Category Archives: Rationality

Third Man Factor… Real spiritual experience? or mere psychological ‘coping mechanism’?

To be edited…

Below this ‘introduction’ is Large portion/excerpt from the Wikipedia Website on what is being called ‘The Third Man Factor’.
It contains quite a few historical accounts of Explorers and other people who when in dire situations experienced ‘A guiding presence’ that helped them survive perilous trials.
This includes one of the Greatest explorers of all time Ernest Shackleton. His exploits were truly epic to the degree of defying human limits of endurance.

That this phenomena is *a real thing* is not in dispute as it has been reported many times.
The reason I’m posting this to Eternal Vigilance Blog is because I wish to discuss what you people (and myself) think this phenomena really is?

Is it (A) a real spiritual encounter with benevolent spirit beings?
Or (B) just a quirky psychological delusion brought on by stress… ie ‘a coping mechanism’ of the mind?
Or (C) something else?

Read the Wiki excerpt below… take in all the details… then ask yourself how this is best explained.

Why did you arrive at your conclusion?

My intention is to expose our *personal prejudices, and aversions* and how they affect our interpretation of facts.
Are we truly open minded and objective thinkers or are we twisted souls with blinders on… that prevent us from being able to perceive the truth?

My contention is most atheists go through life with blinders on… preventing them from seeing truth and severely limiting their understanding of realty.

I have experienced this myself. I have also experienced the scales falling from my eyes.

Daily Mail Article here

With few exceptions most *Atheists* will without hesitation jump towards the ‘Secular so-called scientific explanation’ of this phenomena… not because it best fits the facts presented, but on the basis of their own atheist preconceptions they bring with them on this investigation… their rock solid certainty that spirits don’t exist… therefore that explanation can’t be true.

So they assume this must be a psychological phenomena… because that’s the only naturalistic explanation.

Yet this is not ‘practicing science’. This is applying personal belief to the situation… that is all.

The only reason you (atheist) find that a satisfying explanation is because it saves you confronting the uncomfortable probability that these are in fact recorded human encounters with real spirit beings.

*That is too extreme a proposition for most Atheists to give any credence.*
Because to entertain that possibility challenges their entire world view!

It breaches their fundamental tenets… No Ghosts allowed!

This is why I’m presenting this recorded phenomena here today to expose how our preconceptions limit our ability to think objectively about the world about us.

Ghosts may indeed exist! Yet if you have a mental block against that possibility… no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise. You are impervious to it all.
Every account of people claiming to have seen Ghosts you must write off as delusional… without any evidence! That is your default setting.

Let me introduce a second very commonly recorded phenomena…. Nocturnal ‘Entity Attacks’.

Millions of people throughout history have experienced being attacked in bed at night by malevolent spirit beings.

I was once an atheist teenager who experienced this myself… it was terrifying… I have recorded my experience here… yet when I talked with people about it I was told “Oh that’s when you wake up at night but your body is still asleep’.
‘Scientists’ have even given it a secular name ‘Sleep paralysis’.

When I herd this explanation… being an atheist… I accepted it because it seemed to me that ‘Science had investigated this and knew what it was…. besides… It can’t have been a real spirit attack… because spirits don’t exist!
Relieved by this knowledge… Science has an explanation… I went on with my life. (though I never forgot the experience! Too Freaky!)

Several years later…. after (much to my own surprise) I had become a Christian I contemplated my experiences (x2) and realised just how easily fooled I was into thinking that Entity attack was *not a real spiritual experience, but some sort of psychological delusion.
When I thought about the experience itself… and having put aside my Atheist spectacles I realised that by far the most compelling explanation was that what I experienced was real… esp when you read the many many accounts of others who have experienced it too.
It is then that you realise the so-called ‘scientific explanation’ was a load of bollocks!
Not science at all… just atheist presuppositions dressed up as ‘science’… ie the Blinders that keep fools believing there are no Spirits, No Ghosts, Not Miracles…. and no God.

In truth recorded history is cram packed with accounts of spiritual experiences!
The greatest of these being the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
That really happened, yet you can’t see any of these facts if you have your atheist blinders on.
You will swallow any ‘rationalist drivel’… any so-called ‘secularisation of events’… rather than believe supernatural or spiritual realities exist and happen and have been recorded in history proper.
What is patently obvious to me now is how hollow and vacuous and absurd 99% of the Atheist rationalizations are about Reality!
They profess to know everything when in fact they know nothing.
They are lost and confounded by their own follies.

IMO one of the greatest… most sophisticated of pseudo-scientific myths believed by atheists today is the Theory of Evolution.
Let’s leave that for another time.

It is difficult to break the strong delusion that ‘science has answered the question about what Entity attacks really are’ as the rationales provided are powerful… yet I can assert with certainty that the arguments presented by so-called ‘sleep experts’… are not valid science.
One way to do this however is to ask these experts… or atheists… what circumstances… or proofs would they accept would invalidate, or disprove their belief these phenomena are just psychological but are in fact real?
Philosopher of Science Karl Popper said one of the essential attributes that distinguishes true science from pseudo-science is the principle of falsifiability.

For an idea/proposition to have scientific validity you must be able to define mechanisms that should they be proven… *falsifies the proposition*`.
This is a safety mechanism to guard against ‘Scientism’ and pseudo-science.

