Category Archives: Socialism

If Ardern’s Political Contagion doesn’t Kill us…. The Caronavirus just might.

Get your copy of ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ from Good Bookstores or order direct from Tross publishing


This Blogpost has been a bloody nightmare to write… and will probably suck just as badly to read!
Not only is it Obscene in length, containing last weeks news that has been thoroughly covered by other writers when it was actually current … The whole theme I was trying to lay out simply didnt work!
There has been too much crap going on!
Yet because I have spent 3 days writing this sod of a thing, I am too peeved to just Euthanize it … letting it die quietly… with dignity…
I’m sorry…. Read at your own peril.

As the calendar clicked over into 2020 I was wallowing under a cloud at how oppressive Ardern’s regime and her henchmen The New Zealand Police has been behaving with regards to the Police raid on Right Minds Social media Commentator and critic of the Ardern Globalist doctrine and Concerned Citizen who made a Submission in opposition to the Firearms Amendment Act… Conservative Thinker Dieuwe de Boer.

The Police had evidently used his submission to the bill as ‘pretext’ to invade and ransack his home and traumatise his family… finding nothing…. yet leaving him (and the Independent NZ Blogging community) a clear message from the regime… of the consequences contrary opinions to the State Agenda could expect to be treated if they dare express them in the public domain.

This shocking act of Political Gansterism was just the latest in a series of such raids on independent Kiwi social media commentators … a clear systematic pattern now evident to all who are awake… one which the so-called mainstream media have done their part to condition the sheeple to endorse as a legitimate suppression of ‘Far Right extremism’.

I had predicted this Jackbooted activity would commence (here) given the Gun confiscation amnesty had been such an utter failure… the Police eager to ‘Punish’ those who had in any way attempted to protest against their new tyrannies…. and because the raid on de Boer’s family home was well covered by several Bloggers there was little I could have added to the discussion, and so I chose to share these commentaries rather than write another one myself.
Here are a few good ones….

BREAKING: The Raids Have Begun & I Was the First; All for a .22 Bunny Gun.

TRUST in Police Destroyed by Politically Motivated Raid Against Young Family

The Government, Media and Police Work Together To Suppress The Kiwi People

Excerpt: “Many New Zealanders were shocked yesterday by the news that Right Minds columnist Dieuwe de Boer had been raided by Police, ostensibly to look for a now-banned magazine for a .22 rifle. As this essay will show, the true reason for the Police raid was as part of a wider effort to suppress dissent – an effort carried out in co-ordination with the Government and the mainstream media.

The New Zealand Government knows what it wants to do to the New Zealand people, and it’s going to do it to them whether they like it or not.

Like all authorities throughout history, the New Zealand Government has a number of people who oppose it, and a number of arse-licking slaves who support it. Those who oppose it are the New Zealand people, whose natural will is to live freely. Those who support it are the soulless hordes of weaklings who have always fallen in line behind authority figures.

That the Government works together with the Police is obvious. In theory, the Police are supposed to be politically independent. The reality is that most Kiwi alternative media commentators have now received Police harassment visits. Vinny Eastwood, VJM Publishing, Cross the Rubicon and now de Boer have all been targeted in recent months – all selected for harassment on account of their outspoken criticism of the Government.

What is less known is that the Government and Police also work hand-in-hand with the mainstream media. The media plays an essential role in this suppression by manufacturing consent for the crackdowns. They present pro-Government propaganda, and attack the reputations of anti-Government speakers…”

^ That is an exceptional piece of truth telling by VJM Publishing which exposes the mainstream media as fake news and complicit in the loss of liberty and headlong plunge of our nation under the Jackboot of a Socialist Police State.

And If that was not enough to depress the Concern citizens of New Zealand… the media kept pumping out the bad news that the State Juggernaut was steam rolling forward with ‘more ‘Hate speech legislation’… and more betrayal of the ‘Full and Final Treaty settlement process’ (re: Arderns utter disregard for the Law with respect to Inhumatao).

Anti-freedom Social engineers are constantly baying for more heavy handed socialism.
Academics and the Media have been promoting sugar taxes… and Taxes on Meat and dairy… Hospitals are changing their menus, not to improve Patients health but for the so-called Politically correct rationale of making their operations ‘more environmentally sustainable’.

I was feeling the weight of the relentless Millitarisation of the New Zealand police as being the new and accepted ‘Post Christchurch ‘Norm’ … having been sold to the public via the same lies that were used to justify the concurrent disarmament of Law abiding New Zealanders… that the Christchurch attack ‘had forever changed the rules of the game’… and that We New Zealanders must accept a heavy curtailment of our rights across the board… because we are being told our rights and liberties were ‘dangerous’… and therefore the Police needed far more Powers.
Today if the police pay you a visit they will always be armed… and they will treat you as if you are dangerous irrespective of the reason they have come to see you about.

Until Ardern took office, that B.S only happened in Communist shitholes or in Gun ho America!
certainly not here in Gods own!
Yet in the blink of an eye The New Zealand Police have become a serious danger to the New Zealand Public and they waive loaded guns in people faces on a regular basis and have shot more people in the past 10 years than in the previous 40… and at an accelerating rate…

Just recently 14 armed police turned up to Uplift a child from a single mother

Read more here

This is the new oppressive reality that the Power Mad Socialists of both the Left and the Right are foisting upon us!
Worse… a huge deluded and ‘woke’ portion of our population are actively lobbying for their own enslavement… begging for the all powerful State to crush independent thinking and Self reliance… primarily these people are Bat-shit crazy … the brainwashed fear driven Pompously self righteous Vegan Zealots of the Cult of Climate change.

In the first weeks of the new year I was also contemplating how New Zealanders are being systematically railroaded into a cashless society… The enormity of this is chilling to the bone!

A Google search will bring up many articles that have been written in the past few years… here is one…

NZ heading to become a cashless society Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The realisation that this will probably happen without without any significant protest… being fully propagated in the public mind by our Mainstream media…. and the complete loss of Liberty and privacy… the All-seeing Evil Eye watching, and regulating, and taxing your every transaction… such a massive power accrual… in ensnaring the entire population into this system of Mammon.

What sort of future are we bequeathing to our Children????

