Category Archives: Immigration

Just say Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux is a Canadian political pundit and internet celebrity. In 2005, Molyneux began a podcast called Freedomain Radio (FDR) and in 2006 he started a YouTube channel. Today he has a large cult following. As of July 2018 his YouTube channel has 798,445 subscribers and has had 247,260,366 views.

By now many Kiwis will have heard of Stefan Molyneux, thanks to protesters—including Auckland’s mayor Phil Goff, the Auckland Peace Action group, and Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand (FIANZ) president Hazim Arafeh—trying to shut down an event at which Molyneux was booked to speak. At this stage it’s unclear whether or not the event will go ahead as scheduled. What is clear is that these days Molyneux is both full of himself and full of the proverbial.

But Molyneux used to be all right.

Molyneux used to be all right. Now he’s alt-right.

Molyneux used to be a fresh and fervid anarchist. Now he’s lapsed back into full-blown statism.

It’s all very sad, but it’s worth remembering that back in 2010 Molyneux published this wee gem.

The Story of Your Enslavement

This is the story of your enslavement—how it came to be—and how you can finally be free.

I’m not your dad or anything, but it’s worth watching the video presentation or reading the transcript. Even though it’s somewhat offensive to many, including creationists and vegans, and riddled with alternative facts and flawed logic. There’s a discussion of its various shortcomings in the comment section here if that’s what you want to focus on.

Here’s the gist of it anyway.

Human society cannot be rationally understood until it is seen for what it is: a series of farms where human farmers own human livestock.

Some people get confused because governments provide healthcare and water and education and roads, and thus imagine that there is some benevolence at work.

Nothing could be further from the reality.

Farmers provide healthcare and irrigation and training to their livestock.

Some people get confused because we are allowed certain liberties, and thus imagine that our governments protect our freedoms.

But farmers plant their crops a certain distance apart to increase their yields—and will allow certain animals larger stalls or fields if it means they will produce more meat and milk.

In your country, your tax farm, your farmer grants you certain freedoms not because he cares about your liberties, but because he wants to increase his profits.

Are you beginning to see the nature of the cage you were born into?

Molyneux then goes on to describe how the illusion of freedom is maintained.

Keeping the tax livestock securely in the compounds of the ruling classes is a three phase process.

The first is to indoctrinate the young through government “education”.

And so on. There’s nothing particularly original in Molyneux’s claims. For example, the idea that we’re slaves who think we’re free was suggested by Aldous Huxley. It’s pretty much a variation on pānem et circēnsēs (“bread and circuses”) which goes back to the satirical Roman poet Juvenal circa 100 AD.

But is Molyneux right or are we living in a free world? In an important sense it’s a matter of perspective, and a matter of personal preference. Even in an ideal state of affairs—Molyneux’s “truly free and peaceful” society, a society “without political rulers, without human ownership, without the violence of taxation and statism”—people would voluntarily trade some of their absolute freedoms for security, and call the residual freedoms “liberty”. The nature of “the cage you were born into” is one that suits some people, who are relatively more free in virtue of the fact that they have no desire to leave.

What does Molyneux in 2010 tell us about Molyneux’s predicament now?

Molyneux is a free-range slave, the property of Canada’s ruling class. But he seems to have forgotten this. He’s bought back into the illusion that the government is the servant of the people.

Ask not what your slave-owner can do for you—ask what you can do for your slave owner.

Molyneux has reversed this paraphrase of JFK’s dictum.

Ask not what you can do for your slave owner—ask what your slave-owner can do for you.

And what is Molyneux asking? He’s asking his owners’ friends (NZ’s ruling class) to let him cross into and speak in their slave pen, and at the same time asking his owners (Canada’s ruling class) and their friends (Western governments) to keep Muslims out! The irony is rich. Molyneux requires permission to leave Canada and permission to enter New Zealand, and he’s only been given permission at the last minute and he’s only allowed to be here in Aotearoa for 10 days.

Stefan Molyneux will be allowed into the country for 10 days, Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway announced on Friday morning.

