Transparency and Accountability in Social Media: Sánchez's Call for Algorithmic Oversight at WEF 2025: "My second proposal is to force open the black box of social media algorithms once and for all. The values of the European Union are not for sale."
^ Watch Video above. These are the topics that get discussed at the WEF by Globalist politicians.
They routinely discuss passing tyrannical legislation to take control of the Internet so they can crush free speech.
This is what tyranny looks like. Having an agenda that requires forcing the people into compliance, censoring dissent, punishing wrong think.
All under the guise of ‘moral responsibility’ . That is the sheep’s cloth that hides the wolf.
This Bastards speech must be understood in context of Elon Musk Buying Twitter and Mark Zuckerburg ditching factcheckers and diversity hire at Facebook.
Elon Musk Saved America from Globalism by making X a free speech platform… Trump has been elected… and the Globalists are watching their stranglehold over the World wide web crumble before their eyes.
They are pissed about it and desperate to claw back control.
What really upsets the Globalist tyrants is that we all know exactly what they are doing!
Because of Mass communication on line and free speech.
We are all up to speed on their schemes and agendas… and we see them trying to implement their Machiavellianism *in real time* and are able to ‘broadcast’ what’s happening in our corner of the world to the greater Freedom loving community.
Tyranny is a small number of Freaks seeking to control the Billions. Free speech prevents them controlling the narratives.
Governments should never be allowed to act as if they are a separate interest group and above the people who elect them. Nobody is asking them to do any of that crap except foreign Globalist organisations…. certainly not the people they intend to dictate ‘truth’ to.
So it is up to the populations in every Free Nation to Rally and forbid their Governments from enacting laws that throttles free speech and open dialogue.
The woke agenda must not be allowed to suppress other opinions.
Climate change skepticism must not be allowed to be labeled ‘misinformation’.
Criticism of Mass Immigration must not be allowed to be deemed ‘Far right extremism’.
The Outrages of Transgender ideology must be exposed for the delusions, lies, and crimes against children that it propagates.
And Citizens should not be controlled via Tech systems, the surveillance State, Digital ID, Digital Currency/ social credit systems…
It does appear that America is back on the Road to becoming Great again… because all these issues are being pushed back.
This is a critical hour. Many of the Top Globalists have been toppled… yet there are always more waiting in the wings to take their spot.
The WEF must be declared to be A Global Criminal Organistation. One that is actively corrupting democracies around the globe. And that politicians and Deep State bureaucrats with WEF WHO UN connections must be deemed to be serving nefarious interests that are contrary to the true interests of their own citizens.
The people need to establish Anti-WEF Protest movements that target politicians who peddle WEF agendas and seek to corrupt our laws and institutions to serve Globalist interests.
The Department of Internal Affairs has released proposals seeking significant content regulation for media and online platforms. We must push back to keep our internet and press free:
They are at it again! This Labour government might be about to be kicked into touch yet they are hell bent of attacking Free speech and controlling On=line content via creating a new un-unelected Censorship Authority to carry on wreaking havoc on our country after they have lost supreme power.
Opportunity to make a submission against this latest attack closes at Midnight tonight 30-7-23.
There is still time!
The quickest way to make a submission in time is to follow the Free speech Unions ‘Easy step’ submission generator.
Or go to the discussion documents ‘Feedback’ function. here.
Answer their questions the best you can.
The final section allows you to add your own submission in your own words.
Any submission resisting the curtailment of Free speech is better than doing nothing and allowing these evil power to rob us of Free speech without challenge.
Free Speech is Essential!
The Globalists and Woke Socialists are hell bent on suppressing their opposition by force of Law.
We cannot let that happen.
That is to surrender our country to Marxist tyranny!
Special thanks to ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ and The New Zealand free Speech Union for alerting Me to what was afoot.
The Government tried to sneak this through!
A Poll discovered only 25% of New Zealanders were aware this was coming down the pipeline.
Most transparent Government eva! Tui Ad. (Yeah Right!)
Without question This Labour Government has been the most dishonest and sleazy and disastrous in our entire history!
My submission was been rushed… as usual, and so contains my usual writing, spelling and grammatical crimes… Long winded… repetitious… waffling.
I have edited and corrected many errors in the draft below that embarrassingly still exist in my real sub, yet could not bear to let them stand…
Please read on…
This is my submission.
On the Proposals for a New Regulatory Body within the Safer On-line Services and Media Platforms Discussion Document.
To the committee.
This is my written submission opposing the government proposal to create a new appointed regulatory body that will essentially prohibit New Zealanders sharing their personal views, and opinions on line which do not conform to the narrow one sided opinions of Gov appointed gatekeepers under the guise of ‘protecting vulnerable minorities’.
The new authority will not be subject to the democratic process.
That is unacceptable and dangerous.
I reject the idea that the creation of such a regulatory authority will make New Zealanders safer.
I believe it will have the opposite effect because it will curtail the most essential attribute for a free and civil society… The right to free speech, which includes the right to hold and express views that are contrary to those of the government of the day.
Free speech is essential to the safety of the people, including minorities as their views, opinions, and general liberty are protected by the same principles of Law… equally applied.
History shows that Government regulation of free speech puts populations in grave danger!
This government has tried to enact hate speech laws in the recent past yet met with strong public outrage and yet here we are… the same meddlesome radicals hoping to enact their own designs through the back door while the people are unaware.
The majority of New Zealanders do not even know these proposals are being pushed forward!
This is an attempt to subvert democracy and enact this regulatory body by stealth!
Where was all the Public advertising that you were planning this curtailment of their free speech on line?
Where was your invitations to the public to have their say?
This can be juxtaposed with all the Gov mass advertising telling the people to get vaccinated!
Obviously this government thinks free speech is not a matter of great Pubic importance!
In truth this government considers free speech an impediment to the implementation of their radical agenda.
So on the basis that this proposal will not face thorough public notification and consultation, I hold this committee to desist from moving forward with the proposals in the discussion document as they have no legitimate mandate from the New Zealand people.
I had to receive my short notice of your intended power grab from independent free speech watchdogs ‘The Free Speech Union’, and Hobson’s Pledge!
This exposes the underhand nature of what is afoot… You wanted to minimise public input because you know what you are proposing goes against the will of the majority.
For the same reason this Government has pushed through so many radical new laws under urgency when there has been no legitimate justification for doing so!
They have done this to sidestep the Legal safeguards that are supposed to prevent Radicals corrupting our Democracy.
This has been the least transparent, most undemocratic Government in the history of our nation.
They are running our country into the dirt!
This Radical Labour Government is in it’s death throes.
Jacinda Ardern quit her post knowing the writing was on the wall.
This Government cannot claim to represent us.
To enact this proposal will be an act of subversion against our democracy.
Let me now propose the correct way the rights of minorities and individuals are legitimately protected in a free and civil society.
Rather than by creating more Bureaucratic monstrosities and apartheid laws, the proper means to protect minorities is the entrenchment of a Bill of Equal Rights that Parliament and corporations must honor as the highest laws of the land.
It can be rightly argued that an absolute democracy ( Democratically elected parliament with absolute power) is nothing more than arbitrary mob rule and that as such minorities and individuals can and do get trampled under foot. This is what a Bill of Rights *with teeth* prevents.
The unspoken rationale for creating the proposed new on line Authority is to steer the public discourse, preventing popular dissenting voices from successfully rallying the people against Government desired social reforms and policies. The rationale is if Free speech is allowed to reign this will thwart unpopular Government interventions thereby perpetuating the imagined oppression of select minorities the woke socialists wish to ‘elevate’.
The means by which they now seek to achieve this (by censoring opinion) to control the public discourse is extremely partisan.
The establishment of Apartheid institutions such as this proposed Authority will corrupt the democratic process of which free speech and the right to dissent is fundamental.
Instead of fighting Racism These patently Racist laws and institutions entrench racism!
They ferment prejudices and disrupt racial harmony.
Noam Chompsky
The proper way to protect minorities from mob rule is by having an iron clad Bill of Rights which Parliaments must respect. This way minorities and individuals *are guaranteed the same rights* as everyone else. So that they cannot be legally oppressed as they have full redress to the Law and the principle of equality of rights!
Clearly the aims of the present Government is not true justice as defined by equality before the Law, but to grant special rights, privileges, and advantages to their pet demographics with one hand, while actively suppressing, disadvantaging, and trampling the rights of Demographics they disfavor.
This is how ‘Critical Theory’ and ‘Identity politics’ functions. It is diametrically opposed to equal rights, and justice, and the traditional enlightened ideals and values which made New Zealand a first world nation and makes our country such an exceptional place to live.
New Zealand is not a racist country!
New Zealand is not a bigoted Nation!
Any pretenses to the contrary are Radical Political constructs with no basis in fact or reality.
For example it is a travesty to sugest the greatest threat to New Zealand society is ‘White Nationalism… White supremacy’!
That is an outrageous slander against the good character of the New Zealand people!
It is a political lie!
On-line hate is not a serious problem in New Zealand that warrants this heavy handed intervention.
Critical Theory is in fact a recipe for creating Racist and bigoted societies fragmented by pitting one demographic against another.
It is easy to foresee the new regulatory Authority would seek to suppress opinions like mine from being desseminated on line.
I would be censored out of existence in the on-line public square.
I would most likely be maligned by this Regulator and defamed as a hateful and dangerous racist, and would have no way to defend my name.
Their Hate speech laws could even threaten me with jail.
The idea is that people like me should not participate in public discourse, but shut up… and allow the government to impose it’s will unchallenged.
These are serious matters.
The powers that be seeking to establish this new authority do not wish the conversation to be taken in this direction for obvious reasons.
They don’t like opinions like mine that express concerns their new engine will be used for nefarious political ends. They take umbrage at the very thought their personal views might be considered dangerous and hateful! How dare I!
As we speak they are attempting to de-legitimise and disqualify submissions like mine under the guise of being ‘hateful’ ‘offensive’, and thereby not be obliged to register them and make them publicly available for scrutiny.
Tell me whose interests are really served by this raft of curtailments of long established democratic rights?
They want to maintain the pretense that the proposed authority will make the internet ‘safer’ for certain groups and will lose little sleep that their Thought Police will suffocate dissenters like me.
In fact they salivate at having such power.
I’m a member of a particular minority they despise!
I’m the type of ‘dangerous’ thinker they wish to keep everyone ‘safe’ from!
In reality I am a defender of truth and freedom and an enlightened advocate for limited government and equality before the law.
Values and ideals held by a majority of New Zealanders… The group the Socialist radicals wish to subjugate.
I have no hate in my heart.
I am passionate about protecting Freedom and National independence for my children’s sake… and their children.
Why do you think most New Zealander strongly oppose the government setting up such an Authority which will curtail their On-line freedoms?
We know such an authority will be used to prevent criticism and protests against the governments radical socialist agenda which stands in opposition to New Zealanders long held traditional values and ideals… and that is why this governments agenda can accurately be described as radical and hostile.
The proposals are in fact seeking to impose Racial prejudices into law under the pretense of combating racism!
I am of Maori decent yet the proposals frighten me because they give powers to censor dissenting views which seek to rally the people of New Zealand to defend our national interests, and resist the Globalist socialist agendas being planned abroad by powerful organizations which is nothing short of surrendering our National sovereignty.