It is Ironic that while the media report Climate change Doom hysteria is creating a wave of anxiety destroying the hopes and dreams of the youth because they are being told that the governments of the world are not acting decisively enough to reign in capitalism and Far Right extremism and hate…. yet I have been harboring my own anxiety and bleak outlook for precisely the opposite reasons… as I watch the loss of Liberty… The systematic vilification of dissenting opinions… and exponential growth of the Police state… how do tell my son to have faith in God’s grace and providence, while at the same time warn him of the fast approaching Global Kingdom of The Antichrist?

Laugh at me if you like yet anyone familiar with the New Testament and particularly Book of Revelation can see the Prophecies about the Global system of the Beast all coming to fruition… The spirit of Antichrist… the Roaring Lion… the evil seducing spirits at work sewing the idea that Christianity is Evil and its dissemination should be should be Legally suppressed as ‘Hate crime’.

Revelation 13
“11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

These thoughts and others have been weighing heavy on my soul and because of a sense of utter helplessness to prevent the advance of Leviathan I have been suffering despair for the future… despair for my Children and Grand children… will they grow strong enough in Fortitude and wisdom… in Faith, and Truth to be able to walk the path that the Children of God must walk… and endure the Powerful delusions that will be propagated against the truth?
I am fearful that they will not be strong enough to resist and to endure… for I know what a monumental trial lies ahead for Christians and Libertarians.

And yet in the past few weeks several monumental things have happened that have reminded me of the importance of maintaining a positive faith.
When things look dark it is easy to get tunnel vision and to focus on the gloom… yet I am happy to say that I have today good reason to think that The Powers of Light are not yet defeated, and that Though things are dire… that still resistance is on several fronts causing the minions of Satan to retreat… and the first of those was January 31… BREXIT!
YAY!!!!!!!! 😀


What a great day for Freedom and self determination in Britain!
What a Kick in the teeth for Socialist Globalism and their desire to destroy Western civilisation via Immigration from the third world, and the suppression of western values under the guise of ‘multiculturalism.
Britain is about to restore their place in the world as advocates for free Trade which PM Brian Johnson rightly accredits as the greatest means by which to raise humanity out of poverty and of creating bonds of mutual benefit between nations thereby greatly reducing the likelihood of Armed conflict.

Read his Great speech here: Boris Johnson’s Beautiful Celebration of Free Trade

Will Brexit cause other European nations to reclaim their independence?
Lets hope so!
As Nigel Farage said in his epic Farewell speech to the EU while saying that Britannia loves Europe he condemned the EU as Power without accountability… he slammed the EU’s pigheaded refusal to bend to the expressed will of the people… relentless in their determination to impose their agenda

“I’m hoping this begins the end of this project. It’s a bad project, it isn’t just undemocratic it’s anti-democratic.”

What a kick in the nuts for Socialist Globalist One world order!
A return to Independent Nations!

Again anyone who is familiar with the scriptures and the Genesis account of the Tower of Babble stands in awe of the wisdom of God in dividing the nations in the first place… to prevent the Evil One world Government of Nimrod… King of Babylon.
Politically speaking the concentration of Power has always been the greatest danger… for as the dictim goes… ” Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” … so the Socialist delusion that a One world Globalist government is the way to end wars and wealth disparity is fundamentally flawed as by centralizing all power … which has always been a tenet of Socialism… you usher in not peace… but unleash the Leviathan upon humanity!
Christianity has the Ideological Goods that exposes such dangerous enterprises for what they really are.
Like Satan, Socialists hate the Bible because it stands in the way of their will to Power.
Being peopled and promoted by Globalists the EU is fiercely anti Nationalistic independence and effectively put the whole of Europe under the sway of UN Socialist Policies and agenda.

Hopefully we are in fact witnessing a turn of the tide against the machinations of Anti Western Socialist Globalism!

Add to this the acquittal of Trump in his Senate Impeachment trial… ending the latest Farcical and Malicious attempt by the Whacko Leftist Democrats to discredit and even topple Trump from power.
Now I am no Trump worshiper yet the fate of the World was very precarious in 2016 and the Defeat of Hillary Clinton by Trump may be understood to be akin the Brexit in that it represents yet another massive defeat for the Woke leftist Globalist Agenda.
Like British Brexit is patently a resurgence of Nationalism and independence… so too was the election of Trump a resurgence of American Nationalism…. away from the socialist New world order.

As Farage pointed out “Populism is becoming very Popular”, and Both Bexit and The election of Trump are symptoms of a Populist backlash against Woke Liberal Globalist bullshit that is attempting to destroy western values and ideals and impose a Global socialist dictatorship.
And as such the Rabid Woke democrats have sold their souls to Belzeebub …. and possessed with the deepest malice have incessantly labored to fabricate outright despicable lies to try and impeach Trump in the hope to damage his chances of Re election.
Their Fraudulent Congressional process of impeachment was an absolute partisan travesty by any legal standard, yet their Evil plans were once again thwarted by the US Senate which the Machiavellian Democrats did not control.

So My spirit has been buoyed by these huge events.

Now 2020 is not only a pivotal year for the US in that its Election year for them… it is also Election year for us too in New Zealand… an opportunity to Boot out The worst government we have suffered this millennia … the Ardern Regime, The problem is there is little to be gained given how utterly hopeless the main opposition party is!
This is of itself a very depressing fact, and yet the National party Leader Simon Bridges has made Several announcements that do in fact constitute some important improvements on what Ardern and Labour are peddling.
In particular he has said he wants the farcical Treaty settlement process to be fully wound up by 2024, He says that the waitangi tribunal should eventually go, and also wants to see an end to the Apartheid electoral system and race based seats in parliament!

Both these things are of the highest importance to me and so while ‘Regeim change’ will not exactly be reason for dancing in the street as would be the case if New Zealand elected a Libertarian party into office, none the less there are at least some reasons to be more positive than the current misery.

Given that Arderns recent meddling, having ignored the *Legal* status of Treaty grievances at Ihumatau as being full and finally settled , is threatening to completely put our nation back to square one

Read: ‘A dog’s breakfast’: Former Treaty Settlement Minister Chris Finlayson slams Ihumātao process

If Ardern is defeated so too will her Evil Collaborator be booted out!
Bridges early declaration that He will not consider any coalition deal with the current deputy Prime minister and Leader of the New Zealand First Party Winston Peters was music to my ears!
And watching Peters behave this a child kicking a tantrum has also been delicious!
It will be Good riddance to this Charlatan!