Today’s Molyneux is an immigration alarmist. I predict he’ll have about as much success stopping Muslim immigration as climate change alarmists will have stopping anthropogenic global warming. None at all. And this is for the simple reason that setting immigration policies is not up to Molyneux or to any of his fan base. Immigration policies are set, not by human cattle, but by human farmers. And they stand to profit from mass immigration just as much as they do from burning fossil fuels.

Good reasons why I’m not voting to keep the flag


My late father was a good keen outdoorsman. He loved sailing and hiking but back in the early ’70s we lived in the Midlands in the heart of England, a long way from bodies of water bigger than puddles and mountain peaks worth climbing.

Also my father worked in the British motor industry and in the early ’70s he could see that the industry was starting to tank. So he and my mother decided that the family would emigrate to somewhere with bigger wilderness and better job prospects. IIRC, the options were the U.S, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. Fortunately, my mother vetoed the U.S., otherwise we might have ended up in Detroit. We emigrated to New Zealand in 1975 and settled in Wellington.

I’m glad that we did. I still have a bond with the mother country but I’m a Kiwi now. I spent my childhood in England but grew up in Godzone. When I became an adult I also became a NZ citizen. So to cut a long story short, what I’m getting around to saying is that because of my background I’m personally rather fond of the current NZ flag. It consists of the Union Jack which represents the land of my birth and the Southern Cross which represents my adopted homeland. But I’m not voting to keep it. Why not?

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not voting to change to the John Key tea towel design either. I’m not voting in the second flag referendum and I didn’t vote in the first. Why not?

Firstly, because my vote won’t make a difference. The current flag is winning in all the recent opinion polls by a clear margin. Twice as many people are against change as are for it. I’m calling the result of the second flag referendum now. No change.


Secondly, because no one can change my flag. I don’t have a flag! I don’t want a flag, but if did I could have any flag I wanted and stick it on a pole and fly it. Many Kiwis already fly the unofficial New Zealand flag, the silver fern. Good on them. Go the All Blacks! No worries.


Thirdly, because the entire debate is pure political distraction and engaging in it is exactly what Key wants. As Martyn Bradbury concludes

We have 99 problems in NZ – a fucking flag isn’t one of them.

Voting only encourages these arseholes.


Fourthly, because the entire flag referendum process is a needless waste of money which would be better spent elsewhere and I refuse to sanction it by voting. Flag this irrelevant debate and spend $26m on hungry kids. Is what the government would have better done instead.

Fifthly, because a state-initiated binding referendum is a slap in the face to the hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who’ve signed petitions to get non-binding citizens-initiated referendums on things that actually matter, such as reducing the number of MPs in Parliament, not reducing the number of firefighters in the New Zealand fire service, not being criminalised for smacking their children, and so on. All to no avail.


Sixthly, because I’m the founder and co-leader of Not A Party and it is incumbent on me to set a good example. 🙂


Seventhly, because how the gang that runs New Zealand chooses to brand the monopoly on violence it claims and maintains over the country’s territorial area is none of my business.


Eighthly, because when all is said and done it’s just a coloured rectangular piece of cloth and so not worth fighting over.


Good reasons why I’m voting to keep the flag.

Me: Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian.

Tuhoe Terrorist Racist Radical Tame Iti Shoots New Zealand Flag.

Important note: In no way do I seek to belittle or disparage New Zealanders from enjoying their Maori heritage and culture.
What I am highlighting is *Racist Maori Radicalism* and all the anti-British colonialism here in New Zealand… all the vile Race hatred and Despicable revisionist history which not only rots out the minds of all whom are imbibed with such Propaganda… generating hatred…. all for the sake of Filthy lucre… but also ensnares many Maori in victimism and welfare dependence… while enriching a political class that profits from the ongoing misery of their own people.
Maori are at virtually the top of every negative social statistic, *because* they are not taught to take responsibility for themselves… not taught that in Freedom and equality… their own prosperity, and the well-being of their Children *depends upon them Living according to Strong personal ethics*… not because of any Accident of Birth.
Tame Iti is a posterchild for the Victimism and dependence mindset.
He should have been jailed for Terrorism…. yet only escaped because of bungling By the Legislature and police.
Conversely, New Zealand as a whole is extremely proud of all the *positive contributions* of Maori Culture…. song, Haka, Carvings, etc… and all of these things can prosper under Freedom and equality…. as the Maori people would do once free of Waitangi appartheid/ Treaty separatism… and New Zealand establishes *One Law for all*
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian, and Activist to End the false Treaty Separatism.

