Category Archives: ACT

Commentary on the Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Election Results 2019 by Tim Wikiriwhi.

So Hamilton and Waikato regional Council has a New Mayor and some new Councillors.
I will not reveal too much about my own votes which were left to the final hours before being cast.

I will say that I was surprised that Paula Southgate won the Mayoralty and that she was not my choice.
I reserve making any serious commentary on what I expect this to mean for Hamilton other than I do fear she may be heavy on the Environmental hysteria and Heavy on spending in general… yet I may be wrong about this and so I am prepared to wait and see.
Maybe she will prove to be neither of these things?

One of the greatest disappointments I have about the result is that Hamilton’s best and most experienced Councillor of any Ward failed to be re-elected… Garry Mallett…and to him I salute for his hard work and tireless service to our City in trying to keep rates in check and being a voice of reason when other Councillors were proposing Ludicrous Schemes and projects.
I hope that Garry takes this time to enjoy a break, but that he gets back on the horse next election… and hopefully I myself will also rejoin the race.
I also hope Garry continues to keep his finger on the pulse and regularly publishes his Critiques of what council is doing… for better or ill as there has been no better analyst of Hamilton’s affairs than Garry Mallett. He certainly shows up the paucity of journalistic talent at the Waikato Times and they would do well to approach Garry about making regular commentary.
Unfortunately the Waikato Times is politically sloped towards PC Lefty SJW Tofu.

Garry has earned my ‘Outstanding Individual’ award for his contributions to our Local politics.
I hope that one day Garry is Mayor of Hamilton.

There are some new faces of whom I know little apart from their short profiles… and yet I do fear HCC and Waikato have lurched to the radical left… and with that we can expect more climate alarmism…more pandering to Treaty separatism… and less restraint on spending and borrowing.
I fear rates increases and other madness is far more likely now… such as ideologically driven regional fuel taxes, and the like… so what this demonstrates to me is that Hamiltonians have shown a tragic level of being indoctrinated by the globalist liberal propaganda.
I know that is not a politically expedient thing to say but I dont care… I believe its a fact and i want to be honest in sharing my genuine opinions.
Given the extreme bias of the media … and the scale of their bombardments I would not at all be surprised to see this was a general tend reflected in results across the country.

Though we disagree on the issue of climate change, I’d like to congratulate Jennifer Nickle for her success in regional council.
I worked on site with Jennifer at Fonterra Te Rapa and hope that her experience in the Dairy industry tempers her judgement to balance environmental concerns with the need for New Zealand and the Waikato to have viable industry that is the engine of our quality of life just as much as having clean water and air, and looking after our Fauna and Flora.
In fact I would hope she realises from her work with Fonterra that Industry can be a valuable partner to have in getting Private assistance to achieving ecological aims.

I would also like to give a shout out to Lisa Lewis and Jack Geilen.
Lisa worked very hard this election and put in a very credible and impressive campaign! I have always admired Lisa’s spirit… her courage, and should she have been elected she certainly would have added some colourful Charisma to the mix and an alternative perspective that would add value… in contrast to the *Wooden middle-class Uni indoctrinated blinkered types that infest city councils. I certainly think she would be a better Councillor that those whom are Liberal radical Greens steeped in socialism and Climate hysteria.
I hope she perseveres.

And Jack… Jack is a guy with whose struggle I understand.
Like Jack, I myself know how hard it is to stand up for what you believe in when you have no War chest from which to do the most basic advertising… and the Media does not give you a fair opportunity to share your ideas and solutions thus failing in their moral duty to inform the public of their real options on the ballot.
And most of all I respect Jack for his ceaseless activism and support for Fathers rights.
Such an important issue that is ignored by our PC feminist anti-Men indoctrinated political elites.

I will finish this Election commentary with a general congratulations to all the successful and a salute to all of the fallen… as I know that even those with whom i disagree that they have served… and will serve the Waikato with the best of intent… that they are civic minded people … and for that alone they deserve recognition.

I lay down the injunction to all to resist radical socialist hysteria but instead make prudent judgments that put the rights and rates of the citizens first… ahead of personal ideological bents.
Keep council spending down.
Dont expand Bureaucracy.
Dont hobble our personal liberty or rights to develop.
Dont waste our money on extravagant Colosseums and pyramids.

Below are links to some of my own thoughts on how to Council best.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Election results here

More from Tim….








Ardern’s New Gun Prohibitions fail to remove Guns from the hands of Criminals… Wont Make New Zealand Safer…and only targets the Law abiding.

For all Her Post Christchurch Virtue Signalling about ‘making New Zealand safer’, New Zealand’s Woke Liberal Marxist PM Jacinda Ardern’s rushed Gun confiscations do exactly *nothing* to remove firearms from the hands of Gangs and Criminals… in fact suggestions that the Gun Buy back scheme should include a legal amnesty for guns which are illegally obtained and held was flatly rejected!

Take 5 and let that fact sink in!

As a Libertarian who believes in the right to bear arms in self defense, and who sees the New Arms Act amendments as patently unjust.. and nothing short of worst kind of oppressive political opportunism against a sector of New Zealand society she holds in contempt…framed under a cloak of Lofty Statesmanship and Beneficence by a dangerous power tripper to drive home an oppressive ideological policy for which she had harbored ambitions for a very long time… Yes… I make no secret of my personal angst for what has transpired… and it is a matter I ponder upon a great deal… and of late my thoughts have focused upon this… Gob smacking aspect of the charade…. that Ardern and her minions have expressly denied the means by which Criminals may hand in their illegal weapons!

That is a Staggering fact!

And it’s a weighty proof that this whole Arms Prohibition has zero to do with making New Zealand safer, but that what is really her ambition is the systematic dis-armament of the Innocent and Law abiding people of New Zealand.
Indeed *they are the only people* who are having their firearms confiscated under the threat of jail!

Now there was quite a stir caused among the general population recently when a Leader of one of New Zealand’s most notorious Gangs… The Mongrel Mob… openly admitted that His gang would not surrender any of their guns! (Read here)
New Zealanders were confronted by the reality that the Gun confiscations would not remove ‘weapons’ from Criminals whom are most responsible for Gun crimes… yet I dont know why anyone would be surprised by this Gang Leaders frank and honest declaration… only Idiots think that Laws prevent Outlaws from doing Illegal things!
What has heavily impacted upon my ruminations of late has been *the far more mind blowing fact* that Jacinda Ardern and the Police have provided *no means* by which Gang members and Crims could hand in their illegal arms… *Even if they wanted to!*

This is a *Massive Flaw*… a gigantic stumbling block.. in achieving the desideratum these Power Trippers claim to be the fundamental purpose of the New Prohibitions… less guns in the wrong hands!

Far be it my desire to instruct the government on how to conduct their tyrannical ambitions, yet surely only fools cannot see the benefit of offering amnesty and Compensation for any illegally held firearms to be surrendered… no questions asked!

Not only can we be sure that this would remove *some guns* that are illegally held, but the Propaganda value of this move would be immense… and go a long way to quelling the angst of the law abiding Gun community that they alone have been target for disarmament!
One would think that every gun surrendered by criminals would be of much more significance in making New Zealand safer than any removed from the hands of the law abiding Citizenry … not only because it is the guns that are in criminal hands that are the greatest threat to both the police and the general public… yet especially because it is far more likely for would be future terrorists to gain their weapons on the black market… from this *this illegal cache* that is in the hands of Bad character types.
Any Fears that such an offer could generate a wave of new Gun thefts by criminals hoping to cash in on the Buy back scheme could be quashed by a caveat: that any guns handed in that were found to be stolen after the start of the gun buy back scheme would forfeit amnesty.

