I was left very disappointed with David Seymour after watching an argument he had with deplatformed You tuber Lee Williams who had his life destroyed by a gang of Maori radicals and Far left deplatformers.
I want to talk about what David Seymour said, and why it is extremely disappointing for me and many others who are fighting for free speech in New Zealand, and had high hopes that David Seymour was serious about making Free Speech a priority ‘flagship’ for Act next election.
I will recap what has happened to Lee William’s to give context to his confrontation with Seymour and after having listened to Seymour’s comments, why he saw red and publicly accused Seymour of being a fraud.
Truly an ugly and unfortunate spectacle.
People (and Seymour) need to ask themselves why Lee Williams is a kettle on the boil.
Too many simply write him off as angry mad man, and that his loud display is proof positive of his extremist temperament.
While no doubt Lee is passionate and cares deeply about the frightening political direction our nation is being taken, the notion that Lee has no reasonable or justifiable reason for being angry can only be entertained through ignorance of what he has endured… and why.
That Lee openly speaks his mind with little regard about ‘spooking the sheeple’… without applying politically expedient filters is one reason why politicians like David Seymour look at Lee as a ‘Hot Potato’… a political liability… someone with whom it involves a high element of risk being associated with… and Lee’s loud antics at Seymour’s meeting will have reinforced this danger in David’s mind.
Why would a political party get involved with that?
Yet I ask David Seymour to put on Lee’s boots and walk in them for a few miles… maybe in doing this David might get a better perspective.
He may realise that Lee has every reason to be angry, and that it is a mistake on his part, and an act of moral cowardice not to take up the fight for free speech on Lee’s behalf.
This is bigger than Lee. It’s not even really about Lee
And it was a big mistake to make out that it is.
Any Act supporters reading this please raise these points with David and get him to see reason. It takes high character to put personal dislikes aside and to honestly give your opposition an objective ear. Does David Seymour possess this hallmark of greatness?
To recap what happened to Lee in as few words as possible. Why Lee has every right to be angry, and why David ought to have known this.
Lee Williams was the star of his own You Tube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ in which he regularly made videos expressing his personal views on political news and events of the day.
His views not only critisied what was going on here in New Zealand, but also extended to US Politics, Britain, The UN, Davos, etc.
He is a supporter of Trump, and of Brexit, a heavy critic of Socialist globalism, and in New Zealand Lee has been scathing of Jacinda Ardern, The Greens, and The Maori Party.
All of Lee’s activism on You tube has been completely above board… completely legal.
Lee has been exercising his democratic right to free speech, both in public on the street, and his You tube channel has been his soapbox on line.
We live in very volatile times politically speaking, and with such topics as the Christchurch Terrorist attack, The Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns, all the global warming hysteria and legislations, to be a political commentator in such times there is a hell of a lot going on to be critical and righteously angry about!
The Western world has been speeding along the rails towards becoming Woke Police States!
And so such serious and alarming political activities generate a requisite level of outrage in response, and no one in New Zealand wears their heart on their sleeve more openly than Lee Williams.
It is unavoidable for the independent voice not to wallow in matters of great controversy and if a commentator choses to stand apart and not be shackled by the ‘politically correct narrative’ being peddled by mainstream media, it goes without saying that such independent voices ‘trigger’ outrage from the precious woke SJW communities infested by far left radicals who cant handle the truth.
I will admit that by my own reckoning Lee often hurts his own cause by hot headed remarks yet still Lee is never guilty of crossing the line of free speech into inciting violence.
Lee’s anger is always in context of some perceived evil and injustice that is being committed… usually by Woke politicians like the Maori Party, or Far left lobby groups and yet he never crosses the line into *Racism*.
At his worst he is guilty of politically incorrect humor. One BFD contributor said this about Lee’s now infamous Satire:
“…three videos from Williams, two of which are low-brow, unfunny and not particularly clever impersonations of Maori Party MP Rawhiri Waititi and Labour Cabinet Minister Willie Jackson. In the hysterical land of social justice, which considers sharing memes of Oprah Winfrey to be ‘digital blackface,’ they may be racist. In the real world, they’re about a racist as me using an Irish accent..”
Stephen Berry. The BFD ‘The Flagellation of Lee Williams’. 28-5-21
It must be remembered that Lee was spoofing *a racist politician*, not Maori. Rawhiri Waititi breaks out into a haka every time something does not go his way!
He’s an embarrassment to himself and Maori and deserves ridicule.
The only problem is that by expressing critisism of the Woke agenda Lee has drawn the attention of Far left extremists who misrepresent Lee as being ‘White supremist’ ‘Far Right extremist’,etc.
Sadly this Leftist slander is devastatingly effective as it is swallowed whole by so many naïve people.
Most of these people are obsessed neurotic’s.
And these Far left extremists then targeted Lee for deplatforming and ruin that went far beyond that!
To be a defender of Free speech takes Balls!
Lee is no ‘scoundrel’ though he sure is a loose cannon.
What is truly Gob-smacking to me having watched David Seymour’s reasoning as to why he refused to help Lee is that David does not seem to understand that the Right of Free speech became one of the pillars of Free Society *for the very purpose of protecting the rights of such controversial voices as Lee Williams*!
The right of Free speech is only called upon to defend people who cause public outrage and offence from being suppressed by the powers that be.
For the free speech of those who are parroting the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *Never come under threat of being censored*.
The Free speech of those who parrot the popular and fashionable views of the status quo *never come under threat of being persecuted or legally oppressed, or of loosing their other rights.
And Free Speech is the way us little… uncultured… grumpy people get to speak truth to power without fear of being trampled underfoot.
Lee’s opinions about the Maori party, his satire, parody, and critisim of Ardern and the He Pua Pua report certainly outraged the Maori party and Far Left activists!
It is a fact that his opinions made him a prime target for the left wing practice of deplatforming to punish his ‘wrong-think’ and silence him to prevent his opinions gaining popularity.
They speak of their opposition ‘spreading mis-information’, or of ‘Dog whistling’, or of ‘Radicalisation of would-be terrorists’, etc… anything to excuse cancelling them.
So deplatforming is all about venting malicious political malice, and the subversion of Free speech for the sake of the control of information in the public sphere… for the sake of power.
It has zero to do with ‘protecting vunerable minorities’
That Media people like Marc Daalder and even members of Parliament like Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa-Packer promoted extortion and the deplatforming of a New Zealand voter.. to silence and destroy him ought to have made made David Seymour sit up straight and take notice!
That David Seymour thinks that Lee deserves what happened to him… that it was all above board, and that his personal total destruction was his own doing… ‘reaping what he has sown’ beggars belief!
Are you really surprised Lee blew his stack when you [David] said such things to his face… while grinning like the Cheshire cat?
David! You really stuck your foot in your mouth this time!
You need to have a re-think!
Lee was wrong to suggest David Seymour has not been vocally opposed to The He PuaPua Report. David has made many public statements saying it was dangerous separatism.
Lee William’s Loud denunciation of Seymour was a public embarrassment to Seymour.
It was even reported in the media, and all this will have angered him.
Yet still this blogpost is an appeal to David not to allow his Ego to overthrow his own reasoning faculties, as to do so risks Act’s reputation as being the Free Speech party that is currently keeping them buoyant in the polls.
I want to point out to David that despite his altercation with Lee, there is an even bigger threat to Act’s rising Star should David not ‘Man up’ and take up Lee’s cause.
That danger is surrendering the platform of Free Speech to National and Judith Collins who has recently shown interest by joining the Free Speech Union.
This move by Collins was both good news for New Zealand, and strategically wise for National.
Seymour can no longer think Act has the political market for free speech cornered.
If Judith Collins can outshine Seymour as the Champion of Free Speech in New Zealand Act will be loose traction to National.
Seymour needs to up his game and despite what he thinks about Lee Williams, His case is a massive opportunity for Act to shine, and take the fight back against the Leftist Cancel culture!
Yet this same opportunity could be snapped up by Judith Collins.
David’s now public excuses for not supporting Lee gives Collins an opportunity to publicly question Seymour’s real commitment to free speech.
The Free Speech Union have already steeped up to the plate.
The rest of New Zealand is wondering ‘where the hell is Act?
Is David first and foremost a brave man of principle, or a cowardly schemer?
Having seen the video circulating on Social media, and having read the News articles, this is the question now hanging over David’s head in the minds of many potential Act voters… and given how lame an excuse David made for not supporting Lee who can blame them?
Twitter posts reveal that even the Leftist deplatformers are surprised Seymour refused to help!
Let’s see if David Seymour is man enough to realise his ‘miscalculations’ and change course.
He needs to put his ‘Big boy’ pants on and have the Nads to admit he has been wrong about this matter, and is prepared to put the argument behind him for the sake of Free speech for New Zealanders.
I have talked to Lee Williams and have explained to him what I was going to write today and that if David Seymour was prepared to set his differences with Lee aside, would Lee also be prepared to set his angst towards Seymour aside for the sake of co operation for the common cause?
Lee said he definitely would!
Should these two men be able to make peace for the sake of Free speech this would go a long way to repairing *both their reputations* in the Free speech advocacy fraternity.
It would demonstrate high character and putting principle and the good of our nation above personal gripes.
Real men ought to know that it is not necessary to actually personally *like* another person before prudence dictates you ought to co operate.
Real men will set aside clashes of personality and act professionally.
Currently this animosity and failure to co operate only benefits the hateful anti-free speech left.
David needs to grasp that in Lee’s case, should what happened to him at Synlait be allowed to stand this will set a dire precedent against free speech for Kiwi workers rights!
The Free Speech Union have realised what happened to Lee with respect to being cancelled by Westpac that this bodes ill for free speech with respect to citizens financial arrangements.
Seymour needs to grasp that the Maori Party needs to be hauled over the coals for supporting the petition that extorted Synlait Dairy company into wrongfully dismissing Lee.
