Mark Zuckerberger has dumped ‘Fact Checkers’ …. services provided by heavily biased, woke, and politically affiliated companies in favour of ‘community notes’ as are used on X platform, and he has also scrapped diversity and inclusion hire which prioritised Demographic identities of applicants over skills and other far more weighty attributes.
Despite many interesting confessions (on Joe Rogan Podcast) and commitments to vast improvements on facebook to restore Free Speech … very understandably thousands of people who left Facebook in disgust and have since turned up at X (Twitter) are spitting tacs that The Zuckburger has been having meetings with President elect Donald Trump.
They harbour great contempt for the many evils they believe Zuckerburg is guilty of and they are hoping he is one of many Trump will send to the gallows (metaphorically speaking) when he re-assumes power.
They see Zuck’s latest moves as nothing but a sleezy attempt to avoid the Wrath of The Don once again he is sworn into office!
The level of evil that conspired against Donald Trump and his supporters over the past 4+ has been un-believable for a first world nation to experience!
They tried to ruin him, jail him, and even assassinate him!
They have jailed some of his supporters for 4 years on absolutely bogus charges of ‘insurrection’!!
They corrupted every institution of law and order and twisted them all for the sake of persecuting their political opponents.
All of it fabricated… and all of it failed!
During all this The WEF and minions (esp Jacinda Ardern) have worked like demons to create laws in every Nation to destroy the right of free speech for their citizens.
Despite it all Trump returns victorious!
By the Providence of The Almighty!
Yet now the Democrat WEF Minions are scattering like rats in fear of just retribution!
Even Bill Gates has been kissing The Don’s arse lately!
Millions of people around the globe want Zuckburger punished for his censorship which has affected elections around the globe, and during the Covid Scamdemic.
The Zuck was one of many Billionaires and powers who worked to defraud Donald Trump of Re-election in 2020.
Certainly the fear Trump could seek retribution will be a significant motivating factor for MZ in ‘demonstrating a change of heart’ by ‘fixing’ facebook.
He now admits ‘fact checkers’ have been too biased and too often ‘Got it wrong’.
Zuckerburger also blames the Biden administration for putting pressure on Facebook to censor Truth and says they ‘came after his company’ when they failed to cave into their demands.
Mark Zuckerberg just admitted that the Biden administration made them delete memes and vaccine information that turned out to be true. Let that sink in.
Now, he’s on Joe Rogan playing the victim, saying it was “brutal” and that they “went after his companies.” But here’s the…
I was one of the millions who got censored by Facebook countless times, thrown in Facebook jail right on the weeks leading up to elections, etc.
I had several of my pages axed… one on Covid 19… another on the battle of the sexes, and men’s rights.
I left Facebook because of it’s heavy political bias and censorship, so I know first hand Facebook is/was corrupt, yet still I ask Freedom lovers and Trump supporters to put their righteous indignation to the side for 5 minutes to calmly consider the following question.
Does your need for vengeance and punishment of Zuck overthrow your desire to win the information war and establish Free Speech on line… in the world?
With the WEF seeking to control the worlds internet… determined to brainwash the entire world into conforming to their dictates… seeking to censor all dissent… legislating to deploy thought police against those who post opinions detrimental to their aims.
That is a question of monumental importance!
I believe the fate of the world hangs on this very question.
Look at what is happening today in Great Britain!
Britain is no longer Great.
She has fallen under Globalist socialist Tyranny.
In the courts of WEF Puppet PM Keir Starmer’s Britain people get heaver jail sentences for Social media posts than Rapists and violent offenders do!
And this is at a time when Britain’s jails are overcrowded to the extent they are letting *real criminals* go!
Starmer is implementing WEF policies which many Western Governments around the world are trying to impose upon their people too… including Australia and New Zealand.
They want to make it illegal to question lax Immigration policies.
They want to make it illegal to say ‘Transgenderism’ is a mental health problem… gender dysphoria.
The other day I was critical about that very subject with a Woke Labour Party MP on X, when the thought occurred to me that this MP could possibly flag my posts as ‘hate speech’ and ask the NZ police to pay me a visit!
Police forces around the world no longer stick to the letter of the law, but are trained in Globalist ideology and implement ideas and agendas that are not the law of the land.
In Britain it is common for the police to harass and arrest Christian street preachers under highly dubious charges.
That we live in such times is a disgrace!
Why should citizens living in democracies fear they might get arrested for expressing their personal opinions?
That is an attack on democracy… pure and simple.
People want justice for all the massive frauds like Covid and Climate change alarmism, and for allowing their nations to be over run with hostile aliens who hate them and and their cultures, and who flout their laws, and rape their woman… They hold Mark Zuckerberg as complicit for playing along with it all by heavily censoring Facebook.
Britain is a powder keg about to blow! Governments like Starmer’s have created a situation where a Racial civil war is looming.
Tommy Robinson is locked up for exposing the Government’s cover-up of Illegal immigrant crime.
Instead of enforcing the Law… they buried the truth.
Facebook permanently banned Tommy Robinson.
There is no doubt Facebook has collaborated with tyrannical authorities censoring dissidents and helped rig elections, etc.
These are serious charges and it is no wonder people want all the globalist traitors and tyrants… and collaborators behind bars!
I hope the axe of justice does fall on them … yet I believe we must not lose sight of the ultimate battle for free speech that is being waged… and that for the sake of victory we should be prepared to negotiate terms with some of these Bad actors when expedience demands it… for the sake of ultimate victory.
Sometimes circumstances are such that this is necessary… unpleasant though it may be.
Should Facebook be reformed that would go a long way towards turning the tide in favour of saving Western civilisation from the clutches of Schwab’s ‘Great Reset’.
That IMO would go a long way to redeeming Zuckerberg for his many evils.
Ultimately *nobody* escapes Justice.
The Zuck will one day have to stand before God Almighty and give account for his deeds.
Free speech has been extinguished in Britain, and hangs by a thin thread in most other Western nations.
This is why Trump must take care with how he deals with the Zuck.
This is what is at stake with Freedom on the internet.
The problem for tyrannical Socialist governments is the the internet and social media is more powerful than their traditionally controlled forms of media… TV, Radio, and Newspapers which had very limited reach and limited public response.
Social media and the internet with 100s of thousands of independent citizen political critics, commentators, and journalists (I like to think of myself in those terms) exposing the evil and absurd things politicians are up to is proving a bane to their Diabolical schemes and agendas.
They are hell bent on taking control of the Internet and turning it to their own Nefarious political ends.
This is why there is an ideological war going on for Freedom vs tyranny over the Internet.
It is in light of this that we need to consider what Zuckerburger is doing… just how massive a victory it is for Freedom to have this powerful Social media Giant switch sides and become another platform for global Free speech!
What a blow against the aims of the WEF!
What another massive problem for Socialist governments who are hoping to make Politically incorrect opinions illegal!
Facebook will represent millions of freedom dissident comments and arguments!
This is what winning looks like my friends!
Don’t be so foolish and let your need for seeing Zuc suffer cloud your understanding for what’s at stake and how this battle must be fought…
To my way of thinking… and given the super-critical situation where Global freedom hangs in the balance I believe with regard to Zuckerburger and Facebook that we should subordinate our desire for justice for the sake of winning the War for Freedom and Western Capitalism, and civilisation.
And I believe that is how Trumps mind works too.
He’s more interested in good outcomes than petty vengeance.
The Zuck Fears Trump… and that’s a good thing as it has caused him to change his business model from that which suited the WEF and Democrat Anti-Free speech Tyrants to a model that far more closely resembles a free speech platform that best suits a Free world that holds Political powers and governments to account… by the people.
I believe Trump is fighting the ‘Big’ game plan… that’s what makes him a target of the Globalists.
He stands in their way of Global power.
Should Zuckerburger maintain Facebook as a Free speech Platform I believe that will suffice Trump’s purposes.
Turning an enemy into an asset… willing or not.
Freedom wins!
Trump might also call on him to supply evidence against other adversaries who plotted to defraud him via all the Lawfare, the Russian collusion hoax, and Hunter Biden Laptop scandal… etc etc… asking facebook to censor truth.
Twitter under the helm of Jack Dorsey was once just as bad as Facebook. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, and cleaned house… saving the company and turning it into a bastion of Free speech this was a massive victory against the evil powers who sort absolute control over the internet and the world.