In reality the Draconian way the government and Police have acted in passing the new prohibitions, and their Bumbling and irrationally conceived ‘buy back’ scheme is guranteed to result in a minimum of compliance, and an even greater number of Firearms moving into Criminal hands and being available on the black market!
Precisely as Act Party’s David Seymour has warned!
(Read here)

Gun Buy back schemes have a history of failure…
The Truth is that even the Australian Gun Buy back scheme when they outlawed semi-automatics after the Port Arthur Massacre only succeeded in removing and estimated 20% of the newly prohibited types, leaving a whopping 80% to be retained by Australians illegally, and many now changing hands on the black market.
I have read that there are 5 million plus illegally held firearms in Australia.
“In Australia it is estimated that only about 20% of all banned self-loading rifles have been given up to the authorities,” wrote Franz Csaszar, professor of criminology at the University of Vienna, after Australia’s 1996 compensated confiscation of firearms following a mass murder in Port Arthur, Tasmania. Csaszar put the number of illegally retained arms in Australia at between two and five million.” (Read here)
We can expect a similar result here in New Zealand.

Anyway, the likelihood of the government and Police modifying their current position that only seeks to disarm Lawful Gun owners is virtually nill, and so the thrust of this Blogpost will remain on solid ground, and the entire Self interested Pre-meditation of Ardern and The New Zealand Police to trample underfoot the Rights of Law abiding citizens… making New Zealand less safe… and Less free… under the thumb of a Socialist Police State.
We all know what is coming next… even more Gun control… and esp more suppression of our rights… esp our right to Critical free speech of this Oppressive Socialist regime’s treasonous selling out of our country to the UN Globalist Agenda.

The very same policies are being enacted all across Western Civilisation… wherever Socialist Liberals have taken power.
Christchurch Terrorist Brenton Tarrant is laughing his arse off!
He has played the New Zealand government like Marionettes!
They are doing everything he intended to happen!
Our Government has not thwarted him… it has played directly into his hands!
The government has forbidden New Zealanders under threat of Jail from accessing, or owning any copies of his ‘manifesto’ by which they could apprehend for themselves just how much the Ardern government and Police are dancing to his fiddle!

Chew on those facts!
I dont have any copies of that now prohibited text… but I have a very good memory of what it says!
They are powerless to censor *my mind!*
Yet still I can guarantee you Ardern and the Police will not be happy with these Truth Bombs I am laying down here!
I guarantee you they would love to throw me in their Gulag for daring to state these facts!
I guarantee you they are scheming how to write legislation to silence voices like mine by force.
And the way they do that is by feigning that somehow people like me are a danger to society…
Yet everything thing I have said here… I have the *Natural Human Right* and the *just Liberty* to say… and to publish!

Any Government or Police who seek to criminalise their critics (like myself) *are manifestly corrupt*.
None of this is written in ‘hate’ against any sector of our society… but against State injustice.
None of it may be construed to be ‘alt right’… and none of it should at all be considered ‘radical’!
It is the pain truth… Common Sense… and written in defense of justice… against the patent injustice and abuse of power by our Parliament and Police.
In the Spirit of Peaceful Protest… of the likes of Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and many other voices for justice against oppression, I raise my voice… let he that hath an ear… let him hear.
How far will our government go in the suppression of dissent and the implementation of Tyrannical laws?
From what I know of the globalist agenda I fear the worst is yet to come.

Support David Seymour!
Vote ACT!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.










Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and comentary on strategy.

Being edited over the next few days…

Disappointment is only possible when it is preceded by hope, thus at Election time with respect to policy, I am never disappointed by National or Labour… what I experience from them is sickening depression, disgust, and anger.
I ask myself why it is that I have suffered a succession of disappointments from The Act Party, and it is obviously because with Act I have always harboured much higher Hopes than the others that they would stand up for the values and principles of Liberty and justice… only to watch them sell out everything for the sake of sitting in parliament as Eunuchs to the tyrants.
Why do they do it?
As someone who has myself stood for Election many times, I have steeled myself against the temptation of dropping unpopular principles for the sake of getting more votes, believing that selling out for the sake of getting into power as not only cowardly and a betrayal to the minorities whose plight is dire and yet have no representation in parliament… but that without carrying my principles with me it would also be an absolutely hollow victory!
I have always believed that when it comes to politics it is a persons integrity to principles that is essential as they alone distinguished my political wares from all the rest… and what elevated me to the higher ground… and from which alone I can have self esteem.
And this has been proven true for Act… with their track record for achieving virtually nothing while in parliament.
They of course try and justify their gross compromises with the opposite lame idea that being in power is the most important value.

The bitter taste in my mouth is because all of Act’s rhetoric about being a party of Freedom and small government is ultimately farcical!
They all sound like Libertarians at their election speeches, and all their leaders have written books that tend to make the reader think these people understand what is wrong with the status quo and are the party who seeks to reform all the violations of Freedom and justice yet when they get to the coal face…Parliament… they have already bargained away all their picks and shovels… and sit there smugly like useless toothless Lions…. and all the Evils continue on unabated… all the while still kidding themselves that they still represent something better and more noble!
They prop up virtually all the new oppressive measures their overlords dictate… if not expressly, then by simply continuing to support the wicked regime of which they are a part.
They think their compromises have gained them the world… yet it has been at the cost of their souls.
How could Act have ever gotten into bed with National AND the Maori party… and still sleep at night???!!!!!
Its mind boggling!
They have no base line below which they will not stoop.

This blog post is primarily about what I see as current Act Leader David Seymour’s absolutely shocking strategy to “Save the Act Party’… Keep the bad guys out… and make the good guys better” (to paraphrase David).
I intend to point out what I believe are the fatal errors in his plan… and to put in writing an alternative strategy that I am sure is pragmatically smarter and also far more ethical for Act.
It is not my intention here to just throw mud.
My introduction (above) was written with the intention of showing how the principled liberty-loving voter evaluates Act’s historic modus opperandi.
I hope that the above shows how Act has disappointed the sizable minority who would otherwise vote for them this election.
It is *this sizable minority* that David should be aiming his policies to gain his own political foundations within the voting populous, instead of his current fatally flawed strategy of ditching all the most precious principles that Act are supposed to represent in hope of having a much broader popular appeal.

I went to the Waikato ‘Beers with David Seymour’ event on the East side of the Waikato river a few nights back to size him up face to face and with the hope of discussing these things with him, yet unfortunately it was late in the evening when I made my move… too late for this private discussion… and so I missed my opportunity.
I am primarily writing this for his sake… for Acts sake… you see another reason I went to this meeting was on the outside chance that he may be able to convince me to spend the rest of this election period advocating for Act instead of Winston first.
There was perhapse 30 people there, and it was held at the ‘Good Neighbour’ restaurant and bar, which though a tad noisy from the diners below the mezzenene, sold good beer and I hear great food.

I saw a Man who was much more likable than he appears in the media, and from his speech and answers to the questions that followed, I can see that he is an honest man… even if I strongly disagree with how he operates.
I refrained from taking him to task over the many points that made me recoil as It is always important to be respectful at such events… only lefties think they have the divine right to ruin such evenings and attempt to shut down speakers who say things of which they disapprove… because they have no respect for free speech and no sense of decency.
I express my negative reactions to his answers here not to scorn him or to undermine him, but in the hope of explaining how many of that sizable minority of Freedom loving voters feel about what we see as his constant lack of political spine.
Hearing him talk and answer questions it was obvious to me there was zero point in even raising the topic of all the Toxic Deaths attributed to synthetic cannabis happening right now… on his watch… in Auckland city, and the obvious solution of the legalisation of the much safer alternative… Cannabis … even though I believe this is another righteous opportunity being lost by Act.