These are not only absolutely necessary engagements for the sake of free speech, they also represent an opportunity for either Act or National to rise to pre-eminence in the name of free speech, and to strike at the Racist radicals of the Maori Party, and hopefully in someway lead to the punishment and bust up of the Far Left extremist deplatforming gang responsible for what happened to Lee and others.
Even without Ardren’s new Hate speech laws, until these things are put right and the malicious left wing extremists are brought to justice, the best and most outspoken New Zealanders remain under threat from being deplatformed by the far Left radicals and activists.
I hope for the sake of our country David Seymour will take some time to ponder what I have said here.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Shout out to The BFD for their coverage of the ‘Lee Williams Saga’ and for using some of my material.
IMO The BFD is New Zealand’s leading Free Speech advocacy News site.
Screenshot from Twitter: Newsroom NZ’s gloating Woke radical Marc Daalder expounding the Leftist anti-free speech ‘dictum’ ‘deplatforming works’ that advocates for the censorship and deplatforming of political critics and dissenters of woke radicalism, and Leftist government policies.
Marc celebrates ‘cancel culture’ and the reprehensible practice of ‘deplatforming’ independent voices.
Deplatforming is a truly despicable act that not only silences citizens exercising their legitimate democratic rights, but often also involves slander and extortion of third parties… threats to business reputations and results in the devastation of peoples lives.
The date of this Twitter post correlates perfectly with the deplatforming of Kiwi Vinny Eastwood from Youtube. Vinny’s channel boasted more subscribers than any mainstream NZ media outlet.
Now it’s gone. In January this year Daalder labeled Vinny ‘Far Right’.
Read Daalder’s celebration of Twitters heavily partisan deplatforming of Donald Trump, and thousands of other on the ‘Far Right’ here. for ‘wrong think’ and discussing ‘forbidden opinions’.
This Blogpost is the first in the series I am writing to expose an active Far Left extremist deplatforming gang that has been attacking New Zealand political commentators on radio, and on You Tube. This operation has been coined ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’ by the Racist Radicals and Alt Leftists committing these abuses.
I will be focusing today on the activities and ideas of one of New Zealand’s most malicious peddlers of Far Left Extremism and misinformation.
Newsroom’s Propagandist Marc Daalder.
My next Blog will zero in on Daalders ideological followers and fellow deplatformers… a nasty bunch of Racist radicals and far left nut jobs who have been engaged in despicable deeds.
Attacks on free speech via cancel culture, deplatforming, esp on the internet have reached frightening Levels both here in New Zealand and globally to the degree that they threaten Democracy!
These Attacks come from one direction… the Far Left, with the Woke Technocrats controlling the internet the Left have been blatantly stacking the deck in favour of their own political prejudices, and acting as the chief arbiters of what may or may not be expressed on line.
This exposes the voting public to heavy political bias.
This corruption of the public square is very much welcomed and encouraged by globalist socialist parties and politicians all working to overthrow capitalism, and traditional Christian values upon which Western civilisation is founded.
Socialists despise individual rights and liberties that set limits to government power.
As a result of the ascendency of Leftist ideology Western nations have become a mere shadow of what they once were.
Freedom and independence are in retreat as Leftist Socialism spreads like a cancerous growth… mostly via the tyrannical control of the flow of Information.
Leftist propaganda and Toxic doctrines infect minds en Masse creating hysteria and Psychotic outrage.
The hate, the racism, the sexism generated by the Woke Left is very real and extreme, and yet it is all cloaked in the fake garb of ‘social justice’, and ‘saving the planet’… fake virtue and fake virtue signaling.
That is how the Far Left roll.
The hypocrisy of it all is rank!
The Left has turned the truth on it’s head!
This is why violent and criminal far left organizations like Antifa and ‘Black Lives Matter’ have sprung up and are wreaking so much havoc, mob violence, and wanton destruction.
BLM is run by the most bigoted racists, and yet claims to be fighting racism.
The same thing can easily be proven to be true of the Maori Radicals in the Maori Party… all the while being excused by Radical leftist politicians like Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
And the compromised fake news mainstream media.
Toxic Leftist doctrines ferment and pseudo-legitimize bigotry and racism, violence and chaos, and outrage… via the fraudulent excuse that they are fighting bigotry and racism, and violence, and oppression.
These people are so lobotimised they cant see the wood for the trees!
This is all thanks to Radical Far left wing ideology and propaganda that blinds the gullible devotee and turns them into useful idiots for furthering the aims of Far Left Politicians.
Fear of impending Doom guarantees the Billions of dumfounded sheeple accept the proliferation of new Police States because in believing the world faces extreme crisis… they assume this justifies extreme measures and that individual rights must be sacrificed upon the alter of greater common good.
This is pure Communism.
One of the greatest political scams being foisted upon western populations today by the Far Left via mass propaganda campaigns and mis-information is that Western Societies are in grave danger from ‘Far Right Extremism’ and that this threat justifies heavy censorship, deplatforming, of political commentators the left themselves deem to be far right exponents, and also is being used to justify the criminalization of opinions and speech that does not conform with leftist ideals.
This is the real hidden reason why there is a push across Western societies for new hate speech legislations and censorship powers… it has zero to do with humanitarianism, and everything to do with seizing absolute power and the establish a New World Order.
Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, Jacinda Ardern has proven to be the most opaque and devious PM in the history of New Zealand, most of the time keeping her ultimate ambitions as closely guarded secrets because her Far Left ideals are in sharp variance with mainstream New Zealand’s hopes and aspirations, which is why she must veil her activities, and implement her agenda with the least public discourse as possible.
Ardern exposed her true colours in a Pro-Globalist speech she made at the UN in 2019 when she rebuked calls made by Trump for ‘More Nationalism’.
Trump had called world leaders to focus on problems at home as that is where their primary loyalty ought to be.
Ardern exclaimed…”Experiences in recent years should lead us to all question whether any of us ever truly operate in isolation anymore.”, and “Our globalised, borderless world asks us to be guardians not just for our people, but for all people.”
This speech rang alarm bells for many New Zealanders as it indicated Ardern was seeking to sell out our nation to Socialist Globalism.
In keeping with this under Ardern in New Zealand signed up to the UN Global Compact on Migration which at the time sparked concerns about the abrogation of our national sovereignty and included a section not merely to propagandise the public into accepting open boarders, but also included advocacy for censorship and ‘hate speech laws’ that framed any opposition to the UN scheme as being ‘hateful Xenophobia’… to be criminalised.
It is obvious to some Kiwis that to achieve the Socialist Globalist New world Order will require an incremental strategy that first puts in place the tyrannical tools to manipulate the public into acquiescence, minimise any possibility of public protests, and punish critics as ‘far right mongers of hate against ‘vulnerable minorities’.
This is the game plan the Machiavellian Globalists are implementing with precision, and it just so happens that all this grand scheming by our Woke Globalist PM did not escape the attention of several Kiwi based Independent Youtubers who began to make you tube videos in which they expressed their opinions about what they believed was going on.
They are not Racists. They are not Far Right, but conservatives.
They are seeking Racial Equality before the Law. not systemic entrenched racism… its the leftists like Ardern who advocate for that!
One was the ordinary working bloke Lee Williams, who some of you will know was the target of the hateful and malicious campaign by the nasty far left radicals which are the central topic of this blogpost.
Not only intent on getting him deplatformed from You tube, these Sociopaths also set about to destroy his life. Another You tuber who made videos highly critical of Jacinda Ardern was a guy called Damien De Ment.
By making videos critical of the Far Left Socialist Agenda these two guy became the focus of Far Left hatred, and were then targeted for slander and deplatforming.
A textbook New Zealand example of a professional Far Left Globalist operative, propagandist and expert in mis-information embedded in the New Zealand media. Newsroom’s Marc Daalder
Exhibiting all the duplicity, dishonesty, Fear mongering, and advocacy of censorship and deplatforming that is distinctive to the diseased Far Left mind.
Daalder is an Igor-like minion and worshipper of our own personification of Woke-Evil the ‘Free Hugs’ ‘Rush through oppressive Legislation’ Prime minister Jacinda Ardern.
We shall see that Mark Daalder was on the hunt for targets to become the focus of his Radical Left vehemence when at some point Lee Williams and Damien De Ment came to his attention, possibly when they both spoke at an anti-lockdown protest in Auckland.
Having discovered they had expressed criticism of the UN Global Compact for Migration on their You tube channels was all Marc needed for his purposes.
Marc knew this could be used as propaganda to frame them as ‘Far Right extremists’ and he set about to sell this narrative to the New Zealand public.
Photo: Newsroom Article/hit piece by Marc Daalder. ‘Far-right speakers Featured at anti-lockdown march’ Sept 15 2020
In an article written in September 2020, Daalder would label both Lee Williams and Damien De Ment ‘Far Right Speakers’.
The protest was peaceful and aptly named ‘The Liberty March’, and organised to voice legitimate concerns about how the Ardern government had acted in an oppressive manner in her handling of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Marc Daalder’s Noowsroom article (Far-right speakers featured at anti-lockdown march Sept15 2020) is a textbook piece of Left wing propaganda designed to discredit public protests against Left Wing Socialist Prime minister Jacinda Ardern by associating the protest with the Boogie man of ‘Far Right Extremism’.
When investigating what sort of ‘reporter’ Marc Daalder is we do not find an objective thinker applying high journalistic integrity. No.
Marc is not hogtied by pesky and antiquated ethics of Journalism.
We find a Far left Radical, a Propagandist and Spin Doctor for Leftist Globalism, a schemer, and peddler of misinformation.
The above screenshot is from Daalders Twitter profile descripting himself as ‘Senior Political Reporter at Newsroom NZ covering Covid-19, Climate Change, far-right extremism and misinformation, tech and energy.
That is basically a bullet point checklist for a textbook Far Left Wing Propagandist, and subsequent analysis of his published articles confirms this in spades.
