It is heartbreaking to know Hell and the lake of fire are real and that millions of souls will be lost in anguish and despair for eternity… some being people I love… yet they chose to enter eternity without Christ. They were deceived. They did not consider themselves evil sinners in need of Salvation. They did not believe they had an eternal soul. They did not believe morality to be objective reality… they thought life was meaningless atoms. They thought I am a bit naïve to believe Jesus rose from the dead. They certainly did not believe Hell was real or the Bible true. They thought that A Good God could not exist… and hell exist at the same time.
They thought that must be an impossible contradiction.
There are people who will read this and think… “yeah… Those are my thoughts too! Hell can’t be real!…”
These are the greatest errors any thinking person can make.
I know this to be true.
I know God is the righteous Judge.
God is loving, God is gracious, God is forgiving.
Yet God is Just, God has set the terms for receiving salvation. He provided the way… yet to receive the gift of salvation requires Each of us to realise we are sinful and in danger of God’s righteous judgement. Only then can we appreciate the Gospel… that because God loves us he sent Christ to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was buried, yet rose again from the dead in victory over sin and death.
These are historic facts.
God has reached down from heaven to save us… yet we must humble ourselves and admit we need the Cross of Christ, and put our faith in the power of his resurrection.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I despair for every person who rejects the gospel.
You seal your own fate.
Nothing anyone can do to save you… only Christ.
Let no one say that I never spoke the truth to them on this matter.
‘Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted on live television that the legal cases against Donald Trump were politically motivated.
Speaking to Bill Maher, Cuomo stated that the attorney general’s case against Trump in New York would have never been brought if Trump hadn’t been running for president…”
The Corruption of the Democrats (And Rinos like Liz Cheney) has reached monumental heights.
They have turned American Politics into a Cesspool.
They have made a mockery of the Justice System.
They think the American people are stupid!
They seriously thought they can get away with all of it… that their blatant abuses of power are either so cleverly framed (in Legal Due process) as to deceive the people, or that the public are as corrupt as they are… so will tolerate their Machiavellian antics for the sake of Keeping Trump out of the Whitehouse. Ie They expect the majority of citizens to act as collaborators in their crimes.
They are partly right on both counts.
Many will tolerate blatant corruption and abuses of power for the sake of keeping Trump out of the Whitehouse. *Trump Derangement Syndrome* is rampant, yet this admission by Cuomo exposing The Dems ‘Lawfare’ (using the justice system to discredit political adversaries and subvert democracy) …simply states what most Americans already knew… *The charges against Trump were Bogus and a Political motivated travesty* and that is why after Trump was convicted for 34 Bogus Felonies the American People sent in a record level of donations in support of Donald Trump!
Millions of Americans are awake to the Wickedness of the Democratic Party!
This signals the Democrats evil schemes have backfired… and actually made a Trump victory more certain.
Now we hear the Dems howling that Donald Trump will reap vengeance upon them should he attain power… ie they are shit scared… imagining he will return to them in kind… as they have meted out to him.. for real!
Umm sounds like they know they have it coming!
Sounds like Justice to me!
“Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has shared concerns over the possibility Donald Trump would send her to jail should he retake the White House in November’s presidential election. ”
From here.
Of course she’s crazier than a Fruit Loop.
“He’s going to weaponize the Department of Justice…and use it to go after people like myself,” former Washington, D.C., police officer Michael Fanone told CBS News. Fanone testified at a 2021 public hearing of the committee and has been an outspoken Trump critic, accusing him of employing authoritarian rhetoric. ” from here
The sheer Hypocrisy of these shysters! They are the one’s (Dems) who have abused their powers! They are the ones who have ‘weaponised’ the justice system…
They should face *Real justice* for their Crimes (esp for their great Frauds around Jan 6 and their False ‘insurrection narrative)
They should be Jailed…
Yet We all know that will never happen… Ie Even if Trump gets back into office the likelihood of any of these corrupt politician ending up in court as being virtually nil.
Trump will instead busy himself taking care of Business… getting the country back on the road to greatness…. because that’s just how he rolls.
Cuomo himself should face criminal charges for his tyranny and corruption during the Covid 19 Scamdemic.
He certainly is not famous for his honesty! We know the only reason he’s prepared to spill the beans on his fellow Democrats is because he himself has been sidelined from the Party Politburo.
Otherwise his lips would remain sealed.
It is telling to me that even in my own country New Zealand I am surrounded by Zombified Morons whose cognitive dissonance prevents them from being able to objectively judge anything Trump does.
They automatically swallow Democrat lies the size of camels when it comes to completely dismissing Trumps many virtues proven in this last term in office.
You just need to listen to his speech he gave at the Libertarian party National Convention earlier this year!
He spent a full 35 minutes during which he spent much of that time speaking about his accomplishments while in office, and the rest speaking of his future plans.
For A Libertarian… it was a truly impressive
To list just a few..
Many of my fellow Kiwi friends… who should know better… don’t know that Trump is the only President in 72 years not to have started any new wars.
They either don’t know that Unemployment among Black and Hispanic Americans reached all time lows during his presidency or wrongly give credit to Obama demonstrating their economic illiteracy when it comes to Trumps regulatory reforms which began to restore Americas competitive advantages and inspire business confidence, etc.
They have no grasp of the numbers of Black and Hispanic Americans who have deserted the democrat plantation and are rallying under the Trump Banner…
Trump is a defender of the Constitution.. Of Free Speech… Of the 2nd amendment… of Keeping mentally ill men out of little girls toilets and changing rooms… ie protecting woman’s spaces… woman’s sports, etc etc.
Trump represents a Bulwark against Globalism… protecting Americans democratic rights to determine their own Laws and destiny.
He represents an end to Woke Madness… to Black lives Matter Riots and the unashamed maintenance and strengthening of America’s Protestant Christian Enlightenment Values and Ideals against such toxic Radical Left doctrines as ‘Critical race theory’ and Transgender Ideology.
He want’s to put a hand break on Climate change hysteria.
Ironically these are all reasons why they see Trump as the Devil!
These are the brain washed masses of useful Idiots whom have been conditioned into a state of Panic about impending Climate doom… taught to hate Freedom and capitalism… hate Christianity and don’t see that it has contributed anything of value to their own quality of life… and who now worship Socialist Globalist Totalitarianism!
They are fully prepared to be integrated into the Global electronic System… they have no grasp of the importance of personal privacy… or of having cash… They have resigned themselves and their children to the Great Beast Machine… as us ‘Resistance is futile’.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
It only remains to be seen if enough sane enlightened Liberty loving people around the globe are committed to thwarting this Careen into Global Socialist hell!
The Bible predicts this God-rejecting world will at some future point slip completely under Satan’s power for a short season.
This is where Christians like myself make our appeal unto Heaven!
We Pray we can stay off the Time of the Antichrist for a few more decades…. Not on our watch… Dear God!
If I was an American Citizen… I would be supporting and voting for Donald Trump.
He is a True American Patriot and Hero.
May God protect him from his evil enemies.
Panic Sheeple!
The end is nigh!
Global Boiling is here!
OH Dear God! What shall we do?????
We had better institute a Global Shut down!
Are the Globalists poised to implement the Great Reset?
All Auguries bode ill! Many factors lead me to believe the Globalists are about to pounce… and that is why they have in recent days elevated their climate alarmism to truly unhinged levels.
Just in case you have been in a coma for the past decade, and are wondering what I’m raving on about, ‘The Great Reset’ is the Socialist Gospel… the institution of the Socialist New World Order. The End of Independent Sovereign Nations, replaced with Global citizenship, and a Cashless global digital currency.
I believe the NWO is nothing less than the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist as foretold in the Bible. 666. As foretold… As it was in the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, All Nations will be gathered under one All powerful Kingdom, presided over by the Enemy of God and mankind.
You will own nothing… yet you are told that you will be happy.
No one will be able to buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 13)
There will be no more Religious Liberty.
To achieve their Diabolical ambitions The World Economic Forum are manufacturing a fake existential crisis to justify their monumental grab for total power over the entire planet!
And billions of idiots are falling for it!
They have control of the UN, The World Health Organisation, and their puppets are in positions of power in almost every Western nation.
It has been decades in the planning, and the fate of human freedom hangs in the balance.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
The secretary-general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.
It will be the end of Capitalism, and the birth of the New Age of Socialism!
Hearts and Hugs!!!!
Individual pursuit of wealth and happiness will be over.
All resources will be used for the greater good of the Herd.
*That is the sort of Socialist Bullshit they expect us all to mindlessly embrace*
Anyone with any understanding of how Socialism really works knows that if this New World Order is allowed to get established It will Be Hell on Earth!
Every individual will be allocated their share via the Global social credit system, your personal carbon footprint will be tracked, Your opinions will be scrutinised and policed.
All you must do is submit to the New World Order by taking the implant.
Rejoice Ye Damned Slaves!!!
Some of you may think this is all a bit stink… yet then you remember the Earth is Boiling!!!!!!!
Capitalism and Freedom are destroying the planet! ( At least that’s what the WEF and Leftist Greens wants you to believe!)
Click and watch that Bangin video (above) from Daisy Cousens.
Our benevolent billionaire banker elites have foreseen all of this and have been selflessly labouring for decades on such a scheme of salvation. The Great Reset.
(If you believe these maniacs have the best interests of humanity at heart, you have rocks for brains!)
It seems patently obvious to me the recent escalation in extreme alarmist retoric is prepping the sheeple of the world into complying with the extreme political evils the Globalists are about to launch… right across the globe. All at once.
