Satan’s Minions have almost sealed Briton’s fate.
This is a must watch video of how the evil ones are legislating away Rights, Liberties, and taking power without the peoples knowledge or consent.
The UK's.Biggest Power Grab: How the Data (Use and Access) Bill Will Control Data. The UK government bill is almost at Royal Assent. This isn't good, how have we let it get this far đŻđ¤Ź
Important note: This is not an attack on Maori students, or ordinary Maori. This is an attack on the shameful rubbish that is being peddled by Racist radicals posing as scholars and professors in our universities that is filling our young peoples minds with toxic lies about the history of our country and about very serious social problems going on today.
It is a rebuke of hopeless politicians like PM Chris Luxon who allow this travesty to go on indefinitely.
Just recently many New Zealanders were stupefied to learn ‘Maori scientists’ had been granted $4m Tax dollars by the NZ Gov to try and heal Kauri Die-back disease by playing recorded whale songs. The Oranga Project defended its methods, on its website referencing the cultural and scientific context of their work.
âMÄori whakapapa describes how the kauri and tohorÄ (sperm whale) are brothers, but they were separated when the tohorÄ chose the ocean over the forest,â the project said on its website.
This is a gigantic farce and the people of New Zealand have had a guts full of being fleeced by snake oil salesmen under the guise of ‘honouring the Treaty’.
Nobody believes that Kauri trees and whales are brothers!
That may have been a belief 200 years ago… yet today no Maori believes that!
Only Radicalised academics foist their delusions (and evil ideologies) upon the nation.
It’s a scam!
These scammers are bringing the Maori people into disrepute.
It’s the same sort of rubbish as has recently happened in parliament when the entire house voted that Mount Taranaki be recognised as a Legal person!
How on Earth can our parliament be so absurd and contrary to truth and reason?
They are selling us all out to radicalism and delusion.
Yet these travesties are far from being the worst form of chicanery that is running amok!
Far worse is going on… contemptible rasict lies are being drilled into our children’s heads and are being institutionalised.
Maori ‘Academics’ claim the obscenely high incidence of child abuse in Maori communities is not their fault!
We are told it’s not because Maori lack self-control and Ethics…. no… Maori academics like Associate Professor Leonie Pihama says colonisation is the root cause of the high rates of Maori child abuse.
She blames History, White people, and racist systemic oppression for Maori murdering and abusing their kids!
This is an outrage!
This is not scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced toxic and hateful radical ideology with no basis in reality… and it’s passing the buck.
These people are demented racists.
What is even worse is that Politicians Like Ardern and Chris Luxon Bite into that Shit sandwich and swallow.
They are fully lobotomised by these radical beliefs.
They allow them to be shoved down the throats of the good people of New Zealand who are also expected to swallow.
They allow these racist lies to be disseminated in our schools and universities!
This is systematic vandalism of History. It is generating a pandemic of vile racism amongst Maori, and indoctrinates new generations of Maori Radicals and extremists to guarantee New Zealand gets no rest for the foreseeable future.
And that is not even the worst consequences of such systematic propaganda.
These despicable falsehoods are reeking havoc in our most essential institutions such as our Laws and Justice system.
I wrote an article about another shyster Gov Report (like He pua pua) called ‘A Vessel of tears’ that blames Maori crime on colonisation, and we can see the justice Dep trying to implement these racist lies when in October last year, due to public backlash NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC was forced to withdraw her controversial guidelines she had issued instructing judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have âsuffered colonisationâ.
She revised and re-issued her guidelines yet she has exposed her hand…. she buys into the lies that Maori are not fully responsible for their own criminality… and that blame lies with Pakeha colonisation.
I’m certain a copy of ‘A Vessel of Tears’ sits in her top office draw.
^Satire posted on X… yet what makes satire funny/concerning is that there is always a kernel of truth. What really is Luxon thinking?
Anti-colonialism is a Marxist doctrine designed to undermine and destroy Western Capitalist nations like New Zealand.
These are some of the evil lies slandering Pakeha and perpetuating Maori victimhood that underpin Treaty separatism and the Treaty Grievance industry that Woke National party PM Chris Luxon refuses to address!
Head up his own arse!
It’s been business as usual for racist radicalism under Luxon.
It’s like Ardern’s never left office!
New Zealanders have a right to be livid at his pig headed refusals to stop this Racist madness.
In truth Luxon is way out of his depth.
He’s incompetent on so many levels.
