Now isn’t it interesting that *if these claims are true* Big Pharma is so strongly linked to yet more massive social evils!
Those documented side effects are telling too… esp in Western societies in which murders in general and suicides have been on the consistent climb over the same period.
What must be taken into consideration is that most/all of these people have been prescribed these drugs due to what Doctors must have seen as mental stress, social alienation, etc… so that factor must also be acknowledged.
Big Pharma would have a vested interest to deflect public attention to ‘other plausible causes’… such as it has been suggested that Heavy Metal and Rap music are somehow causal factors… anything and everything except their drugs!
I had a friend who was as tuff as nails commit suicide.
I found out later she had been proscribed Prozac.
It has always caused me to wonder if she suffered some sort of Heavy side effect reaction.
When friends of mine are going through stress… I do my best to tell them to avoid going on anti-depressants.
Most of the time their ‘depression’ is understandable given their circumstances… ie is a normal and healthy response to whatever trauma they have experienced… not at all a symptom of an unhealthy mind.
Therefore I say it is wrong to medicate such people. Only when the depression has no reasonable basis should it be considered a mental imbalance that might require medical intervention… yet even then as a last resort.
Counselling and other means like social interaction should be tried first in my unqualified opinion.
I gain my insights from experience… not training.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
The following song is dedicated to my old lost friend Debz Bailey.
We used to listen to Pearl Jam together… Great times.
A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
Finds a streetlight, steps out of the shade
Says something like, “You and me babe, how about it?”
Juliet says, “Hey, it’s Romeo, you nearly gimme a heart attack”
He’s underneath the window
She’s singing, “Hey la, my boyfriend’s back
You shouldn’t come around here singing up at people like that
Anyway, what ya gonna do about it?”
“Juliet, the dice was loaded from the start
And I bet, when you exploded into my heart
And I forget, I forget
The movie song
When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?
Come up on different streets, they both were streets of shame
Both dirty, both mean, yes and the dream was just the same
And I dreamed your dream for you, and now your dream is real
How can you look at me as I was just another one of your deals?
Well you can fall for chains of silver, you can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
You promised me everything
You promised me thick and thin, yeah
Now you just say, “Oh Romeo, yeah, you know I used to have a scene with him”
“Juliet, when we made love you used to cry
You said I love you like the stars above, I’ll love you ’til I die
There’s a place for us
(You know the movie song)
When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?
“I can’t do the talk like they talk on the TV
And I can’t do a love song like the way it’s meant to be
I can’t do everything, but I’d do anything for you
I can’t do anything except be in love with you
And all I do is miss you, and the way we used to be
All I do is keep the beat and the bad company
And all I do is kiss you through the bars of a rhyme
Juliet, I’d do the stars with you any time”
“Juliet, when we made love you used to cry
You said I love you like the stars above, I’ll love you ’til I die
There’s a place for us
(You know the movie song)
When you gonna realize it was just that the time was wrong?
And a lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with a love song that he made
Finds a convenient streetlight, steps out of the shade
Says something like, “You and me babe, how about it?”
“You and me babe, how about it?”
When Thomas Jefferson included a passage attacking slavery in his draft of the Declaration of Independence it initiated the most intense debate among the delegates gathered at Philadelphia in the spring and early summer of 1776. Jefferson’s passage on slavery was the most important section removed from the final document. It was replaced with a more ambiguous passage about King George’s incitement of “domestic insurrections among us.” Decades later Jefferson blamed the removal of the passage on delegates from South Carolina and Georgia and Northern delegates who represented merchants who were at the time actively involved in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Jefferson’s original passage on slavery appears below.
‘…He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. This piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the Christian King of Great Britain. Determined to keep open a market where Men should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or restrain this execrable commerce. And that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people on whom he has obtruded them: thus paying off former crimes committed again the Liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another….’
I like to chillax and contemplate this mind blowing relationship and the appreciation that everything is in motion… Craft IPA in hand.
This is obviously an artistic child-like interpretation… very simplistic yet one step above the usual static Sun conception.
Not to scale… and only contends with the Sun, Earth, and Moon… so no ‘orbital plane’ (which itself is only something relative to a static Sun… and which ought to inspire awe given the whole conglomerate is in serious motion) .
All the bodies themselves rotate.
These simplified types of visual still have value, helping us expand our notions and make them more sophisticated, and yet we would be very disturbed should such a visualisation be made to scale… with the correct motions for example the Sun does not travel in a straight line but itself follows an orbital curve.
Yet I am not sure anything better than this abstract conception could be presented in this format?
Helical pitch greater than the diameter.
The distance between the Sun and the Earth is way off,(proportional to the diameter of the Sun), the Earth and Moon are at least 10x too big by the same measure, and the ‘pitch of ‘the helical Screw’ @ 800,000/hour ( year length) ought to be about 7x the Orbital circumference length of the Earth about the Sun, which would barely be recognisable as comparative to this artistic impression… placing our helical path at an extreme acute angle comparative to this… esp so if our orbit is not in fact perpendicular to the suns motion … as this diagram suggests… which is also probably an inaccurate simplification.
If our orbit is skewed to the Suns motion, then for an outside observer moving in parallel to the Sun it would appear that at times we would be accelerating slightly past the moving Sun, and then dropping behind it…
Trying to visualise the actual motions is mind-bending… esp how far out into space the gravitational effects of the Sun extends… dragging even Jupiter along for the ride… at breakneck speed!
Was I dreaming… or did the New Zealand Act Party just completed a National tour boldly announcing they were making Free Speech one of their main election platforms this election cycle?
I personally attended their Hamilton public meeting and was encouraged by what I herd… am I a simple fool?
Did David Seymour really mean it when he said that Act was New Zealand’s Free Speech Party?
Free Speech in New Zealand has been under serious attack in recent times, especially under the tyranny of radical Leftist Socialist Jacinda Ardern.
Not only did she release the Thought Police in the wake of the Christchurch Terrorist attack, she and her emasculated sidekick Andrew Little have drafted new ‘Hate Speech Legislation’ which they intend incrementally enacting as opportunity arises.
The latest being the ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’.
Ardern has trotted the Globe promoting government control and censorship of the internet with her ‘Christchurch call’.
