Category Archives: Propaganda
Maori Academics These Days no better than Maori science.
Important note: This is not an attack on Maori students, or ordinary Maori. This is an attack on the shameful rubbish that is being peddled by Racist radicals posing as scholars and professors in our universities that is filling our young peoples minds with toxic lies about the history of our country and about very serious social problems going on today.
It is a rebuke of hopeless politicians like PM Chris Luxon who allow this travesty to go on indefinitely.
Just recently many New Zealanders were stupefied to learn ‘Maori scientists’ had been granted $4m Tax dollars by the NZ Gov to try and heal Kauri Die-back disease by playing recorded whale songs. The Oranga Project defended its methods, on its website referencing the cultural and scientific context of their work.
“Māori whakapapa describes how the kauri and tohorā (sperm whale) are brothers, but they were separated when the tohorā chose the ocean over the forest,” the project said on its website.
Read about that here Taxpayer money spent on Kauri tree research using whale song and whale-oil potions
This is a gigantic farce and the people of New Zealand have had a guts full of being fleeced by snake oil salesmen under the guise of ‘honouring the Treaty’.
Nobody believes that Kauri trees and whales are brothers!
That may have been a belief 200 years ago… yet today no Maori believes that!
Only Radicalised academics foist their delusions (and evil ideologies) upon the nation.
It’s a scam!
These scammers are bringing the Maori people into disrepute.
It’s the same sort of rubbish as has recently happened in parliament when the entire house voted that Mount Taranaki be recognised as a Legal person!
How on Earth can our parliament be so absurd and contrary to truth and reason?
They are selling us all out to radicalism and delusion.
Yet these travesties are far from being the worst form of chicanery that is running amok!
Far worse is going on… contemptible rasict lies are being drilled into our children’s heads and are being institutionalised.
Maori ‘Academics’ claim the obscenely high incidence of child abuse in Maori communities is not their fault!
We are told it’s not because Maori lack self-control and Ethics…. no… Maori academics like Associate Professor Leonie Pihama says colonisation is the root cause of the high rates of Maori child abuse.
She blames History, White people, and racist systemic oppression for Maori murdering and abusing their kids!
Not a hint of self responsibility in sight!
This is an outrage!
This is not scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced toxic and hateful radical ideology with no basis in reality… and it’s passing the buck.
These people are demented racists.
What is even worse is that Politicians Like Ardern and Chris Luxon Bite into that Shit sandwich and swallow.
They are fully lobotomised by these radical beliefs.
They allow them to be shoved down the throats of the good people of New Zealand who are also expected to swallow.
They allow these racist lies to be disseminated in our schools and universities!
This is systematic vandalism of History. It is generating a pandemic of vile racism amongst Maori, and indoctrinates new generations of Maori Radicals and extremists to guarantee New Zealand gets no rest for the foreseeable future.
Read about the radicalisation of one Maori girl student here.
And that is not even the worst consequences of such systematic propaganda.
These despicable falsehoods are reeking havoc in our most essential institutions such as our Laws and Justice system.
I wrote an article about another shyster Gov Report (like He pua pua) called ‘A Vessel of tears’ that blames Maori crime on colonisation, and we can see the justice Dep trying to implement these racist lies when in October last year, due to public backlash NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC was forced to withdraw her controversial guidelines she had issued instructing judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.
She revised and re-issued her guidelines yet she has exposed her hand…. she buys into the lies that Maori are not fully responsible for their own criminality… and that blame lies with Pakeha colonisation.
I’m certain a copy of ‘A Vessel of Tears’ sits in her top office draw.
Read: NZ Herald Solicitor-General backs down over controversial Māori prosecution guidelines
^Satire posted on X… yet what makes satire funny/concerning is that there is always a kernel of truth. What really is Luxon thinking?
Anti-colonialism is a Marxist doctrine designed to undermine and destroy Western Capitalist nations like New Zealand.
These are some of the evil lies slandering Pakeha and perpetuating Maori victimhood that underpin Treaty separatism and the Treaty Grievance industry that Woke National party PM Chris Luxon refuses to address!
Head up his own arse!
It’s been business as usual for racist radicalism under Luxon.
It’s like Ardern’s never left office!
New Zealanders have a right to be livid at his pig headed refusals to stop this Racist madness.
In truth Luxon is way out of his depth.
He’s incompetent on so many levels.
Naïve and cowardly… and seeking to ‘out-woke’ Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealanders must face the truth that National is no alternative to Labour… they are effectively one and the same.
We desperately need leadership of courage and principle… to restore our Nation back to it’s tolerant and enlightened recent past.
To make New Zealand Great again.
New Zealanders Need to Rally and organise themselves into a massive Protest protest movement to send a message to our Politicians that We will no longer tolerate these racist lies and extortions.
We demand an end to the fraud of Treaty separatism, and we demand Racial equality before the Law for all, be constitutionally enshrined forbidding any Racist laws or institutions being created in the future!
The longer these farcical delusions continue the more Maori slip into race hatred of Pakeha… the longer Maori will continue with their obscene levels of crime, and the more Maori children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Read more from Tim.
Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.
The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…
The European Union and World Economic Forum are hell bent on pushing legislation to impose their policies and agenda on Social media (like X)
Transparency and Accountability in Social Media: Sánchez's Call for Algorithmic Oversight at WEF 2025: "My second proposal is to force open the black box of social media algorithms once and for all. The values of the European Union are not for sale."
"Safeguards like content…
— Camus (@newstart_2024) January 25, 2025
^ Watch Video above. These are the topics that get discussed at the WEF by Globalist politicians.
They routinely discuss passing tyrannical legislation to take control of the Internet so they can crush free speech.
This is what tyranny looks like. Having an agenda that requires forcing the people into compliance, censoring dissent, punishing wrong think.
All under the guise of ‘moral responsibility’ . That is the sheep’s cloth that hides the wolf.
This Bastards speech must be understood in context of Elon Musk Buying Twitter and Mark Zuckerburg ditching factcheckers and diversity hire at Facebook.
Elon Musk Saved America from Globalism by making X a free speech platform… Trump has been elected… and the Globalists are watching their stranglehold over the World wide web crumble before their eyes.
They are pissed about it and desperate to claw back control.
What really upsets the Globalist tyrants is that we all know exactly what they are doing!
Because of Mass communication on line and free speech.
We are all up to speed on their schemes and agendas… and we see them trying to implement their Machiavellianism *in real time* and are able to ‘broadcast’ what’s happening in our corner of the world to the greater Freedom loving community.
