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Be sure your sins will find you out!
Only the stupid members of society (and there are a lot of you) were surprised to discover Anthony Fauchi has been engaged in a massive fraud and conspiracy with regards to the Covid 19 Plandemic.
The rest of us… those of us who have taken a stand against the Lockdowns and ‘Frankenshot’ roll outs knew all this for a very long time… and we did not cease to warn the rest of you morons about what was going on yet our voices largely fell on deaf ears.
Mainstream media chose to call us ‘tin foil hat wearing loons’!
The Great Lie has now been exposed, and the truth about what Fauchi has been doing can no longer be denied.
The public release of Fauchi’s email correspondence has blown the scheme wide open.
Are you feeling stupid yet?
Are you at all peeved to find out you have been taken for a ride and have sacrificed the future wellbeing of your nations because you allowed Shysters to prey upon your cowardice, ignoracnce, and fear?
Myriad upon myriad of dullards went merrily along with all the State propaganda… even when time and time again reality exposed one fallacy after another!
You were impervious to reason… incapable of re-evaluation in the light of new facts.
You fools cheered when the Woke Tech giants ‘jailed’ or deplatformed dissidents, doctors, and nurses who risked everything to tell you… the captivated public, that this entire Covid 19 response was a monumental fraud.
The science *never* supported the Big Government-Big Pharma lockdowns, mask mandates, or grand vaccination scheme!
We now have evidence of Fauchi admitting as much on virtually every score!
Sen Rand Paul called Fauchi out for ‘Theater’… in wearing his mask after claiming he has been vaccinated… a proposition not supported by science!
Fauchi was seeking to maintain Covid hysteria.
Fauchi lied point blank to Rand Paul while under oath denying he had funded ‘gain of function experimentation’ on bat viruses at Wuhan China.
Fauchi knew waaaaay back that the Covid 19 gene sequence had hallmarks of being the product of gene splicing yet worked like a devil to bury the idea that the virus had escaped from the Lab.
He had a personal vested interest to mislead the public.
He discussed this in emails, yet even before this became public knowledge independent thinkers had already asked this question, done the math; and concluded that it was too much of a coincidence that Covid 19 broke out just down the road from the Wuhan lab for that high probability to be ignored.
It was in fact the most obvious source.
Despite this the Social media tech giants set about to silence the voices of questioning citizens and independent experts who wanted to debate such matters.
Fauchi’s opinions and Fauchi worship were the only narrative allowed to be aired.
Even US President Donald Trump got censored when he said this was the most likely scenario.
Trump Derangement Syndrome much!
Partisan political corruption!
The whole globalist pandemic response had as it’s ultimate goal the mass ‘vaccination of humanity’ and the imposition of the global digital vaccine passport system… all predicated upon Fauchi / Gates lies!
The Plandemic is a bonafide conspiracy by the Globalists to enslave the billions of Dumbfounded Dipshits… and the so-called ‘Anti-Vaxxers’, anti-mask, anti-lockdown ‘Freaks’ were right about everything!
The lies are all exposed to the light!
That Fauchi should lose his job is a given.
He must also face prosecution for his frauds and culpability, not only with regards to covering up his own roll in funding the gain of function experiments in Wuhan, but also for his knowledge that Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment that rendered the development and mass vaccination of humanity absolutely unnecessary!
The problem is too many NWO Great Reset Bigwigs were more than happy to impose his lies upon the world… including New Zealand’s own PM Jacinda Ardern… accelerating their Globalist Totalitarian Scheme, so there is virtually no chance he will ever be held to account.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
It is hard to grasp the massive scale of Fauchi’s fraud in misleading the world with respect to masks, lockdowns, and the efficacy of drugs like Hydroxychloroquine… all designed to get ’emergency dispensation’ for vaccine use through such institutions as the FDA sidestepping normal safety protocols… and to stimulate Governments to usurp despotic powers, holding virtually the entire Western civilisation and beyond in lockdowns so as to traumatise their populations into wanting Bill Gates/ Big Pharma’s untested and dangerous ‘Frankenshots’ (pseudo-Vaccines) that contain Genetic engineering that alters (contaminates) the populations Genetic make up.
Those promoting the New World order also have Freaky ‘Trans-humanist’ aspirations.
A side note: Christians know this happened before Noah’s flood with the mixing of Human and Angel DNA… just sayin. The End Is Nigh!
