Typical for me… I procrastinated and worried so long about this proposed new Legislation that I allowed the deadline for public submissions to creep right up to the final hours.
I was forced to hastily throw together a very ruff submission which I have just dispatched through the Government Submissions engine here.
I must apologize for the poor quality of my submission.
I could not allow this Bill to pass into law without raising some sort of protest.
Here it is below…
Tim Wikiriwhi.
To The Committee.
I oppose Judith Colin’s ‘Gene Technology Bill’ as a most dangerous and subversive proposal that not only threatens to destroy our nations reputation for producing the safest and best food in the world, it also seeks to enact laws that trample the New Zealand Bill of rights under foot, by permanently legislating away New Zealanders rights to refuse medical treatments. This is esp outrageous given the whole world is trying to recover from the massive damage done to the national economies of the world because of Gross Mismanagement of the Covid 19 Pandemic including thousands of Deaths and injuries caused by the Vaccines.
Let us not forget Covid 19 was a genetically modified organism Engineered in a Lab!
That Judith Collins has included these sections in her bill that directly attack New Zealanders rights, and seeks to set up very lax non-parliamentary processes whereby medications and other intrusions can be imposed upon us exposes her ( in my opinion) as an extremely corrupt politician that does not have the peoples interests at heart.
The very purpose of having a Bill of rights is supposed to be a safeguard of citizens rights that blocks legislation like this Gene Technology Bill from being passed into law!
I call upon this committee not to allow this violation… but instead to reject the Bill because it seeks to contravene and nullify the New Zealand Bill of rights.
The notion that New Zealanders should surrender our rights to the determinations of an unelected medical bureaucrat simply on the basis of ‘any Two foreign health agencies recommending some medical intervention be mandatory’ …. is an absolute travesty!
How easily will it be to find merely ‘two’ out of hundreds of ‘Foreign Health authorities’ that will recommend mandatory medical interventions!
The world is awash with such institutions that pay no mind to such things as the rights of individuals!
It’s ridiculous!
That is to place the medical determinations of New Zealand into foreign hands!
*We don’t give a dern what foolish and tyrannical decisions are made in foreign counties… or dodgy international bodies like the WHO!
We demand our National independence and rights be upheld including the rights of New Zealand Citizens to refuse medical treatments.
We demand Politicians like Judith Collins pull her tyrannical head back in and acknowledge the NZ Bill of rights!
That’s her obligation as a servant of the citizens of New Zealand.
We are a democracy. Members of parliament are supposed to serve us the people of New Zealand… not their own financial interests… selling out our country to giant international corporations.
New Zealand currently has robust legislation that protects our National interests in Farming and food production from the very real dangers that are inherent in Genetic engineering and Gene technology.
The current laws protect New Zealand farmers and Consumers from Genetically modified organisms escaping into our environment or being put into our Food by stealth.
The desire to do away with these safeguards comes not from the people of New Zealand but from Mega corporations ‘Big Food’… who are interested to taking control of our entire food industries… for profit for the fat few… with zero benefits for the general public.
The way this would work is Big Food will get to contaminate our environment with patented Frankenstein organisms… and push small farmers and families out of business and reap obscene profits for themselves… having destroyed organic farming in New Zealand… and farming as a Kiwi family way of life.
We The people are not ignorant of what Judith Collins is trying to do!
She is trying to force Genetically modified organisms and Gene technology on to us against our will.
We don’t want GE Food… we are not so stupid as to believe any of the bogus claims the GE Food will deliver any significant benefits to the average Kiwi.
That is just Bullshit propaganda they use to suck in Idiots!
We demand any Product sold in New Zealand containing GE organisms be clearly labeled so we can avoid purchasing such dodgy Corporate muck and instead support Pure NZ Goodness.
Big Food can bugger off! as far as I’m concerned.
We don’t need their patented junk.
New Zealanders can grow plenty of Fresh pure NZ Goodness enough to feed our selves and millions more the world over.
It is our reputation for Pure NZ Goodness that is under threat by power mad money hungry pig headed politicians who wish to sell our Nation out to Foreign Corporations, etc
It’s obvious who those interests are that Judith Colin’s really serves…. *The Mega corporations*.
People like her also wish to remove the requirement of GE labeling on all products sold in NZ.
Why do Interests like this always wish to remove such mandatory declarations?
Because they know *Consumers* don’t want GM Products! Ie Consumers will not willingly prefer GM food over Natural food if they can tell the difference!
So this is about deceiving the consumers… for the sake of Mega corporations and their Patented GM Crap!
Furthermore… *on the basis of property rights* We New Zealanders do not consent to GM Crops being grown here in NZ *because You cannot guarantee the GM/GE organisms and gene technologies will not escape into the wider environment…. contaminating the property and crops of others who do not want GM/GE organisms on their farms or in their food!
Therefore it is upon Libertarian first principles that I demand the Government prohibit all GM’GE organisms and Gene Technologies unless they are grown under such strict and secure conditions that guarantees they will not contaminate the property or crops of others.
The problem for Big Food and Judith Collins is that Robust protections that insist on rigid containment of Gene technologies make them unviable and unprofitable…
I say Hard Cheese!
The Big corporations want the people to sacrifice their rights just so they can make a fortune without bearing full responsibility for the risks their activities cause to others.
That is why Judith Collins seeks to do away with current Legal safeguards that impose strict controls on Genetically modified organisms and so-called ‘Gene technology’.
The potential for absolute disaster from removing current safeguards controlling Gene Technology is a massive risk.
That’s for fools.
We New Zealanders don’t want anything to do with it.
WE seek to protect our Brand as being ‘Pure NZ Goodness’.
That is a winning strategy that will guarantee our Products are loved and respected the whole world over.
We will not be fooled into sacrificing that for ‘Big Food’ Corporate Greed.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
I hope The committee informs Parliament that you have received strong public opposition to this Bill. and recommend the Bill be scrapped, and that current protections that control Gene technology be maintained… not loosened.
