Category Archives: Self reliance

Bad personal choices and Socialism to blame for Maori predicaments, not Colonisation. Lets talk about Facial Tattoos.

50 Cent pokes fun at Mongrel Mob member’s tattoo on social media

‘Rapper 50 Cent has used his personal Instagram account to poke fun at a Mongrel Mob member’s face tattoo.

“What the f… is really going on man. I wonder why he can’t get a job?” the rapper wrote.

The image shared was a picture of Mongrel Mob member Puk Kireka, who has the word “Notorious” tattooed in red and black across the lower half of his face.

Kireka’s story was picked up by global media following an interview he did with the NZ Herald last week, where he admitted it would be tough to find employment with the tattoo. ‘
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Who thinks 50 Cent is wrong about his derision of how detrimental Puk Kireka’s Mob Tattoo will affect his future Job prospects????
Even Puk Kireka knows thats a simple fact.
The following blog post is written in disgust… not racism… though it does focus on what is happening to a particular racial demographic… the Maori people… *My People*…
My disgust centers upon the vile lies and socialist politics that subverts the truth and fails to correctly identify the *real causes* for why…despite decades of social engineering and Billions of Tax dollars of special treatment, Maori remain trapped in State dependence, and fill up New Zealand’s Jails.
Its about how our Government falsely and relentlessly attributes Maori Social failings to ‘Oppression and racism’ suffered from ‘Colonisation’ when in reality Maori are victims of the delusions that derive from this very Deceitful and toxic Socialist ideology.

One of my latest blog posts here poured scorn on a recently completed and heavily funded Government inquiry into the question of Maori Criminality that is starkly out of all proportion to their number comparative to all other racial demographics, and the resultant report called ‘‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ recently tabled for the government to consider.
This report is supposed to give MPs guidance and insights into the root causes of why Maori have such disastrous social statistics. esp in relation to crime and Jail.

The release of this report, and its utterly contemptible conclusions are what have spurred me to blogging on this Current affair, as I utterly reject its main premises as not merely missing the mark by a thousand miles, but because it is a work of Evil political agenda driven propaganda… not an objective inquiry leading to sound conclusions… and it is outrageous that this fraudulent report is going to be used as a guide to Future Government policy!

We can see that the result will be precisely what Socialists intended to do all along *even before the inquiry was undertaken*… like so many of the farcical processes acted out for the sake of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public before Socialist enact their heavy handed and expensive agendas.
Such Inquiries pretend to be ‘sound governance practice’… ‘due diligence’ feigning ‘due process’… with copious helpings of ‘Public consultation’… garnering ‘expert opinion’… etc etc … when we know the result has been pre-determined and will entail Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer dollars more being spent expanding State interventions and apartheid politics… yet because all this Nonsense does not correctly identify the root causes of Maori criminality and poverty, it is with mathematical certainty doomed to failure just as all the Socialist Apartheid politics of the last 50 years has proven to be.
They are not only continuing to Flog this dead horse… continuing with political ideas that are proven failures, these Socialist Politicians are doing what they always do… *Enabling* and *perpetuating* the misery!
*And this Angers me!* *This incompetence* and dishonesty Disgusts me!
Yet of course because Nanny State Socialists are ‘one trick ponies’… they dont have any other Game to play…
Unfortunately the entire country must pay a heavy price for their ongoing incompetence and delusions… no one paying a higher price than Maori themselves who have been indoctrinated with these toxic lies that corrode their ability to appreciate the fundamental causes of their own predicament.

The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Nanny statism… but less…. and more self responsibility.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Apartheid politics and blame… but less… and more self responsibility.
Ie If Maori are ever going to climb out of the gutter it will be *when they do it for themselves* by embracing the ethics of *Self responsibility*

This is the truth that is missing from the report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that instead tries to blame ‘White Colonialism’for Maori’s plight rather than their own failure to embrace Ethics and values necessary to prosper… and stay out of prison.

The Fundamental truth that Current Socialist Apartheid politics and Welfare dependence are 100 times more destructive to Maori individuals well being than the so-called ‘culture shock’ of 19 century English Colonisation can be proven at all points if only people will open their eyes and ears… and esp their minds to considering *alternative perspectives* to the ones that they have been spoon fed by Socialist politicians and their ‘Education system’.

Today’s blog will consider just one aspect of detrimental choices and behaviour that makes life harder for those people who make this choice… just one reason why many Maori will find themselves welfare dependent… yet it has little to do with their race.
Upon reading the following only the belligerent minded will not already appreciate what I am about to say as being so basic and irrefutable that it barely requires being stated, yet I must do so to demonstrate the dynamics of Falsely labeling *personal individual choices* as ‘systemic racism’.
Failure to Call out Maori for their own poor choices, and instead blaming the Pakeha for their woes virtually guarantees succeeding generations of Maori will continue to wallow in the mire… and continue to cultivate Race hatred for their Pakeha neighbours!
And from hatred comes violence and crime.

Read: Dangerous man on the run from police.

So lets talk about the vital issues of Self responsibility, and personal choices… issues Socialists avoid like the plague in favour of an ideology of *Blaming others* .
Socialism thrives on victimism… they envisage an endless struggle between Oppressor and the oppressed.
They Never associate personal outcomes with personal choices and responsibility.
Instead they seek to circumvent personal responsibility via Nanny State interventions, Prohibitions, and compulsions.

Life is Tough!
And yet Good Parents attempt to raise their children to take responsibility for their own actions.
Yet ‘Adulting’ can be very difficult… especially when it comes to self discipline and voluntarily obeying and maintaining morals and values you know in the long term to be wise and beneficial… all the while resisting urges and temptations to indulge in vice, or ‘short cuts’… for immediate short term benefit and gratification… that are gained at the expense of others… and ultimately… ourselves.
There will always be a personal price to pay for Bad choices!
Call it Karma… reaping what you sow…. etc.
Though this is tuff… nonetheless these truths are *vital* for every individual to apprehend… irrespective of Race.
Despite what the Morally bankrupt Academics of our day preach in our institutions of learning about ‘cultural relativism’… in truth the same essential morals, values, and principles apply equally to all… and your success or failure as an individual depends upon how well you grasp these essential truths… and how resolved you are to following Virtue as your guide…and in maintaining them in your personal walk.

I want to apply this theme to the story at the top of this post… 50cent and the Mobster Puk Kireka’s Heavy Gang Facial tattoo…and how this demonstrates the Truth about a lack in self responsibility as being the Primary source of the Maori peoples sorry social conditions… not Colonisation.

50 cent derided Puk because his personal choice to get that tattoo is guaranteed to make his life harder ‘in the big wide world’… esp with respect to future employment… and employment is one of the *most essential factors* in being self reliant and independent human being!
The ability to Earn an honest dollar.

So unless you are Filthy Rich and dont need a Job, obviously getting that sort of Tattoo may therefore be considered to be *a bad personal choice* because is will undoubtedly negatively impact on that persons ability to uprightly take care of themselves.
It is a Bad choice not restricted to Maori, but by people of all races, and yet it is a Bad personal choice made to a much higher degree by young Maori Men… usually to impress their Peers.. or to serve as a type of ‘War paint’… that this person is ‘Staunch’… ‘Bad ass’… etc to intimidate others or cause others to be wary of messing with them… I am of course taking about Tattoos… esp Face, neck, lower arms and hand tattoos that are impossible/ difficult to conceal.
And it is the higher prevalence of such tattoos among Maori men that is but one factor that works to lower Maori Social statistical outcomes… not colonisation.

I will discuss Traditional ‘Moko’ in the postscript.

Many of these Tattoos are purposefully ‘aggressive’, most often of very poor quality, and often associated with fringe subcultures,Gangs, and Jail.
I appreciate that when you are raised in a poor community (not a personal choice children make), and immersed in Gang culture (which is often family related, or Neighborhood related, yet ultimately still a life style choice to participate in) these Tattoos are considered to be ‘positive goods’… emblems of belonging… have urban warfare value… even value when it comes to ‘Hooking up’.
This is what life appears to be ‘all about’ to young people immersed in it, yet they are setting themselves up for a very hard lesson in life that the Greater world… the world in which better quality of life exists, will not be at all impressed.
This whole ‘Culture’ is a study in personal ethics and choices that too easily is talked about by socialists who make excuses for Bad personal choices by their pet demographics they instead frame as ‘helpless victims’ of ‘social failings’ and oppression rather than individual choices.
If only More Youth would have the wisdom and foresight to appreciate how bad a decision to get a facial tattoo can be… unfortunately many youth dont get good parenting or mentor-ship that sets an example worthy to be emulated… unfortunately Young Maori men take their roll models from older siblings, Uncles, etc… Gang Members… heavily tattooed… Hard Drinkers… drug users… and quick to use their fists if they feel ‘disrespected’.
Thus the older generation of Maori have to accept that their own life choices play a very strong part in the choices their youth will make… for better or ill.
What sort of examples did Puk’s Whanau set for him?