It is no exaggeration to say that should this new Authority be enacted that it will be done so without any mandate of the Majority of New Zealanders but against their well established and previously clearly expressed will… that of strong and overwhelming opposition to the furtherment of institutional Racial separatism. This is easily gleaned from the many other attempts New Zealand Governments have tried to further entrench separatism, yet were faced with overwhelming expressions of public objection.
Examples of this are plentiful, such as the 2013 Government Constitutional Review.
Now the Radicals, having had their aims thwarted by the safeguards of Democratic due process, now seek to achieve their apartheid goals by subverting public consultation processes, referendums, and other impediments that have been put in place to prevent our Government and Laws being highjacked by Radicals against the will of the people.
Regarding The concept of Te Ao Māori (Māori world view)
What a travesty!
The truth is there is no such thing as ‘The Maori position’. The Pro-Maori position, etc. *That is a politically manufactured travesty*,
Like all peoples (such as the Pakeha) despite decades of propaganda and indoctrination in the State education system, we Maori don’t all think the same things, believe the same ideas, etc.
The notion that People can be so easily compatmentalised is shambolic!
Thinking Maori individuals can and do exist on all sides of any debate… They are not all locked in ‘Group think’… slaves to their tribes, or their ethnicity. It is therefore a scam to pretend any hand picked body of Bureaucrats will be ‘representative’ of Maori.
In the same way that the majority of Maori do not support the regressive and divisive views of Te Pati Maori!
Yet we can be sure your new Regulatory board will be peopled with Radicals who peddle Te Pati Maori type wares cloaked under the guise of being ‘The Official Maori World View’.
Most Maori today are not stuck in the past but happily share modern Western Values and concepts with the rest of New Zealand. ‘He Iwi Tahi Tatau’ We have become one people in the true spirit of the Treaty of Waitangi. While we still enjoy many aspects of our cultural heritage we do not appreciate nor desire to be hog tied to the past, values, and backward concepts that may have held currency long ago.
So any idea of an Official ‘Maori view’ being today distinct from all other Kiwis is a false political construct designed to institutionalise Racial divide and prevent citizens from being able to voice their abhorrence for such a contemptible, and divisive scheme. To speak against this scheme will be deemed to be *Anti-Maori and Hateful Racism*.
This is a claim Te Pati Maori Radicals make all day every day!
That is the sort of politics this new authority will represent.
The idea of entrenching an ‘Official Maori world view’ is a scheme that seeks to reverse the progress of the last 150 years and Re insnare most Maori back under tribalism.
The very act of speaking out against these racist schemes will be deemed to be ‘Anti-Maori’ and rendered a thought crime!
How can a democracy work when Political Parties Like Te Pati Maori, The Greens, and Labour make all sorts of derogatory claims about Pakeha New Zealanders, and twist historic reality to suit their own agenda, accruing more and more Authority, Power, and Tax money unto themselves all the while the rest of New Zealand must sit in silence while they are being defamed, defrauded, and disenfranchised?
This is what happens under an apartheid State!
This is real racial prejudice!
This is what your proposal seeks to establish and why it is an abomination!
When will you wake up to the fact that all your decades of so-called socialist ‘positive discriminations’ designed to raise Maori out of their dire social statistics are a complete failure?
The true problems facing the Maori people today is not racial oppression, but poor ethics, backward ideas, and a massive lack of self responsibility!
All your socialism and victim blaming of the Pakeha has rendered them basket cases!
They take zero ownership of their own circumstances.
If they are ever to rise out of the mire they must quit all the blame and take ownership for their criminality.
They must take ownership for their own ill health.
Socialism traps people in Dependence upon the State!
It does not promote Moral fibre and strong self-reliance!
Maori are already the most politically favoured race in New Zealand by a country mile. Yet that truth never prevents them from claiming to be the perpetual victims of Racism.
Socialism is a totalitarian ideology that treats populations like hapless puppets rather than free Self governing individuals with rights… to be manipulated, and cajoled into conforming
to Socialist aims… all under the guise of Social justice as conceived by them… The self-professing benevolent Puppet masters.
They are forever attacking freedom and forever hungry for more power and authority.
They know best! That is what they believe and they expect us to surrender our own values and beliefs and bend to their superior will.
To question their motives and wisdom is to be considered a Hateful bigot and crackpot.
The thing is we New Zealanders are not so easily fooled! We know who really are the dangerous Crackpots and extremists whose values are at variance with the people and traditions of our country!
The race question is just one Free speech issue your proposed regulator threatens to suffocate.
Other socialist schemes will also become forbidden to dissent… such as on matters of Immigration, Vaccination, Climate Change policy, Matters of Sex Education, sexuality, etc. as it is easy to predict ‘scope creep’ from this new body and the very idea of ‘A Maori World View’ must be by it’s very nature.. an ‘All encompassing Wholistic paradigm’ with tentacles reaching into all things political.
We Freedom loving New Zealanders will not tolerate our Free nation being hijacked by Radicals hell bent on destroying the foundations of Freedom… esp Free Speech.
We shall peacefully resist at every step, as is our right.
“Free Speech is a lighted lamp to be held high so as to dispel the darkness of barbarous, backward, and unjust traditions and ideas that have yet to be vanquished, and it is for this reason that Freethinkers with new, progressive, and better ideas have always been in danger of being lynched by the mob who don’t take kindly to having their ingrained delusions exposed to the light.
We must always be vigilant, and fearful, and view with suspicion any political party or vested interest that seeks to pass laws that restrict free speech.
Guard it as you would your own family for, should this right be whittled away and lost, so too will other precious rights fall in quick succession and, if you fail to defend this essential right, you will bequeath to your children a life of virtual slavery and indoctrination.
Their future depends on their rights and liberties being secure and it is our duty to ensure they remain so on our watch until we exit the stage. Then it will be up to them to remain eternally vigilant for that is the price of Liberty.” (Free Speech Under Attack. Tross Publishing. pg 181-182)
There are members of our parliament whose true allegiances lie with a corporation of Foreign interests such as the World Economic Forum, The United Nations, The World Health Organisation… who desire to destroy the foundations, values, and traditions that underpin Western Nations, and which have caused them to prosper far above other portions of the world.
These Globalist organisations have a plan by which they seek to usurp the Sovereignty and Independence of prosperous Nations like New Zealand.
They desire to cripple our democratic foundations whereby the people elect their own leaders for the sake of putting their nation and peoples interests first.
This creates a bulwark that stands in the way of the Globalist scheme for a New World Order, Global digital currency and ID system.
That is why the Golbalists know nationalistic democracies like the one we have in NZ must be weakened, so that their Global schemes can be imposed… most of which is contrary to the best interests of these First world nations.
The people are not fools. We can see when politicians are betraying our interests. And when they do this we protest, and we sack them. The Globalists plan requires politicians of divided loyalty to gain control over their nations internet and regulate what citizens may or may not say on line.
Then they can control dissent and prohibit online discussion and protests against the implementation of the Globalist agenda.
You may mock my opinions. That’s fine. Just remember I have the right to hold and express them on line and out on the street.
I have the right to participate in the Democratic processes of this country,
In conclusion I reiterate my absolute opposition to the establishment of this Un-elected regulator of New Zealanders On-line activities.
I believe Free Speech must be upheld for All New Zealanders and that no ‘official Narratives’ be allowed to be ‘blueprints’ for what New Zealanders are allowed to Think, or say.
It is not hateful to hold and express values and beliefs that dissent from the Government of the days opinions and theories’.. or even ‘Science’. It is a right that must remain protected By Law for that is vital for any Free society to exist.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Maori Christian Libertarian New Zealander.
He Iwi Tahi Tatau.
‘We are now one people’.
I’m not PC.
I believe in Free Speech.
Some turns of phrase are subtil, others are overt.
I enjoy good colorful conversation and retoric yet I also appreciate plain straight talk, esp from politicians and bureaucrats.
It is to be preferred rather than smarmy forked tonged calculated spin.
From how language is used we can glean insights into the speakers mindset.
Provocative language always seeks to steer the reader down a garden path….
We need to ask ourselves why this path?
From the title of this article you can see what motivated me to write… The Director of The Disinformation Project, Kate Hannah, recently appeared on TV 1 making extremist statements about a recent surge in what she describes as Anti-transgenda *Hate* online and that it was *genocidal* in nature!
If anyone has not figured it out yet that Woke Ex-PM Jacinda Ardern set up the Disinformation project to attack New Zealanders right to Free Speech, propagate support for Hate Speech Laws to prosecute New Zealanders who say things the regime wants suppressed, and to lobby for greater State control of the Internet…you must not have a pulse!
Ardern and Hannah are Mates…. Comrades. She was personally selected for the grand task at hand.
The Disinformation Project is Ardern’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ (Read George Orwell’s 1984)
It’s in the ‘Deplatforming Business’… Shutting down ‘Wrong-think’.
Any vale of impartiality of this arrangement is Ziggy paper thin.
They say they are fighting ‘disinformation’, the groovie thing is they autocratically get to determine what is truth and what is ‘hateful’ and ‘dangerous’!
Seeking to emulate The CCP and DPRK, they salivate at the idea of restricting our access to information and anti-woke opinions from overseas.
This is no whack conspiracy theory, but the expressed agenda Ardern championed under the title ‘The Christchurch Call’.
Remember Ardern infamously called free Speech ‘A weapon of War’. (Speech to the UN Sept 22)
*Note the provocative language of Ardern attacking Free Speech!*
This is the question… Do you support Free Speech or do you think the Government should choose what they will allow?
Without the right to contentious debate, how can a democracy function?
A blind man can see the problem with giving Radical partisan ideologues the power to control speech and information in a democracy!
In response to the Hannah’s TV 1 appearance one commentator on Twitter called her ‘a Dangerous Operative’… IMO this is 100% Bang on!
Thinking people in New Zealand and around the globe have noticed how in recent years the Law… and logic itself in the media seems to be skewed?
Why is it double standards have become the norm?
When we look at the background of Kate Hannah the reason for this blatant duplicity being applied across the board is revealed. (See Youtube vid below)
She is a certified Marxist and propagandist for ‘Critical Theory’. It is a doctrine of Class warfare, which pits groups in diametric opposition to each other… in a state of eternal struggle for Dominance. Oppressors vs the oppressed. Black against white, Male against female, Heterosexuals vs Queer, etc, and she interprets the outside world through that very narrow totalitarian lens.
This extremist skew makes her fundamentally the enemy of equal rights. She categorises everyone by their identities then seeks license to grant political favour to those she thinks are down trodden and puts political fetters on those she thinks have unfair advantages.
To achieve these objectives necessitates first a rigorous propaganda campaign… to soften up the people and make them more amenable to the implementation of discriminatory laws that quickly follow in it’s wake.
Creating a system of political Mass media, and Thought Police (See George Orwell’s 1984) to whom The Disinformation Project issues directives.
Ie To control the public narrative and steer society towards her imaginary Post- Christian/ Post-capitalist/ Post-Patriachal/ Post white supremist Socialist Utopia.
At no time can it be admitted these laws will affect everyone’s rights… the targets as far as the general population are told… are the fringe-dwelling minority of Far Right psychopaths… and who cares about those freaks?
Yet that is not how these laws work.
