Wrong Bet Stephen Hawking.

To be edited: this piece will substantially improve over the next week… it is an idiosyncratic process of mine.

Criticizing the recently deceased is a Politically incorrect Sacrilege… yet I find it necessary to say a few words about Stephen Hawking, given Social media is flooded with such claims that he ‘Was the greatest mind’ of our times… even though … it is also claimed ‘almost nobody knew what he was talking about’.
His Book ‘A Brief history of Time; is claimed to be ‘the least read best seller of all time’… still virtually Everybody says they knew he was super smart.

I would like to make a few comments about why I disagree.
He may have been able to count better than I yet he was in many ways… very foolish.

Why Tim do you feel the need to write ill of the dead?

Because I see much of his adoration by the masses was not because of His Scientific achievements… but because he was a Champion of the Religion of Materialist Atheism.
His Death is in fact being used as some sort of Hero worship for Atheism and in particular his many Statements that appear to many as an un-assailable Authoritative testimony that Materialism is supported by the Facts of science.
This is an Old claim… which is patently false… yet I will have to justify my rejection of his assertion about the superiority of Materialist science over the Judaeo-Christian Theistic interpretation of science.

Why do you dare to question the so-called ‘Greatest scientific mind’ of our era?
I will delve into this shortly.

Tim… who the hell do you think you are to question such an intellectual Giant?
What… if anything at all… could a nobody like you have to say that anyone should consider of value or weight?

To this I would like to demonstrate how the thinking Ordinary man may contend with the claims of experts and authorities of highly obscure and specialized fields such as Theoretical Physics.
To bring the stratospheric claims and Ideas down to an altitude that we can make rational and informed decisions.
Many of Hawking’s adoring atheist fans will be operating on the worst kind of *Blind faith*… that *He said* science does away with God is good enough for them… so Ultimately the vast percentage of these Atheists are guilty of precisely what they say is wrong with Religion!
These Atheists are accepting pontifications from their ‘High Priest’ that they make no attempt to understand or to independently investigate if in fact they are justified in accepting Hawking’s assertions as gospel… its just that their ‘High Priest’ wore a Lab coat rather than a Cassock.

The morons even make a big deal that he died on Einsteins birthday!

On Obscure technical Theories and subjects, quite often there are available to Lay-thinkers Expositional simplifications that can greatly help form some rudimentary understanding upon which Judgments can be made… avoiding blind faith in the otherwise unsubstantiatible claims of Theorists, yet to alleviate some of the incredulity about my competence to critisise Hawking what I have to say does not need to go into particular details about his *scientific theories*, but rather I am interested in *His *Extra scientific* conclusions and conjecture* that he made public with regards to the ultimate nature of reality.

In the end I will present *Reasons* for my claims… and if these reasons are well founded, then they will stand on their own merit against the claims of Hawking.

Materialism is an absolutely Godless, Spirit-less, Miracle-less faith, and Its chief appeal to the Godless masses is that they think it does away with any notions of Moral duty, and Divine judgement, and that *all thing* must be understood, and explained, in purely Physical terms of matter and motion.
This means the Godless masses can turn their backs completely upon Religion… and morality that sets rules that they dislike.
If such a Cosmology is true, then the whole universe and everything… including Human beings are merely Matter… and the only laws we are subject to are the laws of Nature… physics, and chemistry.

As evidence of this I need go no further than point to the Rabidly anti-Christian Lefty Liberal psychosis that is gripping western civilization.
This movement is Hell bent on making Christian values and ethics *illegal*.

On a psychological basis it is relatively easy to infer Stephen Hawking’s degenerative condition of Motor Neuron Disease and subsequent life lived in a Robotic chair, will have had a large, yet non-scientific impact upon what he believed about the Ultimate nature of Reality.
He may have harbored quite contemptuous feelings towards any Idea that there could possibly be a God in the light of his affliction… and I would not pretend to write off such feelings as if they were petty, and in Fact it is very amazing testimony of faith when we see people afflicted with severely debilitating conditions *Still believing* in a Loving God!
One of the great challenges/ arguments against the existence of a Loving God is the problem of Evil.
That Human beings have a sense of Justice is one of the strange things about being human that defies Materialism (which must say Judgments of right and wrong are Objectively speaking *Meaningless*)… yet on the other-hand when a child is born with severe abnormalities… or in dire poverty… or exposed to Wars… we all question the *Fairness* of life.
It is here that I want to challenge the delusion of Scientists as Higher beings… aloof from the chaos of the human condition… the delusion they are committed to Objectivity and truth… following the evidence where ever it may lead.
I want to point out that they are most often the very opposite personality types… committed ideologues… with agendas, and vested interests to substantiating their own theories… and they are affected by the same personal experiences as the rest of us.
Because of his confinement to the chair, Stephen Hawking’s thinking must be understood in light to this to a far higher degree than just the average atheist who questions God’s existence simply because they were born poor.
Stephen Hawking was Human.
On this basis alone it would have been amazing if He had thrown his weight in behind the Idea that God exists… and we should not be at all surprised that he did not.

Nick Vujicic (Above photo)is an inspiration and an absolutely amazing man of Christian faith!
What makes his testimony so powerful is that he loves God *In spite* of his heavy physical afflictions that he was born with… no fault of his own.

Compared to Nick Vujicic faith, Stephen Hawking’s *Unbelief* is not sectacular… We may consider it what many ordinary people might think if they had to contend with the same physical imairments he suffered.
Even if Stephen Hawking did not harbour resentment towards God, still he may have taken his personal condition as evidence no loving God exists, and that feelings of injustice against such things… and the great atrocities and evils of humanity are for sentimental fools.
He may have steeled his soul and said The Universe does not care about us and our problems… it just is.

Stephen was given over to the philosophical trap of *Scientism* (look it up). It is primarily a belief that all *Real questions* ultimately have scientific answers, and that everything else (like justice) is illusory.
This automatically closes the mind to any possibility of Real things that exist *outside the scope of science*.
This is a severe hobbling of the mind.
It causes circular reasoning … ‘Because we assert all realities are Material realities, and there is no God, No Ghosts, no Miracles, any claims of a God, or Ghosts, or Miracles must be false and instead the true explanation for any phenomena must be materialistic’.
It is in light of this that any ‘inconvenient occurrence’ or phenomena must be … pseudo-scientifically rationalised to either be mundanely materialistic or Illusory.
This is not a’scientific’ world view at all… it is in fact a philosophical fallacy… that has been utterly overthrown by science itself.(I will explain this below)

Scientism is a corollary of Atheist materialism and leads to philosophical Nihilism.
It tends to travel accompanied by an absurd notion of scientific infallibility… the idea being that in primitive times Mankind was Brutish and ignorant, and worshipped Gods, and believed in Ghosts, yet with the process of time and the discovery of the scientific method *and rationalism* that the history of science has been an inexorable march of factual /’Secular’/ Materialistic truth overthrowing the miraculous fables and superstitions of the Religious… yet his is delusional… a fairy story invented by atheists!