Tyranny is a small number of Freaks seeking to control the Billions. Free speech prevents them controlling the narratives.
Governments should never be allowed to act as if they are a separate interest group and above the people who elect them. Nobody is asking them to do any of that crap except foreign Globalist organisations…. certainly not the people they intend to dictate ‘truth’ to.
So it is up to the populations in every Free Nation to Rally and forbid their Governments from enacting laws that throttles free speech and open dialogue.
The woke agenda must not be allowed to suppress other opinions.
Climate change skepticism must not be allowed to be labeled ‘misinformation’.
Criticism of Mass Immigration must not be allowed to be deemed ‘Far right extremism’.
The Outrages of Transgender ideology must be exposed for the delusions, lies, and crimes against children that it propagates.
And Citizens should not be controlled via Tech systems, the surveillance State, Digital ID, Digital Currency/ social credit systems…
It does appear that America is back on the Road to becoming Great again… because all these issues are being pushed back.
This is a critical hour. Many of the Top Globalists have been toppled… yet there are always more waiting in the wings to take their spot.
The WEF must be declared to be A Global Criminal Organistation. One that is actively corrupting democracies around the globe. And that politicians and Deep State bureaucrats with WEF WHO UN connections must be deemed to be serving nefarious interests that are contrary to the true interests of their own citizens.
The people need to establish Anti-WEF Protest movements that target politicians who peddle WEF agendas and seek to corrupt our laws and institutions to serve Globalist interests.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Bye bye my Facebook people. It’s time to go.
Gab, Mewe. Life on the Frontier. My Post-Facebook experience in Alternative Social Media sites.
Bill of Rights for Internet Users: Donald Trump, Champion of Free Speech.
The Matrix : Facebook, and the end of free speech and democracy in New Zealand.
FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.
Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.
Free Speech is in Peril. Powerful testimony by Lara Logan.
I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence
World War 3 On The World Wide Web. The Crushing Of Free Speech in New Zealand.
Genetically Modified Organisms Not wanted in New Zealand’s Environment or Food.
The following revelations were posted on X.
FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) is proposing to end any requirement for labelling certain foods which have been genetically modified.
In brief, foods that they judge through various technical criteria are ‘substantially equivalent’ to natural foods will no longer be labelled as such or even referred to as ‘genetically modified’.
Read: Urgent: Government Plans To Remove Gene Food Labelling
“In essence, the regulations will be accommodating the commercial biotechnology food sector ensuring that they will no longer be required to label many gene modified foods. In other words, the public will be left in the dark about the GM origin of a wide range of foods and thereby denied their right of choice.”
My commentary (reply)
I’m a Libertarian. Understand this… *We the people* of New Zealand have the right to demand any product containing GM organisms be clearly labeled.
That does not violate Free trade. It protects against subversion and trickery.
The big question is why *certain interests* would want to hide such a declaration?
It’s obvious who those interests are…. *The Mega corporations* … and why do they want license to operate in the dark?
Because they know *Consumers* don’t want GM Products! Ie Consumers will not willingly prefer GM food over Natural food if they can tell the difference!
So this is about deceiving the consumers… for the sake of Mega corporations and their Patented GM Crap!
Furthermore… *on the basis of property rights* We New Zealanders do not consent to GM Crops being grown here in NZ *because You cannot guarantee the GM organisms will not escape into the wider environment…. contaminating the property and crops of others who do not want GM organisms on their farms or in their food!
Therefore it is upon Libertarian first principles that I demand the Government Prohibit all GM organisms unless they are grown under such conditions that guarantees they will not contaminate the property or crops of others.
The Big corporations want the people to sacrifice their rights just so they can make a fortune without bearing full responsibility for the risks their activities cause to others.
Politicians are too easily corrupted by Corporations.
Too often Politicians are one track minded… easily duped by pseudoscience… and willing to trample on the rights of the little people for what they perceive as economic gain.
All too often Politicians serve the Profiteering interests of Corporations over the rights of the people whom they are elected to serve.
One of the most blatant forms this has been taking in recent times is attempts by governments to prevent people growing their own food at home.
By attacking Home grown food this threatens the Store of Seeds held by the general public and their ability to feed themselves in hard times.
It causes them to become dependent upon Big Food.
Patented GM products has almost nothing to do with the betterment of humanity and everything to do with *Ownership of verities of food crops for profit*
Property rights is the strongest defense against such a scheme as unless corrupt politicians allow corporations to spread their mutant strains without proper safeguards… It would cut into the profitability of such crops if they had to be grow under stringent conditions that prevented escape into the wider environment.
Here’s the thing… Mr. Big Food… If you can grow your crap without affecting the property of others and their GM Free Crops… and if you clearly label your products… full disclosure and are able to get them to market and sell them … ie you have a customer base… All will be well and good, yet if your operation threatens neighboring farmers and you must hide the fact your produce has GMs to sell it at the market…. then you can go fly a kite!
The viability of your GM Crops must factor in the rights of others *who were here first*.
I’ve had a guts full of constant encroachments upon self-reliance and healthy foods.
Monsanto and other Mega corporations can Bugger off as far as I’m concerned.
We esp don’t want Bill Gates fake Meats!
New Zealanders don’t need their crap.
We can grow Clean Natural foods.
That’s what New Zealanders want for our kids, and by keeping our produce 100% GMO Free we can supply the global market for others who want the same for themselves and their kids.
Big Food needs to grasp the fact that Junk Food is no longer wanted.
The world wants God’s Natural goodness.
This is why corporations don’t want to declare their GM produce.
We can not allow them to hide their crap in our food.
Propaganda would say that the desire to have clean natural food is a ‘Luddite’ anti-science mentality.
Satan laughing spreads his wings…
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 30-11-24.
On a related topic… Bill Gates ‘additive’ to Cows feed for the purpose of reducing Methane release via Burps and farts… We read that The UK has approved his product yet do not require foods manufactured from such cows to be labeled the product is from ‘treated herds’… thereby keeping the general public in the dark about what’s in their food.
This is a disgrace! Yet again we see a government taking the side of the Mega rich… against the interests of the people/ consumers who might avoid this additive if they had the means to differentiate Milk, butter, cheese etc that does not contain it.
This highlights the urgent need for us here in New Zealand to keep our produce clean, and Natural… as this will give us an advantage in the market places of the world for those who don’t want Bill Gates weird funk in their food.