Her serpentine Deputy PM Winston Peters signed New Zealand up the the Global Compact on migration which contains injunctions not only to ‘sell’ mass immigration to docile populations, but also to censor and criminalise critics and protesters who oppose this globalist agenda.
New Zealand has seen international high profile Non-woke (and white) personalities and speakers de-platformed, and some of our own have also been forbidden to speak… most notably Ex PM Don Brash was forbidden to deliver a speech at Massey University because the Vice Chancellor Jan Thomas considered Brash’s opposition to Waitangi Treaty separatism, and Race based electoral system as being ‘Racist’.
Stale Pale Males promoting racial equality before the law not welcome!
Massey University has become a cesspool of Radical leftist Wokery… parents be warned sending your impressionable young there!
They are highly likely to return to you lobotomised, radicalised, lost and gender-confused.
The rise of Leftist intolerance to Free speech and open dialogue in New Zealand mirrors a global militancy and oppressive ideological tactic coming from the Radical left, and it is in response to this threat to our democracy that I and several other Independent thinkers contributed to a book called ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ (Tross Publishing) which looked at the various ways Free Speech was being undermined and censored in Woke New Zealand, and it was for the same reasons that David Seymour’s Act Party decided to make Free Speech a Party Election platform.
In Britain we have seen Street Preachers being arrested for sharing their Christian Faith.
In Canada Police have used ‘Covid 19’ restrictions to Jail several pastors because they insisted on Preaching to their flocks on Sundays in peaceful civil disobedience.
It was also at this time that Don Brash and some of his colleagues formed ‘The Free Speech Coalition’ to take on the ‘Cancel Culture’ and heavy political prejudices that were on display by Woke folk in high Aotearoaian places.
The Coalition recently rebranded themselves as ‘The Free Speech Union’, and yet recent events have dampened my hope that finally New Zealand had a lobby Group, and a political party that were going to stand up for Free speech in New Zealand… esp for the ‘little people who are so easily trampled underfoot these days by rampant workery!
Much to my sorrow… it appears as if both the Act Party and the Free Speech Union are as useless as Tits on a Bull!
It pains me to say this because I have had such high hopes which are being dashed because of their failure to Rally for what I see as the greatest attack on Free Speech in New Zealand since Ardern released the flying monkeys to threatening Social media users following the Christchurch Terror attack!
The case is pivotal to free speech in New Zealand, to the degree that if nothing is done to get justice for the victim of this vicious violation of his rights, this bodes Deathly ill for the rights of all of us… esp those of us who are critical of the powers that be!
This case is absolutely central to our democracy, and the perpetrators of this great injustice… and there are many of them… rollic and gloat upon their success on destroying a mans life… and silencing one of their vocal opponents.
What they have done to this Good man, they intend doing to more people just like him… Vocal independent Kiwis with no means of defending themselves from this malicious and hateful Mob activity.
Don Brash had enough powerful friends and ‘public capital’/ celebrity status not to be absolutely decimated by the Maori Party, and their Woke white collaborators.
The man I am talking about has suffered a complete wipe out… and yet not a Peep has been herd… not even a murmur in his defense from Act or the Free Speech Union!
let me recount what evils have been at work, and what has befallen one of New Zealand’s Rare Brave Independent Social Media commentators… and why our Country should be alarmed!
Over the past month South Island based Independent Citizen Journalist and You Tube Commentator Lee Williams has been systematically attacked by Maori Party activists… these attacks being fully supported by Maori Party MPs, which has resulted in his wrongful dismissal from Synlait Dairy Company, Him being robbed by ‘Go Fund Me’ crowd fund raising site of thousands of Dollars that were willingly donated by friends and supporters to help him. He has suffered further injustice and bigotry from Westpac who shut down a personal Bank account he had with them, and ultimately now he has lost his You Tube Channel with near 16 000 followers.
Lee’s ‘crimes’ were for daring to critisise Maori Party politics and the He Pua pua Report that seeks to surrender the nation to Maori under the pretense of ‘honouring’ the UN declaration of Indigenous rights’, and for making Spoof/Satire videos mocking Maori Party MP Rawiri Waititi… who…we are supposed to believe that because he is *a Maori*… that this renders him somehow morally beyond being humorously caricaturised… almost like Mohammed… a Politically incorrect crime!
We apparently live in a politically post-Humor post-ridicule age.
They don’t seem to have been able to contend with Lee via normal civilised political debate. No.
For these ‘insults’ they went out after him… to destroy his life.
Lee has been unjustly slandered, and illtreated by all of the businesses I mentioned above because Maori Party activists have been harassing and extorting everyone and anyone with whom Lee has any association… targeting his Income, and financial arrangements, and now he has lost even his You Tube Channel.. all without any form of due process by which he could defend himself from the vile slander of being accused of being a White Supremacist and a Racist.
Lee is neither a racist nor a white supremacist!
To label him such is a classic Socialist ploy to discredit their opponents!
This tactic is so common that back in 2019 I wrote about what an actual white supremacist looks like here PHIL ARPS: A PORTRAIT OF A REAL ALT RIGHT NATIONALIST WHITE SUPREMACIST: COMBATING MALICIOUS LEFT WING PROPAGANDA.
The truth is the Radical Woke Left have hijacked the political discourse and skewed what truly and historically defines ‘Far Alt Right/ White supremacist / Nationalist’ to mean anyone who disagrees with their own Radical Far Left doctrines.
To lump Lee in the same political boat as Phill Arps is a despicable sleight of hand ruse.
Lee is in fact a Conservative… who holds traditionally Kiwi values and beliefs, and that is why he has butted heads with Radical Socialists like Ardern and the Maori Party… because these Leftist radicals hate traditional New Zealand, and are systematically and intentionally seeking it’s overthrow!
It is no exaggeration to say the Ardern government is radically subversive and treasonous.
They are in fact seeking to render holding traditional values and beliefs to be ‘Hate crimes’.
I have also written a previous Blog about Lees plight and the malicious political attack he has been enduring here… in which I made the observation that Lee’s troubles with Synlait Dairy company is not the first time brave outspoken New Zealanders have fallen prey to these despicable tactics. It has happened before…
“The latest occurrence was when Media Works Corp decided to ‘let go’ 2 of their best broadcasters, John Banks and Sean Plunket, because like Lee, they dared to take less than agreeable positions with the racist radical agenda that divides New Zealand into a two tier society… First class citizens being those with special indigenous rights… and Second Class citizenship goes to all the rest.
