… and are supporting their own political oppression!
Though they undoubtedly know that they themselves have not acted in a racist manor towards Maori… yet in their eagerness to deny any hint that they themselves support the ill treatment of Maori have assumed they are guilty by simply being a descendant of the colonials… whom have been painted as being Greedy Bastards… or because they will perceive that because they have benefited from the colonial system (as everyone… including Maori has)… that because of the claims of the Maori radicals… that somehow they themselves have wrongly profited… so they assume they owe Maori ‘Reparations’.
This is why so many Pakeha do not balk at the Billions of Tax dollars getting handed over to racists instead of being spent on Hospitals, schools, Medicines, etc.
They believe the hype that *They are responsible* for the present low condition and terrible social statistics that are wielded like a Mere by the radicals as evidence of Pakeha oppression when in reality it is the shocking lack of Personal ethics, and lack self responsibility why Maori are responsible for their own misery…themselves!
They are the ones who stuff their faces with unhealthy food.
They are the ones who Drink themselves stupid rather than saving their money to better themselves.
They are the ones who commit violence and thefts and end up in jail.
All the while refusing to take ownership of their own problems… all the while listening to the lies and agitations of their political elites who profit from the ongoing misery of their people… and who blame the Pakeha for everything!

This is what Waitangi day has come to represent, and is the vile mentality that will be prominent tomorrow and will underpin ‘the remberance day ‘ of the wars of the 1860s.

Now that was the easy part of this post… the part that is most familiar to most New Zealanders, the harder part that I can now only lightly touch upon is the actual history of the wars themselves and what they really were all about.
This is difficult because to do it with justice would require massive volumes.
It would require a monumental amount references to historic events and records, all the while having to counter-argue against the Tidal wave of Political propaganda and revisionist lies that have twisted history to suit the narrative of Maori as victims of Colonial oppression.

None the less I must give at least a brief commentary on the over-all principles and motives that were in play at those times…
I cannot here engage in dealing with specific accusations leveled at various battles against the Colonial troops by those that have a political vested interest to sully the reputations of some of our countries greatest heroes… like Major Von Tempsky…. a man of Outstanding Heroism and exploits… An Enlightened thinker of High Character and Art… a true Renaissance Man… and who gave his life for Law and order , Peace in this country and good will between Maori and Pakeha that lasted 100 years… and who also until recent times was honored as one of our greatest historic figures.
He was revered by friend and foe alike!
It is the rightful legacy of such Great heroes and the honor they are due that is being robbed by despicable liars for their own financial and political gain.
Even his enemies worshiped his mana as a mighty and fearless warrior.
Today he has suffered Post humorous Political character assassination by the vested interests who seek to hide the rightful guilt that belongs to the rebellious tribes who caused war against the Colonial government by open rebellion to the treaty for the sake of pushing the Pakeha into the sea and re-establishing Maori sovereignty under the Tainui King.
They thought they would easily win…and slaughter the Pakeha… ‘Like cutting grass’.
These wars were not about land at all!
They were about Sovereignty!

Just one on-line reference to VonTempky’s good character can be found here

“Von Tempsky took part in the actions at Hairini, Waiari, Rangiaowhia, Kihikihi and Orakau, establishing a reputation as an intrepid leader. He was a strong disciplinarian who was popular with his men. When the defenders broke out of the Orakau Pa, he led his men in a ruthless pursuit but strongly disapproved when the British troops killed some of the wounded and women. He encouraged his men to intervene in order to prevent these atrocities.”

After 20 years of British rule via the colonial government and the growing settlement of the Nation the Chiefs and Maori Aristocracy became jealous of the growing powers of the government and were watching an inevitable reduction in their own powers and ‘mana’ over their own tribes as their people voluntarily embraced Pakeha ways, manors, beliefs that were not conducive to maintaining faith and submission to the old Hierarchy… and just as is typical for humanity the world over… when powerful vest interests feel threatened… they plot.
And so a few of the Tribes decided they would rebel and try and overthrow the Government and become masters of the country themselves… and they tried to convince many of the other tribes to join their rebellion yet were unsuccessful.
There are records of all this and one famous account that when Kingitanga Tainui emissaries approach Ngapuhi to join the rebellion that they were mocked!
Ngapuhi said they would rather be governed by an English woman than any Tainui King!
So perhaps one of the greatest proofs of the lies of today’s Radicals and their historic revisionism is the undeniable fat that the wars were not Maori verses Pakeha… But Maori and Pakeha vs a handful of murderous tribes in rebellion of the treaty!

Read about this here

On the left is my copy of ‘The Defenders of New Zealand and Maori history of the war’ in which both sides of the conflict are presented.

And what is also not taught in our schools is that the rebellious tribes were murdering people and making war preparations to attack Auckland, and that they were duly warned by Govenor Grey to desist their rebellious activities… if they desired to keep their rights as enunciated by the treaty!
What is not being taught in our schools or spoken of in our media is that troops were only deployed after Governor Greys warnings were spurned and war preparations and attacks on setters continued.
He fore-warned them that if war broke out they would loose land as punishment for violating the treaty
And when the rebellions were suppressed, Land was confiscated as punishment for their murderous rebellion and as a deterrent against future rebellions… ie The treaty was not backed by a toothless lion and that there was to be a heavy price to be paid by any chief or tribe that rebelled.
And so it was the confiscations that were the chief reasons that quelled any ideas about rebellion for the next 100 years!

“Some have said that these conviscations were wrong and they have contravened the articles of the treaty of Waitangi, but the chiefs placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and authority to make laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that authority, war arose and blood was spilled. The Law came into opperation and land was taken in payment. This itself is Maori custom – revenge- plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their chiefs who ceded that right to the queen. The conviscations can not therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty”.
Extracts from ‘The Treaty of Waitangi, an explanation’ by Sir Apirana Ngata.

Furthermore the suppression of the rebellion was committed to General Cameron… a man famous for his compassion towards the Maori rebels… a man who respected their bravery… a man who was reluctant to use excessive force to the degree that he was derided for being too weak in his execution of the war… yet you will struggle to find any honest accounts of his humanitarianism on modern biographies written by prejudiced academics who purposefully downplay the virtues of those on the colonial side yet exacerbate their vises, while whitewashing the crimes and motives of the rebels.
This is an entire industry these Days…. the falsification of history by academics and the Monumental extortion of manufactured grievance.

And this is what will be on full display tomorrow.

Now in finishing and having presented my contentions as to why the wars happened and how it was the Rebellious Maori tribes who violated the treaty… not the colonial government who acted lawfully in full accord with the Treaty let me put in this caveat: Though I assert that the Radicals claims that the wars were started by the government out of lust for land and Greed to be fraudulent this should never be construed to say that there were never any individual instances of greed on the part of some settlers… nor any instances of ‘war crimes’ committed during any of the battles… of course there would have been some… yet these were not endemic or evidences of systemic corruption… and of course these sorts of things would have been committed intermittently by both sides… and it is telling that you will never ever hear any admissions of … even of the possibility that the Rebels committed atrocities even though they have been fully documented!
This shows just how absolutely un-objective the Radical separatists are and how their entire arguments are the very definition of extreme prejudice…falsehoods… the pure fabrication of vested interests with vile agendas
A classic example of this is how the radicals have managed to get our corrupt government to accepting a sanitized revisionist account of the historic murder and cannibalization of a christian Minister C S Volkner by the rebels. Read about that here

The colonization of New Zealand was not an invasion against the will of the Natives.
The truth is that Maori themselves petitioned the throne of England to establish their Rule here to maintain peace between the settlers and themselves and to protect them from France who were planning to take New Zealand for themselves. And the reluctant British parliament moved to save them in the nick of time!
The Treaty itself is a document of the highest humanitarian Ideas that stands like a shining light in the history of the world having been formulated by benevolent Men with genuine concern for the Maori people in an age of enlightenment in the British empire… have only a few years before abolished slavery!

Weakness and complicity has allowed the 100 year peace that was established via the suppression of the rebellion by the colonial forces to be shattered… and another Cold war of rebellion to be taking place… not with arms… but via political subversion and lies!
it is actually part of a Global socialist agenda against what they call ‘British/ European imperialism’ and it was the socialist who invented the evil doctrines of ‘indigenous rights’… that overturn the principle of justice as being Equal and colourblind and instead insists so-called indigenous people have more rights than so-called ‘invaders’.

Read about this here

We are witnessing a politically manufactured Race relations crisis, and tomorrows events will only serve to make things worse.
The National Government and their allies… Act and The Maori Party have committed another political crime against the people of New Zealand by endorsing and funding, and enabling the radical extremists to yet again peddle their lies and hate on an annual basis.
This blogpost is part of my ongoing efforts for nearly 20 years to speak for the truth and for the principles of Freedom and Equality before the law.
Dont be fooled by all the lies that will be spoken about tomorrow!
Go study the history of our Nation… not from modern revisionist sources… but buy up Old books written in the early 2oth century… or earlier.

The Colonistaion of New Zealand was nothing like the colonisation of America, or Australia…
Read about it here… Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Tim Wikirwihi.
Libertarain Independent.