None of this has anything to do with ‘Colonisation’ or Pakeha oppression.
It has everything to do with a culture of poor judgement, poor ethics, poor values, and poor exemplars.
Maori have enjoyed decades of Political and legal favoritism and yet Socialists never cease to insist Maori are oppressed.
In reality Maori criminality is a testament to Maori failure to honour the Treaty!

That Racism has little to do with this particular issue can be seen with the well known case of ‘Devast8’… White boy Mark Cropp.
“A man with ‘Devast8’ tattooed across his face, who last year opened up about his job struggles as he tried to turn his life around, is back before the courts.”

Read more here…
‘New charges revealed: Jobseeker with ‘Devast8′ across his face is back before the courts’

The fact is that these types of Tattoos carry definite social stigma and are justly associated with Anti-social behavior, and crime.
And this Sigma has nothing to do with race.. and nothing to do with ‘Bigotry’… A White person with a Facial ‘White Power’ tattoo with find his lot in life just as difficult as any Maori with ‘Black Power’
Its a simple fact that Employers, Landlords will with good reason think twice about employing or renting to a person with heavy tattoos
That this trait is very predominant among young Maori… ie that many Maori men have heavy Facial tattoos,Hands, Neck… and also carry high statistical gang affiliations is why their demographic is proportionally heavily affected, yet in reality New Zealanders are collectively a heavily Tattooed People… New Zealand has a high statistical Tattoo count from all ethnic backgrounds… yet not so much on the face.

The Internet is full of accounts of Non Maori… White Individuals who have a harder time in life because of their facial tattoos.
Its an internationally recognised problem for individuals.

Australian Craig Ginter
Read : ‘Man denied entry into Winnipeg bar because of face tattoos likely not protected by law’

Many people will not even bother to read this post simply because the facts are so obvious!
That the serious negative consequences result from this sort of personal behavior by young people has nothing to do with systemic racism, and everything to do with having made very bad choices that will impact negatively upon your future is something so Obvious that many people will wonder why I bothered to write this?
As I have explained in the very first paragraph… This post is about exposing the Lies of socialism that try and blame ‘Colonialism and White Prejudices’ for the poor social conditions/ High Criminality of Maori, and in the process deny the fact that the *real causes* are the lack of Self responsibility for their personal choices… and that blaming Colonisation and White racism is a disgusting lie for political ends, that not only slanders Pakeha, but attempts to justify *Racist politics* extorting hundreds of millions of dollars all the while failing to address the real Moral crisis that is impoverishing Maori and ensnaring them in Socialist dependency.

Let me finish by saying most of the insights on the importance of personal ethics I have expressed are not things I have learned in school but truths I have lived.
I spent my youth as part of the Fringe subculture in rebellion to ‘conservative society’, in which tattoos were the norm, and in which many foolish values are embraced as being ‘Cool’ ‘Staunch’.
I have many Tattoos. Tattoos I wish I did not have, yet fortunately they are not on my Face, Hands, Neck, or lower arms.
I like Tattoos, yet for religious reasons I regret mine, and discourage anyone from getting them… and if they do implore they do so on discrete areas of the body that can be covered at times of Work, Job interviews, etc… because for most professional interactions with wider society having overt tattoos will be a disadvantage.

It is pointless for the Tattoo community to act as if they are somehow being ‘oppressed’ by ‘bigoted’ outsiders for ‘Judging them’ because of their Tattoos when its a patent fact that Tattoos and criminality… Tattoos and Gangs…, etc are not mythical associations but factual… and that not only are a large percentage of tattoos purposefully intended to send a message of ‘Baddassness’ but that even the Tattooed community judge each other by their tattoos… eg a Tattooed Maori is highly likely to immediately hate a Pakeha with a white power Tattoo… and so when you analyse all this you can easily see that deriving *First impressions about a persons character* from their Tattoos is a universal habit founded upon some very valid associations.
Yet sometimes these first impressions can be wrong… and of course there are many Great people with Facial Tattoos.
People can change… Criminals can reform… First appearances can be very deceiving… People do form judgments by first appearances and may will not bother to investigate further whether or not their first impressions were correct.
It has just been reported that Puk Kireka actually wants to change his ways and is seeking donations from the public to fund his education.
Read ‘Tattooed Mongrel Mob member mocked by 50 Cent seeks donations to fund education.’

“A Givealittle page, started by Kireka’s partner Waiora Tareha, is now seeking donations from the public to help the gang member turn his life around.
Tareha said the page was an attempt to get Kireka a helping hand from others to kickstart a new, positive life.”

I wish Puk Kireka every success in his endevour to step up and create a better life for himself!
It will be very hard with that Heavy Facial Tattoo… Yet not impossible… He will have to find the inner strength to persevere.
Maybe getting it removed would be in his own best interest… these are the sorts of tuff choices he must make for his own future.

I hope he also mentors his younger Whanau into not making the same detrimental life choices that he himself made… in this way he can help them to have a better life… a smoother path… Break out of Poverty and crime… and is not this what we all want for Maori?
They must turn their backs on the lies of Socialism and race hate against the Pakeha… turn away from blaming Colonisation which has brought 1000 times more benefits and opportunities to these shores than the socialist claims of the evils of ‘Land alienation and loss of culture’.
In Freedom and equality before the Law Maori may embrace *all the positive aspects of their Cultural inheritance* while also embracing the advantages of Western Science, technology, and life affirming Values and ethics that are essential for all human beings to escape socialist dependence on the State and prosper by their own efforts.

I wrote this ‘Pamphlet’ ‘Whistle while you Work‘ on work ethics and work culture to help individuals seeking to better themselves via personal effort and self responsibility… Please share it with Job seekers and anyone who is keen to make a better life for themselves… they have the power!

Stop with the self-defeating Victimism and Blame!
There are Political injustices in life, and they can and do make life harder… and as a Libertarian I busy myself exposing them and calling for reforms, yet this blog post has focused on merely *one example* of a *personal choice* that has heavy consequences for individuals irrespective of their race… Yet of course there are countless other matters of personal choice, values, and personal responsibility that when considered in totality are sufficient to explain why some people wallow in poverty, commit crimes, and never rise to their full potential… while others rise above the hurdles and succeed… in spite of all the Political BS.
Be like them!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Postscript: Moko.

Without spending too much time talking about the ‘Old World’ tradition of Moko (of which I make no claims of expertise) I just want to make a few passing points.
Firstly I want to say their is a world of difference between ‘Tribal art’ and Gang tattoos.
I also want to point out that Facial Moko even back in Pre-Colonial times was not universal, and that the notion that any contemporary Maori thinking that by getting a Facial Moko today somehow makes them ‘A greater Maori’ or somehow symbolises them as being ‘more passionate’ about Old world Maori culture… I cant help but to consider such motives as being Poor judgement
and actually perpetrating a type of cultural fraud.

Tattoos in Old times may have been associated with high Mana, and imbued *ferocity* to a Warriors presence in war (and on the street… and in jails… all reason why Modern Gangs love Facial Tattoos)… yet that same ferocity will work to defeat you in times of Peace… outside Gang culture…in the modern world where prosperity and Freedom from Crime and jail is to be found… so a person must weigh up the positive personal consequences they perceive of Getting a facial tattoo that they like, from any negative social costs such a Tattoo may carry in affecting their ability to prosper… and this is a personal choice… not a matter of prejudice…

More from Tim…








Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.


The Verdict is in… as predicted… ‘Closing the Gaps’ Socialism has been a disaster for Maori and New Zealand as a whole.
The New Zealand Herald reported ….

“A 12-year-old girl hiding in a kindergarten after midnight was bitten by a police dog when she did not respond to an officer’s calls.

The child was one of 29 youths to have police dogs used against them in just six months, a statistic the Children’s Commissioner says is “surprising” and the Maori Party says is “completely unacceptable”.

Tactical Operations police data obtained by the Herald on Sunday shows youths made up 20 per cent of incidents where dogs were used. Of those youths, more than 60 per cent stated their ethnicity as Maori.

In general, Maori were 12 times as likely to face a dog as Pakeha.

Maori were also more likely to be hit by a baton, shot with a taser or blasted with pepper spray, the statistics showed. Overall, a person who was Maori was seven times more likely to incur the use of police force than Pakeha. Pacific Islanders were also more likely to encounter force, at a rate of 3-1.”


Now these are absolutely socking statistics esp in light of the fact that Maori only make up approximately 15% of the population!