It’s like he has been hanging out with Super-conservative Bill English too long and has been sitting at his feet like a puppy taking notes… much to National’s satisfaction!
It is easy to imagine him having Beers with his good mate Bill… The Old statesman tutoring the younger and hence somewhat gullible student who assumes his mentor has his best interests at heart… and is bequeathing to his apprentice the mysteries of political success… when in reality Bill has his own Agenda and seeks to keep David in check.

This senerio has weight because of how David answered the questions at question time… there was a definite theme… a definite mindset, for example when I fired my most important question I had on my list to ask him about whether or not he would support Winston Peters call for a referendum on the Maori Seats he in so many words said *NO!*, and his excuse was to quote National party/John key/ Bill English line that to work to dismantle the Apartheid electoral system would produce ‘Hikois from hell’.
He is prepared to ignore this most cancerous situation out of fear of the Maori radicals… allowing the malignancy to reach the bone where it will become nothing but pain and misery for future generations… all because he wont lace up his boots… grab his gun… and head to the front himself.

Not only was this a testament that he has no spine to confront the most serious injustice that our Political system embodies, but also that was a clear indication that he either thinks following the same strategy that National is following… will also work for Act or that he is too cowardly to differ from National on this vital issue out of fear they may stand against him in Epsom!
Seriously think about that.
Its fundamental.
If its the first reason he’s stupid, and if its the second he’s proving to just be Nationals Lap dog!
I think its both.
He fails to see that the only reason that freedom lovers will vote for Act rather than National or Labour is because they believe Act has more Mettle and higher values than these mainstream parties with their legions of Sheeple voters and absolutely Evil Racist politics!
He underestimates the cost to Act in votes that his lack of spine on such important matters costs them in the polls.

It was sooo apparent to me that David does not realise how disconnected he is from the very people whom he should be appealing to!
That significant voting block that is far in excess of 5%… and is currently homeless… currently thinking of holding their nose… and voting New Zealand first!
Anyone who knows Winston knows the man can smell where the votes are!
Old whiley Winston knows a Massive percentage of the voting public have had a guts full of all the racism and extortion that results from treaty separatism and the Maori seats, and that out of desperation will will rally around *anyone* who campaigns to bring this evil to an end and establish Racial equality before the Law.
David cant be associating himself with the same political forums that I frequent and so he does not appreciate just how many votes that Winston has gained solely from his forthright assault on these Racist seats and agenda!
It massive, and the chief reason Winston is skyrocketing in the polls and was the chief reason Don Brash was able to raise National out of the pit of despair they were in when he inherited the leadership… a doldrums they were suffering in the wake of Helen Clark, very similar to doldrums Labour has suffered in wake of john Key.
Winston is not phased by the threat of ‘Hikois from hell’… which is nothing but tale wagging the dog!
All the vileness of treaty separatism springs from MMP chiefly because of the perpetual failure to abolish the Maori Seats and is why New Zealanders of significant numbers are desperate to get rid of them… if only David would grow a pair… be willing to cross the floor away from Bill English… and support Winston’s call for a referendum.
Votes like mine would flow into Act instead of NZ First!
And his Mana and integrity would rise in the eyes of the voters… I would be far less disappointed with Act!
I cant help also think that David is reciprocating a petty dislike for Winston as he claims Winston holds for Him (David alluded to this with respect to Winston refusal to endorse his euthanasia bill)
If this is so it also demonstrates a lack of character by David which again means he falls from walking the higher path, and is a turn off.

It was grotesque when having flat out denied that he would not defend Racial equality before the Law that minutes later he was spieling on about being a champion of equality for Woman!
Oh! such a brave stand…. in our times of Politically Correct tyranny and Feminist domination!
It is just Lame.
This is the sort of rubbish that people expect from Labour and Green MPs appealing to their dopey useful idiots!
Again he fails to connect with the traditional Act voter and fails to appreciate how they are looking for a far different and just approach in politics!
An ex card carrying Act member told me how affronted he was when David introduced his List team as ‘Embodying diversity’… Girls… young people, ethnic minorities… as if these were important merits rather than because they are the best most skilled people for the job!
Ie Act is supposed to be about Merit… not such PC Rubbish that should be the preserve of the Zombie Left!
He betrays the sad fact that he has swallowed the lefty propaganda that Act is the party for ‘Wealthy Old White Men’ and crumbled under pressure!
Again his strategy show a disconnect from the serious minded Act voter.

Davis enunciated his strategy to save Act.
He said he is employing the latest Election techniques from America, and had polled and talked with 1700 people for half a hour first asking them who they would vote for… and then at the end asking them again… noting those whom had changed their mind and decided they would vote Act.
He said they gleaned what policies were the ones to had positively swayed these people and said these were the policies he would hammer on about in the rest of the election campaign.
he said Act is sitting at 1% in the polls, but that he would win Epsom, and that only by degrees of a few % of party vote would increase the number of List MPs he could carry with him into parliament.
From this you see that he has abandoned his faithful and things that if he can sell Act with the most broad and non-threatening policy that he only needs a few % more to get his best people in parlaiment with him… and with more Act mps… more clout to wrestle better deals.
Obvious to me this exercise he employed did not ask the right questions… because of his unwillingness now to make bold policy.

Think about this…He is not aiming at reaching 5%, and is only attempting to garner a few measly percent of the vote! and for such a minuscule return he is prepared to sell out on the most important principles Act professes to stand for!
That is the impression his strategy stimulates in the mind of the thinking principled freedom loving demographic that he is supposed to represent!

And I’m sure this rationale does have some support from a proportion of Act members even though it demonstrates that Act is no longer about principles but about playing the numbers… just like National… this theme is consistent in all his thinking and is why He does not understand how to function as a minority Party.
If he does not win Epsom, Act is finished… yet to win Epson he sell out everything Act represents and becomes indistinguishable from National.
I think he underestimates the mettle of the Epsom electorate and their capacity to vote for a far stronger and more principled MP and that out of fear of alienating himself from the electorate.
He admitted almost daily knocking on doors there and how tiny the numbers were of people whom were interested in talking politics, yet somehow thinks he has enough Data to justify treading such a low path.
Safety rather than Bold principle is the very heart of his strategy, and his own political position in parliament as representative for Epsom comes first rather than Act principles… and even more important than getting his fellow list members in with him.

He’s all about the Numbers… not about spine… not about principles… and I believe his numbers are wayyyyy off.
To sumerize David may be honest… and I believe that is his most virtuous aspect, yet he has fallen into a trap, and has absolutely has the wrong strategy to win support for Act….
His strategy is one you would expect from Bill English…. His thinking is not about fighting for his professed values, but about keeping Act within what he believes is ‘popular opinion’… and that is why Act must fail… hes not connecting with *the minority demographic that wants to Vote Act*… if only they are significantly distinguishable from National and will have the backbone to wrestle *Real Concessions* .

I would love to discuss this further with David, it is impossible to present everything in a blog like this, and I hope that my criticisms are not childishly dismissed with the wave of the hand and written off as written in malice, and seeking to undermine Act.
They are written for the very opposite reason.

It was only yesterday that I read a press release about Jacinda Ardern’s striving to win the The Maori seats for Labour by saying she supports the entrenchment of the Maori seats which will make it much harder to abolish them. Read/watch that Here
This sets the tone for the ugly face-off between National and Labour come post election coalition talks and the competition for which party will sell out most to Racist Treaty separatism!
This demonstrates how urgent it is that these seats must be established immediately and that anyone with any Political nous knows that we are looking down the barrel of Massive Race relations injustices being perpetuated and that our Children will inherit this mess because of spinelessness of those Mps whom claim to know better unwillingness to take the fight against the rabid racism of Treaty separatists.
This is an evil that grows exponentially… and the task ahead grows more perilous by the day as the brainwashing that is going on in schools and in the media is relentless.

