Category Archives: Heroism

Welcome to the Machine! I guess it wont be long before I am put in jail for breaking New Zealand ‘Hate speech’ legislation.

Update:From Facebook, Andrew HS: 15-4-19.

“Hate Speech Laws and Blasphemous Libel: A Tale of Hypocrisy.

A few months ago, the Honourable Andrew Little quite rightly proposed a bill that eventually removed the last blasphemy law (s 123 of the Crimes Act 1961) from our statute books.

Before its removal, the effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity with an intent to cause serious offence or by abusing sacred objects or beliefs (Bowman v Secular Society Ltd).

Section 123(3) went on to specify: “It is not an offence against this section to express in good faith and in decent language, or to attempt to establish by arguments used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, any opinion whatever on any religious subject”.

Thus the cumulative effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity either in bad faith, or using indecent language.

At any rate, the repeal of s 123 was premised on concerns about the right to free expression. The necessary implication being that speech is *protected* notwithstanding that it is expressed in bad faith or indecent language, and vilifies Christianity.

If free speech grounds a right to vilify Christianity in bad faith or using indecent language, there is similarly a right to vilify any other religion in bad faith or using indecent language.

And yet I’m told that the latter would be legally actionable hate speech…”

The pace with which the current Ardern government is moving towards a police state, and the destruction of freedom is truly frightening!
And there seems to be nobody in parliament standing up in opposition to any of it!
The National Party have been hypnotized by the Ardern Cult of Personality… they pander to her every whim!
How the hell they ever expect this sort of Kowtowing to the Liberal agenda will help them get elected into power again is a mystery.

The Lefty infested New Zealand Press are hard at work lobbying for New Hate speech legislation and has acted like a Lynch mob towards Austrailian sports star Israel Folou quoting the Bible on his own social media page. and the condemnation he has received from our New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern herself, with the press goading her… begging her … to label what he said hate speech…here ‘Jacinda Ardern fires back at Israel Folau and social media comments’… while she was restrained by current legal definitions to label what he said as being a crime, she said she called it ‘Damaging’, yet we also know that her government is determined to push through New ‘hate speech’ legislation… with the same callous disregard for the rights of New Zealanders and due process they displayed with the latest Firearms prohibitions, and when you see what her minion Andrew Little thinks constitutes ‘hate speech’ if New Zealanders are not alarmed, and rise up against this abuse of power they truly deserve the expression of being a bunch of Sheep!
Unless new Zealanders wake up and stand against this sort of agenda driven anti-religious liberty… anti Free speech propaganda… Our country is doomed, and our children will not be taught anything other than what the government wants them to learn… and what they are allowed to believe… and think.
What has been circulated in the NZ media about Folou’s ‘Homophobia’ has been absolutely dishonest!

Read: Why does the Left have such venom when it comes to Folau?
And… ‘Faith comes first’ for unrepentant star Wallaby

For the record… I’m too a Christian, I do not hate homosexuals, yet I reserve the right to peacefully and freely preach about my Religion and quote the Bible… precisely as I have done for the last 34 years, and no Law from Parliament will stop me from doing this… They will have to arrest me to stop me!
This is precisely what the Right to free speech entails!
Go study the history of religious oppression and the birth of religious liberty in western civilisation… This is where the right to free speech was born!

Look at What Arderns’ Minion Andrew Little has to say about a political pamphlet that was circulated in Point Chev… this is her main man responsible for framing new Hates speech laws!
The Pamphlet called for ‘One law for all’… thats an *inclusive* Ideal in which all peoples of New Zealand are subject to the same laws… no favoritism… no discrimination… and yet he has called this *Racism*!

Quote: “The pamphlet titled One Treaty One Nation, calls for an end to state partnership with Māori, scrapping the Waitangi Tribunal, Māori electorates and wards and says Māori have benefited from colonisation lifting them out of “a violent stone age existence”.

Andrew Little who is overseeing a review of hate speech in the wake of the terrorist attacks told the Herald his view was the pamphlet is racist.

“It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”

How Arse-backwards and hypocritical could anyone possibly be???
The Man is worse than an imbecile!
Hes a Dangerous Political snake… and if he thinks by writing legislation that outlaws political opinions that disagree with his own patently wrapped Ideas he has another thing coming!
Little is suggesting this pamphlet calling for one law for all is written by some nutcase when in reality it is expressing a view that is held by a great portion of New Zealanders including many respected politicians more than his equal and many other prominent and intelligent New Zealanders.
The Principle of Racial equality is neither ‘Anti-Maori’ nor Fringe!
It is a legitimate Political position held by thousands of New Zealanders, well reasoned, and has been a foremost topic of elections for the past 50 years!
Does Andrew Little think he can impose his own liberal apartheid views by labeling opposition as hate speech?

Read: Anti-Māori pamphlet show gaps in hate speech law: Andrew Little calls for action

Here is the Pamphlet (Thanks Kiwi Front line)

As a Libertarian… I reserve my right to propagate the Idea of *One law for all New Zealanders* and to fight for the Principle of Justice… *Racial equality before the law*… just as I have done for the past two decades, and no new ‘hate speech laws’ written under the excuse of the Christchurch atrocity
will silence me from condemning the apartheid state that Ardern and Little are now at the helm!
I dont care if Andrew Little believes that Fighting for Racial equality is somehow ‘Anti-Maori’ and Hate speech!
It is not hate speech! I do not Hate Maori… I am a Maori myself!
I want what is best for them and all the people of New Zealand, and I condemn as unjust and an absolute failure the current Apartheid syatem that has not lifted Maori out of the gutter of our Social statistics, but has been a gigantic extortion racket!
I will not stop… I will never cease from seeking to expose the dishonesty of the Governments False revisionist history that seeks to deceive New Zealanders into accepting the lie that the Treaty of Waitangi created a two tier Racial system rather than uniting *all the peoples of New Zealand as one people under one law and one sovereign with equal rights* The Government will have to arrest me and throw me in jail because I will never stop using my natural right to freely speak the truth!
I declare that the current policies of Waitangi separatism are Evil!

One month on from Christchurch mosque shootings, big changes are still coming

So New Zealanders… will you surrender our country to such evil and tyrannical powers as have manifested themselves under Jacinda Arderns Psychotic Government????

I wont!
I have Children and Grand children who I want to live free and know the truth!
Id rather die in jail that surrender Political Freedom and My faith to the evil powers that threaten these most precious of values!
Will I have to rot in a dungeon as a political prisoner for New Zealanders rights to free speech and the principle of racial equality before the Law???
That this is even a possibility shows how dangerous to rights and freedom this new proposal for hate speech legislation is!

We can be sure that Little’s new Hate speech laws will result in a wave of censorship and Punishment for Thought Crimes… maybe the will force some of us to drink Hemlock for not worshiping the State Gods and Corrupting the Youth!


Political writer Dr Muriel Newman has written about these things in an article named ‘A totalitarian state’ and I quote…

“Calls for restrictions on free speech by radical Government MPs should raise the alarm about our future. While the Bill of Rights protects our freedom of thought, expression, and association, as we have already seen through the Censor’s bans, these rights are fragile and can easily be taken away.

Laws to protect New Zealanders from ‘hate’ can already be found in the Crimes Act, Harmful Digital Communications Act, Human Rights Act, and the Sentencing Act. If the Government is committed to stronger deterrents, they simply need to enforce the existing laws.

Already the call for action against ‘hate’ since the Christchurch attack has resulted in people losing their jobs for making thoughtless remarks, websites being blocked, and a social media crackdown being implemented. It may also have been responsible for a man losing his life.
New Zealanders who value the freedom and liberty that underpins our society should strongly oppose new laws to ban ‘hate’. Such laws, that would enable the Police to act against anyone expressing ideas contrary to those deemed acceptable by the Government, have proven to be a disaster in countries where they have been introduced, over-criminalising the population and allowing vexatious complainants to destroy lives. “…

I concur with Muriel, and implore the People of New Zealand to rally and protest against this Hitlarian Drive against Freedom in our country!
Do you want your children to grow up free?
Do you reserve the right to teach them your own Values and beliefs?
Or do you surrender these priceless things .. and give your children’s minds to the State to brainwash them with the beliefs and ideals these Political psychopaths running the machine?
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…












Tim Wikiriwhi. The Right to Self Defense: My (Undelivered) Oral submission to The New Zealand Committee Of THE ARMS (PROHIBITED FIREARMS, MAGAZINES, AND PARTS) AMENDMENT BILL April 2019

UPDATE!1-5-19 Czech government tells its citizens how to fight terrorists: Shoot them yourselves

I have a whole other story to tell the people of New Zealand about how it was that I came to write the following submission that would never be delivered… That will have to wait for following days, yet I must state that had I been given the opportunity to give an oral submission, I would have had to shorten what follows below considerably and make some of the supporting evidence for my claims as footnotes… discussion points for question time, etc
so what follows is about 10% of 1% of what I think about this foolishness and travesty of justice that is about to become law…

I dedicated my Written submission to the memory of the Victims of The Christchurch Terrorist attack.
I dedicate My Undelivered oral submission on this Bill to the memory of The late Hero Venezuelan Cop Oscar Perez… who Forsook working for the corrupt Government of Tyrant Nicolas Maduro and instead Died In armed revolution for the sake of the starving and oppressed people of Venezuela… fully lawful in his actions according to the Constitution of Venezuela Article 350.