Watch me (Tim Wikiriwhi) debate this things on TV1 …Is The Treaty Holding Back New Zealand?

old glory flag

This will take you to another world!

Posted by Miss Arab USA on Friday, March 4, 2016

I know many Kiwis will cringe at me using this *Australian poem*, yet not only does it hold *Equally true* for our flag, it is also a testament to *the common values and heritage* that makes Commonwealth nations the very best in the world, and Unifies us as a collective.
Tim Wikiriwhi,

More from Tim…. Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Where Haters come from.

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Art of Feigning Oppression.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

Posted by FISHKI.NET on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

“Heaven on Earth”. The First Extended Quota Syrian Refugees Land in New Zealand. Rejoice for them… and us!

children bombs

syr c
A Syrian Refugee is welcomed to New Zealand with a ‘Hongi’.

Read more here> Refugees welcomed to New Zealand

New Zealanders Providing shelter from the Storm.
This is Essential to the the very *Soul* of our nation.
Let us never be governed by Fear… or Selfish indifference.
Let Bravery and Humanity prevail.
Only this way can we truly hold our heads up.
Any ‘Issues’ that arise from our Goodness… those we must also rise above.
Among other things We must expect some of these people to suffer PTSD because of the horrors they have faced.

Five years of grief, and continues to expand the woundFive years of sorrow and the wound was still bleeding#save #humanity

Posted by Save Humanity on Saturday, November 21, 2015

Providing these families safe haven is undoubtedly the right thing to do.
I personally am willing to put finances and assistance to this cause, and I hope My friends that you are willing too.
I will make investigations as to how we as individuals can make voluntary contributions, and help our new Countrymen and their families.
Let us rally and work to make this a success for us all.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

syrian c

Read More from Tim on the Refugee crisis…

What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

Good Eye Closed. The Powder Keg. The Dead keep washing up on the coasts of Europe.

Hurling stones…Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love.

The lonely road. My divorce from John Ansell.

A High Calling.

Anti-Terrorism at its finest. The Road out of darkness into the light.

They are out there! Heroic and Virtuous Islamic Granny Schools Murdering Extremists.

Islamic Cleric Against Religious Extremism

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.

The Art of Assimilation. Culture shock, Lawlessness, and the challenges facing humanitarian good will

Not In My Name! Muslims Condemn Isis Terror.

You will be next! The power of the terror mongers. When fear dominates reason… evil prevails

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Watching Buses Bear down… Why bother to Proselytize? Penn Jillette

The Battlefield of the Mind. Eternal Vigilance!

Life’s a Stanley Milgram Experiment. (part1)

Kiwi Muslims stand against violence, call for global response: NZ Herald.

The Art of Assimilation. Culture shock, Lawlessness, and the challenges facing humanitarian good will

unruly men

Developing ‘issues’ in European nations regarding the behavior of large groups of Male refugees and migrants is something that is of great concern yet it is not something we should be surprised to see.
It is something that they/ we should be prepared for.

There needs to be a better plan than currently appears Europe is mobilizing, lest things get way out of control and chaos and disorder ensues.
This is exactly the scenario that underpins the hysteria of the xenophobia mongers and Cold hearted who want Donald Trump to become President of the USA, and the more troubles that eventuate will give the the Anti-Refugee Rightest something to crow about.

