All posts by Tim
Medical Safety Authorities Face Heavy Political Pressure to grant Vaccine Approvals For Children For Non-medical Reasons. New Zealand Parents be warned.
The government is now advertising on the radio offering vaccines for kids ages 12 to 15 without informing listeners that the Pfizer shots have not been through thorough safety checks and still only have ‘Emergency use authorisation’ from the FDA which itself is restricted to ages *16 and over!*
This limited authorisation by passes normal safety standards and therefore involves greater risks that are only countenanced because of extreme emergencies.
Yet our government wants us to believe due diligence has been completed and that Medicine and Science have spoken… APPROVED!
But is that really the case?
I question this Big Time!
That New Zealand’s ‘Medsafe’ has given it’s approval, and yet the FDA has not tells us something very fishy is going on.
Looks to me that it is highly likely Medsafe is yet another corrupted and compromised institution much like the USA’s CDC.
Who can believe that NZs Medsafe have conducted any independent testing or analysis of better data than the FDA has on hand to show their approval is founded upon sound medical grounds that trumps the FDA?
Where is the proof?
You would think the world would be interested in such findings and would like to see if they can withstand Peer review!
If they are simply going from the same data the FDA has then obviously Medsafe has less rigorous standards than the FDA!
Is Medsafe peopled with little minions of Big Phama and the Ardern agenda who have given our ‘Great Leader’ their rubber stamp on highly dubious grounds?
Or were they coerced into granting their approval?
These are legitimate questions given heavy political pressure is being exerted upon Medical safety Authorities around the globe to grant approvals to roll out the vaccines to younger and younger age groups.
Parents need to realise what is going on and that just because Medsafe has given Ardern the Go-ahaed that this does not mean the Vax is safe.
I’m not merely making whack assumptions here as I can give you more facts that undergird my rationale.
Check out the following….
This same push to use the experimental pseudo-vax on the young is going on in concert around the globe.
Ardern is not acting in our nations best interests, making decisions tailor made for us… but is merely obediently following orders… following the globalist script.
Ask yourself about Medsafe’s approval in light of the fact that it’s not just the FDA that will not approve the use of the Pfizer vaxs for young children… other nations medical authorities also refuse to do so too!
UK’s vaccine advisory body refuses to approve vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15
Quote: “The UK’s vaccine advisory body has refused to give the green light to vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15 years old on health grounds alone.”
That statement is the only statement that should matter to Parents who are deciding whether or not to expose their children to the vax *the Health authorities will not give the green light on health grounds!
But then they expose *The political BS/ pressure* that skews judgement, and may cause politicians to compel 12-15 year olds to get the vax despite the fact that on heath grounds it cant be recommended!
The article says…
“But the JCVI said the government could consider wider issues including disruption to schools, the BBC reported.
Ministers across the UK have asked chief medical officers to look at whether that tips the balance….”
The politicalisation of medicine whereby medical approval can be sought… and granted on other grounds apart from health.
Having been pressured, these medical experts are saying *Politicians* may choose to ignore the health risks and give the green light for it to go ahead anyway… for other reasons!!!!
That is how *politicians operate* and why it is essential that parental rights be upheld so that parents can protect their kids from the machinations of politicians!
Parents must put their children’s health first!
Other social concerns be damned!
Tell the politicians and their problems to Naff off!
Socialist politicians not only seek to cajole parents into vaxing their kids, they are scheming as we speak how they can circumvent parental rights, ie convince the people to give up their custodial rights to the State.
Putting their own plans and intentions first, Politicians are seeking to press forward with their Mass vaccination schedule, and bury any personal responsibility for any medical misadventure under a garb of having consulted the medical establishment.
This is all a sham.
They KNOW their scheme will maim and kill some children and yet they are prepared to accept that as ‘collateral damage’.
They won’t openly admit this, and they try to hide their personal culpability behind a façade of having medical approval.
These Governments have the mainstream media in their back pockets who will obediently suppress the scale of the adverse reactions and deaths from reaching the public… keeping them ignorant, and frame any articles that speak on the subject that these deadly decisions were ‘heroically made’ for societies best interests.
This is the great lie of Socialism and what makes it tyrannical … that the individual has no rights that cannot or ought not to be sacrificed on that alter of ‘Public Good’.
Knowing this, Parents in the UK, and in New Zealand must realise should they still choose to get their kids the Vax that they are not acting in their child’s best interest but are offering their Children’s lives to the Pagan God of the Socialist State.
Watching Ardern’s press conference in which she made the announcement that Medsafe had approved the vax for 12-15 year old made sick come up in my mouth!
She is the most disingenuous and shameless propagandist I have ever seen in New Zealand politics.
First she played the part of caring mother talking about the nasty weather in Auckland.
Then she made darn sure the sheeple understood that ‘Medsafe only grants approval after they are satisfied safety standards have been met’…
That’s the great lie!
We have already seen these approvals can be granted for Non-medical/ non-health reasons, and Ardern does not want parents to appreciate these processes are subjected to heavy external pressures from politicians to grant such approvals.
UK’s vaccine advisory body refuses to approve vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15 because…
Quote: “The decision on healthy children was based on concern over an extremely rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccine which causes heart inflammation.
But as children are at such low risk from the virus, they decided that vaccination would offer only “marginal gain” and, therefore, there was “insufficient” evidence to offer mass vaccination for this age group.
Prof Wei Shen Lim, chair of Covid immunisation for the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation said it was “taking a precautionary approach”.
“The margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal Covid-19 vaccination for this age group at this time.”
I should not have to remind parents that there are serious health risks involved to getting the shots.
Yet I must do so because the dangers of these Fake Vaccines are the most hidden and suppressed facts that governments and media try to keep parents apathetic towards… under ascertaining the real risks.
Remember Big Pharma *owns the mainstream media* via massive advertising spends, and Big Pharma executives also sit in the boardrooms of many of the worlds biggest media companies ensuring the Pro-vax narrative is the only narrative fed to the sheeple.
The MRNA shots are not ordinary true vaccines, but are completely different… they are a form of Gene therapy.
There is a massive gap in understanding what the long term affects of these shots will be.
And given children and young people are at extremely low risk from Covid 19 I believe it is callous to risk their health with these Vax.
In truth I believe it would be much better/ safer for our kids to gain immunity naturally by exposure to the virus… which has been common practice for generations, eg such thing as ‘Chicken pox parties’. There is a hell of a lot of propaganda and mis-information that tries to promote vaccines over such ‘Old school practices’, yet the people promoting the vaxes are in the back pocket of Big Pharma who make billions from vaccines.
Medicine is one of the most heavily propagandised markets that is rife with money making pseudo-science.