Secondly that The Bill be rejected because of it’s tyrannical sections which empower Health officials to impose mandatory Medical interventions, with contravene the New Zealand Bill of Rights, esp in regard to section 11 and New Zealanders Right to refuse medical treatments…
Mark Zuckerberger has dumped ‘Fact Checkers’ …. services provided by heavily biased, woke, and politically affiliated companies in favour of ‘community notes’ as are used on X platform, and he has also scrapped diversity and inclusion hire which prioritised Demographic identities of applicants over skills and other far more weighty attributes.
Despite many interesting confessions (on Joe Rogan Podcast) and commitments to vast improvements on facebook to restore Free Speech … very understandably thousands of people who left Facebook in disgust and have since turned up at X (Twitter) are spitting tacs that The Zuckburger has been having meetings with President elect Donald Trump.
They harbour great contempt for the many evils they believe Zuckerburg is guilty of and they are hoping he is one of many Trump will send to the gallows (metaphorically speaking) when he re-assumes power.
They see Zuck’s latest moves as nothing but a sleezy attempt to avoid the Wrath of The Don once again he is sworn into office!
The level of evil that conspired against Donald Trump and his supporters over the past 4+ has been un-believable for a first world nation to experience!
They tried to ruin him, jail him, and even assassinate him!
They have jailed some of his supporters for 4 years on absolutely bogus charges of ‘insurrection’!!
They corrupted every institution of law and order and twisted them all for the sake of persecuting their political opponents.
All of it fabricated… and all of it failed!
During all this The WEF and minions (esp Jacinda Ardern) have worked like demons to create laws in every Nation to destroy the right of free speech for their citizens.
Despite it all Trump returns victorious!
By the Providence of The Almighty!
Yet now the Democrat WEF Minions are scattering like rats in fear of just retribution!
Even Bill Gates has been kissing The Don’s arse lately!
Millions of people around the globe want Zuckburger punished for his censorship which has affected elections around the globe, and during the Covid Scamdemic.
The Zuck was one of many Billionaires and powers who worked to defraud Donald Trump of Re-election in 2020.
Certainly the fear Trump could seek retribution will be a significant motivating factor for MZ in ‘demonstrating a change of heart’ by ‘fixing’ facebook.
He now admits ‘fact checkers’ have been too biased and too often ‘Got it wrong’.
Zuckerburger also blames the Biden administration for putting pressure on Facebook to censor Truth and says they ‘came after his company’ when they failed to cave into their demands.
Mark Zuckerberg just admitted that the Biden administration made them delete memes and vaccine information that turned out to be true. Let that sink in.
Now, he’s on Joe Rogan playing the victim, saying it was “brutal” and that they “went after his companies.” But here’s the… pic.twitter.com/EKToyaQ6uZ
I was one of the millions who got censored by Facebook countless times, thrown in Facebook jail right on the weeks leading up to elections, etc.
I had several of my pages axed… one on Covid 19… another on the battle of the sexes, and men’s rights.
I left Facebook because of it’s heavy political bias and censorship, so I know first hand Facebook is/was corrupt, yet still I ask Freedom lovers and Trump supporters to put their righteous indignation to the side for 5 minutes to calmly consider the following question.
Does your need for vengeance and punishment of Zuck overthrow your desire to win the information war and establish Free Speech on line… in the world?
With the WEF seeking to control the worlds internet… determined to brainwash the entire world into conforming to their dictates… seeking to censor all dissent… legislating to deploy thought police against those who post opinions detrimental to their aims.
That is a question of monumental importance!
I believe the fate of the world hangs on this very question.
Look at what is happening today in Great Britain!
Britain is no longer Great.
She has fallen under Globalist socialist Tyranny.
In the courts of WEF Puppet PM Keir Starmer’s Britain people get heaver jail sentences for Social media posts than Rapists and violent offenders do!
And this is at a time when Britain’s jails are overcrowded to the extent they are letting *real criminals* go!
Starmer is implementing WEF policies which many Western Governments around the world are trying to impose upon their people too… including Australia and New Zealand.
They want to make it illegal to question lax Immigration policies.
They want to make it illegal to say ‘Transgenderism’ is a mental health problem… gender dysphoria.
The other day I was critical about that very subject with a Woke Labour Party MP on X, when the thought occurred to me that this MP could possibly flag my posts as ‘hate speech’ and ask the NZ police to pay me a visit!
Police forces around the world no longer stick to the letter of the law, but are trained in Globalist ideology and implement ideas and agendas that are not the law of the land.
In Britain it is common for the police to harass and arrest Christian street preachers under highly dubious charges.
That we live in such times is a disgrace!
Why should citizens living in democracies fear they might get arrested for expressing their personal opinions?
That is an attack on democracy… pure and simple.
People want justice for all the massive frauds like Covid and Climate change alarmism, and for allowing their nations to be over run with hostile aliens who hate them and and their cultures, and who flout their laws, and rape their woman… They hold Mark Zuckerberg as complicit for playing along with it all by heavily censoring Facebook.
Britain is a powder keg about to blow! Governments like Starmer’s have created a situation where a Racial civil war is looming.
Tommy Robinson is locked up for exposing the Government’s cover-up of Illegal immigrant crime.
Instead of enforcing the Law… they buried the truth.
Facebook permanently banned Tommy Robinson.
There is no doubt Facebook has collaborated with tyrannical authorities censoring dissidents and helped rig elections, etc.
These are serious charges and it is no wonder people want all the globalist traitors and tyrants… and collaborators behind bars!
I hope the axe of justice does fall on them … yet I believe we must not lose sight of the ultimate battle for free speech that is being waged… and that for the sake of victory we should be prepared to negotiate terms with some of these Bad actors when expedience demands it… for the sake of ultimate victory.
Sometimes circumstances are such that this is necessary… unpleasant though it may be.
Should Facebook be reformed that would go a long way towards turning the tide in favour of saving Western civilisation from the clutches of Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’.
That IMO would go a long way to redeeming Zuckerberg for his many evils.
Ultimately *nobody* escapes Justice.
The Zuck will one day have to stand before God Almighty and give account for his deeds.
Free speech has been extinguished in Britain, and hangs by a thin thread in most other Western nations.
This is why Trump must take care with how he deals with the Zuck.
This is what is at stake with Freedom on the internet.
The problem for tyrannical Socialist governments is the the internet and social media is more powerful than their traditionally controlled forms of media… TV, Radio, and Newspapers which had very limited reach and limited public response.
