Category Archives: Regulation

The UK’s.Biggest Power Grab: The Data (Use and Access) Bill Will become Law. Digital ID, CBD, and Cashless society will follow.

Satan’s Minions have almost sealed Briton’s fate.
This is a must watch video of how the evil ones are legislating away Rights, Liberties, and taking power without the peoples knowledge or consent.

Second Amendment lessons and Venezuela’s Collapse under socialist Tyranny.

From here

The people of Venezuela surrendered their Guns and now cant overthrow their tyrannical Socialist government.
This is what the U.S second Amendment was enacted to prevent.

This is the Truth that Ardern and the globalists want to keep you all ignorant of….
They want you to hate the 2nd amendment which is the Peoples right to use arms to defend themselves and bring down a corrupt State.

They even had ‘Article 350’ which states “The people of Venezuela, faithful to their republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that runs counters to democratic values, principles and guarantees, or that undermines human rights.”… and yet because the People foolishly surrendered their arms *They rendered themselves defenseless and had no way to get rid of the evil Dictatorship^… and so now they are victims… and dying by the thousands…. and the so-called benevolent Socialist Regime shows them no mercy… because the socialists care more about maintaining their grip on power than the well being of their own people…. understand that….

Ardern has used the Christchurch terror attack as an excuse to implement her own tyranical ambitions under the guise of making New Zealand safer… and the fools believed her… and allowed her to make us less safe!
Less safe from Terrorism, and certainly less safe from her Tyrannical Police State.
She has not disarmed any criminals… but has disarmed Law abiding New Zealanders.
It is no coincidence that she has attacked New Zealanders Gun Rights and seeks to destroy our rights to Free Speech… which is the right to call her out for imposing her oppressive new Laws.

This pattern of disdain for the rights of their citizens has been repeated all over wherever Socialism has prevailed… think about Tiananmen Square.
Think about Zimbabwe.

The Globalists *are Marxist communists* …. Ardern is a Communist traitor to the globalist cause…. she admitted this at the UN…..

Ardern is Corrupt!
She is putting our National interests second place to her own diabolical political delusions!
She is like so many treasonous Leaders across western civilisation like France’s Macron and Canada’s Trudeau.

Why do you think the whole World’s media and Globalist politicians see Trump as being ‘Evil incarnate’?
Why do you suppose they are all busy trying to get the people of the world to think of trump as being insane, Racist, and greedy?
and why do you think the Globalists have prevented Boris Johnson from implementing the express will of the people with regards to Brexit?
Why do you think they Put Tommy Robinson in Jail and have de-platformed the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos?
Wake up Fools!

Compare Ardern’s treacherous speech to that of Donald Trump!
Trump is far from perfect, yet his speech at the UN was a Truth Bomb!

The fanatical Left seek to shut down *anyone* who dares to challenge their agenda.

Look at Venezuela and realise the same fate of slavery awaits any population who surrenders to socialism and allows them to pass laws against free speech and the right of the people to bear arms… esp Arms like Semi-autos.
The New ‘Gun register’ is not being implemented to make New Zealand safer from criminals or terrorists but to make it easier for the government to take away the rest of New Zealanders means of resisting their tyranical globalist ambitions.

Soon voices like mine will be silenced.
Remember when you and your children are slaves…. that I warned you what was coming… and yet you did nothing.

And free speech is the right for me to expound these Truths that the government does not want the people to contemplate.
The Government wants this sort of political truth to be deemed as ‘Radical and Dangerous’… when it is Our Right to discuss these matters which upholds the fact that the State is *our servant… not our Master… and we may abolish it at any time we deem it to have become tyrannical and corrupt.
These truths are enunciated in the American declaration of independence,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

These are Historic truths!

This is what the 2nd amendment is all about and why New Zealand needs a new constitution that contains these truths which outlaws the government from passing such Laws as they have just recently done with the Arms Amendment bill.


Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



Canada’s Amazing Polly: Censoring Opposition to Censorship. (Must watch!)

Amazing Polly.

I have posted the two ‘Amazing Polly’ videos that I have watched and she is as sharp as a knife!
We can be sure that at some point in the future she will be targeted for de-platforming and internet ghosting so I have included some of the alternative sites where she has set up in preparation for this inevitable censorship she will face.
Polly’s video ‘Censoring Opposition to Censorship’ is under attack by SJWs… eg… here.
And the Alt-Left are psychopathic… they are Trolling the Internet trying to get any critics of their ideology and Political agenda Banned/ De-platformed, etc.

On that note I will also add the fact that I have set myself up on MeWe here in anticipation of the high probability that I will probably loose my page on facebook, due to Political prejudices and Censorship, and that this Blog may also get blacklisted.

Published on 6 Jun 2019
Globalist politicians are ERASING testimony and holding semi-secret hearings. They are holding sham hearings where they don’t let people speak and the erase testimony that contradicts their objectives.
This is a dystopia. MORE…

paypal for contributions:

Amazing Polly on Bitchute:…


One very important point to appreciate in the video above that I want to discuss here is how in a Canadian Free Speech hearing, was how a hand picked Muslim ‘hate speech law proponent’ was allowed to present his very dishonest opinions about Alexandre Bissonnette who shot six members of a Quebec City mosque in 2017, and The Christchurch Anti-Muslim terrorist Brenton Tarrant saying these killers were ‘Pro-Conservative’.
This slant was correctly rebutted by Canadian Conservative party MP Michael Cooper who labeled this testimony Slanderous and defamatory … lacking in credibility… and then went on to prove that Tarrant was opposed conservatism by quoting from Tarrants own Manifesto (that is conveniently banned in New Zealand under threats of Jail) in which Tarrent expressly states that he rejects conservatism and that the closest Political system to which he subscribes is *Communist China!*
This clearly marks Tarrant *as a LEFTIST*
And the very fact that there is a murderously dangerous anti-muslim Alt-Left is a fact that the left are desperate to keep from the Public mind.
The left seeks to deceive the public into thinking that only the so-called ‘Alt right’ are ‘islamiphobic’ and so by default any so-called ‘anti-Muslim activities’ *can all be blamed on Alt right extremism*… this is why they lump conservatives with Nazis.
Yet the truth is The Leftist Atheist Communist China is Ruthlessly oppressing Muslims in China… It may indeed be the most anti-muslim government on Earth!
Yet we dont hear so much of a peep out of Our Lefty Government who will Bag the US and Trump all day long, yet who are terrified stupid of offending Beijing and also do not wish to advertise the fact the Left wing has its share of vicious Islamiphobia of the sort Lauded by The Christchurch Terrorist.
Lets not forget that in 2008 Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Leftists and the UN are also notorious Anti-Israel Anti-Semites.

What is also absolutely abhorrent about this Canadian Hearing is how MP Michael Coopers testimony and use of Tarrants manifesto was met with outrage and has been sort to be deleted from Public record!
*Censoring the truth… Doctoring the Public record… and in effect Re-writing history to suit their own desires!*

This stuff is why Free speech Advocates are saying we are now living in the Orwellian Universe of 1984.
And we New Zealanders can be sure this same suppression of the facts cover up, will define the trial of Brenton Tarrant, and that what we the public will get to see and hear will only be a narrative constructed to present Events the way the Government wants you to swallow as fact.
It will be propaganda… not the truth.