The embedded WEF Minions making these absurd claims about ‘Global Boiling’ take their orders from and are working to a schedule dictated by the Globalist Puppet masters, Schwab, Gates, Soros.
Fact check that!
On cue no sooner does The UN and other alarmists ramp up their retoric… catastrophic fires start to break out’ in Hawaii and elsewhere.
The media squeals “Global Boiling!” Global Boiling!
Of course it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and that’s fire season, just as it is 6mths later in Australia. Poor management of national forests… the failure to maintain fire breaks, and do controlled burn offs of ‘Undergrowth ‘Fuel loads’ is the chief reason why massive fires have become the new normal. Nothing to do with a climate crisis.
This is all well understood, yet satellite images of recent fires in Canada show 6 or more fires starting in synchronicity. Obvious arson… yet Trudeau and Biden take to their National podiums fanning the flames of Climate change hysteria.
This is all by design… All part of the script to justify what is coming… The end of freedom in the West. That is unless we the people rise up in mass protest and Refuse to submit to this Globalists treachery.
If they are poised to implement a global climate lockdown We should be on the watch for some truly gob smacking brazen catastrophe… possibly A fire of unprecedented scale to break out somewhere with massive loss of life so shocking as to cause everyone on Earth to gasp. Not to infer what happened in Hawaii was trivial, if something of stupendous magnitude happens that can be construed to be a result of ‘Global Boiling’…. I for one will not be surprised.
The Globalists are ready to turn such a happenstance to their own advantage. IMO they are evil enough to engineer such an atrocity.
The stakes don’t get any higher than this.
The elites don’t give a rats arse about the billions of filthy little people who scurry about on *their planet*!
They have already decided there are too many of us… and the anti-human far left Environmental movement has done a fabulous job of instilling this Malthusian myth into the hearts and minds of the sheeple of the world… esp their children.
The evil Globalists are about to seize control of *everything*.
It is coming down to the wire!
A show down between the Globalists New World Order, and Freedom loving Americans and Nationalist patriots in all Western nations.
We shall fight to retain our Independence and right to self-determination!
We see the evil hand of George Soros directly at work manipulating the legal systems right across The US seeking to circumvent democracy and prevent American citizens from being able to vote Donald Trump back into office. It does not matter whether you like Trump or not… this corruption ought to be patently obvious to all! It ought to disgust and alarm *All enlightened people* (I’ll be writing another article on this) yet if The Soros Scheme to block Trump from running in the coming election is unsuccessful, there is an extremely high possibility the Globalists will pull the pin *just before the elections*.
That is how immediate this monumental conspiracy could kick off!
A Trump Presidency would be a massive blow to their aims… The Aged Schwab, Gates, and Soros might never live to see another ‘opportunity’ to grab Global power.
These Machiavellian Megalomaniacs have a sense of urgency to achieve their ultimate aims for Global Domination.
Soros is counting on Mass Trump Derangement Syndrome to cause the world to turn a blind eye towards this massive travesty against the American democracy.
Sadly I think he can have confidence that a massive portion of humanity don’t care if Trump is defrauded. They are blinded by their own contempt.
If you don’t want your children to grow up slaves be ready to march in the streets!
Be ready to go to Parliament and protest!
They are getting ready to impose their New World Order under the guise of the climate emergency. *NOW*
And it will resemble North Korean Type totalitarianism… but on steroids.
They have the technology now to monitor and control all human beings on Earth.
Big Brother… 1984… George Orwell.
Understand the level of tyranny they must impose if they hope to maintain an iron grip on power over the entire earth!
Understand the level of suppression of Thought and ambition they must hold over the peoples minds!
Enlightenment Ideals, and Christianity must be crushed out of existence.
We can still beat them and they know it!
They are desperate to gain control of the internet and pass censorship laws to make articles like this one ‘illegal’!
Because it is via Free speech that We the people can rally against them and thwart their evil plans.
Remember what these Evil Bastards did during the Covid Scamdemic!
Remember it was only the compliance of the sheeple that allowed them to trample our human rights, destroy our nations economy and impost tyrannical lockdowns… all of which were a travesty!
Did we learn anything from that massive social experiment on Global control????
Realise what I am saying is not fantasy, but an accurate description of the Political Establishment’s modus opperandi.
Wake up Sheeple!
So be ready to march in the streets people!
Be ready to resist!
Be ready to defy their evil orders!
Refuse to comply!
United we stand!
And especially remain peaceful in your civil disobedience… for history has proven that peaceful resistance can break despotic powers… as long as *all the people* act in solidarity and do not waiver in the face of the jackboots.
We must be prepared to make the ultimate personal sacrifices to save our children from Satanic Slavery.
It is also election time!
We desperately need to get rid of Labour, The Greens, and the Maori Party, yet if you want to save New Zealand from the great Reset for goodness sake Don’t vote National.
Don’t vote Act! Certainly don’t vote NZ first!
These parties were fully complicit in Arden’s Tyrannical activities since 2017.
Under Ardern these parties absolutely failed to be an effective opposition… that is because they are fundamentally in agreement on 90% of the big issues that New Zealand has faced… and they are fully on board with The Globalist agenda.|
I implore all Freedom fighters to vote for one of the New Freedom based parties!
Vote for New Conservatives, or Democracy NZ, or Leighton Bakers party, Or NZ Loyal, or Sue Grey’s and Brian Tamaki’s Freedom coalition.
New Zealand desperately needs to sweep out the despicable Status quo parties, and elect new blood!
It is my understanding that all these New parties stand for New Zealand’s Independence and National Sovereignty in opposition to the Globalist’s aims.
Voting for any of the status quo is a wasted vote.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 26-8-23 *Here we go!…
No less than 79 Arsonists have been arrested in Greece! You can bet they are all Far Left Radicals who are part of the Globalist scheme to promote the idea of ‘Global Boiling’. Their counterparts are lighting fires all over the globe then screaming ‘Climate change!!!!
“… Greece has called out “arsonist scum” after police made 79 arson arrests over wildfires ravaging the country.
Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias said there had been several attempts by arsonists to start new fires on Mount Parnitha, north-west of Athens.
The blaze is one of hundreds in the nation where wildfires have already killed at least 20 people this week.
“You are committing a crime against the country,” Mr Kikilias said.
“Arsonist scum are setting fires that threaten forests, property and, most of all, human lives,” Mr Kikilias told Greeks during a televised emergency briefing on Thursday.
“You will not get away with it, we will find you, you will be held accountable.”
Summer wildfires are common in Greece and scientists have linked the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, to climate change…”
Christian post-script.
The Bible predicted the Antichrist minions of Satan would try to enslave the world. It will only happen on our watch *if we wallow in apathy and indifference*.
If we fight this I see no reason in the scriptures why this ultimate scheme of Satan cannot be delayed for a generation or two… when a more Godless, and docile, and ignorant generation fails to appreciate what is at stake. NOT ON OUR WATCH!
And irrespective of the outcome of this struggle, every one of us needs to turn to God Almighty and realise our need to accept the Gospel of his grace.
For We are all *individually* Sinners, and as such our souls are in danger of eternal damnation. It is sin and rebellion against God that is behind the New World Order. yet the gospel say’s God loves us all *as individuals* and has made a way for us to be redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed of our sins, so that we can spend eternity in heaven… in his presence.
The Gospel is that God our Father sent Jesus Christ his son to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was burred, and that he rose from the dead in victory over sin and Death.
Whosoever choses to believe this good news will be saved. Without works! Salvation is the gift of God! You can be saved and put right with God Almighty right now!
It matters not what evils you have committed or what vises you struggle with. If you turn to God and call upon the name of Jesus… you will be saved!
For his love and grace are sufficient *for all*.
Trust in the gospel and no matter what happens, you will spend eternity in Heaven. These are the sure promises of God found in the Bible.
When the Kingdom of the AntiChrist appears (The New World Order) The saved will be raptured out by God, yet all those who rejected Christ will be deceived by strong delusions and will accept the Mark of the Beast.
All who receive the Mark will be judged by God Almighty… Jesus Christ… and be separated from God… Damned… For eternity.
This is the Ultimate spiritual battle that is going on.
Schwab, Gates, and Soros are just the Foolish minions of Satan… deceived by their own Vanity, and lust for power.
My personal testimony is I believe Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life!
The accuracy of the Bible in predicting the coming of Global Tyranny is evidence of it’s Divine truth.
Christianity is the salt of the Earth that prevents the rot… yet Christianity has been systematically attacked and is being forsaken. This is why the world is sinking back into darkness.
Yet We can have a revival!
we must have a revival… if Western civilistaion is to be saved from the false evil Gospel of Socialist Tyranny.
When The Antichrist does finally come to power, he will rule for a mere 7 years… yet these shall be the worst years in the history of Human Government.
In the End, The reign of the Antichrist shall be cut short by the Return of Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Antichrist shall be destroyed, and Christ will set up his Kingdom in Israel.
Sounds Far fetched?
It is happening before your very eyes!
Christ visited Israel in the 1st century BC in accordance with the promises of God to the Jewish Fathers.
He changed world history.
Pears encyclopedia calls him “the greatest figure in Human history”.
The Bible promises that he shall return.
He shall rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years… the Prince of Peace.
Is there any meaning or purpose to human existence?
I’m bad to the bone.
I know this. Some might say I am unfit to write this blog article about Easter. They may be correct.