We can credit Elon’s ‘X’ as he rebranded it as being pivotal in the Re-election of Donald Trump and in the exposure of The Coivid 19 Scamdemic.
Still it will be great for the world to have another Mega-sized alternative social media platform that is pro-free speech… in competition with X.
That’s Healthy.
Monopolies are dangerous.
When I left Facebook I dusted off my sandals against them… yet given now things have been ‘fixed’ over there… in a few months time I may re-open my account there… as a reward for the Zuck doing the right thing.
It was a big sacrifice for me to leave Facebook and in the process I lost contact with many friends and family… that was a price I had to be willing to pay to be true to my values about Truth and free speech.
Will Zuck make good on his promises to reform Facebook?
Let’s just see how things develop over the next few months.
I know this post will anger a lot of people and open myself up to a mountain of criticism.
I’m fine with that.
I’m sitting down with a coffee… change my mind!
It’s obvious Starmer has taken notice that he’s in freefall in the polls…
Sinking like a stone… A Hellhound on his trail!
His political instincts have goaded him into taking emergency evasive measures.
He admits what the British people already know and are enraged about… the flooding of their Nation with Alien invaders that is threatening to change the face of Britain… and not for the better.. to literally smother British Values, culture, and traditions, and bankrupt the economy.. destroying Briton’s quality of life.
The Streets are becoming like third world ghettos… where rape and murder abounds.
He’s admitted there has been ‘an open boarder experiment’.!!!
People like Tommy Robinson have been arrested and imprisoned for daring to speak out against this Desasterous social experiment… this betrayal of the British people.
The British are also outraged by his attack on UK farmers slamming them with an outrageous inheritance tax that will destroy Family farms in a few generations the land probably to be swallowed up by Black rock or Bill Gates.
See how he’s deflected all responsibility for the chaos Mass immigration has caused upon the opposition.
If he was serious about this he would be talking about deportations… esp for Illegals who commit crimes and who are on welfare.
You can be sure he has only made this dramatic about face because the People of Britain are rising against him and the Globalist scheme to Destroy Western Capitalist Christian Nations… the bastions of National sovereignty and independence, Personal liberty, rights, and limited government… All things under attack from The Maniacs at the WEF seeking to establish their New World Order.
What a crock of Crap about Open boarders being connected with Brexit!
Brexit was about Britain restoring their own sovereignty and independence so they could refuse to comply with the EU Open Boarder Dictates!
Yet it was Nigel Farage and his EU Brexit Party who were the force behind Brexit… Not Boris Johnson and the conservatives so we should not be surprised to find out that the Conservatives were secretly running an open boarders swindle. Like virtually all Western Nations with ‘Two Major parties’… Both have been hijacked by the Globalist WEF Agendas.
Wake Up Western Nations!
What Starmer has admitted that the British Government has been conducting an experiment in open boarders and has allowed Massive illegal invasion is happening in all Western Nations by various means.
Jacinda Ardern spoke at the UN several years ago about ‘Our Borderless world’… thats how you know that they have all been plotting at Davos behind closed doors where the people of every Nation could not hear them selling us all out… seeking to destroy our Quality of life so that we would accept the great reset.
KEEP RESISTING! All The Peoples in Western Nations must Resist and throw out the Globalist traitors who have commandeered our parliaments and institutions.
We need a second Enlightenment, and a Christian Libertarian Revival.
Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!
Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.
Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.
The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.
The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.
We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.
Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here
There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.
How hilarious!
Woke radical Academic realises they are their own worst enemy!
She was advocating for a payday at other peoples expense… holding other people as guilty for the so-called sins of their ancestors… only to find out that by her own reckoning… she is a privileged oppressor herself!
I wonder if this fact makes her reconsider her own lunatic racist collectivist idiot reasoning?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Article: ‘No, No, No, No’: Radical Black Activist Learns She Is Descended from a Mayflower Passenger
Radical black activist Angela Davis was visibly shocked when she learned that she was a descendant of the pilgrims on the Mayflower.
The self-avowed Marxist feminist and former black power activist in the 1970s appeared as a guest on the PBS series “Finding Your Roots” Tuesday. During her interview, host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. revealed that she is a descendant of one of the original passengers on the Mayflower, William Brewster.
Davis is in complete astonishment. “No, I can’t believe this,” she says, laughing and throwing her hands up. “No, my ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower,” she laughs again.
“Your ancestors came here on the Mayflower,” Gates repeats. “You are descended from one of the 101 people who sailed on the Mayflower.”
“No. No, no, no, no,” she responds, still laughing in disbelief. Finally, she collects herself. “Oof. That’s a little bit too much to deal with right now,” she says….
Read more here.
Ardern’s Megalomania blooms!
She is being wooed and encouraged by the Globalist Cabal, and worshipped by myriads of spineless sycophant’s at home.
A common psychological trait of famous people surrounded with adoring worshipers is they can become bewitched by it… and begin to think they really are God’s gift to humanity.
She faces Zero opposition in parliament…. Zero.
Instead of Being held to account by a questioning media, they shamelessly propagates her Cult!
She has become comfortable wielding tyrannical powers… and is now getting off treating people like Cattle she is farming with complete disregard for the economic disaster she is orchestrating.
I salute Independent voices like Paul Watson for using their channels to expose to the world they tyranny of Ardern and showing the plight of our nation under her thumb.
An economic catastrophe is unfolding… all hail Jacinda Ardern and the Plandemic!
Watch this video of National Party MP and ‘Shadow Treasurer’ Andrew Bayly lets loose on Labour in Parliament.
This was shared to me via Email. (I’m not on FB yet we can still watch it)
It’s still not 100 on the money as far as Arden’s planned oppression of the non-vaxxed… it still promotes Lockdown welfare… yet it is still epic because It exposes the reality of the pain going on that the NZ media have been complicit in hiding.
Good on this man…. He’s about as good as New Zealand seems to be able to muster at present… at least he’s not kissing Arderns arse like Colins.
Ardern is destroying our nation.
Setting us up for the great reset… and you can bet she expects to be well rewarded in the NWO for her treachery.
This validates what I was talking about… Read
Why do you think the Mainstream media are not informing New Zealanders about the real costs of Ardern’s lockdowns?
Why are they allowing such a lrge percentage of Kiwi to go through these Lockdowns blissfully unaware of what is really the cost of Ardern’s policies?
The Nation has never been slung with such massive National debts in our entire history… Our Businesses have never suffered such Devastations!
Ardern is leading the sheeple down the garden path.
Yet you may recall the saying you cant fool all of the people all of the time!
That is because reality has a way of waking people up!
After two years of Covid hysteria and ‘Emergency Tyranny’ the so called ‘Team of 5 million’ is not so cuddly now!
A Popular Uprising has begun… Listen to this Radio interview…
The People… conservative people… are waking up to what Ardern is doing to our country and what is at stake for their children’s future.
Liz Gunn is to be highly praised for not being like so many Kiwi woman… absolutely mesmerised… rendered catatonic by Cult Leader Jacinda Ardern.
Liz refuses to drink the cool aid.
She is Righteously Pissed off!
Liz is calling New Zealanders to rally for our freedom against Ardern.
The two classes of people Arden is creating in New Zealand are those who obey her and comply with her dictates… they keep their rights to the degree of her own discretion, and then there are the second class citizens who choose not to obey her… choose not to comply with her wishes. She has so twisted our system of government to be able to Punnish New Zealanders who disagree with her… and impose oppressive measures against them… taking away their rights,,, under threat of Police thuggery!
There is no *science* behind Ardern’s ‘goal’ of 90% vaccination as being some sort of magic number that will ‘Save New Zealanders’ from Covid 19.
It is simply and purposefully an extreme level of compliance that guaranteed Ardern would have to resort to further draconian policies to achieve.
There was never any hope of getting such a total voluntarily as there are far more than 10% of the population who are personally opposed to the Ardern/ Global Vax Scheme.
These powers and rules were always going to be dropped upon New Zealanders who refuse to submit to her… punishing her political opponents… that is the minority of people willing to stand up for their Freedom and rights.
Unless she feels the indignation of the people, she will simply continue the accrual of power unto herself, and the imposition of her own will.
