“In America, every elected official is sworn into office with an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” For elected officials like myself, the Oath isn’t merely a trite recitation of empty words, but rather a resolute conviction to protect and preserve the constitutional rights and liberties of the citizens we represent in all circumstances—crisis or otherwise. Elected officials whose actions do not strictly adhere to the Oath with which they swore, even amidst the most dire of emergencies, are little more than modern day slave masters, viewing their constituents as mere serfs for governing.
Our nation’s founding fathers had a divinely keen understanding of the perversions of power and the exploitations of the men who wield it. Daniel Webster, one of our nation’s early leaders, perfectly noted the intent of the Constitution, and his commentary remains as valuable today as it did when he delivered in March of 1837.
“It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”
Let me be exceedingly clear, nowhere in the Constitution or in an elected official’s Oath is there an exception made for times of emergency or crisis. In fact, in times like this it is a moral imperative that elected officials redouble their efforts to protect the People’s unalienable rights enshrined within our nation’s founding documents…”
‘Free Speech Under Attack’.
May be purchased from Tross Publishing Here.
Or Whitcoulls here.
Chapter 16
Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates.
By Tim Wikiriwhi.
Reading ancient Greek dialogues we find ideological antagonists; philosophers of different schools of thought engaging in the combat of reason. The dialogues are so written that we can imagine scenes of eloquent, white robed gentlemen patiently hearing each other out without interruption no matter how long an exposition might be, the discourses all being delivered in the finest art of rhetoric and decorum. The rebuttals follow precisely on point and deploy as much reason as can be summoned, delivering devastating yet absolutely dispassionate retorts.
In reality however, apart from moderated debates, this sort of civilised war of ideas was then, as it is today, almost a complete fantasy. A charade that attempts to sell the ideal that certain mortals walk a higher path than the hoi polloi who are consumed with base appetites and drives.
Such dialogues are, of course, tools by which the interplay can be followed between various rationales; they can even be carried on by fictitious characters and Gods.
Yet when it came to contentious issues the Greeks were as given over to their lower passions as any of us are today.
They would take affront at having been bested in public and would plot by any means the downfall of their ideological enemies.
Such was the situation when Socrates found himself in peril.
Representatives of the status quo did not appreciate his expositions that challenged their cherished ideas and beliefs, and so they invented and spread malicious lies about him, calling into question his character. Nor did they hesitate to employ political force against him.
It was common back then to have such “troublemakers” banished. Yet the fate of Socrates, whose unassailable power of reason was causing them so much consternation, was to be slandered and brought before the court under the charge of ‘corruption of the Youth’. His prize for daring to question the legitimacy of the commonly held beliefs of his day was a cup of hemlock.
Socrates admitted to being a pesky gadfly. In reality his “crime” was seeking to get people to question the veracity of long held, backward and erroneous ideas that could not withstand scrutiny. And so the powers-that-were killed him for it.
Free speech has always been despised by those seeking to perpetuate falsehoods and control the minds of the “sheeple”.
A study of global history and of cultures across the ages reveals the same thing happening time and time again to a great number of the “Great lights” and Reformers of their day.
There are countless examples; yet it suffces to say that the struggle to attain the liberty for the average person to publicly articulate one’s own views that we hold by right today in New Zealand, the right to criticise and question the powers-that-be or to challenge the veracity of popularly held opinions, is of itself a priceless high-water mark of progress and civilisation.
Its a hard won “taonga” bequeathed to us by our heroic and enlightened Protestant Christian pioneering roots.
It is an ideal of the highest order, hard won over centuries of struggle by the greatest human beings who have ever graced this Earth.
Free Speech is a vital and powerful sword available to all citizens and that is the reason why belligerent political operators seek to take away this defensive weapon from those they seek to subjugate.
Free Speech is a lighted lamp to be held high so as to dispel the darkness of barbarous, backward, and unjust traditions and ideas that have yet to be vanquished, and it is for this reason that Freethinkers with new, progressive, and better ideas have always been in danger of being lynched by the mob who don’t take kindly to having their ingrained delusions exposed to the light.
We must always be vigilant, and fearful, and view with suspicion any political party or vested interest that seeks to pass laws that restrict free speech.
Guard it as you would your own family for, should this right be whittled away and lost, so too will other precious rights fall in quick succession and, if you fail to defend this essential right, you will bequeath to your children a life of virtual slavery and indoctrination.
Their future depends on their rights and liberties being secure and it is our duty to ensure they remain so on our watch until we exit the stage. Then it will be up to them to remain eternally vigilant for that is the price of Liberty.
The gravity of what is at stake today right across Western civilisation with the Liberals’ Globalist agenda and their determination to curtail free speech under the guise of silencing “extremism” and “hate speech” cannot be exaggerated. Those dark political interests who seek to remove the people’s right to free speech in a democracy must convince the population into supporting their anti-free speech legislation. They must deceive the gullible by propagating the idea that free speech of itself is somehow dangerous or oppressive, or that the activists exercising their rights to free speech and whose criticisms and opinions are subversive to the desired political agenda are themselves malevolent reprobates and a threat to society.
Hate speech legislation is effectively passing laws that use ad hominem character assassination as justification for silencing dissent.
Just as 2,500 years ago Socrates was legally convicted and silenced – murdered by the State under the pretence that he taught things that were “corrupting the Youth”, so too do today’s power-trippers seek to prohibit political activism that is opposed to their various ambitions on such things as climate change, immigration, Treaty separatism, transgender issues, compulsory vaccinations, feminism, etc.
With their minions embedded in the education system, mainstream media, and controlling the Internet, they have managed to create a thick fog that now clouds the woolly public mind.
As a freethinking individual who dares to swim against the current of political correctness I am not at all hateful, or racist, or misogynistic, or anti-science, or uncaring about the environment.
I am not against immigration but oppose the multi-cultural agenda of the liberal elite to swamp Western societies with a massive infux of aliens who do not share Western values of freedom and small government, bankrupting our societies in the process and creating social chaos from which the golobalists then intend to establish a borderless, New World order, having subjugated and silenced all opposition through “hate speech” laws and the fear they engender.
In political bodies in which they have either lost or failed to seize power, witness their penchant to damn their political adversaries as “Evil Incarnate”. No one is spared. Trump is literally “Hitler”! Why? Because he opposes the Left on just about every level from global warming, to immigration, etc.
Wherever populist leaders have been elected in Europe upon anti-globalist, pro-nationalist platforms, propping up traditional cultural norms and values, and refusing to surrender their nations to the UN Global agenda on Migration, we see a concerted outcry from the Liberals, calling them “Alt Right” or even “Nazis”.
It appears that the only ethnicity that the Left refuse the right to take pride in themselves and their culture are white people.
Too many liberals and Leftists are consumed by hate and yet not one of their pet policies are ever deemed to be “hate speech”.
They can denigrate the living and posthumously character assassinate whomsoever they please, and yet we don’t see the rest of the community demanding that the Left be censored from expressing their own views. Why? Because their arguments are so easily undone via exposing them to rigorous inquiry that they cannot withstand scrutiny, but collapse, and so the idea that we need to pass laws to combat them appears superfluous. And it is. Free speech is sufficient to deal with their flawed logic and petty assertions. That, of course, is why they want to silence their critics.
Anne Widdecombe
In defence of free speech in a recent Oxford debate former British Cabinet Minister, Ann Widdecombe, made the point that it is always better to destroy a bad cause by argument rather than by silencing its exponents.
Unlike the new “liberal elite” who find it almost impossible to countenance any kind of resistance from the demographics they have targeted for vilification and subjugation. The sheer audacity that a successful white man like Don Brash should dare to question the justice of Treaty separatism! “Outrageous”, they say. However, in their minds there is a set of even more reviled “scoundrels”. No one draws down upon themselves the concerted demonisation by these social warriors more than those ungrateful contrary souls who actually belong to the “favoured identity demographics” yet who refuse to embrace either the victim status or mindset that the controllers of identity politics have carefully crafted for them for the purpose of extorting political favours and advantages.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Such types as the self-declared homosexual, Milo Yiannopoulos, who defends the rights of Christians to refuse to bake Gay wedding cakes and openly speaks of the fear he feels at the Islamisation of Europe in light of how homosexuals are treated under Islamic Sharia law – a subject absolutely forbidden to be discussed for fear of pricking the balloon that promotes all the marvels of “multi-culturalism”.
Or women like the Australian academic, Bettina Arndt, who calls out the illegitimacy of liberal neofeminism and the ‘Me too’ movement as being nothing more than hysterical and oppressive forms of sexism against men.
Bettina Arndt
When such people accept invitations to speak, groups like Antifa literally run riot because nothing makes a bigger mockery of their false identity political narratives than when members of the supposed “oppressed” demographics deny they are being oppressed and instead call out the social warriors themselves as being the ones who are practising bigotry and oppression.
Nothing angers them more than when Black Americans like Candace Owens tell them that their social construct of ‘White Privilege’ is nothing but a myth and that Black Americans need to stop blaming White people for all their problems and instead start to take responsibility for their own terrible social statistics.
Candace Owens
The multi-cultural brigade harbour a special contempt for these brave individuals who walk their own path and raise their voices against collectivist “identity politics” because they can’t simply detonate their usual character assassination bombs against these gadflies which always work with such devastating effect upon whites, males, Christians, etc.
They can’t simply accuse Milo of being homophobic, or Bettina Arndt of being a misogynist. They can’t call Australia’s Iman Mohamad Tawhidi an Islamophobe or xenophobe or white nationalist because he happens to be President of the Islamic Association of South Australia. When he warns of growing Islamic radicalism via immigration, which is creating Islamic enclaves and seems to have a clear intent to have sharia law established in Australia, he can’t be simply dismissed by means of the usual identity mischaracterisations. And it is because of this that these independent thinkers are singled out for death threats, are de-platformed on social media, have difculties getting visas, and have their speeches shut down from bomb threats and riots.
At all costs, including violence, their message must be prevented from reaching the ears of the people whom the powers-that-be want to keep in ignorance – as useful idiots.
These contrarians are not haters; recognising the problems often more clearly than others, they are raising their voices for the sake of truth and justice.
Imam Mohammad Tawhidi participates in an interview. Video screenshot
Iman Mohamad Tawhidi
I have experienced this myself when speaking out publicly against the separatism that is preached by the tribal elite and which they expect all part-Maori to follow slavishly.
It would be dishonest not to acknowledge that there are pockets of bigotry and hate embedded in almost every interest group across the political spectrum, yet it is also important to observe that those who are most ardently working to enact heavy-handed “hate speech” laws are mainly voices from the Globalist and “Liberal” Left. “Hate speech” legislation is simply political censorship for partisan political advantage.
Don Brash
It is also true that pockets of light also exist within most groups and so it is that some more perceptive and fair minded liberals and Left wingers are themselves starting to gasp at how radicalised and tyrannical their own faction has become. For example, after Don Brash took up the standard of free speech after being banned from speaking at Massey University by its biased vice-chancellor, Jan Thomas, he was contacted by former Alliance M.P., Matt Robson, who said, “Listen, I have disagreed with virtually everything you have said over the last twenty years but by God I am 100% behind you in your standing up for free speech.”
Bill Maher
A shame that Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little don’t follow the same line. In recent times it has been surprising and refreshing to witness some of the liberals’ most popular commentators “turn rouge” – having the courage and principle to turn around and criticise their own faction for becoming illiberal.
During a broadcast, when a whole panel of liberals were gloating about Alex Jones being “de-platformed” from Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, Bill Maher admitted that…
“Jones is not my friend and says terrible things about me”, yet Maher still turned around and rebuked his fellow liberals, saying “If you are a liberal you are supposed to be for free speech; that’s free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means. We are losing the threads of the concepts that are important to this country. I dont like Alex Jones but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak!”.
Piers Morgan
Speaking on the Ben Shapiro show, the British journalist Piers Morgan has said…
“Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable. In my core, I’m probably more liberal than not although fundamentally I see myself as a journalist and I like to see both sides and I can argue both sides of all these things, but liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal and it is a massive problem. What’s the point of calling yourself a ‘liberal’ if you don’t allow anyone else to have a different view? This snowflake culture that we now operate in, the victimhood culture, the ‘everyone has to think in a certain way, behave a certain way’. Everyone has to have a bleeding heart and tell you twenty things that are wrong with them. I just think it is all completely skewed to an environment where everyone is offended by everything and no one is allowed to tell a joke. If you told a joke ten years ago that offended somebody, you can never host the Oscars. So now there’s no host for anything. The Emmys now just said they’re not gonna host either, so hosts have gone, and soon, every award winner will go because everyone’s a human being and we’re all flawed, so no one can win awards any more because there will be no platform before they even get on the podium, so then no hosts, no stars.
Then no one can make any movies because we’re all flawed, so no actors, so suddenly, where are we? The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, no one dares do anything or laugh about anything or behave in any way that doesn’t suit their rigid way of leading a life. No thanks. So what’s happening around the world? Populism is rising because people are fed up with the PC culture. They’re fed up with snowflakery, they’re fed up with people being offended by everything and they’re gravitating towards forceful personalities who go: ‘This is all nonsense’!”
