Update: Shout out to ‘The BFD‘ for reposting this on their website. here
Last night I attended Act Party Leader David Seymour’s Hamilton free speech meeting.
This was part of his nationwide ‘Free Speech Tour’.
It was held in the Wintec Bill Gallagher Center downtown Hamilton.
It was a full house, approximately 200 Hamiltonians came along to hear David speak.
David had already visited 12 other towns with similarly good attendance, which he said was a testimony to both New Zealanders strong democratic spirit, and also their concern about the current government’s drive to muzzle free speech.
In my opinion, this turnout is also a response to how David Seymour has been distinguishing himself and the Act party as ‘the freedom party’.
Up until the last election David Seymour was a lone voice in parliament speaking out against proposed hate speech legislation and other Socialist interventions rushed through into law ‘under urgency’ bypassing safeguards and due process.
It was David Seymour’s decision to take a stand on such issues, including standing against Ardern’s gun confiscations that was behind Acts success at the last election.
Many New Zealanders are far from impressed with Ardern’s quickstep march towards a Socialist Police State which is sharply at variance with the Kiwi spirit of freedom and self reliance.
In past decades New Zealand has suffered a decline in independence, and yet the pace with which Radical leftist ideology is being imposed under Ardern, has caused alarm even among many conservative thinkers and this was reflected in the audience.
Today David Seymour rightfully enjoys the position in the public eye of most outspoken member of parliament for free speech, and now has 9 other Act Party MP by his side.
It is a position he has earned, and should his team continue on this righteous trajectory I forsooth Act’s star will remain in ascension, and they will increase their presence in Parliament.
By design David told the audience that he wanted to keep the meeting to an hour in length including Q+A, which many people will have been happy with… not me!
I believe the importance of the topic easily justified double that!
There are many troubling aspects of what is going on that were not aired, yet I guess the difference between a public meeting, and a ‘Convention’ is that meetings generally are shorter.
This being so David’s speech was no lecture, but simple and brief.
He spoke about free speech as being an essential component of what it means to be a human individual, and that it’s suppression is an attack upon human dignity.
He spoke about free speech as being absolutely essential for a healthy democracy because free speech cannot stand where there is tyranny, and tyranny cannot stand where there is free speech.
He spoke about free speech as the enlightened means by which civil society openly discusses and solves it’s problems.
He spoke about how proposed hate speech laws threaten to suppress open discourse about politically charged subjects from fear of being visited by the thought Police, and getting flagged as being a person who has expressed ‘hateful opinions’… which could impact upon such things as job applications.
He committed the Act party to working to prevent any hate speech legislation becoming law, yet admitted that because the Ardern government enjoys a 65% majority in parliament there is probably little Act can do to prevent such legislation becoming Law should it be pushed through this term. In that case he committed Act to repealing any such laws that might shortly come into force, including the wordy ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’ which he described as Government ‘filters of online content’… and dangerous.
He said one means by which the repeal of any new restriction of free speech could be undertaken was via public referenda, yet to make that a reality would take a petition of parliament with 300 000 signatures. Not a small task… but do-able if those people who care about this issue… such as those who attended the Act tour meetings throughout the country, committed themselves to help them achieve these goals.
Thus David finished the formal part of the meeting with an appeal for active support for Act and their free speech initiatives, and also for financial donations.
Act party membership costs only $20 for 3 years… “A Bargain!” said Seymour… alluring to Act’s ‘market philosophies’ as the solution to so many social issues.
David Seymour has an engaging speaking manor, skillfully throwing in a joke and a laugh here and there.
When asked ‘why is there a distinguishable pattern and common theme between what is happening here in NZ and what is going on all across Western nations… does he believe a grand scheme was at work?’
He responded by pointing to the general dearth of intelligence within parliament, making it in his estimation highly unlikely they are mentally competent to participate in a grand evil conspiracy… rather their evil policies can simply be understood from their overt stupidity!
He does not appear to grasp that far be it their stupidity renders their adherence to a grand scheme unlikely… but more gullibly so!
They are following a well articulated socialist global agenda.
David said many top NZ bureaucrats and politicians are friends, and that no doubt they talk among themselves about what they hope to achieve… in their minds things they believe will make New Zealand a better place.
(My thoughts: They dream of imposing a Leftist totalitarian police state!)
One lady in the audience was a migrant from Great Britain and ex high court lawyer who spoke about how hate speech laws were wreaking havoc there. Seymour agreed and pointed out how far they had slidden remarking also how Britain had up until recently Laws prohibiting the intentional causing of offence, yet these were overturned by the public backlash, including outspoken activism by comic Rowan Atkinson. Seymour joked about how frightening it would be to be confronted by redoubtable Mr Bean!
I chuckled, because I think David Seymour himself bears amusing resemblance to Mr Bean!
Jokes aside, David Seymour and Act are to be highly commended for doing this tour and for making free speech one of their primary concerns this election cycle.
In the past David Seymour has taken many positions with which I strongly disagree, however as things stand there are no political parties that come close to Acts resolve to defend such a fundamental principle of liberty as freedom of speech.
It is under Jacinda Arderns power mad gaze, and she is hell bent on silencing all dissent .
Her ambitions are nothing short of overthrowing New Zealand’s traditions, values, ideals, and even our national autonomy is in danger as she imposes the dictates of the UN, for example the UN Global Compact for Migration which itself proscribes heavy censorship and prosecutions for anyone who complains about it.
We also know with certainty that Arden regime seeks to use the education system to indoctrinate future generations in such Radical leftist doctrines as ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘Transgender ideology’.
Both are an attack on the Christian foundations of Western civilisation.
These radical socialists in power first need to grant themselves the legal authority to suppress public opposition before they ramp up their globalist woke scheme… which is why hate speech, and ‘online harm’ legislation is such a dangerous Machiavellian precursor.
They want to make it illegal for parents to complain about the radical political indoctrination of their children!
These things being so Freedom loving New Zealander need to think hard about who they are going to vote for next election, and whether or not they will help David Seymour and Act succeed in their ambitions to ensure future generations of Kiwi will have the right to speak their minds in public.