So I am doing my best to shrug off my recent depression and put on a more positive outlook…in spite of the Coronavirus outbreak!

Our world is in constant flux, and contrary to how I how I was feeling at the end of last year… I do appreciate that there is a wave of protest rising against Socialist Globalism that is starting to seriously impact upon their Agenda.

Their Greatest diabolical machine that is causing the most trouble is their great Global warming Scam… how much longer will they be able to fool so many billions of people and deceive them into supporting their Tyrannical Globalist ambitions?

Sadly there is very little to distinguish the National party from Labour esp when it comes to matters of Draconian militarization of the Police and intrusive surveillance.
Under National New Zealand’s slide towards a cashless society will not skip a beat.
What Simon Bridges has said about ending New Zealand’s Apartheid system is Great stuff…. yet will he actually deliver on it?
It was talk like this from Don Brash that put the fear of God into the Establishment Maori at the thought of losing all their Political privileges and Billions of annual tax loot that has them furiously working to entrench the Treaty and make it harder for this apartheid system to be abolished….
So be vigilant!
This challenge to Racist separatist power and extortion will not go without a nasty fight… and the real problem is that I fear New Zealanders dont have the spine to do what must be done.

Plagues and pestilence.

I have been doing my best not to freak out too much about this, yet evey day the news gets worse.
Is The Coronavirus Outbreak China’s Chernobyl?
What Bullshit are we being fed,,, and what is the real truth?

If we survive the Caronavirus Pandemic I myself will be giving my party vote to Act.

Read … Act’s David Seymour starts setting conditions for coalition

I cannot Blog more about the virus here and now… it will have to wait.
Still…Maybe it would be wise not to wait for people to start dropping dead in the streets and our country plunges into chaos and panic before making sure our Civil defense Survival Packs and your stores are in order to sustain your family for a Month at least, and start to fortify your body….
” Strengthen your immune system now. Stock up on iodine, high dose vitamin C, B.complex, garlic or allicin and vitamin D.Be prepared to self quarantine where possible, so stock up the pantry too.”

That last piece of advice was given me by a friend… (what the hell the Iodine is good for against viruses I do not know… a disinfectant?)
You will have to google that and find out yourselves, yet I think that sums up about all we can do for our own self reliance self preservation at present in the face of this terrifying virus… Waiting on the *The Government* to instruct you what to do is not a plan.
If shit gets real here in NZ supplies of essentials will immediately disappear off the shelves.
Dont be a sheep.

And at Times of crisis do you really want to live in a cashless society???
We all need to consciously resist the push to do all our business via the internet and make using Cash cool again!
This is just one way we can resist the evil desires of the Beast system and maintain our privacy and independence as Free Men and woman… lets tell the Banks, and IRD, and the Government to bugger off with their Evil plans for a cashless society!
Lets tell then No thanks!
We dont want it.

IMO despite all the evils we are wallowing in I believe having a positive outlook depend upon having a Life affirming faith in Christ and that no matter how bad things may get… Ultimately Good will conquor Evil.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

UPDATE: 24-2-20

Read: Public want a ‘right’ to use cash, says Reserve Bank governor Adrian Orr

More from Tim….





Takedown notices and internet filters coming to NZ

Also read…Climate change teaching as dogmatic as religious indoctrination

Banning Plastic Utensils…. Ardern Drunk with Power while N P Bridges wants Raptor Units… Time for NZ to Elect a New Breed.


“The Government will move to ban non-compostible fruit stickers today in response to a huge new report about single-use plastic, Stuff understands.

It’s understood the Government will also move to ban plastic cotton buds and single-use plastic cutlery, items which both have biodegradable alternatives made out of bamboo.

Compostible apple stickers do exist but are not in wide-use.

The announcement will be made on Sunday morning as part of a response to report from the Prime Minister’s chief scientist, alongside a host of other measures…”

Read more here.

My Commentary…

Here we go… more Ardern Messianic Socialism in the name of saving us (and the planet) from our own stupidity and inability to make our own adult choices.
People are so stupid as to swallow just about any excuse to attack freedom ‘Tuff on Gangs’ … ‘Saving the environment’… and they simply dont care about the innocent people who get stomped on in the process as long as its not themselves…. these fools dont understand that this Political corruption is in fact destroying our country….and that they are paying the price in a thousand different ways as our nation asphyxiates itself.

This will cause undeserved pain to some workers and businesses, and will drive up costs because if there were economic advantages in the bamboo versions the market would have naturally gravitated towards them without Miss Dictators Edict.

One step at a time our Nation is sinking under dictatorship.
Like Frogs in a pot… the heat is imperceptibly being turned up… yet the frogs just sit their enjoying the warmth…until they are boiled to death.
Many are actually applauding their own enslavement.

What is especially vile about this is that our population and businesses could have been persuaded to voluntarily make these ‘sacrifices’ and supposed ‘ethical decisions’ had the will been there to have our society one of Reason as opposed to one of Nanny State Tyranny… yet the politics and ethics of freedom are despised by Socialists like Ardern… who *always* resorts to Legal coercion to achieve her aims.

Yet hopefully she will be gone next election… not that National are any better…. Both Bridges and Collins are *Fascists* when it comes to the Police!
We can tell from their recent public announcements that they would love to set up special ‘Strike-force Raptor Units’ to harass Gangs, when in reality These Units *Harass everyone* … and represent a massive descent from Freedom into tyranny.

These facts are seen with the shameful behavior of the Police in Australia…. The attitude of these Units and how they conduct themselves towards the public is outrageous! as can be seen by many Social media posts via Citizens filming their shameful bullying and escalation of the most trivial matters into serious situations whereby the Police are the main instigators… as if Courts are not already overloaded… these Fascist Units create violent situations out of thin air.

Just the facts…..

“The opposition party yesterday proposed setting up an elite police squad – modelled on Strike Force Raptor in New South Wales – with the sole purpose of crushing gangs.

National leader Simon Bridges repeatedly described the unit as “devastatingly effective” and referenced media reports which claimed it was driving outlaw bikies into extinction.
But former NSW detective Mike Kennedy told RNZ that was “nonsense” and Bridges was “living a dream” if he believed that.
“He needs to pull his head out of whatever it’s stuck in because … [gangs] exist. They’re always going to exist. They just go underground.