The Idea that banning Tarrant’s manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ is somehow to prevent ‘copy cat’ crimes is totally bogus!
The real reason is because the Government wants to control *all information*… your thoughts… and as we have seen for this video the manifesto contains this terrorists political views that are very inconvenient and contradictory of the governments Narrative.

We are in the middle of an Information war… The battlefield is domination of the Public mind.

We live in such frightening times that just by talking about these matters and individuals, Thinkers and writers like myself could find ourselves being targeted and intimidated by the Police who will look for any pretext by which they can arrest us, prosecute us, put legal Gags on us, and shut down our Blogs and social media presence.

Just by daring to express our personal opinions and critisise what the government is doing we will be flagged as ‘Dangerous’… ‘Alt Right’… etc with all the Ugly connotations tat those terms carry… Racists… Islamiphobes… etc… and when the Authorities think of a person in such terms it is very easy to abuse them, violate their rights … without conscience… indeed to joke about it… and take pride in it… and thats precisely how the persecution of the Jews was carried on in Nazi Germany.
The German police thought of the Jews as Dangerous traitors and Subversives to the National weal… vermin who *deserved* to be oppressed by the State.

So who really are the haters???
In my view the Spirit of Official persecution is Satanic… and we see this oppressive anti- Freedom Spirit is now running rampant all across western civilisation.
What sort of world are we bequeathing to our children?
I will not remain silent and Complicit!
I will raise my voice in protest for their sake!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

More from Tim….









My Submission on the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill

The following submission was written in haste and because there was not sufficient time for me to edit and improve it before I posted it to the committee it is not of a quality that I am proud of.
It is what it is, and I hope it will be judged upon the quality of the principles it seeks to defend rather than its composition.
Tim W 4-4-19


Submission on the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill.

By Tim Wikiriwhi

To The Committee,
Kai Ora. I think it is important to explain a little about what motivates me to make this submission to provide context for what I am about to say.
This is only necessary because of the prejudiced identity politics practiced by a vast majority of New Zealand’s parliamentarians, who love to associate contrary opinions with ‘Hate groups’ and ‘Extremists’, etc and thereby dismissing their critics without a fair hearing.

1. I am not a Gun fanatic or Right wing racist extremist.

I am an Independent Libertarian Activist and Blogger, formally a member, spokesman, and Parliamentary candidate for the once illustrious, yet now defunct Libertarianz Party.
I now continue my Libertarian activities as an Independent.
Libertarians are *Not* Far Right. Only the Ignorant and malevolent label Libertarians thus.
In Ignorance Socialist Steeped New Zealand treats Libertarians as if they are some sort of Cult, yet in America Libertarianism is embedded in their political history and is rightly associated with a Love of Liberty and maintaining a stance of Eternal vigilance against the expansion of the State, and it’s ever creeping encroachments upon the inalienable rights and liberties of the people.
Libertarians believe in Limited Government, and reject the socialist idea that every social problem has a political solution, instead we believe in self reliance and self responsibility, and voluntary community action.
These are important Ideals and values, and Principles as they set limits to what are the legitimate spheres of operation for any Government leaving a large sphere of Independence, liberty and self responsibility for the people in which the state has no right to encroach.
If it does so, it has crossed the line of legitimate action and is then usurping unjust powers and committing crimes against the Citizens… this what a Good constitution and Bill of Rights is supposed defend the people from…. Bad Oppressive Laws… and Dangerous over-zealous Political powers.
It is truly tragic that these principles are so alien to voting New Zealanders… not so in America.
More on this later….

I am not a Gun owner, nor am I any sort of Gun fanatic, I love BBQ meat yet I dont like killing animals… yet still I have a deep concern about this Bill because of its patent ideological bent, and its dire effects upon the rights and Liberties of New Zealand Citizens.
That is what concerns me.
The government is turning our Nation into a Police State… right before my eyes… this is what concerns me!

I am a father of three… Grandfather of two, and I am greatly concerned about Government encroachments that threaten My Children’s Future liberty and Safety.
Like everyone else I am appalled by the Christchurch Atrocity and yet I believe this Bill will not make our country safer, but will achieve the very opposite thing… make us all less safe from terrorism. It will make our country an even more attractive target.

I have made many submissions over the years on a broad range of Bills from Prostitution law reform, ACC Levies, Constitutional Reviews, and most recently on the question of the entrenchment of the Maori seats.
I have spent years fighting Racial separatism, and advocating One Law for all New Zealanders.
I have been a vocal supporter of New Zealand providing a safe haven for Refugees, and I have promoted religious liberty and tolerance.
I have stood for Parliament many times over the past two decades in the Hamilton West electorate and for City Council, and so I am far from a political Novice.
In all these endevours I have been motivated by, and an advocate for the same Basics principles and values… the defense of rights and liberties of Individuals from Oppressive government and Law.
I am well aware of the political ideas and Current Socialist agenda that is unscrupulously attempting to capitalise from the resent atrocity in Christchurch, to pass this diabolical Bill into law, and other anti-freedom legislation.

2. The deceitful way this Bill is being rushed into law without rigorous Due process and ample time for Public Debate and protest.

I appreciate this opportunity to voice my opinion in written form to this committee on such an important Bill and request the opportunity to also present an Oral submission as well… if indeed Government intends to bother with such normal Formalities and due processes?
Given the absolutely unscrupulous charade that is afoot with regards to pretending this Submissions process is in any way legitimate, the rush by parliament to enact this bill without proper debate, and because they have made it clear that it is a foregone conclusion that this Bill will pass… I suspect there is no time allocated for Oral submissions.
All this renders this public submissions process to be a farce!
Nonetheless… for the record… I make my written submission in protest against this whole travesty of justice.
That the New Zealand public have only been given a week to submit to this committee is nothing short of an attempt to ram through law for which Parliament has no true mandate from the people!
When this current bunch was elected in 2017 there was not a hint that such drastic legislation may be implemented and so there is no way Members of Parliament can say they are representative of their electorates on these Issues and no Doubt if this Bill was was the topic for an election there would be far more Public input that would reveal just how many New Zealanders are opposed to this Bill… This is a significant number of voters, and they have a voice Jacinda Ardern does not want to hear!
The way parliament is ramming this legislation trough, they have acted in a very underhanded manor in only granting one week for public submissions.

Forgive me for thinking that no matter how many Submissions in protest against this Bill make the deadline, or how well reasoned and righteous are the arguments contained therein, that Parliament will barely consider any of them. They will simply throw them in the bin and enact their legislation anyway… rendering this pretense at Public consultation just a Charade.

Dark days have come to New Zealand!, not only regarding the tragedy of the Christchurch Mass Murder, but also the equally atrocious loss of Rights and liberties that is now being imposed upon our beautiful country… in its wake… by our thoughtless and malicious Nanny State Government that has total disregard for the rights and liberties of the people and only care about imposing their will upon us… treating us all like peasants who must be kept under with an Iron hand… without a proper opportunity to voice our protest!

Forgive my temper… yet I vigorously protest that such heavy handed legislation is being rushed into law without *Real* Public consultation or opportunity to mount proper public protest.
We all know that Parliament are seeking to impose their personal prejudices against Gun ownership, and hoping to get away with such a massive abuse of power by speeding this tyranny into law *in the heat of public emotion* with respect to the Christ Church Terror attack.

