Category Archives: Bigotry and Hate

I think Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity … I Challenge you to Change my mind. (Good God/Evil World part 8)

The following argument has been in my mind for decades… ever since I was converted from Atheism to Bible believing Christianity.
I am not a trained academic or Logician myself, Yet have attempted to solicit dialogue on my conjectures from several ‘Trained academics’ yet so far have had no response.
Thus I have never received any Rebuttal that might dissuade me from my conclusion… simple Atheist assertions that ‘God does not exist… or Satan does not exist’ are not arguments but groundless (and in my opinion erroneous) claims, and this post will attempt to prove the idea that even if I cant say Satan’s existence today is knowable… that at one point back in history of all reality… his existence was a certainty.

The following is an expanded form of my assertion, just to lay down the framework/ context of my contentions plainly.
That I say Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity is based upon the Title Jesus Christ called Satan… “The Father of Lies”… ie Satan *invented Lies* and deception… or at least he was the first *to actually lie*… and this brings up the principle of non-materialist *Free will*.

Christ calls himself… The Way… *The Truth* and the life and the Bible says that *all things were created by him and for him*, and many Infidels who cannot get past their notions of Determinism therefore argue that ‘if the God exists… then *God himself* is responsible even for Satan’s lies… because God made Satan, yet as I have already said they are unable to accept any notion of any created being having autonomous free-will that may differ from the ultimate will of God himself.

Yet the concept of Free will is fundamental to Christian Morality… It permeates the whole Bible from the very Beginning when God commanded Adam not to eat of the forbidden fruit, and it is what makes us *morally culpable* for our own actions while exonerating God for giving us the Liberty to make choices … for good or ill.

“…And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Gen 2)

The Fallen Angel Satan entered the garden and deceived Eve… Adam then chose to disobey the commandment of God Almighty and ate of the Forbidden fruit… and then tried to blame God for what happened by saying “… And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” (Gen 3vs 12)

Yet God was not responsible for Adams choice to mistrust and disobey God… even though God did create *the possibility* for Adam to so choose… It was Adam who was the free will moral Agent who made the choice and that is why Adam was morally culpable… and God without blame.
God is completely within his right to so order his creations of both the Angels and Humanity with the *potential to sin against him*… Not making us *mere robots*… but True *Children* whose love and ongoing obedience to his Divine rule is not something imposed upon us by our nature… but something *real* and special… and moral… none the less this requires having so ordered things that *the potential to rebel against God* was an inescapable necessity to the dynamic of being able to freely submit to his Sovereignty.

So Like the temptation of Mt Everest in the distance calling vain Men to their doom… trying and Conquer its peak… so to Did God create *the potential for Evil*… for Rebellion… yet that was only as a counterpoise for Freewill love and submission.. not because he *wanted* anyone to rebel… yet still to have *Loving Children* rather than Robots… God Deemed this risk to be worth it… and their would be few honest people who would prefer to be like Ants… wholey driven by their instincts and physical drives, than to be as they are… with Freewill to determine their own lives and activities… Taking credit for their own virtues and successes.

Now I have laid out the groundwork, I can address the main point of which the Title of this post… God Created The Highest Heaven… God Created The Holy Angels and that was When Satan was ‘Lucifer’… the highest Angel in that Order of beings.
I have already explained that God created them with Freewill and gave them the scope to exercise this essential component of their being for which they were created.
An unknown length of ‘time’ passes, and then God Created ‘the Heavens and the Earth'(yet not Mankind)…. and it was sometime after this that Lucifer became jealous of God… and desired to be worshiped… and that is when Evil grew in his ‘heart’ and he chose to Rebel against God.
This is when Satan decided to start telling lies… To corrupt many of his fellow angels into following him instead of God Almighty.
So While the *potential to tell lies* had always existed in counterpoise to being able to tell the truth…. Satan was the first Being to *ever exercise* that potential… he became ‘The father of Lies’.

and it is here that I now posit my Logical challenge… We exist in a reality in which *Telling lies* is a fundamental fact of Human existence… liars exist… Down here on Earth Lies are a currency as often traded in as the truth, which of necessity raises the question… who… in the entire existence of all reality… was the first being to ever tell a lie?
We know that because lies exist today that somewhere someone back in eternity past *must have been the first Lying being*… and it is this Being The Bible calls *Satan*… the Father of Lies.
Satan is therefore a Logical necessity!
And Satan is the Being responsible for Bringing All Evils into the world… even though We as Freewill moral agents are responsible for our own choices to follow Satan’s lies rather than trust in God Almighty.
This is a fundamental Dynamic to our existence!

Change my mind!

Satan Laughing… spreads his wings.

Some Atheists may say… “The father of Lies must have been a human being”… I admit that this ‘Idea’ is worth contemplating… yet when you consider that there is virtual universal consensus on the conjecture that the Human race has not existed for very long… and that even the Earth has not existed for ever… and that Most Atheists also harbour Ideas that we are probably not the only intelligent beings in the universe ( that this is a belief for which they dont have any more *Physical evidence* for such alien beings than I do for Satan seems to escape them… they base their conjectures on no more firm unproven rationale than I do for mine)… yet still does not their own conjectures make the notion that ‘the father of lies’ must have been a Human being uncertain?
Could not *another being* that pre-dates Humanity have told the first lie? (He would then be Satan!)

And then Atheists have an even greater problem… *How lies*… or even *telling the truth*… can even be concepts… if we exist in a Purely Materialistic Reality in which everything is inextricably locked into a chain of physical causation right back to the big bang?

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
King James Bible believer.

More from Tim….





The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.



Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part 2) The Thirst for Blood.

Horror stories. How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 3)

How can a Good God exist when there is so much Evil in the world? (Part 4) Interlude.

Seether: Know Thyself. How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Part 5.

‘Good Atheists’ and the seriousness of sin. Good God/Evil world. 6

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Car Crash.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Sick Puppies.

Thorns in the Flesh.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less
Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

Willful Ignorance and the Limits of human reason (without Divine Revelation.)

Radical Islam is like Socialism… Neither are Religions of Peace.

Note: This post is not about Peaceful Muslims who practice their faith without a desire to impose their values upon others by force.
Its about *Radicalism*.


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Please watch her video (below)

I hear this woman’s cries!
Radical Islam is a kissing cousin of Socialism… both are a threat to our Life, Rights, and liberty.
Religious liberty exists within strict Moral limits… yet both socialists and Radical Islamic want totalitarianism and must be resisted at all costs.
Radical Atheism… Radical Christianity… *Extremism* that is intolerant of the liberty and rights of others and desires power to impose their beliefs upon everyone by force… they are the enemies of humanity… the enemies of justice.
The answer *is Libertarianism*
Look it up folks!
Under Libertarianism you are free to peacefully follow your own conscience … be an atheist… be a Muslim… be a Christian… even be a socialist… and propagate your values via free speech… yet *not* impose your beliefs by force of the Law.
For our Rights are *equal*

The God of Confusion reigns down here… anyone doubt this?
for example… most of us recognize the fact that opening the port callus to allow mobs of Radical Islamics to just walze in and set up shop is a recipe for self destruction! and yet we dont seem to appreciate the fact that letting in Socialists is just as insane… for the very same reason!
Because we have become acclimatized to living with extremist socialists who have no regard for our rights…. shame on us.
Because the media does not alert us to this danger and we are such sheeple as to not contemplate this truth for our selves… shame on us!
Having Open Boarders is a Libertarian ideal… for sure… yet it is not something that can be achieved overnight… it is an ultimate goal… so too is having well defended boarders…. The difficultly is in transitioning from the status quo to the ideal without being foolish… but also by being brave enough to avoid inhumanity towards the needy (like real refugees)
To those paranoid about allowing foreign refugees to stay here.. yet dont apply the same concern for social Democrats who want to stay here… I say you are either foolish and dont appreciate the equivalent risks involved to our country’s Liberty and justice,… or deceitful… because you yourself are a socialist with zero respect for the Freedom of others.
It Acient times, there was noting Evil about having a walled city to keep the barbarians out and the existence of strict terms and conditions for entry (keeping the peace, and respecting the rights and liberties of the inhabitants)… those that enter must consent to minimum standards of conduct that are universally applicable… even outside the walls…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Night of the Long Knives: SJWs Running the Internet are silencing critics and systematically undermining free and fair elections on a global scale

When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clintion and started dismantling Obama’s Fascist agenda shockwaves rippled trough the Internet.
Because the Political Candidate that the Admins of Google+Youtube, Twitter, and facebook endorsed and wanted to win (Hillary Clinton) lost!… and they realised that their own creations were a primary cause for their own defeat, and they took the Trump victory as such horror they envisioned the end of the Socialist Dream and Human Civilisation!
All their hard work deceiving the world into embracing Climate Change.
All their hard work imposing their anti-christian views on sexuality, all their dreams of a Global centralized Socialist Government etc looked like they were going to be set back 20 years…
This is when they abandoned any pretense to respect for free speech and open dialogue and determined that *Next US election* they would be better prepared to shut down political debates that were not in their own interests… and not just US elections… but they would control information on the Global scale.
Google searches will Bury Websites, blogs, memes, photos, and articles that are anti-left agenda, and would instead put pro left propaganda to the fore.
Facebook will simply axe whole pages they see as being anti-left platforms for their opponents, create Alogorithms that can read memes, and hunt out and automatically ban photos, memes, articles that have been flagged by their SJW minions and spies that infest the internet and political forums.
This is more than just the usual vetting of malicious content… its a massive escalation of definite suppression of dissenting opinions to the political views of these Social Media/ Internet Mogals.
A flexing of mussel designed to slope the playing field, giving massive advantage to their own opinions, to the degree that they will be manipulating the democratic process as surely and effectively as any tyrannical Government censorship.
And Facebook is not an absolutely ‘Free enterprise’. as Governments have heavily invested in Facebook shares.

Read: Facebook has created an AI that can understand memes

To those of us whom understand the essential nature of having open dialogue, Alarm bells began to ring out when this Cabal of Internet Lords, all Banned Alex Jones and his ‘Info wars’… virtually wiping him off the map.
Jones was instrumental in the Trump victory as one of his most ardent supporters with a large global audience, and attacking Hillary Clinton as a Criminal and traitor.
Jones would talk daily on Items of importance… like the Bundy ranch resistance to the BLM, The Murder of Lavoy Finicm by The Black opps ‘Hostage rescue team’… things the mainstream media refused to Air.
The Mainstream media and Hollywood are also largely under control of Rabid Lefty Nutbars and they too engage in a program of keeping the sheeple in the dark.