Appreciate that greed and money corrupts science all day long, and now Big Pharma (Bill Gates), the Tech Giants (Bill Gates), The World Health Organization (Bill Gates) have partnered up with the Socialist Globalists (Jacinda Ardern, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Biden and the Dems, The UN, Soros, Schwarb, Blair, Gore, etc) to use the pandemic to destroy our freedom, rights, collapse our capitalist economies, institute population control, and their Globalist New World Order!
Complete with a New cashless electronic monetary system (666).
Getting a Global passport system in place is key to their Global control.
They are calling this passport ‘a vaccine passport’ for now, but in reality it is about *Numbering and assimilating all human beings into their system*.
This is their end game.
This is what all the lockdowns and vaccinations, and the brutal suppression of democratic protests is all about!
This is SATANIC!.
There is evidence that the FDA is enduring immense political pressure to take shortcuts and approve the vaccines without reaching the accepted safety criteria as
Two senior FDA officials resign over Biden administration booster shot plan.
Quote: “Two senior officials have resigned from their positions within the US Food and Drug Administration over frustrations with the Biden administration’s plans to move forward with recommending COVID-19 booster shots without their prior approval, according to a report…”
British advisers are under pressure too
Quote: “The vaccine advisers have been under huge pressure.
Ministers have let it be known they are very keen on getting this age group vaccinated – both through their public pronouncements and privately behind the scenes.
This has caused frustration among JCVI members – with some complaining about the habit of government officials sitting in on meetings.
Despite this, the JCVI has stood firm…”
It’s a pity our advisors at Medsafe don’t have the same Mettle!
They have folded under political duress, as have their counterparts in many parts of the world that are now vaccinating this young age group.
How can we have any confidence in Medsafe?
We can’t!
Given this political coercion is rife I assert Comrade Ardern is authorising kiwi children to be vaxed without having any credible medical basis to do so thus despite appearances, she is acting against the very standards she has been claiming to adhere to!
There is no medical justification for vaccinating this age group!
She is acting deceptively… again.
This has become the hallmark of her administration.
Quite frankly she is corrupt Demagogue!
She is also one scary Autocrat! (Demagogy and Autocracy not being mutually excusive)
Ardern is Hell bent on reaching a stupendously high Vaccination uptake and will resort to extremes to achieve those ends.
Jacinda Ardern’s Government is the least transparent and most deceptive regime in our nations history… functioning via propaganda, mis-information, and hiding the truth from the people of New Zealand.
She only fronts up to the public when she thinks it is in her own political interest to do so.
People need to wake up to the fact that this Covid 19 oppression is being driven by politicians… not science… not medicine!
Politicians are Bulling scientists into rubber stamping the Vaccine roll out.
Bill Gates laughs his FAO!
Satan laughs too… and spreads his wings.
This Plandemic is being driven by Globalist politicians working to their own schedule with their own specific agandas… in defiance of established medical best practice.
I would not be upset if they were moving in the direction of more freedom and removing statist violations of individual rights.
The facts are they are doing the very opposite thing… hastily laying the foundations for greater coercion and less freedom and rights.
It’s time for the people of every nation who want freedom and prosperity for their children to rise up together and throw out these Socialist Globalist traitors for our parliaments!
We must stand together… in peaceful demonstration of our rights!
The governments need to be reminded they are our servants… not our masters!
Parents must not cower and submit their children+ to these evil political operators.
^ Watch this video.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim….
How Manufactured Fear Turns Society Against Minorities and Individuals. The Jackboots of Jacinda Ardern.
Read/ watch An Ex-police View of the Arrest for Not Wearing a Mask
Great article (above) by the BFD.
Must read to get a legal analysis of what happened from an Ex Cop.
This looks to be yet another case of NZ Police acting like Nazi’s/ Political enforcers with regards to yet another Comrade Ardern dictate.
This guy may have been an annoyance, and yet I did not see him commit any crime.
He said he had a mask exemption.
Two You tube videos from the BFD article (above).
These NZ Police brutalised this guy and have stitched him up with Bogus charges.
They did not follow a single principle of good policing.
They intended to make this guy regret not being a compliant slave and instead challenging Ardern’s dictates.
The question really must be asked what sort of ‘instructions’ had these Junior officers received from their superiors in dealing with ‘resistance to the mask mandates’?
I suspect NZ Police are being brainwashed into thinking Non-compliant people *are a real and serious danger* to the Public…. which is complete BS.
They never seem to contemplate that *they themselves* and their Oppressive enforcement of tyrannical laws *are a real and dangerous threat to the public!*
I recently watched a similar situation in Australia whereby the Thugs in uniforms were bullying a woman for not wearing a mask even though the law stated she did not have to wear one when exercising… which is another example of police willingness to break the rules, and attempt to make up the rules thinking the public are too scared or too ignorant to know the cops are scamming them.
We live in such times when the people can’t trust the police to be acting lawfully!
In this particular instant the vile evil of these Auzzy cops they tried to insinuate the woman had ‘mental health issues’… which is simply a pretext for them to arbitrarily deny her rights, grab her, and get her treated like a raving lunatic!
Luckily for her she managed to walk away from these dangerous criminal cops who enjoy abusing their powers.
The Covid Plandemic has turned the free West into a collection of Leftist Police States!
These mask mandates are just another travesty… pseudo-science… BS the net result will be not greater safety, but *detrimental to public health*.
They are a Joke… a symbol of paranoia… and a pretense for Police State surveillance and control… and the sheeple ‘feel safe’ when they should feel outraged and horrified that their freedom and rights have been swept away….
For an observer of Social dynamics, what an amazing social experiment this is to witness… all it takes is an edict from our Supreme Leader and instantly our once smiley friendly Supermarket staff become Nazi Informants and look upon any non-compliant black sheep with dehumanising contempt.
This gives us an insight to the fickle herd mentality and is a modern demonstration of how the Witch craze of the middle ages in which old woman would suffer the hysterical outrage of their otherwise ‘normal’ neighbours and get burned at the stake… because of the perception these woman represented a grave threat to them and their children… and it was all complete BS… yet the ‘Civil society’ at the time turned into a frenzied murderous mob.
Read the following Newshub article…
In a blogpost last week I warned that the Ardern Regime would have to resort to compulsory vaccination to achieve their stated targets.
It is difficult to exaggerate just how outrageous, backwards, and dangerous are these calls by a so-called ‘Legal Professor’ Alexander Gillespie to the rights and liberties of New Zealanders.
His proposal literally reduces New Zealanders to slaves… and yet too many people choose to turn a blind eye to what his proposals really mean.
‘Reasonable levels of Compulsion’… is like saying ‘reasonable levels of Rape’.
These are the sorts of ‘Law Professors’ Kim Jong -un and Xi Jinping use on a daily basis to run their ‘Reasonable Tyrannies’….
To think we taxpayers pay this arsehole Nazis wages!