P.S… So many things I have had to leave unsaid here yet I will add one final comment.
All of this business hinges upon the idea of ‘State sovereignty’ I have not had opportunity to present any arguments to why this is whole concept is flawed and that enlightened minds do not endorse Sovereign states but instead argue for the Sovereignty of the individual and how this does away with Factions fighting over political power and advantage.
That will have to wait for future expositions.

An Old picture of me with my Grandfather Autiti at Whakarewarewa.

More from Tim…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017
The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The New Zealand War of the 1860s was not a ‘Land war’… It was a Sovereignty War.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Where Haters come from.


The 28th came and went almost as if it never happened!
Apart from a few Newspaper articles and small amounts of TV coverage we may even say the Big event was a complete wash out!
I am yet to find out exactly what/why all the hype never transpired as this was supposed to be… politically Speaking in the Radical separtist movement… A Big Deal!
Was it because of the recent collapse of the Mana and Maori Parties?
What happened to the $400 000.00 of Tax payer money that was granted … of a total of 1 million on offer for this year… and 3 million more over the next 3 years?
There were supposed to be big events at various parts of the country such as Rangariri here in the Waikato yet it appears that they all failed to transpire.
I have no clue as to what happened, why, or what this all means.
I will update this blog when I get more info.

“The government allocated $4 million across four years in last year’s budget to fund the commemorations, and nearly $400,000 dollars has been handed out for 16 applications received since.”
From Here

Group Event Region Event Location Event Start Date Event End Date Amount Requested
Tihi Consultants Limited The proposal is to deliver a series of events over the two weeks, leading up to a commemorative service at Te Ngutu o te Manu Reserve on 28 October 2017. Te Tai Hauāuru Hāwera Monday, 16 October 2017 Friday, 27 October 2017 $9,000.00
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Two-day symposia titled ‘Te Pūtake o te Riri’ with a number of outcomes. Waikato-Waiariki Whakatāne Wednesday, 18 October 2017 Thursday, 19 October 2017 $95,200.00
Ngāti Awa Community Development Trust Commemoration of the 1865 Battle of Te Kupenga a Taramainuku Pā Waikato-Waiariki Te Teko – Te Kupenga Pā Friday, 20 October 2017 $67,863.00
Te Reo Irirangi o Te Mānuka Tūtahi Trust Broadcasting and Online Video Streaming of the 2017 commemoration service of the Battle of Te Kupenga a Taramainuku Pā Waikato-Waiariki Whakatāne Friday, 20 October 2017 $6,000.00
Māori Land Charitable Trust Public screening of the New Zealand Wars series Te Tai Hauāuru Ōtaki Saturday, 28 October 2017 Sunday, 12 November 2017 $12,000.00
Kuranui College – Greytown Theatre based on one of the East Coast Wars affecting Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Kahungunu Te Tai Hauāuru Greytown – Wairarapa Late October $2,500.00
Bridget Williams Publishing Trust To support the Vincent O’Malley giving talks to schools about the significance of the New Zealand Land Wars Te Tai Hauāuru 20 School Visits Early 2018 Early 2018 $30,000.00
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui Trust (TRONRT) To organise a hīkoi to the South Island to pay respect, wānanga the historical account of, and acknowledge the lives, achievement and resting place of our Ngāti Ruanui & Pakakohe Tūpuna who were imprisoned in Dunedin in 1869. Te Tai Hauāuru South Island Thursday, 1 March 2018 $61,500.00
Raukawa Charitable Trust Tour to four significant New Zealand war sites where Raukawa had significant involvement. Waikato-Waiariki Tour to four significant New Zealand war sites where Raukawa had significant involvement. Friday, 6 April 2018 Sunday, 8 April 2018 $71,200.00
Waiokura Marae and Reserves Trust Commemorate Ōrangituāpeka and the significance of the Rāhui Whenua Te Tai Hauāuru Manaia, South Taranaki Wednesday 25 April 2018 $30,000.00

From Here

Read National day to remember the New Zealand Wars to start in 2017

Read $4m to commemorate New Zealand Land Wars Maori Party

The Great Xenophobe Winston Peters Fathers NZ Asian Political party.


The Master Puppeteer Winston Peters has gullible Pakeha Kiwi dancing to his fiddle again.
Supportive posts of his latest antics are flowing into my Facebook news feed.

Winston Peters has always been a populist politician … Its always about the math.
Never allowing his politics to be scuttled by un-popular moral principle… yet always opportunistic to suiting up his self-interested populism in some pious garb….whenever convenient.

This time he has climb upon his soapbox to Cry outrage at the foundation of an Asian political party…

Read /watch Here> Peters lashes out at ‘ethnic-based’ People’s Party

“The Gaul of these Boat People! We let them in out of the goodness of our hearts… they steal all our jobs, Buy up all our houses”…. they are taking over the Joint!…We should ship them all back to Katmandu!”

No… sorry Winston never said that… *Not exactly that* … yet again that is exactly the sort of mindset he’s pandering too… of the sort of people who Idolize him… laugh at his jokes… and keep voting for him.

Yet Lets ask the obvious question… why on earth would Kiwi Indians and Asians ever think they would need such a political Party?

I agree that there can be no legitimacy for Racial parties… that the rise of such phenomena is frightfully regressive, yet when it comes to politics of race… of all people *The hypocrisy* of Winston Peters is staggering!
*He of all New Zealand politicians * has made political Capital by attacking Asian immigration, Asians buying property, Asians driving on our roads, etc etc…. to the degree that His pandering to Xenephobia would be the chief reason he has remained in parliament for so long.

*Given the Racist nature* of New Zealand politics and Media, we should not be surprised that some Kiwi Asians have thought that establishing their own Political party to champion their own interests is a smart idea.
So Winston truly is a scoundrel… and New Zealanders who buy into his Posturing are as thick as two short planks… allowing such a Charlatan to play them so easily… lapping up his Bullshit…. never holding him to account for his own despicable politics…. because he’s smart enough to *pander to the despicable and ignorant opinions of the Sheepish Kiwis.


This is the Political environment Shameful Politicians of division have created… and Winston Peters Ranks Right up there with Tariana Turia, and The rest of the Racist Maori politicians.
Whereas The Maori radicals have made political capital out of stiring up Maori grievance and victimism, Winston Peters has not simply Capitalized off the Pakeha Backlash… which is legitimate, he has pandered to a deeply rooted Xenephobia towards Migrants, and Asian migrants in particular…. the sort of small minded, easily spooked paranoia that lurks within almost every population… and is a ‘sure bet’… for Populist politicains the world over…. the most famous of these currently being the Republican party candidate for US President Donald Trump.


Ever wonder why Western Civilisation is a sinking ship?
Trumps Campaign has been propelled forward by tapping into the very same *Bigoted* and Paranoia driven mindset lurking within so many Americans…. and it is these sorts of Popular phobias and prejudices that make Democracy a frighteningly Barbarous and Backward means of choosing Political leadership, and granting them the powers that they may wield.

It is because Democracy tends to be driven by mass hysteria rather than ‘Mass wisdom’ that an Enlightened Constitution is essential… to enshrine *The Rule of Law*… Principles of Justice… and limits to Government power… to Keep Populist Politicians in check and prevent them from enacting Laws that dont embody the principle of Equality for all regardless of Race, sex, etc.
It is only when a nation has no such Constitutional Defense, That Politicians like Trump and Winston Peters think they can win votes by making Statements that patently single out ethic groups to be politically suppressed and legally dis-advantaged.
So despite what so many Pakeha think about Winston Peters being ‘a great man of principle because he vocally condemns special treatment for Maori… in reality *He is exactly the same sort of Politician as the Racist Maori radicals*… when it comes to Asian ethnicties…
Yet of course they turn a blind eye to this… because Winston is pandering *To their personal anti-asian sentiments.
This is what really pisses me off the most about so many people in the ‘One Law for all’ movement… In reality the only evil they are fighting is the Waitangi racism that directly disadvantages themselves…. in the next breath they are quite happy to forget all about racial equality and freedom… and to support politicians who peddle Racist politics against a demographic they personally fear and disdain.
So underneath their pious calls for One law for all… there still lurks a petty mind driven wholly by self-interest… the use of the Principle of Equality is little more than a convenient tool to get their own way… Tragic.


The American Constitution is Battered and Crumbling… their population has become virtually lobotomized as to what their constitution represents, why It says the things it does, and how it is being subverted…
Without an Ironclad constitution Democratic Government is not *Lex Rex*….The Rule of Law…. but the opposite…. completely arbitrary… the rule of whim… and its that whim that is the play thing of populist politicians… (many like Peters and Dunne vocally express their contempt for ‘Ideology baced politics.)

