Category Archives: Values

JD Vance’s speech to European leaders in Munich. Feb 2025. Free Speech, Free Elections, Religious Liberty. End The Migrant Invasion of the West.

Link taken from Cam Slaters X…. here.

Click and play…. (below)

White Privilege? Is Racism the leading factor in Social Disparities? If not, then what?

Not all Black People are Poor.
Not all White people are Rich.
Not all Black people are criminals.
Not all White people are honest.

It’s a question of Values and ethics… not race.

Good values and ethics tends to Self responsibility. hard work, thrift and avoidance of Vice.
All this tends towards prosperity and higher quality of life. It tends towards being trusted… good business relations.
These people function well in freedom.
They vote pro-freedom… low taxes.

The person with poor values and ethics rarely has the integrity to admit their woes are mostly of their own doing… because of their own poor choices.
They rather tend to shift the blame onto others… and claim they are the victims of oppression.
It’s as simple as that.
They want government hand outs.

Statistics prove Black Americans, and Maori New Zealanders… lack Good values and ethics.
That is why they have terrible social statistics… not because of racial prejudice.
These sorry types are also preyed upon by Far left socialists who feed their envy and malice and use them as political footballs for their own political gains.
These ‘blamers’ vote far Left.

Blacks with good ethics rise above their peers.
Maori who migrate to Australia and elsewhere do well for themselves… because they tend to be individuals who are prepared to work for their own betterment rather than wallowing in self pity and blame.

Whites with poor Values and ethics suffer the same fate … they live in poverty… they tend towards crime… they blame others for their lot in life… and vote Left.
The other group of Left voting whites are the chumps who feel guilty about belonging to the demographic that enjoys the higher standards of living and believe the Leftist Bullshit that the reason they do so is because they belong to the ‘oppressor class’. They are too stupid to understand the dynamics of Freedom and Self responsibility.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Thomas Sowell Condemns Black Democrats : Same Indictment Applies Equally to Leftist Maori Politicians

Stop with the lies and Blame! Maori need to take responsibility for their own shocking Crime statistics.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Mars is for Atheism. Earth is for Theism.

Latest pictures of the surface of Mars from NASA.

From Here.

Some may recognise my comment reply (above) is based on dialogue from a Hollywood movie about Men who went to Mars.

Now If the Earth looked *like Mars*… just a bleak desert with rocks strewn all over … a world like that I could believe could be explicable by the blind forces of Physics and the process of Time… *Yet Look at our Earth!!!* You have to be ideologically brainwashed to think *Our Earth* is explicable in those terms!
There’s a glaring fundamental difference between Earth and all the other bodies we see in Space!
Earth in fact is proof enough of the existence of God Almighty. It stands as a refutation of Atheist Materialism.

There are no Values on Mars… no meaning… no purpose… no truth… no love…. how different is Earth!
Yet Atheists try to sterilize Earth of all these and render our lives as empty and meaningless as Mars.
Like the miracle of life Atheists have to say Truth, Love and Justice are just illusory constructs that have no objective validity… because that is what is at the heart of atheism… a black emptiness… a void.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Molesters of Children’s minds. Satanic Neo-Marxist Attack on Christian Foundations of Western Civilisation.

Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!

Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.

Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.

The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.

The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.

We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.

Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here

There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…













Is Intolerance a virtue?

The Meme (below) was posted to Gab Social media platform.
It makes a subtil claim appealing to Zeal… Zealotry… my retort to @Boomstick follows below.

Tim Wikiriwhi Responds…

@Boomstick Beware… This has no context, and is therefore deceptive in the extreme.
It’s claiming *Intolerance is a virtue!*
That cannot withstand any scrutiny.
Without some tolerance a person becomes a fanatic… indistinguishable from any form of fanatic… eg an Islamic extremist.
They would wholeheartedly endorse this claim.
Are you any better than they?

Now hear the enlightened truth!

Just as there are things that may be compromised, and others that may not be compromised, so too there are things that can, and ought to be tolerated, and others that ought not to be tolerated.
It is an equal wrong *not to tolerate what you ought* as it is to tolerate what you ought not.

Wisdom and Enlightenment teaches which is which.
Lower values can be sacrificed for the sake of higher values.
Treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves… is natural justice.

Tolerance is guided by higher principles and convictions… it is not the abandonment of them as is claimed above.
A Tolerant man ought not to be a weak and an easily beguiled man, but show tolerance from a position of strength and vigilance.
And there is a line in the sand.

It is only by the embodiment of such values and principles than any man can claim to be civil and walk the higher path than the savage.

Intolerance is the hallmark of the Barbarian.
Intolerance is the hallmark of Tyranny.
Intolerance comes from fear.

Principled tolerance is in fact a symbol of courage.

” If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacably with all Men.”
Paul the Apostle.
Romans 12vs8.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Vain Imaginations: Jordan Peterson on How Psychedelic Experiences Could’ve Shaped Religion

I have watched a fair chunk of both Rogan and Peterson materials… and have enjoyed a great portion of it all. I believe they both make very valuable and insightful contributions in the realm of thought…yet I am not a sycophant. I give praise when I believe praise is due, yet I will also call out BS when I see it.

Please watch the video below.

Man has been defined as ‘The worshipping Animal’.
The title of this video is misleading in that the question is only relevant if it pertains to Moses and the Bible rather than a generalised ‘Origin of the Religious sense in humanity’ because we have solid evidence that some Pagan religions are born of or at least make use of psychedelics as mystical practices.
But should a person then believe this is a sound explanation for what is written in the bible?
That is the question I want to address… the rest is moot IMO because it is non-contentious.
Drug taking is a fact of human history.

I don’t buy this sort of ‘Rationalist’ speculation of apostate Jewish scholars who deny their own faith (Rogan’s opening statement was that some Rabbis had claimed Moses was trippin).

I would never deny these are questions worth discussing… they clearly are worth it… I don’t have a problem with the questions… I just find Rogan and Peterson’s conclusions… or lack thereof disappointing.
I guess these guys are still wandering in the wilderness.

Picture from here.

It is true that many people have equated psychedelic’s trips to having a religious experience complete with meeting spirit beings.

Indisputably some Psychonauts looking for meaning in life believe they have ‘found’ something real in the psychedelic experience that transcends this material universe (consciousness itself is fundamentally transcendental) . Scientists and psychologists are beginning to appreciate that going on a trip can even bring peace of mind to the terminally ill… alleviating some from the fear of death.
They experience an opening door to greater realities.
Joe Rogan himself talks a lot about this.
In my youth I experienced this very thing too.
I was already a Christian and yet magic mushrooms were mind expanding.
Modern science is today catching up to the many beneficial and therapeutic qualities of Psilocybin.
Contrary to long held phobias and prejudices Magic Mushrooms can be good for the brain and the spirit.

Caveat: Beware! Psilocybin Magic mushroom are currently illegal in New Zealand, and if you ingest a poisonous look-alike that could be a fatal mistake.
Prohibition Sux!
One day this will change, and as is the case now in Canada, you will be able to buy safe tripping mushroom’s from the shop.