New Zealand will be transformed into a Chinese like Socialist State.
Should these ever-ratcheting oppressive powers succeed in getting 90% compliance, it will never be legitimately claimed that such measures are a pragmatic ‘Success’.
It will signal that Freedom in New Zealand is dead.
Take a look at Norway (Read here) which has ended all Covid Restrictions and Returned to Normal.
No Social distancing… every thing open… and they did this having only 67% fully (two shots) Vaccinated!
This is just one of many examples that exposes Ardern and her demands for 90% compliance before lifting Covid restrictions as being maniacal.
This is to completely flout the New Zealand bill of Rights section 11 which states the New Zealanders have the right to refuse medical treatments.
It does not make exceptions saying compelling medical treatments is ok…’For National emergencies’… or ‘for Pandemics’… or ‘For the common good’, etc.
It says *We have the right to refuse medical treatments* because of what happened in WW2 with Nazi Germany!
We have the right to refues medical treatments because *we own ourselves*… we are not slaves of the Government.
Yet the NZ Bill of rights is as useless as toilet paper because it is not entrenched.
And Ardern seeks to enslave us all and sell our Nation out to the Globalist New World Order.
As a Libertarian I has spent the last 20 years trying to warn New Zealanders about how open our system was to abuse of power, and that it allows the indefinite expansion of Political power at the expense of our rights.
I have warned that we need to create a new constitution that limits State powers and guarantees our Rights, Liberties, and Property.
We have reached a crisis point.
All it took was the rise to power of a Socialist dictator who hates the New Zealand way of life and everything it is founded upon.
Someone willing to turn every apparent crisis into an opportunity to destroy our freedoms.
Are you going to roll over and allow this to happen without a struggle?
Make no mistake… we still have the means to thwart Ardern’s Communist take over!
Rise up now before she has utterly destroyed the Kiwi Dream and the Kiwi way of Life!
‘Pride cometh before the fall’. Arden thinks she is our Empress!
She has become Autocratic. and that we must be subject to her will.
She circumvents the democratic processes at every turn.
We must unite against her and bring her down by People power… and all the Lapdogs in parliament whom have aided and abetted her.
We must show them who really is Boss in a Democracy!
That our Rights are not held by their caprice!
Do not be fooled that all hope is lost simply because the mainstream media is not reporting any resistance!
Check out alternative social media and video streaming platforms like Rumble and Bitchute.
Quit being brainwashed by Facebook and the Mainstream media who are own by Ardern and Pfizer!
Don’t believe that the whole country is taken in by Ardern’s Cult.
People are not happy, and this issue has the capacity to unify a very broad spectrum of New Zealanders together whom at other times are at variance with one another.
For example there is very strong Activism afoot within the Maori Community who… being the most Vaccine adverse demographic in New Zealand realise they will suffer the most from Arderns medical apartheid.
These Maori are not going to sit by and allow Ardern to trample them down!
These are people with whom other demographics opposed to Compulsory Vaccination and coercion to join together in a common cause, yet to do this we must be prepared to put our differences of opinions on other matters aside for the sake of this commonly held concern… and such cooperation will without doubt be conducive to more amicable dialouges in the future on other issues as trust is built up and the realisation that in the end we all share common desire that can only be justly served by treating eachother with mutual respect and upholding Equality before the Law, and freedom for all.
In the Paul Watson You tube video, his comments about ‘Maori being oppressed’ in the 50s ought to be forgiven him given that is by far the most common view almost universally propagated on the net, and yet he is smart enough to see that Ardern’s new Tyranny will dis-proportionately affect/ Oppress the Maori demographic given they are the most Vaccine hesitant.
And they are *Hesitant*… not simple ‘out of touch’ or ‘out of reach’…. They don’t want the Vax… they don’t trust it or the government.
So Ironically this fight to get rid of Ardern and her tyranny will unify many disparate groups who in other times have been at variance.
Just as WW2 cause us to swallow many differences and ally ourselves for the sake of Defeating the common Axis Enemies.
This cause has given us a common interest, and we must be ‘Big enough’ to put our differences aside for this most vital Battle for freedom.
WE can return to sorting out these other issues when we have defeated this Evil.
Perhapse by standing together on this vital mission will form bonds and lines of communication that will lead to a more conciliatory attitude on the other matters too simply by the realisation that ultimately we all share common hopes and dreams and that we are stronger when we are united.
This ‘Hikoi of Truth’ which has caused some disruption on the Auckland Covid Blockade has caused the Media to wheel out some ‘Maori Elites’ for comment…
Go Listen to this…
It is really telling what Harawera said about this Hikoi being ‘mostly Pakeha’… ‘mostly Trump supporters’, ‘Mostly Maori who have been sucked in’, and none of their political clique, etc
So according to Harawera and Packer ‘It’s not a real Hikoi’ unless its for some grip they have, and they or their mates are leading it!
What does that tell you about these people!
They wont even stand up for Maori people’s rights to make their own medical choices… they won’t complain that Ardern’s new divisive system of Vaxxed and non-vaxxed will affect Maori the most!
These professional activists are telling people to shut up and do as you are told… without activism!
Packer’s talk that ‘their ‘real’ hikois’ have always been about ‘uniting people’ is a complete lies.
Their Hikois have always been characterised by vehemence and Threats.
These people have always been hypocrites… they have always used the Maori people for their own political gains… they have never put New Zealanders first as a Nation… they have always thrived on divisions.
The true nature of these Racist radicals are being exposed… so to is their Façade of being resolute defenders of Maori from oppression… they are fine with it when it suits their own opinions.
Take heart Freedom lovers!
There is an Uprising stirring… yet if it going to prevail we all must grow a pair… and stand together now.
This is not something a Man can cowardly leave for others to achieve. We must carry some of the risks… and by doing so we shall also carry some of the Glory when she is brought down and we have saved our Nation from the Globalist tyranny that is seeking to steal our country from us and our children.
This is a wake up call for all freedom lovers.
We must establish a New Constitution with an Iron Clad Bill of rights that takes away the tyrannical powers Ardern has used to attempt to enslave us.
And we must do all these things via the power of peaceful protest.
This is our greatest strength as long as we maintain the high ground.
No one who promotes violence can be allowed to infiltrate our cause as that will not only de-legitimise our righteous cause but be pretext for Arderns State to use The Police and Army to crush the movement. Even if we should maintain our integrity The Ardern worshipping Media will begin to tell lies about us being ‘Dangerous Radicals’…. harbouring ‘Domestic terrorists’… etc and maybe we will face some measure of police brutality just as happened to the Black Civil Rights movement in the US… Yet in that dark hour…when By standing New Zealanders witness the true nature of the Evil they have supported… that is when the tide will turn against Ardern… and we shall prevail… and yet for these things to transpire will require People of the strongest Mettle and Moral principle to stand in the face of the heaviest State Evils… for Tyranny will not surrender without meeting face to face with the strongest Resolve.
We still live in a democracy (Just) and The means of peaceful protest to push for change is a fundamental right of the people that cannot be easily resisted without exposing a tyrannical bent… Unless they can find pretext to discredit the movement.
Tuff times are bringing communities together to fight an existential threat to our way of life!
I have felt a ray of hope as reports on the Jungle grapevine reveal that New Zealanders are starting to revolt… and rally!
It does lift the spirit!
New Zealand is not done yet.
Ardern keeps pushing her Commie tyranny… yet there will be a reckoning!
The contrast could not be more stark between Martin Luther Kings dream and the ambitions of co-leader of the far left racist radical Maori Party… Debbie Ngarewa Packer.
Packer recently endorsed and promoted a malicious public petition that extorted Synlait Dairy Company into wrongfully sacking their then employee Lee Williams because he critisised the He Puapua report and the Maori Party on his Youtube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’.
Lee Williams has now filed a personal grievance case against Synlait for wrongful dismissal, Packer however is yet to face any censure for her abuse of Office from her colleagues in parliament in regards to her involvement in such an illegal activity that bodes ill for workers rights to Free Speech in New Zealand.
This failure on the part of New Zealand’s parliament and the police to bring Packer and those involved to justice speaks volumes about corruption and cowardice in high places.
She is getting away with behavior that goes far beyond mere bullying to the extortion of a business and the destruction of a man’s life simply because she did not approve of him publicly expressing his personal beliefs.