We must resist this at all costs.
If the government can inject you against your will you are no longer a free person… you are like their Cattle… Farmers don’t ask permission of their cows and sheep when they Dip them and dose them… This is what this Scum Legal professor is advocating and calling it ‘reasonable’.
The principle of consent is one of the most important prerequisites of personal freedom and self ownership, yet in recent years duplicitous Socialist academics have been muddying the waters of what consent really means. The hypocrisy of Leftist academics is exposed when you consider how vocal they have been screaming ‘My Body, My choice’ when it comes to Abrortion, and yet now they turn around and say Your Body, but not your choice when they want to force toxins into your veins!
Where are the Legal professors defending out right to choose?
Their cowardly Silence is deafening!
The treatment of this peaceful man by the Supermarket and esp the New Zealand Police also exposes the true nature of Ardern’s politics… Your rights have been taken away and her edicts are ultimately undergirded by Thuggery in uniform… and she can get away with this because the Sheeple believe such thuggery is justified… to keep them safe.
Had enough of this Nanny State Tyranny?
Find a local group of likeminded people and start Peaceful Resistance and protest!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
PS. PARENTS BE WARNED! The government is now advertising on the radio and elsewhere offering vaccines for kids ages 12 and above without informing listeners that the Pfizer shots have not been through thorough safety checks and still only have ‘Emergency use authorisation’ from the FDA which itself is only for ages *15 and over!*
There are serious health risks involved to getting the shots.
They are not ordinary true vaccines, but are completely different… they are a form of Gene therapy.
There is a massive gap in understanding what the long term affects of these shots will be.
And given children and young people are at extremely low risk from Covid 19 I believe it is callous to risk their health with these Vax.
In truth I believe it would be much better/ safer for our kids to gain immunity naturally by exposure to the virus… which has been common practice for generations, eg such thing as ‘Chicken pox parties’. These is a hell of a lot of propaganda and mis-information that tries to promote vaccines over such ‘Old school practices’, yet the people promoting the vaxes are in the Back pocket of Big Pharma who make Billions from Vaccines.
Medicine is one of the most heavily propagandised markets that is rife with money making pseudo-science.
Appreciate that greed and money corrupts science all day long.
More from Tim…
Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!
Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’
Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.
Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?
Dr. Zelenko
Rock 2000 2021. The Datsuns…
The Globalists have been slow to distribute the Vax to New Zealand because they want to Bankrupt us first via lockdowns.
^Klaus Schwab… aka Dr Evil… founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Regarding the Global Covid 19 response, the pro-Covid 19 peddlers want us to pretend there are no ‘ulterior motives’… no evil political schemes afoot.
Those of us who think otherwise are labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’.
And yet the Globalist plan for the Great Reset and Socialist New World Order is openly discussed by the powers that be.
Klaus Schwab himself connected the Covid 19 pandemic with Globalist ‘opportunity’ to establish their New World Order’ so to my way of thinking you have to literally be a Zombie not to appreciate what is really going on… This is not merely a pandemic but a PLAN-DEMIC!
I have no intention of taking the gene altering experimental pseudo-vax Frankenshot.
I refuse to be so driven by fear of the viral monstrosity (C19) Big Pharma’s mad scientist’s modified, and released upon the world as to blindly and cowardly allow them to inject their venom into my veins. (or the veins of my dependent child)
Wuhan 2019.
‘It was an accident’… yeah right… an accident that happened on cue, and that has raked in countless billions for the very people who caused the trouble!
The Plandemic has resulted in gigantic wealth accumulation for the tiny handful of Technocrats, while bankrupting millions of small business owners.
If my rejection of the MRNA Vax turns out that I die from Covid 19 so be it!
I know the risks… and I’m prepared to take my chances.
One thing is for sure… I don’t trust Bill Gates.
I don’t trust the fake vaccines, and I certainly don’t trust the whole political direction the Governments of the the world are taking us.
Yet these things are not the main point I want to contemplate here in this post.
Ponder this question: Given most of the big nations have already distributed 100s of millions of shots *each*… billions in total, why do you think the Vax Cartel have been slow to supply little New Zealand with a mere 5 million people?
I thought Comrade Ardern had friends in high places… and yet New Zealand looks to be last in line for the Vax.
You know something’s up when even Arderns most vocal Fan Club is starting to wonder what TF is going on!
Marc Daalder… here.
Some might say we have ‘less dire need’ for the vax given our Great Leader Comrade Arden has been able to control the virus here via stomping it out.
Yet this approach also involves stomping all over our rights and bankrupting our economy… this does not seem to matter… or is this the intention of the delay all along???
If you appreciate how Klaus Schwab and the Globalists are using the Plandemic to usher in their NWO then this delay makes perfect sense!
They are withholding the supply of the vax to New Zealand to prolong our ongoing lockdowns… knowing Jacinda Ardern is committed to driving our nation into a pit of debt that will be impossible for us to climb out of!
This delay is purposeful and designed to ruin our nation!
This I believe is the logical conclusion to draw from the facts, as more time passes exposing the lie to Ardern’s claims that New Zealand’s was going to get speedy delivery.
In The Global context, New Zealand’s population is merely the size of a single large city … and given Comrade Arderns ‘International prestige’ she enjoys on the world Stage as one of the most Woke Leftist Globalist leaders on Earth you would think that shipping 10-15 million shots out the billions being made would be a small order.
Something very devious is going on… and as the clock ticks and our boarders remain closed… our Nation sinks.
Deputy PM Grant Robertson speaks with forked tongue when he raves on about our Nations ‘economic resilience’ and claims that their lockdown strategy is not only the best way to fight the virus, but also the best economic strategy.
We have been living off the credit card… selling out our future.
Crippling Taxes must follow to service the debts.
Make no mistake… Labour is sailing our ship to ruin!
And it’s all part of the Great Scamdemic… and the Great Reset.
Tourism was New Zealand’s biggest export industry until the beginning of 2020… before the Covid 19 plandemic.
And that is just one aspect of how Ardern’s Covid 19 strategy is suffocating our nation… and yet she has been hiding the real cost of her decisions by ticking up credit and accumulation massive National debt.
Vain tripper Comrade Ardern may receive great praises in the World press, and get her picture taken with all the movers and shakers of the Globalist community, yet at the end of the day she is simply a useful Idiot… just another foolish pawn in the Globalist Bigwigs game.
Either that or she is a fully cognizant and committed traitor of our Nation.
I think she is *Both*.
She knows what the end game is.
Comrade Ardern has been keeping our entire nation… the voting public weak, scared, and isolated from each other hoping we do not rally together… that is why recently she told us to not only ‘keep to our bubbles’ but also ‘DON”T TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS*!
Talk about drunk with Power!
When you understand what the plan is, and what a scam the Vaccines are you realise this Lockdown was always going to happen.