Using ‘Urgency’ under such Crises take away the rights of the people in such a manor is the tried and true modus opperandi of Tyrants from time immemorial!
Machiavelli himself would be impressed

If the quality of my submission is poor, and rambling, and emotive, I am not to blame!
You are!
This submission had to be written in unreasonable haste due to the Governments purposefully super tight Deadline!
By giving the public only a week to write submissions *they Know* this will seriously reduce the number of Negative submissions made in time.
The information informing the public for submissions on this Bill and deadline has not been sufficiently displayed or advertised, but virtually hidden.
This was yet another patently shady device used by the Government to hinder opposition from having a voice on this bill… and my hastily written submission therefore reflects my anger about all this Machiavellianism!

In rushing through this Bill, the Government has shown contempt for the safeguards of my rights and Liberties, and so I reward them in kind… Contempt for their shameful abuse of power and twisting of the legislative process.

3. The dishonesty which has preceded this Bill and the massive injustices it will commit.

That this legislation is being steamrolled into law… with only pretense to due process is a testament to its vile and underhanded nature!
If this Bill was at all sound and prudent, and truthful… it could withstand a thorough and robust, and ordinary Public process!
Yet those pushing the bill seek to circumvent the people having a proper say… and that Parliament sits in silent accord is frightening!
Only the Uneducated… or the indoctrinated fail to see what skulduggery is at hand… or appreciate what is really at stake… the erosion of Rights… the implementation of a socialist agenda…. and maintaining the sheepish delusion that The more Helpless the State renders us all… the safer we will be!

Propaganda upon Propaganda!

Government Spin doctors and their lackeys in the media talked of 15-16 000 firearms being affected by the new prohibitions, and that any proposed Gun buyback program may cost Taxpayers ‘merely tens of Millions’, yet now that the bill has been tabled, a New Zealand Gun Council tells us this legislation will immediately criminalise 250 thousand Citizens who have committed no crime and that should a buyback program be implemented it is far more likely to cost taxpayers 500 million dollars!
Such Gross and purposefully misleading under-estimates by the government of the scale of those affected and the cost to taxpayers is tantamount to Fraud!
Despite Ardern’s spin that this Bill is ‘just a start’… The Real scale of this Bill shows again she has deceived the people of New Zealand. This bill show Parliament are not making minor adjustments , but Sweeping Gun restrictions of Gigantic magnitude… without opportunity for the public to protest or Rally strong opposition!
This is Far reaching legislation by stealth…. not Open transparency… not how principled Statesmen would act!
Winston Peters admits the Government does not have a clue how much the Buy back will cost, yet he estimates $300 million.

At every point… from start to finish, the intent of those pushing this Bill has been to defraud the Gun owners of New Zealand with absolute disregard for Principles of Justice, due process, or that sanctity of their Rights!

4. The underhanded and prejudiced political agenda of Identity Politics that seeks to oppress Targeted demographics, while absolving the Bigotry of other favoured groups … its racist!

This Bill is founded upon very skewed rationale (that the more defenseless well all are… the safer we will all be), and is accompanied with a policy of Censorship, and Unscrupulous Heavy handed agenda driven Police activity that is turning into a wave of oppression destroying lives!
The Christchurch Terror attack has given the Left the only pretext they need to bring the heavy hand of the law against minorities they themselves hate… ie anyone who disagrees with the Governments liberal immigration and refugee policies, or is critical of Islam, or who even voices disgust when Islamic terrorists commit atrocities.
We are told that ‘Hate speech laws’ are soon to follow.
All these curtailments on Freedom and despite all the posturing and Head scarves… this agenda has virtually nothing to do with the Christchurch attack… and everything to do with the Anti-Gun Liberal Ideology of our Celebrity PM and her minions!
Its implementing by stealth The UN Global Agenda… and that is why we see universal cross party consensus on this matter and Arden is having a smooth path to enacting this Bill by Politicians who despise the Principles that underpin the American Constitution.
The Late US Attorney Mark K. Benenson, Once General secretary and chairman of Amnesty International USA spoke about our type of Conceited and UN agenda driven politicians who…” think of Gun owners as Primitives who need to be brought into the Modern world”.
When asked if he thought this same sort of Gun Controls as this Bill entails will make Society safer he responded with “I think this will make a safer world for tyrannical Governments and a safer world for Criminals who dont give up their Guns”.

5. Breton Tarrant and the Christchurch Terror attack.

This hasty process is not conducive to making Good Law, and cannot avoid great injustices upon Law abiding New Zealanders.
It is yet another example of the same sort of legislative bumbling foolishness that allowed the Radical Racist Maori separatist Tame Iti and his dangerous Radical Green Terrorists who in 2007 were caught training in the Ureweras to escape being convicted of terrorism… *because those anti-terrorist laws were poorly written… and rushed through into law to meet unrealistic deadlines during the same sort of hysterical Hype after 911!
Because of that, Dangerous terrorists caught red handed escaped Justice!

So Obviously by what is happening now with this Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill is that New Zealand Parliament has an incredibly short memory… and infact have learned absolutely nothing from history!
These Geniuses still have not understood the dangers of hastily written, hastily enacted legislation!

Yes…. while Jacinda Ardern is happy to incite the New Zealand people to hystera about *White Nationalists and separatists* she does not want anyone to point out the fact that Racist Bigotry works both ways and that in reality there are far more Maori Nationalists and separatists in this country than their white counterparts and these racist Maori constantly making violent treats against non-Maori New Zealanders and that we have these sorts of people in parliament!
Members of her own government.
Ardern certainly does not want New Zealanders to remember that Maori separatists were caught planning terrorism… with Homegrown New Zealand fanatical Environmentalists, planning terrorism against The people of New Zealand… and Brenton Tarrant The Christchurch Terrorist was an Environmentalist extremist and said so in him Manifesto… the Great replacement.
Where has been Arderns strong talk about New Zealand no longer tolerating the Dangerous Bigotry of Maori separatism?
You see Ardern only sees things the way she wants to interpret them… to justify her own prejudices.
Not only in his manifesto did Tarrant declare himself an ‘Eco fascist’, he also said that while planning his Terror attack, he decided to use Guns rather than other means (like bombs) specifically because he knew that not only would the Media go ape with anti-Gun hysteria, but that also Leftist politicians (like PM Ardern) across the globe would move to pass heavy Gun Prohibitions and that this would then result in more ‘Right vs left’ Conflicts and strife… esp between US 2nd amendment supporters and Liberal anti-second amendment Gun prohibitionists… and he was right!
Ardern and the NZ Chief Censor does not want New Zealanders to contemplate this fact that their proposed Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill is playing into Tarrants hands… and so they banned his manifesto!
Yet Banning the manifesto does nothing to change the facts!
Its just designed to make it harder for people like me to share these facts and wake up the people of New Zealand from their Stupor.
I would have liked to have provided this committee with verbatim quotes from ‘The Great replacement’ here in my submission, yet to do so is to risk arrest!
We pitiable New Zealanders are not supposed to access, read, or share it… and it is not clear that even for the sake of a submission to Government that if I copied and pasted it into this submission that I might still be arrested and jailed!
Contemplate that!
How the hell did New Zealand end up in such a condition of censorship and prohibitions????
Breton Tarrant Laughs from his cell!
And you wonder why I am spitting tacks about Government encroachments of our Rights and liberties!

