Category Archives: Tyranny

Guilty Plea by New Zealander who shared the Banned Live Facebook feed of the Christchurch attack is a victory for tyranny and a defeat for Liberty

‘Businessman pleads guilty to distributing objectionable material after sharing Christchurch attack videos’

“Christchurch businessman Philip Arps pleaded guilty to two charges of distributing objectionable material following the Christchurch Mosque attacks on March 15th.

The charges have been laid under the Films, Videos and Publications Classifications Act.

One charge was for sharing the gunman’s live stream with up to 30 people. The other was for Arps requesting the material to be modified. This included adding cross hairs and a kill count to then be made into a “meme” for widespread publication…”

From here… One News…. here

IMO a super-crappy and devious aspect of this case is that by holding this guy so long in jail before being able to make a plea the State has been able to pressure him into making *a guilty plea*… whose Agents via a series of ‘little talks’ about how much trouble he is in and how long a sentence he risks by going to trial with an ‘unrepentant’ attitude.
‘Better to plead guilty’ and ask for mercy….

And so he has effectively *prosecuted and convicted himself*!!!

The Police and State *Love guilty Pleas* for Political crimes! (Lets watch and see what happens with Benton Tarant… the State certainly does not want an open trial for him!)

Such a Guilty Plea not only means that the Crown has been saved from actually *having to present a solid case* but also our whole country has been robbed of the opportunity to see all the facts and details of how the police conducted themselves… etc… and to see *what real evidence* they had… and if these charges can be successfully lawfully defeated.
Tyranny 1… the people 0.

The following is a Quote From a facebook comment thread…

“The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one’s time defending utter cockwombles. For it is against utter cockwombles that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.” ~ H. L. Mencken

That quote stresses the plight of the principled activist in defense of Liberty and Individual rights.

It is difficult to find many New Zealanders who have any sympathy for Arps… not only because most people find his behavioral and personal political opinions repugnant but also out of fear that if you dare to say anything negative about what the Government and Police are doing to him… you will be labeled a ‘White Nationalist/ Supremacist sympathiser’.

However I belong to several Political forums that have discussed this case and some people have shown the strength of character and wisdom to understand the dire implications of what has been done to this guy… and how extreme is the punishment they are threatening him… and all New Zealanders with should they dare to defy Censorship Laws and express views that the Government seeks to suppress.
And these Brave souls have spoken out against what is happening with this case, yet they are met with very sheepish responses that parrot the *official line* as to why Life feeds need to be ‘Filtered’ and censored… and these sheeple inevitably suggest that it is ‘indecent’ and risks ‘copy cat’ crimes to allow guys like Arps to go unpunished.

I have a few points I want to say to people who support what the government is doing… and plans to do with greater ‘Hate speech’ legislation and heavy handed curbs on live feeds to social media…who watched the video before it was taken down and outlawed will have enjoyed it, or would complain that after several days and sober reflection that facebook and other media *Voluntarily* removed it, yet I want to suggest to you that the fugitive aspects of allowing *the government* to force Social media not merely to Ban it *after some sort of due process* but to apply heavily controls on live streaming to the net as they are doing now… one of the ‘controls’ being delays on streaming for people with less than 100 followers… effectively halting live streaming for the bulk of *private citizens* while leaving a monopoly for mainstream media, etc… and this is *all about controlling the narrative* that the Government will allow the public to see….
Understand that *it is the Government* who hates the freedom and the power the internet provides the people.
For Example… Who has been embarrassed the most by the advent of the Cell phone camera?
The Police!
Live streaming Police corruption and injustice has been a Great eye opener to the general public… and a curse to the Government, and they have been trying to ‘Ban’ people from sharing this stuff on line…. and so while they have given you a list of lame excuses to believe why controlling the net is ‘for your own precious good’… in reality there are a thousand far more important reasons they dont want you to think about as to why the government is *not acting* in the best interest of the people, but out of their same old motive for Power and control.
The very same thing is easily provable with respect to the New Firearms prohibitions… the government controlling the narrative have all the sheeple thinking their new laws are wonderfully progressive despite the fact that they have punished thousands of innocent people, and taken away their rights, and made our whole nation more defenseless… the only people who really gained are the government… and their ability to keep the disarmed population under their yoke… their ability to throw them in jail with less resistance… etc.
And of course the Party state wants to control the narrative on all current affairs and what information reaches the voting population.

The Governments of the world have also pulled a massive moral swifty on all this as if Facebook as a service provider is responsible for what private citizens post.
they are no more responsible than Bill gates is for his Computers being used for Child pornography, or Smith and Wesson are for their guns being used in bank robberies.
So by threatening to hold Facebook liable for things like Brenton Tarrants video is outrageous.
Likewise with the foolish idea that it is the Governments job to keep us ‘safe’.
Ie How the hell can anyone think that the Police can be in all places at all times?
And would not that idea be itself an abomination to personal privacy and Liberty?
The truth is we must be allowed to take care of *Our own safety*! that is a fundamental right!

Its scary how much blind trust the average Sheeple places in Nanny State!
It is scary how little questioning and critical thinking is applied when the government acts with such a heavy hand!
It is sad how the general population Mocks those of us who dare to articulate our concerns and treats us like weirdos.
Tyranny 2. Freedom 0.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.

P.S… I am probably now on the Police ‘Watch list’ because I express what they deem to be ‘Radical views’ with respect to all that has happened with respect to the Christchurch terror attack.

See here Christchurch terror attack: More than 100 people being monitored by police

“More than 100 people – including white supremacists, Muslim converts and people left disgruntled by the Christchurch terror attack – are being actively monitored by police.

Stuff has obtained part of a top secret list that names those who are of concern to police following the March 15 terror attack. Stuff has chosen not to name anyone on the list or contact them for security reasons.

The list, which is understood to have included more than 100 people, includes “disaffected” people with firearm licences, and others with racist and radical views. Police appear to be placing a large focus on social media” ….

Now I question what constitutes ‘a radical view’?
I would say they would deem anyone who disagrees with what the Police and Government are doing… anyone who thinks their agenda is evil… anyone who believes their own rights are not dependent upon Government sanction.
And I would also suggest *special attention* will be made on those of us who have made public statements, Blogs, etc that protest all these heavy handed government actions and policies.
I will therefore assume because my Activism has been directly engaging the Government via submissions to the new firearms amendments, and because of my commitment to ending the entrenched racism of Treaty separatism… political views that have been deemed to be ‘Racist’ by The Minister of Justice Andrew Little… the guy who signs off on granting the Police and security services authority to spy on New Zealand citizens… that there is a greater than 50% probability that My name is on that list.
This is what the Nazis did…. The *Real Nazis* are doing the watching rather than the people being watched, yet the way the Spin doctors present the narrative its people like me who want Freedom and equality before the law who is to be deemed to be ‘A radical’…

This very point was raised by Chairman of the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties Thomas Beagle… ” said he had “strong concerns” about government surveillance of people.

“What we would expect is that if police were [monitoring] people that they actually proved the reason they need to do it to the appropriate authorities and got the appropriate warrants,” he said.

“Our main criteria is that we expect there to be the appropriate checks and balances and that there’s got to be more than just a political view for there to be any form of government surveillance.”

Police declined to say how many warrants had been issued to monitor people since March 15.”

From here… ‘Radical’ Muslim convert happy for police to do ‘due diligence’

More from Tim on the Christchurch terror attack and Government tyranny flowing in its wake… …. WELCOME TO THE MACHINE! I GUESS IT WONT BE LONG BEFORE I AM PUT IN JAIL FOR BREAKING NEW ZEALAND ‘HATE SPEECH’ LEGISLATION.







Update: 18-5-19 More information has come to light about Phil Arps since I wrote this opinion piece, that has baring on his guilty pea… yet still what I say in this Blog- post is still relevant…..
Also read this.

Tim Wikiriwhi. The Right to Self Defense: My (Undelivered) Oral submission to The New Zealand Committee Of THE ARMS (PROHIBITED FIREARMS, MAGAZINES, AND PARTS) AMENDMENT BILL April 2019

UPDATE!1-5-19 Czech government tells its citizens how to fight terrorists: Shoot them yourselves

I have a whole other story to tell the people of New Zealand about how it was that I came to write the following submission that would never be delivered… That will have to wait for following days, yet I must state that had I been given the opportunity to give an oral submission, I would have had to shorten what follows below considerably and make some of the supporting evidence for my claims as footnotes… discussion points for question time, etc
so what follows is about 10% of 1% of what I think about this foolishness and travesty of justice that is about to become law…

I dedicated my Written submission to the memory of the Victims of The Christchurch Terrorist attack.
I dedicate My Undelivered oral submission on this Bill to the memory of The late Hero Venezuelan Cop Oscar Perez… who Forsook working for the corrupt Government of Tyrant Nicolas Maduro and instead Died In armed revolution for the sake of the starving and oppressed people of Venezuela… fully lawful in his actions according to the Constitution of Venezuela Article 350.

Do not be deceived into thinking anyone who expounds these Ideas I share with you is Crazy… or Dangerous… that is what your slave masters want you to think!
Some of the greatest, and most moral human beings ever to walk this Earth have been enemies of the tyrannical Governments under which they had the misfortune to live… and they had the courage to stand against Evil powers in high places.
I am a Man of Peaceful Resistance… I fire words… at tyrants,

If I had stood before the committee and actually delivered the following submission I would have told them that the Right to Free speech is a defining characteristic of any free Nation nation… as it is designed to protect outspoken critics of Bad law … like me… from Politicians who write bad laws… like you!

Tim Wikiriwhi

Please read on!!


My concerns about this Bill are centered upon how it is part of a general and insidious erosion of Our Liberty and Rights that has been accelerated by the Governments response to the Christchurch terrorist mass murders. A response that was anticipated by the Terrorist himself in his manifesto.

Because of lack of time to fully expound my views on these matters There is much I have to leave unsaid and I will only be able to focus on but a single aspect of why I oppose this Bill.
I have spoken briefly on far more aspects regarding this bill in my written submission.

Today I want to focus on the right to self defense.

Because I am not a gun owner, this puts me in a stronger position than the Kiwi gun owning community to speak about self defense.

Its an extremely relevant issue with respect to what happened in Christchurch, and is in fact the key to a completely different response and strategy to what happened… one that instead of taking away rights as the proposed Bill does, this self defense strategy instead places more power back in the hands of the people where it rightfully belongs!

Yet this far more credible and moral alternative has been completely ignored by the government, and even the Gun owning community has shyed away from talking about it because not only do they know how antagonistic towards self defense the government is… the way the law now functions Gun owners are forbidden by the government and Police to claim Self defense as a valid reason why these firearms should not be prohibited!

And this is a primary reason I can confidently assume few submissions opposing this bill will have mentioned Self defense.. because for gun owners to do so is to run the risk of a Police raid and the confiscation of their property!

There exists a general dysfunctional culture of abuse, arrogance, narrow mindedness and antagonism by parliament and the police towards the citizens of New Zealand that is manifested by this bill and the other Draconian activities these powers have been engaged in since last month… all part of an agenda that is at variance with the Rightful duties of government and its proper relationship to the people.

