Important note: This is not an attack on Maori students, or ordinary Maori. This is an attack on the shameful rubbish that is being peddled by Racist radicals posing as scholars and professors in our universities that is filling our young peoples minds with toxic lies about the history of our country and about very serious social problems going on today.
It is a rebuke of hopeless politicians like PM Chris Luxon who allow this travesty to go on indefinitely.
Just recently many New Zealanders were stupefied to learn ‘Maori scientists’ had been granted $4m Tax dollars by the NZ Gov to try and heal Kauri Die-back disease by playing recorded whale songs. The Oranga Project defended its methods, on its website referencing the cultural and scientific context of their work.
“Māori whakapapa describes how the kauri and tohorā (sperm whale) are brothers, but they were separated when the tohorā chose the ocean over the forest,” the project said on its website.
This is a gigantic farce and the people of New Zealand have had a guts full of being fleeced by snake oil salesmen under the guise of ‘honouring the Treaty’.
Nobody believes that Kauri trees and whales are brothers!
That may have been a belief 200 years ago… yet today no Maori believes that!
Only Radicalised academics foist their delusions (and evil ideologies) upon the nation.
It’s a scam!
These scammers are bringing the Maori people into disrepute.
It’s the same sort of rubbish as has recently happened in parliament when the entire house voted that Mount Taranaki be recognised as a Legal person!
How on Earth can our parliament be so absurd and contrary to truth and reason?
They are selling us all out to radicalism and delusion.
Yet these travesties are far from being the worst form of chicanery that is running amok!
Far worse is going on… contemptible rasict lies are being drilled into our children’s heads and are being institutionalised.
Maori ‘Academics’ claim the obscenely high incidence of child abuse in Maori communities is not their fault!
We are told it’s not because Maori lack self-control and Ethics…. no… Maori academics like Associate Professor Leonie Pihama says colonisation is the root cause of the high rates of Maori child abuse.
She blames History, White people, and racist systemic oppression for Maori murdering and abusing their kids!
This is an outrage!
This is not scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced toxic and hateful radical ideology with no basis in reality… and it’s passing the buck.
These people are demented racists.
What is even worse is that Politicians Like Ardern and Chris Luxon Bite into that Shit sandwich and swallow.
They are fully lobotomised by these radical beliefs.
They allow them to be shoved down the throats of the good people of New Zealand who are also expected to swallow.
They allow these racist lies to be disseminated in our schools and universities!
This is systematic vandalism of History. It is generating a pandemic of vile racism amongst Maori, and indoctrinates new generations of Maori Radicals and extremists to guarantee New Zealand gets no rest for the foreseeable future.
And that is not even the worst consequences of such systematic propaganda.
These despicable falsehoods are reeking havoc in our most essential institutions such as our Laws and Justice system.
I wrote an article about another shyster Gov Report (like He pua pua) called ‘A Vessel of tears’ that blames Maori crime on colonisation, and we can see the justice Dep trying to implement these racist lies when in October last year, due to public backlash NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC was forced to withdraw her controversial guidelines she had issued instructing judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.
She revised and re-issued her guidelines yet she has exposed her hand…. she buys into the lies that Maori are not fully responsible for their own criminality… and that blame lies with Pakeha colonisation.
I’m certain a copy of ‘A Vessel of Tears’ sits in her top office draw.
^Satire posted on X… yet what makes satire funny/concerning is that there is always a kernel of truth. What really is Luxon thinking?
Anti-colonialism is a Marxist doctrine designed to undermine and destroy Western Capitalist nations like New Zealand.
These are some of the evil lies slandering Pakeha and perpetuating Maori victimhood that underpin Treaty separatism and the Treaty Grievance industry that Woke National party PM Chris Luxon refuses to address!
Head up his own arse!
It’s been business as usual for racist radicalism under Luxon.
It’s like Ardern’s never left office!
New Zealanders have a right to be livid at his pig headed refusals to stop this Racist madness.
In truth Luxon is way out of his depth.
He’s incompetent on so many levels.
Naïve and cowardly… and seeking to ‘out-woke’ Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealanders must face the truth that National is no alternative to Labour… they are effectively one and the same.
We desperately need leadership of courage and principle… to restore our Nation back to it’s tolerant and enlightened recent past.
To make New Zealand Great again.
New Zealanders Need to Rally and organise themselves into a massive Protest protest movement to send a message to our Politicians that We will no longer tolerate these racist lies and extortions.
We demand an end to the fraud of Treaty separatism, and we demand Racial equality before the Law for all, be constitutionally enshrined forbidding any Racist laws or institutions being created in the future!
The longer these farcical delusions continue the more Maori slip into race hatred of Pakeha… the longer Maori will continue with their obscene levels of crime, and the more Maori children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.
Bill Ludbrook sent me a copy of his submission in support of Act’s Treaty Principles Bill, and gave me permission to share it here at Eternal Vigilance and elsewhere.
It is significant in that Bill steps up in defense of the true meaning of Te Tiriti O Waitangi… translated from the English ‘Littlewood Draft’… by the hand of his Great Great Grandfather… Chief Missionary Henry Williams in 1840.
Henry Williams looms large in this pivotal period of our nations history.
It is outrageous that modern revisionists place themselves… and their interpretation of the meaning of Maori Words over and above this Great man who was not only contemporary with the times, but also his Brother ‘William Williams’ authored The Maori Dictionary!
As Bill says in his submission… “Henry Williams will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdities of the situation.”
Bill also makes a very truthful claim about the Treaty being ‘Redundant’… It ought to be… yet that is a discussion for another hour.
The debate today is about what is the true meaning of the Treaty?
Why are the ‘Treaty Principles’ enacted in 1975 False?
Read Bill’s sub (below)…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
To: The Select Committee – Treaty Principles Bill Submission.
Dated: Monday 2nd December 2024.
My name is William (Bill) Ludbrook and I am a descendant of Henry Williams.
I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill, because it uncomplicates an ancient Maori document that nobody understands, if they ever did understand it at any given time?
In February 1840, New Zealand’s first Governor, Captain William Hobson of England, asked Henry Williams to translate Queen Victoria’s Treaty offer to New Zealand, into the Maori language to become known as “Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi”.
The Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi in its existing form, has now become redundant.
It remains controversial, it is ineffective, it is shameful, it is embarrassing, it is divisive, and it does not represent New Zealanders well in 2024 or 184 years after its date of execution between Rangatira and New Zealand’s first British Governor William Hobson in 1840.
My grandfather of two greats, Henry Williams, will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdity of the situation in New Zealand regarding “his Tiriti o’ Waitangi”
The ‘twisting and changing’ interpretations of our foundation document in New Zealand, by the Waitangi Tibunal and others, has been dramatic, inaccurate, and unacceptable!
The representatives of Queen Victoria would never have signed a Treaty in Queen Victoria’s name, without guaranteeing her full Sovereignty over that colony. To say otherwise is part of the absurdity emanating from some sectors of NZ today.
The Treaty of Waitangi was translated into the Maori language in 1840, for one solitary reason, and that is Rangatira Maori did not understand any language except the Maori language, especially as something as important as a Treatywith the British Royal Crown!
Obviously today in 2024, it is an entirely different proposition.
Every single Maori on this planet clearly understands the English language.
Henry William’s Maori version, referred to as te Tiriti o’ Waitangi, was signed by over 500 Maori Chiefs and Ariki throughout the country of New Zealand.
Only 39 Chiefs signed Queen Victoria’s English version.
To answer the reasons for this, we need to go back to the Treaty of Waitangi and compare what the English Treaty said originally, with what tribal representatives, ‘inept Waitangi Tribunal members’, and many ‘history ignorant’ politicians today say it says.
The final English draft from which the Treaty in Maori was written by Henry Williams, is called the Littlewood draft.
It has this name because this draft was given to a lawyer by the name of Henry Littlewood by James Busby and Hobson to check over the Treaty draft in English.
Henry Littlewood who was present in the Bay of Islands in the 1830s and 1840s is presumed to have had some association with the actors involved in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. This said document is written on paper watermarked as 1833 and is dated 4th of February 1840. This was the day Henry Williams was given the Treaty to translate into Maori. It has also now been confirmed as being in Busby’s handwriting. Therefore, the Littlewood Treaty draft in English, mirrors the official versions.
It went missing and was found in Auckland in 1989 (Nineteen Eighty-Nine) among family records belonging to the descendants of Henry Littlewood.
“The Fair Colony” (By Bruce Moon, New Zealand, Historian and Author, Second Edition, p6) confirmed it was the final original English draft. However, under pressure from activists, aided by various politicians, it was quickly taken out of sight by government officials and hidden away to this day.
When one compares the Treaty in Maori with the Littlewood Draft, we could say they are identical.
This is how historians can tell it was the Littlewood final draft that was used to draw up the Treaty in Maori by Henry Williams in 1840.
If you want to know what the Treaty in Maori says in English, then read the Littlewood draft.
Following, are the three Articles of the Treaty from this said Littlewood draft.
These articles are simple, and very easy to understand.
“Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England in her gracious consideration for the Chiefs and people of New Zealand, and her desire to preserve them their land and to maintain peace and order amongst them, has been pleased to appoint an officer to treat with them for the cession of the Sovereignty (sic) of their country and the islands of their country and of the islands adjacent to the Queen.
Seeing that already many of her Majesty’s subjects have already settled in the country and are constantly arriving, and that it is desirable for their protection as well as the protection of the natives to establish a government amongst them.
Her Majesty has accordingly been pleased to appoint me William Hobson a Captain of the Royal Navy to be Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may now or hereafter be ceded to Her Majesty and proposes to the Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand and the other Chiefs to agree to the following Articles”:
Article One:
“The Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes, and other chiefs who have not joined the Confederation, cede to the Queen of England forever the entire Sovereignty of their country”
Article two:
“The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings, and all their property. But the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other Chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them”
Article 3.
“In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them” end.
That is a clear, uncomplicated, easy to understand, Treaty of Waitangi.