In Truth while technological advance has been fairly constant.. the theories of ‘Science’ with respect to the nature of Ultimate truth has been a succession of fallacies… each in turn being discredited usually with the aid of better technology.
Thus those that have said they place their faith *in science* rather than religion have been *proven* to have believed in one fallacy after another!
Yet this did not prevent them from claiming they had ‘absolute truth’ at each erroneous step… and claim they stood on more solid ground than the religious.
And this process is playing out as we speak with the Delusions of the theory of Evolution.

The Fool places his faith upon the shifting sands of Human scholarship and rationalism. The wise man stands upon the Rock of Divine revelation… The Bible!
It stands sure.

And a classic example of how *true science* in cosmology and physics has overthrown the Delusions of Atheist materialism has been with the conclusive proofs that the Universe had a beginning… and that one-directional time means it will also end in a type of *Death* within a finite space of time… things that Jueado-Christian Theism claimed to be so via Divine revelation!
By the beginning of the 1800s ‘Science’ was being hijacked by the atheist materialists who boldly proclaimed the Universe was eternal and the laws of physics as being absolute.
This… the materialists of the day claimed was proof that atheist materialism was founded upon ‘science’ and that it proved the Bible’s claim that the universe had a beginning was a religious superstition!
How embarrassing for them when in not too many decades later *Science* proved their most vitally essential tenet of Materialism to be false… and that the Bible was correct all along!
Via several proofs, esp the 2nd law of thermodynamics the Universe is found to have had a beginning!
The Universe is not eternal but temporal.
The Laws of Physics are not absolute… but are contingent… and this ought to have sunken the Materialist superstition like the Titanic!

Yet the fact that the materialists refused to abandon their sinking ship just goes to prove their materialist faith was not based upon science at all… but upon a fanatical prejudice against belief in God… esp a God that lays down moral laws and that Judges humanity.

Thus There are far greater and more fundamental and primary realities *outside* ‘above’and beyond this fianite universe that may be best described and rationally understood as being *Super natural*.
And these lie beyond a wall that renders physical science is impotent .. and strictly relative.

Yet Stephen Hawking was born *after* this period of ‘eternal universe’ materialist superstition in an era in which Materialists were busy trying to re-conceive their beliefs in this new era in which they now had to explain away the fact that the universe was not eternal… and some how was *Created*

Hawking Quote: “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation”.
He said during an interview with El Mundo in 2014.

Is this *really* what science represents?

Let me explain why this is a frighteningly deceptive and infantile claim!

First of all when you study the history of the philosophy of Science it is not that hard to discover the massive debt Modern science owes to The theistic world view!
At its most fundamental level Modern science was born from the belief in a Rational Divine creator who made the universe in a Rational and ordered way, and that God endowed us humans with the power of Reason so that we may comprehend his wisdom and genius by investigating the wonders he has made.
This is why virtually *all the founding fathers of the branches of *Real science* from Physics (Newton) to Genetics (Mendel) were all *Theists*.

Thus it is a false dichotomy to suggest that religion is at variance with Science!
Stephen Hawking is misleading the gullible masses from the very start.
Religion is only at variance with *wild Atheistic conjecture that is framed in pseudo-scientific terms*.. not with science proper… And Stephen Hawking is being absolutely dishonest when he claims he is speaking scientifically when he says things like ” because of a force like gravity we can explain how the universe can be created out of nothing without God…”
That is pure nonsense, and I challenge *anyone* who disputes me to prove how Gravity can create the universe out of *nothing*.
Its a patent absurdity…. sheer superstition… and those who accept Hawkings assertions on this do so in complete ignorance… solely on Blind faith… out of Cognitive dissonance.

And the Problems go further for Stephen as he needs to explain how the blind material forces… like gravity… can construct and animate Living Beings… a subject that may be out of his field of expertise … yet is in fact *Out of all scientific expertise*… because its Mind-blowing complexity defies Materialist assumptions about ‘Simple cells’ etc.

So from Beginning to end Stepehen’s claims that Materialist science ‘Better explains’ reality is shot through with holes you can drive a bus through!
It is in fact false.
He may have been a great mathematician and made many bold theories… yet he was a poor philosopher, and in Irony I say Friedrich Nietzsche would be forced to declare Hawking’s atheist conclusions “Human… all too human”.
Science has little to do with it.
Hawkings conclusions are found to be as much influenced by his personal feelings as by his terrible philosophy.

He was typically the sort of Materialist (like Dawkins) who argued for Non-design in nature yet was always invoking *Design* in his writings and comments!
Because this is the inescapable perception that confronts the scientist at every level!
From the grandeur of the cosmos to the marvelous nano technology of living cells under the electron microscope!

Hawkings challenged us to wonder about ‘the grand design’, and compared our brains to a computer (which is a typically naive materialist thing to do) … yet the obvious question that needs to be answered is *how the hell can anyone believe our brains could come to be *without a Grand Designer?*???
Even Dawkins admits that “…Biology is the study of complicated things that look like they have been designed for a purpose..”
So by comparing our Brains to computers… it is reasonable to invoke the Intelligent design argument as *that is the only way computers can come into Being* in this universe.

Think about that… The Bible declares “That from the creation of the world god is clearly seen being understood by the things that are made.”

Why would Hawking make such rash un-scientific statements about Materialism overthrowing God ?
I have already given you psychological reasons why he most likely favoured Nihilism, and the view that ultimate reality is uncaring, yet there are also powerful social pressures at stake… Because of the Current climate in academia Stephen had a professional vested interest to champion materialism… to insure his reputation and reverence among his peers whom are as committed ideologically to materialism as he was.