If you complain about being rendered a second class citizen, the Maori party will call you racist!
Woke left wing activists successfully applied the very same pressure Synlait is now experiencing to several of Mediaworks major advertisers who then threatened to pull their advertising revenues from Media works unless they ‘deplatformed’ Ex Mayor of Auckland John Banks.
Fellow Radio Works talk show host Sean Plunket made ‘the mistake’ of speaking up for Banks.
When the despicable tactics of the radical Left got the results they hoped for New Zealand lost two prominent public voices brave enough to challenge the racist policies of the Maori Party and others in parliament.
Now they have turned their sights on defender of the Kiwi Dream, and You Tuber Lee Williams.
These tactics are what has become known globally as ‘Cancel culture’ and are a clear demonstration of how leftist militant political activists are systematically undermining legitimate free speech, and attacking their critics… not in a civilised manor with superior reason and facts, but with Bulling and threats, and slander… going for their throats by attacking their jobs and livelihoods.
These underhanded and Machiavellian tactics cause New Zealanders to shut their mouths to the vile antics and policies of these radicals out of fear of coming under attack themselves.
These despicable tactics are running amok across Western societies because of a failure of Parliaments to recognize this subversive political behavior for what it really is.
Hateful, malevolent, and anti-democratic.”
When I wrote those words Lee’s employment with Synlait was ‘suspended’ while they deliberated among themselves how they were going to get out of this ugly mess the Maori radicals had created.
I had written to them via an open letter to inform them of the true nature of the extortion they were experiencing at the hands of malevolent Political subversives hoping they might do the right, honorable, and Legal thing… and refuse to play the ball these Maori Radicals were throwing… and yet I was not at all surprised when soon after I was informed that Synlait chose to take the low road… and unlawfully dismiss Lee on false grounds… saying he had committed serious misconduct by damaging Synlait’s reputation.
Lee had done no such thing… it was the Maori Radicals and Maori Party who had engineered this entire scam!
Lee has a very strong grounds for a personal grievance case against Synlait for wrongful dismissal… and yet to do this will take Legal and financial support.
And that is just the first step in getting justice for Lee and setting a very much needed legal precedent that will protect all New Zealanders Free speech from such extortion with respect to their employment.
Yet that is only the start… the defenders of the Right to Free Speech must go after and prosecute the ring leaders and even the MPs involved in this scandal.
The only hope I see is that the Act Party, and The Free Speech Union get up off their couches and get to work!
For the sake of our nation!
To grasp the serious implications of what has been done to Lee, and how absolutely essential it is to Free Speech in New Zealand that Justice is served upon those who have behaved in such ignorant and malicious manner, please read my earlier Blogpost…
I am declaring an SOS emergency call out to theses self appointed champions, and indeed to anyone out there who cares about Free Speech in New Zealand, to take up Lee’s cause… because if what has been done to him is allowed to go unchallenged, it will set a string of Anti-free speech precedents that will leave Free Speech activists and critics of the government without Legal protection from oppression and persecution by the Powers that be.
This is a crisis for our Democracy.
At a minimum should the perpetrators of this racket get away Scot-free, this injustice will only emboldened them to continue to target others the disapprove of… and destroy their lives too.
I find it incredulous to suppose that Act, or the Free Speech Union are unaware of Lee’s plight, or the seriousness of his case for Free Speech in our country, which leads me to the alternative conclusion that they know about what has been going on, and yet are unwilling to lift a finger to help Lee.
For what good reasons have you failed to step up in Lee’s defense?
Is it because Lee has been accused of being ‘A White Superracist’?
Of All Lobby groups and Political parties in New Zealand *you two organisations* have the least excuse for inaction as you full well know the evils of the Maori Party and the dirty tactics they employ… and the slander they throw about like confetti upon anyone who dares challenge their patently Racist and self serving politics.
I want to explore what possible point of contention that may be hindering these self proclaimed defenders of Free Speech from taking up Lee’s cause.
To put it bluntly… they may not like Lee.
Ie the reason they might not be jumping to Lee’s defense *is personal*???
They may have found his behavior on his you tube channel as being ‘vulgar’.
Maybe these people actually believe Lee really is some sort of ‘Far Right Racist’… hence somehow ‘deserves’ what has happened to him.
Maybe they are even pleased to see his Channel wiped out?
Do they think that free speech should only be a right for the refined, cultured, and eloquent… ie for themselves… and their own?
What about the rest of us ordinary uncouth non-politically correct Cretans?
Don’t our rights to speak our minds matter?
I will be the first to admit that some of Lee’s video’s did make me cringe, in particular his ‘Satire’ video’s…
I have already stated on another post that I do not endorse all of Lee’s perspectives… and yet I condemn in the strongest terms what has been done to him for the sake of silencing him, censoring him, and punishing’s him for simply exercising his legitimate rights to free speech and criticizing politicians and Members of Parliament.
Lee has been a vocal supporter of Donald Trump.
Lee has been a scathing critic of Jacinda Ardern.
And I know Lee has been critical of both Act Leader David Seymour’s support for the UN Migration Pact, and of Don Brash’s Anti-Trump views… could it be from a personal agnst that these Heavy hitters are choosing to let him burn?
If so… that would signify very poor character on their part, because to truly be a champion of free speech, a person must be willing to defend the free speech even of one’s own critics and opponents.
Conversely should they wake up, and rally in Lee’s defense, that would demonstrate High character and integrity on their part.
Lee is a very critical person who does not pull his punches.
Lee speaks his mind, openly expresses his disappointment when politicians support things Lee believes to be wrong, He calls MPs… even our Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern corrupt! Treasonous Globalist! etc, which of course is his right to say, I have said similar things oft myself here at Eternal Vigilance Blog which is to say Lee and I do share many similar views on a broad range of topics… which is why by and large I enjoyed watching Lee’s channel. I respected his forthright expositions. And yet as I have already said… I felt his satire was imprudent and in bad taste.
Yet I still understand why he did it!
He did it from *shear principle* that The Maori Party have no *Divine Right* not to be mocked… no Divine right not to have the Piss taken out of them… and certainly no divine right not to be offended!
