George Soros has been syphoning hundreds of millions of Dollars from US tax payers and using the money to corrupt and subvert Nations all over the globe.
Elon’s DOGE Discovered a motherload of such corrupt activity in the USAID (US Agency for International Development) and pulled the plug of Soros money stream.
Now Soros AKA ‘Evil incarnate’… has been up to his ‘Puppet master’ tricks funding fake Public Outrage at Elon’s Slash and burn DOGE activities…
Watch the video…
George Soros is funding the fake DOGE outrage and the mainstream media helping. Are you surprised?
Great article (above) by the BFD.
Must read to get a legal analysis of what happened from an Ex Cop.
This looks to be yet another case of NZ Police acting like Nazi’s/ Political enforcers with regards to yet another Comrade Ardern dictate.
This guy may have been an annoyance, and yet I did not see him commit any crime.
He said he had a mask exemption.
Two You tube videos from the BFD article (above).
These NZ Police brutalised this guy and have stitched him up with Bogus charges.
They did not follow a single principle of good policing.
They intended to make this guy regret not being a compliant slave and instead challenging Ardern’s dictates.
The question really must be asked what sort of ‘instructions’ had these Junior officers received from their superiors in dealing with ‘resistance to the mask mandates’?
I suspect NZ Police are being brainwashed into thinking Non-compliant people *are a real and serious danger* to the Public…. which is complete BS.
They never seem to contemplate that *they themselves* and their Oppressive enforcement of tyrannical laws *are a real and dangerous threat to the public!*
I recently watched a similar situation in Australia whereby the Thugs in uniforms were bullying a woman for not wearing a mask even though the law stated she did not have to wear one when exercising… which is another example of police willingness to break the rules, and attempt to make up the rules thinking the public are too scared or too ignorant to know the cops are scamming them.
We live in such times when the people can’t trust the police to be acting lawfully!
In this particular instant the vile evil of these Auzzy cops they tried to insinuate the woman had ‘mental health issues’… which is simply a pretext for them to arbitrarily deny her rights, grab her, and get her treated like a raving lunatic!
Luckily for her she managed to walk away from these dangerous criminal cops who enjoy abusing their powers.
The Covid Plandemic has turned the free West into a collection of Leftist Police States!
These mask mandates are just another travesty… pseudo-science… BS the net result will be not greater safety, but *detrimental to public health*.
They are a Joke… a symbol of paranoia… and a pretense for Police State surveillance and control… and the sheeple ‘feel safe’ when they should feel outraged and horrified that their freedom and rights have been swept away….
For an observer of Social dynamics, what an amazing social experiment this is to witness… all it takes is an edict from our Supreme Leader and instantly our once smiley friendly Supermarket staff become Nazi Informants and look upon any non-compliant black sheep with dehumanising contempt.
This gives us an insight to the fickle herd mentality and is a modern demonstration of how the Witch craze of the middle ages in which old woman would suffer the hysterical outrage of their otherwise ‘normal’ neighbours and get burned at the stake… because of the perception these woman represented a grave threat to them and their children… and it was all complete BS… yet the ‘Civil society’ at the time turned into a frenzied murderous mob.
Read the following Newshub article…
In a blogpost last week I warned that the Ardern Regime would have to resort to compulsory vaccination to achieve their stated targets.
It is difficult to exaggerate just how outrageous, backwards, and dangerous are these calls by a so-called ‘Legal Professor’ Alexander Gillespie to the rights and liberties of New Zealanders.
His proposal literally reduces New Zealanders to slaves… and yet too many people choose to turn a blind eye to what his proposals really mean.
‘Reasonable levels of Compulsion’… is like saying ‘reasonable levels of Rape’.
These are the sorts of ‘Law Professors’ Kim Jong -un and Xi Jinping use on a daily basis to run their ‘Reasonable Tyrannies’….
To think we taxpayers pay this arsehole Nazis wages!
We must resist this at all costs.
If the government can inject you against your will you are no longer a free person… you are like their Cattle… Farmers don’t ask permission of their cows and sheep when they Dip them and dose them… This is what this Scum Legal professor is advocating and calling it ‘reasonable’.
The principle of consent is one of the most important prerequisites of personal freedom and self ownership, yet in recent years duplicitous Socialist academics have been muddying the waters of what consent really means. The hypocrisy of Leftist academics is exposed when you consider how vocal they have been screaming ‘My Body, My choice’ when it comes to Abrortion, and yet now they turn around and say Your Body, but not your choice when they want to force toxins into your veins!
Where are the Legal professors defending out right to choose?
Their cowardly Silence is deafening!
The treatment of this peaceful man by the Supermarket and esp the New Zealand Police also exposes the true nature of Ardern’s politics… Your rights have been taken away and her edicts are ultimately undergirded by Thuggery in uniform… and she can get away with this because the Sheeple believe such thuggery is justified… to keep them safe.
Had enough of this Nanny State Tyranny?
Find a local group of likeminded people and start Peaceful Resistance and protest!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
PS. PARENTS BE WARNED! The government is now advertising on the radio and elsewhere offering vaccines for kids ages 12 and above without informing listeners that the Pfizer shots have not been through thorough safety checks and still only have ‘Emergency use authorisation’ from the FDA which itself is only for ages *15 and over!*
There are serious health risks involved to getting the shots.
They are not ordinary true vaccines, but are completely different… they are a form of Gene therapy.
There is a massive gap in understanding what the long term affects of these shots will be.
And given children and young people are at extremely low risk from Covid 19 I believe it is callous to risk their health with these Vax.
In truth I believe it would be much better/ safer for our kids to gain immunity naturally by exposure to the virus… which has been common practice for generations, eg such thing as ‘Chicken pox parties’. These is a hell of a lot of propaganda and mis-information that tries to promote vaccines over such ‘Old school practices’, yet the people promoting the vaxes are in the Back pocket of Big Pharma who make Billions from Vaccines.
Medicine is one of the most heavily propagandised markets that is rife with money making pseudo-science.
Appreciate that greed and money corrupts science all day long.
I have posted the two ‘Amazing Polly’ videos that I have watched and she is as sharp as a knife!
We can be sure that at some point in the future she will be targeted for de-platforming and internet ghosting so I have included some of the alternative sites where she has set up in preparation for this inevitable censorship she will face.
Polly’s video ‘Censoring Opposition to Censorship’ is under attack by SJWs… eg… here.
And the Alt-Left are psychopathic… they are Trolling the Internet trying to get any critics of their ideology and Political agenda Banned/ De-platformed, etc.
On that note I will also add the fact that I have set myself up on MeWe here in anticipation of the high probability that I will probably loose my page on facebook, due to Political prejudices and Censorship, and that this Blog may also get blacklisted.
Published on 6 Jun 2019
Globalist politicians are ERASING testimony and holding semi-secret hearings. They are holding sham hearings where they don’t let people speak and the erase testimony that contradicts their objectives.