A hell of a lot of political mis-direction and opportunism is taking place in the wake of the Christchurch Terror attack.
Immediately… and without any time to seriously investigate the circumstances of this atrocity… virtually while the Bodies of the victims were still lying where they fell Our Prime minister was already in full stride swearing that Gun Restrictions would be enacted immediately… which is of course political opportunism of the highest order… to ram home an agenda she had already subscribed to, one that would catapult her own fame among the Global liberal anti gun movement, ideology and agenda we see active all over the globe,

When you investigate this aganda… this desire … this policy to Ban semi automatic firearms we find it is not something that Ardern has arrived at in sober response to the Terror attack but is in fact a policy that has been the subject of constant pressure and lobbying from the New Zealand Police Association for a very long time.
Christchurch has merely provided them with the perfect opportunity to impose their desires without bothering with the normal processes… and safeguards for making laws.

What are the motives for this Rush to prohibit so many types of firearms?

a. I would never deny that obviously a primary motive would be one of Public safety… to try and minimize the the possibility of these guns being used in crimes against the public… very simplistic… yet appears noble.
This is the angle they have used to ‘sell’ their actions to the public, and to which the media have vigorously propagated as well.

b. Yet Let me present to you another motive… the obvious fact that the police are lobbying for this Bill from their own interests… a desire to mitigate the possibility that they themselves may have to contend with angry citizens when executing searches and seizures, or violent criminals who may have legal access to such firearms… resisting arrest, etc … which is understandable.

Yet there are many hazards in this type of activity when the Police consider it normal to try to sway the direction of the legislature… hazards that prove why the maintenance of the principle of the separation of powers is an important safeguard for just legislation and the safety of the rights and liberties of the citizens of the country, whom are the employers of the government and Police, and who these agencies are supposed to serve.

On the first count however we see a serious flaw in their logic with regards to a Ban on semi automatics to the general population for the sake of a handful of madmen, a massive gap that they do not consider… in that such a prohibition also renders the entire population less able to defend themselves should a madman or Group of Killers be on the loose.
Failure to weigh this greater consideration demonstrates the arrogance of the Police association, and their contempt for the right of citizens to act in their own defense.
The Math favors the rationale that the more of these guns are in the hands of Good law abiding citizens that the less likely Madmen will be able to carry out mass shootings of the magnitude we saw in Christchurch, and there are plenty of studies that validate the fact that more guns results in less crime, and also that New Gun restrictions do not result in less murder.
There have been plenty of examples in which armed citizens with Ar 15s have put an end to rampaging Killers.

On the second count which is the assertion that the police pushing the prohibition of semiautomatics and pump action shotguns are acting out of their own self interest I believe this is in fact their primary motive to why The Police have lobbied Government to ban semi automatics, and this too displays the contempt the Police have for the peoples right to bear quality arms in their own defense.
What I find is most disturbing about this motive is the Police are displaying all the characteristics of a self interested monopoly Lobby group that seeks to pervert the law, for their own benefit, at the expense of the community which they are supposed to serve… The Prohibitions they desire are antagonistic to the rights and liberties of the people… so by this means they are crossing the line between executive and legislative branches for the sake of their own power and have turned the situation into an ‘Us against them’ scenario

Do not think for a moment that I have no care or concern for the welfare of the brave men and woman in our Police force… let me clearly sate for the record that a very close member of my own family is a front line police officer, and so I do have skin in the game… yet I hope that I am making the point that it is the duty of the Police to serve, and to uphold the rights and liberties of the people, not to lobby and work to greater empower themselves and take away our rights and liberties.
It is only The Rights and Liberties of a Nation that makes it great, and keeps its people free, and distinguishes Free people from those who live under Political subjugation.
To be a Good policeman firstly requires a love and respect for Freedom and justice… a desire for our country to be Free, and for our people to enjoy their rights and liberties… and to display boldness in doing this difficult task without becoming antagonistic towards the rights and liberties of the people they serve.
Now I am not a fan of the UN, yet even their own documents on Human rights standards and Practice for the Police dated 2004 under the heading ‘Policing in democracies’ clearly states
1. The Police shall provide for the protection of public safety *and the rights* of all persons
2. The Police shall be an independent organ of the executive…
3. Every Law enforcement agency shall be representative of and responsive and accountable to the community as a whole
4 All police officials are part of and have a duty to serve. the community
5. and No member of the Police may participate directly in political activities.

The Activities of the Police Lobbying and participating in Propaganda to facilitate our Elected Government into passing this Bill clearly contravenes the principle of a separation of The executive and legislative powers on government.
They have clearly engaged in Political activities… conspiring with Parliament against the Community!
The drive by Police to actively engage in propaganda and the legislative process against the rights of Gun owners shows a contemptuous attitude towards Gun owners… ie is evidence of a Dysfunctional police culture and prejudice… and this same prejudice and contempt is clearly displayed by Members of parliament, on both sides of the house… those politicians who encourage the police to propagate fear, and lobby for heavy handed legislation.
So instead of a separation of powers.. we find Collusion… to defraud the rights of a portion of New Zealand Citizens… Legal and law abiding Gun owners.
This Bill is bad Law founded upon Corrupt practices.

Lets look at very recent examples of when a completely Different view is taken towards gun ownership by governments and Legal authorities with respect to self defense

In March A Judge in America has just struck down Legislation that attempted to ban high capacity Magazines saying that they had legitimate Self defense utility.
US District Judge Roger Benitez cited home invasions where a woman used the extra bullets in her weapon to kill an attacker while in two other cases women without additional ammunition ran out of bullets.
He said “Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts,”
He declared unconstitutional the law that would have banned possessing any magazines holding more than 10 bullets.

Italy has just passed a Home invasion and self defense law this month that Modifies article 52 of the Italian penal code, which now allows Italians to use “A Legitimately held weapon” to protect themselves and members of their household, making it far less likely individuals will be brought up on charges for defending themselves.
imitating this would be a far more rational response to the Christchurch terror attack.

In November last year Christian Biker Stephen Willeford grabbed his AR semi automatic rife and ran towards shots he could her coming from a church and he faced off against a Terrorist Just like the one who attacked the mosques in Christchurch!
He was able to Drive off the Terrorist who was murdering Christians in their place of worship… Wilfords fire forcing him to call off his attack and retreated to his vehicle… The gunman would be found shot on the side of the highway!

And for my final example I want to give you an example when AR Rifles were legitimately used by Private citizens to defend their own Livelihoods, Liberty, and property from the tyrannical actions and intentions of a Modern day Western democracy under leftist Liberal administration… proving that Citizens need such arms to defend themselves from Modern day Socialism in a country very much like our own!
How many of you are familiar with recent events in Nevada USA,,, and the Bundy Ranch?
Go do some homework people… yet be careful where you get your information!
The Bundy Family are Ranchers of who have Leased land off the State of Nevada for many generations and yet the Federal Government has been using very tyrannical means forcing Ranchers off these land… laying unbearable Tax bills upon them, and using the Federal ‘Environmental and Parks’ Bureaucracy ‘The bureau of Land Management’ (BLM) to try and forcefully evict The Bundys off their local state Leasehold land.
Now the BLM are not just smokey the Bear Park rangers, but a fully militarized force with Humvee’s and snipers!
And at the orders of Obama’s Administration The BLM turned up to steal The Bubdy’s cattle and they killed a whole bunch and they assaulted some of the protesters who had gathered at the ranch in support of the family… anyway News got out about what was going on and Supporters came from far and wide… and they brought their Ar Semi Autos and spontaneously formed a Militia… and they proceeded to face off the BLM Arms vs arms!
This event must rank as one of the greatest moments in modern US History!
That most people dont even know about these Epic events just proves how mainstream media is absolutely failing in its duty as the vanguard of freedom!
Anyway The Bundys and their supporters were able to force the ARMY of the BLM … and all the covert opps Black Utes… to Stand down… and leave!
The Bundys were left on their property and with their cattle!
Later The federal government would attempt other means by which to destroy the Bundys… They Ambushed, and Murdered one of their most Principled and Patriotic supporters and friend Lavoy Finicum and would via devious means arrest the Bundy men… and attempt to frame them in court… not once… but twice!
Both times the Court found that the Bundy’s were Upright men and acted in full accord with their rights in defense of their property against state agencies that were acting in a corrupt and unlawful way!
The Bundys were acting within their constitutional Rights to Bear Arms… AR 15s… in their own defense against a Tyrannical Government Agency… The BLM Had they not done so The BLM would have taken Their cattle and destroyed their Lives.
The last judgement acquitting the Bundy’s *with prejudice* … a term that not only means they can never again be tried for the same reason… but also indicates how contemptible the court found the activities of the Federal prosecution!
Go study these things… Go to the Bundy’s themselves and see how they are just an all American cowboy family and how their story is an absolute vindication of the second amendment and the need for citizens to have AR semi automatics… and their *Legal right* to point these ARs at Government agents who are acting in an unjust and tyrannical manor… breaking the Law!

Yes Modern day Democratic Governments just like ours can… and do behave like criminals!
And we are seeing this behavior right now in New Zealand since the Christchurch atrocity… Squads of Police are at this very moment Trawling facebook and the internet and when they find any gun owner has commented on a Group that has been ‘flagged’… etc they are rolling around to these Law abiding citizens and gun owners and demanding to see their gun safes… and are threatening them with Gun confiscations… and trying to start altercations as pretense to seize arms of these innocent Citizens for the crime of making a comment on a facebook Page Jacina Arden does not like!
Where will this end?
It will end precisely like Venezuela! Where The Government confiscated guns of anyone associated with the public protest against the Corrupt Socialist Tyrant government and so the only people in Venezuela who legally own guns today are the supporters of the Evil regime!
And today Venezuela is in its death trows of Tyranny, oppression, starvation, mass exodus, Death squads, an absolute Hell on earth… and this was the wealthiest nation in Latin America just a few decades ago.

So only Fools cannot apprehend the truth that such a horrific future could happen here!

Time prevents me from continuing my exposition on the vital importance of the lawful right to bear arms for self defense.

In closing the greatest threat to the safety and happiness of our great country and any other does not come in the form of Terrorists or criminals… or even from dangerous foreign powers… The greatest threat comes from social moral degeneration capitalised upon by Oppressive government that run Heavily Burdensome Police states… in the name of public safety.

Thus because it is a great delusion to believe the promises of Politicians like Jacinda Ardern that her Party State will keep us Safe from Terrorists and dangerous criminals I oppose this Bill and instead recommend Parliament remove the police from the administration of Firearms legislation (management of the Arms Act) and prohibit them from interfering in politics… in accord with the UN Recommendation of Policing in a Democracy restoring the vital separation of Executive power from the legislative powers of our democratic system, and also to frame and enact legislation that legalizes the Legitimacy of Self defense to be valid reason to seek to obtain and hold a New Zealand fire arms licence and firearms including semi automatics allowing those who prove themselves competent and mentally fit to own AR’s and Pump action shotguns for self defense, in their homes, workplaces, businesses, and places of worship and recreation.

Tim Wikiriwhi

More from Tim….