And what TF are the ‘Humanized Mice’ spoken of used in testing for ‘Gain of Function’?
Sounds a hell of a lot like Human-animal hybrids!
How are these monstrosities… these abominations created?
Anyone like to consider the moral implications of that aspect of Fauchi’s ‘research’?
Apparently Fauchi’s Wife Chistine Grady is Head of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health!
The mind Boggles!
Update: Things are even worse than I feared… apparently a ‘Humanized mouse’ is a mouse that has had aborted human fetus tissue surgically implanted!
Apparently this is big business… aborted babies and parts for sale.
This is a horror story for real!
Fauchi should be investigated also for his roll in other schemes such as the HIV crisis as he has now been exposed as a pathological liar who will deceive the world for his own ends.
The testimonies of Doctors and scientists who have blown the whistle on his alleged other dirty dealings were blacklisted, jailed, and written off as ‘kooks’.
Now their claims that Fauchi is a devious Liar have proven to be true, more credence should be given to their claims against him for example virologist Judy Mikovits with respect to having her life destroyed by Fauchi frauds with regards to Big Pharma profits from her HIV research.
So Fauchi has been caught in his own web… yet it is too late now… the damage is done!
Fauchi achieved his objective of fooling the governments of the world into buying hundreds of Billions of dollars worth of Gates ‘vaccines’/ Frankinshots instead of using things like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, and now these Governments are fully committed to forcing their people to take the vaccines.
Governments will never admit they were scammed. Many knew the game plan all along.
Those $billions spent on dangerous experimental pseudo-vaccines and on ‘lockdown stimulus/welfare’ have bankrupted nations and extorted wealth that might have gone to better uses.
Fauchi and the Globalists like Jacinda Ardern destroyed the liberty of Western nations with all the ’emergency Covid legislation’ and Police State lockdowns.
He should hang! So too all the Tech giants, and Woke politicians who all participated in the Covid 19 Global Plandemic.
The Fake News NZ Mainstream media remains quiet about the Fauchi fraud revelations… no surprise there as they take their cue from PM Ardern’s Office.
Those who followed the Pied piper Fauchi and worship Jacinda Ardern will remain in a haze of cognitive dissonance… isolated from facts, truth, and reality.
They cannot excuse their blundering jackboots by claiming to have acted upon the best information available at the time, because despite every attempt to censor and silence dissenters a massive portion of global populations… people like myself … were not drinking their cool aid and *knew for a long time* that this whole scheme was corrupt!
That these powers were engaged in mass propaganda and censorship, forbidding democratic protests, passing Police State legislations under urgency without public participation and due process… all these are fairly big clues as to which side of the ‘debate’ were acting rashly and in bad faith!
What remains to be seen is whether ‘the people’ will hold their complicit elected Parliaments to the flame for what they have done?
Politicians who endorsed Covid 19 tyranny must be thrown out of office in disgrace!
Like so many compromised leaders, by every measure Jacinda Ardern has shown herself to be an incompetent Tyrant and Radical Leftist Socialist working as a treasonous globalist minion of the UN.
Ardern lied about such things as having the legal authority to order in and mass distribute the Frankenshots to the New Zealand population, and when taken to the High Court by Lawyer and Social activist Sue Grey it was determined that Arden and co were breaking the Law… that in fact her regime did not have the legal authority to bypass safety protocols and rush general distribution of an experimental vaxx by exploiting existing special dispensations … so… unfazed by mere Laws… she simply rushed through legislation in the dead of night to magically make her Covid 19 overreach legit!
Her government used the excuse ‘We thought we were legal’… yet does that defense work in court for ordinary citizens? No!
Where is the punishment for such a massive violation of Public Health Law designed to protect New Zealanders from precisely the sort of actions power mad and unscrupulous Ardern was involved in… as was the Nuremburg code!
What also is of importance to realise about this saga is that had not Sue Grey and co called out The Ardern regime upon their unlawful activities… they would have happily deceived the New Zealand public about the legality of their activities!
And even though Ardern and co abused their powers by legalising their own unlawful activities, Sue Grey and co are to be commended for being eternally vigilant for what their parliament is doing.
It is up to us voters at election time to ensure these Machiavellians are thrown out!
Without punishment / consequences politicians like her escape the political condemnation due for such behaviour which would virtually guarantee they step down from office and have no hope of re-election.