The thing to appreciate is that Science has now brought us to the very boundaries of our physical reality.
Tools like the Hadron Collider are attempting to crack open the very fabric of the universe to get glimpses of layers that are not normally available for us to observe.
*And the conversation* is now fully in *the supernatural domain*… yet the Materialist still chooses to ‘secularise’ this non-physical / spiritual domain that is not beholden to the Laws of physics.
They persist in pseudo-scientific terms and Anti-theistic mythology… postulating such science fictions as ‘Multiverses’, etc…
yet here we are! right where the Theists always said ultimate reality lies… and within a supernatural domain superior to and more primary than our tangible universe.
Again it is the Materialist who has been proven to be in error… and the theistic philosophy that has been vindicated.
The Materialist is *HELL BENT* on their rejection of God… not from science… but from ideological fanaticism.

Now This Blog post is already obscene in length by accepted norms, and so I will close it with two final statements.

1. I respect the guy for his heroic life.

2. Stephen Hawkings was famous for making several ‘Bets’ over the years on the validation of various theories… and it is amusing to note that he *lost* those bets… and had to buy a Penthouse magazine subscription for Kip Thorne … so Hawking’s own history says he is not at a racehorse upon which anyone should place their bets.

The New Zealand Herald ran a story on Friday march 16 titled ‘Hawking showed it’s alright to be wrong’.
The 2nd paragraph says… “Its very difficult to engage him [Hawking] in discussion, and so he has got away with pronouncements in a way that other people would not”
Higgs is quoted as saying “His celebrity status has gives him instant credibility that others do not have”
Higgs has reason to feel aggrieved.
Two years earlier Hawking had placed a very public bet US $100 bet that the Higgs Boson. a sub atomic particle theoriesd in the 1960s, would never be found…”

Hawking even warned that the quest to discover the Higgs Boson might destroy the universe!!!!

Hawking would be proven wrong on all counts.

Anyway my last point is a sad one… and that is to say that we can be certain Hawking has now lost his ultimate bet… against another famous mathematician.. Blaise Pascal… as to the existence of the Almighty.
He will know He’s lost now… and the price he will pay for his error is Terrible indeed.
We Human beings are Free will moral agents… not soul-less Robots… and so a fundamental part of what being a human is that we are responsible for our choices and actions.
We are not like rocks and stones shifting in the floodwaters… not like comets and meteors inexorably fated by the deterministic chains of the material world.
We get to chose our path… and our fate.
Please dont be deceived by the vacuous claims of people like Stephen Hawking.
The Bible says ‘Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools’.
Wrong Bet Stephen.
May God have mercy.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Et tu Brute? What is Scientism: William Lane Craig

Willful Ignorance and the Limits of human reason (without Divine Revelation.)

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.


It’s been over seven long months since the last time I just dropped in here to try to explain my absence from my own blog. In a word, depression.

I must preface the following remarks in this paragraph by saying that I regard psychiatry as a pseudoscience. I regard psychiatrists in general with contempt. Nonetheless, depression is classified as a psychiatric illness. I suffer from it myself (see link above). Regardless of the true nature of the beast, it truly is a beast. It is a life-threatening condition. Up to 10% of people who are diagnosed with clinical depression (aka major depressive disorder) take their own lives, sooner or later. Over 50% of all people who die by suicide suffer from clinical depression. In fact, 90% of all people who die by suicide suffer from depression, alcoholism, or some other diagnosable psychiatric disorder at the time of their deaths. Suicide claims more lives than war, murder, and natural disasters combined.

Of course, all of the above has just been brought home to me yet again after I read yesterday’s blog post by my co-blogger Tim on the tragic death of his friend Bruce Davies. May he rest in peace.

Lemmy on the bass

I’d now like to turn to something more positive.

The whole truth is that my prolonged break from blogging has been due to more than just my mental malaise. Several other factors have also contributed to the decline in my blogging output over the last couple of years. And one of them is that over the past year and a bit I’ve been spending rather too much of my spare time learning to play the bass guitar! It’s become my obsession. In fact, I’ve gotten good enough at it that I’m now in a punk rock three-piece called Headcase. I’m on bass, Bill the drummer’s on drums, and Simon’s on guitar and vocals.

Sure, so far we’ve had only one actual band practice, but it’s early days yet. We’re going to attempt a few covers to begin with, starting with a song called Submission by the Sex Pistols, and then we’ll take it from there. Watch this space.

But as well as becoming a rock star in my spare time I really want to get back into blogging on a regular basis. I’ve missed it. I’m out of practice. And I have writer’s block. So I thought I’d warm up with an album review. And a controversial opinion, viz., that The Endless River is Pink Floyd’s best album since Wish You Were Here.

But it’s been a hell of a day, it’s getting late, so my review will have to wait. There are only so many spoons in a day.

Meanwhile, I’m very much still alive, still here, and, furthermore, I’m back. 🙂

Tribute to Fabrication Engineer, Farmer, and Tauranga Hillbilly… Bruce Christopher Davies. 7/11/66 – 4/3/18

Bruce drinking Waikato Draught and Joy (My future wife) at a friends 21st.
About 1995

Below is my hastily written goodbye to my long time friend Bruce Christopher Davies, who took his own life 4-3-18.

Bruce was a fully fledged Hard-man Engineering Rebel Bogan… He had a colorful existence… Cars, Bikes, Beer, Woman, and Song.
Hard work and Hard Rock.
In the end it all took its toll…
He will be missed by his Mates, and Family.
This Blog post is to pay Tribute to this Awesome dude… my fabulous friend with a Big Heart.. loved by many.. and for those who never got to pay their respects to Bruce with his unexpected passing.
Please leave comments and photos below.

Bruce and friends at Hamilton Jay day about 2007.


My tale of Bruce Davies.
By Tim Wikiriwhi
Spoken at his Funeral.(Edited)

This story of Bruce Davies … My Story…starts at New Haven engineering, Judea Tauranga in 1987, when I had just moved down from West Auckland a week after finishing my Engineering apprenticeship…
I had a small Bedford housebus that I drove, and parked up at my mums place in Gate pa.
I was 18, and I wanted to live in Tauranga as from visiting my mother who was living there… the Bay of Plenty appeared to be a paradise!
Plenty of Hot friendly girls, sunshine and beaches!
Just one great big Holiday park!
I was not in Tauranga long before I started looking for work as an engineer.
Being an Auckland Westy, when I met the Bay of Plenty Bogan Bruce Davies who was working at New Haven Structural Engineers … we were a cultural perfect fit… though I was a Christian… we had the same Westy Bogan values … and we hit it off immediately.