I recently had a surprising conversation with a old friend who had always been hard of heart when it came to discussion of religion, yet had recently had what she described as a religious experience from a psychedelic trip.
This experience completely shifted her opinion about transcendent reality.
Such experiences may help people to escape the box of materialism yet it is still a long journey to the way, the truth, and the life.
I am hoping my now more open minded friend will look further afield contemplate the bigger questions for which the Bible alone has the Truth.
Her spiritual pilgrimage has only just begun.
I pray God sends her knowledgeable servants to help guide her to the truth.
We all must see the light of truth to be saved. It is one thing for me to know this (I’m alright Jack!), the problem I have is that most of the people I care about are closed off to the possibility that they are lost sinners who need Christ.
Still I must try to reach anyone who is not hard of heart.

Back to Rogan and Peterson. What grinds my gears about these two guys in particular is despite being well aware of a massive corpus of piece-meal facts that are scattered across a broad spectrum of subjects guys like Rogan and Peterson fail to think holistically and refuse to draw the most obvious conclusion about ‘the religion’ of the Bible… from a totality of what is known… that it is based upon *Real events*…. *Empirical facts*.’That is the most obvious conclusion that best fits all the hard corroborating evidence.
Instead they choose to be vain in their imaginations and flog their favorite hobby horses. Rogan likes to attribute stuff to tripping. and Peterson enjoys fabricating overly sophisticated psychological bents that make the great men of the past look like Psyche patients.
This is a well understood penchant of ‘specialists’… their tunnel vision that can only interpret reality through their narrow lens of ‘training’… exposing their bents.
Gullible people mistake their own wild ‘rationalisations’ as being valid excuses for doubting the veracity of the Bible when in reality they are feeble and fail to explain the known facts.

Moses and the Burning Bush from here.

Doctor heal thyself!
I assert the simple truth is that the great famous men of the Bible… Moses, etc had real experiences with God Almighty. Ie The Bible is literally true.
On a psychological level we can appreciate why human beings don’t want to face the simple truth…. because it would call an end to their pet delusions… an existential crisis….
But if you admit to yourself the bible speaks of real events … the moral implications will demand you change you whole outlook on life… and call you to prostrate yourself before the Almighty.
And above all things mans pride and his desire to be his own God prevents him from acknowledging his subjection to the Divine Authority.
What is appealing to people like Rogan about the psychedelic experience is that he can make it mean whatever he wants to believe.
Sinful lost human beings are alien to the truth. They are opposed to it. many will choose to believe almost anything rather than the truth. They cannot bear it.
In this way Human beings are the children of the Devil. This is not freedom but slavery to a lie. This will damn your soul.
As a Christin it is my duty to both God and my fellow man to witness for the Gospel.
Be honest to yourself. Believe the scriptures. The truth will make you free. Look to the Cross of Christ and his resurrection… there our salvation is found… for free.

Space in this post has not allowed me to lay out all the evidence that ought to compel reasonable people into accepting the historical validity of the scriptures.
Please do not be too disappointed about this short fall.
I am aware of it, yet anyone who thinks my failure to provide such a detailed exposition makes my contention a hollow claim is not a reasonable person.
The subject is massive. and involves virtually every branch of knowledge… and this is my main contention against the proposition Rogan and Peterson are making in the featured video. It is naïve.

I will provide links to where an investigation of the facts can be started….

IMO the greatest hurdle for an entrenched Atheist materialist that prevents them from being able to grasp the validity of the Bible is their *Ideological Blindness*… an intellectual incapacity to be able to contemplate for even a moment that Spiritual realities might really exist… and that the Biblical miracles actually happened.
I am not seeking to belittle anyone… I’m pointing out the massive paradigm shift required to be able to honestly consider the alternative view.
I know this from my own prior atheist experience. I know how the Materialist mindset is utterly consumed by weak rationalisations that are fabricated to maintain the Atheist cognitive dissonance.
It is an addictive habit of the mind that most atheists mistake for intelligence and reason.
It is folly!
Materialism is founded upon the archaic and childish delusions of Scientism… a belief that empirical science can (and does)explain everything.
This is an untenable position in 2023.

“Seek and ye shall find.”
The first step to seeking the light must be an opening of the mind.

A large portion of my work published on Eternal Vigilance Blog is laying out the case for Christianity and Biblical faith. I am not a great writer, yet the hundreds of posts I have done on a broad spectrum of issues form my testimony as to why I believe the Bible is true. Thus I point to them as an archive of evidence to support my claims I am making today. Anyone with a seeking heart might do worse than to spend some time following links I post below.

A final word…
When I dabbled in psychedelics I never met any spirit beings, yet as I said above I was a wayward Christian.
I wonder if that kept them at bay?
I do not encourage anyone to take drugs, and posit the long held warning that Christians have historically associated ‘Phamikea’ with Sorcery and Witchcraft… which is understandable given the Pagan usage of psychedelics.
The Bible instead promotes the Sober mind.
And if the assertions of the Christians are correct in these matters, the spirit beings encountered while tripping could be dangerous Demons pretending to be Angels of light… and I suspect that is the case.

Before I was a Christian, in my late Teens I did have an experience… It is called ‘Entity Attack syndrome’… historically called Incubus/ Succubus encounter, yet modern rationalists call it ‘Sleep paralysis’ … my account of that can be found here…


Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….


Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.


A High Calling.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Jimi vs Jesus.

Car Crash.

Jackboot New Zealand Police Use Fake Complaint to Raid Christian Pastor Carl Bromley’ s Home and take his Legal Firearm. Was this another Attack by the Radical Far Left Deplatforming Gang?

Please watch this video below.

This is an outrage… This is Political oppression of those of us who do not bow down to our ‘Great leader’.
This is how Socialist Tyranny begins and is what happened in Venezuela to those who dared voice opposition to Chavez and Maduro.
Standard practice: Gun bans, and confiscations from critics of the Regime.
New Zealand is now headed down that road.
We can no longer be considered a free democratic Western Nation.

For the thought crime of speaking out against the Police State of Jacinda Ardern…..
Conservative Christian Pastor Carl Bromley has come under the Evil Eye several times over the past year.
He received visits from the NZ Police with regards to maintaining his religious right to hold small worship services in the face of a Covid Lockdown despite no cases of Covid being detected in the entire South Island.
This proved the lockdowns have little to do with medical science/ public health and everything to do with power and control… forcing mindless obedience and compliance… and breaking Christian resistance to tyranny.

Watch/Read a derogitory mainstream media post Newshub here….

COVID-19: Christchurch pastor Carl Bromley rants at police, says Govt ‘seeking to rape me of right to worship’ after church gathering targeted

It has been in response to such overt tyranny and rights violations that has alarmed many ordinary New Zealanders… how Draconian our nation has become under Comrade Ardern’s heavy hand.
Many are joining the growing peaceful protest movement against compulsory vaccinations, mask mandates, and lockdowns.
Some of the biggest demonstrations in the history of our nation have been going on in recent months all across the country and outside the Beehive, largely ignored by the compromised Mainstream media who are failing in their moral duty to keep NZ Citizens informed about real News that affects them. Whenever such protests are mentioned it is always in derogatory terms and purposeful falsehoods about the numbers of protesters in attendance.
All part of a concerted effort to Keep New Zealanders scared, Isolated, and in the dark about the scale of Democratic resistance to Ardern’s Globalist Tyranny.
The plan is to keep the sheeple thinking resistance is futile.