Free speech is necessary is because free individuals will never agree on everything… even among friends.
‘Evil prevails when good men do nothing’
Act is far from perfect… far from Libertarian, yet as things stand I believe getting in behind them on this absolutely critical right… at this absolutely critical juncture in time… is the right thing to do.
The New Zealand Government is in the process of *Criminalising Speech*… making speech punishible under the Crimes Act.
P.S A new Free Speech Union has started up. I certainly will be investigating this further with a view of support.
New trade union launched to promote free speech.
The Free Speech Coalition is relaunching as a trade union under the name “Free Speech Union” and has successfully registered under the Employment Relations Act.
“That name is not ironic”, says Dr David Cumin, a founding member of the Union’s Council. “We think it says crisply just what is now needed to defend freedom of speech. We need to stand with people being intimidated, cancelled, de-platformed, piled on by social media, doxxed and threatened with bankruptcy if they seek legal protection.”
“Becoming a bona fide union is important because defending freedom of speech has come to need the collective solidarity, the mutual support, the kind of activism that made labour unions so important over 100 years ago.”
“For the last two years, the Free Speech Coalition has been campaigning to prevent the growth of anti-free speech case law and legislation. The Coalition was founded in response to the statements by the Auckland Mayor and actions of his Council in banning two controversial speakers from hosting a talk at a publicly owned venue. The founding members of the Coalition saw the greatest threat to New Zealand’s tolerant and diverse culture of free public discourse as coming directly from the power of the state.”
‘Free Speech Under Attack’.
May be purchased from Tross Publishing Here.
Or Whitcoulls here.
Chapter 16
Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates.
By Tim Wikiriwhi.
Reading ancient Greek dialogues we find ideological antagonists; philosophers of different schools of thought engaging in the combat of reason. The dialogues are so written that we can imagine scenes of eloquent, white robed gentlemen patiently hearing each other out without interruption no matter how long an exposition might be, the discourses all being delivered in the finest art of rhetoric and decorum. The rebuttals follow precisely on point and deploy as much reason as can be summoned, delivering devastating yet absolutely dispassionate retorts.
In reality however, apart from moderated debates, this sort of civilised war of ideas was then, as it is today, almost a complete fantasy. A charade that attempts to sell the ideal that certain mortals walk a higher path than the hoi polloi who are consumed with base appetites and drives.
Such dialogues are, of course, tools by which the interplay can be followed between various rationales; they can even be carried on by fictitious characters and Gods.
Yet when it came to contentious issues the Greeks were as given over to their lower passions as any of us are today.
They would take affront at having been bested in public and would plot by any means the downfall of their ideological enemies.
Such was the situation when Socrates found himself in peril.
Representatives of the status quo did not appreciate his expositions that challenged their cherished ideas and beliefs, and so they invented and spread malicious lies about him, calling into question his character. Nor did they hesitate to employ political force against him.
It was common back then to have such “troublemakers” banished. Yet the fate of Socrates, whose unassailable power of reason was causing them so much consternation, was to be slandered and brought before the court under the charge of ‘corruption of the Youth’. His prize for daring to question the legitimacy of the commonly held beliefs of his day was a cup of hemlock.
Socrates admitted to being a pesky gadfly. In reality his “crime” was seeking to get people to question the veracity of long held, backward and erroneous ideas that could not withstand scrutiny. And so the powers-that-were killed him for it.
Free speech has always been despised by those seeking to perpetuate falsehoods and control the minds of the “sheeple”.
A study of global history and of cultures across the ages reveals the same thing happening time and time again to a great number of the “Great lights” and Reformers of their day.
There are countless examples; yet it suffces to say that the struggle to attain the liberty for the average person to publicly articulate one’s own views that we hold by right today in New Zealand, the right to criticise and question the powers-that-be or to challenge the veracity of popularly held opinions, is of itself a priceless high-water mark of progress and civilisation.
Its a hard won “taonga” bequeathed to us by our heroic and enlightened Protestant Christian pioneering roots.
It is an ideal of the highest order, hard won over centuries of struggle by the greatest human beings who have ever graced this Earth.
Free Speech is a vital and powerful sword available to all citizens and that is the reason why belligerent political operators seek to take away this defensive weapon from those they seek to subjugate.
Free Speech is a lighted lamp to be held high so as to dispel the darkness of barbarous, backward, and unjust traditions and ideas that have yet to be vanquished, and it is for this reason that Freethinkers with new, progressive, and better ideas have always been in danger of being lynched by the mob who don’t take kindly to having their ingrained delusions exposed to the light.
We must always be vigilant, and fearful, and view with suspicion any political party or vested interest that seeks to pass laws that restrict free speech.
Guard it as you would your own family for, should this right be whittled away and lost, so too will other precious rights fall in quick succession and, if you fail to defend this essential right, you will bequeath to your children a life of virtual slavery and indoctrination.
Their future depends on their rights and liberties being secure and it is our duty to ensure they remain so on our watch until we exit the stage. Then it will be up to them to remain eternally vigilant for that is the price of Liberty.
The gravity of what is at stake today right across Western civilisation with the Liberals’ Globalist agenda and their determination to curtail free speech under the guise of silencing “extremism” and “hate speech” cannot be exaggerated. Those dark political interests who seek to remove the people’s right to free speech in a democracy must convince the population into supporting their anti-free speech legislation. They must deceive the gullible by propagating the idea that free speech of itself is somehow dangerous or oppressive, or that the activists exercising their rights to free speech and whose criticisms and opinions are subversive to the desired political agenda are themselves malevolent reprobates and a threat to society.
Hate speech legislation is effectively passing laws that use ad hominem character assassination as justification for silencing dissent.
Just as 2,500 years ago Socrates was legally convicted and silenced – murdered by the State under the pretence that he taught things that were “corrupting the Youth”, so too do today’s power-trippers seek to prohibit political activism that is opposed to their various ambitions on such things as climate change, immigration, Treaty separatism, transgender issues, compulsory vaccinations, feminism, etc.