This being so… under what conditions would an atheist accept ‘these visitations’ are not mere hallucinations?

One might say… what about bite marks? Or Claw marks? Does not an absence of any physical evidence prove these things are hallucinations?
No… for 2 reasons.
1. For if these things are spiritual/ incorporeal entities… expecting them to leave ‘physical evidence’ has no basis. It’s just a whim.
And secondly… and more importantly… *reports of physical evidence has been reported!* These would indicate that whatever these beings are… they are capable of physical harm!
A recent account like this was from no one less than the Famous TV presenter Tucker Clarlson… who experienced a physical spiritual attack that left marks on his Body.
Yet what did sceptics say? They said he had injured himself while he was asleep! Or he had been attacked by one of his dogs!
So you see… Atheists will *always* come up with some *rationalisation* why they reject the possibility these entities are real.
Not even physical evidence will convince them.
This shows that the atheist premise that these entity attacks are mere psychological events… is not True science… but pseudo-science because there are no conditions by which their assumptions and rationisations can be falsified. They continue to rationalise away all evidence… they simply refuse to believe these attacks can be real.

Read: Tucker Carlson Says a Demon Attack Left Him Bleeding in Bed

I myself suspect what Sleep experts call ‘Sleep paralysis’ and what History describes as ‘Entity attacks’ are actually two completely different phenomena, yet they share some common attributes… If so-called ‘sleep paralysis’ is a thing at all.
IMO It’s more likely a complete pseudo-scientific fabrication whose only purpose is to discredit ‘Entity attacks’ as valid spiritual experiences… after all so-called ‘sleep experts’ have to have *some explanation* for what is going on… because something is definitely going on!

With this in mind please now read the Wikipedia excerpt I have posted below.
Make up your own minds about it… yet just remember there are two perspectives presented below.
1. is the so-called scientists and psychologists who have deemed these experiences to be nothing more that a ‘ psychological coping mechanism’

And 2. The perspective of the people who experienced the phenomena themselves… and are convinced they encountered benevolent spirit beings that helped them in their hour of need.
When I read their accounts… I fall into Camp 2 because I think it’s absurd to think Adults invent ‘imaginary friends’ and that these delusions know what to do… which direction they should take, etc etc. IMO those are definitive traits of an entity who knows the way.

What a mind-popping experience it is for any atheist to realise Spirit beings possibly do exist!
That is the beginning of the scales falling from your eyes…
In a society where belief in God and Ghosts is frowned upon as ‘delusional’, it takes great courage to swim against the current of popular materialism.
Some people simply don’t have the moral courage to follow their own convictions choosing instead to sheepishly go along with the crowd.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Please read the Wiki Excerpt below…

Third man factor

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The third man factor or third man syndrome refers to the reported situations where an unseen presence, such as a spirit, provides comfort or support during traumatic experiences.

Sir Ernest Shackleton, in his 1919 book South, described his belief that an incorporeal companion joined him and his men during the final leg of his 1914–1917 Antarctic expedition, which became stranded in pack ice for more than two years and endured immense hardships in the attempt to reach safety. Shackleton wrote, “during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia, it seemed to me often that we were four, not three.”[1] His admission resulted in other survivors of extreme hardship coming forward and sharing similar experiences.

Who is the third who walks always beside you?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman
— But who is that on the other side of you?

T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land Wikisource has information on “The Waste Land”
Lines 359 through 365 of T. S. Eliot’s 1922 modernist poem The Waste Land were inspired by Shackleton’s experience, as stated by the author in the notes included with the work. It is the reference to “the third” in this poem that has given this phenomenon its name (when it could occur to even a single person in danger).

In recent years, well-known adventurers like climber Reinhold Messner and polar explorers Peter Hillary and Ann Bancroft have reported experiencing the phenomenon. One study of cases involving adventurers reported that the largest group involved climbers, with solo sailors and shipwreck survivors being the second most common group, followed by polar explorers.[2] A similar experience was documented by mountain climber Joe Simpson in his 1988 book Touching the Void, which recounts his near-death experience in the Peruvian Andes. Simpson describes “a voice” which encouraged him and directed him as he crawled back to base camp after suffering a horrible leg injury high on Siula Grande and falling off a cliff and into a crevasse. Some journalists have related this to the concept of a guardian angel or imaginary friend.

Scientific explanations consider the phenomenon a coping mechanism or an example of bicameral mentality.
[3] The concept was popularized by a 2009 book by John G. Geiger, The Third Man Factor, which documents scores of examples.


More from Tim…

My Testimony… Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

The Green Manalishi.

Ke$ha’s Incubus.

Te Pati Maori abuse the Haka and Devalue it’s Mana.