Read this article from Reason: Facebook Slams Independent Voices With Latest Political Purge

Now I wont deny that Alex Jones says and does some pretty whack things, and that many of the ‘Investigative reports’ on Infowars are considered by many to be nothing but delusional conspiracies and ‘Fake news’.
Also I am a person who is myself disgusted by all the patently dishonest content on the internet flowing from legions of sites and blogs, and individuals with very bent opinions about everything… many of who mass produce Photo-shopped images, and fabricate patent lies about their political enemies… and in this dirty business it is the Right who i say are the chief offenders, and in this sence it should not be surprising that this mass-dishonesty by the Right has added fuel to the rage harboured by the Liberal Internet giants, it has also given them the pretext to begin their heavy censorship program… feigning a legitimacy to their Machiavellian schemes… and they used the notorious Alex Jones as a posterchild for what was about to follow.

Then Zuckerburg made his move and shut down 800+ facebook pages with millions of followers… mostly Anti-liberal agenda sites… under the pretext that these sites prosper from and disseminate fake news.
There was no warning… no discussion… it was a Night of the long knives action… fast, clean, and soon to be forgotten… while normalising the Idea that Anti-liberal opinion is ‘Hate speech’ and ‘fake news’and as such can rightfully be suppressed.
Of Course these actions would have caused Champagne to flow like water among the Lefty Parties, and hordes of Purple haired social justice warriors who have zero respect for any notions of fairness, free speech, etc and whose whole political means of action involves Compulsions and prohibitions.

This is the new puddle of stink that we all must now swim in… the Internet has changed… dramatically for the worst. Freedom is the victim. Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
And this is just the beginning… they will come for the Christians, They will come for the Mens Rights groups, They will come for the likes of The Leuren Sotherns and Stephan moloneuxs … who dare to challenge the Anti white propaganda of the left….. and Libertarians and bloggers like myself.
And just as insidious will be the *fear* this activity will generate among internet users who witnesswill drastically reduce what they share, and what they dare to say fearing that their pages could be shut down without redress at the whims of Facebook administrators…. All it takes is for a single Nasty purple haired Female SJW to ‘take offence’ at a comment or post that they dont like and to report you to the FB gestapo.

As a Passionate Voice of Dissent against Ideological evils and activities of both the Right and the left I have suffered an increasing number of these types of attacks, despite being vigilant and quickly blocking people who make it clear to me they are a SJW and are ‘Triggered’ by something I have said.
I have learned to move quickly to their profile and block them… hopefully before they have run to the Gestapo… one time I was too slow, a Joke I told on a Mushroom Identification page ‘Triggered’ a Purple hair thing (I wont assume her gender 🙂 ) and I was sent to Facebook Jail… for telling a joke!
This is not equal treatment but special privilege!
You can tell jokes about how Dumb Men are… but not any jokes about Transgenders, or SJW Neofeminists, etc…. another recent case was when I was commenting on an ENFJ Briggs-Meyers personality type page (I took the test and it said I was ENFJ Type) , and my comment was on the topic of Briggs-Meyers when some Purple-hair thing told me flat I was not an ENFJ because she had seen my previous profile pic and because it was a Meme-joke that mocked Neo-feminism… this was all the proof she needed that I was too ‘insensitive’ to be a member of *Her caring personality type!*
(The offending Picture Below)…

I dont have time to explain in detail what then transpired … it is enough to say a bunch more SJW Woman showed up and within a day of this, I had been thrown out of the group, and had my picture reported to Facebook whom quickly said It violated Facebook community standards and was Deleted.
Remember that I was not even discussing politics at the time this Attack started.
It was simply enough that It was my profile pic that the SJWs had taken offence to and got me thrown out and reported to the Facebook Gestapo.

^ This is what a SJW Feminazi looks like.

One more example I must share, It will take some explanation, yet it is worth it because it is very telling about how frightening things have become at facebook… and how powerful are their methods to screen everything that everyone is saying, and to crush anything that goes against their agenda, while leaving any BS that serves their purposes.
Below is another pic I shared in one of my photo albums, that is actually an example of despicable Right wing doctoring aimed at provoking anti-left sentiment. And they specialise in this particular type of photo doctoring that changes the message on a Protesters placard.

This one above is the Doctored picture. The one below is the original

Now it is only obvious to see that this picture has been doctored when you see the original, and I was taking it at face value, and had shared it to my page, when I read in the comments that followed that this was Doctored and the original was provided.
Of course I was peeved at this deception, It was not the first time I had gullibly shared a picture that had been doctored by the Right, and so Determined not to be so easily fooled again!
I noticed a pattern in these deceptive placard pictures that is also a dead giveaway for fake News articles in that if the Picture is too overt… or the Headlines of the ‘Newspiece’ is also way over the top’… then it is highly likely these things are manufactured Propaganda designed to doop the naive, and generate outrage.
Of course this should have been obvious to me before I had shared these things… yet It just goes to show how successful these dirty tricks can be.
Pissed off at the dirty tactics of the Right this time I created a photo album with the title of ‘The Right is as full of Dirty Liars as the left.’… and it featured this doctored picture, and I placed a description with it that said “I foolishly shared this photo thinking it was a *Real self-loathing white Lefty*… which it actually is… *Yet the message has been photoshopped by a dirty bastard Right winger who added in ‘Killing all’.
This is despicable deception… the sort that has ruined the internet… filled it with lies!
Designed to generate outrage and hate….”
I also shared the un-doctored Original so that my readers could see the obvious doctoring (photo shopping)
All was great… I was starting to populate my new album with more examples of these despicable Right wing deceptions when My Page was frozen by an automated program that had detected the doctored pic and told me that my Picture violated facebook standards.
Remember I had not put this pic in my album to *Spread the lie* but to expose the lie… yet the automation did not give a toss about that! It was simply ‘obeying za orders’ programmed into it to search and destroy this pic where ever it had been posted in Facebook.
I was however given the option to ask for a review… which I clicked… and was told this process would take about 24 hours… anyway much to my surprise my picture was restored!
And it was accompanied with the reply that the Review process found that my pic *Did not breach facebook standards* and that they had made a mistake!
Now it is not a long bow to draw that my picture had been reviewed by a living breathing Liberal SJW Facebook censor who realised I was using this picture to put the hate on the Right wingers… whom Facebook are trying to destroy… and so all of a sudden this picture was acceptable!!!!

All of a sudden it Did not breach their community standards!
This shows they are patently discriminating against the Right, while giving anything that is anti-right licence to kill! and has nothing to do with ‘Community standards’ at all!
And This copy remains as we speak in my photo album for the world to see!
Yet when I try and share it from my album, It gets sniped again by the search and destroy algorithm!
You can try this… copy the pic above and share it on your page and I guarantee you will get a visit from the Killbot.
I have also received links to reports that Facebook has been developing the software to screen *Every picture and meme* that gets posted… so they have absolute control to censor everything and anything, and that this is what they are doing.
I have had other attacks to my page too that affect my ability to function as a Libertarian Advocate and critic, yet this will suffice.
Multiply all this by Billions of times and the net effect this will have on the democratic process of western societies is mind numbing to apprehend!
The Masses of Facebook sheeple will be receiving more and more propaganda of the Left… with less and less voices of descent.
I fully expect to have my page shut down in the near future, yet until then I will be exposing this corruption!

Now this post is already ridiculously long, and maybe no one will read it yet I must make one final point… and it has to do with the solution to this Tyranical Cabal of Left wing Internet monsters.
First of all it is worrisome that many who suffer the oppression of the Facebook Gestapo will run straight to *Their Governments* asking them to pass legislation to take away the ‘evil powers’ from these Liberals who are hell bent on manipulating the public and the election processes of western nations.
They will probably say this is a perfect example of the need to implement *Antitrust legislation* to break up these massive companies into smaller chunks that are supposed to then work in competition with one another instead of collusion… Yes The Government regulators will save us!!!
That will be to leap out of the frying pan… into the fire!
You see *Internet Tyranny and control* is in fact something Western Socialist Democratic States have been dreaming of accomplishing *for themselves!*
The result will not be greater freedom of speech… but simply a shift of power from private hands into the Governments.
They will not simply legislate to break up Facebook, Google, etc, but will also legislate to make all sorts of internet communications illegal… and so instead of merely being thrown in ‘virtual jail’ as happens now… there is every probability that we will begin to be thrown in *Real jail* simply for expressing our own opinions (it is already happening!).
The Real solution is for some smart entrepreneurs and programmers to understand what is going on and to take steps to capitalise on the massive outrage that is being generated by the prejudices of the current internet giants, and to develop alternative social media sites and search engines… ones that have Iron clad security, and that have a constitution/ code of ethics to be what all ‘Free Press’ are supposed to be… the Vanguards of Freedom… of equal rights… of free speech!
And when this happens and people realise that there are far better places to do business than Facebook and Google… their power will be broken… their stocks will crash… and their reign of terror will be over.
This can be done without surrendering anything to Governments.
It will take time.
I have already signed up to MeWe social media site as an interim bolthole should my facebook page get axed, yet I have herd rumours of far better and secure social media site are in development as we speak!
Something called ‘Chain-blocking’ which is gibberish to me, yet my geeky friends assure me its very snazzy and will be awesome when it arrives!
And this is the Free market in action… and to the rescue!
The despicable tyrants running Youtube, Facebook, Google, have sown the seeds of their own destruction, and I hope the creators of these better sites are not only more ethical… which will be their greatest marketing strategy they could aspire to… but also that they become super wealthy from their creations that will go a long way towards halting the diabolical evils of Liberals Fascists in high places.

While I in no way fully endorse Donald Trump, I will say that By Defeating Hillary Clinton Trump saved America from a very very dangerous socialist tyrant.
And Donald Trump is by far a more honest, and just President than the despicable and psychotic Hillary Clinton who fully endorsed everything that Barack Obama did… they conspired together, and was poised to take things to the next level.
Thankfully the American people had had enough of their Diabolical and treasonous Agenda that was trying to destroy American Values, Rights,and freedom and force everyone into embracing Anti-Christian depravity and delusions… Grown men… perverts…. mentally ill allowed in Little girls Toilets!