Yet, what do we see today? A toxic culture of division being perpetrated by activists who are only interested in causing resentment. Instead of celebrating the benefits of a shared heritage, one that includes Western advancements that raised the standard of living for everyone. These agitators push for separatism. Co-governance, race-based laws, and constant demands for ‘decolonisation’ are going to rip our social fabric apart.
Here’s the truth: no nation can survive on the basis of two separate legal systems, one for one race and one for another. That’s not equality, it’s apartheid, plain and simple. And what makes it worse, is that this divisive ideology is being peddled under the guise of liberal ‘justice’. It’s not liberal and it’s not justice, it’s Maori supremacy, brought to you mainly by a number of present day new generation Maori.
We need to reject this path and embrace the only principles that made New Zealand a success: equality before the law, individual rights, and a shared national identity. We should respect Maori heritage, but respect isn’t achieved by bending the knee to historical grievances or rewriting the rules of governance to privilege one group over many others.
Maori culture, like Western culture, is worth preserving, and not through racial favouritism or endless guilt-tripping about colonisation. It’s preserved through genuine pride, mutual respect, and the recognition that we’re all citizens of the same country.
Kiwis are some of the most patriotic people you’ll ever meet. There’s a pride that runs deep in this country, pride in our way of life, pride in the freedoms we enjoy, and pride in the fact that we’ve created a society which, despite its flaws, is still one of the best in the world to live in. We’re fiercely protective of our home, our culture and our shared history.
So, when we talk about Maori and Pakeha relations, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of New Zealanders, regardless of their background, are united in their love for this country.
They want a future where we can all live side by side as equals, without the need
for separate laws or separate systems of governance.
This isn’t about ignoring the past or rejecting the Treaty, it’s about building a future that reflects the reality of what New Zealand is today: a diverse but unified country, where every person, regardless of their ancestry, has the same rights and accountabilities.
The reality is, most Kiwis want the same thing, respect for Maori culture and respect for our European heritage which gave us a parliament (and everything else). It’s time to stop using history as a weapon to divide us. New Zealand should be better than this.
I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill simply for reasons of clarity.
Also, what appears as conceivable and sensible and reasonable, is we already have a perfectly clear Treaty of Waitangi currently in our possession in the form of the said “Littlewood draft” which is already in the English language and will inevitably be clearly understood by every single New Zealander.
This may not be accepted because it may conjure an absurdity of being too simplistic, too easy, and too sensible to consider. On the other hand, it may be seen in the spirit and simplicity it is written.
Background to the author of this submission:
Archdeacon Henry William’s daughter Caroline, was my grandfather, Henry Ludbrook’s Mother.
My family were all born and bred on the same ‘sacred land’ at Pouerua, Pakaraka, and Taiamai, Bay of Islands, which Henry Williams purchased from 16 powerful Ngapuhi Chiefs and Ariki, including Hone Heke, in 1833.
Dr Aidan Challis of the Science and Research Division of the Department of Conservation, describes Pouerua as a “World Class Cultural Monument”
In his 20 years involvement with ‘Heritage Protection’ he says that “Pouerua and the main cone and associated lava, is a historical landscape of outstanding significance”
He says “Although there were once large horticultural Maori settlements throughout New Zealand, all but Pouerua have been destroyed”
“This special place” has a unique ancient archaeological history that has been designated by famous researchers as being one of the world’s largest, most intact unspoilt archaeological sites, anywhere in the world!
Dr Aidan Challis said “It could be likened to Hadrian’s Wall in England, or the Pyramids in Egypt, or the Colosseum in Rome, dating back to around 1200AD.
“It remains intact and unspoilt as it was during human (Maori) occupation hundreds of years ago”
“Pouerua, through the benign management practices of the Williams and Ludbrook families for 191 years has meant full protection of Pouerua has been allowed to occur”
Ownership of this subject land was passed down to Henry William’s Ludbrook grandsons over many generations.
Parts of this special place are still farmed by the Ludbrook family to this present day in 2024.
Closing comments:
Henry Williams, as an ex Royal Navy officer, arrived in NZ in 1823 from Britain to Head the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand.
In subsequent years, in 1840 he was to become known and revered by Maori throughout New Zealand for his courage as a Missionary and peacemaker, and always his intentions and willingness to help Maori deal with the tidal wave of lawless European pakeha settlers around this time.
He was recognised by Maori throughout the country and early settlers in New Zealand as being fearless. He feared his God and therefore had no fear of men.
On February 6th 1840, 40 Ngapuhi Chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi, at Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand.
Queen of England Victoria’s English version was translated into Maori by the Head of the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand, Henry Williams, and it has been known in this country ever since as Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi.
Any weak-kneed approach to the Treaty Principles Bill from anyone is exactly what NZ does not need!
At a time when Kiwis are yearning for strong leadership, that stands up for unity and fair-mindedness, Hon. David Seymour appears to possess all of those qualities required for these purposes!
Bill Ludbrook
Bay of Islands, New Zealand.
My name is Tim Wikirwihi.
I am a father, grandfather, a Christian Libertarian, and a Kiwi of both Maori and Pakeha descent.
Te Arawa is my Iwi.
In my daily affairs I never feel the need to mention my Maori ancestry, or Iwi as I do not see any relevance in my dealings with others.
In my work (I am a self employed engineer), or any other affairs I am simply Tim Wikiriwhi, and I expect others to interact with me simply on the basis of common humanity and my own reputation and character… not my race, yet given the nature of this Bill, and the position I stand for, I believe this is one of the few times that it is appropriate to mention my tribal affiliation because it adds an important context to my submission that I believe is essential for this committee to appreciate.
I am a representative of a substantial demographic that many pretend does not exist.
I am a New Zealander of Maori blood who emphatically supports this Treaty principles Bill and urge the committee to recommend it be passed into law.
Given Truth and Justice for our nation are at stake I think that it is vital for your committee to appreciate that there are many Maori like myself who stand with our fellow non-Maori countrymen earnestly desiring an end to the false doctrines of ‘Treaty separatism’, and a restoration of the true principles of the treaty that established a single Crown government over all peoples of New Zealand and that it guaranteed *Equality of rights* before the Law… for us all… As British subjects.
The Treaty did not establish a perpetual racial division.
It did not created a partnership of ‘shared governance’.
The Maori Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the British Crown.
These are the historical facts.
They are supported by mountains of documentation and recorded statements of such giants of Maoridom Sir Aparana Ngata, and evidence is plentiful in the Archives of the British and New Zealand Governments.
We even have the original English manuscript of the Treaty… penned by James Busby from which Te Tiriti o Waitangi was translated and transcribed.
The Littlewood Treaty.
Wars were fought and won to uphold the Sovereignty of the British Crown as written in the Treaty of Waitangi.
‘Treaty partnership’ as we know it today is a modern malicious political construct that exhumes dangerous racist rebellious delusions that had long been put to rest as a Nation resulting in prosperity, peace and unity.
Racist subversives have succeeded in hijacking our Nation and stirring up Race hate afresh.
These are facts… not opinions… embedded in historical realty.
To deny these is to falsify history and facilitate political fraud that was foisted upon our nation in 1975.
50 years of Heavy political favour has not lifted Maori out of their dire social statistics because it utterly fails to address the real causes of their plight!
It is not institutional racism that keeps Maori down, But institutional welfarism and dependence!
Maori need to take ownership and responsibility for their own crimes and poor health, and quit blaming everybody else… but themselves.
This is the key to breaking the social malaise that rests upon them, and will continue to do so as long as Treaty separatism and the grievance industries hold sway.
These blights on our Country require ongoing Racial strife for fuel.
This is the expertise of Radical Leftist Marxism.
The wave of ‘Anti-colonialism’/ calls for ‘decolonisation’ are a shameful slander upon the Good and Heroic Pioneers and Colonists who built this country not by thefts and oppression, but by sweat, toil, and virtue!
Making this Country the envy of the world and the envy of the racist radicals who are using political extortion to plunder our nation for themselves!
David Seymour (who is of Maori Descent) has boldly submitted this Bill for Parliament to consider as a first step in bringing this nasty Politics of race to heel.
One of the biggest hurdles to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament that have been the preserve and Powerbase for Maori Racists, Radicals, and extremists over the past 50 years.
Being a constant thorn in the side of any government who is not pandering to their demands.
When seeking to challenge any aspect of racial separatism, it takes heroic strength. integrity, and fortitude to weather the storm of vitriol that blows from the Racists occupying the Maori seats, yet who also enjoy a wall of security… protected from facing the just retaliation from the Non-Maori New Zealander voters they slander and extort by the perversion of our democracy… The Race based Electoral Roll.
They can Lie, and slander, and disrespect the bulk of the New Zealand citizenry without regard… for the Non-Maori people have no means by which they can vote them out.
Appalled by this situation many Maori like myself who reject the vile politics of race are not registered on the Maori roll.
We choose to stand as equals beside our Non-Maori Countrymen on the General roll.
And most grievous of all. Very often the Separate Maori seats hold the balance of power and so the Separatists revel in the opportunity to play ‘king makers’.
They are able to exact a high price for their support, playing the National Party and Labour party off against each other.
In their frenzy for power National and Labour then engage in selling out the rest of New Zealand to the demands of those holding the Maori seats.
This is how the separatist Seats corrupt our entire democracy and keeps our nation perpetually divided, and Maori in a state of Grievance, victimhood, and welfare dependence.
There is no end to this is sight unless New Zealanders wake up and demand Parliament fixes this disgusting racist travesty.
Yet herein lies the dilemma.
Any Coalition Gov that would move to end this travesty as Act is doing with this Treaty Principles Bill that we are considering today… must contend with the huge backlash that will ensue from the racist radicals in the Maori seats.
Hikios from Hell.
Hakas in the house, etc.
Vandalism of colonial monuments, etc.
Terrorism that causes feeble Governments to falter.
To repeat my assertion I made above IMO the biggest hurdle to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament.
This is where I call out New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.
Luxon has already said he will not allow National party MP to support this Bill past this stage of the process.
He intends to sink this bill… without even considering Submissions made by the New Zealand Public!
What arrogance!