This Millenia has been called ‘The Information Age’, yet in reality I think a better term is “The age of Bullshit”.
The Law of Compensation appears Ironclad.
On one side of the scale… The Internet, and social media have created an unprecedented freedom of information, and made it almost impossible for Governments and the powers that be to prevent uncomfortable facts for becoming public knowledge… so that one of the greatest aspects of political powers has been how they can keep their secrets secret… punish whistle-blowers, etc… all the while claiming to be ‘transparent’ and for justice to be seen being done (yet still allowing secret courts, Police to charge private citizens filming them, etc)

Many Believe the Internet is therefore this positive power for the people…

Sadly there is a Natural… ugly… counter-balance… the Law of Compensation…

Because of the internet, and social media there exists today an unprecedented means for Mass Bullshit, paranoia mongering, and herding the Sheeple…. Burring the truth under mountains of lies…. mis-directing the gaze of the population away from issues of great magnitude.. towards petty disputes and follies.
And The shear Volumes of Miss-information, lies, and Chaos renders the Internet just as much a tool for control of the masses as a tool for liberation.

The internet and social media *Expose the Pettiness and Mass delusions* of humanity… the shared ignorance and commonly held evils that lurk within the minds of men… of various societies… that have been cultivated, manipulated, and capitalised upon by the likes of Trump and Winston Peters.

Standing against the Politics of Race, as A Libertarian not only have I actively opposed Waitangi Treaty separatism, Special Indigenous Rights and Seats in Government for Maori, I have also campaigned of a New Constitution that outlaws Racist political institutions and Laws, and Guarantees equal rights and liberties for all.

When standing for Council, I have attended Election Meeting organised by Asian community groups and when asked about then having representatives in Council to promote their interests, Often I was the only candidate who stood up and said that as a Libertarian I would listen to the Asian communities concerns and applications with the same care as to any other sector of the community… and that I believed my position was the *minimum standard* and principle that All politicians ought to adhere to… and that the notion that various ethnicities need to have *Race based Representation* to get justice… was a very sorry situation.

*It is true* that many Indian/Asian migrants working in Convenience stores, Liquor outlets, and Gas stations have born a greater share than most of New Zealands rising violent crimes… and that successive governments have not merely turned a blind eye towards their plight… but have systematically made things much worse… in so many ways.
Not only have theses Businessmen and workers been left easy prey… denied their right to keep defensive weapons available to protect themselves from violent dangerous criminal determined to Rob them… Rapacious Tax Greedy Nanny State Social policies have caused the value of Cigarettes, and Alcohol, Fuel.. to sky rocket… making them a valuable contraband on the black market… and also making the Cash registers of these businesses much more attractive to Criminals.
As a Libertarian I directly campaigned advocating the right of Dairy, Liquor store, and Gas station owners and operators to have the means of self defense at hand, and also Spoke out against the Rapacious taxation.

If we had a Libertarain constitution and form of Government, It would be clear to Asians New Zealanders that they were at no political disadvantage… not an alien population… but Fully enfranchised and enjoy Full Liberty, and protection of the Law… to raise their families… to work for their own prosperity… and pursue their own happiness.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read > Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013



Politicians are Famous fabulous Liars and feigners… along with Lawyers, Insurance salesmen, and Used car dealers.

That Lies and falsehoods exist in reality is not something any sane person would deny.
Science tell us the Universe had a beginning… and so logic demands that there has been a finite amount of time from that beginning, and that at some point backwards… some one…. some being *Told the first lie*.
Someone invented Lying.
The Bible says this first ‘Father of Lies’ was Lucifer/ Satan.
The Bible also says that using lies Satan deceived Mankind and convinced man to sin/ rebel against God Almighty… and that is where all our troubles as a species began.
Jesus calls the Lost ‘Children of Darkness’… Children of the Devil…
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

The Internet… and this ‘Age of Bullshit’… proves just how True the Bible is.


And How Naive to view such Politician like Peters and Trumps as Saviors of Humanity!
They wear a cloack of Righteousness, yet are ministers of Satan… playing the Devils game… with that Hapless legions of lost souls… of the Children of the Damned.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

The Gospel of Democracy is False.
That is the moral of this story.

Jesus said “Broad is the way that leadeth to Damnation and many there be thereon. Narrow is the way that leads to life and Few there be that find it”…. so… according to scripture… *Following the many* is not a wise principle… it certainly is not a valid moral justification for Law.

Thug Life: Cop Killing Niggers.


Cop Killing Niggers…. Pictures flash through your mind…. Conjured up from your prejudices…. a Fat White Racist Cop Shooting Innocent Black Males?…. Or a Crack Head Saggy Pants Gang Banger with a piece… doin a drive by on a Police Cruiser?
Black lives Matter.
Fuck the Police.

cop killer

The wheels are falling of Civil society!
No Shit Sherlock!

Us vs Them.
Who wins?…. Emergency measures… Martial Law.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.


You have to be living under a rock… at the bottom of the ocean… in the Challenger Deep not to be aware of the Chaos and disorder happening in American society with regards to Police Thuggery and Black Outrage.
Each side of this Mayhem expects us to take their side, and if you dont… you must be a Racist, or a Cop Hater.

I sit on the fence… not because I dont have an opinion…. but because I say *Both sides* have malignant Ideas mixed with some Righteous outrage… Both have Blame…. both are responsible for the troubles… Both need to get their shit together.

I will start with my criticism of the Police… because they are supposed to walk the high road and set an example of Character and Justice, and when the Police become Brutal, Unjust, and corrupt… this is an absolute catastrophe for the society.
This being so I believe *When a Policeman is accused of committing a crime*… this must be openly and thoroughly investigated so that the people can see the process is not slopped in favor of allowing Bad police to escape justice… and when found guilty… because of the professional Responsibility they have in our society… they should face *Heavier penalties* than Civilians who commit the same offences.
They are supposed to be well Trained legal professionals… brave… and of high character… which implies that they care about the people in the communities they serve… and when they commit a Crime… they are betraying the trust that our society places on their uniform.
What is also means is that *The Legal machinery that investigates and prosecutes Bad Police* must be scrupulously independent of the police themselves… and this includes *the attitudes of the Judiciary*, must be above reproach… ie Not be seen to convict defendants simply upon the statements of Police, or excuse criminality perpetrated by the Police.
Thus Like the Police… the Legal system must be transparently Just …. anything less and the people loose faith in justice… and Chaos and dis-order ensues.
Policeman must fear the Judiciary, knowing that they themselves are not above the Law, and will held to account with the full weight of the Law should they cross the line.

*None of this is happening* So it is not surprising that with the advent of The Cellphone Video camera, countless videos are steaming on line of absolutely abominable crimes being committed by police against ordinary people… grand mothers, Young men, etc.
This behavior is nothing new, but today the police are being caught on video.


Yet still… even with video evidence and multiple witnesses most of these corrupt police escape justice…
Some places insist their officers wear body Cams… and these precincts witness a drop in complaints against police for obvious reasons… the police behave better when they are carrying a video that will be examined by their superiors.
I agree with Ex Cop David Champion that one of cost effective things that could be done to help stop Police criminality is to issue all Police on the Beat with Body Cams, and *Any violence, police shootings, etc* that officers say ‘their cameras fell off’… etc should automatically call their version of events int question, and cause high suspicion of Criminality on their part.

Police, etc, cannot be lawfully allowed to withhold footage from independent investigators, or the press, without some sort of judicial process for special cases.

When Faith in the Justness of the Law, The Police, and the Courts has been corroded… Chaos ensues… police will start getting shot more often.
When Faith in the Justness of the Law, The trustworthiness of the Police, and the Fairness and integrity of the Courts is high… the People will be happy… the people will think of the Police as they ought…their friends…. and they will trust that Bad Police will not be tolerated, but will face the consequences of their evil deeds.
*This is what is conducive to civil order*
*This is what will attract the best people of the highest character* into the Police force… as a High vocation of service to their communities…. which is what the Police force is Ideally meant to represent… instead of what it has become… A gang of Lawless thugs whom perpetrate extreme violence and thuggery with impunity.

My Blog post… > Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

*This is the breeding ground for a violent disrespect for society, the Law, and the police*

I must add this one particular comment on the Law itself…. *End the War on Drugs*…. This is a Law and order Disaster that fosters extreme violence by the Police … sanctioned by society… that can be reciprocated by those involved in the Drug trade.
Just as Alcohol Prohibition gave rise to Al Capone, Police Corruption, and Machine Gun Massacres… The War on drugs has repeated the grievous injustices and chaos.
Ending Prohibition ended so much unnecessary violence and chaos from both sides of the Law.

Read my Blogs… Righteous Law Enforcers want to end the War on Drugs.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Richards… A life cut short by Police

It is that only the willfully ignorant say that the police are the good guys… Countless videos on line testify to how lawless and thuggish they have become… and of course a Natural social backlash is in progress.

It is right that there is Public outrage about the un-justifiable killing and brutality of police, and The Police do need serious Cultural reforms… yet still… Outrage cannot justify the sorts of shocking behavior that is being perpetrated …Rioting, Looting, and Cop Killing.
Political Organisations like ‘Black lives Matter’ have sprung up with their own agendas… and to the degree that they seek to highlight a systemic problem within the police, they are to be commended and supported, yet sadly such organisations appear to be filled with *Racists themselves*… Blacks whom call whites ‘Crackers’… and who are taking opportunity to vent their personal prejudices and to Excuse the most lawless and despicable behavior under the guise of ‘Protesting Police brutality… Police Racism…. Etc’

They are conspicuous in their silence when Police brutalize or murder white people… obviously this does not fit well with *their Narrative that Police brutality is focused on Blacks*

These people claim to be a Civil rights movement, yet by their actions they Betray the ideals and values of the Great Black Civil rights activists of History…. Martin Luther King, Booker T Washington, Frederick Douglas… whom refused to dish up Racism for Racism… Hate for Hate…. but instead preached Unity, and Brotherhood *with White America*.