Trumps victory has in fact caused the left to become even more psychotic… things are getting progressively worse… not just on line, but on the streets, and how Law and order is now being implemented.
The destroyers like violent Fascists groups like Antifa can cause riots etc with impunity, while anyone who tries to physically defend themselves will get arrested. Critics of the Left get their speeches cancelled, etc etc… there is a war against Freedom going on and its getting very violent.
It is becoming dangerous to oppose the psychotic Left.

^ here we see a guy in court who dared belong to a group called ‘Proud boys’. He was labeled a ‘member of a ‘hate group’ and a White Supremacist… even though he is married to a black woman and has black kids!
And you can guarantee it was Antifa who threw the first punch.
We all know their moto ‘Punch a fascist’… how Ironic… Today a Communist is just a Transgenderised Fascist!
Fascism in Drag.

Is this the world you wish your children to inherit?
At least Like and share my blogposts!
Get active!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Tim on Facebook(I will not leave quietly!)

Tim on MeWe

More From Tim….




Lizzy Marvelly: Sex Goddess, Social Justice Warrior, and Professional victim.

ITS NOT NORMAL for me to speak ill of a beautiful woman… as a red blooded man I find it much easier to pour out guile upon Ugly Obese Female Social justice Warriors, or Dufus Hipsters who apologize for being men and are happy to take a strapped on you know what …up their… you know where… from their Dominatrix Better others.
Subdued… repentant….
That’s just my innate God given maleness that I must keep in check that otherwise naturally grants great privilege to Beautiful woman.
My topic today is Lizzy Marvelly… to whom I am going to honor as an equal… rather than the sexual Goddess she is…and be openly critical of her as a babe with very very deluded opinions.
Who in reality enjoys the fruits of extraordinary natural and political advantages… yet loves to play the victim… and put the hate on people like me … a Guy who is not ashamed of My manliness… and does not feel sorry for her.
Giving her a fair hearing… I find her to be little more than a Trendy thinker… going with the flow of what she has been spoon fed.
She can rest assured she will never be banned or deleted from Facebook, Google,etc… as she absolutely conforms to ‘Their community standards’
I’m married, and very much older than her so it’s not like I’m blowing my chances of a date!
She… if she was ever to read this… and look up my Facebook profile would no Doubt just take me as a Dirty Old man engaging in petty (or nasty) ‘Cyber bullying’… not realising I am doing her the decency of taking her seriously as a thinker… and worthy of criticism… which in my opinion is more than she *objectively* deserves.
Though I find her opinions puerile, I do take them seriously because I take sexism and racism seriously… She is both these things… and more… which is why she gets paid by the New Zealand Herald for being the politically correct professional victim.
Despite her Immense Sexual Capital as a hot babe, for whom life is demonstrably ‘privileged and ‘easier’ Lizzy says she lives under an oppressive patriarchy… so she’s a victim
Lizzy writes on Maori oppression … and claims to suffers the consequences… living under an oppressive system of white supremacy.
Her latest claims…. Lizzy jumped out of the closet to tell us she has sexual fantasies about other woman… and so is a self professing member of the oppressed ‘Rainbow community’… and just over the last few weeks she appeared on the front page of the NZ Herald as the poster child for those oppressed for ‘Cyber Bullying’.
So she has added this as well to her list of personal Victimhood!
If playing the victim was an Olympic sport, Shes would be one of the champions!

Read: Lizzie Marvelly: Dear parents. We need to talk about your sons
Read: Lizzie Marvelly comes out as bisexual on social media.
Read: Lizzie Marvelly: Writing columns on Māori — and then despairing at the vile

Read: Lizzie Marvelly on cyber bullying: a ‘tidal wave’ of online attacks

It is typical of someone like her… with the victim mentality… to take any critisisms… esp from angry White Men who she maligns at ever opportunity…. as being some sort of ‘injustice’ and ‘prejudice’ she is enduring.
No doubt some critisims *Are simply nasty and hateful*, the world is full of haters… and I am not saying that *all* the critisims she receives will reasonable and just… nor that the problem of cyber Bulling is not a real thing of concern… but that she has a pathology to construe virtually everything as some sort of form of social oppression… and a penchant for Lording ‘Identity Movements’ and playing ‘Identity politics’… which is a signature of a prejudiced mind.
Ie *She is participating in precisely they types of thinking and politics she pretends to be fighting!
who is the real sexist, racist, and bigot?

What if I told you this post is not really about Lizzy?
This is not personal.
What if I told you I am only using her as an example of a far greater ideological cancer Western society is suffering?
I dont hate her… I pity her… If she is a victim… she is a victim of our Politically correct Lobotomizing society… that puts Racists and Sexists of the Politically correct types up on a Pedestal and holds them forth as Heroic exemplars.
This type of dirty politics also tries to monopolise the Public discussions on all the important topics… so that men critical of feminism are considered ‘unqualified to talk’ because of the bulge in their undies.
White critics of Treaty separatism and so called positive political discrimination… are considered ‘Unqualified’ to discuss the matter… because they dont belong to the particular racial minority that is being held up as suffering oppression.
So we see socialist Politicians are desperate to be able to identify themselves with some group that is popularly seen to be socially oppressed?
So I do not hold any malevolence against Lizzy… I dont think she is one the absolutely Seething Men haters or Racists who hate Whites…that infest the Social justice scene.
She is probably absolutely oblivious to the fact that she is just a puppet of the predominant delusions of our day.
What is Drummed into the kids at schools and Universities by deranged socialist teachers… following the dangerous and deluded policies dictated from the Beehive.
We are bombarded by this propaganda via the Media, and thus She is helping to fuel this madness with her own skewed mind that has been programmed like a robot.
Woman have held some of the Top Jobs in this country!

Read : Trump-supporting descendant of the REAL Pocahontas says Elizabeth Warren should apologize for claiming Native American heritage

Yes it is had for me to take her claims of being a victim seriously given how she is a member of the most privileged Sex, the most privileged Race in our Politically correct skewed society.
Privilege has nothing to do with statistical outcomes like about how much more men earn… or how many Maori are in jail… but about the principles of Equality before the law, and fairness in courts… and under that measure Woman won the war against ‘the Patriarchy’ a long time ago… yet they have refused to disband… why? Because playing the victim is a powerful tool to manipulate the system, and because if you get rid of ‘Victemhood’ socialism has absolutely nothing to offer.
Reality is that Woman have and do hold some of the Top Jobs in this country!

Social Statistics are far more complex than Socialists pretend when they blame ‘oppression’ all day… yet because that is virtually the only trick in the socialist bag… they have destroyed movements that were once great reforming powers… Highly Moral… into grotesque Caricatures of their former Glory… Feminism now represents hatred of Men… Anti Racism now represents Race hate against whites… etc etc.

Lizzy, if you ever read this, please see the funny side of my jibs about finding you sexually attractive… This too was just to make a point… that its not a crime for a man to find woman sexually appealing based upon their looks…. in fact I believe God designed us the do exactly that and enjoy Sex and Beauty, and manliness and distinct from the feminine… Differences we should should greatly appreciate.
Nor as a married man do I think it proper for me to carry on like a hot blooded single young man.
My own Christian Ethics definitely says I should keep my overt sexual desires in check, and respect woman for far more than just their looks… which fade anyway… and to value their minds, Character, and their soul.
Yet to me there are few things as ugly as a Raging woman pouring out hatred against men.
How is our society ever going to be strong if woman have been taught to be irrationally demanding and of ridiculous expectations of Men?
You are setting up young woman to fail in relationships if they are Taught that Basic Male-ness is toxic.
Please think about these things.
How sad it is that a wolf whistle has been twisted from an expression of admiration and is now construed as some sort of ‘Rape culture’!
The truth is that Socialism has made *Men* the most oppressed sex… yet we will never see The NZ Herald putting this fact on the front page of their Politically biased propaganda…
The meme below may be a reference to the US, yet the same is tragically true in New Zealand… and its absolutely shocking to witness the oppression of Men at the hands of our corrupt system.

One final quote from Lizzy encapsulates her utter delusional victim mindset… despite Maori and Woman having *more say* on all topics in this country she cant stand *any other opinions being voiced*… such as Don Brash whose group ‘Hobson’s Pledge’ represents New Zealanders (like myself) who are fighting for racial equality before the Law… she says

“I’ve met Don Brash, and I have actually enjoyed time in his company. He is personable and courteous. He also holds and voices opinions I wholeheartedly believe are harmful to my people and my culture, and that I find nauseating. They’re the kind of views that, in my opinion, distort history and stoke separatism. And he insists on repeating them, over and over.

So forgive me for not feeling any great depth of feeling about Don Brash being denied one of the many platforms that he regularly enjoys. The decision to ban him from speaking at Massey University was undoubtedly an ill-considered own-goal, but it hardly amounts to an attack on the foundations of our democracy.”


“As a Māori woman, who is often the only Māori and/or the only woman in speaker line-ups, on panels and on media shows, I’m far more concerned about the women and people of colour who are effectively censored by exclusion or tokenism than I am about Don Brash not speaking to a handful of students.

While Brash could quickly reinstate his freedom of expression by squawking to the media, others aren’t so fortunate. In practice, free speech for people of my culture and gender is more of a luxury than a right.”

From her opinion piece: Lizzie Marvelly: Why can’t I escape Don Brash?

This is all beyond ridiculous!

And on the individual level the ‘Victim mentality’ would be one of the most self-defeating, self-flagellating psychological millstones any human being can have!
It is absolutely dis-empowering because it always blames others of our personal problems rather than taking ownership of our own lives and realising our success or failure is determined by the choices we make ourselves and personal responsibility… rather than simply being leaves blown about by the wind.
This is the poison Maori’s own spokespeople are preaching into the minds of their youth… and is why the terrible social statistics never improve despite billions being thrown at them ‘to right the wrongs of the past and end racial oppression’.
Maori’s shameful condition has nothing to do with racial oppression and everything to do with their Culture of Hatred and Blame, and Drug-dependency on Toxic Socialism.

Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian

More from Tim…
My facebook Social Justice Warrior page

My Facebook Mens struggle for dignity against woman (feminists).









Too late! The Evils that Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux want to warn us about…. are already here.

To be edited…

Lauren Southern is everything The Lefty Liberal Retards despise!
Men think She’s smokin Hot!
She loves Guns.
She hates Feminism.
And she is a vocal critic of Lefty Liberal Immigration policies.