Sadly, I left the meeting still affirmed that I’m best giving my vote to Winston, and unless there is a significant and immediate change in direction I will continue telling others to do the same.

And this makes my pain and disappointment in likes Of David and his minions so much more acute.
The time cannot be far away before I loose my disappointment in Act… not because they have grown a pair… but because like most of the traditional Act voter whom have abandoned them…I have learned to expect nothing better from them than from Labour or Nation.
I may not suffer this misery long as there is every possibility that act will disappear after this election and they will deserve it because they have sold out all everything that the significant minority of freedom lovers hold dear and the greatest reasons Act have had any votes at all.

By far Acts greatest Leader was Don Brash!
He is hero of mine, and was set to Put act back on the map with his adroit stand for one Law for all, and the decriminalization of cannabis yet he shot himself in the foot by taking on board John Banks who was not ACT material at all and caused Don to Falter on the decriminalization of Cannabis.
Banks Took Epsom but Sunk Act!
And now because of that very Peanut brained nasty Dinosaur mentality that dominates in parliament towards ending Prohibition we have young people dying on Auckland streets from imbibing Poisons!
I dont know what polls National and David Seymour follow yet they cant be the same ones the rest of the country look at as the pols on this issue clearly indicate a majority of Kiwis want decriminalization!
Read here how Don Brashes integrity to what are supposed to be act core principle resulted in an outcry within his own ranks!
Ending the War on cannabis embodies all the Values and principle Act claim to represent, and when it happens will result in a massive improvement in justice… massive reduction in police expenses and man power and less body bags… and not cost the taxpayer a dime!
David is already on record that though he personally thinks it should be legalised … he wont move on it as he fears it will cost him votes…
If only he was not so cowardly and show some kahunas… he would win votes!
I am sure he could sell this in Epsom if he had the courage of his convictions.
Its dishonest to know what is right in your heart… but refuse to defend it.
The demographic for cannabis Law reform is massive and the the only advocates for this are all on the left.
This means there are a huge number of homeless Pro cannabis voters who hate the left who are just waiting for someone on the Right to give them a home!
In a flash he could boost his own ranks and rob support from the left.

You dont need to appeal to the masses of dumbfounded dipshits!
Your whole strategy is wrong… and it makes you stink!
Your Votes are to be found in that 15-20% of principled and outraged thinkers!
Give Don Brash a call FFS!
Ask Jamie Whyte what he thinks he did right and what he did wrong.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim…

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

And Richard… Hikois from hell

Voluntary exsanguination


There’s been a lot of heartbreak and hostility in recent years over the issue of voluntary euthanasia, which remains illegal in New Zealand—for now.

Euthanasia activism began in New Zealand in 1978 when some secular humanists formed the Auckland Voluntary Euthanasia Society.

In 1995 National Party MP Michael Laws sought to introduce his Death with Dignity Bill. The Bill failed, as did NZ First MP Peter Brown’s Death with Dignity Bill in 2003.

More recently, in 2012 Labour MP Maryan Street submitted her ‘End of Life Choice bill’ to the private members ballot. But then Voluntary euthanasia bill withdrawn. Street admitted at the time that “”the move was simply pragmatism, she said, and she “absolutely” planned to put it back in the ballot after the election.”” Unfortunately, due to Labour’s dire defeat at the polls in 2014, Street failed to re-enter Parliament. Moves by Iain Lees-Galloway to adopt Street’s bill were scotched by new Labour leader Andrew Little.

Last year in June, Parliament received the petition of Maryan Street and 8,974 others requesting

That the House of Representatives investigate fully public attitudes towards the introduction of legislation which would permit medically-assisted dying in the event of a terminal illness or an irreversible condition which makes life unbearable.

The petition asks for a change to the existing law. The closing date for submissions is today, Monday 1 February 2016. You might have missed it.

In October last year, ACT leader David Seymour lodged a private members bill that would legalise voluntary euthanasia, the End of Life Choice Bill. Seymour’s bill may or may not get drawn from the ballot.

So that’s the state of dying in New Zealand. Our deaths remain natural, illegal, or self-inflicted. Or life goes on, sometimes in terminal pain.

Assisted suicide, or assisted dying as the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of New Zealand (Inc.) prefers to call it, is illegal in New Zealand.

Can people simply stop eating and drinking to hasten death?

Yes, stopping eating and drinking will hasten a death, eventually. This is the option many New Zealanders use now. However, it is less than optimal, can take days or weeks, and often requires palliative sedation to relieve negative symptoms of the fasting process.

But what if there’s a legal loophole, wider than a gaping arterial wound, that permits the possibility of a quick, painless, assisted and *legal* means of dying for the terminally ill whose ongoing existence does them more harm than good and who wish to end it all prematurely? I think there might be. Here’s why.

1. Giving blood is legal.

2. Taking blood is legal.

3. Refusing a blood transfusion is legal.


Assisted exsanguination is a legal means of voluntary euthanasia.

This simple means of dying with a little help from your friends and family is subject to some minimal legal constraints that must, of course, be observed.

The Human Tissue Act 2008 covers the legalities of taking blood. Read it and you’ll be displeased but not at all surprised to learn that blood is a “controlled human substance”. But you don’t have to be a “qualified person” to take blood, provided it is not “for therapeutic purposes or for health practitioner education or any kind of research” and the blood is not for sale or transfusion.

Libertarians uphold the right of the individual to his/her own life, liberty—and lifeblood.

Live and let live—and let blood.


Salt is a four-letter word

[WARNING: This blog post contains lots of very strong language and is practically guaranteed to give offence to weak-minded prudes. Please proceed at your own risk.]


The use–mention distinction is a foundational concept of (Western analytic) philosophy. To fail to recognise the distinction is, at best, to invite disaster.

The following true statements illustrate the distinction.

(1) Salt is an ionic compound, viz., sodium chloride (NaCl).
(2) ‘Salt’ is a four-letter word.

The first sentence is a statement about the substance called “salt”—it uses the word ‘salt’ to refer to that substance. The second is a statement about the word ‘salt’—it mentions the word without using it to refer to anything other than itself.

‘Salt’ is a four-letter word. Salt is not a four-letter word. And neither salt nor ‘salt’ is a four-letter word in the usual idiomatic (and only incidentally numeric) sense of the term. It’s perfectly polite and indeed good table manners to ask someone please to the pass the salt!

In this post I want to say a few words about four-letter words (e.g., ‘fuck‘ and ‘shit‘) and their cognates (e.g. ‘fucking shit‘) and briefly discuss whether (and in what contexts) Christians ought or ought not to be using such vulgarities and profanities.

And it struck me that the perfect way to make the main point I want to make is to recycle the metaphor that Jesus uses in Matthew 5:13 right after the Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus says to his followers

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (NIV)

George Carlin aptly refers to the words I’m talking about as “just words which we’ve decided not to use all the time.” And “that’s about the only thing you can say about them for sure.” Carlin’s bang on the money! Because, if we used the words all the time, they’d lose their “saltiness”! They’d no longer be effective cuss words and they’d no longer be good for anything more than just plain old communication. Which would be a dingleberry of a disappointment.

(Or would it? If we no longer had an inventory of “reserved” words with which to insult others effectively, we’d have to relearn the art of the insult. And our prose would begin to be colourful like Bill Shakespeare‘s or Martin Luther‘s prose is colourful. And actually that would be fucking awesome!)