This is part of their scheme of terrorising and breaking our nation and resolve… esp of those who are wary of the Vax… and know the Vaccine Passport system means the end of privacy and freedom.
I notice the Covid 19 new case narrative is specifically designed to terrify young New Zealanders into getting Vaxxed.
Despite the ‘Urgent tone’ of the reader spieling a list of numbers affected and age groups, very little useful information is being shared, for example it says a large number of young adults have ‘tested positive’ yet does not say how hard they are being affected (the young don’t die from Covid), nor do they say if they are still using the now discredited PCR tests (We must assume they are), or how many cycles these tests are being run at (we can be sure they are ridiculously high)… etc etc.
All this selective information is designed with political intent. To con people into submission.
We hear zero news about any improvements in how Covid is being treated these days in New Zealand… Are they using Ivermectin?
Are they administering high dose intravenous Vitamins C, D, Zinc?
What lessons that have been learned overseas are they taking and modifying their approach?
You would think they might want to keep New Zealanders informed on such matters if they wanted to calm nerves and alleviate fears… yet that is not what they want to do… but rather the opposite… they want to maximise hysteria… weaponise hysteria… to pressure the population into submitting to the plan of universal vaccination and most importantly… the Global passport.
Since the first case was detected that triggered this lock down, hundreds of new cases have been incrementally reported yet there have been zero deaths… so how bad is this virus really?
This whole business smacks of the Pied Piper to justify cranking up the tyranny and coercion and terrify the ‘hesitant sheeple’ into getting the experimental vax.
P.S… The Pfizer shot *has not been approved by the FDA*.. the approval was issued on another one of their Vaxxes that has not yet been distributed. The current Pfizer Shot remains under *Emergency authorisation only* in the US which has a restricted use to 16 years and over. NOT for Children.
Thank’s to Ardern’s absurd elimination strategy, New Zealand is now 2 full years behind the rest of the world in dealing with this virus… it has not even begun to fuck with us yet.
We could have stuck with the original scheme of protecting the most vulnerable, while allowing a controlled burn through out the rest of the population to gain Natural herd immunity (The strategy of flattening the curve).
The thing is this alternative and far more rational strategy would have ruined the globalist plot to impose the Vaccine passport system upon us because people who gain Natural immunity have zero need for the Vax.
Ardern could have allowed New Zealanders access to Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine, and they could have authorised the protocol of administering High strength intravenous Vitamin C etc so that they can effectively and confidently treat the illness when anyone contracts it.
Where is all the ‘Media’ on telling New Zealanders to fortify themselves with Vitamins (C,D) ?
It’s like they want New Zealanders only hope to be in the Vax!
Billy TK Jr. (Photo credit: Stuff News)
Not everyone is drinking the Coolaid.
Just how prolific is ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ is not something our media takes any trouble advertising… yet I am sure it is significant.
Ardern’s Pixie dust is wearing off.
There has been some resistance. Small groups of Kiwi have organised themselves and done protests.
Self-Important Political activist Billy TK Jr even managed to get himself arrested.
Billy is not to be trusted. Billy TK is unprincipled, and has a megalomaniac personality. His focus is on his own aggrandizement and rise to fame and power.
I cannot help but see any project he gets involved with is just a means to achieving those ends.
He is not a noble person… though that is what he wants people to believe.
It would be bad for any Freedom movement in New Zealand should Billy TK become their figurehead
And yet he is on the right side of the line on this issue… and at least he’s out there protesting!
Where is every one else?
ACT are absolutely HOPELESS on the matter of the lock downs and Vax because David Seymour is a true Believer!
Seymour appears to be running Act like Winston Peters ran NZ First… No one is allowed their own opinions… Pro-Freedom? YEAH RIGHT!
I saw a recent Act Press release that actually castigated Ardern *for not being Heavy handed enough!*
This pains me to say… but it is true.
David Seymour is a source of constant disappointment to me.
*David Seymour is not a Libertarian*.
He thinks ‘Science’ is on the side of Ardern’s Tyranny.
That’s how easily he abandons Individual rights and becomes Authoritarian.
In many ways he’s like Billy TK… simply using the void of Freedom advocacy in New Zealand Politics as a niche market he can exploit for his own gain.
I wish I could say otherwise.
A ‘White Rose’ sticker in London.
A group calling themselves ‘The White Rose’ did a pamphlet drop in Hamilton city, and their Pamphlet is *very Good*.
From their mission statement….
The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activists—each a powerful one person operation—all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. United by a common cause and methodology, our mission is to inspire healthy skepticism, critical thought and righteous dissent in the face of ubiquitous government and corporate media propaganda, mass authoritarian groupthink, and an official Covid-19 narrative riddled with logical inconsistencies, quasi-religious dogmatism and outright lies. In an age of rampant internet censorship, where all dissenting voices are silenced, and only Big Tech approved viewpoints are permitted a platform, we have taken the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers
Read more here. Join the White Rose
As the Propaganda fear mongering ramps up in the mainstream media… softening up the Sheeple to remain passive as the Government tightens the vise, all concerned freedom loving citizens who can see where all this is heading *Must Stand Strong* in resistance, and not be broken into slavish submission.
While on one hand the vaccine rollout has been snail-pace, on the other Government indicates lockdowns will continue until incredulous levels of vaccination are achieved… which is a recipe for wrack and ruin! ( w-rack in this case referring to compulsions and punishment’s for the non-compliant).
Where are the Journalists challenging the credulity of the Governments ambitions regarding the roll out as unattainable if they are going to respect New Zealanders right to choose?
Politicians have quoted ‘studies’ on Vax induced ‘Herd Immunity’ that say as high as 90% Vaccination uptake must first be achieved before they will open up our country to tourism and end the lock downs.
Read/Watch Coronavirus: New Zealand needs high uptake of vaccine to mitigate cases, hospitalisations, deaths once borders reopen – study
WAKE UP SHEEPLE! These targets are BOGUS and *unattainable* without implementing heavily oppressive measures… yet we can be sure that Ardern will not flinch from ordering whatever she deems necessary to achieve her aims.
The incremental ramping up of tyranny and the erosion of our rights is all about timing.
Jacinda Ardern is like ‘the Briscoes Lady of Politics’… she’s an Advertising Gimmick… a marketing Ploy. Every time she appears in public, making any statement, It’s like she’s selling ‘A Great Deal on Kitchenware… to gullible idiots. Yet behind the Smile and Bubbles lurks a cold calculating socialist despot.
Despite giving the chore of announcing her less-popular dictates to her minions to deliver her tyrannical side often reveals itself.
Ardern is operating on Machiavellian principles.