Comedian Rowan Akinson condemns Hate speech legislation in Britian.
What makes these sorts of introspective criticisms of their own faction doubly signifcant is that not only do we see that there are important voices within the Left who corroborate the opinion of how dangerous the “hate speech” agenda is to the fundamentals of freedom and democracy but this also demonstrates an inherent problem with lumping people into convenient boxes. When talking about any particular demographic or faction in general terms, this should never be construed to suggest “all members” of any collective are all guilty. While I am making a case against the Left’s fanatical, anti-free speech agenda, there are some on the Left who themselves are critical of the same thing and so it would be wrong to say “All liberals are tyrants who want to censor their political adversaries”. There are some liberals who are as passionate about free speech as I am, and it is these sorts of liberals whom it is possible to co-exist with and deal with on a civilised basis – via dialogue and rigorous debate.
These are not the types who demand that Internet personalities be de-platformed. These are not the types who riot in the streets when a critic of liberalism comes to speak on a University Campus.
These are the types who are prepared to engage in free and fair discourse and open debate, and are prepared to have elections that maintain a level playing field for all candidates to express their views. Some of the facts and assertions I made in earlier chapters may have caused some people a bit of angst. You might call these “unspeakable truths” that are like a “red rag to a bull” for social justice warrior types. It is enough that anyone daring to mention cold facts and figures or seeking to discuss certain trends and opinions such as the desire of European
nations to retain their traditions and national identity for the Antifa types to point their crooked fingers at them and shout “Nazis!…. Punch the Nazi!”
By mentioning certain facts about populism I do not necessarily approve and endorse everything that such populist movements are believed to represent. Yet I reserve the right to discuss these points of view and to argue their legitimacy on certain grounds. and especially to point out that many on the Left are misconstruing such movements as being fundamentally Fascist…a.k.a. “hateful”, white supremacist, etc. when in reality most of them are merely “conservative”. Such are their distorted evaluations of the average, modern day, European, Christian, heterosexual male. It is one thing for people to entertain their own opinions, yet quite another for them to then lobby or stand for government with the intention of passing laws to make their opinions binding upon everyone else. You only need to spend a few hours watching Youtube videos on the white male patriarchy, on immigration, etc. to see how these types end up with their own racist, sexist. and anti-religious freedom doctrines that they are hell bent on imposing upon Western civilisation by force.
Who is being hateful? And who is speaking up for the real injustices of our times?
Consider how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity from the measles outbreak in Auckland in 2019 to drive home her desire to make vaccinations compulsory.
She blamed the anti-vaxx movement for low uptake on the government’s vaccination programme and the spread of the disease, even though medical experts said there were other factors that were responsible.
The anti-vax movement is another unpopular minority group that has been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the concept of compulsory vaccinations. They too have been getting slandered and de-platformed on social media.
The biggest problem with regards to vaccinations in New Zealand is that, because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures. As the saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and so many people don’t trust politicians or the health system they run. Personally I am not anti-vaxx but I am absolutely opposed to compulsory vaccinations because there are defnitely serious risks involved. And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access to the whole truth – not just the government’s side of the story. It is a parent’s right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet, to exercise this parental responsibility, they must be told the whole truth; they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions. Yet the power-trippers who want compulsory vaccinations, seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks. The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ – the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there is a risk of serious reactions to vaccinations. They should not be lied to about this or have their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot. She was crippled, and died young.
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition. Thus families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who don’t give a dam about such things and have convinced themselves that they are acting for “the public good”. And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe that vaccinations are dangerous to make their case publicly and it is wrong for the government to censor them.
In a recent interview Jacinda Ardern praised Stuff media’s campaign to make New Zealand history compulsory in our schools.
Stuff may as well be on the government payroll as it is behaving in a way that is completely contrary to the moral duty of the free press which is supposed to function as the vanguard against Government overreach, not propagating for its advance!
The free press is not supposed to lobby the State to indoctrinate New Zealand schoolchildren with their pseudo-history political propaganda. Compulsory State indoctrinated history is yet another usurpation of parental rights and is brainwashing and social engineering of the most dangerous type. The noted historian, Professor Paul Moon, recently said “Of course there are risks that, if done poorly, compulsory history in our schools could veer into the realm of indoctrination. It is no coincidence that one of the rst functions authoritarian regimes undertake on assuming power is to produce new history books in order to emphasise the ‘correct’ version of history that is passed on to students.”
Hate speech legislation is especially dangerous with respect to teaching history because, if it is allowed to be enacted, anyone who criticises the revisionist pseudo-history that is about to be forced upon our schoolchildren, he or she will be attacked as being “racist”, they might even receive visits from the Police, and be censored under threats of prosecution.
Free speech is essential for defending all our other rights and liberties from being violated by ever increasing State encroachment.
It is not hateful but heroic to stand against political powers that seek to violate the principle of equal rights for all.
I contend that we need a new constitution with an iron clad Bill of Rights that would put an end to any desire by parliament to pass laws in violation of free speech.
What is desperately needed across the globe in every nation is for the enlightened individuals from every quarter to come together and form independent social compacts of equal rights and limited government, putting an end to the group politics that pit neighbour against neighbour for the sake of their own party political power. It is upon this foundation that peace and freedom, and civilisation can grow.
Tim Wikiriwhi
In a free and just society everyone should have the equal right to hold and share their own opinions. Enlightened people realise this and respect the rights and liberties of others – even those who don’t share the same values and beliefs.
I respect the rights even of those who harbour a misguided opinion of my own character and motives. I respect the right of others to think that we defenders of free speech are of bad character and hold toxic ideas. They are free to do so if that is what they want – as long as they respect my equal right to hold my own opinions too, and to argue for them in the public square.
We must peacefully co-exist with each other under freedom and equality before the law. I can tolerate their dissenting opinions about my faith as long as they also peacefully tolerate my dissenting opinion about theirs. As Saint Paul wrote to the Romans “If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacefully with all Men”.
He also said to the Galatians “For all the law is fulflled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’.” Nothing is a clearer indication of intolerance than resorting to legal suppression of dissenting opinion.
Nothing is a clearer admission to having lost the argument than abandoning Reason and resorting to Censorship, which is a form of tyranny!
What is truly “hateful” and truly dangerous is not the free expression of ideas, but the desire to limit free speech and silence your critics and any contrary opinion by force.
As I started reading the above article I was massively impressed…
“(Natural News) America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasn’t elected by the people and isn’t a real president, so his fake regime doesn’t count.
Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in today’s podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.
Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.
We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality…”
The first 300 words were 100% on point about the mass delusion and idiocy that has taken over…. But then I ready the bullet point list of what the Author thought was the source of the grand delusions… and my heart dropped.
The list is itself Whack… and an example of Mass delusion of the equal opposite type… the grand delusions that unfortunately have proliferated within the Pro-Trump camp!
The Article continues….
“… But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:
5G exposure
Toxic vaccines that attack human neurology
Brain-damaging pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants
Heavy metals in the food supply
Glyphosate herbicide exposure, which is now known to cause mass mental illness
Covid bioweapons exposure, now documented to cause mental illness in 33% of survivors
Fire retardant exposure, which is known to cause antisocial, violent behavior
Journo-terrorism (psychology terrorism by the media)
Fluoride in the public water supply
Mass media brainwashing and subliminal messaging like what you see in every Super Bowl halt-time demon cult worship theater event
Widespread nutritional deficiencies caused by the processed food industry
When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality…”
Wake TF Up People!
5G and Vaccines are symptomatic of the Grand evil Agenda but *are not* the source of the delusions!
5G is part of their All seeing eye… Global surveillance State.
Compulsory Vaccinations is about the end of personal bodily autonomy.
For these reasons there is good cause to be alarmed… not because they are cause of humanities freefall into insanity!
I realise that ‘Natural News’ does not represent ‘orthodoxy’ in the freedom/ anti-globalist movement, yet this article serves to illustrate important disfunctions that are hobbling the Freedom Campaign, and causing the movement to appear like Mad house.
This confusion in our ranks works in favour of the enemies of freedom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The true source of the delusions Zombifying the world is primarily Ideological…. A massive body of Lies have been heavily propagandised upon the populations of the world by the super Wealthy Technocrats and Politically Powerful aided and abetted by myriads of soul-less fanatical minions.
This has been a long long game that has now reached the final quarter while Freedom Advocates about the globe wallow in disarray… half infected by the delusions themselves and whose ranks have been infected by ridiculous conspiracies such as the Q movement… Trump worship… etc.
I like Trump. I believe he was a great President for our troubled times… yet he is not Jesus Christ!
And you do Donald Trump a huge disservice by thinking of him that way… loading the responsibility for saving America on his shoulders!
The truth about what I am saying was highlighted recently by Leftist Spokesman to the Masses Bill Maher when he called the ‘Capitol Riot’ ‘a faith based initiative’ and cited both the Q Annon cult and ‘Christian Nationalism’ as being the ideological bents underpinning the mindset of those who refuse to accept the US election results as being legitimate.
He said … “The events of January 6 were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes (former President Donald) Trump was literally sent from Heaven to save them,” said the 65-year-old Maher, an outspoken atheist who frequently criticizes organized religion.
Again… It would be dishonest to suggest that such wild claims about ‘Trumps Divine Mission’ are representative of the views of all ‘Fundamental Christians’ and yet what Bill Maher is saying is not without substance because most of us who are informed have witnessed this psychosis as being a real cringe worthy phenomena that has infected a section of the ‘Pro-Trump’ camp, and as such Bill Maher ought not to be reviled for pointing out such an embarrassing truth.
Bill is giving these Pro-Trump ‘fanatics’ a mirror to perceive why so many atheists like himself view religion as a dangerous source of uncivilised mayhem and chaos.
Christians ought to take cognizance of this, and appreciate the truthfulness of it.
Religious fanaticism that undergirds riotous civil unrest truly is an abhorrent evil… not endorsed by the love or grace of God!
He comments also show why ultimately the basis for the Freedom movement must be framed in *impartial secular terms*.
This Truth is what the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment bequeathed to humanity and is the source of Freedom in Western Civilisation.
Maintaining a separation of Church and State.
I know that saying that will cause many Christians to get their knickers all up in a bunch… but that is simply because they wrongfully interpret the term ‘secular’ to mean ‘Atheist’.
It does not mean that at all.
It means *Reason based*… Arts, sciences, ethics etc that stand on the merits of their own truthfulness and internal consistency, and thus ought to be acceptable to Atheist and Theist alike.
Such as ‘A square is a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles.’.
That is a secular truth… not an ‘atheist’ truth simply because there are no references to God in it.
Likewise Christians do well to frame their political ideals in terms that can stand upon their own merit thus making them palatable to non-Christians and demonstrating Christians need not be religious fanatics, and are capable if peaceful coexistence with others on reasonable reciprocal terms.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying Christians don’t have a right talk about the political state of the world in context to their own views.
I do it all the time and am doing so in this blog post.
I am saying however that the near ‘Trump-worship’ by Christians prior to the last election was shameful and brings Christianity and Trump’s own movement into disrepute.
They ought to have maintained their vocal support for him because of the principles of Freedom and justice he stood for… not because of quazi-religious Drama.
The Pastors who have fermented this Cult should be ashamed of themselves.
They give the enemies of Christianity and Freedom grounds upon which to justify the suppression of our free speech and values!
They ought to have walked a more nuanced line… which is what I am attempting to do here and now.
I admit it is difficult… and prone to misinterpretation at every bend.
I am a Christian Libertarian.
Donald Trump is a Conservative.
To me Biden really is an absolute Minion of Satan.
With respect to their ideals and agendas, and the situation the world finds itself in and by my doing my own Math though Donald Trump is far from perfect… I choose to ride the Trump Train!
The Ideological war the Socialist Globalist are waging against Freedom is being fought on many fronts.
Trump is a Good Man, and as President fought against them on most of the important theatres (but not all) and because Christians like myself recognise the Socialist New World Order as being nothing less than the Rise of the Antichrist system, it is easy to see how many Christian have therefore translate these facts into ‘a Holy war for the souls of humanity against enslavement to the Devil’.
They are not wrong about that.
Yet still that does *not make Trump God’s Divine savior of Humanity and America*!
It makes him simply the best Democratic Choice… according to our values and ideal.
His Brash personality was in fact well suited to deal with the endless dung throwing monkeys who assailed him all day long for daring to steer America in the opposite direction to their Globalist Scheme. He was impervious to their rancor and so remained steadfast in his resolve!
Few men could have done that… and underneath he has a good honest heart.
He was and still remains simultaneously the most despised, and most admired man on the planet today.
By standing against the Globalist Tyrannical Agenda Trump is on the side of Liberty, including Religious Liberty, Freedom lovers and Christians ought rightly to stand behind him and that is their Democratic right to do so… yet… and this is the difficult part to clearly delineate… Christians ought never to have confounded the justness of the cause for freedom with ‘Leader worship’… turning a popular democratic movement into some sort of Cult. yet that is what many have done.
I guess this is one of the traps of modern politics whereby leaders are assumed to be the embodiment of the Politics their party expounds.
It is a trap that ought to be avoided at all costs.
