Category Archives: Indoctrination

Commentary on the Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Election Results 2019 by Tim Wikiriwhi.

So Hamilton and Waikato regional Council has a New Mayor and some new Councillors.
I will not reveal too much about my own votes which were left to the final hours before being cast.

I will say that I was surprised that Paula Southgate won the Mayoralty and that she was not my choice.
I reserve making any serious commentary on what I expect this to mean for Hamilton other than I do fear she may be heavy on the Environmental hysteria and Heavy on spending in general… yet I may be wrong about this and so I am prepared to wait and see.
Maybe she will prove to be neither of these things?

One of the greatest disappointments I have about the result is that Hamilton’s best and most experienced Councillor of any Ward failed to be re-elected… Garry Mallett…and to him I salute for his hard work and tireless service to our City in trying to keep rates in check and being a voice of reason when other Councillors were proposing Ludicrous Schemes and projects.
I hope that Garry takes this time to enjoy a break, but that he gets back on the horse next election… and hopefully I myself will also rejoin the race.
I also hope Garry continues to keep his finger on the pulse and regularly publishes his Critiques of what council is doing… for better or ill as there has been no better analyst of Hamilton’s affairs than Garry Mallett. He certainly shows up the paucity of journalistic talent at the Waikato Times and they would do well to approach Garry about making regular commentary.
Unfortunately the Waikato Times is politically sloped towards PC Lefty SJW Tofu.

Garry has earned my ‘Outstanding Individual’ award for his contributions to our Local politics.
I hope that one day Garry is Mayor of Hamilton.

There are some new faces of whom I know little apart from their short profiles… and yet I do fear HCC and Waikato have lurched to the radical left… and with that we can expect more climate alarmism…more pandering to Treaty separatism… and less restraint on spending and borrowing.
I fear rates increases and other madness is far more likely now… such as ideologically driven regional fuel taxes, and the like… so what this demonstrates to me is that Hamiltonians have shown a tragic level of being indoctrinated by the globalist liberal propaganda.
I know that is not a politically expedient thing to say but I dont care… I believe its a fact and i want to be honest in sharing my genuine opinions.
Given the extreme bias of the media … and the scale of their bombardments I would not at all be surprised to see this was a general tend reflected in results across the country.

Though we disagree on the issue of climate change, I’d like to congratulate Jennifer Nickle for her success in regional council.
I worked on site with Jennifer at Fonterra Te Rapa and hope that her experience in the Dairy industry tempers her judgement to balance environmental concerns with the need for New Zealand and the Waikato to have viable industry that is the engine of our quality of life just as much as having clean water and air, and looking after our Fauna and Flora.
In fact I would hope she realises from her work with Fonterra that Industry can be a valuable partner to have in getting Private assistance to achieving ecological aims.

I would also like to give a shout out to Lisa Lewis and Jack Geilen.
Lisa worked very hard this election and put in a very credible and impressive campaign! I have always admired Lisa’s spirit… her courage, and should she have been elected she certainly would have added some colourful Charisma to the mix and an alternative perspective that would add value… in contrast to the *Wooden middle-class Uni indoctrinated blinkered types that infest city councils. I certainly think she would be a better Councillor that those whom are Liberal radical Greens steeped in socialism and Climate hysteria.
I hope she perseveres.

And Jack… Jack is a guy with whose struggle I understand.
Like Jack, I myself know how hard it is to stand up for what you believe in when you have no War chest from which to do the most basic advertising… and the Media does not give you a fair opportunity to share your ideas and solutions thus failing in their moral duty to inform the public of their real options on the ballot.
And most of all I respect Jack for his ceaseless activism and support for Fathers rights.
Such an important issue that is ignored by our PC feminist anti-Men indoctrinated political elites.

I will finish this Election commentary with a general congratulations to all the successful and a salute to all of the fallen… as I know that even those with whom i disagree that they have served… and will serve the Waikato with the best of intent… that they are civic minded people … and for that alone they deserve recognition.

I lay down the injunction to all to resist radical socialist hysteria but instead make prudent judgments that put the rights and rates of the citizens first… ahead of personal ideological bents.
Keep council spending down.
Dont expand Bureaucracy.
Dont hobble our personal liberty or rights to develop.
Dont waste our money on extravagant Colosseums and pyramids.

Below are links to some of my own thoughts on how to Council best.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Election results here

More from Tim….








Second Amendment lessons and Venezuela’s Collapse under socialist Tyranny.

From here

The people of Venezuela surrendered their Guns and now cant overthrow their tyrannical Socialist government.
This is what the U.S second Amendment was enacted to prevent.

This is the Truth that Ardern and the globalists want to keep you all ignorant of….
They want you to hate the 2nd amendment which is the Peoples right to use arms to defend themselves and bring down a corrupt State.

They even had ‘Article 350’ which states “The people of Venezuela, faithful to their republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that runs counters to democratic values, principles and guarantees, or that undermines human rights.”… and yet because the People foolishly surrendered their arms *They rendered themselves defenseless and had no way to get rid of the evil Dictatorship^… and so now they are victims… and dying by the thousands…. and the so-called benevolent Socialist Regime shows them no mercy… because the socialists care more about maintaining their grip on power than the well being of their own people…. understand that….

Ardern has used the Christchurch terror attack as an excuse to implement her own tyranical ambitions under the guise of making New Zealand safer… and the fools believed her… and allowed her to make us less safe!
Less safe from Terrorism, and certainly less safe from her Tyrannical Police State.
She has not disarmed any criminals… but has disarmed Law abiding New Zealanders.
It is no coincidence that she has attacked New Zealanders Gun Rights and seeks to destroy our rights to Free Speech… which is the right to call her out for imposing her oppressive new Laws.

This pattern of disdain for the rights of their citizens has been repeated all over wherever Socialism has prevailed… think about Tiananmen Square.
Think about Zimbabwe.

The Globalists *are Marxist communists* …. Ardern is a Communist traitor to the globalist cause…. she admitted this at the UN…..

Ardern is Corrupt!
She is putting our National interests second place to her own diabolical political delusions!
She is like so many treasonous Leaders across western civilisation like France’s Macron and Canada’s Trudeau.

Why do you think the whole World’s media and Globalist politicians see Trump as being ‘Evil incarnate’?
Why do you suppose they are all busy trying to get the people of the world to think of trump as being insane, Racist, and greedy?
and why do you think the Globalists have prevented Boris Johnson from implementing the express will of the people with regards to Brexit?
Why do you think they Put Tommy Robinson in Jail and have de-platformed the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos?
Wake up Fools!

Compare Ardern’s treacherous speech to that of Donald Trump!
Trump is far from perfect, yet his speech at the UN was a Truth Bomb!

The fanatical Left seek to shut down *anyone* who dares to challenge their agenda.

Look at Venezuela and realise the same fate of slavery awaits any population who surrenders to socialism and allows them to pass laws against free speech and the right of the people to bear arms… esp Arms like Semi-autos.
The New ‘Gun register’ is not being implemented to make New Zealand safer from criminals or terrorists but to make it easier for the government to take away the rest of New Zealanders means of resisting their tyranical globalist ambitions.

Soon voices like mine will be silenced.
Remember when you and your children are slaves…. that I warned you what was coming… and yet you did nothing.

And free speech is the right for me to expound these Truths that the government does not want the people to contemplate.
The Government wants this sort of political truth to be deemed as ‘Radical and Dangerous’… when it is Our Right to discuss these matters which upholds the fact that the State is *our servant… not our Master… and we may abolish it at any time we deem it to have become tyrannical and corrupt.
These truths are enunciated in the American declaration of independence,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

These are Historic truths!

This is what the 2nd amendment is all about and why New Zealand needs a new constitution that contains these truths which outlaws the government from passing such Laws as they have just recently done with the Arms Amendment bill.


Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



Plotting Ihumatao : Unscrupulous Protesters seek to Manipulate the Police and Create another ‘Bastion Point’ type Flash point.

From what have seen in the news it is my opinion that the Organizers of the Race based lobby group’SOUL’ (Save Our Unique Landscape) who have instigated the ongoing protests at the Fletcher Buildings development in Ihumatao are nothing like the characters that they seek to portray themselves to be to the New Zealand public… the ‘Pacifist’ face of a righteous cause protesting a past injustice, but are in fact Dangerous schemers and opportunists harboring complete contempt for the Law.
I want to talk about their Machiavellian scheming and intents… esp the devious means by which they hope to achieve their goals yet first I need to lay out the frame of reference… the stage upon which these ‘Actors’ are plotting.

The Longer this Spectacle continues… the more the evidence mounts that they want to manipulate the situation to their own advantage and create a Riotous revolt for the express purpose of extorting from the government what they want… And Jacinda Ardern is the perfect spineless and unprincipled weakling who will cave in to their extortion and give them what they want… not because they are entitled to anything… but simply to make this mess ‘Go away’.

There is a very real danger of things getting very Ugly.
A strong and principled plan needs to be implemented in dealing with these dangerous radicals.