Members of Parliament have to accept that some citizens will disagree and critisise them!
That is part of a Free Society… They have the right to do so.
That she instead decided to support his ruin speaks volumes about her respect for freedom and democracy!
She expects to enjoy immunity from critisism!
She is getting away Scot free because parliament today is peopled with spineless unprincipled weasels more interested in their own comforts than in standing up against a nasty Racist Radical in their very midst!
Had a Pakeha MP been involved in such activities against a Maori citizen exercising their rights to free speech all hell would have broken loose!
Yet because the perpetrator of this blatantly bigoted abuse of power is a member of the favoured race against whom it is virtually a crime to criticize… and that the victim of her abuse is a loud mouth White man ‘who does not know his place’… Parliament sits in silence!
The systemic racism that demonizes anyone who talks about the systemic Racism as being racist is why this Evil has been allowed to flourish and take over the levers of power.
We see this in what has happened to Lee Williams being labeled ‘a white supremacist’ and We see this in how the Far left radicals slander Judith Collins and David Seymour.
I have to ask why these two Party Leaders have not called Packer to account in parliament?
We already know that Seymour has a personal dislike for Lee Williams that he is allowing to corrupt his getting involved on his behalf.
Some may wonder where were Ardern’s ‘Hate Police’?… you know… paying visits to the hateful radicals and racists, questioning those involved in the Deplatforming of Lee Williams?
No. The Police have only a brief to harass ‘White Politically incorrect Extremists’…individuals who dare to run their own you tube channels keeping within Lawful bounds.
Hate on the Far left gets a free pass.
Interestingly Lee Williams, Vinny Eastwood and Co who suffered deplatforming were not obsessed … in fact not even interested about getting anyone deplatformed.
They didn’t rally people to harass, and extort, and to cancel others.
For Haters they sure were amateur’s!
That’s what the Real Racist hateful radicals in New Zealand do all day long, yet as they are all on the far Left they have enjoyed political immunity… just as Black Lives Matter and Antifa do in the US.
The duplicity in all this is rank!
This is the sorry state… the gross inequity of how the powers that be function in New Zealand!
Martin Luther King fought for unity and racal equality before the law, The Maori Party and co fights for separatism and racial inequality before the Law aided and abetted by Far Left Radicals like Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
Today’s post will highlight the sort of radicalism and hate these politicians propagate in the cotton-wool minds of ignorant youths and others… the Useful idiots and foot-soldiers doing much of the dirty work who look up to these contemptible Charlitans as exemplars.
‘Free Speech Under Attack’ 2019 Tross publishing. This book discusses the many way’s free Speech in New Zealand is under bombardment. I contributed several chapters.
For more details go here.
As a Libertarian free speech is something I feel very strongly about.
In being moved by my conscience into writing about the string of Kiwi Youtubers and radio show hosts who have been deplatformed this year I must say has been very unpleasant and I would prefer to have nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately that is not possible given the people I am going to write about today have been involved in malicious and hateful activities, attacking and undermining New Zealand citizens lawful and rightful free speech, and destroying peoples lives.
This must be stopped, and these people need to be exposed, and held to account.
The Twitter screenshots above are a tiny fraction of evidence that could be presented exposing a dozen or more Leftist activists involved in prolific and ongoing deplatorming attacks against the free speech of other New Zealanders.
The actual scale of the problem is undoubtedly far wider than that!
The seriousness of this with respect to Free discourse and it’s implication for New Zealand democracy should it continue unchecked is difficult to exaggerate.
Something must be done about it.
It would be relatively easy for some counter revolutionary group not constrained by morality to simply serve this nasty gang with ‘Utu’… Reciprocity… ie render unto them in kind as they have been doing unto others… and boasting about it.
These haters are as exposed as their victims were and vulnerable to being doxed, having their employers harassed and extorted for the sake of getting them fired, Public Petitions could be run calling them Hateful Racists, Far Left Extremists, etc.
Their YouTube channels could be systematically trawled for any ‘vulnerabilities’… statements that might be construed as being Racist, threatening, hateful, etc and then attacked via mass ‘reporting’ to Youtube via their automated Moderation systems.
Their Paypal accounts which they have published online soliciting donations could also be shut down by complaints to Paypal, etc esp given they are using their accounts to promote hate, racial intolerance, etc.
All these things and more could be done… justifiably so…. by anyone who was prepared to stoop to such methods… as these are the things these Far Left extremists and racist Radicals have been doing to many people over the last several months… and longer.
These nasty haters actually endorse this vile behaviour as legitimate political activity… they exclaim ‘Deplatforming Works’… and revel in cancelling others.
All these things being so, should they themselves become targets for deplatforming these people would have absolutely no right to complain about it… and yet they would howl like stuck pigs!
Having received a small measure of ‘Backlash’ for what they have been doing they have already began to cry about suffering ‘Hate’ from ‘The Far Right’, never admitting to themselves that they are only reaping a tiny fraction of what they themselves have sown!
They attacked first.
It never occurs to them that what they have been doing is evidence of their own hateful Racism and extremism!
They could never contemplate such a possibility.
Not only are they consumed with malice, these people are professional grievers.
Just as in their deluded minds Maori are over represented in prisons because of ‘institutionalised racism’ and ‘Police profiling’ rather than the because Maori themselves commit more crimes than any other demographic… by a country mile… so too when ever they receive ‘push back’ for their malicious extortion, slander, and deplatforming operation they make out they are suffering ‘Far right abuse’ rather than reaping Karma for their own flagrant misdeeds.
This is how these deranged racists operate.
Falsely claiming to be the perpetual victims of injustice and race hate is how they justify their own hateful deeds against Pakeha.
Everything about their politics and methods are repugnant to me.
I myself would never stoop so low as to mimic these haters!
Their actions and racist mindset brings shame upon Maoridom.
Politics is a branch of ethics, and how individuals, activists, and politicians carry themselves in stormy times is a reflection of their own character, psyche, values, and ideals.
Socialist Ideology is full of toxic ideas that corrupt the soul.
They practice the belief that ‘the end justifies the means’ and as they have no higher scruples to restrain them, literally nothing is unconscionable or beyond the pale for socialist radicals seeking to achieve their selfish goals.
They leave pain, chaos, and destruction in their wake.
They seek to reverse social progress… the march towards more Freedom and Self Reliance, and regress backwards into Tyranny and Tribal slavery.
They are the very embodiment of hypocrisy… as they pretend they are noble and selfless, and yet they are driven by the most base of selfish human emotions.
They are motivated by vanity.
They seek to destroy those they envy.
A big part of why the likes of Marc Daalder and Byron C Clark attacked Lee Williams and Vinny Eastwood’s you tube channels is because they enjoyed far bigger followings than they do themselves!
And being incapable of beating these Youtubers by dint of their own content, they resort to dirty deeds to destroy them.
Kiwi Independent You Tuber ‘Cross the Rubicon’ Lee Williams.
These Leftists are pathetic.
If they were respectful of Free Speech, I would simply ignore their existence, yet because they are so consumed with hate that they now engage in anti-freedom,, anti-democratic practices, they must be stopped.
And yet this cannot be achieved by employing the same disgusting tactics they employ.
I choose to walk the higher path.
I shall fight them via more honorable and civilised means… via free speech.
I will expose them with the truth of their own actions, and having been exposed I hope that people in a position to do something about it… members of parliament, or lawyers, or journalists, using whatever legitimate means are available will stop this extortion racket that is attacking Free Speech in New Zealand, and serve up some justice!
This vile practice of deplatforming and extortion must be put down.
Perhaps some sort of legislation needs to be forthcoming to protect Free speech on line from the sort of hateful collusion these people have been engaging in that abuses Internet moderation systems to silence lawful legitimate free speech.
What I am suggesting is the very opposite thing that is being proposed and implemented by the Arden Regime with respect to laws governing the internet.
Comrade Ardern seeks to use the Law to restrict rights, and curtail Free Speech.
What I am suggesting is using the Law to uphold legitimate rights, and protect free speech.
Today I am about to talk about Phil’s equally unpleasant opposite… a far left extremist racist… one Anna McAllister.
She is as equally disturbed As Phil Arps, and just as committed to racism and bigotry and hate as he.