Socialist Leaders love to propagate such mindless Idolatry. No better example can be given that our own Jacinda Ardern.
The Freedom of Western civilization has hung in the balance several times in the recent past, requiring great leadership and heavy sacrifices to save.
Most notably from the Nazi and Communist threats.
Was Churchill perfect?
No, but only an ideological fool would have allowed Churchills ‘imperfections to be grounds enough to withhold support for Britain in the war against the Nazis and The Yellow peril.
Supporting leaders at such times is not an endorsement of their every move, but of the cause they are championing.
Is the cause fundamentally just? If so… then support it!
This being so those who claim to love liberty yet choose not to support Trump because of their personal dislike to his eccentric personality or foibles are demonstrably betraying the cause of Freedom!
Trump derangement syndrome is a disease of the mind.
That so many so-called freedom lovers have been so infected as to cheer that Biden won is an outrage!
Though the type of struggle has changed, the Crisis of Hitler’s hordes posed to our way of life was as dire as what we are currently facing today… Hitler appeared the personification of the Antichrist to Freedom lovers of his day.
Still, looking back we can appreciate how foolish it would be to elevate Churchill to quazi-Divine Stature.
Trump and Churchill were Men of their hour.
Trump Derangement syndrome and Trump Hero worship are equal follies.
We are called by the Apostle Paul … ” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Yet we must refrain from ‘Hero-worship’.
Conservative America is far from being the true ‘Land of the Free’, yet compared to the Socialist Hell that the Democrats are attempting to set up ‘Conservative America’ is still a bastion of light in the world.
Trump is no saint. He has many flaws… yet still I hold him to be… by comparative standards… a Good man and his cause is just… because he fights for Freedom and Constitutional rights, for all.
That I believe is a healthy and just evaluation of Trump… no less… no more.
Biden, Ardern, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, etc are all unwittingly in league with Beelzebub!
I believe that to be a fair evaluation of them also because they are working to destroy individual liberty and rights and set up a Totalitarian Global tyranny!
Despite Atheist credulity the indisputable fact is the eventual establishment of the One World Tyranny of the AntiChrist has all been prophesied.
It shall come to pass… we just don’t know when.
The Bible also says that with the rise of the Antichrist strong delusions would come and that the world will fall under his sway.
I do believe it will happen *when we human beings allow it to happen*… ie with the abandonment of the Christian faith, and when apathy sets in and Virtue is hard to find… then our society shall reap the reward of the abandonment of the values that underpinned the rise of Freedom in Western civilisation… the morals.. the ethics… we will have become feeble and weak… and the powers of darkness will know their time is at hand.
It has been said that for all it’s faults at least under democracy populations get the government they deserve.
Perhaps we deserve to loose the blessings we have enjoyed to such a large extent over the past 100 years.
‘The Greatest generation’ were prepared to run into Nazi Machine gun fire to halt the antichrist of their day… and by God’s grace they prevailed.
The type of Warfare today is far different… yet I fear that we today do not have the mettle required to face the evils of our times.
We don’t seem to be able to rally together for the cause.
Are we that accursed generation upon whom freedom, Righteousness, and truth will finally slip away?
Is the Sun setting on Western democracy?
Now it appears that Democracy itself has fallen!
How many elections about the globe in the past ten years have been defrauded by the Globalists?
How Many of their vile and treasonous minions have been installed and maintained in power to sell out their individual nations to the New World Order and ‘The Great reset?’.
I believe the last General election here in New Zealand was defrauded. Read about that here: VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
We freedom advocates knew the situation was bad, yet just how deep the Machiavellian Soros Inc infiltration of the system was still took most of us by surprise.
Not only has the years of propagating the fantastic lies about Climate change, Covid 19, ‘White Nationalism, corroded the minds of the politicians of the world, It also appears Soros Inc used more direct mean to corrupt major players in Trumps own Camp…. Judases.
How did the Soros/Democrat Cabal get to Bill Barr?
What was his ‘motivation’ to play such a double crossing snake in the grass betrayal of Donald Trump?
In my mind nobody come close to having stuck their knife into Donald Trumps back deeper and twisted it more than he.
Everything points to him being Blackmailed.
Had he fallen into some trap by which Soros Inc had some unspeakable dirt on him?
Or was he or his loved ones threatened by some powerful entities that caused him to break?
Time will tell us why, yet for now it is a complete mystery.
We can only despair how Barr slow walked every big case that came past his desk that could have absolutely decimated the Democrat party… Monumental evidence against Hillary Clinton… Monumental evidence against the Biden crime family… and because of his treason the media of the world were able to ignore the Truth too… and continue to sell the false narrative that it was the Trump administration that was corrupt… not the Dems.
That so many people who should know better… people who claim to support freedom against Socialism *accept all the lies about Trump, and that Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden won the election fair and square just goes to show the Diabolical Sway and success the relentless Globalist propaganda Campaign has been.
Soros admitted Trump was ‘Enemy number one’ in his ambitions to establish the one world order, yet spoke with calm certainty that Trumps time would be short lived and that he would be gone at the next election.
How could he be so certain?
Because he made it a priority to corrupt the Electoral system of the US… and elsewhere… like New Zealand.
Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the evidence for Election Fraud?
The claim that the Texas case ‘had no standing’ to my mind is absolute bunk!
Texas has no business with regards to other States independent election of their own representatives, yet how they conduct their election for the Presidency is a Federal matter, and therefore of vital importance to all States… and it is without question Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all practiced ‘illegal’ and highly suspicious election anomalies!
You have to have rocks for brains to believe the FBI statement that the 2020 Election was ‘Fraud Free’.
The scale of this Fraud is mind boggling!
It surely ranks up there with the greatest of all time such as the Climate change Fraud, The Evolution Fraud.
Hitler said the greater the lie, the more people will believe it…. and I guess the reason this is true is because sometimes the truth is hard to believe.
The Stealing of the US Elections does mark the point where the Battle for freedom has clearly tipped against us, and so if we are to ever get back to a semblance of freedom and sanity it will demand freedom lovers and Christians must be prepared to bear a far heavier burden than ever before and risk far heavier persecution by the Corrupt State … all with the support of the Children of the Damned… the brainwashed zombie hordes.
Are any of the so-called freedom lovers and Christians prepared to put aside petty differences and unite, and stand up together and hazard their very lives and property for the sake of Freedom for their Children… or will they remain impotent and at variance with each other?
I fear those who know what is going on are too cowardly… to weighed down with the cares of this world… to bravely resist the Beast.
Maybe this really is the End?
We could still turn back the tide yet it will now take *Massive commitment* to our ideals and beliefs… All backed up by Mass Peaceful demonstrations. And literally Millions of individual acts of public peaceful protest around the globe.
I am afraid the hour is late and our situation dire.
The Globalists now control the Armies, the Police forces, the Courts, of Western Civilisation.
We can expect the ongoing confiscation of Firearms to accelerate and the eventual nullification of the second amendment… probably by stealth… rubberstamped by corrupt courts.
Treasonous Globalist parliamentarians have already circumvented due processes and safeguards to write the legislation to round up anyone who talks about Armed resistance… Freedom fighters being deemed to be ‘Dangerous Radicals’… terrorists even.
How far have our societies fallen in such a short time… and will continue to fall unless bold principled resistance is taken!
We are fast approaching China-like tyranny and suppression of all dissent.
We now have to be willing to risk Jail time, risk being assaulted and even Death from fanatical Woke hordes… for freedom and truths sake… all the while maintaining the high ground and not being lured into rewarding Evil for Evil.
I’m not sure we have the mettle to pull this off!
God help us… and our Children!
Putting aside my Christian retoric for the sake of the cause of unity I know that our movement must be founded upon the core of commonly held values and principle common to all factions of Freedom loving communities which form an ‘overlapping consensus’ between our various groups and that these core values and principles can be,,, and must be articulated in *secular terms* that are acceptable to *all parties of reason*.
I will have to write a whole new post to describe what I mean by this ‘overlapping consensus’ that can form the basis for mutual cooperation between disparate groups, yet basically it results in an embodied constitution of Equality before the Law, personal freedom, and limited government… Time tested and proven ideals and values that have been forsaken by this generation.
We must get out in the streets and protest against the slide towards the Socialist NWO!
We must expose and throw out evil minions like Jacinda Ardern!
The time is short.
I don’t care what People say about Alex Jones…. The man is a patriot Freedom lover and broadcasts a lot of truth.
Part of how the enemies of freedom work is to castigate their opponents as nut jobs so that they can then shut them down and the people will not even flinch.
Yes he has some wild ideas…. big deal…. who doesn’t?
Yet by far the majority of what he says is spooky accurate.
You just have to filter out the wheat from the chaff… and not be so foolish as to close your ears.
Weigh each claim on its merits… ditching the dross… but being smart enough to grasp when the facts bear him out .
This video below is important. esp because it is another example of information the Globalists (at Youtube) have done their best to blank out.
Before Trump, I said that The Obama regime was at war with the American people and now they are back to pick up where they left off under Biden.
They are today looking at creating laws to ‘break up Trump supporter networks’.
This is no joke.
Having swindled the democratic process (Biden/Ardern/etc) their next step is to label their political opponents dangerous ‘Enemies of the state’, shut down their coms, and round them up.
This began immediately when that Nut job Communist AOC said she was ‘terrified of being around Republicans’ and that they had ‘tried to have her murdered.’ re: the Antifa/BLM Agent provocateur’s who embedded themselves in the Capitol hill protests and caused all the violence for the purpose of making the pro Trump movement look like terrorists.
This is all part of a Machiavellian scheme that is being played out with frightening attention to detail.
The same meticulous process is being played out across western nations while their sheepish populations slumber.
Ardern has been sowing these seeds since the Christchurch attack here in NZ (dangerous hate groups/ white supremacists), and we are witnessing an escalation on silencing anyone who is critical of the expansion of Maori separatist powers.
They have just knock John Banks off his public platform for speaking the truth.
Like Trump, Not even Bank’s historical Mana has saved him… and he looks like a stunned Mullet… all apologetic… absolutely incapable of defending himself.
Where is the public outcry against this Cancel culture/ deplatforming?
Where is the backlash against the companies who threatened to pull their advertising from Mediaworks?
The freedom movements are state of lethargy and stupor.
Like stunned rabbits.
There is no freedom movement in New Zealand!
When will the people wake up and march on parliament?
Oh that’s right Ardern has already put ‘Covid 19 legislation’ in place to deploy the Army against us, and the police are already conditioned to looking at protests as criminal activities instead of the people exercising our legitimate rights!
We are in Deep shit.
The Beast system is right at our door now.
Only by genius and bold moves will there be any hope of us getting out of this mess.
We are at the point where Freedom activists must be prepared to risk our lives and liberty for the sake of the cause… just as has been the case in so many Nations where the socialists have the Power and rights have been crushed….
Photo Martin Luther King led a successful peaceful movement to end Race segregation in America.
Had he been alive today without doubt he would have outright condemned the Violent and Riotous Communist Hate Group Black Lives Matter.
We have historic exemplars to follow.
The Leaders of all the Great peaceful movements who shun violence at all costs… instead they faced the wolves as lambs… and prevailed.
True ‘Civil disobedience’ is not violent or destructive.
It is simply unity of action and non-compliance articulating unassailable reason.
All the physical power is on our enemies side… yet the Truth and Justice are all on our side!
They are spiritually powerful… and our greatest advantage.
There would be no hope of a violent revolution being successful here in NZ, in fact our enemies would profit greatly should some over-zealous fools attempt to start a civil war.
The Enemies may even *fake* such a situation as pretext to round up ‘the ringleaders and spokespeople’ of the ‘enemies of the state’.
Yet we still could win via peaceful and principled Activism and protest.
History shows this… and every time the Evil system meets a peaceful movement with Battons and tear gas… the more of the general public wake up to the true nature of the struggle.
And eventually ‘People power’ can win the day…
It is our only hope… yet we have no such movement….
We need to start one.
There is good reason why the UN has been labeled as the modern day ‘Tower of Babel’ in that it seeks to place all of the Nations of the world back under one Brutal Godless King to rule them all… just as Nimrod ruled before God broke up his kingdom and scattered the Nations for the very purpose of placing limits on Human Power and Authority.
Nimrod was a type/ an example/ a forerunner of the Antichrist to come.
It is no coincidence that the Socialists seek to reunify that which God himself divided, and to restore the power of a Global Dictatorship.
The socialists are the minions… the children of Satan… doing his bidding,
Satan’s Gospel of Globalism and the New World Order is as we speak going out to all nations… Deceiving and being deceived.
The level of Guile harbored against Good people who stand in the way of the approaching flood… esp against Donald Trump… is at psychotic levels… even among those who ought to know better.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
One particular group who demonstrate a sever rabidity of the mind and who are incapable of rational thought when it comes to Trump are the Anarchists.
Many of them… most of them (the only one I know of who is not like this is Victor Pross) are completely consumed by contempt as to be incapable of objective discussion… none more so that the petty Self important Anarchist spokesman for American Anarchists Larken Rose.
Now Rose couldn’t think his way out of a wet paper bag… his arguments are always puerile and founded upon falsehoods, and no one displays a complete lack of character better than he as he revels in the ill fortunes of those he despises.