Just recently I was proscribed medication to lower my blood pressure. It’s high.
It’s partly to do with my age, partly my genes, but mostly to do with my bad habits… too much craft beer… too little sleep, etc.
Though I am a happy person, I am highly strung, and don’t ever relax… even when I’m chilling… I have inner tension at all times.
I find myself holding my breath.
Though I am ready to meet my Maker, I don’t want to die. I have a young son I wish to finish raising, and I believe I have more to contribute to society and in sowing, watering the soil for the Gospel.
My chief inner contradiction is that I’m an optimist in outlook, yet being proscribed heart meds has done nothing to alleviate my life-long fatalism.
By fatalism I esp mean my ever-present sense of approaching demise.
Optimism and Fatalism in one bag means I’m happy, yet always have a sense of urgency that I must take care of business before I check out.
I may live 20 more years, or I may not last out the day.
I have faith that if Today is the day… then praise the Lord… it’s my day! Thanks for a wonderful life. Thanks for the grace that has given me these decades, these friends, this family.
This is not a sympathy seeking ‘poor me’ article. I’m not a victim. I own my own circumstances.
I needed to say these things for context of the real message I wish to make for my Easter 2023 Blog article.
In my family, and in my associations, I’m the Black Sheep of my generation. I accept this because my thoughts are often the polar opposite of my peers. I am grateful most of them have grown to appreciate that’s just how I roll, and chuckle whenever I open my mouth. I have little doubt most question my IQ and believe I am ill informed.
Yet… and here is the punchline… to maintain even this strained relationship, requires I keep expression of certain forbidden opinions to a minimum.
For context most of my Family are Socialists politically, and Atheists spiritually. Many of my friends and colleagues are A-Political/ A-religious… so they are not open to free discourse on these subjects. They tolerate me as long as I don’t get ‘Preachy’.
I fully understand that nobody should harass others on subjects they prefer to avoid… yet still The years pass by quickly and is it not sad to think you have wonderful friends and family yet never have been able to fully discuss such essential aspects of life?
It is especially hard when you have dedicated your life in the pursuit of truth… and have discovered mind-blowing facts and arguments that you must keep to yourself for fear of being scorned and outcast by hard hearted loved ones who have no intention of challenging their own entrenched beliefs.
Remember my opening paragraph how I have a sense of urgency… and a repetitive source of despair in my life is watching my loved ones… friends, associates, and Family either sailing away never to be seen again… or pass away without having communicated with them truths I believe are essential to their Eternal well being. My own time is limited too. When I pass away my opportunity to persuade my people to Trust in the Cross of Christ, and in the miracle of his resurrection will be finished.
Yet I still have a bag of wind left in me, and I will take the opportunity that Easter long weekend provides to openly speak today.
I’m a Libertarian Christian, which means I believe in self responsibility and religious liberty.
This means I know there are limits to my duty, and ability to communicate truths to others.
The Bible says not to cast our pearls before swine… where they will not be received with gladness, but instead simply be trodden underfoot.(don’t take offence… it’s only a metaphor)
The Bible talks about the heart condition of lost souls.
Some have been softened… some are good fertile soil in which the seed of the Gospel can take root and flourish. Others cannot receive the seed.
This is my Easter message… An appeal to anyone reading this article who is honest enough to admit the origin and meaning of life has alluded them so far… to dare to remove the Blinders that prevent their minds from being able to take Christianity seriously. Ideological blinders that render them incapable actually contemplating the possibility, that Christ really was the Son of The Almighty… God Incarnate…. Sinless… and that he willingly went to the cross to suffer a criminals death… a redemptive sacrifice…. paying for the sins of humanity.. and rising from the dead on the third day day as proof of his victory over both sin and death… and that whosoever chooses to believe that gospel… shall be freely forgiven of all sin, and shall enter God’s presence in perfect newness of eternal life.
It’s a fantastic mind-blowing thing to even contemplate!
How can *that* possibly be true?
Is not that a demonstration of humanities wishful thinking and capacity for believing absurdities?
Easter cant be relevant in 2023…. can it?????
I once thought that way.
I have written several accounts of my own conversion from Militant Atheism to Christianity (links below) and it remains vivid in my mind the process… indeed the moment the scales fell from my eyes.
I won’t repeat what I have said elsewhere except to say the miracle of my own conversion depended first of all upon unusual circumstances that caused me to unwittingly lower my cognitive shield and actually give Christian apologists a fair hearing.
Holy Smoke!
For the life of me I never dreamed that I would be persuaded to believe the bible!
My conversion took many months of discussion, argument, presentation of historic and scientific facts… the miracle being that I even gave them 5 minutes of my time to discuss matters I strongly considered to be beneath contempt, ridiculous, false.
My testimony today is to tell my reader that there is overwhelming evidence and logic to Believe the Gospel is true… in spite of how incredible it appears to the atheist mind that is trapped in the false materialist paradigm.
My Easter appeal to the gospel is for any honest atheists, or people of other faiths, Is to ‘seek with an open heart… and ye shall find’… yet should you harden your own heart and remain of closed mind… there is nothing I can do. If my appeal falls on deaf ears, it is not me you have rejected… but Jesus Christ and the Love, Grace, and mercy of the Almighty.
One truth that weighs heaviest in my own soul is the knowledge of my own wickedness… my own unworthiness.
When I was an atheist I had absolutely no sense of my own spiritual corruption. I thought reality was ultimately A-moral… a nihilistic reality in which Human individuals were valueless and meaningless in a cold and indifferent Universe.
You can’t understand the importance of the cross unless you first have a realisation of your own fallen Moral condition.
Our Evil deeds really are evil, and God is not Mocked… Divine Justice is a real thing. And we will all have an appointment with the Great Judge, and will give account as to our acceptance or rejection of Christ’s work of Atonement on the Cross.
Some undoubtedly will say I’m employing fear-tactics to cajole feeble minds into religious subjection.
I know that is a thing, yet If what I am saying is Objectively true… it matters not whether or not the facts are pleasing to our personal inclinations… The truth is the truth irrespective.
God sets the terms and conditions for Salvation, not us.
It is the nature of fallen humanity to rebel against the Sovereignty of the Almighty. That is a piece of Deep irrefutable psychology. Know thyself! Understand how your deep innate nature pre-conditions your thoughts.
We are all children of Fallen Adam and eve.
These are Facts of Reality.
Facts of History.
Facts of Science.
Facts of knowledge founded upon personal experience.
The explanatory power of the Bible has no equal.
The Materialist cosmology/faith is utterly inadequate and filled with absurdities.
It cannot be honestly entertained by informed thinkers in the light of Modern science.
My advise is you go spend some time on Youtube listening to high caliber Christian apologetics, such as William Lane Craig, and Gary Habermas debating the likes of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc.
The Truth is there ready and waiting for you to descover… and have your mind blown!
Christ is worthy of worship.
I’m not worthy to worship him.
My only hope is that his grace is sufficient for a wretch like me.
The Easter Story specks of the Love of God towards us sinners.
Will it still be legal to celebrate Easter in 10 years time?
The light is fading.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
To my last breath I will declare Jesus is Risen!
Amazing Grace!
How sweet the sound!
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.
As I only found out about this Bill a few days ago, and leaned that the Public’s right to make submissions was also closing by midnight tonight, I made my own submission in haste, and for that reason it is not my best work by a long shot… and yet given how the Diabolical Engine of Comrade Ardern Steams forward, I simply had to submit something.
I have made a couple of spelling fixes to what I submitted… etc.
Some people might think my submission is whack.
I certainly know some of my ‘recommendations’ will be open to challenge in the sense that it might be a struggle for me to be able to justify them completely via Libertarian principles, and I am happy to discuss any criticisms on that basis… I simply have not had time to chew on these matters to the degree that I can offer a fully cogent argument. I was running on intuition that I will be able to defend most of what I have said.
I also decided I needed to be fully open about my religious views about what is at stake.
I realise many readers will take these views to completely discredit me as a serious thinker… you are entitled to your own opinion in that regard… yet I stand unapologetically by what I have said.
Ok… that’s enough of an intro….
Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill. Submission by Tim Wikiriwhi, Christian Libertarian.
My/our comments…
“The more corrupt the State, the more it legislates….”
Tacitus. Roman Historian. 1st century AD.
New Zealanders currently have no shortage of ways and means to identify ourselves.
New Zealanders have been able to conduct plenty of business globally, and securely via the internet so we must ask… why all of a sudden does this government feel the need to pass this legislation?
Please spare me the trite about this being a genuine need and request by the people for such legislation.
The desire is not coming from the people… but from ideologues in power … with a nefarious agenda they are not prepared to openly admit.
This is about a grand scheme… a globalist centralisation of power and legimisation of the Global ID system into New Zealand Law.
Step by incremental step.
This ID system is the foundation for that planned Global Government, a Social credit system that discriminates every individual persons ‘privilege’s’ dependent on their compliance with the powers that be, and a new Global monetary system whereby all transactions are sanctioned, and monitored by the Evil Eye.
This is happening because our current financial systems have been driven into the ground, and yet the super wealthy, and powerful see this as an opportunity to further entrench their own Domination over the masses.
This Digital ID system is the basis for a planned New World order without privacy.
Absolute Power.
All these things require a Global digital Id be allocated to every human being.
Since Jacinda Ardern has become Prime minister of New Zealand our Rights and Liberties have been severely degraded by relentless and systematic legislative assault. Our nation has been intentionally consciously driven head long into financial ruin.