Furthermore ‘Black lives matter’, and many in the Media *Fail to identify the massive Cultural deviancy* that is behind the dire social statistics of the Black demographic…. and Falsely attribute the Lions share of the causes underpinning the squallar, unemployment,and crime which are characteristic of Black neighborhoods *on Racism*…rather than an absolute lacking of Personal ethics and good values on their own part.

It is all very well to expect the Police to walk the highest path… and set the standard for virtue…. yet when you have Black communities that are so violent and crime ridden… filled with all the absolute Mind rotting Gangsta Rapp… It is not surprising that having walked the beat for years… that many Police carry suspicion 24/7 against Swagger Cap wearing Jeromes, and have one finger on the trigger at all times.
The Police are *human*…. and they get sick and tired of the Getto Bullshit that so many Gang Bangas dish out that it is all too easy to treat *Them all* as scum…. when only perhaps 75% of the are…
These hypocrites running ‘Black lives matter’, are to a large degree *Rasists themselves*… they are willing to destroy their cities when a Policeman shoots an unarmed boy in a case of mistaken identity … yet never hit the streets to protest against the thousands of Little Homies who get shot by other little homies.


The following statement is as applicable to my own Maori Demographic here in New Zealand as it does to Black America.
*This Type of Blaming the Whites for all your Problems* instead of looking the mirror and seeing the Violent, criminal, little racists that you are* and fixing the problem *at home*… is a typical Blindness that is promoted by the Political class whom prosper from exacerbating the divisions, and falsely attributing blame to such *as race*, instead of doing what Great leaders would do…. *Calling their own people out!* *Get your shit together people!* Throw all that Gang Banger Rap Rubbish in the Bins! *Dont tolerate that shit your homes… Parents.
*Dont encourage Racism against ‘Crackers’ in your house* Start setting and example… Return to the teachings and lessons of your great Civil Rights leaders…. Condemn those Political shysters whom are promotion Race hatred and fostering endless victim-ism!
Teach your Kids to respect, and be polite to the Police…. walk the high road… and be part the movement for social change within your own communities… Raise Christian Children….

Thus it is that Both The Police and The Communities in which they serve each need to reform themselves… weed out the Devils from their midst’s and come together.

Without blaming the victims for the injustices they suffer…or condoning the vile behavior of the Police, it is not right to deny the Ideological void…the greater Societal degeneracy that is the hall mark of our ‘Post-Christian era’ and so Prevalent… so inter-generational in certain demographics.

The Issues discussed in this blog are but a few of the symptoms of the Disease and decay Western civilization is Reeling under.
Many Nations face Bankruptcy and civil unrest… and so the Status Quo/ Powers that be are also purposefully militarizing their police forces, and attempting to grant themselves greater powers, and to erode the Rights and liberties of the people… and they want a Police force that has no compunction about putting down Public protests… They want a Population that is scared to speak up or to defend their rights… These are Dangerous times…. All this social disorder works as a pretext for the Powers that be to increase their means of population control.

The Breakdown of the Family unit…. welfare-ism,…. *The systematic rise and implementation of Socialist pseudo morality and their repudiation of Christian ethics and values* that used to underpin the principles of Freedom, self reliance, Hard work and the American Dream….

Yet this is enough for One Blog post….
What a Shameful Mess Western societies have become!
Socialism and Atheism have led our nations down the Low Road… the Broad way that leadeth to destruction.
They have lost all their enlightenment values… and as Self Responsibility wains….so too does Liberty…. and tyranny is on the rise.
Narrow is the road to life….Liberty.. and prosperity… Christian Libertarian Values and ideals.


Peace Out.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim Protect and Serve.

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

David Bowie… stepping through the door… Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Treasures in plain wrapping. The Advance of the Missionaries by H.C Fancourt (Part 1). My burden to Radically shake up Maori Conservatism. (Black is the new White).

Image (2)

As a Bibliophile few things can compare to the discovery of a Book that contains monumental truths, that have been Forgotten or ignored.
Truths that radically challenge the direction of current politics and thought.
They can be plainly written… innocent of any political motives… yet the weight of their implications for anyone who grasps them are profound.
And it can take *special people* to appreciate how important such works are…. people who appear to have been specially prepared before hand to be able to recognize and understand what is at stake, and to be burdened enough to carry this information out into the world… knowing they will face a hostile reaction from the vested interest of the status quo, and all the people who have been deceived into believing the Falsehoods and revisionist histories which prop up current political agendas.

This Blog post is yet another one of many that though it is of First Rank in importance, I have delayed producing it out of fear that I am too exhausted to do the subject justice… so I have procrastinated.
I have decided that I best approach this subject in two parts… My personal rant being part 1, and the full body of the topic in part 2… with a link to to this first part in the appropriate spot.

I almost chose not to write this first part because of it’s “ME, ME” factor…. “I’m so great” “I’m So Clever!”… which is rightfully cringe-worthy, yet I realized that unless I do write this first part, opportunity to write some valuable insights will missed, as well as some valid explanations as to why I feel compelled to write such things.

Now I could write this in a less grandiose manor, yet again this would miss opportunity to employ literary (and biblical) ‘motifs’ that deserve to be utilised because of their value and thereby kept alive… so let me beforehand apologise for any lofty Flying horses I paint myself riding across the Stratosphere. 🙂
I do so because I think it’s important for Individuals to feel valuable, and that their lives have *Real Divine purpose*… that they have Missions to achieve in this life…. if only they are brave enough to follow their convictions.

Enough said… Here is Part 1… about a plain blue covered little book called ‘The advance of the Missionaries’ by H.C. Fancourt.
A book that deserves to be republished and disseminated throughout New Zealand schools, and Bookstores.


‘Black is the new white’. When being a Radical becomes the new conservatism, and requires a new Radicalism to confront it… enter Tim Wikiriwhi.

I am fast approaching 50 years of age, and of Maori descent on my fathers side as my name evidences, yet I am also a Christian, and of Pakeha descent on my mothers side.
I hope mentioning the fact that I am a Christian will not cause too many of my readers to click on the x… yet as my subject in the title says this blog is about a book on Missionary work, I will assume most readers will be prepared for some discussion on religion.

And it is with this in mind that I have decided to weave in some Biblical constructs into my story to flavour it with the concepts of Providence, and that Human individuals each have a Divine purpose and reason to be here on planet Earth.
It is up to individuals to seek out what is their vocation.

So let me breifly explain why I believe the circumstances of my life… though at first glace appear to be full of negativity, ultimately have fitted me to be able to write on the following topic, and embark on such a radical departure from the socially engineered norm.

As I have already said, my Mother was Pakeha, my Father was Maori, and without dragging out the tale, it will suffice to say that My mother left my father when I was about 3 years old because he was a violent drunk.
You can find a more detailed account of this in a speech I delivered >here.
I am not here wallowing in a ‘Poor me’ story… though obviously when these sorts of troubles break up families this can have very terrible effects on Children, and sadly this is a very common horror faced by a disproportionate number of Maori Kids, comparative to other demographics.
This does give me an inside view of such social and individual trauma and how it can affect the development of Maori Kids and their perceptions about life.
One aspect that may be seen as a negative that happens to many Maori children is that my parents break up resulted in us three children being separated also from our Maori whanau, and with the process of time becoming completely alien from that side of our heritage.
We missed out on growing up in close relationship with our Maori kin… and without doubt that is a great loss.
Yet it at this point I wish to introduce the concept that even through bad events and circumstance, that Providence can shine and work for good.
When I and my brother and sister were separated from our Maori whanau and their influence, we were immersed in the Pakeha world and raise under the wing of two of the most wonderful human beings that ever graced God’s own… My enlightened and benevolent Pakeha Grandparents John and Marie Clark.
They were Both Teachers, Both Civic minded and liberal, Compassionate towards Maori, and raised a family of socially conscious children who went on to be Teachers, Policemen, etc.


My Pakeha Grandfather was Loved by the Maori people because he went out of his way to help them, spending many years teaching in Maori communities, he learned to speak Maori fluently, and was given a Taonga of Great Mana… a carved orators stick of which few can compare in power and beauty.
This Taonga would be the highest treasure in our family… it’s significance and meaning inspire awe and reverence for our great Father.
Much Higher than his medal for public service from the PM Geoffrey Palmer.
My Grandparents adopted a Maori child into their family who was the victim of abuse, and he became my much loved ‘Uncle Paddy’.
Granddad Died in 2006 and I have written a short tribute to his memory >here.