My Written submission that is now a matter of Public record…

More Bills… more submissions…




“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?” Noble said, referring to states with pro-gun traditions. “What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.”

“For me it’s a profound question,” he continued. “People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc. I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?'”

Read more here

Other references….

The New Conservative party is putting out some exemplary posts in opposition to the whole bill and farcical process by which the government has acted… here.

italy passes home invasion self-defence law while australians remain defenceless victims

Federal Judge Tosses Out California’s Ban on High-Capacity Firearm Magazines

NZ’s battle over semi-automatics: Police frustrated by the law, firearm owners frustrated by police

FBI Report: Armed Citizens See 94% Success Rate During Active Shooter Incidents

Select Committee recommends Government go ahead with semi-automatics ban

World War 3 On The World Wide Web. The Crushing Of Free Speech in New Zealand.

This post will speak of political corruption of the Left wing of an absolutely frightening Magnitude, yet still just because I am critical of the Left wing does not automatically mean I am a supporter of the Right!
I emphatically declare I am no apologist for the right whom I dislike for virtually the same reasons I dislike the Left.
I am a Libertarian and so I believe *Both* the Left and the Right are oppressive ideologies.
I am a Defender and advocate for the equal rights of all… Freedom, and self responsibility as opposed to the left and Right whom Both promote Obese and heavy handed Nanny State.

I have been driven to make this clear given the Left seek to label anyone who critisises them as being Far Right… and unless you have been living under a rock for the past two weeks you ought to know that our Lefty Liberal government has declared *open season* on the Far Right.

For Radical leftists the Christchurch Terror attack has been a public relations Boon!
Not only has this event catapulted their SJW Liberal Prime minister Jacinda Ardern into the political stratosphere… her cult of Personality profiting the most from this atrocity, the Left has also used this Grotesque act of violence as the pretext to justify equally Grotesque and insidious political Rights violations esp of anyone who does not endorse her Left wing Governments heavy handed agenda which is nothing new of itself… yet it has been accelerated by this Heinous crime… fulfilling the expressed desires of the Christchurch Terrorist *precisely*… like clockwork!

^ So How exactly does the Manifesto prohibition work? As you can see overseas You-tubers who are not subject to the censorship rule are talking about, quoting it. etc… as you would expect Free people concerned about the facts will inevitably do! Is it a Crime now for New Zealanders to watch overseas videos like this and to share them as I am doing now?… even though I am not promoting hate, or racism, but openly discussing these events as an independent Libertarian Journalist and blogger?
How are we to know?

I have zero desire to be ‘interviewed’ by the police, zero desire to have my Blog or facebook page shut down, zero desire to be prosecuted for breaching any censorship, zero desire to have my name associated with the Far Right, zero desire to be put on any sort of terrorist watch list, yet in this Post Christchurch political atmosphere *These are the sorts fears* any activist voice must now boldly overcome if they are not to be reduced to silence.
All these types of blatant rights violations arbitrarily imposed … with little or no safeguards or due process… or right of appeal… founded upon poorly formulated and hastily enacted and heavily prejudiced legislation… which no consideration for the huge potential for injustices such powers are likely to inflict upon innocent parties.
It is unbelievable that I am speaking about such things in my beloved country New Zealand!
Its quite frankly terrifying!
The dampening down of open dialogue and the silencing of criticism and an atmosphere of fear to speak is very real, and vocal people like myself have no guarantee of safety… no guarantee all the things I just listed above… or worse will not befall me because I dare to speak out against this government activity.

Read… More NZers under surveillance: Andrew Little authorises spy agencies to do more ‘intrusive’ activities

… nonetheless this is my Latest blogpost (of several) about the Christchurch Terror attack which is likely to draw the enmity of Ardern supporters and the gaze of the New Zealand Police because in peacefully and righteously exercising my rights to freely express my political opinion I must condemn our Governments over-the-top, response to this vile crime, esp with regard to their censorship, the arrests that have followed those whom have not complied with the new prohibitions, and with respect to the banning of Semi-automatic rifles, and also what now appears to be a policy of police harassment of people who identify as ‘far right nationalists’, yet who in ever other aspect are living peacefully and not committing any crimes, not calling for violence, but might be expressing their personal political opinions via social media… just as the thousands of ‘Maori Sovereignty’ people do all day in this country… and other ‘First Nations’ groups and their self loathing white liberal supporters do 24/7 all over the globe.
Its interesting to note that the new Ardern scheme does not include the Police rounding up ‘Maori sovereignty’ racist radicals whose mouths are filled with race hatred, and whom along with Green extremists have been caught red handed planning terrorism… have all new Zealanders forgotten about Tame iti and the Greens who were caught in the Urewara ranges terrorist training camp?
Has everyone forgotten the true chain of events by which these dangerous radicals escaped justice… not because they were innocent, but because of Police bumbling and poorly written anti-terrorist legislation that had been too hastily written in the wake of 911?
Doesn’t anyone wonder why all this has been swept under the carpet so that the focus can be pointed at White Supremacy Groups, when in truth Maori separatism Maori Nationalism is a far more militant force in New Zealand… to the point that it has become normalised… and even *accepted!*
Instead of doing hard time Tame iti and Crew received an official apology!

Maori Sovereignty flag.

Update: 1-4-19 Read: Facebook Bans “White Nationalists”, Black Nationalists Still Welcome

*All these things being so, a clear Political prejudice* is patently on display… In New Zealand, and across the globe there are now select groups… identities… demographics upon which it is open season to defame, Malign and to provoke pubic prejudice against… Christians, Whites, Men, Heterosexuals, Meat eaters, Climate Change deniers, Anti-Vaxx, Drug law reformers, anti-immigration, anti-abortion, etc… To pour out all sorts of ‘hate’ upon these demographics and even promoting violence against them such as that violent and destructive Leftist group Antifa with their ‘Punch a Nazi’ motif… is not only understood to be a civil right … it has become some sort of trendy display of woke=ness and virtue!

Conversely to be openly critical of Radical Islam, Radical Maori separatism, Neo-Feminist sexism, Militant homosexuality and Vegetarianism, Climate change, Vaccinations, Drug prohibition, pro-immigration, pro-choice, etc … even when such critisism does not contain overt hatred or promote violence… can not only result in you being censored from the global and national public debate on social media, but in some instances even get you arrested, fined or jailed!

We are witnessing a full-blown attack on Free speech by the Left who are using Every oppressive measure and tactic to see that their political opinions are the only views that may be lawfully expressed.
The Left now display those definitive signs of tyranny and oppression… Thought Crimes and punishment for disagreeing with the State!
North Korea anyone????
Wake up people!
We are engaged in a War of Ideals and Values that threatens to destroy Liberty in Western Societies and render us all slaves under a Police State.
We are witnessing nothing short of a Global Coup by the Left that at all times grows like a malignant tumor from the blood of Terrorist attacks like what happened in Christchurch.
Tyranny thrives in chaos.
The World wide web is the theater of this world war… and Liberty is loosing.

We Now live in the age of internet Social media which has basically superseded all the other traditional means by which Political activism and discussion has been carried out, Email groups have evaporated, Newspapers and Letters to Ed are in heavy decline, Postal communication is almost dead, and since 911 and the rise of groups like Antifa, it has become more dangerous to stand on a soapbox and express your views in the public square because the Police will shut you down.. and violent leftists, and others groups such as of intolerant Muslims, Pro-choice nutters, etc that have no respect for the rights of others to free speech will attack you…. and these criminals are seldom arrested… we see this happening a lot in England via reports on the internet… and yet these same violent leftist groups appear to be able to march the streets like a horde of savages chanting violent slogans and intent… and even engaging in Mass destruction of property… while the police stand by and do nothing!

So Now that a vast amount of Political debate is happening on Social media we can understand why Leftist Liberals in Government are so hell bent on Threatening the likes of Facebook with prosecution for not shutting down and curtailing the expression of political opinions that the Leftist governments disapprove of.
You can see that if the average non-celebrity, Good, Peaceful, and well meaning Critic of the Liberal agenda is banned from Facebook and social media that they have effectively been denied a voice and have been eliminated from the Public debate.

And how in fact are these Internet Giants like Facebook supposed to enact this Grand scheme of suppression of anti-liberal free speech on their Social media platforms in compliance of what Leftist governments are now demanding?
Despite the latest statements by facebook that they will deploy new AI tec to filter live streams in an effort to prevent terrorist live streaming, why is it that *no body* is standing up and pointing to the Elephant in the room that *no AI algorithm* can be written that can justly filter the wheat from the chaff of public dialogue… and that because of this fact of reality even the most sophisticated and ingenious AI will still result in the unjust censorship of thousand of innocent people… will certainly result in political prejudice… all for the sake of a diabolical and delusional fantasy of the left that the Internet can be so policed and restricted?
All for the impossible task and expressed sake of thwarting a tiny minority on Madmen!

And how can Facebook fulfill the deluded promise they are making to Liberal governments that they will ban All so-called right wing White nationalist, anti migrant sentiment from their platforms in places like Europe without cutting off 50% of their users given how mainstream Right wing nationalism has become in those parts of the world?

And then consider the alternative to 100% AI censorship… relying on social net workers themselves to report instances of posts and comments that ‘Violate facebook community standards’.
This function is abused to such a massive degree by the petty minded, the prudish, and esp by the fanatically biased Leftist Activists who use the ‘report’ function to attack anyone whom they do not like, getting them automatically banned.
Media Giants like Facebook cannot be expected to hire enough Objectively minded moderators to manually consider and process the sheer number of false reports and so Facebook must then to some degree rely on automated responses… that again results in unjust bans much to the delight of the Malevolent serial activist ‘reporter’… a vile creature who has zero respect for the free speech of others with whom they disagree… and hate!
These are the Terrorists of the internet… the enemies of freedom… who seek their own political ends by devious and underhanded means.
Yes… All These tools that are supposed to eliminate Hate speech have been turned into powerful tools for the haters and the prejudiced, and because ultimately they are all anti-free speech… they are resulting in a social media that is heavily skewed, heavily oppressive, to the degree that it is Hobbling the most important vanguard of democratic societies!
Should we be surprised that the Leftist Lie and Massive Fake News campaigns about Trumps Collusion with Russia … their so-called interference with the elections via the internet and defeat the Leftist Hillary Clinton… All Lies… All hysteria… yet has now been turned into a tool by the left to heavily interfere with the internet and thereby corrupt the fairness of future elections?

All this tyranny and lies, and delusions have resulted because the whole world seems to have forgotten why *Free speech* is such an essential component of a free society!
The world has forgotten that once you allow the Government to silence those on the fringes that the next morning you awaken to the fact that now it is a crime for you to have any opinion that is not official policy!
This has almost nothing to do with fighting terrorism… that is just an excuse for the idiots to believe… This massive Agenda has everything to do with Power and control of Everybody and everything on Earth!