Do not be deceived into thinking anyone who expounds these Ideas I share with you is Crazy… or Dangerous… that is what your slave masters want you to think!
Some of the greatest, and most moral human beings ever to walk this Earth have been enemies of the tyrannical Governments under which they had the misfortune to live… and they had the courage to stand against Evil powers in high places.
I am a Man of Peaceful Resistance… I fire words… at tyrants,

If I had stood before the committee and actually delivered the following submission I would have told them that the Right to Free speech is a defining characteristic of any free Nation nation… as it is designed to protect outspoken critics of Bad law … like me… from Politicians who write bad laws… like you!

Tim Wikiriwhi

Please read on!!


My concerns about this Bill are centered upon how it is part of a general and insidious erosion of Our Liberty and Rights that has been accelerated by the Governments response to the Christchurch terrorist mass murders. A response that was anticipated by the Terrorist himself in his manifesto.

Because of lack of time to fully expound my views on these matters There is much I have to leave unsaid and I will only be able to focus on but a single aspect of why I oppose this Bill.
I have spoken briefly on far more aspects regarding this bill in my written submission.

Today I want to focus on the right to self defense.

Because I am not a gun owner, this puts me in a stronger position than the Kiwi gun owning community to speak about self defense.

Its an extremely relevant issue with respect to what happened in Christchurch, and is in fact the key to a completely different response and strategy to what happened… one that instead of taking away rights as the proposed Bill does, this self defense strategy instead places more power back in the hands of the people where it rightfully belongs!

Yet this far more credible and moral alternative has been completely ignored by the government, and even the Gun owning community has shyed away from talking about it because not only do they know how antagonistic towards self defense the government is… the way the law now functions Gun owners are forbidden by the government and Police to claim Self defense as a valid reason why these firearms should not be prohibited!

And this is a primary reason I can confidently assume few submissions opposing this bill will have mentioned Self defense.. because for gun owners to do so is to run the risk of a Police raid and the confiscation of their property!

There exists a general dysfunctional culture of abuse, arrogance, narrow mindedness and antagonism by parliament and the police towards the citizens of New Zealand that is manifested by this bill and the other Draconian activities these powers have been engaged in since last month… all part of an agenda that is at variance with the Rightful duties of government and its proper relationship to the people.

A hell of a lot of political mis-direction and opportunism is taking place in the wake of the Christchurch Terror attack.
Immediately… and without any time to seriously investigate the circumstances of this atrocity… virtually while the Bodies of the victims were still lying where they fell Our Prime minister was already in full stride swearing that Gun Restrictions would be enacted immediately… which is of course political opportunism of the highest order… to ram home an agenda she had already subscribed to, one that would catapult her own fame among the Global liberal anti gun movement, ideology and agenda we see active all over the globe,

When you investigate this aganda… this desire … this policy to Ban semi automatic firearms we find it is not something that Ardern has arrived at in sober response to the Terror attack but is in fact a policy that has been the subject of constant pressure and lobbying from the New Zealand Police Association for a very long time.
Christchurch has merely provided them with the perfect opportunity to impose their desires without bothering with the normal processes… and safeguards for making laws.

What are the motives for this Rush to prohibit so many types of firearms?

a. I would never deny that obviously a primary motive would be one of Public safety… to try and minimize the the possibility of these guns being used in crimes against the public… very simplistic… yet appears noble.
This is the angle they have used to ‘sell’ their actions to the public, and to which the media have vigorously propagated as well.

b. Yet Let me present to you another motive… the obvious fact that the police are lobbying for this Bill from their own interests… a desire to mitigate the possibility that they themselves may have to contend with angry citizens when executing searches and seizures, or violent criminals who may have legal access to such firearms… resisting arrest, etc … which is understandable.

Yet there are many hazards in this type of activity when the Police consider it normal to try to sway the direction of the legislature… hazards that prove why the maintenance of the principle of the separation of powers is an important safeguard for just legislation and the safety of the rights and liberties of the citizens of the country, whom are the employers of the government and Police, and who these agencies are supposed to serve.

On the first count however we see a serious flaw in their logic with regards to a Ban on semi automatics to the general population for the sake of a handful of madmen, a massive gap that they do not consider… in that such a prohibition also renders the entire population less able to defend themselves should a madman or Group of Killers be on the loose.
Failure to weigh this greater consideration demonstrates the arrogance of the Police association, and their contempt for the right of citizens to act in their own defense.
The Math favors the rationale that the more of these guns are in the hands of Good law abiding citizens that the less likely Madmen will be able to carry out mass shootings of the magnitude we saw in Christchurch, and there are plenty of studies that validate the fact that more guns results in less crime, and also that New Gun restrictions do not result in less murder.
There have been plenty of examples in which armed citizens with Ar 15s have put an end to rampaging Killers.

On the second count which is the assertion that the police pushing the prohibition of semiautomatics and pump action shotguns are acting out of their own self interest I believe this is in fact their primary motive to why The Police have lobbied Government to ban semi automatics, and this too displays the contempt the Police have for the peoples right to bear quality arms in their own defense.
What I find is most disturbing about this motive is the Police are displaying all the characteristics of a self interested monopoly Lobby group that seeks to pervert the law, for their own benefit, at the expense of the community which they are supposed to serve… The Prohibitions they desire are antagonistic to the rights and liberties of the people… so by this means they are crossing the line between executive and legislative branches for the sake of their own power and have turned the situation into an ‘Us against them’ scenario

Do not think for a moment that I have no care or concern for the welfare of the brave men and woman in our Police force… let me clearly sate for the record that a very close member of my own family is a front line police officer, and so I do have skin in the game… yet I hope that I am making the point that it is the duty of the Police to serve, and to uphold the rights and liberties of the people, not to lobby and work to greater empower themselves and take away our rights and liberties.
It is only The Rights and Liberties of a Nation that makes it great, and keeps its people free, and distinguishes Free people from those who live under Political subjugation.
To be a Good policeman firstly requires a love and respect for Freedom and justice… a desire for our country to be Free, and for our people to enjoy their rights and liberties… and to display boldness in doing this difficult task without becoming antagonistic towards the rights and liberties of the people they serve.
Now I am not a fan of the UN, yet even their own documents on Human rights standards and Practice for the Police dated 2004 under the heading ‘Policing in democracies’ clearly states
1. The Police shall provide for the protection of public safety *and the rights* of all persons
2. The Police shall be an independent organ of the executive…
3. Every Law enforcement agency shall be representative of and responsive and accountable to the community as a whole
4 All police officials are part of and have a duty to serve. the community
5. and No member of the Police may participate directly in political activities.

The Activities of the Police Lobbying and participating in Propaganda to facilitate our Elected Government into passing this Bill clearly contravenes the principle of a separation of The executive and legislative powers on government.
They have clearly engaged in Political activities… conspiring with Parliament against the Community!
The drive by Police to actively engage in propaganda and the legislative process against the rights of Gun owners shows a contemptuous attitude towards Gun owners… ie is evidence of a Dysfunctional police culture and prejudice… and this same prejudice and contempt is clearly displayed by Members of parliament, on both sides of the house… those politicians who encourage the police to propagate fear, and lobby for heavy handed legislation.
So instead of a separation of powers.. we find Collusion… to defraud the rights of a portion of New Zealand Citizens… Legal and law abiding Gun owners.
This Bill is bad Law founded upon Corrupt practices.