Machavelli explains to The Prince that when compelled by circumstances to tread lightly… feign you are doing it from your own goodness…
Until the motherload of Frankenshots arrive… Ardern will maintain a façade of Liberal respect for personal choice, however we can be sure that once a critical percentage of Sheeple have received the Jab… She will then seek to compel the remaining non-compliant people by even more despotic means… so we must rally NOW!
If you don’t want your children to inherit a totalitarian Socialist State and become slaves of a Globalist New World Order that is the Enemy of Freedom and Our Western Enlightenment Values… the enemy of Capitalism… the enemy of Private property and individual thought and ideals… then we must organise ourselves *NOW* into a powerful peaceful protest movement and be willing to fight for our freedom and our children’s future!
Decades of Socialist indoctrination and dumbing down has resulted in Comrade Ardern’s Socialist tyranny being brought to power.
If anyone still believes the Lockdowns and Global Vaccination programs are about ‘fighting the virus’… you have Rocks for brains!
We must now be willing to count the cost and to stand up against her treasonous Globalist tyranny that is destroying our nation before our very eyes!
We can show her that we the people of New Zealand will not surrender our values and Freedom just so she can sell our nation out to the Great Reset, and The Socialist New World Order!
It’s well past time.
Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.
PS… Check this out!
And this on the BFD… Is New Zealand Led by a Dictator?
Song by Eric Clapton who has become a vocal critic of the Plandemic and Covid Vax after taking the shot and almost dying…
More from Tim….
Risky Freedom, vs Total Slavery to Mammon. Is Freedom worth dying for?
After considering the screen shot above… and what it means for Truth, free speech and opinion, please watch the video (Just below) which was posted to me by a Pro-vax friend challenging me to ‘watch it if I dare.’
I will return to the above story of the screen shot in due course…
I can only assume my friend finds Bill Burr’s reasoning compelling… as my friend find’s my ‘Ccnspiratorial mindset and hesitancy’ to be irrational.
My friend also thinks Biden is the legitimately elected president of the USA!
That’s just some context of the sort of media my friend imbibes and gives credence… the mainstream heavily politicized and narrow officially sanctioned views.
I am obviously an ‘extremist”Nutjob’ ‘anti-science’, etc etc all the names the conformers give to the non-conformers.
I run the risk of becoming a social outcast.
I watched the video….
I like Bill Burr.
He’s a funny guy.
Ridicule is a legitimate means of attacking erroneous ideas and bad people, yet most thinking people realise you should not take your political cues from Comedians, Sports Personalities, etc without weighing up whether or not their opinions can withstand scrutiny.
Celebrity endorsements are of dubious value. Their opinions can be as valid, or as misguided as anyone else.
Bill chose to get the vax, and he even explains in a funny way why he discredits some of the ‘Conspiracy theories’.
Bill thinks the Mega Wealthy and Elites need ‘Sheeple’ like him… unthinking morons to do their bidding.
This was weak… The Trans-humanist Tech Lords don’t need him to dig their ditches… or most of the billions of now ‘obsolescent’ classes.
They want the world for themselves, and they only require a few hundered million… at best… to service their needs… the rest are just a gigantic pain in the arse… a threat to their power and ambitions.
And these people answer to no higher authority than their own desires.
Barr also said he knew people who died ‘of the virus’… and he undoubtedly also knows many people who have been vaccinated who appear ‘fine’.
That people he knows have died will have generated fear that would have played a big roll in his decision to get the shots, and undoubtedly stimulates many hesitant people to take the ‘leap of faith’ and get the vax even though it is an experimental tech the real results of which are presently unknown.
Just because people don’t all drop dead immediately after the shot (though many do… the number being suppressed) is not evidence the vax is safe in the long term… though many people seem to use that metric.
Yet even if the Frankenshots eventually turn out to be relatively safe, the most compelling ‘Conspiracy’ theories I know of have to do with a massive power grab… ending individual rights, and getting every person on earth registered onto a Global passport system to do ‘The Great reset’ and impose the NWO… a Technocracy… with a global Cashless economy and Social Credit systems… and that the Pandemic is merely the means by which this is to be achieved by spooking the sheeple into compliance and accepting the loss of rights…. and total control.
Now *that* is a fundamental theme in politics vs individual liberty… the price of which… is eternal vigilance… not fear driven compliance.
Let’s get back to Burrs conclusion that the ‘Depopulation Conspiracy’ is not credible.
He shows no cognizance of the Massive Malthusian propaganda campaign regarding overpopulation depleting the Earths resources and destroying the planet… which is yet again another Fear driven hysteria designed to ‘soften’ up the sheeple into accepting the end of Freedom and capitalism, and embracing a New Totalitarian control of the worlds resources (By Noble benevolent Socialists)
Bill Gates has talked about population control and ‘sustainability’. He has positioned himself as the worlds foremost advocate for Global vaccination (and has boasted about the massive profits involved)… and has the World health organisation and Fauchi in his back pocket.
Governments of the world parrot what Gates, and Schwab dictate to them.
In light of these things is it really so irrational to draw from these premises that the NWO will have a strategy to curtail the worlds population?
And that beyond bringing the world under a centralised power, that the Vax could also be a means of Depopulation via Sterilisation?
Fear of Climate catastrophe has billions of Idiots who will praise such a scheme to Cull the human contagion that is destroying ‘mother earth’.
Gates is at the forefront of this hysteria also… wanting to ‘dim the Sun’, etc.
Gates not a power mad Megalomaniac…. nooooooooooooooooooo.
Who would think such a thing?
He’s not the sort of person who … ‘Thanos-like’ could possibly imagine wiping out billions of ‘useless eaters’ could be a messianic Act! noooooooooo.
You can Trust Good ole Bill!
He’s a regular… down to earth kinda guy… who really cares about the little people… yes he does!
Bill Burr laughs…. Satan laughs… and spreads his wings.
Why do they insist Children get the vax?
Why do they expect people who have already had covid 19 to get the vax?
There is zero science in this… 100% politics.
Because this is a Globalist scheme to enslave all humanity.
They want everyone vaxxed so they get everyone onto the passport system.
There is growing evidence the vax attacks ovaries… True or not… the safety data is not in yet and it is outrageous to vaccinate Kids without this data.
In the mean time it is not ‘irrational’ to speculate that the vax might be harmful in the long term and that it is highly suspect therefore to demand the entire human race gets vaxxed!
It’s in fact Prudent to be cautious!
And yet the powers that be are attacking voices that argue caution should be taken!
Is the reason they are pushing hard to get the children vaxxed ASAP is not not only to entrap them in the global passport system, but so that when eventually the evidence is established that the Vax harms human fertility… and this generation of kids has been steralised… it’s too late to do anything about it… the job has already been done. And The Human population will take a massive hit.
All because the Morons were deceived via fearmongering and mass propaganda into throwing medical caution and established prudence out the window and thereby fell into the great trap that was set.