Banned from Entering New Zealand!

One of the greatest dangers to the conservation of Western culture that Southern and Molyneux want to come to New Zealand to warn us about are those that stem from allowing a large influx of migrants and Refugees…from a starkly different culture.
Migrants who have no intention of assimilating their host nations culture or values and fervently harbour anti-Western ideas… such as outlawing critics of their religion … and that accommodating these alien ideas will spell the end of the Religious liberty we have enjoyed …founded upon tolerance and equality.
This should not be a surprise to anyone… and obviously measures need to be in place to protect the degrading of our rights and Liberties.
The price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance… Our Heritage of Liberty and tolerance needs to be rigorously defended!

Well… Sadly… We see that the Islamic community in New Zealand already has leadership that thinks nothing of lobbying government to prevent speakers coming here they perceive as being critics of Islam!
And we already have Liberal Politicians who have zero respect for conserving Western culture more than willing to accommodate them!
*And that* is the *Real problem*… because in any society there will always be Petty Groups… and even malevolent groups who desire Laws that circumvent the rights and liberties of others… the problem happens when they are able to move Legal/Political powers to enact their anti-liberty desires.

Does anyone appreciate the Irony of this situation?
The arguments of Southern and Molyneux are being validated before our very eyes!
Is it already too late?
Has the sun already begun to set on Freedom and religious toleration in New Zealand?
I think so!
It is proven that even ‘Moderate’… Cosmopolitan forms of Islam (if that is what the ‘New Zealand Federation of Islam’ claims to be) are organisations dedicated to destroying Western ideals about personal Freedom… and enjoying life in a free and open society… Co-existing in peace based upon Ironclad Rights and liberties.
They want their religion (Islam) to be shielded from critique.

“She’s just going to insult all of us”

The Islamic community voiced their opposition to the visit last month.

New Zealand Federation of Islam Associations president Hazim Arafeh said it had written letters to the Immigration Minister, Minister for Ethnic Communities and the Human Rights Commission asking for Lauren Southern to be denied entry.

“[She] abuses her right of freedom of speech. She’s just going to give a talk in which she’s just going to insult all of us,” Mr Arafeh said.

“I don’t think insulting Muslims comes under free speech, that’s an abuse of freedom of speech.

“I’m talking on behalf of 50,000 to 60,000 Muslims in New Zealand who are going to face a very hard time by all the comments she is going to make.”


This says it all.

And the Anti-Western Commy Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff tweeted….

We see Goff quick to capitalize on this opportunity for extreme left ‘Virtue signalling’ that was not to be missed… under the pretense that the planned Speaking tour was ‘Divisive’.

Notice how on one hand we get Western Liberals applauding when their politically appointed partisan Judges insist Christian Bakers must accommodate Customers who want ‘Gay Wedding Cakes’… yet also these same hypocritical Ideologues then suggest it is a Right to exercise conscience *not to allow Southern and Molyneux use of Public facilities paid for by all Ratepayers… irrespective of Race, religion, or cultural heritage!
We can be certain that the council has in the past happily allowed its Publicly owed venues for such Radical Racists as
This is clear discrimination by the state in both counts… and on both counts it displays an agenda to suppresses the Religious liberty of the Cultural conservatives for the sake of pandering to the Anti-religious liberty sentiments of various sectors of our society.

Stephan Molyneux is also everything the Lefty Liberal SJW Retards love to hate.
Hes a Man… (Patriarchal Privilege)
He’s White… (White privilege)
He’s a defender of Western Values.
He’s unapologetic for any of that!

Banned from Entering New Zealand!


For The record let it be known that I have been very outspoken about what I didn’t like about Trumps Anti-refugee Electioneering… and I have defended the humanitarian urgency with regard to the plight of the Syrian refugees… and so I am not a person who endorses all the sentiments of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux… yet it has been waay too easy for a biased press to wheel out Prejudiced academics like the so-called ” Massey University far-right expert and vice chancellor Paul Spoonley …. saying some of what the pair say was considered hate speech and labeling them as ‘Far Right extremists’… when in reality Southern and Molyneux are very mainstream Western Conservatives… not Rightist radicals at all.

The last time I remember anything like this was when New Zealanders were denied opportunity to listen to the arguments of Holocaust denier and Historian David Irving… a Man who was later jailed for the crime of having an opinion contrary to The Politicians and academics of Europe.

Now This is no joke!
Not a triffilng matter… not a victory for Social progress… but a plunge into the abyss!
In England, an act of unworthy of any Civilized Free society an associate of Lauren Southern … Journalist Tommy Robinson… was marched straight to jail… without normal due process… because he desired to expose the legal Travesties going on in British courts by which Muslim rapists escape justice that would be meted out to any other demographic!
So on one hand people who balk against the Liberal’s PC agenda are criminalised and thrown in jail pronto while the system panders to *Real Criminals* in the misguided idea that Britain ought to accommodate the anti-western cultures of Non-citizens!

The Ultra Right parties are definitely on the rise in Europe… taking advantage of the chaos and disorder that has ensued because of Weak governments management of the Refugee Crisis, yet it is not *Ultra right* to protest against this Politically Correct travesty *but Conservatism*… yet because the principles and arguments that oppose all this Lefty Garbage may be broadly understood as ‘Libertarian’… this makes it easy for Lefty academics and politicians to label these ideas as ‘Far Right’… which is where these charlatans have always lumped Libertarians… as if they are Nazis!
And the Dopey shepple believe these lies.
Libertarians are as opposed to Rightist Fascism as they are opposed to Lefty Communism … and for the very same reasons… both forms of socialism… on the left and right … are all about totalitarianism… and both trample underfoot the rights and liberties of Individuals… Destroying lives… filling Prisons… and pounding anyone who will not comply into the ground.

And we have Bold speakers here in New Zealand … ‘Maori Holocaust deniers’ like Bruce Moon and John Ansell who dare to contradict the ‘Official History’ of the British colonization of New Zealand as being systematic oppression of The Maori people.
Unlike David Irving… Moon and Ansell have history on their side!
The revisionism is the 100% propaganda of the Lefty academics and radicals, yet tt is not a very long march from Banning Foreign speakers… to jailing our citizens who critisise our own governments views.
This is where all this is heading.
Had David Irving been allowed to come here and talk it is highly unlikely he would have persuaded anyone that the German Holocaust against the Jews did not happen!
And at the risk of a few nutballs swallowing a few delusions… the principle of free speech is far to precious to be surrendered!

Read my Blog on the failure of European Governments to keep the peace Here: The Art of Assimilation. Culture shock, Lawlessness, and the challenges facing humanitarian good will

Lefty Liberal SJW Mayor of Auckland.

Lefty Politicians Like Phil Goff’s Labour Party… and the Greens that are infested with Purple haired ‘Social Justice Warrior’ Lunatics… most of whom are confused about their own sexuality…harbor a deep repugnance for New Zealand’s Western Christian Heritage, and this being so we see a stark prejudice against Christian values, to the degree that we can be sure that They would not pander to any ‘Christian Lobby’ that would be silly enough to Demand people like Richard Dawkins or Neil deGrasse Tyson be denied visas ‘Because they insult Christianity’… etc.
The Hypocrisy of the left stinks to high heaven!
I believe that if there is any organised protest against this travesty preventing Southern and Molyneux for coming here and talking that all liberty loving Kiwi should endevour to be there… even if you do not endorse what they represent as this not simply about supporting what these individual want to say… Its a much BIGGER and FAR MORE IMPORTANT MATTER!
Its about telling our Government they have no right to shut down Dissenters who peacefully expound Ideas that are contrary to the governments Agenda!
We Kiwi have the right to invite such people… and to listen to what they have to say… and to make up our own minds about such things!
It is Dangerous to allow the government to control what we hear, Read, watch, etc!
This is Fundamental to living in a free society!
Any society that looses this is in grave peril… and will have jails filled with political prisoners… and I am not just talking about Hell holes like North Korea!
The Lefty Liberals about the Globe are fast eroding our rights and Freedom… fast pandering to intolerance… in the name of tolerance!

The Great Evil Anti-free speech Liberal doctrine is of course the the Deception of ‘Hate Speech’ by which any critisism of anything… any group… any idea… may be construed as being ‘Hate speech’… esp if such criticism goes against the Agenda of the ruling party.
And of course The Right to Free speech especially matters when people what to say *unpopular things*… because that when intolerant people and vested interests… who have no recourse to reasoned arguments… seek to shut them down by Legalised force.

If This travesty is allowed to pass without protest you can count New Zealand as being one of the most petty Nations on Earth!
A Lefty Liberal S#!t hole!
And next They will Ban Christian speakers who are opposed to Abortion… Or Whom have opposed Gay Marriage…. or Hippies who advocate the end of the war on Drugs!
Etc Etc….

Now though I am a Christian Libertarian, I have no problems with Peaceful Muslims immigrating here… and I have advocated we accept far more Muslim refugees from such Humanitarian Crisis as the Syrian war… yet these people can only come here under the strict condition that they will obey our Laws and respect our Rights and Liberties!
They have no legitimate right to start lobbying the government to pass Laws that infringe upon our legitimate freedoms… or to expect special treatment.
As long as they peacefully go about their own business their is no reason why they cannot carry on enjoying their own culture and beliefs, yet if there is an in-congruence between their culture and that of their hosts… if anyone must culturally change and assimilate… it is the Immigrant… and refuge… not the Citizens of the host country.
If this condition is unacceptable to them… they should leave.

Like Citizens… They may voice their disagreements… yet they certainly dont have the legitimate right to lobby Government to Ban speakers whom are critics of Islam… any more that I have the right to lobby Government to ban critics of Christianity!
If I dont like what some speakers are saying I can ignore them… or take the opportunity to present a rational argument as to why they are in error… or challenge them to Public debate… or if I feel the need I may organise *A Peaceful* and civilized demonstration rally… Yet The Idea that certain speakers may be prevented from holding their meetings because of threats of violence from intolerant groups is absolutely unforgivable!
It is the Governments Job to see to it that Law and order prevails against such thuggery… and that the right to free speech be upheld… against the barbarians who think violence is the way to suppress their critics… rather than civilised debate…
Failure of Government to see to it that Controversial speakers are well guarded… and that the events take place is to let the Mob Rule!