Not only that… we had had similar upbringings… not known our Fathers… being raised in a single parent house by our mothers, etc

New Haven was a Structural Fabrication Workshop and We were Building Tanks and structures for the Waihi Goldmine.
Bruce was a great engineer… a great welder and fabricator… a hard man.
Heavy Fabrication Engineering is a real mans job… Not afraid to get dirty… We took pride in being Hard.
He was also a great farmer.

As a New Guy… sitting in the New Haven smoko room full of workers and the Boss, Bruce loudly asks me… “Do you smoke Pot?”
I was shocked!
As a 19 year old Westy… OF Course I smoked pot! Yet we Westies were *secret squirrel* about such things at our Jobs… around ‘Nomies’/ trendies/etc… so I was like trying to wisper… bro keep it down!
Yet it was only a matter of days before I was smoking weed with Bruce outside his mums place in my bus… and drinking Waikato Draught Beer… two things that would become synonymous with our friendship that would last 30 years.

We would under age Drink Waikato ( Legal drinking age was 20 back then) and play pool at the Otumotai Trust hotel..with Bruce’s mates Al, Mark, and Guy… the five of us looked like black peas from the same pod… all would wear black Levis, black tee shirts, black jerseys, black beanies, and all were about the same height and all had shaggy long un-kept hair… and we were suspicious of anyone who did not look like us!

One day I rolled into the Trust Hotel car park in my bus and Bruce said to the boys… here comes ‘the blowfly’… referring to my green and black bus… and after that my nickname was Blowfly!
Thanks mate… it was a classic nickname… one that makes you cringe.

Me and my Bus.

I had my 21st party at Bruce’s and Nicky’s pad in Thompsons track Katikati… in a farmhouse where he was milking and farming.

I then moved back to Auckland for a few years with a pretty Tauranga Girl (Carol) and we soon had a Daughter (Melissa) … yet having got used to the Tauranga pace … the Auckland Rat race sucked and so we moved back to Tauranga… And I was soon working with Brucie again in Structural Engineering… for a company called Metal Trend… this is when my Son Jamie was born.
(Carol and I would separate a few years later… yet we are friends now)

Bruce had an affinity with cats.
He was a cool Cat! and he certainly had nine lives. He wreaked at least 50% of the vehicles he ever owned…
Bruce had his orange ginger cat ‘Russell’ who was Bruce’s best mate… “the greatest cat in the world” according to Bruce. He nick named Russell ‘Patrol leader’… Russell was always on patrol… and they spent many years together… even after Bruces great love Nicky left him for his [other] best friend.
Bruce and Cats went together.

Bruce found Joy (My Wife), Mine, and our sons grey cat Floyd as a tiny Kitten in the gutter outside the Te Rapa Pub Hamilton…One dark winter rainy nite… and brought him home to our place as at the time he was staying with us after going through another tuff break up with another lady…

And Bruce as many of you probably already know… had his last cat named ‘Tuesday’ with him in the car… and they passed way together. Tuseday is buried on site in the upper reaches of the Cormandal peninsula.

Floyd My Cat… who owes his life to Bruce.

Bruce was a romantic soul, yet like so many of us everytime he fell in love… it was followed by a painful break up… and these were the low points in his life.
I remember how happy Bruce was when he and Amanda had Michael… Bruce was a proud Father and it was devastating when He had a messy break up with Amanda, and it was virtually impossible for Bruce to maintain any contact with Michael… too painful to deal with the situation, and when Amanda moved to Australia that definitely was a barrier too far for Bruce, and Like me he would have been hoping that at some time when Mike had grown up… that they would make contact again … sadly Bruce took a heavy downturn… and now this will never happen.

Michael… You have my sincere apologies on Bruces behalf… he was a great Guy… yet he was a person who… in the end…did not like or function well according to the rules conservative society demands…
I hope you and I get a chance to talk about your old man so you get to know him better.

As the decades past we had countless good times … partying… smoking weed… and hanging out.

I got my first tattoos with Bruce at his house on a Kiwifruit orchard up Omanawa road (lower Kaimai ranges) … from a flatmate who was planning to become a tattoo artist and needed some suckers to practice on!
Bruce got a Ledzeplin wizard holding up a lantern on his arm, and the big Scorpion on his back and shoulder… Bruce was a Scorpio.

Now though some folk will not approve of this yet… as I have already mentioned smoking weed was a major recreational past time for Bruce and I.
I got busted by the police *twice* with Bruce over the years.
Both these times are quite amusing to look back on, yet I would become a staunch Libertarian activist for the decriminalisation of Cannabis… and Bruce being a Mate would help me with setting up Libertarianz party stands at Jay days etc… he would take the pics of me speaking, etc… and some of my best quality photos I have of Bruce are Libertarian activism pics… Both of us were now living in Hamilton Waikato (District).

The war on drugs is very oppressive for fringe-dwellers like Bruce… and myself… people who don’t want to conform to the sheepish standards that pass as ‘normal/ conservative’…
We Libertarians despise how oppressive the ‘Mob rule’ of our Nanny state democracy is, and defiantly ‘Live like its legal’… and because of righteous activism and world trends… cannabis will soon be legal here in New Zealand… as it has become in many countries around the world.

In 2002 Bruce would be the Best man at Joy and my wedding at Mc Clarens falls in the Kaimai hills above Tauranga.
It was an honor to have him as my best man.
Though I have been fortunate to have had more than one ‘Best mate’… Bruce earned the right to stand beside me on my most important day, in front of most of my other friends and family.
He rose to the occasion and was a great support…. The after party being the best party of my life… and he was a big part of that… we used his stereo for the Soundz, and he was a big help cleaning up in the days that followed.

About twenty years ago Bruce and I had another painful shock.
Bruces life long friend Mark Crosby… one of our tight Posse… killed himself in a car in a reserve on the Matamata side of the Kaimais.
I got the call from Bruce about it…. And every since then I had a fear… a premonition… that Bruce was harbouring thoughts that this was a legitimate option he had for himself.
And this has proved to be the case.

I must ask you all not to follow Bruces example!
It was a very Bad idea… Death will come calling for us soon enough and when someone takes their life… they take away any chance for Providence to shine again in their lives… The Sun will rise again if only you endure… Hold on and have faith… Don’t let the world break your spirit!
Find something that fills your life with value and meaning… I have my Christian faith…
Bruce had at least another 20 years of quality life… so many good things he will now miss… and because of what he did..we… the ones that loved him and appreciated him… will miss out too.