In practice she seeks to use her office to suppress the right of ordinary New Zealanders to freely express opinions that defends Whites from Black aggression, Men from Female aggression, Straights from Queer Aggression, etc or is in any way critical of these protected groups.
That is Forbidden.
These are fundamentally hateful and oppressive opinions.
And in her opinion such people should be flagged as ‘Far Right’, and put on a register of Dangerous spreaders of Disinformation.
The plan is that Critisism of protected groups is to be outlawed!
To her way of thinking Racism can only be one directional
sexism can only be one directional, etc… so queers can be as obnoxious, as rowdy, as Bigoted as they like against straight people… and that’s not hate’
In Kate’s mind that’s righteous revolution of the oppressed!
In contrast when Woman say they don’t want People with ds in their changing rooms, or ordinary New Zealanders justly complain about having Transgenderism rammed down their throats and promoted in schools like its normal… Hannah leaps up and declares *That’s Hateful!*
Because she views large sections of the population as being ‘the oppressor class’… in her mind *they have no right to defend themselves*… they cannot defend themselves… because they have ‘Oppressor’ stamped across their foreheads.
Individuality counts for nothing. That’s their immutable Identity.
They are the enemy whom she has been tasked by Ardern to knocking down, to Silence, and to subjugate.
Democracy itself must be sloped to remove any opportunity for them to gain political ascendency whereby they might regain, or perpetuate the forbidden ideas that form the dominant ethos of Society.
Using Political force to trample down the more successful demographics in society is considered Social justice!
She does not care what the majority of New Zealanders think. They should either agree with her… or be damned!
Note the date of my tweet comment above. On cue Hannah’s One New Interview dropped just a few weeks later.
She is following a set plan and working to a schedule.
Is it now apparent why blatant hypocrisy abounds?
Why common sense appears to have lost it’s currency?
Why the tail now wags the dog, and why 90% of the population must bow to the whims of men in skirts, wigs, and lipstick?
Radical Socialists like Hannah are sinking Western nations and turning our free and civil societies upside-down!
This is why New Zealanders ought to be outraged Jacinda Ardern has installed this dangerous ideologue to influence the fate of our nation’s rights to speech and access on the net!
Jacinda Ardern was a far left radical who did not give ear to the people of New Zealand.
She did not put the nation’s interests first.
She was a dictator who always pushed her own extreme political beliefs that stood at variance with the majority values of New Zealanders, and she pushed through legislation under urgency to by pass the normal safeguards that are supposed to prevent this sort of unmandated radicalism, esp the process of public consultation.
Eventually the people of New Zealand grew sick of her abuses and she was forced to resign under a cloud of well earned Public hostility… yet she left behind her a gigantic mess.
And the Disinformation Project is a large part of her despotic radical far left legacy.
WE ought to be marching in the streets calling for the abolishment of this diabolical Orwellian engine.
End of Part 1… Take a Break!
RIP Gordon Lightfoot.
(November 17, 1938 – May 1, 2023)
Part 2….
Kate Hannah’s very words like “Genocidal* are not only outrageous exaggerations… lies, but demonstrate she does not occupy the real world but like many Loon Academics exists in a construct of their own device.
Hannah claimed (without presenting a shred of evidence) that hate against the trans-community was swelling in a “big wave of neo-Nazi content”.
By ordinary standards this is almost certainly a dishonest fabrication, yet it must be remembered that the Woke far left consider any opinion differing from their own to be Nazi-speak.
(Not sure where I got this pick… possibly the BFD,)
The claim still carries odious connotations and raises alarm in docile minds.
It was in connection with ‘Neo=Nazis’ that she felt comfortable attributing New Zealanders disdain for Trans-activist antics as *genocidal* tendency, yet look I look around and all I see is a giant tsunami of Rainbows everywhere!
How can it be that New Zealand cities have literally painted their streets, all for the sake of a tiny number of their communities yet despite all this Hannah still claims the Trans-communities are under record oppression!
Like the so-called plight of Maori… despite all the special treatment the victimhood of Transgenderism has now become institutionalised.
Facts no longer matter.
Hannah declares on National TV New Zealanders are not Woke enough! They are imbibing and spreading foreign Neo-nazi Genocidal hate!
Something must be done!
More Rainbows!
She has to repair to such language for it’s shock value if she is to have any success in conning the Media and NZ politicians into supporting her anti-free speech ambitions.
The media and parliament are already infested with fools who endorse this same radical leftist ideology… It only the general voting population who remain largely traditional conservative thinkers… who are the real targets for her poisonous subversive ideas.
While Free speech is a right of Citizens, however Hannah is a public servant [sic] who should not be allowed to divide and discriminate against sections of the community exercising their legitimate rights! She is functioning like a Party Political Activist… A lobbyist… not a public servant. This is because there is no legitimacy in her office.
The Disinformation Project is a travesty! Her position is an Orwellian farce!
^ above clip quotes Kate Hannah One News. She even throws in some Anti-Russian infiltration conspiracy for good measure! We must protect the sheeple!
It’s actually even worse than this… she is in fact stoking the fires of victimism and horror that now pervades the Trans-community!
I say that she herself and her ilk are far more to blame for fears within that community and any actual Right wing Nazi activity!
She does not care for them!
These people who already suffer mental problems/ high suicide rates, etc are just pawns in her game.
Imbibing the gross exaggerations of academics [sic] like her… rantings about Nazis and *Genocide! Hate!* serves to fuel the paranoia that is already rife and apparent within the transgender community and also promotes the shocking behavior and violence of Trans-actiuvists as witnessed recently at the Posie Parker Rally.
Iconic Photo of Posie Parker aka Kellie Jay Keen at her ‘Let woman speak’ Rally Albert park Auckland 25-3-23. Read about it here
Kate Hannah is oblivious to the reality that is was the Transactivists who *wished genocide* upon Posie Parker, Terfs, Christians, etc!
And the chief instigator of the violence was then awarded ‘Young New Zealander of the Year’!
Via her inflammatory retoric Hannah is truly a political agitator of the first order.
She lives in a bubble of her own device.
That such extremist ideology and behavior as occurred at Albert Park the has been countenanced by the New Zealand media and parliament is the legitimate reason why ordinarily New Zealanders have been expressing their disgust on line.
They are mild and tolerant people yet have reached their limits.
Quite frankly they have had a guts full of the BS!
It is a hot topic… nothing to do with hate… everything to do with Free speech and the democratic process.
New Zealanders are vocally expressing their rejection of the Transgender agender, and Hannah’s Critical theory.
And they have every right to do so!
A huge part of the drive to control all information is the desire to cut us off from information and debate going on in other parts of the world.
This is part of her brief for State control of our internet access.
To control both what information can come into New Zealand, and what goes out.
This is not about suppressing mis-information, or Dis-information, It’s not even about preventing ‘hate’… It’s OK to openly hate whites, Men, Christians, etc.
*It’s all about Control*
Free Speech is the enemy of the Radical Woke Left Globalist Agenda.
They can’t overthrow prosperous Western societies in a free and open Democratic independent nations because the informed and enlightened populations who have stopped following the controlled mainstream media narratives, and have open lines of communication will not voluntarily surrender their rights and standards of living to the dictates of Globalist plutocrats.
These nations must be brought to their knees via Diabolical Machiavellian Stratagems.
Critics, Whistleblower, and Dissidents must be muzzled.
Will we allow Kate Hannah to rob us of Free speech and internet freedom?
I hope not!
Make no mistake… Everything is in the line!
This is a battle upon which our very Freedom and democracy hangs… and the Evil powers that be are determined to subjugate us!
So I have spoken about Identity politics and how Critical Theory sets each demographic at war one with another’
The Opposing Enlightenment argument refutes the Marxist interpretation of reality. It is the traditional view held by most of New Zealanders and what made New Zealand such a wonderful place to live… for all.
A free society treats people *as equal individuals*… their colour, sex, wealth status, etc are considered irrelevant.
We are all equal under God.
And there are all sorts of legitimate reasons why disparities exist in life that have nothing to do with systemic oppression of minorities.
Freedom advocates say we can all coexist under freedom and equality. Though we may have differences of opinion, as long as we respect the rights of everyone, we can each do our own thing… in freedom.
And form voluntary associations with others who share our values and beliefs… and ignore those that don’t!
This is how we have had Churches just down the road from Mosques.
This is how we have had bookshops where you can by Richard Dawkins Books against Religion on one shelf, and books about the Great Christian saints on the next!
In New Zealand you have the right to disagree with other people… you even have the right to express *you hate* a certain perspective… as long as you remain peaceful.
Free Speech is not violence. Some people might say things that are mean and hurtful, yet Kiwi kids have traditionally been raised to rise above any such nasty vocal jabs with the saying… “Sticks and stones may break my bones, yet words will never hurt me…”
This Tolerance… even of those who openly despise what you hold dear is the Keystone of a Free and tolerant society.
Freedom is only important because people don’t agree about anything!
You do you!
I’ll do my own thing too.
And it is Freedom that has brought justice and prosperity to Western Nations.
We must never forget or surrender these precious ideals that raised our nations far above all Socialist slave pens that ever arose in the 20th century.
We must protect the truth and Free speech from Ideological psychopaths like Jacinda Ardern, and Kate Hannah.
Transgender people have the same rights as everyone else… and no more.
They have the right to pretend they are of the opposite sex.
I have the right to disagree.
Trans-woman are not real woman.
Trans-men are not real men.
Sex changes for Children is vile child abuse and should be criminalized.
Treaty Separatism and the idea of ‘Co Governance’ are blatant racism and the separatist raced Based seats in parliament must be abolished.
New Zealand’s National Sovereignty and democracy must be defended from Globalist Usurpations and dictates.
Legislation ought to be enacted to protect Cash as a means of transactions and trade.
Global Warming is a Massive fraud designed to take control of the worlds recourses, abolish private property rights, etc.
This is just a small part of the list of opinions Kate Hannah wants to make illegal to utter.
So we can start by abolishing her and her Ardernian office.
In this video (above) we see Big Pharma Cartels using Puppet MP trying to prevent Official inquiries into the detrimental effects of the Mass Vaccination of the Human Race… saying a public inquiry ‘as a waste of money’.
This blatantly corrupt attempt to keep the UK public in the dark about the real magnitude of misery and death the vaccines caused… the extent that Censorship and misinformation (propaganda) was used to deceive the public into compliance thankfully was countered by more principled members of the House who demand transparency and accountability.
How can the societies of the world prevent future Political disasters and decent into tyranny if this Covid 19 Scamdemic is not exposed to the light?
Obviously the Evil powers that be, and the Mega Corporations who profited while everyone else were bankrupted, and imprisoned, and forcefully inoculated have a vested interest in maintaining their Massive Deception.
The Ardern regime’s Extreme Covid 19 measures here in New Zealand are singled out as some of the most absurd and oppressive failures of them all….
Our nation under far left extremist globalist Ardern has become a joke… at our expense.
All about the globe *her fellow W E F cultists* are deliberately seeking to derail their own economies… among a raft of suicidal enactments, deliberately sabotaging Fuel infrastructures and demonising Farming.
Like Ardern, none of these Woke radicals serve the interests of their own people but with complete disregard push their own ideological barrows with allegiance to the Globalist Elites of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset.