Luxon does not have the spine to weather the slanders and angst that he fears will be his fate should he support this Bill.
Luxon knows that if He supports this Bill that next election the Maori Radicals will support a Labour led coalition government… so he is not considering this Bill on its merits… but on what the consequences possibly could be for the National party should he support it.
Should he continue on this path not only is his position immoral, not only will it cement his name in NZ history as being yet another facilitator of racist politics… that shall be his legacy and I believe he is making a massive strategic political blunder!
He’s misreading the temper of the New Zealand Public!
We the people of New Zealand have had enough of living in a two tier race based society and We will not forgive Luxon and National for siding with Te Pati Maori against his own coalition partner Act.
New Zealand put this coalition in office to address this issue in the light of what Jacinda Ardern was doing with Three Waters and The He Pua Pua Report, and it is something he said he would do!
Yet now he is reneging on his commitment. We will not forget this.
Support will bleed away from National towards Act.
You can be certain of it.
This Bill puts Act in the ascendency.
National would do well to support it thereby shoring up their own support.
Luxon underestimates just how angry New Zealanders are with the way things have been going… turning our country into an Apartheid Nation.
We have had it with the lies and extortion and the brainwashing going on in ours schools… the falsifying of history to condition the next generations of Kiwi into accepting being rendered second class subjects in their own Country.
Luxon claims to be focused on the economy and deludes himself that he can ignore this Cancerous growth in our Nations side.
If he cared about social justice and the economic condition of Maori he would support this bill as the establishment of One Citizenship, One law for all is absolutely essential for social justice… the first step to ending Maori dependence on the welfare state and embracing the philosophy of Self reliance *as individuals* for their own betterment.
For they must pull themselves out of the mire by their own bootstraps… no longer clinging to the apron of Nanny State.
They must learn and embrace good values and work ethics… these are essential if they are to shrug off crime.
This Treaty Principles Bill if passed into law will be the first step in the road to establishing One Citizenship, One law for all.
Ie establishing Justice and ending the false Treaty principles and extortion that has grown up from them.
To follow will be the abolishment of the Maori Seats in Parliament and the Race Based Electoral system.
Maori Politicians then will have to stand for election on the general roll and be accountable to all the people of New Zealand for their policies and utterances.
As a Maori I look forward to that day and will take personal pride in having raised my voice in advocacy for the True principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
That is the New Zealand I remember from my Childhood, and the New Zealand I wish to bequeath to my children’s children.
One New Zealand.
Equality for All.
Not all Black People are Poor.
Not all White people are Rich.
Not all Black people are criminals.
Not all White people are honest.
It’s a question of Values and ethics… not race.
Good values and ethics tends to Self responsibility. hard work, thrift and avoidance of Vice.
All this tends towards prosperity and higher quality of life. It tends towards being trusted… good business relations.
These people function well in freedom.
They vote pro-freedom… low taxes.
The person with poor values and ethics rarely has the integrity to admit their woes are mostly of their own doing… because of their own poor choices.
They rather tend to shift the blame onto others… and claim they are the victims of oppression.
It’s as simple as that.
They want government hand outs.
Statistics prove Black Americans, and Maori New Zealanders… lack Good values and ethics.
That is why they have terrible social statistics… not because of racial prejudice.
These sorry types are also preyed upon by Far left socialists who feed their envy and malice and use them as political footballs for their own political gains.
These ‘blamers’ vote far Left.
Blacks with good ethics rise above their peers.
Maori who migrate to Australia and elsewhere do well for themselves… because they tend to be individuals who are prepared to work for their own betterment rather than wallowing in self pity and blame.
Whites with poor Values and ethics suffer the same fate … they live in poverty… they tend towards crime… they blame others for their lot in life… and vote Left.
The other group of Left voting whites are the chumps who feel guilty about belonging to the demographic that enjoys the higher standards of living and believe the Leftist Bullshit that the reason they do so is because they belong to the ‘oppressor class’. They are too stupid to understand the dynamics of Freedom and Self responsibility.
Brian’s article From Here on X
Saved for reference.
Brian Tamaki
💥Toitū te Tiriti Hikoi supporters…listen up!
The news that John Tamihere’s Waipareira Trust has lost its Charities Services registration should come as no surprise. Tamihere has rorted the system for decades, behaving like a cartel boss who thinks he’s untouchable. And why wouldn’t he? Political parties have enabled him for years, entrusting millions of taxpayer dollars to this guy without holding him accountable.
COVID was Tamihere’s cash cow. Between 2020 and 2022, Waipareira revealed it received $15.6 million in COVID funding from the government.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s talk about Whānau Ora, which has been cashed in on to the tune of over $1.185 billion since 2010:
▪️2010-2013: $33.5 million per year
▪️2014: $68 million
▪️2015: $49.8 million over four years
▪️2016: $40 million over four years + $11.38 million transferred from MSD
▪️2017: $10 million over four years
▪️2019: $80 million over four years
▪️2020: $136 million over two years + $19 million COVID-19 Response Package
▪️2021: $120 million Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund
▪️2022: $166.5 million over four years
▪️2023: $168.1 million over four years
▪️2024: WOCA given an additional $600k, increasing funding to $182.3 million for the year
That’s $1.185 billion in Whānau Ora funding—and that’s not even counting the other government contracts Tamihere has picked up with Te Puni Kōkiri, ACC, Oranga Tamariki, Statistics NZ, the Electoral Commission and more.
Whānau Ora operates under the Ministry of Māori Development, but John Tamihere, as CEO of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (WOCA), has made himself the gatekeeper of all Māori funding. This was orchestrated by Tariana Turia in 2014, funnelling all Māori funding through Whānau Ora and into Tamihere’s hands. Since then, he’s overseen the distribution of millions of funding to various Māori organisations, where Waipareira gets the lion’s share, where he also happens to be CEO.
It doesn’t stop there. Tamihere is also the chairman of NUMA (National Urban Māori Authority), following in the footsteps of Willie Jackson, who previously chaired NUMA and led the Manukau Urban Māori Authority (MUMA). Jackson, now in Parliament, has used his political influence to channel funding to these urban Māori authorities, including Waipareira.
But where is the accountability? Who has been signing off on these massive sums? Let’s name them:
▪️2010-2014: Dame Tariana Turia (Te Pāti Māori) under National’s finance minister
▪️2014-2017: Te Ururoa Flavell (Te Pāti Māori) under National’s finance minister
▪️2017-2020: Peeni Henare (Labour Party in coalition with NZ First & Greens)
▪️2020-2023: Willie Jackson (Labour Party)
▪️2024: Tama Potaka (National Party in coalition with NZ First and ACT)
All of the political parties currently in Parliament have enabled this corruption at some level. Winston Peters himself pointed out on Wednesday that he often used to work with Willie Jackson’s mother, the founder and initial CEO of MUMA. NZ First and Shane Jones have also come under fire in past years for their $3 billion Provincial Growth Fund which has been littered with accusations of conflicts of interest and labelled a slush fund for their mates.
Te Pāti Māori and their recent hikoi would have you believe that the Pākehā have taken everything from Māori, yet they undermine Māori mana daily by taking from their own people right under their noses.
Billions of dollars have been funnelled into the hands of a few elites, yet urban Māori in cities like Auckland are worse off today than they were in 2010. Where is the practical help? Where is the real support for grassroots Māori? The truth is, most urban Māori would say they’ve seen none of this money. It’s lining the pockets of elites like Tamihere and his political cronies.
If you are Māori and live in a city like Auckland, or are attached to an Iwi…ask yourself this honest question…when did you last receive a cent from these Urban Māori Authorities, or from your Iwi? All the while they are racking up excessive amounts of assets, paying Tamihere & Co exorbitant salaries and accumulating massive surpluses from unspent funds.
I see the realities every day through the volunteer work of ManUp and Legacy. We pick up the pieces of broken Māori families who are struggling because of a lack of government support. I’ve got the authority to call out the corrupt actions of Tamihere and Jackson because I’m on the ground, doing the work they claim to care about.
The lack of meaningful support for grassroots Māori has driven many into desperation. With few options available, far too many have become homeless. Many have turned to gangs for money and support—seeking the stability and security that their leaders and the political system have failed to provide. This is a tragedy, a direct consequence of leaders prioritising their own power and influence over the well-being of the people they claim to serve.
The real losers here are everyday Māori. Funds meant to empower whānau have been diverted to serve the political ambitions of a select few. It’s time for accountability. It’s time for change. And it’s time to stop them ripping off our own people.
Before you mock me, or criticise me, just remember the facts don’t lie. For all of the Māori funding that has flowed, Māori statistics have got worse in every area…crime, prisons, domestic violence, health, education, housing, mental health, and poverty.
It’s no wonder so many Māori leaders cosy up to John Tamihere and Willie Jackson, perpetuating a cycle of power and influence that ultimately sells out our people. From Iwi leaders to individuals like Hone Harawira and Matthew Tukaki, the connections are undeniable. Tamihere has wielded unprecedented power with taxpayer funding for Māori initiatives, creating an ecosystem where Te Pāti Māori has been a clear benefactor of this corruption. Don’t forget Tamihere is the President and Purse String holder of Te Pāti Māori. Their political campaigns reek of misconduct, and the entanglements are staggering.
Take Takutai Tarsh Kemp, for example—once on the board of Whānau Ora and CEO of Manurewa Marae, her connections epitomise the overlapping roles within this corrupt network. Even Rawiri Waititi, Te Pāti Māori’s co-leader, is Tamihere’s son-in-law, and his wife, also Tamihere’s daughter, was the party campaign manager, further demonstrating how deeply these ties run. Willie Jackson’s complicity as part of this cartel should see him removed from any position of influence.
What’s worse, Te Pāti Māori’s candidates have gained their positions in Parliament through corrupt practices, making a mockery of the democratic system. They should be ousted immediately. Their continued presence in Parliament is not only a stain on our political institutions but also an insult to the very people they claim to represent. New Zealand deserves leaders who earn their positions through integrity, not deceit.
New Zealand has never seen political corruption reach these depths.