Now I am going to close this on a sad note.
About the time that Joy and I were expecting our son Roman, Bruce and I had a falling out… and I decided to stop visiting him and focus on my new responsibility as a Dad.
I was hoping Bruce would turn up one day and we would talk things through and get things settled and we would carry on as normal… I lost contact with him when he moved… yet always hoping… sadly the years quickly ticked by… and Bruce never showed.
I am very sad that we never managed to get it sorted.
I am angry that he chose to pass away without trying….
And I carry Guilt that I did not act upon my thoughts several years ago to track him down and sort it out.
I am sorry my friend for not being there when you needed me… not being there to tell you to get your shit together like I did many times before.
I hope you forgive me.
I hope you are in a better place… maybe with Mark, and Pat, and your Mum.
Good bye Mate… and thanks for everything.

Tim Wikiriwhi

With consent of Bruce’s family , We… his friends took Bruce the day before his funeral up into the hills overlooking Raglan, and gave him his ‘last rites’ Bogan style.
We Celebrated his life…. we had our last Beers with him, our last games of Pool… and spent all night laughing and telling hard case yarns about our Bro.
Girls turned up and wept over his coffin, and we transported him in style in a Holden Panel wagon with Triumph Bonneville Escort.
He was dressed in a Black Beanie, Shades, Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon tee shirt, Blue Jeans and Black Army Boots.
We played his friend Paul Goughs’ Original ‘K9 Convention’ song… absolutely Unique… Rockin… and a track Bruce loved.
I know a lot of people will be bummed out they did not get the chance to see him off… things happened so quickly.
We hope all his mates approve of our send off… It was done in the best Bruce style.
Thanks to everyone who made it to pay their respects, and help make it worthy.
Special thanks to Brucies People in the Waikato.

And there will be a commemoration for Bruce in one years time somewhere appropriate with the idea of perhaps spreading his ashes, and this will be another opportunity for Bruce’s friends to pay their respects.
Maybe McClarens falls… first weekend in March… as Bruce was a part of The Kaimai community and so many of us had great times with Bruce in the Hills there.
Please check this post for updates.

Heaps more Photos of Bruce’s Celebration and Funeral go to my Facebook page … could not fit them into this post Here

More from Tim… (and Richard)










Its New Zealand Census night! Have you Filled out your Compulsory On line questionnaire? ….. NOPE!

Apparently its Census night!
Apparently we are all supposed to be good little slaves and happily pass on all our personal information to the Leviathan… You know the story… if you have not done anything wrong… if you are not a member of any politically incorrect minority… you have nothing to fear….
The right to privacy is sooo unimportant anyway.
Nanny State knows best!
And you will be helping the Beast decide how to spend all the money they have extorted from you at the point of a gun… Because the Beast cares for you… children.
So It would be very naughty if any of you refuse to Comply…because *compliance is everything* ….that’s the most important question at stake… making sure you know whose Boss!
What value to you place on your own dignity as a free person?
I for one will not be visiting the NZ census online page.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Join the Facebook Group Boycott the 2018 NZ Census

More from Tim…

The Census Nazis are coming.

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism.

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

Party Rebels over ‘Intrusive’ Census.

The Census. Are you really free?

First Be Beautiful on the inside.

^ This video is crazy!….esp given she is a beautiful woman already… such a shame some woman think they need to resort to such fakery.
They are ungrateful for their innate beauty.
The most important attribute of beauty is being happy in your own skin.
Without that you become a prisoner of your own negative thoughts and ungratefulness.
The key to self esteem is accepting yourself… as you are…
We can work to keep ourselves healthy, and clean, and well dressed… yet this should never be allowed to be the whole meaning of our existence… and more important is that we work to make our *inner souls* more beautiful.

One thing I have noticed as a Balding fattening old man is that when I look back at myself five years ago I see a Stud! 🙂
Ie I see someone who ‘looks better’ than I do now… and so what this means is that *I know I look good now!*… it will just take 5 more years for me to look back and appreciate it.
*So I dont wait* 5 years to be happy… I’m happy *Now*.
And when you know that Looks are just a Fading glory… and you find deeper things to have self esteem… such as the fact that you are becoming more beautiful with age… on the inside… then you can laugh about getting older… its quite a funny thing!
I dont mind it.
It’s actually a privilege.

Being a physically attractive / beautiful person is a wonderful blessing, yet *be the full package!*… and dont let your outer beauty be your highest value… your highest part of your self esteem.
Of course *some people* make a living from their exterior beauty and there is nothing wrong with that, and as such they have an extra vested interest in maintaining their beauty… yet too often we see that they take things to an extreme… and there are countless ‘plastic surgery horror stories’ of stars and models who simply could not allow themselves to ‘age gracefully’.
There are also plenty of Stars and models whom have serenely embraced the progression of age… and they are role models as to how to manage this with situation with grace and dignity.
they are also smart enough to get themselves *other means of earning an income*… something that is wise indeed.

And as a Parent you realise that as time moves along that you have your time of outer beauty… then its your childrens time… they too get a chance to shine…. and all this is right.
I fully believe stressing about your looks will make you age quicker, and that the sooner people lean to be happy in their own skin, this inner peace makes them more youthful on the outside.

Thinking about the video above again ought to make contemplate the fact that the face was fake… the real person was there all along… underneath… and that is why it is more important not to be fooled by mere exterior appearances, and instead to recognize *inner beauty*.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

NZ Herald: Bruce Logan: Mallard’s secular prayer offers no limit on state power

It was with surprise and pleasure to find this Christian Libertarian Opinion piece in the NZ Herald this week!

First Some Links to My Christian Libertarian stuff:

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Jefferson’s God. The Rock upon which Liberty is founded. (God save us from Atheism!)

Alonzo T Jones. Classic defense of Religious Liberty. National Sunday Law.

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Mallard’s secular prayer offers no limit on state power
NZ Herald
By: Bruce Logan
Parliament’s Speaker, Trevor Mallard, in a unilateral fit of secular hubris, got rid of the reference to Jesus and prays the parliamentary prayer in Maori. Secular hubris? What’s that?

Although now in danger of slipping away, one of the great achievements of our political tradition is its grasp on freedom. After much trial and error, we managed to separate the role of priest from the role of king. It took a while to put into practice what Jesus had said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”

For the Romans that was radical; the emperor was divine. There was no authority above the state. It didn’t matter that many Romans might not have accepted the emperor’s divinity, it was how it spun out in law.

The early Christians, refusing to accept the supreme authority of the divine emperor, were called “atheists”, haters of mankind. It is not without irony that these hating and hateful atheists gave the West its insight into political freedom.