It is an essential aspect of Freedom in a democracy that citizens may mock, chide, criticize, and take the mickey out of politicians and elected members of parliament… and even prime ministers, and presidents!
*Citizens have the right to be as Eloquent or as Obnoxious as they please!*
It is a defining characteristic of Tyranny where it is illegal to take the piss out of the Leadership of the Nation, or be forbidden in criticizing any policy or institution.
It is in fact a Right and Custom in Free Nations to intentionally take the piss out of Politicians.
It is an Artform… And a Nations Comedians are often the greatest exponents of Free Speech… even in Bad Taste… It tells the Politicians that they work for us… that they are our servants… and that as such they have no right to expect to be protected from the vocal ire of the people.
We are not their slaves.
All this has in recent times come under threat by the Politically Correct Thought Police. And we know that Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little have drafted up ‘Hate Speech laws’ and would love to render what Lee did to be ‘an actual hate crime!’.
North Korea… China anyone?
Brittish Comic Greats Rowan Atkinson and John Cleese are scathing in their critism of Politically Correct Tyranny… ‘Fascism pretending to be manners’.
Lee’s You Tube Channel is nothing more… and nothing less than an ordinary Man making full use of the technology at his disposal to exercise his democratic rights!
And as such he should be defended to the fullest extent!
There is a pompous and power-mad sickness in this world that thinks only ‘important people’ should be able to disseminate their ‘high falutin’ ideals and opinions… and that the beer swillin rabble should shut up and obey… know our place!
Well the Internet has changed the game… and the Little people now have an opportunity to be herd!
This is what the powers that be hate and want to monopolise for themselves.
To Tyrants, Lee represents the worst of the peasants… Brash, Loud and independent thinking!
Unlike the rest of the useful idiots… he has ideas of his own!
So they dream up excuses for why he should be silenced.
Lee’s satire was not particularly well done, and yet it did solicit a laugh… the point is that it was all within the bounds of Free speech… even if a bit offensive. To Lee’s perspective, Rawiri Waititi deserved to mocked… and Lee was exercising his Full Right to do so!
If Rawiri Waititi took offence to it… well tuff titties!
We live in a free country don’t we????
Don’t we?
Well is New Zealand still a free country…. or not?
Even without further hate speech legislation when you look at what the Maori Party, Synlait, Westpac, and You Tube have done to Lee Williams… so far without any justification or recompence… the proposition that New Zealand is still a free country must be called into question.
The right to free speech is absolutely vital for a Democracy.
Yet unless those who profess to defend the rights of New Zealanders to Free Speech take up Lee’s cause, no ones Job is safe.
No ones Banking is safe.
And with this sort of extortion running amok New Zealanders with shut their traps in fear… and Free speech will be no more.
Only Madmen like myself will cry out to the void.
The so-called justification Tyrants like Ardern use for introducing Hate speech laws is that they are necessary for protecting ‘vulnerable demographics’… and yet should it become illegal to spoof Maori Party MPs… would this really be an example of ‘protecting a vulnerable demographic?
Maori Party MPs a a bunch of privileged Bullies!
Invoking hate speech laws to prohibit ridiculing their antics… like breaking out in Haka in parliament every time they don’t get their own way would only serve to further entrench their ‘Maori Supremacy’.
‘Vulnerable minority’ Give me a break!
All the evil racist retoric of the Left… Their ‘Critical Race Theory’ has turned the brains of the world to mush!
Lee with all his ‘white privileges’. Everyone automatically taking his side… because he’s white. How so then is his life today in ruins?
Oh and just how hard done by are the Maori Radicals!… you know… Cheeky Pakeha mocking your Orsum Hakas…. aye Cuzzies!
Gloating that you have destroyed a mans life.
Shameful even.
Zero Mana.
Should Act or the Free Speech Union, or anyone else who want’s to help, I can facilitate communication with Lee.
Simply Email me at
I encourage all New Zealanders to contact the Act Party, David Seymour, Don Brash, and The Free Speech Union and implore them to help Lee get justice, and defend our Free speech from this evil form of extortion being practiced by the Radical Left.
Lee Williams is a champion of freedom and equality for All.
Look for ‘Cross the Rubicon’ on Rumble.
Freedom loving New Zealanders must not remain divided… self defeated and impotent because of petty differences that prevent us from uniting together for the sake of Freedom for ourselves and future generations.
We must grow a pair… and get over our *ourselves* and start to function as an effective fighting force… just like the dirty dealing leftists are doing… and yet walking the higher path of integrity and principle.
For Truth and Justice are our allies if we will only rally for their sake.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update… The Free Speech Union has now Stepped up to the plate… let’s see now how they mobalise in Lee’s Defence.
A special shout out to The Kiwi Independent News site ‘The BFD’… for publishing several stories on Lee’s plight and cajoling the Free Speech Union into action.
Read… Lee Williams – Westpac did WHAT?
And… They Did Not Come to His Rescue
I am grateful for the Free Speech Union for looking into and taking what happened to Lee as worthy of their time and energy
Update: Shout out to ‘The BFD‘ for reposting this on their website. here
Last night I attended Act Party Leader David Seymour’s Hamilton free speech meeting.
This was part of his nationwide ‘Free Speech Tour’.
It was held in the Wintec Bill Gallagher Center downtown Hamilton.
It was a full house, approximately 200 Hamiltonians came along to hear David speak.
David had already visited 12 other towns with similarly good attendance, which he said was a testimony to both New Zealanders strong democratic spirit, and also their concern about the current government’s drive to muzzle free speech.
In my opinion, this turnout is also a response to how David Seymour has been distinguishing himself and the Act party as ‘the freedom party’.
Up until the last election David Seymour was a lone voice in parliament speaking out against proposed hate speech legislation and other Socialist interventions rushed through into law ‘under urgency’ bypassing safeguards and due process.
It was David Seymour’s decision to take a stand on such issues, including standing against Ardern’s gun confiscations that was behind Acts success at the last election.
Many New Zealanders are far from impressed with Ardern’s quickstep march towards a Socialist Police State which is sharply at variance with the Kiwi spirit of freedom and self reliance.