What the hell is going on here?
I see several factors are at play.

It may surprise some readers that though I am a Libertarian, I don’t hesitate to join chorus with my political antagonists the Maori Party in leveling heavy condemnation against the Police for their atrocious unprofessionalism with regards to their use of gratuitous violence.
There is virtually no excuse to release your attack dog on children of any race.
Wearing a badge is no excuse for such horrific behavior reminiscent of the very worst dictatorships.

Such Evil police work *must contribute to future Social troubles as their victims grow up believing (rightly) the system to be evil*…

Nanny State has corrupted the Police force by denying the principles of Individual Rights and Liberties, and the fact that the State is not our Master… but our servants.
The Police are no longer guided by the principles of Justice but have become the enforcers of Party political Agendas,

Read how Legalized force attracts Thugs and Bullies …Here.

Yet an even greater condemnation must be leveled at the Maori party themselves and their Co-conspirators in National, Labour, and the Greens all of whom have an even more fundamental culpability in these atrocious statistics than the police do.

The truth is that even after we taken due consideration of the detrimental affects of terrible policing into account… we are still left with the stark fact that the ongoing state of Maori criminality is flourishing under decades of politically manufactured conditions that were supposed to alleviate them!

In fact *The Police themselves* undoubtedly have their side of the story to tell of Rampant Juvenile delinquency and crime from Maori Youth and Adults completely out of proportion to their numerical presence.
The Police are at the Blunt end of decades of atrocious parenting by Maori, an absolutely shocking lack of teaching and mentoring of personal ethics, leading to Inter-generational criminality…. all fostered by a Multi-billion dollar failure of Political social engineering.

In what alternate reality do academics exist in which they expect to gain positive social outcomes from teaching Maori Boys to take pride in themselves as being ‘Staunch Warriors’,yet also that they and their people are the victims of systemic Pakeha Greed and oppression?
What you get is poisoned violent and hateful minds… full of blame and a desire for UTU.
Exactly the political capital you want if your aims are to foster separatism and grievance rather than Social harmony.

We cannot expect the Maori or Mana party to change their stripes yet I ask at what point will socialists of both National and Labour admit their social experiments on Maori dont work but actually make life much worse?
By what yardstick… if even Pragmatic experience let alone Just principles have not sufficient weight for them to realise their socialism does not improve the living standards of the underclass… but only serves to ensnare them in greater dependence … and corrodes self reliance and self responsibility like a potent Caustic?
Do they even give a damn?
I suspect the only thing they really care about is keeping hold of political power at any price!
Only via Blind stupidity and a malevolent hatred for Freedom, and capitalism can Centerist leaning socialists of both the left and right continue to peddle there failed policies and erroneous ideology.

Rampant Nanny State Socialism had been picking up momentum for many many decades before I took an interest in politics.
Yet even as a novice in things political I could see huge problems from having suffered first hand the evils of Nanny State… and intuitively began my quest for more freedom, less Government.
By 2000 I had joined the Libertarianz Party, right when Helen Clark announced Her policies for ‘Closing the Gaps’… it was what she called one of her Labour Governments ‘Flag ships’

Read here… ‘Closing the gaps: giving all New Zealanders a chance to participate.’

Prime Minister Helen Clark said today that the government’s determination to close the economic and social gaps which have developed between Mäori and Pacific people and other New Zealanders, is vividly reflected in the Budget.

“The government has identified these gaps as one of the greatest challenges facing the country,” Helen Clark said.

“Unless we start addressing this problem we will permanently consign a section of our people to the economic scrapheap, and risk a breakdown of social order and cohesion.

“No country can get ahead if a significant proportion of its citizens are left behind….” read more


The Wahine.

It was and is a ship of fools. (Closing the Gaps)

All along My Libertarian Colleagues and my self warned of the ship wreak that inevitability lay ahead by continuing on these co ordinates… We knew it with certainty…. and we despaired for the suffering we knew must befall those vulnerable people targeted by this race based Nanny statism… yet we were painted by the Media and others as heartless because we refused to endorse welfarism, and Special treatment for Maori… yet Reality has vindicate us… we were right… and our warnings were benevolent… and those pretending to be the ‘Caring ones’… have proven to be 100% failures… and of malevolent hearts because they refuse to change course in the face of overwhelming evidence that Socialism is Bankrupt.

17 years after Helen Clark spoke about ‘Closing the gaps’ virtually all key sociological measurements show that Maori are not prospering despite all the so-called Treaty settlements, the Billion dollar Whanau Ora initiatives, the Positive descriptive legislation… all the so-called renaissance in Maori Culture…

All this Institutional racism that comes from a political class of activist Maori wracked with a sadistic Racist bigotry… and their sympathetic opposite… a faction of masochistic Pakeha in the mainstream parties that impose a collective guilt trip on the bulk of New Zealanders who are in reality guilty of nothing more than being born Non-Maori… and whom are expected to be contented with being rendered second class citizens.

The Irony is that all this political dis-advantage leveled against Pakeha is that it has tended to make them much less reliant on the State than Maori… more self-reliant… more self-responsible… and thereby far healthier… far better standards of living… far more personal success… and far less criminal… thus far less likely to suffer at the hands of a dysfunctional Police force that has lost its way… on so many levels.

The Socialist recipe of positive discrimination for Maori may have gotten them their own State TV Stations, Their own Universities and Polyteks, They may even have control of great Economic powerhouses like fisheries and Shopping malls… which of course brings wealth to tribal and political elites… Yet down where the ordinary people dwell the story is completely different.

The Victim mindset that Maori are being spoon fed by their political class from above whom profit from the growing racial segregation and grievance industry … drizzled with copious helpings of a sence of entitlement for the un-earned… topped off with the Poison Cherry of being molly coddled via legal favoritism… massive special interest bureaucracies, and easier access to Government handouts… has not closed the Gaps… but entrenched them in misery!
The truth is being taught that your lowly condition has nothing to do with your personal ethics and responsibility… and instead the system encourages Blame and makes it easier to get access to and become dependent upon welfare, etc only serves to guarantee those ordinary Maori who buy into all the rubbish about being oppressed… will never lift themselves out of the hole they are in… and where poverty and lack of the ethics of self responsibility have become a cultural norm… We can absolutely predict with mathematical precision that Criminality will thrive there.

And this is precisely what we see in the Statistics.
This is what the Statistics prove.

Maori TV is nothing more than a propaganda machine designed to keep Maori ensnared as pawns in the games being played by the vile racists and Professional griever Lobbyists whom capitalise from maintaining Racial division and tensions.



The only way to reverse this downward spiral for Maori, and save their Children from the vicious Jaws of Police Hell hounds and Thugs in Uniforms is not merely to retrain the Police… throwing out the Unfit personality types that now infest the force…But most importantly to Reverse *all the Nanny state Socialist Laws and institutions* that must in turn be substituted with an ethos of self- reliance and responsibility on equal terms with everyone else … absolutely smashing the toxic policies of Dependence and grievance.

This is incontrovertible!
Socialism is an absolute Failure!
Socialism is an Evil Political Scam!
Yet we can guarantee that the Socialists in Politics and the vested interest employed in their engines of State will *never admit* that their policies are harming Maori, or that Freedom and Equality before the law will provide the optimum social environment for Maori to work their own way up and out of this Socially engineered trap they have been led into.

The ultimate charade about socialism is their claim of being an Ideology for those with caring hearts!
In reality Socialism is a hotbed of Special interest of the lowest character… coming from a Malevolent hatred of personal freedom and responsibility and Capitalism.
Socialists are Crack addicted to political power and Nanny State coercion esp over the economic sphere… while maintaining a pretension of caring for the underclass.
Little wonder as Satan himself appears to the gullible as an Angel of light.
Maori are not a victim of Pakeha Greed… But of the Greed and malice of their own Political Class!

Its time to end all the racial separatism and Nannyism!
Not only for Justices sake… but for the sake of the Next Generations of Maori… and New Zealanders as whole whom suffer the effects of a Maori Crime wave, and expense of out of control welfare dependency.

If you are not moved by the facts to abandon Treaty separatism and Nanny state welfarism and coercion you can have no claim to either the moral high ground or pragmatic Humanity.
That ground clearly belongs (as it always has) to the Libertarians…the advocates of Racial Equality before the Law… and more Freedom, and less Government.

Libertraianism is a socially concerned political ideology that understands there are no political short cuts… no conflict between just principle and the best pragmatic outcomes… and that he who truly governs best… governs least.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Maori,Pakeha, Engineer, and Christian Libertarian.