Say what you mean and mean what you say. Is probably the one blog post of mine I regularly link to. It explains how (according to me, but I’m not wrong) words acquire their meanings. The meaning of a word (any word) is determined by the conventions that govern its use. And those conventions can and do vary between different communities of language users. Amongst the kind of people I usually hang out with, the words ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ are used fairly indiscriminately. They’ve pretty much lost their saltiness in those contexts. (But I use those words extremely judiciously, if at all, if I’m having dinner with, say, my mum or any of her older friends.) Whereas both I and my peers still tend to hold back on using the terms ‘cunt’ and ‘motherfucker’. Those two words remain mostly reserved for when we need convenient terms to refer to truly despicable people, such as Peter Dunne.

But here’s the interesting thing. In the circles in which I usually move, the words ‘cunt’ and ‘motherfucker’ can cease to be insults at all simply by prefixing them with the words ‘good’ and ‘formidable’ respectively. To call someone a good cunt is to pay them a genuine compliment. And it is a mark of utmost respect to call someone a formidable motherfucker. Mohammed Ali was a formidable motherfucker. Vladimir Putin is a formidable motherfucker. Good or evil, you don’t want to cross such people! Not unless it’s from a safe distance, anyway. (I.e., well outside of Russia in the latter case.)

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. (ESV)

Here’s a picture taken Wednesday evening of me (on the right) and a couple of good cunts. 🙂 🙂


Now to the question, ought Christians to be using the sort of language I’ve been using here? The answer is simple common sense, really. It depends on the context and the occasion and the company. None of the cuss words above is at all appropriate during a church service, for example. (But you may say “piss” if you’re reading from the KJV.) Such terms should be used sparingly, if at all, in polite company. Because they’re impolite. But in impolite company (such as on my Facebook page) they’re not impolite. Here’s what the Apostle Paul says

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NIV)

Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. (NIV)

It’s contextual, you see. Don’t go calling someone a good cunt if it’s “out of place” to do so. But do go calling them that if it’s “helpful for building them up according to their needs.”

I’ll finish by noting that there’s a big tension between being a good cunt and being a formidable motherfucker. If you succeed at being both simultaneously then you’re practically a saint.

Epiphany. The penny drops for Don Brash…. Welfare is evil, and is destroying lives….and society.


Welfarism is Evil!
Don Brash has been reading….

I congratulate Don for these realizations (see his facebook post Below) …it’s just a pity he’s no longer leader of the National party. (Did I really say that?… hmmm…. no that cant be right!)
My point is that Oh so many leaders seem to ‘conveniently’ have such Epiphanies after they leave office/ positions of influence… where they may have been able to do some good.
No longer pandering to the powers that be, Police chiefs declare the war on drugs to be a failure…. after they leave office, etc.
Politicians get all principled…. after they are no longer soliciting votes.

They come out all Libertarian…. in their farewell address.
Yet still better late than never!

To be fair to Don…. He stood up for many Libertarian truths *while in office*, such as opposition to Waitangi Apartheid while leader of the National party.
He bravely spoke against Cannabis prohibition as Leader of Act.
And of course as a money man… hes always condemned the ‘borrow borrow, spend spend, mentality of the left.
All bold stands in today’s PC Brain dead Socialist lunatic asylum…all these make him a Stand out personality in the history of New Zealand politics.

My question is…. what will Don do with this latest realization?
It really is massive.
Lets hope this is stimulus for New and Greater activism!

Go Hard Don!

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Don Brash
3 hrs •
I have just finished reading a profoundly disturbing book. I bought it 10 years ago, but have only just read it. It’s called “The Welfare State we’re in”, and was written by James Bartholomew. It is about the effect of the welfare state on the UK. Mr Bartholomew concludes that “the welfare state has been a disaster for Britain… [It] has ruined lives and left people morally and culturally impoverished. It has left many depressed and alienated, too. It has caused some to become criminals – a waste of a life – and others to be the victims of criminals. It has spoiled trust between people and caused millions of patients to suffer and to worry. Tens of thousands have died prematurely. It has reduced the decency and happiness of the British people”.
And perhaps most worrying of all, he concludes that the people most adversely affected by the welfare state are the very people it was designed to help – the poor and those on low incomes.
I’m not going to try to summarise a 360 page book in a Facebook post but to me the book is utterly persuasive. He looks at the way in which healthcare, education, provision for support in old age, benefits to the unemployed, provision of “council housing”, together with the high taxation and slow economic growth which have inevitably accompanied the vast expansion of the welfare state, have made the intended beneficiaries of those policies worse off than had the welfare state never existed.
I have no doubt that this post will attract a number of people keen to denounce the book as written by some hard-right guy who just doesn’t understand how awful society would be without the welfare state. And no doubt there will be those who denounce me for praising the book, assuming I like it only because, in their view, I am a “hard-right” former politician. To those people I say: have the guts, and the integrity, to read the book before denouncing it. It is extremely compelling.
Mr Bartholomew has just written another book, this time called “The Welfare of Nations”, which apparently attempts to answer the question “If the welfare state is so bad, what should we do about it?” That is next on my reading list.

From >>>Here<<<.... Please take the time to encourage him to again Step up and *Do something* He's a mover and a shaker.... New Zealand desperately needs Guys like him to act. ************************************ Read more.... A Salute to a Kiwi Hero. Don Brash.

Don, you da man!

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction


Today I’m happy for John Banks that his conviction for electoral fraud has been overturned, and sad for my leftie friends on Facebook who have seized the opportunity to spew yet more hatred and bile. What did John Banks ever do to you?

Today it’s timely to remind readers what John Banks did in the cause of the dumb animals appointed to destruction in product safety-testing laboratories as sanctioned by the (unamended) Psychoactive Substances Act 2013. He opened his mouth and spoke up for them. He was the lone MP who did in a Parliament of 120. A big thanks to John Banks.


OK, I suppose that if you’re gay then you can answer my question by pointing out that John Banks voted against the Homosexual Law Reform Act 1986. But that was nearly three decades ago, and more recently Banks voted for the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Act 2013. And it was a genuine change of heart on Banksie’s part, wasn’t it?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not sure I like John Banks. I’m not even sure that he didn’t commit electoral fraud. But (notwithstanding that his conviction’s been overturned) he is (or was until recently) a conviction politician in a sea of arse-licking populists, and I like that much about him.


There’s much that drug law reform and homosexual law reform have in common. Both drug dealing and sodomy are victimless crimes. But drug law reform lags behind homosexual law reform by 147 years.

Homosexual male sex became illegal in New Zealand when the country became part of the British Empire in 1840 and adopted English law making male homosexual acts punishable by death. The Offences Against The Person Act of 1867 changed the penalty of buggery from execution to life imprisonment.

One of the main reasons I remain adamantly opposed to the Psychoactive Substances Act is that it cements in place the idea that dealing in some drugs (methamphetamine, LSD) is justifiably punishable by a sentence of life imprisonment, while dealing in others (“synthetic, toxic poison“) is approved by the powers-that-be. Sadly, the situation in New Zealand today re the vast majority of recreational drugs that people actually want to use is quite analogous to the situation in New Zealand prior to 1986 re people’s sexual preferences. So, no, notwithstanding my last blog post I’m not quitting the drug law reform movement any time soon …

Am I evil? Yes I am.

I’ve been honoured once again to have received Liberty Scott’s endorsement of my candidacy in his 2014 New Zealand voting guide for lovers of liberty.

Statue of Liberty

Mana – Safe Labour – Richard Goode Kris Faafoi or Hekia Parata? To hell with them both, vote for libertarian Richard Goode standing under the ALCP banner. He believes in more than just legalising weed, he believes in a smaller state and so your vote will be principled.