This is a dystopia. MORE…
paypal for contributions:
Amazing Polly on Bitchute:…
One very important point to appreciate in the video above that I want to discuss here is how in a Canadian Free Speech hearing, was how a hand picked Muslim ‘hate speech law proponent’ was allowed to present his very dishonest opinions about Alexandre Bissonnette who shot six members of a Quebec City mosque in 2017, and The Christchurch Anti-Muslim terrorist Brenton Tarrant saying these killers were ‘Pro-Conservative’.
This slant was correctly rebutted by Canadian Conservative party MP Michael Cooper who labeled this testimony Slanderous and defamatory … lacking in credibility… and then went on to prove that Tarrant was opposed conservatism by quoting from Tarrants own Manifesto (that is conveniently banned in New Zealand under threats of Jail) in which Tarrent expressly states that he rejects conservatism and that the closest Political system to which he subscribes is *Communist China!*
This clearly marks Tarrant *as a LEFTIST*
And the very fact that there is a murderously dangerous anti-muslim Alt-Left is a fact that the left are desperate to keep from the Public mind.
The left seeks to deceive the public into thinking that only the so-called ‘Alt right’ are ‘islamiphobic’ and so by default any so-called ‘anti-Muslim activities’ *can all be blamed on Alt right extremism*… this is why they lump conservatives with Nazis.
Yet the truth is The Leftist Atheist Communist China is Ruthlessly oppressing Muslims in China… It may indeed be the most anti-muslim government on Earth!
Yet we dont hear so much of a peep out of Our Lefty Government who will Bag the US and Trump all day long, yet who are terrified stupid of offending Beijing and also do not wish to advertise the fact the Left wing has its share of vicious Islamiphobia of the sort Lauded by The Christchurch Terrorist.
Lets not forget that in 2008 Ardern was elected President of the International Union of Socialist Youth.
Leftists and the UN are also notorious Anti-Israel Anti-Semites.
What is also absolutely abhorrent about this Canadian Hearing is how MP Michael Coopers testimony and use of Tarrants manifesto was met with outrage and has been sort to be deleted from Public record!
*Censoring the truth… Doctoring the Public record… and in effect Re-writing history to suit their own desires!*
This stuff is why Free speech Advocates are saying we are now living in the Orwellian Universe of 1984.
And we New Zealanders can be sure this same suppression of the facts cover up, will define the trial of Brenton Tarrant, and that what we the public will get to see and hear will only be a narrative constructed to present Events the way the Government wants you to swallow as fact.
It will be propaganda… not the truth.
The Idea that banning Tarrant’s manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ is somehow to prevent ‘copy cat’ crimes is totally bogus!
The real reason is because the Government wants to control *all information*… your thoughts… and as we have seen for this video the manifesto contains this terrorists political views that are very inconvenient and contradictory of the governments Narrative.
We are in the middle of an Information war… The battlefield is domination of the Public mind.
We live in such frightening times that just by talking about these matters and individuals, Thinkers and writers like myself could find ourselves being targeted and intimidated by the Police who will look for any pretext by which they can arrest us, prosecute us, put legal Gags on us, and shut down our Blogs and social media presence.
Just by daring to express our personal opinions and critisise what the government is doing we will be flagged as ‘Dangerous’… ‘Alt Right’… etc with all the Ugly connotations tat those terms carry… Racists… Islamiphobes… etc… and when the Authorities think of a person in such terms it is very easy to abuse them, violate their rights … without conscience… indeed to joke about it… and take pride in it… and thats precisely how the persecution of the Jews was carried on in Nazi Germany.
The German police thought of the Jews as Dangerous traitors and Subversives to the National weal… vermin who *deserved* to be oppressed by the State.
So who really are the haters???
In my view the Spirit of Official persecution is Satanic… and we see this oppressive anti- Freedom Spirit is now running rampant all across western civilisation.
What sort of world are we bequeathing to our children?
I will not remain silent and Complicit!
I will raise my voice in protest for their sake!
Note: Tyranny has been running amok here in New Zealand since the Christchurch Terrorist Atrocity happened with Censorship, and suppression, People getting arrested for mere comments on Facebook! Its like The Death of Free speech has arrived.
My Blogpost (below) was written *before* many of these Censorship laws were rushed into being and so it contains references to the now banned manifest… yet if you go and read my latest blogpost here you will understand why I have not deleted these references from my post below.
I also wrote another Blog post on this subject before that Censorship ban Here and another *after the Ban here … in which I explain why I have not redacted excerpts of the manifesto ‘the great replacement’ from these related blog posts.
As a Christian Libertarian New Zealander my sincere condolences go out to the Muslim community in Christ church and their greater families and friends… and their wounded in the hospitals are in my prayers.
This horrific act of terrorism has caused our Nation such a deep wound that cuts to the heart, and my post today is like so many others that will be written about this crime, and asking what can be done to prevent this sort of atrocity happening again, yet My words will not be in support of the plan being preached down from above by Jacinda Ardern who is promising the state will do more to keep us all safe.
I want to suggest that this crime is a wake up call for New Zealanders to snap out of their childish and misplaced dependence on Misguided politicians like her and to take more responsibility for our own defense.
I want New Zealanders to wake up to the fact that we have already been robbed of many of our natural rights to take care of our own security and to utterly reject Arden’s plans to render us even more defenseless, and take away our Semi-automatic firearms that are 99.999% used for peaceful purposes… hunting.
So Our Great leader thinks little about destroying the rights of millions of New Zealanders over the actions of a handful of extremists.
And in fact The terrorist expressly chose firearms because he knew that would cause politicians to try and Ban guns….
This being So Jacinda Ardern is proving to be a gullible puppet on a string!
A Predictable Simpleton.
In his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ published on line before the attack the Killer said the reason he used firearms over other options was to achieve maximum Media Hype and to provoke Leftist politicians (like Jacinda Ardern) into passing draconian fire arms restrictions!
And like a Puppet on a string that is precisely what Ardern has immediately proposed to do!
The following is an extract from the manifesto… ‘The Great Replacement’…. warning… its vile stuff…
Why did you choose to use firearms?
I could have chosen any weapons or means.A TATP filled rental van. Household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.A
ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.Gas,fire,vehicular attacks,plane
attacks, any means were available. I had the will and I had the resources. I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra
media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the
politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to
abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see
this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic
polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing
of the US along cultural and racial lines. Why did you choose New Zealand as a place to attack?
New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New
Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found
out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere
else in the West. Secondly an attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of
the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the
invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world
and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass
immigration. Was there any reason you attacked that(those) mosque(s) in
Originally the mosque in Dunedin was the main target,particularly after
watching the video on their facebook page named “Otago muslim
Socialist Governments are absolutely idiotic.
What we are seeing here with Ardern’s declaration of a future ban on semi automatic weapons, is the lie that Socialists sell the world over … the claim that the more defenseless they render everybody… the more they take away our rights… the more laws they pass… that the safer we all are supposed to be…. *when the opposite is true*
Contemplate the fate of the Venezuelan population whom complied with their socialist government, and were disarmed!