With their minions embedded in the education system, mainstream media, and controlling the Internet, they have managed to create a thick fog that now clouds the woolly public mind.
As a freethinking individual who dares to swim against the current of political correctness I am not at all hateful, or racist, or misogynistic, or anti-science, or uncaring about the environment.
I am not against immigration but oppose the multi-cultural agenda of the liberal elite to swamp Western societies with a massive infux of aliens who do not share Western values of freedom and small government, bankrupting our societies in the process and creating social chaos from which the golobalists then intend to establish a borderless, New World order, having subjugated and silenced all opposition through “hate speech” laws and the fear they engender.
In political bodies in which they have either lost or failed to seize power, witness their penchant to damn their political adversaries as “Evil Incarnate”. No one is spared. Trump is literally “Hitler”! Why? Because he opposes the Left on just about every level from global warming, to immigration, etc.
Wherever populist leaders have been elected in Europe upon anti-globalist, pro-nationalist platforms, propping up traditional cultural norms and values, and refusing to surrender their nations to the UN Global agenda on Migration, we see a concerted outcry from the Liberals, calling them “Alt Right” or even “Nazis”.
It appears that the only ethnicity that the Left refuse the right to take pride in themselves and their culture are white people.
Too many liberals and Leftists are consumed by hate and yet not one of their pet policies are ever deemed to be “hate speech”.
They can denigrate the living and posthumously character assassinate whomsoever they please, and yet we don’t see the rest of the community demanding that the Left be censored from expressing their own views. Why? Because their arguments are so easily undone via exposing them to rigorous inquiry that they cannot withstand scrutiny, but collapse, and so the idea that we need to pass laws to combat them appears superfluous. And it is. Free speech is sufficient to deal with their flawed logic and petty assertions. That, of course, is why they want to silence their critics.
Anne Widdecombe
In defence of free speech in a recent Oxford debate former British Cabinet Minister, Ann Widdecombe, made the point that it is always better to destroy a bad cause by argument rather than by silencing its exponents.
Unlike the new “liberal elite” who find it almost impossible to countenance any kind of resistance from the demographics they have targeted for vilification and subjugation. The sheer audacity that a successful white man like Don Brash should dare to question the justice of Treaty separatism! “Outrageous”, they say. However, in their minds there is a set of even more reviled “scoundrels”. No one draws down upon themselves the concerted demonisation by these social warriors more than those ungrateful contrary souls who actually belong to the “favoured identity demographics” yet who refuse to embrace either the victim status or mindset that the controllers of identity politics have carefully crafted for them for the purpose of extorting political favours and advantages.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Such types as the self-declared homosexual, Milo Yiannopoulos, who defends the rights of Christians to refuse to bake Gay wedding cakes and openly speaks of the fear he feels at the Islamisation of Europe in light of how homosexuals are treated under Islamic Sharia law – a subject absolutely forbidden to be discussed for fear of pricking the balloon that promotes all the marvels of “multi-culturalism”.
Or women like the Australian academic, Bettina Arndt, who calls out the illegitimacy of liberal neofeminism and the ‘Me too’ movement as being nothing more than hysterical and oppressive forms of sexism against men.
Bettina Arndt
When such people accept invitations to speak, groups like Antifa literally run riot because nothing makes a bigger mockery of their false identity political narratives than when members of the supposed “oppressed” demographics deny they are being oppressed and instead call out the social warriors themselves as being the ones who are practising bigotry and oppression.
Nothing angers them more than when Black Americans like Candace Owens tell them that their social construct of ‘White Privilege’ is nothing but a myth and that Black Americans need to stop blaming White people for all their problems and instead start to take responsibility for their own terrible social statistics.
Candace Owens
The multi-cultural brigade harbour a special contempt for these brave individuals who walk their own path and raise their voices against collectivist “identity politics” because they can’t simply detonate their usual character assassination bombs against these gadflies which always work with such devastating effect upon whites, males, Christians, etc.
They can’t simply accuse Milo of being homophobic, or Bettina Arndt of being a misogynist. They can’t call Australia’s Iman Mohamad Tawhidi an Islamophobe or xenophobe or white nationalist because he happens to be President of the Islamic Association of South Australia. When he warns of growing Islamic radicalism via immigration, which is creating Islamic enclaves and seems to have a clear intent to have sharia law established in Australia, he can’t be simply dismissed by means of the usual identity mischaracterisations. And it is because of this that these independent thinkers are singled out for death threats, are de-platformed on social media, have difculties getting visas, and have their speeches shut down from bomb threats and riots.
At all costs, including violence, their message must be prevented from reaching the ears of the people whom the powers-that-be want to keep in ignorance – as useful idiots.
These contrarians are not haters; recognising the problems often more clearly than others, they are raising their voices for the sake of truth and justice.
Imam Mohammad Tawhidi participates in an interview. Video screenshot
Iman Mohamad Tawhidi
I have experienced this myself when speaking out publicly against the separatism that is preached by the tribal elite and which they expect all part-Maori to follow slavishly.
It would be dishonest not to acknowledge that there are pockets of bigotry and hate embedded in almost every interest group across the political spectrum, yet it is also important to observe that those who are most ardently working to enact heavy-handed “hate speech” laws are mainly voices from the Globalist and “Liberal” Left. “Hate speech” legislation is simply political censorship for partisan political advantage.
Don Brash
It is also true that pockets of light also exist within most groups and so it is that some more perceptive and fair minded liberals and Left wingers are themselves starting to gasp at how radicalised and tyrannical their own faction has become. For example, after Don Brash took up the standard of free speech after being banned from speaking at Massey University by its biased vice-chancellor, Jan Thomas, he was contacted by former Alliance M.P., Matt Robson, who said, “Listen, I have disagreed with virtually everything you have said over the last twenty years but by God I am 100% behind you in your standing up for free speech.”
Bill Maher
A shame that Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little don’t follow the same line. In recent times it has been surprising and refreshing to witness some of the liberals’ most popular commentators “turn rouge” – having the courage and principle to turn around and criticise their own faction for becoming illiberal.