Remind you of anyone?
An example of this is below… Rose Gloating that Legal attempts to expose the Rampant Voter fraud in the US Elections are not meeting with any success.
As usual Rose is full of crap.
One of his Fans shared this with me today to get my reaction, knowing I myself have been a Stalwart supporter of the Case against the Democrat Party of grand Scale Election fraud, and that I have had hopes that this would be upheld in Court… esp the Supreme Court.
Though it looks like my hopes may indeed be dashed I am at peace in my own convictions and faith.
I am not in the dark… as many.
No Irony in Anarchists tell us to trust the System… nooooo.
It still is not game over, yet it does appear that *despite mountains of evidence* and the fact that *Constitutional Laws were violated* and Electoral safeguards were flouted in every way imaginable… that those most trusted to defend the Nation from being taken over by these very means, are themselves either too spineless to make the call, or have themselves been compromised.
Ie they want Trump out… and Biden in… because they have been duped into believing the Globalist lies of Covid, Global warming, and the Great Reset… ie the Supreme Court has become politically activist.
In such cases the last resort is for the people to enact the principles of the 2nd amendment. They have that right… in fact it is a Duty.
To take up arms against the Usurpers.
Ultimately Tyranny can only prevail when the people slumber or have been rendered helpless by Arms control.
It will be interesting to see what happens as until all Legal avenues have been exhausted the Republicans have remained calm, yet now that it looks like they have been betrayed by the Supreme Court… what will the do?
The Supreme court probably has done ‘a Chamberlain’… thinking ‘Peace in our time’ is better than defending the constitution and having a civil war… possibly an end of the Union… and yet It is doubtful they have avoided this.
Some fights cannot be avoided… only delayed… and usually that delay works to strengthen the Evil powers, and weaken the Good… Like the postponement of abolition of Slavery for the sake of the Union simply delayed the war and made it more bloody… So too By allowing Biden and Harris to assume power and ‘act as if they are the legitimate government… and allowing them take command of the Military, and giving them opportunity to pass anti-second amendment legislations… all this serves the power of Evil.
I believe we are witnessing the foundation of the Global Kingdom of the Antichrist.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing… and that is what is happening with respect to the Supreme Court.
There is only a few legal avenues left. Sidney Powell’s court case will be the final hope.
Yet if it pleases God to allow the Prince of Darkness to begin his final infernal plot… even her noble efforts will not prevail against the corruption, and we all better share the Gospel with our friends and loved ones because the Rapture is at hand… the door of Grace is about to close for all those who reject Christ… Strong delusions are afoot so that the wicked might all be deceived and take the Mark of the Beast.
The corruption of Humanity will be complete.
This time will at first appear (3.5 years) the dawn of a golden age as the Antichrist will appear to be a ‘Christ like’ Savoir riding ‘a white horse’… yet he is Satan’s King.
Then Chaos shall descend upon the Earth for 3.5 years and Death, plagues, and destruction shall swallow up Humanity… and the Angel thrusts in his sickle….
When God decides the e3nd of the age of Grace has arrived, these things cannot be prevented.
The Great Lie will prevail… and that is precisely what I am seeing happening right now.
This is a signal for Christians to stop storing up things for the future but instead busy themselves with the gospel that the final remnants of those who are to be saved hear and receive the gospel… for our time is coming to a close.
The faith of many will fail them. Though they will still be saved… ‘the salt of the Earth’ will have lost it’s saltiness’ and the Rot will quickly spread… a spirit of blasphemy and contempt for the Bible will spread like a disease… times will not be easy for the Christians…. until the Day of Redemption… the Rapture.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Rev 14
14 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.
2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.
4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
14 And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
15 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
16 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
17 And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
18 And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
19 And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
20 And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.
Socialist ‘Great Leader’ Worship.
Comrade Ardern idealised and idolised as ‘Wonder Woman’.
A very common attribute of Socialist Dictators is to be portrayed as Messianic Heroic Super-humans.
The Cult of Personality… One of the dangers of democracy is that it is susceptible to the misguided idolisation of Demagogues who are professional Snake oil salesmen (or Woman) rather than truly great and principled Leaders.
Jacinda Ardern’s only academic credentials are a Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS) in politics and public relations.
Ie she is a specialist in The dark arts of Propaganda, and Spin.
And she is taking full advantage of the Covid-19 hysteria and financial crisis… which she herself created… and especially capitialising on the Stockholm syndrome of the masses… the Ardern worship… to push through tyrannical laws, and tighten her grip on power.
Its like an enchantment that leads the gullible to their Doom… and as long as the significant portion of the population is under the spell… there is very little the rest of us can do about it.
She is able to get away with the most Brazen acts of Tyranny… and display a complete disregard for the principles and safeguards of a free society… because of the Naive and bedazzled foolishness of the Dumbfounded dipshits who stand in Awe.
“We can trust Wonder Woman!” …. “Our Great leader will save us”… all the while she is destroying our economy and trampling over our Privacy, Rights, and Liberties!
A perfect example of Jacinda’s contempt for the Safeguards of a democracy from the abuse of government power is her latest Socialist scheme… 50 million dollar ‘support package’ to ‘help the Media Industry’!
This is an Election year bribe!
Ardern has LITERALLY BOUGHT the entire New Zealand media industry.
The Free Press is supposed to be the vanguard of Democracy!
That our mainstream media is fully Infested with little State worshiping Minions and Zealots, what hope is there now for Bold Impartial criticism of her policies and ambitions?
Broadcasting minister Kris Faafoi said [here] the package was about freeing up cash in the short term to help the industry get through the immediate crisis.
Faafoi, a former press gallery journalist, said journalism was an important part of democracy.
“The function of journalism in this country is extremely important. We are a small country. We might think we’re doing a great job, but being asked questions about what we’re doing is extremely important.”
He said the bosses of media companies welcomed the package this morning, but the industry was clearly facing ongoing challenges.”
Now to the naive peasant all that sounds so wonderful… as if the government is actually trying to *protect the free press* for a disaster they themselves created, when in reality *any Media that is effectively sucking from the state tit… cannot be considered *independent*!
And it is *Its independence* and Liberty, and willingness to speak out against the government, their agenda, and their laws, that is *the essential quality* that makes the free press an Absolute necessity in a democracy of Free People.
These truths have been ignored in New Zealand for a very long time.
Isn’t State education a wonderful thing?
Cultivation millions of indoctrinated compliant useful Idiots!
She can now have certainty that the Mainstream media of New Zealand will sit nicely in her pocket all the way up to the next election… Unless we freedom lovers expose her for what she really is.
She is no ‘Great Leader’ as she is being touted in the international Press!
She is in fact a bumbling Communist prescribing Communism and conformity to the UN Agenda!
Absolute Power!
Individual rights must be sacrificed to the greater collective good.
Free Cash for everyone!
No Tax relief!
With the Mainstream media now bought and paid for by her Party Political bribery and tucked safely into in her back pocket, it is easy to see why Ardern and the system of state she runs wants to control the Internet, social media, and free speech!
The Press being no longer free, it has fallen to independent dissident voices using Soapboxes, letterbox drops, and social media to raise the alarm against the tyrannical deeds and agenda of our State, and attempt to inform the people of alternative perspectives and rally them to resist… esp at election time.
So for this reason alone you must appreciate the magnitude of what is at stake with Andrew Little’s drive for heavy ‘hate speech laws’… and the imposition of Ardern’s and Macron’s ‘Christchurch call’… calling for heavy censorship of the internet suppressing views, opinions, and dissidents that oppose their Politically correct pseudo-values, and their UN globalist agenda.
It has been the voices of independent thinkers, and dissident experts who have stepped up to fill the void as the vanguard of liberty… the mainstream media having deserted their post!
And this is what has provoked Leviathan into seeking to absolutely suppress and outlaw Free speech.
The mainstream media is in full cahoots with the government in their desire to suppress independent voices and alternative media on the Net.
Worst still Sycophant Social media Giants owned and operated by Woke lefty Liberal Globalists are more than willing collaborators too!
They are already hard at work using AI to suppress independent voices.
It is essential that freedom lovers dont allow facebook and Youtube to hold a monopoly on your personal internet presence, but to have a second line of defence… Have a Mewe social media account.
Use Bitchute as much as possible instead of Youtube, and maybe use other browsers other than google… like duck Duck go, or Brave.
A month ago we suffered a barrage of Mainstream media Fake news about an approaching Plague that was expected to devastate the world, and we all trembled in fear as the media spread all the false information, and so we prepared for the worst.
Still rather than immediately throwing our toys out of the cot chose instead to voluntarily comply with the new laws Ardern began to issue despite personally considering them unjust for the sake of solidarity and the fight against the coming menace.
At first it appeared she was going to take a bold minimalist approach for which I actually commended her, but then she jumped in Boots and all with a full blown Police State Lock down.
In the next few weeks into Lockdown with an increase in data, as we watched the statistics, it very soon became apparent Covid-19 was no where near as dangerous as we had been led to believe and that we had in fact been deceived.
Voices began to reveal how the original data we had been fed from Italy etc was seriously compromised with dubious processes and Copious quantities of Media sensationalism.
Read: Italian MP, Sgarbi denounces the Statistical Fraud on COVID-19
‘Vittorio Sgarbi, denounces the closure of 60% of the businesses for 25,000 COVID-19 Deaths, of which the National Institute of Health says 96.3% died NOT of COVID-19 but of other pathologies. That means only 925 have died of the virus. 24,075 have died of other things…’
He says false statistics are being use to terrorize the citizens of Italy and establish a dictatorship.
I fully admit I myself watched such skewed new reports with Alarm and mobilised myself into action to prepare for the worst.
Still, at no time did I advocate or endorse any actions taken by Ardern that were a violation of Individual citizens rights.
I was involved in many discussion with others that identified and commented on her many violations, yet still I was willing to voluntarily comply with common sense practices like social distancing… yet this is in no way an endorsement of compulsion or tyrannical law and we reserved the right to protest at such a time as we could. First priorities being taking care of our families as the Pandemic landed on our shores.
Even at this early stage some of my smarter friends were already questioning this narrative and suggesting the economic consequences of what was being proposed was certainly something to be alarmed about.
The primary factor that scared the shit out of me about the Covid-19 threat was that it originated in Wuhan … where China’s Bio-warfare lab is located.
The Problem is that there was no way to take China’s claim that the virus was of natural origin as gospel because their Tyrannical regime cannot be trusted.
They were in fact implementing a pogrom to cover up the facts…. Whistle blowers were ‘disappearing’.
The Chinese Regime is EVIL!
Over a period of weeks last month… before our lockdown… News reports were describing an escalating crisis in Italy of nearly 1000 deaths per day, and we also saw Social media flooded with pics of supermarket shelves being emptied… whole Cities were being quarantined,
Convoys of Trucks were sanitisng the Streets in China and reports of a full scale National emergency about to be announced and Lock down… for months…. It sure looked to me like China had accidentally leaked a Bio=weapons grade WMD… and that I had better prepare for the worst.
Despite claims that the virus came from the ‘wet market’ 25km away from the highest security Virus Laboratory in Asia, I could not bring myself to have any confidence in that as being a fact.
I am fully aware that Natural pandemics (such as the Spanish flu) can be absolutely Ravenous, yet I still believe that I would have been far less alarmed had the virus started in any other city than Wuhan.
I could not shake the fear that Covid-19 was a genetically modified… Potentised… weapon.
Empirical facts that eventuated show us our fears were unfounded, yet a healthy skepticism still questions the offical narrative about the origin and nature of Covid-19 as simply from Bats at a ‘Wet Market’.
The Wet market provides a very convenient cover story… though it is statistically improbable that the Market is the true origin rather than the lab.
If you wanted to artificially create panic, having a Pandemic break out from the same neighborhood as a Viral Bio-weapons Lab will surely do the trick!
If you wanted to generate a global panic to allow the introduction of Compulsory Vaccination… this would be how you would do it.
Irrespective of whether or not your mind is as suspicious as mine, it remains clear that Western Governments like New Zealand (further fueling Pubic hysteria) Usurped oppressive Emergency powers and implemented lock downs from a complete lack of solid information about the virus (ignorance), and the perceived potential Plague level Carnage it was about to unleash (based upon seriously Skewed Bad Data).
The True facts became clearer several weeks later.
Covid-19 is in reality no more dangerous then the common Flu.
The world had been fed false Data generating Panic, and as such the lockdowns were a massive and costly mistake.
A massive economic and social catastrophe is now unfolding as a direct result of Stupendous and gratuitous government over-reaction!
We should have been come out of lockdown at least 2 weeks ago.
There was truckloads of Data and expert opinion by then that made this clear and Ardern’s failure to admit her mistake and immediately end the lockdown is a true testimony to her absolute lack of Good Leadership qualities.
Three facts of reality about Lockdown are.
1. It is an economic disaster,
2. The Lock down involves Tyrannical laws that violate our rights and Liberties and empower a Police State…. people getting arrested for Non-crimes.
3. It is ultimately a futile gesture because unless a nation stays perpetually in lockdown with closed boarders the Virus will ride back into the country via the boarder.