NaĂŻve and cowardly… and seeking to ‘out-woke’ Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealanders must face the truth that National is no alternative to Labour… they are effectively one and the same.
We desperately need leadership of courage and principle… to restore our Nation back to it’s tolerant and enlightened recent past.
To make New Zealand Great again.
New Zealanders Need to Rally and organise themselves into a massive Protest protest movement to send a message to our Politicians that We will no longer tolerate these racist lies and extortions.
We demand an end to the fraud of Treaty separatism, and we demand Racial equality before the Law for all, be constitutionally enshrined forbidding any Racist laws or institutions being created in the future!
The longer these farcical delusions continue the more Maori slip into race hatred of Pakeha… the longer Maori will continue with their obscene levels of crime, and the more Maori children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.
Transparency and Accountability in Social Media: SĂĄnchez's Call for Algorithmic Oversight at WEF 2025: "My second proposal is to force open the black box of social media algorithms once and for all. The values of the European Union are not for sale."
^ Watch Video above. These are the topics that get discussed at the WEF by Globalist politicians.
They routinely discuss passing tyrannical legislation to take control of the Internet so they can crush free speech.
This is what tyranny looks like. Having an agenda that requires forcing the people into compliance, censoring dissent, punishing wrong think.
All under the guise of ‘moral responsibility’ . That is the sheep’s cloth that hides the wolf.
This Bastards speech must be understood in context of Elon Musk Buying Twitter and Mark Zuckerburg ditching factcheckers and diversity hire at Facebook.
Elon Musk Saved America from Globalism by making X a free speech platform… Trump has been elected… and the Globalists are watching their stranglehold over the World wide web crumble before their eyes.
They are pissed about it and desperate to claw back control.
What really upsets the Globalist tyrants is that we all know exactly what they are doing!
Because of Mass communication on line and free speech.
We are all up to speed on their schemes and agendas… and we see them trying to implement their Machiavellianism *in real time* and are able to ‘broadcast’ what’s happening in our corner of the world to the greater Freedom loving community.
Tyranny is a small number of Freaks seeking to control the Billions. Free speech prevents them controlling the narratives.
Governments should never be allowed to act as if they are a separate interest group and above the people who elect them. Nobody is asking them to do any of that crap except foreign Globalist organisations…. certainly not the people they intend to dictate ‘truth’ to.
So it is up to the populations in every Free Nation to Rally and forbid their Governments from enacting laws that throttles free speech and open dialogue.
The woke agenda must not be allowed to suppress other opinions.
Climate change skepticism must not be allowed to be labeled ‘misinformation’.
Criticism of Mass Immigration must not be allowed to be deemed ‘Far right extremism’.
The Outrages of Transgender ideology must be exposed for the delusions, lies, and crimes against children that it propagates.
And Citizens should not be controlled via Tech systems, the surveillance State, Digital ID, Digital Currency/ social credit systems…
It does appear that America is back on the Road to becoming Great again… because all these issues are being pushed back.
This is a critical hour. Many of the Top Globalists have been toppled… yet there are always more waiting in the wings to take their spot.
The WEF must be declared to be A Global Criminal Organistation. One that is actively corrupting democracies around the globe. And that politicians and Deep State bureaucrats with WEF WHO UN connections must be deemed to be serving nefarious interests that are contrary to the true interests of their own citizens.
The people need to establish Anti-WEF Protest movements that target politicians who peddle WEF agendas and seek to corrupt our laws and institutions to serve Globalist interests.
“The move to EVâs is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.
“You will use an app like Uber ⌠a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are ⌠in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parksâ
The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.
This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.
All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”
Click and watch…
The move to EVâs is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.
"You will use an app like Uber ⌠a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are ⌠in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parksâ
There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…
And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.
Te Pati Maori Radicals are a different breed of politician that only succeeds because of the apartheid electoral system which allows them to have no concerns about what the general public think about them. They don’t have to appeal to the general public to get elected. They only have to pander to the interests of a select section of the whole population and they gear their antics to that mindset… they are actors and performance artists… ‘let me sing you the song of my people’… type stuff.
The one thing these radicals fear *is a general referendum* because then… unlike the elections… there fate will be determined by *the general population* whom they have spent their careers slandering and poking their Tongues and Fingers at.
Binding referendums are a dangerous tool upon which there needs to be clear limits, yet *When a truly democratic process is allowed to take place… Their Politics is doomed*.