Lets look at very recent examples of when a completely Different view is taken towards gun ownership by governments and Legal authorities with respect to self defense

In March A Judge in America has just struck down Legislation that attempted to ban high capacity Magazines saying that they had legitimate Self defense utility.
US District Judge Roger Benitez cited home invasions where a woman used the extra bullets in her weapon to kill an attacker while in two other cases women without additional ammunition ran out of bullets.
He said “Individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts,”
He declared unconstitutional the law that would have banned possessing any magazines holding more than 10 bullets.

Italy has just passed a Home invasion and self defense law this month that Modifies article 52 of the Italian penal code, which now allows Italians to use “A Legitimately held weapon” to protect themselves and members of their household, making it far less likely individuals will be brought up on charges for defending themselves.
imitating this would be a far more rational response to the Christchurch terror attack.

In November last year Christian Biker Stephen Willeford grabbed his AR semi automatic rife and ran towards shots he could her coming from a church and he faced off against a Terrorist Just like the one who attacked the mosques in Christchurch!
He was able to Drive off the Terrorist who was murdering Christians in their place of worship… Wilfords fire forcing him to call off his attack and retreated to his vehicle… The gunman would be found shot on the side of the highway!

And for my final example I want to give you an example when AR Rifles were legitimately used by Private citizens to defend their own Livelihoods, Liberty, and property from the tyrannical actions and intentions of a Modern day Western democracy under leftist Liberal administration… proving that Citizens need such arms to defend themselves from Modern day Socialism in a country very much like our own!
How many of you are familiar with recent events in Nevada USA,,, and the Bundy Ranch?
Go do some homework people… yet be careful where you get your information!
The Bundy Family are Ranchers of who have Leased land off the State of Nevada for many generations and yet the Federal Government has been using very tyrannical means forcing Ranchers off these land… laying unbearable Tax bills upon them, and using the Federal ‘Environmental and Parks’ Bureaucracy ‘The bureau of Land Management’ (BLM) to try and forcefully evict The Bundys off their local state Leasehold land.
Now the BLM are not just smokey the Bear Park rangers, but a fully militarized force with Humvee’s and snipers!
And at the orders of Obama’s Administration The BLM turned up to steal The Bubdy’s cattle and they killed a whole bunch and they assaulted some of the protesters who had gathered at the ranch in support of the family… anyway News got out about what was going on and Supporters came from far and wide… and they brought their Ar Semi Autos and spontaneously formed a Militia… and they proceeded to face off the BLM Arms vs arms!
This event must rank as one of the greatest moments in modern US History!
That most people dont even know about these Epic events just proves how mainstream media is absolutely failing in its duty as the vanguard of freedom!
Anyway The Bundys and their supporters were able to force the ARMY of the BLM … and all the covert opps Black Utes… to Stand down… and leave!
The Bundys were left on their property and with their cattle!
Later The federal government would attempt other means by which to destroy the Bundys… They Ambushed, and Murdered one of their most Principled and Patriotic supporters and friend Lavoy Finicum and would via devious means arrest the Bundy men… and attempt to frame them in court… not once… but twice!
Both times the Court found that the Bundy’s were Upright men and acted in full accord with their rights in defense of their property against state agencies that were acting in a corrupt and unlawful way!
The Bundys were acting within their constitutional Rights to Bear Arms… AR 15s… in their own defense against a Tyrannical Government Agency… The BLM Had they not done so The BLM would have taken Their cattle and destroyed their Lives.
The last judgement acquitting the Bundy’s *with prejudice* … a term that not only means they can never again be tried for the same reason… but also indicates how contemptible the court found the activities of the Federal prosecution!
Go study these things… Go to the Bundy’s themselves and see how they are just an all American cowboy family and how their story is an absolute vindication of the second amendment and the need for citizens to have AR semi automatics… and their *Legal right* to point these ARs at Government agents who are acting in an unjust and tyrannical manor… breaking the Law!

Yes Modern day Democratic Governments just like ours can… and do behave like criminals!
And we are seeing this behavior right now in New Zealand since the Christchurch atrocity… Squads of Police are at this very moment Trawling facebook and the internet and when they find any gun owner has commented on a Group that has been ‘flagged’… etc they are rolling around to these Law abiding citizens and gun owners and demanding to see their gun safes… and are threatening them with Gun confiscations… and trying to start altercations as pretense to seize arms of these innocent Citizens for the crime of making a comment on a facebook Page Jacina Arden does not like!
Where will this end?
It will end precisely like Venezuela! Where The Government confiscated guns of anyone associated with the public protest against the Corrupt Socialist Tyrant government and so the only people in Venezuela who legally own guns today are the supporters of the Evil regime!
And today Venezuela is in its death trows of Tyranny, oppression, starvation, mass exodus, Death squads, an absolute Hell on earth… and this was the wealthiest nation in Latin America just a few decades ago.

So only Fools cannot apprehend the truth that such a horrific future could happen here!

Time prevents me from continuing my exposition on the vital importance of the lawful right to bear arms for self defense.

In closing the greatest threat to the safety and happiness of our great country and any other does not come in the form of Terrorists or criminals… or even from dangerous foreign powers… The greatest threat comes from social moral degeneration capitalised upon by Oppressive government that run Heavily Burdensome Police states… in the name of public safety.

Thus because it is a great delusion to believe the promises of Politicians like Jacinda Ardern that her Party State will keep us Safe from Terrorists and dangerous criminals I oppose this Bill and instead recommend Parliament remove the police from the administration of Firearms legislation (management of the Arms Act) and prohibit them from interfering in politics… in accord with the UN Recommendation of Policing in a Democracy restoring the vital separation of Executive power from the legislative powers of our democratic system, and also to frame and enact legislation that legalizes the Legitimacy of Self defense to be valid reason to seek to obtain and hold a New Zealand fire arms licence and firearms including semi automatics allowing those who prove themselves competent and mentally fit to own AR’s and Pump action shotguns for self defense, in their homes, workplaces, businesses, and places of worship and recreation.

Tim Wikiriwhi

More from Tim….






My Written submission that is now a matter of Public record…

More Bills… more submissions…




“Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?” Noble said, referring to states with pro-gun traditions. “What I’m saying is it makes police around the world question their views on gun control. It makes citizens question their views on gun control. You have to ask yourself, ‘Is an armed citizenry more necessary now than it was in the past with an evolving threat of terrorism?’ This is something that has to be discussed.”

“For me it’s a profound question,” he continued. “People are quick to say ‘gun control, people shouldn’t be armed,’ etc., etc. I think they have to ask themselves: ‘Where would you have wanted to be? In a city where there was gun control and no citizens armed if you’re in a Westgate mall, or in a place like Denver or Texas?'”

Read more here

Other references….

The New Conservative party is putting out some exemplary posts in opposition to the whole bill and farcical process by which the government has acted… here.

italy passes home invasion self-defence law while australians remain defenceless victims

Federal Judge Tosses Out California’s Ban on High-Capacity Firearm Magazines

NZ’s battle over semi-automatics: Police frustrated by the law, firearm owners frustrated by police

FBI Report: Armed Citizens See 94% Success Rate During Active Shooter Incidents

Select Committee recommends Government go ahead with semi-automatics ban

Facebooks collaboration with Liberal Tyranny. Shutting Down Dissent Against New Zealand PM’s New Gun Bans

I have written an explanation as to why I have not redacted excerpts of the manifesto ‘the great replacement’ from this blog post… here

The Blog post below and an earlier post were written before the Chief Censor imposed the ban.

I’m being Punished for Anti-SJW activism.

Here I sit in Facebook jail for a week for the heinous thought crime of publicly criticising New Zealand Prime minister Jacinda Ardern’s New Gun prohibitions on the net.

My sentence was immediate … without warning… and I had no idea I was posting anything that could be construed as being ‘an offence’ of any kind.
I was merely exercising my right to free speech and open dialogue as a Libertarian activist and Blogger.

Read my last Blog post on this subject here

The Rush to make the SJW Agenda Law and suppressing reasoned opposition..

Much to my surprise Ardern has devised a Machiavellian scheme to make her prohibitions immediate without following the normal due democratic processes… she says this will happen in due course… as if its a foregone conclusion that parliament will support her plans. and the legislation will be retrospectively enacted, and Liberals around the globe have been Lording her like she is some sort of legislative Messiah and calling upon their own governments to follow her lead… precisely like the Terrorist expressly wanted them to do!