“I’m not a bleeding heart liberal,” he said. “But [the zero-tolerance strategy has] just been a disaster.”

Read: Australian ex-cop blasts National’s ‘Strike Force Raptor’ plan

Read: Australian criminologist says Strike Force Raptor didn’t reduce gang numbers

The MPs of both Labour and National just dont get *the value of freedom*…. they just dont get it that a Free society tolerates the broadest range of personal choice and association and that the Laws should not destroy Freedom simply to make the Police’s job ‘easier’…. at the expense of the citizens rights!
The Laws are sufficient and the Police have ample powers to arrest *real criminals* without the Evil of making *wearing certain garb (Gang patches)* a crime.
The principles of Freedom of choice and association are too precious to allow the Police to arbitrarily outlaw whatever they like…. yet the sheeple are too ignorant of what is at stake to care… and that is why New Zealand is sinking into a Police State….

And with every ‘Edict’… our economy takes a hit and imperceptibly our entire quality of life is being eroded…
Then these same Politicians say… “why is homelessness and suicides increasing???”… why are children going to school without lunches? Why is everyone struggling to keep their heads above water?
We must need more Nanny State!
More Taxes!

And this is the sad world we will be leaving to our children and Grand children!

Having such Ideologically Corrupt politicians both in power *and* in Opposition has been a gigantic disaster for our country that has nosedived into regressive Dictatorship… Ardern facing Zero resistance from the Main opposition party for her heavy handed policies… So in practical terms National have been in Cahoots with Labour and are effectively no less culpable for what has been afoot under Ardern’s Regime.

So Wake up!
Dont vote Labour or National!
Vote either Act or New Conservative!
Its time for New Zealand to have a better caliber of Parliament…. More respectful of Freedom, and our rights… and esp one that is not systematically selling us out the the UN.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim ….



Tim Wikiriwhi: My submission on the (New Zealand) Arms Legislation Bill.

As usual it was on the last night that submissions were open that I could no longer put off writing my submission… and as usual that left me no time to do a decent job of it… no time to refine it, correct it etc etc and I have just submitted it with just over an hour till submissions close…
I post it below…




Submission of Tim Wikiriwhi on the Arms Legislation Bill

I oppose the regressive step of reintroducing a Gun registry, and any further infringements of New Zealanders current Gun Rights.
I request the Bill be scrapped.

My concerns about this second tranche of heavy handed Gun laws proposed in this Bill, is that like the preceding Arms amendment Act which criminalised Law abiding citizens who owned semiautomatic firearms… who have now been forcefully dispossessed of their rightful property having been stripped of their rights though having committed no offences whatsoever… are yet again facing more unjust treatment by our Leftist Liberal Government and Police… under equally disingenuous aims and justifications.
The way the first Tranche was shamefully enacted sets the context by which the public ought now to view with trepidation this second tranche.
That spectacle is still fresh in my mind… the underhanded way Parliament cheated David Seymour of his vote to insure a more thorough process was followed… with far more public consultation… truly contemptible behavior by Parliament for Legal rigor!
There are good reasons why those legal safeguards existed for a more thorough process and yet all parliament colluded to negate due process!
The Shame of it stinks to hell!

Parliamentarians like Ardern whose personal Globalist ideology is at variance with her duty and responsibility to the people of New Zealand, and The Police who had been lobbying to get Semiautomatic Rifles outlawed for a long time prior to the Christchurch event, have colluded together and acted in self serving ways with respect to the first tranche of Arms confiscations, and being emboldened by the ease with which they were able to Rob New Zealanders of their Rights and property…. they now have come back for a second helping with this second tranche… that is born out of the same self interest and carried forward by the same contempt for the rights, property, and Liberty of the New Zealand people!

There is little evidence that the Government’s gun buyback scheme would avoid future gun-related death and injury, the Treasury advised the Government. (ref:

And with this being so is it any wonder that large swathes of previously trusting New Zealanders are now starting to see through the propaganda about these arms amendments being about making our country safer, but now perceive the real underlying motivations behind these legislative actions that serve to take away the rights of New Zealanders and further empower the State?

New Zealanders like myself are not fooled by the semblance of ‘due diligence’ that this public submission process entails… New Zealanders need to ask whether or not The committees place any serious weight on concerns raised by Citizens like myself who oppose new legislation which take away the rights and property of New Zealanders and further empower the State… or as I suspect via cognitive dissonance and prejudice they dismiss voices of protest, and carry out their own ambitions… regardless.

For example I know that the committee will have received many submissions that will respectfully ask the committee to consider overseas evidence that Gun Registers are notoriously unreliable at keeping track of fire arms… and at best only keep track of those held by the law abiding… not criminals… and are very expensive to administer, and result in another bloated bureaucracy, and because they dont make society safer other countries have abandoned them And in fact it was because of facts like this that New Zealand decided the register was a waste of time and abandoned having one in the first place!
These people who make these valid points for which they have good evidence to substantiate their assertions that the reintroduction of a Gun register will not make our country safer from gun crimes are doing so under the assumption that this submission process is not a charade, and that the committee will genuinely be moved by Well reasoned arguments and appeals to facts.
These well intentioned and guileless gun owners take it on face value and have bought into the line that these proposed amendments arise from Ardern’s genuine ambition to make New Zealand safer… and that she and Parliament will be open to reason.
Not I!
I suspect Ardern’s real ambition is ultimately the prohibition of all privately owned firearms… one step at a time.
I think to myself How foolish are these other citizens who appeal to the governments sense of reason!
How silly to assume that by providing facts and proofs that a gun register will not achieve the expressed outcome that our government claims to be the underpinning motive and justification for the Law changes that they will take heed of such submissions and this bill will not make it though the gauntlet into law!
I doubt this because Ardern and her Comrades keep their *Real motives and intents* hidden from the public and so they will not be swayed by such facts in the slightest… because they miss *the real mark*!
My submission on the other hand may be less congenial… but is more accurate.
Their true reason for enacting this bill and having a gun register *is about power over New Zealand gun owners*

Thus I can say with a large degree of confidence that no matter how many submission this committee receives in opposition to this bill that it will become law… the public be damned!

