Video of the Month… Watch it before it gets Taken down! Top 10 Reasons Why Greta Thunberg Is a Fraud
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques is a Whitewash.
I am planning to make a written submission to
‘The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques’.
Submissions close at 5pm Friday 27 September 2019.
A Brief piece of *Propaganda* is offered as an explanation of the general purpose of the inquiry….
” The Government announced that a Royal Commission of Inquiry would look into what State sector agencies knew about the individual’s activities before the attack, what, if anything, they did with that information, what measures agencies could have taken to prevent the attack, and what measures agencies should take to prevent such attacks in the future.
The Royal Commission is to present its report, by 10 December 2019, so the Government can reassure the New Zealand public, including its Muslim communities, that all appropriate measures are being taken to keep people safe.”
IE we are told that this is a genuine inquiry to make Us safer and prevent this happening again.
This is Bullshit.
I can already tell that this Inquiry is a Scam… by checking out the ‘Terms of Reference’ which are the instructions from Parliament that set the scope of the inquiry… what Parliament wants the inquiry to investigate and what it is prohibited from investigating… well in these ‘terms of reference’ (re: the link) we see that Ardern… in cahoots with the Police have already loaded the dice both to avoid the commission finding fault with the police leading up to the event, or with the governments actions after the event:
(A) no investigation will be made to inquire *into what failures the police made in issuing Tarrant a licence*
So this inquiry is designed to feign a rigorous investigations into the root causes… and yet one of the most vital aspects that need investigating… *How the Police could issue this foreign terrorist a Licence* … is *not* part of the investigation… thereby meaning the Police will not have to explain to the Public how and why they got it so wrong!
So there goes probably the most essential aspect of this horrific affair saving the Police and Government any fears of getting caught out as in any way culpable!
(B) the Commission is expressly forbidden from inquiring
or commenting on the New Arms amendments!
So what this means is if we the public present arguments that evidences that the new arms amendments actually make us *less safe*… the Commission is expressly forbidden from investigation this further or making recommendations *that may be contrary to Arderns ambitions to confiscate more guns!
So again the terms of reference *protect the Government and Police* from any lines of inquiry that calls into question their activities and Arms prohibition agenda!
So this means it is almost pointless submitting to the commission that a far better way to make NZ safer is to *strengthen* our rights to self defense rather than diminish them … which just goes to show just how much ‘hot air’ the claim that this is an honest investigation designed to fully inquire what was done wrong and what could be done better to help prevent this happening again.
It appears as if via the terms of reference the Police may even be handed an alibi.
Though they will not be facing any investigation into how well they adhered to their responsibilities and due processes on issuing licencees, I can see that if it appears that Tarrant was a complete unknown to intelligence agencies that this will not only be used to excuse the police for issuing him a licence (though members of the Gun community question the Polices procedural rigor) There is every likelihood that this Royal commission will ‘recommend’ an escalation in Police powers and intrusions!
This is a Farcical Charade…. A Whitewash!
Ardern’s Police state agenda against the people of New Zealand will keep chugging forward… under the pretense of National security against Terrorism.
Yet still I am going to make a submission and include a protest about these things… and at least they will become a matter of public record, because all submissions are kept and are available to the public to read…. and so I encourage people to get a submission together in the next 9 days.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
P.S When is the government going to put Brenton Tarrant on Trial?
Whats taking so long?
Its been 6 months already!
The Longer they delay the more likely He will be rendered unfit to stand… is that what the government wants?
Is that their plan?
Or are they delaying until they can squeeze a guilty plea out of him so that we the public never get to hear all the facts????
Just remember there was no proper trial held in Australia after the squeezed a Guilty plea out of a psychologically damaged Martin Bryant for in respect to the Port Arthur Attack and that means no open and thorough scrutiny of the matter ever took place.
The Terms of Reference, set by the New Zealand Government, can be read in full here.
Translated versions are available as PDFs.
Summary of the Terms of Reference
The following is a brief summary of the Terms of Reference. It does not replace the specifics set out in the full Terms of Reference.
On 15 March 2019, an individual attacked the Al-Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch while worshippers were at prayer. Fifty-one people were killed and more than 50 others injured, some seriously.
A man has been charged with offences related to the attack. His trial is due to take place in May 2020.
The Government announced that a Royal Commission of Inquiry would look into what State sector agencies knew about the individual’s activities before the attack, what, if anything, they did with that information, what measures agencies could have taken to prevent the attack, and what measures agencies should take to prevent such attacks in the future.
The Royal Commission is to present its report, by 10 December 2019, so the Government can reassure the New Zealand public, including its Muslim communities, that all appropriate measures are being taken to keep people safe.
Scope of Inquiry
The Royal Commission is to examine:
what State sector agencies knew about the accused attacker, before 15 March 2019
what State sector agencies did (if anything) with that knowledge
whether there was anything else State sector agencies could have done to prevent the attack
what else State sector agencies should do to prevent such attacks in the future.
The Royal Commission also needs to investigate the accused attacker’s activities before 15 March 2019, including:
his time in Australia
his arrival and residence in New Zealand
his travel within New Zealand, and internationally
how he obtained a gun licence, weapons, and ammunition
his use of social media and other online media
his connections with others, whether in New Zealand or internationally.
The Royal Commission must make findings on:
whether State agencies had information that could have alerted them to the attack
how State agencies worked with each other and shared information
whether State agencies failed to anticipate the attack because they were focused elsewhere
whether State agencies were in some way at fault
any other matters to provide a complete report.
The Royal Commission must make recommendations on:
what improvements could be made to the way State agencies gather, share and analyse information
how State agency systems could be improved to prevent future attacks
any other matters to provide a complete report.
These recommendations could include changes to legislation (except firearm legislation), policy, rules, standards or practices.
What the Royal Commission can’t look at
The Royal Commission cannot inquire into:
the guilt or innocence of any individual who has been, or may be, charged with offences in relation to the attack
amendments to firearms legislation
activity by entities/organisations outside the State sector (such as media platforms)
the response to the attack once it had begun.
The Royal Commission can consult with a range of groups, individuals and agencies to help with its inquiries. It must also appoint a person, or people, to help it engage with New Zealand’s Muslim communities.
The Royal Commission must act in a way to minimise the chance that its processes or report could be used for unlawful activities or damage the public interest.
The Royal Commission can suppress any confidential information it receives in order to protect public safety, avoid prejudicing the Government’s international relationships and maintenance of the law. In order keep this confidence, the Royal Commission may conduct its inquiry, or parts of it, in private.
The Royal Commission must present its report, including its findings and recommendations, to the Governor-General, in writing, no later than 10 December 2019. The Royal Commission may also make interim recommendations to the Governor-General at any time.
Before presenting its final report, the Royal Commission must also determine if there are any matters that should be referred to the Intelligence and Security Committee, the Minister responsible for the intelligence and security agencies, or the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security first.