And again we see that it is *The Wacko* Lefties with their ‘Social Justice Warriors’… ‘Antifa’, etc who have no qualms about resorting to Violent protest… rioting… and vandalism.
These things are crimes… not protests… and the Criminals should be thrown in Jails… and be made to pay for any property damage they cause.
They are the most likely to send Death threats, etc
In no way are they like the principled protests of Martin Luther King and his civil Rights movement, and ought to placed in stark contrast to them.
Even when engaged in ‘civil disobedience’… They were Never violent… never destructive of property… never angry… but full of Love and high ideals… and they won!
In those days it was the Separatist Status Quo who wanted to shut them down and prevent King and co from speaking… and whom resorted to violence!
Never should the Dialogue on sensitive issues be allowed to be hijacked by Political vested interests or the Mob.

Now I am not suggesting that the Islamic Federation of New Zealand is ‘a hotbed of radical Islam’ hell bent on turning New Zealand into an Islamic Caliphate’!
I have seen some good things that have come from this organisation in the past… yet I absolutely condemn their demands to ban Critics of Islam from being allowed to come here and talk.
They have overstepped the mark…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: Call for judicial review of Auckland Council agency’s blocking of far-right speakers
Great News!
Free speech group raises $50k to challenge Auckland Council over far-Right speaker ban

The Objective Reality Of Hell. Subjective Whim vs Belief in Heinous Things: A Dialogue.

I have been wanting to do a Blogpost on Objective Truths vs Subjective whims for a long time, yet like so many super important topics… I have procrastinated out of fear of not doing these subjects justice.
Esp in relation to my Belief in the Objective reality of Hell… despite not liking the doctrine at all… and wishing it were not true.
I esp want to talk about how a keynote of a Subjective whimsical thinker is that they refuse to believe in anything they find repugnant… esp if admitting ‘their’ possibility will have implications for themselves that they do not want to deal with.
Fear and loathing.
They are like the Ostrich who seeks to hide from any scary reality by putting their heads in a hole in the ground.

There are *many unpleasant realities* and any rational Cosmology/ belief system must be strong enough to encompass these dark truths.
‘The Problem of Evil’ ‘Theodicy’ being one of the greatest of all Theological/ philosophical topics that challenges the faith of many in Divine Providence and goodness, and many think the Doctrine of hell is likewise a fatal proof against the Goodness of the Lord God of the Bible.

Read: Car Crash.

Tonight after work I came across the ‘Meme/post’ (At Top) by one Matthew Joseph on a Facebook Group I belong to called ‘Psychedelics and Philosophy’, and as you can see the question Matt put forward perfectly dovetails with these topics, and without saying too much in this introduction… I hope that intelligent readers will be able to follow my rationale as it flows in the dialogue… despite the fact that during the ‘debate’ comments get inserted in.

It is a raw ‘real world’ conversation… not a fabricated dialogue designed by a clever writer to display their philosophical eloquence… its a battle of words between two antagonists… a bible hater vs myself… a King Jame Bible believer.

I will however just make a few quick points before I post the dialogue.
1. From what I have already said above you can see what motive I had for entering on a discussion of the question posed by Matt. It was not as he says… that I was ‘assuming’ some sort of personal attack, but that my initial comment (which is important because I maintain it’s position throughout the whole dialogue and my later comments are all in context of it) was a sincere attempt to draw attention to ‘Why some people believe heinous things’.. and that it is far more dangerous to assume that all heinous things ought to be automatically and subjectively disbelieved.

2. I admit to making some bold assumptions from the get go… as to why Matt may have posted this question… assumptions founded upon years dialogue, study, etc… and from the reaction that swiftly followed my original comment It becomes clear that my assumptions were perfectly correct.
Matt *Is precisely the sort of person I suspected*… yet still it was not my original intention to get into a bun fight… though once the first bun was thrown at me… I was more than ready to retaliate in kind!

3. With these things in mind I hope by the time any reader traverses this dialogue that they will see that Matts final assertion my arguments are all ‘Non sequitur’ is simply another denial of the fact that I was on point the whole time…

My ongoing comments must be taken *In context* of his comments… He fails to appreciate how he himself fills in the sequence of my reasoning… justifies my progressive assumptions, and makes full vindication of my original comment.

Thus I assert it was Matt who started the petty nastiness… Matt immediately responded in a derogatory manner… debasing the conversation by calling me a ‘Jack ass’… hoping to shut me down… not because he could rebut me… but because he did not like my original moot defending belief in the Bible and hell.
I assert that Matt said almost nothing that equates to a rational argument, and that at all points he displayed the Subjectivity of a God hating sinner… a lost soul who does not want to contemplate the possibility of facing Divine judgement and hell, and in fact he has nothing of substance to offer on the topic of belief.
He only wants to believe things that are non-threatening… non-challenging to his modus opperandi… and esp dont lay moral weights upon his back.
Matt is a Hater of The God of the Bible… and thinks Christians are Freaks.

Atheists like to make their own rules.
Even though their world view is ultimately nihilistic… morally sterile and devoid of value they still like to think of themselves as ‘Good people’…and that they are the ‘defenders of truth’, etc.. so they claim to sit on the Lofty Ground and pour righteous indignation down upon the religious.
It’s all Absurd and inconsistent hypocrisy with their own professed beliefs… yet very necessary for their self delusion.

Read: How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Matt asserts that I went for his throat from the get go.
Yet still He has given me his permission to include his name and though one of his friends jumps in… he says little of substance and I have left his name in there too.
The whole dialogue is Screen shots… verbatim… Pettiness and all.

I assume only 3 mad people will read it in full… yet I intend to use this conversation in the future debates and discussions.

Now the debate is over, and I dont hold any ill feelings, and it is not my intention to use this blog post in malice against him, and in fact I offer an Olive branch to him and will post him the link to this blogpost and have already invited him to make critisisms and defend himself in the comments.
I hope that he will re-consider my arguments.

I dont want him to go to hell.
I dont want *anyone* to go to hell!
Yet I wont deny its objective reality because it was taught by Christ and is in the Divine Revelation… The King James Bible.

Read: The Rock of Divine Revelation.

One of my most heavy burdens is watching as my friends and family…one by one… enter eternity Rubbishing Christ and assuming Hell and Judgement are not awaiting them.
It breaks my heart when they make it clear that they do not even wish to discuss this topic with me.

That Hell is real is why Christ gave his life on the Cross!
And To prevent people going to hell is not achieved by denying it’s existence… but by preaching the gospel of Gods Grace!
Preaching The Cross.

Read: Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Matt will not know that I was once an Militant Atheist myself… so I appreciate how *alien* the spiritual truths of the Bible appear to the Natural man… the Materialist.

Read: Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

It has been argued by atheists that Jesus was immoral because he preached about hell, and that to their thinking eternal damnation in torment is too horrific an idea to be expounded by any Good person.
I admit it is a truly horrific proposition and I understand why even many Christians today try to do God a favour by denying the doctrine of hell… saying it is false teaching… bad interpretation, etc.
They want to removed hell because of the obstacle to faith it represents.. and they wish to escape the burden of arguing that God is moral to eternally Damn sinners … that is a hard thing to sell!
, yet I Choose to trust the Bible, and I argue that irrespective of my personal feelings… that *If hell is an objective reality* then I must Trust that God is Righteous in all his judgments, and that it would be immoral for Christ *not to preach about it*… not to warn sinners they were in danger… and it would be immoral for me to go along with the charade that hell does not exist!

Christians who are swayed against the doctrine of hell because of the difficulties it presents are infact involved in a form of Idol making.
They seek to make an Image of God more pleasing to their subjective desires and vain ideas rather than worshiping the God of the Bible… as he has revealed himself to truly be… including his holiness and abhorrence of sin and evil…
Look at all the vile evil in the world!
Look at the wickedness and perversion of humanity!
With one breath Atheist point at Wars and Tyranny… all the suffering of the weak at the hands of the strong, and accuse God of not caring about evil… yet with their next breath they condemn the Doctrine of Divine judgement!
They say The God of the Bible is outrageously Jealous and angry and that his judgments are too harsh!
Am I the only one who sees the contradiction and hypocrisy of the infidels?

Richard Dawkins pandered to the seething rage of millions of Atheists against God and his judgement, and instead of boldly standing on the scriptures and counter-striking with the Doctrine of the Love, Grace, and mercy of God… many Christians Retreated in the face of such an onslaught… just as they have shamefully done on so many issues vital issues like accepting ‘Evolution’… like accepting that Rationalist position on the Scriptures as merely a human construct full of Myths, and Superstitions.
And when they have removed Hell from their beliefs… they also have removed the greatest moral burden and impetus to preach the Gospel of Salvation to the lost!

God’s Judgement is evidence of the *Moral weight* and *Value* and Meaning he places upon Human life and action.
God takes our existence and activities very seriously!

God has managed to show his mighty wisdom and Both Judge and show mercy!
Remember that God himself is not willing that any should perish, and that he commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners , Christ died for us.
Those that end up in Damnation *choose their fate*… by rejecting Christ and the mercy of God.

So here it is…. “Let he that hath an ear to hear… let them hear”.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: After posting the link to this post to Matt and his friends, he responded with more vitriol and personal insults displaying he is completely incapable of being rational on this topic.
And his friends weighed in too and it is telling that in more that 70 comments that were made… at no point did any of them actually address the content of my argument… and focused on pouring out guile on me personally.
They even wheel in some guy they think is a Philosophical ‘Heavy weight’… yet he proceeds to act as ‘amateur hour’ as the rest!
‘Tim is a Maniac’
‘Tim’s post is too long’
‘Tims writing is shit’… etc etc.
These are the whole tenor of my detractors ‘arguments’ against me… quite pathetic… very telling about their personal spiritual condition.
Of course ‘indifferent’ dialogues of noble and pure thinkers are Myth.
Fantasies invented by philosophers… In the real world most contentious Dialogues are full of ugliness, and so this dialogue fits in well with ‘Keeping it real’.

Anyway here is the discussion … and I will have to add some more of the later comments… I do know it’s ‘quite long’ in today’s short ‘attention span’ culture, yet I think the subject is worth taking time to ponder.

F1 Grid-lock How (Neo)feminism hates Beautiful woman and destroys their jobs, and Wage advantages.