As one of the few Māori leaders of a large organization untainted by their dealings, I have no hesitation in calling out this betrayal of our people.
This is a moment of reckoning—one that demands transparency, accountability, and integrity for the sake of Māori and all New Zealanders.
It’s time to put an end to this era of manipulation and corruption. Only then can we begin to rebuild trust and empower grassroots Māori to thrive without exploitation or neglect.
…It’s time to drain the Māori Elite swamp!
Take Note MSM, time to cut your ties with TPM too:
Te Pati Maori Radicals are a different breed of politician that only succeeds because of the apartheid electoral system which allows them to have no concerns about what the general public think about them. They don’t have to appeal to the general public to get elected. They only have to pander to the interests of a select section of the whole population and they gear their antics to that mindset… they are actors and performance artists… ‘let me sing you the song of my people’… type stuff.
The one thing these radicals fear *is a general referendum* because then… unlike the elections… there fate will be determined by *the general population* whom they have spent their careers slandering and poking their Tongues and Fingers at.
Binding referendums are a dangerous tool upon which there needs to be clear limits, yet *When a truly democratic process is allowed to take place… Their Politics is doomed*.
The only reason a referendum is called for on this issue is because Parliament is too feeble to make a sound judgement for the well being of the General public. The Law to rid New Zealand of every racist institution would never pass via parliament yet it is guaranteed to pass by popular referendum… which shows just how *non-representative* parliaments are when they are filled with unprincipled woke socialist Boneheads and cowards.
On this issue Seymour stands head and shoulders above the rest because his bill is founded upon Just and reasonable principles.
Not a single cogent nuanced argument has been leveled against his bill. (I can think of several arguments myself that would work far better than anything opposition MP have tabled)… and look at how pathetic Luxons rationale is as to why he is instructing National to oppose the bill!
Its yet another example of the shame and cowardice of the entire National party Caucus. If I was a National party MP I would lead a challenge against Luxon for this and I would refuse to reject the bill.
As for the haka…
There are already rules for behavior in the house. They just need to be enforced.
One thing is certain… The antics of Te Pati Maori in parliament have hurt the mana of the Haka in the eyes of the international community.
They are getting sick of it… they don’t appreciate it… and there is no valid reason why they should.
The Haka has been abused and this is sad.
I believe the haka has great value for New Zealanders when it is used at appropriate times… Less is more…. more is less. ‘More’ devalues it.
What the Maori Party did in parliament was blatant abuse.
Two Maori were contending in the house for their side of the debate. One behaved with Civility and made reasonable arguments. The other had no arguments but instead broke out into a frenzy and created a spectacle.
IMO one Maori (David Seymour) represents a modern day Maori of Mana and enlightenment… a man of Reason.
The other Maori (Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke) represents a delusion. A regressive caricature … trapped in the past… of a savage Age in which War and violence were how disputes were settled rather than via Reason and the rule of law.
So of these two Maori… which exemplifies a role model we would want today’s young Maori to emulate and aspire to be like?
The Savage or the Statesman?
When asked why she had broken out in the haka Hana said “that is all I know… to be Maori”.
That speaks a thousand words as to why she is unfit to be in parliament!
‘That is all she knows’…. and *That* is what she thinks *being Maori entails!* She’s absolutely delusional!
She has no vision for Maori to progress out of the trap of Maori radicalism by which Maori are expected to see themselves as noisy irrational savages locked in perpetual tribal warfare.
*Her only skill set is performance art*
*Her only politics is the politics of Race, victimism, and graft*
No wonder most Maori don’t vote Te Pati Maori.
The small Bay of Plenty Town of Opotiki was centre stage for New Zealand news this week after a regional Gang Boss was murdered.
The victim was Mongrel Mob ‘Barbarians’ Chapter President Stephen Rota Taiatini.
Word is he was taken out… Run down by a Ute… following shortly after MM associates did a hit on a rival gang residence, thus fueling fears of a Gang war.
News media report the town became ‘locked down’, not by Police investigating the crime, but was ‘taken over’ by the Mongrel Mob, as gang members from far and wide congregated in Opotiki in a display of Gang solidarity and strength.
They were controlling who was allowed in and out of certain areas.
Gang ‘Tangi’ are some of the biggest funerals that happen in New Zealand, esp when the deceased is a Gang Boss.
Hundreds of motorcycles, trucks, and gang sleds rumbling about, doing burn outs and other general Thuggy deeds. Schools shut down for fears of children’s safety.
Media says the Police are out numbered and have lost control of the situation.
This could not have happened at a worse time for New Zealand’s crumbling Woke Labour government.
Jacinda Ardern destroyed the Kiwi Dream and then abandoned her country leaving her political comrades to bear the fallout of her incompetence, our angry nation reeling under heavy inflation and a violent crime wave.
True to her own megalomania she now gives zero fucks about what’s happening in her wake. She’s ‘reluctantly’ accepted a Damehood, and is moving on to far more important things.
It has been the fate of Chris Hipkins to inherit her legacy and despite trying to back peddle on many of Ardern’s unpopular Woke policies, Labour is looking at defeat to a National and Act Party coalition.
Limp wristed Policing under woke Ardern is being blamed for a huge spike in violent crime, armed robberies, and Ram raids, etc. The NZ Police having been Rainbow-ised woke-a-fied and told not to pursue criminals, but allow them to get away… for fear they might crash. The Labour Government’s ‘Dis-information project’ leading the narrative that White supremacy, and far right ideology are the greatest dangers running rampant in New Zealand communities. ( Not Crime, Not Gangs, Not Maori radicalism, Not Green Extremism) Our Radical Leftist government and their extremist auxiliaries in the Green Party and the Maori Party are retraining the NZ Police to think ordinary New Zealanders who seek to retain their traditional rights and values are New Zealand’s greatest criminal elements!
What is now happening in Opotiki demonstrates all this and so much more.
Chris Hipkins and the Police have characteristically bumbled this situation.
As soon as news of this murder reached Police HQ, Bus loads of Police should have been dispatched quick smart to Opotiki, and The Police should have been in strong enough numbers to maintain Law and Order.
That Opotiki would soon swarm with Gang members was as predictable as night follows day!
The Police ought to have been respectful of well behaved Mongrel Mob members visiting Opotiki, which they have every right to do, yet not allow them to ‘take over control of the town’ and disrupt ordinary folk safely going about their own business, And to make it clear who is in charge.
But this did not happen.
Leading opposition Party, National’s Christopher Luxon has been election campaigning on Labours Law and order catastrophe said ”
“Right now a town in New Zealand has been overtaken by a gang. Schools are closed. Public transport has been cancelled. And Chris Hipkins’ response? It’s not his job to deal with crime,” Luxon tweeted on Tuesday.
“The people in Ōpōtiki are living in fear due to gang tension. They deserve better. They deserve leadership. National will get tough on crime and restore law and order.”
The National Party leader said New Zealand can’t afford three more years of a “soft-on-crime” Labour Government.
According to Te Pati Maori (Maori Party) MP Rawiri Waititi both gangs involved in this murder are Te Whakatohea ‘whanau’, and incidentally Waititi himself belongs to this tribe, and therefore considers himself the only MP in parliament ‘worthy’ to discuss these matters.
I, TWikiriwhi, first became aware of the unfolding chaos in Opotiki from a Twitter post that included a TV1 News report. A comment was made that the display of weakness on the part of the Police… just makes the Gangs bolder and stronger…
*This is an absolutely essential dynamic to appreciate* and demonstrates why Ardern’s soft on crime approach has led to a break down in Law and order in New Zealand under her piss weak woke philosophy of ‘kindness’.
The Law will only be respected by the Lawless, when it is backed up with sufficient force to ensure compliance. Janis-like Ardern had no qualms about bringing in the Brute squad when Peaceful protesters were protesting against her tyrannical Covid 19 dictates and woke agenda!
The contrast is stark See here. Its obvious who the Labour government considers ‘dangerous’… ie their Non-woke politically conservative critics who reject woke tyranny. No Hugs for them! They get the Jackboots!
This is basic stuff, yet Woke ideologues in power today have abandoned the fundamentals in favour of their own political delusions.
Their duplicity ought to be obvious to all.
That Law and order must be upheld and enforced is as true today as it was way back in the 1800s, when New Zealand first took root as a British colony.
More on this soon…
This is when I decided to add my 5 cents worth to the public discourse.
I have a soft spot for Opotiki.
I like Opotiki, love that part of the Bay of Plenty and have spent many summer weekends down that way, and enjoy riding my own motorcycle through those parts.
I am also passionate about the study of New Zealand history in which some very significant events took place in Opotiki and surrounding regions in the mid 1860s.
Having laid down the preceding perspectives, my readers can understand the context in which I entered this discussion… with the following comment…
“If only Kiwis knew their history.
Trouble is not new to Opotiki. In the 1860s Maori Rebel ‘gangs’ the Hau hau murdered a peaceful Missionary there named Volkner. The Colonials gov sent Warships and fought many battles to bring the Murderers to justice. The Law must be upheld.”
This comment solicited an interesting historical discussion about the events surrounding the Murder of Christian Missionary Carl Volkner which led onto claims of injustice on the part of the Colonial Gov in their response to Volker’s horrendous murder upon the Te Whakatohea Iwi, Land confiscations, and supposed unjust trials and hangings.
The claim was “The people of Te Whakatohea were innocent…”
I will discuss this divergence of the topic in part 2 of my blog commentary.
Presently I’ll stick with my original intent.
The main point of my Twitter comment was to contrast the resolve of the 1860s Colonial government to expedite Justice for Volkner, and put down lawlessness that was spreading about the Opotiki region back then, with our current governments dismal display of incompetence and weakness in Opotiki today with this gang murder, esp the breakdown in ordinary life for the citizens of Opotiki hiding in their homes in fear of Gang outlawry that threatens to escalate into more violence and possible revenge killings.
This ain’t no Sunday picnic!
The Police had better get control of the situation before more people get shot!