We New Zealanders must throw Ardern from the steps of parliament next election… and not just her but *sweep clean our parliament of all who enabled and facilitated her extremist and un-Kiwi machinations.
We must restore our Democratic independence.
Likewise all other Nations must do the same.
Ardern has been by a long shot the greatest disaster to hit our nation for decades.
Far greater than earthquakes and foreign or domestic terrorists.
I suspect Her Body count is at least a magnitude higher than these tragedies.
In time I have little doubt it will be proven her extreme Covid 19 tyranny took more lives than the virus did… and reduced New Zealand to a Woke Socialist Police State.
Her time in power is a casebook study for what happens when you allow a far Left woke imbecile to take the reigns.
The greatest scam of all being how many dopey Kiwi bought into her Façade of ‘Kindness’.
In truth she is a heartless monster.
She is the dangerous radical that is running Amok all the while accusing ordinary Kiwis who clearly see through her lies of being ‘potentially domestic terrorists’.
Come on New Zealand!
You still won’t stand to defend our once great country of freedom and opportunity?
That is an indictment against our national character.
This is a symptom of systemic Social conditioning of diabolical proportions.
Th depth of apathy towards what Ardern is doing right in front of our faces, and level of sheepish compliance shows just how completely lobotomised we have become as a result of having our Universities lousy with post-truth intellectual frauds, imbibing cyanide from the Woke Globalist teets.
And this process… and the control of virtually all Social and Mainstream media is esp mind bending for the youth.
Why do you think the woke left about the Globe are pushing for the vote for 16 year olds?
Because the Woke left have this demographic under their sway at Universities and are indoctrinating them into Far left woke radicalism… violent and riotous Anti-capitalists… BLM types… Purple haired men haters…. an army of chaos to release upon our streets when parliament does not comply with the Globalist Woke agenda…. and esp to dilute the voting power of The Boomers and Gen X…. who know what the radical globalists are doing… and stand against their evil ambitions.
Our nations have never been so educated and stupefied… perfect for being manipulated, Controlled, and led down the garden path.
If anything the voting age should be raised, not lowered because in recent decades children spend much longer in schools… far higher percentages are delaying employment and attending Universities and Polytechs.
This means in real terms they cannot even be contributing the same paltry share to the national coffers as they would have been doing a decade ago.
16 year olds contribute nothing to the cost of running the country and it is dangerous to give the vote to any demographic that thinks that by voting a certain way they can get stuff ‘for free’… ie at the expense of other demographics.
We saw this Leftist ploy being used in the US when The Biden Administration tried to Bribe the youth vote by promising to wipe student debts.
This is utter corruption… yet nothing is beyond the pale for the Radical far Left in their pursuit and maintenance of Power.
And we all know 16 year olds do not have the life experience to shield them from sophisticated agenda driven political manipulation.
Know thy enemy.
Make no mistake people… The Woke Globalist Far Left Extremists are waging a Dirty ideological war against the Free and prosperous West…. and they are winning because there is no strong and principled organisation … of the people…. opposing them.
And like cancer… like rust that never sleeps Ardern and co are relentless in ramping up the Globalists stranglehold on the public discourse…. pushing for hate speech legislation… seeking to remain your ‘single source of truth’.
The Covid 19 Scamdemic proved that it is Political activists in power who are the greatest spreaders of Misinformation and falsehoods… the greatest peddlers of fake conspiracy theories…
They are the mass disseminators of dangerous delusions designed to deceive the public, and they attack Free speech because that is the most powerful weapon that exposes their Black intents.
The contrast could not be more stark between Martin Luther Kings dream and the ambitions of co-leader of the far left racist radical Maori Party… Debbie Ngarewa Packer.
Packer recently endorsed and promoted a malicious public petition that extorted Synlait Dairy Company into wrongfully sacking their then employee Lee Williams because he critisised the He Puapua report and the Maori Party on his Youtube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’.
Lee Williams has now filed a personal grievance case against Synlait for wrongful dismissal, Packer however is yet to face any censure for her abuse of Office from her colleagues in parliament in regards to her involvement in such an illegal activity that bodes ill for workers rights to Free Speech in New Zealand.
This failure on the part of New Zealand’s parliament and the police to bring Packer and those involved to justice speaks volumes about corruption and cowardice in high places.
She is getting away with behavior that goes far beyond mere bullying to the extortion of a business and the destruction of a man’s life simply because she did not approve of him publicly expressing his personal beliefs.
Members of Parliament have to accept that some citizens will disagree and critisise them!
That is part of a Free Society… They have the right to do so.
That she instead decided to support his ruin speaks volumes about her respect for freedom and democracy!
She expects to enjoy immunity from critisism!
She is getting away Scot free because parliament today is peopled with spineless unprincipled weasels more interested in their own comforts than in standing up against a nasty Racist Radical in their very midst!
Had a Pakeha MP been involved in such activities against a Maori citizen exercising their rights to free speech all hell would have broken loose!
Yet because the perpetrator of this blatantly bigoted abuse of power is a member of the favoured race against whom it is virtually a crime to criticize… and that the victim of her abuse is a loud mouth White man ‘who does not know his place’… Parliament sits in silence!
The systemic racism that demonizes anyone who talks about the systemic Racism as being racist is why this Evil has been allowed to flourish and take over the levers of power.
We see this in what has happened to Lee Williams being labeled ‘a white supremacist’ and We see this in how the Far left radicals slander Judith Collins and David Seymour.
I have to ask why these two Party Leaders have not called Packer to account in parliament?
We already know that Seymour has a personal dislike for Lee Williams that he is allowing to corrupt his getting involved on his behalf.
Some may wonder where were Ardern’s ‘Hate Police’?… you know… paying visits to the hateful radicals and racists, questioning those involved in the Deplatforming of Lee Williams?
No. The Police have only a brief to harass ‘White Politically incorrect Extremists’…individuals who dare to run their own you tube channels keeping within Lawful bounds.
Hate on the Far left gets a free pass.
Interestingly Lee Williams, Vinny Eastwood and Co who suffered deplatforming were not obsessed … in fact not even interested about getting anyone deplatformed.
They didn’t rally people to harass, and extort, and to cancel others.
For Haters they sure were amateur’s!
That’s what the Real Racist hateful radicals in New Zealand do all day long, yet as they are all on the far Left they have enjoyed political immunity… just as Black Lives Matter and Antifa do in the US.
The duplicity in all this is rank!
This is the sorry state… the gross inequity of how the powers that be function in New Zealand!
Martin Luther King fought for unity and racal equality before the law, The Maori Party and co fights for separatism and racial inequality before the Law aided and abetted by Far Left Radicals like Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
Today’s post will highlight the sort of radicalism and hate these politicians propagate in the cotton-wool minds of ignorant youths and others… the Useful idiots and foot-soldiers doing much of the dirty work who look up to these contemptible Charlitans as exemplars.
‘Free Speech Under Attack’ 2019 Tross publishing. This book discusses the many way’s free Speech in New Zealand is under bombardment. I contributed several chapters.
For more details go here.
As a Libertarian free speech is something I feel very strongly about.
In being moved by my conscience into writing about the string of Kiwi Youtubers and radio show hosts who have been deplatformed this year I must say has been very unpleasant and I would prefer to have nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately that is not possible given the people I am going to write about today have been involved in malicious and hateful activities, attacking and undermining New Zealand citizens lawful and rightful free speech, and destroying peoples lives.
This must be stopped, and these people need to be exposed, and held to account.
The Twitter screenshots above are a tiny fraction of evidence that could be presented exposing a dozen or more Leftist activists involved in prolific and ongoing deplatorming attacks against the free speech of other New Zealanders.
The actual scale of the problem is undoubtedly far wider than that!
The seriousness of this with respect to Free discourse and it’s implication for New Zealand democracy should it continue unchecked is difficult to exaggerate.
Something must be done about it.
It would be relatively easy for some counter revolutionary group not constrained by morality to simply serve this nasty gang with ‘Utu’… Reciprocity… ie render unto them in kind as they have been doing unto others… and boasting about it.
These haters are as exposed as their victims were and vulnerable to being doxed, having their employers harassed and extorted for the sake of getting them fired, Public Petitions could be run calling them Hateful Racists, Far Left Extremists, etc.
Their YouTube channels could be systematically trawled for any ‘vulnerabilities’… statements that might be construed as being Racist, threatening, hateful, etc and then attacked via mass ‘reporting’ to Youtube via their automated Moderation systems.
Their Paypal accounts which they have published online soliciting donations could also be shut down by complaints to Paypal, etc esp given they are using their accounts to promote hate, racial intolerance, etc.
All these things and more could be done… justifiably so…. by anyone who was prepared to stoop to such methods… as these are the things these Far Left extremists and racist Radicals have been doing to many people over the last several months… and longer.
These nasty haters actually endorse this vile behaviour as legitimate political activity… they exclaim ‘Deplatforming Works’… and revel in cancelling others.
All these things being so, should they themselves become targets for deplatforming these people would have absolutely no right to complain about it… and yet they would howl like stuck pigs!
Having received a small measure of ‘Backlash’ for what they have been doing they have already began to cry about suffering ‘Hate’ from ‘The Far Right’, never admitting to themselves that they are only reaping a tiny fraction of what they themselves have sown!
They attacked first.
It never occurs to them that what they have been doing is evidence of their own hateful Racism and extremism!
They could never contemplate such a possibility.
Not only are they consumed with malice, these people are professional grievers.
Just as in their deluded minds Maori are over represented in prisons because of ‘institutionalised racism’ and ‘Police profiling’ rather than the because Maori themselves commit more crimes than any other demographic… by a country mile… so too when ever they receive ‘push back’ for their malicious extortion, slander, and deplatforming operation they make out they are suffering ‘Far right abuse’ rather than reaping Karma for their own flagrant misdeeds.
This is how these deranged racists operate.
Falsely claiming to be the perpetual victims of injustice and race hate is how they justify their own hateful deeds against Pakeha.
Everything about their politics and methods are repugnant to me.
I myself would never stoop so low as to mimic these haters!
Their actions and racist mindset brings shame upon Maoridom.
Politics is a branch of ethics, and how individuals, activists, and politicians carry themselves in stormy times is a reflection of their own character, psyche, values, and ideals.
Socialist Ideology is full of toxic ideas that corrupt the soul.
They practice the belief that ‘the end justifies the means’ and as they have no higher scruples to restrain them, literally nothing is unconscionable or beyond the pale for socialist radicals seeking to achieve their selfish goals.
They leave pain, chaos, and destruction in their wake.
They seek to reverse social progress… the march towards more Freedom and Self Reliance, and regress backwards into Tyranny and Tribal slavery.
They are the very embodiment of hypocrisy… as they pretend they are noble and selfless, and yet they are driven by the most base of selfish human emotions.
They are motivated by vanity.
They seek to destroy those they envy.
A big part of why the likes of Marc Daalder and Byron C Clark attacked Lee Williams and Vinny Eastwood’s you tube channels is because they enjoyed far bigger followings than they do themselves!
And being incapable of beating these Youtubers by dint of their own content, they resort to dirty deeds to destroy them.
Kiwi Independent You Tuber ‘Cross the Rubicon’ Lee Williams.
These Leftists are pathetic.