It’s true. I do believe in a smaller state and I am principled. Well, mostly.

I had intended to post my own series of Eternal Vigilance electorate candidate endorsements. In the end, I posted only two, one for Grant Keinzley and one for Alistair Gregory. Why only two?

I ran out of time, as I so often do. More exactly, I ran out of time to do a proper job. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, you see. And that brings me to the other reason I posted only two endorsements in the end. The paucity of perfect candidates, indeed the paucity of anywhere-near-perfect candidates. As far as candidates worthy of a Christian libertarian’s endorsement go, Alistair Gregory is about as good as it gets. But I have since had serious qualms about my other candidate endorsement and I resile from it.

Here at Eternal Vigilance we champion principle over pragmatism. Two of us (me and Tim) are former Libertarianz activists, candidates and spokesmen. Libertarianz was New Zealand’s only Party of Principle, and Tim and I actively carry on its proud tradition of promoting more freedom and less government. As do some other former Libz members, two of whom are running as candidates for the pseudo-libertarian ACT Party this election. (Although at least one former Libz activist is beyond giving a shit.)

To its great credit, and the credit of all in the party at the time, Libertarianz never compromised. Even to the point of promoting the practically unworkable Tracinski’s ratchet. The Libz recognised that the greater good is never a moral defence of government action, and voting for the lesser evil is always morally indefensible. (Are you ratcheting evil?)

Sensing the Libertarianz Party’s impending demise, I jumped waka and joined the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. Legalising cannabis is a libertarian policy, and it was the policy of the Libertarianz Party for which I was the Spokesman on Drugs, so there was no cognitive dissonance for me and no ill-feeling from any of my fellow libertarians who all wished me well with my open infiltration of the ALCP. (Check out the ALCP’s ten principles and tell me if you see a libertarian influence.)

But the devil is in the details. While I steadfastly stand by my party’s policy of regulating cannabis Colorado-style, I recognise regulation for what it is.

Regulations are actually prohibitive – if government defines the one way they will allow something they are really prohibiting all other ways.

Thus I fail any libertarian purity test.

1. Is there a positive candidate to endorse?

But so does Liberty Scott. As a libertarian, does he really have any business asking questions 2 and 3?

2. Is there a likely winner worthy of tactically voting to eject because he or she is so odious??
3. Is there a tolerable “least worst” candidate?

It’s no secret that I consider Peter Dunne to be New Zealand’s most evil Member of Parliament. Evil in an utterly banal way, like Adolf Eichmann. Dunne now faces the very real risk that he will lose his Ohariu electorate seat to Labour Party challenger Virginia Andersen. So I hope and pray that Virginia Andersen is Ohariu’s new MP when the votes are counted tomorrow night!

I admit I was even tempted to get out on the streets and help Andersen with her electorate campaign. But I didn’t, and in the end I couldn’t even bring myself to endorse her candidacy explicitly when I spoke at a recent Meet the Candidates evening in the Ohariu electorate. Compared to Dunne, Andersen is the lesser evil. But what about the even lesser evil on the Ohariu voter’s ballot paper, fellow libertarian Sean Fitzpatrick? He’s explicitly stated he’s seeking only the party vote for the pseudo-libertarian ACT Party. Perhaps he, too, secretly hopes that Ohariu voters will give their electorate vote to Andersen? But aside from that, Fitzpatrick’s party has no cannabis policy. That’s why I call it pseudo-libertarian. Drug legalisation is the litmus test for being a libertarian. The ACT Party fails on that count. What’s more, post-election the ACT Party may enter into a coalition agreement (to provide confidence and supply) with the National Party. How evil is that?

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? (ESV)

Jamie Whyte & co. are believers in individual freedom and personal responsibility at least.

They’re lesser evils. But what about my own candidacy? Am I evil? Yes I am!

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (ESV)

but some fall shorter than others. I’ve come to the reluctant conclusion that I’m a lesser evil just like all the candidates in the list below. I’m standing to give Mana voters the choice to vote for a lesser evil. Am I evil? I’m your man!

Without further ado, here are my candidate endorsements. I’ll spare you the details.

Christchurch East Robert Wilkinson (ALCP)
Dunedin North Abe Gray (ALCP)
Dunedin South Julian Crawford (ALCP)
Epsom Adam Holland (Independent)
Kelston Jeff Lye (ALCP)
Mana Richard Goode (ALCP)
New Plymouth Jamie Dombroski (ALCP)
Ohariu Virginia Andersen (Labour)
Palmerston North Iain Lees-Galloway (Labour)
Te Atatu Adrian McDermott (ALCP)
Te Tai Tokerau Kelvin Davis (Labour)
Te Tai Tonga Emma-Jane Mihaere Kingi (ALCP)
Tukituki Romana Marnz Manning (ALCP)
Upper Harbour Stephen Berry (ACT)
Wellington Central Alistair Gregory (ALCP)

Politics is a dirty, worldly business and we know who is god of this world. Should Christians, who are in this world but not supposed to be of it, even get involved in politics?

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.

ACT’s Charter schools.


As a Libertarian, I have many concerns about ACTs policy for Charter Schools, that they are still funded by Taxes being number 1.

Number two is just as important… watching the video Jamie Whyte was careful to avoid discussing the reality that Charter Schools will still be dictated as to *Content*/ Curriculum, and as such they will still be indoctrination centres of the Socialist Political Status quo… ie Charter schools will still be forced to teach the Revisionist lies of Waitangi separatism, the theory of Evolution, and the lies of Fascist economic theory (that Laissez faire is unworkable and that State Regulation and micro-management of the economy is essential).

Another unmentioned issue is zero reform in what qualifications are required to be employed as a teacher.
It has been said that Albert Einstein would nor have the requisite qualifications to be employed as a physics teacher in a modern Socialist institution, nor would Bill Gates be qualified to teach Computer studies.
Credentialism, is a growing evil which is locking out liberty of employment opportunities, blocking people from transferring across trades, etc and is a return to Guildist protectionism.

What I see in this ACT policy on Schooling is a similar *Failure to make fundamental/ *real reforms* as was the case with the Super City… Both these policies looking at ‘efficiency’ while retaining all the old tyrannical restrictions and regulations.
Acts policies in both counts dont result in any Tax/ rates reductions, and if you look at the Super city under Brown… It has resulted in a Rates/debt Crisis… and an increase of Race based favouritism/ separatism.

The advantage of what ACT are offering…. apart from introducing more flexibility of delivery, and a level of ‘market competition’, is that Teachers may begin to appreciate just how backward the current Collective of the Teachers Union really are…. and via this avenue start to really question the idea that The State ought to run the Education system.

I will say however that if ACT are successful in the long term at establishing their policy of ‘One country… One Law’, and are able to ensure the State starts to apply the principle that it is not the States proper function to promote ‘Culture’ that via this avenue we may see the current State indoctrination about Revisionist history and Waitangi separatism being thrown out of State Schools.

Currently Trainee Teachers whom reject the current Waitangi Separatism, or the theory of Evolution, or Socialist economic theory are ‘weeded out’ …. leaving the teaching fraternity a nest of Socialist Atheist supporters of Apartheid, and is why there is almost zero vocal resistance to Waitangi apartheid policies from Educationalists…. inspite of the fact that Racist Law and Government is such an abomination that such a situation is unforgivable!
Such is the depth of Corrupt Politicised Socialist ideologies within the education system.
This is a system which employs the likes of Pita Sharples, Margret Wilson, and thousands more of their Socialist racial separatist ilk.

ACT’s race policies will gain few friends in the Education sector!