The only reason a referendum is called for on this issue is because Parliament is too feeble to make a sound judgement for the well being of the General public. The Law to rid New Zealand of every racist institution would never pass via parliament yet it is guaranteed to pass by popular referendum… which shows just how *non-representative* parliaments are when they are filled with unprincipled woke socialist Boneheads and cowards.
On this issue Seymour stands head and shoulders above the rest because his bill is founded upon Just and reasonable principles.
Not a single cogent nuanced argument has been leveled against his bill. (I can think of several arguments myself that would work far better than anything opposition MP have tabled)… and look at how pathetic Luxons rationale is as to why he is instructing National to oppose the bill!
Its yet another example of the shame and cowardice of the entire National party Caucus. If I was a National party MP I would lead a challenge against Luxon for this and I would refuse to reject the bill.
As for the haka…
There are already rules for behavior in the house. They just need to be enforced.
One thing is certain… The antics of Te Pati Maori in parliament have hurt the mana of the Haka in the eyes of the international community.
They are getting sick of it… they don’t appreciate it… and there is no valid reason why they should.
The Haka has been abused and this is sad.
I believe the haka has great value for New Zealanders when it is used at appropriate times… Less is more…. more is less. ‘More’ devalues it.
What the Maori Party did in parliament was blatant abuse.
Two Maori were contending in the house for their side of the debate. One behaved with Civility and made reasonable arguments. The other had no arguments but instead broke out into a frenzy and created a spectacle.
IMO one Maori (David Seymour) represents a modern day Maori of Mana and enlightenment… a man of Reason.
The other Maori (Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke) represents a delusion. A regressive caricature … trapped in the past… of a savage Age in which War and violence were how disputes were settled rather than via Reason and the rule of law.
So of these two Maori… which exemplifies a role model we would want today’s young Maori to emulate and aspire to be like?
The Savage or the Statesman?
When asked why she had broken out in the haka Hana said “that is all I know… to be Maori”.
That speaks a thousand words as to why she is unfit to be in parliament!
‘That is all she knows’…. and *That* is what she thinks *being Maori entails!* She’s absolutely delusional!
She has no vision for Maori to progress out of the trap of Maori radicalism by which Maori are expected to see themselves as noisy irrational savages locked in perpetual tribal warfare.
*Her only skill set is performance art*
*Her only politics is the politics of Race, victimism, and graft*
No wonder most Maori don’t vote Te Pati Maori.
The Doomed HMNZ Manawanui . 6 October. Samoa. Photo from here
By John McLean, author of “A Mission of Honour; The Royal Navy in the Pacific, 1769-1997”.
In my article of a couple of days ago on the HMNZS Manawanui disaster, entitled “Is The Navy Fit For Purpose?”, I raised the issue of the perceived over-promotion of minority groups in the services at the expense of the efficiency of our defence forces.
Speculation is rife throughout the country as in both general conversation and on social media (usually a truer reflection of opinion than the mainstream media) the suspicion is that the captain of HMNZS Manawanui, Commander Yvonne Gray, was over-promoted because she ticked the boxes of being both female and lesbian.
Instead of facing this issue and providing some facts to rebut such a presumption the Navy has compounded the problem by appointing as chair of the Inquiry into the disaster yet another person who can only too easily be perceived to be another of its over-promoted women – in this case Commodore Melissa Ross, who also ticks the boxes that seem to be more and more important in naval promotions – in her case being both female and part-Maori.
So passionate is she about the importance of promoting women in the Navy (apparently because they are women rather than on merit) that the Navy website of 6 December, 2019, stated of her: “She is passionate about the development of women in the military and was co-chair of the N.Z. Defence Force’s Women’s Development Steering Group, which she helped create”.
She gave away her prejudices in her own words: “With women in the Navy, we still have work to do to create the environment where they can thrive” (presumably at the expense of men). And yet the speaker of this sexist nonsense has been appointed by her fellow feminist, Judith Collins, to investigate the sinking of the Manawanui by another woman officer, Yvonne Gray whose ability to tick various boxes is widely believed to have been the reason for her rapid promotion to command of the $100 million vessel that, under her command, sank in Samoan waters.
How could anyone have faith in such an Inquiry, headed by one who appears to be so fanatically committed to her fellow female officers as to bring her objectivity into doubt? Commodore Ross is the very last person who should be involved in an inquiry into the sinking of the Manawanui. Much of the blame for this continuing “train crash” can be laid at the feet of Judith Collins who, as Minister of Defence, was responsible for appointing her fellow feminist, Melissa Ross, to head the inquiry.