By now you are probably aware about how Formula 1 racing has arbitrarily decided to cut the jobs of all the beautiful Grid Girls that have added Glamour to the events and gone a long way to spreading some of the wealth and prestige into the feminine demographic out of a Male dominated industry. (sport)
Just think about all the hypocrisy involved in that these woman all got the sack for doing nothing wrong!
If this had been *any other* industry other than the beauty industry, there would have been a humingus moral outrage!
Yet because this happened to *This demographic* all the wowzers applaud it…. Shamefully pandering to whacko neo-feminism that is sweeping the globe like an influenza of the mind.
Neo-feminism is *Not* like ‘classical feminism’…. this liberalist craze is not about equality for woman but hatred of men and persecution of Beautiful woman out of envy.

There has been a lot of heated argument on social network over this, The media cashing in on the sensation, with many men like myself spitting tacks that the Neo-feminists have yet again been successful in wreaking something we enjoy, followed by the lame and hypocritical responses of Emasculated liberal men who hate themselves, and all the Nannas want to turn the whole world into a safe space for the delicate.

They blatantly deny that this is Rabid Political correctness run amok … they emphatically state its not another raid by ‘The Fun Police’ …. On Stuff….as if such fraudulent denials can somehow hide the truth about what is going on!
My reply was … ” Ummm it *is PC gone mad*, and it is the Fun Police’s fault, and sadly Freedom is loosing the war against the hypocrites.
Neo-feminism hates beautiful woman… everybody know this.”

Here some typical dialogue that I have been involved with… (I have saved them here because there is every chance that the facebook police will delete my arguments and throw me in Facebook jail for daring to have a contrary view to that of Zukkerburger and his Pinko minions. Facebook has become one of the worst engines of Propaganda for the Liberal agenda!)

Nanna apologist 1: “I’ve had to listen to too many gross comments from men at these events that makes my daughters and I feel uncomfortable and unsafe. When I was younger I got fully harassed at a speedway race when the promo girls came out.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Well you have to harden up and prepare your daughters for a hell of a lot more than guys talking about hot woman if they are going to survive in this world… and respect the freedom of others… because you dont have the right to think of such places as Kindy garden.
And that is the problem with Liberals trying to turn the whole world into a ‘safe space’ for Babies!
You dont allow any space for Men to be Men… and you think we have to all behave like we live in a giant kindy garden… sorry thats tyranny.”

The hypocrisy of Liberal Hollywood with respect to these issues Beggars belief!

Self hater Male 1: “Lay off the sauce, Tim. Men have no more right to public spaces than women. Perhaps you could go back to your “kindy garden” and learn about sharing??”

Self hater Male 2: “Tim… The reason why there is no “space for men to be men” is because EVERYWHERE is their space. If it is something to claim, a man has made claim to it.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Rubbish! Men are the most harassed Sex in western civilisation… accused of ‘Rape culture’ just for whistling at a Babe… not that the babes complain about it… its all the monsters who *never get whistled at doing all the complaining!
It was certainly not the Grid girls who complained about men being men, or about the glamorous well paying Jobs they had until the wowzers rained on the parade.
It’s guys like you who ‘Apologize for being a Man’ who ought to be ashamed of how you pander to the feminist bigotry!
I’m all for equality… yet thats not *special treatment*…. equality is being able to work in a workshop beside men… if you have the skills… yet not demanding they take down Calendars with babes on them… and no man would worry about them putting up calendars with hot guys on them…. *Thats equality*… not imposing your petty sensitivities every 5 seconds… thats being precious… and expecting to be treated like some delicate flower!
Grow up!

The video below shows how feminists are attacking Darts ‘walk on girls’

Todays ‘Fourth wave’ feminism is not about equal rights… its about Nut bar Liberals forcing their deranged ideas down everyone elses throats By countless new rules and regulations… and its evil and suffocating.
Listen to the words of a grid Girl (Link below)…. esp the part about how this sort of deranged submission to the Neo-feminist craze hurts woman and is *hypocritical* in the light of claims the movement seeks *Wage equality*… etc.
Here was a Job in which *Woman* clearly have the advantage over Men and shows what a joke the whole delusion that woman are somehow disadvantaged by systemic ‘patriarchal oppression’.
Feminists *cherry pic* certain occupations where they say they have found disparity (as if perfect symmetry in human demographics is even a rational ideal) yet not only do they ignore any statistics that clearly show men are at at a disadvantage… they actively work to destroy jobs like this that woman dominate… under the deranged idea that these woman are oppressed!
The entire edifice of Neo-feminism is founded upon vicious propaganda, and *Sexism* against Men and any woman whom like men and dont fit into the feminist framework of Man-hating victim.

Grid girl Giorgia Davis
Read what Grid Girl Gioria Davies has to say about losing the job she loved… from her Facebook page… Here

Gloating Liberal: ” Poor Tim. You sound so angry and having your perving curtailed.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “I am not ashamed to be a man who likes beautiful woman.
I refuse to take on board any guilt trip about that… its natural and completely within the bounds of decency, in fact beauty is something that ought to be appreciated.”

Naive Male: “[Tim] Check out who owns F1 and who made this decision, you could not be more wrong.”

Tim Wikiriwhi: “Dont pretend this is not part of the whole wave of nutbar Liberalism! We see this crap going on across the board, in every industry… Its all related.
They are feeling the backlash of the hysteria around Weinstein and the ‘Me too’ movement…. full of hypocrites.”

And thats the truth!
This is nothing new… all predictable… all part of the surrender of Freedom and Mens’s rights to the Lunatic hysteria of Lefty Liberalism and Neo feminism.
We can be sure that they will attack cheer leaders in othe sports too!
The feminist movement that ones had noble ideals has been completely over run by whacko Man haters whose agenda is nothing short of absolute Sexist bigotry against men and sexy woman.
This is the nutbar movement that hangs giant Vaginas over their heads and parades down the street!
This is the movement that thinks calling themselves ‘Nasty woman’ and having blood tricking down between their thighs is a some sort of Bold stand for womans ‘Liberation’!
This is the perverse movement whose members bring Cookies to school for young children shaped like vaginas!
They are violent.
They act like a crazy mob!
They hate men and want them to die!

Biscuits provided by a whacko liberal mom to a 2nd grade class.

The truth is the War was won against woman’s oppression in the west a long time ago, yet the Liberals have no other modus opperandi but to play perpetual victims of the demographic they despise most… White Men.

It is frightening to realise that most of western civilisation is governed by Liberal Freaks who seek to make all this insanity offical doctrine… and Law.
It is frightening to realise that Men have been systematically driven out of the education systems and that these are now infested with whacko feminists and liberals who are not only teaching little girls and teens to be militantly neo-feminist, but are also torturing our boys… simply for being boys… whom they see as future ‘rapists and benefactors of the patriarchy’.
Schools are purposely disadvantaging our sons to try and hobble their ability to function in the future… socially engineering… an advantage for girls across the entire spectrum of society.
Our Law courts are heavily weighted against men and fathers.
Woman escape justice every day for their Violence and frauds committed against men!
Police refuse to charge woman for their lies and abuse.

Its an outrage!
And its why I am writing this blog, and why I have opposed Neo-feminism for years as a Moral Libertarian duty.

Those of you who think I am over reacting to this F1 decision are brain dead Zombies… oblivious to the magnatute of the Evil that is involved in all this.
Western civilisation is going down the toilet… and I for one will not cheer.

Now I am not a misogynist.
I respect woman, and I believe in their equal rights and liberties, yet these Neo-feminists are Dangerous and deranged, and their bigoted and hate filled militancy is absolutely frightening to behold and I fear for my Children’s future!
Our Sons will inherit an oppressive system, and our daughters will be brainwashed and not understand what the true virtues of femininity are!
This will only accelerate the collapse of Marriage, Family, and the home… to the misery of all.
I dont have any angst against ‘Big’ woman… or ‘plain’ woman… or woman past their prime, yet *Envy* is one of the most prevalent and base of human characteristics and these types are easily consumed with envy at the ‘sexual capital’ of young and sexually attractive woman, and how men swoon at their feet.
They try and pretend that there is something Evil about that to justify their outrageous jealousy and rage.

The side of Equality of rights and liberties is clearly on *my side* in this debate, and it is *I*… not the side of the ‘Fourth wave’ Neo-feminists who is speaking up for the rights of woman in these situations.
The woman’s whose rights I am defending just so happen to be the most gorgeous creatures on the planet who make the most of their Beauty… and I am defending them from all the fake feminism that is nothing but vile sexism cloaked under the garb of a liberation movement.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

Babes and Ball Crushers.

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Joke.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

The mother of Invention?

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

Swearing Imperfect Christian.

Constructed from a Facebook discussion…

I confess… and it’s no secret…
I Swear.
It is something that I struggle with.
I dont think it’s ok.
Yet neither do I buy into what Self-righteous freaks suggest that some how… because I swear… that is evidence I’m not a true Christian.
Its called being imperfect.
And there are many people who are PC… dont swear yet have far more malevolence in their hearts… they just dress their hatred and bigotry in more socially acceptable garb … yet it can be even more vile and insidious in it’s intent… yet that is how self-righteous hypocrisy manifests itself.

^ Sadly…There is some truth in this

I admit my shameful short comings… I dont wear a fake cloak of righteousness.
And I do try and live a better life every day… yet it is hard to get swearing out of your system when it is ingrained in your vocabulary of self-expression… there is no ‘Magic’ way to stop… anyone who thinks the Holy Spirit magically stops people from swearing is full of ‘it’.
I try to keep it real… try to remain sincere… and not put on an act… a facade… I am me… and one of the things I loath about *Acting Christians* is their phonie-ness .
I have always struggled with my spiritual walk against the Flesh… I have to trust God’s grace is sufficient for me… the wretch.