I believe Ardern was instructed to do this by her Mentor Helen Clark, whom used this same device of retrospective legislation herself when PM to stop a high court lawsuit she was facing for election fraud and misappropriation! (search up Pledgcardgate… good luck with that as most of the information about this has conveniently ‘disappeared’ off the net… Clark being a UN Lefty Big wig… this is precisely the sort of inconvenient facts the left have successfully suppressed )
Whenever politicians use ‘retrospective legislation’ the people should be vary wary… and in the Case of Jacinda Ardern’s ‘Immediate gun ban’ she is circumventing the safety checks of due democratic process… that is supposed to prevent legislation from being implemented too hastily, and insure there is plenty of public discussion and sober minded rationale… tested in the public domain.

UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK CITY, NY, UNITED STATES – 2015/09/18: Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and candidate for the job of UN Secretary General 2016 during a Press briefing on the launch of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Gap Task Force Report 2015 today at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. (Photo by Luiz Rampelotto/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)

SJW Ardern is using the heat of emotion generated by the terror attacks to maximise the chance of getting this legislation passed without much sober contemplation by Opposition Mps or the People, therefore she certainly does not want dissenting views and criticisms about her new Gun laws or large protests before they are ratified by parliament, and so The Activist SJW Liberals running facebook… acting unilaterally yet deliberately are banning Dissenting voices like mine, and I have been prevented from posting and commenting for 7 days even though I have not violated their community standards.
They have done so out of pure political bias… while claiming I have violated their community standards… without any explanation.

This is the post that got me ‘Zucc-ed’ (Photo below)…remember there was no ban on sharing excerpts from the manifesto when I posted this… and now that it has been banned you may appreciate the truth of what I am saying… Political suppression of dissenting opinion.

As you can see, I did not write anything that can be construed as being against any of the Facebook community standards with respect to nudity, hateful, or otherwise what is commonly understood to be offensive… Nothing racist, or sexist, etc… I simply expressed my political opinion about Arderns new and corrupt Gun prohibitions, and validated my statement with a factual quote and accompanied these facts with a relevant picture for readers to investigate for themselves.
I got the photo off Google.

And this post contains no inaccuracies, nor anything that has not been published on facebook by other media…

eg Here… New Zealand Shooter is a Radical Environmentalist Who Believes the Earth is “Overpopulated”

And on Fox news… see photo below…

What is even more interesting is NZ Herald published video of the terror attack but have not yet been charged with a crime! here
Political Favoritism and Sly Expedience???? MUCH!

The Governments suppression and threats of Imprisonment.(please remember I wrote this passage before the Chief Censor Banned the Manifesto)

I did not share any of the video footage of the terrorist action that was put on the net, that has been outlawed by the New Zealand government, yet to my knowledge there is no prohibition on discussion or sharing the Manifesto the terrorist published on line in which he gave his reasons for why he committed this crime, and why he used guns, and it would be the height of political suppression of the truth if any such prohibition was imposed because that would muzzle the peoples right to discuss this heinous crime, and understand it, yet it appears the liberal running facebook made a completely arbitrary decision to ‘prohibit’ posts like mine on this topic.
and in so doing they display their extreme political prejudice.

I have not watched the footage and I have no desire to watch such a barbarous thing, yet still it is a gross act of suppression by the government to outlaw the video and prosecute people whom have shared it on their social media. Its suppression is part of the general desire of the government to steam roll through their oppressive new Gun control legislation without protests from the people who may watch the terrorist video and realise the government cant keep us safe from terrorism or mass murder, and demand *more gun rights* not less.

The video has been shared far and wide internationally… The Turkish president Erdoğan has used it many times for its propaganda value against Islamiphobia in the west as part of his election campaign!
yet our Government has made it a crime for us to share it… and what they have not been able to suppress by law, The social media working in cahoots have taken it upon themselves to shut down critisims of the left on their social media platforms.

Internet Tyranny, the Leftist war on Free speech.

This agenda driven censorship has become prolific, and demonstrates a massive political fraud being perpetrated against the entire world by the Left’s dominance over the world wide web, esp of social media like Facebook and it can be easily shown they are actively engaged in perverting the democratic processes of Western societies in favour of Leftist Political parties and their political agendas.
While it is harder for them to suppress Established sites with millions of followers, yet still because the left have lost on so many fronts in recent times to establish their Global tyranny… from Brexit, to the defeat of Hillary Clinton, they have moved against their outspoken adversaries under the guise of fighting ‘fake news’… They have suceeded in banning and marginalizing many popular voices on the right … and comparatively it has been a walk in the park to pick off small fry like me by the tens of thousands without any recompense!
By using so called ‘Community standards’ they are targeting Individuals like myself who are activists against Lefty Liberalism and thereby not only crushing well reasoned and truthful dissenting views and posts from spreading throughout the population and gaining a foothold in the public sphere, but are also projecting an atmosphere of Fear and suppression… intimidating many people from speaking their minds out of fear Facebook will punish them, and maybe even close their pages down.

This is the treat that hangs over Social media now and the threat that I now face.
Will they shut down my page?
One of my people actually told me he consciously watches what he posts out of fear he will be ‘Zucced’ as this will affect his business and livelihood!
And this is *outrageous* that the political bias of Facebook is so extreme that people are scared to be vocally critical of things like these new oppressive gun laws.
All it takes is for one slippery snake Liberal hiding in your group or friends list to report your post to the Facebook gestapo and you can find yourself jailed without any sort of due process… without the opportunity to say anything in your own defense. and of course these Snakes hiding in your grass never stand up and and say to your face they reported you… they are happy to remain hidden among your friends… These Judas types dont admit their collaboration with the gestapo to the rest of the group as they know they will be thrown out.
So there they sit… like a terrorist cell… evil malevolent minions of the powers that be… serving as the spies of the Facebook gestapo … ready to report any criticism that they dont like… Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Google skews Web searches in favour of leftist ideology and buries site they disprove of.
De-Platforming their enemies from the Internet is now standard Left wing modus opperandi.
They get hysterical when any independent voice they cant control gains a large following. (here)
The left will move mountains to get visiting speakers they cant control visas revoked. (here)

This concerted agenda by the left is tantamount to staging a Global Coup!
These Gargantuan Internet Tyrants and mainstream media are in fact working in cahoots with Leftist Governments and parties and acting in a manor that is 100% contrary to the Ethical standards of Journalism and are flouting the duty of what a free press is supposed to be! Independent of Government and the vanguard of Liberty and free speech!
These powers have become the chief tools of censorship and imposing a heavy handed political agenda.

The Lefts massive manipulation and corruption of the foundations of Western Democracy and Elections.

This massive interference with free speech and discourse in New Zealand with respect to the Christchurch event not only demonstrates how the Social media Giants Liberal bias and activism is now being used around the globe to smooth the road for Leftist Legislators to get their oppressive agenda made Law, it also pales into insignificance any delusions people may have had about Russia interfering with the US elections!
So the hypocrisy of the Left is to cry blue murder when they suspect the internet has been used to spread propaganda against them… yet they have moved with utmost vigor to make sure the internet is now a propaganda machine for the Left… under the pretext of fighting fake news and hate speech.

I believe these massive internet giants controlled by Social Justice Warrior Liberals are perpetrating a massive fraud against the populations of the democratic world ant are acting with such extreme prejudice as to nearly eclipse what has been possible by most Authoritarian governments such as China and North Korea… and Russia in which Putin has just passed more ‘Fake news’ laws to further outlaw criticism of his government and to punish anyone who dares.
That is how tyranny works… By passing Laws under the pretext of a righteous cause when in reality they are legalising their own crimes against their political opponents.
Though the Internet Giants are privately owned, that cannot be a legitimate excuse for what they are doing because the Fraud they are committing is the pretense that their internet services are fair and objective and are not Bullying or suppressing genuine free speech.
This is their Great lie!

I believe there is a legitimate case of grand Election fraud these companies ought to be legally taken to task… something like the Muller investigation but against the bias and manipulation of the internet for personal political ends.

I dont understand why some wealthy and tech savvy entrepreneurs have not set up already set up better alternatives!???
The Market is crying out for it and I believe the future liberty and well being of western civilisation hangs on dire urgent need for the Lefts stranglehold over the internet to be smashed!
I may already be too late.
If there were credible competing alternative social media to Facebook, Google, and YouTube who acted in a more ethical fashion and who respected the rights of individuals to free speech and expression I would abandon the services of these prejudiced liberal companies voluntarily, and I am sure 50% of the internet would do so too, yet while they hold a virtual monopoly on social media, I refuse to ‘ban myself’ and abandon the internet to the Machiavellian Liberals!
I will go down fighting!