The only solution is to gain herd immunity… ie weather the storm in freedom as we do with the Flu and bear the cost… as we do with the Flu.
This does not mean *there are no actions* we can take to shield the most vulnerable… like Isolating Old folks homes, etc when these sorts of things appear, and plenty of other wise moves …. all that help… none that require making Ardern Absolute Ruler… the one painful lesson we must take away from all this is that the government must be prevented from usurping unjust powers and sabotaging our economy, and making criminals out of innocent people who refuse to surrender their rights!
We must protect free speech at all costs so that we maintain the right to critisise the Government and the established vested interests of the medical cartel and defend the ability of Free thinkers and Renegade medical professionals to talk to the public so that we still get to hear their views.
Only that way can we make smart decisions about our own health and well being… having access to *all* the information and arguments… not just the arguments *The State* wants you to believe.
That is how a free country with free people functions… taking personal responsibility for your own lives.
The opposite is a Police State… and tyranny… the sort of people who prefer that are the scared sheep who dont want to carry the responsibility of thinking for themselves and instead *want to be told what they must do*… by an all powerful Nanny State.
These are also the ‘Collaborators’ with the all powerful State who *hate seeing other people not living in fear like they are… and choosing instead of submission to exercise their legitimate rights… and in this situation it would have been businesses that would have stayed open, etc.
And the thing is that when you have a free society that keeps the government in check and keeps people responsible for their own health and well being, *those who want to practice extreme isolation* may do so… they simply cant force everyone else to do the same… yet they can still *persuade* others… and that is how a free society works… by reason… by persuasion… not but draconian laws…. not by compulsion…. not by silencing voices of dissent.
Ardern has not saved us… she has dealt us a horrific blow and has Fooled the gullible into worshiping her heavy hand.
She must go!
Ardern did not create this dysfunctional situation of Coercion, tt was purpose built for her from successions of Power Mad Demagogues (like Helen Clark) which the gullible sheeple have installed over themselves.
Ardern inherited it and is now exploiting it to the maximum for her own political ambitions.
Like all other Western nations New Zealanders have long forgotten what the bounds and legitimate duties of government are.
What is the most tragic is that in reality what Ardern did was not novel in kind … not revolutionary … but simply more of the usual Mutton fisted socialism ….in Spades.. and a huge portion of New Zealanders worship her for it!
That is the real tragedy!
The sheepish, spineless, slavish mentality of such a large portion of the population.
The question now is are we going to allow the Delusions of Arderns ‘Statesmanship’ go unchallenged or are we going to work tirelessly for the truth and for the restoration of our rights and liberties?
Will we work to get safeguards against Hate speech legislation?
Will we work to get safeguards against compulsory testing and vaccinations, against the all seeing eye of Tracking via Peter Thiel Spy technology?
Will we work to ensure no Prime minister or parliament has the authority to enact a Police State or ever contemplate deploying the army against the free citizens of New Zealand?
This can be done by the will of the people enacting a New Iron clad constitution that will for the first time since New Zealand became an independent nation instill *The True Rule of Law above the social arbitrary power of Parliament* .
This is something I have spent the last 20 plus years fighting for, and as recent events have shown, The need is even more urgent now than it was when I started my Libertarian Political activism.
The System is broke Yo!
We need to fix it!
It simply should not be constitutionally Lawful for Power mad socialists like Ardern to Usurp such tyrannical powers!
The Legislative powers of Parliament must be kept subordinate to a ‘Higher Law’… A Supreme Bill of Rights that protects our Rights and liberties as individuals… inviolate!
In short we need to establish the true Rule of Law… principles of Justice…. over and above Social arbitrary law and the Whims of a Parliament of Fools.
Watch (Below) American hero Ammon Bundy serve a Cop for a violation of his oath to uphold the constitution after He Arrested a mother at a Park who was deemed to be in violation of Covid 19 lockdown.
This Video shows what a Freedom loving community does when faced with Police enforcing unjust unconstitutional laws!
The People have legal redress and this cop will have to explain himself in court.
He should have refused to enforce such an obviously Tyrannical law that was in complete violation of the constitutional rights and liberties of US Citizens.
In Fact this Policeman committed a crime against the Mother!
He will have to explain himself in court.
The Price of Liberty is eternal vigilance and unfortunately Americans have on a whole neglected to defend their constitutional rights from erosion, none the less Brave citizens like the Bundys have been fighting back!
Their fight has reached epic proportions to the degree of even being wrongfully imprisoned by the Government for their defense of their Property and constitutional rights.
Eventually Justice prevailed against extreme Government corruption and they were acquitted.
Not before one of their friends and fellow American Patriots had been assassinated by a government hit squad… the late Great Lavoy Finicum.
Let Us hope that victory in the fight to secure our rights as New Zealand citizens from Government abuses does not demand of us such monumental resolve, for who among us has such high character as the Bundys?
Few If any.
Still their story serves as a modern day example of how Ugly the struggle for Freedom against Modern democratic States can get.
Freedom is for the brave… everyone else is a slave.
And if you think we have it tough just think about the poor souls in China or Hong Kong!
That is how bad things can get when Full blown Tyranny takes hold.
The sooner Tyranny is confronted and defeated, the easier the victory.
This is not just about our own Freedom but about Future generations of Kiwis.
So my friends let us peacefully rally together and make a big noise against the Myth of Jacinda Ardern as Wonder woman!
And the System that has given her licence to to treat us like her surfs.
Let us expose her for the communist Fraud that she is.
Let us also expose the character of those who worship her …their slave mentality.
Let us not surrender our rights without Protest!
And most of All let us defend free speech!
The Covid-19 hysteria and tyranny is a perfect example of why Free speech is so vital and also why Liberty in medical matter is also essential now that we are hearing calls for the state to pass legislation for compulsory vaccinations.
Just last year… well before Covid-19 was world news, I contributed to a book on the war on Free speech in New Zealand called ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ (Tross Publishing), in which I made commentary on how Free speech is vital on the subject of vaccinations as is our right to refuse vaccinations for our selves and our children if we deem the persevered advantages are outweighed by the risk… this portion follows below
“The Anti-vax movement is another minority group whom have been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the Socialist ambitions for compulsory vaccinations.
The biggest problem with regards to Vaccinations in New Zealand is that because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures.
As the saying goes you cant fool all of the people… all of the time, and so many people *rightly don’t trust* politicians or the health system they run.
Personally I am not Anti-vaxx… but I am absolutely opposed to *Compulsory vaccinations* because I know there are definitely serious risks involved.
And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access *to the whole truth*… not just the governments side of the story.
It is a Parents Right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet to exercise this parental responsibility they must be told the whole truth…. they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions.
Yet People like Ardern who want compulsory Vaccinations seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks.
The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory Vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ … the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there *is a risk* of serious reactions to vaccinations… not lied to about this… and esp not having their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot and was crippled… and died young .
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition thus Families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who dont give a crap about such things and only care about their own tyrannical dictates… that they think are for the public good.
And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe vaccinations are dangerous to publicly make their case… and it is evil for the government to censor them.”
Tim Wikiriwhi ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ pg 188-189
Wake Up New Zealand!
You are living under a fast growing Police State!
There is a battle going on over the minds of our nation that if we loose… the Government will fully control what views and opinions your children will imbibe… and determine what beliefs they eventually subscribe to… and what values they hold!
This post appeared on my FB alternative Social Media News feed.
‘VJM Publishing’ is a New Zealand Based Independent commentator and Blogger who dares to march to the beat of their own drum with complete disregard to what passes as ‘the official narrative’.
I dont subscribe to much of what they publish, yet I greatly respect independence of mind… and the courage to speak out against corrupt powers that be… and in this sense VJM publishing is very much kindred spirit to Eternal Vigilance Blog… and it is *always* disturbing to me when I read about such activities by the New Zealand Police that involve people who have only exercised their legitimate rights to expressing their own opinions and beliefs without engaging in threats.
It is not essential prerequisites for me to either agree with the opinions being expressed, or the manor in which they were delivered for me to appreciate that *Every time the Police visit someone in New Zealand because of the Lawful expression of their own opinions that this is an extreme danger to *The Rights of all of us to Free speech*… and that the worst possible thing for our country is to allow ourselves to fall into apathy… and for us to become inured at this serious breach of proper Police conduct… and socially conditioned to the degree that it no longer triggers alarm… but becomes acceptable… and routine…. and the act of protest against it then becoming ‘radical’ and ‘suspicious’ .. in the herd mentality.
I asked permission to Screen shot VJM Publishing’s post and to blog it.
I also asked… ‘How does this make you feel?
How will this affect your future posts to the net?
Not to say that you are feeble, yet still I can already assume that such a visit will cause you… and anyone that has been intimidated in such a way by the *State to hesitate expressing opinions on specific topics that are the focus of the Governments agenda and actions…that before this visit you would have made with full conviction that they need to be said.
I can imagine if this happened to me that I would naturally feel this way myself… and it is this psychological intimidation that is such a threat to free speech… even without other actions such as prosecutions… de-platforming… etc.
Mandatory Credit: Photo by WALLACE WOON/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10239324q)
Meanwhile Jacinda Ardern sips her Chardonnay. and prepares herself for her next ‘Womans day’ interview.
From my study of how best to deal with this situation, I think VJNP did very well as Legal advice suggests there is little to be gained for the targets of this Police attention, and a lot loose by voluntarily talking to them… yet I cant help but wonder if a few specific questions at the door could be informative as to which actual ‘internet conversations’ you engaged in ‘triggered’ them to schedule you for a visit.
We can already with confidence know that anyone they ‘visit’ like this is on their watch list and it is highly likely that your Internet associates are also under surveillance.
It is dangerous for you to engage them voluntarily, and even if you get arrested for some charge you still have the right to refuse to give a statement…
And so yet again here am I… alerting you once more to the fact that this Police harassment of Free speech against the critics of Ardern’s government is still ongoing… and blogging a warning to my countrymen imploring you all to rally against this tyranny that is being systematically established in our country via the ambitions of Jacinda Ardern’s Coalition government, and the acquiescence of the National party.
And of course simply by daring to stand up in opposition to this massive Police over-reach I myself can expect to become a target of this *Thought Police* agenda and ‘flagged’ for ‘observation’ and a ‘friendly visit’ from the Boys in blue.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing…. and that is what many New Zealanders will do… nothing.
They will allow this Creeping political oppression to happen unchallenged.
Many will allow themselves to be intimidated into silence and subjection out of fear that by mere association with the likes of Me that you will attract the gaze of the Evil Eye.
You will prefer to turn your backs to what is happening and Parrot the line that ‘only dangerous and deluded nutters’ like Libertarians and Nazis have anything to worry about and that ‘the Police are ‘doing their best to ‘make New Zealand a safe space’ for the many ‘marginalised and under-trodden minorities’ who suffer the endemic prejudices brought to these shores via Western Colonialism… and bringing our ‘backward nation’ more into line with the ‘Liberal progressive global Ideal’ as championed by our Visionary PM and colleagues.
That is the Official Narrative.
The Conditioned members of the herd we say “lets be real about who is in the right here and who needs to learn their place.
What do these whining and seditious Plebs know about politics anyway and by what extreme vanity do they assume to defy the Political science and Moral philosophy of our Trained and credentialed political elites?
Are they not the most base and ignorant of protagonists?
The New Zealand Police surely know best… and are doing what needs to be done to make our Nation safe!
Why dont these ungrateful Cretans pay our benevolent government homage?
Is not our country is being transformed for the better thanks to the great helmsman-ship of Ardern and her faithful collaborators on both sides of the house?
It is all means that will be justified by the ends… and it’s is a credit to her that by being far more resolved than any earlier Paternal Lawgivers that finally Our Nanny state may yet End Racism, Patriarchal Sexism, Religious Domination, homelessness and economic disparity!
Surely the sooner these dangerous rebels are all compelled to fall into line the better for everyone.’
After the Christchurch ‘event’, New Zealand changed overnight…It has been used to justify massive State encroachments upon the freedom and rights of New Zealand citizens even though this act was committed by a foreign terrorist!
The Police are now wasting massive time and resources acting as Political ‘Thought police’… imposing a partisan ideology and agenda!
And the first victims have been those free thinkers who dare to interpret the facts in a manner that contradicts the ‘official narrative’.
Instead of Busting Thrives, fraudsters, Vandals, and violent offenders, the Police have redirected vital resources to prop up Arderns Political ideology and agenda.
The above video is a must watch!
What the hell has happened to our country!
It is frightening how the police treated this sickness beneficiary, and sounds like they were trying to use the mental health act to justfy their violation of his rights, their mistreatment, and their abuse of power!
People like Ex feminist Tammy Bruce told us this was comming… Read her book ‘The New Thought Police…inside the lefts Assault on free speech and free minds’ published in 2001.
This is Orwell’s 1984 Prophesy being fulfilled before your very eyes.
This is the rise of the system of the Beast as predicted in the Book of Revelation!
And remember the Dictum “Evil Prevails when good men do nothing…”
Remember also that the wise critic … Socrates… was executed for spreading ‘ideas’ that called into question the ‘social norms and values’ of his day being found guilty of ‘Corrupting the youth’.