The response to Volkners murder by the Colonial government which included Pro-government contingents of ‘Kaupapa’ Maori needs to be understood in context of the period of Colonial history in which there were many challenges to the Sovereignty of Queen Victoria by Rebel tribes, at which time the success of the colony hung in the balance.
Even more than this it needs to be understood that The Colonial Government was only now…. 25 years after the signing of the Treaty beginning to properly enforce British Rule, Law and order over the entire country.
Prior to this the Government was not strong enough to police the whole country, to the effect that outside the centers of colonial activity (like Russel, Auckland and Wellington) there were large tracts of Land in which British law was not enforced and in which Tribal chiefs continued to be a law unto themselves just as they had prior to the treaty.
Waka NeNe.
Heke’s rebellion in the North was swiftly put down and order restored with the help of Friendly Ngapuhi Chiefs such as the Famous Waka Nene, yet the reality is in the period between 1840 and 1860 Crimes/ violations of British Law were being committed by Rouge Maori who were not at all afraid to defy British Law as they had learned that the Colonial Government was weak… and would not visit Utu upon them should they slaughter Pakeha.
The most infamous example of this being Te Raupraha’a slaughter of 18 Pakeha in what is know as ‘The Wairau Incident’.
In a display of Weakness Governor FitzRoy failed to bring anyone to justices for these cold calculated murders, signaling to these Warlike Chiefs that according to the rules of Utu… Pakeha were of no consequence, and could be murdered with impunity.
It was this show of weakness that would encourage ongoing acts of defiance, that would eventually lead to the wars of Rebellion in the 1860s.
Note: Gangs understand and operate on this principle of UTU. If a rival Gang takes out one of your guys, by the rule of Utu there must be pay back.
Weakness, and retreat on the part of government will breed greater contempt for the Law and be exploited to its fullest.
Yet In a modern Civil society UTU for Murder is delegated to the State Justice system. The State ought to recompense the guilty.
This breaks the Old-world cycle of UTU.
It is the Duty of the New Zealand Police and justice system to see to it the Killer(s) of New Zealand citizen Stephen Rota Taiatini are brought to Justice.
Though Taiatini was a Gang member. He is still a New Zealand citizen with full rights, and our government is duty bound to solve his murder.
It was the realisation that for the colony to succeed that this situation had to change, and that rebellious chiefs had to be made to understand that British sovereignty and Law would be upheld across the whole nation, and that there was no forest beyond reach of Government forces, to which they could escape, that signaled the end of Lawlessness in New Zealand.
Cannibal Hau Hau ‘Prophet’ Kereopa Te Rau. Also known as… ‘Kaiwhatu’ The Eye Eater. The Murderer of Missionary Carl Volkner.
When these matters are understood the development of the Colony, and New Zealand as a Nation makes perfect sense, and these events can be understood as the birth pangs of shifting from a Land of Tribal anarchy to that of a unified peaceful and prosperous nation… from which Everyone has benefitted, including Maori.
Nobody but Criminals prosper when there is a break down in civil order.
In preparation for part 2 of this commentary, I want to finish here on a comment I made during the twitter discourse with a Wahine who was making a case that Te Whakatohea had suffered injustices.
“I’ve only one interest. The preservation of Truth. I’d be happy to dialogue with you about these events as long as you realise in the process I harbour no malice towards anyone in arguing the case for the contemporary historic records. It can be difficult to discuss such things”
So it is that I will dig deeper into the claims she has made about what happened in the Bay of Plenty that was triggered by the Martyrdom of Carl Volkner, yet I must reiterate the motives of my heart in so doing. I harbour no evil intents towards Te Wharatohea. I wish for their prosperity and blessing.
Yet if we are to discuss the history of these events, and truth and understanding are the goals, then it will only be possible if the truth is spoken with forthright confidence without fear that it might cause offence.
No malice intended.
Because of the subject matter, and because of the heavy Politicization of Treaty claims, and other highly controversial aspects it is inevitable that some of the things I will say will not be pleasant to swallow.
This being so… It’s highly likely that despite my honorable intentions, after I have posted the second part, any further conversation could descend into animosity and the taking of offence.
Will I suffer slander as to my character for daring to state things in a way that undermines much of what is being claimed today, by vested interests as to what really happened?
We shall see.
Perhaps the dialogue will remain relatively calm and learning will achieved on both sides.
That is my sincere hope.
I maintain an open ear.
Only evil prospers when lies prevail.
Sometimes it takes bravery to speak the truth.
I love Opotiki.
I harbour no ill will over the History of our Nation.
Yet today our Nation suffers Deep politically manufactured Racial divide.
Upon understanding the truth the future peace of our nation depends.
1. “…It is a known fact Maori genetic make up is stronger than others…”
Maori Party Website’
2. Act Party Leader lodges a complaint with the Race Relations Commissioner, claiming the above statement is racist.
3. ” We believe it is racist… because if any other group of people said that they would be labeled racist so we have got to be even handed…”
Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon on ‘The Platform’
Oh Boy! Great Leader will not be amused!
This is not how ‘that game’ is supposed to be played… with an unbiased umpire!
Great work by Sean Plunket on ‘The Platform.
Via straight talk he got the truth out of the New Zealand Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon.
Though I have never been a Meng Foon supporter, good on him for having the stones to make that just call publicly … albeit reluctantly.
We all know why he has trepidation.
We all know why he did not prance out on his steed the moment he became aware of this blatant Racist statement… which is akin to the talk Adolf Hitler used to describe Germans as the superior race.
Sean correctly pointed out the double standard… the slowness to act… comparative to the situation if (for example) the Maori Party had lodged a complaint against the Act Party stating Pakeha Genes were ‘stronger’ than all other races.
Foon would have sallied forth pronto without any Hui with Seymour!
Well… better late than never.
I’m certain Sean would not have received the same honesty from Susan Devoy had she still been in office!
I’m pretty sure Sean would have received a double standard tirade about the oppression of Maori…. blar blar blar… with a refusal to admit the patent simple truth.
I say this because that is how the entire Apartheid system has been carried on for decades…. blatant racist politics… being denied as being racism.
This Woke game is like monkeys flinging poo at each other.
As an advocate of Free speech I certainly don’t endorse the idea that people should be forced to censor their own opinions. In fact I like to know what political parties really think, and yet I can’t help but see Seymour’s complaint to the Race Relations Commissioner as being some well earned UTU upon the Maori Party who complain about what other people say… all the ding dong day!
The reality is people are entitled to hold and express their own opinions on such matters.
The important thing is that the Law and government are impartial.
David Seymour claims to be a free Speech advocate too… I guess he will use the engines of censorship when it suits his purposes to do so.
Mud fight!
Time to grab a bag of Popcorn!
Ridiculous as all this is… the steaks could not be higher. The whole future of our nation is on the table.
That is what makes what Sean has achieved here a significant blow for truth.
It was a political error for the Maori party not to remove that statement as it has given the Anti-separatist/ pro equality movement traction against them… yet I guess they have never been perturbed about defending their indefensible racism having the advantage that the entire Government and media are geared to see the world through a preferential lens.
Great Leader Comrade Jacinda Ardern
Foons admission is unprecedented moment that up till now his predecessors in office have squirmed like worms to avoid.
The Truth is not Politically correct… not wanted.
Meng Foon will come under extreme pressure not to be so fact based in the future.
We must remember that he is an Ardern supporter and will not be comfortable finding himself at variance with the Great Leader.
We have seen how the Labour party deals with minions who buck against Party dictates.
Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon.
Now is it too much for me to hope that instead of opening a pent up floodgate of guile and spleen in Foon’s face that Freedom advocates will instead use this opportunity to advance their calls for an end to Racial separatism with moderated reason?
Any wild outbursts tend to work in favour of the racist Maori Party because then they can play the victim game… and say their political adversaries are motivated by hate.
It is a shame that there are portions of the Equality movement who allow their well founded bitterness at Treaty separatism to reduce them to foaming raving madmen.
It would be absolutely foolish at this time for Foon to not only suffer censure from the Racists for being truthful, but also from us as well!
That would only serve to make him doubly regretful for his honesty.
I am not suggesting no righteous indignation be expressed, but that it be tempered with reason for the purpose of persuasion… not simply venting.
If we treat him with some respect, and posit our arguments in calm simple facts, this will do far more to support his conviction that he has made a just and rightful judgement on this thorny matter, and encourage him to maintain his resolve to remaining a fair judge in the face of heavy pressure to capitulate to the racist agenda.
I must be forthright.
Truth, Reason and justice are our allies.
Maori Party.
Why have New Zealanders tolerated the Political charlatans who foist a Racist system upon us?
Mostly because they have been deceived into thinking opposing the separatist agenda is to support the Bogyman of ‘White colonialist oppression’.
Talk about led down the garden path!
When will we put an end to this corruption?
Understand that Politicians like Comrade Ardern are working like Demons to destroy our democracy and elevate a single race above everyone else… and grant them power and wealth far above everyone else… a Bona fide legally entrenched Racial Elite!
Creating a full blown two tier Apartheid state!
And they want to make it illegal to speak out against this!
They say to defend racial equality before the law is hateful!
This is what ‘hate speech laws’ are all about… not defending oppressed minorities, but outlawing political dissent against the State.
Maori are not an oppressed people.
Come on New Zealanders!
Snap out of your Stupor!
Reclaim New Zealand for Justice and equality before the Law!
Throw out all Political parties who promote Racial separatism!
In Freedom and equality We Maori can still exist…. just like everyone else!
This is an outrage… This is Political oppression of those of us who do not bow down to our ‘Great leader’.
This is how Socialist Tyranny begins and is what happened in Venezuela to those who dared voice opposition to Chavez and Maduro.
Standard practice: Gun bans, and confiscations from critics of the Regime.
New Zealand is now headed down that road.
We can no longer be considered a free democratic Western Nation.
For the thought crime of speaking out against the Police State of Jacinda Ardern…..
Conservative Christian Pastor Carl Bromley has come under the Evil Eye several times over the past year.
He received visits from the NZ Police with regards to maintaining his religious right to hold small worship services in the face of a Covid Lockdown despite no cases of Covid being detected in the entire South Island.