And this was not the only time Ardern’s Covid measures were found to be unlawful. Anyone remember when it was found the Police were violating Kiwi’s rights when they were arresting people for surfing, etc and that again Ardern changed the law?
Is anyone out there paying attention?
Ardern is in fact *Lawless* because she does whatever she pleases and no law is allowed to stand in her path!
This exposes *everything* we have and are to her caprice!
If that does not alarm you… you are fully lobotomised!
It is as if we have no Opposition parties here in New Zealand!
Nobody is stepping forward to lead the way in insuring politicians like PM Ardern answer to the New Zealand public for their bungling and dishonesty.
The system is geared to keep the public stupid so that they will vote her back into power again next time… or should that not appear to be on the cards… to give her the election via fraudulent means as I believe happened last time… Read VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
For those of you who think I’m a loon for suggesting the New Zealand elections were compromised as a forerunner to the stealing of the US elections, you all had better go back to school!
You are the same idiots who believed Fauchi about Covid 19!
You are the same Idiots who think Ardern is fantastic despite violating every principle of good governance, trampling our rights underfoot, and burring our nation in crushing debt!
You are the useful Idiots who Socialist Tyrants love to use like Pawns.
Wake The Flock up!
Or go back to sleep… and sell out your children’s future to the system of the Beast.
Is it possible, given the zombified nature of so many in Western Society that any lessons will be learned from this monumental scam?
Will this experience work to stop governments acting in such a draconian way the next time a so-called pandemic alarm is raised?
Will the truth of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as *life savers* against viruses spell the end of the entire Big Pharma Flu vaccination racket?
Will populations demand these safe and effective treatments be made available off the shelf without prescription in every pharmacy in every town?
Will Bill Gates be bankrupted, or held account for his scheming?
Will the contents of the Frankenshots be fully and independently investigated?
We are yet to understand the consequences of what has just transpired!
How many really died from Covid 19 (over-reported), and how many died from the pseudo- vaccines (underreported).
MRNA vaccinated sheeple have now had their very genetic make up modified to produce virus spike proteins, it is possible at some point in the future they will suffer autoimmune problems as their bodies immune systems attack their own organs and tissues.
Will there be any long term effects for the population of vaccinated sheeple such as infertility?
For small children it could be over a decade before we know if they have been sterilised by the shots.
When you appreciate that people like Bill Gates and many radical Leftists harbour ‘Population downsizing’ to be a long term environmental goal, what a tragedy it shall be for the next generation to realise they have been mass sterilized!
These are not the fruit of wild baseless paranoia!
These are the sorts of concerns many highly professional medical experts are putting on the table.
Not only were the MRNA vaccines not rigorously safety tested, Big Pharma secured indemnity from liability and prosecution should any harm be found to result from their pseudo-vaccines.
Another lession ought to be take care for who you vote for!
Will people wake up to the fact that Socialists will not hesitate to pass tyrannical / unconstitutional laws that violate your rights, take away your freedom, destroy your livelihoods, and even deploy the Police against you!
Do you now realise our Police Force has not been trained to defend your Rights and Freedoms, but instead have been trained to obey government dictates and are more than willing to arrest you for surfing, arrest your Pastor for holding church services, arrest mothers with young children present exercising their democratic rights to protest government tyranny?
Knowing this can happen should stimulate public pressure to get some sort of Constitutional protections!
My God! How enslaved, and mistreated, and deceived must you be before you decide to stand up for freedom?
That Lesson is the most important of them all.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Note: I am opposed to the death penalty as I don’t believe the State should exercise such a dangerous power.
History proves evil governments use the death penalty to murder dissidents and reformers… and it still goes on today in places like the China and North Korea.
I use the term ‘hang’ (above) as a loose ‘euphemism’ for ‘facing justice’, which given the magnitude of their crimes I would believe life in jail without parole, for every life their wickedness cost would be their just deserts.
I feel it necessary to make this ‘meaning’ clear as we live in such dangerous times that to say people in power ‘should be hung’ can now be misconstrued as being ‘threatening violence and insurrection’. Maybe used as ‘evidence’ that I am a dangerous extremist.
This is how bad things have gotten under Woke Socialist politically correct tyranny.
This is now the common modus opperandi of the Left seeking to criminalise and silence their critics.
Just ask Kiwi You Tuber Lee Williams.
Read Newsgrub The Destruction of New Zealand through Debt
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