Defending NZ Gun rights from SJW Gun confiscations and criminalisation.

Before I was ‘Zucced’ I was busy on Facebook calling for Gun owners not to surrender their rights without protest. I was encouraging them to practice peaceful civil disobedience of the most honorable type… non compliance with unjust demands from the state.
With regards to the ploy of a government ‘buy back’, I argue that even if the government tries to bribe you into surrendering your rights Gun owners need to refuse to comply… In the US New Jersey State demanded all the high capacity mags get handed in… nobody complied!
*That is how Free people respond to unjust laws*
Read more here.
This is why they want to register Guns too… so then they can confiscate them.

Of course they will send the cops around to arrest a few non-compliant gun owners,,, yet all kiwi gun owners who are not slaves of the state will need to rally and help them with their legal defense.
Gun owners should be uniting and planning protests!
They have been made criminals though they have committed no crimes!
They have had their rights and liberties trampled upon by a tyrannical little nobody.

Yet there are Reports of hundreds of New Zealand gun owners voluntarily already surrendering their Semi Autos, with many kiwi believing the line… ‘gun ownership is a privilege… not a right’ Read more here
The New Zealand government does not want the NRA to help Kiwi gun owners rally and defend themselves from loosing their gun rights!

It appears these reports of large scale surrendering of guns to the police are just more propaganda designed to fool NZ gun owners into the belief that most gun owners agree with the new prohibition and in so doing demoralise any who are hoping to rally a large scale protest.

A friend of mine parroted these naive sentiments… “We in NZ don’t have a 2nd Amendment for gun ownership in the way you are suggesting.
Gun ownership is a privilege not a right allowed under the direction of the government. If the rules change they change we have to comply. Pretending that we are Americans will not work here sorry. We are now have a new law that we will have to comply with whether we like it or not.”.

I had to school him…. “The second amendment does not ‘grant’ a privilege to the American people at the generosity of the US government… what the second amendment does is *Enunciate a natural right that all human beings have* and that is why it tells the government *they shall pass no law that violates this natural human right* .
So that we kiwi dont have a second amendment *does not mean* we dont have the natural right to bear arms… the means of self defense… we do have that right irrespective of what our government thinks or wants.. or compels!
The problem we have is that our backward Nation has no protection of our rights from tyrants and socialists like Ardern… and so we are exposed to the evil of a government that can trample upon our rights… yet that does not make it just… it means we are the victims of oppressive government and evil laws.”

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

PS… A Gun rights petition is circulating Here
Please sign it!

Here is what it says…
Prime Minister

We are asking for you to reconsider your plans to rush legislation that drastically changes our firearms laws.

We have two main concerns:

1: The exclusion of subject matter experts WILL simply result in bad law.

2: Rushed legislation WILL make the nation LESS safe.

There is simply no need to suspend democracy here.

You have made one huge change on zero notice, after only a few days of consideration and with most of the affected parties excluded.

Now you have promised huge new law changes from Parliament in a matter of only days. Before many important issues have even been considered. All we have now are questions.

It has been thirty years since anything remotely comparable occurred. We have the time to do this right.

Thank you for your consideration.

Let us please do the RIGHT thing here. Not just be seen to act.



Update: Though I cant comment or make posts for 7 days I can still access my page and read my news feed, anyway I just received yet another facebook notification that I have violated Community standards on another post in which a simply posted a photo of the terrorist in his car and called him Scum!
I made this post within an hour of hearing about the terrorist attack, and in no way was their any ‘Ban’ on posting photos of the terrorist… it was quite a natural response!

Either I have again been reported by some snake, or Facebooks AI ‘Zuccbotts’ are hard at work supressing any pictures and commentary on the terrorist attack in Christchurch!
In no way did I say anything violent, or praise the terrorist!
I simply called him scum!

Interesting NZ Youtube video talks about the bias in NZ Media ‘Newshub’.

I concur about how disgusting Newhub is and in fact I blocked them from my facebook newsfeed only a few days ago out of pure disgust …

More… ISPs in AU and NZ start censoring the internet without legal precedent

Several websites including Voat, ZeroHedge,, LiveLeak, and others have been blocked in Australia and New Zealand in direct contravention to civil liberties that citizens are supposed to have. The biggest of these internet providers, Telstra, has published a blog post defending their censorship action – even acknowledging that free speech has been sacrificed by company decision:

“We appreciate that it is necessary to ensure free speech is carefully balanced against protecting the community – but with these sites continuing to host disturbing content we feel it is the right thing to do to block them.”
In fact, some of the blocked sites have been unfairly lambasted in mainstream media as “refusing” to take down offending material. Let’s be clear, each and every one of the blocked websites operates lawfully – that includes removing illegal material when requested. These internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia and New Zealand have taken it upon themselves to play judge, jury, and executioner in their condemnation of these websites and their visitors just for exercising free speech…

Read more! here

More from Tim…













“Let there be light.” A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018.

It is telling that many of the Woke Folk who demand Western 1st world Nations open their boarders to mass immigration also praise the North Sentinelesse for murdering the Christian Missionary the man of peace and good will John Chau… calling him ‘an invader’… and that their Deadly act was ‘defending their Boarder”…. Woe unto you…. Hypocrites!
Your infidel minds have been twisted by politicized Fake narrative pseudo history.
John did not approach them to exploit them in any way.
He was not coming to take their property, or to freeload off their generosity, but hoped to be a source of Light and hope for these human beings living in Darkness and Barbarism.

‘Please do not be mad at them or at God if I get killed’ John Allen Chau.

John Allen Chau, 26, was shot dead with arrows when he went to the remote North Sentinel Island last week
It is one of the world’s most isolated regions in India’s Andaman islands and is off-limits to visitors
Chau had paid local fishermen to help him get to the island last Thursday
He was shot at but safely able to return to the boat where he penned a letter to his parents and several journal entries about his initial encounter
Chau detailed how he was committed to teaching the tribe about Jesus
In a letter dated November 16, Chau asked his parents not to be mad at the tribe or at God if he was killed
After he returned to the island the following day, fishermen said they saw the tribesmen dragging Chau’s body away…

Read more Here

“He was attacked by arrows but he continued walking,” said one source, quoted by AFP. “The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body.”

More here

Obviously if you think Christianity is a false religion there is a high chance you are not going to think much of what John Chau was trying to do.
Few Infidels appreciate the debt of gratitude they ought to have for the Liberty and civilization they themselves enjoy in Western Society… a modern term for that prosperous portion of the globe that used to be called Western Christendom.

Science and modernity would not be possible for most countries on Earth were it not for Brave missionaries risking their necks to bring the Christian truth to savages … the basis for civil society…
This Missionaries bravery and strong convictions which include his concern for the spiritual well being of these savages got him killed…
like has happened many many times over the centuries… including here in New Zealand.
The desire to bring the light and hope of the gospel to people living under dark superstitions is a noble thing to do.. the Socialist idea that these people should be left to live like animals… so they can carry on being an enclave of Backwards primitivism… is *inhumane*… its treating them like Lab rats… and shows the atheist intellectuals who say they should be left alone have zero respect for the many blessing they themselves enjoy because of the Values that were established in their own nations by Christian Missionaries.

One Facebook Critic who claims to be a Christian has said….

“I am a Christian, but from the get go this was a horrible idea. This tribe has a history of attacking outsiders and killing them, plus we don’t know their language. So not sure what he thought was going to happen. Here are the facts of the case….

1) It’s illegal to go to that island.

2) It’s illegal to go there because their immune systems not being the same as anyone else’s. He could’ve wiped out the tribe by introducing a disease they have no defence against.

3) It’s illegal to go there because they kill anyone who does.

4) He bribed local fishermen to take him there, which is illegal. These poor fishermen who make barely enough to feed their families have been arrested and are going to jail. Bad for their families.

5) Spreading the gospel is a good thing, but what this man did was incredibly arrogant, ignorant and just flat out stupid. He died for nothing, and put a whole tribe at risk as well as two poor families who of course took the bribe because they have no money.

Spread the word of God, but not at the expense and harm of others around you.”