During a broadcast, when a whole panel of liberals were gloating about Alex Jones being “de-platformed” from Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, Bill Maher admitted that…
“Jones is not my friend and says terrible things about me”, yet Maher still turned around and rebuked his fellow liberals, saying “If you are a liberal you are supposed to be for free speech; that’s free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means. We are losing the threads of the concepts that are important to this country. I dont like Alex Jones but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak!”.
Piers Morgan
Speaking on the Ben Shapiro show, the British journalist Piers Morgan has said…
“Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable. In my core, I’m probably more liberal than not although fundamentally I see myself as a journalist and I like to see both sides and I can argue both sides of all these things, but liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal and it is a massive problem. What’s the point of calling yourself a ‘liberal’ if you don’t allow anyone else to have a different view? This snowflake culture that we now operate in, the victimhood culture, the ‘everyone has to think in a certain way, behave a certain way’. Everyone has to have a bleeding heart and tell you twenty things that are wrong with them. I just think it is all completely skewed to an environment where everyone is offended by everything and no one is allowed to tell a joke. If you told a joke ten years ago that offended somebody, you can never host the Oscars. So now there’s no host for anything. The Emmys now just said they’re not gonna host either, so hosts have gone, and soon, every award winner will go because everyone’s a human being and we’re all flawed, so no one can win awards any more because there will be no platform before they even get on the podium, so then no hosts, no stars.
Then no one can make any movies because we’re all flawed, so no actors, so suddenly, where are we? The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, no one dares do anything or laugh about anything or behave in any way that doesn’t suit their rigid way of leading a life. No thanks. So what’s happening around the world? Populism is rising because people are fed up with the PC culture. They’re fed up with snowflakery, they’re fed up with people being offended by everything and they’re gravitating towards forceful personalities who go: ‘This is all nonsense’!”
Comedian Rowan Akinson condemns Hate speech legislation in Britian.
What makes these sorts of introspective criticisms of their own faction doubly signifcant is that not only do we see that there are important voices within the Left who corroborate the opinion of how dangerous the “hate speech” agenda is to the fundamentals of freedom and democracy but this also demonstrates an inherent problem with lumping people into convenient boxes. When talking about any particular demographic or faction in general terms, this should never be construed to suggest “all members” of any collective are all guilty. While I am making a case against the Left’s fanatical, anti-free speech agenda, there are some on the Left who themselves are critical of the same thing and so it would be wrong to say “All liberals are tyrants who want to censor their political adversaries”. There are some liberals who are as passionate about free speech as I am, and it is these sorts of liberals whom it is possible to co-exist with and deal with on a civilised basis – via dialogue and rigorous debate.
These are not the types who demand that Internet personalities be de-platformed. These are not the types who riot in the streets when a critic of liberalism comes to speak on a University Campus.
These are the types who are prepared to engage in free and fair discourse and open debate, and are prepared to have elections that maintain a level playing field for all candidates to express their views. Some of the facts and assertions I made in earlier chapters may have caused some people a bit of angst. You might call these “unspeakable truths” that are like a “red rag to a bull” for social justice warrior types. It is enough that anyone daring to mention cold facts and figures or seeking to discuss certain trends and opinions such as the desire of European
nations to retain their traditions and national identity for the Antifa types to point their crooked fingers at them and shout “Nazis!…. Punch the Nazi!”
By mentioning certain facts about populism I do not necessarily approve and endorse everything that such populist movements are believed to represent. Yet I reserve the right to discuss these points of view and to argue their legitimacy on certain grounds. and especially to point out that many on the Left are misconstruing such movements as being fundamentally Fascist…a.k.a. “hateful”, white supremacist, etc. when in reality most of them are merely “conservative”. Such are their distorted evaluations of the average, modern day, European, Christian, heterosexual male. It is one thing for people to entertain their own opinions, yet quite another for them to then lobby or stand for government with the intention of passing laws to make their opinions binding upon everyone else. You only need to spend a few hours watching Youtube videos on the white male patriarchy, on immigration, etc. to see how these types end up with their own racist, sexist. and anti-religious freedom doctrines that they are hell bent on imposing upon Western civilisation by force.
Who is being hateful? And who is speaking up for the real injustices of our times?
Consider how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity from the measles outbreak in Auckland in 2019 to drive home her desire to make vaccinations compulsory.
She blamed the anti-vaxx movement for low uptake on the government’s vaccination programme and the spread of the disease, even though medical experts said there were other factors that were responsible.
The anti-vax movement is another unpopular minority group that has been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the concept of compulsory vaccinations. They too have been getting slandered and de-platformed on social media.
The biggest problem with regards to vaccinations in New Zealand is that, because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures. As the saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and so many people don’t trust politicians or the health system they run. Personally I am not anti-vaxx but I am absolutely opposed to compulsory vaccinations because there are defnitely serious risks involved. And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access to the whole truth – not just the government’s side of the story. It is a parent’s right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet, to exercise this parental responsibility, they must be told the whole truth; they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions. Yet the power-trippers who want compulsory vaccinations, seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks. The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ – the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there is a risk of serious reactions to vaccinations. They should not be lied to about this or have their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot. She was crippled, and died young.
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition. Thus families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who don’t give a dam about such things and have convinced themselves that they are acting for “the public good”. And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe that vaccinations are dangerous to make their case publicly and it is wrong for the government to censor them.
In a recent interview Jacinda Ardern praised Stuff media’s campaign to make New Zealand history compulsory in our schools.
Stuff may as well be on the government payroll as it is behaving in a way that is completely contrary to the moral duty of the free press which is supposed to function as the vanguard against Government overreach, not propagating for its advance!
The free press is not supposed to lobby the State to indoctrinate New Zealand schoolchildren with their pseudo-history political propaganda. Compulsory State indoctrinated history is yet another usurpation of parental rights and is brainwashing and social engineering of the most dangerous type. The noted historian, Professor Paul Moon, recently said “Of course there are risks that, if done poorly, compulsory history in our schools could veer into the realm of indoctrination. It is no coincidence that one of the rst functions authoritarian regimes undertake on assuming power is to produce new history books in order to emphasise the ‘correct’ version of history that is passed on to students.”