Hahahahaha Welcome to SJW HELL! :-D
More here…
Apologetic Ihumatao Protester lives in fantasy and self-denial.
Reported by Stuff….
‘A woman who filmed herself abusing a police officer at Ihumātao has issued an apology.
Manukau resident Anikaaro Harawira-Havili, 32, said she “went too far” when she swore at an officer and told him to go back to his own country at the south Auckland protest site on Monday.
“I can honestly admit I obviously overreacted. I was totally in the hype and anger of the moment,” she said…’
Read : Ihumātao: Woman who abused cop issues apology, but denies comments were racist
I ask what sort of apology is it when you dont even admit what you did wrong?
It’s not an apology at all but a refusal to apologise.
I think this fact highlights a very important attribute common to Maori Radicals… they live in a state of self denial.
They refuse to see their own wrongs.
They willfully perpetuate a mindset of cognitive dissonance to the facts of reality.
Anyway before I explain how this all underpins the delusions of Activists like Anikaaro Harawira and Pania Newton, let me first state that what follows is not written in the spirit of malice towards them, but in the spirit of exposing the delusions that underpin the whole grievance industry and Maori radicalism.
It is not my intention to ‘get personal’ about these particular individuals… I am hoping hoping to break down false ideas and let the light shine through… so let me state for the record that I dont harbour ill will towards these woman… though they may harbour ill will towards me should they read my opinions… yet ill leave such conjectures to fate.
I do not doubt the sincerity of their beliefs… but I question their validity.
Sincerity does not automatically make false ideas right.
I will also acknowledge the fact that at least Anikaaro admitted she was carried away with the ‘hype of the moment’… and who among us has not in the throws of intense moments said things we later regret?
I would like now to talk about some facts that she reveled about herself….
“In terms of being a racist, I’m of Māori, English and Scottish descent. I also have a Tongan son. “….
And there you have it folks!
This admission carries far more weight than she intends, out of a desire to deny her ingrained racism that she has imbibed from Racist Maori Radical doctrines… for a fleeting moment she drops her Maori Radical persona and admits to… or rather conveniently appeals to the fact that she is a descendant of British colonials herself*!
Think about that for a while with regard to the claims she and her friends are peddling at Ihumatao… she is in fact protesting *against herself!*
She is a Pakeha too!
Like myself Anikaaro is a New Zealander descendant from *both Maori and Pakeha*… from both Native and Colonialist.
This fact betrays something very obvious and important as by her very existence we can deduce that at some point in her Maori lineage her elders forgot about the colonial strife and eventually got on fine enough with Pakeha to actually *intermarry*… and thus she is the fruit of this union…. she is actually representative and physical embodiment of Hobson’s Pledge at Waitangi!
‘He Iwi Tahi Tatau’… we are now *one people*!
Yet sadly we can be assured this admission on her part is not something she is proud of… its actually something she buries so that she can then play at being *an oppressed Maori*, and to do this she must harbour a secret shame at her own lineage on the Paeha side to be able to stand up in public and accuse them of being racist oppressors…whereas I myself am not ashamed of my Pakeha heritage… because I dont buy into that false narrative.
I dont see British colonization as a great evil, and I love *New Zealand* as it is… which is was a beautiful melding of English and Maori cultures… until Maori radicalism came along and began to subvert this harmony and Rob Pakeha of their proud heritage as Pioneers and nation builders, and instead portray Pakeha as racist invaders!
Well Anikaaro… your own Blood betrays your assertions… you are the child of the union and integration between these two historic groups… and your distinctions are from a by gone age that no longer exists now… except in your head.
And you in fact are representative of the voluntary union of Maori and Pakeha!
So this is the fraud that underpins such protests as are happening at Ihumatao, because these people pretend they are a distinct and oppressed minority and the victims of another distinct group ‘of oppressors’ when in reality no such distinctions can be made *because the so called victim belongs to *both groups* making her both victim and oppressor!
Mathematically speaking… They cancel each other out!
Taking this to its ultimate logical conclusion we get to the heart of the matter… and that is these deluded people deny reality and truth… and seek to claim to be something that they are not…. The fact is they are attempting to pretend *they are not Pakeha* themselves… they have successfully fooled themselves and want the country to also buy into their fantasy … that they can with a straight face claim to be ‘Maori victims’…. yet they are not…. Their claim is false… they are not Maori in the sense that Maori were Maori in the 19th century.
This itself evidences the very opposite truth in opposition to the claim of being a member of a segregated and oppressed people… It is in fact a testament to One-ness with pakeha and a success story of mutual integration…. and peaceful coexistence… what was once two separate human families have become One, and so this whole treaty grievance industry is a farce!
Now as I have already said I myself have both Maori and Pakeha blood too, and yet it is important to clearly state that the truth does not prohibit Anikaaro from celebrating her Maori-ness.
I have no problem at all with Maori-Pakiha descendants like her preferring to identify themselves more with their Native heritage… and enjoy that inheritance… and to embrace that cultural heritage… yet that is a completely different kettle of fish to what is going on with treaty separatism!
We need to make an important distinction between the right of people like Anikaaro to freely embrace Maori culture,which is legitimate, from their illegitimate Political ambitions and claims that They are a distinct race of people who should have superior rights!
Treaty separatism is a vile racist scam.
There is no reason why we should not establish One law for all, and have liberty and equality… and for ;Maori to carry on enjoying their own heritage *as equals*…. its just the all the handouts and special treatment will *stop* and Maori like her will have to lose her fake sense of ‘superior entitlement* to live and enjoy this country.
Ending treaty separatism is in fact a moral imperative for our Nation.
Maori like Anikaaro need to snap out of their malevolent racist ideas and must start respecting their Non-Maori neighbours as fellow countrymen of equal status and rights to themselves!
That is what ending racism looks like… yet that is precisely what our government is refusing to do… instead our government *perpetuates separatism and grievance* … ie the government perpetuates *racism* and Apartheid.
Its time New Zealanders kicked these types of politicians out and get some who will end all this racist governance and establish one law for all!
One last point…. maybe Anikaaro will also deny she is ashamed of her Pakeha blood… after all why should *she assume* any perceived ‘collective guilt’ for oppression that she places on her colonizing ancestors account?
After all *she might argue that herself has not acted in an oppressive manor towards Maori!
Yet what would such an argument do but sweep the entire presumption that under pins Maori Radicals demands for compensation from he contemporary Pakeha kin?
For what is true of herself is equally true of all Pakeha living today… non of them has engaged in Colonial oppression any more than she has!
What more No Maori living today has been the victim of colonial oppression… all claims that are being held up and assumed to be colonial injustice all happened generations before they were born!
So just as ‘Collective guilt’ is a scam… so too is their claims of ‘collective victimism’… the noting that simply because they are descended from a certain ethic group… that they can thereby claim their ‘victimhood’.