The more defenseless they render us… the more exposed to violence we become!
Ardern’s ‘Super genius socialist plan’ is no better than the *Same utter rubbish* being pedaled in London due to the so-called ‘Knife crisis’.
Having Banned handguns there… people are now Stabbing each other. ( Where Murder abounds is a testament to a moral crisis that is something socialists cant fix by their stupid prohibitions)
Reality pill people!
You cannot ‘Ban’ the universe into being a ‘safe space’ for defenseless children…. these Liberal Tyrants are turning our nations into Children’s daycare centers… and it does not work!
They are are simply making the population more dependent upon the State… and therefor less self reliant… and more exposed.
Ie *Less safe!*
They are turning our societies into Prisons… yet even in prisons Dangerous criminals can still make shanks and murder you… even in a prison with hundreds of guards and all Guns and knives Banned!
Only *Idiots* think these prohibitions are a good idea… or have any hope of success!
The concept that any time something bad happens is an indication that the government needs to do ‘more’ is retarded.
I want you to think about this instead… These terrible events can just as easily be seen as an indication the Government needs to do *less*!
Instead of the Govenment taking away more of our rights, they ought to be restoring our rights they have already foolishly taken away!
*Re-Empowering us* to look out for our own security.
This is what a society of Free, enlightened, and self-reliant Citizens would be… a society that does not believe the foolish idea that our politicians can keep us safe.
Yet this *Do less* response to these sorts of horrors rarely occurs to the minds of the Sheeple who seek to rely on Governments to keep them safe rather than take responsibility for their own safety…
The Sheeple refuse to see this atrocity as proof of the failure of Nanny State Socialism.
Sheeple prefer to have Less rights rather than More personal responsibility…. and this childish mentality is precisely what feeds the Socialist politicians and why these Little brainless tyrants get elected instead of more honest, and competent candidates.
Socialism Feeds on Paranoia.
Liberty requires Bravery…. and so any event that spooks the sheeple results in more Socialism… less freedom.
Why did the Maniac choose to come to New Zealand to shoot peaceful Muslims instead of going to Syria and shooting *Real Islamic Terrorists*?
Because though he maybe consumed with hatred … he is not *Insane*… He knew our Socialist state has disarmed *our Muslims* … and did not fancy the Idea of having his victims shooting back!
Now… up until this Cowardly atrocity happened, its most likely that New Zealand Muslim migrants would have had little concerns about being dis-armed by the New Zealand government, and many of them probably bought into the delusion that this law has a lot to do with why New Zealand is so much ‘Safer’ than many of the places they have escaped from… yet that is not the case at all!
What causes New Zealand to be a safer place is not our Gun Restrictions, but our policy of Tolerance and relative religious liberty that comes from our enlightened and Founding Protestant Culture.
And Muslim immigrants have taken full advantage of this liberty and tolerance we enjoy here in this country to maintain their Islamic faith and community, and they are *practicing this tolerance of others too*, and this is the foundation of peaceful co-existence in a free society made up of disparate groups , each following their own conscience and peacefully worshiping God as they believe is right.
*Its this Tollerance, and respect for the religious liberty of others that makes New Zealand such a great place to live… for everyone.
In this sense New Zealand has been an example to the world that Freedom of Religion works and that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and Hindus, can all live together in the same communities to mutual benefit… based upon the common values that we all want to be safe in our lives and property, and be free to follow our own values while respecting the rights of our neighbors to do the same.
Yet even though by far the Majority of New Zealanders… both Native and new arrivals are tolerant and peaceful, there will always exist a tiny number of psychopaths and maliciously warped minds like these Freaks whom have cause our Nation such a horrific wound.
The lie That Socialist politicians continue to pedal … and the delusion of the Timid sheeple who worship Nanny State and vote for them… those who have no concept of the value of Freedom or self reliance … is that Socialist Nanny State can keep us all safe… if she is allowed to take away more of our rights and Liberties…
This is not only a dishonest lie that renders us all sitting ducks… it is also a Childish fantasy!
Its the Children’s fairy story about a Utopian world where folk have no need of Guns… where there are no Bad People who disobey the laws… dont make Guns or bombs… where the Government and police are angels and never act tyrannically or unjustly … etc etc
This is not the world we live in children!
This is the type of Childish thinking that refuses to see that though we have relative peace and liberty, and religious tolerance, that places like Mosques, Churches, and even schools, should have armed guards, and that it should be no big deal for ordinary people to carry the means of defending themselves.
I know that that last comment will have the sheep absolutely bleating!
Yet it is their sheepish terror that refuses to acknowledge *The real world truthfulness* of what I have said… and they want to cling to their fantasy that a disarmed population can be kept safe from this sort of Terrorism by Nanny state!
It has been reported that it took Police 36 minutes before they engaged the Terrorist from when they were first notified there was an active Gunman on the loose… and by then nearly 50 people were murdered and dozens more seriously injured.
And that we are taliking now about *Semi-autos* not Full automatic machine guns (which have already been banned) is a testament to *The Creeping socialist agenda to ban all privately owned guns* and leave only the State with fire arms!
The Tyrannical Government’s *wet Dream*… an absolutely helpless and subject population of slaves!
This is why The founding Fathers of American freedom enshrined the second amendment and why Tyranny loving Socialists Dems in the US are hell bent on abolishing the second.
The truth is This Terrorist attack against peaceful worshipers and immigrants proves We New Zealanders have lived in a socialist dream bubble that has burst.
The Root cause of this Terrorism is not too many Guns… but not enough… and it should become the norm that we have armed guards and *more gun rights not less* … generally speaking.
This is the reality pill that so few sheepish are willing to swallow and why our naive and simpleton Woke SJW Prime minister has already announced that semi-automatic fire arms will be outlawed!
This was a 100% predictable knee jerk reaction from her… I knew this would be her plan as soon as I herd about this crime, as it is Textbook for Socialist Liberals to use events like this to further empower themselves and take way the rights of the Millions of law abiding people under the pretext of public safety… and to try and keep the idiots believing the myth…maintaining the charade that * NANNY WILL KEEP US SAFE*… even though this Terror attack proves the lie!
Semi-automatic guns are the mainstay of Hunting in New Zealand.
They are Tools… not ‘Weapons’!
And we cannot allow our Virtue signally Woke SJW PM make New Zealand a laughing stock to the rest of the world… and an even more attractive destination for foreign extremists to commit these atrocities in the future!
Our Nation is rapidly being effeminated by the insanity of Lefty Liberalism.
It was only last century that New Zealanders were renowned for their Martial excellence distinguishing themselves in two world wars and that our enemies were very wary of our Nation because we were known to be a Nation of fearless warriors … Proud Gun owners who knew knew how to use them , and taught our children how to use them too.
*That is the sort of Mindset* that would make our country far less attractive to cowardly terrorists!
The very opposite message of what our foolish PM is broadcasting to the world.