Te Pati Maori Radicals are a different breed of politician that only succeeds because of the apartheid electoral system which allows them to have no concerns about what the general public think about them. They don’t have to appeal to the general public to get elected. They only have to pander to the interests of a select section of the whole population and they gear their antics to that mindset… they are actors and performance artists… ‘let me sing you the song of my people’… type stuff.
The one thing these radicals fear *is a general referendum* because then… unlike the elections… there fate will be determined by *the general population* whom they have spent their careers slandering and poking their Tongues and Fingers at.
Binding referendums are a dangerous tool upon which there needs to be clear limits, yet *When a truly democratic process is allowed to take place… Their Politics is doomed*.
The only reason a referendum is called for on this issue is because Parliament is too feeble to make a sound judgement for the well being of the General public. The Law to rid New Zealand of every racist institution would never pass via parliament yet it is guaranteed to pass by popular referendum… which shows just how *non-representative* parliaments are when they are filled with unprincipled woke socialist Boneheads and cowards.
On this issue Seymour stands head and shoulders above the rest because his bill is founded upon Just and reasonable principles.
Not a single cogent nuanced argument has been leveled against his bill. (I can think of several arguments myself that would work far better than anything opposition MP have tabled)… and look at how pathetic Luxons rationale is as to why he is instructing National to oppose the bill!
Its yet another example of the shame and cowardice of the entire National party Caucus. If I was a National party MP I would lead a challenge against Luxon for this and I would refuse to reject the bill.

As for the haka…
There are already rules for behavior in the house. They just need to be enforced.
One thing is certain… The antics of Te Pati Maori in parliament have hurt the mana of the Haka in the eyes of the international community.
They are getting sick of it… they don’t appreciate it… and there is no valid reason why they should.

The Haka has been abused and this is sad.
I believe the haka has great value for New Zealanders when it is used at appropriate times… Less is more…. more is less. ‘More’ devalues it.
What the Maori Party did in parliament was blatant abuse.
Two Maori were contending in the house for their side of the debate. One behaved with Civility and made reasonable arguments. The other had no arguments but instead broke out into a frenzy and created a spectacle.
IMO one Maori (David Seymour) represents a modern day Maori of Mana and enlightenment… a man of Reason.
The other Maori (Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke) represents a delusion. A regressive caricature … trapped in the past… of a savage Age in which War and violence were how disputes were settled rather than via Reason and the rule of law.

So of these two Maori… which exemplifies a role model we would want today’s young Maori to emulate and aspire to be like?
The Savage or the Statesman?

When asked why she had broken out in the haka Hana said “that is all I know… to be Maori”.
That speaks a thousand words as to why she is unfit to be in parliament!
‘That is all she knows’…. and *That* is what she thinks *being Maori entails!* She’s absolutely delusional!
She has no vision for Maori to progress out of the trap of Maori radicalism by which Maori are expected to see themselves as noisy irrational savages locked in perpetual tribal warfare.
*Her only skill set is performance art*
*Her only politics is the politics of Race, victimism, and graft*
No wonder most Maori don’t vote Te Pati Maori.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Is Intolerance a virtue?

The Meme (below) was posted to Gab Social media platform.
It makes a subtil claim appealing to Zeal… Zealotry… my retort to @Boomstick follows below.

Tim Wikiriwhi Responds…

@Boomstick Beware… This has no context, and is therefore deceptive in the extreme.
It’s claiming *Intolerance is a virtue!*
That cannot withstand any scrutiny.
Without some tolerance a person becomes a fanatic… indistinguishable from any form of fanatic… eg an Islamic extremist.
They would wholeheartedly endorse this claim.
Are you any better than they?

Now hear the enlightened truth!

Just as there are things that may be compromised, and others that may not be compromised, so too there are things that can, and ought to be tolerated, and others that ought not to be tolerated.
It is an equal wrong *not to tolerate what you ought* as it is to tolerate what you ought not.

Wisdom and Enlightenment teaches which is which.
Lower values can be sacrificed for the sake of higher values.
Treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves… is natural justice.

Tolerance is guided by higher principles and convictions… it is not the abandonment of them as is claimed above.
A Tolerant man ought not to be a weak and an easily beguiled man, but show tolerance from a position of strength and vigilance.
And there is a line in the sand.

It is only by the embodiment of such values and principles than any man can claim to be civil and walk the higher path than the savage.

Intolerance is the hallmark of the Barbarian.
Intolerance is the hallmark of Tyranny.
Intolerance comes from fear.

Principled tolerance is in fact a symbol of courage.

” If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacably with all Men.”
Paul the Apostle.
Romans 12vs8.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Because Evolution is not Falsifiable, it’s not Science. It’s Pseudo-Science

This meme (above) popped up on my Twitter feed today.
I was not sure if the person who posted it was seriously asking this question, or was just trolling those of us who believe in Special creation and reject Evolution.
It matters not, for irrespective of the motive for making this post I took the opportunity to throw in my personal opinion about Evolution as being pseudo-science…

This quickly solicited a response that inferred the Evolution hypothesis could be falsified…
I was able to rebut this assertion with little fuss on my part.

Did my accurate rebuttal phase my antagonist in any way? No.
He simply repeated his original claim. So I expanded my original rebuttal.

Unflinching, he continued to spiel unsubstantiated evolutionary jargon as if it was science…adding he thought Darwin’s ignorance of genetics to be ‘irrelevant’!
It’s far from ‘irrelevant’ for it was only in the vacuum of ignorance about genetics that Darwin’s bunk ideas were able to take hold of the imagination.