The Occult secret that the Elites hope the sheeple don’t figure out is that they will have taken care to insure *their own kids* don’t get sterilised… they are the chosen ones who are to ‘inherit the earth’.
This is the Satanic ‘Gospel of the NWO’ whereby the Global Centrailised Socialist government in total control of every person and all resources will ‘save humanity’.
This is antithetical to the Christian world view which is emphatic that Humanity *can’t save themselves* from their own wickedness.
And the ultimate evil of a Global Human ‘King of Kings’… The Beast… is not only prophesied in revelations and elsewhere but also fundamental to the story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.
By my reckoning the Rapture is imminent.
When it happens the Beast system will ‘materialise’.
The missing Raptured souls will simply be said to have died of Covid.
This being so the saved ought to be sharing the Gospel of God’s grace to the lost.
And we can expect persecution to grow.
The end is nigh.
My hope is in heaven, as I have no desire for my Children to live under a global Tyranny of the all seeing electronic Eye.
Special note to my critics..
And even if you don’t believe any Conspiratorial thing I have said, and maintain 100% faith in the humanitarian goodness of all the Powers that be… and doubt that Greed and power have anything to do with what is going on… still my arguments hold firm on the basis of Human Liberty and rights.
On that basis alone all this tyranny can be legitimately rejected, and protested against… and feared.
Reason is not the order of the day… Censorship is! So it is ‘Rich’ for anyone who supports the Covid Tyranny to pretend that science, and reason, and common sense are the preserve of the Pro-Vax faction.
They are the most suspect bunch… the least reasonable… the most tyranical…. the most propagandized bunch of sheeple on Earth.
Everything I have said here I have the right to think, and to say, and to discuss with anyone else who freely wishes to listen to me.
I have the Right!
I was also tagged recently into a new article which gloated about an anti-Vax person died of the Rona.
This was supposed to be ‘evidence’ of the folly of rejecting the vax, lockdowns, etc.
It is as if those who take the vax think that those of us who make the choice not to get vaxxed are all idiots who think there is no risk in our decision.
Most of us appreciate there is a real risk involved and that it possible could cost us our lives.
We also know that probability is extremely small.
Still as NZ is in full lockdown right now, We ourselves are not impervious to the heightened sense of danger that a lockdown brings with it… the public fear that this ‘Delta variant’ might break out of containment and run rampant.
This alone will no doubt sway many ‘hesitant’ people into getting the shot… whereas I will stand firm and take my chances… because *Freedom*…. because I don’t think it is the principled thing to *get an experimental genetic modification experimental shot* simply in blind faith of the Government and big Pharma… out of fear.
I think that is a fools and cowardly thing to do.
I want to maintain the Rights and liberties of a free society for my Kids sake.
Death may be the wages of my decision… I can live with that… and die in good conscience… Free.
Now back to the screenshot I put at the top of this post and appreciate Bill Burr lives in a bubble in which the powers that be control what information he has imbibed in the mainstream media…
It is highly probable Bill Burr is like the majority of pro-vaxers and is like my friend who challenged me to watch Burr’s interview ‘if I dare’… and yet this position is not ‘the scientific position’ or even ‘the informed position’… it is the heavily conditioned message… and position… that has been artificially created to corral the sheeple.
I call for an end to censorship of Covid 19 discussion, esp of medical experts who suffer persecution should they dare voice concerns about the vAxx,,, such as… Wellington Dr Matthew Shelton.
Only one opinion allowed. Good on this guy… takes Balls to stand up for your own conscience in such oppressive times. He is 100% right to be concerned about children and Pregnant woman getting the vax… in other times this was the normal precaution… yet they will try and make an example out of him so that other Doctors keep their mouths shut.
The Vax program is not about science, not about best medical practice… it’s about compliance to what the ‘Powers that be’ want.
Resist and they will try and break you…. then you wonder why there are so many sheeple who all think like zombies that the Vax is ‘safe’ and ‘based on science’, and that all ‘Real Doctors and medical experts’ endorse the Vax program…
The world is full of Zombies who dwell in cognitive dissonance that they are ‘Fully informed’ and that anyone who ‘resists’ is a fool and spreader of ‘mis-information’… and deserves to be censored and punished. So they are all in on the Mass-propaganda/ programing of Useful Idiots.
It is this sort of persecutive behavior by the powers that be against dissenting opinions that generates mistrust and ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ in people like myself because I clearly see the anti-freedom manipulation that is going on.
This abuse is happening in key issues because we have people in power whose ambitions are not constrained by the principles and limits on power and authority that are fundamental to a Free society.
They do not respect freedom. They do not like having to deal with counter-argument. And the certainly do not like having to accept that free people might choose to reject their advice or schemes… which the powers that be claim are for ‘the public good’.
So many morons buy into that scam… believing that those free people who chose to reject the governments scheme… ‘are behaving foolishly, selfishly, and pose a danger to ‘all the good, selfless, and compliant sheeple who have placed their trust in the government.
This is the environment of coercion.
Draconian Law… where it is very possible to get 51% support for Tyranny.
Tim Wikiriwhi
More from Tim….
My Rock 2000 2021 picks…
I finally submitted my 20 songs for this years Rock 2000.
It is never an easy choice.
I decided against just listing 20 Tool songs… or any double ups for that matter.
I also thought that the songs chosen had to have a bit of a ‘party beat’ rather than simply being Epic ‘musically’.
I also did not want to be restricted by the fact that some of my pics may not even make the 2000 list.
These were self imposed ‘rules’, everyone being free to make their picks howsoever they please.
I only write them here to explain how I arrived at my particular 20 from a longer pick list of 60… and why even this longer list excluded some of my favorite sounds… such as Pink Floyd… whose music tends to the darker side rather than upbeat party sounds…
It certainly is starkly different from last years list… and knowing my own disposition to modify my own standing… next years list no doubt will be different again…. and I will be willing to justify myself with a completely different set of concerns…. not that any of this matters to anyone other than myself.
It simply amuses me to record such thoughts to be able to review them later so that in retrospect I can smile at my own musical mystery tour….
Last year I won tickets to the main event down town Auckland… which was a blast.
That post also includes a band/song list of over 800 which I put together as a prompt for future Rock 2000 voting.
It could help people write their list.
Rock On!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Update: The show has started… and it’s EPIC!
I cant believe the quality of the songs that only made it into the 2000-1500 range of the first week, but then again some blow your mind that people still love them after 30,40,50 years!
The first song that got played off my list was…
Steppin Wolf…. Born to be wild. *1804.
The Who…. We don’t get fooled again…. *1731
The White Stripes…. The hardest Button to Button. *1711.
Golden Earing Radar Love *1158
Black Sabbath Children of the Grave. *748
Deep Purple Child in Time *476
Alice in Chains. The Rooster. *51
Tool. The Pot ****8****
One special mention is Monster Magnet Space Lord made it to 1761!