Like many woman, Ardern has Janus type personalities… she is scary …stone cold ruthless to those whom she despises, yet there is another side to her that is pathetically Feeble… both of Mind and of heart… and that is in dealing with her own ‘Naughty Woke Children’.
Look at her track record!
Its a fact that since Arden has taken power that we have seen Lefty uprisings turning up the heat on their own ‘PM’ because they know she is a soft touch.
I only need to refer you to how State workers in both the Health and Education sectors have both staged ‘Protest strikes’ for their own interests and were wildly successful… Ardern being incapable of saying *No!* to them…. why? Well firstly she is a very shallow operator who weighs lightly principles of Law… Due processes, spends almost no time in sober contemplation, but is driven by her feelings and a desire to be seen as someone who Rushes into the fray with her shallow womanly Liberalism to the rescue!
As such… at the pitiable sight of *Her own pet social demographics* waving emotive socialist Banners* She will relent to them… irrespective of whether or not their demands are just or fair.
She is consumed by her own vanity… and so another reason she is incapable of saying ‘No’ to Noisy Picketers because she is consumed about her own Political legacy as a Socialist Leader of ‘historic significance’ and to her Ego the well being of our Nation must take second place.
She is terrified at the thought that History may record that she said NO to ‘the victims of White privilege’… and she thinks nothing of breaking out the Public cheque book to make the noisy problem go away… even if her ‘solution’ is a bad one in the long term.

Ardern should never have waded in to the troubles at Ihumatao other than to say she expects the police to uphold the law and for Fletcher building to be able to commence their Development plans that they have the lawful right to do… yet she could not help herself and she has played into the hands of Troublemakers.
Ardern has overstepped her rightful authority as PM and trampled the law underfoot!
She has embroiled herself where she ought never to have set foot and in so doing has succeeded in entrenching the troublemakers who ought to be evicted *and prosecuted* for trespassing and interfering with a Lawful enterprise.
Yet now she is in a bind… and because she is so weak… the troublemakers from SOUL know that the greater the storm they can now Brew up at Ihumatau will without doubt succeed in achieving their goals… She will give into their demands… and they will chuckle to themselves that their absolute disregard for the law… and all their intimidation tactics will have given them a big payday… and this successful extortion of Weak government will only serve as a blueprint for ongoing future troubles!
SOUL will have proven that they can ignore such things as ‘Full and final Treaty settlements’.

Now let me talk about the Police who due to Arderns Leadership incompetence are fast becoming the Meat in the sandwich!
The New Zealand Police have been placed in an extremely difficult situation in fulfilling their duties to maintain Law and Order and prevent things getting way out of hand, and we can see from several different New reports that the strategy of the Troublemakers running the Protests is to use the brain dead Media to portray themselves as peaceful victims of Oppressive Police
treatment, not only to weaken the Police, and cause them to falter in carrying out their duties… effectively allowing the protesters to call the shots… but also I believe we can see these Subversive thinkers are looking for ways to create a ‘Bastion Point’ type outbreak of conflict with the Police.
While they are busy feigning they are peaceful to the media, nothing would please them more than if things got out of hand!
They know that any clash with Police that the Liberal media will sensationalise it and that this News could spark the Protest to swell exponentially as every Maori Radical comes out of the Bushes, and Bus loads of Woke White Social justice Warrior Antifa types descending on Ihumatau like a Barbarian horde!
Every unemployed New Zealander on welfare would be there!
These are the types that see no Irony in hating the government while collecting government welfare!
As a friend of mine commented on line…. dont any of these people have jobs?

Another question is who is funding S.O.U.L?
Are they receiving Government money to finance their operation via some convoluted means?

The Troublemakers rely on the media misrepresenting the facts and grossly misreporting the truth… that any altercation with the Police deliberately started by them, will be reported by the media as if it was the Police who were belligerent towards them!
And this is precisely the narrative we are being fed by the media… ‘Peaceful protesters at Ihumātao have been cut off by police who have descended on the site in increased numbers.’

It is apparent that the Police themselves are aware of their dicey situation and that by maintaining a close and friendly interaction with the protesters were able to gain intel on a planned escalation and attempt to Re-occupy Fletcher Buildings property, and were only thwarted in their ambitions by the police preemptively calling in Reinforcements.

It is absurd to believe that the Police have any desire to provoke unnecessary strife that could quickly get out of hand and endanger public safety…esp at night and from a Video taken by one of the Stupid Protesters Monday night we got to see how these troublemakers are behaving towards the Police when the media is no where to be found.
It reveals disgusting racist taunts and remarks against officers… Some presumed to being Maori are accused of being traitors whom ‘should be ashamed’ of upholding the law
Another ‘Dark skinned’ Officer is presumed of being a Non-New Zealander was to to ‘Fuck off home’…

*This is the True face of SOUL*… what comes out after dark… and these Policemen showed absolute professionalism in the face of such provocation and it is a credit to them.
New Zealanders should pay little attention to the complaints by the protesters that the Police actions were excessive, and I also congratulate them for doing an excellent job in thwarting the devious intentions of S.O.U.L by bring in reinforcements!
Yet we should not think this will be the last time they try to occupy the Fletcher Building site.

The Police issued a statement (here) to the Public:

Statement regarding Ihumātao protest
Tuesday, 6 August 2019 – 10:43am
National News
Attribute to Superintendent Jill Rogers, Counties Manukau District Commander:

Police recognises the lawful right to protest. For the past two weeks, our purpose at Ihumātao has been to uphold the law and keep the peace.

We have had regular meetings with organisers to ensure protest action remains peaceful.

Yesterday, during a meeting with organisers, the protestors communicated their intent to move past the cordon and reoccupy the land. In response to this, Police was required to increase our presence at the site. Officers had to be taken off their other duties to come to the protest site.

Despite repeated warnings from police, a large group of protestors attempted to bypass the police cordon.

Police attempted to stop those trespassing, but protestors pushed their way past our staff.

The protestors eventually vacated the private land and no arrests were made. Police reject allegations that a protestor was pushed over.

There is misinformation being circulated suggesting that Police have broken agreements with protestors.

Police cannot facilitate unlawful activity by allowing protestors who have been served an eviction notice to trespass on private land.

We would like to acknowledge the incredible professionalism our staff showed yesterday evening, and throughout the last two weeks despite at times being subjected to verbal abuse, being physically shoved and even in some cases being spat on.

Police will continue to assess the situation and our operational response, including talking to the protest organisers.

Police supports any process that will achieve a successful outcome for the parties involved.


Superintendent Jill Rogers will only be available for interviews today between 12.30pm – 1.30pm today. Email (link sends e-mail) to arrange an interview time.


So it is that The ongoing Governments pandering to Radical Racist Maori, and Billions in treaty settlements has achieved almost *nothing* to put an end to their endless grievance!
Worse… It has fueled the flames of race hatred and contempt for the Law.
Treaty separatism has done zero to alleviate the dire social statistics of Maori!
And now there is every reason to believe Arden is about to make everything much worse!
Because she is weak and callous there is every reason to despair…
as she will fail to publicly declare that the process of settling any ‘Treaty grievances’ was lawfully concluded in 2014 .
If she uses a heavy legislative hand and ‘confiscates’ Fletcher Buildings property and gifts it to the Racist radicals running SOUL she will utterly destroy the modicum of credibility underpinning all the treaty settlements as being Full and final and in so doing ensnare our nation in perpetual grievance and Racial division.
Such a disastrous move inflict a Staggering wound to security of New Zealand Private property rights!

Its almost a given that Arden will fail to publicly instruct the Police to uphold the law, and protect the property rights of Fletcher Building to start their development forthwith, which may require another escalation of Police numbers and putting an end to this protest should the protesters refuse to disband in accordance with the Law… it may require mass arrests and convictions of protesters… the sooner the better to prevent this situation getting way out of hand.

Thanks to decades of pandering to Maori Radicals New Zealand must now contend with a very dangerous Ideological movement that is the the Treaty separatist movement.
Just how dangerous should be understood by how events at Ihuamatao are a powder keg!
Sooner or later New Zealand must confront the Ugly reality about the Maori separatism and their absolute disregard for the Law and Property rights… their vile racism against Non-Maori New Zealanders who in truth have just as much right to live here as they do!
The longer this evil is fed… the harder it will be to stamp out.

When I contemplate how deeply embedded the race-hatred is within the Maori separatist movement is it make a mockery of Arderns concerns about ‘Alt Right Nationalism’ in New Zealand… the likes of the notorious ‘Phil Arps’ being a infinitesimal minority in New Zealand compared to the massive number of Racist Maori who harbour deep hatred for their Pakeha neigbours!
And it has been Socialists of the same ilk as Ardern and her mentor Helen Clark who have used our education system to indoctrinate this race hatred into Maori!
And you wonder why after having your head filled with tales that you are the victim of white oppression why so many Young Maori men end up in jail?
Its because of the Toxic ideas they have been fed by left liberal like Ardern!

And now the Police must deal with the consequences.
Now New Zealand industries like Fletcher Building must endure blatantly corrupt violations of their rights by racist groups like S.O.U.L. who are doing everything the can to take their property and destroy their ambitions… right when Auckland is suffering a housing Crisis!