If after this Public consultation process it is determined *not to reintroduce a gun register* I will eat my hat!

Its already a foregone conclusion… because Ardern and the NZ Police *want the register for their unspoken nefarious goal.
All submissions and arguments and proofs about how a register is a waste of time with respect to public safety will fall on deaf ears as the *Real* purpose why Ardern and the Police want the gun register is *not about* safety or keeping guns out of criminal hands… but about making it easier for them… *The State* to implement future successive waves of Arms confiscations and make it much harder for The Citizens to refuse to comply… and this is their agenda and why a gun register *will serve the interest of Ardern and the Police very well*.
Step by step our Rights are in retreat while the jackbooks march forward until they have achieved their ultimate goal… complete firearms prohibition… the Socialist Police States wet dream!

The Draconian way Our Arden led Parliament and police have behaved post Christchurch Attack has in fact evidenced the tragic truth… The terrorist has won!

This Bill is part of an ongoing assault on the Rights of New Zealanders that represents a massive shift in personal freedom vs the Power of the State… it is part of an insidious erosion of Our Liberty and Rights that has been enthusiastically accelerated by our hostile Government and Police under the pretense of being an understandable response to the Christchurch terrorist mass murders.

A response that in fact is so ‘understandable’ it was not merely anticipated by the Terrorist himself… but carefully engineered!
Ardern and the Police have done exactly what the terrorist hoped they would do and he said so in his manifesto!
That’s the manifesto the government has banned New Zealanders from reading so that they can understand what the vile Terrorist’s actions were *really* all about for themselves.
The manifesto which our government has busied itself trying to get banned internationally.
So now New Zealanders who never watched the news reports about the manifesto… or took the opportunity to read it while it was still lawful to do so… are now expected to ‘Believe the Official narrative’.

In reality these new Gun laws have zero to do with *a rational response* to the Christchurch atrocity.
New Zealanders who are not fooled by Socialist Liberalism know our government is following the UN ‘textbook’ on ‘how to sell out your Nation to Globalism, a chief tenet of which is the disarmament of Western populations…which is why US Liberals are so hostile towards their second amendment which constitutionally protects american citizen’s gun rights from Liberal Police State confiscation.
And in this UN Socialist textbook it is the Police who benefit from all the new legislation… not the people… the people have to simply shut up… and do as they are told!
We see our Globetrotting PM promoting Anti-free speech State regulations of Social media, and yet
internet security via encryption is not welcomed… because it will hamper Government (Police) ability to spy on citizens.

Parliaments and the Police rushed Arms Amendments has sown mistrust and outrage!
Innocent and law abiding New Zealanders have been robbed of their rights and property by the collusion of Politicians and the Police.
After such belligerency is there any wonder Public opinion of the Police is at an all time low and that Ardern’s Coalition government is now tanking in the Polls?

The Vigilant citizen has every right to ask themselves what the heck is going on!
We are not the fools Ardern and the Police take us for… We know the subversive political doctrines that are being implemented by political ideologues and a belligerent Police Hierarchy.
We can see the direction you are taking our Nation… and we protest!

It was also the very height of presumption for Ardern to ‘Pontificate’ ‘that firearm ownership is not a right but merely a privilege’ … This statement coming down from on high is not *a fact* but her personal opinion that is worth no more than any other New Zealanders… no matter how often it was repeated in the press since.
That this utterance has become the dominant premise being peddled to the New Zealand public is a disgrace!
If such a position were to be accepted as a Fact that would render New Zealanders not Free citizens who enjoy the greatest Liberty… but sorry subjects of an Authoritarian State that rules by despotic Laws and powers!

Ask yourselves how it is that our society should slide so far!…. So fast!…so that now we are told we can no long enjoy the great freedoms we have had for generations?

New Zealand is fast becoming a Police State.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian independent.

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Commentary on the Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Election Results 2019 by Tim Wikiriwhi.

So Hamilton and Waikato regional Council has a New Mayor and some new Councillors.
I will not reveal too much about my own votes which were left to the final hours before being cast.

I will say that I was surprised that Paula Southgate won the Mayoralty and that she was not my choice.
I reserve making any serious commentary on what I expect this to mean for Hamilton other than I do fear she may be heavy on the Environmental hysteria and Heavy on spending in general… yet I may be wrong about this and so I am prepared to wait and see.
Maybe she will prove to be neither of these things?

One of the greatest disappointments I have about the result is that Hamilton’s best and most experienced Councillor of any Ward failed to be re-elected… Garry Mallett…and to him I salute for his hard work and tireless service to our City in trying to keep rates in check and being a voice of reason when other Councillors were proposing Ludicrous Schemes and projects.
I hope that Garry takes this time to enjoy a break, but that he gets back on the horse next election… and hopefully I myself will also rejoin the race.
I also hope Garry continues to keep his finger on the pulse and regularly publishes his Critiques of what council is doing… for better or ill as there has been no better analyst of Hamilton’s affairs than Garry Mallett. He certainly shows up the paucity of journalistic talent at the Waikato Times and they would do well to approach Garry about making regular commentary.
Unfortunately the Waikato Times is politically sloped towards PC Lefty SJW Tofu.

Garry has earned my ‘Outstanding Individual’ award for his contributions to our Local politics.
I hope that one day Garry is Mayor of Hamilton.

There are some new faces of whom I know little apart from their short profiles… and yet I do fear HCC and Waikato have lurched to the radical left… and with that we can expect more climate alarmism…more pandering to Treaty separatism… and less restraint on spending and borrowing.
I fear rates increases and other madness is far more likely now… such as ideologically driven regional fuel taxes, and the like… so what this demonstrates to me is that Hamiltonians have shown a tragic level of being indoctrinated by the globalist liberal propaganda.
I know that is not a politically expedient thing to say but I dont care… I believe its a fact and i want to be honest in sharing my genuine opinions.
Given the extreme bias of the media … and the scale of their bombardments I would not at all be surprised to see this was a general tend reflected in results across the country.

Though we disagree on the issue of climate change, I’d like to congratulate Jennifer Nickle for her success in regional council.
I worked on site with Jennifer at Fonterra Te Rapa and hope that her experience in the Dairy industry tempers her judgement to balance environmental concerns with the need for New Zealand and the Waikato to have viable industry that is the engine of our quality of life just as much as having clean water and air, and looking after our Fauna and Flora.
In fact I would hope she realises from her work with Fonterra that Industry can be a valuable partner to have in getting Private assistance to achieving ecological aims.