This proved the lockdowns have little to do with medical science/ public health and everything to do with power and control… forcing mindless obedience and compliance… and breaking Christian resistance to tyranny.
Watch/Read a derogitory mainstream media post Newshub here….
It has been in response to such overt tyranny and rights violations that has alarmed many ordinary New Zealanders… how Draconian our nation has become under Comrade Ardern’s heavy hand.
Many are joining the growing peaceful protest movement against compulsory vaccinations, mask mandates, and lockdowns.
Some of the biggest demonstrations in the history of our nation have been going on in recent months all across the country and outside the Beehive, largely ignored by the compromised Mainstream media who are failing in their moral duty to keep NZ Citizens informed about real News that affects them. Whenever such protests are mentioned it is always in derogatory terms and purposeful falsehoods about the numbers of protesters in attendance.
All part of a concerted effort to Keep New Zealanders scared, Isolated, and in the dark about the scale of Democratic resistance to Ardern’s Globalist Tyranny.
The plan is to keep the sheeple thinking resistance is futile.
Carl Bromley is no sheep!
He is one such conservative New Zealander and Christian who has become alarmed at what has been going on under Ardern and has been actively doing his part to defend the Kiwi dream.
True to his Christian values and deep sense of community, He has been doing so in a completely peaceful manor motivated by high ideals and charity.
This is the sort of man he is… and yet the evil political powers of our day have an agenda they seek to Ram trough which is at sharp variance with New Zealand’s freedom loving, self reliant, and independent ways, and it is good people like Carl who stand in their way.
He and his ilk must therefore be stomped into submission and silenced.
Voice your disapproval of the Powers that be?… Lose your firearms license!
That’s how the system works now in NZ…esp if you are poor and cannot afford expensive lawyers.
By taking the side of freedom this peaceful Good man has found himself exposed to the hate and violence of Far left Radicals, and under the spotlight of a newly politicised Police State.
Peacefully fulfilling his moral duty as a concerned citizen and member of a Democratic society, Carl attends public rallies and protests.
These rallies are usually openly advertised… time and place on Social media sites… and this makes it possible for Radical Far Left Purple haired Gender confused supporters of Ardern’s tyranny to turn up and create trouble.
They have zero respect for Free speech and live to create chaos.
It was while attending such a rally that Carl was assaulted by a Far left Radical, and having also been slandered on-line Carl lodged a complaint with the Police.
They chose to ignore it.
Such is the state of our Nation… White Male Christian freedom advocates can be slandered and assaulted with Official impunity… esp when they have been flagged as being ‘Anti-government racist radicals’.
Like so many Vocal defenders of Kiwi Freedom and rights Carl has no doubt been put on the Police Shit list…(they have these now for political dissenters, bloggers, etc) while the real dangerous malicious radicals of the Far left operate openly… virtually with official sanction… as they share much in common with our Socialist PM.
Being flagged as a possible dangerous Extremist not only will make it harder for people like Carl to get the police to act on any complaints they make, it opens them up to being the target of Police intimidation and injustice.
This is happening now in New Zealand.
New Laws expose New Zealanders to heavy Police intrusions on the smallest of pretext.
Under such a climate all it takes to trigger a heavy handed response from the NZ Police is for some petty minded and malicious person who has a grudge against someone like Carl to make a false complaint.
And there is now a gang of Nasty Left wing Antifa types operating in New Zealand doing precisely this.
And they have been destroying peoples lives.
Please bear with me as I stitch together how what has happened to Carl fits into the big picture.
His is not an isolated case.
One high profile example of the activities of this malicious Far left Deplatform Gang’s was the sacking of Independent You Tuber and political commentator Lee Williams.
Lee, via his ‘Cross the Rubicon’ You Tube channel was very critical of Jacinda Ardern’s globalist politics, and was also locked into an online ideological war with several members of the Radical Far left Deplatform Gang.
Jealous of Lee Williams growing You tube following These nasty underhanded radicals used slanderous lies to blackmail Lee’s then Employers Synlait Dairy company with ‘Employing White Supremacist’s’. Synlait caved into this extortion and sacked Lee for the sake of avoiding damage to their companies reputation.
Lee is not a White Supremacist!
Lee in fact challenged systemic racism embedded in the New Zealand system in favour of racial quality before the law!
That was Lee’s crime… pointing out the corrupt racism inherent in our system.
Yet the Liars prevailed and Lee’s life was destroyed.
To escape the persecution he was facing Lee left New Zealand.
All this made the national news (except the truth about this being a Far left extremist extortion Con job).
Lee’s struggles were better covered by independent media sites like The BFD, and Blogs like ‘Eternal vigilance’, and others.
Lee got zero justice from the New Zealand Police for what he endured… The fraudulent slander and extortion that led to his unfair dismissal.
Because Lee in their book was flagged as a ‘troublemaker’ who does not deserve fair treatment.
So Like Carl’s complaint to the Police about being assaulted… Lee’s injustice also was not investigated.
The deplatforming gang faced zero legal consequences for their extortion racket, which will have only served to embolden them to continue.
Lee’s condemnation of Ardern’s Apartheid ambitions centered around her secreting of the He Pua Pua report that is a blueprint for handing over vast resources and powers to Maori Tribal Elites reached the halls of Power in particular Ardern’s Collaborators in the Maori Party.
These MPs joined in on the extortion of Synlait Dairy company, and persecution of Lee… some even calling for his residency to be revoked and for him to be deported.
All this because Lee spoke his personal political views on a small Youtube channel!
With this sort of persecution going on for anyone voicing dissenting opinions, you can easily imagine the dampening effect this has had on open political discourse in New Zealand.
You can be sure New Zealand Intelligence services opened up a Dossier on Williams and began collating who his associate were, etc, with a view of painting them as ‘Potential Domestic Terrorists’.
Picture: ‘Cross the Rubicon’ Youtuber Lee Williams.
It is public knowledge that Carl Bromely is a close friend of Lee Williams.
Carl is a man who stood up in defense of Lee when he was undergoing his ordeal.
This activity puts yet another X against his name in Police files.
Even if we put aside Carl’s own defiance regarding his right to worship, his mere association with Lee Williams is reason alone for us to suspect the New Zealand Police have a low opinion of Carl and care little about what injustices he suffers at the hands of Far Left extremists.
To the far Left, virtually everybody else on the political spectrum is considered ‘far right’.
From his bold defense of Lee Williams Carl will have drawn upon himself the malevolent attention of the Deplatforming Gang who destroyed his friends life.
You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to suspect that Carl Bromley is most likely the latest target of this well known Far Left Deplatforming Gang.
The police ought to have been aware of the high probability the complaint questioning Carl’s fitness to hold a firearms license was a malicious lie.
If this proves to be true it makes what the Police did to Carl Bromely not simply an act of gross incompetence… but a serious pre-meditated injustice.
Either the Police were easily fooled into committing violence against an innocent man, or they knew the complaint was fraudulent yet moved to take Carl’s gun anyway!
That’s blatant corruption!
Carl called the complaint ‘Bogus’ and we can be certain that it was Bogus because of Carl’s impeccable character.
Carl has Zero Police record, yet given how the Gun Laws work and Police powers and discretion, it is very difficult *for anyone* to srutinise whether or not the Police are acting upon accurate information because the whole process is cloaked in secrecy… so basically… unless you can raise a ton of cash for Lawyers etc… The Police can do whatever they please… and fabricate bogus arguments that arbitrarily call *anyone’s character or mental fitness* into question to quazi-justify their Draconian activities.
Where is the impartial oversight in how such cases are executed whereby abuses can be called out?
This must be investigated.
The veracity of the complaint that was used to raid Carls home must be scrutised.
At a minimum this raid shows that there is a lack of safeguards protecting citizens from suffering such an arbitrary home invasion by the police and confiscation of legitimately held firearms.
The Far Left Deplatforming gang must broken up, and face criminal charges.
These things must be done and yet the political corruption of our democracy is far more serious than the activities of a malicious gang of Far left Nut jobs.
The Police need to own up to their grievous error and return Carl’s lawful property.
They need to compensate him for the damages they caused and the torment they inflicted on his wife.
And most importantly they must expunge from his records any hint of wrongdoing that might stain his reputation in the future.
There is the serious matter of the attitude of the Police towards a Good Kiwi Citizen who had done nothing wrong, but simply expressed his vocal critisism of the government of the day.
I want you my reader to understand how the Ardern Regime has politisised the Police and turned them into an instrument for attacking the democratic rights of New Zealanders who want to see Ardern thrown out of office… via the democratic process… which includes the rights to free speech, to assemble, and to protest.
These are absolutely essential for the just functionality of a democratic system of governance whereby those in power only hold office by the ongoing consent of the governed.
What must be understood is that not only did Ardern shamelessly capitalise on the Christchurch Terror attack to confiscate New Zealand citizens guns, She also used this atrocity as a justification for weaponising the Police against her political opponents.
Notice how holding religious views, or political opinions outside the mainstream is viewed as Potential Terrorist traits.
And the assertion that our ‘Open internet’ makes us vulnerable to terrorist attacks!
Hmmmm so the government should take control of the internet… ‘to keep us safe from terrorism’… yeah right!
That way they could block Youtube channels Like Lee’s and Carl’s that critisise Ardern’s genius!
Yes! that will make New Zealand ‘Safer from terrorism’.
(I’m joking.)
Notice how the democratic right to protest has been lumped next to terrorism by the simple addition of the word ‘Violent’. So in the mindset of the Police, anyone who attends a protest could be a potential Terrorist.
Is that really a fair and just… or sane way for the Police to look at Citizens exercising their Democratic rights?
Is the likelihood of New Zealand suffering a serious Terrorist attack really ‘Medium’ or Low?
It serves Ardern’s Political purposes to say the likelihood of terrorist attack is “Medium, feasible, and could well occur” because this allows her to put the Police and army in a state of Active preparation.
“Get out there and find those Anti-government Far Right White supremacist religious Extremist Domestic terrorists!!!! Start by snooping about on You Tube! Anyone who does not like Jacinda Ardern is probably a terrorist!”