6.The Right to Self defense from Criminals, Terrorists, and Tyrants.

Now returning to Libertarianism and the Universal principles of justice, there is a subject… a right of which it is virtually forbidden to talk about these days in such Socialist infected societies as our own that worship nanny state.
Though it is an innate right and a principle of Natural justice it is nonetheless *almost illegal* in this country… and something that even the New Zealand gun lobby cowers from asserting… I am of course talking about the right to self defense, and in particular and relevant to this Bill I am talking about the right to bear the means of self defense.. Guns… not only against violent criminals… but also against tyrannical governments that show complete disregard for the rights of the people.

Yes… I am talking about that inalienable human right that is embodied in the American 2nd amendment… and why not only is it right, true, and just… but that also the Christchurch terrorist attack actually exposes the Great lie and delusional rationale of Gun prohibitionists like Jacinda Ardern, and leftist Liberal anti-Gun Socialists across the globe…. and that lie is that Nanny state Law and the Police will keep everybody safe from Criminals and Terrorists and so there is no legitimate need for people to have Guns, or any regard for their own safety as far as self defense is concerned!
Thats right… I am saying the Deaths of 50 innocent people in Christchurch may be to a large degree blamed upon New Zealand’s anti-gun rights laws and attitudes!
Why is it not routine for Mosques and churches to station armed guards for their own defense?
Why do people think that is such a crazy thing to propose… esp in light of what has just taken place!
No no no! *That sort of reasoning… that sort of Conclusion* is the last thing the Government and Police want New Zealanders to arrive at!
So the whole Government propaganda machine has turned the focus away from the most basic facts, and instead made this all about their own agenda to keep the population defenseless and dependent upon the State.
To suggest that New Zealanders are lax about guns is absurd!… Its an absolute Lie!
A large share of Labour Green voting New Zealanders display a childish paranoia about guns thanks to the fact that world war two and the treat of invasion is now long forgotten, and having since been indoctrinated by nanny state into thinking of guns as evil… instead of Life saving and life affirming emblems of security and strength!

One of the chief reasons mass shootings around the globe happen in gun-free zones like the Christchurch Mosques is because coward psychopaths prefer their victims to be defenseless rather than armed and ready to shoot back!
Tarrant traveled extensively… even to Muslim countries like Turkey… observing… plotting… yet decided to carry out his attack here in NZ where the Muslims have been disarmed by the New Zealand Government!
Think about that!
This event was not a awake up call that we have been too lax with Guns… but a wake up call that it is sane to believe you can live like defenseless ducks in a coup with Nanny State looking after us!
Its a wake up call to why the founding fathers of America wrote the second amendment.

7. No second amendment in New Zealand does not mean New Zealanders dont have the right to bear arms!

A friend of mine parroted these naive sentiments… “We in NZ don’t have a 2nd Amendment for gun ownership in the way you are suggesting.
Gun ownership is a privilege not a right allowed under the direction of the government. If the rules change they change we have to comply. Pretending that we are Americans will not work here sorry. We are now have a new law that we will have to comply with whether we like it or not.”.

I had to school him…. “The second amendment does not ‘grant’ a privilege to the American people at the generosity of the US government… what the second amendment does is *Enunciate a natural right that all human beings have* and that is why it tells the government *they shall pass no law that violates this natural human right* .
So that we kiwi dont have a second amendment *does not mean* we dont have the natural right to bear arms… the means of self defense… we do have that right irrespective of what our government thinks or wants.. or compels!
The problem we have is that our backward Nation has no protection of our rights from tyrants and socialists like Ardern… and so we are exposed to the evil of a government that can trample upon our rights… yet that does not make it just… it means we are the victims of oppressive government and evil laws.”
This is precisely what is happening now with is Bill being rushed into law… It would not be possible if we had a constitution that embodied the just principles of the second Amendment.

So I am saying that if New Zealand really wants to be safer… we should stop believing the empty promised of Jacinda Ardern… that her nanny state will keep us safe!
Instead we should instead be recognising New Zealanders rights to look to their own defense!
We should have more respect for the right to self defense… and more respect for Guns and the security they provide!
After what happened in Christchurch, if anyone is likely to be skeptical of Arderns bogus promises to keep them safe it will be immigrants and Muslims!
I would not blame NZ Muslims who witnessed what happened to instead desire the right to provide for their own defense!
The Government may be temporarily stationing Police outside mosques for the time being… until *they* assume the terrorist risk has diminished… and then the cops will pack up their guns and leave!
Yip… at some point the cops will leave mosques and churches absolutely defenseless again… just as they were before the attacks!
This bill does nothing to increase their security… it leaves them absolutely exposed to the next psychopath!
The solution is Obvious!
Everyone… Mosques, churches, everyone should be making provisions for their own security… which would include having armed guards… and better still concealed carry armed worshipers!
This is reality people!
The world is not a daycare center for children!
In this world dangerous. evil people exist, and the government cannot keep us safe.

The Criminals will not hand in their Guns!
Gangs already hold illegal fire arms… Passing more laws will not disarm Criminals who do not obey the law!
We have all read comments in the news by the Mongrel Mob Boss admitting that they have hundreds of Guns and wont be handing them in. So Arderns new Gun regulations will only dis arm the gullibly Law abiding… not the outlaw communities who have always had guns illegally… just another day at the office for them!
They dont even care if they go to jail!
Because The Mob and Black power run most of those too!

8.Legislating a bad and oppressive idea cannot make it just.
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a Gun… is a good guy with a Gun!
Rights are not the gifts of Government.
Our Rights are innate to us as Human individuals, and We the people form a government to protect those rights… not to take them away!
The Government are not our masters… but the servants of the people… We dont have our rights by your permission!

It will not matter if all 120 MPs from all sides of the Floor vote for this bill to be made law… This will not make such a law Right, or Just, Or Good, or effective… It will merely render our nation less free and more Police State-like.
No Divine Right King or Parliament can justly circumvent the inalienable rights of Individuals.
Any such decree and Law is corrupt and not morally binding upon any one…
From Time immemorial Political powers have always sort to legitimize their oppression, and it has been the lot of Good Men and woman to Resist… to boldly speak out against tyranny… and unfortunately to suffer persecution and injustice.

May My Children be free of Socialist tyranny!
Perhaps as Nanny State becomes more suffocating and oppressive the people of New Zealand will experience Enlightenment …By God’s grace may a New New Zealand Libertarian Party arise soon!
AND let them establish a limited Government based up the principles of Liberty and Justice that will abolish all the evil and oppressive legislation of Nanny State, and allows the people to take care of their own affairs, and look to their own self defense. Well armed and prepared to confront the next Breton Tarrant.
If We had had such a Love of Liberty and Self defense it is far more likely he would have chosen some other nation to commit his crime.

9. My Final statement.

Thus it is my final word that I vehemently oppose this Bill with all my heart and soul, and strength and might!
I believe it is not only Bad legislation, Unjust, and oppressive, I also believe it is absolutely counter productive to the express purpose of making our country more safe from Terrorism.
Instead I believe *Greater Liberty* with respect to Gun ownership and self defense is not only far more pragmatically logical, but also morally just.
I therefore recommend that the Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill be scrapped, and that instead the government should make legal provisions for New Zealand private Citizens and associations, and businesses to legally look to their own defense and to do so with the requisite lawful use of Fire arms for self defense.