Wake up New Zealand!
Professional Virtue signaler NZ PM Jacinda Ardern puts on her I care for Muslims ‘hat’
Well thankfully we do not yet live under *Her dictatorship* so thankfully she does not have the Authority to impose such an extreme and tyrannical Law upon us, and New Zealand still has a strong Hunting and gun ownership community (50 000 guns were imported into the country last year), and I am hoping New Zealander rally and publicly demonstrate against this new and absurd and extreme Gun regulation proposal… and I have high expectations that Jacinda Ardern will fail.
Lets hope so.
Read more here…
Muslims and Christians, and Schools, and even Liquor stores and dairies etc need to look to their own security, and the Government needs to roll back regulations that hinder these places from being able to bear the means of self defense against dangerous Criminals who already flout the Law!
I have read that the Guns used in the Christchurch terrorist attack were *illegally obtained*… and so why would any fool think that passing more laws is gong to hinder these sorts of fanatical criminals?
Stop being Gullible idiots to the delusional failed tyrannical prohibitions of Simpletons in parliament.
This Grotesquely heavy handed suppression of the Truth is barefaced Liberal tyranny!
Of Course the NZ government and police dont want people to see the truth of their failure to keep New Zealanders safe… or for any sudden enlightenment to break out that the government are partly responsible for the death toll because they have disarmed us all by law leaving us exposed to criminals and terrorists..
They dont want New Zealanders to be shocked int demanding their rights back to Concealed carry of side arms for their own defense!
So this is about suppression of truth for the sake of the political agenda of the powers that be… and agenda they seek to further impose with their plans for more heavy handed Gun regulations.
When the Evil was raging in Christchurch …Many heroic deeds and exploits were done in the face of this monstrous Crime!
So called ‘Toxic Masculinity’ was on display in all its glory…
Men gave their lives attempting to stop the Gunman.
Fathers took bullets shielding their children.
others took grave risks to aid the injured.
Read one here
It is the height of foolishness to think that any new measures …any new prohibitions can grantee such atrocities never happen again in the future!
The best you can hope to achieve is a well armed and proficient Citizenry who are ready and capable to look to their own defense.
Lets not let the Terrorists or the Tyrants win.
Lets up Keep our Rights and liberties, and our toleration and respect for the rights of others.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
The above pic is part of a Full Front Page Propaganda Piece by the New Zealand Herald , that not only captures Jacinda Ardern’s Outrageous claims that it is not the governments Rapacious taxes that are responsible for New Zealanders being ‘Fleeced’ at the gas pumps… as she jumps on that Tired old, yet faithful Hobby horse … blaming Greedy Fuel companies… and then following up with threats of new legislation.
All this dishonesty is Evil enough, yet if that is where it stopped the only thing that could be said about the article was that the Herald was simply reporting on Arderns lame denials, and subversion … yet that is far from what happened on October 8 2018… see the pic below.
The Herald engaged in outright Propaganda of its own… of the very worst sort… showing that it is far from impartial and that it may as well be written from an office in Arderns spin doctor department!
This absolutely shocking Pie Graph (above) appeared in the same *Front page* expose… which is so distorted that even a mediocre mathematician like myself cant help but spot glaring falcehoods!
The most Obvious one being that it pretends that 94.3 cents is well over 50% of $2.45.9 !!!!
The 94 cents is the actual cost of the one liter of petrol, leaving a remainder of just over $1.51 of Taxes and Fuel company overheads and profits.
By grossly misrepresenting this component (in white)… for political ends, they could then visually minimise the truth about how much of the price of fuel is taken in Taxes (Levies are just taxes too!)
Thus the Herald pie graph grossly under proportions the real amount the Government gets… esp noticeable with the segment that is supposed to show the 15% GST component (in Green)
I have worked out that the segment the herald attributes to ‘GST’ fits into the pie graph almost 23 times! when if this segment was honest it would be a portion that ought to only fit in 7.667 times!
This is a distortion of the truth in favour of the lies of Jacinda Ardern of a magnitude of nearly 300% !!!!
This is Barefaced dishonesty by New Zealand’s Largest Newspaper!
Then just step one day ahead… to today… October 10, 2018… page 3 and we read an article baced upon the Opposition party Leader Simon Bridges who is trying to make as much political capital from the public outcry against Arderns new fuel Taxes by calling for them to be scrapped… and this article has another graph… yet conveniently for the Herald… its not a Pie graph but a bar graph (see below)
Now this one at a glance is far more honest than the one they ran only the day before on the front page…. firstly we can see that the 94.3 cent component is rightly proportioned at well less than 50% of the total cost… and ‘Hello’… the real component being fleeced from us by the government is nearly 50% of the total price!
leaving a mere 33.9 cents for Feul companies overheads and profit … a proportion of the total cost being a mere 1/7th of the whole!
Now The Bullshit we are being fed by Jacinda Ardern and her sycophants at the herald is a mountain high and is despicable!
what bothers me the most is that this blatant dishonesty at the Herald may not be picked up by uncritical readers… thus perpetuating the lie that The Government is not to blame for the suffering and growing poverty in New Zealanders… and that its all because of greedy corporations that need more legislation!
Patent falsehoods for despicable political ends!
Remember Ardern’s Election promise “no new taxes”… Yeah Right!
This is outrageous!
She is unfit to govern… National is no better.
New Zealand desperately needs a New Libertarian Party… and New/ better Newspapers…|
The New Zealand Herald is corrupt and has failed in its duty… the roll of ‘the Free press’ is supposed fulfill as a vanguard of freedom in an enlightened society.
Heads should Roll!
And to think the world swoons at Arderns feet!
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
And you wonder why poverty is growing in this country!
Had enough yet?
Update: 10-12-18… I should have mentioned the fact that Ardern has an even more nefarious ends in mind she is not talking about… she… and her Green Party coalition partners are part of the Global Cabal who want to Ban Motorcars and force people into State transportation systems under their Machiavellian ‘Climate change’ Agenda.
So secretly she *wants* the people to hurt… she *wants* people to not to be able afford to run private motor vehicles…
This is a hot topic at the UN… where she loves to grandstand… with her Baby!
She is a Fraud and a tyrant.
Poverty is growing in New Zealand.
Suicide is too.
Financial stress is destroying families.
With the heavy oppression I face from the Tax department, only two things prevent me from becoming a dangerous enemy of the state… rather than a passive victim.
1. My responsibility as a husband and Father to put their immediate well-being ahead of my need for vengeance.
2. My Christian faith that abhors violence… even against those who deserve it… yet the restraints of these two factors have limits… I ask myself at what point does it become the Christian and Fatherly Duty to take up arms and wage war against a tyrannical State?
Anyone here remember the words of the American Declaration of Independence and why America was born?
How many struggling families receive Threatening letters about arbitrary ‘Debts’ from The New Zealand tax department each week?
How many self employed people are bankrupted by the IRD… or loose everything they have worked years to gain?