The diminutive Act Party are the only party in Parliament who have resolved to enact law to put an end to the thought control and suppression of free Speech in New Zealand.
If you are wondering what you can do to fight the slide into a police state you can boldly share my blogs like this one on your social media pages.
You can Join the Act Party *Now* and Bolster their numbers, and encourage them to maintain the good fight in the cause of Liberty!
Teach both the National Party and Labour a lesson for their betrayal of New Zealand freedom and values to the evil and tyrannical Global agenda.
Get active in the peaceful protest to what is transpiring… people power can win!
That is how Truth and justice, and Liberty can prevail over the powers of darkness that seek to control your lives and enslave your children.
The greatest danger Heroic voices of dissent face is for their countrymen not to rally in their support… for it is in isolation that oppressive governments can pick off their troublesome critics with impunity.
I hide nothing… everything I write is open to the general public. I have never shied away for candidly expressing my views even on contentions issues, and rallied in defense of injustice even when it is being borne by unpopular minorities… such as Drug users, Prostitutes, etc, yet the walls are fast closing in… The powers that be are passing laws to criminalise voices like mine.
Please do your bit to save Freedom in New Zealand… for our children’s sake.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian Independent.
Update: 22-7-19 From VJM Publishing… “…One definining characteristic of a Police state is ‘The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions […] on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.’…” Read more …
Update: In the past few years I have had several conversations with Phil Arps via social media, and gave him opportunity to tell me his side of events. I spoke frankly with him about what I wrote below, and he responded cordially.
One of the most vile and Machiavellian ploys being used by the left today to discredit their political opponents and critics… esp those whose they cant defeat in open debate … those they seek to silence… those they seek to persecute and disparage the Public from paying them any heed, is to falsely label them ‘Alt Right’… White supremacists…. ‘extremists… etc.
The most common types to suffer this abuse are Conservatives and Libertarians.
This post is my attempt to expose this well known tactic, by presenting an *actual example* of a Real Alt Right Nationalist white supremacist … aka A Nazi… to serve as a template to show just how dishonest the left are when they label likes of Hobson’s Pledge *Don Brash* ‘Alt right’ etc.
That there does exist some genuine Alt Right Neo-Nazi Racists in New Zealand is not in dispute, yet they are *an infinitesimal minority*, yet again it is the desire of our devious agenda driven Left wing Government to greatly exaggerate the scale of this extremist group and the danger they pose to others so as to justify Heavy handed legislation against free speech, voluntary association, and extreme Jack booted behaviour by the Police.
Since the Christchurch Terror attack, all it takes to be raided by Armed Police now in New Zealand is for some radical left Social justice warrior to call a police hot line and finger anyone they disagree with … any critics of Arderns Government as being ‘Alt Right’.
The New Zealand Police have now become Politicized and are now acting as ‘Thought Police’ intimidating Critics of Ardern and themselves.
I want to discuss how and why the Police and government are demonstrating a very *left handed* bias when it comes racism and who they are choosing to focus their heavy handed attention upon , and talk a bit about the concepts of ‘Left, right, center, and Libertarianism yet let me first present to you a poster child exemplar for what a real New Zealand Alt Right Nationalist and White Supremacist looks, acts, and talks like.
Phil Arps.
Phil Arps (left) with Guns giving the ‘White Power’ Nazi Salute.
I think its important to insert a NewsHub link ‘Opinion:Why we ran the video of the white supremacist and the pig’s head’ here that exposes the sort of dangerous Racist and criminal Phil Arps is.
Without Doubt Phil Arps, who has just been convicted for sharing Brenton Tarant’s Prohibited Live footage of his Murderous Killing spree is a dangerous and Evil Alt Right Nationalist White supremacist… a Criminal who deserves to be behind bars.
Though I dont support the censorship of Tarrant’s manifesto… or the rationale that was given to justify it becoming a criminal offence to possess it or share it, nor do I agree with the extremely heavy penalties that apply to sharing the ‘prohibited’ video footage… and despite the fact that I believe the New zealand Police has been acting in a very Jack booted mannor themselves… post Christchurch… pointing guns in the faces of children, etc… still… despite all that… I congratulate the New Zealand Police for arresting Arps as he clearly represented a danger to Non-whites, Migrants, and Muslims.
I contend that even without the censorship of the Video, … or any New Hate speech legislation that New Zealand already has regulations against Threats of violence that Arps has violated many times, and justify him being Prosecuted and heavily punished.
Even if the Video was not outlawed, there still is probably a sufficient case to prosecute him for his intention to get the video doctored so that it had ‘Cross hairs’ going from victim to victim… so that he and his mates could use it to intimidate others, and watch it with Glee while drinking beer in Tarants honor, Eating Popcorn, and planning what crimes they might perpetrate against the focal point of their vile Racism and Bigotry… the Muslim community of Christchurch.
I believe that an argument may be made that his intent to doctor the video in such a way constitutes yet more threats and intimidation to commit violence against his local and peaceful Islamic community… the very community that lost 50 souls in Tarants cowardly and barbarous attack.
and as it turns out… even if such a case could not be made in that regard… the public has just found out that Arps has made explicit threats *Countless times* that he intends to commit murder against Muslims, and Jews.
All the censorship, and secrecy the Government and Police have shrouded around Tarrant and Arps (and another… including a youth who shared the banned manifesto *Before it was prohibited*)… has meant that the New Zealand public have been left in the dark about these very important cases… and I think this secrecy is outrageous as we the people have *the right* to know what the hell is going on and why… yet after News Hub ran their story ‘Opinion: Why we ran the video of the white supremacist and the pig’s head’ Many New Zealanders including myself got their first glimpse at what sort of person Phil Arps *Really is* and the Crimes that he has been committing against the Islamic community in Christchurch.
This is when We got to see *What a genuine Alt Right Nationalist White Supremacist looks like… how they behave… and how they think… driven by Evil… harboring malevolent intents against Non- whites, Migrants, etc… mimicking attitudes common in Nazi Germany in the 1920-40s.
So Phil Arps *is a genuine Alt right Nationalist White supremacist Hater*… a Loathsome racist… a danger to civil society that upholds Liberty and equality before the law for all.
Promoting Tolerance and peaceful coexistence.
The limits on free speech is not whether or not someone may be offended by what someone else has said, but whether or not incitement to or threats of violence have been made, thus Australian Rugby Legend Israel Folau was completely within his right to quote the bible that says sinners… including homosexuals… are in danger of Gods wrath.
This is nothing new to be said in western nations, nothing to loose your job over… until Left wing radicals who hate Christianity, have managed to totally dominate the political landscape and weaponise ‘Taking offence’ via the pseudo-moral construct of ‘Hate speech’… a construct that attempts to totally destroy the right to free speech in any nation that accepts its legitimacy.
What Ardern and the NZ Police need to remember is that a free and equal society *tolerates Free speech* and dissenting opinions, and the right to hold and expound religious opinions that may be critical of others…. *This is fundamental* to freedom and toleration…. *not a Police state that attempts to outlaw the people from expressing their religious views simply because another group dont like what they are hearing!
This Liberty is founded upon a body of enlightenment truths learned and fought for from centuries of struggle and is what has distinguished western Liberty from Tyranny of all sorts, from Fascim, from Communism, and from Islamic and even Christian forms of tyranny…. and why in most western nations Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists , and Hindus, have all been able to peacefully coexist… each group peacefully following their own consciences…under a social compact of equality before the law.
And all this was going just fine here until the foreign terrorist and psychopath Brenton Tarrant brought his murderous hatred to our shores!
yet instead of appreciating how good New Zealand really was in regard to these matters… the Ardern government took opportunity to destroy it all and impose tyrannical restrictions on guns and free speech!
They are manufacturing a crisis that never even existed here.
I’m Glad they have put Arps in jail. they should have done that a long time ago… they had enough laws in place to do so… yet now they are way out of hand and i hope the people of New Zealand put them back in their place!
Neither Arp or Tarrant are representative of any real crisis endemic in New Zealand!
There are Race relations problems here to be sure, yet they stream from a completely *different quarter*… and they too are the result of a politically manufactured crisis.
I want to talk about *Racist Doctrines that come from the far left* that likewise works to destroy yet another foundational principle of Western freedom… the principle of racial equality before the law.
Their divisive doctrines of ‘indigenous rights’… and ‘White privilege’ … ‘Treaty partnership’ etc etc have spawned deep racial divisions and a loathesome horde of racists of Colour… against Pakeha (New Zealanders of white European descent).
These left wing Racists far outnumber their Far right counterparts, and represent a far greater danger to New Zealand society than *real* white supremacists do.
But to talk about this blatant form of racism is to risk being labeled ‘A White Supremacist’.
Because of the failure of our Government to uphold the principle of Racial equality before the Law *Left wing Racist ideology has penetrated our government* and established an apartheid system complete with Race based Laws and institutions and created a two tier society based upon race.
Not only does this Officially endorsed form of Left wing racism now affect government policy, it also affects how they view critics of this institutionalized racism like Don Brash and his Anti-Treaty separatist lobby ‘Hobsons pledge’, and myself who has been a Libertarian activist calling for an end to Waitangi apartheid politics that has sprung up from Racist Radical separatist on the far left.
And yet neither *Don Brash, nor myself*… nor the hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders who have had a guts full of the institutionalized racism that has sprung up under the guise of ‘honoring the treaty’… are Alt right Nationalists/ white supremacists… yet it is all too easy for the left wing politicians like Andrew Little and Tariana Turia to label anyone who opposes their Racist politics as being ‘Far right’… and racist.
The truth is that Don Brash’s desire (and mine) to end Race based Laws in New Zealand is as antithetical to Alt Right racism as it is to Alt Left racism.
The Leftwing racist radicals of New Zealand are the Maori separatist movement… yet these radicals have managed to find support within the mainstream political parties mainly because they have taken control of the guaranteed Race based seats in our parliament, and the two big parties have fallen over themselves to bribe the radicals in these seats into coalition deals for the sake of control of the government and country.
Its a well known corruption of our democratic system now know as ‘Brown mail’.(a phrase coined by Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters)
And if we step back we see this same Machiavellian mechanism being used by left wing socialists right across democratic Western societies whereby any critics of Left wing policies that involve matters of Racial or cultural content… eg people who are not happy with the way immigration is being managed… these people are being labeled ‘Far right nationalists’.
An example of a Far left Racist Radical organisation in the US that pretends to be representing oppressed Blacks is *Black lives Matter*.
this organisation is very much like the Maori radical separatist movement in that they are infested with White-haters who advocate radical left wing ideology all the way up to establishing full blown Communism in the US and here in New Zealand.
Another Violent Radical left wing group that was founded in the US that is causing Riots and violence, and is spreading throughout western Democracies … yet is not meeting with Due Police restraint is ANTIFA… with their ‘Punch A Nazi’… most people getting punched are not like Phil Arps… are not supporters of Adolph Hitler… but are often little skinny White Teens wearing MAGA caps!
And by far and large these Violent left wing scum get away with it because the Police forces are soft on left wing violence and racism.
The Media across the Western world is now so infested with Woke left Wing social justice warriors that in both New Zealand and the US the Media routinely paint President Trump and his supporters as *Alt right nationalist racist white supremacists*… Fueling the mindless Zombies of Antifa into frenzied riots and acts of violence… as if a white kid wearing a MAGA hat *Really is a Nazi!*
The irony is it’s ANTIFA who are acting Like NAZIs … they are the Intolerant hateful Barbarians calling for virtually everything to be banned, and attacking anyone who holds a different opinion to their own!
This is a classic demonstration of the absolute ignorance of how the Left have no idea how similar The two extremes of the Left and right are.
The Radical Left-wing Maori Joe Trinder wants Don Brash shut down and ‘Punished’ because Don Brash wants Racial equality before the Law whereas Trinder seeks to maintain and expand Racial separatism of the Treaty industry because of the vast wealth and political advantages it affords to people like himself.
Many Caucasian Vocal Internet personalities who have supported President Trump and been critical of the Lefts mass immigration policies and how Liberal governments have failed to maintain law and order (esp in France) have been systematically labeled ‘Alt right’ and ghosted on the internet.
When ever the Left writes an opinion piece that links Radical Nazis like Phil Arps with moderate conservative ‘center right’ critics they are perpetrating Political Slander of the highest order
An example of this is here … where by the conservative center right Facebook administrator of ‘Right Minds NZ’ Dieuwe De Boer is listed as being a part of the ‘Organised Far Right in Aotearoa/NZ’
At least the author has the honesty to admit De Boer is *a conservative*… not Alt right… yet still it is outrageous to include him in an article labeled ‘An Introduction to the Organised Far Right in Aotearoa/NZ’.
This is how the left opperates.
And governments across Western Civilisation are now sending out the police to harass voices of dissent, treating them as ‘dangerous radicals’ ‘hatemongers’ etc when in reality by far the majority of them are not Radicals at all… but conservatives protesting the rapid growth of the Police state being driven by the Left.
New Zealanders are being intimidated by the police for expressing their political opinions on Social media… exercising their right to fee speech… no threats… no hate… just critisisms of what our government is doing.