“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
Jesus Christ. Luke 6vs45

I am not a Pastor because I am unworthy… I do admire people who are both holy and sincere, and full of grace… not law… yet there is something very wrong with all the messages I hear about being ‘Holy and separate and not like the world’… To me they mostly preach a ‘Fake stereotype’ of what they think *Every Christian* should conform too… as if there is only one pattern… as if we ought to all be alike in every aspect… all like pastors… all absolutely and only committed to the gospel… or else we are being evil and ‘like the world’… yet I can see that this idea is *not what the Bible says*.
The Bible says we are all *different parts of the Body of Christ*… with different jobs to do… different gifts and talents.
Different struggles and missions.
And most of us are not called to be ministers and Pastors.
Our first duty is to take care of our families safety and necessities… and raise our children in faith.
This means we work in the real world… Buy houses… vote in elections…. are concerned about Terrorism… and we raise our children under the grace of God… not under the Law… and under grace we may still watch TV… still cheer for our favorite sports teams… buy a boat and go fishing… etc etc.. ie we enjoy our lives like ordinary people… and so its *not a sin* in many ways to look like ordinary people… because that is what we are… and so I get very annoyed with self righteous zealots who claim unless we appear as zealous as they do, that somehow we are fake Christians… ‘like the world’.
I say they are far more likely to be the fakes!
they have totally missed the boat about being a Christian.
I am a real Christian!
Not Perfect…
A Sinner saved by the grace of God… and trying to incorporate Christian virtues and values in my life… and preaching the gospel when opportunity presents it’self.

It cant be denied that swearing not only offends God, but also ruins/ severely detracts from a Christians testimony… and this brings me grief to know this.
It pains me that some lost souls will turn their ears from my testimony because I swear, and
If my testimony is worthless because I swear then virtually my whole life is worthless… yet I dont believe that.
God only has imperfect Servants with which to delegate his chores!
There are no perfectly holy Christians.
I dont believe the gospel would be better off if I hid my faith until I master my unruly tongue.
I still believe my testimony has value *despite my failings*…
I try to represent the truth that God’s grace is open to ordinary people… ordinary sinners… and that becoming a christian doest not demand a person become a faker… a card board cut out of what *the world thinks Christians are*.
Becoming a Christian does not a perfect person make… it is but the beginning of a new path *and process* of Moral Redemption as we transform from a Lost soul and the thoughts and habits thereof into a ‘born again’ new person patterned on Holiness.
Yet The Old man does not surrender easily!

The less the vile wickedness of the carnal tongue is no joke… no laughing matter…. It is something Alien to God’s Holiness, and is very much an attribute of Satan himself!

An ‘Anarchist Christian’ friend remarked “I think it’s okay to have a potty mouth, just don’t use names of God as expletives.”

I pointed out firstly that… ‘I think’… is not a good yardstick for morality… not objective… and secondly the concept of … ‘I think it’s okay to have a potty mouth’… gets its subjectivity because of Our ‘acclimatization’ to what we conciser ‘normal’… and the excuses and rationalisations we create to pseudo-justify what ‘We think…’ for convenience.

I take responsibility for my predicament with regards to swearing.
It is ingrained in me because of years of habit… of conforming to ‘the norms’ of my peers in the social strata I have lived in… in particular the ‘Bogan Westy culture’ that I embraced as a Teenager, and the ‘Engineering Guild ‘ to which I Joined and work among as an Engineer.
Swearing is endemic in both these Sub cultures.
It is the norm.
And it is acceptable among the *Hard core* who consider themselves to be *The real deal*… rather than the ‘PC Wowzers’ who will never be fully accepted into this ‘elite’.
And though at face value I can see how pompous and silly… and in fact *immoral* these ideas are, it still takes a monumental effort not to think in these terms… It is so deeply ingrained into our *Personal Identity and world view*.
Just questioning these ideas and trying to escape it is looked upon as almost a sign of betrayal!
The problem is that I have bought into this stuff to such a degree that *It feels true to me*… even though when I step back… i know its an evil delusion.

Thus I battle within myself.
I admit my own stubbornly ingrained false values that are in conflict with what I know to be Right and good.

This is the spiritual battle between the Old man… the flesh… and the New Man Born of Faith in Christ.

James 3:1-12 (NKJV) 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.

On the upside I am not the sort of Christian who gets offended by swearing, and even should I eventually win the victory over my own cussing … By God’s Grace I hope never to be a person who takes offence… or hold anyone in contempt for being a swearer.
I will have grace upon them, and will continue to preach Gods grace… may I never become one of those self-righteous and judgmental freaks who cause Christianity to stink because of their over-zealously turns them into contempt filled Pharisees.
I believe this is actually a positive virtue that aids me in what I believe is my God given calling and mission field… which is to share my testimony with Publicans, and Sinners… Bogans and Westies… in other words…. among my own people.
I pray my personal walk improves and my testimony becomes more valuable to God.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant, Dispensationalist, King James Bible believer, Christian Libertarian.

P.S I do need to clarify one more thing… and that is that in a very real sense God has given us a pattern and example to follow and emulate… and that Pattern for the Christian is The Apostle Paul… yet this does not mean we are to *Exactly* emulate him like perfect xerox copies… We ought to emulate his Ideals and values, and follow his doctrines yet this does not mean we will all appear like clones… We should not all become tent makers…. we are not ourselves Apostles!
We are to incorporate Paul’s teachings into our own lives and circumstances… and apply them as we follow what we believe is Gods will and intention for our lives… as individuals… seeking out Gods special purpose for our lives.

Read more by Tim

Thorns in the Flesh.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Bad Apples. Heretics and Infidels.

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

and this one from Richard Goode….

Salt is a four-letter word

FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

If there is ever a real alternative to Facebook where free-speech and equal rights for all prevails… I’m dumping facebook and heading there!
This is just a quick protest blog to highlight a clear case of Prejudice by Facebook whereby I was blocked from Posting, replying/communication for three days all because some Transgender did not like a joke I made on a Mushroom ID page!

For the record my Joke was thus…. On this Mushroom ID Page someone posted a pic of a Puffball and said that when they took the picture it ‘Poofed’ in their face.
They said “I hope the spores are not toxic and asked for an ID.

That is when I joked…. “It’s the deadly ‘Poof Face Fungus’ and that it turns it’s victims transgender!” 🙂

That was it.
The joke was silly… like jokes are yet it is clear that this person went out of their way to complain to facebook to get me ‘punished’… and that says a lot about how these Social Justice Warriors operate.
And FaKebook enables these types… so obviously Facebook has a clear prejudice…. Lefty Liberal AF! no surprise there!
Now my joke contained no profanities, and was getting laughs, yet even when I was about to hit ‘post’ I wondered how long it would be before some Purple Haired ‘Hero’ would complain… yet I hit send anyway… because it was after all just a joke… and it fitted the post… and to my way of thinking *Equal Rights and Liberties* means that we ought to be allowed to tell jokes about Transgenders as much as we tell them about any other demographic… such as jokes about Men, Woman, Bikers, Engineers, etc etc.
*That is what equality is about*
Yet what This Nasty little Queer expects… and what facebook clearly has an agenda for is not equality… But Prejudice in favour of Transgenders… against the rest of us!
Esp against anyone who disagree with the Transgender movement.

What sort of tyrannical world are these types trying to create by outlawing Jokes, humor, satire, ????
Of Course we know its open season on White males!
Many Famous comedians are aware of how dangerous and corrosive this Politically Correct attitude is against a free society.

^ It. I cant use its ‘preferred pronoun’ as who knows what ‘it’ is? You certainly cannot ‘assume their Gender’… so what do you do????

For the record while I do subscribe to the perfectly legitimate school of thought backed up by plenty of psychologists that Transgender-ism is both a Moral and mental health issue, as a Libertarian and christian, I do not hate them or wish them ill… though of course every time they get someone banned/ thrown off Facebook or anywhere else they do their demographic no favours but ferment animosity towards themselves.

I could not respond to my friends posts on important issues.
I could not respond to comments on my own posts.
I could not wish my friends ‘Happy birthday’.
I could not send prayers and positive vibs to sick children!
All because some little puffball could not take a joke!
These types are not satisfied with simply scrolling past… or even starting a debate… or even blocking you from their sight… no… they are hellbent on using any means at their disposal to *F@&# you up!
They want freedom for themselves and their Bigotry but hate Freedom for everyone else who disagrees with them.

And what is scary is that though I understand perfectly that as a private company Facebook has the right to set its own values and rules… that it clearly does not act fairly, or value Free-speech within reasonable Moderation!
It’s scary because Facebook dominates in the Global social media business and so has the ability to seriously handicap any persons internet life should Facebook decide to shut them down.

I investigated their ‘blocking system’ and it stated *There is no way to undo their Block!*… so there is no appeal against injustice!
They threaten you that if you get blocked several times your account may get closed down!

Again I dont have a problem with blatantly abusive and psychotic people being thrown out… yet I do see that The treat hangs over any Libertarian or christian, or anyone who may seek to tell jokes… or create satire about the Political agenda’s and Pet demographics of the Lefty Liberals running facebook.

I wrote a complaint about how I believe I was unjustly targeted by a malevolent political operator and that facebook functioned with prejudice… yet i wont hold my breath about facebook suddenly gaining a conscience and correcting their bias.

If there was some alternative of quality where better judgement by moderators was out there… I would Leave Facebook and go there, and I am sure there are millions of people who would do the same.
Surely there is some Geeks out there who want to get rich and can come up with decent competition to facebook????
Facebooks own behavior is generating an opportunity for competition via it’s unfairness and dissatisfaction.
Facebook is actually enabling Nasty Pettiness to prevail… instead of saying *Harden up Cupcakes*!

And a word of advise… If some purple hair SJW jumps on one of your posts to cry ‘oppression’ immediately go to their profile and hit *Block*.
That way if you are fast enough you have cut them out of your life *before* the dob you into the Gestapo.
If only I had done this myself, I would probably have saved myself from being thrown in FB Jail.

Peace out.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian christian.

P.S If I disappear off Facebook it is because they have assassinated me.

Update…. The following appeared on my page 8-12-17

Calling Men ‘Scum’ or ‘Trash’ Is Now Hate Speech
“Facebook jailing” over mild insults shows how far “hate speech” policing has creeped—and the folly of actual laws against it

Read more here

My Comment:
As a Man this does not impress me at all!
Facebook is out of control!
People should be allowed to express their opinions or else facebook becomes some sort of Prison.
This is not moderation… its treating adults like children.
This Is Politically Correct Tyranny.
I dont want to be shielded from hearing what people really think… and anyone who agrees with this cannot complain if they get ‘punished’ for speaking their own mind.
I myself got pinged for a lamo joke I made… If this carries on Facebook will be *only what facebook likes*… it wont be your social network anymore.

More from Tim….

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

David Bowie… stepping through the door… Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Babes and Ball Crushers.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Joke.