There is a crisis going on!
What will it take to stop the Legalised Robbery?
The Government makes Organised crime look like amateurs!
So far my Activism has been Peaceful and reason based… like the Gospel… an appeal to the hearts and minds of my fellow citizens… Yet the Jackboots of the state are kicking at my door…. like Extortionate Gangsters.
They are destroying the lives of the virtuous and hard working.
Yet the *real sad truth is* it is *you*…. my fellow countrymen who continue to vote for the Rapacious Extortioners… and their ever growing addiction to expropriation.
You vote for the Theft… You support the Media personalities who encourage the IRD to take more… and more…
How many more homeless people will have to die in gutters? how many suicides and broken families will loose everything before you realise that it is the Jack booted Government *itself* that is by far the greatest threat to your lives and family?
Every Tax hike pushes more Families towards crisis.
Nonetheless like a runaway juggernaut the Government and Councils are having meetings about the country scheeming more ‘innovative’ ways to take our money for their whack schemes!
Tax is Crack Cocaine to Socialist addicts like Ardern.
The pic above is the sort of ‘editorial’ that passes for wisdom in New Zealand when it is nothing short of absolute falcehoods and propaganda designed to ‘soften up’ the masses into accepting new and higher Taxes!
They peddle the lie that higher taxes will bring greater prosperity!
They peddle that great Lefty lie that those with property have not contributed ‘their share’ to society!
Tolerance towards this sort of sycophancy in the media in New Zealand is outrageous!
How Journos and editors can get away with such one eyed lies is a testament to how lobotomized our population is(thanks state education).
The so called ‘Free Press’ have failed in their Duty as the vanguard against tyranny.
Read : Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.
We are expected to maintain composure while being fleeced… to suffer in silence… to maintain the Delusions that higher Taxes are Good, Justified, enlightened, when in reality by far greatest cause of Poverty in this country is Socialist over-government and heavy taxation.
No matter how hard I work… or how many thousands of dollars I withhold from my family and give to the beast… no matter how many Holidays I forego… They still send me threatening letters telling them I owe them tens of thousands more….
How many of you are working yourselves to death… forego Medical attention for yourself… yet suffer sleepless nights, and whose only Forlorn hope is to win lotto?
They take the Joy out of life and keep families on the edge of poverty at all times. (A Habitat of Envy and want under which white horse riding socialist Scammers flourish… )
For the Grace of God People…. Wake up!!!!
Stop worshiping evil Idiots like Jacinda Ardern!
The Labour Party is not the friend of the worker!
She is *not* a heroic leader… she is a Thief and a bully.
She’s a sexist, Racist hypocrite…
A Gangster.
Why she (and her ilk) are in power is because *her* sexism… *her* Racism… *her* hypocrisy… and *Her Economic delusions* all are of the popular variety.
She’s a Retard…. Captaining a ship of Fools.
Of course the problem is bigger than Jacinda’s Regime… Its Ideological and systemic… she’s just the latest Demagogue to wield the flail.
The real problem for Modern civilization is in the unfathomable void… the monumental sheepish ignorance of our systemically lobotomised voting populations.
You Useful Idiots still believe socialists care?
What sort of Slavery are we bequeathing to our children?
Speak now or forever hold your piece… pun intended.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Politically Homeless Libertarian Slave of the State.
I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.
As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.
If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.
Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.
A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.
A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.
When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.
A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…
Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.
Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.
My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.
My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.
I just dropped in to proffer an explanation of my absence from this blog for the past 18 months or so.
In a word, depression. I have been beset with mental health problems my entire adult life. I have at least four diagnosed DSM-5 disorders. Of these, depression is the worst. It is, quite literally, a life-threatening illness. Fortunately, amongst other things, my life is not mine to take. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Things took a turn for the worse about 18 months ago. Amongst other things, the full implications of having recently been belatedly diagnosed with adult ADHD were sinking in, winter was coming, and my usual coping strategies of injudicious drug use and abnegation of personal responsibility were failing me. But what really got me in a tailspin was when the state started bankruptcy proceedings against me, for alleged failure to pay taxes. I saw my GP about my predicament and he had no hesitation in giving me a medical certificate for WINZ. The upshot is that, since last autumn, I’ve been on the sickness benefit. Yes, that’s right. I’m a ward of the welfare state. So you can see what condition my condition is in.
But that’s enough about me, I don’t want to make this post all about my personal woes. In time-honoured fashion, I want to make it about this country’s political woes. This post will be about the government’s role in providing mental health services and, in particular, it’s role in NZ’s high rates of depression and suicide.
Straightaway, let’s get one thing straight. The government doesn’t actually care. The present National government doesn’t even want to know. Why else would it re-brand what was formerly the sickness benefit as “job seeker support”? A sickness beneficiary already has a job, and they know it! Their job is to get well. Well enough to seek, find, and then hold down a permanent paid position. All of which is easier said than done for the chronically mentally ill. Some of whom should, and do, end up on the invalid’s benefit.
The government doesn’t actually care. Certainly, the neoliberal government we’ve had in this country since 1984 doesn’t give a damn. To begin with, take the fact that the suicide rate for New Zealand males aged 15-19 doubled in the course of three years from 16 per 100,000 in 1985 to 32 per 100,000 in 1988. While trustworthy statistics aren’t easy to find, it would appear that this alarming increase in NZ’s youth suicide rate has held up. I see no reason to dispute the claim that NZ now has the highest rate of teen suicide in the developed world.
Former Children’s Commissioner Ian Hassall makes a couple of especially pertinent points (notwithstanding his dubious analogy to climate change).
The critical fact is that New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the OECD. This excess of young people’s deaths in New Zealand when compared with other OECD countries must be a result of local factors.
The statistics show that whatever these factors were, they began to operate from 1985 to 1988. That was a time of social turmoil in New Zealand. The economic restructuring that was sweeping the world was imposed faster and deeper in New Zealand than elsewhere.
“No pain, no gain” was the catchphrase of Rogernomics. What it meant was that it was expected that the structural changes would be painful but they would be worth it in creating a more robust economy.
For young people, the changes were rapid and painful indeed. Suddenly, finding a job was not guaranteed and bright future prospects dimmed for many. A reduced welfare safety net meant that many were not sufficiently helped and inequality widened.
I don’t think that we can say for sure what aspect of neoliberalism is to blame, or even that we can definitively blame neoliberalism in the first place for the sustained rise in youth suicides. But it’s certainly a prime suspect.
As ever: what is to be done?
Officially New Zealand has focussed on mental health and mental health services as a means of dealing with the problem. Mental ill-health and lack of mental health services cannot explain the sudden doubling of youth suicide from 1985 to 1988.
Not surprisingly, then, this approach has failed. Mental ill-health undoubtedly has a part to play in many youth suicides, but there is no reason that this should be more of a problem in New Zealand than in other countries.
It is comforting to believe that young people will be safer if our mental health services are improved but it is largely a false hope. Saying so will, no doubt make me unpopular, but so be it.