This is how dangerous and hateful the left wing has become… and yet how blind to it all the Mainstream Media and mainstream parties have become…. and because of this failure on the part of the media and Mainstream political parties… those who have had a guts full of militant left wing Aggression are far more likely to gravitate to the far right, given they can find no reasonable and determined opposition in the main body of the Center right.
Thus we should not be surprised to see the rise of Far right Groups and parties… though here in New Zealand the numbers have been very low… yet because the heavily slopped activities of Arderns government and the police post Christchurch, and their attempts to suppress free speech… we can expect the numbers of the Alt Right here not to subside… but to grow… all because the likes of the National party are not acting as a Conservative opposition party against all this left wing radicalism.
The truly *conservative center right voice* is no longer the Nz National party that has fallen so far left as to be almost indistinguishable from Labour… the Conservative right are now Epsom Mp’s David Seymour’s Act Party, Hobsons Pledge, and Libertarians like myself who voice our opposition to left wing radicalism and racism, yet also express our opposition to Alt right radicalism and racism…. yet the great propaganda lie is that we are Alt right… that because we want to end racial privilege to Maori that we are therefore Racist white supremacists… etc etc… all absolutely despicable lies… and yet willfully lapped up by the media, and the Left.
This is such a massive subject that I will have to make a second post that goes into detail about the so-called ‘left/ Right’ political spectrum and how cumbersome it is and how it is an insufficient… way too simplistic tool to describe individuals and various party co-ordinates within the whole political paradigm.
I will simply finish here with a photo of my own result having completed a political quiz that shows political positions on a two dimensional graph rather than on the one dimensional linear straight line from left to right that is taught in Zombie school politics class or law.
This tool is called ‘the Political compass’.
There are many different versions of this quiz that have different questions, and get different results.
For people like myself I often dont like the way many of the questions are framed, nor the limited ‘answers’ available to pick from… (like most political polls)… and yet usually I end up just on the left side and in the middle of the Libertarian lower half of the compass… yet in the one I post below I ended up just to the right, and closer to the demarcation line between Libertarian and authoritarian (not happy about that!) … yet most importantly *still in the Libertarian sector of the compass* which is the *very opposite sector to Socialist authoritarianism of both the Left and right!
Liberarianism is one of the Hardest political ideologies to sell because on one hand when we critisise the left we get called fascists, and again when we critisisze the Right we get called communists! Both equally false… both equally despicable slanders
This is a result of me doing a political compass quiz.
I am the red dot on the lower quadrant… just right of center.
Where Phil Arps would register I have represented with the Swastika High up on the Authoritarian scale and to the hard right.
Jacinda Ardern would register near the top (but not at the top) and near the far left (but not at the far left extreme).
The most important thing though is not so much how far to the left or the right a person scores but more how high or low a persons views puts them into authoritarianism… and the use of political power,force, and coercion, as opposed to how Libertarian a person is… those who believe in personal liberty, self reliance, self responsibility,free speech, and volunaty community actions.
Do the political compass yourself here (see sidebar)
So despite everything the left tries to say and assume about my politics because I critisise them so much… I am not an Alt right wing Fascist whatsoever.
Libertarianism *is not Alt right* and such accusations by haters on the left are filthy and disgusting Lies of the highest order.
New Zealand is *not* a nation that treats everyone equally yet this dangerous systemic racism is not Alt Right… but Alt Left!
The toxic *socialist racist doctrine* of treaty separatism and indigenous rights… and Colonialist ‘white guilt’… has grown to such a degree that even the center-right parties now advocate for it.
The Alt Right in New Zealand remains a tiny minority and yet the Way or Prime minister Jacinda Ardern and the Police are behaving anyone would think New Zealand is crawling with Neo Nazis and that New Zealand facebook users are chanting ‘Seig Heil’… and threatening their Muslim neigbours!
This is total Bullshit!
This is a propaganda generated hysteria… for Machiavellian political ends,,, the subjugation of the New Zealand people…. a massive power grab!
And to state something that is almost a crime to mention… The Monster who committed the Atrocities in Christchurch that has been used by Ardern and the Police to trample underfoot the rights and liberties of New Zealanders wrote in his now Prohibited Manifesto ‘The Great replacement’ that it was his intention to accelerate the march towards Civil War between the left and right factions within Western societies…. and the actions of Ardern and the Police are doing precisely that!
Ardern and the Police are playing their part in Brenton Tarrants diabolical plan… and they are doing there best to shut down voices like my own who use free speech on the internet to warn the Public what is going on, and to call the people of New Zealand to rally and protest against this *Police state* that has been foisted upon us in a mere matter of months.
And its not just happening here… but elsewhere also… It started earlier in Australia… its happening in the US, Britain, France, Canada… wherever Woke left wing Governments are selling out their nations to Leviathan seated at the UN.
Update: 19-5-19
“OPINION: If you need evidence of why governments should not be trusted with regulating social media companies you only need to flick through the twenty four page advertorial masquerading as a report produced by the freshly minted Helen Clark Foundation last week.
It isn’t a long read, being mostly stock photos and images of Clark and Ardern, but its message is clear: new regulations are needed to prevent online hate speech in order to combat terrorism.
New Zealand ‘Last’ MP Ron Mark, NZ Minister of Defense.
The New Gun Prohibition is a massive weakening of our Nations Defense capability.
You have to have rocks in your head if you believe New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern’s new Firearms prohibitions outlawing Citizens from owning Semiautomatic Rifles and high capacity magazines has made our Nation safer.
Removing these Rifles from Citizens will render our Nation far less capable of National defense, which given how weak New Zealand’s Defense forces are already, we need to have a large percentage of our population well armed and competent as auxiliaries to our meager Armed forces for National defense against invasion.
Ardern and in fact our entire parliament except Act’s David Seymour have shown total disregard for the obvious and monumental *strategic foolishness* of removing this Citizen arsenal involving 10s of thousands of semi automatic Rifes and their Ammunition.
The Deterrent value against foreign invasion and terror attacks of having large numbers of these guns in skilled private hands is reason enough to condemn outright the new Arms amendments.
Armed private citizens with ARs have taken out terrorists attacking churches, etc ending the murder… saving lives … well before any Police were on site… this truth is what the New Zealand government wants to hide.
Where was New Zealands First’s Great defender of Gun Rights… and Minister of Defense, Ron Mark when this shameful, Unjust, and borderline Treasonous legislation was being passed? Cowering in the corner behind his Autocratic Party Leader Winston Peters!
The New Zealand gun fraternity used to look up to Ron Mark… as he postured himself as being New Zealand’s most Pro-gun Member of Parliament, yet we have seen his true colours!
YELLOW! Too scared of his Shady Boss Winston Peters to really put New Zealand first defend our country from this wicked legislation.
We have herd Zilch from him during this time of crisis… his silence is *Deafening!*
This equates to a betrayal of the New Zealand gun community and the people of New Zealand as a whole… our Minister of Defense is surrendering our Nations citizen arsenal to the tyrants he serves.
New Zealand has been subject to a heavy Propaganda campaign designed to keep us in a state of panic, so as to justify the States ongoing extreme tactics by the police and maintain ‘political momentum’ / pressure with respect to the governments gun Confiscations and new Strong Arm that treats *everyone* as a potential terrorist or hate-monger.
The Police said that ANZAC day celebrations had to be cancelled, and that Ramadan religious gatherings also should be cancelled due to ‘ongoing security threats’… yet *nothing happened* in either case… nor did the Police release *any proof* that such threats were real… and despite the fact that Winston Peters flew all the way to Turkey to convince The madman Dictator Erogan that the attack was a one-off anomaly and that there exists no security threat to Muslims in New Zealand.
All this tells me New Zealand is being taken over by a Police State.
CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND – MARCH 21: A police officer stands guard as relatives of victims of mosque attack arrive to attend the funeral of a victim who died at the mosque attack at Memorial Park Cemetery, in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 21, 2019. At least 50 people were reportedly killed in twin terror attacks targeting mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, an official said on Friday. Witnesses claim the Al Noor Mosque was targeted by armed assailants and there were up to 200 people inside for Friday Prayers. (Photo by Peter Adones/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
And Everyone must have noticed that after the Christchurch Terror attack that the Government stationed Armed Police with AR Rifles and high capacity Magazines?
Just about every article written about the New Zealand Police post Christchurch attack … whether about their disgusting Sunday morning Dawn raids, or about them guarding some Mosque or public event shows them en masse brandishing AR Rifles and high capacity magazines.
What this shows the thinking observer is obviously how highly regarded the AR is by the Police for the purpose of anti-terrorist defense (and for rounding up dissidents).
This being so it is clear that the new Gun Prohibitions against ARs is 100% opposed to *We the people* possessing these arms that are *the best defense* against being slaughtered en masse by terrorists who are guaranteed that should the wish to attack any public place… a church… or a mosque… they will meet zero self defense… ie New Zealanders are sitting ducks thanks to the tyrannic Anti gun… anti-self defense policies of our out of control Government and Police.
Not content with simply the demoralising effect of having theses guns on display during their recent harassment on the Gun community,*These Maniacs have been pointing their loaded Guns at Children!* That is such an outrage! to think the general public has been taught *NEVER POINT A GUN AT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING* never point a gun at anything you dont want to *Destroy*… yet these Mindless Minions think nothing of the Trauma they are inflicting upon the innocent… *This is what a Police state looks like*.
And when Ardern gives the Nod the armed Police standing guard around mosques will disappear.
In my submission opposing the New Gun prohibitions I said….
So I am saying that if New Zealand really wants to be safer… we should stop believing the empty promised of Jacinda Ardern… that her nanny state will keep us safe!
Instead we should instead be recognising New Zealanders rights to look to their own defense!
We should have more respect for the right to self defense… and more respect for Guns and the security they provide!
After what happened in Christchurch, if anyone is likely to be skeptical of Arderns bogus promises to keep them safe it will be immigrants and Muslims!
I would not blame NZ Muslims who witnessed what happened to instead desire the right to provide for their own defense!
The Government may be temporarily stationing Police outside mosques for the time being… until *they* assume the terrorist risk has diminished… and then the cops will pack up their guns and leave!
Yip… at some point the cops will leave mosques and churches absolutely defenseless again… just as they were before the attacks!
This bill does nothing to increase their security… it leaves them absolutely exposed to the next psychopath!
The solution is Obvious!
Everyone… Mosques, churches, everyone should be making provisions for their own security… which would include having armed guards… and better still concealed carry armed worshipers!
This is reality people!
The world is not a daycare center for children!
In this world dangerous. evil people exist, and the government cannot keep us safe.
And so when you do the math you find that the Governments rationale with regards to these new Gun Prohibitions does not hold water.
We see that the Police are absolutely out of control and are already confiscating Guns from Law abiding Citizens with absolute disregard for the September deadline or the fact that The Buyback scheme has not even been sorted out!
The Police are no longer acting in the interests of the People they are supposed to serve but are instead acting as a self-interested Power in cahoots with our Parliament that has thrown our rights and due process in the bin under the pretext of ‘a crisis’ and ‘Keeping us safe’.
The Ardern government thinks nothing of violating the Principle of the division of powers in allowing the police to write further Gun regulations and confiscations… as they so desire!
And we dont even hear a peep out of Nationals Simon Bridges on this issue *despite the fact that he is a high profile Lawyer!
This is because he’s not a man of Principle either.
And New Zealanders are such timid sheep as to let it all this happen without protest.
Of course all the reports of Armed raids with the Police terrorizing Families… some for simply exercising their rights to express their opposition to what the Government and Police are doing on social media is having a *suppressing effect* on open dialogue… some people comment on News articles about the Police raids warning people to take care what they say… lest they too get put on ‘the police list’.
Now this fear of speaking out… fear of protesting …effect works in the Jack boots favour as it renders the public incapable of rallying to their own defense… it makes it easier for the Police to continue picking off victims one by one, and so I say it is absolutely *essential* that in such times the people of New Zealand dig deep and find the courage to speak up… and rally together *in spite of the risks* that the Police may turn up at your door with Guns.
I am fully aware that by talking this way publicly, and by communicating with some of the people who have been raided that there is the highest probability that I am myself on the ‘watch list’, and that the Police would love to shut me down.
It is a terrible thing that I have had to explain this to my Wife and 8 year old child… Its traumatising.
You can understand how the actions of the Police are causing many people to shut their mouths and blend in with the herd.
*And this is what it was like in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Kim Jung Un’s North Korea, China, etc etc!
People afraid to critisise their governments… and fearful of their politicized Police!
*Can you believe it that I am talking about this *vile evil* happening here in New Zealand????
just a few months ago it was inconceivable that we would be facing such an escalation of tyranny in such a short time… over a one off event.
The Resulting Tyranny is a far greater threat to our Nation than the horrific crime of Brenton Tarant… in fact I believe we are even more exposed to such events than ever before because of the Government has used this event to grab more power for itself, and not addressed the Peoples right to self defense at all!
My Blog Posts are notoriously too long… there is just so much going on that it is difficult to do justice to the Gravity of how bad things have become and I fear for our children future.
Orwell’s Distopia is fast upon us.