Instead of trying to rebut the obvious presumption that Yvonne Gray might have been appointed to command due to her ability to tick certain boxes of political correctness that the Navy apparently now deems so essential to promotion, Judith Collins resorted to smear tactics, which are always easier than giving truthful answers to allegations. Those who dared to point out that the purpose of the Navy is to defend the country and that this can best be achieved by promotion on merit rather than gender/sexual orientation were damned by Collins as “misogynists” and “armchair admirals”.
The Inquiry seems to be organised so that the Navy can protect its own back as well as its policies, including – and especially – the criteria for promotion in this ever more feminine (and feminist) service. As Peter Cresswell pointed out on his Not PC Blog “An inquiry by the Navy about the Navy doesn’t give confidence that we’ll ever know much more”.
The New Zealand Navy is a small affair where everybody knows everybody else and that is especially true of the coterie of powerful female officers who all seem to be of the same stripe – of advancing women (and covering up for them?) at the expense of men. Obviously Melissa Ross and Yvonne Gray know each other – probably very well. If a litigant in court is known to the judge, that is always pointed out and the judge will normally remove himself from the case. So why not follow this rule for the naval Inquiry?
For an Inquiry to be credible in should be headed by the Judge Advocate of the Armed Forces with two others: one from Britain’s Royal Navy and the other from the Royal Australian Navy. Only then could the public, whose taxes have to pay for a $130 million replacement vessel, have confidence in the outcome of the Inquiry. The choice of Melissa Ross to head it is yet another example of Judith Collins’ notoriously bad judgement. Former Defence Minister, Ron Mark, would never have made such a blunder.
Not surprisingly, the continuing absence of any meaningful information from the Navy has fuelled the rumour mill. One of these rumours is that Yvonne Gray’s “wife”, Sharon, was also on board the Manawanui when she sank. This is either true or false; it would be helpful if the Navy (or its Minister) would either confirm or deny it. As the well-paid Minister of Defence, Judith Collins has a lot of questions to answer and merely smearing those who ask them is not good enough. This thing is becoming a bigger mess by the day.
I’m against New Zealand building Nuclear Power stations, yet not for the ‘usual’ reasons regarding it’s safety. but rather because I know the WEF Globalist New World Order Seeks to overthrow the Oil based Civilisation and install their *Electric Based totalitarian system whereby they control the lives of every individual on Earth via their consoles.
This includes a Global Cashless system. 666.
This includes a Global ID social credit system of control whereby dissidents and critics of government get punished and silenced.
It will include some sort of Mark or chip imbedded into the body. All our Biometrics will be scanned and recorded. We are told it’s all for our own convenience and social good.
It’s a system of absolute slavery… yet the biggest hurdle to their New World Order is that there is currently not enough Electric generation to replace Coal, Oil, and Gas.
They are not doing this ‘to save the planet’. That is a gigantic scam. The Politically generated Climate Alarmism and hysteria is merely a ruse to deceive the gullible masses into complying with their tyrannical dictates.
So NO! I do not support the government or anyone setting up Nuclear power stations in New Zealand!
That is what they will use to enslave my children. That is when they will outlaw petrol cars and trucks.
Coal, Oil, Petrol, and gas represents *FREEDOM*.
I will not comply or support the building of a tyrannical system.
I fully admit that I am alarmed by the way everything is being assimilated into the electronic matrix. The total loss of privacy… the way Tech corporations invade our personal spaces… steal our data… track us and spy on us and I am gobsmaked by the apathy of my fellow citizens to all this… their sheepish compliance… their acquiescence… their surrendering their rights for the sake of petty conveniences. I think it has all gone way too far.
The balance between Smart tech and analogue stand alone tech that is not reliant on the Matrix has been well and truly crossed with no end in sight!
So much of the ‘Smart tech’ is absolutely unnecessary… quite ridiculous really so that our societies dependency on the internet is like Crack cocaine… a very real form of enslavement… Am I really that crazy to point these things out?
Given the WEF agenda for the Great Reset, we must expect a heavy propaganda spin campaigns promoting Nuclear energy under the guise of fighting ‘Climate annihilation’… yet we know the real game plan.
It’s Ironic when you know people like Bill Gates and the WEF Transhumanist want to reduce the population… yet these demons sucker so many fools into thinking they are trying to save the world.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.