May God have mercy upon the victims of Breton Tarrant.
This submission is written in their honour and memory.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
New Zealand.

More from Tim…









Good Cop Bad Cop.

I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.

As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.

If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.

Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.

A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.

A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.

When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.

A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…

Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.

Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.

My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.

My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.

So Enjoy ‘Good Cop Bad Cop’

Tim Wikliriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

To the US Libertarian Party: Muzzle your Hounds! Gary Johnson appears to be writing his own rules.


As a New Zealand Libertarian and foreign observer of the US elections, the activities of The US Libertarian Party have been of the greatest personal interest… much more so than the insane rantings of Clinton and Trump.

I watched many of the Libertarian debates between the hopeful candidates, and was a little disappointed… yet not surprised, when Gary Johnson was Victorious.
Though my preferences would have been John Mcaffe, or Austin Peterson because of their superior adherence to Libertarian philosophy (Gary absolutely blew it for me when he said a Jewish Baker should be forced to bake Nazi Cakes)… none the less *On the whole* Gary Still appeared to stand head and shoulders above the competition he faces from the two major party candidates, Trump and Clinton.


Yet as time passes…and the election gets closer… the high ground is eroding from under his feet…
Most of us already understood that Gary is a seasoned Election strategist… as opposed to an adroit man of principle… and it is chiefly for this reason that he was chosen by the moderate elements to represent the party… while the more principled elements were shaking their heads… some vowing not to endorse the Party choice.
Others like myself were willing to swallow our disappointment… and wash down the unpleasant aftertaste with several stiff drinks… and determine to get in behind Johnson…. for the sake of the Party… and America. (See my post script about how the internet allows foreigners to participate in such elections)


Yet as time passes… we suffer reflux.

What is *almost treachery* is Gary Johnson and side kick William Weld have been busy declaring *More Statist positions*, than he did during the selection process…*And that’s dishonest*.

A fundamental issue appears to be getting out of hand.
It is very different for a candidate and Party Representative to *hold personal opinions* about issues… like the legitimacy of Global warming…. quite another to unilaterally *make party policy*…. that contradicts their/our fundamental principles… as Gary has done.
… And I’m not sure why the Libertarians Party has not called him in to lay down a few limits to his Autocratic attitudes.
One would think that being *The Libertarian Party candidate for President* that he would be coming up with *Free market ideas* that people could embrace to satisfy their fears about global warming (whether it is true or not)…. yet he appears to be devoid of such innovative thoughts that embody our fundamental beliefs… that good ideas dont need compulsion… instead he is repairing to the *same Anti-liberty* type ideas as *Carbon taxes*… yet with not very clever sophistry… re-branded this Statist Tax … as a ‘Fee’.

Weld has come out stating he would support certain new Gun Restrictions.

So I am calling out The US Libertraians Party Executive and asking why they have not called in Johnson and Weld and laid down a few basic Limits to their Policy commitments and promises.
They ought to be free to express their personal views, yet make it clear that they are such… not party policy, and when suggesting *Any solutions* to problems, they must fall within the scope of *Libertarian principle*… or be considered void… and dishonest by the party.
Johnson and Weld should be expected to make *Retractions* on their remarks about *Carbon Fees*, forced Vaccinations, and *Gun restrictions*… and other statements they have made that are not in conformity with Libertarian fundamentals.

The sooner this is done… the better.
The way things are going a lot of Libertarians are in danger of Vomiting.
Johnson and Weld are beginning to morph into a grotesque Republican/ Democratic party mutation…
It is with concern, yet also a desire to minimize destructive schism that I make this Blog post, and appeal.


Standing up at Public Rallys Day after day…. and trying not to sound like a stuck record… answering lots of tricky questions… it’s easy to put your foot in your mouth…. and very hard to pull it back out again later.
Maybe this pressure has caused Gary to make the odd statement that upon reflection, he regrets?
He should Man up about it.
Plus The Libertarian party must not break down due to in fighting… Gary Needs Full support, yet He must do his part to show himself worthy.
He must not recklessly put Votes ahead of Principle.
He must think smarter… win the support of the people… by smarter, innovative ideas that will work towards the desired end… yet via means that are righteous… in accord with Libertarian Ideals.

That you are the Best successful party candidate for president this election is without debate.
You are standing against Two of the most Unfit individuals in History.

You Beat two very worthy principled Men… John Mcaffe, and Austin Peterson.
Dont blow the trust your Libertarian Countrymen have placed in you by continuing to make Policy statements that you know violate Party principles.
*You dont have a mandate to make your personal opinions party policy*
Stop acting like a Dictator.
Start proving you will respect the principles upon which the constitution is founded.
You are Scary Dude… and making a mockery of our cherished ideals.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Post script:

It’s interesting to me that though I am on the opposite side of the world, and cannot vote in the US elections, that none-the-less via the Internet, I can still play a small part in it all… by critiquing the happenings… and being active in promoting the Libertarian candidate.
This is a relatively new phenomena … a consequence of the world wide web… and you can see why ‘The Political powers that be would dearly love to slap censorship onto the net so that they could better manipulate what information is being spread about the elections.
The same may be said of *Legal proceedings*… esp in cases involving *The Government* criminalizing and jailing Citizens for ‘Political crimes’… such as is happening *right now* with regards to the Bundy Ranchers, and the Kangaroo court case proceedings with regards to the Oregon stand off.
Not only is the Judge loading the Bases with regards to the Jury, but is also *Banning the court case from being Live streamed*… like some Third-world tyranny… the Evil powers that be seek to *avoid transparency* …. so that they can crucify/ crush their Political adversaries… whom actually have the Law of the land (The constitution) on their side.
The activities of such principled Americans as Gavin Siems appears to be falling on Deaf ears.
The people of America and the Media slumber while the evil powers that be are busy Treading the constitution and the rights, and due process of their greatest Sons…. underfoot.
It appears that “White Christian Cowboys lives dont matter… to America…. because they stand ‘outside the Politically correct demographics’ that the Liberals have given a monopoly of victimization by the State.
Ie they are not Gay, Not Black, Not Woman,Not Clinton supporters,….
What is happening in Oregon ought to be High on the Libertarian Party candidates list of topics to discuss at every opportunity… at election meetings and in interviews… doing their bit to bust wide open the Dirty dealings that are being done in the dark.

Thus Political criminality will always seek to limit what the world gets to observe… and thereby limit Global criticism and condemnation… so they can more easily feign Legitimacy.
With this in mind I make a conscious effort to broadcast injustices I see happening ‘out there’ in foreign lands…. for the sake of the Righteous oppressed ‘Enemies of the State’… hoping to stir up Global outrage and protest… and make it harder for the Oppressive regimes to hide their evil political activities.
So it seems to me that to the degree that we have access of valid information from Independent sources, The Internet acts the part of ‘International observers’ … as has become normal in many countries in which fear that democratic processes will be subverted for the sake of Rigging election results, etc.
We outsiders cant vote… but we can use reason and persuasion to support the factions we believe are worthy.