Social media and the internet with 100s of thousands of independent citizen political critics, commentators, and journalists (I like to think of myself in those terms) exposing the evil and absurd things politicians are up to is proving a bane to their Diabolical schemes and agendas.
They are hell bent on taking control of the Internet and turning it to their own Nefarious political ends.
This is why there is an ideological war going on for Freedom vs tyranny over the Internet.
It is in light of this that we need to consider what Zuckerburger is doing… just how massive a victory it is for Freedom to have this powerful Social media Giant switch sides and become another platform for global Free speech!
What a blow against the aims of the WEF!
What another massive problem for Socialist governments who are hoping to make Politically incorrect opinions illegal!
Facebook will represent millions of freedom dissident comments and arguments!
This is what winning looks like my friends!
Don’t be so foolish and let your need for seeing Zuc suffer cloud your understanding for what’s at stake and how this battle must be fought…
To my way of thinking… and given the super-critical situation where Global freedom hangs in the balance I believe with regard to Zuckerburger and Facebook that we should subordinate our desire for justice for the sake of winning the War for Freedom and Western Capitalism, and civilisation.
And I believe that is how Trumps mind works too.
He’s more interested in good outcomes than petty vengeance.
The Zuck Fears Trump… and that’s a good thing as it has caused him to change his business model from that which suited the WEF and Democrat Anti-Free speech Tyrants to a model that far more closely resembles a free speech platform that best suits a Free world that holds Political powers and governments to account… by the people.
I believe Trump is fighting the ‘Big’ game plan… that’s what makes him a target of the Globalists.
He stands in their way of Global power.
Should Zuckerburger maintain Facebook as a Free speech Platform I believe that will suffice Trump’s purposes.
Turning an enemy into an asset… willing or not.
Freedom wins!
Trump might also call on him to supply evidence against other adversaries who plotted to defraud him via all the Lawfare, the Russian collusion hoax, and Hunter Biden Laptop scandal… etc etc… asking facebook to censor truth.
Twitter under the helm of Jack Dorsey was once just as bad as Facebook. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, and cleaned house… saving the company and turning it into a bastion of Free speech this was a massive victory against the evil powers who sort absolute control over the internet and the world.
We can credit Elon’s ‘X’ as he rebranded it as being pivotal in the Re-election of Donald Trump and in the exposure of The Coivid 19 Scamdemic.
Still it will be great for the world to have another Mega-sized alternative social media platform that is pro-free speech… in competition with X.
That’s Healthy.
Monopolies are dangerous.
When I left Facebook I dusted off my sandals against them… yet given now things have been ‘fixed’ over there… in a few months time I may re-open my account there… as a reward for the Zuck doing the right thing.
It was a big sacrifice for me to leave Facebook and in the process I lost contact with many friends and family… that was a price I had to be willing to pay to be true to my values about Truth and free speech.
Will Zuck make good on his promises to reform Facebook?
Let’s just see how things develop over the next few months.
I know this post will anger a lot of people and open myself up to a mountain of criticism.
I’m fine with that.
I’m sitting down with a coffee… change my mind!
Marc Morano, author of 'The Great Reset', delivers a concise summary of Klaus Schwab and the WEF's plans for humanity:
"He's talking about us essentially giving up national sovereignty, giving up individual freedoms, and turning over rule to experts… This whole agenda is to… pic.twitter.com/ERtVDtLPvp
Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!
Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.
Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.
The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.
The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.
We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.
Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here
There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.
Panic Sheeple!
The end is nigh!
Global Boiling is here!
OH Dear God! What shall we do?????
We had better institute a Global Shut down!
Are the Globalists poised to implement the Great Reset?
All Auguries bode ill! Many factors lead me to believe the Globalists are about to pounce… and that is why they have in recent days elevated their climate alarmism to truly unhinged levels.
Just in case you have been in a coma for the past decade, and are wondering what I’m raving on about, ‘The Great Reset’ is the Socialist Gospel… the institution of the Socialist New World Order. The End of Independent Sovereign Nations, replaced with Global citizenship, and a Cashless global digital currency.
I believe the NWO is nothing less than the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist as foretold in the Bible. 666. As foretold… As it was in the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, All Nations will be gathered under one All powerful Kingdom, presided over by the Enemy of God and mankind.
You will own nothing… yet you are told that you will be happy.
No one will be able to buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 13)
There will be no more Religious Liberty.
To achieve their Diabolical ambitions The World Economic Forum are manufacturing a fake existential crisis to justify their monumental grab for total power over the entire planet!
And billions of idiots are falling for it!
They have control of the UN, The World Health Organisation, and their puppets are in positions of power in almost every Western nation.
It has been decades in the planning, and the fate of human freedom hangs in the balance.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
The secretary-general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.
It will be the end of Capitalism, and the birth of the New Age of Socialism!
Hearts and Hugs!!!!
Individual pursuit of wealth and happiness will be over.
All resources will be used for the greater good of the Herd.
*That is the sort of Socialist Bullshit they expect us all to mindlessly embrace*
Anyone with any understanding of how Socialism really works knows that if this New World Order is allowed to get established It will Be Hell on Earth!
Every individual will be allocated their share via the Global social credit system, your personal carbon footprint will be tracked, Your opinions will be scrutinised and policed.
All you must do is submit to the New World Order by taking the implant.
Rejoice Ye Damned Slaves!!!
Some of you may think this is all a bit stink… yet then you remember the Earth is Boiling!!!!!!!
Capitalism and Freedom are destroying the planet! ( At least that’s what the WEF and Leftist Greens wants you to believe!)
Click and watch that Bangin video (above) from Daisy Cousens.
Our benevolent billionaire banker elites have foreseen all of this and have been selflessly labouring for decades on such a scheme of salvation. The Great Reset.
(If you believe these maniacs have the best interests of humanity at heart, you have rocks for brains!)
It seems patently obvious to me the recent escalation in extreme alarmist retoric is prepping the sheeple of the world into complying with the extreme political evils the Globalists are about to launch… right across the globe. All at once.
The embedded WEF Minions making these absurd claims about ‘Global Boiling’ take their orders from and are working to a schedule dictated by the Globalist Puppet masters, Schwab, Gates, Soros.