He then tried to justify evolution by suggesting that getting new genes was not necessary for evolution (below)!!
I immediately pointed out the error of his contention, and that in fact this was more evidence against evolution…

Mutations do not result in new Genes. There has never been a new creature discovered via Mutation. Even Darwin recognised Mutation as having massive negative impacts on the fitness of Species. The math is so far against the claim that mutations are an evolutionary force as to render the postulate utterly delusional.
Evolutionists clutch at such straws notwithstanding.
Like a stuck record… and he even admitted such (saying for the third time) he repeated what he had already repeated… but also threw in some Ad Hominem attacks on my personal intelligence and learning! That’s what these people do!

This is a signature characteristic of an indoctrinated mind. When confronted with cogent arguments that are completely at variance with what they themselves have been led to believe. Instead of taking time to cognate the plausibility of what they have been proffered, instead they start to assume this line of reasoning can only come from ignorance of what they have assume to be unquestionable truths.!

At this point the poor fellow started to implode… denying his original proposition!

Realising nothing I marshalled would penetrate the stone walls of his fortified mind I felt best to draw this thread to a close… yet not without firing the obligatory parting volley!
Yet not to be bested he fired his own… not realising he again shot himself in the foot by re-asserting the notion that *Evolution would be falsifiable* *if only there were no variations*! This is a falacy of circular reasoning…
“Evolution could be falsified if we found no variations, yet because we find variations Evolution cant be falsified!”

When he said “For the third time: evolution is the change in heritable characteristics in populations of organisms…” The sneak snuck in quite a significant modification to his original contention.
At least he was trying another more nuanced approach. Yet alas thereby he sinks his own ship…

Most of you will be familiar with how Social media debates play out. They do not always flow in a linear fashion from point A to Z as it is possible to read, and re-read the debate and randomly throw in commentary as and when we feel moved to do so. This means the debate can ‘jump about’.
In this Blog article I have done my best to present the argument fairly, yet as a matter of course I have juxtaposed the screen shots in a way that best suits my argument. not in real linear time. I do not mean to disadvantage my antagonist by not declaring this home advantage I have…

Ultimately if this guy wanted to be both honest and maintain his integrity, After I had shown him how variations are explicable without any evolution, he simply ought to have retracted his original claim that Evolution could be falsified via the means of *no variation*. That is patently false. Not only that yet he set up a standard that could not be falsified… as variation is a fact.
If Evolutionists want to defend their Mythical tale as an actual scientific theory they will have to find a better argument for it’s falsifiability.

So my Premise stands… Evolution is Pseudoscience because it is unfalsifiable.

I’d be happy to accept any challenges to this Granite solid proposition.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarianism.

I informed ‘Fortune’ that I had turned our debate into a Blog article and that if he did not think I represented him faily that he should write a retort in the comments (below) and that I would let it stand as his right of reply. this was his response…

Ask yourself why is it necessary to cast slurs on a person’s character simply because they rigorously oppose something you hold to be true?
Is it not possible to disagree yet remain civil?
This is a requisite IMO for a free and enlightened society.

More from Tim…








The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Square Circles. When Continuity is claimed as Evolution

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Way too Starry for Atheism!




Vain Imaginations: Jordan Peterson on How Psychedelic Experiences Could’ve Shaped Religion

I have watched a fair chunk of both Rogan and Peterson materials… and have enjoyed a great portion of it all. I believe they both make very valuable and insightful contributions in the realm of thought…yet I am not a sycophant. I give praise when I believe praise is due, yet I will also call out BS when I see it.

Please watch the video below.

Man has been defined as ‘The worshipping Animal’.
The title of this video is misleading in that the question is only relevant if it pertains to Moses and the Bible rather than a generalised ‘Origin of the Religious sense in humanity’ because we have solid evidence that some Pagan religions are born of or at least make use of psychedelics as mystical practices.
But should a person then believe this is a sound explanation for what is written in the bible?
That is the question I want to address… the rest is moot IMO because it is non-contentious.
Drug taking is a fact of human history.

I don’t buy this sort of ‘Rationalist’ speculation of apostate Jewish scholars who deny their own faith (Rogan’s opening statement was that some Rabbis had claimed Moses was trippin).

I would never deny these are questions worth discussing… they clearly are worth it… I don’t have a problem with the questions… I just find Rogan and Peterson’s conclusions… or lack thereof disappointing.
I guess these guys are still wandering in the wilderness.

Picture from here.

It is true that many people have equated psychedelic’s trips to having a religious experience complete with meeting spirit beings.

Indisputably some Psychonauts looking for meaning in life believe they have ‘found’ something real in the psychedelic experience that transcends this material universe (consciousness itself is fundamentally transcendental) . Scientists and psychologists are beginning to appreciate that going on a trip can even bring peace of mind to the terminally ill… alleviating some from the fear of death.
They experience an opening door to greater realities.
Joe Rogan himself talks a lot about this.
In my youth I experienced this very thing too.
I was already a Christian and yet magic mushrooms were mind expanding.
Modern science is today catching up to the many beneficial and therapeutic qualities of Psilocybin.
Contrary to long held phobias and prejudices Magic Mushrooms can be good for the brain and the spirit.

Caveat: Beware! Psilocybin Magic mushroom are currently illegal in New Zealand, and if you ingest a poisonous look-alike that could be a fatal mistake.
Prohibition Sux!
One day this will change, and as is the case now in Canada, you will be able to buy safe tripping mushroom’s from the shop.