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Update: 12-11-17… Here is another example that happened on a group I belong to…. After the Admins immediately deleted my post too… I quit the group… Losers.

Tim Wikiriwhi writes….

Hey Guys…. and Admin (Please let this post be discussed).
I would like to talk about a trend that is growing on Facebook, and that I just witnessed happen here on this page.
A person posted an about a famous pornstar and that she had aids… which was probably Fake news and a malicious rumor being spread on the net.
And My comment was that it is nasty to falsely defame people like that.
Next thing I see another member here (who I wont mention ) saying they were going to report the poster and called Admin to remove it.

Now this is becoming an all too common reaction by people to Facebook posts that they disprove of and it is turning facebook into a petty minded hell!

Even though I think the post was not accurate, and probably written by a bigoted hater designed to cause pain, there is no reason to assume the person who posted it here was intentionally part of the smear campaign and it is far more likely they posted it here either because they believed it was interesting (Dark) news or to get other peoples opinion about it.
It was almost immediately erased, even though it had generated an interesting discussion about whether or not people should share such rumors …. and so even though the post itself was dodgy… It added value by the discussion, and in my opinion the post should have been allowed to stand even just for the sake of the Rebuttals that were being added in the comments… and for the value of the discussion.

Yet now all that value has disappeared, and another facebook user has imposed their (Popular) view by force upon another unpopular view/question.

Having witnessed this, I immediately went to the person who called for the admin to jump on this post and Blocked them from reading my stuff, as i have been targeted by such people in the past for expressing view they did not like and I was banned for 3 days… which was a big pain in the arse… and facebook says that if you get too many complaints against you… they will close your page!
Talk about a malicious way to shut down people you disagree with!
So I do not want to run the risk that this same person will try and get my posts deleted, or even try and get me kicked off facebook… so I blocked them… for my own safety…. nor do I wish to associate with such intolerant people.

So at the end of the day This post is a call for people not to be so quick to call in the hounds on others even though you may disagree with what they have posted… If you Facebook to be a cool place where controversial things can be discussed.

If you dont like a Post, or a Joke, etc then you are free to make a critisism, or to simply scroll past… yet for goodness sake refrain from calling for peoples posts to get deleted, or for then to be throw out of a group… or to be ‘Officially’ jailed by facebook.
Think about the sort of person you are… a freedom lover… or a Bigot who only thinks their own opinions ought to be allowed to be discussed?
If freedom Prevails so too is the truth most likely to prevail.
If Censorship prevails and only The Popular Politically Correct views are allowed to stand… that is how Great popular delusions are maintained… progress is halted… and you have created a tyranny.

Below is a blog post I wrote yesterday about my experience of being ‘complained about’ because of a trivial joke I made…

Tribute: Hero Christian Biker with AR 15 Shoots it out with Tactically prepared Church Psycho-Killer .

Hero Christian Biker and NRA member Stephen Willeford.

We are a race of fallen beings occupying a world locked in a spiritual battle between Good and evil… this much is certain… and yet just as a person who is born blind cannot know the difference between night and day, so too many people are completely oblivious as to what is *Really going on* …oblivious to what it means to be moral free agents walking upon the Earth living out … and why there is Evil in the world.
Many People look at such evil events as happened in Texas… or having suffered some terrible injustice mistake these things as Proof that there is no such thing as divine justice… no real value or point to human existence or human suffering… and no code by which a person ought to live that may be used to distinguish what is Objectively good from what is evil.
The Darkness and nihilism seeps in.
Some souls… by the Grace of God are not beyond salvation, and though they may wander in darkness for much of their lives eventually they see the light and start to walk towards that light, others may get glimpses of that light… yet because they actually enjoy the darkness… or because they dont think they need the light… purposefully turn their backs.
And still some … because their hearts are filled with contempt and malice…and Ego… Become Evil personified… Monsters whose Evils are on such a scale that sickens all but the hardest of hearts… and blackest of souls.
It all comes down to Choice…. and faith.

This post is not going to expound on that theme to any great depth (I will attach links at the end), yet that opening paragraph had to be said to give context to the Horrific events of Terrorism going on all over the world as we speak, and in particular the Murder of 22+ Christians in a church in Texas by a psychotic Christian hating Atheist out on a personal vendetta… yet this Devil met his Nemesis in the Person of Stephen Willeford… a Christian Biker who rides with the Baptist Church… A man who ran out of his house in bear feet towards the sound of Gun fire while jamming a handful of rounds into the mag of his AR. (ArmaLite Rifle)

Evil Bastard Devin Kelley.

Where was God when all this was happening?…. mocks one of my atheist friends.
God sent one of his Christian soldiers into the nightmare… Stephen… a member of the NRA (an ex instructor)… knew what his Moral Duty was… he did not allow fear or concerns for his own safety be his dominating value, but his love of humanity… and this was an hour his moral weight was being tested… and in an exploit of bravery that is deserving of both Christian and Biker communities highest esteem … and in full accord with both fraternities Codes of conduct, this barefoot Christian Biker engaged the fully armored terrorist mass murderer in a close quarter gunfight and drove him from the scene… and from the testimony of the pursuit that he and another Brave man have retold… it is most likely that One of Stephen’s shots found its mark… The Terrorist crashing and dying a few minutes away from the scene.

Here we see two different world views… two different sets of values at play… One Full of Evil… the other Full of Good… and I feel sorry for anyone whose personal world views blind them to such Patently obvious and objective truths.
Do you think This atheist killer who took pleasure in slaughtering Christians in their place of worship expected to face Divine judgement for his crime?
Boy was he in for an unpleasant surprise!
And this is an important truth to appreciate… No Evil will go unrewarded.
God will judge us all.

Report: Texas Church Shooter Was Atheist, Thought Christians ‘Stupid’

“The man who shot and killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday is reported to be a creepy, crazy, and weird outcast who preached atheism online.”

Texas church shooter was a militant atheist

The Hero on his steed.

Watch the Video interview below… All this is there… yet I wanted to make this Personal tribute to this Hero, and a short rebuttal to my Atheist friend who Mocks God’s existence because of the Evil choices Humans are free to make.


When Evil is at it’s worst… so too do the hero’s…. The best of Humanity ,,, among the most ordinary folk *also* come to the fore….
I must pay tribute to Peggy Lynn Warden

“SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Among the horror of the worst church shooting in American history is the story of a woman who made a simple decision.

She would not let the gunman take her grandson.

Peggy Lynn Warden, 56, was among the 26 victims of the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Her brother, Jimmy Stevens, said she used her body to shield her grandson, Zachary Poston, 18, when the gunfire erupted…”

Read more… Grandmother Died Shielding Grandson During Texas Church Shooting

This is what it means to be truly a moral and loving person…living in a spiritual realm where Morality really counts!
Anyone can feign being a good person when the going is easy… its when Evil is afoot that a persons Mettle is truly tested… their values shine forth.

Absolutely Essential principles were clearly demonstrated by these events.
What is needed to halt ‘Evil men with guns’… or rampaging Cars…etc *Is Good men with Guns*… and here we see why an AR is not as it is falsely called ‘An assault rife’ but a valuable too of Defense!
It was his AR that gave him the advantage he needed to drive off this Psycho in full battle dress… Kevlar Body armour and Helmet.. yet who only had a pistol, which though a lethal weapon is far harder to deliver accurate shots esp in the heat of battle.
It is also a testament to the Wisdom and justice of the second amendment right to bear arms… for self defense, as everybody know that the Nutbar Left… and their Political ambitions are to take away guns from law abiding citizens… esp the AR… and we clearly see there that Had not Stephen had both the means of defense and the willingness to risk his own life for others… that most likely more people would have died… and the purp may have even escaped… to rampage elsewhere… before the Police could intervene.
His truck was filled with guns and ammo.

Official reports however say his death was ‘self inflicted’… should we automatically accept this on the word of the Police? These days that is a dubious assumption! And from the preparedness and actions of this Evil Child-killing scumbag it is far more likely he would have tried to shoot it out to the bitter end…going down in a hail of bullets rather than cowardly ending his own life.
I think he was Dead before the cops arrived at the scene.

Johnnie_Langendorff… Drove his truck with Stephen Willeford in high speed pursuit of the killer.

People use Guns everyday in self defense in America yet as this goes against what the lefty media and Liberal agenda attacking the constitutional rights to bear arms these daily events don’t receive anywhere near the sensational and skewed Media reporting as happens when guns are used in mass killings.
Many innocent People are alive today… and many would be killers, rapists, etc are dead because of the Americans right to bear arms for their own defense… yet why is it when you try and communicate this with Sheeple who think guns are evil… all you get is a cross eyed dopey stare and a smirk?
Their anti-gun arguments are quite frankly infantile, on every level… and yet because of the prevailing numerical popularity of their mindset in countries like New Zealand there are Crime waves of armed Robbers robbing Dairies and Gas stations… Liquor store workers get bashed and murdered because the thugs know their victims will be defenseless… have been rendered ‘sitting ducks’… by the legislators… who then carry no remorse or responsibility for the injustice they are party to!

Read: Dairy owners ‘constantly live in fear’

128 tobacco robberies

Liquor store owner killing ‘cold, deliberate’, court told

Thirsty liquor aggravated robbery victim: ‘I’m mentally traumatised

Person in serious condition after South Auckland liquor store robbery

Violence worsening in robberies – liquor store owner

When governments criminalizes the right to self defense, and denies the right to bear the means to do so, good people become the prey of violent criminals… Like lambs to the slaughter…
Apart from the fact that we can attribute the rise of violent crime *directly* to Oppressive Nanny state laws like the war on drugs, alcohol and cigarette Tax hikes, and apart from the fact that the second amendment was written to guarantee that Evil oppressive Governments cannot lawfully dis-arm the people, the truth is when you outlaw guns… they dont just ‘Vanish’ …. you create a society in which *only criminals have guns*.
Thank God Stephen Willeford had an AR!
Ride On Brother!

And Salute to Peggy Lynn Warden… who gave her life for her grandson.

Dont let the haters win… Keep the faith!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christain Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More from Tim…

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Gun rights advocates care about your wives, mothers, and daughters.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Never Happy again.

Chace Topperwien

Charity Never Faileth

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Sick Puppies.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Man Down. Biker lives matter.

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Perfect Woman?

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

Merely an Attunement? Life after Death.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Music played by Christian New Zealand Biker Rimu Tahuaroa and his Band …..