Mind blown!
Apparently 7000 songs got voted for this year yet any songs that got less than 5 votes automatically get axed even before the list gets tabulated, and 5000 songs got 5 or more votes.
Other Stats….
Alice in Chains got 18 songs in.
Black Sabbath had 15.
Ozzy sang in 27 songs in total.
Shihad had 26 songs.
Metalica’s ‘One’ made it to number 10 and is the Rock’s best performing song over the years.
It has been number 1 four times, number 2 four times, and 18 times in the top 10.
It was their 52 song in this years countdown!
1.5 million votes cast.
Update 14-9-21.
NOTHING makes me feel more happy at being a Bougan Westy and reminds me of why I love music more than listening to the Rock 2000!
It really is a celebration of My Culture.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Update 24-9-21.
Top 10 Tracks for 2021.
10….. Metalica. One.
9…… The Dudes. Bliss
8……. Tool. The Pot.
7……. Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody.
6……. Slipknot. Duality.
5……. Pearl Jam. Black. Same as last years countdown!
4…… Blindspot. Nil by mouth.
3…… Lynyrd Skynard. Simple Man.
2…… Metalica. Enter Sandman.
1…… Rage Against the Machine. Killing in the name of.
15th Anniversary of the passing of Rev John Steele Clark. Minister, Teacher, Farmer of the Coromandal (Repost)
2 days ago was the 15th anniversary of my Grand Father, John Steele Clark’s death.
He was a wonderful and inspirational person.
The Greatest human being I have ever known.
I was blessed beyond measure to have him as my Granddad.
My precious Nanna passed over to the other side too in 2019…. I like to imagine they are together again…
She was the Matriarch of my family as I knew it.
I miss them both, and still reverence their memory.
When I knew Granddad’s time was short I did something a tad different.
I wrote a Tribute to his Life and death and sent it to him before he died so he could read with his own eyes what his Grandson thought! 🙂
My tribute was very controversial as it was *My take* *My perspective* rather than simply a concise record of his exact doings and faith.
That was another reason I sent it to him… to see if he would discuss what I had written.
We never did discuss it, and so I took that as a Tacit endorsement! 🙂 And this was important to me because I expected some of my family members to not be that impressed with my Rendition of things.
The World/ New Zealand has sunken into Socialist Tyranny just as I feared.
Love You Heaps Nana and Granddad! XOX
Tim Wikiriwhi.
I have started a Facebook page in memory of Him >>>Here<<<
I hope everyone who knew him visits, enjoys, and contributes to this memorial.
My Granddad. (Left) Married Me to my Wife Joy at Mclarens Falls Tauranga. March 2002.
Tribute to Reverend John Steel Clark. (Re-post)
Anglican Minister.
Thames/ Coromandal Peninsular.
New Zealand
Man of Faith and Reason.
A Christian view of Life and Death.
By his eldest Grandson.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
“For the Invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse;”
St Paul. Romans 1vs 20
“I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…”
Jesus Christ: John 11vs 25
“for by grace are ye saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast”
St Paul: Ephesians 2vs8,
After an exemplary life, and a heroic fight against cancer, by beloved Grandfather has passed on.
There is not enough time today to fully express what he means to me, I therefore shall leave much out of this tribute for others to share.
I have chosen to focus on the most precious values that I personally treasure… that I see as the Greater part of his legacy.
My Grandfather was the Abraham of our family!
When I was growing up his word was Law.
He set the standards for manhood and he always stuck to his word.
His glory as a faithful husband to my Nana and as a father to his children (and Grandchildren) gave me such assurance that life makes perfect sense, and that all is well in the world.
Rev Clark was a man of Reason and a man of Faith.
He was a Christian minister, which is a huge testimony to the value of that religion.
Those who knew him and loved him, yet are not Christians ought to pause and contemplate the huge implications that such a man of great wisdom and integrity was not ashamed to wear the garb of a Man of God!
It is this truth that I hold dearest about my Grandfather, and it is in honour of his principled faith in God that I wish to write to you about life, religion, and death.
This is a fitting time to talk about religion and death.
If it’s not cool to talk about religion and death at the funeral of a preacher, then I ask when?
For many Death is the hardest most frightening reality we face.
How are we to deal with it?
We all must face our own mortality sooner or later and worse still we must face the mortality of those we hold dear.
Some like my Grandfather, live full term and death becomes a sort of mercy, yet many tragically die before their time and it seems a truism to say “Life’s not fair!”
Should we die from our own immorality or foolishness we may find small solace in seeing such deaths as justly ‘reaping what we have sown’, yet often death comes to the virtuous and innocent…at the hands of some evil, and so this rule appears violated.
The Soul that looses a loved one in such a way, or they find themselves facing an early death by some evil is in danger of becoming bitter and twisted, and a hater of God, even if they don’t believe in him!
Indeed they choose not to believe in him simply because they see life as unjust!
It is for this reason that a positive philosophy about death is essential for every one of us if we are to truly enjoy life.
Without a sure reasoned faith powerful enough to overcome these sorts of pain… bitterness and hatred of God are almost as sure to consume your soul as the sun will rise tomorrow!
Perhaps some may delude themselves into being happy by such base notions that ultimately ‘Nothing really matters’, but this can never suffice the deep hearted.
This can only leave you cold.
I therefore say True Religion is essential for the survival and happiness of everyone of us, and not to have such a faith is a disaster!
Pain bitterness, hopelessness, and hatred are the lot for the lost soul without true religion.
Rev Clark Knew this, and this was one reason he was a minister of God.
Peace, hope, and a clear sense of justice are only possible for the man of reason that has reason enough to have faith that ultimately all is well and that life has real meaning and value.
It is my testimony, and that of my Grandfather that reason enough does indeed exist for hope and belief in Divine Justice.
Tears. Knowing time was short. Me and Granddad shortly before his death.
Let me now share with you a tiny fraction of the logic for faith in God, faith in his goodness, and faith in Christ by a few self-evident truths.
What lies in that box is not my Grandfather!
That dead body is but the house he lived in.
Science tells us that we replace every cell in our body every seven years.
This being so, most of us have had many bodies in our lifetime already!
They are miraculous things that were designed by incredible genius, but they are not the essence of who we are.
What is missing from that corpse is the *Real Granddad* whom we all love!
*His Soul*.
A great portion of Mankind are suffering from the delusion that we are but soul-less matter.
This is a great inhuman and evil superstition that has the most evil consequences for those under it’s spell.
The fruit of it is nihilism and this lowers man down to the level of a germ.
Granddad knew this truth and was a minister of men’s *souls*.
Now think about love… what is the chemical formula for that?
Can chemicals love?
Can rocks feel?