Carl Bromley is no sheep!
He is one such conservative New Zealander and Christian who has become alarmed at what has been going on under Ardern and has been actively doing his part to defend the Kiwi dream.
True to his Christian values and deep sense of community, He has been doing so in a completely peaceful manor motivated by high ideals and charity.

This is the sort of man he is… and yet the evil political powers of our day have an agenda they seek to Ram trough which is at sharp variance with New Zealand’s freedom loving, self reliant, and independent ways, and it is good people like Carl who stand in their way.
He and his ilk must therefore be stomped into submission and silenced.

Voice your disapproval of the Powers that be?… Lose your firearms license!
That’s how the system works now in NZ…esp if you are poor and cannot afford expensive lawyers.

By taking the side of freedom this peaceful Good man has found himself exposed to the hate and violence of Far left Radicals, and under the spotlight of a newly politicised Police State.

Peacefully fulfilling his moral duty as a concerned citizen and member of a Democratic society, Carl attends public rallies and protests.
These rallies are usually openly advertised… time and place on Social media sites… and this makes it possible for Radical Far Left Purple haired Gender confused supporters of Ardern’s tyranny to turn up and create trouble.
They have zero respect for Free speech and live to create chaos.
It was while attending such a rally that Carl was assaulted by a Far left Radical, and having also been slandered on-line Carl lodged a complaint with the Police.
They chose to ignore it.

Read about this here… Christchurch Pastor’s Home Raided by New Zealand Police on NYE: Daily Examiner.

Such is the state of our Nation… White Male Christian freedom advocates can be slandered and assaulted with Official impunity… esp when they have been flagged as being ‘Anti-government racist radicals’.
Like so many Vocal defenders of Kiwi Freedom and rights Carl has no doubt been put on the Police Shit list…(they have these now for political dissenters, bloggers, etc) while the real dangerous malicious radicals of the Far left operate openly… virtually with official sanction… as they share much in common with our Socialist PM.

Read: Police Admit to Surveilling The BFD

Being flagged as a possible dangerous Extremist not only will make it harder for people like Carl to get the police to act on any complaints they make, it opens them up to being the target of Police intimidation and injustice.
This is happening now in New Zealand.
New Laws expose New Zealanders to heavy Police intrusions on the smallest of pretext.
Under such a climate all it takes to trigger a heavy handed response from the NZ Police is for some petty minded and malicious person who has a grudge against someone like Carl to make a false complaint.
And there is now a gang of Nasty Left wing Antifa types operating in New Zealand doing precisely this.
And they have been destroying peoples lives.

Please bear with me as I stitch together how what has happened to Carl fits into the big picture.
His is not an isolated case.
One high profile example of the activities of this malicious Far left Deplatform Gang’s was the sacking of Independent You Tuber and political commentator Lee Williams.
Lee, via his ‘Cross the Rubicon’ You Tube channel was very critical of Jacinda Ardern’s globalist politics, and was also locked into an online ideological war with several members of the Radical Far left Deplatform Gang.
Jealous of Lee Williams growing You tube following These nasty underhanded radicals used slanderous lies to blackmail Lee’s then Employers Synlait Dairy company with ‘Employing White Supremacist’s’. Synlait caved into this extortion and sacked Lee for the sake of avoiding damage to their companies reputation.
Lee is not a White Supremacist!
Lee in fact challenged systemic racism embedded in the New Zealand system in favour of racial quality before the law!
That was Lee’s crime… pointing out the corrupt racism inherent in our system.
Yet the Liars prevailed and Lee’s life was destroyed.
To escape the persecution he was facing Lee left New Zealand.
All this made the national news (except the truth about this being a Far left extremist extortion Con job).
Lee’s struggles were better covered by independent media sites like The BFD, and Blogs like ‘Eternal vigilance’, and others.
Lee got zero justice from the New Zealand Police for what he endured… The fraudulent slander and extortion that led to his unfair dismissal.
Because Lee in their book was flagged as a ‘troublemaker’ who does not deserve fair treatment.
So Like Carl’s complaint to the Police about being assaulted… Lee’s injustice also was not investigated.
The deplatforming gang faced zero legal consequences for their extortion racket, which will have only served to embolden them to continue.
Lee’s condemnation of Ardern’s Apartheid ambitions centered around her secreting of the He Pua Pua report that is a blueprint for handing over vast resources and powers to Maori Tribal Elites reached the halls of Power in particular Ardern’s Collaborators in the Maori Party.
These MPs joined in on the extortion of Synlait Dairy company, and persecution of Lee… some even calling for his residency to be revoked and for him to be deported.

All this because Lee spoke his personal political views on a small Youtube channel!

With this sort of persecution going on for anyone voicing dissenting opinions, you can easily imagine the dampening effect this has had on open political discourse in New Zealand.
You can be sure New Zealand Intelligence services opened up a Dossier on Williams and began collating who his associate were, etc, with a view of painting them as ‘Potential Domestic Terrorists’.

Picture: ‘Cross the Rubicon’ Youtuber Lee Williams.

It is public knowledge that Carl Bromely is a close friend of Lee Williams.

Carl is a man who stood up in defense of Lee when he was undergoing his ordeal.
This activity puts yet another X against his name in Police files.

Even if we put aside Carl’s own defiance regarding his right to worship, his mere association with Lee Williams is reason alone for us to suspect the New Zealand Police have a low opinion of Carl and care little about what injustices he suffers at the hands of Far Left extremists.
To the far Left, virtually everybody else on the political spectrum is considered ‘far right’.

From his bold defense of Lee Williams Carl will have drawn upon himself the malevolent attention of the Deplatforming Gang who destroyed his friends life.
You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to suspect that Carl Bromley is most likely the latest target of this well known Far Left Deplatforming Gang.
The police ought to have been aware of the high probability the complaint questioning Carl’s fitness to hold a firearms license was a malicious lie.
If this proves to be true it makes what the Police did to Carl Bromely not simply an act of gross incompetence… but a serious pre-meditated injustice.
Either the Police were easily fooled into committing violence against an innocent man, or they knew the complaint was fraudulent yet moved to take Carl’s gun anyway!
That’s blatant corruption!

Carl called the complaint ‘Bogus’ and we can be certain that it was Bogus because of Carl’s impeccable character.
Carl has Zero Police record, yet given how the Gun Laws work and Police powers and discretion, it is very difficult *for anyone* to srutinise whether or not the Police are acting upon accurate information because the whole process is cloaked in secrecy… so basically… unless you can raise a ton of cash for Lawyers etc… The Police can do whatever they please… and fabricate bogus arguments that arbitrarily call *anyone’s character or mental fitness* into question to quazi-justify their Draconian activities.
Where is the impartial oversight in how such cases are executed whereby abuses can be called out?