None of this was fated.. or unavoidable… because of unfortunate circumstances.
All of it has been deliberate… calculated. And History will condemn what has been done!
Generations will pay the price for this Gross and intentional mismanagement… (because this ruin will lead to the great Reset)!
Every MP who has aided Ardern in these infamous achievements must take their share of culpability.
So much of her legislative legacy has been enacted in blatantly anti-democratic fashion… under the guise of ‘Emergencies’.
For example Jacinda Ardern expounded her socialist doctrine that ‘Gun ownership is not a right… but a privilege’ … and yet her succeeding legislative measures and dictates show us Ardern does not believe we the people have any rights at all that are beyond her power to over rule!
For example the New Zealand Bill of rights section 11 which state no New Zealander can be compelled to take medical treatments against their will… evidently this too Ardern sees not really as a right… but yet just another ‘privilege’ government temporarily entertained.. but now revokes… despite having publicly stated she would never do such a thing!
If a New Zealander does not own their own body… We have no rights!
Ardern is a Socialist Tyrant and is molding our country to more resemble North Korea, and China every day!
Our Parliament is filled with spineless, clueless, morally bankrupt weasels who allow Arden to enact her radical Socialist Globalist ambitions that are not shared by anywhere near a majority of Kiwis!
Most Kiwis want their old country back!
This ‘new normal’ Sux!
It is a travesty to pretend anything less than an undemocratic Revolution is underway being legislated by stealth… and this Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill is undoubtedly another step in this direction.
It is Undemocratic in it’s enactment because of the lack of time given for public submissions.
It is Undemocratic because of the lack of public notification that this legislation is even eminent!
I guarantee that if a poll was taken that only a tiny percentage definitely in the single digits are even aware of what you Sneaky devils are up to!
And this is intentional on your part… you want to quietly enact this legislation… without the public catching on to what you are doing… because then you would face the anger of the people!
This legislation is part of *A Global framework* for a Global system… a New World Order!
This will underpin a new cashless Global financial system that is planned under the title ‘The Great Reset’.
And this makes what you are doing treasonous to the Nation of New Zealand and our National Independence and our Democratic Sovereignty.
Little New Zealand is well on the way to being swallowed up by the Globalist system.
New Zealanders would never voluntarily surrender these things and you all know it!
That is why you are today quietly… sneakily enacting this Bill… and we know it will become law… despite how the balance of public submissions fall… as these processes have become a travesty… merely feigning ‘due process’.
This shystery is not just happening here in New Zealand but is being simultaneously being set up in all nations by globalist minions whom expect to enjoy privileged positions in the NWO.
It will not win me many friends to say the following… That matters not… what matters is that I boldly declarer the Truth… and that is that the Bible forewarned the world this New world order… this Satanic Tyranny would one day arrive … it calls this the system of the Beast.
Sinners be warned!
God will judge every servant of Satan who participated in the system of the Antichrist!
And yet God has mercy and salvation for whomsoever puts their trust in the cross of Christ and his resurrection.
“God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”
Romans 5vs 8. KJV
My/our recommendations
I make the following recommendations… that will be ignored because you don’t care about the rights and Freedom of New Zealanders … or our independent National sovereignty… still… I ask that you make no laws that shall erode our right to use Cash, or to make private non-electronic transactions.
I ask that you make no laws that make having digital Ids compulsory.
I ask you expressly prohibit New Zealanders from being allocated any digital ID without their consent and make it illegal for any private companies operating in New Zealand to make subscribing to a global digital ID system as a mandatory condition for any business transaction.
I ask you absolutely prohibit any Global initiative to remove cash as a means of transactions.
I ask you make it absolutely illegal for Banks to freeze accounts on the basis that Citizens refuse to switch over to a cashless system, and make it law that all banks must continue to honor cash withdrawals, All businesses must accept cash, and all businesses and individuals must pay their employees in cash should they so desire it.
I ask that it be stipulated in law that no NZ Government agency can demand of any New Zealand citizen that they must accept and use a Digital ID to enjoy any of their rights, or to have full access to government services.
I stipulate these things to safeguard New Zealanders rights from being compelled into subjection to any globalist scheme designed to entrap individuals and prevent them from being able to participate in New Zealand society, to provide for themselves, to run businesses, to work, buy, and sell, unless they submit to the Global ID system and cashless society.
Failure to do these things will evidence the true intention of this Bill… to take away New Zealanders privacy and autonomy, and to ensnare us all in the New World order for which none of us have voted for.
Finally I state that it is without shame I make my submission as a Christian Libertarian.
I know that the spirit of Antichrist is at work in the hearts and minds of many in power today… esp Jacinda Ardern… and that these evil people see Christianity as an enemy of everything they seek to achieve… and they are right!
No Christian can support their Evil New World Order.
No Christian can believe their false Socialist gospel!
And yet Christians like myself preach peaceful non-compliance and Resistance to tyranny.
It is a great political lie that is being propagated in the corrupt mainstream media that those of us who refuse to support compulsory Covid 19 vaccinations, refuse to support the lockdowns, reject the ‘new normal’, and all the other curtailments of our rights that we represent ‘a dangerous element’… or harbour ‘domestic terrorists’ in our midst, etc.
This misinformation is being sown to condition the Police and Army into perceiving our legitimate democratic group as being malicious and of criminal intent, setting up the political climate for our systematic oppression… Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
Let anyone with an ear to hear… let them realise the things I am saying are the truth!
As a Christian, I will preach for New Zealanders to peacefully stand up for their rights so that their children may enjoy the Same freedoms we once had… yet that are being stolen from us by Dangerous Radical Socialists.
WE can defeat them… by peaceful, principled people power!
Yet We must stand up now!
These are our legitimate democratic rights!
We have the moral duty to resist tyranny!
We cannot allow our free nation to be stollen from us. We must preserve it for our children and future generations of Kiwis.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian… and Engineer.
The article below which follows my commentary is very well worth reading (Or listening to on Leighton Smith Podcast 24)…. thank you Robin for sending me the link.
There is so much about this opinion piece that is weighty… esp the fact that the Left Bitch all day every day about Trumps manor when in truth he is practicing Street fighter rules… the very same ‘Urban warfare’ rules the left uses (yet cloak in PC Sheeps clothing) … and is beating the crap out of them!
*That is what Makes Trump Great*, and that is what the Left are crying about….
He is succeeding where preceding, Tamer, more congenial Men have utterly failed!
Appeasers, Compromisers, Sell outs, etc.
Only a Man with Gigantic Balls… and personal belief…. tenacity… would dare to pursue policies that would reverse the relentless drive of the globalist agenda on such fundamental things as Pandering to the UN, Climate change hysteria, and Mass Immigration.
And that is not Arrogance…. that is virtue.
Yet it amazes me how effective the incessant little whiny bitch complaints from the Global leftists are in conning such a substantial portion of the worlds population into enmity against Trump…. not because they can articulate reasoned and nuanced criticisms… but because they are so fickle… pompous.. and childish in their thinking… habitually judging things on their exterior forms… which is why people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders find it so easy to maintain their Support.
Lefty supporters prefer the sallow end of the pond… to the degree that they ‘block their ears’ and refuse to listen to any argument if it emanates from a person they have been told to consider Rude, Obnoxious, Un educated, etc.
The Left’s entire political platform itself is only knee deep… yet their Demagogues all are practiced at appearing ‘ Polite’, ‘Caring’, etc.
That is not to say that they are are not dirty fighters… they are absolutely Corrupt… but they do their best to cloak their Malice and hate and Political Bullying under sheepish skins of defending the oppressed… and their Sheeple dont even care when *their tyrants* trample their political adversaries underfoot… they cheer!
These same idiots rank Obama as the greatest American President of all time!
We all know just how polished a Liar Barack Obama is… a master of Oratory… yet he was in my opinion *America’s worst ever president!*
I would never claim *all* Liberal policies are wrong or without merit or that all the policies on the right are just, still the electioneering promises and scare tactics of Liberal Politicians know no bounds and they only need to gear their rhetoric the lower 75% demographic on the Political IQ bell curve to be formidable in the race for Power.
Fortunately it is also true that ‘you cant fool all of the people all of the time’ and there have been many occurrences that give reason for hope that the Lies of Liberalism and their Global Agenda can be stopped.
Many Many people are seeing through the Facade of Liberal Paternalism for the malevolent anti Freedom Tyranny that it really is.
In this Ideological struggle for power the next few years are critical.
Anyway… Read the article below and appreciate the scam the Left are Peddling when they critisise Trump for being ‘Un-presidential’…
As a Libertarian I cannot call myself a Bona fide Trump supporter, as he does many things I disagree with, yet I can say with 100% certainty that I am glad he defeated Clinton, and that he is the Man of the Hour… doing far more good than wrong, and I hope he wins in 2020 …. There is no one comparative to him in stature that can do such an effective job in putting the breaks on the Left/right Global Agenda. Trumps Arrogance is his virtue!
And as an ideological ‘Street fighting’ Non-PC activist myself, When I watch Trump I see a great man *who really does care* for his people, and for what is right… He’s genuine… he does not pull his punches… In Trump I see a kindred spirit.
Despite his failings (and there are many)…I like him… and watching as things have unfolded I have modified some of my own views… I was very critical of Trump when he was running for election.
Yet he has grown in my respect.
Fighting the Politically correctness that shields the evils and Tyranny of Lefty Liberalism, I know what its like to be down in the trenches getting dirty… Ideologically fighting the Zombies… hand to hand.