I Replied…

“And yet Heroic Christians have *always chosen to obey God* rather than Men,
For example Brave Christians have risked their necks and broken Laws smuggling Bibles into Soviet Russia and Communist China… and Christians shared the gospel and held meetings during the times of great persecution in Roman Times…Refused to worship Caeser etc etc.
Christianity is a world changing revolutionary ideology… for Good… against Tyranny…. Bringing Civilisation, Freedom, and Rights.

and also Missionaries have also boldly taken the gospel to Savage lands *knowing the personal risks*.. ie they are heroic people who change the world for the better…

There was nothing *arrogant about wanting to enlighten and raise these people out of squalor and superstition* and your comment is cowardly and unchristian on all these levels.

Only point 2 is of weight… and if you read my blog [postscript below] I discussed the issue of immunity to disease quote:
” Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.”.
And thinking more about particular critisism regarding the risk John posed to them from carrying disease, the more obviously apparent to me that this critisism does not come from any *genuine concern* for the Native Sentinelese but is a mere cloak to disguise the real heart motive of his critics… hate for Christianity and those that propagate it.
This is simply a fake concern… in Truth… esp with modern transportation most of these critics probably dont think twice about carrying their local diseases far and wide across the globe when they go on holidays… nor give a second thought that they themselves might bring back some Evil germs to their own communities which they are not immune to… and this in fact happens all the time!
Quarantine is a seldom used measure these days for traveling humans.
I think this puts some perspective on things on this account…

I am sorry this brave Christian has lost his life for the sake of these primitive savages and the Gospel.
Personally I am a worm of a Christian… carnal and cowardly… unfit… I am in awe of Johns Courage and conviction… and love for his fellow man.
Obviously as a person who believes the Bible is true… and that its Truths and Ethics are of vital importance to humanity, I have a far more positive view of what John was trying to do!
I share Johns belief that Christian truths are of higher value that my own life.
I believe he righteously followed higher laws than mere human prohibitions that would leave these people perpetually in squalor and darkness… without Christ.
John was Christ-like… Christ himself traveling to Jerusalem *despite knowing he would be Crucified by the hateful mob.
Neither sacrificed themselves out of vanity… but had contempt for death… motivated by love to do the will of God… and service to humanity.
God did not will either of their deaths… yet he was well pleased that Jesus chose rather to do what was right, than to cowardly let evil dominate and dictate his actions.
To the world it may appear that Satan won… yet They know nothing of the Victory over Satan, Sin and death in the Resurrection!

As the arrows flew… I can hear Johns prayers… “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… I will fear no Evil…”

The stone age was just last week here in New Zealand… and it still exists for the North Sentinelese …. The 1st world morons and Treaty separatists who scorn British colonization of New Zealand fail to contemplate the gravity of this fact.

There has been a vile gloating by atheists and Antichrists at the murder of this good man, mocking memes, and pseudo justification cloaking his attempt to just talk with them as some sort of threat to their security, and his murder as some sort of legitimate defense of the boarders and property… all bogus…
This man was no threat to them, and it even turns out the Law everyone quotes that it was illegal to visit this Island had recently been lifted!
So he broke no law… while they *did break the law by murdering him*… yet the police are too scared to go there it interview them about his death.
These Hateful opinions come from the children of Satan… those who despise Christianity… those who have been brainwashed into holding contempt for the spread of the Gospel that has brought the greatest geographical spread of civilization and peaceful coexistence in human history.
See this meme below.

The truth is quite different… Meekness is not Weakness…He was not shot in the back running away… like a fleeing woman but shot in the chest many times… as he continued to walk forward… like a Viking.
A Heroic Man of resolve… like so many Missionaries before him.
Braver than I.
The Spirit of a Warrior for Christ… and he deserves to be honored as such by his Christian Brothers and sisters… and his name remembered.
His death was not ‘pointless’.
He will receive his reward in heaven from his Saviour Jesus Christ.

Now These people had the chance to know Christ yet they killed his servant… and they will give account of this on the day of Judgement… like all sinners who Hate Christ and reject him.

Update: There are concerns about any attempt to retrieve his body that this could endanger both the recovery crew and the Natives…(read this).
I say leave it there!
That is what he would have wanted… in no way would he want more lives to be lost over his Mortal shell.
He has finished with it.
Let it return to the dust.

Here is a Positive Christian article I think is worth contemplating…. 10 Lessons From the Death of John Chau

RIP John Allen Chau… see you on the other side.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…







Postscript: Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.

Love Liberty…. Ride Easy… Live Heroically… Squeeze the juice out of life and to hell with Death and Taxes!

The past weekend was Black for Kiwi bikers with 4 fatalities… three from charity and remembrance rides in the South island and a Westy in Henderson, Auckland.
The New Zealand Biker social media community all felt sick about it and reminded each other to take care during the start of the silly season… wear good gear… practice sensible riding principles… etc yet were disgusted to read about the Bogus comments by the minister of Police Stuart Nash who said “… there was no silver bullet for road safety but if more regulation was required then it could be looked at.
Both Mr Nash and the Police Association president Chris Cahill said the road toll was nearing crisis point and in the case of motorcycle deaths the anecdotal evidence suggested it was middle-aged men who did not have the experience to handle large motorbikes who were involved in most accidents.
“Dare I say it, it’s a lot of men going through a sort of mid-life crisis … they go out there and buy a big powerful bike and they just haven’t got the skills and experience to handle it when they get into trouble and they kill themselves,” Mr Nash said.”
Read article here: Men in ‘mid-life crisis’ causing motorcycle crash deaths – Stuart Nash

After hearing about the high bodycount for the weekend we all knew this SORT OF POLITICAL Bullshit would follow.
In New Zealand when ever something sensational happens in the media The Police and Politcians, and doctors all cry out for more Rules and regulations, prohibitions and taxes
What a Tosser!
As if this Pompous twat (Nash) … in the space of a few hours… is well informed and has done a thorough investigation on the causes of these sad events and can definitively say all these guys were *Blow arses*!
Its Fr&ggin disrespectful… and he’s full of crap!
Yet the media laps up this sort of Rubbish that says every problem just requires more government… less freedom.
This is whats wrong with western civilisation these days… anti freedom Knee jerk Legislations suffocating the joy out of life…. its like we live in Jail!
Socialist HELL!
This is why Bikers cant afford to ignore politics… The PC Freaks in the Beehive are 24/7 trying to take away our freedom and what we love.

Furthermore in another… later article about one of the fatal Offs this weekend… though it presents more questions than it answers it still offers quite a different probable cause than what Police Minister Stuart Nash jumped to as a primary cause of the black weekend fatalities… ie that the accidents were chiefly ‘Middle aged idiots’ who buy bikes they dont have the skills to ride’…

This sort of comment is pure preconceived prejudice!
Gross generalizations and assumptions… PC propaganda.
Not grounded in actual facts of the specific cases.

Read: Man in fatal West Coast motorcycle crash was allegedly drink-driving

Yet still even looking at this later article we see there are almost *no facts* other than the fact that he tested *above the legal limit* (which is just a bogus number PC politicians invented and does not objectively prove a person is intoxicated)
… and we can confidently assume the rider was *Only just over the limit* as the media *always* love to make a big deal when they are way over… (so how much information did Stuart Nash have before he began to spout off? Id say almost zero!)

Plus we dont even know if the fact he had a few *was the actual cause of the accident*…. I see no mention of speed… no mention of how the crash occurred… ie road conditions, etc.

Its too easy to make the leap of logic that this accident happened *because he was 52 and the bike was too powerful for his skills… ie no evidence he was a novice…
Or because he had had a couple of drinks* …given how little information is in this article.

Maybe he was pissed… maybe he was speeding… in any event this certainly calls into question the B.S about a primary cause of accidents being ‘Middle aged idiots’ who buy bikes they dont have the skills to ride’… by Police Minister Stuart Nash… and that part of the solution may be even more Licence restrictions etc.
More tiers of licenses will never prevent fools who get Drunk and ride like loons… which is already illegal.

And none of these factors may be the real cause!

This is just a political football.
*Against our Culture*

These tyrannical Nanny state regulations simply punish the innocent and miss the mark by a mile!
We already have enough laws and taxes… too many… they do nothing to reduce the road toll….

What we are witnessing is the modern delusions about Safety and political intervention… as if having enough laws will legislate away death and create a utopia… when in reality it is creating a tyranny and Slave/ prison society.
‘Public safety’ is one of the major Gimmicks Tyrannical powers use to justify their trampling over the rights and liberties of minorities.

Kain Parsons died after being injured during a charity boxing match in Christchurch.