The New Zealand Government needs to Put an end to the Treaty settlement industry…. FULL AND FINAL!
Any Grievance henceforth assigned to history!
The Government must dismantle their Apartheid systems of State… abolish the race based electoral system.
Maori must quit their endless Whinging for hands out… Quit their lives of Crime… Get jobs and take care of their own lives by hard yaka like the rest of New Zealand does!
And if it takes a period of social unrest to destroy the evils of Treaty racism and ‘entitlement’ among Maori whom harbour race hatred towards their non-Maori neighbours then so be it!
Non-Maori New Zealanders have done Maori no harm whatsoever and its time Maori snapped out of the delusion that they are victims of anything other than their own lack of ethics and hard work! In Truth it is Non-Maori who are the victims!
They are the ones who suffer endless strife from Maori Criminals, Maori welfare, and Maori bigotry…. ALL THIS VILE RACIST EVIL… that comes under the heading of Treaty separatism.
This shameful Bigotry against Non-Maori is what we New Zealanders must destroy… if we are ever to see an end to the troubles such as are brewing now at Ihuamatao.
Non-Maori New Zealanders have rights and its time the government respected them!

When will New Zealand gain the Moral courage and have the Caliber of Leadership we desperately need to lead our Nation out of this racist mire?
Back in the early 2000s, When Don Brash was Leader of the National Party he was one man who could see the evils of Treaty separatism and was prepared to stand up and lead the way towards and Nation of One Law for all.
And New Zealand rallied to his side.
He was only prevented from becoming PM by The election fraud of Helen Clark (pledgecardgate) and the dirty dealing of Winston First accepting the Baubles of Office!
(Read here)
With this swindle New Zealand lost our best hope of Ending treaty separatism that has come along in decades.
Though Don Brash continues to stand against Waitangi racism via his Lobby group ‘Hobson’s Pledge‘, We have never since had any leadership that has been willing to confront this race relations Crisis, latter National Party Leaders John Key and Bill English actually went into coalition government with the racist radicals of the Maori Party!
They were terrified of confronting the problem as they feared ‘Hokois from Hell’… and so this evil has been allowed to fester and grow…
Only when New Zealanders themselves decide they have had enough of all this ugly business and elect principled political leadership who stand for office upon the principle of One law for all New Zealanders, and have the spine and moral fortitude to do what it takes to ridding our country of the influence of Racist Maori radicals will our country finally be free of their Guile, and the Rule of Law and Justice be established.
One thing is for sure… Ardern and Winston Peters are not the principled Leadership Our country desperately needs.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: ‘Radical rebels’: Sean Plunket blasts Ihumātao protesters

Protesters at Ihumātao are “radical rebels” who “want the world to burn”, according to MagicTalk host Sean Plunket.
Plunket let rip on the demonstrators who have been protesting at the south Auckland site for the past few weeks, after occupiers were served an eviction notice. They say the land is sacred and want a planned housing development on the site blocked.

The protesters have been in a standoff with police ever since, with tensions peaking on Monday night. Increased policing numbers were deployed, and protest leader Pania Newton claimed she had been pushed to the ground by an officer – something police reject.

A video Newshub reported on Wednesday also shows a protester racially abusing an officer.

Currently, protesters are in talks with relevant parties to find a way forward. The Prime Minister announced last month that there would be a temporary halt to construction until that happened.

But Plunket said it was clear that protesters had no legal right to be there, and should leave the site immediately.

More from Tim…





Knock! Knock! It’s The New Zealand Police and we would like to have a friendly chat with you about your Opinions shared on Social media: VJM Publishing 19-7-19

Wake Up New Zealand!
You are living under a fast growing Police State!
There is a battle going on over the minds of our nation that if we loose… the Government will fully control what views and opinions your children will imbibe… and determine what beliefs they eventually subscribe to… and what values they hold!

This post appeared on my FB alternative Social Media News feed.
‘VJM Publishing’ is a New Zealand Based Independent commentator and Blogger who dares to march to the beat of their own drum with complete disregard to what passes as ‘the official narrative’.
I dont subscribe to much of what they publish, yet I greatly respect independence of mind… and the courage to speak out against corrupt powers that be… and in this sense VJM publishing is very much kindred spirit to Eternal Vigilance Blog… and it is *always* disturbing to me when I read about such activities by the New Zealand Police that involve people who have only exercised their legitimate rights to expressing their own opinions and beliefs without engaging in threats.
It is not essential prerequisites for me to either agree with the opinions being expressed, or the manor in which they were delivered for me to appreciate that *Every time the Police visit someone in New Zealand because of the Lawful expression of their own opinions that this is an extreme danger to *The Rights of all of us to Free speech*… and that the worst possible thing for our country is to allow ourselves to fall into apathy… and for us to become inured at this serious breach of proper Police conduct… and socially conditioned to the degree that it no longer triggers alarm… but becomes acceptable… and routine…. and the act of protest against it then becoming ‘radical’ and ‘suspicious’ .. in the herd mentality.

I asked permission to Screen shot VJM Publishing’s post and to blog it.
I also asked… ‘How does this make you feel?
How will this affect your future posts to the net?
Not to say that you are feeble, yet still I can already assume that such a visit will cause you… and anyone that has been intimidated in such a way by the *State to hesitate expressing opinions on specific topics that are the focus of the Governments agenda and actions…that before this visit you would have made with full conviction that they need to be said.
I can imagine if this happened to me that I would naturally feel this way myself… and it is this psychological intimidation that is such a threat to free speech… even without other actions such as prosecutions… de-platforming… etc.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by WALLACE WOON/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock (10239324q)

Meanwhile Jacinda Ardern sips her Chardonnay. and prepares herself for her next ‘Womans day’ interview.

From my study of how best to deal with this situation, I think VJNP did very well as Legal advice suggests there is little to be gained for the targets of this Police attention, and a lot loose by voluntarily talking to them… yet I cant help but wonder if a few specific questions at the door could be informative as to which actual ‘internet conversations’ you engaged in ‘triggered’ them to schedule you for a visit.
We can already with confidence know that anyone they ‘visit’ like this is on their watch list and it is highly likely that your Internet associates are also under surveillance.
It is dangerous for you to engage them voluntarily, and even if you get arrested for some charge you still have the right to refuse to give a statement…


And so yet again here am I… alerting you once more to the fact that this Police harassment of Free speech against the critics of Ardern’s government is still ongoing… and blogging a warning to my countrymen imploring you all to rally against this tyranny that is being systematically established in our country via the ambitions of Jacinda Ardern’s Coalition government, and the acquiescence of the National party.
And of course simply by daring to stand up in opposition to this massive Police over-reach I myself can expect to become a target of this *Thought Police* agenda and ‘flagged’ for ‘observation’ and a ‘friendly visit’ from the Boys in blue.

Read: Criminalising hate speech: New Zealand considers policing hateful expression

Evil prevails when good men do nothing…. and that is what many New Zealanders will do… nothing.
They will allow this Creeping political oppression to happen unchallenged.

Many will allow themselves to be intimidated into silence and subjection out of fear that by mere association with the likes of Me that you will attract the gaze of the Evil Eye.
You will prefer to turn your backs to what is happening and Parrot the line that ‘only dangerous and deluded nutters’ like Libertarians and Nazis have anything to worry about and that ‘the Police are ‘doing their best to ‘make New Zealand a safe space’ for the many ‘marginalised and under-trodden minorities’ who suffer the endemic prejudices brought to these shores via Western Colonialism… and bringing our ‘backward nation’ more into line with the ‘Liberal progressive global Ideal’ as championed by our Visionary PM and colleagues.

That is the Official Narrative.

The Conditioned members of the herd we say “lets be real about who is in the right here and who needs to learn their place.
What do these whining and seditious Plebs know about politics anyway and by what extreme vanity do they assume to defy the Political science and Moral philosophy of our Trained and credentialed political elites?
Are they not the most base and ignorant of protagonists?
The New Zealand Police surely know best… and are doing what needs to be done to make our Nation safe!
Why dont these ungrateful Cretans pay our benevolent government homage?
Is not our country is being transformed for the better thanks to the great helmsman-ship of Ardern and her faithful collaborators on both sides of the house?
It is all means that will be justified by the ends… and it’s is a credit to her that by being far more resolved than any earlier Paternal Lawgivers that finally Our Nanny state may yet End Racism, Patriarchal Sexism, Religious Domination, homelessness and economic disparity!
Surely the sooner these dangerous rebels are all compelled to fall into line the better for everyone.’


After the Christchurch ‘event’, New Zealand changed overnight…It has been used to justify massive State encroachments upon the freedom and rights of New Zealand citizens even though this act was committed by a foreign terrorist!
The Police are now wasting massive time and resources acting as Political ‘Thought police’… imposing a partisan ideology and agenda!
And the first victims have been those free thinkers who dare to interpret the facts in a manner that contradicts the ‘official narrative’.
Instead of Busting Thrives, fraudsters, Vandals, and violent offenders, the Police have redirected vital resources to prop up Arderns Political ideology and agenda.

Read: Conspiracy theorist claims police have visited him five times after Christchurch terror attack

The above video is a must watch!
What the hell has happened to our country!
It is frightening how the police treated this sickness beneficiary, and sounds like they were trying to use the mental health act to justfy their violation of his rights, their mistreatment, and their abuse of power!