She is a hater of White people… Pakeha… and she harbors a deep malevolence towards them which she was spoon fed at University. She was taught to hate by being indoctrinated in Anti-colonisation propaganda and radical historic revisionism.
It is no exaggeration to say that her hatred manifests itself in Satanic cruel ways.
She enjoys destroying peoples lives and revels in their pain.
Truly Savage.
All the information I am sharing today about Anna McAlister and associates is in the public domain, publicly shared by these Radicals themselves, and others so no nefarious means were used in obtaining this material, the primary sources being social media.
Racist Radical Deplatformer, Maori Supremacist, Satanist, and Artist. Anna McAllister.
Anna is one very nasty piece of work. She takes pleasure in the pain of others… specifically in the pain of Pakeha… white people.
I had the misfortune of entering ‘Anna’s World’ having been encouraged to “Go take a look for yourself on Twitter at how Anna and her posse of far left deplatformers were gloating about what they had done to Lee Williams”… taking perverse pleasure in the misery and destruction they were instrumental in bringing upon him.
What I found on Anna’s Twitter stream was almost unbelievable if I were not seeing it with my own eyes.
Her Twitter page is a mad house, and literally seethes with malice towards White people.
It also displays many other traits of a psychologically unbalanced mind.
I shall do my best to refrain from discussing much of her personal revelations that I find alarming because it has no relevance to the business at hand, It behooves me to mention a couple of distasteful things I would prefer to avoid except that they are relevant to this conversation and understanding how her mind ticks.
Lets inquire into how Far Left Racist Maori radicals like Anna have proliferated in New Zealand.
Anna serves as an exemplar and an education into Far Left Maori Radicalism.
It’s impossible to cover every attribute Anna embodies of Maori radicalism, yet hopefully by the time I have finished this post it will be clear as to why writing this was unpleasant for me, and why it is that I pity rather than hate Anna for what she has become, and what she has been doing.
In this post I talked about how some children grow up to become hateful and dangerous radicals from their home environment… taught to hate by their hateful elders… this is an inter-generational perpetuation of hateful ideas and prejudices.
I focused on some examples of Islamic Extremist Terrorism, and show that the same process involved in raising an Islamic Terrorist is often involved in raising Hateful Racist Maori Radicals like Hone Harawera.
Hone sat at the feet of his infamous Maori Radical and activist mother Titewhai Harawera, and imbibed her undiluted racist contempt for Pakeha straight from the spring.
How then can anyone be surprised that she raised a little racist radical whose mind she filled with her own twisted thoughts and emotions?
Hate breeds hate, and by sowing hate into the hearts of their children, these parents perpetuate hate into the future, and poison the minds of their own children, turning them into hateful bigots…little carbon copies of themselves.
Hone had not experienced any oppression at the hands of ‘evil Pakeha’.
He therefore had to be trained to hate.
Did Anna McAllister have a similar upbringing as Hone?
I don’t know… it is possible… and yet in New Zealand today it not necessary to have had such an upbringing to explain how young people like Anna can become radicalised.
It is sufficient to explain her hateful racism by looking at how prolific and accepted the toxic ideas that underpin Maori radicalism have become over the past 50 years, and how they have been assimilated into the National education system, and official narratives underpinning the Treaty Settlement racket, and modern fabrication of ‘Treaty partnership’.
“He who controls the past, controls the future”. George Orwell.
Many people today have been fooled into thinking the Maori Separatist movement grew up from long remembered injustices committed by ‘Greedy invading White people’, and therefore represents a legitimate struggle for restitution.
That is pure ‘Fake news’… old school style communist propaganda.
The modern ‘Maori Sovereignty movement’ sprung up via Far Left Communist subversion founded upon ‘Anti British Imperialist’s’ doctrines designed to ‘Divide and conquer’ nations all over the globe for Communism.
Communists looking to spread their ideology were well versed in which demographics were most easily converted to their way of thinking.
Contentious events in New Zealand’s past were ‘Taylor made’ for sowing racial discord, and creating social unrest… vital ingredients for a Communist takeover.
Maori became the targets for this Leftist subversion which first required them to be radicalised into militant activists.
They needed to be taught to hate and claim to be the victims of British imperialism.
The Left have utilised this basic strategy ever since.
It has served them well.
They have almost brought our Nation to it’s knees, and nothing symbolises this more succinctly that having Far Left Tyrant Jacinda Adern at the helm.
Further research has vindicated my suspicions…
Anna says she spent 6 years at University … “The time I spent studying was vital in my hīkoi of reclaiming Māori knowledge, lost through intergenerational colonisation. For many Māori, university can be the first opportunity they’re given to deeply and critically understand this country and its troubled history. It is a shameful fact that most of us finish our public education with little to no awareness of the history of colonisation in Aotearoa and the impact it continues to have on Māori.” from here
Anna McAlister’s Radicalisation and hatred towards Pakeha was manufactured in State University!
Though her pathway to Radical race hatred differed slightly from that of Hone Harawerea, fundamentally it was the same.
Like Hone, Anna has not personally experienced any Real oppression at the hands of ‘evil Pakeha’.
She too had to be trained to hate via mythical tales of the past…. fabrications of the Far left.
The only difference being Hone learned to hate Pakeha from his mother while Anna was radicalised at State University.
She is representative of the vile lies and indoctrination going on there!
Our Universities are factories for the mass production of Leftist radicals!
This has been known for a long time and yet is hardly ever talked about.
This is why Treaty separatism has become an overwhelming scourge in our land.
One of the most dangerous powers that foolish nations grant to their governments is control of the education of their children.
This is a standard practice in Totalitarian States whereby the youth are conditioned to think the way those in power want them to think.
The late great Herbert Spencer warned what would happen should free nations allow their governments to usurp control of Education.
What is really bonkers is that so many New Zealanders don’t appreciate how politically corrupt our own education system has become.
That Anna studied at Massey University should also give those in the know an ‘ahhhh’ moment!
Massey is the epicenter of Far left Woke radicalism in New Zealand academia!
I have mentioned this in previous blogposts… parents be warned… send your children there at their peril!
They are highly likely to return unto you politically Radicalised and mentally lobomised.
Leftist Racist State radicalisation, political indoctrination and the race-hatred it fosters within Maori towards Pakeha is demonstrated in the ‘Educated’ character of Anna McAllister and others just like her.
It has it’s parallels in Nazi Germany when the German state propagandised that the Jews were also greedy foreign invaders that were responsible for ‘indigenous Germans’ poverty and woe.
None of these facts are openly discussed these days in respect to far left radicalisation.
These are the dirty secrets that underpin the Politics of Jacinda Ardern, The Greens, and The Maori Party.
I could write a book on this subject and still not do full justice to the truthfulness of what I have here declared. We don’t have time, or space for that. I must however point out just one more characteristics Anna displays that betrays the toxic falsehoods she has been taught to harbour in her heart.
I must address her affinity to Satanism.
Anna’s musings about Satanism has relevance to her ideas that underpin her hatred towards Pakeha.
Her Satanic attitude towards Christianity may be understood as a facet of her indoctrinated Racism and skewed views about New Zealand’s Colonial past.
She see’s Christianity as an Evil Ideology that lulled Maori into a stupor that rendered them passive and prepared the way for the take over of their land.
This is a complete fabrication and outrageous slander against some of the greatest human beings every to grace these shores.
The Church Missionary Society was instrumental in the abolition of Slavery in the British Empire and it was this very same Humanitarian Society that sent missionaries to New Zealand to bring the light of the Gospel to Maori.
They left the comforts of Civilisation at the hazard of their own lives to teach Maori about Jesus Christ so that they might be saved from the darkness of Superstition, Cannibalism, Endless Tribal warfare and subsistence living.
These are irrefutable recorded facts!
The mana of many missionaries was unquestionable in the eyes of Contemporary Chiefs of the highest rank!
Anna’s Education would mention none of this.
Leftist Subversives seeking to turn Maori into thorns in the side of Capitalist New Zealand has no use for such truths!
They must twist and deform everything to render their subject absolutely and fanatically committed to the Far Left Revolution.
It must be understood that the Far left is fundamentally Anti-Christian.