I would also like to give a shout out to Lisa Lewis and Jack Geilen.
Lisa worked very hard this election and put in a very credible and impressive campaign! I have always admired Lisa’s spirit… her courage, and should she have been elected she certainly would have added some colourful Charisma to the mix and an alternative perspective that would add value… in contrast to the *Wooden middle-class Uni indoctrinated blinkered types that infest city councils. I certainly think she would be a better Councillor that those whom are Liberal radical Greens steeped in socialism and Climate hysteria.
I hope she perseveres.

And Jack… Jack is a guy with whose struggle I understand.
Like Jack, I myself know how hard it is to stand up for what you believe in when you have no War chest from which to do the most basic advertising… and the Media does not give you a fair opportunity to share your ideas and solutions thus failing in their moral duty to inform the public of their real options on the ballot.
And most of all I respect Jack for his ceaseless activism and support for Fathers rights.
Such an important issue that is ignored by our PC feminist anti-Men indoctrinated political elites.

I will finish this Election commentary with a general congratulations to all the successful and a salute to all of the fallen… as I know that even those with whom i disagree that they have served… and will serve the Waikato with the best of intent… that they are civic minded people … and for that alone they deserve recognition.

I lay down the injunction to all to resist radical socialist hysteria but instead make prudent judgments that put the rights and rates of the citizens first… ahead of personal ideological bents.
Keep council spending down.
Dont expand Bureaucracy.
Dont hobble our personal liberty or rights to develop.
Dont waste our money on extravagant Colosseums and pyramids.

Below are links to some of my own thoughts on how to Council best.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Election results here

More from Tim….








Second Amendment lessons and Venezuela’s Collapse under socialist Tyranny.

From here

The people of Venezuela surrendered their Guns and now cant overthrow their tyrannical Socialist government.
This is what the U.S second Amendment was enacted to prevent.

This is the Truth that Ardern and the globalists want to keep you all ignorant of….
They want you to hate the 2nd amendment which is the Peoples right to use arms to defend themselves and bring down a corrupt State.

They even had ‘Article 350’ which states “The people of Venezuela, faithful to their republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that runs counters to democratic values, principles and guarantees, or that undermines human rights.”… and yet because the People foolishly surrendered their arms *They rendered themselves defenseless and had no way to get rid of the evil Dictatorship^… and so now they are victims… and dying by the thousands…. and the so-called benevolent Socialist Regime shows them no mercy… because the socialists care more about maintaining their grip on power than the well being of their own people…. understand that….

Ardern has used the Christchurch terror attack as an excuse to implement her own tyranical ambitions under the guise of making New Zealand safer… and the fools believed her… and allowed her to make us less safe!
Less safe from Terrorism, and certainly less safe from her Tyrannical Police State.
She has not disarmed any criminals… but has disarmed Law abiding New Zealanders.
It is no coincidence that she has attacked New Zealanders Gun Rights and seeks to destroy our rights to Free Speech… which is the right to call her out for imposing her oppressive new Laws.

This pattern of disdain for the rights of their citizens has been repeated all over wherever Socialism has prevailed… think about Tiananmen Square.
Think about Zimbabwe.

The Globalists *are Marxist communists* …. Ardern is a Communist traitor to the globalist cause…. she admitted this at the UN…..

Ardern is Corrupt!
She is putting our National interests second place to her own diabolical political delusions!
She is like so many treasonous Leaders across western civilisation like France’s Macron and Canada’s Trudeau.

Why do you think the whole World’s media and Globalist politicians see Trump as being ‘Evil incarnate’?
Why do you suppose they are all busy trying to get the people of the world to think of trump as being insane, Racist, and greedy?
and why do you think the Globalists have prevented Boris Johnson from implementing the express will of the people with regards to Brexit?
Why do you think they Put Tommy Robinson in Jail and have de-platformed the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos?
Wake up Fools!

Compare Ardern’s treacherous speech to that of Donald Trump!
Trump is far from perfect, yet his speech at the UN was a Truth Bomb!

The fanatical Left seek to shut down *anyone* who dares to challenge their agenda.

Look at Venezuela and realise the same fate of slavery awaits any population who surrenders to socialism and allows them to pass laws against free speech and the right of the people to bear arms… esp Arms like Semi-autos.
The New ‘Gun register’ is not being implemented to make New Zealand safer from criminals or terrorists but to make it easier for the government to take away the rest of New Zealanders means of resisting their tyranical globalist ambitions.

Soon voices like mine will be silenced.
Remember when you and your children are slaves…. that I warned you what was coming… and yet you did nothing.

And free speech is the right for me to expound these Truths that the government does not want the people to contemplate.
The Government wants this sort of political truth to be deemed as ‘Radical and Dangerous’… when it is Our Right to discuss these matters which upholds the fact that the State is *our servant… not our Master… and we may abolish it at any time we deem it to have become tyrannical and corrupt.
These truths are enunciated in the American declaration of independence,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

These are Historic truths!

This is what the 2nd amendment is all about and why New Zealand needs a new constitution that contains these truths which outlaws the government from passing such Laws as they have just recently done with the Arms Amendment bill.


Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



Knock! Knock! It’s The New Zealand Police and we would like to have a friendly chat with you about your Opinions shared on Social media: VJM Publishing 19-7-19

Wake Up New Zealand!
You are living under a fast growing Police State!
There is a battle going on over the minds of our nation that if we loose… the Government will fully control what views and opinions your children will imbibe… and determine what beliefs they eventually subscribe to… and what values they hold!

This post appeared on my FB alternative Social Media News feed.
‘VJM Publishing’ is a New Zealand Based Independent commentator and Blogger who dares to march to the beat of their own drum with complete disregard to what passes as ‘the official narrative’.
I dont subscribe to much of what they publish, yet I greatly respect independence of mind… and the courage to speak out against corrupt powers that be… and in this sense VJM publishing is very much kindred spirit to Eternal Vigilance Blog… and it is *always* disturbing to me when I read about such activities by the New Zealand Police that involve people who have only exercised their legitimate rights to expressing their own opinions and beliefs without engaging in threats.
It is not essential prerequisites for me to either agree with the opinions being expressed, or the manor in which they were delivered for me to appreciate that *Every time the Police visit someone in New Zealand because of the Lawful expression of their own opinions that this is an extreme danger to *The Rights of all of us to Free speech*… and that the worst possible thing for our country is to allow ourselves to fall into apathy… and for us to become inured at this serious breach of proper Police conduct… and socially conditioned to the degree that it no longer triggers alarm… but becomes acceptable… and routine…. and the act of protest against it then becoming ‘radical’ and ‘suspicious’ .. in the herd mentality.