Fact check that!
On cue no sooner does The UN and other alarmists ramp up their retoric… catastrophic fires start to break out’ in Hawaii and elsewhere.
The media squeals “Global Boiling!” Global Boiling!
Of course it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and that’s fire season, just as it is 6mths later in Australia. Poor management of national forests… the failure to maintain fire breaks, and do controlled burn offs of ‘Undergrowth ‘Fuel loads’ is the chief reason why massive fires have become the new normal. Nothing to do with a climate crisis.
This is all well understood, yet satellite images of recent fires in Canada show 6 or more fires starting in synchronicity. Obvious arson… yet Trudeau and Biden take to their National podiums fanning the flames of Climate change hysteria.
This is all by design… All part of the script to justify what is coming… The end of freedom in the West. That is unless we the people rise up in mass protest and Refuse to submit to this Globalists treachery.
If they are poised to implement a global climate lockdown We should be on the watch for some truly gob smacking brazen catastrophe… possibly A fire of unprecedented scale to break out somewhere with massive loss of life so shocking as to cause everyone on Earth to gasp. Not to infer what happened in Hawaii was trivial, if something of stupendous magnitude happens that can be construed to be a result of ‘Global Boiling’…. I for one will not be surprised.
The Globalists are ready to turn such a happenstance to their own advantage. IMO they are evil enough to engineer such an atrocity.
The stakes don’t get any higher than this.
The elites don’t give a rats arse about the billions of filthy little people who scurry about on *their planet*!
They have already decided there are too many of us… and the anti-human far left Environmental movement has done a fabulous job of instilling this Malthusian myth into the hearts and minds of the sheeple of the world… esp their children.
The evil Globalists are about to seize control of *everything*.
It is coming down to the wire!
A show down between the Globalists New World Order, and Freedom loving Americans and Nationalist patriots in all Western nations.
We shall fight to retain our Independence and right to self-determination!
We see the evil hand of George Soros directly at work manipulating the legal systems right across The US seeking to circumvent democracy and prevent American citizens from being able to vote Donald Trump back into office. It does not matter whether you like Trump or not… this corruption ought to be patently obvious to all! It ought to disgust and alarm *All enlightened people* (I’ll be writing another article on this) yet if The Soros Scheme to block Trump from running in the coming election is unsuccessful, there is an extremely high possibility the Globalists will pull the pin *just before the elections*.
That is how immediate this monumental conspiracy could kick off!
A Trump Presidency would be a massive blow to their aims… The Aged Schwab, Gates, and Soros might never live to see another ‘opportunity’ to grab Global power.
These Machiavellian Megalomaniacs have a sense of urgency to achieve their ultimate aims for Global Domination.
Soros is counting on Mass Trump Derangement Syndrome to cause the world to turn a blind eye towards this massive travesty against the American democracy.
Sadly I think he can have confidence that a massive portion of humanity don’t care if Trump is defrauded. They are blinded by their own contempt.
If you don’t want your children to grow up slaves be ready to march in the streets!
Be ready to go to Parliament and protest!
They are getting ready to impose their New World Order under the guise of the climate emergency. *NOW*
And it will resemble North Korean Type totalitarianism… but on steroids.
They have the technology now to monitor and control all human beings on Earth.
Big Brother… 1984… George Orwell.
Understand the level of tyranny they must impose if they hope to maintain an iron grip on power over the entire earth!
Understand the level of suppression of Thought and ambition they must hold over the peoples minds!
Enlightenment Ideals, and Christianity must be crushed out of existence.
We can still beat them and they know it!
They are desperate to gain control of the internet and pass censorship laws to make articles like this one ‘illegal’!
Because it is via Free speech that We the people can rally against them and thwart their evil plans.
Remember what these Evil Bastards did during the Covid Scamdemic!
Remember it was only the compliance of the sheeple that allowed them to trample our human rights, destroy our nations economy and impost tyrannical lockdowns… all of which were a travesty!
Did we learn anything from that massive social experiment on Global control????
Realise what I am saying is not fantasy, but an accurate description of the Political Establishment’s modus opperandi.
Wake up Sheeple!
So be ready to march in the streets people!
Be ready to resist!
Be ready to defy their evil orders!
Refuse to comply!
United we stand!
And especially remain peaceful in your civil disobedience… for history has proven that peaceful resistance can break despotic powers… as long as *all the people* act in solidarity and do not waiver in the face of the jackboots.
We must be prepared to make the ultimate personal sacrifices to save our children from Satanic Slavery.
It is also election time!
We desperately need to get rid of Labour, The Greens, and the Maori Party, yet if you want to save New Zealand from the great Reset for goodness sake Don’t vote National.
Don’t vote Act! Certainly don’t vote NZ first!
These parties were fully complicit in Arden’s Tyrannical activities since 2017.
Under Ardern these parties absolutely failed to be an effective opposition… that is because they are fundamentally in agreement on 90% of the big issues that New Zealand has faced… and they are fully on board with The Globalist agenda.|
I implore all Freedom fighters to vote for one of the New Freedom based parties!
Vote for New Conservatives, or Democracy NZ, or Leighton Bakers party, Or NZ Loyal, or Sue Grey’s and Brian Tamaki’s Freedom coalition.
New Zealand desperately needs to sweep out the despicable Status quo parties, and elect new blood!
It is my understanding that all these New parties stand for New Zealand’s Independence and National Sovereignty in opposition to the Globalist’s aims.
Voting for any of the status quo is a wasted vote.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 26-8-23 *Here we go!…
No less than 79 Arsonists have been arrested in Greece! You can bet they are all Far Left Radicals who are part of the Globalist scheme to promote the idea of ‘Global Boiling’. Their counterparts are lighting fires all over the globe then screaming ‘Climate change!!!!
“… Greece has called out “arsonist scum” after police made 79 arson arrests over wildfires ravaging the country.
Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias said there had been several attempts by arsonists to start new fires on Mount Parnitha, north-west of Athens.
The blaze is one of hundreds in the nation where wildfires have already killed at least 20 people this week.
“You are committing a crime against the country,” Mr Kikilias said.