Any Newspaper, or media outlet that was seeking to build a reputation for quality Journalism with high integrity looking to employ reporters capable of producing objective and well balanced accounts of newsworthy events… Marc Daalder would not qualify let alone be ‘Senior Reporter’. It would be impossible for him to present ‘the other side’ of any story with fairness.
Note how he self identifies as a reporter on ‘Far Right Extremism and Miss-information’.
His political prejudice could not be more overt, and the inference to be drawn here is that manufacturing Leftist counter-propaganda is his specialty.
Seeing the world through his glasses automatically means labeling any criticism of leftist ideology as ‘Far right miss-information’.
The skew on reality is that when you are seeking to ‘normalise’ far left extremism, you must sell the lie that mere Conservatism now occupies ‘Far Right’.
Lefties like Daalder think the best way to mount a counter-offensive is not to employ sound arguments, but to slander their character, then insinuate they are dangerous and ought to be censored and deplatformed.
Marc retweeted a whole series of graphs that demonstrated to fellow radicals the efficacy of deplatforming in reducing the reach cancelled Youtubers.
The question I ask is who at Newsroom is ‘Senior Political Reporter for ***Left Wing Extremism and Misinformation***???
They probably don’t believe Far left extremism even exists.
What about the serious dangers posed by Maori Radicalism?
Who at Newsroom is investigating and reporting on this well known variant of Racist Extremism?
What about Green extremists?
Anyone remember the would-be Terrorist cell Tame Iti and the Radical Greens running around in the Urewera’s training for Terrorist attacks?
What were *their beliefs and ambitions*?
And are these same ideas being promoted today?
If so by whom?
Deafening silence.
These sorts of questions are *forbidden* to even contemplate!
To do so evidences far Right Extremism!
Yeah Right.
Photo: From Anna McAllister’s public Twitter feed.
Introducing Anna McAllister. Artist, government employee, and Maori Radical. And Overt Racist against White people. She is a member of the deplatforming gang that destroyed Lee Williams life.
In part 2 of this series on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2020’ we shall profile Anna, and see several other of Daalder’s own followers are Maori Radicals, and that they put into practice Daalder’s personal Anti-free speech/ pro censorship pro deplatforming… gutter scraping … political subversion tactics.
Daalder is not just a instigator. He was himself was personally involved in the deplatforming of Lee Williams from You Tube, cloaking his activity as ‘simply doing his job’… and yet gloating about it at the same time in his article…
‘Brighter spotlight on far-right YouTubers’ June 3 2021.
” Williams has struggled to keep his channel going in the face of increased scrutiny. He has deleted the vast bulk of the videos from his channel after receiving a two week ban. The ban came after Newsroom asked YouTube why some videos, which appeared to conflict with its community standards, had been approved to remain online by the company.”
Not merely reporting the story… Daalder boasts about taking part in the story.
Such ‘Activist Journalism’ practiced by Daalder is straight out of the Woke Far Left handbook… so too is bragging about it, otherwise known as ‘Virtue signaling.
He sees himself as being a bit like an armchair superman fighting super villain’s, though his target Lee Williams was not actually a criminal, and not actually doing anything wrong, but was simply guilty of having his own contrary opinions which he shared from his soapbox on Youtube… you know… exercising his democratic rights to free speech!
How extreme!
Photo: What an actual Far Right Extremist looks like… Phil Arps. he posted actual threats of violence towards the Muslim community.
You gotta feel a bit sorry for Daalder… The great would-be slayer of Far Right Extremists doesn’t have any truly impressive super villain’s to slay!
New Zealand completely lacks any *Real* politically active Alt-Right Swastika waving White supremacist’s* that believe in Arianism supremacy and still want to ‘Exterminate Sub humans’.
Unfortunately for Marc Daalder, yet fortunately for New Zealand Race haters on the Right such as the now notorious ‘Phil Arps’ are as rare as hens teeth!
Far Right Extremism here is a non-event!
Even the once infamous Kyle Chapman has found Jesus and now loves charity work!
This is why Marc must make do with slaying much less menacing types… meek and tiny fish Like Lee Williams… who is not even a racist… he just is concerned with the UN Compact for migration.
He just disagrees with Arderns Draconian handling of Covid 19.
How extreme!
Newsflash to Daalder!
Believing in controlled immigration that focuses upon migrants suitability to fit in well with New Zealanders common values and beliefs is *Not Far Right Extremism*!
I’m sure Marc knows this, yet is intentionally applying his own ‘misinformation’ for the sake of duping New Zealanders into thinking anyone who critisises Jacinda Ardern, or the UN Global Compact on Migration is an extremist.
The Truth be known national sovereignty and boarder controls are Mainstream Kiwi beliefs!
Not Radical… not extreme… and the desire to keep things this way is called Conservatism!
The reverse is also true… calling for open boarders while maintaining a welfare State *is extreme*… and that makes Daalder and Ardern the extremists at variance with most New Zealanders.
What part if any did Marc Daalder’s minions play in the Deplatforming of John Banks from Magic Talk Radio show, that ultimately also claimed Sean Plunket I have no evidence, and yet we can clearly See Daalder is making a point of slandering Talk back host Peter William’s.
Daalder obviously would twitter his joy should we loose yet another commentator with the courage to question the activities of the Ardern regime.
While this gang of Extortionists are at work there is every possibility that Peter Williams will some time be deplatformed.
Daalder already accuses Peter of granting a platform to ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ when all Williams was doing was informing the public about how dodgy Jacinda Arden’s Roll out of the Covid vaccination was! Lawyer Sue Grey took the Ardern regime to court for breaking the Health act… and won! Yet instead of complying with the spirit of the Law, Ardern and co rushed through legislation in the dead of nite… again without public consultation to legalise their formerly illegal vaccination scheme!
New Zealanders must wake up to the fact that the far left have been busy censoring people who hold fundamentally the same ideals they themselves and appreciate the blatant Bias and Anti-Free Speech toxic rubbish which flows for Daalders pen for what it really is!
It certainly is not reasonable to suggest that New Zealand based ‘Far Right Extremists’ had anything at all to do with the horrific Christchurch Terror attack against Muslims and yet Daalder does his very best to try and implicate Lee Williams in that tragedy by saying Lee was visited by Police twice after the March 15 Terror Attack… that is how despicably dishonest he is!
That the police started harassing innocent New Zealanders in the wake of that event was a gross violation of their rights, and the beginning of Ardern’s ‘Thought Police’ mentality.
Obviously this meets with Daalders personal stamp of approval!
Everybody knows the Terrorist Brenton Tarrant was not even a New Zealander!
Had the SIS been spying like Hawks 24/7 on the handful of actual Neo-Nazis who vagrant New Zealand this would not have prevented the atrocity from happening!
This is a simple fact.
And just to trigger Marc Daalder further still a good argument can be made that Tarrant was in fact a far Left Environmentalist Extremist… not Right wing at all!
New Zealanders have been treated like untrustworthy children with respect to being able to openly discuss what actually happened that frightful day in March 2019, or to really come to grips with what Tarrant really represented as his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ was speedily outlawed.
The reasons for doing so are pathetic… Bogus… given how important it is for our nation to fully come to terms with what happened and our right to know the facts!
My Goodness… the bullshit sandwiches we get fed by the Ardern regime!
The Royal Commission of inquiry into the Christchurch mass shooting was also farcical and much of it suppressed for 30 years!
The Christchurch Atrocity was a random act of madness of a foreign Extremist.
A lone psychopath, and does not reflect anything about the nature of New Zealanders!
He was not radicalised by any dangerous New Zealand far right ideologues.
None exist here, and that this is a fact is why our own intelligence services ranked the level of risk New Zealanders face from Far Right Terrorism to be very low.
The day Newsroom wakes up to the fact that there is virtually zero far right extremism in New Zealand Marc Daalder could potentially find his services as being ‘Surplus to requirements’. Daalder could find himself on the Unemployment benefit!
Oh dear how sad!
Would not that be poetic justice given his part as ideological prophet advocating fordeplatforming of Independent voices like Lee Williams who in the process was targeted by Daalders own social media followers and ended up losing his job!
These are Marc’s ‘people’.
Marc Daalders blatant political bias destroys the objective trustworthiness in what he writes.
New Zealanders need to understand his nefarious Game!
Daalder is not a reporter of facts, but a blatant prejudiced Propagandist and Spin doctor for the very partisan powers and interests.
He’s a dangerous extremist.
The Irony is Daalder spends so much time extolling how dangerous an influence people like Lee William’s YouTube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ represented to fostering violent rightwing extremism, never contemplating how easily his own philosophy can be far more reasonably applied *to his own rabid Far Left extremism* and the dangers that represents in fostering violent Left wing extremism!
Daalder himself ‘Dog whistles’ to dangerous Far Left extremists all the Ding dong day!
In truth all the toxic Leftist doctrines about ‘Pakeha Oppression’ and ‘Colonial injustices’ not only ferments real race hate from many Maori towards Pakeha, it also prevents Maori from taking ownership of their own plight that they themselves are responsible for the high crime rates, incarcerations, poor health, etc which is the first vital step towards escaping their shocking social statistics.
This will have to suffice for part 1 of 2 posts on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’.
So much more could be said about Daalders warped political perspectives.
Part 2 will expose several of the truly malicious and disturbed Leftist radicals who extorted Synlait Dairy company, costing Lee Williams his Job, and much more.
Hopefully by the end of it just how despicable the practice of deplatforming is will be apparent to all.
I believe this business demonstrates the need for Anti-discrimination protections to render this sort of deplatforming operation and extortion racket Illegal.
It is so dangerous to the right to free speech.
I’d be interested in hearing opinions on this.
Having written this blogpost, I know I will become the focus of these nasty radicals… because that is how they roll.
This is not a task I take any pleasure in.
They will probably start plotting my downfall.
I hope this article puts them on notice that their evil doings shall be their own undoing.
They cannot play the victim… they are the offenders… the haters.