You might think they would happily label their products as being from ‘Low emissions dairy herds’… to appeal to the Cult Of Environmentalism and Climate hysteria. The Truth however is The world is growing wary of Processed foods and skeptical about the legitimacy and safety of human interventions, Vaccinations of cattle, hormones, drenches, etc etc with a strong trend towards preference for ‘Organic’ produce.
It’s corrupt that governments are prepared to collaborate with ‘Big Food’ in deceiving and disempowering the voting public… robbing them of their personal choice and preferences when it comes to one of their most essential aspects of their lives… their food!
Again this is Totalitarian socialism at work… shoving their government sanctioned politically correct garbage down citizens throats… by stealth.!
God knows what effects this will have on Cattle and consumers. We can be sure this was all ‘fast tracked’ through the system (just like the Cov jabs were) without proper normal safety protocols being adhered to ‘in the name of urgency because of the impending ‘climate catastrophe’. It’s a risk (with our lives and the well being of cattle) these lunatic Politicians are willing to take!
Eat you Porridge Slaves… nom nom nom!
Bill Gates wants to be King of the Cow Farts 🐮 💨
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) November 30, 2024
Update: 1-12-24.
British public backlash has begun!
People are Ditching Arla in their droves
— James Goddard (@JamesPGoddard90) November 30, 2024
NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?
Christchurch terror attack: Coroner probes how gunman obtained firearms licence
So in the One News story (above) we are told that ‘The New Zealand Police have had training how to spot ‘Extremist views’.
The question must be asked… what exactly such training might entail?
We can have a fair guess given both Ardern’s ‘Disinformation Project’ and sycophantic Leftist New media outlet ‘News Room’ cite the attitude of ‘anti-immigration’ as being one of the signals for ‘Dangerous Far right extremism.’
This is probably also the sort of thing the police are looking to detect when they ‘Drop by unannounced’ to have a little chat with fire arms owners.
With this in mind it is probably advisable not to speak to them unless you have a lawyer present.
It’s an absolute fact that the Police did not apply the law or follow the safety processes and that theirs was the chief failure that resulted in the Terrorist death toll… yet Ardern used the situation to Rob law abiding citizens of their rights to have semiautomatic rifles and large mag shotguns.
The whole business was a travesty of justice and a usurpation of Power. Ardern and the Police had an agenda to take away New Zealanders Rights in this regard *already in process*… just waiting for the opportunity to impose it.
Tarrant himself even wrote in his still illegal manifesto that he chose to use these fire arms because he knew it would result in the NZ government persecuting NZ gun owners and Banning these fire arms… and like puppets on strings Ardern and Co did exactly what Tarrant wanted… and banned his manifesto so few Kiwis would actually know the Gun ban was part of Tarrant’s plan!
Yet I suspect things could be far more rotten than what the average ‘conspiracy theorists’ believe… because what Tarrant did is a carbon copy of what Norwegian Gunman Anders Breivik did in 2011. Both Tarrant and Breivk declared that why they were committing their atrocities was because they wanted to highlight what is called ‘The Great Replacement’… ‘conspiracy’ in which (to my limited knowledge of this subject) is a claim that there is a Conspiracy of Powerful elites seeking to overthrow Western democracies *By flooding western Nations with legal and illegal migrants from the third world*.
Now of course after these psychopaths committed their terrorist evils… The official narrative became… ‘Anyone who is anti-immigration’… ‘anyone who speaks up against Mass immigration’ … these people are dangerous Far Right Radicals espousing the same psychopathic delusions *as Tarrant and Brevik*! Ie because of what Tarrant and Brevik did… made it possible for Socialist governments to basically prohibit any public discourse which implies there is a Global political agenda to destroy Western democracies via mass immigration of Aliens who do not share Western Religion, Values, ideals… but who in fact carry beliefs that are violently opposed to Western beliefs.
This is where I tell you *There is exactly this Globalist Agenda going on before our very eyes!* And we should not be afraid to speak up about it! To discuss it… etc. Now I utterly condemn what Brevik and Tarrant did. I think it was horrific and Evil in the extreme and I would never ever condone anyone *Copy cating* their crimes… yet it smacks of 4 D Chess that these two events happened centered on *this fundamental reality* of systematic Mass migration… esp when we had NZPM Jacinda Ardern delivering speeches at the UN saying shit that no New Zealander sanctioned her to say as our representative on the world stage about promoting a ‘Border-less’ Global community…!!!
That’s not a bogus conspiracy theory on my part… non of this is mis-information! It’s all documented *Facts*.
My next point is conjecture founded upon an assessment of all the facts. I’m not saying this happened because it’s beyond the pale of what is conscionable! Yet it’s almost like both Brevik and Tarrant were CIA MK Ultra programmed useful idiots who both preformed false flag operations for the sake of making speech in resistance to Mass migration illegal ‘Racist hate speech’.
Even if they were not MK Ultra Zombies… the end result of what they did is the same… It worked in favour of the Soros/WEF/ Ardern/ Gates Cabal to outlaw criticism of their Globalist agenda to destroy Western First world capitalist societies so they can set up their Totalitarian New World order which does away with pesky Individual rights to property, freedom, free speech, The 2nd amendment, limited government, Medical freedom, etc etc etc.
Even if Tarrant and Brevik were not MK Ultra Zombies the Global push to control the internet and Ban firearms… *certainly represents a real world Tyrannical agenda that threatens individual rights and The freedom of Western civiisation*… and it cannot be a crime for free citizens to openly talk about what these corrupt politicians and Power trippers are doing!
The Great Replacement is a real thing! We see it In Europe! Look at France! Look at London! Look at what is happening on the Mexican boarder of the US! We are talking about a systematic invasion.
And seeing this fact… knowing this fact does not make anyone a ‘dangerous far right extremist’!
What it makes you is a dissident activist whom the Powers that be want to suppress and outlaw!
*IE it’s the Globalist power trippers who want to destroy our societies and take away our rights and create Police States that arrest people like me who dare say things that might stir the voting public to resist their evil political schemes!
They are trying to make writing a post like this one illegal. They want the power to arrest voices like mine. They want to force X not to allow conversations like this to take place on line.
As far as the Corrupt WEF and their minions are concerned my musings and thinking ought to be illegal!
That is what’s at stake regarding Tarrant…. That is what Ardern has spent the last 5 years flying around the Globe seeking to cajole governments into passing anti free speech laws and taking control of social media.
Remember her speech to the UN that called free speech a weapon of war!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.
I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence.