Hate speech legislation is especially dangerous with respect to teaching history because, if it is allowed to be enacted, anyone who criticises the revisionist pseudo-history that is about to be forced upon our schoolchildren, he or she will be attacked as being “racist”, they might even receive visits from the Police, and be censored under threats of prosecution.
Free speech is essential for defending all our other rights and liberties from being violated by ever increasing State encroachment.
It is not hateful but heroic to stand against political powers that seek to violate the principle of equal rights for all.
I contend that we need a new constitution with an iron clad Bill of Rights that would put an end to any desire by parliament to pass laws in violation of free speech.
What is desperately needed across the globe in every nation is for the enlightened individuals from every quarter to come together and form independent social compacts of equal rights and limited government, putting an end to the group politics that pit neighbour against neighbour for the sake of their own party political power. It is upon this foundation that peace and freedom, and civilisation can grow.
Tim Wikiriwhi
In a free and just society everyone should have the equal right to hold and share their own opinions. Enlightened people realise this and respect the rights and liberties of others – even those who don’t share the same values and beliefs.
I respect the rights even of those who harbour a misguided opinion of my own character and motives. I respect the right of others to think that we defenders of free speech are of bad character and hold toxic ideas. They are free to do so if that is what they want – as long as they respect my equal right to hold my own opinions too, and to argue for them in the public square.
We must peacefully co-exist with each other under freedom and equality before the law. I can tolerate their dissenting opinions about my faith as long as they also peacefully tolerate my dissenting opinion about theirs. As Saint Paul wrote to the Romans “If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacefully with all Men”.
He also said to the Galatians “For all the law is fulflled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’.” Nothing is a clearer indication of intolerance than resorting to legal suppression of dissenting opinion.
Nothing is a clearer admission to having lost the argument than abandoning Reason and resorting to Censorship, which is a form of tyranny!
What is truly “hateful” and truly dangerous is not the free expression of ideas, but the desire to limit free speech and silence your critics and any contrary opinion by force.
Believe it or not this is one of the toughest decisions I have had to make in a long time.
Over the past decade Facebook has become such a big part of my life and freedom activism.
It is to a large degree the only communication I have with many Family and friends.
When I leave…. I will effectively loose touch with people I hold dear and groups I have enjoyed being a member.
This pains me to the degree that I despair doing this… yet I must go.
Why am I leaving?
Because Facebook is evil… Massively evil!.. a major player in the mind-control business for the grand Globalist agenda and the enslavement of the entire human race.
Facebook is Satanic… day by day feeding toxic ideas and lies directly into the minds of the masses while relentlessly suffocating the most important voices who raise the alarm and expose the absolute political corruption that is afoot.
In protest and disgust, and the only way I can dish out a tiny measure of ‘Justice’… is for me to leave… and shake the very dust from my sandals.
Who cares you say?
Facebook will still be fully operational without my puny voice, yet I am not alone in doing this…. an Exodus of Freedom loving Free thinkers has begun… and I’ll be joining that caravan out of here in search of Freedom, and the more of us who leave… the more ‘Justice’ will be served.
We will look for alternative… more worthy platforms and providers who respect Free speech and deserve our custom.
Update pic 6-2-21 GAB CEO talking about how rapidly Gab is growing in the wake of ‘The greatest internet exodus’ ,,,, YEAH PEOPLE!
Unfortunately the World is now in a crisis… and I’m not talking about Covid 19 or Climate change!
We are slipping into an age of Darkness, and Tyranny on an almost unimaginable scale.
Governments will pass more laws to silence Freedom Advocates…. sending around the Thought Police…. This is what is at stake… and I fear we are nearing a point whereby the life we have previously known of personal liberty to disagree with the State is coming to an abrupt end.
Thinkers like myself are… more and more… being labeled ‘Dangerous’… and the sheeple have no clue to the fact they are being socially conditioned to accept the Globalist Police State rounding up ‘Enemies of the State’ like Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Venezuela, etc etc.
Socialism coming to a town near you!
The Sheeple gullibly accept each and every incremental loss of freedom… every new compulsion… as if they are all necessary political expedients from Benevolent Dictators.
I believe we are watching the rise of the Global Antichrist.
The New World Order under which only the Politically Correct view of everything is permissible.
Mock me if you like… They mocked Noah too when he warned of the coming flood.
There is a definite deceiving spirit at work among Western civilisation.
Great lies believed by the ‘billons of dumfounded dipshits’.. to quote a Tool song.
Evil Lizards like Mark Zuckerburg and his infernal Engine are at the forefront of this global deception.
It didn’t have to be this way… Facebook could have been a tool for great good… yet like so many great things in the hands of the Wicked… Social Power corrupts.
We are witnessing the collapse of Democracy.
It simply cannot function when Evil political powers control the narrative and completely blot out the voices of opposition.
Sadly most of you will carry on as if there is nothing to be concerned about.. Eating, Drinking, getting married… not bothering to look up and see the Thunderclouds gathering overhead.
You’d better learn to swim.
If only I could wake you people up!
I wish you all would join the Freedom Caravan too… yet I know most of you won’t.
Leaving Facebook is like trying to quit smoking Crack!
Believe me when I say that I fully understand how difficult it is to even contemplate leaving… it really is one of the great tests of moral fiber in our time… as it involves great personal loss for the sake of doing the right thing…. it is a matter of values and integrity.
Believe me when I say that I am doing this because I Love you all… and I love Freedom… and so I must put my money where my mouth is… and act.
Only by example can I communicate to you all the seriousness of what is at stake, and what we all ought to be doing.
Zuckerburg needs to be kicked in the nut sack and knocked off his perch!
I will no longer prop him up.
Remain here at your peril.
A person can make all sorts of excuses and reasons to compromise their principles… to avoid making a painful decision… to excuse their ongoing voluntary collusion with some evil.