As such some US Libertarians may be asking “Why should we bother to listen to someone who is, not a US citizen, and so far removed from the consequences of US Elections?
Is it not Impertinence of the highest order for outsiders to meddle in American affairs?

I answer that *Only for good reason*… ie If My arguments are sound…then it is *reason itself* that you are acknowledging… and that stands on its own merit… irrespective of it’s origin.

And I would also hope that my arguments above on the whole show that having an open Global forum works in favour Freedom of information… against the ability of powerful Political interests to control and manipulate information to the voting public and the world.


2. with regards to Gary Johnson’s phobia about Religious liberty… calling it ‘a black hole’.. and then saying he would force a Jewish baker to bake Nazi Cakes….

This pains me. Religious liberty is the fundamental Right… all the rest are corollaries…. Nor is it ‘a black hole’, the defining limits is *Equality of Liberty*… ie your religious liberty cannot impinge upon the religious liberty of others.
Thus Private property is *The space* for you to Build your temples, schools, and homes to raise your children in your faith…. and free speech is your right to express your values, make apology for your beliefs, and to worship, and propagate your beliefs.
The right to Self defense is your right to defend yourself from Evils… esp from others whom seek to persecute you for your faith, and the right to overthrow the government is your right to resist tyrannical government that impinges upon your peaceful religious liberty to live, sand worship God according to your own conscience.

It is astounding that Gary appears to be oblivious to how his suggestion of Legal compulsion upon the Jewish baker to bake someone a cake against his will is tantamount to slavery… and an absolute violation of *voluntary agreement* that underpins *Free trade*!
It is Repugnant!
It’s interesting to me that all this is actually a demonstration of Johnson’s *personal* aversion to *Christian values* … He is prepared to make such outrageous statements as compelling Jews to bake Nazi Cakes… so that he may do what *he really wants to do*… force Christians to bake Gay wedding cakes.

Yet while such statements as this were made during the Party Candidate selection process, and were sufficient for many of us to prefer McAffe and Peterson to represent Libertarianism in the Elections… none the less Johnson was successful in winning the Candidacy.
Maybe it is true that Debates and Election meeting play little part in the ultimate choices people make when selecting candidates.
Maybe most people are quick to decide whether or not they like someone, and after that… the rest of the process is of little weight?

What a Libertarian actually sounds like….

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

speedy 3

Beware my friends, It’s that time of year when shysters seek to relieve you of your hard earned cash… and I’m not talking about the marketing Gurus of the Warehouse or Briscoes.
You think the Santa parade is a good show?
Well the Police also enjoy performing their own Pantomimes… yet they are not that entertaining.
We all suffer the anguish of Xmas commercialism and the Police arn’t shy of cashing in too.

Out of the goodness of their hearts, the Police have already implemented their 4km in-tolerance for the months of December and January.
They have already started writing themselves cheques at our expense, and acting out the charade that they are doing their bit to keep us safe on the roads by pinging us at every opportunity they get… Funny Buggers… the joke is on us… because as we are all painfully aware… this strategy is Bogus!

They are making millions… This is Tax gathering disguised as Law and order… they are literally using the carnage and Mayhem on our roads to justify their extortion racket!
Yet still…. like so many other weekends and holidays that this Rapine has been imposed, our Roads are just as drenched in blood and guts … maybe even worse!
7 people died in traffic accidents this weekend. Read about it > Weekend road deaths ‘heartbreaking’

In a recent article … Motorong editor rubbishes campaign
The police’s reduced speed tolerance will be of little benefit to road safety over December and January, say Clive Matthew-Wilson, editor of the car review website

“However much the government tries to massage the figures, the reality is that about 80% of fatalities occur at speeds below the legal limit. Therefore, to claim that ticketing mildly speeding drivers will substantially lower the road toll is simply nonsense,” Mr Matthew-Wilson says.

santa busted

Think about this:
Some people believe *Principles* are important, irrespective of what negative consequence may arise as a result of them.
They say it is best for society to remain true to these ideals… in spite of any chaos that ensues because they believe that justice is absolutely above everything else… and ultimately also expedient.
*That there is no valid contradiction between Just policy, and the best outcome.*
In Law, a prohibition which the people do not find legitimate, will never work but cause the Law to stink.

Some people dont believe in principles, instead they are pragmatists who believe almost any means is justifiable… if it gets a desired result.
They like to think of themselves ‘as Realists’.
A realist ought to think twice when they begin to see their experiments have failed.

Then you get the complete idiots.
They dont bother with principles either, yet they dont even take into consideration pragmatic realities, but death-grip onto any absurd notion even after it has proven to be worse than useless.
They are hell bent on persevering with failed ideas out of a sheer incapacity to think.
They cannot fathom any possible alternatives… esp if the alternatives require a complete about face and the courage to try a new direction.

Now ask yourself in respect to this ongoing failed and heavy handed strategy regarding stricter Speed-limits…. are you one of these complete Idiots… or are you one of the other two types of thinking people?

If you claim you are not a member of the Idiots, then I ask why so many of you are not spitting the Dummy over the travesty of 4km intolerance on Speed on our roads, given that it has proven to be a complete farce?

Why do you allow yourselves to be molested at times of celebration by an army of parasites, who hide in the shaddows like Villains ready to pounce?
Why do you allow your wallets to be emptied… and your pleasant travels to be rudely interfered with by Bullies and robbers with badges?

If in the light of all the evidence you still insist this predatory extortion racket is for the public good…. well then I say you are an Idiot…because and I repeat…the facts are indisputable…. all the heavy handed fines and impositions (such as the lower drinking limits) are not reducing the carnage on the road one iota!

You are like the Police (and government)… bereft of New and better strategies… and too scared to tell them to back off, and quit their harassment.

red blue

The whole roading safety strategy needs a rethink, and a change in focus.
I’m not advocating anarchy, but smarter approaches… using the tools available.
Such as more No overtaking lines where obviously there is limited visibility for a distance, yet also having more overtaking lanes, and slow vertical lanes so that people can safely get past on stretches where crossing the white line is hazardous.
Not only does this present obvious safety advantages, but less obvious if combined with the police *not being so Fascist about speed, and the government passing reforms that allow even greater speeds on the best sections of highway, this will generate *more respect* from users, and a safer culture of driving to the conditions… understanding the logic that a Smarter road strategy allows people to go faster where appropriate, and reduces the stretches where slow moving vehicles can provoke rash maneuvers by people anxious to get past.
Make the best roads faster and you will get less speeders on the country back roads.
Get away from the ‘Cops are your enemy’ mindset that heavy handed ticketing is all about.
*Bust REAL dangerous drivers only*.
People who do dangerous/ reckless maneuvers, leaving others traveling at speed in obviously ideal conditions alone.


These are just a few ideas that could be an alternative to the current rapacious bully tactics of the police that is not only a failure, but as a result generates a severe disrespect for them and the law.
We should be brave enough to try!

The definition of folly is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.

Dont you think it’s kinda ridiculous to even believe the idea that the Police *can bring down the road toll*???
Where did that nutty idea even come from?
Did they themselves assume this roll like superman?
This whole business was nothing more than a ruse from the start… to wrangle more power for themselves.
It’s a gimmick to fool the dopey into accepting being being hounded and fleeced like sheep.