Molesters of Children’s minds. Satanic Neo-Marxist Attack on Christian Foundations of Western Civilisation.
Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!
Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.
Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.
The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.
The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.
We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.
Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here
There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Is Intolerance a virtue?
The Meme (below) was posted to Gab Social media platform.
It makes a subtil claim appealing to Zeal… Zealotry… my retort to @Boomstick follows below.
Tim Wikiriwhi Responds…
@Boomstick Beware… This has no context, and is therefore deceptive in the extreme.
It’s claiming *Intolerance is a virtue!*
That cannot withstand any scrutiny.
Without some tolerance a person becomes a fanatic… indistinguishable from any form of fanatic… eg an Islamic extremist.
They would wholeheartedly endorse this claim.
Are you any better than they?
Now hear the enlightened truth!
Just as there are things that may be compromised, and others that may not be compromised, so too there are things that can, and ought to be tolerated, and others that ought not to be tolerated.
It is an equal wrong *not to tolerate what you ought* as it is to tolerate what you ought not.
Wisdom and Enlightenment teaches which is which.
Lower values can be sacrificed for the sake of higher values.
Treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves… is natural justice.
Tolerance is guided by higher principles and convictions… it is not the abandonment of them as is claimed above.
A Tolerant man ought not to be a weak and an easily beguiled man, but show tolerance from a position of strength and vigilance.
And there is a line in the sand.
It is only by the embodiment of such values and principles than any man can claim to be civil and walk the higher path than the savage.
Intolerance is the hallmark of the Barbarian.
Intolerance is the hallmark of Tyranny.
Intolerance comes from fear.
Principled tolerance is in fact a symbol of courage.
” If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacably with all Men.”
Paul the Apostle.
Romans 12vs8.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
The New Zealand Met Service has become Woke. Twitter. @ChrisALee_NZ
From here
Update: Richard Dawkins came to New Zealand and wrote an article how science in this country is being undermined by Woke ideology that panders to Maori myths and legends…
Dawkins writes…
“….I’m in New Zealand, climax to my antipodean speaking tour, where I walked headlong into a raging controversy. Jacinda Ardern’s government implemented a ludicrous policy, spawned by Chris Hipkins’s Ministry of Education before he became prime minister. Science classes are to be taught that Māori ‘Ways of Knowing’ (Mātauranga Māori) have equal standing with ‘western’ science. Not surprisingly, this adolescent virtue-signalling horrified New Zealand’s grown-up scientists and scholars. Seven of them wrote to the Listener magazine. Three who were fellows of the NZ Royal Society were threatened with an inquisitorial investigation. Two of these, including the distinguished medical scientist Garth Cooper, himself of Māori descent, resigned (the third unfortunately died). I was delighted to meet Professor Cooper for lunch, with others of the seven. His resignation letter cited the society’s failure to support science against its denigration as ‘a western European invention’. He was affronted, too, by a complaint (not endorsed by the NZRS) that ‘to insist Māori children learn to read is an act of colonisation’. Is there an implication here – condescending, if not downright racist – that ‘indigenous’ children need separate, special treatment?…”
So this is what is going on with the NZ Met Service.
In an NZ Herald article we read the response from a woke indigenous reasearcher which was embarrassing yet predictable. In absence of any cogent argument in defense of including ‘Maori ways of knowing’ Mc Allister repairs to fake claims of Racism. She insults Maori suggesting we are oppressed by ‘colonising science’ when Maori were quick to take full advantage of it.
Waitangi Day 2023: True New Zealand History: Capitan Gustav Von Tempsky Was A Great Man of High Character… A Hero Who Gave His Life For Our Country.
This is a piece I have been working on for months, and yet it is nowhere near what I would deem to be ‘finished’.
Yet I am publishing it today here on Eternal Vigilance Blog for the public holiday for Waitangi Day 2023, as my contribution to the ongoing defense of the Kiwi Dream, The values that underpinned the British Colonisation of New Zealand from the relentless slander and falsification that is pervasive across all modes of communication with the intention of brainwashing the population.
How important is it to have a solid grasp of history?
Very important lest you be deceived and defrauded by agenda driven liars.
“He who controls the past… controls the future” saith George Orwell meaning if Machiavellian political actors can shade your view of history… they will also be able to manipulate and proscribe your future… and that translates into Political Power.
Captain of No.2 Company, Forrest Rangers. Major Gustav von Tempsky.
Above is photo of a New Zealand hero. Prussian born Major Gustav von Tempsky. He Lived and died in New Zealand, in the mid 1800s, yet his exploits are just as relevant today as they were 150+ years ago… and that is because we live in a time in which Machavellian radicals are seeking to ‘control the past’ precisely as Orwell warned… so that they can control our future… and they are doing a splendid job of it too…. at the present time…they are actually winning the fight… and the defenders of truth, freedom and enlightenment values are withering under the onslaught.
We desperately need reinforcements!
Do you want your children to inherit an apartheid socialist slave society… or to enjoy the same freedoms and quality of life that older generations of Kiwi have enjoyed?
If you care about future generations you better wake up to what is going on… fast!
Arm your self with Truth and knowledge, and Just principles… put your boots on and succor the heroic minority of freedom advocates battling the barbarians.
If you are a Kiwi, yet have never herd of Von Tempsky then you are one of the many who have neglected to study the colonial heritage of our nation. Your ignorance makes you easy meat to be fooled.
Or perhaps you consider yourself to be ‘educated and informed’ on ‘the evils of British Imperialism and the crimes of the colonisation of New Zealand… if then you think you know about Von Tempsky and his contemporaries you will no doubt believe he was a Villainous racist and murderer… if this is the case you have been thoroughly fooled already!
You have been sold malicious lies, and fallen under the power of those who are seeking to destroy our Western society… and take everything for themselves.
No Joke…. everything is at stake!
I am committed to the cause of promoting the counter-narrative to todays politically driven falsehoods… I endeavor to present a far more accurate understanding of our history so that by consideration of the facts as recorded in history proper, and weighing up the two contrasting views my countrymen can make their own determination as to which fits best. I have confidence that the truth can wake up those whom have been deceived.
And when you appreciate the swindle that is afoot my hope is that you will join us in the fight to defeat the vile ideology of Radical Far left extremism and Treaty separatism.
Lets get going…
Capitan Gustav Von Tempsky (Major) Was A Great Man of High Character… A Hero Who Gave His Life For Our Country.