Recent reports such as ‘Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women’ are very disturbing…

“The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year’s Eve.
The scale of the attacks on women at the city’s central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved.
City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it “a completely new dimension of crime”. The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said.
Women were also targeted in Hamburg.
But the Cologne assaults – near the city’s iconic cathedral – were the most serious, German media report. At least one woman was raped, and many were groped.
Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies. A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested.
Read more >here< *** Because the mainstream media was slow to confirm early reports of this trouble, I was hesitant to accept their validity. I condemn the mentality of those who fed their paranoia on a diet of unsubstantiated tripe, yet I equality condemn anyone who would seek to turn a blind eye to inconvenient and reprehensible truths once they have been established as fact. The net is filled with phobia mongering lies that feeds the paranoia so that we must be wary not to buy into falsehoods. It is easy to summon to the surface latent prejudice by posting a picture of a group of strange looking scruffy men... nonetheless it would also be absolutely naive to think there would be no problems at all developing from such massive movements of desperate and traumatized populations into countries in which they are alien. us natives

There is a natural propensity in these situations to think in terms of ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’.

If we do the math… that 1000, or even 2000 unruly migrant men and refugees were involved in this New Years Eve violence in Germany, we will find that this equates to a mere 0.2% of the 1 000 000 people whom Germany has given refuge… yet this in itself demonstrates how tiny minorities can cause troubles far in excess of their numerical significance, and cause massive problems for the total social demographic for which they are associated.
And this appears to be the general rule for Islam in general.
A Billion Muslims have been made to carry the scorn that Non Muslims should be directing only to that small portion who support Isis and other atrocities that are committed in the name of Islam.

Time was of the essence to save these people, yet these despicable episodes prove that time is now of the essence for decisive actions in quelling Lawlessness, and keeping the peace.

Events like this challenge the Humanitarian ideals of people like myself who have actively spoken up in favor of allowing more Syrians refugees into western nations, and plays directly into the hands of those whom out of fear, indifference, and hatred would leave them all to Starve or Drown.

Leaders Like Angela Merkel whom have heroically championed the Liberal Humanitarian cause, need to formulate ‘An Art’ of managing this Mass Refuge crisis via processes in which having opened the doors to save countless innocent lives… that now they are safe out of immediate harms way… these refugee populations must now be systematically ‘processed’ ‘vetted’ ‘sworn in’, and ‘instructed as to the terms and conditions of them remaining in their host country.

The leaders, and best of these Refugees need to play an active roll in this process, being employed with ‘natives’ in the ‘management and ‘acclimatization of their countrymen, to harmonize with the Laws and cultures of their hosts.

I am not talking about forcing them to abandon their beliefs, but that they must show appreciation and gratitude.
They must behave and respect* the laws of their hosts.
Peaceful Civility and cooperation are the bottom line conditions of their welcome and continued stay.

Any trouble makers must be singled out and publicly punished/ exiled, so that Law and order prevail and the host countries don’t become the victims of their own benevolence because of arrogant ingratitude from the refugees.
The refugees need to know on no uncertain terms that misbehavior will not be tolerated, and that the strong hand of the Law will keep the peace.
That it is a grave mistake to think their hosts are weak and powerless to prevent any mob lawlessness.

Situations as have been reported to exist in sections of French cities where migrant gangs are said to run amok and seek to impose sharia Law *Cannot be allowed* to be replicated elsewhere.
Strong… yet principled measures must ensure the Rule of Law and civil society is maintained.

This is a problem which vexes me greatly… Wisdom and decisive action must prevail so that such great humanitarian aid proves to be a benefit to everyone… not a disaster.

The future of Humanitarian Aid in times of Crisis depends on mutual Good will, and wise management prevailing over the troublemakers, and cowardly Doomsday Sayers whom would prefer oceans of Corpses rather than deal with the manifold problems Mass Refugee intakes of alien populations present.

A joint effort must be made to stop troublemakers from turning the host nations against immigrants and refugees… giving the Right wing anti -immigrant factions the ‘ammunition’ they need to stop the humanitarian effort and to crush liberty and equality.

Libertarians like myself know that in the long term receiving migrants and refugees tends towards greater wealth and prosperity, yet also appreciate that in the short term, clashes of culture and unrest are almost inevitable, and that the degree to which these problems manifest themselves will be to a large degree determined by the prudent actions and plans of the leaders of both the hosts, and the guests… or the lack thereof.

These problems and dilemmas will be the focus of much of my thought for the foreseeable future.