So though My parents Divorce had negative aspects… they were greatly mitigated by the positive influences of my Pakeha family… and so my upbringing in the early formative years of my life was separated from my Maori roots.
How this separation has served to prepare me to now help those of Maori Blood, I liken unto the biblical story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his envious brothers… a terrible thing to happen yet a circumstance that Providence used to save the children of Israel from starvation and destruction in the wilderness.
I would hope my readers are familiar with this historic drama, and those of you who are not should go and read it.
You will find it in your Authorized King James Bible Genesis chapters 37-50.

My point is I believe God/ providence works like this in all our lives… that we experience circumstances to prepare us for our true mission in life.. and make us uniquely qualified for the noble tasks that need men and woman of character and principle to champion.

Thus I was not radicalized with the idea that Pakeha are Greedy Racists that Rob Maori of everything and seek to keep them underfoot.
My experience was the very opposite… that there was a loving and mutual respect between Maori and Pakeha… an enjoyment of each others company…. Co-operation for commonly held ambitions.
I was not raised to think of myself as a Warrior… or that my Race was of any consequence at all.
I was taught to be self responsible and to treat my fellow humanity with respect and equality irrespective of their ethnicity.
And I was encouraged to dream about a future as a Teacher, a scientist… eventually I chose to become an engineer, which is a *secular trade* meaning it is not an atheist trade, or a Christian trade… not a Pakeha trade… or a Maori trade… it is simply ‘A trade’… a set of valuable skills and wisdom that is useful to *anyone* who chose to apply themselves to gaining mastery of the art, and it will enable *anyone* to earn an honest living and support themselves and their whanau, and help them to pursue their dreams and ambitions at their own expense.
Life is *what you make it* So many people wallow in misery because of their own foolish choices and ideas… yet love to blame others.

God was preparing me for my task ahead. I Believe this, yet even if you dont believe in providence, I am sure you can see how circumstances molded *this Maori* to perceive the relationship between Maori and Pakeha New Zealanders as being very different to the political Propaganda of the Maori Radicals and what has become via 4o years of agitation ‘The official line… that Maori are the victims of a Rapacious ‘invasion’ and that all their negative social statistics may be squarely blamed on colonisation and Pakeha Racism instead of their own lack of Ethical self responsibility… their willful dependence on Welfare… their victim and blame mentality… all of which is being fed by a nasty political class of racists who use this misery for their own political ends.
Just how ensnaring and hate-generating such ideas are is reflected in the vehemence of the protester against anyone (like myself) who dares challenge the legitimacy of their outrageous claims.
The mainstream media labels anyone who dares challenge the Official line of pandering to “Maori Treaty grievance” as being ‘Hate speakers’… Racists… dangerous … whose opinions must be suppressed.

So such were the influences of my early childhood.
Yet everything was not Rosy, my mother shacked up with another dangerous psychopath who would take us away from the safety of our beloved Grand parents and traumatize us for years to come… causing all sorts of psychological and physical problems and wounds.
as this has little to do with the topic I will skip it, other than to say that my life has never been plain sailing, and that I myself have traveled a stormy sea….and come very close to ship wreak many times… yet thankfully I have always had … that island of good sence to look back to… that was the values my Grandparents and Pakeha family instilled.
I became a Christian at the age of 18, and thus began my walk with God… I at least knew who he was, though my rebellious nature would take years and years to subdue… and still to this day is quick to sin.
My ongoing saga would involve suffering a personal family break up and several dark years in depression… an outer-body experience in which I became another person… dangerous and filled with anti-social malice.
I did things in this period of darkness completely out of character and this brought me into trouble with the Law.
Things for which I am greatly ashamed of, yet must still own.
Today I have tried yet again to reinvent myself… not to be *That guy*.
I now council men who find themselves in such circumstances to take extreme care not to spiral downward like crashing plane… for it makes climbing skyward again so much harder, and many of the hurtful things that you do to others can never be undone… and you must carry those deeds in your conscience for the rest of your days.

These experiences have given me empathy for the countless lost young men who end up on the wrong side of the law, and a belief that anyone can recover themselves and reform… if they have the will to do so.

After many years of rebellious youth and young adulthood, again Providence would conspire to lead me out of the storms… and teach me the final lessons that I needed to learn so that I would be ready to face the monumental task ahead.

I grew in wisdom of the principles of Christian ethics, and in Political science, and how to apply the principles of ethics to actual outcomes in real time… the apprehension that we exist in a realm of moral cause and effect, and thus the massive implications of our personal moral self- responsibility for our own choices and values we embrace.
For it is one thing to be taught about ethics and values, but quite another to learn how to actually apply them and understand how our ideas impact on our lives.
Most of my life I have lived very much as the socialists tell us things are… Like a little boat with no oars at the mercy of Gigantic waves and Riptides…. a victim of circumstance… rather than circumstance being the great moral teacher… calling each of us to quit moping about… crying about how tuff and unfair life is.. and instead take command of our own vessel and purposely steer ourselves into the wind.
To take responsibility for the sort of person I am…. that my own character is determined by my values and the choices I make.

I am not particularly intelligent, so I learned most of my valuable life lessons the hard way by personal experience, rather than by learning from *other peoples mistakes*… which is far more intelligent.
When I reflect on my own life I see how I myself was contributing to the negative social statistics… yet by the grace of God I have at least been smart enough to learn to stop banging my head and wonder why it hurts… and been led to apprehend the nature of the real issues that face Maori … and others who occupy the blunt end of our society.
My School has not bequeathed me with fancy certificates of learning… no honors… no Initials follow my name.
I dont speak from having sat at the feet of Ivory tower intellectuals… which is another blessing, for the schools of our nation have been filled with the Propaganda mongers of the Treaty grievance industry.


I have learned the true value of the Bible, not just in the salvation of my soul for the next life, but it’s Life saving ethics, and it is at this point that my introduction to this wonderful little book begins, and why I value it among my most precious books, and also why I will be taking the trouble to give my Blog readers a worthy Review.

I have not touched on the doctrines of treaty separatism today or how the malicious doctrines of Maori Radicalism have now become ‘the conservative view’. It has been enough for me to describe my journey and how today *I’m the radical* because the truths I champion are in stark contrast to what is being taught in schools and via the media.

You would think that there would be thousands of Non-tribalist Maori out there with similar experiences as my own, who would agree which what I have said, unfortunately these thousands to great extent have been swept up by the Radicalization of The Treaty separatists as much as those whom have close ties with their tribes. Indeed many of these Maori have been made to feel ashamed because they dont know their Whakapapa… like my Uncle Paddy… and recently the Comedian ‘Gish’ explained these feelings too (see video below).
Because such a large percentage of Maori actually live in cities completely disconnected from their tribal roots… often not welcome there… The separatist movement has invented another Tribe ‘Ngati Urban Maori’…. so they too can join the Grievance band wagon.
So to borrow from the Bible again, I feel a bit like John the Baptist…. alone in the wilderness calling my fellow Maori to ‘Repent’… and make yourselves fit for the kingdom.
Mine is the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
I am appealing to Maori who can see that what I am saying is true… yet of course it is dangerous and alienating to any that would dare stand with me in opposition to the political agenda that grants Maori special rights and privileges… an entire industry and ‘economy’ and hundreds of millions of tax dollars.

Again in regards to the vile racism of the Treaty grievance industry I quote from the book of Revelation… “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues.” Rev18vs4.

I want to highlight the truth that Parents, and teachers hold such a massive power over the minds of their children and young people… and that even adults who are ignorant of the truth can easily become the willing victims of evil propaganda that pretends to have their best interests at heart… yet leads them down the Road to hatred… Read about where haters come from >here.
Haters Gina Hate…hate hate, I’m asking you to heed Taylor Swift and Shake Shake Sake it off!
For your own sakes.

My Father disappeared into the South… changing his name to avoid Child support dues… and eventually fathered another little Girl… my sister whom has only recently made contact with us… much to our Joy, and we are yet to met.
She has lived in complete isolation, and so it will be a great day when we embrace.
Also via facebook I have been able to establish contact with many members of my Maori whanau and it is heartening to know that they are open to building closer ties.
I am grateful that in spite my views are in stark contrast to what is considered ‘normal’ and ‘right’ that they have all been very warm towards me which shows greatness on their part, and one of the chief reasons I am writing these blog posts it to try and explain myself clearly to them to hep them understand that I am not the enemy, and that in truth I have the best interests of the Maori people, and all New Zealanders as a whole at heart… because in truth there is no conflict of interest.
Liberty and Justice, and equality before the law serves everyone best.

Life is hard… a struggle, and there definitely are political injustices that make it difficult to climb up out of poverty , yet they are not the injustices as described by the dishonest and deluded socialists… of the Left and Right.
In fact most of the injustices may be squarely leveled at the corrupt Nanny State politics of these socialists themselves!
They tell Maori they are victims, they tell them they are not responsible for their own well being… etc etc that they need to be treated as basket cases…. yet all this is doing is passing the buck and ensnaring Maori further in welfare dependence and Race hatred.

I Seek to absolutely reverse these doctrines of victimism and dependence… yet to do so I must speak Hard truths that require the self-ownership and personal effort and responsibility of each Maori person *as an Individual*.
And at the heart of all this lies the ethics that are integral to Christianity… self reliance, self responsibility.