People like Ex feminist Tammy Bruce told us this was comming… Read her book ‘The New Thought Police…inside the lefts Assault on free speech and free minds’ published in 2001.
This is Orwell’s 1984 Prophesy being fulfilled before your very eyes.
This is the rise of the system of the Beast as predicted in the Book of Revelation!
And remember the Dictum “Evil Prevails when good men do nothing…”
Remember also that the wise critic … Socrates… was executed for spreading ‘ideas’ that called into question the ‘social norms and values’ of his day being found guilty of ‘Corrupting the youth’.

The diminutive Act Party are the only party in Parliament who have resolved to enact law to put an end to the thought control and suppression of free Speech in New Zealand.
If you are wondering what you can do to fight the slide into a police state you can boldly share my blogs like this one on your social media pages.
You can Join the Act Party *Now* and Bolster their numbers, and encourage them to maintain the good fight in the cause of Liberty!
Teach both the National Party and Labour a lesson for their betrayal of New Zealand freedom and values to the evil and tyrannical Global agenda.
Get active in the peaceful protest to what is transpiring… people power can win!
That is how Truth and justice, and Liberty can prevail over the powers of darkness that seek to control your lives and enslave your children.
The greatest danger Heroic voices of dissent face is for their countrymen not to rally in their support… for it is in isolation that oppressive governments can pick off their troublesome critics with impunity.

I hide nothing… everything I write is open to the general public. I have never shied away for candidly expressing my views even on contentions issues, and rallied in defense of injustice even when it is being borne by unpopular minorities… such as Drug users, Prostitutes, etc, yet the walls are fast closing in… The powers that be are passing laws to criminalise voices like mine.
Please do your bit to save Freedom in New Zealand… for our children’s sake.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian Independent.

Update: 22-7-19 From VJM Publishing… “…One definining characteristic of a Police state is ‘The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions […] on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.’…” Read more …

Is New Zealand Now A Police State?






Trump’s Arrogance Is His Virtue: My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights

The article below which follows my commentary is very well worth reading (Or listening to on Leighton Smith Podcast 24)…. thank you Robin for sending me the link.

There is so much about this opinion piece that is weighty… esp the fact that the Left Bitch all day every day about Trumps manor when in truth he is practicing Street fighter rules… the very same ‘Urban warfare’ rules the left uses (yet cloak in PC Sheeps clothing) … and is beating the crap out of them!
*That is what Makes Trump Great*, and that is what the Left are crying about….
He is succeeding where preceding, Tamer, more congenial Men have utterly failed!
Appeasers, Compromisers, Sell outs, etc.
Only a Man with Gigantic Balls… and personal belief…. tenacity… would dare to pursue policies that would reverse the relentless drive of the globalist agenda on such fundamental things as Pandering to the UN, Climate change hysteria, and Mass Immigration.
And that is not Arrogance…. that is virtue.

Yet it amazes me how effective the incessant little whiny bitch complaints from the Global leftists are in conning such a substantial portion of the worlds population into enmity against Trump…. not because they can articulate reasoned and nuanced criticisms… but because they are so fickle… pompous.. and childish in their thinking… habitually judging things on their exterior forms… which is why people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders find it so easy to maintain their Support.

Lefty supporters prefer the sallow end of the pond… to the degree that they ‘block their ears’ and refuse to listen to any argument if it emanates from a person they have been told to consider Rude, Obnoxious, Un educated, etc.

The Left’s entire political platform itself is only knee deep… yet their Demagogues all are practiced at appearing ‘ Polite’, ‘Caring’, etc.
That is not to say that they are are not dirty fighters… they are absolutely Corrupt… but they do their best to cloak their Malice and hate and Political Bullying under sheepish skins of defending the oppressed… and their Sheeple dont even care when *their tyrants* trample their political adversaries underfoot… they cheer!
These same idiots rank Obama as the greatest American President of all time!
We all know just how polished a Liar Barack Obama is… a master of Oratory… yet he was in my opinion *America’s worst ever president!*

I would never claim *all* Liberal policies are wrong or without merit or that all the policies on the right are just, still the electioneering promises and scare tactics of Liberal Politicians know no bounds and they only need to gear their rhetoric the lower 75% demographic on the Political IQ bell curve to be formidable in the race for Power.
Fortunately it is also true that ‘you cant fool all of the people all of the time’ and there have been many occurrences that give reason for hope that the Lies of Liberalism and their Global Agenda can be stopped.
Many Many people are seeing through the Facade of Liberal Paternalism for the malevolent anti Freedom Tyranny that it really is.
In this Ideological struggle for power the next few years are critical.

Anyway… Read the article below and appreciate the scam the Left are Peddling when they critisise Trump for being ‘Un-presidential’…

As a Libertarian I cannot call myself a Bona fide Trump supporter, as he does many things I disagree with, yet I can say with 100% certainty that I am glad he defeated Clinton, and that he is the Man of the Hour… doing far more good than wrong, and I hope he wins in 2020 …. There is no one comparative to him in stature that can do such an effective job in putting the breaks on the Left/right Global Agenda. Trumps Arrogance is his virtue!
And as an ideological ‘Street fighting’ Non-PC activist myself, When I watch Trump I see a great man *who really does care* for his people, and for what is right… He’s genuine… he does not pull his punches… In Trump I see a kindred spirit.
Despite his failings (and there are many)…I like him… and watching as things have unfolded I have modified some of my own views… I was very critical of Trump when he was running for election.
Yet he has grown in my respect.
Fighting the Politically correctness that shields the evils and Tyranny of Lefty Liberalism, I know what its like to be down in the trenches getting dirty… Ideologically fighting the Zombies… hand to hand.
It is easy for adversaries to label me a crackpot or a ‘Savage’… or ‘an apologist for the Far right’.
I used to be quite concerned about such Ad hominem slander. yet now I realise that if you are going to fight the good fight, and not shy away from contentious issues simply to out of fear of being labeled ‘far right’.. that such cowardice is a victory for those who seek to silence your voice.
In reality *If you are not being singled out for slander by the left… I question your effectiveness!
Understand how the left Operate… Because their Agenda is Globalist one world government. they are doing what they have become masters at doing… ‘Ideological equivocations’… using the term ‘Nationalist’ to mean ‘Alt right’ racist, when in reality the new Nationalist movements are *Anti globalist* Patriots fighting for their own sovereignty, and Cultures against the Manufactured insidious planned destruction and centralisation of power by Lefty globalist traitors.


One final comment… on Evan’s paragraph below… from Leighton Smith

‘…Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis…’

Leighton remarks that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book ‘Rules for radicals… to Satan.

Read: My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….
Copy and Pasted below from here only out of fear that it may get wiped… please go to that link to read the article…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

7=18-19 Update:

My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….

My leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” Here’s my answer:

There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as John McCain? Has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney? And the results were always the same.

This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about lying, as Obama did, about what went down on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., or lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your tracks. I don’t see anything “statesmanlike” in weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service to destroy your political opponents and stifle any dissent.

But while the left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in its way, the right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.

With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Trump is America’s first wartime president in the Culture War.

During wartime, things like “dignity” and “collegiality” simply aren’t the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. Ulysses Grant was a drinker whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming. Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today. Lincoln rightly recognized that, explaining to Grant’s critics: “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”

Trump is fighting. And not only is he fighting, he’s defeating the left using its own tactics.

Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis.

Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do.

First, Trump isolated CNN. He made it personal. Then, just as Alinsky suggests, he employed ridicule, which Alinsky described as “the most powerful weapon of all.”

He has left CNN and its friends with two options: report the news accurately, or ratchet up the propaganda.

The problem is that, if they were to start honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of the Democratic Party they serve. It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (i.e., propaganda) that keeps the left alive.

Imagine, for example, if CNN et al. had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s weaponizing of the IRS to against its political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration’s cover-up.

This leaves them no other option but to ratchet up the fake news, conjuring up the next “nothing burger” and devoting 24 hours a day to hysterical rants about how it’s “worse than Nixon.”

As they become more hysterical, they become more obvious. Each new effort only makes it more clear to any objective observer that Trump is and always has been right about the fake news media.

Do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war.

So, say anything you want about this president. I get it. He can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights.

Evan Sayet ( is the author of “The KinderGarden of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks.” A longer version originally appeared on


More from Tim…





Amazing Polly….



Bad personal choices and Socialism to blame for Maori predicaments, not Colonisation. Lets talk about Facial Tattoos.

Important note: Never forget… No matter what we have done… God’s mercy and new life is waiting for us… through the Cross. The Power of The Gospel to Change Lives…
Find Truth, Redemption, and the Love of God
Read article (below) then watch this one… (above^)

50 Cent pokes fun at Mongrel Mob member’s tattoo on social media

‘Rapper 50 Cent has used his personal Instagram account to poke fun at a Mongrel Mob member’s face tattoo.

“What the f… is really going on man. I wonder why he can’t get a job?” the rapper wrote.

The image shared was a picture of Mongrel Mob member Puk Kireka, who has the word “Notorious” tattooed in red and black across the lower half of his face.