I asked permission to Screen shot VJM Publishing’s post and to blog it.
I also asked… ‘How does this make you feel?
How will this affect your future posts to the net?
Not to say that you are feeble, yet still I can already assume that such a visit will cause you… and anyone that has been intimidated in such a way by the *State to hesitate expressing opinions on specific topics that are the focus of the Governments agenda and actions…that before this visit you would have made with full conviction that they need to be said.
I can imagine if this happened to me that I would naturally feel this way myself… and it is this psychological intimidation that is such a threat to free speech… even without other actions such as prosecutions… de-platforming… etc.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by WALLACE WOON/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10239324q)

Meanwhile Jacinda Ardern sips her Chardonnay. and prepares herself for her next ‘Womans day’ interview.

From my study of how best to deal with this situation, I think VJNP did very well as Legal advice suggests there is little to be gained for the targets of this Police attention, and a lot loose by voluntarily talking to them… yet I cant help but wonder if a few specific questions at the door could be informative as to which actual ‘internet conversations’ you engaged in ‘triggered’ them to schedule you for a visit.
We can already with confidence know that anyone they ‘visit’ like this is on their watch list and it is highly likely that your Internet associates are also under surveillance.
It is dangerous for you to engage them voluntarily, and even if you get arrested for some charge you still have the right to refuse to give a statement…


And so yet again here am I… alerting you once more to the fact that this Police harassment of Free speech against the critics of Ardern’s government is still ongoing… and blogging a warning to my countrymen imploring you all to rally against this tyranny that is being systematically established in our country via the ambitions of Jacinda Ardern’s Coalition government, and the acquiescence of the National party.
And of course simply by daring to stand up in opposition to this massive Police over-reach I myself can expect to become a target of this *Thought Police* agenda and ‘flagged’ for ‘observation’ and a ‘friendly visit’ from the Boys in blue.

Read: Criminalising hate speech: New Zealand considers policing hateful expression

Evil prevails when good men do nothing…. and that is what many New Zealanders will do… nothing.
They will allow this Creeping political oppression to happen unchallenged.

Many will allow themselves to be intimidated into silence and subjection out of fear that by mere association with the likes of Me that you will attract the gaze of the Evil Eye.
You will prefer to turn your backs to what is happening and Parrot the line that ‘only dangerous and deluded nutters’ like Libertarians and Nazis have anything to worry about and that ‘the Police are ‘doing their best to ‘make New Zealand a safe space’ for the many ‘marginalised and under-trodden minorities’ who suffer the endemic prejudices brought to these shores via Western Colonialism… and bringing our ‘backward nation’ more into line with the ‘Liberal progressive global Ideal’ as championed by our Visionary PM and colleagues.

That is the Official Narrative.

The Conditioned members of the herd we say “lets be real about who is in the right here and who needs to learn their place.
What do these whining and seditious Plebs know about politics anyway and by what extreme vanity do they assume to defy the Political science and Moral philosophy of our Trained and credentialed political elites?
Are they not the most base and ignorant of protagonists?
The New Zealand Police surely know best… and are doing what needs to be done to make our Nation safe!
Why dont these ungrateful Cretans pay our benevolent government homage?
Is not our country is being transformed for the better thanks to the great helmsman-ship of Ardern and her faithful collaborators on both sides of the house?
It is all means that will be justified by the ends… and it’s is a credit to her that by being far more resolved than any earlier Paternal Lawgivers that finally Our Nanny state may yet End Racism, Patriarchal Sexism, Religious Domination, homelessness and economic disparity!
Surely the sooner these dangerous rebels are all compelled to fall into line the better for everyone.’


After the Christchurch ‘event’, New Zealand changed overnight…It has been used to justify massive State encroachments upon the freedom and rights of New Zealand citizens even though this act was committed by a foreign terrorist!
The Police are now wasting massive time and resources acting as Political ‘Thought police’… imposing a partisan ideology and agenda!
And the first victims have been those free thinkers who dare to interpret the facts in a manner that contradicts the ‘official narrative’.
Instead of Busting Thrives, fraudsters, Vandals, and violent offenders, the Police have redirected vital resources to prop up Arderns Political ideology and agenda.

Read: Conspiracy theorist claims police have visited him five times after Christchurch terror attack

The above video is a must watch!
What the hell has happened to our country!
It is frightening how the police treated this sickness beneficiary, and sounds like they were trying to use the mental health act to justfy their violation of his rights, their mistreatment, and their abuse of power!

People like Ex feminist Tammy Bruce told us this was comming… Read her book ‘The New Thought Police…inside the lefts Assault on free speech and free minds’ published in 2001.
This is Orwell’s 1984 Prophesy being fulfilled before your very eyes.
This is the rise of the system of the Beast as predicted in the Book of Revelation!
And remember the Dictum “Evil Prevails when good men do nothing…”
Remember also that the wise critic … Socrates… was executed for spreading ‘ideas’ that called into question the ‘social norms and values’ of his day being found guilty of ‘Corrupting the youth’.

The diminutive Act Party are the only party in Parliament who have resolved to enact law to put an end to the thought control and suppression of free Speech in New Zealand.
If you are wondering what you can do to fight the slide into a police state you can boldly share my blogs like this one on your social media pages.
You can Join the Act Party *Now* and Bolster their numbers, and encourage them to maintain the good fight in the cause of Liberty!
Teach both the National Party and Labour a lesson for their betrayal of New Zealand freedom and values to the evil and tyrannical Global agenda.
Get active in the peaceful protest to what is transpiring… people power can win!
That is how Truth and justice, and Liberty can prevail over the powers of darkness that seek to control your lives and enslave your children.
The greatest danger Heroic voices of dissent face is for their countrymen not to rally in their support… for it is in isolation that oppressive governments can pick off their troublesome critics with impunity.