Marx claimed his Politics were foundered upon ‘Scientific Materialism’… Atheism, and that ‘Religion is the opiate of the Masses’.
The implementation of his ideas have resulted in mass genocides in the 20th century on never before seen scales where Far Left communists attempted to stamp out Religion.
This is still going on in Communist Nations today such as China and North Korea.
Communism cannot tolerate belief systems that teach the plebs there exists higher authority than the State.
This murderous hatred for Religion and for ‘British Imperialism’ has been deployed to paint the Missionaries who came to New Zealand as Deceivers and Devils, who via cunning softened up the Naïve Maori population into allowing Colonisation to take place.
This is nothing short of a Satanic Lie!
This vile mischaracterisation of the heroic humanitarian missionaries can only be entertained by extreme ignorance.
Anna’s Satanism is a hallmark of a person who has had their minds poisoned towards Christianity to turn her into what she has now become… a Racist Far left radical.
When considering how a young Maori girl has become so radicalised and filled with such hatred as is on open display with Anna McAllister we might ask from where does she take her political cues?
Who are her mentors?
This is important.
We do not have to look any further than the Racist hate filled radicals of the Far left Maori Party.
These racist radicals not only preach race hate against Pakeha for imagined wrongs committed 150 years ago, they virtually endorse every single Far Left Radical idea such as Global Warming, Transgender indoctrination, Support for Hamas Terrorism against Israel,etc.
Virtually all of the supposed racist crimes of colonisation that such separatists framed as ‘breaches of the treaty’ are pure fictions, and again only hold currency in an environment of ignorance about the true history of the colonisation of New Zealand.
Yet even if they were true that cannot justify the Race-hatred harboured by the likes of Maori Party MP and Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer against Pakeha living today who had nothing to do with colonisation and they themselves are as ‘Tangatawhenua’ as any Maori… ie People of the land… Born here… and their ancestors are buried here, and they have even intermarried and become genetically entwined with Maori themselves!
These are Facts.
There is not a single Maori radical today who does not share some of the colonizer genes… including Anna McAllister and Debbie Packer!
That is how big a scam this whole ‘Treaty separatism’ is because physically there is no legitimate racial division!
Reality exposes the political lie.
While the gullible, and Naeve, and indoctrinated radicals like Anna McAlister look up to the Maori Party Bigots, hapily many many more Maori refuse to associate themselves with the racist Radicals of the Separatist movement.
The Maori Population is estimated at 850,500 or 16% of all New Zealanders.
In 2020 the Maori party gained less than 2% of the party vote which demonstrates that The Maori Party in no way can be construed to represent Maori.
A little bit of research also shows that despite 5 decades on intense Left wing propaganda almost half of all Maori still chose not to even be on the Maori Electoral roll!
That is a testament of courageous moral fortitude and common sence!
Instead… turning their backs on Racist separatism they are registered on the General Roll standing side by side as equals with the rest of New Zealand.
Ask yourselves why is it that *this truth* is not being taught by the State to Maori?
It’s like the State wants to maintain the lie that to be a Maori, you must support political apartheid.
When you appreciate just how small a support base the Maori Party has it just goes to show how much bluster and grand standing they are engaged in falsely portraying themselves as the Voice of Maoridom.
Esp in this they are provable Frauds.
And this brings me to my final point… the absolute hypocrisy of Anna in what she has been doing.
Read this Tweet….
Here we see Anna being extremely angry that a Herald reporter tried to contact her at work.
She exclaims how most of her work colleagues don’t know ‘the full extent’ of her activism.
And tries to say that her political activities have *nothing to do with her day job*!!!!
She said that simply by asking to speak with her at her place of work *was a huge breach of her privacy*!!!!!
Now think about this in respect to what she and her gang of leftists did to Lee Williams and his day job!
They created a Public Petition that threatened his employers Synlait Dairy Company’s reputation by insinuating they support White supremacy!
Now considering what Anna tweeted about her own privacy and separation between her own activism from her employment… where were her considerations for Lee Williams on these accounts?
Simply put… she does not give a shit about them!
Her admission here does reveal she is fully cognizant that her own actions in attacking peoples jobs and livelihoods are immoral and yet she not only is a serial offender, she openly celebrates the misery she causes!
This group of hateful abusers of Free Speech must be stopped.
Blackmail and extortion are crimes, It is my hope that some legal expert can see what is going on here and bring charges against these people for their malicious activities.
For the sake of Free Speech New Zealanders must Rally and demand justice for Lee Williams.
I am appalled by the malicious attacks Anna McAllister and co have perpetrated against other New Zealanders, esp how far they have gone to destroy Lee Williams life.
Their absolute disregard for Democratic principles, esp Free Speech caused me to stand up in defense of Lee Williams and commit myself to seeing these haters brought to heel.
Their activities and behavior cannot be tolerated in a Free Society.
They are tramping upon the rights of others.
I can appreciate that people like Lee Williams have just reason enough to hate them… and yet I cannot bring myself to hate them.
Because of all the monumental lies that abound today I can only I pity them having become ensnared in the grand delusions and lies of Far Left wing Propaganda.
In truth my heart is filled with sadness that part-Maori like Anna have been taught to habour racism in their hearts, and taught to hate Christianity.
I have no doubt that Anna will consider me her enemy… if only she could know my love for the Maori People and for All New Zealanders, and that like the Missionaries of old… I want to use my life to bring light and liberty to those in darkness.
Jesus Himself said “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free”.
Screenshot from Twitter: Newsroom NZ’s gloating Woke radical Marc Daalder expounding the Leftist anti-free speech ‘dictum’ ‘deplatforming works’ that advocates for the censorship and deplatforming of political critics and dissenters of woke radicalism, and Leftist government policies.
Marc celebrates ‘cancel culture’ and the reprehensible practice of ‘deplatforming’ independent voices.
Deplatforming is a truly despicable act that not only silences citizens exercising their legitimate democratic rights, but often also involves slander and extortion of third parties… threats to business reputations and results in the devastation of peoples lives.
The date of this Twitter post correlates perfectly with the deplatforming of Kiwi Vinny Eastwood from Youtube. Vinny’s channel boasted more subscribers than any mainstream NZ media outlet.
Now it’s gone. In January this year Daalder labeled Vinny ‘Far Right’.
Read Daalder’s celebration of Twitters heavily partisan deplatforming of Donald Trump, and thousands of other on the ‘Far Right’ here. for ‘wrong think’ and discussing ‘forbidden opinions’.
This Blogpost is the first in the series I am writing to expose an active Far Left extremist deplatforming gang that has been attacking New Zealand political commentators on radio, and on You Tube. This operation has been coined ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’ by the Racist Radicals and Alt Leftists committing these abuses.
I will be focusing today on the activities and ideas of one of New Zealand’s most malicious peddlers of Far Left Extremism and misinformation.
Newsroom’s Propagandist Marc Daalder.
My next Blog will zero in on Daalders ideological followers and fellow deplatformers… a nasty bunch of Racist radicals and far left nut jobs who have been engaged in despicable deeds.
Attacks on free speech via cancel culture, deplatforming, esp on the internet have reached frightening Levels both here in New Zealand and globally to the degree that they threaten Democracy!
These Attacks come from one direction… the Far Left, with the Woke Technocrats controlling the internet the Left have been blatantly stacking the deck in favour of their own political prejudices, and acting as the chief arbiters of what may or may not be expressed on line.
This exposes the voting public to heavy political bias.
This corruption of the public square is very much welcomed and encouraged by globalist socialist parties and politicians all working to overthrow capitalism, and traditional Christian values upon which Western civilisation is founded.
Socialists despise individual rights and liberties that set limits to government power.
As a result of the ascendency of Leftist ideology Western nations have become a mere shadow of what they once were.
Freedom and independence are in retreat as Leftist Socialism spreads like a cancerous growth… mostly via the tyrannical control of the flow of Information.
Leftist propaganda and Toxic doctrines infect minds en Masse creating hysteria and Psychotic outrage.
The hate, the racism, the sexism generated by the Woke Left is very real and extreme, and yet it is all cloaked in the fake garb of ‘social justice’, and ‘saving the planet’… fake virtue and fake virtue signaling.
That is how the Far Left roll.
The hypocrisy of it all is rank!
The Left has turned the truth on it’s head!