The Feminist driven PC Brigade have attacked *Manly pursuits*/ Freedom twice in as many weeks…this BS about middle age men buying bikes they cant ride (even though they have licences from the government that says they can)… and also …. Charity Boxing…(with the sad death of a Boxer)… yet what this is really all about is ‘Politically correct tyranny’… a whole bunch of old Nags (and people who think like old Nags… no offence to female Bikers who obviously dont subscribe to this Nanny BS… who want to impose their Narrow minded tyranny… and envision a future for the world in which there are no loud motorcycles… no Boxing… No manly Men or Hot Biker babes… etc etc etc…. *Vomit!
Just Man Buns and Buses… and Tree hugging conventions…
No Beer… no Donuts… No Rambo movies… That is the future they are determined to impose upon us and our Children by force… and they want to Brainwash our Kids into thinking all this anti-freedom tyranny is just wonderful!
and all this utter crap is what passes for *political wisdom* today… esp in the two main Nanny state parties…. National and Labour.
Both these parties will make VLAD Laws here… you can count on it… unless we Bikers Rally.

Read NZ medical organisations call for boxing ban following charity fight death.

Tim Wikiriwhi
New Zealand Biker.
Christian Libertarian.

More Biker stuff by Tim…


Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Protect and Serve.

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.


Kent E. Hovind…. Bible believer… Christian Libertarian!

My kind of guy!
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement whose ministry focuses on denial of scientific theories in the fields of biology (evolution), geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible. Hovind’s views, which combine elements of creation science and conspiracy theory, are dismissed by the scientific community as fringe theory and pseudo-scholarship. He has been criticized by Young Earth Creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis for his continued use of discredited arguments that have been abandoned by others in the movement.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989 and Dinosaur Adventure Land in 2001 in Pensacola, Florida. He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Hovind began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions.

The Great Teacher and Student. Anthony McClean and Anthony Mulder

Anthony McClean, Portia McPhail, Anthony Mulder, Tara Gregory, Huan (Tom) Hsu, Natasha Bray, and Floyd Fernandes drowned in the Mangatepopo Gorge. (Stuff)

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the river tragedy that took the lives of 6 Elim Christian School students and their teacher Anthony McClean.
Such a terrible event, Yet from the first time I herd the story of Anthony’s heroic exploit I have been overwhelmed and affected by a sense of awe at his humanity and sense of Christian duty that he demonstrated on this fateful day, and though 6 others lost their lives this blogpost is my personal tribute to him in particular… as an exemplar of character and the sort of loving soul that every parent desires in a tutor of their children.

When the River surged trapping the group in a dire situation, Anthony was faced with a Great moral Dilemma… abandon his pupils and Save himself… or… strive to save a physically disabled student cerebral palsy sufferer Tom Hsu, 16, by tying him to his own back and to risk his own life for their sake.
Visualizing this in my mind, I am transported in time and space to witnessing this act of heroism first hand…and I am overcome.
His heroism cost him his life… they died together… yet ten years later the example he set still moves and inspires me and thousands of other New Zealanders.
It ranks in the highest order of Noble deeds… Christ-like… who said “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John15vs13.
His action is the equal of any Teacher who has in such moments of fate… given their lives for their students, and I am reminded of such stories we often read about when there is a US school massacre… the teachers who put themselves between the killers and their Pupils… May God Bless and Keep them all.

Read more about Anthony’s exploit here… Teacher tied himself to disabled teen in bid to save him

This is the spirit of Altruism… the voluntary self sacrifice of personal benefits… out of love…for the sake of others.
True Heroism is not about personal glory, and is impossible for the person who puts their own life as the highest value.
This is taking the Vocation of teaching to its Highest end… placing the life of your students ahead of your own.

Read quote and close training session.

Teachers like Anthony McClean demonstrate the *Real virtue* of the vocation… Teaching was never about High wages and Fame… and all about being able to fulfill your personal desire to serve others… The opportunity and privilege to instill wisdom and values in the youth under your care… to empower them to take care of themselves, raise happy and healthy families, and to live great and fulfilling lives.
And the best teachers teach the most important lessons of character… by example… living (and dying) by the values they expound.
Teachers who dont have this quality may be technically smart… yet can never be *Great*… and when any troubles arise… even minor troubles… they will put their own interests ahead of your children.
What parent can have confidence in a Selfish teacher to look after their child, and instill values?

Anthony Mulder was one of the Students who lost his life that day… yet not before performing selfless deeds of heroism!
He positioned himself in the torrent and helped his fellow students to get across.

” Kish Proctor and Sarah Brooks, two of the survivors from the canyoning group, said Ant was an inspiration for his selfless, loving nature and steadfast belief in God.

Fellow Elim youth leader and Pakuranga College student Jessica Hancock described him as a “humble, patient, peaceful, generous and loving guy who has changed so many lives”.

Speaking after the memorial service, Ant’s friends said healing moments had been time spent in his bedroom and talking about the good times they shared with him.

Kish said Ant was voted group leader while at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoors Pursuits Centre because he was a seasoned tramper and led by example.

“He stood in the middle of the current and helped all of us across it,” he said.”

Read more here Anthony Mulder – a gentle giant

Let us Remember this Tragic Day… esp the Deeds of these Two Heroes.
Lets us take inspiration from their selfless actions in the Darkest of hours and endeavour to emulate them in our own lives.
And as Christians… we live in the hope of the Gospel.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

God loves us Sinners.

While pondering and contemplating and meditating today, it occurred to me that one of the greatest ‘stumbling blocks’ to confessing faith in the Christian Gospel is the absolutely erroneous assumption by the average bible rejecting lost soul that is the idea that the God of the Bible hates them…because they are sinners… and wants to send them to damnation.

This is a very powerful misrepresentation of the truth!

The Truth is the exact opposite… God Loves them *despite the fact* that they are sinners…and *does not want* them to be Damned!
That is why He sent Christ.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Tribute to Fabrication Engineer, Farmer, and Tauranga Hillbilly… Bruce Christopher Davies. 7/11/66 – 4/3/18

Bruce drinking Waikato Draught and Joy (My future wife) at a friends 21st.
About 1995

Below is my hastily written goodbye to my long time friend Bruce Christopher Davies, who took his own life 4-3-18.

Bruce was a fully fledged Hard-man Engineering Rebel Bogan… He had a colorful existence… Cars, Bikes, Beer, Woman, and Song.
Hard work and Hard Rock.
In the end it all took its toll…
He will be missed by his Mates, and Family.
This Blog post is to pay Tribute to this Awesome dude… my fabulous friend with a Big Heart.. loved by many.. and for those who never got to pay their respects to Bruce with his unexpected passing.
Please leave comments and photos below.

Bruce and friends at Hamilton Jay day about 2007.


My tale of Bruce Davies.
By Tim Wikiriwhi
Spoken at his Funeral.(Edited)

This story of Bruce Davies … My Story…starts at New Haven engineering, Judea Tauranga in 1987, when I had just moved down from West Auckland a week after finishing my Engineering apprenticeship…
I had a small Bedford housebus that I drove, and parked up at my mums place in Gate pa.
I was 18, and I wanted to live in Tauranga as from visiting my mother who was living there… the Bay of Plenty appeared to be a paradise!
Plenty of Hot friendly girls, sunshine and beaches!
Just one great big Holiday park!
I was not in Tauranga long before I started looking for work as an engineer.
Being an Auckland Westy, when I met the Bay of Plenty Bogan Bruce Davies who was working at New Haven Structural Engineers … we were a cultural perfect fit… though I was a Christian… we had the same Westy Bogan values … and we hit it off immediately.

Not only that… we had had similar upbringings… not known our Fathers… being raised in a single parent house by our mothers, etc

New Haven was a Structural Fabrication Workshop and We were Building Tanks and structures for the Waihi Goldmine.
Bruce was a great engineer… a great welder and fabricator… a hard man.
Heavy Fabrication Engineering is a real mans job… Not afraid to get dirty… We took pride in being Hard.
He was also a great farmer.

As a New Guy… sitting in the New Haven smoko room full of workers and the Boss, Bruce loudly asks me… “Do you smoke Pot?”
I was shocked!
As a 19 year old Westy… OF Course I smoked pot! Yet we Westies were *secret squirrel* about such things at our Jobs… around ‘Nomies’/ trendies/etc… so I was like trying to wisper… bro keep it down!
Yet it was only a matter of days before I was smoking weed with Bruce outside his mums place in my bus… and drinking Waikato Draught Beer… two things that would become synonymous with our friendship that would last 30 years.