This must be investigated.
The veracity of the complaint that was used to raid Carls home must be scrutised.
At a minimum this raid shows that there is a lack of safeguards protecting citizens from suffering such an arbitrary home invasion by the police and confiscation of legitimately held firearms.

The Far Left Deplatforming gang must broken up, and face criminal charges.

These things must be done and yet the political corruption of our democracy is far more serious than the activities of a malicious gang of Far left Nut jobs.

The Police need to own up to their grievous error and return Carl’s lawful property.
They need to compensate him for the damages they caused and the torment they inflicted on his wife.
And most importantly they must expunge from his records any hint of wrongdoing that might stain his reputation in the future.

There is the serious matter of the attitude of the Police towards a Good Kiwi Citizen who had done nothing wrong, but simply expressed his vocal critisism of the government of the day.

I want you my reader to understand how the Ardern Regime has politisised the Police and turned them into an instrument for attacking the democratic rights of New Zealanders who want to see Ardern thrown out of office… via the democratic process… which includes the rights to free speech, to assemble, and to protest.
These are absolutely essential for the just functionality of a democratic system of governance whereby those in power only hold office by the ongoing consent of the governed.

What must be understood is that not only did Ardern shamelessly capitalise on the Christchurch Terror attack to confiscate New Zealand citizens guns, She also used this atrocity as a justification for weaponising the Police against her political opponents.

Lets look at the Governments own Website…

From here.

Notice how holding religious views, or political opinions outside the mainstream is viewed as Potential Terrorist traits.
And the assertion that our ‘Open internet’ makes us vulnerable to terrorist attacks!
Hmmmm so the government should take control of the internet… ‘to keep us safe from terrorism’… yeah right!
That way they could block Youtube channels Like Lee’s and Carl’s that critisise Ardern’s genius!
Yes! that will make New Zealand ‘Safer from terrorism’.
(I’m joking.)

Notice how the democratic right to protest has been lumped next to terrorism by the simple addition of the word ‘Violent’. So in the mindset of the Police, anyone who attends a protest could be a potential Terrorist.
Is that really a fair and just… or sane way for the Police to look at Citizens exercising their Democratic rights?

Is the likelihood of New Zealand suffering a serious Terrorist attack really ‘Medium’ or Low?
It serves Ardern’s Political purposes to say the likelihood of terrorist attack is “Medium, feasible, and could well occur” because this allows her to put the Police and army in a state of Active preparation.

“Get out there and find those Anti-government Far Right White supremacist religious Extremist Domestic terrorists!!!! Start by snooping about on You Tube! Anyone who does not like Jacinda Ardern is probably a terrorist!”

The government’s own counter terrorist web page states…

“Our strongest defence against terrorism is a cohesive, resilient society.”

With this in mind it must be pointed out that heavy handed Police raids etc *has the very opposite effect!*
Such draconian behaviour is not conducive to harmonious social order but fosters resentment and outrage… and rightly so!
If the Police wanted to promote a cohesive resilient society they would respect the rights of the people to hold their own views.
They should respect liberty and enforce the law fairly and without political prejudice.
And yet we see at so many points Arderns ‘Inclusive Society’ excludes anyone who disagrees with her personal Political ideology.
Ardern demands obedience and submission by all.
We are expected to allow her to do what ever she pleases without murmur.
That is not how a Free society functions.
That is how a Dictatorship functions.
By becoming heavy handed the Police themselves are creating civil unrest.
Wake up!

While I personally believe the threat of Terrorism is extremely low, given how belligerent Ardern has been towards the rights of the New Zealand people, and mobilising the Police against her detractors… the threat of Anti-Ardern Protests turning ugly is inevitably on the rise.

Ardern seeks to use the Police as a shield while she continues to radically alter our Nation with absolute contempt for due process and the safeguards that would normally prevent such Autocratic behavior.
She has seen the growing protests. She knows she no longer enjoys the support of the people.
This is why under Ardern protests are being viewed by Police as potential Terrorist activities.

Democracy is fundamentally about the peaceful transfer of power based upon the will of the people, yet socialist dictators once in power have a long history of subverting democracy for the sake of retaining power… at any price.

Peaceful, good natured, freedom loving Carl Bromley, as a religious person who holds strong resentment for what Comrade Ardern is doing tick’s a heck of a lot of her government’s ‘Counter-Terrorism ‘ Boxes’, and we can be sure that they wanted to take away his guns ( make no mistake… they would like to take away everyone’s guns!).
Getting a fake complaint was what they were waiting for… and all they needed to do precisely that.

This fixation on ‘Domestic terrorism’ is a psychological contagion that has poisoned the New Zealand Polices outlook towards the people they serve.
It has turned them into Ardern’s Goon Squad.
Keeping the people in line and under her subjection.
So the New Zealand Police have been diverted from busting burglars and rapists and turned into policing political opinions.

I fear the Police are being prepped for war against the citizens of our country.
The Political elites know their Covid Bullshit is hurting a lot of people and making them very pissed off.
They realise that growing Public outrage to what the Ardern regime is hell bent on doing is highly likely to escalate into serious civil unrest.
The mask of ‘Kindness’ has fallen.
As our Cold hearted Great Leader shows Iron resolve to push through her revolutionary agenda at any price, She has implemented a heavy handed strategy to keep the people in check.
This is what Anti-democratic tyranny looks like!
No Joke. I believe the Police are in full preparation to put down a popular uprising against the State.
All the signs are there to see.
This puts the Police in opposition to the will of the people, propping up the unpopular dictatorial power.
This Police State makes the democratic peaceful transfer of power impossible and creates the conditions for serious civil unrest.

What Globalist influences have been at work indoctrinating our Police to prevent the New Zealand people defending our National Autonomy?
Have they been warned about the coming Global economic collapse?
Have they been warned about the Great Reset and move towards a Global cashless society?

It is only these sorts of scenario that makes what they have been doing lately explicable.
All their activities are flagrant attempts to forcefully suppress voices of opposition to Ardern’s Rule.

This same scenario is being played out in democracies all across the globe. Many nations have their own ‘Globalist Ideologues’ at the helm whose actions clearly demonstrate their loyalty is to the New World Order, not their own peoples independence. And people in these nations can see they are being taken for a ride to a destination they don’t want to be.

We have just seen peaceful Anti Vax Mandates/ Anti-lockdown protests in the Netherlands explode into all out riots.

Even though All Protests in New Zealand have been absolutely peaceful, it would be foolish for us not to appreciate that the New Zealand government is watching such overseas events with trepidation and that as such are unjustly transferring their fears that similar things could happen here. The Globalists seeking to subjugate the planet have also calculated how to prevent popular uprisings from thwarting their ultimate goals, and it is with this in mind that their minions in every Nation have been politicising and conditioning the Police and military to be prepared to use their arms against their own Citizens… as enemies of the State.

History is irrefutable that this is how Socialist Systems operate and maintain themselves… by keeping the people down. Under Jacinda Ardern our Nation is sinking fast!
We have now reached a point where to protest against what she is doing is to risk being labeled a danger to the State and losing your firearms license!
Only subservient supporters of the Regime get to enjoy such privilege!