Its all too shameful and absurd to be countenanced!
How the hell did New Zealanders allow their nation to be hijacked by such twisted logic???
And how long will you allow this lunacy to continue ?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Maori Libertarian.
More from Tim….
Were Pre 1840 Maori really super woke caretakers of the land? Nope!
A story in tonights news feed has provoked me to write this blog… it is the story of… ‘A recidivist pāua poacher banned from fishing was caught collecting shellfish in 2017 but has spent the past two years eluding the court, claiming to be governed by a different law…’
Read more here
Taranaki’s Valentine Edward Albert said the Government had a different view than his own when it came to looking after the sea.
Now this story contains all the elements of what passes today as ‘Treaty issues’… about Maori attitudes to New Zealand’s laws … and much more… yet I want to discuss an aspect of this case that is almost never contemplated… the problem of ‘Collective ownership’ with regards to the dynamics of looking after such treasures as ‘fisheries’ for the well being of species, and for posterity.
So this post is basically about conservation.
Albert is a Maori who seeks to use his Race as an excuse for his rapine of Kaimoana…. and flouting the Law.
This time… in complete disregard for having been banned from fishing and collecting shellfish for prior offences, He was caught with 240 Paua when the legal limit is 10!
The issue then becomes… does he not give a damn about the survival of Paua… the very reason limits have been set at ten being to prevent rapine that would wipe out the Paua?
Apparently not!
So one thing is for sure… Albert is no ‘Caretaker of the land!
I want to explode the myth that Maori… or indigenous peoples anywhere are somehow more spiritually connected to the land and ‘naturally’ exhibit greater care and concerns for the ecosystems.
And so I ask you to think with me for a moment… Were Maori before 1840 really the Caretakers of the land as modern Maori radicals tend to portray their Noble and enlightened ancestors?
I think not.
let me explain why I say this…
The Maori wiped out the Moa, and if it were not for European cows and chickens they probably would have wiped out the Kiwi and many other species by now.
This is not to put the hate on them, but to highlight a *massive problem* with 2 related systemic problems that are inter-related via the notion of ‘Collective/ Commons property…. 1. the tribal anarchy that existed prior to 1840 by which tribes only controlled fisheries and hunting areas for birds at the point of the spear… ie… while they were stronger than their enemies… and under this system… moving outward from their Tribal center … hunter gatherers… they would move into an area and exploit it to the maximum… and then abandon it once they had depleted it as it was no longer worth defending…. and by this way they would devastate areas… evidenced by the tiny pipi shells found in middens on all hills, etc all about the coast that show they had *zero sense* of leaving the small pipi to ensure the fishery would survive… they only were concerned with the ‘here and now’.
That was then.
Now however we have a ‘quota system’ by which the whole fishery is said to belong to ‘everyone’, and yet the limits are such as to make it barely worthwhile bothering… and we see people prosecuted as ‘criminals’… for merely gathering kai… and it may indeed be true that these people again show a total disregard for the ongoing viability of the fishery… ie they *still* only concern themselves with their own immediate gains…. why?…. because just like the days before 1840…. *Collective ownership* equates to *no ownership*… ie when someone really *owns* something of value ie has title to it as a property right… even things like a pipi bed… they are far more likely to be concerned about its ongoing viability and will take care not to *Rape it to death!*
So… with these facts being true… species… and fisheries… and blocks of land with kiwi, etc, would be much better managed if they were all privately held… because that is how property employs self interest in insuring things are well managed.
yet as long as things like Pipi beds are held as collectively owned… they will be pillaged by people who have no vested interest in giving a Rat’s arse about their future…
This is just one of the gigantic problems of collective ownership.
And it was a characteristic of Pre-European Maori tribalism… and Albert show this attitude still persists.
Compare that to when Private interests are allowed to come into play with free enterprise… salmon farms, Oysters, Mussels, etc!
The result is plenty for everyone.
Socialist radicals fuel Albert’s attitude that the New Zealand law ‘doe not apply to Maori him’ …. its official doctrine that being a Maori entitles you to many things that the rest of New Zealand are denied.
So should we be surprised by his flouting of ‘Pakeha’ rules?
His attitude speaks volumes at to how far away so many Maori are to acknowledgement of the moral precepts that the rights of everyone are equal and that the law of the land *is as applicable to him as anyone else.
I contend this arrogance has relevance and explanatory power in why Maori Crime statistics are so atrocious.
They share his contempt for the Law. (this contempt is a matter I personally have a lot of first hand understanding about!)
There is a hell of a lot unsaid here…. yet this is just a blogpost and I’m hitting ‘Publish’.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Maori.
Plotting Ihumatao : Unscrupulous Protesters seek to Manipulate the Police and Create another ‘Bastion Point’ type Flash point.
From what have seen in the news it is my opinion that the Organizers of the Race based lobby group’SOUL’ (Save Our Unique Landscape) who have instigated the ongoing protests at the Fletcher Buildings development in Ihumatao are nothing like the characters that they seek to portray themselves to be to the New Zealand public… the ‘Pacifist’ face of a righteous cause protesting a past injustice, but are in fact Dangerous schemers and opportunists harboring complete contempt for the Law.
I want to talk about their Machiavellian scheming and intents… esp the devious means by which they hope to achieve their goals yet first I need to lay out the frame of reference… the stage upon which these ‘Actors’ are plotting.
The Longer this Spectacle continues… the more the evidence mounts that they want to manipulate the situation to their own advantage and create a Riotous revolt for the express purpose of extorting from the government what they want… And Jacinda Ardern is the perfect spineless and unprincipled weakling who will cave in to their extortion and give them what they want… not because they are entitled to anything… but simply to make this mess ‘Go away’.
There is a very real danger of things getting very Ugly.
A strong and principled plan needs to be implemented in dealing with these dangerous radicals.
Like many woman, Ardern has Janus type personalities… she is scary …stone cold ruthless to those whom she despises, yet there is another side to her that is pathetically Feeble… both of Mind and of heart… and that is in dealing with her own ‘Naughty Woke Children’.
Look at her track record!
Its a fact that since Arden has taken power that we have seen Lefty uprisings turning up the heat on their own ‘PM’ because they know she is a soft touch.
I only need to refer you to how State workers in both the Health and Education sectors have both staged ‘Protest strikes’ for their own interests and were wildly successful… Ardern being incapable of saying *No!* to them…. why? Well firstly she is a very shallow operator who weighs lightly principles of Law… Due processes, spends almost no time in sober contemplation, but is driven by her feelings and a desire to be seen as someone who Rushes into the fray with her shallow womanly Liberalism to the rescue!
As such… at the pitiable sight of *Her own pet social demographics* waving emotive socialist Banners* She will relent to them… irrespective of whether or not their demands are just or fair.