We would under age Drink Waikato ( Legal drinking age was 20 back then) and play pool at the Otumotai Trust hotel..with Bruce’s mates Al, Mark, and Guy… the five of us looked like black peas from the same pod… all would wear black Levis, black tee shirts, black jerseys, black beanies, and all were about the same height and all had shaggy long un-kept hair… and we were suspicious of anyone who did not look like us!

One day I rolled into the Trust Hotel car park in my bus and Bruce said to the boys… here comes ‘the blowfly’… referring to my green and black bus… and after that my nickname was Blowfly!
Thanks mate… it was a classic nickname… one that makes you cringe.

Me and my Bus.

I had my 21st party at Bruce’s and Nicky’s pad in Thompsons track Katikati… in a farmhouse where he was milking and farming.

I then moved back to Auckland for a few years with a pretty Tauranga Girl (Carol) and we soon had a Daughter (Melissa) … yet having got used to the Tauranga pace … the Auckland Rat race sucked and so we moved back to Tauranga… And I was soon working with Brucie again in Structural Engineering… for a company called Metal Trend… this is when my Son Jamie was born.
(Carol and I would separate a few years later… yet we are friends now)

Bruce had an affinity with cats.
He was a cool Cat! and he certainly had nine lives. He wreaked at least 50% of the vehicles he ever owned…
Bruce had his orange ginger cat ‘Russell’ who was Bruce’s best mate… “the greatest cat in the world” according to Bruce. He nick named Russell ‘Patrol leader’… Russell was always on patrol… and they spent many years together… even after Bruces great love Nicky left him for his [other] best friend.
Bruce and Cats went together.

Bruce found Joy (My Wife), Mine, and our sons grey cat Floyd as a tiny Kitten in the gutter outside the Te Rapa Pub Hamilton…One dark winter rainy nite… and brought him home to our place as at the time he was staying with us after going through another tuff break up with another lady…

And Bruce as many of you probably already know… had his last cat named ‘Tuesday’ with him in the car… and they passed way together. Tuseday is buried on site in the upper reaches of the Cormandal peninsula.

Floyd My Cat… who owes his life to Bruce.

Bruce was a romantic soul, yet like so many of us everytime he fell in love… it was followed by a painful break up… and these were the low points in his life.
I remember how happy Bruce was when he and Amanda had Michael… Bruce was a proud Father and it was devastating when He had a messy break up with Amanda, and it was virtually impossible for Bruce to maintain any contact with Michael… too painful to deal with the situation, and when Amanda moved to Australia that definitely was a barrier too far for Bruce, and Like me he would have been hoping that at some time when Mike had grown up… that they would make contact again … sadly Bruce took a heavy downturn… and now this will never happen.

Michael… You have my sincere apologies on Bruces behalf… he was a great Guy… yet he was a person who… in the end…did not like or function well according to the rules conservative society demands…
I hope you and I get a chance to talk about your old man so you get to know him better.

As the decades past we had countless good times … partying… smoking weed… and hanging out.

I got my first tattoos with Bruce at his house on a Kiwifruit orchard up Omanawa road (lower Kaimai ranges) … from a flatmate who was planning to become a tattoo artist and needed some suckers to practice on!
Bruce got a Ledzeplin wizard holding up a lantern on his arm, and the big Scorpion on his back and shoulder… Bruce was a Scorpio.

Now though some folk will not approve of this yet… as I have already mentioned smoking weed was a major recreational past time for Bruce and I.
I got busted by the police *twice* with Bruce over the years.
Both these times are quite amusing to look back on, yet I would become a staunch Libertarian activist for the decriminalisation of Cannabis… and Bruce being a Mate would help me with setting up Libertarianz party stands at Jay days etc… he would take the pics of me speaking, etc… and some of my best quality photos I have of Bruce are Libertarian activism pics… Both of us were now living in Hamilton Waikato (District).

The war on drugs is very oppressive for fringe-dwellers like Bruce… and myself… people who don’t want to conform to the sheepish standards that pass as ‘normal/ conservative’…
We Libertarians despise how oppressive the ‘Mob rule’ of our Nanny state democracy is, and defiantly ‘Live like its legal’… and because of righteous activism and world trends… cannabis will soon be legal here in New Zealand… as it has become in many countries around the world.

In 2002 Bruce would be the Best man at Joy and my wedding at Mc Clarens falls in the Kaimai hills above Tauranga.
It was an honor to have him as my best man.
Though I have been fortunate to have had more than one ‘Best mate’… Bruce earned the right to stand beside me on my most important day, in front of most of my other friends and family.
He rose to the occasion and was a great support…. The after party being the best party of my life… and he was a big part of that… we used his stereo for the Soundz, and he was a big help cleaning up in the days that followed.

About twenty years ago Bruce and I had another painful shock.
Bruces life long friend Mark Crosby… one of our tight Posse… killed himself in a car in a reserve on the Matamata side of the Kaimais.
I got the call from Bruce about it…. And every since then I had a fear… a premonition… that Bruce was harbouring thoughts that this was a legitimate option he had for himself.
And this has proved to be the case.

I must ask you all not to follow Bruces example!
It was a very Bad idea… Death will come calling for us soon enough and when someone takes their life… they take away any chance for Providence to shine again in their lives… The Sun will rise again if only you endure… Hold on and have faith… Don’t let the world break your spirit!
Find something that fills your life with value and meaning… I have my Christian faith…
Bruce had at least another 20 years of quality life… so many good things he will now miss… and because of what he did..we… the ones that loved him and appreciated him… will miss out too.

Now I am going to close this on a sad note.
About the time that Joy and I were expecting our son Roman, Bruce and I had a falling out… and I decided to stop visiting him and focus on my new responsibility as a Dad.
I was hoping Bruce would turn up one day and we would talk things through and get things settled and we would carry on as normal… I lost contact with him when he moved… yet always hoping… sadly the years quickly ticked by… and Bruce never showed.
I am very sad that we never managed to get it sorted.
I am angry that he chose to pass away without trying….
And I carry Guilt that I did not act upon my thoughts several years ago to track him down and sort it out.
I am sorry my friend for not being there when you needed me… not being there to tell you to get your shit together like I did many times before.
I hope you forgive me.
I hope you are in a better place… maybe with Mark, and Pat, and your Mum.
Good bye Mate… and thanks for everything.

Tim Wikiriwhi

With consent of Bruce’s family , We… his friends took Bruce the day before his funeral up into the hills overlooking Raglan, and gave him his ‘last rites’ Bogan style.
We Celebrated his life…. we had our last Beers with him, our last games of Pool… and spent all night laughing and telling hard case yarns about our Bro.
Girls turned up and wept over his coffin, and we transported him in style in a Holden Panel wagon with Triumph Bonneville Escort.
He was dressed in a Black Beanie, Shades, Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon tee shirt, Blue Jeans and Black Army Boots.
We played his friend Paul Goughs’ Original ‘K9 Convention’ song… absolutely Unique… Rockin… and a track Bruce loved.
I know a lot of people will be bummed out they did not get the chance to see him off… things happened so quickly.
We hope all his mates approve of our send off… It was done in the best Bruce style.
Thanks to everyone who made it to pay their respects, and help make it worthy.
Special thanks to Brucies People in the Waikato.

And there will be a commemoration for Bruce in one years time somewhere appropriate with the idea of perhaps spreading his ashes, and this will be another opportunity for Bruce’s friends to pay their respects.
Maybe McClarens falls… first weekend in March… as Bruce was a part of The Kaimai community and so many of us had great times with Bruce in the Hills there.
Please check this post for updates.

Heaps more Photos of Bruce’s Celebration and Funeral go to my Facebook page … could not fit them into this post Here

Bands Brucie introduced me to.
The Who.
Judas Priest.
Joe Walsh.
Hunters and collectors.
Cheap Trick.

Dylan’s ‘Blood on the tracks’ LP.
Alice in Chains Dirt.
ACDC TNT album.
We would listen to all sorts of cool sounds.
I remember Rockin out to Steve miller Band with Bruce.
Jimmy Barn’s working Class man.
Frank Zappa ‘Sheik yerbouti’.

I introduced him to plenty of classic sounds too… Tool… Rory Gallager… Free… etc etc…

More from Tim… (and Richard)










Update: 4-3-25. 7 years my Friend… Not Forgotten.