I recently had a surprising conversation with a old friend who had always been hard of heart when it came to discussion of religion, yet had recently had what she described as a religious experience from a psychedelic trip.
This experience completely shifted her opinion about transcendent reality.
Such experiences may help people to escape the box of materialism yet it is still a long journey to the way, the truth, and the life.
I am hoping my now more open minded friend will look further afield contemplate the bigger questions for which the Bible alone has the Truth.
Her spiritual pilgrimage has only just begun.
I pray God sends her knowledgeable servants to help guide her to the truth.
We all must see the light of truth to be saved. It is one thing for me to know this (I’m alright Jack!), the problem I have is that most of the people I care about are closed off to the possibility that they are lost sinners who need Christ.
Still I must try to reach anyone who is not hard of heart.

Back to Rogan and Peterson. What grinds my gears about these two guys in particular is despite being well aware of a massive corpus of piece-meal facts that are scattered across a broad spectrum of subjects guys like Rogan and Peterson fail to think holistically and refuse to draw the most obvious conclusion about ‘the religion’ of the Bible… from a totality of what is known… that it is based upon *Real events*…. *Empirical facts*.’That is the most obvious conclusion that best fits all the hard corroborating evidence.
Instead they choose to be vain in their imaginations and flog their favorite hobby horses. Rogan likes to attribute stuff to tripping. and Peterson enjoys fabricating overly sophisticated psychological bents that make the great men of the past look like Psyche patients.
This is a well understood penchant of ‘specialists’… their tunnel vision that can only interpret reality through their narrow lens of ‘training’… exposing their bents.
Gullible people mistake their own wild ‘rationalisations’ as being valid excuses for doubting the veracity of the Bible when in reality they are feeble and fail to explain the known facts.

Moses and the Burning Bush from here.

Doctor heal thyself!
I assert the simple truth is that the great famous men of the Bible… Moses, etc had real experiences with God Almighty. Ie The Bible is literally true.
On a psychological level we can appreciate why human beings don’t want to face the simple truth…. because it would call an end to their pet delusions… an existential crisis….
But if you admit to yourself the bible speaks of real events … the moral implications will demand you change you whole outlook on life… and call you to prostrate yourself before the Almighty.
And above all things mans pride and his desire to be his own God prevents him from acknowledging his subjection to the Divine Authority.
What is appealing to people like Rogan about the psychedelic experience is that he can make it mean whatever he wants to believe.
Sinful lost human beings are alien to the truth. They are opposed to it. many will choose to believe almost anything rather than the truth. They cannot bear it.
In this way Human beings are the children of the Devil. This is not freedom but slavery to a lie. This will damn your soul.
As a Christin it is my duty to both God and my fellow man to witness for the Gospel.
Be honest to yourself. Believe the scriptures. The truth will make you free. Look to the Cross of Christ and his resurrection… there our salvation is found… for free.

Space in this post has not allowed me to lay out all the evidence that ought to compel reasonable people into accepting the historical validity of the scriptures.
Please do not be too disappointed about this short fall.
I am aware of it, yet anyone who thinks my failure to provide such a detailed exposition makes my contention a hollow claim is not a reasonable person.
The subject is massive. and involves virtually every branch of knowledge… and this is my main contention against the proposition Rogan and Peterson are making in the featured video. It is naïve.

I will provide links to where an investigation of the facts can be started….

IMO the greatest hurdle for an entrenched Atheist materialist that prevents them from being able to grasp the validity of the Bible is their *Ideological Blindness*… an intellectual incapacity to be able to contemplate for even a moment that Spiritual realities might really exist… and that the Biblical miracles actually happened.
I am not seeking to belittle anyone… I’m pointing out the massive paradigm shift required to be able to honestly consider the alternative view.
I know this from my own prior atheist experience. I know how the Materialist mindset is utterly consumed by weak rationalisations that are fabricated to maintain the Atheist cognitive dissonance.
It is an addictive habit of the mind that most atheists mistake for intelligence and reason.
It is folly!
Materialism is founded upon the archaic and childish delusions of Scientism… a belief that empirical science can (and does)explain everything.
This is an untenable position in 2023.

“Seek and ye shall find.”
The first step to seeking the light must be an opening of the mind.

A large portion of my work published on Eternal Vigilance Blog is laying out the case for Christianity and Biblical faith. I am not a great writer, yet the hundreds of posts I have done on a broad spectrum of issues form my testimony as to why I believe the Bible is true. Thus I point to them as an archive of evidence to support my claims I am making today. Anyone with a seeking heart might do worse than to spend some time following links I post below.

A final word…
When I dabbled in psychedelics I never met any spirit beings, yet as I said above I was a wayward Christian.
I wonder if that kept them at bay?
I do not encourage anyone to take drugs, and posit the long held warning that Christians have historically associated ‘Phamikea’ with Sorcery and Witchcraft… which is understandable given the Pagan usage of psychedelics.
The Bible instead promotes the Sober mind.
And if the assertions of the Christians are correct in these matters, the spirit beings encountered while tripping could be dangerous Demons pretending to be Angels of light… and I suspect that is the case.