I have spoken of this all being squarely a leftist ideological battle, which is undoubtedly true, yet because there is currently so little distinction between those who pretend to be center left and those who purport to be center right in New Zealand, there is little hope for rescue from what is happening here and now from the Leading Opposition party … National… and in fact it is difficult not to assume Simon Bridges and co would have been any less heavy handed than Ardern!
Every noise they have made indicates they are no more interested in defending the rights of Free speech, or Gun rights than Ardern is… and in fact we can expect many National MPs to Rubber stamp Arderns Legislation when they pass through the parliamentary legislature process.
So We must look for help elsewhere… New Zealand is in Crisis yet there appears to be No political party willing to stand up for our rights and liberties.
New Zealand desperately needs a New Libertarian Party!

Unless there is a massive public backlash against all this and unless Facebook grows a pair of Gonads and tells the governments of the world that they will no longer pander to the suppression of free speech under political duress… that they will no longer buy into the Political line that they are themselves as a company are in any way responsible for what their users think or say…. and that they will instead defend Liberty and be prepared to face Governments in court for their unreasonable and oppressive demands… that the truth is that it is just as *impossible* to justly moderate social media to the extent these deranged and power crazed socialists expect as it is for the police to crack down on any one and everyone under the pretext of preventing future Terrorist attacks…. and that on both counts Freedom works better for the good of society while Censorship, harassment, and gun prohibitions only serve the interests of Terrorists and Tyrants and the expense of the Liberty and safety of the people… only if we all rise up in protest and put an end to all this leftist power-tripping madness will there be any hope that future elections will be Free and fair,… *only then* can we hope that our children will grow up Free.
And only the most feeble minded voting idiot does not understand that since the Democrats lost to Trump, and Lost the Brexit vote… that this has been their plan all along.
Its time to stand up for Liberty People… or die slaves!
And the Terrorists and Tyrants will have won!
Evil prevails when Good men do nothing … and the Crisis is at hand!
Disregard my warnings at your Peril.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Independent Libertarian Journalist and Activist.

What follows is my First Facebook post after been let out of Facebook jail yesterday…
I have posted it hear as not only was it the seed for the blog post above I also want to save it here just in case my facebook page gets Zucced.

So I am now out of Facebook Jail.
My crime was to publish the fact that Jacinda Ardern is a Puppet of the Christchurch terrorist… doing exactly what he expressly hoped and rightly expected leftist politicians like her would do in his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’.
I quoted the relevant passage from the manifesto where he said this *Before doing so* was made a crime by our tyrannical state Chief Censor David Shanks who should be ashamed of himself for his violation of our rights and liberties under threat of up to 14 years jail…. for sharing a document of historic significance that is available to the whole world to freely discuss… except for us sad little Kiwi sheeple thanks to fact that we are being run by incompetent and tyrannical imbeciles.
Many people on my friends list probably did not miss any of my posts… those who either do not bother to read them anyway… others would have smirked and have enjoyed the fact that I was jailed because they despise my Libertarian values and opinions and worship Jacinda Ardern, and Lord her heavy hand.
Some will consider this first post out of jail to be foolhardy and think I ought to ‘tone down’ my opinions, rather than risk being thrown in jail again… or even receiving a knock at my door… yet I pity you fear driven sheeple that at such a time as this when our country requires bold defense of our rights, and the actions of our Parliament are punishing, and censoring, and making criminals out of innocent people… that you have already been reduced to cowering slaves.
Now without mentioning any names while in jail I was still able to read posts on my news feed and I became aware of a serious act of oppression and suppression of one individual by the Police over this business. They are not a personal friend. They are just someone I friended because they made many libertarian oriented posts that I agree with, and I even signed onto one of their ‘rights pages’… and from their personal posts that were written about their ‘visits from the police’, I am very concerned about what is happening to our rights and liberties… and yet this person then disclosed the fact that they are a ‘White Nationalist’… but apparently not ‘White supremacist’.
This was a surprise for me to hear this and had I known this before I friended them and joined their page I would certainly have done *Neither!*.
I have no desire to associate with White Bigots, than Maori Bigots, or any other type of racist Bigotry!
Anyone who is familiar with my Libertarian activism over the last 20 years knows I am passionate about racial equality before the law, and not opposed to immigration, or Refugees, and that I have been vocal in the defense of these values and principles.
And so I am choosing to dis-associate myself from this individual just as I have done in the past from others whom have displayed Racist ‘white nationalist’ or ‘Maori separatist’ overtones.
Nonetheless and despite the fact that the Christchurch Terrorist was a White Nationalist Environmental Extremist Fascist I still condemn heavy handed Police treatment of people like this guy, and believe such treatment will only serve to pour Gasoline on the fire!
By oppressing and suppressing the views of people like this you are not only committing a crime against them… you will certainly provoke outrage and radicalise unstable members who would otherwise would have remained benign… and so this sort of Draconian management of the problem will result in *The very opposite* outcome of what is intended by our simpleton government and their minions.
Free speech acts not only as one of our only defenses against Tyranny… one of the most potent means of defeating Evil ideologies… it also acts as a pressure relief valve for people who dont like the status quo… they can blow off steam… and we can either ignore them, or challenge them via reason, etc yet as soon as you start to oppress them and suppress them this puts a cap on the pressure cooker and cranks up the heat… and you can then *expect an explosion* (im not talking about nutters who call for rape and murder).
So these are my first thoughts having been released. and Hopefully I am not thrown straight back in jail for critisising our Great leaders…. yet I will not be reduced to being their mute slave.


More from Tim…








The Christchurch Terrorist attack, PM Ardern’s desire to ban semi-Automatic rifles, and the delusion that will make New Zealanders safer.

Note: Tyranny has been running amok here in New Zealand since the Christchurch Terrorist Atrocity happened with Censorship, and suppression, People getting arrested for mere comments on Facebook! Its like The Death of Free speech has arrived.
My Blogpost (below) was written *before* many of these Censorship laws were rushed into being and so it contains references to the now banned manifest… yet if you go and read my latest blogpost here you will understand why I have not deleted these references from my post below.

I also wrote another Blog post on this subject before that Censorship ban Here and another *after the Ban here … in which I explain why I have not redacted excerpts of the manifesto ‘the great replacement’ from these related blog posts.

As a Christian Libertarian New Zealander my sincere condolences go out to the Muslim community in Christ church and their greater families and friends… and their wounded in the hospitals are in my prayers.

This horrific act of terrorism has caused our Nation such a deep wound that cuts to the heart, and my post today is like so many others that will be written about this crime, and asking what can be done to prevent this sort of atrocity happening again, yet My words will not be in support of the plan being preached down from above by Jacinda Ardern who is promising the state will do more to keep us all safe.
I want to suggest that this crime is a wake up call for New Zealanders to snap out of their childish and misplaced dependence on Misguided politicians like her and to take more responsibility for our own defense.
I want New Zealanders to wake up to the fact that we have already been robbed of many of our natural rights to take care of our own security and to utterly reject Arden’s plans to render us even more defenseless, and take away our Semi-automatic firearms that are 99.999% used for peaceful purposes… hunting.
So Our Great leader thinks little about destroying the rights of millions of New Zealanders over the actions of a handful of extremists.

And in fact The terrorist expressly chose firearms because he knew that would cause politicians to try and Ban guns….
This being So Jacinda Ardern is proving to be a gullible puppet on a string!
A Predictable Simpleton.
In his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ published on line before the attack the Killer said the reason he used firearms over other options was to achieve maximum Media Hype and to provoke Leftist politicians (like Jacinda Ardern) into passing draconian fire arms restrictions!
And like a Puppet on a string that is precisely what Ardern has immediately proposed to do!
The following is an extract from the manifesto… ‘The Great Replacement’…. warning… its vile stuff…


Why did you choose to use firearms?
I could have chosen any weapons or means.A TATP filled rental van. Household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.A
ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.Gas,fire,vehicular attacks,plane
attacks, any means were available. I had the will and I had the resources. I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra
media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the
politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to
abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see
this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic
polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing
of the US along cultural and racial lines. Why did you choose New Zealand as a place to attack?
New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New
Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found
out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere
else in the West. Secondly an attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of
the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the
invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world
and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass
immigration. Was there any reason you attacked that(those) mosque(s) in
Originally the mosque in Dunedin was the main target,particularly after
watching the video on their facebook page named “Otago muslim

(From Stuff here)

Socialist Governments are absolutely idiotic.
What we are seeing here with Ardern’s declaration of a future ban on semi automatic weapons, is the lie that Socialists sell the world over … the claim that the more defenseless they render everybody… the more they take away our rights… the more laws they pass… that the safer we all are supposed to be…. *when the opposite is true*
Contemplate the fate of the Venezuelan population whom complied with their socialist government, and were disarmed!
The more defenseless they render us… the more exposed to violence we become!

Ardern’s ‘Super genius socialist plan’ is no better than the *Same utter rubbish* being pedaled in London due to the so-called ‘Knife crisis’.
Having Banned handguns there… people are now Stabbing each other. ( Where Murder abounds is a testament to a moral crisis that is something socialists cant fix by their stupid prohibitions)

In London the Socialists idiots running the place there are coming up with all sorts of suggested new laws and prohibitions!
Banning home delivery of knives… suggesting all knife points be rounded off ‘by law[… etc etc.
(See here)
And here… UK official says all knives should be fitted with GPS trackers to fight rise in stabbings. He’s mocked mercilessly.
He added that ‘it’s time we had a national database like we do with guns’!!!!!

Talk about unhinged!

Reality pill people!
You cannot ‘Ban’ the universe into being a ‘safe space’ for defenseless children…. these Liberal Tyrants are turning our nations into Children’s daycare centers… and it does not work!
They are are simply making the population more dependent upon the State… and therefor less self reliant… and more exposed.
Ie *Less safe!*
They are turning our societies into Prisons… yet even in prisons Dangerous criminals can still make shanks and murder you… even in a prison with hundreds of guards and all Guns and knives Banned!
Only *Idiots* think these prohibitions are a good idea… or have any hope of success!
The concept that any time something bad happens is an indication that the government needs to do ‘more’ is retarded.
I want you to think about this instead… These terrible events can just as easily be seen as an indication the Government needs to do *less*!
Instead of the Govenment taking away more of our rights, they ought to be restoring our rights they have already foolishly taken away!
*Re-Empowering us* to look out for our own security.
This is what a society of Free, enlightened, and self-reliant Citizens would be… a society that does not believe the foolish idea that our politicians can keep us safe.

Yet this *Do less* response to these sorts of horrors rarely occurs to the minds of the Sheeple who seek to rely on Governments to keep them safe rather than take responsibility for their own safety…
The Sheeple refuse to see this atrocity as proof of the failure of Nanny State Socialism.
Sheeple prefer to have Less rights rather than More personal responsibility…. and this childish mentality is precisely what feeds the Socialist politicians and why these Little brainless tyrants get elected instead of more honest, and competent candidates.
Socialism Feeds on Paranoia.
Liberty requires Bravery…. and so any event that spooks the sheeple results in more Socialism… less freedom.

Why did the Maniac choose to come to New Zealand to shoot peaceful Muslims instead of going to Syria and shooting *Real Islamic Terrorists*?
Because though he maybe consumed with hatred … he is not *Insane*… He knew our Socialist state has disarmed *our Muslims* … and did not fancy the Idea of having his victims shooting back!
Now… up until this Cowardly atrocity happened, its most likely that New Zealand Muslim migrants would have had little concerns about being dis-armed by the New Zealand government, and many of them probably bought into the delusion that this law has a lot to do with why New Zealand is so much ‘Safer’ than many of the places they have escaped from… yet that is not the case at all!