Where does the loyalty of the average Policeman stand?
Any Police reading this need to ask themselves this important moral question.
Is it the duty and purpose of the Police to stand With the People and defend their rights… or do they consider it their job to be the Mindless enforcers of the Party Politicians who have managed to get hold of the levers of Power?

If Americans ever wondered what it would be like if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was running the USA they need look no further than how Jacinda Ardern has behaved while she has been at the helm in New Zealand.
Like AOC Ardern is a far Left Extremist. Like AOC Ardern has zero grip on the real world, or the catastrophe far left political ideology represents.
Ardern clearly shows she is prepared to lie, deceive, bankrupt our nation, and create a police state to impose her globalist delusions upon the people of New Zealand.
She has been the Perfect Storm.

Take a look at what happened in Venezuela when the shit hit the fan and the tyrannical Socialist government bankrupted the Nation and started killing it’s own citizens who dared protest.
Today Venezuela is in ruins and its people are starving… where would you stand if you were a member of the Police in such a crisis?
Where ought your loyalties lie?


It could very well be that with the ever increasing stranglehold this government places on the throats of the New Zealand public, that unless peaceful protests prevail in reversing our nations freefall into Totalitarianism… The struggle could turn very ugly… Peaceful means having failed it could come to civil war… The People vs the Corrupt State.
Unless they are prepared to disobey unjust orders, The New Zealand Police could quickly become like so many Jackbooted thugs in Communist Nations used to crush, Murder, and imprison Good brave Citizens who have been compelled to turn to Force to oust the tyrants who have sort to destroy and oppress their Nations.
In such cases the Criminals are the ones in power.

Far be it from me to ever advocate for such a situation!
Though the right of revolution to overthrow tyrannical government is a fundamental right of the people, it is for me too terrible to be contemplated.
If attempted it would also be highly likely to fail, and result in greater atrocities and injustices.
Unless the Military and the Police were on the side of the people.
We should watch what happens now in the Netherlands very carefully.
Will the Netherlands government capitulate in the face of such Violent protests or will they double down on their tyranny?
What will happen is depended upon how far the Socialist globalists in power there are prepared to go to retain their grip on power.

I believe the greatest hope Freedom advocates everywhere have of winning Freedom back is to shun all acts of Violence, Vandalism, Rioting, and destruction, and instead maintain our peaceful stand… even in the face of such injustices as have been dished out to Carl Bromely.
We should rally around such people.
We must protest against what was done, and yet we ought to remain civil at all times… This makes it very difficult for the tyrants to deploy the Jackboots against us with Full fury… because More people see what they are doing… see how unjust the régime is… and their ability to govern evaporates.
With the passing of time more and more people join the ranks of Resistance.
Despite such atrocities as Tiananmen Square in 1989
Peaceful resistance can break the resolve of all but the most brutal of tyrannies.
History proves that Peaceful people movements can defeat vastly stronger Political interests.
Two noteworthy examples are the Peaceful protest movements of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Junior.

The essential thing is for the People to stand in protest *before* such Absolute tyranny gains a strong grasp.

Given that the New Zealand people have zero stomach for Bloody Revolution and little means by which such measures might be achieved, Peaceful resistance offers the best prospects of success by far.
So I assert that Peaceful resistance is not only the Higher moral path, but also is the most pragmatic reason for hope that we shall prevail in keeping our Nation Independent and Free from the Globalist Tyranny.

But to achieve this we must Bravely stand together!
We cannot allow such things as happened to Our Boy Carl Bromley to go unchallenged, without voicing strong displeasure and a demand for justice.
The Police need to be censured and know New Zealanders will not respect them unless they respect our rights!
What happened to Carl ought to stimulate us to stand even more resolved for our Free Nation!
We cannot allow such vile police State antics to become the norm.
Nor should we tolerate the Police’s Anti-private Firearm ownership attitude.
This in itself shows the Police have become arrogant and forget their place… that is as our servants.
Citizens have strong gun Rights… Slaves do not.

The Freedom movement must also be on the watch for Subversive ‘Wolves in sheeps clothing’ entering in among us seeking to corrupt our movement from within.
Beware any so-called freedom activists who start to promote Hatred, violence, or Riotous behavior.
It is only by walking the righteous path that we can avoid being legitimately labeled a danger to civil order.
Any Civil disobedience must be 100% peaceful. The evil powers that be would love to see the freedom movement collapse into Mayhem, for that would be their opportunity to send in the jackboots.
As long as we adhere to Peaceful Protest we have the upper hand and occupy the Moral high ground.
Peacefully Protest. Peacefully Resist. Peacefully refuse to Comply.
I speak with certainty that Carl Bromley will whole heartedly agree with those sentiments.
I will also say We must never surrender our rights. We will not show our papers. We will not accept a cashless system. We will not surrender our National independence to any Global overlords.

Carl Bromley is a man of Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

Tim Wikirwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Watch (below) what Carl had to say only a few weeks ago… and what probably triggered some Radical leftist or some Ardern Minion in Government to target him and conspire to get the New Zealand Police to oppress him.

More By Tim….


















Making Ardern Go Away! 30-10-21. Large Anti-lockdown/Vax mandates protest in Hamilton (and elsewhere). New Zealanders have had enough and Demand their Freedom and Rights back!

To be edited.

The other day I was chatting with a friend about all the lockdowns and government demands everyone get vaxed.
He thinks Jacinda Ardern has well and truly lost the plot!
He is a very mild non-political young man who just wants to get on with the business of living, yet he had no trouble recognising just how evil Ardern has become… how she is turning our nation into a Police State!

He was expressing his personal growing angst about being imprisoned in the Waikato and said it meant he was missing out on seeing Family outside the blockade.
I told him he was far from alone in his feelings, and asked if he had any idea at how many Hamiltonians showed up to the Anti-Covid 19 lockdown and Anti-Compulsory Vaccination protest that had occurred in the Weekend at Claudlands showground?
What protests?
He had no idea any such public protests even occurred?
He assumed what the media had told him… that resistance to the Ardern Strategy was tiny and only a small bunch of whackos were resisting getting the Jab.

Freedoms and Rights Coalition Waikato’s democratic protest against Lockdowns and Vax mandates. Claudelands showground 11am. Oct30 (est 5000 people)

He was shocked when I showed him some photos of the event which I had down loaded from ‘The Freedom and Rights Coalition’ web page… Thousands of Hamiltonians protesting! (Est 5000)

My friend is like so many New Zealanders who have had a guts full of Arderns incompetence and Tyranny yet who are being kept in the dark about the scale of outrage other New Zealanders are also feeling and that he is far from alone!
Among other outrages, almost 9500 business went belly up last month, and this sort of disastrous consequence of Arderns Jackbooted policies is now fueling a popular uprising. People are incensed by her indifference to their suffering and have had a guts full of her complete disregard for their Rights and liberties.