Before I was a Christian, in my late Teens I did have an experience… It is called ‘Entity Attack syndrome’… historically called Incubus/ Succubus encounter, yet modern rationalists call it ‘Sleep paralysis’ … my account of that can be found here…


Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….


Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.


A High Calling.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Jimi vs Jesus.

Car Crash.


Further thoughts that continue on from Part 1 here.

Science is no escape from the human condition… that gospel purported by many…is false.

Though we may increase in mastery over nature…certainty will always escape us… thus science is a pragmatic pursuit, not a source of absolute knowledge.

With every new answer comes new questions.
We will always rely on axioms and presuppositions… we cannot escape the need for faith… which underpins what we think we know… even the things we are most sure about….

I guess my original post could have been called… ‘Beware of Scientism’.

History shows you can ‘prove’ almost anything by fiddling with numbers.

It must be understood that not even math escapes the human condition… I know many people will be loosing their lunch over my impertinence… yet with time I hope to explain the many ways math can be corrupted.

When reading about various types of weird ‘inferred postulates’ like Dark Matter, The Big Bang, etc we always find two camps of thought.

Simpletons who think the said phenomena are rock solid facts and proceed to treat them as such in all their forthcoming activities… and others who have the intellectual depth and integrity to admit these cherished theories are full of holes… and proceed with caution in any further speculations that could follow.

It depends on which article you read as to whether or not you are encouraged to accept such phenomena are real … or to remain skeptical.

It is particularly scary when the political class pick up on certain theories… because they suit their political agendas… and begin to compel whole populations into accepting them as indisputable… and then using usurpatious powers proceed to embed them in Laws and institutions… Pouring Tax billions into the pockets of scientists who just so happen to produce politically correct ‘findings’… while critics are deplatformed and thrown out of Seats of learning… and making it nearly a crime to question ‘the official line’.

Science has died.
The Balance has been skewed.
What we are left with is Pure Pseudo science… very much like the Social Darwinism of the Nazis which Sub-humanised the Jews.

What is funny is that so many people naively assume such shocking corruption is not going on today!

The truth is there are many factors that can corrupt science… Money and political agendas being two biggies… and anywhere the State is pouring money into ‘research’… it becomes highly dubious.

Another funny yet erroneous stereotype that was born of the Materialist religion of ‘Scientism’ is the image of Doctors and scientists in white lab coats with thick reading glasses… and expressionless demeanor.
The psychological impact of this upon gullible minds is the impression that scientists are not only way smarter than other mortals… but esp that they embody a ‘Spock-like’ power of Objectivity… that all their utterances are devoid of personal prejudices… all this is designed to get the gullible to trust them.

Their white overcoats serve the very same purpose as the priestly gab of any religious cult!

The truth is the exact opposite.
You would struggle to find in any other area of life a more opinionated, conceited, biased, Vain, Greedy, unprincipled, and obstinate bunch of human beings than you find in science departments!

Pseudo-science are myths dressed up in Scientific Gab/ jargon.

Is it any wonder why there are so many pseudo-scientific ideas that hold sway among the masses???

When false postulates and theories are accepted as fact whole magnificent edifices are constructed upon these corrupt foundations.
Entire lifetimes, and reputations, and industries can be wasted building ‘White Elephants’… and strong vested interests assemble to carry on the lies… because the longer the sham continues… the bigger the mess when it topples… and people fear facing the ugly truth… and paying the price of correction.

The lies become so embedded that it seems like madness to question them…. Cognitive dissonance becomes the norm… an incapacity to acknowledge uncomfortable novel truths.

Progress has always had to battle with entrenched Mass-held delusions. What is funny/sad is so many Moderns only apply this precept in their warped conception that Science has always struggled against religion… a very inaccurate and simplistic apprehension of history… utterly failing to guard themselves against all the other personal bents that can prevent them from grasping new and challenging evidences.
esp their own modern post-Christian quazi-religious bents.

I ask people if they dare to entertain any controversial propositions that are at variance with the mainstream?
For it is a signal of an independent mind to walk it’s own path and have the courage to diverge at certain points from the herd.
The herd has been trained to pour derision and hate upon anyone who steps out of line and does not submit to the ‘orthodoxy’ of their times.

It may amaze people that I am talking about *The scientific community*… not some religious sect.
Understand that the scientific community is as prone to Backwards, erroneous dogma as any other Human endeavor is.

What is essential then is to write a code of ethics of which the scientific method is just one aspect of what entails the correct mental processes that are conducive to the scientific enterprise.

. to guard ourselves from slipping into a mire of our own subjectivity… eg with the interpretation of evidence.

Ultimately all we can do is acknowledge the human factor will always be lurking about… like a madman.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim… and others…










The Science is never settled. Science is no escape from the human condition.

Below are some thoughts I threw together for a Social media post.
Not sure how they will weather… lets see!

This has now extended into 2 parts of which this is part 1.

Part 2 is here.

Science is no escape from the human condition… that gospel purported by many…is false.

Though we may increase in mastery over nature…certainty will always escape us… thus science is a pragmatic pursuit, not a source of absolute knowledge.

With every new answer comes new question.
We will always rely on axioms and presuppositions… we cannot escape the need for faith… which underpins what we think we know… even the things we are most sure about….