I hide nothing… everything I write is open to the general public. I have never shied away for candidly expressing my views even on contentions issues, and rallied in defense of injustice even when it is being borne by unpopular minorities… such as Drug users, Prostitutes, etc, yet the walls are fast closing in… The powers that be are passing laws to criminalise voices like mine.
Please do your bit to save Freedom in New Zealand… for our children’s sake.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian Independent.

Update: 22-7-19 From VJM Publishing… “…One definining characteristic of a Police state is ‘The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions […] on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.’…” Read more …

Is New Zealand Now A Police State?






Canada’s Amazing Polly: Censoring Opposition to Censorship. (Must watch!)

Amazing Polly.

I have posted the two ‘Amazing Polly’ videos that I have watched and she is as sharp as a knife!
We can be sure that at some point in the future she will be targeted for de-platforming and internet ghosting so I have included some of the alternative sites where she has set up in preparation for this inevitable censorship she will face.
Polly’s video ‘Censoring Opposition to Censorship’ is under attack by SJWs… eg… here.
And the Alt-Left are psychopathic… they are Trolling the Internet trying to get any critics of their ideology and Political agenda Banned/ De-platformed, etc.

On that note I will also add the fact that I have set myself up on MeWe here in anticipation of the high probability that I will probably loose my page on facebook, due to Political prejudices and Censorship, and that this Blog may also get blacklisted.

Published on 6 Jun 2019
Globalist politicians are ERASING testimony and holding semi-secret hearings. They are holding sham hearings where they don’t let people speak and the erase testimony that contradicts their objectives.
This is a dystopia. MORE…

paypal for contributions:

Amazing Polly on Bitchute:…


One very important point to appreciate in the video above that I want to discuss here is how in a Canadian Free Speech hearing, was how a hand picked Muslim ‘hate speech law proponent’ was allowed to present his very dishonest opinions about Alexandre Bissonnette who shot six members of a Quebec City mosque in 2017, and The Christchurch Anti-Muslim terrorist Brenton Tarrant saying these killers were ‘Pro-Conservative’.
This slant was correctly rebutted by Canadian Conservative party MP Michael Cooper who labeled this testimony Slanderous and defamatory … lacking in credibility… and then went on to prove that Tarrant was opposed conservatism by quoting from Tarrants own Manifesto (that is conveniently banned in New Zealand under threats of Jail) in which Tarrent expressly states that he rejects conservatism and that the closest Political system to which he subscribes is *Communist China!*
This clearly marks Tarrant *as a LEFTIST*
And the very fact that there is a murderously dangerous anti-muslim Alt-Left is a fact that the left are desperate to keep from the Public mind.
The left seeks to deceive the public into thinking that only the so-called ‘Alt right’ are ‘islamiphobic’ and so by default any so-called ‘anti-Muslim activities’ *can all be blamed on Alt right extremism*… this is why they lump conservatives with Nazis.
Yet the truth is The Leftist Atheist Communist China is Ruthlessly oppressing Muslims in China… It may indeed be the most anti-muslim government on Earth!
Yet we dont hear so much of a peep out of Our Lefty Government who will Bag the US and Trump all day long, yet who are terrified stupid of offending Beijing and also do not wish to advertise the fact the Left wing has its share of vicious Islamiphobia of the sort Lauded by The Christchurch Terrorist.
Lets not forget that in 2008 Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Leftists and the UN are also notorious Anti-Israel Anti-Semites.

What is also absolutely abhorrent about this Canadian Hearing is how MP Michael Coopers testimony and use of Tarrants manifesto was met with outrage and has been sort to be deleted from Public record!
*Censoring the truth… Doctoring the Public record… and in effect Re-writing history to suit their own desires!*

This stuff is why Free speech Advocates are saying we are now living in the Orwellian Universe of 1984.
And we New Zealanders can be sure this same suppression of the facts cover up, will define the trial of Brenton Tarrant, and that what we the public will get to see and hear will only be a narrative constructed to present Events the way the Government wants you to swallow as fact.
It will be propaganda… not the truth.

The Idea that banning Tarrant’s manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ is somehow to prevent ‘copy cat’ crimes is totally bogus!
The real reason is because the Government wants to control *all information*… your thoughts… and as we have seen for this video the manifesto contains this terrorists political views that are very inconvenient and contradictory of the governments Narrative.

We are in the middle of an Information war… The battlefield is domination of the Public mind.

We live in such frightening times that just by talking about these matters and individuals, Thinkers and writers like myself could find ourselves being targeted and intimidated by the Police who will look for any pretext by which they can arrest us, prosecute us, put legal Gags on us, and shut down our Blogs and social media presence.

Just by daring to express our personal opinions and critisise what the government is doing we will be flagged as ‘Dangerous’… ‘Alt Right’… etc with all the Ugly connotations tat those terms carry… Racists… Islamiphobes… etc… and when the Authorities think of a person in such terms it is very easy to abuse them, violate their rights … without conscience… indeed to joke about it… and take pride in it… and thats precisely how the persecution of the Jews was carried on in Nazi Germany.
The German police thought of the Jews as Dangerous traitors and Subversives to the National weal… vermin who *deserved* to be oppressed by the State.

So who really are the haters???
In my view the Spirit of Official persecution is Satanic… and we see this oppressive anti- Freedom Spirit is now running rampant all across western civilisation.
What sort of world are we bequeathing to our children?
I will not remain silent and Complicit!
I will raise my voice in protest for their sake!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

More from Tim….









Brexit. The EU: A Socialist Statist Bureaucracy from Hell! Absolute Power, Perks, Zero Accountability…

Must watch video below!

As a savage living way down in the underworld I have never focused any attention as to how the EU works.
Yet the Brexit mania has brought such issues to the surface, and I am Gobsmacked at how corrupt the system is!
I should not be…. Of Course *socialists* have set up something closer to the USSR rather than the USA!
Absolutely diabolical!
Only Socialists could take such a grand Idea and turn it into such a monstrosity!
Get the Popcorn out people… this Brexit stuff is getting very interesting!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

‘This the beginning of a new political movement’: Nigel Farage promises the Brexit Party WILL contest a general election and wipe out the Tories if Britain doesn’t leave the EU by Halloween – after crushing win in Euro polls