The government’s own counter terrorist web page states…
“Our strongest defence against terrorism is a cohesive, resilient society.”
With this in mind it must be pointed out that heavy handed Police raids etc *has the very opposite effect!*
Such draconian behaviour is not conducive to harmonious social order but fosters resentment and outrage… and rightly so!
If the Police wanted to promote a cohesive resilient society they would respect the rights of the people to hold their own views.
They should respect liberty and enforce the law fairly and without political prejudice.
And yet we see at so many points Arderns ‘Inclusive Society’ excludes anyone who disagrees with her personal Political ideology.
Ardern demands obedience and submission by all.
We are expected to allow her to do what ever she pleases without murmur.
That is not how a Free society functions.
That is how a Dictatorship functions.
By becoming heavy handed the Police themselves are creating civil unrest.
Wake up!
While I personally believe the threat of Terrorism is extremely low, given how belligerent Ardern has been towards the rights of the New Zealand people, and mobilising the Police against her detractors… the threat of Anti-Ardern Protests turning ugly is inevitably on the rise.
Ardern seeks to use the Police as a shield while she continues to radically alter our Nation with absolute contempt for due process and the safeguards that would normally prevent such Autocratic behavior.
She has seen the growing protests. She knows she no longer enjoys the support of the people.
This is why under Ardern protests are being viewed by Police as potential Terrorist activities.
Democracy is fundamentally about the peaceful transfer of power based upon the will of the people, yet socialist dictators once in power have a long history of subverting democracy for the sake of retaining power… at any price.
Peaceful, good natured, freedom loving Carl Bromley, as a religious person who holds strong resentment for what Comrade Ardern is doing tick’s a heck of a lot of her government’s ‘Counter-Terrorism ‘ Boxes’, and we can be sure that they wanted to take away his guns ( make no mistake… they would like to take away everyone’s guns!).
Getting a fake complaint was what they were waiting for… and all they needed to do precisely that.
This fixation on ‘Domestic terrorism’ is a psychological contagion that has poisoned the New Zealand Polices outlook towards the people they serve.
It has turned them into Ardern’s Goon Squad.
Keeping the people in line and under her subjection.
So the New Zealand Police have been diverted from busting burglars and rapists and turned into policing political opinions.
I fear the Police are being prepped for war against the citizens of our country.
The Political elites know their Covid Bullshit is hurting a lot of people and making them very pissed off.
They realise that growing Public outrage to what the Ardern regime is hell bent on doing is highly likely to escalate into serious civil unrest.
The mask of ‘Kindness’ has fallen.
As our Cold hearted Great Leader shows Iron resolve to push through her revolutionary agenda at any price, She has implemented a heavy handed strategy to keep the people in check.
This is what Anti-democratic tyranny looks like!
No Joke. I believe the Police are in full preparation to put down a popular uprising against the State.
All the signs are there to see.
This puts the Police in opposition to the will of the people, propping up the unpopular dictatorial power.
This Police State makes the democratic peaceful transfer of power impossible and creates the conditions for serious civil unrest.
What Globalist influences have been at work indoctrinating our Police to prevent the New Zealand people defending our National Autonomy?
Have they been warned about the coming Global economic collapse?
Have they been warned about the Great Reset and move towards a Global cashless society?
It is only these sorts of scenario that makes what they have been doing lately explicable.
All their activities are flagrant attempts to forcefully suppress voices of opposition to Ardern’s Rule.
This same scenario is being played out in democracies all across the globe. Many nations have their own ‘Globalist Ideologues’ at the helm whose actions clearly demonstrate their loyalty is to the New World Order, not their own peoples independence. And people in these nations can see they are being taken for a ride to a destination they don’t want to be.
We have just seen peaceful Anti Vax Mandates/ Anti-lockdown protests in the Netherlands explode into all out riots.
Even though All Protests in New Zealand have been absolutely peaceful, it would be foolish for us not to appreciate that the New Zealand government is watching such overseas events with trepidation and that as such are unjustly transferring their fears that similar things could happen here. The Globalists seeking to subjugate the planet have also calculated how to prevent popular uprisings from thwarting their ultimate goals, and it is with this in mind that their minions in every Nation have been politicising and conditioning the Police and military to be prepared to use their arms against their own Citizens… as enemies of the State.
History is irrefutable that this is how Socialist Systems operate and maintain themselves… by keeping the people down. Under Jacinda Ardern our Nation is sinking fast!
We have now reached a point where to protest against what she is doing is to risk being labeled a danger to the State and losing your firearms license!
Only subservient supporters of the Regime get to enjoy such privilege!
Where does the loyalty of the average Policeman stand?
Any Police reading this need to ask themselves this important moral question.
Is it the duty and purpose of the Police to stand With the People and defend their rights… or do they consider it their job to be the Mindless enforcers of the Party Politicians who have managed to get hold of the levers of Power?
If Americans ever wondered what it would be like if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was running the USA they need look no further than how Jacinda Ardern has behaved while she has been at the helm in New Zealand.
Like AOC Ardern is a far Left Extremist. Like AOC Ardern has zero grip on the real world, or the catastrophe far left political ideology represents.
Ardern clearly shows she is prepared to lie, deceive, bankrupt our nation, and create a police state to impose her globalist delusions upon the people of New Zealand.
She has been the Perfect Storm.
Take a look at what happened in Venezuela when the shit hit the fan and the tyrannical Socialist government bankrupted the Nation and started killing it’s own citizens who dared protest.
Today Venezuela is in ruins and its people are starving… where would you stand if you were a member of the Police in such a crisis?
Where ought your loyalties lie?
It could very well be that with the ever increasing stranglehold this government places on the throats of the New Zealand public, that unless peaceful protests prevail in reversing our nations freefall into Totalitarianism… The struggle could turn very ugly… Peaceful means having failed it could come to civil war… The People vs the Corrupt State.
Unless they are prepared to disobey unjust orders, The New Zealand Police could quickly become like so many Jackbooted thugs in Communist Nations used to crush, Murder, and imprison Good brave Citizens who have been compelled to turn to Force to oust the tyrants who have sort to destroy and oppress their Nations.
In such cases the Criminals are the ones in power.
Far be it from me to ever advocate for such a situation!
Though the right of revolution to overthrow tyrannical government is a fundamental right of the people, it is for me too terrible to be contemplated.
If attempted it would also be highly likely to fail, and result in greater atrocities and injustices.
Unless the Military and the Police were on the side of the people.
We should watch what happens now in the Netherlands very carefully.
Will the Netherlands government capitulate in the face of such Violent protests or will they double down on their tyranny?
What will happen is depended upon how far the Socialist globalists in power there are prepared to go to retain their grip on power.
I believe the greatest hope Freedom advocates everywhere have of winning Freedom back is to shun all acts of Violence, Vandalism, Rioting, and destruction, and instead maintain our peaceful stand… even in the face of such injustices as have been dished out to Carl Bromely.
We should rally around such people.
We must protest against what was done, and yet we ought to remain civil at all times… This makes it very difficult for the tyrants to deploy the Jackboots against us with Full fury… because More people see what they are doing… see how unjust the régime is… and their ability to govern evaporates.
With the passing of time more and more people join the ranks of Resistance.
Despite such atrocities as Tiananmen Square in 1989
Peaceful resistance can break the resolve of all but the most brutal of tyrannies.
History proves that Peaceful people movements can defeat vastly stronger Political interests.
Two noteworthy examples are the Peaceful protest movements of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Junior.
The essential thing is for the People to stand in protest *before* such Absolute tyranny gains a strong grasp.
Given that the New Zealand people have zero stomach for Bloody Revolution and little means by which such measures might be achieved, Peaceful resistance offers the best prospects of success by far.
So I assert that Peaceful resistance is not only the Higher moral path, but also is the most pragmatic reason for hope that we shall prevail in keeping our Nation Independent and Free from the Globalist Tyranny.
But to achieve this we must Bravely stand together!
We cannot allow such things as happened to Our Boy Carl Bromley to go unchallenged, without voicing strong displeasure and a demand for justice.
The Police need to be censured and know New Zealanders will not respect them unless they respect our rights!
What happened to Carl ought to stimulate us to stand even more resolved for our Free Nation!
We cannot allow such vile police State antics to become the norm.
Nor should we tolerate the Police’s Anti-private Firearm ownership attitude.
This in itself shows the Police have become arrogant and forget their place… that is as our servants.
Citizens have strong gun Rights… Slaves do not.
The Freedom movement must also be on the watch for Subversive ‘Wolves in sheeps clothing’ entering in among us seeking to corrupt our movement from within.
Beware any so-called freedom activists who start to promote Hatred, violence, or Riotous behavior.
It is only by walking the righteous path that we can avoid being legitimately labeled a danger to civil order.
Any Civil disobedience must be 100% peaceful. The evil powers that be would love to see the freedom movement collapse into Mayhem, for that would be their opportunity to send in the jackboots.
As long as we adhere to Peaceful Protest we have the upper hand and occupy the Moral high ground.
Peacefully Protest. Peacefully Resist. Peacefully refuse to Comply.
I speak with certainty that Carl Bromley will whole heartedly agree with those sentiments.
I will also say We must never surrender our rights. We will not show our papers. We will not accept a cashless system. We will not surrender our National independence to any Global overlords.
Carl Bromley is a man of Peace, Freedom, and Justice.
Tim Wikirwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Watch (below) what Carl had to say only a few weeks ago… and what probably triggered some Radical leftist or some Ardern Minion in Government to target him and conspire to get the New Zealand Police to oppress him.
I was left very disappointed with David Seymour after watching an argument he had with deplatformed You tuber Lee Williams who had his life destroyed by a gang of Maori radicals and Far left deplatformers.
I want to talk about what David Seymour said, and why it is extremely disappointing for me and many others who are fighting for free speech in New Zealand, and had high hopes that David Seymour was serious about making Free Speech a priority ‘flagship’ for Act next election.
I will recap what has happened to Lee William’s to give context to his confrontation with Seymour and after having listened to Seymour’s comments, why he saw red and publicly accused Seymour of being a fraud.