Many will say that Freedom lovers are ‘quitting’ and that they ought instead to stay here and fight it out’ yet that is what we have been doing for the past decade and it has not prevented the Rot setting in… it is a failed strategy because the Evil powers running this freak show have *guaranteed* the overwhelming political slant that the Sheeple are fed.
On top of outright deplatforming individuals and groups, via various means of AI facebook has long ceased to be an open forum where Freedom activism can be successfully carried on.
Any bold voices still here are targeted for suppression so that their posts simply reach nobody…. so you are effectively speaking to the void.
So in this sense by leaving, the Freedom Advocate is not hurting their effectiveness to any significant degree… in fact by staying there… you are choosing to muzzle yourself because you could be elsewhere on another platform growing a larger audience and reaching more people!
Don’t kid yourselves that you are staying here for the sake of Freedom… you are choosing the low path… making the easy choice… because you are not prepared to count the cost.
The only real recourse we who love Freedom have is to leave… with our dignity… refusing to surrender our values and beliefs… and finding somewhere else to commune together.
I regret that our departure will accelerate the pace and intensity of Facebook’s relentless indoctrination and Agenda Programming.
Voices like mine won’t be here to buzz around your face… many will be glad to see us go.
Conversely there is a buzz starting on other platforms like Mewe and Rumble that will only get better the more freedom advocates get wise and make the leap of faith!
There is life after Facebook!
Me thinks it will turn out to be a much better life.
I fear for your Kids using these Brain washing machines run by the Woke Billionaire Globalists … just as I fear them going to Universities cram packed with PC Lunatic Leftist Nut jobs for Teachers and exemplars.
These machines churn out little twisted minions… Mindless Mad and unprincipled Social Justice Warriors… Zombies.
There is an ideological war raging… yet so many people just like to swim in the shallow end of the pool…. thinking is a drag… holding difficult opinions is tiresome… they prefer to turn their heads.
Ignorance is Bliss.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
I will leave my page active for a week, and continue to post this ‘Farewell’ notice… and receive messages… I am not sure how many people actually get it as my posts and blogs are being suffocated by the Facebook/ Google algorithms… and then I shall close my account.
My Cell phone number is 0276630331
My email is twikiriwhi@yahoo.co.nz.
I am on Mewe, and Gab, and Parler.
Rant over.
Time to sign out.
Good bye my Facebook people…. I will miss you… take care.
Trust in Jesus.
Peace Out.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Jim Grey sends his regards.
Update 9-2-21 (pic below) Yay! The Revolution is happening!
“The ad-free platform aims to compete against traditional social media models that use data collection for targeted ads. MeWe, launched by Mark Weinstein in 2016, also vouches not to censor their users for behavior that might violate the policies of other networks, including Facebook and Twitter.
“People all over the world are leaving Facebook and Twitter in droves because they are fed up with the relentless privacy violations, surveillance capitalism, political bias, targeting and newsfeed manipulation by these companies,” MeWe’s marketing director, David Westreich, told USA TODAY…”
Socialism is built upon a mountain of lies that must be maintained at all cost lest the light of truth should penetrate the fog and expose the rot and the deception.
Lies are told by those who seek advantage that they would never receive should the truth be admitted, and any such advantages gained by such dishonesty are always at the expense of others.
Yet Lies also bring curses upon those who make deals with the Devil, and though it may appear for a season to be profitable… ultimately Frauds have a habit of bringing pain and destruction… hence the old adage ‘Cheats never prosper’.
One of the most toxic Political Deceptions that is rigorously maintained by Socialists in New Zealand and continuously served up to the New Zealand public is the ‘Defeatist Entrapment’ of the Maori people as being the eternal victims of White Rapine, and Oppression.
The Great Evil of ‘Colonisation’.
This Blatant lie is not only used to claim that because Maori are said to be the victims of Racism, that they are owed Welfare….’restorative justice’… compensation…. etc… ie Justify all the socialist welfare programs, special Legislation, and treaty settlements, etc but also to absolve Maori from taking any responsibility for their own shocking Social metrics.
Socialists claim:
Its the white mans Fault Maori Men Drink and Beat their woman and children.
Its the white mans Fault Maori Woman are Obese.
Its the white mans fault Maori youth are unemployed and belong to Gangs.
Its the White man’s Fault that Maori Commit violent crimes and fill our jails to overflowing!
This is precisely the sort of vile Political ideology that has just been served up under a report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that pretends to be ‘an inquiry’ when in reality its just a Partisan Ideological media release designed to dupe the public into accepting Left wing political agenda and program.
“The report was produced by the Government-appointed Te Uepū pai i te Ora – Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group after more than 220 public meetings nationwide.”
Wow! Sounds like this ‘report’ is based upon a substantial investigation! yet when the resulting conclusions and recommended actions were already known *before the inquiry*… that is not an inquiry!
This whole process was nothing more than a huge Junket at the tax payers expense!
That’s 220 taxpayer funded meetings across the Nation where Socialist ideologues got paid to sit around and have Lunch, and talk *about their own opinions*… peddle their own wares… Paddle their own waka!
(Photos taken from an ‘Action Station’ PDF dated aprox 3-10-18)
The above ‘Action Station’ ‘research report’ encapsulates the ideology that underpins ”He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’.
The date of this ‘research report’ dovetails perfectly with the ‘Vessel of tears’ program, and you get a feel for the way this whole process was undertaken… and see that it was far from impartial and objective … ” We Honour your Korero, We honour your whanau, and we stand in solidarity with you..”
We can be certain that at no point did the truth about why there are so many Maori in Jail get aired…. Ie That Maori are failing to take responsibility for their own behavior… their own lack of personal ethics… their own sloth, and lack of civil values… ie that the lies of Socialism are failing them… no…. no such Truth Bombs made it into this Left wing propaganda piece… Truth Bombs that would blow the entire left wing Political system out of the water and free Maori from the Delusions that all their misery is the white mans fault!
Even the name of the report ‘Vessel of Tears’…. is nauseating! (like Ardern’s ‘Well being Budget’)… who the hell dreams up these pompous propaganda names … how ‘basic’ do these Charlatans think the average New Zealander is?