“Arsonist scum are setting fires that threaten forests, property and, most of all, human lives,” Mr Kikilias told Greeks during a televised emergency briefing on Thursday.
“You will not get away with it, we will find you, you will be held accountable.”
Summer wildfires are common in Greece and scientists have linked the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, to climate change…”
Christian post-script.
The Bible predicted the Antichrist minions of Satan would try to enslave the world. It will only happen on our watch *if we wallow in apathy and indifference*.
If we fight this I see no reason in the scriptures why this ultimate scheme of Satan cannot be delayed for a generation or two… when a more Godless, and docile, and ignorant generation fails to appreciate what is at stake. NOT ON OUR WATCH!
And irrespective of the outcome of this struggle, every one of us needs to turn to God Almighty and realise our need to accept the Gospel of his grace.
For We are all *individually* Sinners, and as such our souls are in danger of eternal damnation. It is sin and rebellion against God that is behind the New World Order. yet the gospel say’s God loves us all *as individuals* and has made a way for us to be redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed of our sins, so that we can spend eternity in heaven… in his presence.
The Gospel is that God our Father sent Jesus Christ his son to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was burred, and that he rose from the dead in victory over sin and Death.
Whosoever choses to believe this good news will be saved. Without works! Salvation is the gift of God! You can be saved and put right with God Almighty right now!
It matters not what evils you have committed or what vises you struggle with. If you turn to God and call upon the name of Jesus… you will be saved!
For his love and grace are sufficient *for all*.
Trust in the gospel and no matter what happens, you will spend eternity in Heaven. These are the sure promises of God found in the Bible.
When the Kingdom of the AntiChrist appears (The New World Order) The saved will be raptured out by God, yet all those who rejected Christ will be deceived by strong delusions and will accept the Mark of the Beast.
All who receive the Mark will be judged by God Almighty… Jesus Christ… and be separated from God… Damned… For eternity.
This is the Ultimate spiritual battle that is going on.
Schwab, Gates, and Soros are just the Foolish minions of Satan… deceived by their own Vanity, and lust for power.
My personal testimony is I believe Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life!
The accuracy of the Bible in predicting the coming of Global Tyranny is evidence of it’s Divine truth.
Christianity is the salt of the Earth that prevents the rot… yet Christianity has been systematically attacked and is being forsaken. This is why the world is sinking back into darkness.
Yet We can have a revival!
we must have a revival… if Western civilistaion is to be saved from the false evil Gospel of Socialist Tyranny.
When The Antichrist does finally come to power, he will rule for a mere 7 years… yet these shall be the worst years in the history of Human Government.
In the End, The reign of the Antichrist shall be cut short by the Return of Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Antichrist shall be destroyed, and Christ will set up his Kingdom in Israel.
Sounds Far fetched?
It is happening before your very eyes!
Christ visited Israel in the 1st century BC in accordance with the promises of God to the Jewish Fathers.
He changed world history.
Pears encyclopedia calls him “the greatest figure in Human history”.
The Bible promises that he shall return.
He shall rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years… the Prince of Peace.
The day Ardern openly admitted her Covid Rules regarding the passport created a two tier society.
That is a snapshot of the real Demon that hid behind the Professionally crafted PR face she upheld with great care. It was out of character for her to be so ‘without wax’…. sincere. That day she could not resist gloating about what she was doing to us who we rejected her spin.
The Covid 19 passport worked as a pilot for a full blown Social credit system… and sadly the majority of New Zealanders simply rolled over and accepted it.
The Covid 19 scamdemic. lockdowns, and vaccine mandates are a Sociology/phycology gold mine in the science of Mass manipulatio.
The way the passport worked was everyone who complied with the governments agenda to vaccinate every Man woman and child recieved their papers… a digital passport and were therefore allowed to enjoy Bar’s Restaurants and Cafes,… get their hair cut… and attend family funerals, etc. Their Jobs were safe. yet those of us who refused the frankenshots were punished. Our jobs were in peril, we missed funerals, we could not socialise in Bars , clubs, etc.
That’s exactly how a totalitarian social credit system works…
(Above) The heroic Kellie Jay Keen-Minshull aka Posie Parker in the heart of Woke fanatical hatred…. Kiwistyle.
In fear of her life. She came here to promote woman’s rights and safe spaces for woman and girls.
Albert Park Auckland New Zealand 25-3-23.
Far Left Green Woke Radicalism is the number 1 Hate ideology in New Zealand, and represents an extreme danger to our society. The real problem is the Rot goes all the way to the Top. This is what Post-Ardern NZ looks like.
The extent of the Woke Craze here was on full display yesterday at Albert park.
We saw their ‘tolerance’ in action… akin the US BLM and Antifa violence.
It is rotting our once great and free nation from the inside out.
We have become an international joke.
Wokism Kiwistyle embodies Marxist Anti-western Anti-Christian Anti-Enlightenment values , Radical Maori Separatism, Sexism, Slavery to the New World Order, Mass systematic immigration, Anti-free speech, pro-totalitarian Socialism, Climate Hysteria…. all rolled up into a bundle of delusional hateful self destructive Madness.
By pointing these facts out makes me (in their evaluation) a dangerous Alt right extremist Nazi… Like Posey Parker. And we should not be tolerated to express our wrongthink.
Watch the video (above)
What a welcome this Classical Woman’s advocate received!
This storm has been raging within the modern day feminist movement for some time now. Once Gays and feminists were United, yet the Trans-radical extreme Left have splintered Feminists into two camps.
It’s very important to distinguish Classical Feminism (which is righteous) from Rabid 4th wave Feminism (which is psychotic and hateful towards Men… that is unless they are Trans, or Gay men).
The clash within Feminism today is between these two groups. Classical Feminism has been infiltrated and hijacked by the Radical Left, yet their push to impose transgender Men into woman’s spaces has caused outrage from classically minded feminists like Kellie Jay Keen, who wake up to the fact their movement now promotes gross Anti-female fantasies.
Wikipedia TERF:
TERF is an acronym for trans-exclusionary radical feminist. First recorded in 2008, the term was originally used to distinguish transgender-inclusive feminists from a group of radical feminists who reject the assertion that trans women are women, the inclusion of trans women in women’s spaces, and transgender rights legislation.Wikipedia.