Today’s blogpost is in defense of the character and Legacy one of New Zealand’s most brave heroes of the 19th Century. An artist, Adventurer, and man who fought to defend our young nation from violent overthrow, and who gave his life defending the Treaty of Waitangi for the sake of law and order… as a member of ‘The Armed Constabulary’.
The contribution that he, and his generation made to secure our nation and lay the foundations for our prosperity has been shamefully forgotten in the century of peace that followed their brave and principled actions.
The Heroic Death of Von Tempsky.
Von Tempsky in his time was a celebrated Hero!
He was worthy of public esteem.
Along with other defenders of New Zealand in recognition of their service to our nation, the city of Hamilton would name a city street in his honour.
The name of the city itself ‘Hamilton’ was named after yet another brave soldier who lost his life fighting Rebel Maori at the Battle of Gate Pa.
The Tainui led Kingites and their allies were defeated by the joint heroism of both British and Loyalist Maori forces, upholding British Sovereignty and the Rule of Law, securing the future Peace, good will and prosperity we now enjoy.
Because in war there are victors and the defeated, afterwards there are always those who carry bitterness and scheming malcontents looking for wealth and power can take advantage of such divides by devious political means. This is where the desire to destroy the reputation of Men like VonTempsky finds it’s root. Haters gina be haten… the scent of money via playing the victim…. ‘Reparations for past oppression’…. thus the impetus to generate ‘tales of injustice and woe…’
Truth is the first casualty.
Obviously having been defeated in battle some insignificant few cling to resentment, ill feelings and harbour desires for Utu, yet time tends to salve wounds, and having fought wars against vested interests that desired to prevent progress, and drive Pakeha ‘back into the sea’, the nation sought to put the conflicts of the 1860s aside (this is true of most of the defeated leaders of the rebellion too) and focus on fostering unity and quiet… yet sadly in doing so…
100+ years on we have allowed an ignorance to prevail in succeeding generations about the true nature and causes of the conflicts … an ignorance that is now being fully exploited by a minority of malevolent envious malcontents… Contemptuous politicians, ideologues, and racist activists to spread lies about the collonistation of New Zealand…. so that today instead of being revered with their due honor, Von Tempsky (and his contemporaries) is being reviled as some sort of racist monster… a purposefully politically fabricated caricature that is supposed to be representative of the ‘evils of colonisation’ in general.
I have written in defense of Von Tempsy’s honor many times in the past, in particular I made a written submission to Hamilton City Council in 2020 when they asked for public submissions on the proposal to strip Hamilton City of place and Street names that honored great men of our colonial past, in particular many who fought and defeated the Tainui Kingite rebellion (Read here).
The desire to destroy these tributes and monuments comes from a specific political Lobby and vested interest.
Hamilton City Council announced a suspension of this public discourse into these matters under the pretext of ‘Social Distancing for Covid 19’.
A scheduled public hearing was postponed… indefinitely. I suspect they had miscalculated the public backlash that was expressed in written submissions.
Instead they implemented a scheme that only granted excusive participation from selected quarters…. mainly Tainui activists… bypassing/ disenfranchising the public at large from having a voice in the process… The Hamilton press failing to voice any protest to their machinations.
They instituted a shambolic closed doors ‘inquisition’ of Gustav von Tempsky… and found him guilty… and past the verdict that his memorial street shall be ‘Blotted out’.
Read: Waikato Times: Street name in Hamilton changed from Von Tempsky to Putikitiki
and… Hundreds sign petition to rename Hamilton streets named after ‘assholes’ who fought Māori
(note: No real public process was involved in collecting ‘1600 signatures’ for these petitions. They will have been collected at places like Wananga’s and Marae, ie in places where the false narratives of the wars are most strongly indoctrinated, and given Hamilton city has a population of over 180 000, 1600 signatures represents less than 1%!)
These articles represent how our nations media has been hijacked by Far left radicalism… Marxist Communist anti-British colonsation doctrines.
I seek to expose the extreme malice and gross injustice of misrepresenting the character of the Brave Men such as Von Tempsky who fought for Queen and country.
Today, quoting from recorded history, and from other personal observations, I will further reinforce my contention that history bares witness to the fact that Von Tempsky was a man of Honor.
Von Tempsky was not ‘a Maori hating Racist’ as the Woke left try to portray him, and I seek to expose the duplicity of his detractors who point to his ‘Glory seeking antics’… as evidence of an evil racist ‘Blood-lusting’ mentality.
They fail to apply the same standard to the mindset of the thousands of Rebel Maori Warriors who were absolutely obsessed with the attainment of such glory for themselves… and who ready did take pleasure in the slaughter of white people.
There is no higher authority in the recording of the history of the armed conflicts in New Zealand of the 1800’s than James Cowan and his two volumes ‘The New Zealand Wars’.
Not only did Cowan visit the sites of battle while there were still ‘bullet holes in walls’, and spoke with many who themselves were participants able to give their accounts of what happened where… and why, Cowan demonstrates high levels of objectivity, and if anything like many Pakeha of his times his sympathy leans towards the dignity of the ‘Brave Rebels’.
This is esp conspicuous in his telling of the Battle of Orakau.
This is apparent when you read his history. I would measure his achievement as being willing to give credit where ever he thought it was due… but esp to ‘the underdogs’… The Rebels who were fighting against a far Superior Foe.
Courage… ‘Pluck’… being the primary virtue in war esp in ‘forlorn hope’. And the rebels surely were not inferior in this.
The fact is… as a person whom is well read in New Zealand history I assert you will struggle to find any traces of the ‘Bigoted White supremacy and desire to oppress Maori’, that todays Separatist radicals assert was the signature character of Pakeha in the first century of Colonisation.
It simply is not there. Yet compassion and the desire to praise Maori is virtually universal… yet you can only know this… if you actually study the historic records themselves rather than imbibe the ideological falsehoods of Radical and politically skewed modern day pseudo-Academics. They are Charlatans!
The Kingite Rebellion was a violent breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
J Cowan called their cause… ‘A Struggle for Independence’ J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. pg 316.
Governor Grey expressly warned if they did not desist from their murderous hostilities that were a breach of the treaty, he would punish them, and that they would lose their guarantees over their land which was part of the terms and conditions of them *honoring the treaty* esp the Sovereignty of Queen Victoria.
It is from Cowan’s works that I will now quote and make commentary…
“The Engagement At Mahoetahui.