And there needs to be a hell of a lot more thinking about the Events and conflicts that led to this mass exodus from the East… about preventing repetitions, and also about restoring peace and safety in these waste lands of death and destruction, so that they can be rebuilt and re-inhabited.

What hope does Mankind have?
We seem hell bent on War…. Nation against Nation…. Brother against Brother.
Paradise lost.
Maybe we can never hope for lasting peace… yet still maybe this fact in itself shows that the world will always require Humanitarians to boldly act, and to triumph over the Fear mongers and the haters.

From above God watches.
Everything is being recorded for the day every one of us will be summoned to give an account for ourselves before his throne of Judgement.

I admit that these moral dilemmas test my courage and conviction, and I pray for wisdom and for Goodness to prevail over Evil.

Please share this post and get everybody on the same plan,.. for Freedom and peaceful co existence…

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More on The Refugee crisis from Tim….

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.

What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

Anti-Terrorism at its finest. The Road out of darkness into the light.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Where Haters come from.

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.


“We believe in the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live, to the respect for the other and tolerance. We know that our free life is stronger than any terrorist. Let’s give the terrorists the answer by living our values confidently. And as we affirm these values throughout Europe. Now more than ever.”
Angela Merkel.
German chancellor.


My Prayers are with her and Germany.
May The Lord shine upon this nation and keep them from the evils which terrify so many westerners to the point that they want to NUKE Arabia…. Annihilate a Billion people…. leave children to die at their gates.
Times of Crisis demand greatness from those whom would lead… and she is great!

To Paraphrase another great man… Tom Payne… “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer Humanitarian and the sunshine Socialist will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as The Fraternity of Mankind should not be highly rated.
Isis, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to Murder) but by our own fears in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER cause us to abandon our values… if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth.”

Two words…. each represents a side of this controversy…. Terror vs Love.

I dont know how long she will be able to maintain these Humanitarian ‘Open door’ policies as Opposition is waiting for *any terrorism*
*Any unrest* to Thwart her ambitions and slam the door on the desperate victims of war.
Sadly the xenophobic hordes despise her and want her humanitarianism to ‘blow up in her face’.
They want to vindicate their Cold hearted cowardice and inhumanity.
While Populist/ nationalist politicians about the globe (like Donald Trump) seek to prosper from the paranoia Terrorism fathers… talk of mass deportations, New Walls, and abandoning Religious liberty (Banning Islam) Merkel boldly talks of humanity and principles… and calls for Courage!
I salute her.
May God smile upon Germany, and bless them, and cause the refugees to be a boon for them.
May God convert millions whom have witnessed the horrors of Radical Islam to seek Libertarian enlightenment and salvation via Christ.
Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God!
In them lies the hope of mankind…. till the return of Christ.
The Anti-Migrant cowards have nothing.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Homeless Jesus
” Foxes have holes, and Birds have their nests,But the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head…” Luke 9vs58

More from Tim…. >>> What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis.

Hands off the NZ Flag. Facebook….


Liked this page…. >>>Hands off the NZ Flag.

The following post rings true to my own opinion about us Kiwi ought to be proud of our British heritage… so Politically incorrect these days because of the lies of the treaty grievance industry and socialist re-write of history….
yet the Truth remains that Missionaries and Pioneers brought the best values and skills to found the greatness of our country.
We have reaped the pragmatic and moral benefits those Enlightened Protestant generations bequeathed to us…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Bible believing Protestant Christian Libertarian. *

Sourced from ‘Hands off the NZ Flag’…

Our Flag bears the stars that blaze at night
In our southern skies of blue.
And that little old Flag in the corner,
That’s part of our heritage too.
It’s for the English, the Scots and the Irish
Who travelled to the ends of the earth.
The traders, the schemers, the doers and dreamers
Who gave modern New Zealand birth.
And those who are seeking to change it,
They don’t seem to understand
It’s the Flag of our law and our language
Not the flag of a faraway land.
There are plenty of people who’ll tell you
That when Europe was plunged into night
That little old flag in the corner
Was their symbol of freedom and light.
It doesn’t mean we owe allegiance
To a forgotten imperial dream
We’ve the stars to show where we’re going
And the old Flag to show where we’ve been.