P.S… I could go on and on about how Nanny state destroys lives.
Eg We could discuss how the war on Drugs is so disproportionately detrimental to Maori yet ironically their Political class are again at the forefront of maintaining and extending the oppressive war that criminalizes people and causes them to despise the Law, and society.
So there are plenty of injustices to rise against… yet they have nothing to do with institutional racism *against Maori*.
Like most socialist tyranny it is sold under the pretense of being for our own good.

More from Tim…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

New Zealand’s First Official day of Remembrance of the Wars of the 1860s. The Hauhau Rebellion and the Heinous Murder of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.

Treasures in plain wrapping. The Advance of the Missionaries by H.C Fancourt (Part 1). My burden to Radically shake up Maori Conservatism. (Black is the new White).

Image (2)

As a Bibliophile few things can compare to the discovery of a Book that contains monumental truths, that have been Forgotten or ignored.
Truths that radically challenge the direction of current politics and thought.
They can be plainly written… innocent of any political motives… yet the weight of their implications for anyone who grasps them are profound.
And it can take *special people* to appreciate how important such works are…. people who appear to have been specially prepared before hand to be able to recognize and understand what is at stake, and to be burdened enough to carry this information out into the world… knowing they will face a hostile reaction from the vested interest of the status quo, and all the people who have been deceived into believing the Falsehoods and revisionist histories which prop up current political agendas.

This Blog post is yet another one of many that though it is of First Rank in importance, I have delayed producing it out of fear that I am too exhausted to do the subject justice… so I have procrastinated.
I have decided that I best approach this subject in two parts… My personal rant being part 1, and the full body of the topic in part 2… with a link to to this first part in the appropriate spot.

I almost chose not to write this first part because of it’s “ME, ME” factor…. “I’m so great” “I’m So Clever!”… which is rightfully cringe-worthy, yet I realized that unless I do write this first part, opportunity to write some valuable insights will missed, as well as some valid explanations as to why I feel compelled to write such things.

Now I could write this in a less grandiose manor, yet again this would miss opportunity to employ literary (and biblical) ‘motifs’ that deserve to be utilised because of their value and thereby kept alive… so let me beforehand apologise for any lofty Flying horses I paint myself riding across the Stratosphere. 🙂
I do so because I think it’s important for Individuals to feel valuable, and that their lives have *Real Divine purpose*… that they have Missions to achieve in this life…. if only they are brave enough to follow their convictions.

Enough said… Here is Part 1… about a plain blue covered little book called ‘The advance of the Missionaries’ by H.C. Fancourt.
A book that deserves to be republished and disseminated throughout New Zealand schools, and Bookstores.


‘Black is the new white’. When being a Radical becomes the new conservatism, and requires a new Radicalism to confront it… enter Tim Wikiriwhi.

I am fast approaching 50 years of age, and of Maori descent on my fathers side as my name evidences, yet I am also a Christian, and of Pakeha descent on my mothers side.
I hope mentioning the fact that I am a Christian will not cause too many of my readers to click on the x… yet as my subject in the title says this blog is about a book on Missionary work, I will assume most readers will be prepared for some discussion on religion.

And it is with this in mind that I have decided to weave in some Biblical constructs into my story to flavour it with the concepts of Providence, and that Human individuals each have a Divine purpose and reason to be here on planet Earth.
It is up to individuals to seek out what is their vocation.

So let me breifly explain why I believe the circumstances of my life… though at first glace appear to be full of negativity, ultimately have fitted me to be able to write on the following topic, and embark on such a radical departure from the socially engineered norm.

As I have already said, my Mother was Pakeha, my Father was Maori, and without dragging out the tale, it will suffice to say that My mother left my father when I was about 3 years old because he was a violent drunk.
You can find a more detailed account of this in a speech I delivered >here.
I am not here wallowing in a ‘Poor me’ story… though obviously when these sorts of troubles break up families this can have very terrible effects on Children, and sadly this is a very common horror faced by a disproportionate number of Maori Kids, comparative to other demographics.
This does give me an inside view of such social and individual trauma and how it can affect the development of Maori Kids and their perceptions about life.
One aspect that may be seen as a negative that happens to many Maori children is that my parents break up resulted in us three children being separated also from our Maori whanau, and with the process of time becoming completely alien from that side of our heritage.
We missed out on growing up in close relationship with our Maori kin… and without doubt that is a great loss.
Yet it at this point I wish to introduce the concept that even through bad events and circumstance, that Providence can shine and work for good.
When I and my brother and sister were separated from our Maori whanau and their influence, we were immersed in the Pakeha world and raise under the wing of two of the most wonderful human beings that ever graced God’s own… My enlightened and benevolent Pakeha Grandparents John and Marie Clark.
They were Both Teachers, Both Civic minded and liberal, Compassionate towards Maori, and raised a family of socially conscious children who went on to be Teachers, Policemen, etc.


My Pakeha Grandfather was Loved by the Maori people because he went out of his way to help them, spending many years teaching in Maori communities, he learned to speak Maori fluently, and was given a Taonga of Great Mana… a carved orators stick of which few can compare in power and beauty.
This Taonga would be the highest treasure in our family… it’s significance and meaning inspire awe and reverence for our great Father.
Much Higher than his medal for public service from the PM Geoffrey Palmer.
My Grandparents adopted a Maori child into their family who was the victim of abuse, and he became my much loved ‘Uncle Paddy’.
Granddad Died in 2006 and I have written a short tribute to his memory >here.

So though My parents Divorce had negative aspects… they were greatly mitigated by the positive influences of my Pakeha family… and so my upbringing in the early formative years of my life was separated from my Maori roots.
How this separation has served to prepare me to now help those of Maori Blood, I liken unto the biblical story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his envious brothers… a terrible thing to happen yet a circumstance that Providence used to save the children of Israel from starvation and destruction in the wilderness.
I would hope my readers are familiar with this historic drama, and those of you who are not should go and read it.
You will find it in your Authorized King James Bible Genesis chapters 37-50.

My point is I believe God/ providence works like this in all our lives… that we experience circumstances to prepare us for our true mission in life.. and make us uniquely qualified for the noble tasks that need men and woman of character and principle to champion.

Thus I was not radicalized with the idea that Pakeha are Greedy Racists that Rob Maori of everything and seek to keep them underfoot.
My experience was the very opposite… that there was a loving and mutual respect between Maori and Pakeha… an enjoyment of each others company…. Co-operation for commonly held ambitions.
I was not raised to think of myself as a Warrior… or that my Race was of any consequence at all.
I was taught to be self responsible and to treat my fellow humanity with respect and equality irrespective of their ethnicity.
And I was encouraged to dream about a future as a Teacher, a scientist… eventually I chose to become an engineer, which is a *secular trade* meaning it is not an atheist trade, or a Christian trade… not a Pakeha trade… or a Maori trade… it is simply ‘A trade’… a set of valuable skills and wisdom that is useful to *anyone* who chose to apply themselves to gaining mastery of the art, and it will enable *anyone* to earn an honest living and support themselves and their whanau, and help them to pursue their dreams and ambitions at their own expense.
Life is *what you make it* So many people wallow in misery because of their own foolish choices and ideas… yet love to blame others.

God was preparing me for my task ahead. I Believe this, yet even if you dont believe in providence, I am sure you can see how circumstances molded *this Maori* to perceive the relationship between Maori and Pakeha New Zealanders as being very different to the political Propaganda of the Maori Radicals and what has become via 4o years of agitation ‘The official line… that Maori are the victims of a Rapacious ‘invasion’ and that all their negative social statistics may be squarely blamed on colonisation and Pakeha Racism instead of their own lack of Ethical self responsibility… their willful dependence on Welfare… their victim and blame mentality… all of which is being fed by a nasty political class of racists who use this misery for their own political ends.
Just how ensnaring and hate-generating such ideas are is reflected in the vehemence of the protester against anyone (like myself) who dares challenge the legitimacy of their outrageous claims.
The mainstream media labels anyone who dares challenge the Official line of pandering to “Maori Treaty grievance” as being ‘Hate speakers’… Racists… dangerous … whose opinions must be suppressed.

So such were the influences of my early childhood.
Yet everything was not Rosy, my mother shacked up with another dangerous psychopath who would take us away from the safety of our beloved Grand parents and traumatize us for years to come… causing all sorts of psychological and physical problems and wounds.
as this has little to do with the topic I will skip it, other than to say that my life has never been plain sailing, and that I myself have traveled a stormy sea….and come very close to ship wreak many times… yet thankfully I have always had … that island of good sence to look back to… that was the values my Grandparents and Pakeha family instilled.
I became a Christian at the age of 18, and thus began my walk with God… I at least knew who he was, though my rebellious nature would take years and years to subdue… and still to this day is quick to sin.
My ongoing saga would involve suffering a personal family break up and several dark years in depression… an outer-body experience in which I became another person… dangerous and filled with anti-social malice.
I did things in this period of darkness completely out of character and this brought me into trouble with the Law.
Things for which I am greatly ashamed of, yet must still own.
Today I have tried yet again to reinvent myself… not to be *That guy*.
I now council men who find themselves in such circumstances to take extreme care not to spiral downward like crashing plane… for it makes climbing skyward again so much harder, and many of the hurtful things that you do to others can never be undone… and you must carry those deeds in your conscience for the rest of your days.