It was Providence that brought the Missionaries here from England.
God’s Compassion for the Maori.
My next post I want to start explaining the monumental impact of the Christian message upon the Maori people… as it was brought to these islands by the selfless and brave Missionaries who came here not out of greed, or a desire for conquest… but out of Christian Love and a desire to shine the wondrous light, of the gospel and the brotherhood of humanity… and how this Saved the Maori people from self destruction and the misery of the darkest forms of savagery and superstition that were the lot of Pre-European Maori subsistence.


That contrary to the lies of the Anti-colonialist Maori Radicals… that Christianity and British sovereignty raised up Maori out of the most wretched conditions… and that in comparison even the most destitute today are still by far better off than when Tribalism was in full swing, and War, slavery, and cannibalism was the norm.
I have lightly touched on this >here.
I have spent the best part of two decades attempting to share the positive vision I have for Maori that will come by ending racial separatism, and starting a new Era of Self-Reliance and Co operation, and I will continue to do so as long as the evils of Racist treaty separatism continue to destroy race relations in our nation and keep Maori wallowing in self-pity and malice.

These are at the heart of why I seek to promote the truths that are in this little volume… ‘The advance of the missionaries’, and intend to see it in print again, or available as an E Book… and would appreciate any help that people out there can give me.
Please contact me in the comments below, or private message me on Facebook.

So ends my introduction to this subject.
It will appear as a link at the beginning of my next post.
I hope I have stimulated interest in the main body of truth that I hope to share about my topic.
Cheers to my readers who have endured such a long post.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
1611 King James Bible believing Dispensationalist Christian and Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Read my Free Radical article on Bainimarama’s Fijian Coup and The Right of Revolution’ Here:

Read about my condemnation of Tame Iti’s evil intentions Here>>> Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

Read about…. The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence. Here:

Read about New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:

Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Good reasons why I’m voting to keep the flag.

Me: Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian.

Tuhoe Terrorist Racist Radical Tame Iti Shoots New Zealand Flag.

Important note: In no way do I seek to belittle or disparage New Zealanders from enjoying their Maori heritage and culture.
What I am highlighting is *Racist Maori Radicalism* and all the anti-British colonialism here in New Zealand… all the vile Race hatred and Despicable revisionist history which not only rots out the minds of all whom are imbibed with such Propaganda… generating hatred…. all for the sake of Filthy lucre… but also ensnares many Maori in victimism and welfare dependence… while enriching a political class that profits from the ongoing misery of their own people.
Maori are at virtually the top of every negative social statistic, *because* they are not taught to take responsibility for themselves… not taught that in Freedom and equality… their own prosperity, and the well-being of their Children *depends upon them Living according to Strong personal ethics*… not because of any Accident of Birth.
Tame Iti is a posterchild for the Victimism and dependence mindset.
He should have been jailed for Terrorism…. yet only escaped because of bungling By the Legislature and police.
Conversely, New Zealand as a whole is extremely proud of all the *positive contributions* of Maori Culture…. song, Haka, Carvings, etc… and all of these things can prosper under Freedom and equality…. as the Maori people would do once free of Waitangi appartheid/ Treaty separatism… and New Zealand establishes *One Law for all*
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian, and Activist to End the false Treaty Separatism.

Watch me (Tim Wikiriwhi) debate this things on TV1 …Is The Treaty Holding Back New Zealand?

old glory flag

This will take you to another world!

Posted by Miss Arab USA on Friday, March 4, 2016

I know many Kiwis will cringe at me using this *Australian poem*, yet not only does it hold *Equally true* for our flag, it is also a testament to *the common values and heritage* that makes Commonwealth nations the very best in the world, and Unifies us as a collective.
Tim Wikiriwhi,

More from Tim…. Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Where Haters come from.

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Art of Feigning Oppression.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

Posted by FISHKI.NET on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hurling stones…Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love.

^ The stoning of Stephen… Ironically Saul would become St Paul the Greatest Apostle and chosen vessel of God to preach Grace unto humanity… ending Moral legalism. After meeting Christ and receiving his commission he never again picked up the stones. He said “If it be possible… as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men”.
Among other principles … including the love of God towards all men *as individuals*, and their equality he laid down the principles that would one day give birth to Libertarianism and the concepts of God given inalienable rights of individuals…. yet my post is only indirectly about this.

Todays blog post is on a subject that has been fermenting in my mind for many years, and it is written just as much to myself as to others.
It has to do with my personal development as a human being… a growth in personal wisdom and character., and most importantly it is aimed at making me a more effective soldier in the battle of Ideas.
My life over the last 20 years has been in Flux…. High Highs and low lows… and via the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune I have battled forth …. Flailing my sword about driven by emotion as much as reason…. And emulating others as much as blazing my own trail… and this has had as many disadvantages as advantages.
Not only have I learned Good habits, but also very bad ones, and todays post is about understanding all this better, and attempting to up my game… and become a better person in the process.
It wont be easy… as not only does it involve breaking entrenched habits that have become natural to me but also provide me with a certain amount of pleasure… and on top of that it involves reinventing my own Self-image of who I am… loosing some vices that I have mistaken as virtues and as such given me self esteem when I should have felt shame… and yet if I succeed in this I will start to see the virtues of character traits I have held to be vices… and I expect to generate a new basis for self esteem… via improved character and more effectiveness as a crusader for Truth, justice, and the salvation of individuals.
Big claims huh! :-)… yet definitely worthy of contemplation.

Lets get into it …
In these times of Terror and barbarity, it is commonplace to find the so-called lovers of Liberty to be openly pouring out hatred upon Muslims because of their concepts of Sharia Law, Jihad, intolerance, and brutality and so that even their most benign activities receive the most vehement responses.

You can be sure that at any mention of Islam that within minutes Self Righteous people seeking to promote terror and hate will post un-moderated pictures and accounts of atrocities that are supposed to foster and vindicate their outrage and hatred towards Muslims.
This is particularly noticeable in the attitudes of the disciples of that most militant of atheists… Ayn Rand… who collectively go by the name of ‘Objectivists’… yet also is common place rationale among other Non-Muslims… Jews, Hindus… and tragically… among the majority of those who go by the name of Christian.
What bothers me is that this negativity and outrage…. While at face value appears both Natural and justified… it does little towards actually saving the world, but plays into the hands of the terrorists and haters.
It is great at stirring up support for closing boarders to the Displaced, and Sending in the stealth Bombers…. Yet we have all herd the motto that while military action can be essential and justified… that wars are ultimately won in *battlefield of the minds of humanity.*
That forced peace due to military might is always short lived… with the evil still fermenting *as hatred*… just under the surface… just waiting for fresh opportunity to boil over again.
What I am about to say is not only worth contemplating in regards to ultimately winning the ideological war against Islamic extremism, but I believe is valuable in all aspects of the winning support for truth and enlightenment.
Here is an example of the problem as I see it…

Recently I came across some Objectivist Atheists engaged in their favorite past time of slinging shit at Islam… under the pretense that this was Righteous Indignation against an insidious Evil… yet for the record this conversation could just as well have been found coming from Christian supporters of Donald Trump.
A school was having a “Try the Hijab Day”…. followed by the comment ‘Why not have a “Try a Nazi Uniform day” also?’.

Sure enough the following comment and picture was solicited…
“Well done XXXX XXXXXX. What a great man you are. Islamic sadism is a terrible thing. Murderous attacks on innocent female victims including even infants are not just the action of a lone wolf or even of the multiple “lone wolves” involved. .There is an appalling mindset inculcated and encouraged from birth, so embedded and reinforced that not even one individual does anything to deter the horrific violence against the powerless. In civilised communities public entertainment comes in the form of sporting contests, musical entertainment and events uplifting for families. In savage anti-humanity societies public entertainment is a large hate-filled crowd of males exulting in the worst imaginable brutality.”

bashed by muslims

^^^That escalated quickly! … yet is typical.
The post went from an inter-cultural school lesson designed to ‘de-alienate children into an attempt to subvert them into accepting… maybe even committing atrocities!

Of course the terrible deeds committed in the name of Islam should generate indignation and elicit vocal responses, yet identifying problems and evils is at best only the beginning of the solution… and I believe that too many people allow *the problem* to cloud their better judgment and actually turn them into just another part of the problem rather than taking the higher road that leads the world out of darkness.
Terrorism and brutality ferment reciprocal hatred…. an unqualified blind type of hatred that is quick to pass a sentence of collective guilt upon an entire demographic because of the activities of a few.
Those drawn into this mindset mistake bigotry for righteous outrage and this is exactly what the terrorists, and hate groups feed upon.
This sort of reciprocity highlights the dilemma of being a Libertarian who hopes to create a better world.