I am an Engineer by trade having served as an apprentice back in the 80s.
I studied General science and Engineering at high school… two subjects I excelled in given I enjoyed them both, yet to get into the Engineers class meant not being allowed to study ‘physics’ and ‘chemistry’ as two independent classes that were more specialist than general science.

The School must have thought General science was sufficient for engineers! (There is an element of truth to this)

Anyway I have never regretted my decision to learn a trade via ‘Hands on apprenticeship system’… we would spend several months a year at a Technical institute learning theory, the rest was learning on the job. I did a ‘fitting and turning’ apprenticeship which is machine work… lathes mills, etc plus ‘fitting’ which was welding and fabrication, and mechanic stuff. Best of all at you are earning coin and don’t graduate with a massive student debt.

Yet you learn ‘different’ things via an apprenticeship than what you learn when you go to University.
We learn mostly Newtons theories of Physics rather than Einstein’s.
And that does in the end have it’s disadvantages as I will confess to struggling with matters of Relativity and the claims of Quantum Physics… which I must do my best to learn at home by dent of my own desire to learn.

I must content myself at best with Laymen’s understanding.

I do accept that Einstein had a more accurate model for how the universe functions and that the State of the Art requires utilisation of his equations.

This achievement of Einstein to challenge Newton in itself must be one of the most important contentions that must be factored into… and embodied in any ‘philosophy of science’ if you hope to have a valid understanding of what science is… and what it is not.

Newton appeared absolute and unquestionable!
That was ‘the verdict of Science’.
Anyone who questioned him was automatically a crackpot.
Mad Einstein did exactly that… and in so doing exploded the notion that Science is a foundation for absolute truth… absolute knowledge… Newton was overthrown, and cracks are beginning to appear even in Einstein. This should at least rattle the nerves of arrogant ‘know it alls’ who think they have attained God-like certainty and omniscience!

Given we now know how little we know that such attitudes still hold sway says more about Human beings irrationality and prejudice… and incapacity for objectivity. Don’t you think?

On the other hand by grounding myself in swaff and metal filings … and big hammers and avoiding the indoctrinations of ivory tower intellectuals has given me ‘a freedom of thought’… whereby I stand on the outside… looking in at all the whack claims being made by Quantum physics, etc… and intuitively I can see these guys are wallowing in math-madness…

for example their massive claims about Dark matter! To me it is as mythical as the Loch Ness monster! I don’t buy into it…. and sure enough new theories arise that relegate ‘Dark matter’ to the dustbin of vain imagination.
Science is a learning process at best… never mistake wild assertions as actual facts!

For the sort of Engineering I do Newton is still King!
Yet we learn that ‘correlation does not prove causation…’ a very important thing to understand in our age of computer modeling whereby almost any hair-brain idea can be given ‘credence’ by fiddling with numbers and parameters.

I would suggest that Global warming is founded upon such pseudo-scientific modeling that was bespoke made to accommodate Political aspirations…
Michael Mann’s ‘Hockey stick graph’ is today absolutely debunked yet the damage it has done in skewing science has been incalculable.

The science is far from settled… on anything.

Have a nice day!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Individualism. Stay The Course, Remain True To Your Convictions. Don’t Let Other Peoples Actions Govern Your Own Conduct.

Some people may live this way… yet I don’t agree with it.

It is a Machiavellian tenet that say’s because other people are prone to breaking promises, that this absolves you from keeping yours.

The question is what sort of person do you wish to be?

I believe we should keep our word even to people who are not trustworthy… So we should watch what we agree to do and with whom.
This is because the sort of person we chose to be, and how we conduct ourselves ought not to be dependent on the character and conduct of others… but on our own integrity… we ought to walk the higher path even when most others are taking the lower road.

This way we remain masters of ourselves… consciously and purposefully acting according to our values… not living sympathetically in reaction to the rest of the world… and it’s lack of values.
In this way when you look in the mirror you will see a good man staring back at you… a champion of what is right.
Not living like a victim excusing yourself for being a person of Bad faith.

.. and your reputation as a Solid Guy (or Gal) … a person of integrity will precede you… and doors will open for you because of your own conduct…
This is the Old School virtue that ‘a mans word is his bond’
Thus it ought to be only in extreme circumstances that we should ever even consider breaking an agreement or betraying trust might possibly be an acceptable proposition, and the righteous path.

The Bible warns against making ‘oaths to God’ because most of us being pathetically weak mortals who have so little command of our own passions let alone any control of exterior happenstances we will too often break our vows.

Better not to have sworn to anything in the first place!

Knowing our own weaknesses therefore also ought to make us wary of making promises to people when there is any likelihood we may not be able to honor them.

Take care what you commit yourself to undertake and be sure to make any conditional caveats understood before any deal is shaken upon.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…Read
















The Truth is in Retreat. The Global Kingdom of the Antichrist is at hand . Is The Age of Grace coming to a close?