The Upper Waikato contingent had gone home after Puketa-kaurere to tell of their victory over the pakeha, exhibit their trophies of battle, and plant their crops. The news of their prowess in the field, and and the sight of the soldiers’ caps and red coats in which some of them paraded, their newly gotten rifles, bayonets, and cartridge pouches, aroused at once the admiration and the jealousy of their neighbours. Ngati-Manipoto’s exploits fired all the Waikato tribes with ardour for the field. Nati-Haua’s war-fever could no longer be allayed even by the peace-loving Wiremu Tamehana. The stalwart men of Matamata, Tamahere, and Maunga-tautari had reluctantly remained in their kaingas when Potatau forbade Waikato and Ngati-Haua to cross the Puniu river and released only Ngati-Manipoto for the war on the Waitara. But now the old king was dead, and his runanga at Ngaruawhahia had little control over Ngati-Haua of the plains.
Why should Ngati-Manipoto have all the joy, and glory of killing the Pakeha?…”
James Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. Pt1 pg 193.
The above short passage is just a tiny taste of what is recorded in ‘The New Zealand Wars’ as to the Rebel Maori’s love of War and express desire to slaughter Pakeha.
Maori of old worshiped Tu… a Bloody God of War and after less than a hand full of decades since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Warrior Cult was still at the forefront of the least civilised tribesmen. Even today this aspect of Maori Culture is understood as foremost.
There is a lie circulating that the Urewera iwi Tuhoe never took part in the Maori rebellions of the 1860s.
They certainly did!
Moreover Tuhoe was an extremely Warlike people… and famous for their Black mystical Arts.
let us see how they are described by James Cowan…
‘These impassioned war-calls intensely excited the young warriors of Tuhoe, and inspite of the advice of some of the old chiefs they raised a company for the assistance of the Maori King. Two casks of gunpowder were given to Rewi’s party. One of these – presented by Harehare, Te Wiremu, and Timoti, of the Ngati-Manawa, at Tauaroa- had been sent from Ohinemuri by the old cannibal warrior Taraia Ngakuti, of Ngati- Tamatera. The touhungas had recited charms over the cask of powder to render the contents doubly efficacious asgainst the Pakeha; and it had been given the name “Hine-ia-Taraua.” Takurua Koro=kai-toke joined Rewi: he was the elder brother of Harehare, the present chief of Ngati-Manawa at Murupara, on the Rangitaiki. He and his wife Rawinia (Lavinia) were both wounded at Orakau. Harehare himself, having no grievance against Europeans, did not join, saying that he would fight the troops if they invaded the Rangitaiki country, but not otherwise. But Tuhoe and Ngati-Whare entertained no such punctilio; they were eager to make use of their weapons, and would travel far for the pure love of fighting…’
The New Zealand Wars. Pt 1. James Cowan. pg 368
So if any justice is to spoken about the lust for war, it must be understood that The Rebels themselves were by far the most enamored.
Nor did Martial minded Pakeha like Von Tempsky disrespect their War-like customs. It was understood that Martial prowess was *a source of Mana for any people* that demanded respect.
Likewise was Von Tempskys bravery and prowess in Battle revered by his enemies.
The blatant duplicity of so-called modern Historians, Socialist politicians, and Separatist activists in seeking to slander the character of the Colonial defenders by painting them as Blood-lusting greedy warmongers when in truth…. after the facts of Von Tempkys chivalrous conduct during the Wars are understood… those savage characteristics far more accurately describe the Bulk of Rebel Maori than the character and exploits of Von Tempsky.
Reading James Cowan’s ‘The New Zealand wars’ Wairemu Tamehana looms large. What singles him out from his ‘war-fevered’ peers was his ‘Peace-loving’ restraining influence and warnings that war would bring ill upon them. It was the fact that by far the prevailing desire among the rebel tribes was to exterminate the Pakeha that Wairemu Tamehana was ultimately unable to dissuade the Rebels from the murderous and disastrous actions that resulted in their defeat.
Activists and revisionists seek to portray Von Tempksy as a ‘Maori Hater’… a white supremacist bigot….
As to Von Tempsky’s attitude towards race and towards Maori in general, Cowan records that in Von Tempsky’s corps of Forest Rangers included 2 Negroes.
Cowan also mentions that before Von Tempsky arrived in New Zealand he had been involved in military’s escapades in South America in which he commanded an irregular force of ethnic Mosquito Coast native Indians. (James Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt 1 pgs 269,270)
Conspicuous only to those who take the trouble to look into these events for themselves, Professor O’Malley’s character profile of Von Tempsky in his report for Hamilton City council is skewed in that he omits that prior to coming to New Zealand, while in America Von Tempsky had led a contingent of *Mosqutia Natives*, instead only mentioning the Von Tempsky had his first military’s experiences there.
O’Malley makes no mention of the two Blacks who served in Von Tempsky’s hand picked squad of Forrest Rangers.
“All nationalities were in the ranks…” (J Cowan The New Zealand wars Pt1 pg 268)
J Cowan notes that prior to joining the Forrest Rangers, while at the Coromandal Gold fields Von Tempsky himself had experienced some prejudice ‘on account of his nationality’
(J Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pg 270)
These facts do not square with the accusation that he was a man of pompous White supremacist bigoted views.
These are the sort of fact that would not be conducive to achieving the aims of Tainui and the Woke members of the Hamilton City Council in getting rid of VonTempsky’s legacy and ‘De-colonising’ the City… which is why corrupt O’Malley omits them from his report.
He was paid to produce a report that served to justify the intended political aims of Tainui and the Woke Council.
One opportunity O’ Malley used to paint Von Tempsky as a villain was when he expressed jealousy in playing no roll in the exploits of an action carried on by his friendly rival Captain (Major) William Jackson against raiding Maori Rebels. (O’Malley Report 112-113). O’Malley claims the action was reported as being ‘Murderous’ in the ‘Daily Southern Cross’ yet does not provide any verifiable reference… and so O’Malley presents Von Tempsky as being a Man who takes pleasure in the ‘Murder'[slaughter] of Maori including Woman and children… even though he was not there!
The truth is this action was far from ‘Murder’, but was in fact in just response to murderous raids this Hupu of Koheriki Maori were perpetrating against hard working and relatively defenseless pioneer ‘frontier’ homesteads on the outskirts of Auckland in which these murderous raiders were killing families, Men, woman in Children tending their farms.