If they were respectful of Free Speech, I would simply ignore their existence, yet because they are so consumed with hate that they now engage in anti-freedom,, anti-democratic practices, they must be stopped.
And yet this cannot be achieved by employing the same disgusting tactics they employ.
I choose to walk the higher path.
I shall fight them via more honorable and civilised means… via free speech.
I will expose them with the truth of their own actions, and having been exposed I hope that people in a position to do something about it… members of parliament, or lawyers, or journalists, using whatever legitimate means are available will stop this extortion racket that is attacking Free Speech in New Zealand, and serve up some justice!
This vile practice of deplatforming and extortion must be put down.
Perhaps some sort of legislation needs to be forthcoming to protect Free speech on line from the sort of hateful collusion these people have been engaging in that abuses Internet moderation systems to silence lawful legitimate free speech.
What I am suggesting is the very opposite thing that is being proposed and implemented by the Arden Regime with respect to laws governing the internet.
Comrade Ardern seeks to use the Law to restrict rights, and curtail Free Speech.
What I am suggesting is using the Law to uphold legitimate rights, and protect free speech.
Today I am about to talk about Phil’s equally unpleasant opposite… a far left extremist racist… one Anna McAllister.
She is as equally disturbed As Phil Arps, and just as committed to racism and bigotry and hate as he.
She is a hater of White people… Pakeha… and she harbors a deep malevolence towards them which she was spoon fed at University. She was taught to hate by being indoctrinated in Anti-colonisation propaganda and radical historic revisionism.
It is no exaggeration to say that her hatred manifests itself in Satanic cruel ways.
She enjoys destroying peoples lives and revels in their pain.
Truly Savage.
All the information I am sharing today about Anna McAlister and associates is in the public domain, publicly shared by these Radicals themselves, and others so no nefarious means were used in obtaining this material, the primary sources being social media.
Racist Radical Deplatformer, Maori Supremacist, Satanist, and Artist. Anna McAllister.
Anna is one very nasty piece of work. She takes pleasure in the pain of others… specifically in the pain of Pakeha… white people.
I had the misfortune of entering ‘Anna’s World’ having been encouraged to “Go take a look for yourself on Twitter at how Anna and her posse of far left deplatformers were gloating about what they had done to Lee Williams”… taking perverse pleasure in the misery and destruction they were instrumental in bringing upon him.
What I found on Anna’s Twitter stream was almost unbelievable if I were not seeing it with my own eyes.
Her Twitter page is a mad house, and literally seethes with malice towards White people.
It also displays many other traits of a psychologically unbalanced mind.
I shall do my best to refrain from discussing much of her personal revelations that I find alarming because it has no relevance to the business at hand, It behooves me to mention a couple of distasteful things I would prefer to avoid except that they are relevant to this conversation and understanding how her mind ticks.
Lets inquire into how Far Left Racist Maori radicals like Anna have proliferated in New Zealand.
Anna serves as an exemplar and an education into Far Left Maori Radicalism.
It’s impossible to cover every attribute Anna embodies of Maori radicalism, yet hopefully by the time I have finished this post it will be clear as to why writing this was unpleasant for me, and why it is that I pity rather than hate Anna for what she has become, and what she has been doing.
In this post I talked about how some children grow up to become hateful and dangerous radicals from their home environment… taught to hate by their hateful elders… this is an inter-generational perpetuation of hateful ideas and prejudices.
I focused on some examples of Islamic Extremist Terrorism, and show that the same process involved in raising an Islamic Terrorist is often involved in raising Hateful Racist Maori Radicals like Hone Harawera.
Hone sat at the feet of his infamous Maori Radical and activist mother Titewhai Harawera, and imbibed her undiluted racist contempt for Pakeha straight from the spring.
How then can anyone be surprised that she raised a little racist radical whose mind she filled with her own twisted thoughts and emotions?
Hate breeds hate, and by sowing hate into the hearts of their children, these parents perpetuate hate into the future, and poison the minds of their own children, turning them into hateful bigots…little carbon copies of themselves.
Hone had not experienced any oppression at the hands of ‘evil Pakeha’.
He therefore had to be trained to hate.
Did Anna McAllister have a similar upbringing as Hone?
I don’t know… it is possible… and yet in New Zealand today it not necessary to have had such an upbringing to explain how young people like Anna can become radicalised.
It is sufficient to explain her hateful racism by looking at how prolific and accepted the toxic ideas that underpin Maori radicalism have become over the past 50 years, and how they have been assimilated into the National education system, and official narratives underpinning the Treaty Settlement racket, and modern fabrication of ‘Treaty partnership’.
“He who controls the past, controls the future”. George Orwell.
Many people today have been fooled into thinking the Maori Separatist movement grew up from long remembered injustices committed by ‘Greedy invading White people’, and therefore represents a legitimate struggle for restitution.
That is pure ‘Fake news’… old school style communist propaganda.
The modern ‘Maori Sovereignty movement’ sprung up via Far Left Communist subversion founded upon ‘Anti British Imperialist’s’ doctrines designed to ‘Divide and conquer’ nations all over the globe for Communism.
Communists looking to spread their ideology were well versed in which demographics were most easily converted to their way of thinking.
Contentious events in New Zealand’s past were ‘Taylor made’ for sowing racial discord, and creating social unrest… vital ingredients for a Communist takeover.
Maori became the targets for this Leftist subversion which first required them to be radicalised into militant activists.
They needed to be taught to hate and claim to be the victims of British imperialism.
The Left have utilised this basic strategy ever since.
It has served them well.
They have almost brought our Nation to it’s knees, and nothing symbolises this more succinctly that having Far Left Tyrant Jacinda Adern at the helm.
Further research has vindicated my suspicions…
Anna says she spent 6 years at University … “The time I spent studying was vital in my hīkoi of reclaiming Māori knowledge, lost through intergenerational colonisation. For many Māori, university can be the first opportunity they’re given to deeply and critically understand this country and its troubled history. It is a shameful fact that most of us finish our public education with little to no awareness of the history of colonisation in Aotearoa and the impact it continues to have on Māori.” from here
Anna McAlister’s Radicalisation and hatred towards Pakeha was manufactured in State University!
Though her pathway to Radical race hatred differed slightly from that of Hone Harawerea, fundamentally it was the same.
Like Hone, Anna has not personally experienced any Real oppression at the hands of ‘evil Pakeha’.
She too had to be trained to hate via mythical tales of the past…. fabrications of the Far left.
The only difference being Hone learned to hate Pakeha from his mother while Anna was radicalised at State University.
She is representative of the vile lies and indoctrination going on there!
Our Universities are factories for the mass production of Leftist radicals!
This has been known for a long time and yet is hardly ever talked about.
This is why Treaty separatism has become an overwhelming scourge in our land.
One of the most dangerous powers that foolish nations grant to their governments is control of the education of their children.
This is a standard practice in Totalitarian States whereby the youth are conditioned to think the way those in power want them to think.
The late great Herbert Spencer warned what would happen should free nations allow their governments to usurp control of Education.
What is really bonkers is that so many New Zealanders don’t appreciate how politically corrupt our own education system has become.
That Anna studied at Massey University should also give those in the know an ‘ahhhh’ moment!
Massey is the epicenter of Far left Woke radicalism in New Zealand academia!
I have mentioned this in previous blogposts… parents be warned… send your children there at their peril!
They are highly likely to return unto you politically Radicalised and mentally lobomised.
Leftist Racist State radicalisation, political indoctrination and the race-hatred it fosters within Maori towards Pakeha is demonstrated in the ‘Educated’ character of Anna McAllister and others just like her.
It has it’s parallels in Nazi Germany when the German state propagandised that the Jews were also greedy foreign invaders that were responsible for ‘indigenous Germans’ poverty and woe.
None of these facts are openly discussed these days in respect to far left radicalisation.
These are the dirty secrets that underpin the Politics of Jacinda Ardern, The Greens, and The Maori Party.
I could write a book on this subject and still not do full justice to the truthfulness of what I have here declared. We don’t have time, or space for that. I must however point out just one more characteristics Anna displays that betrays the toxic falsehoods she has been taught to harbour in her heart.
I must address her affinity to Satanism.
Anna’s musings about Satanism has relevance to her ideas that underpin her hatred towards Pakeha.
Her Satanic attitude towards Christianity may be understood as a facet of her indoctrinated Racism and skewed views about New Zealand’s Colonial past.
She see’s Christianity as an Evil Ideology that lulled Maori into a stupor that rendered them passive and prepared the way for the take over of their land.
This is a complete fabrication and outrageous slander against some of the greatest human beings every to grace these shores.
The Church Missionary Society was instrumental in the abolition of Slavery in the British Empire and it was this very same Humanitarian Society that sent missionaries to New Zealand to bring the light of the Gospel to Maori.
They left the comforts of Civilisation at the hazard of their own lives to teach Maori about Jesus Christ so that they might be saved from the darkness of Superstition, Cannibalism, Endless Tribal warfare and subsistence living.
These are irrefutable recorded facts!
The mana of many missionaries was unquestionable in the eyes of Contemporary Chiefs of the highest rank!
Anna’s Education would mention none of this.
Leftist Subversives seeking to turn Maori into thorns in the side of Capitalist New Zealand has no use for such truths!
They must twist and deform everything to render their subject absolutely and fanatically committed to the Far Left Revolution.
It must be understood that the Far left is fundamentally Anti-Christian.
Marx claimed his Politics were foundered upon ‘Scientific Materialism’… Atheism, and that ‘Religion is the opiate of the Masses’.
The implementation of his ideas have resulted in mass genocides in the 20th century on never before seen scales where Far Left communists attempted to stamp out Religion.
This is still going on in Communist Nations today such as China and North Korea.
Communism cannot tolerate belief systems that teach the plebs there exists higher authority than the State.
This murderous hatred for Religion and for ‘British Imperialism’ has been deployed to paint the Missionaries who came to New Zealand as Deceivers and Devils, who via cunning softened up the Naïve Maori population into allowing Colonisation to take place.
This is nothing short of a Satanic Lie!
This vile mischaracterisation of the heroic humanitarian missionaries can only be entertained by extreme ignorance.
Anna’s Satanism is a hallmark of a person who has had their minds poisoned towards Christianity to turn her into what she has now become… a Racist Far left radical.
When considering how a young Maori girl has become so radicalised and filled with such hatred as is on open display with Anna McAllister we might ask from where does she take her political cues?
Who are her mentors?
This is important.
We do not have to look any further than the Racist hate filled radicals of the Far left Maori Party.
These racist radicals not only preach race hate against Pakeha for imagined wrongs committed 150 years ago, they virtually endorse every single Far Left Radical idea such as Global Warming, Transgender indoctrination, Support for Hamas Terrorism against Israel,etc.
Virtually all of the supposed racist crimes of colonisation that such separatists framed as ‘breaches of the treaty’ are pure fictions, and again only hold currency in an environment of ignorance about the true history of the colonisation of New Zealand.
Yet even if they were true that cannot justify the Race-hatred harboured by the likes of Maori Party MP and Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer against Pakeha living today who had nothing to do with colonisation and they themselves are as ‘Tangatawhenua’ as any Maori… ie People of the land… Born here… and their ancestors are buried here, and they have even intermarried and become genetically entwined with Maori themselves!