I in fact only feel pity for their sorry condition having allowed themselves to duped by toxic ideas, and filled with malice.
This is for justice for Lee Williams and for the sake of free speech in New Zealand.
To borrow from Project Veritas… Be brave. Do something.
Update: Shout out to ‘The BFD‘ for reposting this on their website. here
Last night I attended Act Party Leader David Seymour’s Hamilton free speech meeting.
This was part of his nationwide ‘Free Speech Tour’.
It was held in the Wintec Bill Gallagher Center downtown Hamilton.
It was a full house, approximately 200 Hamiltonians came along to hear David speak.
David had already visited 12 other towns with similarly good attendance, which he said was a testimony to both New Zealanders strong democratic spirit, and also their concern about the current government’s drive to muzzle free speech.
In my opinion, this turnout is also a response to how David Seymour has been distinguishing himself and the Act party as ‘the freedom party’.
Up until the last election David Seymour was a lone voice in parliament speaking out against proposed hate speech legislation and other Socialist interventions rushed through into law ‘under urgency’ bypassing safeguards and due process.
It was David Seymour’s decision to take a stand on such issues, including standing against Ardern’s gun confiscations that was behind Acts success at the last election.
Many New Zealanders are far from impressed with Ardern’s quickstep march towards a Socialist Police State which is sharply at variance with the Kiwi spirit of freedom and self reliance.
In past decades New Zealand has suffered a decline in independence, and yet the pace with which Radical leftist ideology is being imposed under Ardern, has caused alarm even among many conservative thinkers and this was reflected in the audience.
Today David Seymour rightfully enjoys the position in the public eye of most outspoken member of parliament for free speech, and now has 9 other Act Party MP by his side.
It is a position he has earned, and should his team continue on this righteous trajectory I forsooth Act’s star will remain in ascension, and they will increase their presence in Parliament.
By design David told the audience that he wanted to keep the meeting to an hour in length including Q+A, which many people will have been happy with… not me!
I believe the importance of the topic easily justified double that!
There are many troubling aspects of what is going on that were not aired, yet I guess the difference between a public meeting, and a ‘Convention’ is that meetings generally are shorter.
This being so David’s speech was no lecture, but simple and brief.
He spoke about free speech as being an essential component of what it means to be a human individual, and that it’s suppression is an attack upon human dignity.
He spoke about free speech as being absolutely essential for a healthy democracy because free speech cannot stand where there is tyranny, and tyranny cannot stand where there is free speech.
He spoke about free speech as the enlightened means by which civil society openly discusses and solves it’s problems.
He spoke about how proposed hate speech laws threaten to suppress open discourse about politically charged subjects from fear of being visited by the thought Police, and getting flagged as being a person who has expressed ‘hateful opinions’… which could impact upon such things as job applications.
He committed the Act party to working to prevent any hate speech legislation becoming law, yet admitted that because the Ardern government enjoys a 65% majority in parliament there is probably little Act can do to prevent such legislation becoming Law should it be pushed through this term. In that case he committed Act to repealing any such laws that might shortly come into force, including the wordy ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’ which he described as Government ‘filters of online content’… and dangerous.
He said one means by which the repeal of any new restriction of free speech could be undertaken was via public referenda, yet to make that a reality would take a petition of parliament with 300 000 signatures. Not a small task… but do-able if those people who care about this issue… such as those who attended the Act tour meetings throughout the country, committed themselves to help them achieve these goals.
Thus David finished the formal part of the meeting with an appeal for active support for Act and their free speech initiatives, and also for financial donations.
Act party membership costs only $20 for 3 years… “A Bargain!” said Seymour… alluring to Act’s ‘market philosophies’ as the solution to so many social issues.
David Seymour has an engaging speaking manor, skillfully throwing in a joke and a laugh here and there.
When asked ‘why is there a distinguishable pattern and common theme between what is happening here in NZ and what is going on all across Western nations… does he believe a grand scheme was at work?’
He responded by pointing to the general dearth of intelligence within parliament, making it in his estimation highly unlikely they are mentally competent to participate in a grand evil conspiracy… rather their evil policies can simply be understood from their overt stupidity!
He does not appear to grasp that far be it their stupidity renders their adherence to a grand scheme unlikely… but more gullibly so!
They are following a well articulated socialist global agenda.
David said many top NZ bureaucrats and politicians are friends, and that no doubt they talk among themselves about what they hope to achieve… in their minds things they believe will make New Zealand a better place.
(My thoughts: They dream of imposing a Leftist totalitarian police state!)
One lady in the audience was a migrant from Great Britain and ex high court lawyer who spoke about how hate speech laws were wreaking havoc there. Seymour agreed and pointed out how far they had slidden remarking also how Britain had up until recently Laws prohibiting the intentional causing of offence, yet these were overturned by the public backlash, including outspoken activism by comic Rowan Atkinson. Seymour joked about how frightening it would be to be confronted by redoubtable Mr Bean!
I chuckled, because I think David Seymour himself bears amusing resemblance to Mr Bean!
Jokes aside, David Seymour and Act are to be highly commended for doing this tour and for making free speech one of their primary concerns this election cycle.
In the past David Seymour has taken many positions with which I strongly disagree, however as things stand there are no political parties that come close to Acts resolve to defend such a fundamental principle of liberty as freedom of speech.
It is under Jacinda Arderns power mad gaze, and she is hell bent on silencing all dissent .
Her ambitions are nothing short of overthrowing New Zealand’s traditions, values, ideals, and even our national autonomy is in danger as she imposes the dictates of the UN, for example the UN Global Compact for Migration which itself proscribes heavy censorship and prosecutions for anyone who complains about it.
We also know with certainty that Arden regime seeks to use the education system to indoctrinate future generations in such Radical leftist doctrines as ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘Transgender ideology’.
Both are an attack on the Christian foundations of Western civilisation.
These radical socialists in power first need to grant themselves the legal authority to suppress public opposition before they ramp up their globalist woke scheme… which is why hate speech, and ‘online harm’ legislation is such a dangerous Machiavellian precursor.
They want to make it illegal for parents to complain about the radical political indoctrination of their children!
These things being so Freedom loving New Zealander need to think hard about who they are going to vote for next election, and whether or not they will help David Seymour and Act succeed in their ambitions to ensure future generations of Kiwi will have the right to speak their minds in public.
Free speech is necessary is because free individuals will never agree on everything… even among friends.
‘Evil prevails when good men do nothing’
Act is far from perfect… far from Libertarian, yet as things stand I believe getting in behind them on this absolutely critical right… at this absolutely critical juncture in time… is the right thing to do.
The New Zealand Government is in the process of *Criminalising Speech*… making speech punishible under the Crimes Act.
P.S A new Free Speech Union has started up. I certainly will be investigating this further with a view of support.
New trade union launched to promote free speech.
The Free Speech Coalition is relaunching as a trade union under the name “Free Speech Union” and has successfully registered under the Employment Relations Act.
“That name is not ironic”, says Dr David Cumin, a founding member of the Union’s Council. “We think it says crisply just what is now needed to defend freedom of speech. We need to stand with people being intimidated, cancelled, de-platformed, piled on by social media, doxxed and threatened with bankruptcy if they seek legal protection.”
“Becoming a bona fide union is important because defending freedom of speech has come to need the collective solidarity, the mutual support, the kind of activism that made labour unions so important over 100 years ago.”
“For the last two years, the Free Speech Coalition has been campaigning to prevent the growth of anti-free speech case law and legislation. The Coalition was founded in response to the statements by the Auckland Mayor and actions of his Council in banning two controversial speakers from hosting a talk at a publicly owned venue. The founding members of the Coalition saw the greatest threat to New Zealand’s tolerant and diverse culture of free public discourse as coming directly from the power of the state.”
I recently watched an exposition on Freemasonry that provoked me to spend some time surfing the net looking at what interesting materials I could find on the subject.
While searching the internet this evening, researching the Masonic Secret society, and the ‘Lucis Trust’… a Satanic organisation dedicated to ‘a New World Order’ that offers ‘consultancy services’ to the United Nations.
Within the opening minute of this video it made what is purported to be a quote from Adolf Hitler on his plans for Christianity to give way to some sort of restoration of Germanic Old Paganism…
Quote… “The Old beliefs will be brought back again… The whole secret knowledge of nature, of the divine, of the demonic. We will wash off the Christian Veneer, and bring out a religion peculiar to our own race.”
The Nazis obsession with the Occult is well documented yet still this was not where I was expecting to be led.
Still as a Christian this quotation touches on a subject of interest to me, and anyone who has spent any time studying Hitler and the Nazis, that quote certainly embodies what ought to be well understood about the basic premises of Hitler’s fundamental beliefs. He was no Christian!
Putting aside for the moment my investigations into the Masons and the Lucis Trust, I decided to see if I could find corroboration on the net that Hitler did in fact make that statement… so I put that quote into Duck Duck Go and it listed some hits… one of which is the article by Kerry Bolton… ‘Hitler, Christianity, and the Third Reich.’
Found on ‘National Vanguard’ Website.
I am completely unfamiliar with the tenor of this site yet just from looking at the Websites Header gives me the creeps… It looks to me like some whack far right site… ‘New Consciousness, New Order, New People’ type jargon could hardly be mistaken for anything else… and yet I might be wrong about that… I simply do not have the time right now to investigate this sidetrack, yet browsing Kerry Bolton’s ‘Essay’ I found it a very interesting read. Well written, and worth making a blog about so that my friends and readers could check it out for themselves.
I have no clue who Kerry Bolton is or what his personal ideals and values are. I must write a disclaimer that I distance myself from any association with the ‘Far right’ to which he may subscribe or the website ‘National vanguard’.
It is simply a matter of ethics to correctly credit the authorship and website.
That is as far as Eternal Vigilance blog has to do with the source.
I am a Libertarian who is as opposed to far right socialist tyranny as I am opposed to far left socialist tyranny.