Kireka’s story was picked up by global media following an interview he did with the NZ Herald last week, where he admitted it would be tough to find employment with the tattoo. ‘
**** **** ****

Who thinks 50 Cent is wrong about his derision of how detrimental Puk Kireka’s Mob Tattoo will affect his future Job prospects????
Even Puk Kireka knows thats a simple fact.
The following blog post is written in disgust… not racism… though it does focus on what is happening to a particular racial demographic… the Maori people… *My People*…
My disgust centers upon the vile lies and socialist politics that subverts the truth and fails to correctly identify the *real causes* for why…despite decades of social engineering and Billions of Tax dollars of special treatment, Maori remain trapped in State dependence, and fill up New Zealand’s Jails.
Its about how our Government falsely and relentlessly attributes Maori Social failings to ‘Oppression and racism’ suffered from ‘Colonisation’ when in reality Maori are victims of the delusions that derive from this very Deceitful and toxic Socialist ideology.

One of my latest blog posts here poured scorn on a recently completed and heavily funded Government inquiry into the question of Maori Criminality that is starkly out of all proportion to their number comparative to all other racial demographics, and the resultant report called ‘‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ recently tabled for the government to consider.
This report is supposed to give MPs guidance and insights into the root causes of why Maori have such disastrous social statistics. esp in relation to crime and Jail.

The release of this report, and its utterly contemptible conclusions are what have spurred me to blogging on this Current affair, as I utterly reject its main premises as not merely missing the mark by a thousand miles, but because it is a work of Evil political agenda driven propaganda… not an objective inquiry leading to sound conclusions… and it is outrageous that this fraudulent report is going to be used as a guide to Future Government policy!

We can see that the result will be precisely what Socialists intended to do all along *even before the inquiry was undertaken*… like so many of the farcical processes acted out for the sake of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public before Socialist enact their heavy handed and expensive agendas.
Such Inquiries pretend to be ‘sound governance practice’… ‘due diligence’ feigning ‘due process’… with copious helpings of ‘Public consultation’… garnering ‘expert opinion’… etc etc … when we know the result has been pre-determined and will entail Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer dollars more being spent expanding State interventions and apartheid politics… yet because all this Nonsense does not correctly identify the root causes of Maori criminality and poverty, it is with mathematical certainty doomed to failure just as all the Socialist Apartheid politics of the last 50 years has proven to be.
They are not only continuing to Flog this dead horse… continuing with political ideas that are proven failures, these Socialist Politicians are doing what they always do… *Enabling* and *perpetuating* the misery!
*And this Angers me!* *This incompetence* and dishonesty Disgusts me!
Yet of course because Nanny State Socialists are ‘one trick ponies’… they dont have any other Game to play…
Unfortunately the entire country must pay a heavy price for their ongoing incompetence and delusions… no one paying a higher price than Maori themselves who have been indoctrinated with these toxic lies that corrode their ability to appreciate the fundamental causes of their own predicament.

The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Nanny statism… but less…. and more self responsibility.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Apartheid politics and blame… but less… and more self responsibility.
Ie If Maori are ever going to climb out of the gutter it will be *when they do it for themselves* by embracing the ethics of *Self responsibility*

This is the truth that is missing from the report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that instead tries to blame ‘White Colonialism’for Maori’s plight rather than their own failure to embrace Ethics and values necessary to prosper… and stay out of prison.

The Fundamental truth that Current Socialist Apartheid politics and Welfare dependence are 100 times more destructive to Maori individuals well being than the so-called ‘culture shock’ of 19 century English Colonisation can be proven at all points if only people will open their eyes and ears… and esp their minds to considering *alternative perspectives* to the ones that they have been spoon fed by Socialist politicians and their ‘Education system’.

Today’s blog will consider just one aspect of detrimental choices and behaviour that makes life harder for those people who make this choice… just one reason why many Maori will find themselves welfare dependent… yet it has little to do with their race.
Upon reading the following only the belligerent minded will not already appreciate what I am about to say as being so basic and irrefutable that it barely requires being stated, yet I must do so to demonstrate the dynamics of Falsely labeling *personal individual choices* as ‘systemic racism’.
Failure to Call out Maori for their own poor choices, and instead blaming the Pakeha for their woes virtually guarantees succeeding generations of Maori will continue to wallow in the mire… and continue to cultivate Race hatred for their Pakeha neighbours!
And from hatred comes violence and crime.

Read: Dangerous man on the run from police.

So lets talk about the vital issues of Self responsibility, and personal choices… issues Socialists avoid like the plague in favour of an ideology of *Blaming others* .
Socialism thrives on victimism… they envisage an endless struggle between Oppressor and the oppressed.
They Never associate personal outcomes with personal choices and responsibility.
Instead they seek to circumvent personal responsibility via Nanny State interventions, Prohibitions, and compulsions.

Life is Tough!
And yet Good Parents attempt to raise their children to take responsibility for their own actions.
Yet ‘Adulting’ can be very difficult… especially when it comes to self discipline and voluntarily obeying and maintaining morals and values you know in the long term to be wise and beneficial… all the while resisting urges and temptations to indulge in vice, or ‘short cuts’… for immediate short term benefit and gratification… that are gained at the expense of others… and ultimately… ourselves.
There will always be a personal price to pay for Bad choices!
Call it Karma… reaping what you sow…. etc.
Though this is tuff… nonetheless these truths are *vital* for every individual to apprehend… irrespective of Race.
Despite what the Morally bankrupt Academics of our day preach in our institutions of learning about ‘cultural relativism’… in truth the same essential morals, values, and principles apply equally to all… and your success or failure as an individual depends upon how well you grasp these essential truths… and how resolved you are to following Virtue as your guide…and in maintaining them in your personal walk.

I want to apply this theme to the story at the top of this post… 50cent and the Mobster Puk Kireka’s Heavy Gang Facial tattoo…and how this demonstrates the Truth about a lack in self responsibility as being the Primary source of the Maori peoples sorry social conditions… not Colonisation.

50 cent derided Puk because his personal choice to get that tattoo is guaranteed to make his life harder ‘in the big wide world’… esp with respect to future employment… and employment is one of the *most essential factors* in being self reliant and independent human being!
The ability to Earn an honest dollar.

So unless you are Filthy Rich and dont need a Job, obviously getting that sort of Tattoo may therefore be considered to be *a bad personal choice* because is will undoubtedly negatively impact on that persons ability to uprightly take care of themselves.
It is a Bad choice not restricted to Maori, but by people of all races, and yet it is a Bad personal choice made to a much higher degree by young Maori Men… usually to impress their Peers.. or to serve as a type of ‘War paint’… that this person is ‘Staunch’… ‘Bad ass’… etc to intimidate others or cause others to be wary of messing with them… I am of course taking about Tattoos… esp Face, neck, lower arms and hand tattoos that are impossible/ difficult to conceal.
And it is the higher prevalence of such tattoos among Maori men that is but one factor that works to lower Maori Social statistical outcomes… not colonisation.

I will discuss Traditional ‘Moko’ in the postscript.

Many of these Tattoos are purposefully ‘aggressive’, most often of very poor quality, and often associated with fringe subcultures,Gangs, and Jail.
I appreciate that when you are raised in a poor community (not a personal choice children make), and immersed in Gang culture (which is often family related, or Neighborhood related, yet ultimately still a life style choice to participate in) these Tattoos are considered to be ‘positive goods’… emblems of belonging… have urban warfare value… even value when it comes to ‘Hooking up’.
This is what life appears to be ‘all about’ to young people immersed in it, yet they are setting themselves up for a very hard lesson in life that the Greater world… the world in which better quality of life exists, will not be at all impressed.
This whole ‘Culture’ is a study in personal ethics and choices that too easily is talked about by socialists who make excuses for Bad personal choices by their pet demographics they instead frame as ‘helpless victims’ of ‘social failings’ and oppression rather than individual choices.
If only More Youth would have the wisdom and foresight to appreciate how bad a decision to get a facial tattoo can be… unfortunately many youth dont get good parenting or mentor-ship that sets an example worthy to be emulated… unfortunately Young Maori men take their roll models from older siblings, Uncles, etc… Gang Members… heavily tattooed… Hard Drinkers… drug users… and quick to use their fists if they feel ‘disrespected’.
Thus the older generation of Maori have to accept that their own life choices play a very strong part in the choices their youth will make… for better or ill.
What sort of examples did Puk’s Whanau set for him?

None of this has anything to do with ‘Colonisation’ or Pakeha oppression.
It has everything to do with a culture of poor judgement, poor ethics, poor values, and poor exemplars.
Maori have enjoyed decades of Political and legal favoritism and yet Socialists never cease to insist Maori are oppressed.
In reality Maori criminality is a testament to Maori failure to honour the Treaty!

That Racism has little to do with this particular issue can be seen with the well known case of ‘Devast8’… White boy Mark Cropp.
“A man with ‘Devast8’ tattooed across his face, who last year opened up about his job struggles as he tried to turn his life around, is back before the courts.”