These are Facts.
There is not a single Maori radical today who does not share some of the colonizer genes… including Anna McAllister and Debbie Packer!
That is how big a scam this whole ‘Treaty separatism’ is because physically there is no legitimate racial division!
Reality exposes the political lie.
While the gullible, and Naeve, and indoctrinated radicals like Anna McAlister look up to the Maori Party Bigots, hapily many many more Maori refuse to associate themselves with the racist Radicals of the Separatist movement.
The Maori Population is estimated at 850,500 or 16% of all New Zealanders.
In 2020 the Maori party gained less than 2% of the party vote which demonstrates that The Maori Party in no way can be construed to represent Maori.
A little bit of research also shows that despite 5 decades on intense Left wing propaganda almost half of all Maori still chose not to even be on the Maori Electoral roll!
That is a testament of courageous moral fortitude and common sence!
Instead… turning their backs on Racist separatism they are registered on the General Roll standing side by side as equals with the rest of New Zealand.
Ask yourselves why is it that *this truth* is not being taught by the State to Maori?
It’s like the State wants to maintain the lie that to be a Maori, you must support political apartheid.
When you appreciate just how small a support base the Maori Party has it just goes to show how much bluster and grand standing they are engaged in falsely portraying themselves as the Voice of Maoridom.
Esp in this they are provable Frauds.
And this brings me to my final point… the absolute hypocrisy of Anna in what she has been doing.
Read this Tweet….
Here we see Anna being extremely angry that a Herald reporter tried to contact her at work.
She exclaims how most of her work colleagues don’t know ‘the full extent’ of her activism.
And tries to say that her political activities have *nothing to do with her day job*!!!!
She said that simply by asking to speak with her at her place of work *was a huge breach of her privacy*!!!!!
Now think about this in respect to what she and her gang of leftists did to Lee Williams and his day job!
They created a Public Petition that threatened his employers Synlait Dairy Company’s reputation by insinuating they support White supremacy!
Now considering what Anna tweeted about her own privacy and separation between her own activism from her employment… where were her considerations for Lee Williams on these accounts?
Simply put… she does not give a shit about them!
Her admission here does reveal she is fully cognizant that her own actions in attacking peoples jobs and livelihoods are immoral and yet she not only is a serial offender, she openly celebrates the misery she causes!
This group of hateful abusers of Free Speech must be stopped.
Blackmail and extortion are crimes, It is my hope that some legal expert can see what is going on here and bring charges against these people for their malicious activities.
For the sake of Free Speech New Zealanders must Rally and demand justice for Lee Williams.
I am appalled by the malicious attacks Anna McAllister and co have perpetrated against other New Zealanders, esp how far they have gone to destroy Lee Williams life.
Their absolute disregard for Democratic principles, esp Free Speech caused me to stand up in defense of Lee Williams and commit myself to seeing these haters brought to heel.
Their activities and behavior cannot be tolerated in a Free Society.
They are tramping upon the rights of others.
I can appreciate that people like Lee Williams have just reason enough to hate them… and yet I cannot bring myself to hate them.
Because of all the monumental lies that abound today I can only I pity them having become ensnared in the grand delusions and lies of Far Left wing Propaganda.
In truth my heart is filled with sadness that part-Maori like Anna have been taught to habour racism in their hearts, and taught to hate Christianity.
I have no doubt that Anna will consider me her enemy… if only she could know my love for the Maori People and for All New Zealanders, and that like the Missionaries of old… I want to use my life to bring light and liberty to those in darkness.
Jesus Himself said “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free”.
I was left very disappointed with David Seymour after watching an argument he had with deplatformed You tuber Lee Williams who had his life destroyed by a gang of Maori radicals and Far left deplatformers.
I want to talk about what David Seymour said, and why it is extremely disappointing for me and many others who are fighting for free speech in New Zealand, and had high hopes that David Seymour was serious about making Free Speech a priority ‘flagship’ for Act next election.
I will recap what has happened to Lee William’s to give context to his confrontation with Seymour and after having listened to Seymour’s comments, why he saw red and publicly accused Seymour of being a fraud.
Truly an ugly and unfortunate spectacle.
People (and Seymour) need to ask themselves why Lee Williams is a kettle on the boil.
Too many simply write him off as angry mad man, and that his loud display is proof positive of his extremist temperament.
While no doubt Lee is passionate and cares deeply about the frightening political direction our nation is being taken, the notion that Lee has no reasonable or justifiable reason for being angry can only be entertained through ignorance of what he has endured… and why.
That Lee openly speaks his mind with little regard about ‘spooking the sheeple’… without applying politically expedient filters is one reason why politicians like David Seymour look at Lee as a ‘Hot Potato’… a political liability… someone with whom it involves a high element of risk being associated with… and Lee’s loud antics at Seymour’s meeting will have reinforced this danger in David’s mind.
Why would a political party get involved with that?
Yet I ask David Seymour to put on Lee’s boots and walk in them for a few miles… maybe in doing this David might get a better perspective.
He may realise that Lee has every reason to be angry, and that it is a mistake on his part, and an act of moral cowardice not to take up the fight for free speech on Lee’s behalf.
This is bigger than Lee. It’s not even really about Lee
And it was a big mistake to make out that it is.
Any Act supporters reading this please raise these points with David and get him to see reason. It takes high character to put personal dislikes aside and to honestly give your opposition an objective ear. Does David Seymour possess this hallmark of greatness?
To recap what happened to Lee in as few words as possible. Why Lee has every right to be angry, and why David ought to have known this.
Lee Williams was the star of his own You Tube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ in which he regularly made videos expressing his personal views on political news and events of the day.
His views not only critisied what was going on here in New Zealand, but also extended to US Politics, Britain, The UN, Davos, etc.
He is a supporter of Trump, and of Brexit, a heavy critic of Socialist globalism, and in New Zealand Lee has been scathing of Jacinda Ardern, The Greens, and The Maori Party.
All of Lee’s activism on You tube has been completely above board… completely legal.
Lee has been exercising his democratic right to free speech, both in public on the street, and his You tube channel has been his soapbox on line.
We live in very volatile times politically speaking, and with such topics as the Christchurch Terrorist attack, The Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns, all the global warming hysteria and legislations, to be a political commentator in such times there is a hell of a lot going on to be critical and righteously angry about!
The Western world has been speeding along the rails towards becoming Woke Police States!
And so such serious and alarming political activities generate a requisite level of outrage in response, and no one in New Zealand wears their heart on their sleeve more openly than Lee Williams.
It is unavoidable for the independent voice not to wallow in matters of great controversy and if a commentator choses to stand apart and not be shackled by the ‘politically correct narrative’ being peddled by mainstream media, it goes without saying that such independent voices ‘trigger’ outrage from the precious woke SJW communities infested by far left radicals who cant handle the truth.
I will admit that by my own reckoning Lee often hurts his own cause by hot headed remarks yet still Lee is never guilty of crossing the line of free speech into inciting violence.
Lee’s anger is always in context of some perceived evil and injustice that is being committed… usually by Woke politicians like the Maori Party, or Far left lobby groups and yet he never crosses the line into *Racism*.
At his worst he is guilty of politically incorrect humor. One BFD contributor said this about Lee’s now infamous Satire:
“…three videos from Williams, two of which are low-brow, unfunny and not particularly clever impersonations of Maori Party MP Rawhiri Waititi and Labour Cabinet Minister Willie Jackson. In the hysterical land of social justice, which considers sharing memes of Oprah Winfrey to be ‘digital blackface,’ they may be racist. In the real world, they’re about a racist as me using an Irish accent..”
Stephen Berry. The BFD ‘The Flagellation of Lee Williams’. 28-5-21
It must be remembered that Lee was spoofing *a racist politician*, not Maori. Rawhiri Waititi breaks out into a haka every time something does not go his way!
He’s an embarrassment to himself and Maori and deserves ridicule.
The only problem is that by expressing critisism of the Woke agenda Lee has drawn the attention of Far left extremists who misrepresent Lee as being ‘White supremist’ ‘Far Right extremist’,etc.
Sadly this Leftist slander is devastatingly effective as it is swallowed whole by so many naïve people.
Most of these people are obsessed neurotic’s.
And these Far left extremists then targeted Lee for deplatforming and ruin that went far beyond that!
To be a defender of Free speech takes Balls!
Lee is no ‘scoundrel’ though he sure is a loose cannon.
What is truly Gob-smacking to me having watched David Seymour’s reasoning as to why he refused to help Lee is that David does not seem to understand that the Right of Free speech became one of the pillars of Free Society *for the very purpose of protecting the rights of such controversial voices as Lee Williams*!
The right of Free speech is only called upon to defend people who cause public outrage and offence from being suppressed by the powers that be.
For the free speech of those who are parroting the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *Never come under threat of being censored*.
The Free speech of those who parrot the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *never come under threat of being persecuted or legally oppressed, or of loosing their other rights.
And Free Speech is the way us little… uncultured… grumpy people get to speak truth to power without fear of being trampled underfoot.
Lee’s opinions about the Maori party, his satire, parody, and critisim of Ardern and the He Pua Pua report certainly outraged the Maori party and Far Left activists!
It is a fact that his opinions made him a prime target for the left wing practice of deplatforming to punish his ‘wrong-think’ and silence him to prevent his opinions gaining popularity.
They speak of their opposition ‘spreading mis-information’, or of ‘Dog whistling’, or of ‘Radicalisation of would-be terrorists’, etc… anything to excuse cancelling them.
So deplatforming is all about venting malicious political malice, and the subversion of Free speech for the sake of the control of information in the public sphere… for the sake of power.
It has zero to do with ‘protecting vunerable minorities’
That Media people like Marc Daalder and even members of Parliament like Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer promoted extortion and the deplatforming of a New Zealand voter.. to silence and destroy him ought to have made made David Seymour sit up straight and take notice!
That David Seymour thinks that Lee deserves what happened to him… that it was all above board, and that his personal total destruction was his own doing… ‘reaping what he has sown’ beggars belief!
Are you really surprised Lee blew his stack when you [David] said such things to his face… while grinning like the Cheshire cat?
David! You really stuck your foot in your mouth this time!
You need to have a re-think!
Lee was wrong to suggest David Seymour has not been vocally opposed to The He PuaPua Report. David has made many public statements saying it was dangerous separatism.
Lee William’s Loud denunciation of Seymour was a public embarrassment to Seymour.
It was even reported in the media, and all this will have angered him.
Yet still this blogpost is an appeal to David not to allow his Ego to overthrow his own reasoning faculties, as to do so risks Act’s reputation as being the Free Speech party that is currently keeping them buoyant in the polls.
I want to point out to David that despite his altercation with Lee, there is an even bigger threat to Act’s rising Star should David not ‘Man up’ and take up Lee’s cause.
That danger is surrendering the platform of Free Speech to National and Judith Collins who has recently shown interest by joining the Free Speech Union.
This move by Collins was both good news for New Zealand, and strategically wise for National.
Seymour can no longer think Act has the political market for free speech cornered.
If Judith Collins can outshine Seymour as the Champion of Free Speech in New Zealand Act will be loose traction to National.
Seymour needs to up his game and despite what he thinks about Lee Williams, His case is a massive opportunity for Act to shine, and take the fight back against the Leftist Cancel culture!