It is sad that We live in such times that make inserting such disclaimers a matter of self-preservation due to the threat of being ‘investigated by the police’ for simply sharing opinions and articles on the internet which they might deem to be ‘Dangerous’ or ‘hateful’… or from sources they have flagged as ‘Extremist’, etc.
Thanks to the censorship tyranny and surveillance of Jacinda Ardern’s Post-Christchurch Terror attack Police state … constantly hunting for ‘White supremacist Boogiemen’ Kiwi bloggers like myself are reaching the point where we will need to attach permanent disclaimers to any subject we write about that does not ascribe to the official Politically correct perspective… or our own views for that matter.
All this aside Bolton’s essay itself appears to me to be an objective history upon the subject stated in the title.
It is in fact one of the clearest and well reasoned articles I have read in a very long time on this subject.
I believe it to be a highly informative read that stands on it’s own merits.
He sites his sources.
As a student of Political history whose personal library contains many books on The Nazis, I find the article compelling, and truthful, and exposes the folly and ignorance of the many people who try and implicate the Nazis and Hitler himself as being ‘Christian’.
This dishonesty is committed by intellectually and spiritually twisted minds seeking to bring the Christian faith into disrepute.
Hitler was at his core a Machiavellian Liar and would mold his speeches and propaganda to suit his own immediate ends.
Any statements he made that appeared at face value to be supportive of Christianity was always a ruse by which he gained the submission of German Christians to his aims.
His real intents was always to destroy Christianity once his war ambitions were accomplished.
Anyone with half a brain can see that his deeds and modus opperandi were the very antithesis of Christianity.
Hitler was a type of the Antichrist, and his persecution of the Jews was Satanic.
He lifted himself up and committed great evils before God, whom visited him with Judgment and Justice.
Please follow the link (above) and read the full article.
Below are a few examples of Bolton’s assertions copied and pasted here for a record in case the original web source ‘disappears’.
“THE PLACE OF CHRISTIANITY under National Socialism has been a matter of contention, as with all else connected with that philosophy. Hitler has been damned as the devil incarnate by his Christian opponents, and heralded as a Jesus-like messiah by his Christian proponents. The 24th point of the NSDAP’s political programme even describes National Socialism as standing for “positive Christianity.” In order to access the real relationship of Christianity to National Socialism it is necessary to go beyond the propaganda of both pro- and anti-National Socialist Christians. (ILLUSTRATION: Adolf Hitler)
To do this the private pronouncements of the National Socialist leaders must receive greater attention than their public statements. An additional consideration is the actual practice of the National Socialist regime towards the churches. Hitler’s private conversations with his inner circle between 1941 and 1944, as recorded by Reichleiter Bormann, himself one of the National Socialist Party’s most avid anti-Christians as we shall see, provide the most insightful of sources in determining the real attitude of Hitler towards Christianity.”
Hitler’s analysis of Christianity is Nietzschean: “The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.” “Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilization by the Jews of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society. Thus one understands that the healthy elements of the Roman world were proof against the doctrine. Yet Rome (i.e. Fascist Italy) allows itself today to reproach Bolshevism with having destroyed the churches. As if Christianity itself hadn’t behaved in the same way towards the pagan temples.”
“It is deplorable that the Bible should have been translated into German, and the whole of the German people should have thus become exposed to the whole of this Jewish mumbo-jumbo. As a sane German, one is flabbergasted to think that the German folk could have led themselves to such a pass by Jewish filth and priestly twaddle.”
The SS epitomizes the contradistinction between Christianity and the philosophy of the Third Reich. It was a Black Order in its own right, and Himmler envisaged the creation of an autonomous SS State which would be an example to the world of National Socialism. In 1937 Himmler instructed his chiefs to plan a counter-culture to replace Christianity, and it was declared, “the age of the final showdown with Christianity” had dawned, and one of the objectives of the SS was to provide Germans with “the proper ideological foundation” to replace it….
Martin Bormann, who became Hitler’s secretary and deputy after Hess’ abortive peace mission to England, like Himmler, Rosenberg, Heydrich, Hitler and most of the others at the top of the Reich hierarchy, also had a clear perspective on Christianity. The following is taken from Kirchliches Jahrbuch fur die evangelische Kirche in Deutschland: “National Socialist and Christian concepts are incompatible. The Christian churches build upon the ignorance of the men and strive to keep large portions of the people in ignorance because only in this way can the Christian churches maintain their power. On the other hand, National Socialism is based on scientific foundations. Christianity’s immutable principles, which were laid down almost two thousand years ago by Jews, have increasingly stiffened into life-alien dogmas. National Socialism however, if it wants to fulfill its task further, must always guide itself according to the newest data of scientific researchers.”
“When in the future our youth no longer hear anything about this Christianity, whose doctrine is far below our own, Christianity will automatically disappear.” “When we National Socialists speak of God, by God we do not understand, as do naive Christians and their clerical beneficiaries, a manlike being who is sitting around in some corner of the spheres. Rather, we must open the eyes of mankind to the fact that in addition to our unimportant earth there exist countless other bodies in the universe, many of them surrounded, like the sun, by smaller bodies, the moons. The force which moves all those bodies in the universe, in accordance with Natural Law, is what we call the Eternal, the Allfather or God. The assertion that this world- force can worry about the fate of every individual, every bacillus on earth, and that it can be influenced by so-called prayer or other astonishing things, is based either on a suitable dose of naiveté or on outright commercial effrontery.”
“In contrast, we National Socialists call upon ourselves to live as naturally as possible — that is, in keeping with the Laws of Life. The more thoroughly we know and attend to the Laws of Nature and Life, the more we adhere to them, the more do we correspond to the will of the Eternal; the deeper our insight into the will of the Eternal, the greater will be our success.” “It follows from the incompatibility of National Socialist and Christian concepts that we must oppose any strengthening of existing Christian denominations and must refuse to give them any assistance. We can make no differentiation between the various Christian confessions. Any strengthening of the Christian concepts would merely work against us.”
“To an ever-increasing degree the Folk must be wrested from Christianity and their agents, the pastors. Obviously, the Christians, from their standpoint, will and must defend themselves against this loss of power. But never again must Christianity regain an influence in the leadership of our folk. This must absolutely and finally be broken.”
Important note: The person who made the video (below) is Ex Police.
This Man saw from the inside first hand Commanders ordering the lower ranks to do things he knew in his heart were wrong… against the people they were supposed to ‘protecting and serving’.
Slowly he grew the courage to stand up and disobey orders he believed were wrong, and yet so many Cops are blind order followers… either because they are weak and fear of losing their jobs or because they literally don’t give a bean about the public.
The only reason I have used the You tube version above is because I can embed it here on my blog, while I am not able to embed the Bitchute copy.
Yet this video will probably be deleted by You tube so here is the link to the Bitchute version… If You’re A Cop, Listen Up!
Law enforcement is the legalised use of force, so not only can it attract virtuous and brave spirits seeking to make a difference in their communities, unfortunately it also attracts the worst types of personalities… Sadistic Thugs and Bullies who enjoy butalising the public behind the protection and authority of a uniform and badge.
I implore everyone involved in Law and order, and politics to watch this video and contemplate what this man is saying.
I am not *Anti-Police*.
I am Pro-Justice, Pro-Just Laws, and Pro-enforcement of just laws.
When the Police maintain their code of ethics and hold their duty as first being to *justice* and the people, not to the Political powers… then they are truly heroic and Nobel.
Yet when they loose this essential justification for their existence and begin to impose Political social schemes they cross the line and so easily become the tools of injustice and oppression.
I am promoting a peaceful stand for just Law and virtue, against the abuses of power that seeks to use the Police to impose Political Evils.
The video (above) is precisely the sort of message that will be flagged for censorship.
Because he is on a target range loading guns it will probably be construed to represent ‘a dangerous radical’ and ‘potential terrorist’, when in truth this good man is saying nothing that is a danger to the people whatsoever!
The Public have been manipulated to thinking of guns as being a threat to their safety rather than an essential tool to defend their lives and rights.
This Man is in fact boldly standing up for the people against the evil powers that seek to use the Police to impose their tyrannical agenda!
This brave man will be seen as ‘A danger’ to the Politicians who are in fact working against their own people.
They are the real danger, yet these politicians and corrupt Officials and Journalists will spin this around and make out that it is people like this guy are why *Guns should be confiscated* and their opinions *Censored and punished* under the pretense that such opinions are ‘harmful to the public good’.
Can you see how the Truth gets turned inside out?
At some point I expect myself to get a knock on my door because I share these sorts of dissident views.
Here is another post I have written on this subject. I have abandoned facebook and so the page it mentions is no longer available, yet the ethics I endorse in this post are still vital for a Civil and Free society.
Just as George Orwell predicted that the future will be ‘a jackboot stomping on a human face forever’, politicians like Jacinda Ardern, Andrew Little, Judith Collins, and their counterparts in all other western nations have been using the so-called Covid 19 crisis to ramp up their establishment of Police States exponentially.
Putting our nations in lockstep with the globalist Agenda.
It is a demonstration of what Lenin called ‘Useful Idiots’ that so many Kiwi fools still believe Jacinda Ardern’s regime is all about ‘Hugs’.
To appreciate how evil regimes paint good yet renegade cops who bravely stand up for just Constitutional Law as ‘Terrorists’ we can see what happened/ is happening in Venezuela.
Now the situation in Venezuela is extreme comparative to where we are at in Western Nations such as New Zealand, Australia, The US, Britain, Canada.
The Socialist Tyranny is out of the closet in Venezuela and in full swing and so Oscar Perez actions (and grim fate) must be understood in that context.
He stood up to the Socialist tyranny in the name of the Venezuelan Constitution
Though we have not yet reached this extreme we still should be cognizant of the fact that the oppression that is a reality in Venezuela today is very much akin to what Jacinda Ardern intends for us.