Read more here…
‘New charges revealed: Jobseeker with ‘Devast8′ across his face is back before the courts’

The fact is that these types of Tattoos carry definite social stigma and are justly associated with Anti-social behavior, and crime.
And this Sigma has nothing to do with race.. and nothing to do with ‘Bigotry’… A White person with a Facial ‘White Power’ tattoo with find his lot in life just as difficult as any Maori with ‘Black Power’
Its a simple fact that Employers, Landlords will with good reason think twice about employing or renting to a person with heavy tattoos
That this trait is very predominant among young Maori… ie that many Maori men have heavy Facial tattoos,Hands, Neck… and also carry high statistical gang affiliations is why their demographic is proportionally heavily affected, yet in reality New Zealanders are collectively a heavily Tattooed People… New Zealand has a high statistical Tattoo count from all ethnic backgrounds… yet not so much on the face.

The Internet is full of accounts of Non Maori… White Individuals who have a harder time in life because of their facial tattoos.
Its an internationally recognised problem for individuals.

Australian Craig Ginter
Read : ‘Man denied entry into Winnipeg bar because of face tattoos likely not protected by law’

Many people will not even bother to read this post simply because the facts are so obvious!
That the serious negative consequences result from this sort of personal behavior by young people has nothing to do with systemic racism, and everything to do with having made very bad choices that will impact negatively upon your future is something so Obvious that many people will wonder why I bothered to write this?
As I have explained in the very first paragraph… This post is about exposing the Lies of socialism that try and blame ‘Colonialism and White Prejudices’ for the poor social conditions/ High Criminality of Maori, and in the process deny the fact that the *real causes* are the lack of Self responsibility for their personal choices… and that blaming Colonisation and White racism is a disgusting lie for political ends, that not only slanders Pakeha, but attempts to justify *Racist politics* extorting hundreds of millions of dollars all the while failing to address the real Moral crisis that is impoverishing Maori and ensnaring them in Socialist dependency.

Let me finish by saying most of the insights on the importance of personal ethics I have expressed are not things I have learned in school but truths I have lived.
I spent my youth as part of the Fringe subculture in rebellion to ‘conservative society’, in which tattoos were the norm, and in which many foolish values are embraced as being ‘Cool’ ‘Staunch’.
I have many Tattoos. Tattoos I wish I did not have, yet fortunately they are not on my Face, Hands, Neck, or lower arms.
I like Tattoos, yet for religious reasons I regret mine, and discourage anyone from getting them… and if they do implore they do so on discrete areas of the body that can be covered at times of Work, Job interviews, etc… because for most professional interactions with wider society having overt tattoos will be a disadvantage.

It is pointless for the Tattoo community to act as if they are somehow being ‘oppressed’ by ‘bigoted’ outsiders for ‘Judging them’ because of their Tattoos when its a patent fact that Tattoos and criminality… Tattoos and Gangs…, etc are not mythical associations but factual… and that not only are a large percentage of tattoos purposefully intended to send a message of ‘Baddassness’ but that even the Tattooed community judge each other by their tattoos… eg a Tattooed Maori is highly likely to immediately hate a Pakeha with a white power Tattoo… and so when you analyse all this you can easily see that deriving *First impressions about a persons character* from their Tattoos is a universal habit founded upon some very valid associations.
Yet sometimes these first impressions can be wrong… and of course there are many Great people with Facial Tattoos.
People can change… Criminals can reform… First appearances can be very deceiving… People do form judgments by first appearances and may will not bother to investigate further whether or not their first impressions were correct.
It has just been reported that Puk Kireka actually wants to change his ways and is seeking donations from the public to fund his education.
Read ‘Tattooed Mongrel Mob member mocked by 50 Cent seeks donations to fund education.’

“A Givealittle page, started by Kireka’s partner Waiora Tareha, is now seeking donations from the public to help the gang member turn his life around.
Tareha said the page was an attempt to get Kireka a helping hand from others to kickstart a new, positive life.”

I wish Puk Kireka every success in his endevour to step up and create a better life for himself!
It will be very hard with that Heavy Facial Tattoo… Yet not impossible… He will have to find the inner strength to persevere.
Maybe getting it removed would be in his own best interest… these are the sorts of tuff choices he must make for his own future.

I hope he also mentors his younger Whanau into not making the same detrimental life choices that he himself made… in this way he can help them to have a better life… a smoother path… Break out of Poverty and crime… and is not this what we all want for Maori?
They must turn their backs on the lies of Socialism and race hate against the Pakeha… turn away from blaming Colonisation which has brought 1000 times more benefits and opportunities to these shores than the socialist claims of the evils of ‘Land alienation and loss of culture’.
In Freedom and equality before the Law Maori may embrace *all the positive aspects of their Cultural inheritance* while also embracing the advantages of Western Science, technology, and life affirming Values and ethics that are essential for all human beings to escape socialist dependence on the State and prosper by their own efforts.

I wrote this ‘Pamphlet’ ‘Whistle while you Work‘ on work ethics and work culture to help individuals seeking to better themselves via personal effort and self responsibility… Please share it with Job seekers and anyone who is keen to make a better life for themselves… they have the power!

Stop with the self-defeating Victimism and Blame!
There are Political injustices in life, and they can and do make life harder… and as a Libertarian I busy myself exposing them and calling for reforms, yet this blog post has focused on merely *one example* of a *personal choice* that has heavy consequences for individuals irrespective of their race… Yet of course there are countless other matters of personal choice, values, and personal responsibility that when considered in totality are sufficient to explain why some people wallow in poverty, commit crimes, and never rise to their full potential… while others rise above the hurdles and succeed… in spite of all the Political BS.
Be like them!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Postscript: Moko.

Without spending too much time talking about the ‘Old World’ tradition of Moko (of which I make no claims of expertise) I just want to make a few passing points.
Firstly I want to say their is a world of difference between ‘Tribal art’ and Gang tattoos.
I also want to point out that Facial Moko even back in Pre-Colonial times was not universal, and that the notion that any contemporary Maori thinking that by getting a Facial Moko today somehow makes them ‘A greater Maori’ or somehow symbolises them as being ‘more passionate’ about Old world Maori culture… I cant help but to consider such motives as being Poor judgement
and actually perpetrating a type of cultural fraud.

Tattoos in Old times may have been associated with high Mana, and imbued *ferocity* to a Warriors presence in war (and on the street… and in jails… all reason why Modern Gangs love Facial Tattoos)… yet that same ferocity will work to defeat you in times of Peace… outside Gang culture…in the modern world where prosperity and Freedom from Crime and jail is to be found… so a person must weigh up the positive personal consequences they perceive of Getting a facial tattoo that they like, from any negative social costs such a Tattoo may carry in affecting their ability to prosper… and this is a personal choice… not a matter of prejudice…

More from Tim…








Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Stop with the lies and Blame! Maori need to take responsibility for their own shocking Crime statistics.

Socialism is built upon a mountain of lies that must be maintained at all cost lest the light of truth should penetrate the fog and expose the rot and the deception.
Lies are told by those who seek advantage that they would never receive should the truth be admitted, and any such advantages gained by such dishonesty are always at the expense of others.
Yet Lies also bring curses upon those who make deals with the Devil, and though it may appear for a season to be profitable… ultimately Frauds have a habit of bringing pain and destruction… hence the old adage ‘Cheats never prosper’.

One of the most toxic Political Deceptions that is rigorously maintained by Socialists in New Zealand and continuously served up to the New Zealand public is the ‘Defeatist Entrapment’ of the Maori people as being the eternal victims of White Rapine, and Oppression.
The Great Evil of ‘Colonisation’.

This Blatant lie is not only used to claim that because Maori are said to be the victims of Racism, that they are owed Welfare….’restorative justice’… compensation…. etc… ie Justify all the socialist welfare programs, special Legislation, and treaty settlements, etc but also to absolve Maori from taking any responsibility for their own shocking Social metrics.

Socialists claim:
Its the white mans Fault Maori Men Drink and Beat their woman and children.
Its the white mans Fault Maori Woman are Obese.
Its the white mans fault Maori youth are unemployed and belong to Gangs.
Its the White man’s Fault that Maori Commit violent crimes and fill our jails to overflowing!

This is precisely the sort of vile Political ideology that has just been served up under a report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that pretends to be ‘an inquiry’ when in reality its just a Partisan Ideological media release designed to dupe the public into accepting Left wing political agenda and program.

Ref: Stuff ‘A Vessel of Tears’: Grief and colonialism at the heart of criminal justice experience, report says

They claim this is *systemic oppression*.

“The report was produced by the Government-appointed Te Uepū pai i te Ora – Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group after more than 220 public meetings nationwide.”

Wow! Sounds like this ‘report’ is based upon a substantial investigation! yet when the resulting conclusions and recommended actions were already known *before the inquiry*… that is not an inquiry!
This whole process was nothing more than a huge Junket at the tax payers expense!
That’s 220 taxpayer funded meetings across the Nation where Socialist ideologues got paid to sit around and have Lunch, and talk *about their own opinions*… peddle their own wares… Paddle their own waka!

(Photos taken from an ‘Action Station’ PDF dated aprox 3-10-18)

The above ‘Action Station’ ‘research report’ encapsulates the ideology that underpins ”He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’.
The date of this ‘research report’ dovetails perfectly with the ‘Vessel of tears’ program, and you get a feel for the way this whole process was undertaken… and see that it was far from impartial and objective … ” We Honour your Korero, We honour your whanau, and we stand in solidarity with you..”