It is easy for adversaries to label me a crackpot or a ‘Savage’… or ‘an apologist for the Far right’.
I used to be quite concerned about such Ad hominem slander. yet now I realise that if you are going to fight the good fight, and not shy away from contentious issues simply to out of fear of being labeled ‘far right’.. that such cowardice is a victory for those who seek to silence your voice.
In reality *If you are not being singled out for slander by the left… I question your effectiveness!
Understand how the left Operate… Because their Agenda is Globalist one world government. they are doing what they have become masters at doing… ‘Ideological equivocations’… using the term ‘Nationalist’ to mean ‘Alt right’ racist, when in reality the new Nationalist movements are *Anti globalist* Patriots fighting for their own sovereignty, and Cultures against the Manufactured insidious planned destruction and centralisation of power by Lefty globalist traitors.
One final comment… on Evan’s paragraph below… from Leighton Smith
‘…Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis…’
Leighton remarks that Saul Alinsky dedicated his book ‘Rules for radicals… to Satan.
Read: My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….
Copy and Pasted below from here only out of fear that it may get wiped… please go to that link to read the article…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.
7=18-19 Update:
My Turn: Evan Sayet: Trump may be crass, but he fights….
My leftist friends (as well as many ardent #NeverTrumpers) constantly ask me if I’m not bothered by Donald Trump’s lack of decorum. They ask if I don’t think his tweets are “beneath the dignity of the office.” Here’s my answer:
There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W. Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency. Could there be another human being on this earth who so desperately prized “collegiality” as John McCain? Has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney? And the results were always the same.
This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.
I don’t find anything “dignified,” “collegial” or “proper” about lying, as Obama did, about what went down on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., or lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover your tracks. I don’t see anything “statesmanlike” in weaponizing the Internal Revenue Service to destroy your political opponents and stifle any dissent.
But while the left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in its way, the right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety.
With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. Trump is America’s first wartime president in the Culture War.
During wartime, things like “dignity” and “collegiality” simply aren’t the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. Ulysses Grant was a drinker whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming. Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today. Lincoln rightly recognized that, explaining to Grant’s critics: “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”
Trump is fighting. And not only is he fighting, he’s defeating the left using its own tactics.
Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” is a book so essential to the liberals’ war against America that it was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton’s senior thesis.
Trump’s tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do.
First, Trump isolated CNN. He made it personal. Then, just as Alinsky suggests, he employed ridicule, which Alinsky described as “the most powerful weapon of all.”
He has left CNN and its friends with two options: report the news accurately, or ratchet up the propaganda.
The problem is that, if they were to start honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of the Democratic Party they serve. It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (i.e., propaganda) that keeps the left alive.
Imagine, for example, if CNN et al. had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration’s weaponizing of the IRS to against its political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration’s cover-up.
This leaves them no other option but to ratchet up the fake news, conjuring up the next “nothing burger” and devoting 24 hours a day to hysterical rants about how it’s “worse than Nixon.”
As they become more hysterical, they become more obvious. Each new effort only makes it more clear to any objective observer that Trump is and always has been right about the fake news media.
Do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war.
So, say anything you want about this president. I get it. He can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights.
Evan Sayet ( is the author of “The KinderGarden of Eden: How The Modern Liberal Thinks.” A longer version originally appeared on
Important note: Never forget… No matter what we have done… God’s mercy and new life is waiting for us… through the Cross. The Power of The Gospel to Change Lives…
Find Truth, Redemption, and the Love of God
Read article (below) then watch this one… (above^)
‘Rapper 50 Cent has used his personal Instagram account to poke fun at a Mongrel Mob member’s face tattoo.
“What the f… is really going on man. I wonder why he can’t get a job?” the rapper wrote.
The image shared was a picture of Mongrel Mob member Puk Kireka, who has the word “Notorious” tattooed in red and black across the lower half of his face.
Kireka’s story was picked up by global media following an interview he did with the NZ Herald last week, where he admitted it would be tough to find employment with the tattoo. ‘
**** **** ****
Who thinks 50 Cent is wrong about his derision of how detrimental Puk Kireka’s Mob Tattoo will affect his future Job prospects????
Even Puk Kireka knows thats a simple fact.
The following blog post is written in disgust… not racism… though it does focus on what is happening to a particular racial demographic… the Maori people… *My People*…
My disgust centers upon the vile lies and socialist politics that subverts the truth and fails to correctly identify the *real causes* for why…despite decades of social engineering and Billions of Tax dollars of special treatment, Maori remain trapped in State dependence, and fill up New Zealand’s Jails.
Its about how our Government falsely and relentlessly attributes Maori Social failings to ‘Oppression and racism’ suffered from ‘Colonisation’ when in reality Maori are victims of the delusions that derive from this very Deceitful and toxic Socialist ideology.
One of my latest blog posts here poured scorn on a recently completed and heavily funded Government inquiry into the question of Maori Criminality that is starkly out of all proportion to their number comparative to all other racial demographics, and the resultant report called ‘‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ recently tabled for the government to consider.
This report is supposed to give MPs guidance and insights into the root causes of why Maori have such disastrous social statistics. esp in relation to crime and Jail.
The release of this report, and its utterly contemptible conclusions are what have spurred me to blogging on this Current affair, as I utterly reject its main premises as not merely missing the mark by a thousand miles, but because it is a work of Evil political agenda driven propaganda… not an objective inquiry leading to sound conclusions… and it is outrageous that this fraudulent report is going to be used as a guide to Future Government policy!
We can see that the result will be precisely what Socialists intended to do all along *even before the inquiry was undertaken*… like so many of the farcical processes acted out for the sake of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public before Socialist enact their heavy handed and expensive agendas.
Such Inquiries pretend to be ‘sound governance practice’… ‘due diligence’ feigning ‘due process’… with copious helpings of ‘Public consultation’… garnering ‘expert opinion’… etc etc … when we know the result has been pre-determined and will entail Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer dollars more being spent expanding State interventions and apartheid politics… yet because all this Nonsense does not correctly identify the root causes of Maori criminality and poverty, it is with mathematical certainty doomed to failure just as all the Socialist Apartheid politics of the last 50 years has proven to be.
They are not only continuing to Flog this dead horse… continuing with political ideas that are proven failures, these Socialist Politicians are doing what they always do… *Enabling* and *perpetuating* the misery!
*And this Angers me!* *This incompetence* and dishonesty Disgusts me!
Yet of course because Nanny State Socialists are ‘one trick ponies’… they dont have any other Game to play…
Unfortunately the entire country must pay a heavy price for their ongoing incompetence and delusions… no one paying a higher price than Maori themselves who have been indoctrinated with these toxic lies that corrode their ability to appreciate the fundamental causes of their own predicament.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Nanny statism… but less…. and more self responsibility.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Apartheid politics and blame… but less… and more self responsibility.
Ie If Maori are ever going to climb out of the gutter it will be *when they do it for themselves* by embracing the ethics of *Self responsibility*
This is the truth that is missing from the report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that instead tries to blame ‘White Colonialism’for Maori’s plight rather than their own failure to embrace Ethics and values necessary to prosper… and stay out of prison.
The Fundamental truth that Current Socialist Apartheid politics and Welfare dependence are 100 times more destructive to Maori individuals well being than the so-called ‘culture shock’ of 19 century English Colonisation can be proven at all points if only people will open their eyes and ears… and esp their minds to considering *alternative perspectives* to the ones that they have been spoon fed by Socialist politicians and their ‘Education system’.
Today’s blog will consider just one aspect of detrimental choices and behaviour that makes life harder for those people who make this choice… just one reason why many Maori will find themselves welfare dependent… yet it has little to do with their race.
Upon reading the following only the belligerent minded will not already appreciate what I am about to say as being so basic and irrefutable that it barely requires being stated, yet I must do so to demonstrate the dynamics of Falsely labeling *personal individual choices* as ‘systemic racism’.
Failure to Call out Maori for their own poor choices, and instead blaming the Pakeha for their woes virtually guarantees succeeding generations of Maori will continue to wallow in the mire… and continue to cultivate Race hatred for their Pakeha neighbours!
And from hatred comes violence and crime.
So lets talk about the vital issues of Self responsibility, and personal choices… issues Socialists avoid like the plague in favour of an ideology of *Blaming others* .
Socialism thrives on victimism… they envisage an endless struggle between Oppressor and the oppressed.
They Never associate personal outcomes with personal choices and responsibility.
Instead they seek to circumvent personal responsibility via Nanny State interventions, Prohibitions, and compulsions.
Life is Tough!
And yet Good Parents attempt to raise their children to take responsibility for their own actions.
Yet ‘Adulting’ can be very difficult… especially when it comes to self discipline and voluntarily obeying and maintaining morals and values you know in the long term to be wise and beneficial… all the while resisting urges and temptations to indulge in vice, or ‘short cuts’… for immediate short term benefit and gratification… that are gained at the expense of others… and ultimately… ourselves.
There will always be a personal price to pay for Bad choices!
Call it Karma… reaping what you sow…. etc.
Though this is tuff… nonetheless these truths are *vital* for every individual to apprehend… irrespective of Race.
Despite what the Morally bankrupt Academics of our day preach in our institutions of learning about ‘cultural relativism’… in truth the same essential morals, values, and principles apply equally to all… and your success or failure as an individual depends upon how well you grasp these essential truths… and how resolved you are to following Virtue as your guide…and in maintaining them in your personal walk.