What causes New Zealand to be a safer place is not our Gun Restrictions, but our policy of Tolerance and relative religious liberty that comes from our enlightened and Founding Protestant Culture.
And Muslim immigrants have taken full advantage of this liberty and tolerance we enjoy here in this country to maintain their Islamic faith and community, and they are *practicing this tolerance of others too*, and this is the foundation of peaceful co-existence in a free society made up of disparate groups , each following their own conscience and peacefully worshiping God as they believe is right.
*Its this Tollerance, and respect for the religious liberty of others that makes New Zealand such a great place to live… for everyone.

In this sense New Zealand has been an example to the world that Freedom of Religion works and that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and Hindus, can all live together in the same communities to mutual benefit… based upon the common values that we all want to be safe in our lives and property, and be free to follow our own values while respecting the rights of our neighbors to do the same.

Yet even though by far the Majority of New Zealanders… both Native and new arrivals are tolerant and peaceful, there will always exist a tiny number of psychopaths and maliciously warped minds like these Freaks whom have cause our Nation such a horrific wound.

The lie That Socialist politicians continue to pedal … and the delusion of the Timid sheeple who worship Nanny State and vote for them… those who have no concept of the value of Freedom or self reliance … is that Socialist Nanny State can keep us all safe… if she is allowed to take away more of our rights and Liberties…
This is not only a dishonest lie that renders us all sitting ducks… it is also a Childish fantasy!
Its the Children’s fairy story about a Utopian world where folk have no need of Guns… where there are no Bad People who disobey the laws… dont make Guns or bombs… where the Government and police are angels and never act tyrannically or unjustly … etc etc
This is not the world we live in children!
This is the type of Childish thinking that refuses to see that though we have relative peace and liberty, and religious tolerance, that places like Mosques, Churches, and even schools, should have armed guards, and that it should be no big deal for ordinary people to carry the means of defending themselves.

I know that that last comment will have the sheep absolutely bleating!
Yet it is their sheepish terror that refuses to acknowledge *The real world truthfulness* of what I have said… and they want to cling to their fantasy that a disarmed population can be kept safe from this sort of Terrorism by Nanny state!

It has been reported that it took Police 36 minutes before they engaged the Terrorist from when they were first notified there was an active Gunman on the loose… and by then nearly 50 people were murdered and dozens more seriously injured.

And that we are taliking now about *Semi-autos* not Full automatic machine guns (which have already been banned) is a testament to *The Creeping socialist agenda to ban all privately owned guns* and leave only the State with fire arms!
The Tyrannical Government’s *wet Dream*… an absolutely helpless and subject population of slaves!
This is why The founding Fathers of American freedom enshrined the second amendment and why Tyranny loving Socialists Dems in the US are hell bent on abolishing the second.

The truth is This Terrorist attack against peaceful worshipers and immigrants proves We New Zealanders have lived in a socialist dream bubble that has burst.
The Root cause of this Terrorism is not too many Guns… but not enough… and it should become the norm that we have armed guards and *more gun rights not less* … generally speaking.
This is the reality pill that so few sheepish are willing to swallow and why our naive and simpleton Woke SJW Prime minister has already announced that semi-automatic fire arms will be outlawed!
This was a 100% predictable knee jerk reaction from her… I knew this would be her plan as soon as I herd about this crime, as it is Textbook for Socialist Liberals to use events like this to further empower themselves and take way the rights of the Millions of law abiding people under the pretext of public safety… and to try and keep the idiots believing the myth…maintaining the charade that * NANNY WILL KEEP US SAFE*… even though this Terror attack proves the lie!
Semi-automatic guns are the mainstay of Hunting in New Zealand.
They are Tools… not ‘Weapons’!
And we cannot allow our Virtue signally Woke SJW PM make New Zealand a laughing stock to the rest of the world… and an even more attractive destination for foreign extremists to commit these atrocities in the future!

Our Nation is rapidly being effeminated by the insanity of Lefty Liberalism.
It was only last century that New Zealanders were renowned for their Martial excellence distinguishing themselves in two world wars and that our enemies were very wary of our Nation because we were known to be a Nation of fearless warriors … Proud Gun owners who knew knew how to use them , and taught our children how to use them too.
*That is the sort of Mindset* that would make our country far less attractive to cowardly terrorists!
The very opposite message of what our foolish PM is broadcasting to the world.
Wake up New Zealand!

Professional Virtue signaler NZ PM Jacinda Ardern puts on her I care for Muslims ‘hat’

Well thankfully we do not yet live under *Her dictatorship* so thankfully she does not have the Authority to impose such an extreme and tyrannical Law upon us, and New Zealand still has a strong Hunting and gun ownership community (50 000 guns were imported into the country last year), and I am hoping New Zealander rally and publicly demonstrate against this new and absurd and extreme Gun regulation proposal… and I have high expectations that Jacinda Ardern will fail.
Lets hope so.
Read more here

Muslims and Christians, and Schools, and even Liquor stores and dairies etc need to look to their own security, and the Government needs to roll back regulations that hinder these places from being able to bear the means of self defense against dangerous Criminals who already flout the Law!
I have read that the Guns used in the Christchurch terrorist attack were *illegally obtained*… and so why would any fool think that passing more laws is gong to hinder these sorts of fanatical criminals?
Stop being Gullible idiots to the delusional failed tyrannical prohibitions of Simpletons in parliament.

On the one hand while our PM Basks in the limelight as the next Messiah… doning a hijab… hugging people and promises to cover the funeral costs of the victims, and other financial assistance, her minions in the NZ police were busy trying to suppress New Zealanders from veiwing and sharing footage of the attack:
See: Christchurch mosque attack: Up to 14 years’ jail for video sharers as Commissioner asks Facebook to give police names

This Grotesquely heavy handed suppression of the Truth is barefaced Liberal tyranny!
Of Course the NZ government and police dont want people to see the truth of their failure to keep New Zealanders safe… or for any sudden enlightenment to break out that the government are partly responsible for the death toll because they have disarmed us all by law leaving us exposed to criminals and terrorists..
They dont want New Zealanders to be shocked int demanding their rights back to Concealed carry of side arms for their own defense!
So this is about suppression of truth for the sake of the political agenda of the powers that be… and agenda they seek to further impose with their plans for more heavy handed Gun regulations.

When the Evil was raging in Christchurch …Many heroic deeds and exploits were done in the face of this monstrous Crime!
So called ‘Toxic Masculinity’ was on display in all its glory…
Men gave their lives attempting to stop the Gunman.
Fathers took bullets shielding their children.
others took grave risks to aid the injured.
Read one here

It is the height of foolishness to think that any new measures …any new prohibitions can grantee such atrocities never happen again in the future!
The best you can hope to achieve is a well armed and proficient Citizenry who are ready and capable to look to their own defense.

Lets not let the Terrorists or the Tyrants win.
Lets up Keep our Rights and liberties, and our toleration and respect for the rights of others.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: ‘Panic buying’ of guns to beat law change after Christchurch shooting

This is what New Zealanders think of Ardern’s Gun control plans!
Dont trust the Government to keep you safe!

Update 18-3-19

Update 20-3-19 Read… ISIS call for extremists to take ‘revenge’ for New Zealand mosque shootings… And yet despite such threats our PM still wants to take away even more of our guns and leave us even more defenseless!

More from Tim…








Kent E. Hovind…. Bible believer… Christian Libertarian!

My kind of guy!
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement whose ministry focuses on denial of scientific theories in the fields of biology (evolution), geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible. Hovind’s views, which combine elements of creation science and conspiracy theory, are dismissed by the scientific community as fringe theory and pseudo-scholarship. He has been criticized by Young Earth Creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis for his continued use of discredited arguments that have been abandoned by others in the movement.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989 and Dinosaur Adventure Land in 2001 in Pensacola, Florida. He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Hovind began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions.

Jacinda Ardern: High On Tax Crack. Heavy Taxation and the Growth of Poverty in New Zealand.

Poverty is growing in New Zealand.
Suicide is too.
Financial stress is destroying families.

With the heavy oppression I face from the Tax department, only two things prevent me from becoming a dangerous enemy of the state… rather than a passive victim.
1. My responsibility as a husband and Father to put their immediate well-being ahead of my need for vengeance.
2. My Christian faith that abhors violence… even against those who deserve it… yet the restraints of these two factors have limits… I ask myself at what point does it become the Christian and Fatherly Duty to take up arms and wage war against a tyrannical State?
Anyone here remember the words of the American Declaration of Independence and why America was born?

How many struggling families receive Threatening letters about arbitrary ‘Debts’ from The New Zealand tax department each week?
How many self employed people are bankrupted by the IRD… or loose everything they have worked years to gain?

There is a crisis going on!

What will it take to stop the Legalised Robbery?
The Government makes Organised crime look like amateurs!

So far my Activism has been Peaceful and reason based… like the Gospel… an appeal to the hearts and minds of my fellow citizens… Yet the Jackboots of the state are kicking at my door…. like Extortionate Gangsters.

They are destroying the lives of the virtuous and hard working.

Yet the *real sad truth is* it is *you*…. my fellow countrymen who continue to vote for the Rapacious Extortioners… and their ever growing addiction to expropriation.

You vote for the Theft… You support the Media personalities who encourage the IRD to take more… and more…

How many more homeless people will have to die in gutters? how many suicides and broken families will loose everything before you realise that it is the Jack booted Government *itself* that is by far the greatest threat to your lives and family?
Every Tax hike pushes more Families towards crisis.
Nonetheless like a runaway juggernaut the Government and Councils are having meetings about the country scheeming more ‘innovative’ ways to take our money for their whack schemes!
Tax is Crack Cocaine to Socialist addicts like Ardern.

The pic above is the sort of ‘editorial’ that passes for wisdom in New Zealand when it is nothing short of absolute falcehoods and propaganda designed to ‘soften up’ the masses into accepting new and higher Taxes!
They peddle the lie that higher taxes will bring greater prosperity!
They peddle that great Lefty lie that those with property have not contributed ‘their share’ to society!
Tolerance towards this sort of sycophancy in the media in New Zealand is outrageous!
How Journos and editors can get away with such one eyed lies is a testament to how lobotomized our population is(thanks state education).
The so called ‘Free Press’ have failed in their Duty as the vanguard against tyranny.
Read : Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

and… Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

We are expected to maintain composure while being fleeced… to suffer in silence… to maintain the Delusions that higher Taxes are Good, Justified, enlightened, when in reality by far greatest cause of Poverty in this country is Socialist over-government and heavy taxation.
No matter how hard I work… or how many thousands of dollars I withhold from my family and give to the beast… no matter how many Holidays I forego… They still send me threatening letters telling them I owe them tens of thousands more….
How many of you are working yourselves to death… forego Medical attention for yourself… yet suffer sleepless nights, and whose only Forlorn hope is to win lotto?