For most of my lifetime, the state was not absolute. There was an authority both the citizen and the government were expected to acknowledge. Certainly, the government could make laws, but even those laws were prescribed by a belief in an authority above the state.

Sometimes that division of powers is called separation of church and state. It is more than that. Secularists like Mr Mallard might find it unpalatable, but the limitation on state power is entirely the consequence of a belief in monotheism. Without God the state is supreme. It is an observable matter of historical and practical truth. Who’s the boss, God, who dignifies the individual conscience, or the state?

When Parliament prays, it acknowledges its own human limitation. In a democracy that acknowledgement of limitation is essential. Prayer in Jesus’ name is an exercise in humility, it is not mumbo-jumbo. It reflects the agreement that there is a power above Parliament.

We won’t all have the same idea of who God is. Without some long-standing insight, men and women tend to create a god in their own image. Which is what Mr Mallard is doing. “We’re not all Christians now,” he says. Jesus must go.

But we don’t all have to be Christians, simply recognise the foundation of our culture and in what truth our freedom lies. Mr Mallard’s multicultural god is his own creation.

Mr Mallard is not advancing, in the name of diversity, the cause of a latter-day neutral secularism at all. Instead he is well on the way to creating a civil religion; a religion, whose form and subject of worship is the state itself. The demand to get rid of the prayer that has its roots in the religion that gives dignity to the individual, will erode our freedom and lead to the gradual deification of the state.

Secularism is a parasite. When it has killed the host it feeds on, it will have nothing to offer but bondage. The foundation that gives us freedom and expression of religion, free speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of conscience, will crumble…

Read more : http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12002112

The Objective Reality Of Hell. Subjective Whim vs Belief in Heinous Things: A Dialogue.

I have been wanting to do a Blogpost on Objective Truths vs Subjective whims for a long time, yet like so many super important topics… I have procrastinated out of fear of not doing these subjects justice.
Esp in relation to my Belief in the Objective reality of Hell… despite not liking the doctrine at all… and wishing it were not true.
I esp want to talk about how a keynote of a Subjective whimsical thinker is that they refuse to believe in anything they find repugnant… esp if admitting ‘their’ possibility will have implications for themselves that they do not want to deal with.
Fear and loathing.
They are like the Ostrich who seeks to hide from any scary reality by putting their heads in a hole in the ground.

There are *many unpleasant realities* and any rational Cosmology/ belief system must be strong enough to encompass these dark truths.
‘The Problem of Evil’ ‘Theodicy’ being one of the greatest of all Theological/ philosophical topics that challenges the faith of many in Divine Providence and goodness, and many think the Doctrine of hell is likewise a fatal proof against the Goodness of the Lord God of the Bible.

Read: Car Crash.

Tonight after work I came across the ‘Meme/post’ (At Top) by one Matthew Joseph on a Facebook Group I belong to called ‘Psychedelics and Philosophy’, and as you can see the question Matt put forward perfectly dovetails with these topics, and without saying too much in this introduction… I hope that intelligent readers will be able to follow my rationale as it flows in the dialogue… despite the fact that during the ‘debate’ comments get inserted in.

It is a raw ‘real world’ conversation… not a fabricated dialogue designed by a clever writer to display their philosophical eloquence… its a battle of words between two antagonists… a bible hater vs myself… a King Jame Bible believer.

I will however just make a few quick points before I post the dialogue.
1. From what I have already said above you can see what motive I had for entering on a discussion of the question posed by Matt. It was not as he says… that I was ‘assuming’ some sort of personal attack, but that my initial comment (which is important because I maintain it’s position throughout the whole dialogue and my later comments are all in context of it) was a sincere attempt to draw attention to ‘Why some people believe heinous things’.. and that it is far more dangerous to assume that all heinous things ought to be automatically and subjectively disbelieved.

2. I admit to making some bold assumptions from the get go… as to why Matt may have posted this question… assumptions founded upon years dialogue, study, etc… and from the reaction that swiftly followed my original comment It becomes clear that my assumptions were perfectly correct.
Matt *Is precisely the sort of person I suspected*… yet still it was not my original intention to get into a bun fight… though once the first bun was thrown at me… I was more than ready to retaliate in kind!

3. With these things in mind I hope by the time any reader traverses this dialogue that they will see that Matts final assertion my arguments are all ‘Non sequitur’ is simply another denial of the fact that I was on point the whole time…

My ongoing comments must be taken *In context* of his comments… He fails to appreciate how he himself fills in the sequence of my reasoning… justifies my progressive assumptions, and makes full vindication of my original comment.

Thus I assert it was Matt who started the petty nastiness… Matt immediately responded in a derogatory manner… debasing the conversation by calling me a ‘Jack ass’… hoping to shut me down… not because he could rebut me… but because he did not like my original moot defending belief in the Bible and hell.
I assert that Matt said almost nothing that equates to a rational argument, and that at all points he displayed the Subjectivity of a God hating sinner… a lost soul who does not want to contemplate the possibility of facing Divine judgement and hell, and in fact he has nothing of substance to offer on the topic of belief.
He only wants to believe things that are non-threatening… non-challenging to his modus opperandi… and esp dont lay moral weights upon his back.
Matt is a Hater of The God of the Bible… and thinks Christians are Freaks.

Atheists like to make their own rules.
Even though their world view is ultimately nihilistic… morally sterile and devoid of value they still like to think of themselves as ‘Good people’…and that they are the ‘defenders of truth’, etc.. so they claim to sit on the Lofty Ground and pour righteous indignation down upon the religious.
It’s all Absurd and inconsistent hypocrisy with their own professed beliefs… yet very necessary for their self delusion.

Read: How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Matt asserts that I went for his throat from the get go.
Yet still He has given me his permission to include his name and though one of his friends jumps in… he says little of substance and I have left his name in there too.
The whole dialogue is Screen shots… verbatim… Pettiness and all.

I assume only 3 mad people will read it in full… yet I intend to use this conversation in the future debates and discussions.

Now the debate is over, and I dont hold any ill feelings, and it is not my intention to use this blog post in malice against him, and in fact I offer an Olive branch to him and will post him the link to this blogpost and have already invited him to make critisisms and defend himself in the comments.
I hope that he will re-consider my arguments.

I dont want him to go to hell.
I dont want *anyone* to go to hell!
Yet I wont deny its objective reality because it was taught by Christ and is in the Divine Revelation… The King James Bible.