So be it, and I agree.
Sadly, throwing more money at the problem isn’t going to help much, if at all. In fact, I submit that a big part of NZ’s current mental health crisis is down to excessive reliance on the state to fix the problem. A bigger part is due to state intervention in the first place. It is completely wrong, for example, that the state treats the simple administration of a proven cure for depression as a greater crime than rape or armed robbery, and instead busies itself funding a lolly scramble of often worse than useless placebos.
Whereas I don’t think more government money is going to fix the problem, I do think it’s downright criminal to cut funding to mental health services in a time of mental health crisis. And that’s what this National government has done. My point is that where the state has taken on responsibility for the provision of mental health services, it must honour that commitment in the meantime. Until such time as we can successfully devolve this responsibility to families, friends and support at the local community level. Faceless bureaucracy never made anyone happy.
At a time like this, it is utterly appalling that the government saw fit to cut funding to Lifeline, one of NZs biggest and long-established suicide counselling lines. And instead, allocate that funding to a “new, preferred supplier” called LaVey. All very well, perhaps, except for the six-month hiatus between Lifeline’s funding being cut and the new provider stepping in. Oh, and the fact that Bill English’s wife is on the board of LaVey! Nepotism doesn’t get much uglier. (LeVa, LaVey. Whatever.)
Now, a closing few words about the efforts of the government-funded agency Like Minds and their take the load off campaign. When I first saw their video featuring Daniel from Taihape I was immediately reminded of the disturbingly dark comicbook art of the Spanish artist Joan Cornellà.
Wait just a moment! Take another look at take the load off. What on earth is that woman friend using to get her mate Dan out of his pit of depression? That’s right, it’s a hangman’s noose.
Sure, it’s supposed to be a lasso. But seriously, what sort of subliminal message are they sending to the suicidal? The people at the agency that created this plagiaristic monstrosity sure have a sick sense of humour. (It wouldn’t surprise me if they were the same outfit responsible for Colin Craig’s election campaign material last election.)
I’m glad that I also have a sick sense of humour and can appreciate it. I hope you do too. To all my depressed friends out there, I say, life is very much worth living, no matter if it seems like a sack of shit right now. Hang on in there!
^Feminazi Neo-liberal wet dream!
They have weaponised the next generation of Man haters.
Recently I was reading Green Party Mp Jan Logie post (here) about Sex education and teaching children about the principle of Consent.
This is of course part of the Current Neo-feminist drive that accuses Men and Boys of being entrenched in what these feminists have labeled a ‘Rape culture’… and just about *Any normal Male attitude* has been systematically derided as a ‘Rape mentality’ and Needs to be Socially engineered out of them… Its all symptomatic of ‘white male privilege and patriarchy’ … they say.
Want to hang a Calendar up in your workshop of Bikini clad Models astride a Chrome plated chopper?
Thats Rape culture.
Want to whistle at a Beautiful girl, dressed in a short skirt walking down the street?
Thats no longer healthy Male-ness… but rape culture.
A Guy gets drunk at a night club… meets a Sexy Babe who is dressed to kill… they dance and drink.. and make out… then go back to his house and have Sex…. you guessed it… He’s a rapist!
It matters not that maybe the guy was more drunk than the girl… and that maybe she was not so hot after all, and that she may have taken advantage of his beer goggles… no… shes not a rapist.
Just like the Libtard doctrines on racism… This stuff only works one way!
And there is zero mention of Adult self-responsibility… ever.
The glaring truth about all this …and more… is that Liberal Lefties in Parliament (Like Jan Logie) are the least competent people to be teaching *anyone* about the principle of Consent!
They themselves dont have a clue about the distinctions between what is a right and what constitutes force!
On this Topic they are absolute hypocrites as their entire political philosophy is based upon circumventing the voluntary consent of the entire population and imposing themselves and their nut bar political agenda upon us *By force*!
Their favorite word is *compulsory*.
If anything they have a ‘Rape Culture’ running rampant in parliament!
I have been contemplating writing a blog on this subject, yet have had other things on my mind… yet something landed in my News feed tonight that has driven me to type this blog post… it is something that perfectly demonstrates just how incompetent, and unfit to govern our nation these Whackos really are.. and how absurd it is that they could pretend to be able to school *anyone* on the principle of Consent.
The Headline…. “Former Prime Minister Geoffrey Palmer calls for compulsory voting, says democracy “in crisis”…”
Go here
Now Palmer is a Liberal and public menace of the first order!
He wrote the disastrous RMA that is… simply put… one gigantic violation of Private property rights, and via massive bureaucracy has hog tied development and progress.
It has also been a source of Race-based extortion… a factor that has just been super boosted in the last few days by the treasonous activities of the National Party in cahoots with the Racist Maori Party.
Palmer is a Criminal on a scale that makes the Mongrel mob look like rank amateurs! … The term Criminal not simply referring to someone who breaks the law… but more accurately the term refers to a person who violates the rights and liberties of any other individual or group… and he has done so on a grand scale… yet he has never seen the inside of a jail cell because all his crimes (like all the crimes committed by Politicians in parliament against the people) have been committed under the colour of the Law.
Our Brain Dead State schooled Press refers to him as an ‘expert on constitutional law’ when in reality he is a complete ignoramus!
Worse… he is a Political scoundrel as proven by his latest claims *That Voting ought to be compulsory!*
There you have it!
*He treats the Voluntary choice and Freedom… ie *The consent* of the citizens of New Zealand with absolute contempt!
He is the last person whom New Zealand should listen to with regards to the constitution of our country!
And he demonstrates why Socialist liberals cannot Teach our youth about the principle of Consent!
Liberals Despise the principle of consent and all their political activities hang on the principle of Cohesion!
They are Political Rapists!
My last Blogpost (here) was about the hopeless choices that New Zealanders face this election, and the diabolical activities of the National/ Maori party coalition unrestrained by an ironclad Constitution.
We are between a rock and a hard place to the degree that many people will conciser *Not voting for any of the shysters* the moral thing to do!
Yet Palmer treats these Good thoughtful people with utter contempt and seeks to *force them to vote* against their will!
Palmer seeks to compel unwilling Kiwis to vote even if they dont have a clue about the policies of the people and parties on the ballet… or they may know whats on the table very well … yet Dislike *all* the candidates and all the parties… these two reasons being to my mind the main reasons why people dont vote… and they have the personal sovereign right Not to do so!
Yet By Palmers conception of Government… the people dont have any rights other than what people like him in parliament bequeath.
Ie by *his political Ideology* The Government is the master, and we are rendered.. not citizens… but subjects.
In reality the principle of consent is one of the most important political principles of them all… as the American declaration of Independence states… that Just government is founded upon *the consent* of the Governed… yet it also states that Our Rights are Inalienable… Equal… and that We the people form government to be our servant… ie to secure our rights that we already have!
Our Rights precede government and are not subject to Governments whims!
Our Rights come from God himself!