Socialist ideology dictating our future governance and crushing of our culture and rights, esp with regards to free speech, and gun rights.
Unless we the people, and Law enforcement personal of high integrity nip their political ambitions in the bud *Now* while it still can be done… it will soon be too late.
At some point Ardern’s Police State will come out in open warfare against us.
Deeming us to be ‘Enemies of the State’.
Lets get busy and ensure this nightmare does not unfold on our watch!
Only Morons fail to grasp that Political Machiavellians like Ardern have coldly calculated the urgent need to suppress free speech and confiscate all Guns so that they can impose their socialist agenda.
They already have these very programs up and running… with incremental legislative steps rolling out in succession.
Idiots believe these prohibitions are awesome… and for the public good.
The terms ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘dangerous radical’ have been coined to condition the public into turning against the very people whom are trying to wake them up.
The things I have written in this blog post are not wild hallucinations but *verifiable facts*.
There *IS* a conspiracy afoot by the very political operators I have named… and it’s not even a secret!
The insane thing is that so many people have been duped into thinking the Globalist NWO is all about ‘the salvation of humanity and the planet’ when in truth is is all about absolute power and *the enslavement* of the entire human race.
Talk about believing a false Gospel!
These people seek to eliminate all opposition… all free thinkers… All Christians… etc.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!
Ask yourself… ‘If the Devil really existed, and if humanity truly is a spiritually fallen race of beings… how would all this translate into history, and the real world?’????
It would look a hell of a lot like what is transpiring before our very eyes!
The Bible predicted all this.
It’s explanatory power to accurately describe the human condition and reality grows more convincing by the hour!
I believe it!
Yet still maybe you remain unconvinced.
Maybe you have misplaced personal ideological loyalties that forbid you from considering to possibility that the Bible might be true.
Yet still you cannot reasonably deny that there is a grand socialist agenda that is systematically establishing an evil global tyranny and that we must rally together and stand against it.
We must re-establish the Enlightenment principles of small government which is the servant of a Free and self-reliant People whose inalienable rights and liberties the government must respect.
We the people ought to possess the means to depose the government when it becomes despotic.
None of this stuff is a political mystery… the Whys, hows, etc of how tyrannies grow has been well understood for centuries!
Go study the American Declaration of Independence, and why the founding fathers enshrined the Second Amendment!
It is only a spoon fed indoctrinated/ lobotomised population that can be so deceived as to allow tyranny to propagate and flourish.
The battlefield truly is *in the minds* of the people.
The War is one by waking up *one soul at a time… with Facts and truth.
This is a time of crisis which requires people of courage, principle, and virtue… esp those in Law enforcement.
You have a greater moral responsibility than even the ordinary citizen because you will become the means by which tyranny is imposed upon the people, unless you do the right thing and refuse to follow evil orders.
This not only applies to law enforcement to all agents and employees of the State.
Remember the ‘Nuremberg defense’ whereby the Nazis attempted to escape justice and moral culpability for their War crimes and atrocities by claiming ‘they were only following orders’???
It did not save them. That was no excuse.
Nor is there any excuse for moral cowardice by Law enforcement in such times as we are facing now in carrying out orders that violate the rights of citizens.
Will you enforce corrupt anti-free speech laws manufactured by a corrupt parliament and arrest citizen dissidents who are speaking out against government corruption?
This is the sort of moral challenge you will face more and more.
Will you make the excuse that such corrupt laws must be enforced because they were made via a semblance of Due process?
We are facing dark clouds on the horizon, yet hopefully… for the sake of our children Freedom shall prevail. The only question will be were you on the side of the people, or on the side of the Nazi regime?
There will be a reckoning!
Either by God Almighty, or by the people.
Another Nuremburg Trial shall take place, either here on Terra firma or in the heavens.
Justice will ultimately be served.
These are the sorts of videos (Below) the government does not want circulating on the net.
I believe we are fast approaching a day when the thought police will pay visits to people like Sue Grey… and to people like myself… and anyone who dares to share any information on the net that might sway others from believing the government’s position on subjects of this nature.
They don’t want the voting public to be aware of the real world affects their policies are having on real people… ignorance is bliss.
They don’t want the people to make truly informed choices, or exercise caution when it comes to granting their consent to be ‘vaccinated’ (they are not vaccines) or allowing their kids to be vaccinated.
I apologise that I am unable to embed them from Bitchute.
The content of both of these videos are of high value with regards to what is going on here in New Zealand with regards to the Ardern regime’s response to Covid 19.
Sue Grey is to be highly commended for make the videos and for her work in defense of the poor woman and child currently being locked up simply for exercising her Parental rights by refusing to allow them to perform their highly intrusive PCR test on her 6mth old child.
I wrote my own criticism of how Ardern has handled this supposed Pandemic at the government inquiry….
Covid 19 is not the only area in which Ardern’s Government is acting like some third world dictatorship… I recently read about the Draconian use of force against a woman who had suffered an assault at the hands of some male, who then had her new born child removed from her in the most brutish fashion simply because she exercised her right to refuse to go into a ‘Woman’s refuge’ accommodation at the behest of ‘Oranga Tamariki’.
This New Mum had done nothing wrong.
First she suffers an assault at the hands of some violent arsehole, next she has he child ripped from her hands and kidnapped by the State!
What is disturbing about these stories is they share and expose an underlying callous disregard for the rights of New Zealand citizens… a contempt… by the minions of the NZ State that is precisely the sort of attitude that marks out oppressive tyrannies.
Obey or else!
This is the new normal, all the while Ardern sells her government as the most caring and transparent of all governments.
And this headlong fall into a Police state show no signs of abatement.
Should the new censorship legislation pass (and they will) , all it will take to issue take down orders to internet platforms like Bitchute will be for the government to receive a public complaint, and for it to be deemed to ‘probably be harmful’ to the public good by some thought police official’ and videos like these made by Sue Grey will have to be taken down out of Public view.
And there will be no redress for injustices caused by any such actions even if found to have been wrongfully censored.
Failure to comply will result in prosecution, and the Police may choose to prosecute any social media posts, or articles, etc they deem to be ‘offensive’, ‘hateful’. or ‘harmful’.
Ardern’s Government is pushing for greater censorship powers, amending laws already on the books that allow them to prosecute Social media users for ‘making threats’ and ‘causing harm’, so we know the real intent of the new Amendments is to take things far beyond this.
The Governments justification for what they are doing is a bare faced lie.
They simply want the legal right to force ‘independent platforms’ into taking down political opinions contrary to the official position of the Woke State.
So they *already* have the power to censor and punish threats and expressions of malice…
To my way of thinking, the most disturbing thing about what is happening is the apathy of the New Zealand Public.
Where is the outcry against the Ardern States massive power grabs and curtailment of Freedom?
Tyranny is running amok while the sheeple slumber.
I was sent this on social media as a comment to my latest blog as it also targets Sue Grey.
Leftist Bottom crawler and minion of Ardern Marc Daalder is trying to deplatform Peter Williams because he continues to question the official Ardern/ Globalist narrative on Covid 19 and vaccinations on New Zealand Radio.
According to how the Leftists work, he must be silenced.
No dissenting opinions can be allowed to reach the ears of the voting sheeple.
This snipit shows us Daalder is highly likely part of the systematic censorship going on in Radio…. probably neck deep in the axing of Banks and Plunket.
This is how these demons operate.
There is no sewer they will not wallow in for the sake of their own corrupt ends.
Truly revolting and malevolent.
What is interesting is that we can see from the video links above that Sue Grey is not ‘Anti-Vaxx’, but pro liberty and pro- free informed choice, and critical of the Draconian actions of the State with regards to how they are treating people.
The following post is extracted from a Social media discussion I am having with an anarchist friend, about anarchy.
I am blogging the essentials so that I can refer to it in the future, and expand upon it at leisure, and also because I have written extensively on this subject for years on Facebook only to have my account indefinitely suspended. and all my arguments censored from public access.
Thus I am going to be more diligent in saving my arguments here at Eternal Vigilance Blog and elsewhere.
In the course of our discussion, I quoted the portion of the American declaration of Independence which speaks of the principle of the consent of the governed.
My friend then proceeded to proffer the argument by anarchist Apologists Larken Rose that
” the very idea [of the consent of the governed] is ridiculous, because free people cannot consent to be forcibly dominated, and government, by definition, is forcible domination.”
Now for the record I dam not fan of Larkin Rose.
I returned fire… “As for Larkin Rose his arguments are weak… one dimensional… and easily refuted.
Lets briefly talk about the consent of the governed.
It is one of the most important tenets of Libertarianism because it embodies a bundle of essential presuppositions.
It is in truth the very foundation stone of my own politics, as it entails all the premises about Men being endowed with inalienable rights, and that they are free, Equal, and competent, and have the right to form compacts with one another and to make laws congruent only with the defense of their own rights, from aggressions either from among themselves, or external threats who are not part of the compact.
The foundational Social compact is in fact A peace treaty that enunciates the basis for peaceful coexistence and cooperation.
Anarchists deny the right of people to make such treaties, and mock the logic thus demonstrating their own foolishness and making themselves despotic by forbidding others from forming their own voluntary association and compact.
We do not have space here for a thorough exposition.
That would take an entire volume, yet Rose (and many anarchist like him) table the lamest of contentions and then strut about like they won the world series in Political Science.
In reality they are space cadets.
^ You cant have a rational discussion with a person who thinks governments are figments of the collective imagination.
Look (below)at the Lame statement that has been tabled from Rose in regard to the consent of the governed ….
‘Larken Rose says that the very idea is ridiculous, because free people cannot consent to be forcibly dominated, and government, by definition, is forcible domination. ‘
This is false.
The Libertarian form of government is self defense only.
Its just powers being an extension of the peoples own legitimate right… nothing more.