We can be certain that at no point did the truth about why there are so many Maori in Jail get aired…. Ie That Maori are failing to take responsibility for their own behavior… their own lack of personal ethics… their own sloth, and lack of civil values… ie that the lies of Socialism are failing them… no…. no such Truth Bombs made it into this Left wing propaganda piece… Truth Bombs that would blow the entire left wing Political system out of the water and free Maori from the Delusions that all their misery is the white mans fault!

Even the name of the report ‘Vessel of Tears’…. is nauseating! (like Ardern’s ‘Well being Budget’)… who the hell dreams up these pompous propaganda names … how ‘basic’ do these Charlatans think the average New Zealander is?
They seriously believe such weasel words make the lies they are selling more palatable to the masses?
I shudder to contemplate they may be right!

As a the son of a failed marriage between my Violent and Alcoholic Maori Father and a Pakeha Mother who was the victim of his abuse, My Childhood was a combination of Living with my Pakeha Grandparents, Times lived with my Solo Mum on the DPB, and times lived with a violent Stepfather when my mother re-married, My childhood was less than Ideal, and I would leave home by the age of 15… more on my story here… and I came very close to becoming another Maori Social statistic that could have easily been written off as ‘just another victim of Colonization’ yet thankfully my Journey through the School of hard knocks taught me some priceless life lessons… that I could not blame my ruff childhood for my lot in life, but in fact that I myself, and the choices I made were (and are) chiefly responsible for how my life pans out… and it is this realisation… that I am *not a victim* of anything other than my own foolish ideas and values… that in reality… and irrespective of my dysfunctional upbringing… I am responsible for how successful my life will be … this Truth is *self empowering*… and I became a Libertarian… and an outspoken Critic of Socialism and all the Toxic Racism, defeatism, and entrapment in perpetual victim-ism it entails.
I have spent nearly two decades speaking out against the Lies of the racist radicals and their fraudulent claims of the Colonial oppression of Maori, and the evils of Maori dependence upon Socialist Welfare.

Waitangi Treaty Separatism, and all the socialist lies that it is Built upon is *Bare-faced Racist Politics* *Vile Fraudulent Revisionist History*… Yet to deny these Truth Bombs Socialists Like Justice Minister Andrew Little has the audacity to claim that Political pamphlets that speak out against his party’s Racist agenda and call for Equality before the law “as being Hate speech”… here… Anti-Māori pamphlet shows gaps in hate speech law: Andrew Little calls for action

Little repairing to the pseudo history of left wing accademics that infest of education system when he said… “It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”

So that is how Rigged this game is!
Socialists have positioned themselves at every station…
The Government.
The education system.
The Media
Fighting the socialist racist politics of the Leftist Government, and calling for Equality before the law is fed to the New Zealand Public by our Left wing infested Media *as being racist*, and as such the government wants to make such Political opinion *illegal* to speak about in public.

Yes Socialism seeks to use Political power and the law silence it’s critics!
Socialism uses political power and the law to re-write history!

And they want New Zealanders to think of those who call them out on their racism as being ‘Alt Right’ ‘White supremacists’ ‘ etc’.
So of course Socialists *cant stand Maori like myself* who deny We are victims of Colonisation… and who call for an end to treaty separatism and Apartheid politics!
An example of this hatred socialists have for people like myself can be seen in how triggered US democrats get when Black Woman Candice Owens destroys their claims of ‘White privilege’.
They likewise cant stand Gay man Milo yiannopoulis because he refuses to join the Socialist ranks of Homosexuals raging against Christianity. (think Israel Falou)
Likewise any woman who rejects militant left wing feminism and their blatant Man-hating sexism under the guise of ‘fighting the Patriarchy’.
In all these spheres it is not Equality before the Law that is the ideal of left wing ‘Identity politics’… but legalised Discrimination against whites… against holding Christian ideals and values… against Men, etc.

Again who is it that the Socialists in government, in the media, the Liberals running internet Social networks want to de-platform… want to silence?
Who is it the accuse of being ‘Hate speakers’ and try to associate with the ‘Alt right’… or accuse of ‘fake news’?

Those outspoken individuals whose Truth Bombs decimate left wing delusions, and expose their corruption and lies!

These are the speakers and activists Left wing Politicians like Auckland mayor Phil Goff try to prevent from getting Visas, or having venues to share their ideas to the voting public.
its left wing politicians like Goff who want to keep the public ignorant… and voting left!

Getting back to my original topic about the Lies that underpin the Racist Socialist agenda and their ideological excuse that Rampant Maori Criminality may be blamed on ‘Colonisation’, let me remind people of what New Zealand first MP and Minister of Regional Economic Development Shane Jones recently said….

Check this out…. ‘Shane Jones rubbishes claim colonialism is to blame for family violence’

Shane Jones, fresh off rescuing a woman from an alleged brutal domestic assault, has called on Māori to stop blaming colonialism for their woes.

Jones and his wife Dot were driving in Wellington on Saturday when they noticed a “fracas” in the car behind them….

The attacker, Jones said, was a young Māori man.

“I say to our Maori people – this sort of carry-on, don’t go blaming colonialism; don’t join the chorus of idiocy I’m seeing on the East Coast where the artists don’t want Captain Cook celebrated because they’re responsible for family violence on the East Coast. That’s pathetic. I hate that soup of excuses.”

Author of ‘Once were Warriors’ Allan Duff also copped a lot of hate from Maori for challenging their Culture of Blame and perpetual victimism.
The Movie was an indictment against the attitudes… and ‘culture of violence’ prevalent within Maoridom and it exposed the sort of mentality that causes Maori people to end up in prison… Nothing to do with ‘white men’s oppression’ and everything to do with the lack of Values.
In The sequel ‘What becomes of the broken Hearted’ Jake the Muss meets some Maori Guys who were using their time and talents much more constructively, and Jake tries to re-invent himself… to become a better man… and that folks… is the road to redemption!
Once were Warriors cut very close to the bone for many Maori because of how it reflected their reality.
Like my own Father… White people were not to blame for his own lack of self control… for the bullshit running around in his head… for his violence and his drinking!
He was fully responsible for that!

Read: Alan Duff: Time to break silence on Maori violence

It is the height of dishonesty for Socialist politicians to try and deny these most basic Moral truths!

The Real ‘Vessel of Tears’ is the fact that ongoing blame of Colonisation will never rescue Maori from the mire!

That will never come via Socialst lies and delusions.

It will only come the Day the Maori People shrug off the lies of socialist victimism, and racist blame, and determine to escape Socialist welfare dependency by taking ownership for their criminality and thereby determining to *Morally change* and to embrace *Values* that embody the virtues of Hard work, forsaking vice, forsaking violence, forsaking crime, forsaking Race hatred against Pakeha, forsaking the toxic lies sewn by socialists for political gain … that they are the victims of their Pakeha neighbours greed.
Throwing Off all that Dead weight and facing the future as an opportunity to prosper … by their own efforts… In Freedom…. under equality.
None of this entails an abandonment or lessening of their own Culture or identity.
This is pure empowerment… the very opposite of socialist victimism and dependence.

And New Zealanders must fight against Left wing attempts to outlaw Political criticism and alternative opinions!
Free Speech, and Freedom to assemble and hear Critics of the Government is essential for a democracy to remain Free.
Websites, Social media platforms, etc must remain accessible to all so that the people are truly informed at elections rather than just spoon fed left wing lies.

As Jesus Christ said “And ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall make you free”.


One Law change that could significantly Help Maori would be to End cannabis prohibition!
Its a Bad/ unjust law, and while it has zero to do with racism, Maori are disproportionately affected by it.
So vote to end Prohibition in the coming referendum.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

PS… Neither has it only been the Labour Party that has practiced this apartheid politics… For Decades The National Party has also facilitated it, and gotten into bed with Racist radicals of the Maori Party, etc… New Zelanders need to find a Political party dedicated to ending Treaty separatism and abolishing the Maori Seats in parliament… as a non-negotiable bottom line (never trust Winston Peters! Sadly for all his claims to want to end the ‘Brown mail’…the man speaks with forked tongue)


Woke Una Jagose.

Update: 18-10-24. Due to Public outrage NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC has been forced to Withdraw her controversial guidelines she issued that instructed judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.

Read: NZ Herald Solicitor-General backs down over controversial Māori prosecution guidelines

Update: 2-2-25
This Bullshit never stops…

The high rates of child abuse among Maori can be traced back to colonisation, an academic tells Florence Kerr for the Faces of Innocents project.

Nearly half of all children in the child victim toll are Maori.

There’s a reason for that, says Waikato Associate Professor Leonie Pihama. It’s called colonisation…”

Read Stuff article here.

This is an outrage!
This is not Scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced hateful and passing the buck.
And this is the shit they are teaching in our schools and universities!
This must stop!
The longer it continues the more Maori slip into Race hatred of Pakeha… and the more Maori Children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.


Join Hobson’s pledge here

More from Tim







Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Canada’s Amazing Polly: Censoring Opposition to Censorship. (Must watch!)