I want to apply this theme to the story at the top of this post… 50cent and the Mobster Puk Kireka’s Heavy Gang Facial tattoo…and how this demonstrates the Truth about a lack in self responsibility as being the Primary source of the Maori peoples sorry social conditions… not Colonisation.
50 cent derided Puk because his personal choice to get that tattoo is guaranteed to make his life harder ‘in the big wide world’… esp with respect to future employment… and employment is one of the *most essential factors* in being self reliant and independent human being!
The ability to Earn an honest dollar.
So unless you are Filthy Rich and dont need a Job, obviously getting that sort of Tattoo may therefore be considered to be *a bad personal choice* because is will undoubtedly negatively impact on that persons ability to uprightly take care of themselves.
It is a Bad choice not restricted to Maori, but by people of all races, and yet it is a Bad personal choice made to a much higher degree by young Maori Men… usually to impress their Peers.. or to serve as a type of ‘War paint’… that this person is ‘Staunch’… ‘Bad ass’… etc to intimidate others or cause others to be wary of messing with them… I am of course taking about Tattoos… esp Face, neck, lower arms and hand tattoos that are impossible/ difficult to conceal.
And it is the higher prevalence of such tattoos among Maori men that is but one factor that works to lower Maori Social statistical outcomes… not colonisation.
I will discuss Traditional ‘Moko’ in the postscript.
Many of these Tattoos are purposefully ‘aggressive’, most often of very poor quality, and often associated with fringe subcultures,Gangs, and Jail.
I appreciate that when you are raised in a poor community (not a personal choice children make), and immersed in Gang culture (which is often family related, or Neighborhood related, yet ultimately still a life style choice to participate in) these Tattoos are considered to be ‘positive goods’… emblems of belonging… have urban warfare value… even value when it comes to ‘Hooking up’.
This is what life appears to be ‘all about’ to young people immersed in it, yet they are setting themselves up for a very hard lesson in life that the Greater world… the world in which better quality of life exists, will not be at all impressed.
This whole ‘Culture’ is a study in personal ethics and choices that too easily is talked about by socialists who make excuses for Bad personal choices by their pet demographics they instead frame as ‘helpless victims’ of ‘social failings’ and oppression rather than individual choices.
If only More Youth would have the wisdom and foresight to appreciate how bad a decision to get a facial tattoo can be… unfortunately many youth dont get good parenting or mentor-ship that sets an example worthy to be emulated… unfortunately Young Maori men take their roll models from older siblings, Uncles, etc… Gang Members… heavily tattooed… Hard Drinkers… drug users… and quick to use their fists if they feel ‘disrespected’.
Thus the older generation of Maori have to accept that their own life choices play a very strong part in the choices their youth will make… for better or ill.
What sort of examples did Puk’s Whanau set for him?
None of this has anything to do with ‘Colonisation’ or Pakeha oppression.
It has everything to do with a culture of poor judgement, poor ethics, poor values, and poor exemplars.
Maori have enjoyed decades of Political and legal favoritism and yet Socialists never cease to insist Maori are oppressed.
In reality Maori criminality is a testament to Maori failure to honour the Treaty!
That Racism has little to do with this particular issue can be seen with the well known case of ‘Devast8’… White boy Mark Cropp.
“A man with ‘Devast8’ tattooed across his face, who last year opened up about his job struggles as he tried to turn his life around, is back before the courts.”
The fact is that these types of Tattoos carry definite social stigma and are justly associated with Anti-social behavior, and crime.
And this Sigma has nothing to do with race.. and nothing to do with ‘Bigotry’… A White person with a Facial ‘White Power’ tattoo with find his lot in life just as difficult as any Maori with ‘Black Power’
Its a simple fact that Employers, Landlords will with good reason think twice about employing or renting to a person with heavy tattoos
That this trait is very predominant among young Maori… ie that many Maori men have heavy Facial tattoos,Hands, Neck… and also carry high statistical gang affiliations is why their demographic is proportionally heavily affected, yet in reality New Zealanders are collectively a heavily Tattooed People… New Zealand has a high statistical Tattoo count from all ethnic backgrounds… yet not so much on the face.
The Internet is full of accounts of Non Maori… White Individuals who have a harder time in life because of their facial tattoos.
Its an internationally recognised problem for individuals.
Many people will not even bother to read this post simply because the facts are so obvious!
That the serious negative consequences result from this sort of personal behavior by young people has nothing to do with systemic racism, and everything to do with having made very bad choices that will impact negatively upon your future is something so Obvious that many people will wonder why I bothered to write this?
As I have explained in the very first paragraph… This post is about exposing the Lies of socialism that try and blame ‘Colonialism and White Prejudices’ for the poor social conditions/ High Criminality of Maori, and in the process deny the fact that the *real causes* are the lack of Self responsibility for their personal choices… and that blaming Colonisation and White racism is a disgusting lie for political ends, that not only slanders Pakeha, but attempts to justify *Racist politics* extorting hundreds of millions of dollars all the while failing to address the real Moral crisis that is impoverishing Maori and ensnaring them in Socialist dependency.
Let me finish by saying most of the insights on the importance of personal ethics I have expressed are not things I have learned in school but truths I have lived.
I spent my youth as part of the Fringe subculture in rebellion to ‘conservative society’, in which tattoos were the norm, and in which many foolish values are embraced as being ‘Cool’ ‘Staunch’.
I have many Tattoos. Tattoos I wish I did not have, yet fortunately they are not on my Face, Hands, Neck, or lower arms.
I like Tattoos, yet for religious reasons I regret mine, and discourage anyone from getting them… and if they do implore they do so on discrete areas of the body that can be covered at times of Work, Job interviews, etc… because for most professional interactions with wider society having overt tattoos will be a disadvantage.
It is pointless for the Tattoo community to act as if they are somehow being ‘oppressed’ by ‘bigoted’ outsiders for ‘Judging them’ because of their Tattoos when its a patent fact that Tattoos and criminality… Tattoos and Gangs…, etc are not mythical associations but factual… and that not only are a large percentage of tattoos purposefully intended to send a message of ‘Baddassness’ but that even the Tattooed community judge each other by their tattoos… eg a Tattooed Maori is highly likely to immediately hate a Pakeha with a white power Tattoo… and so when you analyse all this you can easily see that deriving *First impressions about a persons character* from their Tattoos is a universal habit founded upon some very valid associations.
Yet sometimes these first impressions can be wrong… and of course there are many Great people with Facial Tattoos.
People can change… Criminals can reform… First appearances can be very deceiving… People do form judgments by first appearances and may will not bother to investigate further whether or not their first impressions were correct.
It has just been reported that Puk Kireka actually wants to change his ways and is seeking donations from the public to fund his education.
Read ‘Tattooed Mongrel Mob member mocked by 50 Cent seeks donations to fund education.’
“A Givealittle page, started by Kireka’s partner Waiora Tareha, is now seeking donations from the public to help the gang member turn his life around.
Tareha said the page was an attempt to get Kireka a helping hand from others to kickstart a new, positive life.”
I wish Puk Kireka every success in his endevour to step up and create a better life for himself!
It will be very hard with that Heavy Facial Tattoo… Yet not impossible… He will have to find the inner strength to persevere.
Maybe getting it removed would be in his own best interest… these are the sorts of tuff choices he must make for his own future.
I hope he also mentors his younger Whanau into not making the same detrimental life choices that he himself made… in this way he can help them to have a better life… a smoother path… Break out of Poverty and crime… and is not this what we all want for Maori?
They must turn their backs on the lies of Socialism and race hate against the Pakeha… turn away from blaming Colonisation which has brought 1000 times more benefits and opportunities to these shores than the socialist claims of the evils of ‘Land alienation and loss of culture’.
In Freedom and equality before the Law Maori may embrace *all the positive aspects of their Cultural inheritance* while also embracing the advantages of Western Science, technology, and life affirming Values and ethics that are essential for all human beings to escape socialist dependence on the State and prosper by their own efforts.
I wrote this ‘Pamphlet’ ‘Whistle while you Work‘ on work ethics and work culture to help individuals seeking to better themselves via personal effort and self responsibility… Please share it with Job seekers and anyone who is keen to make a better life for themselves… they have the power!
Stop with the self-defeating Victimism and Blame!
There are Political injustices in life, and they can and do make life harder… and as a Libertarian I busy myself exposing them and calling for reforms, yet this blog post has focused on merely *one example* of a *personal choice* that has heavy consequences for individuals irrespective of their race… Yet of course there are countless other matters of personal choice, values, and personal responsibility that when considered in totality are sufficient to explain why some people wallow in poverty, commit crimes, and never rise to their full potential… while others rise above the hurdles and succeed… in spite of all the Political BS.
Be like them!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Postscript: Moko.
Without spending too much time talking about the ‘Old World’ tradition of Moko (of which I make no claims of expertise) I just want to make a few passing points.
Firstly I want to say their is a world of difference between ‘Tribal art’ and Gang tattoos.
I also want to point out that Facial Moko even back in Pre-Colonial times was not universal, and that the notion that any contemporary Maori thinking that by getting a Facial Moko today somehow makes them ‘A greater Maori’ or somehow symbolises them as being ‘more passionate’ about Old world Maori culture… I cant help but to consider such motives as being Poor judgement
and actually perpetrating a type of cultural fraud.