It has been truly said 25-3-23 was a black day for free speech in New Zealand.
In what was supposed to be a day for woman’s rights advocacy, turned into an absolutely disgraceful exhibition for how steeped in Far Left extremism/ Woke radicalism a significant portion of our nation has become.
Kellie was assaulted even before she had a chance to speak, while the NZ Police just stood back and let the chaos ensue.
She easily could have been killed.
Was that what the powers that be hoped would happen?
When the crowd began invading the bandstand and assaulting her people, she had to run the gauntlet through the frenzied crowd of Far Left extremists who clearly wanted to inflict harm upon her protected only by a thin shield of her own security team.
It was only after her brave team had extracted her that the Police then moved to escort her the final few steps… putting on a show for the cameras. After all appearances are important.
Somewhere in a hazy Potpourri filled lounge the decision was made to allow the woke horde to run amok… to turn this political event into a fiasco… to serve as a precedent for stopping future Free speech events that dare to advocate opinions that don’t align with the State’s Woke agenda.
The police stood idle.
Ardern may be gone yet she’s left her stains. She was hell bent on enacting heavy restrictions on Free speech under the excuse of outlawing ‘hate speech’, yet what constitutes hate and what constitutes Truth is most often dependent upon a persons personal values and beliefs. And given Arderns own extreme Leftist ideals it was obvious from the beginning the types of Speech she would outlaw.
The real Dangerous Radicals in New Zealand currently have a license to operate. The largely State funded Woke Left in media. In no way can it be said they represent a ‘Free Press’. They work like a wing of the Woke States Propaganda department. One of their own Kate Hannah runs the ‘Disinformation project’. She and her mate Ardern turned the focus of the Police onto their political adversaries creating the Bogus Far Right extremism narrative. Yesterday’s obscene demonstration puts paid to that Machiavellian propaganda. Comparatively speaking The far right are non-existent in NZ! There would be only a fraction of 1% of the population who can accurately be described as ‘Far right’, yet Socialist’s Like Ardern and the Greens have sort to change the definition of that to mean *anyone/everyone* who does not support their own Far left views.
IMO The NZ Media must take the Lions share of responsibility for what happened!
They relentlessly sowed hatred against this little woman…. falsely associating her with Nazis… Falsely labelling her ‘Insane’ and ‘Anti-trangender’ when in truth she is a Womans rights advocate who simple does not want Woman’s sport dominated by Men suffering severe identity crisis.
She does not want Woman and girls to get undressed in changing rooms in front of Men in wigs, and be exposed to Dicks swinging in the breeze!
The NZHerald was particularly guilty for the Chaos. One of their own contributors (Shaneel Lal) was the poster They/them for rallying every Purple haired whacko and Commy Hipster north of the Bombays… hell bent on insuring Posey Parker would regret setting foot on New Zealand soil.
The NZ Herald thinks anyone who thinks ‘People with Penises’ are not woman is deemed to be ‘insane’? The NZherald is insane for thinking they are! The Left have bastardised the English language. Pretending Gender and biological sex are separate things they have successfully inflicted insanity/Mind cancer.
It was a vulgar display of Hypocrisy and ingratitude toward a nation that has been very open and inclusive towards them! For all New Zealand has done, this is how the Woke repay us! By violating others Free Speech, violence, and intimidation! You are dangerous Thugs. Extremists!
The tweet below shows the mindset of the woke radical and how they conflate speech with violence and violence with speech.
What the Woke Radicals did yesterday at Albert Park was not ‘More speech’. It was mob violence. Only a moron, a degenerate, or a Black hearted corrupt extremist cant understand the difference. Yet I guess when a person believes Woman’ can have dicks such people have abandoned reason.
The Left turn so many terms, words, and definitions inside out and back to front. Speech they don’t like is criminal ‘violence’, yet violence they commit is lawful ‘speech’. Hate is tolerance, tolerance is hate. Men are woman, Sex is not gender, censorship is kindness, etc
The Trans-activist Greens say ‘Terfs’ like Posie Parker deny Trans-folk have rights. That’s false.
Parker does not deny Trans-folk have rights, but says those rights are *equal*. They don’t get preference. They don’t get to impose themselves on others. Those things are *not rights* for anyone. Today they imposed themselves on a woman. Kinda toxic IMO. Kinda Rapey don’t you think? Monumental hypocrisy given how much these same activist harp on about Men’s oppression of woman!
Apparently it’s ok for Dick swinging Men to Dominate Woman if they self-identify as Trans!
Despite the scale of Yesterday’s spectacle The Greens and their Rabid band are just a fringe party for loons! Only the naïve think that Rabble represented heartland New Zealand! Only blinkered zealots seriously entertain the idea most New Zealanders believe Woman can have dicks?
No. Most New Zealanders agree with Posey.
This is election year, yet where is National’s voice?
National are missing a prime opportunity to show leadership, promote Free speech and Law and Order. They should be slamming Labour and the NZ Police for not protecting Posey and Free speech in New Zealand. Luxon is a bumbling Idiot completely out of his depth. He’s Woke. He’s Broke
Yesterday exposed the Minority Faction for the vile anti-democratic dangerous nut jobs that they are, and the fruit of their vile anti-freedom intolerant ideology.
The truth is they represent a small but growing minority of extremists… a frantic tail seeking to wag the dog… by endeavoring to have a monopoly over what is allowed to be thought and spoken in public, and in the press.
This Rabble horde are but puppets. It’s the aims of the Puppet Masters that must be understood. They want a breakdown of Western Social cohesion and order so they can implement their New World Order. They want speech to be abandoned and replaced with violence and chaos. No Cap. This same war of ideology is raging across all Westerndom… sapping out strength…. priming our civilisation for the Great Reset.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
We can safely assume the politicised NZ Police Bigwigs did not want Parker to be allowed into New Zealand. Once here they did zero to insure her safety. They will chuckle she has been forced to cancel her Wellington event and were extremely happy to usher her to to the Exit lounge of Auckland airport. That’s the state of the right of Free speech in New Zealand today!