These experiences have given me empathy for the countless lost young men who end up on the wrong side of the law, and a belief that anyone can recover themselves and reform… if they have the will to do so.

After many years of rebellious youth and young adulthood, again Providence would conspire to lead me out of the storms… and teach me the final lessons that I needed to learn so that I would be ready to face the monumental task ahead.

I grew in wisdom of the principles of Christian ethics, and in Political science, and how to apply the principles of ethics to actual outcomes in real time… the apprehension that we exist in a realm of moral cause and effect, and thus the massive implications of our personal moral self- responsibility for our own choices and values we embrace.
For it is one thing to be taught about ethics and values, but quite another to learn how to actually apply them and understand how our ideas impact on our lives.
Most of my life I have lived very much as the socialists tell us things are… Like a little boat with no oars at the mercy of Gigantic waves and Riptides…. a victim of circumstance… rather than circumstance being the great moral teacher… calling each of us to quit moping about… crying about how tuff and unfair life is.. and instead take command of our own vessel and purposely steer ourselves into the wind.
To take responsibility for the sort of person I am…. that my own character is determined by my values and the choices I make.

I am not particularly intelligent, so I learned most of my valuable life lessons the hard way by personal experience, rather than by learning from *other peoples mistakes*… which is far more intelligent.
When I reflect on my own life I see how I myself was contributing to the negative social statistics… yet by the grace of God I have at least been smart enough to learn to stop banging my head and wonder why it hurts… and been led to apprehend the nature of the real issues that face Maori … and others who occupy the blunt end of our society.
My School has not bequeathed me with fancy certificates of learning… no honors… no Initials follow my name.
I dont speak from having sat at the feet of Ivory tower intellectuals… which is another blessing, for the schools of our nation have been filled with the Propaganda mongers of the Treaty grievance industry.


I have learned the true value of the Bible, not just in the salvation of my soul for the next life, but it’s Life saving ethics, and it is at this point that my introduction to this wonderful little book begins, and why I value it among my most precious books, and also why I will be taking the trouble to give my Blog readers a worthy Review.

I have not touched on the doctrines of treaty separatism today or how the malicious doctrines of Maori Radicalism have now become ‘the conservative view’. It has been enough for me to describe my journey and how today *I’m the radical* because the truths I champion are in stark contrast to what is being taught in schools and via the media.

You would think that there would be thousands of Non-tribalist Maori out there with similar experiences as my own, who would agree which what I have said, unfortunately these thousands to great extent have been swept up by the Radicalization of The Treaty separatists as much as those whom have close ties with their tribes. Indeed many of these Maori have been made to feel ashamed because they dont know their Whakapapa… like my Uncle Paddy… and recently the Comedian ‘Gish’ explained these feelings too (see video below).
Because such a large percentage of Maori actually live in cities completely disconnected from their tribal roots… often not welcome there… The separatist movement has invented another Tribe ‘Ngati Urban Maori’…. so they too can join the Grievance band wagon.
So to borrow from the Bible again, I feel a bit like John the Baptist…. alone in the wilderness calling my fellow Maori to ‘Repent’… and make yourselves fit for the kingdom.
Mine is the voice of one crying in the wilderness.
I am appealing to Maori who can see that what I am saying is true… yet of course it is dangerous and alienating to any that would dare stand with me in opposition to the political agenda that grants Maori special rights and privileges… an entire industry and ‘economy’ and hundreds of millions of tax dollars.

Again in regards to the vile racism of the Treaty grievance industry I quote from the book of Revelation… “Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins or receive any of her plagues.” Rev18vs4.

I want to highlight the truth that Parents, and teachers hold such a massive power over the minds of their children and young people… and that even adults who are ignorant of the truth can easily become the willing victims of evil propaganda that pretends to have their best interests at heart… yet leads them down the Road to hatred… Read about where haters come from >here.
Haters Gina Hate…hate hate, I’m asking you to heed Taylor Swift and Shake Shake Sake it off!
For your own sakes.

My Father disappeared into the South… changing his name to avoid Child support dues… and eventually fathered another little Girl… my sister whom has only recently made contact with us… much to our Joy, and we are yet to met.
She has lived in complete isolation, and so it will be a great day when we embrace.
Also via facebook I have been able to establish contact with many members of my Maori whanau and it is heartening to know that they are open to building closer ties.
I am grateful that in spite my views are in stark contrast to what is considered ‘normal’ and ‘right’ that they have all been very warm towards me which shows greatness on their part, and one of the chief reasons I am writing these blog posts it to try and explain myself clearly to them to hep them understand that I am not the enemy, and that in truth I have the best interests of the Maori people, and all New Zealanders as a whole at heart… because in truth there is no conflict of interest.
Liberty and Justice, and equality before the law serves everyone best.

Life is hard… a struggle, and there definitely are political injustices that make it difficult to climb up out of poverty , yet they are not the injustices as described by the dishonest and deluded socialists… of the Left and Right.
In fact most of the injustices may be squarely leveled at the corrupt Nanny State politics of these socialists themselves!
They tell Maori they are victims, they tell them they are not responsible for their own well being… etc etc that they need to be treated as basket cases…. yet all this is doing is passing the buck and ensnaring Maori further in welfare dependence and Race hatred.

I Seek to absolutely reverse these doctrines of victimism and dependence… yet to do so I must speak Hard truths that require the self-ownership and personal effort and responsibility of each Maori person *as an Individual*.
And at the heart of all this lies the ethics that are integral to Christianity… self reliance, self responsibility.

It was Providence that brought the Missionaries here from England.
God’s Compassion for the Maori.
My next post I want to start explaining the monumental impact of the Christian message upon the Maori people… as it was brought to these islands by the selfless and brave Missionaries who came here not out of greed, or a desire for conquest… but out of Christian Love and a desire to shine the wondrous light, of the gospel and the brotherhood of humanity… and how this Saved the Maori people from self destruction and the misery of the darkest forms of savagery and superstition that were the lot of Pre-European Maori subsistence.


That contrary to the lies of the Anti-colonialist Maori Radicals… that Christianity and British sovereignty raised up Maori out of the most wretched conditions… and that in comparison even the most destitute today are still by far better off than when Tribalism was in full swing, and War, slavery, and cannibalism was the norm.
I have lightly touched on this >here.
I have spent the best part of two decades attempting to share the positive vision I have for Maori that will come by ending racial separatism, and starting a new Era of Self-Reliance and Co operation, and I will continue to do so as long as the evils of Racist treaty separatism continue to destroy race relations in our nation and keep Maori wallowing in self-pity and malice.

These are at the heart of why I seek to promote the truths that are in this little volume… ‘The advance of the missionaries’, and intend to see it in print again, or available as an E Book… and would appreciate any help that people out there can give me.
Please contact me in the comments below, or private message me on Facebook.

So ends my introduction to this subject.
It will appear as a link at the beginning of my next post.
I hope I have stimulated interest in the main body of truth that I hope to share about my topic.
Cheers to my readers who have endured such a long post.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
1611 King James Bible believing Dispensationalist Christian and Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Read my Free Radical article on Bainimarama’s Fijian Coup and The Right of Revolution’ Here:

Read about my condemnation of Tame Iti’s evil intentions Here>>> Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

Read about…. The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence. Here:

Read about New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about… Where Haters come from. Here:

Read about Read about… Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington. here:

Read about…. State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis. Here:

Read about…. Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance here:

Read about… The Great Waitangi Swindle. Here:

Read about… Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights. here:

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!


LaVoy's Daughter Raises the Call!

Tean Finicum stands up. — Will you rise with her and restore liberty or will you stay sitting down?FOLLOW: LaVoy Finicum's Stand For Freedom #LibertyRising

Posted by Bundy Ranch on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

More from Tim…. Police Investigation into Death of Lavoy Finicum proves FBI Lied. Criminal Prosecution pending.


(SHARE)(WHEN TYRANNY BECOMES LAW REBELLION IS A MUST) We The People need to preserve our freedom and Liberty.#DEOVINDICE #LavoyFinicum #Patriots #WeThePeople #Tyranny #UniteAsOne

Posted by Andrew Black Rebel Duncomb on Wednesday, March 9, 2016

More from Tim….