It simply cannot be the Polices job to ‘End the carnage on the road’… and it certainly is not their job to treat us like cash cows… remember they work for us and we have the right to enjoy the use our roads free of molestation.
The police need a serious attitude adjustment.
And realistically we must accept that accidents will happen.
No amount of social engineering can eliminate the human factor.


If we really want things to change, then we must start voicing our demands at every opportunity… create/ join lobby groups that protest against the Status quo.

Write to AA, Write to your Mp’s, demanding they put a stop to this mickey mouse behavior of the police.
Demand they show us all more respect.
Demand a Culture change within the Police force, and stop voting for Nanny Statists whom have no fresh ideas… but love flogging that dead horse… of Less freedoms, Heavier fines…
Spend time thinking up ways to bring in reforms rather than more mutton fisted misery.

I must add some balance.
I am sure many police sincerely believe their activities are just, after all… they are following what their bosses say is supposed to help keep us safe.
I’m sure that some are well aware that this strategy is a failure… yet they are expected to dish out their quota of infringements.
All this exposes the systemic problems.
Any caring police officers should be working within the system for reforms, and should not support further impositions upon the people they serve.

It was never the lower drinking limits that were the problem.
It was never the people doing 120 along the motorway either.

speedy 2

I hope my blog at least stimulates some dialogue and debate.
I personally have had a guts full of the current extortion and Pig headed attitude we get from Parliament on down to those we employ to catch Robbers and rapists.
This Xmas Commercialism must end.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More From Tim…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Update: 25-12-15

‘Road chaos mars the start of holidays with more than 120 crashes since Christmas Eve’

Driver ‘in-attention’ …. falling asleep from boredom…. inattention from looking at your speedo all day instead of the road.

Read more>>

Back to basics


This meme has been doing the rounds of drug law reform social networks. Regular readers may have seen it once or twice already.

In this post I want to consider the message that this meme is sending to young people. And what this meme means for drug law reformers in general and for libertarians in particular.

Drugs can ruin your life

For sure. Drugs can, and do, harm people. Drug harms can be measured. See, for example, the Nutt scale. And drug harms can be prevented.

so if I catch you with them I’m sending you to jail and ruining your life.

One way to prevent drug harms is to prevent people from taking drugs. One way to prevent people from taking drugs is to send them to jail. But being sent to jail ruins your life.

The harms caused by criminalising drug use can also be measured and it turns out that the cure is worse than the disease. Prohibition doesn’t work. The War on Drugs™ is an expensive, epic failure. The harms caused by criminalising drugs outweigh and/or add to and exacerbate the harms caused by the drugs themselves.

So say the majority of drug law reformers. In the interests of harm minimisation, we must abandon the failed policy of prohibition and try a new approach to preventing drug harms. The three pillars of harm minimisation are demand reduction, supply control and problem limitation. So we must educate (to reduce demand), regulate (to control supply) and treat (to limit problems).

But wait! Who’s being forced to pay for all this harm minimisation? Asks the libertarian. Since when was harm minimisation a proper role of government? The proper role of government is to uphold our rights, not to save us from ourselves.

Drugs can ruin your life

The stock libertarian response is, if you’re worried that drugs can ruin your life, don’t take them. In other words, so what?

so if I catch you with them I’m sending you to jail and ruining your life.

It’s the bottom bit of the message that ought to make libertarians sit up and take notice. The proper role of government is to uphold our rights, not to save us from ourselves, and certainly not to violate our rights by sending us to jail! Governments can and do catch people with drugs, send them to jail and ruin their lives. Governments harm people by doing that. Governments shouldn’t harm people. So it turns out that harm minimisation is a proper role of government, after all.

I briefly looked at the types of harms governments should try to minimise in a previous post.

The overarching goal of the [New Zealand government’s National Drug] Policy, to prevent and reduce the harms that are linked to drug use, is a noble one. However, we must distinguish between three main kinds of drug-related harms

1. Harms which individuals inflict upon themselves, or inflict upon others with their consent
2. Harms which individuals inflict upon others without their consent
3. Harms which governments inflict upon their citizens

Libertarianz says that the government should not seek to save people from themselves, and most certainly should not harm its own citizens. The government should seek to bring to justice those who commit thefts, assaults, rapes and murders, whether such criminal acts are drug-fuelled or not.

It’s by focussing on this third category that I believe we can, as libertarians, make a contribution to National Drug Policy while maintaining our philosophical integrity.

Harm minimisation is a proper role of government, but only the minimisation of certain harms and not others. Minimising the harms we inflict upon ourselves is not the legitimate business of the state. Minimising the harms the state inflicts on its own citizens is very much the legitimate business of the state. Governments ought to be forced to take the Hippocratic Oath! Above all, do no harm.


Last year, the New Zealand government did what seemed to be a very libertarian thing. It stood back and let us get on with the business of harming ourselves by smoking untested, unsafe, novel synthetic cannabinoids. This month, the New Zealand government apparently reverted to its authoritarian ways and banned the sale and use of all synthetic cannabinoids until further notice.

All is not as it seems. By allowing us to harm ourselves, the government was inflicting harm on us!

How so? What I just said is bound to sound paradoxical, or even duplicitous, unless you stand back and get the bigger picture. In my previous post, syndicated from Life Behind The IRon Drape, Mark Hubbard stands back and gets the bigger picture.

This is what the 119 that I declared a philosophical war upon, have done. They legalised a line of hardcore addictive drugs in the league of P or heroin, nothing similar to the non-toxic, non-addictive, medicinal cannabis that many other countries are sensibly legalising, and then by keeping cannabis criminalised they successfully addicted possibly thousands of mainly young Kiwis to the equivalent of heroin, because by taking the legal heroin they would not face the force of the law, or lose their jobs, unlike smoking cannabis for which they would be convicted in the government war on drugs. So government policy addicted them to heroin, and I’ll keep making this point …

Context is important. He who would trade safely implemented and lasting drug law reform for some temporary liberty, deserves neither. Sometimes, a little freedom is a dangerous thing.


I’m given to understand that this revised meme is what most of my fellow drug law reform activists are fighting for. Well, being sent to rehab is better than being sent to jail, isn’t it? I suppose so.

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Libertopia any more.


The police officer in the picture is Anthony DiPonzio of the Rochester Police Department in New York. DiPonzios is both a perpetrator and a victim in the War on Drugs™. In 2009

DiPonzio, 23, was shot in the back of the head on a city street after questioning a few people about alleged drug activity on Saturday, Jan. 31. Tyquan Rivera, 14, of 65 Dayton St., Rochester, turned himself in to Rochester police Tuesday, Feb. 3. He will be tried as a juvenile and could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

“We are pleased to share that officer DiPonzio continues to make significant progress in recovering from his serious wound. He is speaking this morning, and we are very pleased with his notably improving condition, which is far ahead of where we expected him to be at this point.”

“He has made such significant progress that – based on his current condition – we anticipate he will be able to transfer from Rochester General Hospital to Unity Health System’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit early next week.”


NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!


Waikato Times reports…. “A group feeding Hamilton’s needy say the council is forcing them out of Garden Place to stop more homeless people coming to the area. But the council says while they have received complaints about the group feeding the homeless, their primary concern is the fact that those involved don’t have the appropriate permit to operate in a public.”
Read on here..