Read: The Rock of Divine Revelation.

One of my most heavy burdens is watching as my friends and family…one by one… enter eternity Rubbishing Christ and assuming Hell and Judgement are not awaiting them.
It breaks my heart when they make it clear that they do not even wish to discuss this topic with me.

That Hell is real is why Christ gave his life on the Cross!
And To prevent people going to hell is not achieved by denying it’s existence… but by preaching the gospel of Gods Grace!
Preaching The Cross.

Read: Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Matt will not know that I was once an Militant Atheist myself… so I appreciate how *alien* the spiritual truths of the Bible appear to the Natural man… the Materialist.

Read: Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

It has been argued by atheists that Jesus was immoral because he preached about hell, and that to their thinking eternal damnation in torment is too horrific an idea to be expounded by any Good person.
I admit it is a truly horrific proposition and I understand why even many Christians today try to do God a favour by denying the doctrine of hell… saying it is false teaching… bad interpretation, etc.
They want to removed hell because of the obstacle to faith it represents.. and they wish to escape the burden of arguing that God is moral to eternally Damn sinners … that is a hard thing to sell!
, yet I Choose to trust the Bible, and I argue that irrespective of my personal feelings… that *If hell is an objective reality* then I must Trust that God is Righteous in all his judgments, and that it would be immoral for Christ *not to preach about it*… not to warn sinners they were in danger… and it would be immoral for me to go along with the charade that hell does not exist!

Christians who are swayed against the doctrine of hell because of the difficulties it presents are infact involved in a form of Idol making.
They seek to make an Image of God more pleasing to their subjective desires and vain ideas rather than worshiping the God of the Bible… as he has revealed himself to truly be… including his holiness and abhorrence of sin and evil…
Look at all the vile evil in the world!
Look at the wickedness and perversion of humanity!
With one breath Atheist point at Wars and Tyranny… all the suffering of the weak at the hands of the strong, and accuse God of not caring about evil… yet with their next breath they condemn the Doctrine of Divine judgement!
They say The God of the Bible is outrageously Jealous and angry and that his judgments are too harsh!
Am I the only one who sees the contradiction and hypocrisy of the infidels?

Richard Dawkins pandered to the seething rage of millions of Atheists against God and his judgement, and instead of boldly standing on the scriptures and counter-striking with the Doctrine of the Love, Grace, and mercy of God… many Christians Retreated in the face of such an onslaught… just as they have shamefully done on so many issues vital issues like accepting ‘Evolution’… like accepting that Rationalist position on the Scriptures as merely a human construct full of Myths, and Superstitions.
And when they have removed Hell from their beliefs… they also have removed the greatest moral burden and impetus to preach the Gospel of Salvation to the lost!

God’s Judgement is evidence of the *Moral weight* and *Value* and Meaning he places upon Human life and action.
God takes our existence and activities very seriously!

God has managed to show his mighty wisdom and Both Judge and show mercy!
Remember that God himself is not willing that any should perish, and that he commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us.
Those that end up in Damnation *choose their fate*… by rejecting Christ and the mercy of God.

So here it is…. “Let he that hath an ear to hear… let them hear”.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: After posting the link to this post to Matt and his friends, he responded with more vitriol and personal insults displaying he is completely incapable of being rational on this topic.
And his friends weighed in too and it is telling that in more that 70 comments that were made… at no point did any of them actually address the content of my argument… and focused on pouring out guile on me personally.
They even wheel in some guy they think is a Philosophical ‘Heavy weight’… yet he proceeds to act as ‘amateur hour’ as the rest!
‘Tim is a Maniac’
‘Tim’s post is too long’
‘Tims writing is shit’… etc etc.
These are the whole tenor of my detractors ‘arguments’ against me… quite pathetic… very telling about their personal spiritual condition.
Of course ‘indifferent’ dialogues of noble and pure thinkers are Myth.
Fantasies invented by philosophers… In the real world most contentious Dialogues are full of ugliness, and so this dialogue fits in well with ‘Keeping it real’.

Anyway here is the discussion … and I will have to add some more of the later comments… I do know it’s ‘quite long’ in today’s short ‘attention span’ culture, yet I think the subject is worth taking time to ponder.

F1 Grid-lock How (Neo)feminism hates Beautiful woman and destroys their jobs, and Wage advantages.

By now you are probably aware about how Formula 1 racing has arbitrarily decided to cut the jobs of all the beautiful Grid Girls that have added Glamour to the events and gone a long way to spreading some of the wealth and prestige into the feminine demographic out of a Male dominated industry. (sport)
Just think about all the hypocrisy involved in that these woman all got the sack for doing nothing wrong!
If this had been *any other* industry other than the beauty industry, there would have been a humingus moral outrage!
Yet because this happened to *This demographic* all the wowzers applaud it…. Shamefully pandering to whacko neo-feminism that is sweeping the globe like an influenza of the mind.
Neo-feminism is *Not* like ‘classical feminism’…. this liberalist craze is not about equality for woman but hatred of men and persecution of Beautiful woman out of envy.

There has been a lot of heated argument on social network over this, The media cashing in on the sensation, with many men like myself spitting tacks that the Neo-feminists have yet again been successful in wreaking something we enjoy, followed by the lame and hypocritical responses of Emasculated liberal men who hate themselves, and all the Nannas want to turn the whole world into a safe space for the delicate.

They blatantly deny that this is Rabid Political correctness run amok … they emphatically state its not another raid by ‘The Fun Police’ …. On Stuff….as if such fraudulent denials can somehow hide the truth about what is going on!
My reply was … ” Ummm it *is PC gone mad*, and it is the Fun Police’s fault, and sadly Freedom is loosing the war against the hypocrites.
Neo-feminism hates beautiful woman… everybody know this.”

Here some typical dialogue that I have been involved with… (I have saved them here because there is every chance that the facebook police will delete my arguments and throw me in Facebook jail for daring to have a contrary view to that of Zukkerburger and his Pinko minions. Facebook has become one of the worst engines of Propaganda for the Liberal agenda!)

Nanna apologist 1: “I’ve had to listen to too many gross comments from men at these events that makes my daughters and I feel uncomfortable and unsafe. When I was younger I got fully harassed at a speedway race when the promo girls came out.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Well you have to harden up and prepare your daughters for a hell of a lot more than guys talking about hot woman if they are going to survive in this world… and respect the freedom of others… because you dont have the right to think of such places as Kindy garden.
And that is the problem with Liberals trying to turn the whole world into a ‘safe space’ for Babies!
You dont allow any space for Men to be Men… and you think we have to all behave like we live in a giant kindy garden… sorry thats tyranny.”