30-10-21 was a day of National Protest in which tens of thousands of New Zealanders gathered together in defiance of the Ardern regimes illegitimate and oppressive legal prohibitions that seek to circumvent New Zealanders Democratic rights!
The estimated 5000 peaceful protester’s in Hamilton were not standing alone as there were significantly larger demonstrations taking place simultaneously in both Auckland and Wellington.

Yours truly holding up his home made banner.

The diabolical nature of the Ardern Regime (and Socialist Globalist regimes across Western civilisation) is that they have been using their powers to impose Covid 19 restrictions to prevent the voting public from gathering together to demonstrate their opposition to the financial ruin they are generating and the Police States they are cultivating while demanding the people shut up and let it happen!
Under the sham of Public safety Anti-democratic Covid restrictions prohibiting Public gatherings make it risky for citizens to assemble and by controlling the media has allowed the Government to pull the wool over a vast percentage of the population… that no resistance is even being attempted.
Individuals who are alarmed at what is happening are isolated.
Many of those who are bravely resisting compliance with big Bully Ardern in solitude feel as if their struggle is hopeless, because they are not aware of any support groups for their plight.
They don’t realise the battle is now well underway to put Ardern back in her box!
Many unwilling people will have surrendered to what they assume is a lost cause.
To those whom have been holding out for their rights I am writing this blog post to say Despair no more!
The Freedoms and Rights Coalition has put out the call to Kiwis to rise up in exercise of our legitimate democratic rights to gather together and protest against Comrade Ardern’s oppression!

Too many Kiwi only get their information from the Mainstream.
Jacinda Ardern has New Zealand’s media snuggly tucked into her back-pocket.
Our Card-carrying Media are operating like a wing of the Governments Propaganda department… filtering news stories and censoring themselves… the effect is that New Zealanders think the whole country Loves Ardern and is falling into line. because they only hear stories that promote Ardern.
The Truth is quite different.
Ardern is economically devastating our nation… almost 9500 businesses folded last month!
A popular protest movement is growing fast.
Big protests have already taken place without almost any Mainstream media coverage… and the stories that have emerged have down played the numbers of people protesting and made out it is just the whacko-conspiracy nut jobs.
The Truth is Ardern’s tyranny is uniting the people against her… The people protesting are both young and Old, Maori and Pakeha… it is a beautiful thing to behold!
They are boldly chanting for Freedom!


Yet most New Zealanders are completely unaware that the tide is turning against Comrade Ardern’s Dictatorship… and yet it is!

I wrote about our corrupt media back in 2012 yet they have gotten ten times worse now under Ardern and her blatant bribery… with strings attached… and all the woke Leftist Anti-free speech doctrines that have sprung up in the last decade…. Read LOST PLOT. WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY.

Because the Media have sold out to the government it is very difficult for the word to reach the people about planned protests.
That is what makes spreading the word so important to this movement.
Supporters are using their social media pages, and emails, texts, etc.
I was told only the day before that these events were planned, and knowing that they would not receive any objective press, I decided I would go see the event so that I could report back to the New Zealand public.
I needed to get the exercise, and this would be far more interesting than walking in my local park…again.

Many people were practicing peaceful Civil disobedience… not wearing any masks, and not social distancing, others (much less) were wearing masks and standing apart, and as I believe that for the sake of not generating unnecessary animosity against this righteous cause, nor to give pretext to the Police to break up the Demonstration and start arresting people, I chose to wear a mask (most of the time) and try to keep my distance as much as possible, and I appreciate why so many people were choosing to defy these oppressive and farcical measures.

The thing to remember is that whether or not people chose to wear masks and social distance, and despite the way such protesters are portrayed in the Ardern funded media as being reckless loons whose behavior is an endangerment to the Law abiding (AKA Compliant and Complicit Sheeple), this is in fact an example of Civil disobedience at it’s highest form… because these people were simply exercising their legitimate rights!
In fact it was a display of the Bold assertion and exercise of their rights that the Ardern Régime has attempted to tread underfoot via passing unjust and oppressive Laws!
Ironically… Had she not done so… Had she actually done the right thing and respected the rights of the people… there would have been no need to protest!
So Ardern herself is the chief author of this entire mess!
She is a Tyrant, and it is the Right and moral duty of a free and enlightened people to Rally against her!

Ardern’s Tyranny is a far greater threat to our Nations well being than Covid 19!
Every hour she is at the helm the people of New Zealand lose their freedoms, and livelihoods, and our Nation becomes more like China!
Under the belief that Covid 19 was truly a raging fury, Long suffering Kiwis have quietly tolerated Ardern’s ever creeping Authorotarianism, yet she has finally crossed the line and has now turned massive sections of the People against her.

They have had enough!
They have gotten wise to the fact that the dangers posed by Covid 19 have been grossly exaggerated in the extreme to cause panic and compliance.
They have begun ignoring her oppressive laws… and it is this peaceful and principled Non-compliance that will break the Ardern regime!
This is Freedom and democracy in action against an oppressive Government.
This is what must be done when our rights are under threat from Socialist tyranny!
Let those who are scared of Covid 19 wear masks all day and stay locked up safe in their homes!
They have no right to demand everyone else share their paranoia or be confined to their homes simply to make the propagandised and traumatised neurotics feel comfortable in their sheepish cowardly delusions.

It is shameful that though I cannot tell you the name of the chief Waikato Coordinator and speaker as I have not yet been able to discover it.
When I do, I shall edit this article to include it for this man is heroically leading this protest movement from the Front!
I do know that he is a Christian Pastor… Amen Brother!
I did not hear the beginning of his speech, and yet the portions which I did hear filled me with respect and courage!
I agreed with every word!
His manner (and his Mana) was profound!
He spoke of his motivation for doing this as being love… not anger.
He said he hoped this whole movement would be characterised by love and peaceful action, and unity.

He said he knew that Covid 19 was a real disease, but that he was not scared of it.
He spoke of keeping the whole event as short as possible for the sake of not being unduly burdensome and testing on the Police.
He said he had already been finned for organising a previous protest and expected to be finned again for this one, yet he told the crowd he was ok with that and not to be angry with the Police. He said there were many good people in the Police force who have been placed in a very difficult position by the Ardern Government.
And most of all, and in finishing he made the most rousing call for the people to put their fears aside and boldly stand up for Freedom!
As a Libertarian, that was a special moment that near brought tears to my eyes!
In my 20 years of Activism I had never seen or herd anything as glorious as this!
I realised that Freedom is not dead in New Zealand!
There is hope!

Finally he said a karakia (prayer) for the people, and our country and referenced the National Anthem that had been sung at the beginning of the event (I missed that).
He prayed that ‘The God of Nations’ would “Defend our Free land” and have grace upon our country and bless the people present and the task they were undertaking for Freedom and justice sake… and that New Zealand would not in this hour be lost.
He called upon God in Jesus Name… and the people… Old and Young, Maori, Pakeha, and many other hues with heads bowed said Amen.