As a Christian Libertarian I myself believe Islam to be a dangerous false religion,and am not at all surprised by the horrors that are being committed in it’s name, yet in the same token I also know that Atheism is also a dangerous false religion and that it too is responsible for infinite evils.
I also know that many so-called Christians are vile Statists… that they too support political oppression, and I respect the right of people to express their views, and criticize others.
Yet as a Libertarian I know not to be suckered into bogus collectivist mentality that underpins Bigotry.
While exercising my right to express my views, and fulfilling my duty to God to defend the faith,
I dont say *All Muslims* *All Atheists* are ‘Blar’ ‘Blar’… I try to avoid promoting bigotry.
With regards to Islamiphobia, it is sometimes too easy to post horrible pictures of victims of various hate groups… without clarifications… this is usually done *to promote bigotry… to illicit support for nasty prejudices*… and that is why It is very hard to be a Good Libertarian…. Speaking out against bigotry ,yet without underplaying the veracity of legitimate concerns .
And here I get to the crux of my argument for this post… the point in which I seek to improve my own game…
I believe this ‘essential balance’ between boldly facing heinous truths, yet not falling into bigotry can only be done by the sincere of heart who are prepared to look at both sides of any contentions… and to be found to be discussing things as objectively as possible… and that is never achieved by over-generalizations… and furthermore by looking not only at the truthfulness of contentious issues, but just as essentially *at the heart motive* of both ourselves… and of the Diatribes we encounter.
It is only if we maintain a clean heart… free of Rancor… motivated by Love…with our eyes on the prize … that we can be effective evangelists of enlightenment.
I am not saying I have mastered these arts.
In fact I am sure I haven’t… yet I am aware of the ‘Bad habit’ and base ‘pleasure’ that comes from opening up cans of malice upon the objects of our scorn.
I try to reserve that sort of ‘disregard’ for those whom I believe truly embody willful Evil… those whom have no desire to see their own wickedness… but revel in it… yet still you cant expect pouring out indignation to win anyone for truth!
It is in this sense an admission of frustration and defeat.
It is a sad truth that *some people*… many people are beyond reason… even those who claim to be champions of it!
The human factor is always at work… the bible says “the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.”, and again “That this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world but that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.”
The problem with dishing out Evil for evil is that while it is relatively easy to identify evil values and beliefs, and to take some sort of pleasure from the idea that we are morally superior, yet after this what do we do with our knowledge?
Do we allow it to ferment hatred and justify aggression, justify building walls from which we throw righteous stones? (its amazing who condemns the stoning of sinners in the old testament yet who support their governments doing the same thing and worse… to foreigners with foreign beliefs)
Or do we try and overcome ideological evils via the higher path… via enlightened values… reason and example?


Do we even care about those people lost in darkness enough to open up and maintain dialogues, or do we write them off as wicked reprobates and stamp their foreheads with ‘Child of Satan’?
I believe that if the world is going to become more free and civil requires not just military supremacy, but Victories of enlightenment and good will to triumph over Darkness and reciprocal malevolence… and this can only be done by ‘Lovers’ not ‘haters’.
Our societies must not only truly embody Libertarian justice and equality, but also the spirit of benevolence towards ‘the lost’, and a desire to ‘win’ them over in their hearts and minds…. And these are ‘Christian humanitarian values towards the lost’ and why Christianity is one of the few ideologies with the power to overcome savagery, Crime, evil superstitions, and bigotry.
I am not simply saying that Christianity practiced well is both truthful and righteous… which it is… but that everybody… non-Christians as well can learn valuable insights into how to stimulate the growth of civilization… how to bring light and peace into areas of Darkness and Barbarism.
I also say that these truths expose Rancid ideologies that pose as Reason and enlightenment yet are in fact hotbeds of bigotry and hate… and that despite their self-acclamation as being the champions of humanity and social progress… are actually a big part of the problem!
They are almost as backward and deranged as the evils they profess to be the vanguard against.

Thus we must take care how we wield our Ideological swords.
Too often the ‘Superiority complex’ is used as justification for Hatred, bigotry, and pouring out Guile…. which only exacerbates the troubles and further alienates those who we should be trying to lead up the higher path.
And This is why the *heart motive* behind what we write and say determines the ‘Spirit’ of actions and the success or failure in respect to the war of ideas.
For sure Tirades that spew forth hot coals upon their chosen targets are ‘successful’ for attracting the applause and fame within other haters yet absolutely fail at bringing more enlightenment into the world.
I think there are times and places to have ‘in house’ pep talks to the troops that may be spoken in strong terms to emphasize the gravity of what is at stake… and the urgency with which they must rally, yet that cant be a summary of your entire modus opperandi!
You need to make it clear the while the evils are vile, and that arms may be needed, not to mistake this as an excuse to become a hater… and that Goodwill towards humanity must always be at the forefront.
If we realize that most people in dark lands believe backward things only do so because they have not been exposed to the truth in a way that they can see as being not only true… but delivered by souls of good will who *want their betterment*… this is far more likely to increase the sum in favour of enlightenment and lead to real victories in the battle of Ideas.
Missionaries are just as essential as Arms in the struggle as ultimately it is only an enlightenment that can overcome Evil ideologies.
And this is basic stuff… because we know that we ourselves are far more likely to respond positively to truths that are presented out of care than out of hate.

darkness vs love
I found this…From someone who actually won over hearts and minds rather than just pouring out scorn… upon those who deserved it.

changing the world
Actions speak louder than words

Now look at this pic below posted to an Objectivist FB page, and think about what such cartoons hope to achieve.
Read the comments

toilet koran... not smart.

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Bf That kind of shit will plug up your pipes in the worst way.
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J M Throw the Bible in there as well to make it even better.
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Now read my comment…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Tim Wikiriwhi You know XXXXX that I can see the amusement factor in this picture… *yet contemplate this for a moment*… do you think it actually serves to further the cause of Freedom?
Do you think that it will be propitious in convincing Muslims to listen to you… to forsake Islam and embrace your values and ideals?
Dont you understand that this is actually childish and counter productive to your professed desire to enlighten the world?
Dont you see that this merely panders to the Haters… the bigots, those people who dont give a shit about *Saving the muslims*… but seek to insult them and vent hatred upon them?
Like • Reply •

I receive a typical response …. And my answer follows
B R said…. “ They will never forsake their values or their ideals. That is not islam. Islam is above any other ideals. To them anyone other than islam is beneath them. You can’t reason with someone who always thinks he is above you. You can bow to their needs. They will never bow to yours. How many women and children have to be raped and murdered for you to see this.”
Like • Reply • 2 hrs
My Reply…. “B R.. You have defeated yourself… maybe willfully so…. what you have said is something *You want to believe* rather than something that is empirically true, and you do it to excuse your own lack of reason when dealing with this problem.
You say they are beyond reason when the truth is ‘You cant be bothered trying… and you actually *hate* them… ie you dont have any compassion…. yet you have plenty of spleen that you want to vent.
Your character is such that you cant even be polite to them.
You look down your nose at them.
And you are cowardly.
The idea of befriending a Muslim terrifies you.
Let me tell you that Plenty of Muslims have been converted to Christianity by Christians who *Care enough* to take the trouble, and run the risks.
Christians *see the prize* and believe it’s worth every effort.
Wining lost souls to the truth… to truth that raises savages out of Dark superstitions and brings civilization… and ends Barbarisms…. fosters good will and peaceful co-existence.
Christianity sees Muslims and atheists *as valuable … precious individuals*… not as hopelessly Damned sub-humans.
Now if Objectivism really did value the human individual… really was ‘a movement for civilization’ it would not generate such defeatism , indifference…. Worse absolute hatred towards billions of human beings.
Like • Reply • Just now

self righteous

^^^ So my post looks to be finishing on a condemnation of the philosophy of Objectivism as *Anti-Individualism*
*Anti-Humanity* …. A Wolf in sheeps clothing.
Every virtue it pretends to extol are found to be Hot air…. mere platitudes.
It does not tend towards enlightenment and the value of human individuals and that is why it’s ranks are peopled with egotistical narcissists of malicious minds… and this leads them to promoting very *inhuman solutions* in dealing with the likes of the Victims of Islamic extremism and western foreign policy… solutions completely at variance with the founding principles of Libertarianism… esp with regards to the current Refugee crisis.

No doubt my comments here will not find many Objectivists open enough to see that I am right.
They might even say that I’m practicing ‘hate speech’ against them… that I’m not being PC enough towards them … that by my hardness I am not demonstrating ‘love’ towards them, and so failing on every level to reach *Their hearts and minds*…. Yet even if this were true… would not such an accusation actually vindicate my whole post?
You see that even if I fail to live up to this post myself, it does not diminish its validity… it just exposes my own hypocrisy, and poor character.
Ironically I learned this polemic ‘Militancy’ from my Objectivist mentors!
This is a fact that i now seek to remedy.
It is more characteristic of the Pharisee Saul *Before* he met the risen Christ.
St Paul typifies conversion from the spirit of Moralistic persecution.
His zeal for the truth, is tempered by compassion and humanity,… the true spirit of Evangelism… and he was willing to lay his life down for it.
Nobody has been a more ardent defender of truth against superstition, yet still he used the power of persuasion to win converts… from a loving heart not self righteous malice.

He said “… yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.”

Maybe Paul appreciated the grace God had shown him when he was in the throws of self righteous persecution.
Maybe his compassion comes from being once blind… yet by God’s grace… now he sees… and he knows that without brave preachers of grace and Good will… large swaths of humanity will remain under Satan’s Demonic sway… and be damned.