Posie Parker did NZ a large service by exposing the true nature of far left woke radicalism growing unchecked here in NZ, as it is in most Western Nations. She lanced the festering boil, and all the Puss and gall erupted for all to see.
Ironically while the Wokesters wax lyrical about their success in preventing Parker from speaking, in truth they harmed their cause! Their actions have caused many supporters with ethics to abandon them in disgust.
Many Gay people are also becoming more and more applauded by the actions of Trans activists. Most Gays never sort to impose themselves upon Women and Children like the Trans community is doing.
New Zealanders had better get their act together and defeat the fast growing Leftist radicalism or surrender our country to the Savages and Totalitarianism.
Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.
P.S I’m not Anti-Transgender. I’m pro-equality of rights… just sayin.
New Zealand Current PM Chris Hipkins…. who inherited power From Her Supreme Wokenss Jacinda Ardern
Welcome to The Peoples Republic of New Zealand where The Woke State Police keep tabs on Suspected Dissidents who seek to spread propaganda contrary to the Peoples Party’s Will.
The Yappa is running circles around the Dozy porch pooch. Compare Luxon to that old dirty dog W Peters! Peters is a singular political dinosaur outliving all rivals not because he’s a man of integrity. Peters epoch spanning career comes from his ability to see what the sheeple are pissed about on election year then pretending he’ll change things if you vote for him. A shyster IMO, yet has the instinct of a fox.
Luxon is missing a golden opportunity for National to correct their course back to their core values which would be hard for Hipkins to critisise without showing his radical woke underpants… something he’s doing his best to hide. That’s his strategy to dupe the sheeple… and it’s working esp because Kiwi see Luxon wears woke undies too, and National was complicit in what the Ardern/ Hipkins Regime did to our Nation over the past 6 years.
Who would have believed our country could be so radically altered in such a short timeframe… against the will of the majority? And they had far more radical ambitions too, yet thankfully the People protested, and Ardern resigned a pariah. Yet the damage is done. Luxon is too stupid to campaign on undoing *All Ardern’s Radical Woke Anti-Freedom Anti-Kiwi Impositions* Repeal all those Extreme Tyrannical Health Laws, Uphold The NZ Bill of Rights, Put National back on track to finish the Treaty settlement process and ditch the separatist seats in parliament. Defend Law abiding New Zealanders Gun rights from further erosion. etc, etc. Sadly Luxon is woke too, and a WEF stooge. The WEF has Dogs in both camps, That’s how the Super Global Elites rig Democratic systems…. No mater how the sheeple vote… their minions get into power, and the West continues it’s march towards the Great Reset, The New Global digital currency, and the NWO… sold out by the likes of Luxon and Seymour who are too gullible to see what is happening right in front of their snouts! We are talking about an end to National Sovereignty in which New Zealanders retain control of their own country. Instead Global committees will dictate to us how things will be from now on. Enforced by politicised Police, Heavy restrictions on Free speech, and eventually a Social credit system for which the Covid Passport was a test run. Those who obeyed the Ardern regime and got the Jab, they received their ‘Papers’. Their Jobs were protected, and they could enjoy Bars and Cafes, restaurants, and attend weddings/funerals. Those contrary Social misfits who went against the Dictates of Our Great Leader lost their jobs, and were forbidden from all those things… That’s exactly how a Social Credit system works. If you don’t comply, If you hold contrary opinions, you will be ‘Taught’ a lesion… you will be ‘encouraged’ to fall into line… and it’s all done under the colour of the public good. The individual is secondary to the Collective and the all wise benevolent woke State. And all of this was being planned and imposed from afar… with all western governments in Lockstep!
Who would have believed any of this would become ‘the new normal’ just a decade ago?
and yet we wake up today with this whole system rolling out… and Luxon, and Seymour don’t even see the Floodwaters about their ankles. Everything I have just said is a whack conspiracy theory….
Sorry about the long rant.
It just scares me to see Luxon snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory… and that even if he wins… what real difference will it make?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
I will be doing my part in supporting Carl Bromley’s campaign for Christchurch Mayor.
It is unfortunate that his electorate is so distant from where I live that severely limits what assistance I can be.
The one thing I can do is share his press releases etc here on Eternal Vigilance blog, and on Gab and Mewe Social media sites… and encourage others to do the same.
I will encourage any of my readers living in the Christchurch region to make contact with Carl and to get out there on the streets and support him.
Carl Bromley stands in stark contrast to the fashionable woke madness that is sweeping the globe and corroding the very foundations of our societies.
And he does so without guile.
Anyone who is unfamiliar with my personal Political leanings, let me state that I myself am a Christian, and a Libertarian, and a Maori who does not support the politics of Treaty separatism.
I believe it is important for Maori who do not support the hateful woke radical far left to stand up behind good and honest candidates like Carl who have the integrity and courage to vocally challenge the systemic racism and power grabs that are raging under the current Far Left Ardern regime.
I defend Carl’s assertions about the injustice and divisiveness of the Separatist agenda and call the people of Christchurch to shrug off the bogus woke guilt trip that Maori are an oppressed victim-population… that Non-Maori are Usurpers… and to boldly rally behind Carl’s call for an end to racist politics. I believe Carl’s policy is not only righteous, but in the best interest of the nation… including the Maori people.
Remember Martin Luther Kings dream? It is as applicable here in New Zealand as it was when he said it. The irony is that now it is the Pakeha who are being unjustly judged by the colour of their skin. For all their wild claims of inclusivity it is the Woke far left who exhibit extreme exclusivity, division, and venom.
I have written on this subject many times, and I have even stood for Council myself in Hamilton, and so I know from first hand experience the road that Carl is walking.
And hopefully enough Christchurch voters are not so stupefied by Woke lunacy and appreciate that a vote for Carl is a vote for all that has been good about our country… and made New Zealand the envy of the world… All the things that the Far Left despise… Our values… our openness… our Freedoms… our prosperity… Our independence… Our unity.
I will post some links below.
I have also blogged on Carl’s ‘run ins’ with the Ardern regime because of a refusal to bend the knee… the very real oppression he has suffered because of his insistence to remain free.