Tide is now turning against Ardern’s socialist tyranny… New Zealanders have had enough and want their lives and freedom back!
Since this weekend Ardern has met more protests including one in Whanganui which prevented her delivering a press conference.
This has started to rattle her and expose the truth that she no longer enjoys the adoration of New Zealanders.
For the first time I have seen her being asked awkward questions at an interview.
She had to call another press conference short because she was being heckled… exposing just how fragile her personality really is!
One of my social media friend made the following observation…

“PM Jacinda Ardern who’s augments are so weak that she runs away from one person that challenges her. 😏 Absolutely pathetic…”

Jacinda Ardern’s facade has now cracking, and many people who were once taken in by her Staged Act of ‘Hugs’ and talk of ‘Kindness’ now see her for the Dangerous Machiavellian she really is and has always been… a Wolf in sheeps clothing.
She is having difficulty hiding her true colours.
Her open contempt for We the people she is Lording over is staggering!

More protests are planned.
This is just the beginning!

As yet another truly great New Zealander who has been doing so much to defend our Rights from this Socialist Globalist Plandemic… Lawyer Sue Grey… in Wellington said it was great to see people ‘stepping up into their power’ and that when we stand together ‘We can do anything’ and…

“They can’t stop us taking our Freedom back!”

Sue Grey has become a hero of mine for she is doing what I would like to think Good Lawyers ought to do… that is boldly taking on the powers that be, and using their Lawyer-craft to win Justice and freedom for the little people suffering State oppression and injustice.

Watch Sue’s speech here at The BFD.

Comrade Ardern and the Globalists have underestimated Kiwi resolve to maintain our Traditional Values!
New Zealanders Never never never will be slaves!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

See more Photos and activism by Freedom and Rights Coalition here

The Freedoms and Rights Coalition asks you to support them!

Note: I did not take any photos. All pictures in this article were either supplied to me by other people, or ‘liberated’ from other web pages (Credits given). This is important because I do not wish to expose the identities of any protesters without their consent. Thus I have not published any photos that are not already in the public domain without permission.

Go watch the Auckland march here.

Update: It has come to my attention that yet another Big protest happened in Tauranga on the 1st of November! Check it out here

New Zealand has mobilised!

More from Tim..








Open Letter To Synlait Dairy Company Defending You Tuber Lee Williams Democratic Right To Critisise The Political Policies Of The Maori Party.

This blog post is an open letter to the Synlait Dairy company.
It covers matters of a very sensitive, unpleasant, yet vitally important nature to justice, freedom, and the future wellbeing of our country.
Right now, a brave and good man’s livelihood hangs in the balance.
Now He needs his countrymen to speak up in his defense.
Please share this on your Social media platforms.
Thank you.

To the management of Synlait Dairy Company.

I write to you in defense of Dairy worker and independent You Tuber Lee Williams for the purpose of explaining why Synlait must not dismiss Lee because to do so would be wrongful.

Your company has become ensnared in a dirty political game through no fault of your own, and for this you have my sympathy.
Take courage, most New Zealanders understand this.
New Zealanders are not blind to what is going on.
This is a matter of National importance.

Lee and Synlait are but the latest victims of despicable systematic, politically motivated attacks upon your names and character.
These attacks are attempting to circumvent the rights of free citizens to speak out against the political policies of Racist radicals peddling a blatantly racist agenda by threatening their reputations and livelihoods.
I am in this instance talking about the unscrupulous behavior of the Maori Party, who are a notorious bunch of racist radicals who do not even represent what most Maori people believe, let alone what most New Zealanders believe, yet still because of the way they operate in labeling anyone who speaks out against their racist agenda as being ‘White Supremacist’ most New Zealanders are too scared to stand up against them.

I am well aware of the pressure Synlait will be feeling having become the focus of their attention, and that the last thing you want is to be dragged through ongoing ugly public protests with a bunch of ill behaved radicals saying all sorts of nasty things about your company… until you give them what they want… the head of your worker… Lee Williams.

Every time companies cave in to such demands only serves to embolden this type of political extortion.
The latest occurrence was when Media Works Corp decided to ‘let go’ 2 of their best broadcasters, John Banks and Sean Plunket, because like Lee, they dared to take less than agreeable positions with the racist radical agenda that divides New Zealand into a two tier society… First class citizens being those with special indigenous rights… and Second Class citizenship goes to all the rest.
If you complain about being rendered a second class citizen, the Maori party will call you racist!

Woke left wing activists successfully applied the very same pressure Synlait is now experiencing to several of Mediaworks major advertisers who then threatened to pull their advertising revenues from Media works unless they ‘deplatformed’ Ex Mayor of Auckland John Banks.
Fellow Radio Works talk show host Sean Plunket made ‘the mistake’ of speaking up for Banks.
When the despicable tactics of the radical Left got the results they hoped for New Zealand lost two prominent public voices brave enough to challenge the racist policies of the Maori Party and others in parliament.
Now they have turned their sights on defender of the Kiwi Dream, and You Tuber Lee Williams.

These tactics are what has become known globally as ‘Cancel culture’ and are a clear demonstration of how leftist militant political activists are systematically undermining legitimate free speech, and attacking their critics… not in a civilised manor with superior reason and facts, but with Bulling and threats, and slander… going for their throats by attacking their jobs and livelihoods.
These underhanded and Machiavellian tactics cause New Zealanders to shut their mouths to the vile antics and policies of these radicals out of fear of coming under attack themselves.
These despicable tactics are running amok across Western societies because of a failure of Parliaments to recognize this subversive political behavior for what it really is.
Hateful, malevolent, and anti-democratic.

The Lust for power is the root of every form of evil.

Let me make this clear.
It is outrageous slander to label anyone who disagrees with the separatist policies and financial largess going on in our parliament today as being ‘White Supremacist’.
I myself am of Maori descent, and I stand with Lee, as do the majority of New Zealanders in opposition to the racially divisive agenda commonly known as ‘Treaty Separatism’.
Lee, a migrant from Britain, in his private life is a passionate defender of the Ideals and values that made New Zealand great.
Far be it that his attitude should be frowned upon!
He ought to be highly commended, esp given the caustic political environment of our times under which brave and principled people come under attack for defending such fundamental principles as racial equality before the law.

Lee did not ask me to write this.
I do not personally know Lee, nor do I agree with everything he says yet from watching his videos I can tell he is a good worker as he is often seen on his Go Pro walking in the cold and dark to work while the rest of the community are still lights out… snuggly tucked into their beds.
Synlait is fortunate to have such a conscientious man with strong work ethic on their team.
I understand the predicament he has now found himself, not because of any evil he has done, but because he has chosen to take a stand against Political corruption in high places.
He is a fighter for all that is Good about New Zealand that has become endangered by the Radical politics of Treaty separatism.
Lee now needs the Good people of New Zealand to stand up in his defense, and I for one will not cower from coming to his aid, and giving him my moral support out of fear the radical mob might turn their attention upon me.