They take the Joy out of life and keep families on the edge of poverty at all times. (A Habitat of Envy and want under which white horse riding socialist Scammers flourish… )

For the Grace of God People…. Wake up!!!!
Stop worshiping evil Idiots like Jacinda Ardern!
The Labour Party is not the friend of the worker!
She is *not* a heroic leader… she is a Thief and a bully.
She’s a sexist, Racist hypocrite…
A Gangster.
Why she (and her ilk) are in power is because *her* sexism… *her* Racism… *her* hypocrisy… and *Her Economic delusions* all are of the popular variety.
She’s a Retard…. Captaining a ship of Fools.

Of course the problem is bigger than Jacinda’s Regime… Its Ideological and systemic… she’s just the latest Demagogue to wield the flail.
The real problem for Modern civilization is in the unfathomable void… the monumental sheepish ignorance of our systemically lobotomised voting populations.

You Useful Idiots still believe socialists care?

What sort of Slavery are we bequeathing to our children?
Speak now or forever hold your piece… pun intended.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Politically Homeless Libertarian Slave of the State.

Good Cop Bad Cop.

I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.

As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.

If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.

Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.

A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.

A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.

When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.

A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…

Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.

Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.

My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.

My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.

So Enjoy ‘Good Cop Bad Cop’

Tim Wikliriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Tribute: Hero Christian Biker with AR 15 Shoots it out with Tactically prepared Church Psycho-Killer .

Hero Christian Biker and NRA member Stephen Willeford.

We are a race of fallen beings occupying a world locked in a spiritual battle between Good and evil… this much is certain… and yet just as a person who is born blind cannot know the difference between night and day, so too many people are completely oblivious as to what is *Really going on* …oblivious to what it means to be moral free agents walking upon the Earth living out … and why there is Evil in the world.
Many People look at such evil events as happened in Texas… or having suffered some terrible injustice mistake these things as Proof that there is no such thing as divine justice… no real value or point to human existence or human suffering… and no code by which a person ought to live that may be used to distinguish what is Objectively good from what is evil.
The Darkness and nihilism seeps in.
Some souls… by the Grace of God are not beyond salvation, and though they may wander in darkness for much of their lives eventually they see the light and start to walk towards that light, others may get glimpses of that light… yet because they actually enjoy the darkness… or because they dont think they need the light… purposefully turn their backs.
And still some … because their hearts are filled with contempt and malice…and Ego… Become Evil personified… Monsters whose Evils are on such a scale that sickens all but the hardest of hearts… and blackest of souls.
It all comes down to Choice…. and faith.

This post is not going to expound on that theme to any great depth (I will attach links at the end), yet that opening paragraph had to be said to give context to the Horrific events of Terrorism going on all over the world as we speak, and in particular the Murder of 22+ Christians in a church in Texas by a psychotic Christian hating Atheist out on a personal vendetta… yet this Devil met his Nemesis in the Person of Stephen Willeford… a Christian Biker who rides with the Baptist Church… A man who ran out of his house in bear feet towards the sound of Gun fire while jamming a handful of rounds into the mag of his AR. (ArmaLite Rifle)

Evil Bastard Devin Kelley.

Where was God when all this was happening?…. mocks one of my atheist friends.
God sent one of his Christian soldiers into the nightmare… Stephen… a member of the NRA (an ex instructor)… knew what his Moral Duty was… he did not allow fear or concerns for his own safety be his dominating value, but his love of humanity… and this was an hour his moral weight was being tested… and in an exploit of bravery that is deserving of both Christian and Biker communities highest esteem … and in full accord with both fraternities Codes of conduct, this barefoot Christian Biker engaged the fully armored terrorist mass murderer in a close quarter gunfight and drove him from the scene… and from the testimony of the pursuit that he and another Brave man have retold… it is most likely that One of Stephen’s shots found its mark… The Terrorist crashing and dying a few minutes away from the scene.

Here we see two different world views… two different sets of values at play… One Full of Evil… the other Full of Good… and I feel sorry for anyone whose personal world views blind them to such Patently obvious and objective truths.
Do you think This atheist killer who took pleasure in slaughtering Christians in their place of worship expected to face Divine judgement for his crime?
Boy was he in for an unpleasant surprise!
And this is an important truth to appreciate… No Evil will go unrewarded.
God will judge us all.

Report: Texas Church Shooter Was Atheist, Thought Christians ‘Stupid’

“The man who shot and killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday is reported to be a creepy, crazy, and weird outcast who preached atheism online.”

Texas church shooter was a militant atheist

The Hero on his steed.

Watch the Video interview below… All this is there… yet I wanted to make this Personal tribute to this Hero, and a short rebuttal to my Atheist friend who Mocks God’s existence because of the Evil choices Humans are free to make.


When Evil is at it’s worst… so too do the hero’s…. The best of Humanity ,,, among the most ordinary folk *also* come to the fore….
I must pay tribute to Peggy Lynn Warden

“SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Among the horror of the worst church shooting in American history is the story of a woman who made a simple decision.

She would not let the gunman take her grandson.

Peggy Lynn Warden, 56, was among the 26 victims of the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Her brother, Jimmy Stevens, said she used her body to shield her grandson, Zachary Poston, 18, when the gunfire erupted…”

Read more… Grandmother Died Shielding Grandson During Texas Church Shooting

This is what it means to be truly a moral and loving person…living in a spiritual realm where Morality really counts!
Anyone can feign being a good person when the going is easy… its when Evil is afoot that a persons Mettle is truly tested… their values shine forth.

Absolutely Essential principles were clearly demonstrated by these events.
What is needed to halt ‘Evil men with guns’… or rampaging Cars…etc *Is Good men with Guns*… and here we see why an AR is not as it is falsely called ‘An assault rife’ but a valuable too of Defense!
It was his AR that gave him the advantage he needed to drive off this Psycho in full battle dress… Kevlar Body armour and Helmet.. yet who only had a pistol, which though a lethal weapon is far harder to deliver accurate shots esp in the heat of battle.
It is also a testament to the Wisdom and justice of the second amendment right to bear arms… for self defense, as everybody know that the Nutbar Left… and their Political ambitions are to take away guns from law abiding citizens… esp the AR… and we clearly see there that Had not Stephen had both the means of defense and the willingness to risk his own life for others… that most likely more people would have died… and the purp may have even escaped… to rampage elsewhere… before the Police could intervene.
His truck was filled with guns and ammo.

Official reports however say his death was ‘self inflicted’… should we automatically accept this on the word of the Police? These days that is a dubious assumption! And from the preparedness and actions of this Evil Child-killing scumbag it is far more likely he would have tried to shoot it out to the bitter end…going down in a hail of bullets rather than cowardly ending his own life.
I think he was Dead before the cops arrived at the scene.

Johnnie_Langendorff… Drove his truck with Stephen Willeford in high speed pursuit of the killer.

People use Guns everyday in self defense in America yet as this goes against what the lefty media and Liberal agenda attacking the constitutional rights to bear arms these daily events don’t receive anywhere near the sensational and skewed Media reporting as happens when guns are used in mass killings.
Many innocent People are alive today… and many would be killers, rapists, etc are dead because of the Americans right to bear arms for their own defense… yet why is it when you try and communicate this with Sheeple who think guns are evil… all you get is a cross eyed dopey stare and a smirk?
Their anti-gun arguments are quite frankly infantile, on every level… and yet because of the prevailing numerical popularity of their mindset in countries like New Zealand there are Crime waves of armed Robbers robbing Dairies and Gas stations… Liquor store workers get bashed and murdered because the thugs know their victims will be defenseless… have been rendered ‘sitting ducks’… by the legislators… who then carry no remorse or responsibility for the injustice they are party to!

Read: Dairy owners ‘constantly live in fear’

128 tobacco robberies

Liquor store owner killing ‘cold, deliberate’, court told

Thirsty liquor aggravated robbery victim: ‘I’m mentally traumatised

Person in serious condition after South Auckland liquor store robbery

Violence worsening in robberies – liquor store owner

When governments criminalizes the right to self defense, and denies the right to bear the means to do so, good people become the prey of violent criminals… Like lambs to the slaughter…
Apart from the fact that we can attribute the rise of violent crime *directly* to Oppressive Nanny state laws like the war on drugs, alcohol and cigarette Tax hikes, and apart from the fact that the second amendment was written to guarantee that Evil oppressive Governments cannot lawfully dis-arm the people, the truth is when you outlaw guns… they dont just ‘Vanish’ …. you create a society in which *only criminals have guns*.
Thank God Stephen Willeford had an AR!
Ride On Brother!

And Salute to Peggy Lynn Warden… who gave her life for her grandson.

Dont let the haters win… Keep the faith!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christain Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More from Tim…

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Gun rights advocates care about your wives, mothers, and daughters.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Never Happy again.

Chace Topperwien

Charity Never Faileth

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Sick Puppies.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Man Down. Biker lives matter.

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Perfect Woman?

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

Merely an Attunement? Life after Death.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Music played by Christian New Zealand Biker Rimu Tahuaroa and his Band …..

Thrown Under The Campaign Bus… The Ride To Hell With Winston Peters. 2017

To be edited.

The following is about a Post election exposè by New Zealand First Party candidate Kym E Koloni on her facebook page which expresses her deep disappointment with how she was personally treated by her party and how utterly betrayed she feels by Winston Peters himself.

I will let her speak for herself and make a few comments at the end.


Kym E Koloni
3 hrs ·

For the record …..
When I decided to stand as a candidate for NZ First I knew it was going to be stepping out of my comfort zone.
I value my privacy…and as much as I have a bubbly personality…I enjoy privacy and silent times too.
The sacrifices of putting myself out in the public eye for the sake of my country was carefully considered. But I was up for the journey…believing NZ First policies best represented my views for NZ.
My SPEECH on the 11th Sept changed this journey, and exposed how racially separate our people have become.
Removing ALL race-based policies, including promising a Binding Referendum to remove the Maori Seats was what Winston Peters and NZ First stood for and campaigned on…100%.
Why was I not supported by my party…? Why did Winston dismiss my speech and brutally demean and insult me by saying “What do you expect…that’s why she’s number 38.”
That insulting slamdown was not just to me…it damaged every NZ First candidate from 2 to 56.
How did those at 39 to 56 feel…? Utterly disappointed and demeaned.
I’ve asked the party to please point out what part of my speech was NOT our policy, and if policy had changed please inform me WHEN…and inform me when the candidates were informed.
That was 13th September. No response, no reply…silence.
Oh but the party gagged me in the meantime.
Apparently my comments were inappropriate in tone, misrepresented NZ First policy, caused significant damage to the campaign position and caused concern, indeed distress, to other candidates and members of the party.
My Northcote committee said I was arrogant and selfish, and I had jettisoned any hope of a political career.
I was told to remove the link to my speech from my Facebook page.
It was even suggested I remove my whole Facebook presence.
I was then told:
1. Not to make any media statements whatsoever, or respond to any media query.
2. Not to make any social comment on any NZ First issue.
3. Not to attend any public meeting or gathering related to the election campaign on behalf of NZ First.
4. Not to undertake any campaign activity on behalf of NZ First for the remainder of the campaign.
Effectively, they gagged me and the only option I had left was to continue campaigning independently of the party. My name was already on the ballot papers as the NZ First candidate for Northcote.I still believed I had represented our policies in everything I said in my speech.
I was still waiting for a response to my questions.
To date they have NEVER responded.
Thankfully, my faith in real NZers like me was restored.
The groundswell support I received publicly and privately was absolutely INCREDIBLE.
I needed it…thank you. ?
I suddenly had people around me who had my back.
I had eyes and ears who kept me informed and a step ahead of things happening…thank you.
My speech was being misreported over the media…but I was gagged from responding to correct it.
I was particularly disturbed to be alerted to a Head Hunter’s Facebook page with a link to my speech and my face plastered over the page….”This piece of shit needs to be executed “…share this bruthas. Yes, I kid you not.
The very content of my speech wanting UNITY and one law for all…and wanting ALL New Zealanders to be treated equally, was ironically exposing the very real racial separatism I was speaking against.
So there were bully’s to endure from within NZ First, the party I was representing.
There were bully’s from Maori radicals, including gangs.
I learned how to BLOCK….a skill I had no need to know before.
BUT, I am now being disowned by the party…they want my membership revoked….they want me gone.
So for the record….this has certainly been a life-changing journey…not quite the way I had envisioned.