She is consumed by her own vanity… and so another reason she is incapable of saying ‘No’ to Noisy Picketers because she is consumed about her own Political legacy as a Socialist Leader of ‘historic significance’ and to her Ego the well being of our Nation must take second place.
She is terrified at the thought that History may record that she said NO to ‘the victims of White privilege’… and she thinks nothing of breaking out the Public cheque book to make the noisy problem go away… even if her ‘solution’ is a bad one in the long term.
Ardern should never have waded in to the troubles at Ihumatao other than to say she expects the police to uphold the law and for Fletcher building to be able to commence their Development plans that they have the lawful right to do… yet she could not help herself and she has played into the hands of Troublemakers.
Ardern has overstepped her rightful authority as PM and trampled the law underfoot!
She has embroiled herself where she ought never to have set foot and in so doing has succeeded in entrenching the troublemakers who ought to be evicted *and prosecuted* for trespassing and interfering with a Lawful enterprise.
Yet now she is in a bind… and because she is so weak… the troublemakers from SOUL know that the greater the storm they can now Brew up at Ihumatau will without doubt succeed in achieving their goals… She will give into their demands… and they will chuckle to themselves that their absolute disregard for the law… and all their intimidation tactics will have given them a big payday… and this successful extortion of Weak government will only serve as a blueprint for ongoing future troubles!
SOUL will have proven that they can ignore such things as ‘Full and final Treaty settlements’.
Now let me talk about the Police who due to Arderns Leadership incompetence are fast becoming the Meat in the sandwich!
The New Zealand Police have been placed in an extremely difficult situation in fulfilling their duties to maintain Law and Order and prevent things getting way out of hand, and we can see from several different New reports that the strategy of the Troublemakers running the Protests is to use the brain dead Media to portray themselves as peaceful victims of Oppressive Police
treatment, not only to weaken the Police, and cause them to falter in carrying out their duties… effectively allowing the protesters to call the shots… but also I believe we can see these Subversive thinkers are looking for ways to create a ‘Bastion Point’ type outbreak of conflict with the Police.
While they are busy feigning they are peaceful to the media, nothing would please them more than if things got out of hand!
They know that any clash with Police that the Liberal media will sensationalise it and that this News could spark the Protest to swell exponentially as every Maori Radical comes out of the Bushes, and Bus loads of Woke White Social justice Warrior Antifa types descending on Ihumatau like a Barbarian horde!
Every unemployed New Zealander on welfare would be there!
These are the types that see no Irony in hating the government while collecting government welfare!
As a friend of mine commented on line…. dont any of these people have jobs?
Another question is who is funding S.O.U.L?
Are they receiving Government money to finance their operation via some convoluted means?
The Troublemakers rely on the media misrepresenting the facts and grossly misreporting the truth… that any altercation with the Police deliberately started by them, will be reported by the media as if it was the Police who were belligerent towards them!
And this is precisely the narrative we are being fed by the media… ‘Peaceful protesters at Ihumātao have been cut off by police who have descended on the site in increased numbers.’
It is apparent that the Police themselves are aware of their dicey situation and that by maintaining a close and friendly interaction with the protesters were able to gain intel on a planned escalation and attempt to Re-occupy Fletcher Buildings property, and were only thwarted in their ambitions by the police preemptively calling in Reinforcements.
It is absurd to believe that the Police have any desire to provoke unnecessary strife that could quickly get out of hand and endanger public safety…esp at night and from a Video taken by one of the Stupid Protesters Monday night we got to see how these troublemakers are behaving towards the Police when the media is no where to be found.
It reveals disgusting racist taunts and remarks against officers… Some presumed to being Maori are accused of being traitors whom ‘should be ashamed’ of upholding the law
Another ‘Dark skinned’ Officer is presumed of being a Non-New Zealander was to to ‘Fuck off home’…
*This is the True face of SOUL*… what comes out after dark… and these Policemen showed absolute professionalism in the face of such provocation and it is a credit to them.
New Zealanders should pay little attention to the complaints by the protesters that the Police actions were excessive, and I also congratulate them for doing an excellent job in thwarting the devious intentions of S.O.U.L by bring in reinforcements!
Yet we should not think this will be the last time they try to occupy the Fletcher Building site.
The Police issued a statement (here) to the Public:
Statement regarding Ihumātao protest
Tuesday, 6 August 2019 – 10:43am
National News
Attribute to Superintendent Jill Rogers, Counties Manukau District Commander:
Police recognises the lawful right to protest. For the past two weeks, our purpose at Ihumātao has been to uphold the law and keep the peace.
We have had regular meetings with organisers to ensure protest action remains peaceful.
Yesterday, during a meeting with organisers, the protestors communicated their intent to move past the cordon and reoccupy the land. In response to this, Police was required to increase our presence at the site. Officers had to be taken off their other duties to come to the protest site.
Despite repeated warnings from police, a large group of protestors attempted to bypass the police cordon.
Police attempted to stop those trespassing, but protestors pushed their way past our staff.
The protestors eventually vacated the private land and no arrests were made. Police reject allegations that a protestor was pushed over.
There is misinformation being circulated suggesting that Police have broken agreements with protestors.
Police cannot facilitate unlawful activity by allowing protestors who have been served an eviction notice to trespass on private land.
We would like to acknowledge the incredible professionalism our staff showed yesterday evening, and throughout the last two weeks despite at times being subjected to verbal abuse, being physically shoved and even in some cases being spat on.
Police will continue to assess the situation and our operational response, including talking to the protest organisers.
Police supports any process that will achieve a successful outcome for the parties involved.
Superintendent Jill Rogers will only be available for interviews today between 12.30pm – 1.30pm today. Email (link sends e-mail) to arrange an interview time.
So it is that The ongoing Governments pandering to Radical Racist Maori, and Billions in treaty settlements has achieved almost *nothing* to put an end to their endless grievance!
Worse… It has fueled the flames of race hatred and contempt for the Law.
Treaty separatism has done zero to alleviate the dire social statistics of Maori!
And now there is every reason to believe Arden is about to make everything much worse!
Because she is weak and callous there is every reason to despair…
as she will fail to publicly declare that the process of settling any ‘Treaty grievances’ was lawfully concluded in 2014 .
If she uses a heavy legislative hand and ‘confiscates’ Fletcher Buildings property and gifts it to the Racist radicals running SOUL she will utterly destroy the modicum of credibility underpinning all the treaty settlements as being Full and final and in so doing ensnare our nation in perpetual grievance and Racial division.
Such a disastrous move inflict a Staggering wound to security of New Zealand Private property rights!
Its almost a given that Arden will fail to publicly instruct the Police to uphold the law, and protect the property rights of Fletcher Building to start their development forthwith, which may require another escalation of Police numbers and putting an end to this protest should the protesters refuse to disband in accordance with the Law… it may require mass arrests and convictions of protesters… the sooner the better to prevent this situation getting way out of hand.