Update: Read about PREPARING THE PARROTS: A TRAINING COLLEGE GRADUATE ON THE CULTURAL CORRUPTION OF TEACHERS by John Ansell. >>> Here <<< ******* On top of that, though ACTs Charter school policy is very moderate, The Teachers and their Union know this Act policy attacks the collectivist foundations of their 'department'.... esp their collective agreements, and this the biggest reason why Jamie should brace himself for 'Cries and Howls' against him in following weeks from this quarter! More calls to front up on State TV 🙂 What is Nuts is that Charter Schools could mean better individual contracts for excellent teachers. It's only the Dead wood whom will not have a future... and that is as it should be... market forces at work.... destroying the Socialist *guild protectionism* Angela-Roberts
When Teachers Unions organise Protests or go on strike its *always* about their own Pay, or supporting political agendas which maintain their virtual monopoly in education.

Read about how socialism has destroyed the concept of ‘Vocations’ >>>Here<<< Socialist Teachers are protecting their own 'Racket' and are Ideological'Bullies' vehemently opposed to freedom in Education, and the teaching of Ideas contrary to their own warped opinions. The fact that such indoctrination is going on is of course a perfect example of why the Government cannot be trusted with the minds of our Children and young people and that State education should be abolished, and replaced with a Private education free marketplace in which Parents have full control over what their children get taught, and that individual Schools either flourish or fail based upon how New Zealanders choose to purchase/ or run the Education of their Kids. meet_the_new_act_leader_jamie_whyte_995984959

Do I Think ACTs policy is an improvement on the status quo?
I think the response it receives from the Commy fascists Teachers Union is evidence enough that it is a small step in the right direction.

Jamie Whyte is a clever advocate for ACT Policies.
What I mentioned as *weaknesses from the Libertarian perspective*… will be most likely considered it’s ‘virtues’ by the Status quo, meaning ACT’s policy for Charter Schools are more palatable… easier to swallow for ‘mainstream’ contemporary thinkers than my personal ‘Fringe dweller’ opinions.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi….

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of conformity. State education.

Where Haters come from.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

The Act Party Waikato,BOP Regional Conference July 2014.

act conference 7 14 009

Is it possible to trust a man who turns down a free beer… a Waikato Draught… and exclaims “I don’t drink beer… I drink wine…” !!!????


A Libertarian friend, and I attended the Act party BOP/ Wakato Regional conference yesterday, held in an Hamilton Airport Hotel conference room.
I was interested to meet Act’s new Leader, Jamie Whyte, and to hear him speak.
I took advantage of the fine weather to take my Triumph for a scoot.

I did not hang around for Dinner, or the evening discussions.
I’m not a member of Act, yet I would like to just tough on a few highlights of the day from my Libertarian perspective.

The meeting was also a party fundraiser, organized by Vince Ashworth and his wife, and Hamilton City Councilor and one time party president Garry Mallett was MC.

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The Meeting kicked off a little after 3pm with Act’s Hamilton East Candidate, Ron Smith.
I was very pleasantly surprised with the content of his speech!
It was in my view the best speech of the day.
Mixed with humour, it was very Libertarian… not what I was expecting from an ex Waikato Uni Professor.
He said he was stepping up to the plate because he thought New Zealand was at a crisis point, and needed people in parliament to protect what he saw as positive gains… esp ‘Fiscal responsibility’.

Ron discussed how over a period of may decades his political outlook had shifted
considerably from the commonly held view that politics was simply a matter of various opinions on how best to organize community projects, and interests etc, to a far more sophisticated and enlightened view…. having figured out via decades of trial and error that the ‘Big Government’ model simply *doesn’t work.*
(Applause from me! :-))
None the less Ron warns …“There is a ‘Gaggle’ of politicians and their supporters, and esp the media which continues to live in denial”
Ron was very critical of the Waikato Times saying that in the past they had interviewed six candidates of various other (socialist) parties, and given them each a substantial space in the paper, yet had not bothered to interview anyone from Act.
(I myself have experienced this sort of prejudice from the Waikato Times myself, and it is appalling that such an important paper fails so miserably… and so often, in it’s journalistic integrity!)
Ron also decried the calibre of the journalism… their silly and irrelevant questions about ‘Cats’, etc.

He expressed his high regard for Jamie Whyte’s prowess as a political analyst.

Some of the last things Ron said which had me nodding was that many of the problems being faced by New Zealanders are rightly ‘Individual problems’… thus best lest to the individuals themselves to solve, and rightly singled out Security… internal Law and order as being a legitimate concern of government, and External security.
I asked him later of by this did he mean that the government should stop wasting money on things like America’s cup, and spend more on our Military… speaking personally he said “Yes… but a have not discussed any of this yet with Jamie Whyte”.

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Next up was Dianne Mulhern “Why I support Act”… she decried those New Zealanders whom harbour ‘a sense of entitlement’ considering welfare to be ‘A right rather than a privilege’.

She said she likes Act because they had a tuff stance on crime.

On Taxes she said… “I would like to hold on to more of my own money…
My Husband and I run a business, and we pay taxes and taxes on taxes, and we have had enough!”
She explained that they tried protesting paying GST on top of a particular government Levy yet were forced to submit and pay up when they were threatened with court action.

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Before a coffee break Jamie Whyte stood up to speak.

His speech was primarily a summary of what he has been releasing as his ‘Sunday Series’, which are available to view on the net.

He started with saying that he is proud of the High calibre of personnel within Act’s ranks and is grateful there as plenty of wisdom there to tap into, and gain good advice.

He used David Cunnliffe’s “ I am Sorry I am a man” , to contrast his vision of Act as a Party championing Individualism, and self responsibility in comparison to Labour’s collectivist mindset with it’s ‘Guilt by association’ type mentality … their fixation with having a ‘gender equal’ spread in their party list as being more desirable than making *impartial selections* based upon personal virtues and merits rather than sex.

He said Equality before the Law was the most important principle of justice, and that Lady Justice is symbolically blindfolded so that she does not see the identity of the persons with whom she is judging.

Without mentioning the National parties culpability, he talked about the institutionalized Racism which New Zealand suffers which grants privileges to Maori.

Clearly New Zealand does not have a just system… we have race based seats in parliament, Raced based state ‘advisory boards’, etc .
The RMA says Maori are more important, and have more say in matters of Development, and land management.
He said that because Maori have poor statistics in areas of Health, wealth, and crime that it appeared to many that Maori are disadvantaged, and that these things meant that it was difficult for some people to appreciate the fact that legally speaking Maori are privileged, and non-Maori are discriminated against.

To further make his point he said he knew of a woman with two sons, one born to a Maori Father, the other had a non-Maori father.
He said currently the way the Law is written that the Non-Maori son would have to score an ‘A’ to be accepted into Law School, whereas the Maori son would be accepted even if he only scored a ‘C’.
This not only unfairly discriminates against Non-Maori, but that ironically it means that because Maori don’t need to exert themselves to the same degree to get by… many don’t… and thus this ‘easy road’ does not tend towards an ethic of striving for success.

This is the sort of reason why Legal privilege is not working out to be in the best interest of the Maori people… socialism is failing them!

He said that even their racial legal privilege if it was working for them he would still oppose it on principle.

He said that in post election negotiations with National, Act would push for some sort of inquiry/ board it investigate ending the current race based laws and institutions of government.

When the opportunity came for questions from the floor, I said I agreed with what he had said, yet asked if it was prudent to wait until post election negotiations to formulate Acts policy for ending racial privilege.
I said that he ought to draw a line in the sand before the election and lay out not negotiable conditions for entering a coalition, because this would strengthen his position post election, yet he was not prepared to do that.
I asked if at a very minimum he would be prepared to say that Act will not enter into a Coalition with National, if it also included coalition with the Maori party?