Tattoos in Old times may have been associated with high Mana, and imbued *ferocity* to a Warriors presence in war (and on the street… and in jails… all reason why Modern Gangs love Facial Tattoos)… yet that same ferocity will work to defeat you in times of Peace… outside Gang culture…in the modern world where prosperity and Freedom from Crime and jail is to be found… so a person must weigh up the positive personal consequences they perceive of Getting a facial tattoo that they like, from any negative social costs such a Tattoo may carry in affecting their ability to prosper… and this is a personal choice… not a matter of prejudice…
“Hate Speech Laws and Blasphemous Libel: A Tale of Hypocrisy.
A few months ago, the Honourable Andrew Little quite rightly proposed a bill that eventually removed the last blasphemy law (s 123 of the Crimes Act 1961) from our statute books.
Before its removal, the effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity with an intent to cause serious offence or by abusing sacred objects or beliefs (Bowman v Secular Society Ltd).
Section 123(3) went on to specify: “It is not an offence against this section to express in good faith and in decent language, or to attempt to establish by arguments used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, any opinion whatever on any religious subject”.
Thus the cumulative effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity either in bad faith, or using indecent language.
At any rate, the repeal of s 123 was premised on concerns about the right to free expression. The necessary implication being that speech is *protected* notwithstanding that it is expressed in bad faith or indecent language, and vilifies Christianity.
If free speech grounds a right to vilify Christianity in bad faith or using indecent language, there is similarly a right to vilify any other religion in bad faith or using indecent language.
And yet I’m told that the latter would be legally actionable hate speech…”
The pace with which the current Ardern government is moving towards a police state, and the destruction of freedom is truly frightening!
And there seems to be nobody in parliament standing up in opposition to any of it!
The National Party have been hypnotized by the Ardern Cult of Personality… they pander to her every whim!
How the hell they ever expect this sort of Kowtowing to the Liberal agenda will help them get elected into power again is a mystery.
The Lefty infested New Zealand Press are hard at work lobbying for New Hate speech legislation and has acted like a Lynch mob towards Austrailian sports star Israel Folou quoting the Bible on his own social media page. and the condemnation he has received from our New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern herself, with the press goading her… begging her … to label what he said hate speech…here ‘Jacinda Ardern fires back at Israel Folau and social media comments’… while she was restrained by current legal definitions to label what he said as being a crime, she said she called it ‘Damaging’, yet we also know that her government is determined to push through New ‘hate speech’ legislation… with the same callous disregard for the rights of New Zealanders and due process they displayed with the latest Firearms prohibitions, and when you see what her minion Andrew Little thinks constitutes ‘hate speech’ if New Zealanders are not alarmed, and rise up against this abuse of power they truly deserve the expression of being a bunch of Sheep!
Unless new Zealanders wake up and stand against this sort of agenda driven anti-religious liberty… anti Free speech propaganda… Our country is doomed, and our children will not be taught anything other than what the government wants them to learn… and what they are allowed to believe… and think.
What has been circulated in the NZ media about Folou’s ‘Homophobia’ has been absolutely dishonest!
For the record… I’m too a Christian, I do not hate homosexuals, yet I reserve the right to peacefully and freely preach about my Religion and quote the Bible… precisely as I have done for the last 34 years, and no Law from Parliament will stop me from doing this… They will have to arrest me to stop me!
This is precisely what the Right to free speech entails!
Go study the history of religious oppression and the birth of religious liberty in western civilisation… This is where the right to free speech was born!
Look at What Arderns’ Minion Andrew Little has to say about a political pamphlet that was circulated in Point Chev… this is her main man responsible for framing new Hates speech laws!
The Pamphlet called for ‘One law for all’… thats an *inclusive* Ideal in which all peoples of New Zealand are subject to the same laws… no favoritism… no discrimination… and yet he has called this *Racism*!
Quote: “The pamphlet titled One Treaty One Nation, calls for an end to state partnership with Māori, scrapping the Waitangi Tribunal, Māori electorates and wards and says Māori have benefited from colonisation lifting them out of “a violent stone age existence”.
Andrew Little who is overseeing a review of hate speech in the wake of the terrorist attacks told the Herald his view was the pamphlet is racist.
“It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”
How Arse-backwards and hypocritical could anyone possibly be???
The Man is worse than an imbecile!
Hes a Dangerous Political snake… and if he thinks by writing legislation that outlaws political opinions that disagree with his own patently wrapped Ideas he has another thing coming!
Little is suggesting this pamphlet calling for one law for all is written by some nutcase when in reality it is expressing a view that is held by a great portion of New Zealanders including many respected politicians more than his equal and many other prominent and intelligent New Zealanders.
The Principle of Racial equality is neither ‘Anti-Maori’ nor Fringe!
It is a legitimate Political position held by thousands of New Zealanders, well reasoned, and has been a foremost topic of elections for the past 50 years!
Does Andrew Little think he can impose his own liberal apartheid views by labeling opposition as hate speech?
As a Libertarian… I reserve my right to propagate the Idea of *One law for all New Zealanders* and to fight for the Principle of Justice… *Racial equality before the law*… just as I have done for the past two decades, and no new ‘hate speech laws’ written under the excuse of the Christchurch atrocity
will silence me from condemning the apartheid state that Ardern and Little are now at the helm!
I dont care if Andrew Little believes that Fighting for Racial equality is somehow ‘Anti-Maori’ and Hate speech!
It is not hate speech! I do not Hate Maori… I am a Maori myself!
I want what is best for them and all the people of New Zealand, and I condemn as unjust and an absolute failure the current Apartheid syatem that has not lifted Maori out of the gutter of our Social statistics, but has been a gigantic extortion racket!
I will not stop… I will never cease from seeking to expose the dishonesty of the Governments False revisionist history that seeks to deceive New Zealanders into accepting the lie that the Treaty of Waitangi created a two tier Racial system rather than uniting *all the peoples of New Zealand as one people under one law and one sovereign with equal rights* The Government will have to arrest me and throw me in jail because I will never stop using my natural right to freely speak the truth!
I declare that the current policies of Waitangi separatism are Evil!
So New Zealanders… will you surrender our country to such evil and tyrannical powers as have manifested themselves under Jacinda Arderns Psychotic Government????
I wont!
I have Children and Grand children who I want to live free and know the truth!
Id rather die in jail that surrender Political Freedom and My faith to the evil powers that threaten these most precious of values!
Will I have to rot in a dungeon as a political prisoner for New Zealanders rights to free speech and the principle of racial equality before the Law???
That this is even a possibility shows how dangerous to rights and freedom this new proposal for hate speech legislation is!
We can be sure that Little’s new Hate speech laws will result in a wave of censorship and Punishment for Thought Crimes… maybe the will force some of us to drink Hemlock for not worshiping the State Gods and Corrupting the Youth!
Political writer Dr Muriel Newman has written about these things in an article named ‘A totalitarian state’ and I quote…
“Calls for restrictions on free speech by radical Government MPs should raise the alarm about our future. While the Bill of Rights protects our freedom of thought, expression, and association, as we have already seen through the Censor’s bans, these rights are fragile and can easily be taken away.
Laws to protect New Zealanders from ‘hate’ can already be found in the Crimes Act, Harmful Digital Communications Act, Human Rights Act, and the Sentencing Act. If the Government is committed to stronger deterrents, they simply need to enforce the existing laws.
Already the call for action against ‘hate’ since the Christchurch attack has resulted in people losing their jobs for making thoughtless remarks, websites being blocked, and a social media crackdown being implemented. It may also have been responsible for a man losing his life.
New Zealanders who value the freedom and liberty that underpins our society should strongly oppose new laws to ban ‘hate’. Such laws, that would enable the Police to act against anyone expressing ideas contrary to those deemed acceptable by the Government, have proven to be a disaster in countries where they have been introduced, over-criminalising the population and allowing vexatious complainants to destroy lives. “…
I concur with Muriel, and implore the People of New Zealand to rally and protest against this Hitlarian Drive against Freedom in our country!
Do you want your children to grow up free?
Do you reserve the right to teach them your own Values and beliefs?
Or do you surrender these priceless things .. and give your children’s minds to the State to brainwash them with the beliefs and ideals these Political psychopaths running the machine?
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
It is telling that many of the Woke Folk who demand Western 1st world Nations open their boarders to mass immigration also praise the North Sentinelesse for murdering the Christian Missionary the man of peace and good will John Chau… calling him ‘an invader’… and that their Deadly act was ‘defending their Boarder”…. Woe unto you…. Hypocrites!
Your infidel minds have been twisted by politicized Fake narrative pseudo history.
John did not approach them to exploit them in any way.
He was not coming to take their property, or to freeload off their generosity, but hoped to be a source of Light and hope for these human beings living in Darkness and Barbarism.
‘Please do not be mad at them or at God if I get killed’ John Allen Chau.
John Allen Chau, 26, was shot dead with arrows when he went to the remote North Sentinel Island last week
It is one of the world’s most isolated regions in India’s Andaman islands and is off-limits to visitors
Chau had paid local fishermen to help him get to the island last Thursday
He was shot at but safely able to return to the boat where he penned a letter to his parents and several journal entries about his initial encounter
Chau detailed how he was committed to teaching the tribe about Jesus
In a letter dated November 16, Chau asked his parents not to be mad at the tribe or at God if he was killed
After he returned to the island the following day, fishermen said they saw the tribesmen dragging Chau’s body away…
“He was attacked by arrows but he continued walking,” said one source, quoted by AFP. “The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body.”