Yet this same opportunity could be snapped up by Judith Collins.
David’s now public excuses for not supporting Lee gives Collins an opportunity to publicly question Seymour’s real commitment to free speech.
The Free Speech Union have already steeped up to the plate.
The rest of New Zealand is wondering ‘where the hell is Act?
Is David first and foremost a brave man of principle, or a cowardly schemer?
Having seen the video circulating on Social media, and having read the News articles, this is the question now hanging over David’s head in the minds of many potential Act voters… and given how lame an excuse David made for not supporting Lee who can blame them?
Twitter posts reveal that even the Leftist deplatformers are surprised Seymour refused to help!
Let’s see if David Seymour is man enough to realise his ‘miscalculations’ and change course.
He needs to put his ‘Big boy’ pants on and have the Nads to admit he has been wrong about this matter, and is prepared to put the argument behind him for the sake of Free speech for New Zealanders.
I have talked to Lee Williams and have explained to him what I was going to write today and that if David Seymour was prepared to set his differences with Lee aside, would Lee also be prepared to set his angst towards Seymour aside for the sake of co operation for the common cause?
Lee said he definitely would!
Should these two men be able to make peace for the sake of Free speech this would go a long way to repairing *both their reputations* in the Free speech advocacy fraternity.
It would demonstrate high character and putting principle and the good of our nation above personal gripes.
Real men ought to know that it is not necessary to actually personally *like* another person before prudence dictates you ought to co operate.
Real men will set aside clashes of personality and act professionally.
Currently this animosity and failure to co operate only benefits the hateful anti-free speech left.
David needs to grasp that in Lee’s case, should what happened to him at Synlait be allowed to stand this will set a dire precedent against free speech for Kiwi workers rights!
The Free Speech Union have realised what happened to Lee with respect to being cancelled by Westpac that this bodes ill for free speech with respect to citizens financial arrangements.
Seymour needs to grasp that the Maori Party needs to be hauled over the coals for supporting the petition that extorted Synlait Dairy company into wrongfully dismissing Lee.
These are not only absolutely necessary engagements for the sake of free speech, they also represent an opportunity for either Act or National to rise to pre-eminence in the name of free speech, and to strike at the Racist radicals of the Maori Party, and hopefully in someway lead to the punishment and bust up of the Far Left extremist deplatforming gang responsible for what happened to Lee and others.
Even without Ardren’s new Hate speech laws, until these things are put right and the malicious left wing extremists are brought to justice, the best and most outspoken New Zealanders remain under threat from being deplatformed by the far Left radicals and activists.
I hope for the sake of our country David Seymour will take some time to ponder what I have said here.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Shout out to The BFD for their coverage of the ‘Lee Williams Saga’ and for using some of my material.
IMO The BFD is New Zealand’s leading Free Speech advocacy News site.
Update: Shout out to ‘The BFD‘ for reposting this on their website. here
Last night I attended Act Party Leader David Seymour’s Hamilton free speech meeting.
This was part of his nationwide ‘Free Speech Tour’.
It was held in the Wintec Bill Gallagher Center downtown Hamilton.
It was a full house, approximately 200 Hamiltonians came along to hear David speak.
David had already visited 12 other towns with similarly good attendance, which he said was a testimony to both New Zealanders strong democratic spirit, and also their concern about the current government’s drive to muzzle free speech.
In my opinion, this turnout is also a response to how David Seymour has been distinguishing himself and the Act party as ‘the freedom party’.
Up until the last election David Seymour was a lone voice in parliament speaking out against proposed hate speech legislation and other Socialist interventions rushed through into law ‘under urgency’ bypassing safeguards and due process.
It was David Seymour’s decision to take a stand on such issues, including standing against Ardern’s gun confiscations that was behind Acts success at the last election.
Many New Zealanders are far from impressed with Ardern’s quickstep march towards a Socialist Police State which is sharply at variance with the Kiwi spirit of freedom and self reliance.
In past decades New Zealand has suffered a decline in independence, and yet the pace with which Radical leftist ideology is being imposed under Ardern, has caused alarm even among many conservative thinkers and this was reflected in the audience.
Today David Seymour rightfully enjoys the position in the public eye of most outspoken member of parliament for free speech, and now has 9 other Act Party MP by his side.
It is a position he has earned, and should his team continue on this righteous trajectory I forsooth Act’s star will remain in ascension, and they will increase their presence in Parliament.
By design David told the audience that he wanted to keep the meeting to an hour in length including Q+A, which many people will have been happy with… not me!
I believe the importance of the topic easily justified double that!
There are many troubling aspects of what is going on that were not aired, yet I guess the difference between a public meeting, and a ‘Convention’ is that meetings generally are shorter.
This being so David’s speech was no lecture, but simple and brief.
He spoke about free speech as being an essential component of what it means to be a human individual, and that it’s suppression is an attack upon human dignity.
He spoke about free speech as being absolutely essential for a healthy democracy because free speech cannot stand where there is tyranny, and tyranny cannot stand where there is free speech.
He spoke about free speech as the enlightened means by which civil society openly discusses and solves it’s problems.
He spoke about how proposed hate speech laws threaten to suppress open discourse about politically charged subjects from fear of being visited by the thought Police, and getting flagged as being a person who has expressed ‘hateful opinions’… which could impact upon such things as job applications.
He committed the Act party to working to prevent any hate speech legislation becoming law, yet admitted that because the Ardern government enjoys a 65% majority in parliament there is probably little Act can do to prevent such legislation becoming Law should it be pushed through this term. In that case he committed Act to repealing any such laws that might shortly come into force, including the wordy ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’ which he described as Government ‘filters of online content’… and dangerous.
He said one means by which the repeal of any new restriction of free speech could be undertaken was via public referenda, yet to make that a reality would take a petition of parliament with 300 000 signatures. Not a small task… but do-able if those people who care about this issue… such as those who attended the Act tour meetings throughout the country, committed themselves to help them achieve these goals.
Thus David finished the formal part of the meeting with an appeal for active support for Act and their free speech initiatives, and also for financial donations.
Act party membership costs only $20 for 3 years… “A Bargain!” said Seymour… alluring to Act’s ‘market philosophies’ as the solution to so many social issues.
David Seymour has an engaging speaking manor, skillfully throwing in a joke and a laugh here and there.
When asked ‘why is there a distinguishable pattern and common theme between what is happening here in NZ and what is going on all across Western nations… does he believe a grand scheme was at work?’
He responded by pointing to the general dearth of intelligence within parliament, making it in his estimation highly unlikely they are mentally competent to participate in a grand evil conspiracy… rather their evil policies can simply be understood from their overt stupidity!
He does not appear to grasp that far be it their stupidity renders their adherence to a grand scheme unlikely… but more gullibly so!
They are following a well articulated socialist global agenda.
David said many top NZ bureaucrats and politicians are friends, and that no doubt they talk among themselves about what they hope to achieve… in their minds things they believe will make New Zealand a better place.
(My thoughts: They dream of imposing a Leftist totalitarian police state!)
One lady in the audience was a migrant from Great Britain and ex high court lawyer who spoke about how hate speech laws were wreaking havoc there. Seymour agreed and pointed out how far they had slidden remarking also how Britain had up until recently Laws prohibiting the intentional causing of offence, yet these were overturned by the public backlash, including outspoken activism by comic Rowan Atkinson. Seymour joked about how frightening it would be to be confronted by redoubtable Mr Bean!
I chuckled, because I think David Seymour himself bears amusing resemblance to Mr Bean!
Jokes aside, David Seymour and Act are to be highly commended for doing this tour and for making free speech one of their primary concerns this election cycle.
In the past David Seymour has taken many positions with which I strongly disagree, however as things stand there are no political parties that come close to Acts resolve to defend such a fundamental principle of liberty as freedom of speech.
It is under Jacinda Arderns power mad gaze, and she is hell bent on silencing all dissent .
Her ambitions are nothing short of overthrowing New Zealand’s traditions, values, ideals, and even our national autonomy is in danger as she imposes the dictates of the UN, for example the UN Global Compact for Migration which itself proscribes heavy censorship and prosecutions for anyone who complains about it.
We also know with certainty that Arden regime seeks to use the education system to indoctrinate future generations in such Radical leftist doctrines as ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘Transgender ideology’.
Both are an attack on the Christian foundations of Western civilisation.
These radical socialists in power first need to grant themselves the legal authority to suppress public opposition before they ramp up their globalist woke scheme… which is why hate speech, and ‘online harm’ legislation is such a dangerous Machiavellian precursor.
They want to make it illegal for parents to complain about the radical political indoctrination of their children!
These things being so Freedom loving New Zealander need to think hard about who they are going to vote for next election, and whether or not they will help David Seymour and Act succeed in their ambitions to ensure future generations of Kiwi will have the right to speak their minds in public.
Free speech is necessary is because free individuals will never agree on everything… even among friends.
‘Evil prevails when good men do nothing’
Act is far from perfect… far from Libertarian, yet as things stand I believe getting in behind them on this absolutely critical right… at this absolutely critical juncture in time… is the right thing to do.
The New Zealand Government is in the process of *Criminalising Speech*… making speech punishible under the Crimes Act.
P.S A new Free Speech Union has started up. I certainly will be investigating this further with a view of support.
New trade union launched to promote free speech.
The Free Speech Coalition is relaunching as a trade union under the name “Free Speech Union” and has successfully registered under the Employment Relations Act.
“That name is not ironic”, says Dr David Cumin, a founding member of the Union’s Council. “We think it says crisply just what is now needed to defend freedom of speech. We need to stand with people being intimidated, cancelled, de-platformed, piled on by social media, doxxed and threatened with bankruptcy if they seek legal protection.”
“Becoming a bona fide union is important because defending freedom of speech has come to need the collective solidarity, the mutual support, the kind of activism that made labour unions so important over 100 years ago.”
“For the last two years, the Free Speech Coalition has been campaigning to prevent the growth of anti-free speech case law and legislation. The Coalition was founded in response to the statements by the Auckland Mayor and actions of his Council in banning two controversial speakers from hosting a talk at a publicly owned venue. The founding members of the Coalition saw the greatest threat to New Zealand’s tolerant and diverse culture of free public discourse as coming directly from the power of the state.”
I recently watched an exposition on Freemasonry that provoked me to spend some time surfing the net looking at what interesting materials I could find on the subject.
While searching the internet this evening, researching the Masonic Secret society, and the ‘Lucis Trust’… a Satanic organisation dedicated to ‘a New World Order’ that offers ‘consultancy services’ to the United Nations.
Within the opening minute of this video it made what is purported to be a quote from Adolf Hitler on his plans for Christianity to give way to some sort of restoration of Germanic Old Paganism…
Quote… “The Old beliefs will be brought back again… The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, of the demonic. We will wash off the Christian Veneer, and bring out a religion peculiar to our own race.”
The Nazis obsession with the Occult is well documented yet still this was not where I was expecting to be led.
Still as a Christian this quotation touches on a subject of interest to me, and anyone who has spent any time studying Hitler and the Nazis, that quote certainly embodies what ought to be well understood about the basic premises of Hitler’s fundamental beliefs. He was no Christian!