They seriously believe such weasel words make the lies they are selling more palatable to the masses?
I shudder to contemplate they may be right!
As a the son of a failed marriage between my Violent and Alcoholic Maori Father and a Pakeha Mother who was the victim of his abuse, My Childhood was a combination of Living with my Pakeha Grandparents, Times lived with my Solo Mum on the DPB, and times lived with a violent Stepfather when my mother re-married, My childhood was less than Ideal, and I would leave home by the age of 15… more on my story here… and I came very close to becoming another Maori Social statistic that could have easily been written off as ‘just another victim of Colonization’ yet thankfully my Journey through the School of hard knocks taught me some priceless life lessons… that I could not blame my ruff childhood for my lot in life, but in fact that I myself, and the choices I made were (and are) chiefly responsible for how my life pans out… and it is this realisation… that I am *not a victim* of anything other than my own foolish ideas and values… that in reality… and irrespective of my dysfunctional upbringing… I am responsible for how successful my life will be … this Truth is *self empowering*… and I became a Libertarian… and an outspoken Critic of Socialism and all the Toxic Racism, defeatism, and entrapment in perpetual victim-ism it entails.
I have spent nearly two decades speaking out against the Lies of the racist radicals and their fraudulent claims of the Colonial oppression of Maori, and the evils of Maori dependence upon Socialist Welfare.
Waitangi Treaty Separatism, and all the socialist lies that it is Built upon is *Bare-faced Racist Politics* *Vile Fraudulent Revisionist History*… Yet to deny these Truth Bombs Socialists Like Justice Minister Andrew Little has the audacity to claim that Political pamphlets that speak out against his party’s Racist agenda and call for Equality before the law “as being Hate speech”… here… Anti-Māori pamphlet shows gaps in hate speech law: Andrew Little calls for action
Little repairing to the pseudo history of left wing accademics that infest of education system when he said… “It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”
So that is how Rigged this game is!
Socialists have positioned themselves at every station…
The Government.
The education system.
The Media
Fighting the socialist racist politics of the Leftist Government, and calling for Equality before the law is fed to the New Zealand Public by our Left wing infested Media *as being racist*, and as such the government wants to make such Political opinion *illegal* to speak about in public.
Yes Socialism seeks to use Political power and the law silence it’s critics!
Socialism uses political power and the law to re-write history!
And they want New Zealanders to think of those who call them out on their racism as being ‘Alt Right’ ‘White supremacists’ ‘ etc’.
So of course Socialists *cant stand Maori like myself* who deny We are victims of Colonisation… and who call for an end to treaty separatism and Apartheid politics!
An example of this hatred socialists have for people like myself can be seen in how triggered US democrats get when Black Woman Candice Owens destroys their claims of ‘White privilege’.
They likewise cant stand Gay man Milo yiannopoulis because he refuses to join the Socialist ranks of Homosexuals raging against Christianity. (think Israel Falou)
Likewise any woman who rejects militant left wing feminism and their blatant Man-hating sexism under the guise of ‘fighting the Patriarchy’.
In all these spheres it is not Equality before the Law that is the ideal of left wing ‘Identity politics’… but legalised Discrimination against whites… against holding Christian ideals and values… against Men, etc.
Again who is it that the Socialists in government, in the media, the Liberals running internet Social networks want to de-platform… want to silence?
Who is it the accuse of being ‘Hate speakers’ and try to associate with the ‘Alt right’… or accuse of ‘fake news’?
Those outspoken individuals whose Truth Bombs decimate left wing delusions, and expose their corruption and lies!
These are the speakers and activists Left wing Politicians like Auckland mayor Phil Goff try to prevent from getting Visas, or having venues to share their ideas to the voting public.
its left wing politicians like Goff who want to keep the public ignorant… and voting left!
Getting back to my original topic about the Lies that underpin the Racist Socialist agenda and their ideological excuse that Rampant Maori Criminality may be blamed on ‘Colonisation’, let me remind people of what New Zealand first MP and Minister of Regional Economic Development Shane Jones recently said….
Shane Jones, fresh off rescuing a woman from an alleged brutal domestic assault, has called on Māori to stop blaming colonialism for their woes.
Jones and his wife Dot were driving in Wellington on Saturday when they noticed a “fracas” in the car behind them….
The attacker, Jones said, was a young Māori man.
“I say to our Maori people – this sort of carry-on, don’t go blaming colonialism; don’t join the chorus of idiocy I’m seeing on the East Coast where the artists don’t want Captain Cook celebrated because they’re responsible for family violence on the East Coast. That’s pathetic. I hate that soup of excuses.”
Author of ‘Once were Warriors’ Allan Duff also copped a lot of hate from Maori for challenging their Culture of Blame and perpetual victimism.
The Movie was an indictment against the attitudes… and ‘culture of violence’ prevalent within Maoridom and it exposed the sort of mentality that causes Maori people to end up in prison… Nothing to do with ‘white men’s oppression’ and everything to do with the lack of Values.
In The sequel ‘What becomes of the broken Hearted’ Jake the Muss meets some Maori Guys who were using their time and talents much more constructively, and Jake tries to re-invent himself… to become a better man… and that folks… is the road to redemption!
Once were Warriors cut very close to the bone for many Maori because of how it reflected their reality.
Like my own Father… White people were not to blame for his own lack of self control… for the bullshit running around in his head… for his violence and his drinking!
He was fully responsible for that!
It is the height of dishonesty for Socialist politicians to try and deny these most basic Moral truths!
The Real ‘Vessel of Tears’ is the fact that ongoing blame of Colonisation will never rescue Maori from the mire!
That will never come via Socialst lies and delusions.
It will only come the Day the Maori People shrug off the lies of socialist victimism, and racist blame, and determine to escape Socialist welfare dependency by taking ownership for their criminality and thereby determining to *Morally change* and to embrace *Values* that embody the virtues of Hard work, forsaking vice, forsaking violence, forsaking crime, forsaking Race hatred against Pakeha, forsaking the toxic lies sewn by socialists for political gain … that they are the victims of their Pakeha neighbours greed.