There is nothing in the formation of a Libertarian government that demands all people living within that society must ‘buy into’ the government so formed… they can ‘opt out’… no problem… as long as they abide by the Laws… which if written justly … demand no greater duty than to peacefully respect the legitimate rights of others. Ie Good law simply codifies Natural Law principles
‘… to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ‘
Hence there exists a very limited justification for small government with codified Laws, just enforcement, and impartial disputes resolution whereby people agree to take disputes to court rather than gun down each other based only upon their own interpretation of the facts (such as was the case in Savage pre-European New Zealand… which was an anarchist system.
The system the British brought to New Zealand was far from perfect, none the less it was 1000 times better than the Anarchy that existed prior whereby the Strong preyed upon the weak, and life and property were in constant peril.
Civil society needs well defined order and an impartial ‘referee’.
It is not an all or nothing scenario… which simpletons like Rose try and make it.
To the degree that our government upholds the rights and liberties of individuals is the degree of assent I give it.
To the degree that it is oppressive and unjust is the level to which I protest.
I would suggest that even you assent/ consent to that degree…”
Final Draft Below.
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.
I had to axe about 50% of my original draft.
A longer (better) version can be found here
I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.
For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.
Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of tolerant.
It is a closed and oppressive society.
A free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of an open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
The *Anti-freedom mentality* sees contrary opinions as *only bad*.
In truth… like a Black canvas allows a white picture to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull and the dissenter shines with superior proofs, this is when the Powers that be are provoked and resort to calling their opponents ‘haters’, ‘harmful’, etc to justify silencing them before the general public grasp the official narrative they are being spoon fed is not the best evaluation of the facts.
The vital question is this… How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all been censored?
They can’t… they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.
There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses.
This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.
Censorship is being advocated by the use of ambiguous yet derogatory terms such as ‘harmful’, ‘objectionable’. ‘hateful’, ‘offensive’, ‘misinformation’, ‘fake news’, etc.
Intentional ambiguity leaves the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Assent is sort to this bill via the ruse… ‘Who could possibly protest the suppression of ‘hate’ and ‘harm’?
The bill states that take down notices may be issued when ‘(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionable’… hence the scope of Free speech in NZ will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official ‘believes’.
This bill is totalitarian as it leave nothing beyond it’s scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything*.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!
All it takes to trigger the censorship powers is for someone ‘to submit a complaint.’, and for some Orwellian ‘Inspector’ from ‘the Ministry of Truth’ (Read Orwell’s 1984) to deem any utterance as ‘probably harmful to the public good’.
I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore ‘harmful’.
This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line.
Once in operation it will intimidate the people into silent obedient conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all.
esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariah’s for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees… fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. No Sarcasm. They shall become crimes.
Take care not to allow your weary heart to thoughtlessly commit any perceivable micro-aggressions!
You will have to be reeducated to understand and embrace the new rules this bill really entails.
Ambiguity leaves caprice for overlooking any truly malicious speech congruent with politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
Political operatives will use the ambiguities in two ways.
By rigorously implementing censorship and punishment’s for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed ‘right think’.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis.
There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will ‘instinctually recognize hate speech when they see it’.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.
Let me list a few specific examples of offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the gauntlet unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this suppression will be officially sanctioned.
Not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist will be suffered to curtail their guile.
Any written complaints against these hate mongers will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their free speech, but no one else will as these are seen as the trail blazers of the New woke Socialist ‘inclusive’ Utopia.
The New Zealand we grew up in will be gone…. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in ‘Animal Farm’… the once ‘oppressed’ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.
Statements critical of Treaty separatism, Climate change, open immigration, transgender sex theory, vaccinations, abortion, or any promotion of traditional Christian values… shall be deemed as harmful, offensive, misinformation, conspiracy theory, etc and ‘against the public good’ and therefore illegal.
Platforms carrying such content will be forced to ‘take it down’.
Only one narrative can be allowed… The Official narrative.
This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive.
If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent in this bill it surely must be by creating indemnity for officials from accountability for any injustices incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
‘No action to lie against Officials’… So no consequences for abuse of power!
Should this Bill not be scrapped, to safeguard free speech these indemnity clauses should be reversed making any misuse and abuses by officials an offence.
Heads should roll!
Big Sister is watching.
In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the voting populations. Enough to skew elections.
They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those who suffered mass censorship from this unholy alliance have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views.
This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke monopoly as the single source of truth.
Platforms independent of the Leftist Cabal today allow countless numbers to slip through the Socialist Net.
Via legislation such as this bill we see these socialist governments mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish thereby restoring their Politically correct stranglehold on information.
This regulatory activity is much to the advantage of the Establishment Mega corporations who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information either On line, or off.
The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents.
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.
The Socialists don’t care.
Power Corrupts.
Freedom is in peril.
As I started reading the above article I was massively impressed…
“(Natural News) America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasn’t elected by the people and isn’t a real president, so his fake regime doesn’t count.
Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in today’s podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.
Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.
We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality…”
The first 300 words were 100% on point about the mass delusion and idiocy that has taken over…. But then I ready the bullet point list of what the Author thought was the source of the grand delusions… and my heart dropped.
The list is itself Whack… and an example of Mass delusion of the equal opposite type… the grand delusions that unfortunately have proliferated within the Pro-Trump camp!
The Article continues….
“… But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:
5G exposure
Toxic vaccines that attack human neurology
Brain-damaging pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants
Heavy metals in the food supply
Glyphosate herbicide exposure, which is now known to cause mass mental illness
Covid bioweapons exposure, now documented to cause mental illness in 33% of survivors
Fire retardant exposure, which is known to cause antisocial, violent behavior
Journo-terrorism (psychology terrorism by the media)
Fluoride in the public water supply
Mass media brainwashing and subliminal messaging like what you see in every Super Bowl halt-time demon cult worship theater event
Widespread nutritional deficiencies caused by the processed food industry
When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality…”
Wake TF Up People!
5G and Vaccines are symptomatic of the Grand evil Agenda but *are not* the source of the delusions!
5G is part of their All seeing eye… Global surveillance State.
Compulsory Vaccinations is about the end of personal bodily autonomy.
For these reasons there is good cause to be alarmed… not because they are cause of humanities freefall into insanity!
I realise that ‘Natural News’ does not represent ‘orthodoxy’ in the freedom/ anti-globalist movement, yet this article serves to illustrate important disfunctions that are hobbling the Freedom Campaign, and causing the movement to appear like Mad house.
This confusion in our ranks works in favour of the enemies of freedom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The true source of the delusions Zombifying the world is primarily Ideological…. A massive body of Lies have been heavily propagandised upon the populations of the world by the super Wealthy Technocrats and Politically Powerful aided and abetted by myriads of soul-less fanatical minions.
This has been a long long game that has now reached the final quarter while Freedom Advocates about the globe wallow in disarray… half infected by the delusions themselves and whose ranks have been infected by ridiculous conspiracies such as the Q movement… Trump worship… etc.
I like Trump. I believe he was a great President for our troubled times… yet he is not Jesus Christ!
And you do Donald Trump a huge disservice by thinking of him that way… loading the responsibility for saving America on his shoulders!
The truth about what I am saying was highlighted recently by Leftist Spokesman to the Masses Bill Maher when he called the ‘Capitol Riot’ ‘a faith based initiative’ and cited both the Q Annon cult and ‘Christian Nationalism’ as being the ideological bents underpinning the mindset of those who refuse to accept the US election results as being legitimate.
He said … “The events of January 6 were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes (former President Donald) Trump was literally sent from Heaven to save them,” said the 65-year-old Maher, an outspoken atheist who frequently criticizes organized religion.
Again… It would be dishonest to suggest that such wild claims about ‘Trumps Divine Mission’ are representative of the views of all ‘Fundamental Christians’ and yet what Bill Maher is saying is not without substance because most of us who are informed have witnessed this psychosis as being a real cringe worthy phenomena that has infected a section of the ‘Pro-Trump’ camp, and as such Bill Maher ought not to be reviled for pointing out such an embarrassing truth.
Bill is giving these Pro-Trump ‘fanatics’ a mirror to perceive why so many atheists like himself view religion as a dangerous source of uncivilised mayhem and chaos.
Christians ought to take cognizance of this, and appreciate the truthfulness of it.
Religious fanaticism that undergirds riotous civil unrest truly is an abhorrent evil… not endorsed by the love or grace of God!
He comments also show why ultimately the basis for the Freedom movement must be framed in *impartial secular terms*.
This Truth is what the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment bequeathed to humanity and is the source of Freedom in Western Civilisation.
Maintaining a separation of Church and State.
I know that saying that will cause many Christians to get their knickers all up in a bunch… but that is simply because they wrongfully interpret the term ‘secular’ to mean ‘Atheist’.
It does not mean that at all.
It means *Reason based*… Arts, sciences, ethics etc that stand on the merits of their own truthfulness and internal consistency, and thus ought to be acceptable to Atheist and Theist alike.
Such as ‘A square is a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles.’.
That is a secular truth… not an ‘atheist’ truth simply because there are no references to God in it.
Likewise Christians do well to frame their political ideals in terms that can stand upon their own merit thus making them palatable to non-Christians and demonstrating Christians need not be religious fanatics, and are capable if peaceful coexistence with others on reasonable reciprocal terms.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying Christians don’t have a right talk about the political state of the world in context to their own views.
I do it all the time and am doing so in this blog post.
I am saying however that the near ‘Trump-worship’ by Christians prior to the last election was shameful and brings Christianity and Trump’s own movement into disrepute.
They ought to have maintained their vocal support for him because of the principles of Freedom and justice he stood for… not because of quazi-religious Drama.
The Pastors who have fermented this Cult should be ashamed of themselves.
They give the enemies of Christianity and Freedom grounds upon which to justify the suppression of our free speech and values!
They ought to have walked a more nuanced line… which is what I am attempting to do here and now.
I admit it is difficult… and prone to misinterpretation at every bend.
I am a Christian Libertarian.
Donald Trump is a Conservative.