Can robots be conscious of their own existence and care about the existence of other robots?
The man of reason and science, who holds that good and evil have objective reality must say no!
There is no Atheistic science that can accommodate the facts of reality or human experience!
All human invention is childlike when compared to such marvels as the human mind, brain, and hands.
The scripture that declares we are made in God’s image is the most rational statement pertaining to our existence!
I say that if the Earth was like the moon, and there was no such thing as mankind… then it might be rational to think ‘there is no God’ or that whatever is responsible for existence is dead not living.
But we live!… and science has proven that Life only comes from life.
It therefore follows that whatever is primary in reality must not only be alive, but also of supreme intelligence.
We call this Supreme being God…. who is before all temporal Laws and things.
The scripture wisely declares “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God”, and that mankind must beware ‘science falsely so-called’.
Don’t be deceived by *Fake Science* like Darwinism.
Understand the difference between science proper, and poor speculations that are contrary to it.
Darwinism is fatally flawed and already fading away, yet Christianity stands fast and ready for you to embrace.
It alone accounts for cause and effect, both Physical and Moral.
The foolish man builds his house upon the sands of man’s ever changing myths.
The wise man builds his house upon the rock of God’s sure word of truth, The King James Bible.
This article appeared in the Waikato Times.
Why must we embrace Christ?
It is because this is how God has declared as his only acceptable way of salvation, and it is God who sets the terms for such a thing… not us.
To be so vain as to believe God must accept us on *our terms* is to hang reality on our whim, and to Deify our pea-sized intellect!
Socrates, who believed in life after death, said it ought to be a man’s chief concern to ‘Know thyself’, and that the unexamined life is not worth living.
I say that if we dare to examine ourselves our need for Christ and God’s forgiveness becomes as clear as day!
What is wondrous about God’s salvation through Christ is that he has managed to satisfy both Justice and Mercy, and to reveal his loving grace towards us.
He has achieved this by giving us freewill, and the liberty to choose to or reject him.
For us to choose Christ we must recognize we are sinful and lost.
Do not hide behind such foolish cliché, as ‘Religion is the cause of all mankind’s woes… such as war.”
Sin and Evil are the cause of these and knowing this ought to convince us all of the need for salvation and God’s government!
The good news is “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Salvation is a free Gift!
The Bible says Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.
Rev Clark believed in God and was a minister of this truth.
Was he an irrational superstitious Fool?
He was a man of Reason and a true Humanitarian.
This is what Christianity is all about!
I don’t ask you to become a pew warmer.
I implore you all to ask Christ to be your savior!
Let us maintain our faith in justice in the face of every hardship.
Let us play the hand we have been dealt with dignity to the very end.
Let us love one another and cherish every moment we have!
I thank God for my Grandfather and trust his soul is now in a much better place.
And I expect to see him again!
Thank you Granddad for everything.
You are an inspiration to us all.
I cannot finish without giving recognition to my Nana who is the best wife any man could have.
Thank you Nana for loving and caring for my Granddad.
We all love you so much!
“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness: but unto us which are saved: it is the power of God”
St Paul. 1 Corinthians 1vs18.
Contact Tim: 078498323ah,
It’s all about *The Spike*. Covid 19 is a Bioweapon released upon Humanity for the sake of Global power.
What evidence supports this Theory?
A lot!
Picture Credit: from here
Must watch (Above). It was this video that put the final piece in place for me… Watching Fauchi obfuscate when questioned directly about the Spike protein.
BOOM! Yet this has far more implications than merely exposing that Fauchi has been lying and illegally funding gain of function research.
It exposes the whole evil plot.
This video will probably be censored like so many valuable truths the powers that be want to keep from the sheeple.
Remember Lie number 1 was keeping humanity from thinking Covid 19 could possibly be Genetically engineered and escaped from the Lab.
And yet finally that lie has been exposed… what follows is either it was released by accident… or by intent.
Well what circumstantial evidence can we muster to give us some plausible explanations or probabilities?
These are of course more Forbotten questions the Globalists don’t want the sheeple to contemplate…. or talk about.
I have been pondering this…. and just recently the random components have fallen into conjunction.
I will write more on this shortly supplying evidence… yet because I have had a ‘Eureka moment’… I must share the substance of what I now realise as a provable fact.
The Spike itself is evidence of the origin of Covid19 as being genetically engineered…. via gain of function experiments.
Grasp this and the evidence that the world is experiencing *a Biological war* by Evil people seeking world domination… *Is obvious*!!!
It’s *all* about the Spike!
The evidence of the origin of the Pandemic as being genetic engineering is in the spike.
The vaccines all are centered on the spike.
And… the variants…. we are told are variants… all ‘found’ and identified in their spike!
This is a statistical proof… because variants ought to be random… not specific.
New model of the Spike… Photo credit here
They are all centered on the *Spike!*
Dont you think it’s a bit odd they keep looking at *the spike protein*… ie the very part of the virus they synthetically make in their labs for the *The MRNA vaccines???*
This smacks of *a designed racket* to keep justifying the use of their Spike protein factories to keep rolling out ‘Variant vaxx’es’ perpetually… !!!!
and how convenient it is that the so-called ‘random mutations’ just so happen to be in the part of the sequence *Big Pharma* have industrialized.
This is BOGUS!
The Technocrats have control of this Genetic weapon….
This really is *the Smoking Gun!*
Note: Even if the math suggests Covid 19 is a plandemic rather than a ‘pandemic’… it does not follow that therefore the virus itself does not exist.
It means the Evil Globlaists have this weapon at their disposal and can release ‘variants’ at will while being safe themselves.
This is an absolutely frightening proposition.
And yet we know they can easily fabricate some pseudo-moral justification for what they plan to do…. mass genocide of billions.
The Ecological/ Malthusian hate for Humanity… and Messianic notion of ‘saving the planet’ from the ‘Human virus’…. etc…etc… all current beliefs of the Atheist far left who concider humanity to be mere ‘animals’…. in fact ‘destructive vermin’.
If you are Woke… you will confess your own ‘Vermin-hood’…. and voluntarily embrace global slavery….
A common counter argument used to counter ‘Vacination hesitancy’ is that People may know friends and neighbors who have had the vax, and not experienced any problems… not admitting to themselves that Death can be a slow process, and even if the Endgame is not direct mass culling of humanity via the virus… because the Vax was rushed into deployment… no safety studies referring to human fertility has been done… The adverse affects could be *Sterilizing the youth* which would have the very same effect as mass genocide… without the mess.
Vax Czar and WHO Patron Saint Bill Gates is a vocal exponent of Population control.
And yet again…. even if the Vax proves to do neither of these things, what is indisputable is the use of the pandemic to destroy Western societies and establish a Socialist Global Police State.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
I Was Whacked.
More from Tim…