There is good reason why the UN has been labeled as the modern day ‘Tower of Babel’ in that it seeks to place all of the Nations of the world back under one Brutal Godless King to rule them all… just as Nimrod ruled before God broke up his kingdom and scattered the Nations for the very purpose of placing limits on Human Power and Authority.
Nimrod was a type/ an example/ a forerunner of the Antichrist to come.
It is no coincidence that the Socialists seek to reunify that which God himself divided, and to restore the power of a Global Dictatorship.
The socialists are the minions… the children of Satan… doing his bidding,

Satan’s Gospel of Globalism and the New World Order is as we speak going out to all nations… Deceiving and being deceived.
The level of Guile harbored against Good people who stand in the way of the approaching flood… esp against Donald Trump… is at psychotic levels… even among those who ought to know better.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

One particular group who demonstrate a sever rabidity of the mind and who are incapable of rational thought when it comes to Trump are the Anarchists.
Many of them… most of them (the only one I know of who is not like this is Victor Pross) are completely consumed by contempt as to be incapable of objective discussion… none more so that the petty Self important Anarchist spokesman for American Anarchists Larken Rose.
Now Rose couldn’t think his way out of a wet paper bag… his arguments are always puerile and founded upon falsehoods, and no one displays a complete lack of character better than he as he revels in the ill fortunes of those he despises.

Remind you of anyone?

An example of this is below… Rose Gloating that Legal attempts to expose the Rampant Voter fraud in the US Elections are not meeting with any success.

As usual Rose is full of crap.
One of his Fans shared this with me today to get my reaction, knowing I myself have been a Stalwart supporter of the Case against the Democrat Party of grand Scale Election fraud, and that I have had hopes that this would be upheld in Court… esp the Supreme Court.

Though it looks like my hopes may indeed be dashed I am at peace in my own convictions and faith.
I am not in the dark… as many.

No Irony in Anarchists tell us to trust the System… nooooo.

It still is not game over, yet it does appear that *despite mountains of evidence* and the fact that *Constitutional Laws were violated* and Electoral safeguards were flouted in every way imaginable… that those most trusted to defend the Nation from being taken over by these very means, are themselves either too spineless to make the call, or have themselves been compromised.
Ie they want Trump out… and Biden in… because they have been duped into believing the Globalist lies of Covid, Global warming, and the Great Reset… ie the Supreme Court has become politically activist.

In such cases the last resort is for the people to enact the principles of the 2nd amendment. They have that right… in fact it is a Duty.
To take up arms against the Usurpers.
Ultimately Tyranny can only prevail when the people slumber or have been rendered helpless by Arms control.
It will be interesting to see what happens as until all Legal avenues have been exhausted the Republicans have remained calm, yet now that it looks like they have been betrayed by the Supreme Court… what will the do?
The Supreme court probably has done ‘a Chamberlain’… thinking ‘Peace in our time’ is better than defending the constitution and having a civil war… possibly an end of the Union… and yet It is doubtful they have avoided this.
Some fights cannot be avoided… only delayed… and usually that delay works to strengthen the Evil powers, and weaken the Good… Like the postponement of abolition of Slavery for the sake of the Union simply delayed the war and made it more bloody… So too By allowing Biden and Harris to assume power and ‘act as if they are the legitimate government… and allowing them take command of the Military, and giving them opportunity to pass anti-second amendment legislations… all this serves the power of Evil.
I believe we are witnessing the foundation of the Global Kingdom of the Antichrist.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing… and that is what is happening with respect to the Supreme Court.
There is only a few legal avenues left. Sidney Powell’s court case will be the final hope.
Yet if it pleases God to allow the Prince of Darkness to begin his final infernal plot… even her noble efforts will not prevail against the corruption, and we all better share the Gospel with our friends and loved ones because the Rapture is at hand… the door of Grace is about to close for all those who reject Christ… Strong delusions are afoot so that the wicked might all be deceived and take the Mark of the Beast.

The corruption of Humanity will be complete.

This time will at first appear (3.5 years) the dawn of a golden age as the Antichrist will appear to be a ‘Christ like’ Savoir riding ‘a white horse’… yet he is Satan’s King.
Then Chaos shall descend upon the Earth for 3.5 years and Death, plagues, and destruction shall swallow up Humanity… and the Angel thrusts in his sickle….
When God decides the e3nd of the age of Grace has arrived, these things cannot be prevented.
The Great Lie will prevail… and that is precisely what I am seeing happening right now.
This is a signal for Christians to stop storing up things for the future but instead busy themselves with the gospel that the final remnants of those who are to be saved hear and receive the gospel… for our time is coming to a close.
The faith of many will fail them. Though they will still be saved… ‘the salt of the Earth’ will have lost it’s saltiness’ and the Rot will quickly spread… a spirit of blasphemy and contempt for the Bible will spread like a disease… times will not be easy for the Christians…. until the Day of Redemption… the Rapture.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Rev 14
14 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.
2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Pay Homage to Multiverse theory !

Idiot hippies are calling this “Environmental art…

You superstitious fools!

Atheist *Scientists* argue… and they would know… because they are so much smarter than idiots who believe in ‘Intelligent design’… and…. you are not *qualified enough* to have any contrary opinion of weight…. they say this is ‘simply’ a natural occurrence… no design… fully explicable via the laws of gravity, mass, motion, etc.
Pay Homage to Multiverse theory!
We just so happen to live in a universe where this happened…. randomly… without a creator…
Dont argue… you are ‘Anti-science’… (and probably a terrorist)
Just believe….

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More…. Evolution in action. Dr Richard Nixon.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?