Truly an ugly and unfortunate spectacle.
People (and Seymour) need to ask themselves why Lee Williams is a kettle on the boil.
Too many simply write him off as angry mad man, and that his loud display is proof positive of his extremist temperament.
While no doubt Lee is passionate and cares deeply about the frightening political direction our nation is being taken, the notion that Lee has no reasonable or justifiable reason for being angry can only be entertained through ignorance of what he has endured… and why.
That Lee openly speaks his mind with little regard about ‘spooking the sheeple’… without applying politically expedient filters is one reason why politicians like David Seymour look at Lee as a ‘Hot Potato’… a political liability… someone with whom it involves a high element of risk being associated with… and Lee’s loud antics at Seymour’s meeting will have reinforced this danger in David’s mind.
Why would a political party get involved with that?
Yet I ask David Seymour to put on Lee’s boots and walk in them for a few miles… maybe in doing this David might get a better perspective.
He may realise that Lee has every reason to be angry, and that it is a mistake on his part, and an act of moral cowardice not to take up the fight for free speech on Lee’s behalf.
This is bigger than Lee. It’s not even really about Lee
And it was a big mistake to make out that it is.
Any Act supporters reading this please raise these points with David and get him to see reason. It takes high character to put personal dislikes aside and to honestly give your opposition an objective ear. Does David Seymour possess this hallmark of greatness?
To recap what happened to Lee in as few words as possible. Why Lee has every right to be angry, and why David ought to have known this.
Lee Williams was the star of his own You Tube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ in which he regularly made videos expressing his personal views on political news and events of the day.
His views not only critisied what was going on here in New Zealand, but also extended to US Politics, Britain, The UN, Davos, etc.
He is a supporter of Trump, and of Brexit, a heavy critic of Socialist globalism, and in New Zealand Lee has been scathing of Jacinda Ardern, The Greens, and The Maori Party.
All of Lee’s activism on You tube has been completely above board… completely legal.
Lee has been exercising his democratic right to free speech, both in public on the street, and his You tube channel has been his soapbox on line.
We live in very volatile times politically speaking, and with such topics as the Christchurch Terrorist attack, The Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns, all the global warming hysteria and legislations, to be a political commentator in such times there is a hell of a lot going on to be critical and righteously angry about!
The Western world has been speeding along the rails towards becoming Woke Police States!
And so such serious and alarming political activities generate a requisite level of outrage in response, and no one in New Zealand wears their heart on their sleeve more openly than Lee Williams.
It is unavoidable for the independent voice not to wallow in matters of great controversy and if a commentator choses to stand apart and not be shackled by the ‘politically correct narrative’ being peddled by mainstream media, it goes without saying that such independent voices ‘trigger’ outrage from the precious woke SJW communities infested by far left radicals who cant handle the truth.
I will admit that by my own reckoning Lee often hurts his own cause by hot headed remarks yet still Lee is never guilty of crossing the line of free speech into inciting violence.
Lee’s anger is always in context of some perceived evil and injustice that is being committed… usually by Woke politicians like the Maori Party, or Far left lobby groups and yet he never crosses the line into *Racism*.
At his worst he is guilty of politically incorrect humor. One BFD contributor said this about Lee’s now infamous Satire:
“…three videos from Williams, two of which are low-brow, unfunny and not particularly clever impersonations of Maori Party MP Rawhiri Waititi and Labour Cabinet Minister Willie Jackson. In the hysterical land of social justice, which considers sharing memes of Oprah Winfrey to be ‘digital blackface,’ they may be racist. In the real world, they’re about a racist as me using an Irish accent..”
Stephen Berry. The BFD ‘The Flagellation of Lee Williams’. 28-5-21
It must be remembered that Lee was spoofing *a racist politician*, not Maori. Rawhiri Waititi breaks out into a haka every time something does not go his way!
He’s an embarrassment to himself and Maori and deserves ridicule.
The only problem is that by expressing critisism of the Woke agenda Lee has drawn the attention of Far left extremists who misrepresent Lee as being ‘White supremist’ ‘Far Right extremist’,etc.
Sadly this Leftist slander is devastatingly effective as it is swallowed whole by so many naïve people.
Most of these people are obsessed neurotic’s.
And these Far left extremists then targeted Lee for deplatforming and ruin that went far beyond that!
To be a defender of Free speech takes Balls!
Lee is no ‘scoundrel’ though he sure is a loose cannon.
What is truly Gob-smacking to me having watched David Seymour’s reasoning as to why he refused to help Lee is that David does not seem to understand that the Right of Free speech became one of the pillars of Free Society *for the very purpose of protecting the rights of such controversial voices as Lee Williams*!
The right of Free speech is only called upon to defend people who cause public outrage and offence from being suppressed by the powers that be.
For the free speech of those who are parroting the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *Never come under threat of being censored*.
The Free speech of those who parrot the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *never come under threat of being persecuted or legally oppressed, or of loosing their other rights.
And Free Speech is the way us little… uncultured… grumpy people get to speak truth to power without fear of being trampled underfoot.
Lee’s opinions about the Maori party, his satire, parody, and critisim of Ardern and the He Pua Pua report certainly outraged the Maori party and Far Left activists!
It is a fact that his opinions made him a prime target for the left wing practice of deplatforming to punish his ‘wrong-think’ and silence him to prevent his opinions gaining popularity.
They speak of their opposition ‘spreading mis-information’, or of ‘Dog whistling’, or of ‘Radicalisation of would-be terrorists’, etc… anything to excuse cancelling them.
So deplatforming is all about venting malicious political malice, and the subversion of Free speech for the sake of the control of information in the public sphere… for the sake of power.
It has zero to do with ‘protecting vunerable minorities’
That Media people like Marc Daalder and even members of Parliament like Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer promoted extortion and the deplatforming of a New Zealand voter.. to silence and destroy him ought to have made made David Seymour sit up straight and take notice!
That David Seymour thinks that Lee deserves what happened to him… that it was all above board, and that his personal total destruction was his own doing… ‘reaping what he has sown’ beggars belief!
Are you really surprised Lee blew his stack when you [David] said such things to his face… while grinning like the Cheshire cat?
David! You really stuck your foot in your mouth this time!
You need to have a re-think!
Lee was wrong to suggest David Seymour has not been vocally opposed to The He PuaPua Report. David has made many public statements saying it was dangerous separatism.
Lee William’s Loud denunciation of Seymour was a public embarrassment to Seymour.
It was even reported in the media, and all this will have angered him.
Yet still this blogpost is an appeal to David not to allow his Ego to overthrow his own reasoning faculties, as to do so risks Act’s reputation as being the Free Speech party that is currently keeping them buoyant in the polls.
I want to point out to David that despite his altercation with Lee, there is an even bigger threat to Act’s rising Star should David not ‘Man up’ and take up Lee’s cause.
That danger is surrendering the platform of Free Speech to National and Judith Collins who has recently shown interest by joining the Free Speech Union.
This move by Collins was both good news for New Zealand, and strategically wise for National.
Seymour can no longer think Act has the political market for free speech cornered.
If Judith Collins can outshine Seymour as the Champion of Free Speech in New Zealand Act will be loose traction to National.
Seymour needs to up his game and despite what he thinks about Lee Williams, His case is a massive opportunity for Act to shine, and take the fight back against the Leftist Cancel culture!
Yet this same opportunity could be snapped up by Judith Collins.
David’s now public excuses for not supporting Lee gives Collins an opportunity to publicly question Seymour’s real commitment to free speech.
The Free Speech Union have already steeped up to the plate.
The rest of New Zealand is wondering ‘where the hell is Act?
Is David first and foremost a brave man of principle, or a cowardly schemer?
Having seen the video circulating on Social media, and having read the News articles, this is the question now hanging over David’s head in the minds of many potential Act voters… and given how lame an excuse David made for not supporting Lee who can blame them?
Twitter posts reveal that even the Leftist deplatformers are surprised Seymour refused to help!
Let’s see if David Seymour is man enough to realise his ‘miscalculations’ and change course.
He needs to put his ‘Big boy’ pants on and have the Nads to admit he has been wrong about this matter, and is prepared to put the argument behind him for the sake of Free speech for New Zealanders.
I have talked to Lee Williams and have explained to him what I was going to write today and that if David Seymour was prepared to set his differences with Lee aside, would Lee also be prepared to set his angst towards Seymour aside for the sake of co operation for the common cause?
Lee said he definitely would!
Should these two men be able to make peace for the sake of Free speech this would go a long way to repairing *both their reputations* in the Free speech advocacy fraternity.
It would demonstrate high character and putting principle and the good of our nation above personal gripes.
Real men ought to know that it is not necessary to actually personally *like* another person before prudence dictates you ought to co operate.
Real men will set aside clashes of personality and act professionally.
Currently this animosity and failure to co operate only benefits the hateful anti-free speech left.
David needs to grasp that in Lee’s case, should what happened to him at Synlait be allowed to stand this will set a dire precedent against free speech for Kiwi workers rights!
The Free Speech Union have realised what happened to Lee with respect to being cancelled by Westpac that this bodes ill for free speech with respect to citizens financial arrangements.
Seymour needs to grasp that the Maori Party needs to be hauled over the coals for supporting the petition that extorted Synlait Dairy company into wrongfully dismissing Lee.
These are not only absolutely necessary engagements for the sake of free speech, they also represent an opportunity for either Act or National to rise to pre-eminence in the name of free speech, and to strike at the Racist radicals of the Maori Party, and hopefully in someway lead to the punishment and bust up of the Far Left extremist deplatforming gang responsible for what happened to Lee and others.
Even without Ardren’s new Hate speech laws, until these things are put right and the malicious left wing extremists are brought to justice, the best and most outspoken New Zealanders remain under threat from being deplatformed by the far Left radicals and activists.
I hope for the sake of our country David Seymour will take some time to ponder what I have said here.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Shout out to The BFD for their coverage of the ‘Lee Williams Saga’ and for using some of my material.
IMO The BFD is New Zealand’s leading Free Speech advocacy News site.