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Hydra.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Police Investigation into Death of Lavoy Finicum proves FBI Lied. Criminal Prosecution pending.

sheriff Shane Nelson
Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson

^ Must watch Video,
Published on 8 Mar 2016
Jake Morphonios discusses breaking news regarding the elite FBI strike force that set up the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum. The task force is now under criminal investigation by both the Deschutes Oregon County Sheriff’s Office and the US Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office.

It is fantastic to see that there are still some Law enforcement departments with integrity enough to perform their duty in a professional manor and test the FBI story of killing a ‘Domestic Terrorist’…. FBI via the evidence…. and what they have found is Damnable towards the FBI.
They used provocation, *Planned* and executed this murder of an upright American Patriot, in such a manor as to fabricate a litany of Lies… and this ongoing investigation could lead to criminal prosecutions of these ‘Special FBI agents’ who not only set the Ambush up in such a way as to make it impossible to stop in time, but clearly lied about their use of firearms.
For People like myself who live outside the US, it is fantastic to see how the roll of ‘Sherrif’ comes to the fore on these situations where the Feds are involved.
And it has been Sheriffs whom have been at the forefront of the defense of the Patriots and Cowboys as they have been trampled underfoot by the FBI and BLM.
*After being fired upon while still in his pick up, Lavoy decided his best hope was to get to the refuge of the Grant County Sheriff whom was expected to be in attendance of the Public meeting Lavoy and co were travelling to attend… yet he would never make it.
*This whole episode was absolutely unnecessary*.
*The Patriots were a threat to no-one*
*The FBI wanted to create an escalation*
* They carried out their Crime where there were no witnesses, nor any Cell phone coverage*
*Their blockade and firing upon the vehicle was against procedure and acted rashly*
*They Murdered Lavoy in cold blood, and needlessly endangered the lives of others*
*They almost certainly planted a gun on him*
*They blanked out the Audio and degraded to footage that was released to the public*
*They told lies about what happened, and about the use of their firearms*.
etc. etc.

*And remember that *This is a police report*…. not a propaganda piece for ‘Radical Christian domestic terrorists’.
PRAISE THE LORD! The Federal Government is facing serious resistance from many of these local State law enforcement personnel whom still uphold their oaths to the Constitution and the People they serve… *Above the political Elites* in Washington.
And The American peoples need to count on such Brave and principled Men and woman will increase by the hour as their country marches ever closer to the Fiscal Cliff… and Civil War.
*It is the Political Class and the special interests they represent that are eager to overthrow the constitution… to disarm the People and to subjugate them so that in the event of collapse, or growing unrest… the people will be in no position to overthrow them… put them in jail…. take away their power and privilege… which is their Right to do.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

From The American Declaration of Independence. 1776.

Read more…. Judge Napolitano: The Right to shoot Tyrants, not Deer…. here

Update: Here (below) is the Press conference with the police report….

More from Tim….

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Hydra.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Watering the Tree of Liberty. Lavoy Finicum.

treee of libbertyyy

The deafening silence of America in respect to the murder of Lavoy Finicum and the imprisonment of the Bundys Beggars belief!
Patriots and defenders of Liberty and the constitution are slaughtered and wrongfully imprisoned with impunity!
The people slumber… wallowing in their Obese Apathy!

The Buzzards circle the America born of the Enlightenment.
The Evil Empire is crushing the seeds of Defiance.
It is a great tragedy playing out before our eyes.
Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

patriot shit

LaVoy Finicum; One Cowboys Family Stand For Freedom. Sunday, February 21, 2016

We never imagined it would be the blood of our husband and father watering the ‘Tree of Liberty’ that Thomas Jefferson spoke of in years past.

For those new to the LaVoy Finicum Assassination storyvideo of his murder, it began years ago as he practiced daily diligence in the things that develop mind, body and spirit. Such practices enabled him to be the powerful voice America knows him to be.

The more he studied the more he began to recognize how tyranny’s iron fist was intimately in the lives of the American people. This weighed heavily on his soul because he was a man of principle. As a God fearing man, he understood the responsibility and obligation he had to stand in his respective sphere for the cause of liberty.

Read more >Here< finicum family


The Political Assassination of LaVoy Finicum. Revised and Enlarged, Jan 30, 2016

Professor Hall brings his original article, written within hours of the assassination of LaVoy Finicum, into conformity with more recent developments. He refutes those such as Gordon Duff who have misrepresented Finicum’s assassination as “suicide by cop.” The author concludes that the Finicum family are justified in their conclusion that “the FBI chose to escalate the situation to force a confrontation, and violent ending.”

“The vehicle was fired upon before Finicum drove off from the first stop. That was the planned manuver by the FBI to panic him to accelerate out of danger. They left the road wide open for him to leave all of the witnesses at the first stop out of view for what was a planned execution without witnesses at the second stop. LaVoy was first deliberately shot in the lower intestine to cause a reaction that would appear he went for his gun. Of course he reached for the area of excruciating pain. After the final shot murdered him they riddled the truck with bullets and shot flashbangs that’s when Ryan Bundy was struck in the shoulder FROM A BULLET not a toy pellet. To the FBI’s amazement the Bonney and Clyde style shooting victims were not killed. Now they are witnesses to attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and murder in the first degree. Why doesn’t the FBI release pictures of the vehicle? That will prove the criminal acts as will the autopsy of Finicum.”

Read more Here

More from ETERNAL VIGILANCE below….

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Can God Bless America? Gavin Seim for liberty

The Hydra.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.



The US Government has murdered a peaceful yet resolute Patriot and defender of the American Constitution, and arrested 7 others… all of whom were forthright dissenters against the governments ongoing violations of constitutional Law and the rights of Individuals.

Read about it here> Eyewitness Says Feds Ambushed Bundys, 100 Shots Fired at Passengers, Lavoy Finicum Killed With ‘Hands Up’

They chose to commit this crime in a place where there would be the least amount of witnesses and in such a way that would allow them to control the media dialogue about what transpired.
They now await to see what reaction… if any… how the American people will respond.
This is a precursor for Martial Law and the crushing of the approaching Revolution which will occur when the America plunges off the Fiscal cliff.
Should there be no mass rallies about the country in outrage of this monumental crime, such apathy will no doubt signal to these Malevolent Powers that Americans dont give a shit about a few Bible believing 2nd amendment loving Honkeys and so they will be able to escalate their systematic implementation of measures designed to protect the Corrupt Status Quo from an uprising of the people … whom the founding documents of their nation… the American declaration of Independence and the constitution say Citizens have both the right and the moral duty to *Abolish the government* … by armed revolution if necessary…. when it becomes tyrannical and corrupt.

pat hen

We all know the American government/police/etc murders people all the time… and that the ranks of the American Law enforcement are filled with Evil thugs that think little of Beating and shooting Americans to death… Men, women, and children.
The activities of Lavoy, nor his murder had anything to do with his Colour, yet we…. at the very ends of the Earth have witnessed the outrage of Black communities when *Innocent Black Americans* get slaughtered… yet who will protest when the victims of State violence are white?
You see what makes *this murder* particularly dire is that while it is very Politically correct to be outraged when a Black person gets killed by trigger happy Cops…. because ‘Black lives matter’…. yet when you are a seen as a Bible believing hick who refuses to surrender their right to bear arms…. then *It’s not PC* to give a shit about them!
The Media, and The Democrats under Obama has successfully labeled these defenders of Liberty and the second amendment… not as True American patriots… but as heartless and crazy scum who are responsible for all the Gun deaths in America.
Domestic Terrorists.
Many of the Police want to completely disarm the American people so that they can Beat, Kill, and arrest anyone they desire without facing resistance to their jackbooted tyranny.
Many are Brick Stupid and will obey any order.

Others… more righteous Police… understand why they were employed…. what the Constitution expects of them… and that Guns save the lives of Citizens by giving them the means of protecting themselves from violent offenders… and rouge police.
Many have already declared they will disobey any ‘executive orders’ or ‘Legal fabrications’ that attempt to justify the confiscation of Arms from the American citizenry .
Yet we can be sure that in the short time that remains before the whole bankrupt house of cards collapses… that the powers that be will busy themselves ‘weeding out’ these Good, and righteous Police and Military personnel whom would ‘Refuse to follow orders’… just as they will be systematically removing Judges whom respect the constitution… the longer they can prolong the collapse… the more of their ambitions for consolidating their stranglehold over the American people will be implemented.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

‘Evil prevails when Good men do nothing’.
Unless the American people Rally in outrage… these things are inevitable… This much is clear to anyone who understands the modus opperandi of tyranny.
*Dont for one minute accept the sycophantic Idea that these patriots who the government has moved against are the dangerous criminals!*
The Greatest, Highest Law of the land is on their side!
The Criminals are the ones wearing the Badges, and giving the orders to Kill and arrest.