The hypocrisy of Liberal Hollywood with respect to these issues Beggars belief!

Self hater Male 1: “Lay off the sauce, Tim. Men have no more right to public spaces than women. Perhaps you could go back to your “kindy garden” and learn about sharing??”

Self hater Male 2: “Tim… The reason why there is no “space for men to be men” is because EVERYWHERE is their space. If it is something to claim, a man has made claim to it.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Rubbish! Men are the most harassed Sex in western civilisation… accused of ‘Rape culture’ just for whistling at a Babe… not that the babes complain about it… its all the monsters who *never get whistled at doing all the complaining!
It was certainly not the Grid girls who complained about men being men, or about the glamorous well paying Jobs they had until the wowzers rained on the parade.
It’s guys like you who ‘Apologize for being a Man’ who ought to be ashamed of how you pander to the feminist bigotry!
I’m all for equality… yet thats not *special treatment*…. equality is being able to work in a workshop beside men… if you have the skills… yet not demanding they take down Calendars with babes on them… and no man would worry about them putting up calendars with hot guys on them…. *Thats equality*… not imposing your petty sensitivities every 5 seconds… thats being precious… and expecting to be treated like some delicate flower!
Grow up!

The video below shows how feminists are attacking Darts ‘walk on girls’

Todays ‘Fourth wave’ feminism is not about equal rights… its about Nut bar Liberals forcing their deranged ideas down everyone elses throats By countless new rules and regulations… and its evil and suffocating.
Listen to the words of a grid Girl (Link below)…. esp the part about how this sort of deranged submission to the Neo-feminist craze hurts woman and is *hypocritical* in the light of claims the movement seeks *Wage equality*… etc.
Here was a Job in which *Woman* clearly have the advantage over Men and shows what a joke the whole delusion that woman are somehow disadvantaged by systemic ‘patriarchal oppression’.
Feminists *cherry pic* certain occupations where they say they have found disparity (as if perfect symmetry in human demographics is even a rational ideal) yet not only do they ignore any statistics that clearly show men are at at a disadvantage… they actively work to destroy jobs like this that woman dominate… under the deranged idea that these woman are oppressed!
The entire edifice of Neo-feminism is founded upon vicious propaganda, and *Sexism* against Men and any woman whom like men and dont fit into the feminist framework of Man-hating victim.

Grid girl Giorgia Davis
Read what Grid Girl Gioria Davies has to say about losing the job she loved… from her Facebook page… Here

Gloating Liberal: ” Poor Tim. You sound so angry and having your perving curtailed.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “I am not ashamed to be a man who likes beautiful woman.
I refuse to take on board any guilt trip about that… its natural and completely within the bounds of decency, in fact beauty is something that ought to be appreciated.”

Naive Male: “[Tim] Check out who owns F1 and who made this decision, you could not be more wrong.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Dont pretend this is not part of the whole wave of nutbar Liberalism! We see this crap going on across the board, in every industry… Its all related.
They are feeling the backlash of the hysteria around Weinstein and the ‘Me too’ movement…. full of hypocrites.”

And thats the truth!
This is nothing new… all predictable… all part of the surrender of Freedom and Mens’s rights to the Lunatic hysteria of Lefty Liberalism and Neo feminism.
We can be sure that they will attack cheer leaders in othe sports too!
The feminist movement that ones had noble ideals has been completely over run by whacko Man haters whose agenda is nothing short of absolute Sexist bigotry against men and sexy woman.
This is the nutbar movement that hangs giant Vaginas over their heads and parades down the street!
This is the movement that thinks calling themselves ‘Nasty woman’ and having blood tricking down between their thighs is a some sort of Bold stand for womans ‘Liberation’!
This is the perverse movement whose members bring Cookies to school for young children shaped like vaginas!
They are violent.
They act like a crazy mob!
They hate men and want them to die!

Biscuits provided by a whacko liberal mom to a 2nd grade class.

The truth is the War was won against woman’s oppression in the west a long time ago, yet the Liberals have no other modus opperandi but to play perpetual victims of the demographic they despise most… White Men.

It is frightening to realise that most of western civilisation is governed by Liberal Freaks who seek to make all this insanity offical doctrine… and Law.
It is frightening to realise that Men have been systematically driven out of the education systems and that these are now infested with whacko feminists and liberals who are not only teaching little girls and teens to be militantly neo-feminist, but are also torturing our boys… simply for being boys… whom they see as future ‘rapists and benefactors of the patriarchy’.
Schools are purposely disadvantaging our sons to try and hobble their ability to function in the future… socially engineering… an advantage for girls across the entire spectrum of society.
Our Law courts are heavily weighted against men and fathers.
Woman escape justice every day for their Violence and frauds committed against men!
Police refuse to charge woman for their lies and abuse.

Its an outrage!
And its why I am writing this blog, and why I have opposed Neo-feminism for years as a Moral Libertarian duty.

Those of you who think I am over reacting to this F1 decision are brain dead Zombies… oblivious to the magnatute of the Evil that is involved in all this.
Western civilisation is going down the toilet… and I for one will not cheer.

Now I am not a misogynist.
I respect woman, and I believe in their equal rights and liberties, yet these Neo-feminists are Dangerous and deranged, and their bigoted and hate filled militancy is absolutely frightening to behold and I fear for my Children’s future!
Our Sons will inherit an oppressive system, and our daughters will be brainwashed and not understand what the true virtues of femininity are!
This will only accelerate the collapse of Marriage, Family, and the home… to the misery of all.
I dont have any angst against ‘Big’ woman… or ‘plain’ woman… or woman past their prime, yet *Envy* is one of the most prevalent and base of human characteristics and these types are easily consumed with envy at the ‘sexual capital’ of young and sexually attractive woman, and how men swoon at their feet.
They try and pretend that there is something Evil about that to justify their outrageous jealousy and rage.

The side of Equality of rights and liberties is clearly on *my side* in this debate, and it is *I*… not the side of the ‘Fourth wave’ Neo-feminists who is speaking up for the rights of woman in these situations.
The woman’s whose rights I am defending just so happen to be the most gorgeous creatures on the planet who make the most of their Beauty… and I am defending them from all the fake feminism that is nothing but vile sexism cloaked under the garb of a liberation movement.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

Babes and Ball Crushers.

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Joke.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

The mother of Invention?

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!