This is why violent and criminal far left organizations like Antifa and ‘Black Lives Matter’ have sprung up and are wreaking so much havoc, mob violence, and wanton destruction.
BLM is run by the most bigoted racists, and yet claims to be fighting racism.
The same thing can easily be proven to be true of the Maori Radicals in the Maori Party… all the while being excused by Radical leftist politicians like Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
And the compromised fake news mainstream media.
Toxic Leftist doctrines ferment and pseudo-legitimize bigotry and racism, violence and chaos, and outrage… via the fraudulent excuse that they are fighting bigotry and racism, and violence, and oppression.
These people are so lobotimised they cant see the wood for the trees!
This is all thanks to Radical Far left wing ideology and propaganda that blinds the gullible devotee and turns them into useful idiots for furthering the aims of Far Left Politicians.
Fear of impending Doom guarantees the Billions of dumfounded sheeple accept the proliferation of new Police States because in believing the world faces extreme crisis… they assume this justifies extreme measures and that individual rights must be sacrificed upon the alter of greater common good.
This is pure Communism.
One of the greatest political scams being foisted upon western populations today by the Far Left via mass propaganda campaigns and mis-information is that Western Societies are in grave danger from ‘Far Right Extremism’ and that this threat justifies heavy censorship, deplatforming, of political commentators the left themselves deem to be far right exponents, and also is being used to justify the criminalization of opinions and speech that does not conform with leftist ideals.
This is the real hidden reason why there is a push across Western societies for new hate speech legislations and censorship powers… it has zero to do with humanitarianism, and everything to do with seizing absolute power and the establish a New World Order.
Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, Jacinda Ardern has proven to be the most opaque and devious PM in the history of New Zealand, most of the time keeping her ultimate ambitions as closely guarded secrets because her Far Left ideals are in sharp variance with mainstream New Zealand’s hopes and aspirations, which is why she must veil her activities, and implement her agenda with the least public discourse as possible.
Ardern exposed her true colours in a Pro-Globalist speech she made at the UN in 2019 when she rebuked calls made by Trump for ‘More Nationalism’.
Trump had called world leaders to focus on problems at home as that is where their primary loyalty ought to be.
Ardern exclaimed…”Experiences in recent years should lead us to all question whether any of us ever truly operate in isolation anymore.”, and “Our globalised, borderless world asks us to be guardians not just for our people, but for all people.”
This speech rang alarm bells for many New Zealanders as it indicated Ardern was seeking to sell out our nation to Socialist Globalism.
In keeping with this under Ardern in New Zealand signed up to the UN Global Compact on Migration which at the time sparked concerns about the abrogation of our national sovereignty and included a section not merely to propagandise the public into accepting open boarders, but also included advocacy for censorship and ‘hate speech laws’ that framed any opposition to the UN scheme as being ‘hateful Xenophobia’… to be criminalised.
It is obvious to some Kiwis that to achieve the Socialist Globalist New world Order will require an incremental strategy that first puts in place the tyrannical tools to manipulate the public into acquiescence, minimise any possibility of public protests, and punish critics as ‘far right mongers of hate against ‘vulnerable minorities’.
This is the game plan the Machiavellian Globalists are implementing with precision, and it just so happens that all this grand scheming by our Woke Globalist PM did not escape the attention of several Kiwi based Independent Youtubers who began to make you tube videos in which they expressed their opinions about what they believed was going on.
They are not Racists. They are not Far Right, but conservatives.
They are seeking Racial Equality before the Law. not systemic entrenched racism… its the leftists like Ardern who advocate for that!
One was the ordinary working bloke Lee Williams, who some of you will know was the target of the hateful and malicious campaign by the nasty far left radicals which are the central topic of this blogpost.
Not only intent on getting him deplatformed from You tube, these Sociopaths also set about to destroy his life. Another You tuber who made videos highly critical of Jacinda Ardern was a guy called Damien De Ment.
By making videos critical of the Far Left Socialist Agenda these two guy became the focus of Far Left hatred, and were then targeted for slander and deplatforming.
A textbook New Zealand example of a professional Far Left Globalist operative, propagandist and expert in mis-information embedded in the New Zealand media. Newsroom’s Marc Daalder
Exhibiting all the duplicity, dishonesty, Fear mongering, and advocacy of censorship and deplatforming that is distinctive to the diseased Far Left mind.
Daalder is an Igor-like minion and worshipper of our own personification of Woke-Evil the ‘Free Hugs’ ‘Rush through oppressive Legislation’ Prime minister Jacinda Ardern.
We shall see that Mark Daalder was on the hunt for targets to become the focus of his Radical Left vehemence when at some point Lee Williams and Damien De Ment came to his attention, possibly when they both spoke at an anti-lockdown protest in Auckland.
Having discovered they had expressed criticism of the UN Global Compact for Migration on their You tube channels was all Marc needed for his purposes.
Marc knew this could be used as propaganda to frame them as ‘Far Right extremists’ and he set about to sell this narrative to the New Zealand public.
Photo: Newsroom Article/hit piece by Marc Daalder. ‘Far-right speakers Featured at anti-lockdown march’ Sept 15 2020
In an article written in September 2020, Daalder would label both Lee Williams and Damien De Ment ‘Far Right Speakers’.
The protest was peaceful and aptly named ‘The Liberty March’, and organised to voice legitimate concerns about how the Ardern government had acted in an oppressive manner in her handling of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Marc Daalder’s Noowsroom article (Far-right speakers featured at anti-lockdown march Sept15 2020) is a textbook piece of Left wing propaganda designed to discredit public protests against Left Wing Socialist Prime minister Jacinda Ardern by associating the protest with the Boogie man of ‘Far Right Extremism’.
When investigating what sort of ‘reporter’ Marc Daalder is we do not find an objective thinker applying high journalistic integrity. No.
Marc is not hogtied by pesky and antiquated ethics of Journalism.
We find a Far left Radical, a Propagandist and Spin Doctor for Leftist Globalism, a schemer, and peddler of misinformation.
The above screenshot is from Daalders Twitter profile descripting himself as ‘Senior Political Reporter at Newsroom NZ covering Covid-19, Climate Change, far-right extremism and misinformation, tech and energy.
That is basically a bullet point checklist for a textbook Far Left Wing Propagandist, and subsequent analysis of his published articles confirms this in spades.
Any Newspaper, or media outlet that was seeking to build a reputation for quality Journalism with high integrity looking to employ reporters capable of producing objective and well balanced accounts of newsworthy events… Marc Daalder would not qualify let alone be ‘Senior Reporter’. It would be impossible for him to present ‘the other side’ of any story with fairness.
Note how he self identifies as a reporter on ‘Far Right Extremism and Miss-information’.
His political prejudice could not be more overt, and the inference to be drawn here is that manufacturing Leftist counter-propaganda is his specialty.
Seeing the world through his glasses automatically means labeling any criticism of leftist ideology as ‘Far right miss-information’.
The skew on reality is that when you are seeking to ‘normalise’ far left extremism, you must sell the lie that mere Conservatism now occupies ‘Far Right’.
Lefties like Daalder think the best way to mount a counter-offensive is not to employ sound arguments, but to slander their character, then insinuate they are dangerous and ought to be censored and deplatformed.
Marc retweeted a whole series of graphs that demonstrated to fellow radicals the efficacy of deplatforming in reducing the reach cancelled Youtubers.
The question I ask is who at Newsroom is ‘Senior Political Reporter for ***Left Wing Extremism and Misinformation***???
They probably don’t believe Far left extremism even exists.
What about the serious dangers posed by Maori Radicalism?
Who at Newsroom is investigating and reporting on this well known variant of Racist Extremism?
What about Green extremists?
Anyone remember the would-be Terrorist cell Tame Iti and the Radical Greens running around in the Urewera’s training for Terrorist attacks?
What were *their beliefs and ambitions*?
And are these same ideas being promoted today?
If so by whom?
Deafening silence.
These sorts of questions are *forbidden* to even contemplate!
To do so evidences far Right Extremism!
Yeah Right.
Photo: From Anna McAllister’s public Twitter feed.
Introducing Anna McAllister. Artist, government employee, and Maori Radical. And Overt Racist against White people. She is a member of the deplatforming gang that destroyed Lee Williams life.