Lavoy Finnicum understood all of this.
To him the principles upon which America was built were sacred, and essential for the Life and liberty of himself, his family, friends and countrymen…of all races and creeds, and he has now sealed his commitment to the cause with his Life!
His God-Given Life was Stolen from him by the Powers of Mammon.
He is now an American Hero of the most important species.

I watch these events with sorrow and alarm.
It is far from over!

Please watch Gavin Seim explain what has happened… observe the righteousness of the cause… the nobleness of the manor of these Patriots whom are now labeled as ‘Enemies of the State’.
What has America become?
These are the sorts of Evils committed in Stalin’s USSR!

patriot shit

Watch this good mans vocal warning to America and understand why Governments around the world want to have the power to censor the internet… and silence the voices of principled dissent.
Take care all you peoples of the world to protect those voices among you whom boldly expose the evils of Officialdom… for they are the targets of the powers that be.
They desire nothing better than to Jail, torture, and science forever the voices of those who would rally the people to overthrow their Corrupt operations.

I shudder at the thought of just how apathetic… just how subservient and sheepish the average westerner is.
And it is this apathy and ignorance that allows the tyrants to Bankrupt, imprison, and destroy so many lives.
I implore you all *to get interested in politics* and not just the fashionable nutbar politics of Socialism, but learn about the inalienable rights of Individuals!
Learn what *Libertarianism* is all about and how it is the only true resistance to Tyranny and oppression in all it’s political forms.
Ignore my words at your peril.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Lavoy Finicum’s stand for Freedom facebook page >Here< His family Responds to his murder..." ****Finicum Family Response to LaVoy’s Murder**** ***1/27/2016*** We thank all those reaching out to us in love during this difficult time. Your faithful prayers are felt. Please keep praying and keep using your voice to get the truth out. This fight against tyranny is not over. Press forward. Forgiveness is what we can extend and understanding is what we want. Christ was and is LaVoy’s exemplar. Though there are evil and conspiring men at work, Christ still forgave the executioners for they knew not what they did. We give permission to all media to use this statement in their reports." bundy terrorists

Watch Gavin!!! (Below)

Update: The FBI have released Drone/ chopper footage of their operation that resulted in them gunning down Lavoy.
See what transpired and commentary Here>>> The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

More from Tim on this….

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi


Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.

Bankrupt Socialist State means urgent need to take care of your own safety and defence.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke
Good…. Honest Cop Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke

From Oath Keepers

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, of Wisconsin. Made national headlines with a public service ad in 2013 in which Townhall reported he stated, in part: “I’m Sheriff David Clarke and I want to talk to you about something personal: Your safety. It’s no longer a spectator sport. I need you in the game. But are you ready? With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. Consider taking a certified safety course in handling of firearms, so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family. We’re partners now. Can I count on you?”

Darth Knows.


Here is a great example of why Collectivist mentality is not only Lazy… but dishonest.
Some people love to say ‘All Muslims are Terrorists’…. “All Police are corrupt”, etc.
I write many stories about *Bad Cops*, and so in the interest of balance, it is always a pleasure to write about Good cops…. heroes…. The ones that are actually living up to the Ideal of what *the true/just* duty of what the police are employed by us… the people… to do.
Here we have a *good Cop* telling the truth…. The police *Cant* come to your rescue… and you need to be prepared to look after your own families security… by being armed… and competent.
It is also of note to commend him for admitting that because the socialists have bankrupted western civilisation with their wasteful totalitarianism that one of the few legitimate functions of government is failing…. Law and Order… and that this reality makes the dire need for citizens to arm themselves and be prepared to defend themselves *all the more acute* than if we had a just Libertarian society and government.
We have police busting peaceful pot smokers while Rapists and robbers are escaping into the darkness.

I salute him.
The truth is that western socialist Totalitarian Mobocracy is not only financially bankrupt, but hopelessly Morally bankrupt.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Read more …

The Government wants to kill you. They know the end is nigh.

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

Putin stashes tonnes of gold, while America burries itself in play money.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Riders on the Storm! Homeland Security already confiscating guns .

Christian Father defends 2nd Amendment and Liberty from Oppotunist Tyranny and Reactionary Socialism. Columbine Tragedy

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

bad cops

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

The Coming American Civil War.

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Utilitarianism vs Libertarianism. Socialist pragmatism vs Libertarian Idealism


It has been with great sadness that over the past year I have witnessed my fellow Libertarian Blogger Richard Goode change tack and sail off course, and now become an apologyst for Socialist Statism.

This has been evidenced by his entire behaviour in relation to the Psychoactive Substances Act, and particular with regards to Synthetic Cannabis.

To make my point I refer you to all his Blog posts on this subject in which he consistently demonstrates that he believes all the Negative hype about the dangers of Synthetics… which is in my view incredulous considering the history of Prohibition, and it’s reliance on Lies and phobia about drug use, as supposed vindication for the Governments perpetration of a highly oppressive war upon it’s own citizens.

While he calls himself a Libertarian, He has in reality swallowed the Socialist lie that Harm Minimisation is a legitimate function of Government and has attempted to formulate an argument for this >>>Here<<<, yet it is a tragic testimony to his having put the Cart before the horse. While Libertarianism has many pragmatic advantages over Socialist tyranny, Libertarianism is firstly an Individualist Ideology.... a philosophy which embodies clear principles of Law and Justice which protects the sovereignty of Individuals from tyrannical Government, and the pragmatic advantages for society... to the degree that there are any... are merely the By-product which flows from these principles. The Free society is a far more Humane and enlightened civilisation than socialism, and the type of Self reliant- self responsible, and charitable citizenry it fosters, and the peaceful Social interaction which spontaneously generates in a coexistence free of political coercion and advantage... are all extremely preferable ... pragmatically speaking.... yet to mistake these benefits as being the vindication for it's principles is utterly false. The Vindication for Libertarianism is in it's *Justice* for Individuals, and it's defence of the Individual's self-ownership, and it's Principled limits to political power... whether the will of a Monarch, or 'The mandate of the Majority'...the will of the largest Mob. Ie Libertarianism protects Individuals, minorities, and even Majorities, from Social arbitrary Law. That is what vindicates Libertarianism... not its pragmatic social advantages, and certainly not any idea of 'Harm minimisation' for the individual. Libertarians ought to have social concern for others, yet that is an utterly foreign principle to Libertarian ideology... It is in fact a definitive *Socialist* political lever, and pseudo-justification for Political intervention...and it is here where my friend has gone so far astray... Libertarianism embodies voluntary community action. Believe me when I say that I sympathise which how he was lured down this road... It was because the Anti-Prohibitionist movement (in particular Cannabis Law reformers) whom were never Libertarians began to argue for an end to prohibition... not on the basis of Individual rights, but on the basis that Cannabis was safer than alcohol. This was the socialist 'Harm minimisation' Doctrine... which sought to win over the socialist parliament by convincing a big enough mob that by allowing legal cannabis, they would be helping to reduce the Evils of Alcoholism which have been exacerbated by its monopolistic Legal Status. These arguments are thoroughly aimed at a socialist pragmatic mentality which prevails both within New Zealand's parliament, and in our society as a whole. It is a Utilitarian mentality which has abandoned all ideological principles of justice in pursuit of 'The Greatest Happiness'. Under this philosophy the Government can do whatever it pleases with individuals as long as it can convince a majority, that it's actions are conducive to the collective well being of society as a whole. Thus Individuals have become the property 'of society'. Society may overstep a persons individual liberty and self-responsibility either under the pretence of protecting the Hapless individual from himself, or the pretence of minimizing 'problems' that individual choices can have upon Society at large... esp Financial strains upon 'social services' which are run by the government and funded collectively via taxation. Druggies are deemed to be an inexcusable burden upon the system. pink judge

It is under these pretences that modern Socialist judges have no compunction against Jailing peaceful old Pot smokers whom refuse to submit to the Political will of Nanny state.
*Jail is deemed to be for their own good, and the Good of society as a whole*

They believe the ruinous effects upon an individuals life of incarceration are in fact preferable to ‘allowing him’ to continue in his drug use, and that society is safer while drugs are actively being suppressed by the Police.
*Freedom is dangerous* *Nanna Knows Best* *Etc*.

Now it is not the place here and now for me to argue why this whole socialist perspective is utter tyrannical, or why Libertarianism denies it is the proper duties of government to provide social services like public health care.
It ought to be enough to point out how utterly at variance with Libertarianism, this whole approach to ending Cannabis prohibition is.

I shall proceed to explain how my Brother Blogger took his wrong turn and has now wandered so far off track that he has crossed the line and is no longer worthy of the Name *Libertarian*.
My explanation is not written to vilify, but to show how easily this deviation occurred.