Author unknown.

[Bruce – Admin]

ela julian

Here are a few things I’ve said…. >>> Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

Morbid dreams of anarchy


A Christian anarchist is … one who turns the other cheek, overturns the tables of the moneychangers, and does not need a cop to tell him how to behave. A Christian anarchist does not depend upon bullets or ballots to achieve his ideal; he achieves that ideal daily by the One-Man Revolution with which he faces a decadent, confused, and dying world.

Ammon Hennacy

Am I still a libertarian?

I don’t know the history of the word ‘libertarian’, who first coined it, or what it originally meant. But today there are at least three senses of the word. In a broad sense, a libertarian is someone who advocates more freedom and less government. In a narrower Randian sense, a libertarian is a minarchist. Someone who asserts that the legitimate role of the state is restricted to maintaining law and order, administering justice, and defending the realm. In the increasingly common modern-day sense a libertarian is a selfish asshole.

I’m still a libertarian in the broad sense, but no longer call myself such, because of the modern-day sense of the word. We owe its rise to Ayn Rand and her followers and to the liberal left who seize upon such opportunities as are provided by libertarians promoting “the virtue of selfishness” to tar us all with the same Objectivist brush. Its the very same statists whose successful attempts to perniciously redefine the word ‘liberal’ meant that we had to relinquish that particular label in favour of ‘libertarian’ but now that label too has become more trouble than its worth for true freedom fighters. Rand herself was adept at pernicious redefinition (it’s a key ingredient of her philosophical fiction) and we are now reaping the grim rewards of her linguicidal legacy.

Am I still a minarchist? No. (But I’m still a monarchist. Thy kingdom come.)

There’s a universal human tendency to latch on to appealing doctrines and dogmas, often at an early age, and then to fall prey to confirmation bias. We all do this, and typically we spend the rest of our lives with blinkers on, rehearsing and attending to information that supports our own settled opinions. And we give succour to inner demons who prowl around our minds like roaring lions looking for anomalous data points to devour. A typical example is that of a child who is raised by overbearing parents in a puritanical Christian household and who in adolescence is introduced to Ayn Rand’s novels and fictional philosophy. No doubt such is a liberating catharsis. But theirs is a sad fate. They throw out the baby Jesus with the religious bathwater of their parents but lose none of their parents’ zealotry which they take up in service of a seductive but ungodly cause, personal liberty that knows no master but the self. Most tragic of all, however, is the ongoing damage that the mistress of pain inflicts on their already injured minds. Rand both corrupts the soul and rots the brain. Objectivists and other assorted new atheists delude themselves that they are freethinkers yet the truth is that they have shaken of the shackles off their religious upbringings only to straight away submit to mental slavery in a different guise.

The mind of a true freethinker knows no bounds. At will it soars the celestial heavens of human cognition or traverses the valley of the shadow of brain death unscathed. What the mind of a true freethinker does not do is roam only throughout the earth, going back and forth over the same old ground, expecting to revise its worldview according the same old data every time. That’s insanity.

All of which is by means of getting around to saying that I’ve recently reviewed my political belief system and found minarchism wanting. The unexamined belief is not worth believing. Have you ever stopped to question your fundamental minarchist tenets? Minarchists assert that the state should have a legalised monopoly on violence and that it is good and proper that the citizenry should subject themselves to the authority of a gang of armed thugs whose ostensible duty it is to protect us from criminal aggression. But wait. Isn’t that the job of private security companies? How much protection is the state supposed to afford us anyway? Our tax dollars already pay for signs chiding us to lock our vehicles whilst blaming the victims of car thefts for the consequences of their own laxity. Shouldn’t the state extend this protection to subsidising deadlocks for our front and back doors? State agents could install them at the same time as the (soon-to-be if not already) mandatory insulation in our ceilings and wall cavities, while Nanny checks to makes sure we’ve shut all the windows before we go out.