Realising my own problem… I am hereby seeking to learn better skills of communication… and this is what I meant in my introduction about this post being aimed as much at myself as at others.
Let me again talk about balance. I am not an apologist for ‘Politically Correctness’.
I believe The truth should be ruggedly defended and that content is far more important than grammar and worrying 24/7 about offending petty sensitivities… in fact as a Westy Bogan I simply cant function at that ‘Ivory tower level’… nor do I seek to be a part of that ‘elevated’ world.
I speak as a common man hoping to reach common people using common folk lingo and rationale.
And when talking to the likes of Objectivists you would hope that for all their claims of Rugged rationality that they of all people ought to be able to handle the truth hard spoken… yet again we find their claims to be hot air…. They love to dish it out but cant handle the slightest amount in return… so precious are their sensitivities… so vain are their egos …. They are not just beyond reproach… they are beyond reason.
I await *just one objectivist* to admit that I my post has validity, and that they will try and modify their behavior… to better embody the values their philosophy claims to precipitate.

I wrote a speech 10 years ago for the NZ Libz party, In it I talk about why I believe Objectivism fails to win over hearts and minds… and why Christianity on the other hand changed world history… and it has a lot to do with what I have been trying to talk to you about in this thread.
It is below.
I would like to point out that while I am no fan of PC rubbish, I think it is too easy… too convenient to pull out the ‘PC is evil’ card to justify rancid and obnoxious, and bigoted Tirades that are then expected to be vindicated as ‘Righteous indignation’… and ‘Rugged defense of liberty’ … etc when it is just Guile…

So To all you out there involved in the Battle of Ideas… no matter what color of faith or values you seek to propagate in this world, I hope my post helps you to appreciate that for victory in this ideological Battlefield, that *Heart motive* is just as important as being right.
It is sad to apprehend that sometimes the advocates of Evil understand this truth better than anyone, and that is why many of them *pretend* to care about those people in distress… only to lead them to destruction.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

My Speech >>> Libz 10th birthday speech. Monday, 31 July, 2006 11:23 PM By Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian.

More From Tim….

The lonely road. My divorce from John Ansell.

A High Calling.

Anti-Terrorism at its finest. The Road out of darkness into the light.

They are out there! Heroic and Virtuous Islamic Granny Schools Murdering Extremists.

Islamic Cleric Against Religious Extremism

What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.

The Art of Assimilation. Culture shock, Lawlessness, and the challenges facing humanitarian good will

Good Eye Closed. The Powder Keg. The Dead keep washing up on the coasts of Europe.

Not In My Name! Muslims Condemn Isis Terror.

Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

IDF Code of Ethics. Fighting a just fight.

The Diabolical tactics of Hamas: What the IDF is up against.

How does the Israeli Defence Force minimize civilian casualties?

“One Day”. The Peace Song of Our Generation. Matisyahu.

You will be next! The power of the terror mongers. When fear dominates reason… evil prevails

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Watching Buses Bear down… Why bother to Proselytize? Penn Jillette

The Battlefield of the Mind. Eternal Vigilance!

Life’s a Stanley Milgram Experiment. (part1)

Jefferson’s God. The Rock upon which Liberty is founded. (God save us from Atheism!)

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

Protestant Christianity had a Baby… Libertarianism.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

The World is a Vampire.

The Art of Assimilation. Culture shock, Lawlessness, and the challenges facing humanitarian good will

unruly men

Developing ‘issues’ in European nations regarding the behavior of large groups of Male refugees and migrants is something that is of great concern yet it is not something we should be surprised to see.
It is something that they/ we should be prepared for.

There needs to be a better plan than currently appears Europe is mobilizing, lest things get way out of control and chaos and disorder ensues.
This is exactly the scenario that underpins the hysteria of the xenophobia mongers and Cold hearted who want Donald Trump to become President of the USA, and the more troubles that eventuate will give the the Anti-Refugee Rightest something to crow about.

Recent reports such as ‘Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women’ are very disturbing…

“The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.
The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.
Women were also targeted in Hamburg.
But the Cologne assaults – near the city’s iconic cathedral – were the most serious, German media report. At least one woman was raped, and many were groped.
Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies. A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested.
Read more >here< *** Because the mainstream media was slow to confirm early reports of this trouble, I was hesitant to accept their validity. I condemn the mentality of those who fed their paranoia on a diet of unsubstantiated tripe, yet I equality condemn anyone who would seek to turn a blind eye to inconvenient and reprehensible truths once they have been established as fact. The net is filled with phobia mongering lies that feeds the paranoia so that we must be wary not to buy into falsehoods. It is easy to summon to the surface latent prejudice by posting a picture of a group of strange looking scruffy men... nonetheless it would also be absolutely naive to think there would be no problems at all developing from such massive movements of desperate and traumatized populations into countries in which they are alien. us natives

There is a natural propensity in these situations to think in terms of ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’.

If we do the math… that 1000, or even 2000 unruly migrant men and refugees were involved in this New Years Eve violence in Germany, we will find that this equates to a mere 0.2% of the 1 000 000 people whom Germany has given refuge… yet this in itself demonstrates how tiny minorities can cause troubles far in excess of their numerical significance, and cause massive problems for the total social demographic for which they are associated.
And this appears to be the general rule for Islam in general.
A Billion Muslims have been made to carry the scorn that Non Muslims should be directing only to that small portion who support Isis and other atrocities that are committed in the name of Islam.

Time was of the essence to save these people, yet these despicable episodes prove that time is now of the essence for decisive actions in quelling Lawlessness, and keeping the peace.

Events like this challenge the Humanitarian ideals of people like myself who have actively spoken up in favor of allowing more Syrians refugees into western nations, and plays directly into the hands of those whom out of fear, indifference, and hatred would leave them all to Starve or Drown.

Leaders Like Angela Merkel whom have heroically championed the Liberal Humanitarian cause, need to formulate ‘An Art’ of managing this Mass Refuge crisis via processes in which having opened the doors to save countless innocent lives… that now they are safe out of immediate harms way… these refugee populations must now be systematically ‘processed’ ‘vetted’ ‘sworn in’, and ‘instructed as to the terms and conditions of them remaining in their host country.

The leaders, and best of these Refugees need to play an active roll in this process, being employed with ‘natives’ in the ‘management and ‘acclimatization of their countrymen, to harmonize with the Laws and cultures of their hosts.

I am not talking about forcing them to abandon their beliefs, but that they must show appreciation and gratitude.
They must behave and respect* the laws of their hosts.
Peaceful Civility and cooperation are the bottom line conditions of their welcome and continued stay.

Any trouble makers must be singled out and publicly punished/ exiled, so that Law and order prevail and the host countries don’t become the victims of their own benevolence because of arrogant ingratitude from the refugees.
The refugees need to know on no uncertain terms that misbehavior will not be tolerated, and that the strong hand of the Law will keep the peace.
That it is a grave mistake to think their hosts are weak and powerless to prevent any mob lawlessness.

Situations as have been reported to exist in sections of French cities where migrant gangs are said to run amok and seek to impose sharia Law *Cannot be allowed* to be replicated elsewhere.
Strong… yet principled measures must ensure the Rule of Law and civil society is maintained.

This is a problem which vexes me greatly… Wisdom and decisive action must prevail so that such great humanitarian aid proves to be a benefit to everyone… not a disaster.

The future of Humanitarian Aid in times of Crisis depends on mutual Good will, and wise management prevailing over the troublemakers, and cowardly Doomsday Sayers whom would prefer oceans of Corpses rather than deal with the manifold problems Mass Refugee intakes of alien populations present.

A joint effort must be made to stop troublemakers from turning the host nations against immigrants and refugees… giving the Right wing anti -immigrant factions the ‘ammunition’ they need to stop the humanitarian effort and to crush liberty and equality.

Libertarians like myself know that in the long term receiving migrants and refugees tends towards greater wealth and prosperity, yet also appreciate that in the short term, clashes of culture and unrest are almost inevitable, and that the degree to which these problems manifest themselves will be to a large degree determined by the prudent actions and plans of the leaders of both the hosts, and the guests… or the lack thereof.

These problems and dilemmas will be the focus of much of my thought for the foreseeable future.

And there needs to be a hell of a lot more thinking about the Events and conflicts that led to this mass exodus from the East… about preventing repetitions, and also about restoring peace and safety in these waste lands of death and destruction, so that they can be rebuilt and re-inhabited.

What hope does Mankind have?
We seem hell bent on War…. Nation against Nation…. Brother against Brother.
Paradise lost.
Maybe we can never hope for lasting peace… yet still maybe this fact in itself shows that the world will always require Humanitarians to boldly act, and to triumph over the Fear mongers and the haters.

From above God watches.
Everything is being recorded for the day every one of us will be summoned to give an account for ourselves before his throne of Judgement.

I admit that these moral dilemmas test my courage and conviction, and I pray for wisdom and for Goodness to prevail over Evil.

Please share this post and get everybody on the same plan,.. for Freedom and peaceful co existence…

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More on The Refugee crisis from Tim….

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.

What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

Anti-Terrorism at its finest. The Road out of darkness into the light.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Where Haters come from.