Thanks to decades of pandering to Maori Radicals New Zealand must now contend with a very dangerous Ideological movement that is the the Treaty separatist movement.
Just how dangerous should be understood by how events at Ihuamatao are a powder keg!
Sooner or later New Zealand must confront the Ugly reality about the Maori separatism and their absolute disregard for the Law and Property rights… their vile racism against Non-Maori New Zealanders who in truth have just as much right to live here as they do!
The longer this evil is fed… the harder it will be to stamp out.
When I contemplate how deeply embedded the race-hatred is within the Maori separatist movement is it make a mockery of Arderns concerns about ‘Alt Right Nationalism’ in New Zealand… the likes of the notorious ‘Phil Arps’ being a infinitesimal minority in New Zealand compared to the massive number of Racist Maori who harbour deep hatred for their Pakeha neigbours!
And it has been Socialists of the same ilk as Ardern and her mentor Helen Clark who have used our education system to indoctrinate this race hatred into Maori!
And you wonder why after having your head filled with tales that you are the victim of white oppression why so many Young Maori men end up in jail?
Its because of the Toxic ideas they have been fed by left liberal like Ardern!
And now the Police must deal with the consequences.
Now New Zealand industries like Fletcher Building must endure blatantly corrupt violations of their rights by racist groups like S.O.U.L. who are doing everything the can to take their property and destroy their ambitions… right when Auckland is suffering a housing Crisis!
The New Zealand Government needs to Put an end to the Treaty settlement industry…. FULL AND FINAL!
Any Grievance henceforth assigned to history!
The Government must dismantle their Apartheid systems of State… abolish the race based electoral system.
Maori must quit their endless Whinging for hands out… Quit their lives of Crime… Get jobs and take care of their own lives by hard yaka like the rest of New Zealand does!
And if it takes a period of social unrest to destroy the evils of Treaty racism and ‘entitlement’ among Maori whom harbour race hatred towards their non-Maori neighbours then so be it!
Non-Maori New Zealanders have done Maori no harm whatsoever and its time Maori snapped out of the delusion that they are victims of anything other than their own lack of ethics and hard work! In Truth it is Non-Maori who are the victims!
They are the ones who suffer endless strife from Maori Criminals, Maori welfare, and Maori bigotry…. ALL THIS VILE RACIST EVIL… that comes under the heading of Treaty separatism.
This shameful Bigotry against Non-Maori is what we New Zealanders must destroy… if we are ever to see an end to the troubles such as are brewing now at Ihuamatao.
Non-Maori New Zealanders have rights and its time the government respected them!
When will New Zealand gain the Moral courage and have the Caliber of Leadership we desperately need to lead our Nation out of this racist mire?
Back in the early 2000s, When Don Brash was Leader of the National Party he was one man who could see the evils of Treaty separatism and was prepared to stand up and lead the way towards and Nation of One Law for all.
And New Zealand rallied to his side.
He was only prevented from becoming PM by The election fraud of Helen Clark (pledgecardgate) and the dirty dealing of Winston First accepting the Baubles of Office!
(Read here)
With this swindle New Zealand lost our best hope of Ending treaty separatism that has come along in decades.
Though Don Brash continues to stand against Waitangi racism via his Lobby group ‘Hobson’s Pledge‘, We have never since had any leadership that has been willing to confront this race relations Crisis, latter National Party Leaders John Key and Bill English actually went into coalition government with the racist radicals of the Maori Party!
They were terrified of confronting the problem as they feared ‘Hokois from Hell’… and so this evil has been allowed to fester and grow…
Only when New Zealanders themselves decide they have had enough of all this ugly business and elect principled political leadership who stand for office upon the principle of One law for all New Zealanders, and have the spine and moral fortitude to do what it takes to ridding our country of the influence of Racist Maori radicals will our country finally be free of their Guile, and the Rule of Law and Justice be established.
One thing is for sure… Ardern and Winston Peters are not the principled Leadership Our country desperately needs.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Update: ‘Radical rebels’: Sean Plunket blasts Ihumātao protesters
Protesters at Ihumātao are “radical rebels” who “want the world to burn”, according to MagicTalk host Sean Plunket.
Plunket let rip on the demonstrators who have been protesting at the south Auckland site for the past few weeks, after occupiers were served an eviction notice. They say the land is sacred and want a planned housing development on the site blocked.
The protesters have been in a standoff with police ever since, with tensions peaking on Monday night. Increased policing numbers were deployed, and protest leader Pania Newton claimed she had been pushed to the ground by an officer – something police reject.
A video Newshub reported on Wednesday also shows a protester racially abusing an officer.
Currently, protesters are in talks with relevant parties to find a way forward. The Prime Minister announced last month that there would be a temporary halt to construction until that happened.
But Plunket said it was clear that protesters had no legal right to be there, and should leave the site immediately.
More from Tim…
1,2,3… Great Kiwi Craft Pale Ales!
It’s now official… New Zealand now has the most Craft breweries in the world per capita.
And I am happy to report that such fierce competition is resulting is Pale Ales of the highest quality… utilizing New Zealand Hop verities that are in a league of their own!
We are now awash in Premium Beer!
Each of these Beers deserve a full review in their own right and hopefully i will get around to doing just that, yet I felt the need to blog these beers in a group just so that at least I have said something about their glory for the record.
I’m not a Beer Ponce!… in fact I like to start my evening off with a few cans of thirst quenching trusty dark Waikato Draught!
Then I like to kick it up a notch with a few Hoppy Ales with a bigger punch.
Waikato is a lot cheaper and lower alcohol than the craft ales and so it definitely serves a good purpose to start there…. and esp in the summertime you gotta have some in the fridge!
I’m traditionally a Dark Porter Ale guy, and that is what I have always brewed myself… and so it has taken me many years to develop a taste for IPA/ APAs…. yet broadening my palate has been well worth it.
Garage Projects ‘Chill Hop’. is Pricey… over $10 a can yet its absolutely divine… Decadent even. The price is the only indication to something special within… the can itself give no clues…
Pan Heads ‘The Vandal’… Superb. The best brew I have had from the Panhead range… Its flavor was understated bliss.
Batch brewing’s ‘Billfish IPA’
Garage project’s ‘Garagista’
Behemoth’s ‘Under Arm …Trans-Tasman IPA’
This is an exceptional Ale!
I would place it 1st equal with Liberty Brewing’s ‘Invictus’.
The others are all fine beers… top of the range… yet these two brews typify the best of two different ‘Hop’ flavours that are becoming characteristic of New Zealand Pale ales.
A lot less fruity than the Invictus (below) and Billfish… very much in a similar vein as ‘The Vandal’.
Liberty Brewing’s ‘Invictus’ is another pricey one… yet a premium Ale… the look of the can does justice to what it contains.
Top of the range.