Of course it’s not just the council… Hamilton CBD seems to be infested with Mean spirited whinney Bitches who complain about everything.
They bleated on about ‘Rif Raff’ frequenting the Legal high outlets etc etc…. making all sorts of wild allegations… etc Ad Nauseam… and the Council was more than willing to use this as a pretext to write even more unjust laws… and generate even more prohibitions.
They tried to stop the Casino being built.

What good is having a public domain if only the Wealthy can use it?
Socialism cares for the weak? YEAH RIGHT!

And you wonder why nobody’s doing business in Town?
Me thinks it has more to do with the Blamers and Ban-ers rather than those they oppress.
The Pompous arses spend all day kicking people out of the city and then wonder why they are going broke?
Morons blame others for their own Nastiness and stupidity.

The reality is none of these activities ought to be criminalised, I almost hope a giant sink hole would open up and swallow the whole CBD…. esp Council HQ.
What a hole it has become.
When benevolent Citizens show compassion for their fellow man the Socialist infested Council makes it illegal!
If I was Mayor I would tell all these small minded fascists to ether shut their traps… or shut their shops and Bugger off somewhere else! And allow more tolerant others to use the city.

Hamilton CBD needs more freedom, less Government.

Submission to the PSRA

PIGMAN Submission Eat Me

Subject: Regulations Consultation

The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party exists to legalise cannabis for recreational, spiritual, medicinal and industrial purposes; to empower people to work together for peace and true justice; and to institute a proper and just balance between the power of the state and the rights and dignity of the individual.

Psychoactive substances regulations exists to give government some measure of control over what substances people use, how they use them, and who uses them.

Cannabis is not regulated. It is prohibited. Paradoxically, in the case of cannabis, prohibition means that cannabis is almost entirely uncontrolled. Nearly everyone who wants to use cannabis does so, including minors. For minors, cannabis is as readily available as alcohol.

Ostensibly, the purpose of cannabis prohibition is harm reduction. The three pillars of harm reduction are supply control, demand reduction and problem limitation. Under prohibition, there is no control of supply of, no reduction in demand for, and no limitation of problems caused by, cannabis.

Government must regulate cannabis if it is to gain any measure of control over who uses cannabis. Regulation is de facto legalisation. For the government and for the cannabis law reform movement, a regulated, taxable market in cannabis is win-win.

Various parties, including the Associate Minister of Health himself, have suggested that substances currently controlled (or not, in the case of cannabis) under the Misuse of Drugs Act might, in future, be controlled under the Psychoactive Substances Act. A simple legislative amendment to the Misuse of Drugs Act removing cannabis from its schedules would immediately bring cannabis under the Psychoactive Substances Act, where its risk of harm could then be assessed against the same standards as will apply to any other psychoactive substance.

There is more than one way to skin a dead cat, and this is not the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party’s preferred pathway to cannabis law reform. However, the Party makes the present submission on the assumption that the future pathway to legal cannabis will be as has just been suggested.

Cannabis is not a substance, nor is it a product. It is a plant, a plant that anyone with a green thumb can grow. Therefore, many of the consultation questions in the supplied consultation document are inapplicable to cannabis. Since we do not have to answer all the questions, we answer only those questions we deem to be relevant.

Our main concerns are “truth in labelling” and appropriate measures to minimise access to cannabis by minors. Hence, the questions we answer below are mainly those concerning labelling and packaging (in Chapter 4 of the consultation document), and place of sale and advertising (in Chapter 5).

14. Are the proposed requirements and restrictions on labelling sufficient?


15. Are the proposed requirements relating to health warnings sufficient?


16. Are the proposed packaging requirements and restrictions sufficient?


17. Do you agree with the proposal to restrict a packet to one dose? Please give reasons for your answer.

No. There is no need to restrict the size of a packet of cannabis. Because no one has ever overdosed on cannabis in all of human history. If there must be restriction, the size of a packet of cannabis should be restricted to 1 oz. There is no need for decimalisation.

18. Do you agree with the proposal that a dose, in whatever form the product takes, is split wherever possible?

No. Consumers can do this themselves with scissors or grinders.

19. Do you think there should be restrictions on the form products can take? If so, what forms do you think should and shouldn’t be allowed?

No. Cannabis should be allowed in smokeable, vaporisable, topical and edible forms.

20. Do you think there should be restrictions or requirements on the storage of psychoactive substances? If so, what should the restrictions or requirements be?

See below. (As previously noted, cannabis is neither a substance nor a product. It is a plant, but can be made into a value-added product.

21. Do you think restrictions or requirements should be set for the storage of approved products? If so, what should they be?

Yes. For security purposes, to prevent cannabis from falling into the hands of minors or of thieves who might on-sell to minors, cannabis retailers should store cannabis products under lock and key when not physically present on the retail premises.

22. Do you think restrictions or requirements should be set regarding the display of approved products? If so, what should they be?

Yes. We suggest that such restrictions or set requirements be in line with those applicable to other psychoactive products. Additionally open discussion around public health best practices such as plain packaging must occur, in the context of whatever is publicly acceptable for tobacco and alcohol should also be acceptable for cannabis.

23. Do you think restrictions or requirements should be set regarding the disposal of approved products? If so, what should they be?

Up in smoke. Persons disposing of cannabis must ensure that there are no minors or non-consenting adults downwind of the conflagration.

24. Do you think there should be signage requirements in the regulations? If so, please give specific suggestions.

There should be no signage requirements, but we recommend a stylised cannabis leaf.

25. Do you think the regulations should specify further places where approved products may not be sold? If so, please provide specific suggestions.

We have no special objections to regulations preventing the sale of cannabis near schools or other places where minors might otherwise tend to congregate.

26. Do you think the regulations should prescribe restrictions or requirements for advertisements of approved products? If so, please provide specific suggestions.

We have no special objections to the regulations that currently apply to advertisements for synthetic cannabinoid products also applying to advertisements for cannabis.

27. Do you think the regulations should prescribe restrictions or requirements on internet sales of approved products? If so, please provide specific suggestions.

We have no special objections to the restrictions and requirements that currently apply to Internet sales of synthetic cannabinoid products also applying to Internet sales of cannabis.

28. Do you think the regulations should prescribe restrictions or requirements on the advertising of approved products? If so, please provide specific suggestions.

We have no special objections to the restrictions and requirements that currently apply to the on-site advertising of cannabinoid products also applying to the on-site advertising of cannabis.

In closing, a few words about the fees and levies proposed (in Chapter 6 of the consultation document) and also on determining the risk of harm posed by cannabis.

The ALCP envisages that many commercial suppliers of legal cannabis will be small scale suppliers. The suggested fees and levies in the consultation document would be harshly punitive in the context of “cottage industry” cannabis. They would provide a major disincentive to comply with the regulations, and drive the cultivation and supply of cannabis underground, where it now is, uncontrolled by the government. We suggest that the PSRA sets the fees or levies payable by homegrown commercial cannabis suppliers commensurate with those set by authorities in the State of Colorado.

Cannabis has been tried and tested over several millennia. Risk of harm has already been determined. We know that cannabis poses no more than a very low risk of harm to those who choose to use it.

This submission was completed by Dr. Richard Goode, Vice President of the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, on its behalf.