Again he refused.
He then attempted to suggest that the Maori Party were reasonable people!

For me this was very disappointing!
Had he not just spoken about Law and order, and that equality before the Law was the most important principle of Justice?… and yet he was not prepared to make a minimum condition of coalition with National … in any way shape or form, to end the travesty of Waitangi separatism and our apartheid laws and institutions!
What more I gather Jamie does not have a very good grasp as to just how great a swindle is being perpetrated upon the people of New Zealand.
I think to the degree that he has investigated these matters, that he has by and large swallowed the modern ‘Revisionist history’ which portrays the Maori as victims of Land alienation via Greedy and underhanded means.
One thing is clear to me, Jamie has obviously been deceived by the Maori party- Mana split, and considers The Maori party to be reasonable… in comparison to Hone Harawera!
He does not realize that they are both *exactly the same*, only the Maori party are more cunning… more politically savy… more sly… whereas Hone Harawera is far more open and honest!

It is truly a wonder to me that Act would even consider entering a coalition with the Maori party…the party which represents the vested interests which are capitalizing from the injustices of our current apartheid system?
But then again how could anyone even contemplate getting into bed with the National party anyway?


I asked him what’s the point of getting into parliament without your principles?
He insisted he was taking them with him.

For me it is difficult to witness.
I believe he is sincere in his convictions.
He certainly is honest enough to say that he wont be drawn to make pre-election non-negotiable coalition conditions.
I have no doubt that he believes this course of action is the best policy to get Act back into parliament as part of the ruling coalition… that is his focus.
Yet I cant help but think that he is making a massive mistake.
Not only is he failing on the moral level, but is making a grievous miscalculation, and not learning from the Ghosts of Acts past.

I will have to talk about these spooks in another post… I will simply say that by taking this course of action Jamie is not giving the enlightened voter any solid reason to believe a vote for Act is anything more than a vote for National… and a perpetuation of the Status quo.

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Several other people spoke, including Richard Prebble, whom is a bit of a character and in the words of Gary Mallett… is the Act party’s hardest working, and most dedicated battler.
His speech was a reinforcement of Jamie as the best possible candidate to lead the party, and went on to discuss Acts chances at election time.
He sighted many ‘advantages’ Act had which are reason for optimism.
“…A vote for Act is not a wasted vote..”
He is full of assurance that their Epsom candidate David Seymour will be victorious, and with the party vote hoping for as many as 9 Mp’s.

During a short open forum, questions on Immigration were raised… most flavoured with the usual petty xenophobia and mean-spiritedness … “Foreigners steeling Kiwi jobs”, to which I was very pleased to hear Jamie’s (and others) enlightened and benevolent responses.
He clearly has sensible, and humane ideas about immigration, and tabled several arguments which thwart many of the phobias that fuel anti-immigration.
He mention that migrants were a much needed source of labour to do jobs that Kiwis didn’t want to do.
Beth Houlbrooke also pointed out that migrants contribute greatly to our economy, with many of the higher skilled individuals actually creating *More jobs* for Kiwis…not less.

The one negative comment I have to say about Ron Smith is that he seemed to harbour fears about Indonesian Boat people reaching our shores, and that in his opinion New Zealand should adopt/ partner up with Australia’s ‘Final solution’ (my words).

My heart breaks when I think about the horrific treatment of desperate refugees by the Australian government.

I just cant fathom how people can be so heartless against such people whom are simply looking to escape a hell hole, and find a safe place to raise their kids.

I am sickened by the inhumanity of those Americans whom equate innocent Mexican children crossing the US Border to escape the hell of the Drug war… as being Mexican Gangster killers!

I think about the Jews whom were trying to escape the Nazis being turned away and sent back to the German ovens.
I think about the Children drowning at sea.

Can we not have a more humane border policy which allows some sort of Private voluntary association to take in these people and work to assimilate them into our society?
This is a subject for another blogpost… back to the Act Conference.

act conference 7 14 023

The Act party as Jamie presents it is the most conservative flavour… the least radical.
Though apparently Act is the party of Law and order, personal freedom and self responsibility, we don’t hear anything as Brash as decriminalization of cannabis… at least not at this conference.
One of the biggest problems I see for Jamie is that if he thinks that he can start off this ‘luke warm’ way, thinking that as the party grows stronger that at a later date he will be able to steer the party in more Libertarian direction, that he will then realize that he has not created a ‘Liberal’ party at all!
He will have filled his ranks with conservative center right socialists (Quazi-Fascists) whom will resist any move towards *Real Reforms*… and if he thinks it is necessary to appease conservative center right socialists *to get into* parliament, I say he will have to continue to do so *to remain* in parliament
This has always been the curse of Act… The conservatives have always thwarted the Idealist ambitions… and this is why Act has achieved virtually nothing in all its time in parliament.

So I worry that because Jamie is taking the road of least resistance, that not only will this make it difficult to differentiate Act from National in the eyes of the most enlightened voting New Zealanders whom are looking for a *Real alternative* …costing him votes, instead of filling Act with principled Idealists, whom love justice, he runs the risk of simply swallowing up disgruntled National party voters and pragmatists whom would sell their own grannys to remain in parliament… ahead of struggling for progress.
His way may be quicker… but it will end miserably.
My way may be a bit slower… yet I believe the end results would be far more spectacular!


There were several other speakers and many other interesting questions debated yet sadly I have run out of time and space to report them.
It’s 1am and I start work at 6!
I will have to edit’ spell check this tomorrow nite.

They had a very good turn out…a full house… I estimate 50+.

To return to my original question, I think Jamie Whyte is an honest politician, whom is in stark contrast to the General Demagogue herd, in that he is careful not to make promises that he is not sure he can keep.

Despite my criticism…. Despite my disappointment… I like Jamie, and many of his Supporters.
I certainly believe he would be a good man for New Zealand to have in parliament.
I think Ron Smith is an excellent candidate for Hamilton east and I would encourage Easters to give him their vote but alas I don’t think he wants them… He’s fishing for party votes.

Though I am not a member of the Act party, I am certainly willing to help them expound the principles of Equality before the Law, of reducing the size and expense of government, of increasing Liberty, self reliance and self responsibility, etc and hope that I have opportunity to talk with Jamie again soon.

He’s a smart guy, and I look forward to watching him in action, and the rest of Act’s new line up which includes at least one Ex Libertarianz Party member, and another Libz Supporter.

No doubt in Jamie’s mind *any* movement he manages to pull our government in the right direction… no matter how small… is a real moral victory.
It’s hard to argue against that.

I would certainly love it if Act was to grow into a Powerhouse of Libertarian Idealism!

Dreams are Free!

Talk is cheep.

My criticisms have little weight.
Personally, as a Politician I am a complete failure…. I may make NZ history as being the most unsuccessful person who stood for election.. yet to me Politics is not about the art of compromise, but about Resolute and unwavering integrity to principle.
To me it’s *not a wasted vote* to vote for a candidate whom best represents your personal values and Ideals…. Even if … According to the mainstream media…they have no hope of governing.

I’m rambling again…

Now I’d better get my arse down to the Electoral office and get my paperwork to stand again as a Libertarian Independent candidate for Ham West.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Update:29-7-14 Winston Peters is a politician for whom I harbour much contempt, yet having just received word that John Key is now willing to conciser a post election deal with him, having ruled out the Conservative party, none the less Peters has boldly announced that he will not join any coalition with The Separatists of the Maori or Mana Parties…. which is exactly the sort of courageous and principled stand I was hoping that Jamie Whyte would make a minimum condition in any deal with National.

Read about This line in the sand >>>Here<<<

Update 3-8-14.