Among other things, as a Pastor and Church leader Carl refused to allow the Ardern regime to prohibit his congregation from worship during the ‘Fake Covid pandemic’… by fake I do not mean Covid 19 not a real disease, but that it was never the ‘existential threat’ the ‘Schwab-ite treasonous Far left Leaders about the globe pretended it to be for the sake of bankrupting Western civilisation via extreme lockdowns and by subjugating whole populations to home-detention unless they submitted to receiving a ‘Global Vaccine passport’.
Anyone who still believes the lies of their Far left government henchmen must have rocks for brains as now even Bill Gates admits Covid 19 was no where near the world ending pathogen they had insisted it was and which was the justification for the lockdowns and the attempted mandatory inoculation of the entire population of humanity!
Bill Gates recent confession proves people like Carl were 100% right, and the Governments like the Ardern regime… absolutely wrong… and found to be peddling a globalist scam rather than acting in the best interest of New Zealanders.
How much of Carl’s bid for Office will focus on how our Government behaved during the past two years I do not know. I know he certainly has other matters on his radar, such as his opposition to the governments ‘Three Waters’ Asset grab, and it’s related ‘He Pua Pua’ agenda which is blatant racism and yet another attempt to sell out New Zealand to the UN Globalist agenda.
These are serious matters that have bearing on how local councils will function in the future.
While it is possible that as Carl’s campaign progresses Carl may release some policies with which I will not agree, my endorsement for Carl will not be easily shaken given his conduct in recent years has given me insights into the kind of man Carl Bromley is… he is a man after my own heart… a man who exemplifies the traditional spirit and values of our once great nation.
Carl want’s future generations to enjoy the same liberty and quality of life as we enjoyed as children.
Carl is a man of good will to all despite what any Radical Far left haters might say… simply because he opposes their blatant prejudices and oppressive ambitions.
Carl has stepped up!
Carl has given freedom lovers someone to vote for!
It’s now up to every individual to be equally committed to carrying him into office.
As Lee Williams says in his video above, Carl is starting off as a rank outsider and has his work cut out.
It is an uphill battle because we can be sure he wont get fair play from Christchurch’s media when it comes to informing the voters about where the various candidates stand on the hot topics… Media are notorious for supporting the status quo and in this regard they fail in their moral duty to maintain a level playing field. This makes it all the more imperative that those of you who are awake to the dire need to get people like Carl elected that you dig deep and seriously commit to getting the word out to the people of Christchurch… by sharing Carl’s campaign flyers… helping pay for his press releases to be published in local newspapers… help him to pay for Election posters, and even door knocking.
It is possible for a small group of committed supporters to carry Carl into registering 5%-10% on Polls and then the mainstream will pay him more attention and he will start to get better press… and yet it will be up to his supporters to put him on the map as a real contender.
He cannot do this on his own.
And should he start to gain traction, that is when it is possible some Citizens of means may pour in much needed campaign funds for him to drive his Run all the way home!
This is doable!
It just takes dedication and hard work… from everyone.
I have told Carl I am here for him to discuss issues and policies, and bounce ideas off, yet he has not as of yet taken me up on this offer.
My experience with local body politics and elections, and insights in how to avoid embarrassing inconsistencies is at his disposal.
Maybe my Libertarianism is a bit rich for his tastes… I can understand that.
Yet the offer stands.
I have no doubt that Carl and I will have differences of opinions on many matters and policies, and yet at the vital core of fundamental values and ideals we are in accord.
And it is for this reason I believe Carl is fit for Council… a man of good will and integrity… and thus without reservation I endorse his candidacy and encourage the people of Christchurch to support him in his bid for Mayor.
I am still pondering whether I shall run again for Hamilton City Council myself.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
P.S Yesterday I attended a sausage sizzle… ‘The Common sense BBQ’ put on by Hamilton Deputy Mayor Geoff Taylor on the Pukete-Flagstaff foot bridge.
He will be running for Hamilton Mayor.
Like Carl Bromley, Geoff also sees the ‘Three Waters’ Ardern Agenda as an outrageously undemocratic Asset grab.
He is also running a petition for a public referenda on the Current drive to rename Hamilton places and Streets in an attempt to blot out our Colonial heritage, and also on the anti-democratic separatist scheme of ‘Co-governance’… which is nothing less than racist socialist apartheid.
He seeks to curb spending, and free up land for housing to reduce the current madness of ‘intensification’ by which we can see the New Zealand quality of life evaporating before our very eyes.
Geoff seeks to facilitate privately inspired development of Hamilton rather than ‘fund it’ via rates.
On the strength of these important policies I will be encouraging Hamiltonians to vote for Geoff Taylor.
Update: 26-6-22
‘No Hope’?
This Blogpost had only been up on social media 1/2 an hour when a feeble minded turnip remarked… “There’s no way he’ll win so all he’s doing is splitting the vote helping the opposition…”
This is the sort of defeatist slave mentality that perpetuates the Rot!
I apologise for my derogatory tone… the proposition is worth discussion as it is a point of view that many people have been duped into believing.
Unless we can snap people out of this pessimism there is little point in having elections…. for the powers that be… will remain entrenched.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!
My Reply…. ” …Splitting the vote between who?
Is there a Candidate more worthy of your vote than Carl?
Then give them your vote! But if there is no candidate who better represents your personal views than Carl… then you will be wasting your vote if you do not give it to him!
That is how democracy is supposed to function… not how you foolishly suggest… ie like betting on the races!
You would vote for someone who does not represent your values simply because in your mind they have more hope of winning?
That is like scoring an own goal!
Carl will not win… if people who know he is right… still don’t support him…”
As I said in my post … It is an uphill climb yet if those who care get behind Carl and the people of Christchurch get to hear and appreciate what Carl represents… he can win.
In fact by standing up for what is right, and giving likeminded Enlightened people a worthy candidate upon which to cast their vote… Carl is already winning on the moral front.
Democracy is supposed to contrast itself to Monarchy and Elitist Oligarchy. It is supposed to be classless and give the working man an equal opportunity to participate in parliament, or Council. It is only the folly of the working Class that they so often vote for Fat Cats, and Tyrants, and neglect the Hard working Family men and Champions of Common sense… like Carl.
And you wonder why Parliaments and Councils fill to the brim with University graduate radicals and Plutocrats???
We need to break this hypnotic stupor.