Not governments, and are inalienable.
And when government looses its way and becomes detrimental to our Rights and liberties… we the people have the right to abolish it and found New Government that will respect and secure our rights and leave us free to pursue our own happiness.
Palmer thinks that in our post-christian era that God is dead… and so are our inalienable rights! and so government is now ‘God’ and has the authority to force you to consent to be governed!!!! Thanks Atheism!
New Zealand is in dire need of a political enlightenment and revolution that enshrines a constitution that abolishes all the PC discrimination, and all the prohibitions of the liberals we currently suffer and prevents socialist whackos like Palmer from imposing any more of their Anti-consent Compulsions!
Yet of course these socialist want to steer any conversations about a new constitution in such a way that instead of making their compulsions illegal… null and void… they want a constitution that pseudo-legitimises all their Politically correct tyrannies… all their Insane liberalism.. all their meddlesome regulations that interfere with trade, and attempt to micro manage our lives…attempt to entrench Treaty separatism… and brain wash our children!
This is exactly What the National/Act/ Maori party coalition tried a few years back (2013) yet New Zealanders responded with a resounding *NO!* to their proposals.
My submission to their constitutional review is here
So here we have it.
Liberal Politicians hell bent on destroying the traditional values upon which this country is founded, and replacing the traditional Roles and stereo types of Manly men and feminine Woman with Emasculated effeminate Men and Brutal and Bossy woman!
Sexy Woman are the enemy because they pander to the Patriarchal stereotype of woman as men’s play things… Boys are to be taught they must like Overweight Bossy bitches and even be happy to have sex with transgenders… or else be deemed to be ‘misogynists’ and ‘transphobic’… etc etc.
These Sicko Liberals are waging a war on Men, and have our Boys in their sights… to utterly brain wash them into accepting all the Liberal Garbage!
The Liberals are also hell bent on making Christian values and beliefs virtually illegal!
And that in itself tells you what spirit is behind their determination to force their beliefs upon everyone via the Law!
Read a blog I wrote on that stuff here.
Finally therefore I must end this post with a defense for men, and boys… and everyone with common sence who has had enough of all this Social Justice warrior Crap!
to stand up against the liberal tide and tell them to Bugger off!
Do you hold to what was commonly known as the traditional conservative Christian western values of freedom, self reliance, and self-responsibility?
Then its time to step up!
Look at the sorts of Rubbish that is being systematically hammered down upon Males in this Post-Christain liberal era!
At face value the above meme looks like good advise… men ought to respect woman… esp in matters of sexual consent yet the fact is
Men are getting absolutely Hammered about how they should treat woman as if that is some sort of secret they are ignorant about when the reality the opposite is far more prevelent!
Militant Feminism and politically correct madness about ‘gender equality’ has actually poisoned the minds of woman!
*It is Woman and girls who need to be schooled in how they ought to respect *Men*!
Look at the following video that is going viral on the net… it is a 100% hit job on Men as endemic Rapists… sex offenders…
This is the sort of crap that is supposed to educate boys about consent, when in fact it is pure Neo-feminist man hating propaganda
It is actually a testament to how little respect Feminists have for men and boys… (no surprises there!), yet why would our society allow these men haters to peddle their toxic ideas in our schools and in the laws of our land?
Parents need to defend their sons from this Sexist evil that has grown up against them!
Parents need to do their daughters the service of teaching them to respect Boys… respect their Partners!
Only that way will their daughters be able to have successful relationships.
If you teach your daughters that they are little princesses and that a man must be a virtual slave to everything they desire, you are setting up your daughters to fail… and to suffer miserably from having insane expectations from their partners… and absolutely no respect for them *as men*.
Balance needs to be restored!
True equality needs to be taught… not one eyed Feminist sexism!
And a Love of Liberty and Self responsibility… and mutual respect between boys and girls.
P.S If you are going to vote be sure to vote out anyone who endorses Palmer’s calls to pass laws that force you to consent to be governed!
Vote for more freedom…Less Rapist Government!
The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole. The New Zealand Herald reported ….
“A 12-year-old girl hiding in a kindergarten after midnight was bitten by a police dog when she did not respond to an officer’s calls.
The child was one of 29 youths to have police dogs used against them in just six months, a statistic the Children’s Commissioner says is “surprising” and the Maori Party says is “completely unacceptable”.
Tactical Operations police data obtained by the Herald on Sunday shows youths made up 20 per cent of incidents where dogs were used. Of those youths, more than 60 per cent stated their ethnicity as Maori.
In general, Maori were 12 times as likely to face a dog as Pakeha.
Maori were also more likely to be hit by a baton, shot with a taser or blasted with pepper spray, the statistics showed. Overall, a person who was Maori was seven times more likely to incur the use of police force than Pakeha. Pacific Islanders were also more likely to encounter force, at a rate of 3-1.”
Now these are absolutely socking statistics esp in light of the fact that Maori only make up approximately 15% of the population!
What the hell is going on here?
I see several factors are at play.
It may surprise some readers that though I am a Libertarian, I don’t hesitate to join chorus with my political antagonists the Maori Party in leveling heavy condemnation against the Police for their atrocious unprofessionalism with regards to their use of gratuitous violence.
There is virtually no excuse to release your attack dog on children of any race.
Wearing a badge is no excuse for such horrific behavior reminiscent of the very worst dictatorships.
Such Evil police work *must contribute to future Social troubles as their victims grow up believing (rightly) the system to be evil*…
Nanny State has corrupted the Police force by denying the principles of Individual Rights and Liberties, and the fact that the State is not our Master… but our servants.
The Police are no longer guided by the principles of Justice but have become the enforcers of Party political Agendas,
Read how Legalized force attracts Thugs and Bullies …Here.
Yet an even greater condemnation must be leveled at the Maori party themselves and their Co-conspirators in National, Labour, and the Greens all of whom have an even more fundamental culpability in these atrocious statistics than the police do.
The truth is that even after we taken due consideration of the detrimental affects of terrible policing into account… we are still left with the stark fact that the ongoing state of Maori criminality is flourishing under decades of politically manufactured conditions that were supposed to alleviate them!
In fact *The Police themselves* undoubtedly have their side of the story to tell of Rampant Juvenile delinquency and crime from Maori Youth and Adults completely out of proportion to their numerical presence.
The Police are at the Blunt end of decades of atrocious parenting by Maori, an absolutely shocking lack of teaching and mentoring of personal ethics, leading to Inter-generational criminality…. all fostered by a Multi-billion dollar failure of Political social engineering.
In what alternate reality do academics exist in which they expect to gain positive social outcomes from teaching Maori Boys to take pride in themselves as being ‘Staunch Warriors’,yet also that they and their people are the victims of systemic Pakeha Greed and oppression?
What you get is poisoned violent and hateful minds… full of blame and a desire for UTU.
Exactly the political capital you want if your aims are to foster separatism and grievance rather than Social harmony.