Here’s what surely amounts to a strong case for anarchism as the only moral system of government. Ayn Rand hated it. She had this to say about the Libertarian Party of her day.

For the record, I shall repeat what I have said many times before: I do not join or endorse any political group or movement. More specifically, I disapprove of, disagree with, and have no connection with, the latest aberration of some conservatives, the so-called “hippies of the right,” who attempt to snare the younger or more careless ones of my readers by claiming simultanteously to be followers of my philosophy and advocates of anarchism. Anyone offering such a combination confesses his inability to understand either. Anarchism is the most irrational, anti-intellectual notion ever spun by the concrete-bound, context-dropping, whim-worshiping fringe of the collectivist movement, where it properly belongs.

And this is the main thrust of her argument.

A recent variant of anarchistic theory, which is befuddling some of the younger advocates of freedom, is a weird absurdity called “competing governments.” Accepting the basic premise of the modern statists—who see no difference between the functions of government and the functions of industry, between force and production, and who advocate government ownership of business—the proponents of “competing governments” take the other side of the same coin and declare that since competition is so beneficial to business, it should also be applied to government. Instead of a single, monopolistic government, they declare, there should be a number of different governments in the same geographical area, competing for the allegiance of individual citizens, with every citizen free to “shop” and to patronize whatever government he chooses.

Remember that forcible restraint of men is the only service a government has to offer. Ask yourself what a competition in forcible restraint would have to mean.

One cannot call this theory a contradiction in terms, since it is obviously devoid of any understanding of the terms “competition” and “government.” Nor can one call it a floating abstraction, since it is devoid of any contact with or reference to reality and cannot be concretized at all, not even roughly or approximately. One illustration will be sufficient: suppose Mr. Smith, a customer of Government A, suspects that his next-door neighbor, Mr. Jones, a customer of Government B, has robbed him; a squad of Police A proceeds to Mr. Jones’ house and is met at the door by a squad of Police B, who declare that they do not accept the validity of Mr. Smith’s complaint and do not recognize the authority of Government A. What happens then? You take it from there.

Very well, then. Let’s take it from there. A weird absurdity called “competing governments”? It’s what the world has now and has had since the dawn of civilisation. A number of different governments in the same geographical area? Yes, that’s how the habitable surface of the planet has always been carved up. Nor can one call it a floating abstraction? No, let’s call it God’s green earth, a glorious gemstone floating in space. Cannot be concretized at all, not even roughly or approximately? Third rock from the sun.

Rand’s objection to anarchism amounts to no more than a description of the state of global politics. Terra firma is today divided up into a relatively small number of nation states, all controlled by governments that oppress the citizenry to a greater or, thankfully, lesser extent.

Why shouldn’t every citizen be free to “shop” and to patronise whatever government he chooses? Standard libertarian thinking is that borders should be open to peaceful people. So why don’t we have open borders globally? Because, as Rand rightly observes, forcible restraint of men is the only service a government has to offer!

Ask yourself what a competition in forcible restraint would have to mean. It would mean anarchy. Which is what the world has now. Except that size does matter. Anarchists support there being a relatively huge number of nation states. Fragments of what used to be. The only limit to the number of nation states on the planet being the number of sovereign individuals.

Now consider what it is that Rand inadvertently (yeah right) is actually advocating. She’s advocating a single, monopolistic world government. That tyrannises the entire world, erasing all and any borders for inmates of what is now a prison planet to flee across. Welcome to Ayn Rand’s new world order.

Ask yourself what no competition in forcible restraint would have to mean. It would have to mean one world government, a statist hell on earth, and one head of state. And all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour would now be his.

Immigration is dependent on ownership

If an island is owned by one person then just immigration to that island is dependent on the will of the owner.

If a group of islands is owned by one person then just immigration to those islands is dependent on the will of the owner.

If a group of islands is owned by a group of people then just immigration to those islands is dependent on the will of the owners.

New Zealand is a group of islands owned by a group of people – Just immigration to New Zealand is dependent on the will of the owners.

Immigration is dependent on ownership.
Freedom is only relevant if it is the owners’ will (or duty).

Let’s see where this goes…

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!