Not only do I sympathise with my fellow blogger, but hope that after contemplating what I have written that he will correct his course back over to the Libertarian side.

Many years ago many Kiwi Libertarians, including myself, as members of the Late Great yet struggling Libertarianz party, were supportive of a proposal written by Richard Goode for having a Transitional policy for Drug Law reform, which was accepted because it provided a rational pathway of least resistance to ending the war on drugs.

Our previous policy of simply legalising all drugs was too much for the voting public to swallow and had absolutely no hope of ever being adopted in totality, and so the new proposal presented to the voting public and parliament, was that the War be de-escalated starting with de-criminalising the softer drugs first, and then as fears were alleviated by having legal highs, that support could then be gained for further reforms, with ultimate end being an absolute end to the war on drugs.


We would devour the Prohibition elephant one bite at a time… leaving the boniest portions till last.
And what defined ‘soft drugs’ was their perceived ‘safer than alcohol’ status.

The virtue of this policy was that it was idealistic, yet also realistic as means to our ultimate end because it was far more popular with the People… there was already support for Cannabis Law reform and our definition of cannabis as a ‘softer drug than alcohol’ was met with great enthusiasm from the Socialist faction of Cannabis Law reform movement whom are by far the greatest majority in the movement.

I have no doubt that Richard ‘liberated’ his definition for ‘soft drugs’ for the Libertarianz party transitional drug policy directly from the Socialists.

Richard’s policy was genius, as it unified Idealism with pragmatical realism, and popularity.
He ought to be proud of it.

Unfortunately though, in the years that have since past, and with the de-registration of the Libertarianz party, and Richard joining and now representing the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, which is still predominantly a Socialist Party, He has obviously lost his Libertarian bearings.

He has forgotten that The Libertarians supported his transitional policy because of it’s progression of Justice… not because it’s starting point of legalising softer drugs was in any way supposes Libertarians endorse the socialist idea that Governments ought to concern themselves with ‘harm reduction’.

It is only in the light of these sorts of consideration that as Libertarian I had anything good to say about the Psychoactive substances act.

To the degree that it did allow a special dispensation to some products to be legally available, and also allowed a convoluted means (in theory) for other products to eventually make it to Market… having run the ‘regulation gauntlet’, it was supposed to be an improvement on the ‘Ban everything as they appear’ prohibition-ism which was the prevailing ‘socialist wisdom’ at the beginning of the rise of synthetic dugs which are now being manufactured to bypass existing prohibitions.

The thing was that Richard had now utterly lost all sight of what Libertarianism is about, and swallowed the socialist ‘Harm minimisation’ pill that he actually condemned the PSA for being too Libertarian!
*He was thoroughly in the Socialist Camp that it is the governments duty to decide what Citizens are allowed to ingest*

He was outraged that Peter Dunne was not acting Nanny Statist enough… because in his mind it was committing a crime by allowing dangerous and untested Synthetic Cannabis to be legally sold!

He relentlessly fanned the fires of Anti-Synthetic Cannabis hysteria… much to the joy of many of his Pro-cannabis Socialist mates, and condemned the Legal highs industry as evil profiteers at the expense of Hapless sheeple.

He told them to voluntarily remove their products, and castigated them for not heeding him… saying that a backlash was growing which would result in their products being banned.
I said that I didn’t think that would happen, yet I was wrong on that count… and I am sure he experienced euphoria when…. being an election year… and with all the Media sensationalism surrounding the Anti-legal high lobby that via the ensuing shysterism/ party politicking of the powers that be.. that the Libertarian portions of the Act got blotted out, and the means by which products could be deemed safe and thereby legalised… was virtually shut.

(Read my post on this >>>Here<<<) This was a leap backwards in the struggle to End Drug prohibition as it re-invigorated Prohibitionism. The world was watching and prohibitionists everywhere celebrated. Having Legal highs in New Zealand... they say... proved to be a failure. discoredia-the-evil-dead-drugs-raves-and-othe-L-MthvyL

Richard and his friend Blogger Mark Hubbard now dwell on the Dark side.
They ignore studies which suggest synthetic cannabis is relatively safe, and instead invoke terror by calling it ‘Legal Heroin’ ‘like P’…. etc… as if Libertarians support the War on Heroin and Meth!

Mark blames the Government for all the supposed troubles experienced by Legal high users… as if they have no personal responsibility.


I have no problem with Libertarians believing certain drugs to be dangerous… even if they are getting their information from patently Dubious sources.
Of course there can be dangers involved in taking drugs.
Alcohol is dangerous… yet to say their Dangerous nature justifies Prohibitions is patently Un-libertarian and socialist!
The philosophical war they have declared is a Socialist Jihad against Individual Rights and Liberties!

call nanana

Richard’s last blog post attempts to be an argument for the government socialist interventions
He by passes the fundamental Libertarian principles which clearly define and articulate the legitimate function of government as being strictly limited to defending Rights and Liberties of individuals, and instead substitutes that with his bogus Pragmatist doctrine of ‘Harm minimisation’ which is pure Utilitarian Socialism … not Libertarianism.
To say that he is going ‘Back to basics’ could not be further from the truth

He attempts to smoke you readers by saying harm minimisation is a legitimate concern of Government with the bogus rationalisation that preventing ‘itself’ from putting people in Jail… which is harmful … as being a form of ‘Harm minimisation’ when in reality the principles involved are no such thing!
He has stitched up a sophistry which is in complete contradiction to Libertarian limited government.

The Legal and just principles against unjust imprisonment are keeping constitutional restraints forbidding the State from stepping outside it’s legitimate and just functions and encroaching upon our legitimate liberties, and violating our Rights which it has been instituted to protect!

This is black and white… lines not to crossed…. spheres of liberty, personal ethics, the pursuit of happiness, and self-responsibility… not to be encroached upon… not even for ‘harm minimisation’.

There are Powers never to be usurped… and they are not contingent upon whether or not Nanny State’s dictates are harmful or beneficial to either society or Individuals themselves.

It could very well be that some Laws could prevent idiots from harming themselves… yet to the Libertarian… that is no justification for passing oppressive laws…. which treat everyone like idiots… and gives the State paternalistic powers.
Harm minimisation is an endorsement of social interventions, not Libertarian self- ownership and responsibility.

Libertarians say that to allow the Government to legislate to protect people from themselves is to people the world with Fools.

Read my Blog post on this >>>Here<<< Richard... the Philosopher... no doubt assumes the Libertarian principle of having an arbitrary demarcation for being of Age of 'Adult consent and culpability' (in regards to being allowed to purchase alcohol without Parental permission) as being a form of 'Regulation' and 'Supply control'... which is again Bullshit. By that way of thinking All Laws are 'Regulations'... and that therefore the only 'Free market' can exist is under Anarchy. That R18 Principle of Law is necessary in regards to Legal parental rights and responsibilities, and custodianship , yet a young person ought to be able to apply for Adult Status earlier. Libertarianism is not Anarchy. It recognises a limited legitimate sphere for Government, yet these do not include 'Licensing products'... like alcohol, FDA approval, or Taxes, or 'Harm minimisation' etc. The only 'License' Libertarians would support is an R18 age restriction on the purchase and sale of liquor, etc with those whom violate this condition being criminally liable and negate their right to sell. If parents allow their own kids to enjoy alcohol, Pot, etc at a younger age, that is their own business. If Parents want to try alternative treatments on their sick infant children such as Cannabis... they have that fundamental right. I brew some booze yet I also buy Alcohol, and pay taxes on it. It does not mean I support the Status quo.... yet I still believe it is better... more Libertarian than outright prohibition. The same with proposals to 'Educate', 'Tax', and 'Regulate' Cannabis. Again I dont say that is the Libertarian Objective, yet it is better than current Prohibition. Richard and Mark have utterly abandoned Libertarianism and become Socialist Statist Prohibitionists. You have abandoned principles of Justice in favour of Socialist Utilitarian Pragmatism. To recover yourselves and to restore yourselves into the Libertarian fold is simple, and it does not require you to drop your opinion about the Safety of Synthetic Cannabis, or mean you must cease arguing that you think Real cannabis is safer. All it requires you to do is to stop arguing that 'Harm minimisation' is a legitimate concern of governments, and desist from supporting any prohibitions on drugs. If on the other hand you think the War on P, on H, and on Synthetics is justifiable, and legitimate, will them please desist from calling yourselves Libertarians. small gold guy_0

It has only been a few weeks since Synthetic cannabis was taken off the shelves, and yet My InLaws reported seeing a bunch of people sniffing glue in the Park.
So much for Harm reduction!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.