Amazing Polly.

I have posted the two ‘Amazing Polly’ videos that I have watched and she is as sharp as a knife!
We can be sure that at some point in the future she will be targeted for de-platforming and internet ghosting so I have included some of the alternative sites where she has set up in preparation for this inevitable censorship she will face.
Polly’s video ‘Censoring Opposition to Censorship’ is under attack by SJWs… eg… here.
And the Alt-Left are psychopathic… they are Trolling the Internet trying to get any critics of their ideology and Political agenda Banned/ De-platformed, etc.

On that note I will also add the fact that I have set myself up on MeWe here in anticipation of the high probability that I will probably loose my page on facebook, due to Political prejudices and Censorship, and that this Blog may also get blacklisted.

Published on 6 Jun 2019
Globalist politicians are ERASING testimony and holding semi-secret hearings. They are holding sham hearings where they don’t let people speak and the erase testimony that contradicts their objectives.
This is a dystopia. MORE…

paypal for contributions:

Amazing Polly on Bitchute:…


One very important point to appreciate in the video above that I want to discuss here is how in a Canadian Free Speech hearing, was how a hand picked Muslim ‘hate speech law proponent’ was allowed to present his very dishonest opinions about Alexandre Bissonnette who shot six members of a Quebec City mosque in 2017, and The Christchurch Anti-Muslim terrorist Brenton Tarrant saying these killers were ‘Pro-Conservative’.
This slant was correctly rebutted by Canadian Conservative party MP Michael Cooper who labeled this testimony Slanderous and defamatory … lacking in credibility… and then went on to prove that Tarrant was opposed conservatism by quoting from Tarrants own Manifesto (that is conveniently banned in New Zealand under threats of Jail) in which Tarrent expressly states that he rejects conservatism and that the closest Political system to which he subscribes is *Communist China!*
This clearly marks Tarrant *as a LEFTIST*
And the very fact that there is a murderously dangerous anti-muslim Alt-Left is a fact that the left are desperate to keep from the Public mind.
The left seeks to deceive the public into thinking that only the so-called ‘Alt right’ are ‘islamiphobic’ and so by default any so-called ‘anti-Muslim activities’ *can all be blamed on Alt right extremism*… this is why they lump conservatives with Nazis.
Yet the truth is The Leftist Atheist Communist China is Ruthlessly oppressing Muslims in China… It may indeed be the most anti-muslim government on Earth!
Yet we dont hear so much of a peep out of Our Lefty Government who will Bag the US and Trump all day long, yet who are terrified stupid of offending Beijing and also do not wish to advertise the fact the Left wing has its share of vicious Islamiphobia of the sort Lauded by The Christchurch Terrorist.
Lets not forget that in 2008 Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Leftists and the UN are also notorious Anti-Israel Anti-Semites.

What is also absolutely abhorrent about this Canadian Hearing is how MP Michael Coopers testimony and use of Tarrants manifesto was met with outrage and has been sort to be deleted from Public record!
*Censoring the truth… Doctoring the Public record… and in effect Re-writing history to suit their own desires!*

This stuff is why Free speech Advocates are saying we are now living in the Orwellian Universe of 1984.
And we New Zealanders can be sure this same suppression of the facts cover up, will define the trial of Brenton Tarrant, and that what we the public will get to see and hear will only be a narrative constructed to present Events the way the Government wants you to swallow as fact.
It will be propaganda… not the truth.

The Idea that banning Tarrant’s manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ is somehow to prevent ‘copy cat’ crimes is totally bogus!
The real reason is because the Government wants to control *all information*… your thoughts… and as we have seen for this video the manifesto contains this terrorists political views that are very inconvenient and contradictory of the governments Narrative.

We are in the middle of an Information war… The battlefield is domination of the Public mind.

We live in such frightening times that just by talking about these matters and individuals, Thinkers and writers like myself could find ourselves being targeted and intimidated by the Police who will look for any pretext by which they can arrest us, prosecute us, put legal Gags on us, and shut down our Blogs and social media presence.

Just by daring to express our personal opinions and critisise what the government is doing we will be flagged as ‘Dangerous’… ‘Alt Right’… etc with all the Ugly connotations tat those terms carry… Racists… Islamiphobes… etc… and when the Authorities think of a person in such terms it is very easy to abuse them, violate their rights … without conscience… indeed to joke about it… and take pride in it… and thats precisely how the persecution of the Jews was carried on in Nazi Germany.
The German police thought of the Jews as Dangerous traitors and Subversives to the National weal… vermin who *deserved* to be oppressed by the State.

So who really are the haters???
In my view the Spirit of Official persecution is Satanic… and we see this oppressive anti- Freedom Spirit is now running rampant all across western civilisation.
What sort of world are we bequeathing to our children?
I will not remain silent and Complicit!
I will raise my voice in protest for their sake!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

More from Tim….









Its time for the Freedom movement to liberate themselves from facebook… Get the party started over on Me We!

Without any warning… I woke up the other day to find I had been locked out of my Facebook social media page for 30 days… I was told that my sentence was this long ‘because you continue to post things that violate Facebook community standards’.
My Heinous crime this time?
Posting a Picture of Adolf Hitler smiling!
It was a harmless joke!
The context was not malicious whatsoever… I was not glorifying Hitler… was not engaging in antisemitism or anything… yet this Ban is a demonstration of the Lefty PC Tyranny that prevails at facebook and that There is no Free Speech there… no room for Adult dialogue… or humour, and so if anything this Ban should tell the Freedom lover that it is time to find a new Social media home.

The inconvenience of being shut out of one of my main means of communication with my people, and the fact that there was no warning, rhyme, or valid reason for what they did has not stimulated me into being a more woke individual… the very opposite … hence the Classy Baboons Arse photoshop of the Zucc… made by my 8 year old son! 🙂

Behold my Crime! (Below)

That this should have happened to me is no surprise… its happened to me before several times over the most petty reasons, and this type of lefty SJW ‘offence taking’ Prejudice, Bans and deplatforming has become so general and commonplace of Facebook that sadly it has become normal and worse… it has become *accepted*… even by many people who are supposed to be ruggard free thinkers.
I had however anticipated that I would get Zucced sometime in the near future and so like several of my Facebook friends and groups, I have set myself up an alternative Social media presence at MeWe.

You can find me Here.

Having a ban from Facebook for a month will have some beneficial consequences in that I have begun to aclimatise myself to the Mewe format, and have searched and found… much to my joy… several Libertarian personalities whose activism and insights I enjoy and admire… yet of course there is currently only a fraction of Libertarians and groups there compared to facebook… and that is the Power facebook holds… even over people who despise the the political bias and censorship that tyrannizes over all.
So many people submit to it because their families and friends are there… maybe they have a business presence there… and their favorite groups are there too.
Whatmore most of us have developed an unhealthy facebook addiction having assimilated facebook into our lives and routine… all these factors make the thought of migrating elsewhere to a platform that currently is comparatively lacking in content…. like a crack addict contemplating going cold turkey!

Yet This Blog post is an appeal to you facebook addicts who love freedom and who wish to remain in contact with some of the Best Freethinkers to at least create yourself a Mewe account and try to at least visit your meWe page daily… and to regularly encourage your Family, friends, and groups, to do the same.
It is this way that Mewe will start to become far more fun and a genuine alternative to the Gargantuan Facebook Beast.

I am of two minds as to what other actions I should take… Its my opinion that facebooks Left wing prejudices renders it dangerous to Freedom in society, and that is unworthy of our custom, and on that principle alone It makes sense to *Punish facebook* by withdrawing ourselves… and the more people who do so the better, yet again why should any Libertarian ‘Permanently ban themselves’ from such a powerful Social media site… esp when despite their heinous prejudices …there are still so many befits to be gained there?
The Libertarian rebel in me says… no!… I will not leave… that is to surrender to what the Lefty SJWs desires!
Better to start focusing on developing a Mewe community, yet also continue activism on facebook… regularly using facebook to promote Mewe…. regularly using facebook to critisise Facebook…. and of course using facebook to rebut Left wing (and right wing) delusions, articles, and activities.

Its via pro-active foresight that Liberty lovers stay empowered rather than slowly being crushed into submission out of fear of being deplatformed… Zucced.

And facebook users should be looking out for your friends… if they ‘disappear’ … stop responding to your comments, and posts, etc there is a high probability they have been Zucced, and so they cant post, cant reply to you messages, etc and so unless you have set yourself up an alternative Social media presence (like on Mewe) or they have set up a second Facebook account under a pseudonym that you know about… it is as easy as pie for facebook to sever your communications with your closest social media friends, Family, etc.

Anyway I wont be back on facebook for 3 more weeks, though at no stage was i aware that posting a joke pic of Adolf Hitler would get me in trouble with the facebook Gestapo!
How Ironic it is that facebook has become so Hitlerian!

One day I am sure I will get my entire facebook presence deplatformed and probably my blog will also get banned too so I am appealing to my Family and friends to set themselves up a mewe account so we can stay in contact should these things eventuate…. It could happen sooner than anyone would imagine.

Tim Wikirihi.
Christian Libertarian.

P.S Zuckerburger is a Big Baboons Butt!

More from Tim.