Link > Here

Stuff article…. NZ First candidate vows to remove Treaty of Waitangi from law

TV1… Watch: ‘That’s why she’s ranked 38’ – Winston brutally cuts down candidate after controversial Treaty remarks


After reading Kyms post I was Angry.
Angry for Kym given she had stood up bravely for the Principle of racial Equality before the law yet had been utterly betrayed and marginalised by Winston Peters.

I was angry that this insider information served to confirm the view that Winston Peters had swindled voters like myself who gave NZ First our vote on the understand that should he hold the balance of power after the election, that he would secure a referendum on the issue of New Zealand’s race based Apartheid Electoral system.

Read : ‘Winston Peters delivers bottom-line binding referendum on abolishing Maori seats’

This was a policy that Winston was most vocal about leading up to the election , and one that I personally held to be the most pressing issue facing our Nation today!
And it was this policy that stirred myself and many others into throwing our support behind Winston Peters and New Zealand First despite our many reservations based upon his seriously checkered past.

In good faith I jumped into action and I wrote this… New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

and This… Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

My reply to Kyms post was… “Had I known all this before election day I would have immediately changed my mind about giving Winston first my vote and would have raised the alarm!”
Many People who voted for Winston feel the same way, yet of course Kym could not say any of this *before the election* being duty bound not to scuttle her own party… despite the treatment she received.
She did however work to the best of her ability to get supporters to put pressure on Winston Peters to stay the course… and not Reneg on his promises.
There was much that she saw from within the party that was shocking… and raised serious alarm bells… yet she could not communicate this to the general public.
We do not hold Kym at all responsible for Winston Peters Machiavellianism.

The Sad reality was at the time leading up to Vote Day, we supporters were left to our own imaginations… Can we Trust Winston?… are we being taken for a ride?
None the less many of us were committed to trying to get the referendum… the legitimacy of these not being something I readily accent to… yet given the circumstances was at least a shot at New Zealanders voicing their desire for reform.

Her Post-election Facebook exposè (above) made concrete what many of us suspected had happened … yet had no way of knowing for sure during the election campaign period … there were ominous signs yet we were always hoping we were going to get a referendum on this absolutely vital problem… while weathering a storm of slander by our more skeptical friends…. who all claimed to ‘Know with certainty’ that we were Fools to trust Winston Peters.
We were prepared to walk through this gauntlet for the sake of the cause to end New Zealand’s shameful Apartheid system.

I knew that there was at least a 50%… even a 60% chance they would prove to be correct as I myself had spent over a decade arguing that Winston Peters was a dishonest Rouge … in fact there would hardly be anyone who has been more vocal on this issue than myself… yet I also knew that these people could no more predict the future than I can… or Read minds better than I… and that if we voters wanted to get the referendum we could not falter on rallying as many votes as we could for NZ first… yet all the while being active in notifying NZ First and Winston Peters that the only reason we were voting for him was for the sake of the referendum.
I did have to pinch myself often… and reaffirm to my self my premises for maintaining my support.
I was one of many who actively conveyed this message… tagging in Winston Peters to every post, saying he must not falter… and encouraging everyone else to do the same…. yet I only once received a second hand ‘thank you’ from a third party… the silence was deafening from Winston.
And after he failed to support Kym on her brave speech… instead he publicly derided her in spite of her speech being received by us and with Joy… and being itself in full accord with Winston’s own speeches in recent times on this Vital issue… not surprisingly support for NZ First started to falter.

For all Winston Peters vast experience in Politics it is staggering to appreciate just how foolish and self-defeating his treatment of Kym was in the media!
If only he had doubled down and fully supported Kym in her stance and had encouraged *all of the 50+ NZ First candidates* to do the same… it is very reasonable to speculate that the ensuing sensation would have delivered at least twice the number of Votes for NZ First!
Just look at the impact and publicity Kyms single speech garnered!
Winston’s duplicity shot himself and his party in the foot and left all the candidates wondering what the hell they were supposed to say!
When the low life media pounced on Kim’s speech, Big Bad Winston crumbled like an amateur!
Instead of praising and supporting her… he threw her under his Big shiny Bus!
Looking back we can now say that even at this early stage…Winston’s retreat against the Brownmail and the PC Media had begun!

When I saw this at the time, as someone who was committed to voting for NZ first on this policy alone of course it disturbed me… of course it made me begin to doubt Winston’s sincerity on this matter… yet again being only left to my thoughts… I was wondering how much weight I could really place on this sad failure of Winston.

It was easy for me to make excuses in that Winston was touring the country at the time… and was clearly tired… impossible to communicate with… as he was the man of the hour.
Despite the so-called ‘Jacinda affect’… or because of it, the number-crunchers were predicting that Winston would hold the balance of power and so be the ‘King maker’ come coalition talk time.
This fact in itself was enough for people like me committed to the cause of ending apartheid to put aside our doubts… ignore the naysayers… and stay the course… as by doing the math there was every indication that Winston would indeed be in the perfect position after the election to fulfill his election promises to us in regards to the Referendum… despite Labour categorically stating they would not support a referendum , and National making similar noises… yet not so emphatically.
And when The election was over and all the special votes were tallied… Winston had not received as many votes as he had hoped for… yet was still the most powerful man in the country given he would decide of the two Obese parties who would govern.
From a policy point of view, and given that the Maori party had been wiped out, I expected Winston to be easily able to negotiate the referendum as part of a coalition with National… though I appreciated that it was all dependent on what Winston’s true ambitions were, and what National and Labour each put on the table.
Yet all the talks were done in secret… and we the public have not been informed about any of it… even after the decision was made… and this is a travesty!
We the people deserve to know what the hell was going on!
Why the secrets now?

Winston’s duplicity came to the fore!
Straight after the election he started making noises that indicated he was about to do the dirty on us… excuses such as “A Referendum on the Maori Seats is not so important now the Maori and Mana parties have been eliminated…” to paraphrase.
This is an absolute Joke!
The Racist seats are still there… still occupied by Racists… and still perverting our government into making racist Laws and favours!
What more Winston decided he was going to get into bed with the very Party that now occupies those apartheid seats!

I now suspect Winston Peters did not even bother himself trying to negotiate for the referendum… did not play hardball on behalf of those who voted for him specifically on this policy and to whom he was morally obliged to champion in honoring his campaign promises… even though we had delivered to him the supreme power to make Ultimatums!

I have several times tried to get Winston Peters to at least explain why he was not able to swing the deal… and why he went with Labour… yet we only get silence.
Apparently Winston does not communicate with the little people.
I even suspect he was intending to go Labour very early on and knew he would not be fighting for the referendum once Labour announced they would not agree to it… yet of course he dishonestly carried on letting us believe that he was going into post election negotiations… “not for Baubles of Office… but for what was for the good of the country”.
Hollow words.
He sold us out for what was his *real goals*.
And he and his mates have again taken the Baubles of Office… over what was in our Nations best interests!
And now I must even bear my Wife’s derision for giving Winston my support… she… like many of my friends tells me she ‘Knew’ all this would come to pass.
This would have to be one of the lowest Political low points for me… yet despite being made a fool of… when I look back at how I ended up here… I still see a clear rationale… and I still believe that I voted upon Principle.
A worthy Principle.
And that as voters… we who voted for NZ First on the basis of Ending Treaty separatism did everything within our power to see that principle prevail, yet that is the limit of our strength… and the limit of our responsibility.
The Failure squarely rests upon Winston Peters, and National, and Labour… *and the voters who voted for them*.
I voted for The principle of One law for all, and New Zealand first because of people like Kym Koloni who have now joined a most heroic club… those brave souls whom have suffered threats to their safety because they have challenged Racist Laws and institutions.

Nobody else was prepared to stand up…. certainly not David Seymour and Act.
For people like me New Zealand First was the only hope.
And this was also the opinion of the lobby Group ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ . .. though not specifically endorsed… you can see this from their posts and from some of their reasoning’s why they believed we should stay the course even when Winston was making comments that raised concerns.

Despite having vocally condemning Winston for years esp his underhanded grab of the baubles of Office in 2005, I was prepared to show grace… and to give Winston one last shot at personal redemption… which is something I personally believe in… only to have my olive branch trampled underfoot by a charlatan of such a grand scale that despite all my reasoning and excuses in this blog… I still question my own intelligence for being sucked in so badly!
Given that I never stood myself for election due to financial troubles with the IRD, I am in a quandary as to how I could have acted more wisely, and will have to bear the ignominy of having cast a vote for the Used car salesman… the very poster-child of a dirty scheming modern politician… a Lawyer none the less!… for the rest of my life.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Though Winston was King Maker and he now has many baubles of Office…the election for New Zealand First was actually a failure generated by a fiasco of Party chaos and mis-management and confusion.
Though Winston had managed to con more than twice as many candidates to stand for him this election, because of the incompetence of Winston’s team leadership and the uncertainty he generated during the campain, they ended up with Far less votes than the previous election and Less seats in Parliament!
Many of MPs lost their jobs and are wondering ‘what the hell happened?’
I guarantee they will be given some lame excuse… if any… like ‘The Jacinda effect’

As a homeless Libertarian I knew that after the election either National or Labour would be in the driver’s seat, a very depressing thought… for me that is like …do I prefer to be trodden underfoot by a Left Boot… or a right one?
Neither is at all appealing or preferable… and so morally speaking this situation was virtually neutral as far as my personal culpability goes as a voter…should Winston choose of go left or right… yet like I said… I did expect him to go with National… even though I think they suck … and one perverted part of me enjoys hearing all the National Party supporters squeeling like stuck pigs because Winston did not choose National!
All their decrying of MMP because they still cant get it trough their thick Meat heads that just because National got more than Labour… they did not get enough to win!
I am shocked that Jacinda Ardern is now our PM…. I think it’s ridiculous… I think Labour is ridiculous… yet I also think National is an absolute joke too!
The Idea that Bill was ‘A steady hand’ on the economy is such a delusion that beggars belief!
His Party borrowed and spent more than any other government in the history of our Nation and leaves office with our Nation Buried in debt!
Good Riddance!
Though I expect many foolish policies from this Labour Led coalition I also have hope of some good stuff… one very important law reform is far closer now with the sacking of Bill English… and that is Cannabis Law reform … something that despite the howls of all the nasty prohibitionists will deliver massively on Social Justice and Law and Order.
I am happy that there will be an attempt to recover the Dead of Pike river and investigate this Cover up.
I am also Happy that Ron Mark is Minister of Defense and that there is good reason to think the 10:80 Program… dumping toxins by the hundreds of tonnes … and the cruel deaths it inflicts will also end.