We cannot expect the Maori or Mana party to change their stripes yet I ask at what point will socialists of both National and Labour admit their social experiments on Maori dont work but actually make life much worse?
By what yardstick… if even Pragmatic experience let alone Just principles have not sufficient weight for them to realise their socialism does not improve the living standards of the underclass… but only serves to ensnare them in greater dependence … and corrodes self reliance and self responsibility like a potent Caustic?
Do they even give a damn?
I suspect the only thing they really care about is keeping hold of political power at any price!
Only via Blind stupidity and a malevolent hatred for Freedom, and capitalism can Centerist leaning socialists of both the left and right continue to peddle there failed policies and erroneous ideology.
Rampant Nanny State Socialism had been picking up momentum for many many decades before I took an interest in politics.
Yet even as a novice in things political I could see huge problems from having suffered first hand the evils of Nanny State… and intuitively began my quest for more freedom, less Government.
By 2000 I had joined the Libertarianz Party, right when Helen Clark announced Her policies for ‘Closing the Gaps’… it was what she called one of her Labour Governments ‘Flag ships’
Read here… ‘Closing the gaps: giving all New Zealanders a chance to participate.’
Prime Minister Helen Clark said today that the government’s determination to close the economic and social gaps which have developed between Mäori and Pacific people and other New Zealanders, is vividly reflected in the Budget.
“The government has identified these gaps as one of the greatest challenges facing the country,” Helen Clark said.
“Unless we start addressing this problem we will permanently consign a section of our people to the economic scrapheap, and risk a breakdown of social order and cohesion.
“No country can get ahead if a significant proportion of its citizens are left behind….” read more
The Wahine.
It was and is a ship of fools. (Closing the Gaps)
All along My Libertarian Colleagues and my self warned of the ship wreak that inevitability lay ahead by continuing on these co ordinates… We knew it with certainty…. and we despaired for the suffering we knew must befall those vulnerable people targeted by this race based Nanny statism… yet we were painted by the Media and others as heartless because we refused to endorse welfarism, and Special treatment for Maori… yet Reality has vindicate us… we were right… and our warnings were benevolent… and those pretending to be the ‘Caring ones’… have proven to be 100% failures… and of malevolent hearts because they refuse to change course in the face of overwhelming evidence that Socialism is Bankrupt.
17 years after Helen Clark spoke about ‘Closing the gaps’ virtually all key sociological measurements show that Maori are not prospering despite all the so-called Treaty settlements, the Billion dollar Whanau Ora initiatives, the Positive descriptive legislation… all the so-called renaissance in Maori Culture…
All this Institutional racism that comes from a political class of activist Maori wracked with a sadistic Racist bigotry… and their sympathetic opposite… a faction of masochistic Pakeha in the mainstream parties that impose a collective guilt trip on the bulk of New Zealanders who are in reality guilty of nothing more than being born Non-Maori… and whom are expected to be contented with being rendered second class citizens.
The Irony is that all this political dis-advantage leveled against Pakeha is that it has tended to make them much less reliant on the State than Maori… more self-reliant… more self-responsible… and thereby far healthier… far better standards of living… far more personal success… and far less criminal… thus far less likely to suffer at the hands of a dysfunctional Police force that has lost its way… on so many levels.
The Socialist recipe of positive discrimination for Maori may have gotten them their own State TV Stations, Their own Universities and Polyteks, They may even have control of great Economic powerhouses like fisheries and Shopping malls… which of course brings wealth to tribal and political elites… Yet down where the ordinary people dwell the story is completely different.
The Victim mindset that Maori are being spoon fed by their political class from above whom profit from the growing racial segregation and grievance industry … drizzled with copious helpings of a sence of entitlement for the un-earned… topped off with the Poison Cherry of being molly coddled via legal favoritism… massive special interest bureaucracies, and easier access to Government handouts… has not closed the Gaps… but entrenched them in misery!
The truth is being taught that your lowly condition has nothing to do with your personal ethics and responsibility… and instead the system encourages Blame and makes it easier to get access to and become dependent upon welfare, etc only serves to guarantee those ordinary Maori who buy into all the rubbish about being oppressed… will never lift themselves out of the hole they are in… and where poverty and lack of the ethics of self responsibility have become a cultural norm… We can absolutely predict with mathematical precision that Criminality will thrive there.
And this is precisely what we see in the Statistics.
This is what the Statistics prove.
Maori TV is nothing more than a propaganda machine designed to keep Maori ensnared as pawns in the games being played by the vile racists and Professional griever Lobbyists whom capitalise from maintaining Racial division and tensions.
The only way to reverse this downward spiral for Maori, and save their Children from the vicious Jaws of Police Hell hounds and Thugs in Uniforms is not merely to retrain the Police… throwing out the Unfit personality types that now infest the force…But most importantly to Reverse *all the Nanny state Socialist Laws and institutions* that must in turn be substituted with an ethos of self- reliance and responsibility on equal terms with everyone else … absolutely smashing the toxic policies of Dependence and grievance.
This is incontrovertible!
Socialism is an absolute Failure!
Socialism is an Evil Political Scam!
Yet we can guarantee that the Socialists in Politics and the vested interest employed in their engines of State will *never admit* that their policies are harming Maori, or that Freedom and Equality before the law will provide the optimum social environment for Maori to work their own way up and out of this Socially engineered trap they have been led into.
The ultimate charade about socialism is their claim of being an Ideology for those with caring hearts!
In reality Socialism is a hotbed of Special interest of the lowest character… coming from a Malevolent hatred of personal freedom and responsibility and Capitalism.
Socialists are Crack addicted to political power and Nanny State coercion esp over the economic sphere… while maintaining a pretension of caring for the underclass.
Little wonder as Satan himself appears to the gullible as an Angel of light.
Maori are not a victim of Pakeha Greed… But of the Greed and malice of their own Political Class!
Its time to end all the racial separatism and Nannyism!
Not only for Justices sake… but for the sake of the Next Generations of Maori… and New Zealanders as whole whom suffer the effects of a Maori Crime wave, and expense of out of control welfare dependency.
If you are not moved by the facts to abandon Treaty separatism and Nanny state welfarism and coercion you can have no claim to either the moral high ground or pragmatic Humanity.
That ground clearly belongs (as it always has) to the Libertarians…the advocates of Racial Equality before the Law… and more Freedom, and less Government.
Libertraianism is a socially concerned political ideology that understands there are no political short cuts… no conflict between just principle and the best pragmatic outcomes… and that he who truly governs best… governs least.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Maori,Pakeha, Engineer, and Christian Libertarian.
P.S… I could go on and on about how Nanny state destroys lives.
Eg We could discuss how the war on Drugs is so disproportionately detrimental to Maori yet ironically their Political class are again at the forefront of maintaining and extending the oppressive war that criminalizes people and causes them to despise the Law, and society.
So there are plenty of injustices to rise against… yet they have nothing to do with institutional racism *against Maori*.
Like most socialist tyranny it is sold under the pretense of being for our own good.