Synlait must not submit to this Political harassment. It was a big mistake to suspend Lee because now you have sullied yourselves in private matters that are legally none of your concern.
That we are talking about *private matters* here… about what workers do in their own time… in their private lives… Lawful things that are not crimes.
These facts show the swampy ground Synlait is treading upon in suspending Lee.
In truth this should never have been made a question of his employment with your company. That it has become so is no fault of Lee, but yet another frightening example of how Radical Leftist political activists with malevolent intentions are working to ruin the lives of their political critics.
Getting people like Lee the sack from their jobs by labeling them as racists is one of their nasty tactics, and they are applying this tactic here and now, attempting to drive a wedge between Lee and his source of income… how he provides for himself.
Synlait must not allow themselves to be manipulated in such a despicable way… out of fear of being slandered in the public sphere by radical activists for refusing to play their dirty games.

You would do well to contemplate the fact that Rugby Australia had to apologise and reach a hefty settlement with Israel Folau because in dismissing Israel for things he said in private on Social media they violated Israel Folau’s rights. Though this case was in Australia, the principle is the very same as your situation with Lee Williams. If you recall, Rugby Australia had suspended Israel because he had privately expressed his Christian beliefs that among other things that Homosexuality is a sin, for which Rugby Australia had taken offence.
This is symptomatic of the vehement Social intolerance and spirit of persecution which has sprung up in Western Nations today in which private citizens come under threat simply for expressing their own personal views. And all this we are told is supposed to be making our societies ‘less hateful’.
In reality it is making our Nations Less free, and more like oppressive Socialist dictatorships, and Police States.

The only legitimate reasons Synlait might have for dismissing Lee is for serious misconduct at work, or for criminal activities.
Certainly not because of the shrill and venom filled cries of Racist radicals baying for Lee’s blood.

This is a shameful politically driven ‘witch hunt’ that must be called out for what it is and rigorously opposed.
This sort of political Bully tactics cannot be condoned.
The MPs behind this evil witch hunt should be dragged over the coals for such a malicious attempt to destroy a mans life… simply because he opposes their politics and aims.
That New Zealand countenances parliamentarians and policies that divide our nation according to race… that is the *Real Racism* New Zealand suffers.

I believe the best course for Synlait to take forward would be to engage Legal representation and make a complaint to Parliament for the behavior of Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa for her despicable actions that have caused your company harm to its reputation, and the well being of one of your staff… for personal political gain, esp her creation/promotion of a ‘Change.Org’ on line petition with the title ‘Synlait- Stop Employing White Supremacists’.
This crosses legal boundaries, and is a form of defamation and intimidation, and it is in the public interest that this corrupt political behavior by members of parliament be called to account.

When you read what his accusers actually say… they attack Lee because he dares to warn the public about what he perceives as the dangers of the ‘He Puapua report’… a document that Jacinda Ardern was keeping secret from the New Zealand public but an unredacted copy was leaked to the Opposition.
These same concerns that Lee expressed on You Tube have also been highlighted by the Leader of the National Party Judith Collins!
Is Judith also a ‘Far Right White Supremacist’?

The ‘He Puapua Report’ is a government commissioned blueprint upon how New Zealand might be systematically and fundamentally changed under the pretext of honoring the UN Declaration of indigenous rights, itself a document signed by the Key led National Government in 2010 which New Zealanders were told at the time was not binding.

Judeth Colin’s has publicly called out Jacinda Ardern for working in stealth towards the goals listed in the report, and asked the PM to start ‘an open public conversation’ about the contents of He Puapua to lay on the table what is at stake.
Yet here we see that the Maori party has straight away gone on the attack when Lee Williams has dared to start expressing his view on this subject… which the National party Leader herself has said we need to have public discussion!
Can we have any sort of public discussion if the Maori party is able to get people fired from their employment for simply not going along with Maori Party ambitions regarding the He Puapua Report?

The petition against Synlait and Lee Williams not only accuses Lee of ‘disseminating extreme white supremacist material’ but also say’s “Synlait espouses values such as diversity, inclusion and thriving communities. This is entirely at odds with the violent rhetoric of their employee Lee Williams.
We call upon Synlait to review his contract, in reflection of their espoused values, and make it clear that they give nothing to racism, most especially a paycheque.”

Now there is so much vile contradiction and hypocrisy in that statement (above) that beggars belief!
I will only have space here to mention a few.
Firstly Lee does not advocate or incite any violence and it is a patent falsehood and slander to say otherwise.
On the contrary it is the Maori Party themselves who disseminate ‘extreme racist materials’, and are attempting to perpetuate Real harm/violence against Lee Williams by seeking to destroy his livelihood!
This is the sort of staggering dishonesty and malicious nature of Lee’s accusers… and the whole country knows this… even if few have the moral spine to say so.

Also, and most importantly, the case at hand has very serious implications for our country’s democratic processes.
It is the right of Citizens, and permanent residents to critisise the political policies of Parties and members of parliament.
The Maori Party MPs have no special rights that render *their political views* as sacrosanct… above reproach, and the idea that anyone who disagrees with them can be labeled a racist and a white supremist is an outrage!
Offensive in the extreme and nothing more than a fallacious Ad Hominem attack upon the character of their detractors.
Maori party policies must withstand the rigors of public scrutiny and criticism just as every other political parties wares must do for this alone is how democracy justly functions.
That New Zealanders and residents should have their jobs and livelihoods placed in jeopardy for expressing legitimate dissent is despicable!
Synlaits Legal response should definitely incorporate these counter claims against the perpetrators of this witch hunt.
Some sort of Legal ‘Cease and Desist’ Order should be sort to prevent the ongoing harassment of Synlait and its employees.

Ultimately the goal should be to turn the tables upon the real Bad actors in all of this, and set a precedent whereby New Zealand Businesses and Employers demonstrate the proper demarcation between employees private affairs, and what rightfully may be deemed to be within the bounds of a fair employment contract.
A persons privately held political views cannot become the basis for discrimination in Employment contracts because this violates that persons democratic rights.
Nor should a person lose their job for lawfully and peacefully exercising their right to free speech simply because it is critical of the political policies of any Party or members of parliament.

This highlights just how dangerous are our Socialist politicians current attempts to legislate Free speech into the criminal codes because in so doing they will be able to construe what is currently lawful criticism of government policy as an actual criminal offence.
These are the grave dangers we face today as a Nation.

It is my sincere hope that Synlait takes the high road and boldly choses to defend itself, and your employee Lee Williams from this malicious activity.
In so doing you will be doing our nation a great service in defense of Free Speech, and worker rights for which the great percentage of New Zealanders will be grateful.

I offer my services to Synlait, and Lee Williams for any support I can give.
I have been actively opposing Treaty Separatism for two decades, and recently contributed to a book entitled ‘Free Speech under attack’ (Tross publishing).
I place my experience in these matters at your disposal.
My Email address is below.

Lee, If you are reading this you have my support.
Please contact me.
I understand how heavy is the burden upon your shoulders right now, yet you should not go to England at this time but remain here to defend your name.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Judith Collins calls for ‘national conversation’ from Jacinda Ardern after controversial He Puapua report. Synlait – Stop Employing White Supremacists

Synlait investigating ‘white supremacist’ worker

Rugby Australia and Israel Folau settle legal dispute over sacking

Israel Folau and Rugby Australia settle unfair dismmissal claim over social media post.

More from Tim….






Update : see video below.