I Visited Kym yesterday and we had a great talk (hence the photo).
We discussed things in confidence I am not a liberty to mention here, yet I suggest people pay attention to her facebook page.
I dont agree with everything Kym expounds yet certainly with a great deal.
She is a Christian and an exceptionally Brave woman who stood up for what was right… Ending Racist Laws and establishing One Law for all.
Cheers for that Kym!
You Rock!
Irrespective of what fate holds for you with regards to New Zealand first, I certainly hope this will not be the end of your activism to end Waitangi apartheid.
I hope we can work together for the sake of justice and all the people of New Zealand.

Any Kiwi interested in fighting Waitangi apartheid should sign up at Hobson’s pledge and become active supporters.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian Independent.
Activist for Ending Treaty separatism, and the establishment of Racial equality before the Law.

Another commentary….

Here is something from Whale Oil Blog that sums things up… “Winston made the most of those poll results and promised the nation an end to the festering apartheid problem embedded within our law and administration, Winston did this by promising his “Bottom line policy”, that he would require a “Full public referendum” on the retention of the Maori seats, NO conditions were attached or made public, just an unconditional public promise of a referendum.

Many frustrated voters looked past all Winston’s obvious faults and their concerns over other NZ First leftish Policy, to see a major reversal of the obnoxious evil of apartheid, and gave a party vote for Winston, based primarily on that one restorative policy.

Those trusting voters were DUPED, they were lied to, Winston seized his own power, by sacrificing the one policy that gave him his voting numbers and put him in that position of power.

It is a travesty of natural justice.”
From here : The Winston Legacy

Update: 11-8-17… The magnitude of Winston Peters deception is becoming more apparent by the day!
That he has filed legal proceedings against National party MPs The day before the election proves positively that the entire negotiations with National and Labour were one gigantic scam and yet again we have the evidence that Winston put his own interests ahead of the Good of the Country.
There never was any hope of Winston negotiating for the Referendum with National!
He had already decided he was going to use the position we gave him for his own selfish ends!

Pension leak real reason Winston chose Labour

If you ever wondered why Winston Peters decided to get into bed with Labour after the election and if you were ever in any doubt, you only have to have a squizz at the papers filed with the Auckland High Court fingering those who the New Zealand First leader thought were responsible for the leak of his pension overpayment.

They were filed the day before the election and named all the National Party suspects, including the then Prime Minister Bill English, along with his Deputy Paula Bennett and the campaign manager Steven Joyce.

It was just over a week later that the same three Nats filed into the coalition casino with the gambler Peters, who unknown to them, or anybody else for that matter, had already laid his cards on the table.

The dealing had been done. Like all good gamblers, Peters kept a stony face, letting them believe they were still in the game whereas in reality they’d been dealt out when the court papers were filed against them. The notion that he could now be sitting at the same Cabinet table with them is beyond comprehension.

More from Tim

Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and commentary on strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

John Key 2010 “We are Winning the P Battle! …. BULLSHIT!


How high can you stack Bullshit?
If You are a Populist Politician belonging to any of the mainstream parties you can stack it Flocking High!!!
In 2010 John Key boasted that The governments Heavy handed Tactics on P ‘were winning’… anyone familiar with Prohibition ought to have immediately smelled something very poo-ey…. World Leaders have been coming to realise that Prohibition *Never works!*… yet it suceeds in making society less safe…

Read: Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

The Police are executing people without trial… yet the problem keep getting worse….
When it comes to dealing with societies Pet Phobias… The more heavy handed the better.
Like the witch craze…. The Mass hysteria surrounding P (Meth) is a Licence to Kill.

Read : A life cut short by Police


Read: The New Jews… Meth Users.

The best indicator to their Failure is despite More funding… More Arrests, and Executions… and Extreme Punishments being meted out… Demand has not fallen, and the price of P is now almost half what it was in 2010!

In October last year, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.

Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.

Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.

John Key puts on his ‘Cant remember’ face.

^^^ What an evil lying Pig-headed Prick!
The Man is Deranged!

Anyone with any brains can see that The War on P is lost…
Anyone with Brains can see that Ongoing Cannabis Prohibition is also exacerbating the use of Meth… and that the best policy for making our country safer would be to legalise Cannabis… as has been happening in America!
And when it is proven that More Freedom… less tyranny actually works… more people will wake up to the truth that the War on drugs needs to be completely surrendered… yet of course,, the vested interests of Prohibition… the populist politicians…The Police… and The Drug Gangs… And the Growth indistry that has sprung up testing workers for Drugs… testing houses for contamination… repairing houses that have been blacklisted…. these vested interests and the Millions of Dopey dipshits who think they have the right to tell other people what they do with their own Bodies, time, and money… all these freaks will do everything they can to keep the war going…. Despite all the evidence that they are making things worse.
The word ‘insanity’ does not do justice to this Madness.
‘Hellbent’ ‘Psychopathic’ ‘Fanaticism’ ‘Malevolent-hatred’…. these are terms more suited to describe all the parties involved in perpetuating this Heinous War.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Read on…

‘Meth now easier to get than cannabis in Northland, locals say’….
January 19 2017

Methamphetamine has become easier to source in Northland than marijuana, according to locals.

Whangarei defence lawyer Kelly Ellis said according to her clients, P was soaring in availability over cannabis, which had long been considered the country’s preferred illegal drug.

“It makes sense, let’s get real about it,” she said.

“Meth is much more lucrative and much easier to do than having to carry smelly bags of cannabis around the place.”

Ellis deals with people at “the pointy end” of the drug trade, including meth users, dealers and manufacturers.

She said gang presence in the north had increased rapidly over the past five years, and what were once tinnie houses had converted to dealing the much harder drug.

The seizure of half a tonne of P from 90 Mile Beach in June was an indication of the size of New Zealand’s meth problem, she said.

“If you look at that as being a basic economic indicator of availability versus demand, it seems demand is not outstripping supply.”

Chris Fowlie, president of the New Zealand reform marijuana advocacy group NORML, said he too had heard meth was easier to come by than cannabis in Northland.


​”People can’t find cannabis but they know where to get meth from a tinnie house,” he said.

“Gangs really do run the show because of fear of people growing their own.”

Detective Inspector Kevin Burke said the take-down of 12 local labs last year, on top of the June bust, was another indication of the “significant problem” meth had become.

“It illustrates, in addition to the importation of methamphetamine, there’s still a demand clearly for homegrown methamphetamine,” he said.

“At the end of the day it’s profit-driven and people are prepared to run the risk.”

In October, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.

Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.

Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.

– Stuff


Read more… P easier to get than weed on the West Coast.

“Westport is being dubbed “Methport” as P takes a hold in the West Coast town.

The annual cannabis haul in the West Coast bush has been trending down over the past decade but P offences have sky-rocketed. Joanne Carroll takes a look at what is happening.

The West Coast has always had a reputation for being the cannabis capital of New Zealand with its isolated communities surrounded by beautiful wild bush in a climate that some say creates ideal growing conditions.

But that reputation is changing as P takes a devastating grip….”

And More still … Video: Welcome to Gisborne, where it’s easier to get P than cannabis

They claim it’s easier to buy a bag of P than it is to get a cannabis tinny, and that addiction is having a flow-on effect in the community.
“Depending on who you know it’s between $550 and $1000 a gram, and in Gisborne we have kids going to school with no lunch,” says former user Tricia Walsh, who was jailed for three years on drug offences.”

The cost to fix P-contaminated houses

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

More Prohibitionist Lies exposed: ‘Crack baby’ study ends with unexpected but clear result. By Susan FitzGerald, For The Inquirer.
Hell’s Bells! Drugs and Alcohol are being consumed in an Adult manner by the employed masses!

The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

Prohibition is a Bad trip!

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

Prohibition fails again. Synthetic Cannabis still here… driven underground. TVNZ

NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.
Dunne fails Drugs Test. Colin Espiner. Sunday Star Times. May 4 2014


“The deeper I delve into the issue, however, the more I am struck by just how frightening the consequences of prohibition are.”
Lizzie Marvelly

Lizzie Marvelly: Prohibition – it should be banned NZ Herald

The war on drugs has failed. Now what?

“The bad news is that there are still some governments that believe drug prohibition is possible. They still insist on continuing a flawed war launched by former President Nixon in the early 1970s. They cling to outdated ideas. They rely more on ideology than evidence. Some of them are simply ignorant to the harms generated by irrational drug policy.

Here are three ways that the war on drugs has fallen short.

First, the war on drugs has utterly failed to reduce the supply of illicit drugs on international markets. Fumigation, eradication, and crop substitution programmes have had almost no effect on aggregate production of cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. In spite of massive investments by the U.S. and others in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru – the countries responsible for almost 100% of cocaine production – coca cultivation is in fact stable over the past decade. If anything, they’ve only succeeded in making life more miserable for poor communities and farmers.

Second, counter-narcotics policies have also been unable to contain transit of drugs from Latin America to North American and European markets. About 90% of the cocaine consumed in the United States comes from Colombia, while 90% of the cocaine used by Europeans is from Peru. Virtually all of this product is transferred through countries in Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Not only has it persisted unabated, but its transfer has also greatly expanded corruption of politicians, customs officials, police and has spread violence and increased consumption throughout these regions….”

‘Thailand is moving closer to decriminalizing meth’

A police officer from the Narcotics Control Board guards bags of methamphetamine pills during a drug destruction ceremony north of Bangkok, Thailand, June 26, 2015. Credit: Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters

“The war on drugs is futile. So why not just decriminalize meth?”

It’s not a sentiment you’d expect from senior officials in any authoritarian country — let alone from a strait-laced army general, draped in medals, who came to power in a coup.

But Thailand’s top law enforcement officer is now pursuing this radical notion with vigor.

He’s talking openly about a potential new diktat, issued by military rulers, that would allow citizens to smoke meth without fearing prison.

“The world has lost the war on drugs,” said Thailand’s Justice Minister Paiboon Khumchaya, according to Reuters. “Not only Thailand.”

These are startling statements in a country that, as it stands, still executes drug traffickers.

The Thai government’s drug policy is quite harsh. After all, in recent decades, the nation’s police have largely mimicked the zealous drug war mindset propagated by the United States.

Yet now, seemingly out of nowhere, this typically rigid junta is spouting soft views on narcotics — namely meth — that fall somewhere to the left of many Colorado stoners.

“This is unprecedented,” says Pascal Tanguay, a Bangkok-based associate with the International Drug Policy Consortium. “They’ve actually been talking about different models from decriminalization to full-fledged legalization.”
Read more Here