To me Biden really is an absolute Minion of Satan.
With respect to their ideals and agendas, and the situation the world finds itself in and by my doing my own Math though Donald Trump is far from perfect… I choose to ride the Trump Train!
The Ideological war the Socialist Globalist are waging against Freedom is being fought on many fronts.
Trump is a Good Man, and as President fought against them on most of the important theatres (but not all) and because Christians like myself recognise the Socialist New World Order as being nothing less than the Rise of the Antichrist system, it is easy to see how many Christian have therefore translate these facts into ‘a Holy war for the souls of humanity against enslavement to the Devil’.
They are not wrong about that.
Yet still that does *not make Trump God’s Divine savior of Humanity and America*!
It makes him simply the best Democratic Choice… according to our values and ideal.
His Brash personality was in fact well suited to deal with the endless dung throwing monkeys who assailed him all day long for daring to steer America in the opposite direction to their Globalist Scheme. He was impervious to their rancor and so remained steadfast in his resolve!
Few men could have done that… and underneath he has a good honest heart.
He was and still remains simultaneously the most despised, and most admired man on the planet today.
By standing against the Globalist Tyrannical Agenda Trump is on the side of Liberty, including Religious Liberty, Freedom lovers and Christians ought rightly to stand behind him and that is their Democratic right to do so… yet… and this is the difficult part to clearly delineate… Christians ought never to have confounded the justness of the cause for freedom with ‘Leader worship’… turning a popular democratic movement into some sort of Cult. yet that is what many have done.
I guess this is one of the traps of modern politics whereby leaders are assumed to be the embodiment of the Politics their party expounds.
It is a trap that ought to be avoided at all costs.
Socialist Leaders love to propagate such mindless Idolatry. No better example can be given that our own Jacinda Ardern.
The Freedom of Western civilization has hung in the balance several times in the recent past, requiring great leadership and heavy sacrifices to save.
Most notably from the Nazi and Communist threats.
Was Churchill perfect?
No, but only an ideological fool would have allowed Churchills ‘imperfections to be grounds enough to withhold support for Britain in the war against the Nazis and The Yellow peril.
Supporting leaders at such times is not an endorsement of their every move, but of the cause they are championing.
Is the cause fundamentally just? If so… then support it!
This being so those who claim to love liberty yet choose not to support Trump because of their personal dislike to his eccentric personality or foibles are demonstrably betraying the cause of Freedom!
Trump derangement syndrome is a disease of the mind.
That so many so-called freedom lovers have been so infected as to cheer that Biden won is an outrage!
Though the type of struggle has changed, the Crisis of Hitler’s hordes posed to our way of life was as dire as what we are currently facing today… Hitler appeared the personification of the Antichrist to Freedom lovers of his day.
Still, looking back we can appreciate how foolish it would be to elevate Churchill to quazi-Divine Stature.
Trump and Churchill were Men of their hour.
Trump Derangement syndrome and Trump Hero worship are equal follies.
We are called by the Apostle Paul … ” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Yet we must refrain from ‘Hero-worship’.
Conservative America is far from being the true ‘Land of the Free’, yet compared to the Socialist Hell that the Democrats are attempting to set up ‘Conservative America’ is still a bastion of light in the world.
Trump is no saint. He has many flaws… yet still I hold him to be… by comparative standards… a Good man and his cause is just… because he fights for Freedom and Constitutional rights, for all.
That I believe is a healthy and just evaluation of Trump… no less… no more.
Biden, Ardern, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, etc are all unwittingly in league with Beelzebub!
I believe that to be a fair evaluation of them also because they are working to destroy individual liberty and rights and set up a Totalitarian Global tyranny!
Despite Atheist credulity the indisputable fact is the eventual establishment of the One World Tyranny of the AntiChrist has all been prophesied.
It shall come to pass… we just don’t know when.
The Bible also says that with the rise of the Antichrist strong delusions would come and that the world will fall under his sway.
I do believe it will happen *when we human beings allow it to happen*… ie with the abandonment of the Christian faith, and when apathy sets in and Virtue is hard to find… then our society shall reap the reward of the abandonment of the values that underpinned the rise of Freedom in Western civilisation… the morals.. the ethics… we will have become feeble and weak… and the powers of darkness will know their time is at hand.
It has been said that for all it’s faults at least under democracy populations get the government they deserve.
Perhaps we deserve to loose the blessings we have enjoyed to such a large extent over the past 100 years.
‘The Greatest generation’ were prepared to run into Nazi Machine gun fire to halt the antichrist of their day… and by God’s grace they prevailed.
The type of Warfare today is far different… yet I fear that we today do not have the mettle required to face the evils of our times.
We don’t seem to be able to rally together for the cause.
Are we that accursed generation upon whom freedom, Righteousness, and truth will finally slip away?
Is the Sun setting on Western democracy?
Now it appears that Democracy itself has fallen!
How many elections about the globe in the past ten years have been defrauded by the Globalists?
How Many of their vile and treasonous minions have been installed and maintained in power to sell out their individual nations to the New World Order and ‘The Great reset?’.
I believe the last General election here in New Zealand was defrauded. Read about that here: VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
We freedom advocates knew the situation was bad, yet just how deep the Machiavellian Soros Inc infiltration of the system was still took most of us by surprise.
Not only has the years of propagating the fantastic lies about Climate change, Covid 19, ‘White Nationalism, corroded the minds of the politicians of the world, It also appears Soros Inc used more direct mean to corrupt major players in Trumps own Camp…. Judases.
How did the Soros/Democrat Cabal get to Bill Barr?
What was his ‘motivation’ to play such a double crossing snake in the grass betrayal of Donald Trump?
In my mind nobody come close to having stuck their knife into Donald Trumps back deeper and twisted it more than he.
Everything points to him being Blackmailed.
Had he fallen into some trap by which Soros Inc had some unspeakable dirt on him?
Or was he or his loved ones threatened by some powerful entities that caused him to break?
Time will tell us why, yet for now it is a complete mystery.
We can only despair how Barr slow walked every big case that came past his desk that could have absolutely decimated the Democrat party… Monumental evidence against Hillary Clinton… Monumental evidence against the Biden crime family… and because of his treason the media of the world were able to ignore the Truth too… and continue to sell the false narrative that it was the Trump administration that was corrupt… not the Dems.
That so many people who should know better… people who claim to support freedom against Socialism *accept all the lies about Trump, and that Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden won the election fair and square just goes to show the Diabolical Sway and success the relentless Globalist propaganda Campaign has been.
Soros admitted Trump was ‘Enemy number one’ in his ambitions to establish the one world order, yet spoke with calm certainty that Trumps time would be short lived and that he would be gone at the next election.
How could he be so certain?
Because he made it a priority to corrupt the Electoral system of the US… and elsewhere… like New Zealand.
Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the evidence for Election Fraud?
The claim that the Texas case ‘had no standing’ to my mind is absolute bunk!
Texas has no business with regards to other States independent election of their own representatives, yet how they conduct their election for the Presidency is a Federal matter, and therefore of vital importance to all States… and it is without question Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all practiced ‘illegal’ and highly suspicious election anomalies!
You have to have rocks for brains to believe the FBI statement that the 2020 Election was ‘Fraud Free’.
The scale of this Fraud is mind boggling!
It surely ranks up there with the greatest of all time such as the Climate change Fraud, The Evolution Fraud.
Hitler said the greater the lie, the more people will believe it…. and I guess the reason this is true is because sometimes the truth is hard to believe.
The Stealing of the US Elections does mark the point where the Battle for freedom has clearly tipped against us, and so if we are to ever get back to a semblance of freedom and sanity it will demand freedom lovers and Christians must be prepared to bear a far heavier burden than ever before and risk far heavier persecution by the Corrupt State … all with the support of the Children of the Damned… the brainwashed zombie hordes.
Are any of the so-called freedom lovers and Christians prepared to put aside petty differences and unite, and stand up together and hazard their very lives and property for the sake of Freedom for their Children… or will they remain impotent and at variance with each other?
I fear those who know what is going on are too cowardly… to weighed down with the cares of this world… to bravely resist the Beast.
Maybe this really is the End?
We could still turn back the tide yet it will now take *Massive commitment* to our ideals and beliefs… All backed up by Mass Peaceful demonstrations. And literally Millions of individual acts of public peaceful protest around the globe.
I am afraid the hour is late and our situation dire.
The Globalists now control the Armies, the Police forces, the Courts, of Western Civilisation.
We can expect the ongoing confiscation of Firearms to accelerate and the eventual nullification of the second amendment… probably by stealth… rubberstamped by corrupt courts.
Treasonous Globalist parliamentarians have already circumvented due processes and safeguards to write the legislation to round up anyone who talks about Armed resistance… Freedom fighters being deemed to be ‘Dangerous Radicals’… terrorists even.
How far have our societies fallen in such a short time… and will continue to fall unless bold principled resistance is taken!
We are fast approaching China-like tyranny and suppression of all dissent.
We now have to be willing to risk Jail time, risk being assaulted and even Death from fanatical Woke hordes… for freedom and truths sake… all the while maintaining the high ground and not being lured into rewarding Evil for Evil.
I’m not sure we have the mettle to pull this off!
God help us… and our Children!
Putting aside my Christian retoric for the sake of the cause of unity I know that our movement must be founded upon the core of commonly held values and principle common to all factions of Freedom loving communities which form an ‘overlapping consensus’ between our various groups and that these core values and principles can be,,, and must be articulated in *secular terms* that are acceptable to *all parties of reason*.
I will have to write a whole new post to describe what I mean by this ‘overlapping consensus’ that can form the basis for mutual cooperation between disparate groups, yet basically it results in an embodied constitution of Equality before the Law, personal freedom, and limited government… Time tested and proven ideals and values that have been forsaken by this generation.
We must get out in the streets and protest against the slide towards the Socialist NWO!
We must expose and throw out evil minions like Jacinda Ardern!
The time is short.