Putting aside for the moment my investigations into the Masons and the Lucis Trust, I decided to see if I could find corroboration on the net that Hitler did in fact make that statement… so I put that quote into Duck Duck Go and it listed some hits… one of which is the article by Kerry Bolton… ‘Hitler, Christianity, and the Third Reich.’
Found on ‘National Vanguard’ Website.
I am completely unfamiliar with the tenor of this site yet just from looking at the Websites Header gives me the creeps… It looks to me like some whack far right site… ‘New Consciousness, New Order, New People’ type jargon could hardly be mistaken for anything else… and yet I might be wrong about that… I simply do not have the time right now to investigate this sidetrack, yet browsing Kerry Bolton’s ‘Essay’ I found it a very interesting read. Well written, and worth making a blog about so that my friends and readers could check it out for themselves.
I have no clue who Kerry Bolton is or what his personal ideals and values are. I must write a disclaimer that I distance myself from any association with the ‘Far right’ to which he may subscribe or the website ‘National vanguard’.
It is simply a matter of ethics to correctly credit the authorship and website.
That is as far as Eternal Vigilance blog has to do with the source.
I am a Libertarian who is as opposed to far right socialist tyranny as I am opposed to far left socialist tyranny.
It is sad that We live in such times that make inserting such disclaimers a matter of self-preservation due to the threat of being ‘investigated by the police’ for simply sharing opinions and articles on the internet which they might deem to be ‘Dangerous’ or ‘hateful’… or from sources they have flagged as ‘Extremist’, etc.
Thanks to the censorship tyranny and surveillance of Jacinda Ardern’s Post-Christchurch Terror attack Police state … constantly hunting for ‘White supremacist Boogiemen’ Kiwi bloggers like myself are reaching the point where we will need to attach permanent disclaimers to any subject we write about that does not ascribe to the official Politically correct perspective… or our own views for that matter.
All this aside Bolton’s essay itself appears to me to be an objective history upon the subject stated in the title.
It is in fact one of the clearest and well reasoned articles I have read in a very long time on this subject.
I believe it to be a highly informative read that stands on it’s own merits.
He sites his sources.
As a student of Political history whose personal library contains many books on The Nazis, I find the article compelling, and truthful, and exposes the folly and ignorance of the many people who try and implicate the Nazis and Hitler himself as being ‘Christian’.
This dishonesty is committed by intellectually and spiritually twisted minds seeking to bring the Christian faith into disrepute.
Hitler was at his core a Machiavellian Liar and would mold his speeches and propaganda to suit his own immediate ends.
Any statements he made that appeared at face value to be supportive of Christianity was always a ruse by which he gained the submission of German Christians to his aims.
His real intents was always to destroy Christianity once his war ambitions were accomplished.
Anyone with half a brain can see that his deeds and modus opperandi were the very antithesis of Christianity.
Hitler was a type of the Antichrist, and his persecution of the Jews was Satanic.
He lifted himself up and committed great evils before God, whom visited him with Judgment and Justice.
Please follow the link (above) and read the full article.
Below are a few examples of Bolton’s assertions copied and pasted here for a record in case the original web source ‘disappears’.
“THE PLACE OF CHRISTIANITY under National Socialism has been a matter of contention, as with all else connected with that philosophy. Hitler has been damned as the devil incarnate by his Christian opponents, and heralded as a Jesus-like messiah by his Christian proponents. The 24th point of the NSDAP’s political programme even describes National Socialism as standing for “positive Christianity.” In order to access the real relationship of Christianity to National Socialism it is necessary to go beyond the propaganda of both pro- and anti-National Socialist Christians. (ILLUSTRATION: Adolf Hitler)
To do this the private pronouncements of the National Socialist leaders must receive greater attention than their public statements. An additional consideration is the actual practice of the National Socialist regime towards the churches. Hitler’s private conversations with his inner circle between 1941 and 1944, as recorded by Reichleiter Bormann, himself one of the National Socialist Party’s most avid anti-Christians as we shall see, provide the most insightful of sources in determining the real attitude of Hitler towards Christianity.”
Hitler’s analysis of Christianity is Nietzschean: “The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.” “Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilization by the Jews of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against the doctrine. Yet Rome (i.e. Fascist Italy) allows itself today to reproach Bolshevism with having destroyed the churches. As if Christianity itself hadn’t behaved in the same way towards the pagan temples.”
“It is deplorable that the Bible should have been translated into German, and the whole of the German people should have thus become exposed to the whole of this Jewish mumbo-jumbo. As a sane German, one is flabbergasted to think that the German folk could have led themselves to such a pass by Jewish filth and priestly twaddle.”
The SS epitomizes the contradistinction between Christianity and the philosophy of the Third Reich. It was a Black Order in its own right, and Himmler envisaged the creation of an autonomous SS State which would be an example to the world of National Socialism. In 1937 Himmler instructed his chiefs to plan a counter-culture to replace Christianity, and it was declared, “the age of the final showdown with Christianity” had dawned, and one of the objectives of the SS was to provide Germans with “the proper ideological foundation” to replace it….
Martin Bormann, who became Hitler’s secretary and deputy after Hess’ abortive peace mission to England, like Himmler, Rosenberg, Heydrich, Hitler and most of the others at the top of the Reich hierarchy, also had a clear perspective on Christianity. The following is taken from Kirchliches Jahrbuch fur die evangelische Kirche in Deutschland: “National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible. The Christian churches build upon the ignorance of the men and strive to keep large portions of the people in ignorance because only in this way can the Christian churches maintain their power. On the other hand, National Socialism is based on scientific foundations. Christianity’s immutable principles, which were laid down almost two thousand years ago by Jews, have increasingly stiffened into life-alien dogmas. National Socialism however, if it wants to fulfill its task further, must always guide itself according to the newest data of scientific researchers.”
“When in the future our youth no longer hear anything about this Christianity, whose doctrine is far below our own, Christianity will automatically disappear.” “When we National Socialists speak of God, by God we do not understand, as do naive Christians and their clerical beneficiaries, a manlike being who is sitting around in some corner of the spheres. Rather, we must open the eyes of mankind to the fact that in addition to our unimportant earth there exist countless other bodies in the universe, many of them surrounded, like the sun, by smaller bodies, the moons. The force which moves all those bodies in the universe, in accordance with Natural Law, is what we call the Eternal, the Allfather or God. The assertion that this world- force can worry about the fate of every individual, every bacillus on earth, and that it can be influenced by so-called prayer or other astonishing things, is based either on a suitable dose of naiveté or on outright commercial effrontery.”
“In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible — that is, in keeping with the Laws of Life. The more thoroughly we know and attend to the Laws of Nature and Life, the more we adhere to them, the more do we correspond to the will of the Eternal; the deeper our insight into the will of the Eternal, the greater will be our success.” “It follows from the incompatibility of National Socialist and Christian concepts that we must oppose any strengthening of existing Christian denominations and must refuse to give them any assistance. We can make no differentiation between the various Christian confessions. Any strengthening of the Christian concepts would merely work against us.”
“To an ever-increasing degree the Folk must be wrested from Christianity and their agents, the pastors. Obviously, the Christians, from their standpoint, will and must defend themselves against this loss of power. But never again must Christianity regain an influence in the leadership of our folk. This must absolutely and finally be broken.”
I would embed the bit chute video here if I could. Unfortunately I can only embed the You Tube version (below) which will at some point be censored.
For this reason I choose to give as much of my viewing time to alternative sites like Bit chute, Rumble that respect free speech.
These are the sorts of videos (Below) the government does not want circulating on the net.
I believe we are fast approaching a day when the thought police will pay visits to people like Sue Grey… and to people like myself… and anyone who dares to share any information on the net that might sway others from believing the government’s position on subjects of this nature.
They don’t want the voting public to be aware of the real world affects their policies are having on real people… ignorance is bliss.
They don’t want the people to make truly informed choices, or exercise caution when it comes to granting their consent to be ‘vaccinated’ (they are not vaccines) or allowing their kids to be vaccinated.
I apologise that I am unable to embed them from Bitchute.
The content of both of these videos are of high value with regards to what is going on here in New Zealand with regards to the Ardern regime’s response to Covid 19.
Sue Grey is to be highly commended for make the videos and for her work in defense of the poor woman and child currently being locked up simply for exercising her Parental rights by refusing to allow them to perform their highly intrusive PCR test on her 6mth old child.
I wrote my own criticism of how Ardern has handled this supposed Pandemic at the government inquiry….
Covid 19 is not the only area in which Ardern’s Government is acting like some third world dictatorship… I recently read about the Draconian use of force against a woman who had suffered an assault at the hands of some male, who then had her new born child removed from her in the most brutish fashion simply because she exercised her right to refuse to go into a ‘Woman’s refuge’ accommodation at the behest of ‘Oranga Tamariki’.
This New Mum had done nothing wrong.
First she suffers an assault at the hands of some violent arsehole, next she has he child ripped from her hands and kidnapped by the State!
What is disturbing about these stories is they share and expose an underlying callous disregard for the rights of New Zealand citizens… a contempt… by the minions of the NZ State that is precisely the sort of attitude that marks out oppressive tyrannies.
Obey or else!
This is the new normal, all the while Ardern sells her government as the most caring and transparent of all governments.
And this headlong fall into a Police state show no signs of abatement.
Should the new censorship legislation pass (and they will) , all it will take to issue take down orders to internet platforms like Bitchute will be for the government to receive a public complaint, and for it to be deemed to ‘probably be harmful’ to the public good by some thought police official’ and videos like these made by Sue Grey will have to be taken down out of Public view.
And there will be no redress for injustices caused by any such actions even if found to have been wrongfully censored.
Failure to comply will result in prosecution, and the Police may choose to prosecute any social media posts, or articles, etc they deem to be ‘offensive’, ‘hateful’. or ‘harmful’.
Ardern’s Government is pushing for greater censorship powers, amending laws already on the books that allow them to prosecute Social media users for ‘making threats’ and ‘causing harm’, so we know the real intent of the new Amendments is to take things far beyond this.
The Governments justification for what they are doing is a bare faced lie.
They simply want the legal right to force ‘independent platforms’ into taking down political opinions contrary to the official position of the Woke State.
So they *already* have the power to censor and punish threats and expressions of malice…
To my way of thinking, the most disturbing thing about what is happening is the apathy of the New Zealand Public.
Where is the outcry against the Ardern States massive power grabs and curtailment of Freedom?
Tyranny is running amok while the sheeple slumber.
I was sent this on social media as a comment to my latest blog as it also targets Sue Grey.
Leftist Bottom crawler and minion of Ardern Marc Daalder is trying to deplatform Peter Williams because he continues to question the official Ardern/ Globalist narrative on Covid 19 and vaccinations on New Zealand Radio.
According to how the Leftists work, he must be silenced.
No dissenting opinions can be allowed to reach the ears of the voting sheeple.
This snipit shows us Daalder is highly likely part of the systematic censorship going on in Radio…. probably neck deep in the axing of Banks and Plunket.
This is how these demons operate.
There is no sewer they will not wallow in for the sake of their own corrupt ends.
Truly revolting and malevolent.
What is interesting is that we can see from the video links above that Sue Grey is not ‘Anti-Vaxx’, but pro liberty and pro- free informed choice, and critical of the Draconian actions of the State with regards to how they are treating people.