Throwing Off all that Dead weight and facing the future as an opportunity to prosper … by their own efforts… In Freedom…. under equality.
None of this entails an abandonment or lessening of their own Culture or identity.
This is pure empowerment… the very opposite of socialist victimism and dependence.
And New Zealanders must fight against Left wing attempts to outlaw Political criticism and alternative opinions!
Free Speech, and Freedom to assemble and hear Critics of the Government is essential for a democracy to remain Free.
Websites, Social media platforms, etc must remain accessible to all so that the people are truly informed at elections rather than just spoon fed left wing lies.
As Jesus Christ said “And ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall make you free”.
One Law change that could significantly Help Maori would be to End cannabis prohibition!
Its a Bad/ unjust law, and while it has zero to do with racism, Maori are disproportionately affected by it.
So vote to end Prohibition in the coming referendum.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
PS… Neither has it only been the Labour Party that has practiced this apartheid politics… For Decades The National Party has also facilitated it, and gotten into bed with Racist radicals of the Maori Party, etc… New Zelanders need to find a Political party dedicated to ending Treaty separatism and abolishing the Maori Seats in parliament… as a non-negotiable bottom line (never trust Winston Peters! Sadly for all his claims to want to end the ‘Brown mail’…the man speaks with forked tongue)
Woke Una Jagose.
Update: 18-10-24. Due to Public outrage NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC has been forced to Withdraw her controversial guidelines she issued that instructed judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.
This is an outrage!
This is not Scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced hateful and passing the buck.
And this is the shit they are teaching in our schools and universities!
This must stop!
The longer it continues the more Maori slip into Race hatred of Pakeha… and the more Maori Children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.
My kind of guy!
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester. He is a controversial figure in the Young Earth creationist movement whose ministry focuses on denial of scientific theories in the fields of biology (evolution), geophysics, and cosmology in favor of a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative found in the Bible. Hovind’s views, which combine elements of creation science and conspiracy theory, are dismissed by the scientific community as fringe theory and pseudo-scholarship. He has been criticized by Young Earth Creationist organizations like Answers in Genesis for his continued use of discredited arguments that have been abandoned by others in the movement.
Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism (CSE) in 1989 and Dinosaur Adventure Land in 2001 in Pensacola, Florida. He frequently spoke on Young Earth creationism in schools, churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. His son Eric Hovind took over operation of CSE after Hovind began serving a ten-year prison sentence in January 2007 for federal convictions for failing to pay taxes, obstructing federal agents, and structuring cash transactions.
Anthony McClean, Portia McPhail, Anthony Mulder, Tara Gregory, Huan (Tom) Hsu, Natasha Bray, and Floyd Fernandes drowned in the Mangatepopo Gorge. (Stuff)
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the river tragedy that took the lives of 6 Elim Christian School students and their teacher Anthony McClean.
Such a terrible event, Yet from the first time I herd the story of Anthony’s heroic exploit I have been overwhelmed and affected by a sense of awe at his humanity and sense of Christian duty that he demonstrated on this fateful day, and though 6 others lost their lives this blogpost is my personal tribute to him in particular… as an exemplar of character and the sort of loving soul that every parent desires in a tutor of their children.
When the River surged trapping the group in a dire situation, Anthony was faced with a Great moral Dilemma… abandon his pupils and Save himself… or… strive to save a physically disabled student cerebral palsy sufferer Tom Hsu, 16, by tying him to his own back and to risk his own life for their sake.
Visualizing this in my mind, I am transported in time and space to witnessing this act of heroism first hand…and I am overcome.
His heroism cost him his life… they died together… yet ten years later the example he set still moves and inspires me and thousands of other New Zealanders.
It ranks in the highest order of Noble deeds… Christ-like… who said “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John15vs13.
His action is the equal of any Teacher who has in such moments of fate… given their lives for their students, and I am reminded of such stories we often read about when there is a US school massacre… the teachers who put themselves between the killers and their Pupils… May God Bless and Keep them all.
This is the spirit of Altruism… the voluntary self sacrifice of personal benefits… out of love…for the sake of others.
True Heroism is not about personal glory, and is impossible for the person who puts their own life as the highest value.
This is taking the Vocation of teaching to its Highest end… placing the life of your students ahead of your own.
Read quote and close training session.
Teachers like Anthony McClean demonstrate the *Real virtue* of the vocation… Teaching was never about High wages and Fame… and all about being able to fulfill your personal desire to serve others… The opportunity and privilege to instill wisdom and values in the youth under your care… to empower them to take care of themselves, raise happy and healthy families, and to live great and fulfilling lives.
And the best teachers teach the most important lessons of character… by example… living (and dying) by the values they expound.
Teachers who dont have this quality may be technically smart… yet can never be *Great*… and when any troubles arise… even minor troubles… they will put their own interests ahead of your children.
What parent can have confidence in a Selfish teacher to look after their child, and instill values?
Anthony Mulder was one of the Students who lost his life that day… yet not before performing selfless deeds of heroism!
He positioned himself in the torrent and helped his fellow students to get across.
” Kish Proctor and Sarah Brooks, two of the survivors from the canyoning group, said Ant was an inspiration for his selfless, loving nature and steadfast belief in God.
Fellow Elim youth leader and Pakuranga College student Jessica Hancock described him as a “humble, patient, peaceful, generous and loving guy who has changed so many lives”.
Speaking after the memorial service, Ant’s friends said healing moments had been time spent in his bedroom and talking about the good times they shared with him.
Kish said Ant was voted group leader while at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoors Pursuits Centre because he was a seasoned tramper and led by example.
“He stood in the middle of the current and helped all of us across it,” he said.”
Let us Remember this Tragic Day… esp the Deeds of these Two Heroes.
Lets us take inspiration from their selfless actions in the Darkest of hours and endeavour to emulate them in our own lives.
And as Christians… we live in the hope of the Gospel.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.