God Help us!
Its time to Rally people! Time to stand up and protest! Before its too late.
And The Time is right to abandon support for Both National and Labour, and NZ first, and the Greens!
They are all guilty of supporting what is happening.
Time to support Act!
David Seymour is almost the only MP whose integrity on these matters shines far above the rest of the shameful sell outs in parliament who have zero respect for the peoples rights or due process.
If Act is not your cup of Tea *Try the New Conservative party*. I have read many Good Policy press releases from them and they have been vocal in their condemnation of the new Gun Prohibitions and Police behavior post Christchurch.
And its time to abandon Facebook for their horrific Political bias and censorship of Voices of dissent.
Facebook may as well be on Ardern’s payroll.
Many freedom loving Conservatives and Libertarians are setting up shop on MeWe… I’m there… ready for when facebook pulls the plug on me for my activism…
Hopefully there will be large peaceful Public demonstrations against what is going on… I would be happy to speak.
We need individuals with a good public presence to organise such protests… as ‘small fish’ like myself has never been successful in rallying the Public… I dont have the ‘political capital’ to get the sheeple up off their couches.
None the less I do what is within my power, and I fulfill my civic duty as an individual to stand up and be counted… and I am ready to stand with likeminded citizens in protest against the Draconian Police state New Zealand has become.
Act Party Leader and MP for Epsom David Seymour.
If only New Zealanders (and esp gun owners) had listened to the warnings We Libertarians have been saying for the past 20 years… and voted for us… New Zealand would be taking a far different approach to things, and your rights would have been protected from such tyranny by a new constitution! Read this
The Libertarian solution is now more desperately needed than ever!
I salute the likes of Radio talk back host Sean Plunket for being vocal on these Issues and commend David Seymour also for not only being critical of Ardern’s contempt for democratic due process, but also giving notice to the New Zealand Police for their shocking behavior.
It is only via Free speech and Public outcry can we hope to put an end to this reign of terror that is upon us.
Lauren Southern is everything The Lefty Liberal Retards despise!
Men think She’s smokin Hot!
She loves Guns.
She hates Feminism.
And she is a vocal critic of Lefty Liberal Immigration policies.
One of the greatest dangers to the conservation of Western culture that Southern and Molyneux want to come to New Zealand to warn us about are those that stem from allowing a large influx of migrants and Refugees…from a starkly different culture.
Migrants who have no intention of assimilating their host nations culture or values and fervently harbour anti-Western ideas… such as outlawing critics of their religion … and that accommodating these alien ideas will spell the end of the Religious liberty we have enjoyed …founded upon tolerance and equality.
This should not be a surprise to anyone… and obviously measures need to be in place to protect the degrading of our rights and Liberties.
The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance… Our Heritage of Liberty and tolerance needs to be rigorously defended!
Well… Sadly… We see that the Islamic community in New Zealand already has leadership that thinks nothing of lobbying government to prevent speakers coming here they perceive as being critics of Islam!
And we already have Liberal Politicians who have zero respect for conserving Western culture more than willing to accommodate them!
*And that* is the *Real problem*… because in any society there will always be Petty Groups… and even malevolent groups who desire Laws that circumvent the rights and liberties of others… the problem happens when they are able to move Legal/Political powers to enact their anti-liberty desires.
Does anyone appreciate the Irony of this situation?
The arguments of Southern and Molyneux are being validated before our very eyes!
Is it already too late?
Has the sun already begun to set on Freedom and religious toleration in New Zealand?
I think so!
It is proven that even ‘Moderate’… Cosmopolitan forms of Islam (if that is what the ‘New Zealand Federation of Islam’ claims to be) are organisations dedicated to destroying Western ideals about personal Freedom… and enjoying life in a free and open society… Co-existing in peace based upon Ironclad Rights and liberties.
They want their religion (Islam) to be shielded from critique.
“She’s just going to insult all of us”
The Islamic community voiced their opposition to the visit last month.
New Zealand Federation of Islam Associations president Hazim Arafeh said it had written letters to the Immigration Minister, Minister for Ethnic Communities and the Human Rights Commission asking for Lauren Southern to be denied entry.
“[She] abuses her right of freedom of speech. She’s just going to give a talk in which she’s just going to insult all of us,” Mr Arafeh said.
“I don’t think insulting Muslims comes under free speech, that’s an abuse of freedom of speech.
“I’m talking on behalf of 50,000 to 60,000 Muslims in New Zealand who are going to face a very hard time by all the comments she is going to make.”
And the Anti-Western Commy Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff tweeted….
We see Goff quick to capitalize on this opportunity for extreme left ‘Virtue signalling’ that was not to be missed… under the pretense that the planned Speaking tour was ‘Divisive’.
Notice how on one hand we get Western Liberals applauding when their politically appointed partisan Judges insist Christian Bakers must accommodate Customers who want ‘Gay Wedding Cakes’… yet also these same hypocritical Ideologues then suggest it is a Right to exercise conscience *not to allow Southern and Molyneux use of Public facilities paid for by all Ratepayers… irrespective of Race, religion, or cultural heritage!
We can be certain that the council has in the past happily allowed its Publicly owed venues for such Radical Racists as
This is clear discrimination by the state in both counts… and on both counts it displays an agenda to suppresses the Religious liberty of the Cultural conservatives for the sake of pandering to the Anti-religious liberty sentiments of various sectors of our society.
Stephan Molyneux is also everything the Lefty Liberal SJW Retards love to hate.
Hes a Man… (Patriarchal Privilege)
He’s White… (White privilege)
He’s a defender of Western Values.
He’s unapologetic for any of that!
Banned from Entering New Zealand!
For The record let it be known that I have been very outspoken about what I didn’t like about Trumps Anti-refugee Electioneering… and I have defended the humanitarian urgency with regard to the plight of the Syrian refugees… and so I am not a person who endorses all the sentiments of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux… yet it has been waay too easy for a biased press to wheel out Prejudiced academics like the so-called ” Massey University far-right expert and vice chancellor Paul Spoonley …. saying some of what the pair say was considered hate speech and labeling them as ‘Far Right extremists’… when in reality Southern and Molyneux are very mainstream Western Conservatives… not Rightist radicals at all.
The last time I remember anything like this was when New Zealanders were denied opportunity to listen to the arguments of Holocaust denier and Historian David Irving… a Man who was later jailed for the crime of having an opinion contrary to The Politicians and academics of Europe.
Now This is no joke!
Not a triffilng matter… not a victory for Social progress… but a plunge into the abyss!
In England, an act of unworthy of any Civilized Free society an associate of Lauren Southern … Journalist Tommy Robinson… was marched straight to jail… without normal due process… because he desired to expose the legal Travesties going on in British courts by which Muslim rapists escape justice that would be meted out to any other demographic!
So on one hand people who balk against the Liberal’s PC agenda are criminalised and thrown in jail pronto while the system panders to *Real Criminals* in the misguided idea that Britain ought to accommodate the anti-western cultures of Non-citizens!
The Ultra Right parties are definitely on the rise in Europe… taking advantage of the chaos and disorder that has ensued because of Weak governments management of the Refugee Crisis, yet it is not *Ultra right* to protest against this Politically Correct travesty *but Conservatism*… yet because the principles and arguments that oppose all this Lefty Garbage may be broadly understood as ‘Libertarian’… this makes it easy for Lefty academics and politicians to label these ideas as ‘Far Right’… which is where these charlatans have always lumped Libertarians… as if they are Nazis!
And the Dopey shepple believe these lies.
Libertarians are as opposed to Rightist Fascism as they are opposed to Lefty Communism … and for the very same reasons… both forms of socialism… on the left and right … are all about totalitarianism… and both trample underfoot the rights and liberties of Individuals… Destroying lives… filling Prisons… and pounding anyone who will not comply into the ground.
And we have Bold speakers here in New Zealand … ‘Maori Holocaust deniers’ like Bruce Moon and John Ansell who dare to contradict the ‘Official History’ of the British colonization of New Zealand as being systematic oppression of The Maori people.
Unlike David Irving… Moon and Ansell have history on their side!
The revisionism is the 100% propaganda of the Lefty academics and radicals, yet tt is not a very long march from Banning Foreign speakers… to jailing our citizens who critisise our own governments views.
This is where all this is heading.
Had David Irving been allowed to come here and talk it is highly unlikely he would have persuaded anyone that the German Holocaust against the Jews did not happen!
And at the risk of a few nutballs swallowing a few delusions… the principle of free speech is far to precious to be surrendered!
Lefty Politicians Like Phil Goff’s Labour Party… and the Greens that are infested with Purple haired ‘Social Justice Warrior’ Lunatics… most of whom are confused about their own sexuality…harbor a deep repugnance for New Zealand’s Western Christian Heritage, and this being so we see a stark prejudice against Christian values, to the degree that we can be sure that They would not pander to any ‘Christian Lobby’ that would be silly enough to Demand people like Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse Tyson be denied visas ‘Because they insult Christianity’… etc.
The Hypocrisy of the left stinks to high heaven!
I believe that if there is any organised protest against this travesty preventing Southern and Molyneux for coming here and talking that all liberty loving Kiwi should endevour to be there… even if you do not endorse what they represent as this not simply about supporting what these individual want to say… Its a much BIGGER and FAR MORE IMPORTANT MATTER!
Its about telling our Government they have no right to shut down Dissenters who peacefully expound Ideas that are contrary to the governments Agenda!
We Kiwi have the right to invite such people… and to listen to what they have to say… and to make up our own minds about such things!
It is Dangerous to allow the government to control what we hear, Read, watch, etc!
This is Fundamental to living in a free society!
Any society that looses this is in grave peril… and will have jails filled with political prisoners… and I am not just talking about Hell holes like North Korea!
The Lefty Liberals about the Globe are fast eroding our rights and Freedom… fast pandering to intolerance… in the name of tolerance!
The Great Evil Anti-free speech Liberal doctrine is of course the the Deception of ‘Hate Speech’ by which any critisism of anything… any group… any idea… may be construed as being ‘Hate speech’… esp if such criticism goes against the Agenda of the ruling party.
And of course The Right to Free speech especially matters when people what to say *unpopular things*… because that when intolerant people and vested interests… who have no recourse to reasoned arguments… seek to shut them down by Legalised force.
If This travesty is allowed to pass without protest you can count New Zealand as being one of the most petty Nations on Earth!
A Lefty Liberal S#!t hole!
And next They will Ban Christian speakers who are opposed to Abortion… Or Whom have opposed Gay Marriage…. or Hippies who advocate the end of the war on Drugs!
Etc Etc….
Now though I am a Christian Libertarian, I have no problems with Peaceful Muslims immigrating here… and I have advocated we accept far more Muslim refugees from such Humanitarian Crisis as the Syrian war… yet these people can only come here under the strict condition that they will obey our Laws and respect our Rights and Liberties!
They have no legitimate right to start lobbying the government to pass Laws that infringe upon our legitimate freedoms… or to expect special treatment.
As long as they peacefully go about their own business their is no reason why they cannot carry on enjoying their own culture and beliefs, yet if there is an in-congruence between their culture and that of their hosts… if anyone must culturally change and assimilate… it is the Immigrant… and refuge… not the Citizens of the host country.
If this condition is unacceptable to them… they should leave.
Like Citizens… They may voice their disagreements… yet they certainly dont have the legitimate right to lobby Government to Ban speakers whom are critics of Islam… any more that I have the right to lobby Government to ban critics of Christianity!
If I dont like what some speakers are saying I can ignore them… or take the opportunity to present a rational argument as to why they are in error… or challenge them to Public debate… or if I feel the need I may organise *A Peaceful* and civilized demonstration rally… Yet The Idea that certain speakers may be prevented from holding their meetings because of threats of violence from intolerant groups is absolutely unforgivable!
It is the Governments Job to see to it that Law and order prevails against such thuggery… and that the right to free speech be upheld… against the barbarians who think violence is the way to suppress their critics… rather than civilised debate…
Failure of Government to see to it that Controversial speakers are well guarded… and that the events take place is to let the Mob Rule!
And again we see that it is *The Wacko* Lefties with their ‘Social Justice Warriors’… ‘Antifa’, etc who have no qualms about resorting to Violent protest… rioting… and vandalism.
These things are crimes… not protests… and the Criminals should be thrown in Jails… and be made to pay for any property damage they cause.
They are the most likely to send Death threats, etc
In no way are they like the principled protests of Martin Luther King and his civil Rights movement, and ought to placed in stark contrast to them.
Even when engaged in ‘civil disobedience’… They were Never violent… never destructive of property… never angry… but full of Love and high ideals… and they won!
In those days it was the Separatist Status Quo who wanted to shut them down and prevent King and co from speaking… and whom resorted to violence!
Never should the Dialogue on sensitive issues be allowed to be hijacked by Political vested interests or the Mob.
Now I am not suggesting that the Islamic Federation of New Zealand is ‘a hotbed of radical Islam’ hell bent on turning New Zealand into an Islamic Caliphate’!
I have seen some good things that have come from this organisation in the past… yet I absolutely condemn their demands to ban Critics of Islam from being allowed to come here and talk.
They have overstepped the mark…