In part 2 of this series on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2020’ we shall profile Anna, and see several other of Daalder’s own followers are Maori Radicals, and that they put into practice Daalder’s personal Anti-free speech/ pro censorship pro deplatforming… gutter scraping … political subversion tactics.
Daalder is not just a instigator. He was himself was personally involved in the deplatforming of Lee Williams from You Tube, cloaking his activity as ‘simply doing his job’… and yet gloating about it at the same time in his article…
‘Brighter spotlight on far-right YouTubers’ June 3 2021.
” Williams has struggled to keep his channel going in the face of increased scrutiny. He has deleted the vast bulk of the videos from his channel after receiving a two week ban. The ban came after Newsroom asked YouTube why some videos, which appeared to conflict with its community standards, had been approved to remain online by the company.”
Not merely reporting the story… Daalder boasts about taking part in the story.
Such ‘Activist Journalism’ practiced by Daalder is straight out of the Woke Far Left handbook… so too is bragging about it, otherwise known as ‘Virtue signaling.
He sees himself as being a bit like an armchair superman fighting super villain’s, though his target Lee Williams was not actually a criminal, and not actually doing anything wrong, but was simply guilty of having his own contrary opinions which he shared from his soapbox on Youtube… you know… exercising his democratic rights to free speech!
How extreme!
Photo: What an actual Far Right Extremist looks like… Phil Arps. he posted actual threats of violence towards the Muslim community.
You gotta feel a bit sorry for Daalder… The great would-be slayer of Far Right Extremists doesn’t have any truly impressive super villain’s to slay!
New Zealand completely lacks any *Real* politically active Alt-Right Swastika waving White supremacist’s* that believe in Arianism supremacy and still want to ‘Exterminate Sub humans’.
Unfortunately for Marc Daalder, yet fortunately for New Zealand Race haters on the Right such as the now notorious ‘Phil Arps’ are as rare as hens teeth!
Far Right Extremism here is a non-event!
Even the once infamous Kyle Chapman has found Jesus and now loves charity work!
This is why Marc must make do with slaying much less menacing types… meek and tiny fish Like Lee Williams… who is not even a racist… he just is concerned with the UN Compact for migration.
He just disagrees with Arderns Draconian handling of Covid 19.
How extreme!
Newsflash to Daalder!
Believing in controlled immigration that focuses upon migrants suitability to fit in well with New Zealanders common values and beliefs is *Not Far Right Extremism*!
I’m sure Marc knows this, yet is intentionally applying his own ‘misinformation’ for the sake of duping New Zealanders into thinking anyone who critisises Jacinda Ardern, or the UN Global Compact on Migration is an extremist.
The Truth be known national sovereignty and boarder controls are Mainstream Kiwi beliefs!
Not Radical… not extreme… and the desire to keep things this way is called Conservatism!
The reverse is also true… calling for open boarders while maintaining a welfare State *is extreme*… and that makes Daalder and Ardern the extremists at variance with most New Zealanders.
What part if any did Marc Daalder’s minions play in the Deplatforming of John Banks from Magic Talk Radio show, that ultimately also claimed Sean Plunket I have no evidence, and yet we can clearly See Daalder is making a point of slandering Talk back host Peter William’s.
Daalder obviously would twitter his joy should we loose yet another commentator with the courage to question the activities of the Ardern regime.
While this gang of Extortionists are at work there is every possibility that Peter Williams will some time be deplatformed.
Daalder already accuses Peter of granting a platform to ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ when all Williams was doing was informing the public about how dodgy Jacinda Arden’s Roll out of the Covid vaccination was! Lawyer Sue Grey took the Ardern regime to court for breaking the Health act… and won! Yet instead of complying with the spirit of the Law, Ardern and co rushed through legislation in the dead of nite… again without public consultation to legalise their formerly illegal vaccination scheme!
New Zealanders must wake up to the fact that the far left have been busy censoring people who hold fundamentally the same ideals they themselves and appreciate the blatant Bias and Anti-Free Speech toxic rubbish which flows for Daalders pen for what it really is!
It certainly is not reasonable to suggest that New Zealand based ‘Far Right Extremists’ had anything at all to do with the horrific Christchurch Terror attack against Muslims and yet Daalder does his very best to try and implicate Lee Williams in that tragedy by saying Lee was visited by Police twice after the March 15 Terror Attack… that is how despicably dishonest he is!
That the police started harassing innocent New Zealanders in the wake of that event was a gross violation of their rights, and the beginning of Ardern’s ‘Thought Police’ mentality.
Obviously this meets with Daalders personal stamp of approval!
Everybody knows the Terrorist Brenton Tarrant was not even a New Zealander!
Had the SIS been spying like Hawks 24/7 on the handful of actual Neo-Nazis who vagrant New Zealand this would not have prevented the atrocity from happening!
This is a simple fact.
And just to trigger Marc Daalder further still a good argument can be made that Tarrant was in fact a far Left Environmentalist Extremist… not Right wing at all!
New Zealanders have been treated like untrustworthy children with respect to being able to openly discuss what actually happened that frightful day in March 2019, or to really come to grips with what Tarrant really represented as his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ was speedily outlawed.
The reasons for doing so are pathetic… Bogus… given how important it is for our nation to fully come to terms with what happened and our right to know the facts!
My Goodness… the bullshit sandwiches we get fed by the Ardern regime!
The Royal Commission of inquiry into the Christchurch mass shooting was also farcical and much of it suppressed for 30 years!
The Christchurch Atrocity was a random act of madness of a foreign Extremist.
A lone psychopath, and does not reflect anything about the nature of New Zealanders!
He was not radicalised by any dangerous New Zealand far right ideologues.
None exist here, and that this is a fact is why our own intelligence services ranked the level of risk New Zealanders face from Far Right Terrorism to be very low.
The day Newsroom wakes up to the fact that there is virtually zero far right extremism in New Zealand Marc Daalder could potentially find his services as being ‘Surplus to requirements’. Daalder could find himself on the Unemployment benefit!
Oh dear how sad!
Would not that be poetic justice given his part as ideological prophet advocating fordeplatforming of Independent voices like Lee Williams who in the process was targeted by Daalders own social media followers and ended up losing his job!
These are Marc’s ‘people’.
Marc Daalders blatant political bias destroys the objective trustworthiness in what he writes.
New Zealanders need to understand his nefarious Game!
Daalder is not a reporter of facts, but a blatant prejudiced Propagandist and Spin doctor for the very partisan powers and interests.
He’s a dangerous extremist.
The Irony is Daalder spends so much time extolling how dangerous an influence people like Lee William’s YouTube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ represented to fostering violent rightwing extremism, never contemplating how easily his own philosophy can be far more reasonably applied *to his own rabid Far Left extremism* and the dangers that represents in fostering violent Left wing extremism!
Daalder himself ‘Dog whistles’ to dangerous Far Left extremists all the Ding dong day!
In truth all the toxic Leftist doctrines about ‘Pakeha Oppression’ and ‘Colonial injustices’ not only ferments real race hate from many Maori towards Pakeha, it also prevents Maori from taking ownership of their own plight that they themselves are responsible for the high crime rates, incarcerations, poor health, etc which is the first vital step towards escaping their shocking social statistics.
This will have to suffice for part 1 of 2 posts on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’.
So much more could be said about Daalders warped political perspectives.
Part 2 will expose several of the truly malicious and disturbed Leftist radicals who extorted Synlait Dairy company, costing Lee Williams his Job, and much more.
Hopefully by the end of it just how despicable the practice of deplatforming is will be apparent to all.
I believe this business demonstrates the need for Anti-discrimination protections to render this sort of deplatforming operation and extortion racket Illegal.
It is so dangerous to the right to free speech.
I’d be interested in hearing opinions on this.
Having written this blogpost, I know I will become the focus of these nasty radicals… because that is how they roll.
This is not a task I take any pleasure in.
They will probably start plotting my downfall.
I hope this article puts them on notice that their evil doings shall be their own undoing.
They cannot play the victim… they are the offenders… the haters.
I in fact only feel pity for their sorry condition having allowed themselves to duped by toxic ideas, and filled with malice.
This is for justice for Lee Williams and for the sake of free speech in New Zealand.
To borrow from Project Veritas… Be brave. Do something.