Yet its the sort of beer that two cans in a row is enough… its special… its of what I describe as being one of a collection of New Zealand brews with a distinct and powerful Fruity sweet hops flavor… so strong in fact that you need to have other brews in your fridge of a less fruity style (like Bohemouth’s Underarm… or Panheads ‘The Vandal’… just to balance things out.
I have to do a shout out to Boundary Road’s ‘Stolen Base’ and Hoppelganger double IPas as though I believe they are not made by a small ‘Craft beer opperation’, they are still very good quality beers of higher alcohol content at a very reasonable price!
And all these things makes them very good Beers for the working Kiwi Bloke… I enjoy them oft.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Master Home Brewer and Kiwi Westy Bogan Beer Aficionado.
P,S… Myself and some friends did Dry July!
and I would like to recommend doing things like that!
I saved some money and lost about 4kgs around my waist and it has helped me get a better perspective on my drinking habits.
I definitely intend to reduce imbibing to just a couple of nights at the end of the week…. less is more!
Fletcher Building’s scheme at Ihumatao mirrors the beneficence of Wakefield’s enlightened blueprint for the colonisation of New Zealand.
Kōwhatu ki te Uru is an important Te Kawerau-a-Maki ancestor. This carving of him at Karekare is by Sunnah Thompson, a Te Kawerau-a-Maki artist. Kōwhatu ki te Uru built the pā Te Kākāwhakaara… from here
Having a good grasp of world history is essential for any New Zealander, if they are to have any hope in grasping just how different the British colonisation of New Zealand was compaired to the colonisation of other countries like America, and Australia.
The revisionist Narrative that has been foisted upon our nation by successive governments control of the Media and education system *relies on the ignorance* of the New Zealand population.
To understand the colonisation of New Zealand correctly a person must understand all the great milestones in the Development of the British Empire, including the Reformation, The revolutions, the colonization of America, The enlightenment, the American Declaration of independence, the Abolition of Slavery in the British empire, and esp the political scene in Britain before 1840.
Most importantly people need to appreciate the Character of the main players involved in the colonisation of New Zealand… their motives… and the great pains they went through to ensure the well being of the indigenous population… the injunctions to guard against rapine… the legal safeguards employed that show the benevolent concern for the Maori people.
Its all there in the history books for anyone to go read for themselves… yet that is precisely the history Our socialist government and the Radicals *dont want you to understand* because it blows gigantic holes in their revisionist narrative that paints the colonisation of New Zealand as a racist invasion.
So it is that an appreciation of the big picture is essential as such understanding sets the proper historical context for how the colonisation of New Zealand actually happened.
Without turning this post into a book length exposition I will focus on just one aspect of this story of New Zealand’s British Colonisation that has inadvertently been made very relevant by current events… of the private company Fletcher Buildings housing developments at Ihumatao.
I want to talk about the political septic swamp that has been highlighted at Ihunatao that is typical of the whole treaty grievance industry… esp the corrupt Political opportunism and modus opperandi of the likes of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
I would like to point out an extreme irony taking place!
How ironic it is that Green Party MPs and radical activists and protesters are attempting to smear the Fletcher housing development in an evil light claiming that their Housing scheme at Ihumatao as being ‘Colonisation in action’!
Yes they want to make out this is another case of Pakeha greed and oppression of ‘poor Maori’!
Unfortunately many people who are rightly affronted by these radical claims will still themselves be of the opinion that the British colonisation of New Zealand was driven by Greed and racism… as that is the narrative they have been spoon fed by our government… none the less these people will deny that what Flectcher Building is doing can be so construed to be ‘Colonisation in action’.
It is rather simply Land development in a modern society, building much needed housing for a city in dire need.
I agree with such an evaluation… yet still let me now point out that how Fletchers have behaved in this affair *is in a very positive way* comparative to how a very historic Colonial Company envisioned that colonisation and development ought to take place… following a code of high ethics and high moral values, and Good will towards Maori.
I am referring to Edward Gibbon Wakefield, and his New Zealand company.
In modern times both Wakefield and The New Zealand Company have suffered extreme post-humus character assignations by those with malevolent political agendas, determined to bury the enlightened truth about the colonisation of New Zealand, and supplant it with a Bastardisation of history… rewriting colonisation as a Racist scheme of systematic oppression and greed!
Yet as I have already said… such Modern revisionist propaganda relies upon ignorant and unlearned ears.
So let me now explain why I actually accept the argument that Fletchers development in many ways can be seen as ‘Colonisation in action’.
I say it’s actually 100% true… but not in the negative sense that these haters and nutbar Green party Mps suggest… but in a very positive way Fletchers is demonstrating a principle that was first enunciated by Edward Gibbon Wakefield and later published in his great work ‘the Art of colonisation 1849 ‘ which proves the very opposite *motivation* was at the heat of British colonistaion of New Zealand.
Not only was Wakfields motivation the relief of overcrowding and poverty in Britain, but also the welfare and betterment of the ‘native’ population of New Zealand.
Early 19th century ‘Aotearoa’ (NZ) was Stone Age and barbarous.
Cannibalism and tribal warfare were the norm.
European whalers were working the Seas and had established Drinking and whoredom at Russell… then known as the ‘black hole of the Pacific’… and as such tensions began to mount between thes lawless Riffraf and the Maori People…
The level of poverty here is best described as third world… yet it was out of a Protestant Christian belief in spreading the light of the Gospel into the darkest regions of the earth in obedience to their divine calling that ‘Mechanic Missionaries’ first arrived here from the Church missionary society… bringing with them the arts of the Modern world… and preaching the brotherhood of mankind.
It was the Missionaries along with NZ Resident James Bugsby whose council led the Coalition of Maori Chiefs tp petition the English Crown to bring New Zealand under their imperial wing and establish the rule of Law.
New Zealand was the last nation on Earth to be colonsied by Britain, and as such Britain (esp Wakefield) had learned a great deal from their past endeavors… esp the painful lessons of the American revolution and declaration of Independence.
Before 1840, England at the very time of Wakefield was writing ‘The Art of Colonisation’ had already abolished slavery, and was experiencing a wave of Humanitarian ideals esp with regard to the Equality of all human beings.
It is a matter of public record that Hobson’s instructions (which he did with Bugsby’s aid) was to treat with the Indigenous people of New Zealand for their voluntary session of sovereignty over the country to the British Crown in exchange for their establishment of Law and Order… and their Protection from France.
Though the Expanse of British Empire was at it Zenith in power and domination, still she was very reluctant in accepting responsibility for New Zealand.
Not only was it on the opposite side of the world, Britain had sustained heavy financial burdens and troubles from it’s colonies and was in no mood for more of the same.
The Treaty of Waitangi is a testament to the beneficent attitude of Britain towards the Maori People, and their concerns for them that they be fairly treated during the inevitable colonisation of New Zealand that was already in process.