Obviously if you think Christianity is a false religion there is a high chance you are not going to think much of what John Chau was trying to do.
Few Infidels appreciate the debt of gratitude they ought to have for the Liberty and civilization they themselves enjoy in Western Society… a modern term for that prosperous portion of the globe that used to be called Western Christendom.
Science and modernity would not be possible for most countries on Earth were it not for Brave missionaries risking their necks to bring the Christian truth to savages … the basis for civil society…
This Missionaries bravery and strong convictions which include his concern for the spiritual well being of these savages got him killed…
like has happened many many times over the centuries… including here in New Zealand.
The desire to bring the light and hope of the gospel to people living under dark superstitions is a noble thing to do.. the Socialist idea that these people should be left to live like animals… so they can carry on being an enclave of Backwards primitivism… is *inhumane*… its treating them like Lab rats… and shows the atheist intellectuals who say they should be left alone have zero respect for the many blessing they themselves enjoy because of the Values that were established in their own nations by Christian Missionaries.
One Facebook Critic who claims to be a Christian has said….
“I am a Christian, but from the get go this was a horrible idea. This tribe has a history of attacking outsiders and killing them, plus we don’t know their language. So not sure what he thought was going to happen. Here are the facts of the case….
1) It’s illegal to go to that island.
2) It’s illegal to go there because their immune systems not being the same as anyone else’s. He could’ve wiped out the tribe by introducing a disease they have no defence against.
3) It’s illegal to go there because they kill anyone who does.
4) He bribed local fishermen to take him there, which is illegal. These poor fishermen who make barely enough to feed their families have been arrested and are going to jail. Bad for their families.
5) Spreading the gospel is a good thing, but what this man did was incredibly arrogant, ignorant and just flat out stupid. He died for nothing, and put a whole tribe at risk as well as two poor families who of course took the bribe because they have no money.
Spread the word of God, but not at the expense and harm of others around you.”
I Replied…
“And yet Heroic Christians have *always chosen to obey God* rather than Men,
For example Brave Christians have risked their necks and broken Laws smuggling Bibles into Soviet Russia and Communist China… and Christians shared the gospel and held meetings during the times of great persecution in Roman Times…Refused to worship Caeser etc etc.
Christianity is a world changing revolutionary ideology… for Good… against Tyranny…. Bringing Civilisation, Freedom, and Rights.
and also Missionaries have also boldly taken the gospel to Savage lands *knowing the personal risks*.. ie they are heroic people who change the world for the better…
There was nothing *arrogant about wanting to enlighten and raise these people out of squalor and superstition* and your comment is cowardly and unchristian on all these levels.
Only point 2 is of weight… and if you read my blog [postscript below] I discussed the issue of immunity to disease quote:
” Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.”.
And thinking more about particular critisism regarding the risk John posed to them from carrying disease, the more obviously apparent to me that this critisism does not come from any *genuine concern* for the Native Sentinelese but is a mere cloak to disguise the real heart motive of his critics… hate for Christianity and those that propagate it.
This is simply a fake concern… in Truth… esp with modern transportation most of these critics probably dont think twice about carrying their local diseases far and wide across the globe when they go on holidays… nor give a second thought that they themselves might bring back some Evil germs to their own communities which they are not immune to… and this in fact happens all the time!
Quarantine is a seldom used measure these days for traveling humans.
I think this puts some perspective on things on this account…
I am sorry this brave Christian has lost his life for the sake of these primitive savages and the Gospel.
Personally I am a worm of a Christian… carnal and cowardly… unfit… I am in awe of Johns Courage and conviction… and love for his fellow man.
Obviously as a person who believes the Bible is true… and that its Truths and Ethics are of vital importance to humanity, I have a far more positive view of what John was trying to do!
I share Johns belief that Christian truths are of higher value that my own life.
I believe he righteously followed higher laws than mere human prohibitions that would leave these people perpetually in squalor and darkness… without Christ.
John was Christ-like… Christ himself traveling to Jerusalem *despite knowing he would be Crucified by the hateful mob.
Neither sacrificed themselves out of vanity… but had contempt for death… motivated by love to do the will of God… and service to humanity.
God did not will either of their deaths… yet he was well pleased that Jesus chose rather to do what was right, than to cowardly let evil dominate and dictate his actions.
To the world it may appear that Satan won… yet They know nothing of the Victory over Satan, Sin and death in the Resurrection!
As the arrows flew… I can hear Johns prayers… “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… I will fear no Evil…”
The stone age was just last week here in New Zealand… and it still exists for the North Sentinelese …. The 1st world morons and Treaty separatists who scorn British colonization of New Zealand fail to contemplate the gravity of this fact.
There has been a vile gloating by atheists and Antichrists at the murder of this good man, mocking memes, and pseudo justification cloaking his attempt to just talk with them as some sort of threat to their security, and his murder as some sort of legitimate defense of the boarders and property… all bogus…
This man was no threat to them, and it even turns out the Law everyone quotes that it was illegal to visit this Island had recently been lifted!
So he broke no law… while they *did break the law by murdering him*… yet the police are too scared to go there it interview them about his death.
These Hateful opinions come from the children of Satan… those who despise Christianity… those who have been brainwashed into holding contempt for the spread of the Gospel that has brought the greatest geographical spread of civilization and peaceful coexistence in human history.
See this meme below.
The truth is quite different… Meekness is not Weakness…He was not shot in the back running away… like a fleeing woman but shot in the chest many times… as he continued to walk forward… like a Viking.
A Heroic Man of resolve… like so many Missionaries before him.
Braver than I.
The Spirit of a Warrior for Christ… and he deserves to be honored as such by his Christian Brothers and sisters… and his name remembered.
His death was not ‘pointless’.
He will receive his reward in heaven from his Saviour Jesus Christ.
Now These people had the chance to know Christ yet they killed his servant… and they will give account of this on the day of Judgement… like all sinners who Hate Christ and reject him.
Update: There are concerns about any attempt to retrieve his body that this could endanger both the recovery crew and the Natives…(read this).
I say leave it there!
That is what he would have wanted… in no way would he want more lives to be lost over his Mortal shell.
He has finished with it.
Let it return to the dust.
Postscript: Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.
Anthony McClean, Portia McPhail, Anthony Mulder, Tara Gregory, Huan (Tom) Hsu, Natasha Bray, and Floyd Fernandes drowned in the Mangatepopo Gorge. (Stuff)
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the river tragedy that took the lives of 6 Elim Christian School students and their teacher Anthony McClean.
Such a terrible event, Yet from the first time I herd the story of Anthony’s heroic exploit I have been overwhelmed and affected by a sense of awe at his humanity and sense of Christian duty that he demonstrated on this fateful day, and though 6 others lost their lives this blogpost is my personal tribute to him in particular… as an exemplar of character and the sort of loving soul that every parent desires in a tutor of their children.
When the River surged trapping the group in a dire situation, Anthony was faced with a Great moral Dilemma… abandon his pupils and Save himself… or… strive to save a physically disabled student cerebral palsy sufferer Tom Hsu, 16, by tying him to his own back and to risk his own life for their sake.
Visualizing this in my mind, I am transported in time and space to witnessing this act of heroism first hand…and I am overcome.
His heroism cost him his life… they died together… yet ten years later the example he set still moves and inspires me and thousands of other New Zealanders.
It ranks in the highest order of Noble deeds… Christ-like… who said “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John15vs13.
His action is the equal of any Teacher who has in such moments of fate… given their lives for their students, and I am reminded of such stories we often read about when there is a US school massacre… the teachers who put themselves between the killers and their Pupils… May God Bless and Keep them all.
This is the spirit of Altruism… the voluntary self sacrifice of personal benefits… out of love…for the sake of others.
True Heroism is not about personal glory, and is impossible for the person who puts their own life as the highest value.
This is taking the Vocation of teaching to its Highest end… placing the life of your students ahead of your own.
Read quote and close training session.
Teachers like Anthony McClean demonstrate the *Real virtue* of the vocation… Teaching was never about High wages and Fame… and all about being able to fulfill your personal desire to serve others… The opportunity and privilege to instill wisdom and values in the youth under your care… to empower them to take care of themselves, raise happy and healthy families, and to live great and fulfilling lives.
And the best teachers teach the most important lessons of character… by example… living (and dying) by the values they expound.
Teachers who dont have this quality may be technically smart… yet can never be *Great*… and when any troubles arise… even minor troubles… they will put their own interests ahead of your children.
What parent can have confidence in a Selfish teacher to look after their child, and instill values?
Anthony Mulder was one of the Students who lost his life that day… yet not before performing selfless deeds of heroism!
He positioned himself in the torrent and helped his fellow students to get across.
” Kish Proctor and Sarah Brooks, two of the survivors from the canyoning group, said Ant was an inspiration for his selfless, loving nature and steadfast belief in God.
Fellow Elim youth leader and Pakuranga College student Jessica Hancock described him as a “humble, patient, peaceful, generous and loving guy who has changed so many lives”.
Speaking after the memorial service, Ant’s friends said healing moments had been time spent in his bedroom and talking about the good times they shared with him.
Kish said Ant was voted group leader while at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoors Pursuits Centre because he was a seasoned tramper and led by example.
“He stood in the middle of the current and helped all of us across it,” he said.”
Let us Remember this Tragic Day… esp the Deeds of these Two Heroes.
Lets us take inspiration from their selfless actions in the Darkest of hours and endeavour to emulate them in our own lives.
And as Christians… we live in the hope of the Gospel.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.