“On the 13th October a party of Koheriki retaliated with an attack on unarmed Europeans within a short distance of the Galloway Redoubt. An elderly man named Job Hamlin was killed, and his companion, a boy named Joseph Wallis, about 13 years of age was terribly tomahawked, but by a miracle survived his wounds…”
“On the 15th, October an old soldier named Fahey and his wife, who were settled on a small bush farm near Ramarama, were out milking their cows when they were surprised by some of the Koheriki and shot and tomakawked…”
” A party of twenty Koheriki natives on the 26th October raided Kennedy’s farm at Mangemangeroa, a few miles from Howick in the direction of Maraetai. Mr Trust, who was in charge of the farm, was away in Auckland at the time, but there were three of his sons in occupation, besides two men, Courtenay and Lord. Ambrose Trust was the eldest son; the others, Richard and Nicholas Trust, were nine and twelve years of age. Lord, who was a workman on the place, was leaving the farmhouse at about 7 o’clock to go to his house when he saw a number of armed Maoris crouching in a ditch near the house. Lord and Courtenay escaped, but the latter was wounded The Maoris fired through the front window. Ambrose Trust Trust, taking his little brothers by the hand, ran out the back and hurried in the direction of the neighbours. The Maori gave chase and shot down the two small boys. Ambrose, wounded in the shoulder, with difficulty escaped.
The boys were tomahawked…”
J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. Pt1 pgs 291,292, 293
This is the type of Atrocities the Kingites were committing.
These shameful attacks were sanctioned by the Kingite Rebel leadership as an implicit part of their strategy, it is therefore outrageous of O Malley to then call the Forrest Rangers response to these Koheriki raids ‘Murder’.
The response was fully justified *Utu*.
It was because of these outrages that the Forrest Ranger companies were formed, and that O’ Malley omits the context of the ‘Paparata fight’ in light of what these roving bands of rebels were committing in my view constitutes a purposeful intent to misrepresent the historical facts for the sake of a political narrative.
Calling O’Malley an historian is an outrageous lie.
He is a Charlatan.
He and his ilk completely reverse historical truth!
It was the Rebel Maori who intended to commit Racial cleansing and atrocities not Grey’s Collonial Government.
The Colonial Government had to defeat the Kingite rebellion to prevent them carrying out their intention to slaughter the entire population of Auckland!
That the Kingites intended to slaughter Men, Woman, and Children was expressly warned by none other than Wiremu Tamehana.
” The war now waged was very different from Hone heke’s chivalrous tournament of 1845. It was a racial war; The Maori aim was to sweep the pakeha to the sea, as the Pakeha Government’s object was to teach the Maori his subjection to British authority. The Europeans were not without warning that the sharp and barbarous old Maori methods of warfare were to be revived.
Wiremu Tamehana himself, deeply as he sorrowed over the inevitable conflict, was compelled to place himself in line with his countrymen. He warned the Archdeacon Brown, at Tauranga, that he -meaning his race- would spare neither unarmed persons (tangata rina-kore) nor property. In August, 1863, he wrote to the Governor cautioning him to bring ‘to the towns the defenseless, lest they be killed in their farms in the bush,” “But” he concluded, “you are well acquainted with the customs of the Maori race” The frontier settlers who remained on their sections did so at their own risk. No chief, not even a King or the kingmaker, could restrain a party of young bloods on the war-path seeking to flesh their tomahawks. They would quote the ancient war-proverb, He marara kokti ihu waka” ( A flying-fish crossing the bow of the canoe”) in allusion to any luckless persons whom a fighting Taua might find in it’s path, and in the stern logic of the Maori there could be no reasonable protest against the practical application of the aphorism by cutting short the career of the “flying-fish”.
(J Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pgs 239-42)
From the above quotation we also get a picture of the truth that it was the Young Rebel Maori Warriors who reveled in murder and the tomakawking of the defenseless!
In no way can Von Tempsky’s conduct as a fighting man be compared with this real *Old world Maori barbarism and brutality*… defenseless people are considered ‘flying fish’ to be tomahawked.
Von Tempsky’s Art Legacy
With respect to Von Tempsky’s treatment of Maori woman during the War, and accusations of atrocities committed Rangiaowhia, anyone who takes the time to investigate recorded History will find the truth to be in diametric opposition to the fabrications of the Anti-colonialist Radicals!
Unlike the British/Colonial forces in which only men fought (save woman defending their own homesteads from murderous Rebel assaults), on the Rebel Kingite side woman often participated in battle as active armed combatants… on the offensive… making it very difficult for the chivalry of the British who found it repugnant to shoot woman.
eg, With the attacking warriors ‘
…was a woman, armed with a single barrel gun, a cartridge-belt buckled about her waist. The little clearing, so quiet a few moments before, was filled with the bellowing of heavily loaded ‘Tupara’ and the sharp crack of rifes. High about the other sounds rose the screaming voice of the Maori Amazon as she exhorted her warrior comrades, “Riria! Riria!” (Fight away! Fight Away!”)…’ J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pg 277
These realities are never admitted to by the lying Separatist radicals.
In truth it was the Kingites who relished the slaughter of Non-combatants, Men, woman, and children… not the British and Colonial forces.
At the capture of Rabgiaowhia James Cowan records that it was only after suffering repeated sniping from hate filled wahine, did troops move to capture them… they otherwise would have been left alone unmolested… and still even after having been disarmed and held prisoner VonTempsky signaled a guard to allow a woman to escape.
Later… when the actual Battle of Rangiaowhia took place and the Kingites were defeated, in the flight Wahine were intermingled with the fighting men to avoid shoot them the call went out from the British for the woman to ‘sit down’ those that heeded the call were saved.
No mention of any of these nuanced facts in O’Malleys Report which seeks to maintain gross fallacious pseudo-historical generalisation that the Kingites were the victims of vicious racism, Greed, and atrocities.
O Malley’s agenda is consistent. He Mistreats Governor Grey with the same malicious omission. Grey was a man of High Character and Bravery. At no point does O’Malley do him justice. For example while mentioning Grey’s unannounced visit to Ngaruawahia, O’Malley fails to mention this visit was done for the sake of avoiding conflict… it was a peace mission, at great risk to his personal safety. Grey trusted in his *Friendship and good will* with the Maori King. These are not the actions of a greedy warmonger.
Now I would like to discuss a witness to Von Tempsky’s impeccable character that as far as I can see has been totally overlooked … that is his own treatment of Maori as depicted in *his Art*. I believe Woke Socialist politicians and activists have avoided discussion of his Art because they literally paint a different picture as to VonTempsky’s attitude to Maori.
The study of Art tells us a lot about the artist’s inner voice.