In past decades New Zealand has suffered a decline in independence, and yet the pace with which Radical leftist ideology is being imposed under Ardern, has caused alarm even among many conservative thinkers and this was reflected in the audience.
Today David Seymour rightfully enjoys the position in the public eye of most outspoken member of parliament for free speech, and now has 9 other Act Party MP by his side.
It is a position he has earned, and should his team continue on this righteous trajectory I forsooth Act’s star will remain in ascension, and they will increase their presence in Parliament.
By design David told the audience that he wanted to keep the meeting to an hour in length including Q+A, which many people will have been happy with… not me!
I believe the importance of the topic easily justified double that!
There are many troubling aspects of what is going on that were not aired, yet I guess the difference between a public meeting, and a ‘Convention’ is that meetings generally are shorter.
This being so David’s speech was no lecture, but simple and brief.
He spoke about free speech as being an essential component of what it means to be a human individual, and that it’s suppression is an attack upon human dignity.
He spoke about free speech as being absolutely essential for a healthy democracy because free speech cannot stand where there is tyranny, and tyranny cannot stand where there is free speech.
He spoke about free speech as the enlightened means by which civil society openly discusses and solves it’s problems.
He spoke about how proposed hate speech laws threaten to suppress open discourse about politically charged subjects from fear of being visited by the thought Police, and getting flagged as being a person who has expressed ‘hateful opinions’… which could impact upon such things as job applications.
He committed the Act party to working to prevent any hate speech legislation becoming law, yet admitted that because the Ardern government enjoys a 65% majority in parliament there is probably little Act can do to prevent such legislation becoming Law should it be pushed through this term. In that case he committed Act to repealing any such laws that might shortly come into force, including the wordy ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’ which he described as Government ‘filters of online content’… and dangerous.
He said one means by which the repeal of any new restriction of free speech could be undertaken was via public referenda, yet to make that a reality would take a petition of parliament with 300 000 signatures. Not a small task… but do-able if those people who care about this issue… such as those who attended the Act tour meetings throughout the country, committed themselves to help them achieve these goals.
Thus David finished the formal part of the meeting with an appeal for active support for Act and their free speech initiatives, and also for financial donations.
Act party membership costs only $20 for 3 years… “A Bargain!” said Seymour… alluring to Act’s ‘market philosophies’ as the solution to so many social issues.
David Seymour has an engaging speaking manor, skillfully throwing in a joke and a laugh here and there.
When asked ‘why is there a distinguishable pattern and common theme between what is happening here in NZ and what is going on all across Western nations… does he believe a grand scheme was at work?’
He responded by pointing to the general dearth of intelligence within parliament, making it in his estimation highly unlikely they are mentally competent to participate in a grand evil conspiracy… rather their evil policies can simply be understood from their overt stupidity!
He does not appear to grasp that far be it their stupidity renders their adherence to a grand scheme unlikely… but more gullibly so!
They are following a well articulated socialist global agenda.
David said many top NZ bureaucrats and politicians are friends, and that no doubt they talk among themselves about what they hope to achieve… in their minds things they believe will make New Zealand a better place.
(My thoughts: They dream of imposing a Leftist totalitarian police state!)
One lady in the audience was a migrant from Great Britain and ex high court lawyer who spoke about how hate speech laws were wreaking havoc there. Seymour agreed and pointed out how far they had slidden remarking also how Britain had up until recently Laws prohibiting the intentional causing of offence, yet these were overturned by the public backlash, including outspoken activism by comic Rowan Atkinson. Seymour joked about how frightening it would be to be confronted by redoubtable Mr Bean!
I chuckled, because I think David Seymour himself bears amusing resemblance to Mr Bean!
Jokes aside, David Seymour and Act are to be highly commended for doing this tour and for making free speech one of their primary concerns this election cycle.
In the past David Seymour has taken many positions with which I strongly disagree, however as things stand there are no political parties that come close to Acts resolve to defend such a fundamental principle of liberty as freedom of speech.
It is under Jacinda Arderns power mad gaze, and she is hell bent on silencing all dissent .
Her ambitions are nothing short of overthrowing New Zealand’s traditions, values, ideals, and even our national autonomy is in danger as she imposes the dictates of the UN, for example the UN Global Compact for Migration which itself proscribes heavy censorship and prosecutions for anyone who complains about it.
We also know with certainty that Arden regime seeks to use the education system to indoctrinate future generations in such Radical leftist doctrines as ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘Transgender ideology’.
Both are an attack on the Christian foundations of Western civilisation.
These radical socialists in power first need to grant themselves the legal authority to suppress public opposition before they ramp up their globalist woke scheme… which is why hate speech, and ‘online harm’ legislation is such a dangerous Machiavellian precursor.
They want to make it illegal for parents to complain about the radical political indoctrination of their children!
These things being so Freedom loving New Zealander need to think hard about who they are going to vote for next election, and whether or not they will help David Seymour and Act succeed in their ambitions to ensure future generations of Kiwi will have the right to speak their minds in public.
Free speech is necessary is because free individuals will never agree on everything… even among friends.
‘Evil prevails when good men do nothing’
Act is far from perfect… far from Libertarian, yet as things stand I believe getting in behind them on this absolutely critical right… at this absolutely critical juncture in time… is the right thing to do.
The New Zealand Government is in the process of *Criminalising Speech*… making speech punishible under the Crimes Act.
P.S A new Free Speech Union has started up. I certainly will be investigating this further with a view of support.
New trade union launched to promote free speech.
The Free Speech Coalition is relaunching as a trade union under the name “Free Speech Union” and has successfully registered under the Employment Relations Act.
“That name is not ironic”, says Dr David Cumin, a founding member of the Union’s Council. “We think it says crisply just what is now needed to defend freedom of speech. We need to stand with people being intimidated, cancelled, de-platformed, piled on by social media, doxxed and threatened with bankruptcy if they seek legal protection.”
“Becoming a bona fide union is important because defending freedom of speech has come to need the collective solidarity, the mutual support, the kind of activism that made labour unions so important over 100 years ago.”
“For the last two years, the Free Speech Coalition has been campaigning to prevent the growth of anti-free speech case law and legislation. The Coalition was founded in response to the statements by the Auckland Mayor and actions of his Council in banning two controversial speakers from hosting a talk at a publicly owned venue. The founding members of the Coalition saw the greatest threat to New Zealand’s tolerant and diverse culture of free public discourse as coming directly from the power of the state.”
As a Bibliophile few things can compare to the discovery of a Book that contains monumental truths, that have been Forgotten or ignored.
Truths that radically challenge the direction of current politics and thought.
They can be plainly written… innocent of any political motives… yet the weight of their implications for anyone who grasps them are profound.
And it can take *special people* to appreciate how important such works are…. people who appear to have been specially prepared before hand to be able to recognize and understand what is at stake, and to be burdened enough to carry this information out into the world… knowing they will face a hostile reaction from the vested interest of the status quo, and all the people who have been deceived into believing the Falsehoods and revisionist histories which prop up current political agendas.
This Blog post is yet another one of many that though it is of First Rank in importance, I have delayed producing it out of fear that I am too exhausted to do the subject justice… so I have procrastinated.
I have decided that I best approach this subject in two parts… My personal rant being part 1, and the full body of the topic in part 2… with a link to to this first part in the appropriate spot.
I almost chose not to write this first part because of it’s “ME, ME” factor…. “I’m so great” “I’m So Clever!”… which is rightfully cringe-worthy, yet I realized that unless I do write this first part, opportunity to write some valuable insights will missed, as well as some valid explanations as to why I feel compelled to write such things.
Now I could write this in a less grandiose manor, yet again this would miss opportunity to employ literary (and biblical) ‘motifs’ that deserve to be utilised because of their value and thereby kept alive… so let me beforehand apologise for any lofty Flying horses I paint myself riding across the Stratosphere. 🙂
I do so because I think it’s important for Individuals to feel valuable, and that their lives have *Real Divine purpose*… that they have Missions to achieve in this life…. if only they are brave enough to follow their convictions.
Enough said… Here is Part 1… about a plain blue covered little book called ‘The advance of the Missionaries’ by H.C. Fancourt.
A book that deserves to be republished and disseminated throughout New Zealand schools, and Bookstores.
‘Black is the new white’. When being a Radical becomes the new conservatism, and requires a new Radicalism to confront it… enter Tim Wikiriwhi.
I am fast approaching 50 years of age, and of Maori descent on my fathers side as my name evidences, yet I am also a Christian, and of Pakeha descent on my mothers side.
I hope mentioning the fact that I am a Christian will not cause too many of my readers to click on the x… yet as my subject in the title says this blog is about a book on Missionary work, I will assume most readers will be prepared for some discussion on religion.
And it is with this in mind that I have decided to weave in some Biblical constructs into my story to flavour it with the concepts of Providence, and that Human individuals each have a Divine purpose and reason to be here on planet Earth.
It is up to individuals to seek out what is their vocation.
So let me breifly explain why I believe the circumstances of my life… though at first glace appear to be full of negativity, ultimately have fitted me to be able to write on the following topic, and embark on such a radical departure from the socially engineered norm.
As I have already said, my Mother was Pakeha, my Father was Maori, and without dragging out the tale, it will suffice to say that My mother left my father when I was about 3 years old because he was a violent drunk.
You can find a more detailed account of this in a speech I delivered >here.
I am not here wallowing in a ‘Poor me’ story… though obviously when these sorts of troubles break up families this can have very terrible effects on Children, and sadly this is a very common horror faced by a disproportionate number of Maori Kids, comparative to other demographics.
This does give me an inside view of such social and individual trauma and how it can affect the development of Maori Kids and their perceptions about life.
One aspect that may be seen as a negative that happens to many Maori children is that my parents break up resulted in us three children being separated also from our Maori whanau, and with the process of time becoming completely alien from that side of our heritage.
We missed out on growing up in close relationship with our Maori kin… and without doubt that is a great loss.
Yet it at this point I wish to introduce the concept that even through bad events and circumstance, that Providence can shine and work for good.
When I and my brother and sister were separated from our Maori whanau and their influence, we were immersed in the Pakeha world and raise under the wing of two of the most wonderful human beings that ever graced God’s own… My enlightened and benevolent Pakeha Grandparents John and Marie Clark.
They were Both Teachers, Both Civic minded and liberal, Compassionate towards Maori, and raised a family of socially conscious children who went on to be Teachers, Policemen, etc.
My Pakeha Grandfather was Loved by the Maori people because he went out of his way to help them, spending many years teaching in Maori communities, he learned to speak Maori fluently, and was given a Taonga of Great Mana… a carved orators stick of which few can compare in power and beauty.
This Taonga would be the highest treasure in our family… it’s significance and meaning inspire awe and reverence for our great Father.
Much Higher than his medal for public service from the PM Geoffrey Palmer.
My Grandparents adopted a Maori child into their family who was the victim of abuse, and he became my much loved ‘Uncle Paddy’.
Granddad Died in 2006 and I have written a short tribute to his memory >here.
So though My parents Divorce had negative aspects… they were greatly mitigated by the positive influences of my Pakeha family… and so my upbringing in the early formative years of my life was separated from my Maori roots.
How this separation has served to prepare me to now help those of Maori Blood, I liken unto the biblical story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his envious brothers… a terrible thing to happen yet a circumstance that Providence used to save the children of Israel from starvation and destruction in the wilderness.
I would hope my readers are familiar with this historic drama, and those of you who are not should go and read it.
You will find it in your Authorized King James Bible Genesis chapters 37-50.
My point is I believe God/ providence works like this in all our lives… that we experience circumstances to prepare us for our true mission in life.. and make us uniquely qualified for the noble tasks that need men and woman of character and principle to champion.
Thus I was not radicalized with the idea that Pakeha are Greedy Racists that Rob Maori of everything and seek to keep them underfoot.
My experience was the very opposite… that there was a loving and mutual respect between Maori and Pakeha… an enjoyment of each others company…. Co-operation for commonly held ambitions.
I was not raised to think of myself as a Warrior… or that my Race was of any consequence at all.
I was taught to be self responsible and to treat my fellow humanity with respect and equality irrespective of their ethnicity.
And I was encouraged to dream about a future as a Teacher, a scientist… eventually I chose to become an engineer, which is a *secular trade* meaning it is not an atheist trade, or a Christian trade… not a Pakeha trade… or a Maori trade… it is simply ‘A trade’… a set of valuable skills and wisdom that is useful to *anyone* who chose to apply themselves to gaining mastery of the art, and it will enable *anyone* to earn an honest living and support themselves and their whanau, and help them to pursue their dreams and ambitions at their own expense.
Life is *what you make it* So many people wallow in misery because of their own foolish choices and ideas… yet love to blame others.
God was preparing me for my task ahead. I Believe this, yet even if you dont believe in providence, I am sure you can see how circumstances molded *this Maori* to perceive the relationship between Maori and Pakeha New Zealanders as being very different to the political Propaganda of the Maori Radicals and what has become via 4o years of agitation ‘The official line… that Maori are the victims of a Rapacious ‘invasion’ and that all their negative social statistics may be squarely blamed on colonisation and Pakeha Racism instead of their own lack of Ethical self responsibility… their willful dependence on Welfare… their victim and blame mentality… all of which is being fed by a nasty political class of racists who use this misery for their own political ends.
Just how ensnaring and hate-generating such ideas are is reflected in the vehemence of the protester against anyone (like myself) who dares challenge the legitimacy of their outrageous claims.
The mainstream media labels anyone who dares challenge the Official line of pandering to “Maori Treaty grievance” as being ‘Hate speakers’… Racists… dangerous … whose opinions must be suppressed.
So such were the influences of my early childhood.
Yet everything was not Rosy, my mother shacked up with another dangerous psychopath who would take us away from the safety of our beloved Grand parents and traumatize us for years to come… causing all sorts of psychological and physical problems and wounds.
as this has little to do with the topic I will skip it, other than to say that my life has never been plain sailing, and that I myself have traveled a stormy sea….and come very close to ship wreak many times… yet thankfully I have always had … that island of good sence to look back to… that was the values my Grandparents and Pakeha family instilled.
I became a Christian at the age of 18, and thus began my walk with God… I at least knew who he was, though my rebellious nature would take years and years to subdue… and still to this day is quick to sin.
My ongoing saga would involve suffering a personal family break up and several dark years in depression… an outer-body experience in which I became another person… dangerous and filled with anti-social malice.
I did things in this period of darkness completely out of character and this brought me into trouble with the Law.
Things for which I am greatly ashamed of, yet must still own.
Today I have tried yet again to reinvent myself… not to be *That guy*.
I now council men who find themselves in such circumstances to take extreme care not to spiral downward like crashing plane… for it makes climbing skyward again so much harder, and many of the hurtful things that you do to others can never be undone… and you must carry those deeds in your conscience for the rest of your days.
These experiences have given me empathy for the countless lost young men who end up on the wrong side of the law, and a belief that anyone can recover themselves and reform… if they have the will to do so.
After many years of rebellious youth and young adulthood, again Providence would conspire to lead me out of the storms… and teach me the final lessons that I needed to learn so that I would be ready to face the monumental task ahead.
I grew in wisdom of the principles of Christian ethics, and in Political science, and how to apply the principles of ethics to actual outcomes in real time… the apprehension that we exist in a realm of moral cause and effect, and thus the massive implications of our personal moral self- responsibility for our own choices and values we embrace.
For it is one thing to be taught about ethics and values, but quite another to learn how to actually apply them and understand how our ideas impact on our lives.
Most of my life I have lived very much as the socialists tell us things are… Like a little boat with no oars at the mercy of Gigantic waves and Riptides…. a victim of circumstance… rather than circumstance being the great moral teacher… calling each of us to quit moping about… crying about how tuff and unfair life is.. and instead take command of our own vessel and purposely steer ourselves into the wind.
To take responsibility for the sort of person I am…. that my own character is determined by my values and the choices I make.
I am not particularly intelligent, so I learned most of my valuable life lessons the hard way by personal experience, rather than by learning from *other peoples mistakes*… which is far more intelligent.
When I reflect on my own life I see how I myself was contributing to the negative social statistics… yet by the grace of God I have at least been smart enough to learn to stop banging my head and wonder why it hurts… and been led to apprehend the nature of the real issues that face Maori … and others who occupy the blunt end of our society.
My School has not bequeathed me with fancy certificates of learning… no honors… no Initials follow my name.
I dont speak from having sat at the feet of Ivory tower intellectuals… which is another blessing, for the schools of our nation have been filled with the Propaganda mongers of the Treaty grievance industry.
I have learned the true value of the Bible, not just in the salvation of my soul for the next life, but it’s Life saving ethics, and it is at this point that my introduction to this wonderful little book begins, and why I value it among my most precious books, and also why I will be taking the trouble to give my Blog readers a worthy Review.
I have not touched on the doctrines of treaty separatism today or how the malicious doctrines of Maori Radicalism have now become ‘the conservative view’. It has been enough for me to describe my journey and how today *I’m the radical* because the truths I champion are in stark contrast to what is being taught in schools and via the media.
You would think that there would be thousands of Non-tribalist Maori out there with similar experiences as my own, who would agree which what I have said, unfortunately these thousands to great extent have been swept up by the Radicalization of The Treaty separatists as much as those whom have close ties with their tribes. Indeed many of these Maori have been made to feel ashamed because they dont know their Whakapapa… like my Uncle Paddy… and recently the Comedian ‘Gish’ explained these feelings too (see video below).
Because such a large percentage of Maori actually live in cities completely disconnected from their tribal roots… often not welcome there… The separatist movement has invented another Tribe ‘Ngati Urban Maori’…. so they too can join the Grievance band wagon.
So to borrow from the Bible again, I feel a bit like John the Baptist…. alone in the wilderness calling my fellow Maori to ‘Repent’… and make yourselves fit for the kingdom.
Mine is the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
I am appealing to Maori who can see that what I am saying is true… yet of course it is dangerous and alienating to any that would dare stand with me in opposition to the political agenda that grants Maori special rights and privileges… an entire industry and ‘economy’ and hundreds of millions of tax dollars.
Again in regards to the vile racism of the Treaty grievance industry I quote from the book of Revelation… “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues.” Rev18vs4.
I want to highlight the truth that Parents, and teachers hold such a massive power over the minds of their children and young people… and that even adults who are ignorant of the truth can easily become the willing victims of evil propaganda that pretends to have their best interests at heart… yet leads them down the Road to hatred… Read about where haters come from >here.
Haters Gina Hate…hate hate, I’m asking you to heed Taylor Swift and Shake Shake Sake it off!
For your own sakes.
My Father disappeared into the South… changing his name to avoid Child support dues… and eventually fathered another little Girl… my sister whom has only recently made contact with us… much to our Joy, and we are yet to met.
She has lived in complete isolation, and so it will be a great day when we embrace.
Also via facebook I have been able to establish contact with many members of my Maori whanau and it is heartening to know that they are open to building closer ties.
I am grateful that in spite my views are in stark contrast to what is considered ‘normal’ and ‘right’ that they have all been very warm towards me which shows greatness on their part, and one of the chief reasons I am writing these blog posts it to try and explain myself clearly to them to hep them understand that I am not the enemy, and that in truth I have the best interests of the Maori people, and all New Zealanders as a whole at heart… because in truth there is no conflict of interest.
Liberty and Justice, and equality before the law serves everyone best.
Life is hard… a struggle, and there definitely are political injustices that make it difficult to climb up out of poverty , yet they are not the injustices as described by the dishonest and deluded socialists… of the Left and Right.
In fact most of the injustices may be squarely leveled at the corrupt Nanny State politics of these socialists themselves!
They tell Maori they are victims, they tell them they are not responsible for their own well being… etc etc that they need to be treated as basket cases…. yet all this is doing is passing the buck and ensnaring Maori further in welfare dependence and Race hatred.
I Seek to absolutely reverse these doctrines of victimism and dependence… yet to do so I must speak Hard truths that require the self-ownership and personal effort and responsibility of each Maori person *as an Individual*.
And at the heart of all this lies the ethics that are integral to Christianity… self reliance, self responsibility.
It was Providence that brought the Missionaries here from England.
God’s Compassion for the Maori.
My next post I want to start explaining the monumental impact of the Christian message upon the Maori people… as it was brought to these islands by the selfless and brave Missionaries who came here not out of greed, or a desire for conquest… but out of Christian Love and a desire to shine the wondrous light, of the gospel and the brotherhood of humanity… and how this Saved the Maori people from self destruction and the misery of the darkest forms of savagery and superstition that were the lot of Pre-European Maori subsistence.
That contrary to the lies of the Anti-colonialist Maori Radicals… that Christianity and British sovereignty raised up Maori out of the most wretched conditions… and that in comparison even the most destitute today are still by far better off than when Tribalism was in full swing, and War, slavery, and cannibalism was the norm.
I have lightly touched on this >here.
I have spent the best part of two decades attempting to share the positive vision I have for Maori that will come by ending racial separatism, and starting a new Era of Self-Reliance and Co operation, and I will continue to do so as long as the evils of Racist treaty separatism continue to destroy race relations in our nation and keep Maori wallowing in self-pity and malice.
These are at the heart of why I seek to promote the truths that are in this little volume… ‘The advance of the missionaries’, and intend to see it in print again, or available as an E Book… and would appreciate any help that people out there can give me.
Please contact me in the comments below, or private message me on Facebook.
So ends my introduction to this subject.
It will appear as a link at the beginning of my next post.
I hope I have stimulated interest in the main body of truth that I hope to share about my topic.
Cheers to my readers who have endured such a long post.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
1611 King James Bible believing Dispensationalist Christian and Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Read my Free Radical article on Bainimarama’s Fijian Coup and The Right of Revolution’ Here:
2000 years on, The Gospel message about ‘The Builder’ Jesus Christ still works it’s life changing…. saving power.
All the Atheist Lies and darkness in this world have not dimmed the Light of truth.
It shines for anyone who doers not love the Darkness… for anyone who is not willfully blind.
Below is the testimony of another popular and Successful person who is proud to be a Christian, and who encourages others to trust in Christ.
I give thanks to God for his testimony.
The Gospel of God’s grace is the most important truth that all human beings must choose to embrace… or be damned…
It matters not if you dont like the choice… it is unavoidable… each and everyone’s *own choice* will determine where you spend eternity.
The fool has said in his heart ‘there is no God’.
The heart of man is deceitful above all things… and desperately wicked.
It is appointed unto man, once to die… and after this… the Judgement.
God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners…. Christ died for us… and rose again the third day in victory over sin and death.
Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
1611 King James Bible believer,
Tim Allen Shares The Heartbreaking Story That Lead To His Faith In Jesus. (
Tim Allen may be known for his hilarious jokes and handyman hobbies, but there’s a side of Tim Allen many haven’t seen.
Tim Allen believes in God. And if you meet him in person, you’ll quickly learn that he’s unashamed to tell you so.
But Allen doesn’t claim to be a perfect Christian. In fact, he admits that many of his life’s deepest struggles are what caused him to turn to Christ.
Tim Allen hasn’t always had it easy.. Like many celebrities of our day, Allen wrestled with addiction and alcoholism in his younger days.
Allen’s father was tragically killed by a drunk driver when Tim was only 11-years-old. Through the unimaginable grief, Tim struggled to pick up the pieces.
After his father’s tragic death, Allen questioned whether if he had prayed harder or had been with his father that fatal day, he could have prevented his death. Not knowing where else to turn, Allen found comfort in drug and alcohol abuse.
On October 2, 1978, Allen’s life took a dramatic turn when he was arrested for possession of over 650 grams (1.43 lb) of cocaine. Allen pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges, and was released after serving two years and four months in federal prison.
A few minutes ago, marked 2 years since this Heroic young man Won his Battle against Cancer.
I say he *won* because he lived life like a champ right to the very end… and kept his soul free of bitterness.
So many of us live longer… but not better.
Ultimately Life is not about how Rich or Famous you become… how cool the bike is that you ride, etc but how you play the cards that you have been dealt… and Scott played his hand like a master of the Game….with supreme courage and grace.
It was inspirational to witness his strength of character…. his determination to enjoy life… and to value his family and friends.
He was an Ambassador and spokesman for plight of Children and young people with medical afflictions, we all must remember him and contribute generously to Charities that are there fighting the fight for us.
Scott is one person definitely on my Hero list, and a person I will enjoy talking to when I have passed over into the Kingdom of our gracious and loving Heavenly Father.
Death is not the end.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
New Zealand.