The 2nd clause of the Treaty that allows for Maori to sell any lands they were willing to part with directly to the British Crown, not only was it a safeguard against Land Sharks swindling them. but also reflects a fundamental principle of Wakefield’s ‘Art of Colinisation’ whereby Land is acquired *and Pooled* by the government, surveyed, given title, and systematically on sold to Colonists at a rate that would prevent a Glut of available land being on the market and thus by this means maintain property values.
This is an economic lesson he learned by appreciating the disasters that unfolded during the un-systemaic colonisation of other countries like Australia.
By controlling the Land supply to the market, Wakefield argued that the colonial government will be able to get better prices… and use the money for infrastructure, Public works, and cover the expenses of Government administration (sparing British taxpayers of an extra burden).
Wakefield’s ‘Art’ of colonisation and development was *self funding* and designed to insure the indigenous population were fairly treated .
Furthermore… not only was Wakfield’s enlightened principles embodied in the Treaty of Waitangi… a treaty designed for the welfare of the Maori people, making them equal Brittish subjects with their Pakeha neighbours… enjoying all the same rights… and having the same protections of the Law… Wakefield’s ‘New Zealand Company’ planned to bring a controlled and steady flow of Migrants from England (bringing relief from the squalor and overcrowding of British cities that had resulted from the industrial revolution and subsequent urbanization)… Migrants of the Best moral character and enterprise (unlike the convicts who were shipped to Australia), and to purchase land to create settlements… towns… and his plans for such settlements not only called for respect of the indigenous population, but also included allotments for them *within the settlements*!
not only does this display an inclusive disposition towards Maori-pakeha co-existence and mutual assimilation, and association, Wakfield also had a grasp of economic realities and benefits that are derived when wilderness is converted into a hub of human activity.
Property goes from being of small value, into being highly valued when it is a part of a thriving community, via the law of supply and demand!
Wakefied knew that the allotments given to the indigenous folk living within the community would increase exponentially in value, comparative to when the land lay as unoccupied waste.
And Wakfield was keen to see the indigenous population enjoy their portion of such gains that come from colonisation!
Likewise when we jump forward almost 2 centuries we see from the deal reportedly done between themselves and Te Kawerau a Maki that Fletcher Building has acted in both a generous and inclusive manor and insured that the tribes people will also benefit from the development!
And it is my contention that in truth this reflects the true spirit by which the historic collonisation of New Zealand!
This is why both Maori and Pakeha cultures have assimilated each other to the degree that via intermarriage we have become *one people*… New Zealanders!
And this truth is 100% at variance with the filthy and slanderous lies being peddled by the hate-filled and greed driven racist radicals who profit from Treaty separatism!
We are seeing here with Fletcher’s voluntarily reaching an accord with the Tribal hierarchy Te Kawerau a Maki… taking pains to respect the tribes sacred places, and providing them with allotments within the new ‘settlement’ mirrors very well with the intents of Wakefields ‘Art of colonisation’… and as the development will enhance the value of land in the area, so too will the tribe benefit from the capital gains that will accrue upon the properties they have.
There is of course one difficulty with ‘Tribalism’ when it comes to Property that tends to devalue land and restrict development… when Land titles are locked into some sort of Tribal commons as this can inhibit the ‘fungibility’ of the title… hindering investment… making it harder to leverage mortgages, etc… yet all these types of problems are not the fault of ‘Evil Colonial oppression’, but of how collective tribal land titles are not conducive to Free enterprise.
This is a whole story in itself that is not within the scope of this post… the important point is however how Fletcher Building have demonstrated a very respectful and beneficial attitude towards the Tribe…which is in fact well in keeping with the whole colonisation process of New Zealand… yet and these facts are at variance with the malicious claims being made by Protesting Radicals!
From here
So lets list some Ihumatao facts.
1. The claim that the Ihumatao land was forcefully taken from the tribe during the Land confiscations after the wars of the 1860s *is False*!
There are maps available that clearly show the pastel of land is well outside the demarcation of confiscated land.
2. The Tribe signed a full and final Treaty settlement with Treaty negotiations Minister Chris Finlayson in 22 feb 2014
3. The Green and Labour party Ministers voted in support of this settlement in parliament.
4. Fletchers has set about to achieve their Building scheme fully compliant with the law… gaining all the necessary consents, and even went the extra mile in gaining the Blessing of the Tribal hierarchy… voluntarily Gifting Te Kawerau a Maki back an area that was of cultural significance to them, plus allotments within the development in which their people will be able to live!
Read/watch more here
All these things clearly establish the fact that Fletcher’s are fully lawful in their development ambitions on land for which they have indisputable legal title and thus proves that the claims being made by the Protesters are without any just foundation… and their actions are illegal trespass and occupation, and the New Zealand Police should evict them, and even prosecute those who refuse to respect Fletcher Building’s property rights.
The protesters are acting against their own Kaumatua! Read…. “..local kaumātua Te Warena Taua from Te Kawerau a Maki, who gave his blessing for the housing development to go forward, said Ms Newton and her cousins were disrespecting their elders by not moving on from the site.”
We have come to expect the Nut-bar and ignoramus Green party to be completely devoid of reason and so it is no surprise to see their MPs standing among the trespassing and deluded protesters. yet by failing to maintain her distance Jacinda Ardern has acted in an extremely foolish, dangerous, and illegal manor by putting her foot into this swap… suggesting that her government supports the protesters and that Flecthers must halt their development and sit across the table with these protesters whom have *zero factual or Legal basis* for claims upon that land and its use!
Act party’s David Seymour has publicly stated that Jacinda Ardern is encouraging illegal behaviour (here)
And Tribal leader David Rankin say he is going to lay a complaint against Ardern with the Police for overstepping her Executive authority as PM and interfering in a legal agreement…
“A senior member of the iwi, Mr Rankin said he would lodge a complaint with police that the Prime Minister used her position to interfere in a legal transaction and as a consequence would deprive the iwi of dozens of homes which Fletchers had contracted to provide to the mana whenua.”… read more here
She has even tried to prevent media asking about Ihumātao read here
The sane portions of the New Zealand population have had a guts full of the Treaty grievance Radicals and witnessing the fact that these radicals show contempt even for treaty settlements upon which the ink has barely dried… and that Jacinda Ardern herself thinks she can arbitrarily trample underfoot legal contracts show that she has little compunction against abusing her powers as PM.
Now I have little doubt that my blog post will have caused some people to reading this to wish a pox upon my house… those whom have been thoroughly brainwashed into the belief that the colonisation of New Zealand by the British was one sort of ‘mega Crime against humanity’, none the less it is my testimony that to believe such a thing is a vile injustice upon the many great and noble characters who are a part of New Zealand’s British heritage, whom are routinely defamed and vilanized.
I make no apology for standing up in their defense… and in fact calling for an end to this slander, and for New Zealanders to give these great pioneers the admiration and respect they deserve!
Current affairs at Ihumatao also demonstrate the historic fact that even when the best of intentions to make fair Land deals with tribes, that often troublemakers will still make counter-claims of injustice against people who have acted with honest intent and within the law. Historically speaking Many of the notable disputes over land can be understood by the fact that prior to the establishment of British law, surveying, and land titles, in Pre-colonial New Zealand ‘ownership of land’ was virtually only by ‘occupation’ and secured only by force of arms… and constantly violently contested in tribal wars.
It was Christianity and British Rule that eventually brought an end to this Brutal and endless struggle and established peace between the tribes.
Wakefield’s grave in Wellington should be a national monument!
Every school child should learn about the Military exploits of Gustavus Von Tempsky!
And yet we live in such times in which Celebrating our British heritage is almost illegal.
Just look at all the lies being told about Captain James Cook!
Look how the hate-filled racist radicals want to remove his monuments!
The Colonial history of New Zealand is fabulous!
Full of heroism, and toil, and enterprise that was the foundation for the world famous New Zealand character!
It was via breaking in this wilderness and transforming it into a modern enlightened society that our Mettle was forged!
This is the source of why our Tiny nation has always produced the greatest Troupes, and athletes… and world leaders in Civil reforms!
I was no accident that Everest was conquered by a New Zealander!
Yet I fear that our best is now behind us!
Our nation has been taken over by a bunch of whinging and emasculated and self immolating SJWs who have been taught to hate their own skins.
Why do you New Zealanders tolerate the historic vandalism of these ingrates… these dangerous and divisive radicals?
You are flushing both your Epic Historic cultural inheritance, and the Future well being of your descendants down the toilet!
Shame on you!
Sign this Petition!
Government must uphold Treaty settlement, police must evict Ihumatao protesters
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Joint statement from Fletcher Building and Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority & Settlement Trust.
With regards to the weekend’s ‘Reclamation Festival’ at Ihumatao, Fletcher Residential Limited, the Makaurau Marae Maori Trust Board and The Te Kawerau Iwi Settlement Trust & Tribal Authority, collectively the land owner of the Oruarangi Road SHA site and mana whenua of Ihumatao feel it is appropriate to remind the media that:
– The land at Oruarangi Road is a designated Special Housing Area, on privately-owned land that has been farmed extensively for the last 150 years. It is located between the existing village of Ihumatao, the edge of the Auckland Airport business precinct and the Otuataua Stonefields Reserve.
– Plans for the site have been developed in partnership with mana whenua in such a way that supports their sustainable kaitiakitanga of the surrounding area. This includes devoting a quarter of the site along the boundary of the Stonefields Reserve to protect and enhance connectivity, especially from the village. This piece of land within the development area will be the first time since the land confiscations of 1863 that land will be returned to mana whenua. The agreement to have this land returned to mana whenua was negotiated between Fletchers, Makaurau Marae Maori Trust and Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority. Auckland City Council was consulted during this process.
– The protest group SOUL does not represent mana whenua of Ihumatao.
– Members of the United Confederation of Tribes along with members of the so called, “Kaitiaki village” do not represent mana whenua of Ihumatao.
– Pania Newton who previously led the SOUL protest group is not mana whenua nor has she been mandated to represent mana whenua of Ihumatao. Pania has wilfully misled SOUL followers and the general public regarding ‘land issues’ at Ihumatao.
– Pania, her supporters and SOUL followers continue to unlawfully occupy the privately owned site preventing the development of much needed new housing, which through the partnership between Fletcher and mandated mana whenua representation, will provide housing opportunities for descendants with whakapapa and strong cultural connections to return to the area.
Steve Evans, Chief Executive – Residential and Development, Fletcher Building Limited
Te Warena Taua N.Z.O.M., Executive Chair, Te Kawerau Iwi Tribal Authority & Settlement Trust
From here
Sam Harris fails miserably to vindicate his claim that Science can answer moral questions.
Watch the video (above)…
Well that was predictably shallow….
The Bible says that all human beings have an innate knowledge of ‘Good and Evil’… ie an innate sense of right and wrong… ie a sense of morality… and this atheist is validating this Biblical claim.
Yet everything he has to say about this innate moral knowledge is just his own rationalisation that he is forced to extrapolate from his atheist premises… yet to achieve his end he must deceive the gullible that *all things of value* can be ‘conjured up’… or ‘synthesized from’… (to use ‘science-y terms’ more acceptable to his audience)… from valueless meaningless materials… that is what he claims he can do…
He *must frame his argument in naturalistic terms… not because they are a valid basis for morals and values… but because they are the only materials he is permitted to use because of his presuppositions about Godlessness.
He cannot speak of ‘ultimate higher truths. but must reduce morality to pragmatic ‘here and now’ goals.
He automatically assumes *well being* is something morally good, and that *causing pain* is morally wrong… and give no foundation for this than our own abhorrence at gratuitous cruelty (he plays upon our feelings).
He peddles Ayn Rand’s ‘pragmatism’ about ‘human flourishing’ as being ‘Ideal’… and assumes that whatever tends towards ‘human flourishing’ … progressing along his imaginary ‘continuum away from poverty and death’… must be ‘moral’…. yet all this cherry picking is no more valid than Lenin’s claims that the Party state is the highest authority in the Universe and that pragmatically speaking whatever tends to the benefit of the Party States domination of the world… those actions are deemed to be ‘moral’ (which includes justification for pogroms, assignations, terrorism, etc )… and of course the Communist too appeals to pragmatism, as justifiable because it aims at the liberation of humanity … ie it’s ideal is ‘human flourishing’ too!
Who would argue against such high ideals???
He thinks that by making out that some ‘religion’ is patently abhorrent
(the example of the Father who chooses to kill his daughter because she was raped) that this is evidence that religion is *immoral*… yet in truth he simply validates the scriptures yet again… that false religion is evil.
As for talking about ‘Pandora’s box’ …technology… and about the dire need for ethics to keep it from Evil… he fails yet again, as Einstein himself said for this very reason that *moral teachers* like Jesus Christ are more important than physicists…
He Dishonestly omits most of his deepest opinions and evaluations.
What he keeps hidden is the truth!
He *really* believes humanity is nothing more than a purposeless accident, and that our lives have zero ultimate value… and that the universe will end in Death… and all Good will and evil intent will die along with it and prove to be equally pointless distinctions.
He doesn’t confess that he does not even believe we are freewill moral agents!
He actually believes we are slaves of materialist determinism chained to physical causation leading right back to the first milliseconds of the Big bang!
He utterly fails to fulfill his original claim that he would demonstrate that Science has something to say about morality.
P.S Ted Bundy was an atheist when he did his crimes and said that his atheism was a primary factor in his actions as he chose to ‘liberate himself’ by abandon all morality.
Somehow he grew a conscience and changed his views…
He would convert to Christianity before he was executed.
Tim Wikiriwhi.