I contend that by looking at the paintings Von Tempsky bequeathed to posterity you can see with your own eyes that he took great pains to present Maori as people of heroic and noble bearing.
The painting themselves are devoid of anything that could be construed as ‘White Supremacy’.
No Maori can glean any ill intent in how he portrays their race in his art.
I his aim was self Glorification of his race, and the debasement of Maori, He could have easily chosen to portray the grotesque savagery and barbarism of his enemies which he would have been very familiar having fought hand to hand combat with many frenzied blood-lusting Toa eager to claim his life to imortalise their own mana… yet he never stooped to such fickle ideological vice.
Thus his paintings testify to his good character, and they rebut the lies leveled against him.
Like so many lands that were once colonies of the British Empire We here in New Zealand must endure a campaign of relentless lies and malicious posthumous character assignation of many of our greatest historical figures.
Columbus is under attack by the Radical woke Far left in the USA.
Capitan Cook is under attack in Australia and elsewhere (including New Zealand)
No nuanced arguments underpin any of this, but grotesque and toxic Marxist brain worms drill into the minds of any and all useful idiots who have not been inoculated with truth
It is truly a despicable process that is in play… all of it a politically driven travesty motivated by hate, greed, and lust for power.
Only their twisted and highly prejudiced perspectives are given weight.
We are supposed to consider their grievances as being valid…. as if their endless and ongoing anguish and victimism is genuine. We are expected to ignore their obvious treasure seeking *Vested interests* that really motivate their activities.
All this dishonesty is not about ‘righting the wrongs of the past’, but about plunder, power, and conquering a nation by stealth through Machiavellian political deception.
It is a despicable travesty that only continues because of the ignorance. impotence, and cowardice of the great majority of New Zealanders who are allowing the Maori Radicals and far left Socialist’s to slander the great generations of Pioneer Collonialists who built this country.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim.
The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…
Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013
Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.
Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.
My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton
A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill
Rainbow Flags and Tyrant Lizards. Bogus History at the Auckland War Memorial Museum..
Yesterday I took my son to Auckland Museum to see the Tyrannosaurus Rex ‘Fossil Skeletons’.
The first thing you see as you approach the main entrance to the museum is a rainbow flag flying in parallel with the New Zealand Flag.
A bad omen, for it bares testimony to the fact that The Museum is operating not by objective truth, but under the Woke Political Agenda.
It was quite a sight to see Two Tyrant Lizards on display.
On an interactive screen one of the things you could check was ‘How much of these skeletons are real fossils’… and it turned out to be ‘Not much’.
So most of what was on display was ‘fabrications’ based upon ‘expert opinion’… and from ‘replicating fossils found elsewhere’. From looking at the displays themselves the fabricated portions were seamlessly blended, weathered, ‘aged’, etc so as to be unperceivable from the real portions.
This is intentional.
Think about that.
‘Creating the desired perception’ has taken precedence over the honest representation of bare facts… which could have easily been achieved by making the fabricated portions conspicuous by employing a slightly different hue.
At least they admitted the truth in the interactive interface.
I enjoyed the display, appropriate for primary school children to be awed.
I could not shake the sense that given how little of the skeletons were real fossils, that the display was disingenuine.
I think what has been done with the T Rex on display is an example of how the Woke staff contemptuously treat history in general… like it’s theirs to play charades with.
They do not allow the artifacts to speak for themselves but arrogantly impose upon visitors the radical far left interpretation of events.
This Political indoctrination acts like the carefully crafted artificial scaffold that supported the Tyrant Lizards upright.
The experts impost their own posture onto the bones of history to control the perceptions of the visitors.
Cringe Wokeness is everywhere.
Despite overt virtue signaling, there is indisputably a dearth of real ethics and integrity going on there.
It is apparent to me that the Museum’s current management are more focused upon presenting Politically correct ideological narratives than History as historically understood.
The Rainbow Picture above is from here: Auckland Museum recognised for Rainbow Excellence in inaugural awards.
Much of what is on display at the Museum today is fake… the degree of fakery has become extreme…
After seeing the Dinosaurs my son wanted to look at the War artifacts, and when we reached the gallery for the New Zealand Wars of the Mid-late 1800s, what was not on display was as conspicuous as what was on display.
What was being fed the public was barely history… Sir George Grey was not there… nor any of the Colonial heroes who defeated the Rebel Maori. Von Tempsky was not there.
Yet they had on display such villains as Kereopa Te Rau, who murdered the Missionary Carl Volkner in 1865 and ate his eyes (they did not mention this).
The only quote I saw from ‘King maker’ Wiremu Tamihana was deceitful in that it painted the Pakeha as the ones in error and the Kingites as doing the right thing.
I am not disputing the authenticity of the quote (though that is the only time I have ever herd it), I am disputing it’s lack of context and obvious bias involved in it’s selection for the display. Without context the quote is used to beguile.
It was selected from among thousand of his utterances, not for true history’s sake, but to push a specific modern day political agenda, for Tamihana was a very complex person who said many things at different times much of which is conflicting.
The Woke Staff at the Auckland Museum are presenting a heavily skewed version of events that is dishonest, revisionist, and Quazi.
So IMO the Museum is no longer a repository of history, but an engine of Woke propaganda… and it is shameful.
Like much of the fossil T Rexs on display, The history section about the New Zealand wars is also largely artificially scaffolded fabrication carefully crafted to appear real.
When I was young the Auckland Museum was one of my most favorite places to visit, the displays were plain, and only bare facts were put on small tags. In the silence visitors were left to their own thoughts.
People were free to wander about and chose how and what they wished to see.
Today things have changed, and not for the better. Now visitors must walk prescribed ‘tour paths’, and the Museum takes it upon itself to impose the official narratives upon visitors at every step. The displays have more ‘Props’ and ‘mock ups’ than actual artifacts.
I wonder How many truly wonderful artifacts are stacked in dusty boxes out back… removed from display to make room for all the Politically correct fakery???
There is so much phoniness about the museum these days, and unwitting people are more likely to emerge indoctrinated rather than educated.
That is by design.
You feel less like you have had an encounter with the relics of history and more like you have attended a woke political workshop.
This is not ‘inclusive’, but exclusive and narrow minded.
For a lover of History it is nauseating, and I could not wait to get out of there.
Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 7-2-23 The Woke folk did exactly the same thing in Australia!
This smacks of WEF Globalist Agenda …..
More from Tim.
The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…
Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013
Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.
Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.
My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton
A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill