Category Archives: Eternal Vigilance

Open Letter To Synlait Dairy Company Defending You Tuber Lee Williams Democratic Right To Critisise The Political Policies Of The Maori Party.

This blog post is an open letter to the Synlait Dairy company.
It covers matters of a very sensitive, unpleasant, yet vitally important nature to justice, freedom, and the future wellbeing of our country.
Right now, a brave and good man’s livelihood hangs in the balance.
Now He needs his countrymen to speak up in his defense.
Please share this on your Social media platforms.
Thank you.

To the management of Synlait Dairy Company.

I write to you in defense of Dairy worker and independent You Tuber Lee Williams for the purpose of explaining why Synlait must not dismiss Lee because to do so would be wrongful.

Your company has become ensnared in a dirty political game through no fault of your own, and for this you have my sympathy.
Take courage, most New Zealanders understand this.
New Zealanders are not blind to what is going on.
This is a matter of National importance.

Lee and Synlait are but the latest victims of despicable systematic, politically motivated attacks upon your names and character.
These attacks are attempting to circumvent the rights of free citizens to speak out against the political policies of Racist radicals peddling a blatantly racist agenda by threatening their reputations and livelihoods.
I am in this instance talking about the unscrupulous behavior of the Maori Party, who are a notorious bunch of racist radicals who do not even represent what most Maori people believe, let alone what most New Zealanders believe, yet still because of the way they operate in labeling anyone who speaks out against their racist agenda as being ‘White Supremacist’ most New Zealanders are too scared to stand up against them.

I am well aware of the pressure Synlait will be feeling having become the focus of their attention, and that the last thing you want is to be dragged through ongoing ugly public protests with a bunch of ill behaved radicals saying all sorts of nasty things about your company… until you give them what they want… the head of your worker… Lee Williams.

Every time companies cave in to such demands only serves to embolden this type of political extortion.
The latest occurrence was when Media Works Corp decided to ‘let go’ 2 of their best broadcasters, John Banks and Sean Plunket, because like Lee, they dared to take less than agreeable positions with the racist radical agenda that divides New Zealand into a two tier society… First class citizens being those with special indigenous rights… and Second Class citizenship goes to all the rest.
If you complain about being rendered a second class citizen, the Maori party will call you racist!

Woke left wing activists successfully applied the very same pressure Synlait is now experiencing to several of Mediaworks major advertisers who then threatened to pull their advertising revenues from Media works unless they ‘deplatformed’ Ex Mayor of Auckland John Banks.
Fellow Radio Works talk show host Sean Plunket made ‘the mistake’ of speaking up for Banks.
When the despicable tactics of the radical Left got the results they hoped for New Zealand lost two prominent public voices brave enough to challenge the racist policies of the Maori Party and others in parliament.
Now they have turned their sights on defender of the Kiwi Dream, and You Tuber Lee Williams.

These tactics are what has become known globally as ‘Cancel culture’ and are a clear demonstration of how leftist militant political activists are systematically undermining legitimate free speech, and attacking their critics… not in a civilised manor with superior reason and facts, but with Bulling and threats, and slander… going for their throats by attacking their jobs and livelihoods.
These underhanded and Machiavellian tactics cause New Zealanders to shut their mouths to the vile antics and policies of these radicals out of fear of coming under attack themselves.
These despicable tactics are running amok across Western societies because of a failure of Parliaments to recognize this subversive political behavior for what it really is.
Hateful, malevolent, and anti-democratic.

The Lust for power is the root of every form of evil.

Let me make this clear.
It is outrageous slander to label anyone who disagrees with the separatist policies and financial largess going on in our parliament today as being ‘White Supremacist’.
I myself am of Maori descent, and I stand with Lee, as do the majority of New Zealanders in opposition to the racially divisive agenda commonly known as ‘Treaty Separatism’.
Lee, a migrant from Britain, in his private life is a passionate defender of the Ideals and values that made New Zealand great.
Far be it that his attitude should be frowned upon!
He ought to be highly commended, esp given the caustic political environment of our times under which brave and principled people come under attack for defending such fundamental principles as racial equality before the law.

Lee did not ask me to write this.
I do not personally know Lee, nor do I agree with everything he says yet from watching his videos I can tell he is a good worker as he is often seen on his Go Pro walking in the cold and dark to work while the rest of the community are still lights out… snuggly tucked into their beds.
Synlait is fortunate to have such a conscientious man with strong work ethic on their team.
I understand the predicament he has now found himself, not because of any evil he has done, but because he has chosen to take a stand against Political corruption in high places.
He is a fighter for all that is Good about New Zealand that has become endangered by the Radical politics of Treaty separatism.
Lee now needs the Good people of New Zealand to stand up in his defense, and I for one will not cower from coming to his aid, and giving him my moral support out of fear the radical mob might turn their attention upon me.

Synlait must not submit to this Political harassment. It was a big mistake to suspend Lee because now you have sullied yourselves in private matters that are legally none of your concern.
That we are talking about *private matters* here… about what workers do in their own time… in their private lives… Lawful things that are not crimes.
These facts show the swampy ground Synlait is treading upon in suspending Lee.
In truth this should never have been made a question of his employment with your company. That it has become so is no fault of Lee, but yet another frightening example of how Radical Leftist political activists with malevolent intentions are working to ruin the lives of their political critics.
Getting people like Lee the sack from their jobs by labeling them as racists is one of their nasty tactics, and they are applying this tactic here and now, attempting to drive a wedge between Lee and his source of income… how he provides for himself.
Synlait must not allow themselves to be manipulated in such a despicable way… out of fear of being slandered in the public sphere by radical activists for refusing to play their dirty games.

You would do well to contemplate the fact that Rugby Australia had to apologise and reach a hefty settlement with Israel Folau because in dismissing Israel for things he said in private on Social media they violated Israel Folau’s rights. Though this case was in Australia, the principle is the very same as your situation with Lee Williams. If you recall, Rugby Australia had suspended Israel because he had privately expressed his Christian beliefs that among other things that Homosexuality is a sin, for which Rugby Australia had taken offence.
This is symptomatic of the vehement Social intolerance and spirit of persecution which has sprung up in Western Nations today in which private citizens come under threat simply for expressing their own personal views. And all this we are told is supposed to be making our societies ‘less hateful’.
In reality it is making our Nations Less free, and more like oppressive Socialist dictatorships, and Police States.

The only legitimate reasons Synlait might have for dismissing Lee is for serious misconduct at work, or for criminal activities.
Certainly not because of the shrill and venom filled cries of Racist radicals baying for Lee’s blood.

This is a shameful politically driven ‘witch hunt’ that must be called out for what it is and rigorously opposed.
This sort of political Bully tactics cannot be condoned.
The MPs behind this evil witch hunt should be dragged over the coals for such a malicious attempt to destroy a mans life… simply because he opposes their politics and aims.
That New Zealand countenances parliamentarians and policies that divide our nation according to race… that is the *Real Racism* New Zealand suffers.

I believe the best course for Synlait to take forward would be to engage Legal representation and make a complaint to Parliament for the behavior of Maori Party MP Debbie Ngarewa for her despicable actions that have caused your company harm to its reputation, and the well being of one of your staff… for personal political gain, esp her creation/promotion of a ‘Change.Org’ on line petition with the title ‘Synlait- Stop Employing White Supremacists’.
This crosses legal boundaries, and is a form of defamation and intimidation, and it is in the public interest that this corrupt political behavior by members of parliament be called to account.

When you read what his accusers actually say… they attack Lee because he dares to warn the public about what he perceives as the dangers of the ‘He Puapua report’… a document that Jacinda Ardern was keeping secret from the New Zealand public but an unredacted copy was leaked to the Opposition.
These same concerns that Lee expressed on You Tube have also been highlighted by the Leader of the National Party Judith Collins!
Is Judith also a ‘Far Right White Supremacist’?

The ‘He Puapua Report’ is a government commissioned blueprint upon how New Zealand might be systematically and fundamentally changed under the pretext of honoring the UN Declaration of indigenous rights, itself a document signed by the Key led National Government in 2010 which New Zealanders were told at the time was not binding.

Judeth Colin’s has publicly called out Jacinda Ardern for working in stealth towards the goals listed in the report, and asked the PM to start ‘an open public conversation’ about the contents of He Puapua to lay on the table what is at stake.
Yet here we see that the Maori party has straight away gone on the attack when Lee Williams has dared to start expressing his view on this subject… which the National party Leader herself has said we need to have public discussion!
Can we have any sort of public discussion if the Maori party is able to get people fired from their employment for simply not going along with Maori Party ambitions regarding the He Puapua Report?

The petition against Synlait and Lee Williams not only accuses Lee of ‘disseminating extreme white supremacist material’ but also say’s “Synlait espouses values such as diversity, inclusion and thriving communities. This is entirely at odds with the violent rhetoric of their employee Lee Williams.
We call upon Synlait to review his contract, in reflection of their espoused values, and make it clear that they give nothing to racism, most especially a paycheque.”

Now there is so much vile contradiction and hypocrisy in that statement (above) that beggars belief!
I will only have space here to mention a few.
Firstly Lee does not advocate or incite any violence and it is a patent falsehood and slander to say otherwise.
On the contrary it is the Maori Party themselves who disseminate ‘extreme racist materials’, and are attempting to perpetuate Real harm/violence against Lee Williams by seeking to destroy his livelihood!
This is the sort of staggering dishonesty and malicious nature of Lee’s accusers… and the whole country knows this… even if few have the moral spine to say so.

Also, and most importantly, the case at hand has very serious implications for our country’s democratic processes.
It is the right of Citizens, and permanent residents to critisise the political policies of Parties and members of parliament.
The Maori Party MPs have no special rights that render *their political views* as sacrosanct… above reproach, and the idea that anyone who disagrees with them can be labeled a racist and a white supremist is an outrage!
Offensive in the extreme and nothing more than a fallacious Ad Hominem attack upon the character of their detractors.
Maori party policies must withstand the rigors of public scrutiny and criticism just as every other political parties wares must do for this alone is how democracy justly functions.
That New Zealanders and residents should have their jobs and livelihoods placed in jeopardy for expressing legitimate dissent is despicable!
Synlaits Legal response should definitely incorporate these counter claims against the perpetrators of this witch hunt.
Some sort of Legal ‘Cease and Desist’ Order should be sort to prevent the ongoing harassment of Synlait and its employees.

Ultimately the goal should be to turn the tables upon the real Bad actors in all of this, and set a precedent whereby New Zealand Businesses and Employers demonstrate the proper demarcation between employees private affairs, and what rightfully may be deemed to be within the bounds of a fair employment contract.
A persons privately held political views cannot become the basis for discrimination in Employment contracts because this violates that persons democratic rights.
Nor should a person lose their job for lawfully and peacefully exercising their right to free speech simply because it is critical of the political policies of any Party or members of parliament.

This highlights just how dangerous are our Socialist politicians current attempts to legislate Free speech into the criminal codes because in so doing they will be able to construe what is currently lawful criticism of government policy as an actual criminal offence.
These are the grave dangers we face today as a Nation.

It is my sincere hope that Synlait takes the high road and boldly choses to defend itself, and your employee Lee Williams from this malicious activity.
In so doing you will be doing our nation a great service in defense of Free Speech, and worker rights for which the great percentage of New Zealanders will be grateful.

I offer my services to Synlait, and Lee Williams for any support I can give.
I have been actively opposing Treaty Separatism for two decades, and recently contributed to a book entitled ‘Free Speech under attack’ (Tross publishing).
I place my experience in these matters at your disposal.
My Email address is below.

Lee, If you are reading this you have my support.
Please contact me.
I understand how heavy is the burden upon your shoulders right now, yet you should not go to England at this time but remain here to defend your name.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Judith Collins calls for ‘national conversation’ from Jacinda Ardern after controversial He Puapua report. Synlait – Stop Employing White Supremacists

Synlait investigating ‘white supremacist’ worker

Rugby Australia and Israel Folau settle legal dispute over sacking

Israel Folau and Rugby Australia settle unfair dismmissal claim over social media post.

More from Tim….






Update : see video below.

Act Party Free Speech National Tour of New Zealand. Hamilton Meeting 7-5-21

Update: Shout out to ‘The BFD‘ for reposting this on their website. here

Last night I attended Act Party Leader David Seymour’s Hamilton free speech meeting.
This was part of his nationwide ‘Free Speech Tour’.
It was held in the Wintec Bill Gallagher Center downtown Hamilton.
It was a full house, approximately 200 Hamiltonians came along to hear David speak.

David had already visited 12 other towns with similarly good attendance, which he said was a testimony to both New Zealanders strong democratic spirit, and also their concern about the current government’s drive to muzzle free speech.
In my opinion, this turnout is also a response to how David Seymour has been distinguishing himself and the Act party as ‘the freedom party’.
Up until the last election David Seymour was a lone voice in parliament speaking out against proposed hate speech legislation and other Socialist interventions rushed through into law ‘under urgency’ bypassing safeguards and due process.
It was David Seymour’s decision to take a stand on such issues, including standing against Ardern’s gun confiscations that was behind Acts success at the last election.
Many New Zealanders are far from impressed with Ardern’s quickstep march towards a Socialist Police State which is sharply at variance with the Kiwi spirit of freedom and self reliance.
In past decades New Zealand has suffered a decline in independence, and yet the pace with which Radical leftist ideology is being imposed under Ardern, has caused alarm even among many conservative thinkers and this was reflected in the audience.
Today David Seymour rightfully enjoys the position in the public eye of most outspoken member of parliament for free speech, and now has 9 other Act Party MP by his side.
It is a position he has earned, and should his team continue on this righteous trajectory I forsooth Act’s star will remain in ascension, and they will increase their presence in Parliament.

By design David told the audience that he wanted to keep the meeting to an hour in length including Q+A, which many people will have been happy with… not me!
I believe the importance of the topic easily justified double that!
There are many troubling aspects of what is going on that were not aired, yet I guess the difference between a public meeting, and a ‘Convention’ is that meetings generally are shorter.
This being so David’s speech was no lecture, but simple and brief.

He spoke about free speech as being an essential component of what it means to be a human individual, and that it’s suppression is an attack upon human dignity.
He spoke about free speech as being absolutely essential for a healthy democracy because free speech cannot stand where there is tyranny, and tyranny cannot stand where there is free speech.
He spoke about free speech as the enlightened means by which civil society openly discusses and solves it’s problems.
He spoke about how proposed hate speech laws threaten to suppress open discourse about politically charged subjects from fear of being visited by the thought Police, and getting flagged as being a person who has expressed ‘hateful opinions’… which could impact upon such things as job applications.
He committed the Act party to working to prevent any hate speech legislation becoming law, yet admitted that because the Ardern government enjoys a 65% majority in parliament there is probably little Act can do to prevent such legislation becoming Law should it be pushed through this term. In that case he committed Act to repealing any such laws that might shortly come into force, including the wordy ‘Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill’ which he described as Government ‘filters of online content’… and dangerous.
He said one means by which the repeal of any new restriction of free speech could be undertaken was via public referenda, yet to make that a reality would take a petition of parliament with 300 000 signatures. Not a small task… but do-able if those people who care about this issue… such as those who attended the Act tour meetings throughout the country, committed themselves to help them achieve these goals.
Thus David finished the formal part of the meeting with an appeal for active support for Act and their free speech initiatives, and also for financial donations.
Act party membership costs only $20 for 3 years… “A Bargain!” said Seymour… alluring to Act’s ‘market philosophies’ as the solution to so many social issues.

David Seymour has an engaging speaking manor, skillfully throwing in a joke and a laugh here and there.
When asked ‘why is there a distinguishable pattern and common theme between what is happening here in NZ and what is going on all across Western nations… does he believe a grand scheme was at work?’
He responded by pointing to the general dearth of intelligence within parliament, making it in his estimation highly unlikely they are mentally competent to participate in a grand evil conspiracy… rather their evil policies can simply be understood from their overt stupidity!
He does not appear to grasp that far be it their stupidity renders their adherence to a grand scheme unlikely… but more gullibly so!
They are following a well articulated socialist global agenda.
David said many top NZ bureaucrats and politicians are friends, and that no doubt they talk among themselves about what they hope to achieve… in their minds things they believe will make New Zealand a better place.
(My thoughts: They dream of imposing a Leftist totalitarian police state!)

One lady in the audience was a migrant from Great Britain and ex high court lawyer who spoke about how hate speech laws were wreaking havoc there. Seymour agreed and pointed out how far they had slidden remarking also how Britain had up until recently Laws prohibiting the intentional causing of offence, yet these were overturned by the public backlash, including outspoken activism by comic Rowan Atkinson. Seymour joked about how frightening it would be to be confronted by redoubtable Mr Bean!
I chuckled, because I think David Seymour himself bears amusing resemblance to Mr Bean!
Jokes aside, David Seymour and Act are to be highly commended for doing this tour and for making free speech one of their primary concerns this election cycle.

In the past David Seymour has taken many positions with which I strongly disagree, however as things stand there are no political parties that come close to Acts resolve to defend such a fundamental principle of liberty as freedom of speech.
It is under Jacinda Arderns power mad gaze, and she is hell bent on silencing all dissent .
Her ambitions are nothing short of overthrowing New Zealand’s traditions, values, ideals, and even our national autonomy is in danger as she imposes the dictates of the UN, for example the UN Global Compact for Migration which itself proscribes heavy censorship and prosecutions for anyone who complains about it.
We also know with certainty that Arden regime seeks to use the education system to indoctrinate future generations in such Radical leftist doctrines as ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘Transgender ideology’.
Both are an attack on the Christian foundations of Western civilisation.
These radical socialists in power first need to grant themselves the legal authority to suppress public opposition before they ramp up their globalist woke scheme… which is why hate speech, and ‘online harm’ legislation is such a dangerous Machiavellian precursor.
They want to make it illegal for parents to complain about the radical political indoctrination of their children!
These things being so Freedom loving New Zealander need to think hard about who they are going to vote for next election, and whether or not they will help David Seymour and Act succeed in their ambitions to ensure future generations of Kiwi will have the right to speak their minds in public.

Free speech is necessary is because free individuals will never agree on everything… even among friends.
‘Evil prevails when good men do nothing’
Act is far from perfect… far from Libertarian, yet as things stand I believe getting in behind them on this absolutely critical right… at this absolutely critical juncture in time… is the right thing to do.

Future Free Speech Tour dates:

13 May McFadden Center Christchurch. See here.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

The New Zealand Government is in the process of *Criminalising Speech*… making speech punishible under the Crimes Act.

P.S A new Free Speech Union has started up. I certainly will be investigating this further with a view of support.

New trade union launched to promote free speech.

The Free Speech Coalition is relaunching as a trade union under the name “Free Speech Union” and has successfully registered under the Employment Relations Act.

“That name is not ironic”, says Dr David Cumin, a founding member of the Union’s Council. “We think it says crisply just what is now needed to defend freedom of speech. We need to stand with people being intimidated, cancelled, de-platformed, piled on by social media, doxxed and threatened with bankruptcy if they seek legal protection.”

“Becoming a bona fide union is important because defending freedom of speech has come to need the collective solidarity, the mutual support, the kind of activism that made labour unions so important over 100 years ago.”

“For the last two years, the Free Speech Coalition has been campaigning to prevent the growth of anti-free speech case law and legislation. The Coalition was founded in response to the statements by the Auckland Mayor and actions of his Council in banning two controversial speakers from hosting a talk at a publicly owned venue. The founding members of the Coalition saw the greatest threat to New Zealand’s tolerant and diverse culture of free public discourse as coming directly from the power of the state.”

Read more here.
See Video below.

More from Tim.



Tim Wikiriwhi’s Oral submission opposing The Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill. 5-5-21.

Today I delivered a public oral submission in opposition to The Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill.

I found a video link here.
My contribution starts about 1:21 hour/minutes into this video.

This Oral submission was in addition to the written submission I submitted back in March… That can be found here.

As I could not make it down to Wellington to deliver my submission in person, I delivered it via the ‘Zoom’ Online messenger App, which I found surprisingly user friendly.
I must confess my performance was sub par and I am disappointed with myself.
I struggled to get a draft written right up until midnight last night leaving myself no time to shorten it to length, polish, and practice delivery.
I probably would have been better off not reading my script and simply speaking from my heart.
Anyway it is done now.

Below is the text I wrote for this submission.
I however only got through about 30% before my allotted time was expired, and the Committee did not ask me any questions at the end.
I don’t expect my submission will have impacted upon their thinking one Iota.
The Woke Juggernaut will keep rolling forward without hinderance.

A funny thing is in a case of mistaken Identity it looked to me like todays Hearing was being chaired by Radical Leftist Sue Bradford!
I was sure of it… wondering if SB has a Doppelganger in parliament.
With people like her involved in this process, I feared for the worst.
Turned out not to be Sue Bradford but National’s Barbara Kuriger!
My Bad. 🙂
No offence meant.

I must restrain my negativity when I decide to make submissions to Government bills and inquiries, subjugating my cynical inclination to see the public submission process as farcical… merely a formality these day’s… rather than a genuine desire by parliament to know the will of the people, or out of any genuine reverence for the ideals and principles of Freedom and democracy.
They are feigning due process all the while fully intending to pass such Bills into law… granting themselves greater powers, and conversely eroding the rights of we.. the people.

A draft of my submission follows below.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Oral submission opposing The Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification Of Publications And Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill.

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I brief explanation of who I am.
I am a New Zealand Citizen living in the Waikato.
I have been actively involved in both local body and National Politics for over 20 years.
I represented the Libertarianz Party as a spokesperson for 10 years.
I have stood for Election both for Hamilton City Council, and for the Hamilton West Ward for several general elections.
Over the past 2 decades I have made many submissions on a variety of Bills and Government inquiries.
I am a contributor to the Blog ‘Eternal Vigilance’.
I also contributed several chapters to a Book on Free speech called ‘Free Speech under attack’ released by ‘Tross Publishing’.
It came out late 2019 and can be purchased on line.
I recommend that Book to the committee as it is very pertinent to this business at hand, and in fact it predicted Bills like this one would be forthcoming and tried to warn the public about the real dangers involved in allowing politicians to erode our rights to Free speech.
I also have an 11 year old son in his last year at primary school, and 2 grandchildren also in primary school.
I am speaking up for their futures sake.
So that gives you a bit of my background, and will help you to appreciate that this subject is something I am both informed and passionate about.

Why is it that speaking truth takes courage and high character?

“In Times of universal deceit, telling the Truth is a revolutionary act” George Orwell.

“It is dangerous to be right when the Government is wrong”…. Voltaire

“He who dares not to offend cannot be honest”. United States Founding Father Thomas Payne.

Words are not violence and it is a moral abomination to conflate the two.

Before passing her oppressive new firearm prohibitions New Zealand Prime minister Jacinda Ardern said “Gun ownership’ is not a right, but a privilege”
Now it appears she is at it again… she obviously is of the opinion, that Free speech is not a right… but a privilege too… which she intends to take away.
She wants to decide what it is lawful for New Zealanders to express…

To the average disinterested citizen, and to those with only shallow understanding of politics This bill appears almost ‘benign’.
They will assume from what little the media has said about the proposals as simply the government trying to be nice to the less fortunate, to those they say are getting picked on and bullied… nobody likes bullies!
Many will assume this because this is how this bill has been sold to the public.
WE are supposed to believe this bill is making it illegal for nasty people to bully the weak and vulnerable on line or in print… and if that so… most fools will think that’s just fine!

So it appears. This is the rationale that is being used to get this bill passed into law so that the government and police have the legal authority to take down what they deem to be ‘Harmful or Offensive’ … and to grant themselves… the officials wielding these new powers legal indemnity should it be discovered that their censorship, or punishment’s was wrong and caused distress and harm to citizens.

Those of us who pay more attention to politics and have a far greater understanding of the importance of the right of Free Speech know with certainty that this Bill is in fact a component of a far larger political agenda, and that this bill if it passes will allow Radical Political ideologues to begin attacking the fundamental rights of their political opponents and critics.
And when this is understood it becomes clear that this bill is extremely dangerous to the well being of Freedom in this country, and to our democratic processes.

This is the first point I wish to make in my submission… That far from being just a nice ‘feel good’ piece of legislation that will only negatively effect nasty bullies and bigots, this bill is in fact a piece of subversive power grabbing by politicians with evil intentions cloaked under a guise of ‘caring for the vulnerable’.

Now I mentioned Political Ideologues… what/ who am I talking about?

A chief example, but far from being alone is our current Labour Party Prime minister Jacinda Ardern, and she may be described to be a Radical leftist Socialist who peddles the Woke, Globalist, Politically Correct Agenda and narrative.

Most people listening to my submission will understand those terms… Leftist, Socialist, Globalist, Woke, Politically Correct, and I will add the final term ‘Social Justice Warrior’
These terms embody what I described above as the ‘Radical Political Ideology’ that is already being systematically indoctrinated into our society, yet will be accelerated and intensified once this Bill becomes Law…. because once this law is passed, It will make it virtually impossible to criticise this process of indoctrination.
And this is at the heart of the scheme to make this law.

Now can I justify my use of the term ‘Radical’ in describing the political ideology Jacinda Ardern and comrades advocate and intend using every portion of Government power at their disposal to socially engineer and impress upon our Nation?

Yes I can. And the reason I can call her political ambitions ‘Radical’ is because they are at enmity with what we can describe as New Zealand’s traditional values upon which our nation was built, and which still hold sway… despite massive indoctrination campaigns via our education systems and the media.
This Governmental indoctrination is also being heavily assisted by the so-called ‘Community standards’ of Woke Dominated Social media companies which suppress the vast percentage of dissention opinions.
Social media Giants Like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube have their own version of this Bill already in operation on their platforms and it is resulting in Censorship of Anti-woke Dissenting opinions on a monumental scale… Enough to cause alarm to the degree that this partisan censorship is affecting elections.

Why may describe the Political Ideology of Woke as being radical?
Because Leftist Political Operatives around the Globe despise the prevailing values and beliefs of Western societies, they are attempting to execute an ideological revolution to overthrow the current ethos, and replace it with their own political ideals… and they intend using the force legislation like this Bill to achieve it, rather than via the only legitimate means congruent with a free society…. Free speech and persuasion in an open Public forum or equal rights.

And these are the second and third points I wish to make clear in todays submission.
This bill is a precursor to the imposition of political ideals and values by force that are highly controversial, that are at variance with the values and ideals of significant portions of our population, and that if this bill passes it will effectively remove New Zealand citizens rights to critisise the governments intended Indoctrination, in Schools, On Line, and in the media… because it is *on line* where today the majority of Pubic dialogue, Political debate, and commentary is carried on.
The internet is the new public domain, and an independent person can garner a considerable influence online… via the voluntary nature by which the public can freely access Websites, Blogs, Youtube videos, etc… and it is on these internet platforms that New Zealanders of all varieties can rightfully and democratically express their political opinions publicly… and a vast percentage of these opinions are scathing of what Radical Ideologues like Jacinda Arden are attempting to impose upon our Nation. The Ideologues pushing this bill intend to suppress and control this public backlash they know is inevitable when they crank up their Woke indoctrination esp in schools. They are prepared to use the force of the Law to ‘Take down’ content from the net they don’t like because it may generate greater public resistance to their Woke agenda.
Getting these censorship laws passed will criminalise dissenting opinions so that Parents, Radio show hosts, Journalists, and activists will fear being prosecuted should they dare to challenge the Radical left indoctrination that Woke ideologues intend using the Education system and media to propagate… against the will of Parents and citizens.
This Bill may therefore rightfully be deemed to be subversive to our Democracy.. because it attacks free speech, and will result in partisan censorship of the type that would impress Joseph Goebbels.

It is proper that I highlight the fundamentals of how a healthy Democracy functions in a free society.
The vital elements that must be maintained for Citizens to be able to make informed votes in choosing the candidates they wish to have representing their interests in parliament.
This is important, because when we look at these fundamentals, we see how it is the the Political ambitions of the Woke Radicals opposes itself to these fundamentals… which is why they desire to throttle free speech via this Bill.

The general tenor and dominating ethos of a free society is nothing more than the sum of the Beliefs and values freely held individually by the citizenry.
For example New Zealand has been described as holding very strong Judeo-Christian values and ideals, which is an inheritance from our ancestors. There are obviously many other influences that have shaped our National character yet this example serves the purpose of this discussion.
The History of Christianity’s influence on the political history of the world is a monumental topic. There have in darker times been Eras in which Christian Nations have harbored strong bigotries and practiced barbarous injustices, and yet there also grew in ‘Christiandom’ the ideals of the Equality of Human beings, and their inalienable God given rights and liberties… and it has been from these foundations that step by step Western nations became freer and more just, and along with this progressive march so too did standards of living rise and rise and rise.
Slavery was abolished, The persecution of Witches and Homosexuals was brought to an end. Woman gained the voting franchise. The rights of people to peacefully practice religions other than Christianity became so accepted and tolerated as to make it a struggle even to imagine living in those darker times when things were very different.
I massive reason why this progress occurred was because of the growth of the recognition of Free Speech… and the growth of other fundamentals to expanded and strengthened democracy.
With the process of Time even in New Zealand’s relatively short history as a nation modeled on English Law and Order we can see the National character has morphed so that Christian Ideals do not hold as great a sway as they once did… and yet the basic values are still there… and the Enlightenment principles of individual rights, and tolerance … though fading… have not yet been totally forgotten…
Thus these ideals still are freely held by a large portion of our Countrymen and they still determine the values they hold dear.
The Radical Woke Politicians despise these values and want to overthrow them… not via the legitimate means of propagating their alternative Woke beliefs via argument and persuasion in an open forum, in competition with other views, but instead by circumventing this just means of achieving their goal… ie by allowing the people to voluntarily embrace their new values and beliefs.
The problem they have is that far too many New Zealanders don’t want what they are selling!
And the radicals don’t care because deep down these leftist don’t believe in Rights and liberties… they believe in the all powerful Totalitarian State.
Hijacking the government, and using the powers of the law, and the engines of State to impose their alternative values… into the minds of the youth… against their parents will… by making it illegal for anyone to critisise what they are doing!
This has always been a part of Socialist political science.
These woke socialists are in fact taking western societies *Backwards* into less free more oppressive times… employing means that have historically proven to be the modus opperandi of tyrants and dictatorships… and they don’t care… as long as they have the power and it is those who oppose them who suffer.

These are the ugly truths that are kept out of sight… out of mind… while this bill works its way into Law.

I implore the committee to listen to the warnings of Citizens like myself.
I am confident that majority of submissions you have received from the public and those most well reasoned ask you to reject this Bill.
It is therefore your duty to report this back to parliament and do not recommend it passing into law.
Do not be party to this subversion of our Democracy and our rights to criticize the Woke Globalist agenda.
The Woke ideology is evil. Fools are free to believe it, yet it must never be allowed to usurp our Government and turn it against those citizens who oppose it.
Science in under threat.
History is under threat.
Free society is under threat.

Any members of the Committee here today who are unfamiliar with my written submission, I would ask you to read it.
I thank you for hearing my submission today. I appreciate the fact that some of you may not have liked what I said, I would only say that in itself is why Free speech is so important to a democracy.
A true Democracy allows unpopular opinions and criticisms of the powers that be to be herd in the public sphere.
Only then are the voting public able to freely weigh up all sides of any issue… and vote accordingly.
Fully informed, not merely being uncritically force fed the propaganda of those in power who desire to limit the peoples access to hearing alternative views.

‘Free Speech Under Attack’.
May be purchased from Tross Publishing Here.
Or Whitcoulls here
or directly from Tross publishing here

I suspect my internet supply is being manipulated by New Zealand Government Cyber Intelligence.

Banksy’s Radar Rat.

Maybe I should not write the following post because it will smack of Alex Jones/ David Ike type overtones… but then again how often have their outrageous claims proven to be on the money?
Far more often than people are willing to admit.

Maybe suggesting Reptiloids have taken control is far fetched, and yet there is something very strange going on with my social media platforms.
I suspect something diabolical.
And I have my reasons.

I am getting virtually zero responses over the past month… I suspect the powers that be have figured out how to throttle my activity so that it reaches nobody.
The similarity to what happened to my Facebook account is stark.
I have been asking people if they are receiving my posts… and get zero responses… for days on end.

Just a month ago I wrote a blogpost extolling how positive things were looking on these alternative Social media sites… there was *growth*, yet almost within the space of a few days… something weird happened…. like someone threw a switch… and my Social media ‘died.’
And I have the numbers… because back in April I reported I was getting on average a new ‘follower’ on gab for every 5 posts (900/186= 4,84).
Today the math is 1300 posts/ 214 followers= 6.07= over a 20% drop!
Things should in theory be getting better… not significantly worse.
And though I don’t have the numbers… things are far worse on Mewe.
I go for days without any interactions, weeks without any contact requests.
What is going on?
I believe there is some sort of ‘filtering’ going on targeting Gab and Mewe.
Have they been ‘flagged’ by our Woke Government as Right wing extremist sites?
Have I personally been flagged for suppression because of my outspoken views and criticism of the Woke agenda?
Do the Tech Spies of Woke governments about the Globe Taylor make strategies to attack independent voices?
Highly likely given the Machiavellian bents of the Ardern regime.
They now have both the Tech and the will to do this.

I’m not a tech head so I don’t have a clue how such things might be achieved… a mysterious algorithm pinned to my IP?
Way above my pay grade.

Anyone who does not live under a rock knows that governments about the globe have been working night and day to control all information on the net.
They are busy legislating themselves power not only to censor people, but also power to punish, and jail citizens who don’t conform to their dictates and they have been setting up systems and deploying government operatives to create ‘Cyber Security Hubs’ to monitor and control the internet… virtually putting an end to the private exchange of information between ‘Users’.
New Zealand under Ardern has in fact been accelerating the governments powers in this domain using the Christchurch Terror attack as justification for the expansion of their Police State which is fundamentally a Surveillance State… The all seeing eye.

These are facts… not paranoid delusions.

Even before that horrific event, specific legislation already existed which allows Spies like the GCSB to target ‘individuals of interest’.
What criteria they employ in making a decision to put a person on their watch list?
The tendency for abuse of power means we should not be surprised if twisting the truth becomes routine… to allow them to deploy against *vocal political opponents and dissenters* rather than real dangerous fanatics.. simply by labeling activists and dissidents as ‘Extremists’, ‘Hateful’, etc.

We know that Obama spied on the Trump campaign… do you seriously believe New Zealand politicians walk a higher path than their American counterparts?
History proves otherwise.


Now when I was a facebook addict and was getting censored and thrown in Facebook jail for Politically incorrect wrong think, there was no need to suspect that Ardern Spooks were at work because we were all well aware that Facebook itself was heavily prejudiced in favour of Globalist socialism and were explicit in their declarations about censorship and deplatforming the most vocal dissenters who attacked the Woke agenda.
Yet it was there first that I began to notice a completely new way in which activists like myself were being censored… not by overt means… instead by secret ‘suffocation’… our posts simply were not reaching any of our friends or contacts…. we were speaking to the void.

After Facebook was party to the US election fraud that helped install the corrupt Joe Biden, I could no longer justify my ongoing presence on such a vile and corrupt platform and so I left and joined Mewe and Gab.



Things started off very well… these platforms though smaller were starting to hum.
But recently I have noticed it’s like some invisible hand has put the breaks on my Social media activity.
It is deja vu.
I have seen this ‘suffocation’ of my Social media reach before… yet this time I suspect it is not the platforms themselves doing this.
In fact I believe these alternative non-woke platforms are themselves coming under attack by powers that seek their destruction.
Have they come under duress to implement woke agenda censorship without informing their customers?
I believe I am witnessing some sort of intensification of Government intervention of the flow of information.
They have been investing millions… probably hundreds of millions on new tech hardware and software.
Bringing all this cyber weaponry online I suspect they can now not only covertly eavesdrop on private activity, but also suppress voices who say things the government wants to suppress.
The government under John Key already got caught abusing their powers with respect to spying with the ‘Dotcom Saga’, and it is my opinion that Jacinda Ardern has far more tyrannical inclinations and ambitions than John Key ever did.
Jacinda Ardern is in my opinion New Zealand’s worst, and most dangerous Prime minister in our nations history.
I believe she is a specially groomed and hand picked Globalist.
Propaganda is her specialty, and she has virtually our entire parliament eating out of her hand… giving her the power to destroy the freedom ,prosperity, and undermine the values that made our country spectacular.

The subject matter of this Blogpost is of the type of thinking the Government does not want the Sheeple to contemplate or discuss.
I freely admit that I have no proof, and only my own intuition that my internet is being restricted by the government.
How does an ordinary person investigate or ‘get proof’ of such cloak and dagger type intrigues?
It was only by chance that Tech Guru Kim Dotcom became suspicious that there was ‘funny business’ going on with his internet because he played online games at world class levels and noticed his internet speed were lagging for some ‘odd’ reason. He discovered the government were in fact involved in devious and illegal tampering with his internet, which when it all came out in the wash John Key was forced to ‘Deny any knowledge’ of what the Spy department under his direct control was doing, and to offer a public apology to Dotcom.

Such apologies are worthless, esp when we see the result was not to slap greater controls on the GCSB but reward them with greater power!
The Government decided to pseudo-legitimise future devious GCSB activities and violations our privacy by writing new amendments that grant them license to do it.

Read: New Zealand Spying Law Passes Allowing Surveillance Of Citizens.

Speaking of the new powers government granted unto itself DotCom said “This will be the birth of a surveillance state in New Zealand,”

Has my name been added to some sort of spy ‘watch list’ for dangerous extremists?
Are the government really using their powerful cyber weaponry to suffocate my political activist outreach?
I have only my suspicions to go on.
I am here ‘Thinking out loud’, seeking to raise these questions for my people to consider with me.
I personally do not have the time or resources to ‘investigate’ what is going on with my Social media, and so I can only speculate.
The Dotcom saga does serve as an eye opener and precedent about New Zealand Governments penchant to abuse their powers.
Now with increased powers, under Comrade Ardern… in the Post-Christchurch atrocity era the political impetus to spy, censor, suppress, criminalise, punish activists and individuals who oppose themselves to the powers that be has been multiplied exponentially… and by it’s insidious nature… spying is purposefully secretive and hidden… and devious.
The justification is always claimed such activities are for the greater public good.

What is interesting to note is that even with these greater powers Brenton Tarrant still slipped past the GCSB, fooled the Police, and manage to commit his heinous crime.
So in reality none of this stuff works to make our country safer from real terrorist treats, it only serves to empower the State to trample underfoot the rights of New Zealand citizens.

Post Christchurch attack Comrade Ardern has publicly spoken at International Committees on ‘Internet Safety’ about gaining the power to detect and shut down live feeds that have characteristics they want to censor.
This ‘initiative’ goes by the name of ‘The Christchurch call’ and makes political capital from the public horror of the event to massively expand government powers over the internet.

Read NZ government Christchurch Call makes significant progress

I speculate that Government Tech Hubs now have formidable tech at their fingertips, with minimal oversite.
They will employ politically vetted operators not merely able to spy, but also to isolate individual internet users.
I suspect they now have the power to effectively put ‘targets’ in ‘virtual jail’ without them even being aware of it… that is until you figure out you have been isolated from your contacts and groups.
By doing this they are effectively rendering my online activism dead in the water…. and when you appreciate that I am very much a dissident against the current regime, critical of it’s legitimacy (Election fraud), critical of its determination to destroy free speech, and pretty much critical of all of the Governments key pillars for their overall agenda, this causes me to think that the Governments Internet spies have put me on their watch list and have somehow ‘taken over’ my internet… rerouting my activity through their systems and using some sort of system to silence me. .. you monitor me…. to look for any sort of comments or posts that might be useful to building a case against me to cease all my work, shut down my Blog, and put me in *Actual jail.*
This is where socialism leads… it does not tolerate political opposition, but creates the crime of ‘Enemy of the State*… because of *wrong think*.

Note: Sean Plunket has since been ‘Deplatformed’ from Radio due to attacks by the Woke.

Some people may think that this is just silly paranoia…. I personally think it is naïve not to understand what the State is up to with respect to Internet surveillance and fanatical zeal to control the flow of information under the guise of gaining ‘intel’ on ‘possible extremism’… which is simply their convenient excuse to violate personal privacy and spy on dissidents like myself.
And how else do you explain that all of a sudden your growing Social media activity dies?

As I am not a Tech head, I am personally at a loss as to how We the people might work to get back our internet freedom and privacy… despite the implementation of tyrannical laws, there still could be legal avenues… this blog post is simply about raising the alarm.
Getting people to think about the loss of liberty and privacy… and ask themselves what is the government really up to?

Covid 19 has also been another gigantic excuse for governments to rob populations of their rights and expand their Police States.
Protests against lockdowns, collapsing economies, fears about untested experimental vaccines has also been a monumental impetus for tyrannical leaders to try and censor dissident information reaching the general public. In many nations public protests have been banned. Big Sister Jacinda Ardern has also banked heavily upon the New Zealand Public submitting to mass vaccination and with that in mind suppressing contrary opinions about the safety of the vaccines… or the wisdom of her lockdown policies is without doubt high on her priority list.
You can add these ‘thought crimes’ to the list of reasons why I suspect that I… as one of New Zealand’s most vocal Libertarians probably am under the gaze of the Evil Eye.
‘Most caring and transparent government eva? YEAH RIGHT!

People whop seldom engage in critisism of the Woke agenda will no doubt be left to their sheepish activities, yet I would not be surprised to find out that other outspoken activists have also noticed something fishy is going on with respect to their internet outreach… viewership way down of videos, etc.

Please share my Blogposts so that they actually reach the public.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….













Ex cop appeals to law enforcement personnel to refuse to obey orders you know are evil.

Important note: The person who made the video (below) is Ex Police.
This Man saw from the inside first hand Commanders ordering the lower ranks to do things he knew in his heart were wrong… against the people they were supposed to ‘protecting and serving’.
Slowly he grew the courage to stand up and disobey orders he believed were wrong, and yet so many Cops are blind order followers… either because they are weak and fear of losing their jobs or because they literally don’t give a bean about the public.

The only reason I have used the You tube version above is because I can embed it here on my blog, while I am not able to embed the Bitchute copy.
Yet this video will probably be deleted by You tube so here is the link to the Bitchute version… If You’re A Cop, Listen Up!

Law enforcement is the legalised use of force, so not only can it attract virtuous and brave spirits seeking to make a difference in their communities, unfortunately it also attracts the worst types of personalities… Sadistic Thugs and Bullies who enjoy butalising the public behind the protection and authority of a uniform and badge.


I implore everyone involved in Law and order, and politics to watch this video and contemplate what this man is saying.

I am not *Anti-Police*.
I am Pro-Justice, Pro-Just Laws, and Pro-enforcement of just laws.
When the Police maintain their code of ethics and hold their duty as first being to *justice* and the people, not to the Political powers… then they are truly heroic and Nobel.
Yet when they loose this essential justification for their existence and begin to impose Political social schemes they cross the line and so easily become the tools of injustice and oppression.

I am promoting a peaceful stand for just Law and virtue, against the abuses of power that seeks to use the Police to impose Political Evils.

The video (above) is precisely the sort of message that will be flagged for censorship.
Because he is on a target range loading guns it will probably be construed to represent ‘a dangerous radical’ and ‘potential terrorist’, when in truth this good man is saying nothing that is a danger to the people whatsoever!
The Public have been manipulated to thinking of guns as being a threat to their safety rather than an essential tool to defend their lives and rights.

This Man is in fact boldly standing up for the people against the evil powers that seek to use the Police to impose their tyrannical agenda!
This brave man will be seen as ‘A danger’ to the Politicians who are in fact working against their own people.
They are the real danger, yet these politicians and corrupt Officials and Journalists will spin this around and make out that it is people like this guy are why *Guns should be confiscated* and their opinions *Censored and punished* under the pretense that such opinions are ‘harmful to the public good’.

Can you see how the Truth gets turned inside out?

At some point I expect myself to get a knock on my door because I share these sorts of dissident views.

Here is another post I have written on this subject. I have abandoned facebook and so the page it mentions is no longer available, yet the ethics I endorse in this post are still vital for a Civil and Free society.


Just as George Orwell predicted that the future will be ‘a jackboot stomping on a human face forever’, politicians like Jacinda Ardern, Andrew Little, Judith Collins, and their counterparts in all other western nations have been using the so-called Covid 19 crisis to ramp up their establishment of Police States exponentially.
Putting our nations in lockstep with the globalist Agenda.
It is a demonstration of what Lenin called ‘Useful Idiots’ that so many Kiwi fools still believe Jacinda Ardern’s regime is all about ‘Hugs’.

To appreciate how evil regimes paint good yet renegade cops who bravely stand up for just Constitutional Law as ‘Terrorists’ we can see what happened/ is happening in Venezuela.


Now the situation in Venezuela is extreme comparative to where we are at in Western Nations such as New Zealand, Australia, The US, Britain, Canada.
The Socialist Tyranny is out of the closet in Venezuela and in full swing and so Oscar Perez actions (and grim fate) must be understood in that context.
He stood up to the Socialist tyranny in the name of the Venezuelan Constitution
Though we have not yet reached this extreme we still should be cognizant of the fact that the oppression that is a reality in Venezuela today is very much akin to what Jacinda Ardern intends for us.
Socialist ideology dictating our future governance and crushing of our culture and rights, esp with regards to free speech, and gun rights.
Unless we the people, and Law enforcement personal of high integrity nip their political ambitions in the bud *Now* while it still can be done… it will soon be too late.
At some point Ardern’s Police State will come out in open warfare against us.
Deeming us to be ‘Enemies of the State’.

Lets get busy and ensure this nightmare does not unfold on our watch!

Only Morons fail to grasp that Political Machiavellians like Ardern have coldly calculated the urgent need to suppress free speech and confiscate all Guns so that they can impose their socialist agenda.
They already have these very programs up and running… with incremental legislative steps rolling out in succession.
Idiots believe these prohibitions are awesome… and for the public good.
The terms ‘conspiracy theorist’ and ‘dangerous radical’ have been coined to condition the public into turning against the very people whom are trying to wake them up.
The things I have written in this blog post are not wild hallucinations but *verifiable facts*.
There *IS* a conspiracy afoot by the very political operators I have named… and it’s not even a secret!

The insane thing is that so many people have been duped into thinking the Globalist NWO is all about ‘the salvation of humanity and the planet’ when in truth is is all about absolute power and *the enslavement* of the entire human race.
Talk about believing a false Gospel!
These people seek to eliminate all opposition… all free thinkers… All Christians… etc.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!

Ask yourself… ‘If the Devil really existed, and if humanity truly is a spiritually fallen race of beings… how would all this translate into history, and the real world?’????
It would look a hell of a lot like what is transpiring before our very eyes!

The Bible predicted all this.
It’s explanatory power to accurately describe the human condition and reality grows more convincing by the hour!
I believe it!

Yet still maybe you remain unconvinced.
Maybe you have misplaced personal ideological loyalties that forbid you from considering to possibility that the Bible might be true.
Yet still you cannot reasonably deny that there is a grand socialist agenda that is systematically establishing an evil global tyranny and that we must rally together and stand against it.
We must re-establish the Enlightenment principles of small government which is the servant of a Free and self-reliant People whose inalienable rights and liberties the government must respect.
We the people ought to possess the means to depose the government when it becomes despotic.


None of this stuff is a political mystery… the Whys, hows, etc of how tyrannies grow has been well understood for centuries!
Go study the American Declaration of Independence, and why the founding fathers enshrined the Second Amendment!

It is only a spoon fed indoctrinated/ lobotomised population that can be so deceived as to allow tyranny to propagate and flourish.
The battlefield truly is *in the minds* of the people.
The War is one by waking up *one soul at a time… with Facts and truth.

This is a time of crisis which requires people of courage, principle, and virtue… esp those in Law enforcement.
You have a greater moral responsibility than even the ordinary citizen because you will become the means by which tyranny is imposed upon the people, unless you do the right thing and refuse to follow evil orders.
This not only applies to law enforcement to all agents and employees of the State.

Remember the ‘Nuremberg defense’ whereby the Nazis attempted to escape justice and moral culpability for their War crimes and atrocities by claiming ‘they were only following orders’???


It did not save them. That was no excuse.
Nor is there any excuse for moral cowardice by Law enforcement in such times as we are facing now in carrying out orders that violate the rights of citizens.

Will you enforce corrupt anti-free speech laws manufactured by a corrupt parliament and arrest citizen dissidents who are speaking out against government corruption?

This is the sort of moral challenge you will face more and more.
Will you make the excuse that such corrupt laws must be enforced because they were made via a semblance of Due process?

We are facing dark clouds on the horizon, yet hopefully… for the sake of our children Freedom shall prevail. The only question will be were you on the side of the people, or on the side of the Nazi regime?

There will be a reckoning!
Either by God Almighty, or by the people.
Another Nuremburg Trial shall take place, either here on Terra firma or in the heavens.
Justice will ultimately be served.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


The Story of Covid 19 in New Zealand, by Tim Wikiriwhi 2021.

People have reached ‘Peak Covid’… and are by and large ‘sick to death’ of this subject and so many people will roll their eyes when they see this blogpost.
I don’t blame them.
I have written this post ‘for the record’, yet still I believe it contains many important truths that the people of New Zealand have become apathetic about to their own peril.
I would hope this post would be a wake up call… and yet how do you wake up a population wallowing in boredom and indifference?
They cant even be bothered spending 30 minutes reading an article of great importance.
Oh well… let he that still hath an ear to hear… let him hear!


I was one of the earliest people I know who became alarmed at the reports of the outbreak of a deadly virus well before the general panic and lockdowns ensued… early2020, and I began to blog about it way back then, and my concerns were that it was an escaped Germ Warfare / Bio-weapon from the Wuhan Lab.


What I appreciate now but did not know back then was that I was being influenced by what I can only describe as a well orchestrated propaganda campaign.
I saw ‘Tick tock’ videos of people dropping dead on the streets of China, footage of the draconian way in which the CCP was attempting to contain the outbreak… welding Chinese citizens into their apartment blocks, etc, and also this is when the false counting of Covid 19 deaths began in such places as Italy.
China in fact was releasing statistics that portrayed the outbreak as less than valid reasons for panic, and yet the general response in the West was that the CCP could not be trusted to tell the truth.

I was the first people I know to develop an extreme anxiety about it’s spread and at that time feared it would rampage through New Zealand like a Biblical plague!
Before the general alarm went out I was the first person I know who started preparing for the worst and bought up on Food supplies, and other essentials, and when I went to buy PPE like face masks I discovered that bus loads of Chinese people had already been and bought out all the stock in the city!
I ended up purchasing 3 high grade masks at considerable expense just before the government slapped a prohibition on the plebs being able to buy such items for their own protection.
Supplies were so low that the Government wanted to get their hands on all such PPE for their own front line workers.
And then the Lockdowns began… and the destruction of the Economies of the West… and all the legislations that robbed us of our rights, etc,etc.

It turned out the Covid 19 Mass hysteria was the perfect means by which Socialists could empower themselves, to standardise their systems on a globalist basis, destroy our entire way of life, and impose their ‘New Normal’.

What I think is important to note about my personal experience and why I am taking the trouble to blog it is that I can show a process of reason whereby I have moved my position from that of Fearful concern and belief in the extreme danger Covid 19 as it was purported to be in the press, to the new position I hold now of Activist against the lockdowns.

Early on I had a few Libertarian friends in medicine who via social media expressed their skepticism at what was being reported, and questioned whether or not the Governments response to this supposed pandemic might turn out to be more destructive than the disease itself.

At that time listening to their position, I could not see how it would be possible to ‘Fake’ such things as were being reported in Italy… headlines like ‘1000 dead overnight’ seemed to justify other headlines such as ‘Italy locks down entire cities’.

It was only after whistleblowers started to report how Covid 19 deaths were being grossly overstated for political reasons to amp up public hysteria to justify ongoing lockdowns and more and more legislation giving the police intrusive and oppressive powers, taking away the peoples rights that I began to question what the hell was really going on.
I learned that US Hospitals profited from inflating numbers of Covid deaths because every death recorded as being Covid 19 they received lump sum payments of thousands of dollars… hence a motive to exaggerate and falsify the pathogenic potency of Covid 19… hyping up the perceived danger in the minds of the masses.
This is when it dawned on me how in fact such massive deception and lies *could be* generated and spread as propaganda via the socialist infested and brain dead mainstream media.
I was beginning to understand Covid 19 was being manipulated by vested interests for their own ends.
The pandemic was more political than biological.

As more and more information came into my possession I began to modify my own thoughts and feelings about what was going on.
Like myself, more and more intelligent people were starting to question the official narrative.

This is when the censorship, deplatforming, and rage against dissenters started to happen.
Doctors found themselves under reputational assault should they dare criticise the lockdowns, and how Covid 19 was being portrayed to the public.
I witnessed the Trump Derangement syndrome in action when he promoted Hydroxychloroquine as a viable treatment for Covid 19.
IF Trump promoted it… it *had* to be false… according to Rabid Liberal Press.


I witnessed Facebook, etc starting to ban and deplatform people who claimed that vitamins played a significant roll in the severity of cases, and that those most likely to suffer were people whom were vitamin D deficient.
I witnessed the confusion sown whereby Masks were early on not recommended by the Health authorities, only later to become compulsory… despite evidence they were virtually useless, and even detrimental… and that being outside in the open air and sunshine was in fact the best place to be!
So the Government lockdowns were not only pointlessly destroying our economy… not only robbing us of our rights, but were in fact the worse possible response medically speaking.

Ironically only a few months before Covid 19 kicked off I had contributed to a Book called ‘Free Speech Under attack’ where in one of the chapters I wrote I spoke about the importance of Free Speech with respect to people making informed choices when it comes to whether or not they will take vaccines.
This is a right of supreme importance as it defines the difference between a free individual, and a slave.
Individual sovereignty over one’s own Body, and it also extends to Parental rights as the custodians of their Children’s rights.
Thus it would be dishonest for anyone to accuse me of being Anti-Vax… I am no such thing.
I am anti-compulsion, Pro-Freedom, and pro- Consent.


All the while censorship was ramping up.
Despite this as time passed the truth that Covid 19 was no where near as deadly as we were first led to believe became harder and harder for the Powers that be to keep hidden… something they wanted to keep suppressed because they had all invested Billions into Bill Gates Vaccines and they knew that the only reason the populations would voluntarily consent to having the shots was if they maintained a high degree of paranoia about the virus.
And The desire to maintain this hysteria is still the defining nature of the governments of the world because it is this hystera by which they gain the greatest measure of sheepish fearful compliance and submission to their new tyrannical powers and aims.

Witnessing this spectacle unfolding from the inside, with the process of time (A year), and gaining more and more information from independent sources, I modified my own position on Covid 19 from fearful father who expected to see my neighbours be taken away in body bags to return to my Libertarian outraged self at having been fed massive lies and fooled for the purpose of robbing my nation of our rights and precious liberty… and the destruction of our economy.
I would make a submission to the inquiry into the governments handling of the pandemic.
Read :

It is with contempt that I note that after all the attempts to suppress the truth that drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Zinc were highly effective treatments for Covid 19… things I mentioned in my submission have now become a matter of public knowledge.
Not only does it turn out that it was the ‘Fact checkers’ of platforms like Facebook who were *the real fake news*… and that they were unjustly punishing’s *Truth tellers* for daring to critisise the erroneous, and dangerous Socialist Official line, but had these truths been allowed to be discussed as they ought to have been… lives would have been saved!
In truth the governments of the world responses to Covid 19… the lockdowns… the mass untested vaccinations… the massive financial destruction… the massive cost in Social consequences in the loss of rights, liberties, and the establishment of a whole new body of tyrannical laws on the books…. The massive cultural change within the police forces of the world who are now willing to knock down doors and drag away mothers in front of their children over such ridiculous reasons as maybe disobeying lockdown rules and taking their child to the park!
This has been a social catastrophe for Western civilisation of unimaginable scale!
Yet I suspect few if any Politicians will face any justice for their gross incompetence and dishonesty.

What about our rights to assemble and peacefully protest ongoing Government lockdowns and closed boarder?
Under the ‘New Normal’ that Politicians Like Jacinda Ardern have created, she can declare a lockdown any time she pleases, and the Police will not hesitate to drag away dissidents they have been trained to think of as Dangerous troublemakers… We have seen plenty of videos from Austraila that show this very thing, and We should not be so naïve as to believe that wont happen here in God’s own.
They will target the ‘Ring leaders’ of protests, and attempt to provoke violence at otherwise peaceful and lawful gatherings to create the pretext for dispersing legitimate mass protests which are fundamental to democracy..

Who would have believed any of this was possible just a few short years ago?

What more the powers that be have no intention of allowing things to return to how they were before Covid 19.
There is every reason to suspect that when public hysteria is lost on this variant, that some new strain will conveniently appear.

Because Covid 19 is not the world ending plague it was first purported to be, Ardern’s aggressive lockdown did not merely ‘flatten the curve’ of infection as was planned, but totally extinguished the virus thus ruining the plan to slowly gain herd immunity via a controlled exposure to the virus as it passed through the population at a manageable rate.
Instead of admitting this unexpect result, Jacind Ardern lied about it and pretended elimination was her intended strategy all along.
She must think we are idiots to swallow that one, yet the sycophantic media never took her to task for this dishonesty, and the terrible result of this blunder is that New Zealand has remained a prison Island as Ardern keeps our boarders locked down while she awaits the bulk delivery of Covid 19 vaccine… while the rest of the world are already immerging out the other side having passed through the gauntlet and gained herd immunity.

In the US with Trump having been deposed, the media are modifying their activism to portray the Biden administration as successfully dealing with a crisis they claimed Trump was perpetuating.
Meanwhile our Kiwi economy remains suffocated with thousands of tourist businesses gone broke.

We are yet to face the pressures Jacinda Ardern will start to apply to coerce New Zealanders into taking the vaccine once the batches start to arrive yet we can be sure she will apply as much coercion as she possibly can… indirectly… esp via a big spend on Spin.
We can be sure that one way she will apply indirect pressure to comply is by allowing businesses to compel their staff into receiving the vaccine if the wish to keep their jobs… under the guise of workplace safety, and we can also anticipate her allowing stores to forbid customers from entering their premises without showing proof of vaccination… and to facilitate this we can expect the introduction of Vaccine pasports… effectively holding our rights and liberties to ransom, and creating a two tier society whereby those who have the passport will enjoy the most access and freedoms while those who choose to reject the vaccine will find themselves severely restricted and penalised.
All the while Ardern will claim all this is *not coercion* as technically speaking the vaccine is not legislated as compulsory.
To appreciate what is at stake with respect to the right to reject the vaccine, I refer you to ISRAELI RABBI CHANANYA WEISSMAN’S 31 REASONS WHY I WON’T TAKE THE VACCINE.
There are even more frightening risks involved than what he has stated.
Animal testing on similar MRNA treatments had disastrous results.


This is why it is imperative that a popular protest movement to rise up now and demand the restoration of our Pre-covid 19 Rights and liberties, including the right to gather for peaceful protest, that all such laws that were enacted via urgency without due process be scrapped, and that politicians and government employees who acted in anyway that can be seen as being draconian and a violation of legitimate rights be held to account… certainly sacked, and possibly face further punishment’s for their oppressions and usurpations.

I personally have zero charisma to get such a movement up and running.
I have tried in the past yet to no avail.
It is my hope that people who share my concerns, and who are better at organisation than I can at least get a foundational meeting scheduled.
I am willing to throw my support to it.
This is a crisis for the future freedom of our nation.
What sort of world will we bequeath to our children?
If you are a concerned citizen and parent… you must be prepared to struggle for their future against the evil Socialist powers that stolen so much from us and will not stop until they have established a Socialist Totalitarian vassal state of the New World Order.

Tim Wikiriwh
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 10-4-21 Check out the video here
It corroborates many of the important things I have said above, esp about the Vaccine Passports which have been planned for the beginning.

More from Tim….





New Zealand Lawyer Sue Grey doing some good work with respect to NZ Government Covid 19 response and ‘Vaccine’ roll out.

These are the sorts of videos (Below) the government does not want circulating on the net.
I believe we are fast approaching a day when the thought police will pay visits to people like Sue Grey… and to people like myself… and anyone who dares to share any information on the net that might sway others from believing the government’s position on subjects of this nature.

They don’t want the voting public to be aware of the real world affects their policies are having on real people… ignorance is bliss.

They don’t want the people to make truly informed choices, or exercise caution when it comes to granting their consent to be ‘vaccinated’ (they are not vaccines) or allowing their kids to be vaccinated.

I apologise that I am unable to embed them from Bitchute.



The content of both of these videos are of high value with regards to what is going on here in New Zealand with regards to the Ardern regime’s response to Covid 19.
Sue Grey is to be highly commended for make the videos and for her work in defense of the poor woman and child currently being locked up simply for exercising her Parental rights by refusing to allow them to perform their highly intrusive PCR test on her 6mth old child.

I wrote my own criticism of how Ardern has handled this supposed Pandemic at the government inquiry….


Covid 19 is not the only area in which Ardern’s Government is acting like some third world dictatorship… I recently read about the Draconian use of force against a woman who had suffered an assault at the hands of some male, who then had her new born child removed from her in the most brutish fashion simply because she exercised her right to refuse to go into a ‘Woman’s refuge’ accommodation at the behest of ‘Oranga Tamariki’.
This New Mum had done nothing wrong.
First she suffers an assault at the hands of some violent arsehole, next she has he child ripped from her hands and kidnapped by the State!

Read: Bereft Mum Broken NZ Herald 30 March 2021

What is disturbing about these stories is they share and expose an underlying callous disregard for the rights of New Zealand citizens… a contempt… by the minions of the NZ State that is precisely the sort of attitude that marks out oppressive tyrannies.
Obey or else!
This is the new normal, all the while Ardern sells her government as the most caring and transparent of all governments.
And this headlong fall into a Police state show no signs of abatement.

Should the new censorship legislation pass (and they will) , all it will take to issue take down orders to internet platforms like Bitchute will be for the government to receive a public complaint, and for it to be deemed to ‘probably be harmful’ to the public good by some thought police official’ and videos like these made by Sue Grey will have to be taken down out of Public view.
And there will be no redress for injustices caused by any such actions even if found to have been wrongfully censored.
Failure to comply will result in prosecution, and the Police may choose to prosecute any social media posts, or articles, etc they deem to be ‘offensive’, ‘hateful’. or ‘harmful’.


Ardern’s Government is pushing for greater censorship powers, amending laws already on the books that allow them to prosecute Social media users for ‘making threats’ and ‘causing harm’, so we know the real intent of the new Amendments is to take things far beyond this.
The Governments justification for what they are doing is a bare faced lie.
They simply want the legal right to force ‘independent platforms’ into taking down political opinions contrary to the official position of the Woke State.

Read this NZ Herald article from earlier this week Man charged for threatening to kill and causing harm to members of the Sikh community

So they *already* have the power to censor and punish threats and expressions of malice…

To my way of thinking, the most disturbing thing about what is happening is the apathy of the New Zealand Public.
Where is the outcry against the Ardern States massive power grabs and curtailment of Freedom?
Tyranny is running amok while the sheeple slumber.

I was sent this on social media as a comment to my latest blog as it also targets Sue Grey.

Leftist Bottom crawler and minion of Ardern Marc Daalder is trying to deplatform Peter Williams because he continues to question the official Ardern/ Globalist narrative on Covid 19 and vaccinations on New Zealand Radio.
According to how the Leftists work, he must be silenced.
No dissenting opinions can be allowed to reach the ears of the voting sheeple.
This snipit shows us Daalder is highly likely part of the systematic censorship going on in Radio…. probably neck deep in the axing of Banks and Plunket.

This is how these demons operate.
There is no sewer they will not wallow in for the sake of their own corrupt ends.
Truly revolting and malevolent.

What is interesting is that we can see from the video links above that Sue Grey is not ‘Anti-Vaxx’, but pro liberty and pro- free informed choice, and critical of the Draconian actions of the State with regards to how they are treating people.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Final Draft Below.
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.
I had to axe about 50% of my original draft.
A longer (better) version can be found here


I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.

For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.

Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of tolerant.
It is a closed and oppressive society.

A free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of an open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
The *Anti-freedom mentality* sees contrary opinions as *only bad*.
In truth… like a Black canvas allows a white picture to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull and the dissenter shines with superior proofs, this is when the Powers that be are provoked and resort to calling their opponents ‘haters’, ‘harmful’, etc to justify silencing them before the general public grasp the official narrative they are being spoon fed is not the best evaluation of the facts.

The vital question is this… How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all been censored?
They can’t… they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.

There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses.

This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.

Censorship is being advocated by the use of ambiguous yet derogatory terms such as ‘harmful’, ‘objectionable’. ‘hateful’, ‘offensive’, ‘misinformation’, ‘fake news’, etc.
Intentional ambiguity leaves the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Assent is sort to this bill via the ruse… ‘Who could possibly protest the suppression of ‘hate’ and ‘harm’?

The bill states that take down notices may be issued when ‘(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionable’… hence the scope of Free speech in NZ will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official ‘believes’.

This bill is totalitarian as it leave nothing beyond it’s scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything*.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!
All it takes to trigger the censorship powers is for someone ‘to submit a complaint.’, and for some Orwellian ‘Inspector’ from ‘the Ministry of Truth’ (Read Orwell’s 1984) to deem any utterance as ‘probably harmful to the public good’.

I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore ‘harmful’.

This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line.
Once in operation it will intimidate the people into silent obedient conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all.
esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariah’s for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees… fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. No Sarcasm. They shall become crimes.
Take care not to allow your weary heart to thoughtlessly commit any perceivable micro-aggressions!
You will have to be reeducated to understand and embrace the new rules this bill really entails.

Ambiguity leaves caprice for overlooking any truly malicious speech congruent with politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
Political operatives will use the ambiguities in two ways.
By rigorously implementing censorship and punishment’s for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed ‘right think’.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis.
There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will ‘instinctually recognize hate speech when they see it’.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.

Let me list a few specific examples of offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the gauntlet unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this suppression will be officially sanctioned.
Not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist will be suffered to curtail their guile.
Any written complaints against these hate mongers will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their free speech, but no one else will as these are seen as the trail blazers of the New woke Socialist ‘inclusive’ Utopia.
The New Zealand we grew up in will be gone…. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in ‘Animal Farm’… the once ‘oppressed’ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.

Statements critical of Treaty separatism, Climate change, open immigration, transgender sex theory, vaccinations, abortion, or any promotion of traditional Christian values… shall be deemed as harmful, offensive, misinformation, conspiracy theory, etc and ‘against the public good’ and therefore illegal.
Platforms carrying such content will be forced to ‘take it down’.
Only one narrative can be allowed… The Official narrative.
This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive.

If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent in this bill it surely must be by creating indemnity for officials from accountability for any injustices incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
‘No action to lie against Officials’… So no consequences for abuse of power!
Should this Bill not be scrapped, to safeguard free speech these indemnity clauses should be reversed making any misuse and abuses by officials an offence.
Heads should roll!

Big Sister is watching.
In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the voting populations. Enough to skew elections.
They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those who suffered mass censorship from this unholy alliance have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views.
This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke monopoly as the single source of truth.
Platforms independent of the Leftist Cabal today allow countless numbers to slip through the Socialist Net.
Via legislation such as this bill we see these socialist governments mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish thereby restoring their Politically correct stranglehold on information.
This regulatory activity is much to the advantage of the Establishment Mega corporations who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information either On line, or off.

The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents.
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.
The Socialists don’t care.
Power Corrupts.
Freedom is in peril.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


The Bill can be found here.

Public submissions opposing this Bill can be submitted here.

Closing Date 01 April 2021.












Big Sister is Watching. Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill

Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill.

Submission of Tim Wikiriwhi RUFF DRAFT.

This Draft below contained most of what I wanted to submit to the Public submissions for this bill, yet unfortunately it was to lengthy to be accepted by the Government database so I was forced to substantially reduce it to fit… at the expense of many important things I wanted to state publicly.
I however will keep this draft available on Eternal Vigilance Blog because at least here people can find my full thoughts.
My final draft could not even fit my caveat about these things being my personal opinions.

Final Draft can be found here .
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.


To the Committee,

Thank you for considering my submission.
These are my personal views and opinions.

I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.

My commentary may not be appreciated by those seeking to pass this legislation as I believe the danger inherent within the document is not accidental or a result of a lack of foresight, but intentional.
This bill is framed to further partisan political interests and powers pushing a subtil anti-democratic anti-freedom agenda cloaked under humanitarian guise.
Wolves in sheeps clothing.
The ultimate goal is to control all information.

I do not make these assertions callously.
If they cause the committee some alarm… possibly offence even, well then so be it.
In truth it is in defense of my right to publicly utter things than might cause offence to others… esp to those in power which is at the heart of my submission, and why I oppose this bill.
There are times when Truth must take precedence over pride… when a Spade must be called a Spade… irrespective of who faints.

I dare to speak essential hard truths in love… for my children’s sake… and for my fellow citizens against what I see as a Government acting in it’s own political interest and agenda rather than what is in the interest of the people of New Zealand.

For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.

Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of Tolerance … it is a closed and oppressive society… and in my view that is what this legislation is seeking to establish… less tolerance.
It seeks to impose a world view upon a population by force because it simply cannot win over the people to voluntary acceptance in open well reasoned debate… which is the only way a healthy democracy can function.

And a Free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of the Open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
It is part of the *Anti-freedom mentality* to see contrary opinions as *only bad*, because in truth… like a Black canvas allows a white picture painted upon it to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior Reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull when the dissenter shines with superior proofs and reasons … this is when the Powers that be are provoked, and instead of embracing the superior rationale and changing course, they resort to calling them ‘Fake news’, haters, Harmful, etc in a bid to justify silencing them before the general public grasp that the official narrative they are being spoon fed is in fact weak and dull and not the best opinion to be derived from the facts.
The vital question is this…How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all be censored?
They can’t… they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.

There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses… again I say this is no accident or oversight, but intended.

This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.
The design is nothing short of undermining our national identity, culture, values, and the hard won freedoms and progress of the past 200 years and replace it with a narrow and hostile ideology that is at variance with National autonomy, freedom, equal rights, and limited government.
A politically correct Socialist globalist tyranny is the end game socialist ideologues are working towards for our country.
Some may describe what is going on as treason!
Selling out our nation to foreign globalist powers and ambitions.

How can any ideological dictatorship seeking to control all information sell their diabolical scheme to the public without outing themselves as the enemies of free speech?
Simply by not articulating explicitly in the legislation itself the specific ideas and opinions they plan to make illegal as any overt admissions would expose their real intent, and how it shall negatively affect significant portions of the population and their commonly held ideas and values that Leftist Globalists intend to silence and criminalise.
Instead they take a far more cunning approach and promote their censorship by the use of ambiguous terms such as ‘harmful’, ‘objectionable’. ‘hateful’, ‘offensive’, ‘misinformation’, ‘fake news’, etc.
Framing their legislation with intentional ambiguity and open ended ill defined clauses… leaving the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Later on they will be at liberty to interpret these ambiguities any way they wish.
They seek to gain the assent of their fellow legislators via the ruse… ‘Who could possibly protest the suppression of ‘hate’ and ‘harm’?

The bill states that take down notices may be issued when ‘(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionable’… hence the scope of the people of New Zealand’s Free speech will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official ‘believes’.

This bill can easily be exposed as being totalitarian, as nothing is beyond it’s scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything* and consider making Public complaints and calling for censorship a means of signaling their own virtue.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!

These amendments are so worded that all it takes to trigger the censorship powers in this bill is for someone ‘to submit a complaint.’, and for some Orwellian ‘Inspector’ from ‘the Ministry of Truth’ (Read Orwell’s 1984) to deem any utterance as ‘probably harmful to the public good’.

I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore ‘harmful’.
This bill will make the taking Offence a trump card negating any need to own up to any unwelcome facts or criticisms.
When people are being confronted or challenged about contentious matters, truthful counter claims can cause offence.
The fact that offence is caused is not legitimate grounds to forbid sharp opinions from being aired for public scrutiny.
Let the people hear and decide matters for themselves!

This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line based upon the most whimsical and petty of human vices… that of spineless and intolerant taking of offence.
This bill once it gets operating will intimidate the people into silent, obedient, conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all… esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariah’s for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees… fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. They shall become crimes.

Ambiguity leaves the ‘Official’ the caprice of ignoring any truly malicious speech that is congruent with ‘politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
From knowing the mindset of those behind this bill we can anticipate how they intend their minions to apply this legislation … simply ask yourself if any statement or article would have the assent of our great leader The very embodiment of kindness in Jackboots… PM Jacinda Ardern.
If She thinks it is kind we can be certain that it is not hateful or ‘misinformation’ according to this Bill.

Politically indoctrinated operatives in office will use the legal ambiguities in this Bill in two ways… by rigorously implementing censorship and punishment’s for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed ‘right think’.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis and fully dependent upon the bias of the ‘Politically correct’ powers that be.

There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that hate speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will ‘instinctually recognize hate speech when they see it’.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.

Let me list a few specific examples of really offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the Gauntlet set up by this bill… unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote the efficacy of alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this muzzling will be officially sanctioned.
We know this because these are the Identities and demographics who have been singled out by the Woke left for subjugation… and no complaining allowed.
Conversely not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist, or ribald trans-sexual despiser of heterosexuality will be suffered to tone down their guile.
Any Written complaints against these haters will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their Free Speech because they are the Champions, Heroes, and trail blazers of the New woke Socialist ‘inclusive’ Utopia.

The New Zealand we grew up in will be gone…. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in ‘Animal Farm’… the once ‘oppressed’ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.

Conversely any statements critical Of Treaty separatism, critical of Climate change, critical of open immigration, critical of transgender sex theory, critical of Covid 19 vaccinations, or is vocally opposed to abortion, or who simply promotes traditional Christian values… shall be deemed as hateful, harmful, offensive, misinformation, bigoted, conspiracy theory, etc… and in the jargon of this bill may be deemed as being… against the public good… and therefore outlawed, and any platforms carrying such content will be forced to remove it.

This is the end goal in mind.
All part of the Globalist Agenda.

All criticism, debate, and expression of opinions that do not rigorously abide by the official narrative become ‘forboden’ ‘wrong think’ and will be censored off all media formats so that such opinions cannot be discussed or disseminated amongst the voting public.

Only one narrative can be allowed… The Official narrative.

This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive… not loving… not caring… not tolerant … not inclusive.
They are frightening, and suffocating, at any time a person who dares to speak their thoughts out loud could hear jackboots approaching their door… and have their lives ruined

If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent on the part of the framers of this legislation it surely must be in the clauses that create indemnity for officials from being held accountable for any injustices found to have been incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
‘No action to lie against Officials’… So no accountability or consequences for abuse of power!
There are no safeguards for Free speech against Official caprice.

Should this Bill not be scrapped as it ought to be, one amendment that ought to be considered to safeguard free speech from abuse of power would be reverse these indemnity clauses to in fact make any misuse and abuses by Government officials personally liable, and emphatically grant citizens the express right to redress and compensation.
Heads should roll!
This would make the over zealous and partisan official think twice!

Big Sister is watching.

In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations have formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments… like Jacinda Ardern’s Radical leftist government here in NZ.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion together they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the social media addicted voting populations. Enough to skew elections.

They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those portions of the voting Public who have suffered Mass censorship from this unholy alliance between Big Tek and Socialist Parliaments, have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views and expound their arguments. This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke powers that be and it is via legislation such as this bill that we see these Power Mad Machiavellians mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish.

Up till now The underlying rationale that has been applied that has allowed these Woke big Tec giants to operate with extreme prejudice has been because they are ‘Private entities’.
Yet now that alternative ‘Private platforms’ independent of the Leftist Cabal have entered the market that are dissident in nature, countless numbers are slipping out the Socialist Net’
Woke Politicians now seek to extend their tentacles to encroach upon and crush these new private enclaves of Free Speech and association… *forcing them* via this bill to comply with their maniacal ‘Politically Correct’ agenda via take down notices that must be complied with.
None of them will admit their true intents… they all hide behind a façade of humanitarianism seeking to curtail ‘Hate and harm’.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!
This regulatory activity by Socialist governments is much to the advantage of the Old boy Mega corporations, like facebook, Twitter, who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their politically skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The mega wealthy billionaires of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, etc will all dance a jig!
Freedom will be the loser.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information being shared either On line, or off.

The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents,
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

The Bill can be found here.

Public submissions opposing this Bill can be submitted here.

Closing Date 01 April 2021.

‘Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates’, by Tim Wikiriwhi. From ‘Free Speech Under Attack’. Tross Publishing 2019.

‘Free Speech Under Attack’.
May be purchased from Tross Publishing Here.
Or Whitcoulls here.

Chapter 16

Free Speech and the Fate of Socrates.
By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Reading ancient Greek dialogues we find ideological antagonists; philosophers of different schools of thought engaging in the Combat of Reason. The dialogues are so written that we can imagine scenes of eloquent, white robed gentlemen patiently hearing each other out without interruption no matter how long an exposition might be, the discourses all being delivered in the finest art of rhetoric and decorum. The rebuttals follow precisely on point and deploy as much reason as can be summoned, delivering devastating yet absolutely dispassionate retorts.
In reality however, apart from moderated debates, this sort of civilised war of ideas was then, as it is today, almost a complete fantasy. A charade that attempts to sell the ideal that certain mortals walk a higher path than the hoi polloi who are consumed with base appetites and drives.
Such dialogues are, of course, tools by which the interplay can be followed between various rationales; they can even be carried on by fictitious characters and Gods.
Yet when it came to contentious issues the Greeks were as given over to their lower passions as any of us are today.
They would take affront at having been bested in public and would plot by any means the downfall of their ideological enemies.

Such was the situation when Socrates found himself in peril.
Representatives of the status quo did not appreciate his expositions that challenged their cherished ideas and beliefs, and so they invented and spread malicious lies about him, calling into question his character. Nor did they hesitate to employ political force against him.
It was common back then to have such “troublemakers” banished. Yet the fate of Socrates, whose unassailable power of reason was causing them so much consternation, was to be slandered and brought before the court under the charge of ‘corruption of the Youth’. His prize for daring to question the legitimacy of the commonly held beliefs of his day was a cup of hemlock.

Socrates admitted to being a pesky gadfy. In reality his “crime” was seeking to get people to question the veracity of long held, backward and erroneous ideas that could not withstand scrutiny. And so the powers-that-were killed him for it.
Free speech has always been despised by those seeking to perpetuate falsehoods and control the minds of the “sheeple”.

A study of global history and of cultures across the ages reveals the same thing happening time and time again to a great number of the “Great lights” and Reformers of their day.
There are countless examples; yet it suffces to say that the struggle to attain the liberty for the average person to publicly articulate one’s own views that we hold by right today in New Zealand, the right to criticise and question the powers-that-be or to challenge the veracity of popularly held opinions, is of itself a priceless high-water mark of progress and civilisation.
Its a hard won “taonga” bequeathed to us by our heroic and enlightened Protestant Christian pioneering roots.
It is an ideal of the highest order, hard won over centuries of struggle by the greatest human beings who have ever graced this Earth.
Free Speech is a vital and powerful sword available to all citizens and that is the reason why belligerent political operators seek to take away this defensive weapon from those they seek to subjugate.

Free Speech is a lighted lamp to be held high so as to dispel the darkness of barbarous, backward, and unjust traditions and ideas that have yet to be vanquished, and it is for this reason that Freethinkers with new, progressive, and better ideas have always been in danger of being lynched by the mob who don’t take kindly to having their ingrained delusions exposed to the light.
We must always be vigilant, and fearful, and view with suspicion any political party or vested interest that seeks to pass laws that restrict free speech.
Guard it as you would your own family for, should this right be whittled away and lost, so too will other precious rights fall in quick succession and, if you fail to defend this essential right, you will bequeath to your children a life of virtual slavery and indoctrination.
Their future depends on their rights and liberties being secure and it is our duty to ensure they remain so on our watch until we exit the stage. Then it will be up to them to remain eternally vigilant for that is the price of Liberty.

The gravity of what is at stake today right across Western civilisation with the Liberals’ Globalist agenda and their determination to curtail free speech under the guise of silencing “extremism” and “hate speech” cannot be exaggerated. Those dark political interests who seek to remove the people’s right to free speech in a democracy must convince the population into supporting their anti-free speech legislation. They must deceive the gullible by propagating the idea that free speech of itself is somehow dangerous or oppressive, or that the activists exercising their rights to free speech and whose criticisms and opinions are subversive to the desired political agenda are themselves malevolent reprobates and a threat to society.
Hate speech legislation is effectively passing laws that use ad hominem character assassination as justification for silencing dissent.
Just as 2,500 years ago Socrates was legally convicted and silenced – murdered by the State under the pretence that he taught things that were “corrupting the Youth”, so too do today’s power-trippers seek to prohibit political activism that is opposed to their various ambitions on such things as climate change, immigration, Treaty separatism, transgender issues, compulsory vaccinations, feminism, etc.
With their minions embedded in the education system, mainstream media, and controlling the Internet, they have managed to create a thick fog that now clouds the woolly public mind.
As a freethinking individual who dares to swim against the current of political correctness I am not at all hateful, or racist, or misogynistic, or anti-science, or uncaring about the environment.
I am not against immigration but oppose the multi-cultural agenda of the liberal elite to swamp Western societies with a massive infux of aliens who do not share Western values of freedom and small government, bankrupting our societies in the process and creating social chaos from which the golobalists then intend to establish a borderless, New World order, having subjugated and silenced all opposition through “hate speech” laws and the fear they engender.

In political bodies in which they have either lost or failed to seize power, witness their penchant to damn their political adversaries as “Evil Incarnate”. No one is spared. Trump is literally “Hitler”! Why? Because he opposes the Left on just about every level from global warming, to immigration, etc.
Wherever populist leaders have been elected in Europe upon anti-globalist, pro-nationalist platforms, propping up traditional cultural norms and values, and refusing to surrender their nations to the UN Global agenda on Migration, we see a concerted outcry from the Liberals, calling them “Alt Right” or even “Nazis”.
It appears that the only ethnicity that the Left refuse the right to take pride in themselves and their culture are white people.
Too many liberals and Leftists are consumed by hate and yet not one of their pet policies are ever deemed to be “hate speech”.
They can denigrate the living and posthumously character assassinate whomsoever they please, and yet we don’t see the rest of the community demanding that the Left be censored from expressing their own views. Why? Because their arguments are so easily undone via exposing them to rigorous inquiry that they cannot withstand scrutiny, but collapse, and so the idea that we need to pass laws to combat them appears superfluous. And it is. Free speech is sufficient to deal with their flawed logic and petty assertions. That, of course, is why they want to silence their critics.

Anne Widdecombe

In defence of free speech in a recent Oxford debate former British Cabinet Minister, Ann Widdecombe, made the point that it is always better to destroy a bad cause by argument rather than by silencing its exponents.
Unlike the new “liberal elite” who find it almost impossible to countenance any kind of resistance from the demographics they have targeted for vilification and subjugation. The sheer audacity that a successful white man like Don Brash should dare to question the justice of Treaty separatism! “Outrageous”, they say. However, in their minds there is a set of even more reviled “scoundrels”. No one draws down upon themselves the concerted demonisation by these social warriors more than those ungrateful contrary souls who actually belong to the “favoured identity demographics” yet who refuse to embrace either the victim status or mindset that the controllers of identity politics have carefully crafted for them for the purpose of extorting political favours and advantages.

Milo Yiannopoulos

Such types as the self-declared homosexual, Milo Yiannopoulos, who defends the rights of Christians to refuse to bake Gay wedding cakes and openly speaks of the fear he feels at the Islamisation of Europe in light of how homosexuals are treated under Islamic Sharia law – a subject absolutely forbidden to be discussed for fear of pricking the balloon that promotes all the marvels of “multi-culturalism”.
Or women like the Australian academic, Bettina Arndt, who calls out the illegitimacy of liberal neofeminism and the ‘Me too’ movement as being nothing more than hysterical and oppressive forms of sexism against men.

Bettina Arndt

When such people accept invitations to speak, groups like Antifa literally run riot because nothing makes a bigger mockery of their false identity political narratives than when members of the supposed “oppressed” demographics deny they are being oppressed and instead call out the social warriors themselves as being the ones who are practising bigotry and oppression.
Nothing angers them more than when Black Americans like Candace Owens tell them that their social construct of ‘White Privilege’ is nothing but a myth and that Black Americans need to stop blaming White people for all their problems and instead start to take responsibility for their own terrible social statistics.

Candace Owens

The multi-cultural brigade harbour a special contempt for these brave individuals who walk their own path and raise their voices against collectivist “identity politics” because they can’t simply detonate their usual character assassination bombs against these gadflies which always work with such devastating effect upon whites, males, Christians, etc.
They can’t simply accuse Milo of being homophobic, or Bettina Arndt of being a misogynist. They can’t call Australia’s Iman Mohamad Tawhidi an Islamophobe or xenophobe or white nationalist because he happens to be President of the Islamic Association of South Australia. When he warns of growing Islamic radicalism via immigration, which is creating Islamic enclaves and seems to have a clear intent to have sharia law established in Australia, he can’t be simply dismissed by means of the usual identity mischaracterisations. And it is because of this that these independent thinkers are singled out for death threats, are de-platformed on social media, have difculties getting visas, and have their speeches shut down from bomb threats and riots.
At all costs, including violence, their message must be prevented from reaching the ears of the people whom the powers-that-be want to keep in ignorance – as useful idiots.
These contrarians are not haters; recognising the problems often more clearly than others, they are raising their voices for the sake of truth and justice.

Imam Mohammad Tawhidi participates in an interview. Video screenshot

Iman Mohamad Tawhidi

I have experienced this myself when speaking out publicly against the separatism that is preached by the tribal elite and which they expect all part-Maori to follow slavishly.
It would be dishonest not to acknowledge that there are pockets of bigotry and hate embedded in almost every interest group across the political spectrum, yet it is also important to observe that those who are most ardently working to enact heavy-handed “hate speech” laws are mainly voices from the Globalist and “Liberal” Left. “Hate speech” legislation is simply political censorship for partisan political advantage.

Don Brash

It is also true that pockets of light also exist within most groups and so it is that some more perceptive and fair minded liberals and Left wingers are themselves starting to gasp at how radicalised and tyrannical their own faction has become. For example, after Don Brash took up the standard of free speech after being banned from speaking at Massey University by its biased vice-chancellor, Jan Thomas, he was contacted by former Alliance M.P., Matt Robson, who said, “Listen, I have disagreed with virtually everything you have said over the last twenty years but by God I am 100% behind you in your standing up for free speech.”

Bill Maher

A shame that Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little don’t follow the same line. In recent times it has been surprising and refreshing to witness some of the liberals’ most popular commentators “turn rouge” – having the courage and principle to turn around and criticise their own faction for becoming illiberal.
During a broadcast, when a whole panel of liberals were gloating about Alex Jones being “de-platformed” from Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, Bill Maher admitted that…

“Jones is not my friend and says terrible things about me”, yet Maher still turned around and rebuked his fellow liberals, saying “If you are a liberal you are supposed to be for free speech; that’s free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means. We are losing the threads of the concepts that are important to this country. I dont like Alex Jones but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak!”.

Piers Morgan

Speaking on the Ben Shapiro show, the British journalist Piers Morgan has said…

“Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable. In my core, I’m probably more liberal than not although fundamentally I see myself as a journalist and I like to see both sides and I can argue both sides of all these things, but liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal and it is a massive problem. What’s the point of calling yourself a ‘liberal’ if you don’t allow anyone else to have a different view? This snowflake culture that we now operate in, the victimhood culture, the ‘everyone has to think in a certain way, behave a certain way’. Everyone has to have a bleeding heart and tell you twenty things that are wrong with them. I just think it is all completely skewed to an environment where everyone is offended by everything and no one is allowed to tell a joke. If you told a joke ten years ago that offended somebody, you can never host the Oscars. So now there’s no host for anything. The Emmys now just said they’re not gonna host either, so hosts have gone, and soon, every award winner will go because everyone’s a human being and we’re all flawed, so no one can win awards any more because there will be no platform before they even get on the podium, so then no hosts, no stars.
Then no one can make any movies because we’re all flawed, so no actors, so suddenly, where are we? The liberals get what they want, which is a humorless void where nothing happens, no one dares do anything or laugh about anything or behave in any way that doesn’t suit their rigid way of leading a life. No thanks. So what’s happening around the world? Populism is rising because people are fed up with the PC culture. They’re fed up with snowflakery, they’re fed up with people being offended by everything and they’re gravitating towards forceful personalities who go: ‘This is all nonsense’!”

Comedian Rowan Akinson condemns Hate speech legislation in Britian.

What makes these sorts of introspective criticisms of their own faction doubly signifcant is that not only do we see that there are important voices within the Left who corroborate the opinion of how dangerous the “hate speech” agenda is to the fundamentals of freedom and democracy but this also demonstrates an inherent problem with lumping people into convenient boxes. When talking about any particular demographic or faction in general terms, this should never be construed to suggest “all members” of any collective are all guilty. While I am making a case against the Left’s fanatical, anti-free speech agenda, there are some on the Left who themselves are critical of the same thing and so it would be wrong to say “All liberals are tyrants who want to censor their political adversaries”. There are some liberals who are as passionate about free speech as I am, and it is these sorts of liberals whom it is possible to co-exist with and deal with on a civilised basis – via dialogue and rigorous debate.
These are not the types who demand that Internet personalities be de-platformed. These are not the types who riot in the streets when a critic of liberalism comes to speak on a University Campus.

These are the types who are prepared to engage in free and fair discourse and open debate, and are prepared to have elections that maintain a level playing field for all candidates to express their views. Some of the facts and assertions I made in earlier chapters may have caused some people a bit of angst. You might call these “unspeakable truths” that are like a “red rag to a bull” for social justice warrior types. It is enough that anyone daring to mention cold facts and figures or seeking to discuss certain trends and opinions such as the desire of European
nations to retain their traditions and national identity for the Antifa types to point their crooked fingers at them and shout “Nazis!…. Punch the Nazi!”
By mentioning certain facts about populism I do not necessarily approve and endorse everything that such populist movements are believed to represent. Yet I reserve the right to discuss these points of view and to argue their legitimacy on certain grounds. and especially to point out that many on the Left are misconstruing such movements as being fundamentally Fascist…a.k.a. “hateful”, white supremacist, etc. when in reality most of them are merely “conservative”. Such are their distorted evaluations of the average, modern day, European, Christian, heterosexual male. It is one thing for people to entertain their own opinions, yet quite another for them to then lobby or stand for government with the intention of passing laws to make their opinions binding upon everyone else. You only need to spend a few hours watching Youtube videos on the white male patriarchy, on immigration, etc. to see how these types end up with their own racist, sexist. and anti-religious freedom doctrines that they are hell bent on imposing upon Western civilisation by force.
Who is being hateful? And who is speaking up for the real injustices of our times?

Consider how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken the opportunity from the measles outbreak in Auckland in 2019 to drive home her desire to make vaccinations compulsory.
She blamed the anti-vaxx movement for low uptake on the government’s vaccination programme and the spread of the disease, even though medical experts said there were other factors that were responsible.
The anti-vax movement is another unpopular minority group that has been singled out for censorship because they vocally resist the concept of compulsory vaccinations. They too have been getting slandered and de-platformed on social media.
The biggest problem with regards to vaccinations in New Zealand is that, because we have a state health system, they don’t take kindly to criticism of how they function, and are always covering up their medical misadventures. As the saying goes, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, and so many people don’t trust politicians or the health system they run. Personally I am not anti-vaxx but I am absolutely opposed to compulsory vaccinations because there are defnitely serious risks involved. And here is where the issue becomes a matter of free speech and access to the whole truth – not just the government’s side of the story. It is a parent’s right to decide if they will risk vaccinating their kids and yet, to exercise this parental responsibility, they must be told the whole truth; they must have all the facts and opinions so that they can make informed and prudent decisions. Yet the power-trippers who want compulsory vaccinations, seek to downplay the risk and silence those who are morally inclined to raise the alarm and highlight the risks. The concerns of these pesky ‘anti-Vaxxers’ that lobby against compulsory vaccinations are dismissed as being fallacious, and they are castigated as being ‘anti-science’ – the equivalent of ‘Flat Earthers’.
Parents need to know that there is a risk of serious reactions to vaccinations. They should not be lied to about this or have their parental rights taken away by the state making it compulsory.
One of my wife’s cousins had a catastrophic reaction to the Rubella shot. She was crippled, and died young.
It has been proven that these adverse reactions can be a hereditary disposition. Thus families are going to be far more aware of such propensities within their own kin than politicians who don’t give a dam about such things and have convinced themselves that they are acting for “the public good”. And most importantly via the right to free speech it is the right of those who believe that vaccinations are dangerous to make their case publicly and it is wrong for the government to censor them.

In a recent interview Jacinda Ardern praised Stuff media’s campaign to make New Zealand history compulsory in our schools.
Stuff may as well be on the government payroll as it is behaving in a way that is completely contrary to the moral duty of the free press which is supposed to function as the vanguard against Government overreach, not propagating for its advance!
The free press is not supposed to lobby the State to indoctrinate New Zealand schoolchildren with their pseudo-history political propaganda. Compulsory State indoctrinated history is yet another usurpation of parental rights and is brainwashing and social engineering of the most dangerous type. The noted historian, Professor Paul Moon, recently said “Of course there are risks that, if done poorly, compulsory history in our schools could veer into the realm of indoctrination. It is no coincidence that one of the rst functions authoritarian regimes undertake on assuming power is to produce new history books in order to emphasise the ‘correct’ version of history that is passed on to students.”
Hate speech legislation is especially dangerous with respect to teaching history because, if it is allowed to be enacted, anyone who criticises the revisionist pseudo-history that is about to be forced upon our schoolchildren, he or she will be attacked as being “racist”, they might even receive visits from the Police, and be censored under threats of prosecution.
Free speech is essential for defending all our other rights and liberties from being violated by ever increasing State encroachment.
It is not hateful but heroic to stand against political powers that seek to violate the principle of equal rights for all.
I contend that we need a new constitution with an iron clad Bill of Rights that would put an end to any desire by parliament to pass laws in violation of free speech.
What is desperately needed across the globe in every nation is for the enlightened individuals from every quarter to come together and form independent social compacts of equal rights and limited government, putting an end to the group politics that pit neighbour against neighbour for the sake of their own party political power. It is upon this foundation that peace and freedom, and civilisation can grow.

Tim Wikiriwhi

In a free and just society everyone should have the equal right to hold and share their own opinions. Enlightened people realise this and respect the rights and liberties of others – even those who don’t share the same values and beliefs.
I respect the rights even of those who harbour a misguided opinion of my own character and motives. I respect the right of others to think that we defenders of free speech are of bad character and hold toxic ideas. They are free to do so if that is what they want – as long as they respect my equal right to hold my own opinions too, and to argue for them in the public square.
We must peacefully co-exist with each other under freedom and equality before the law. I can tolerate their dissenting opinions about my faith as long as they also peacefully tolerate my dissenting opinion about theirs. As Saint Paul wrote to the Romans “If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacefully with all Men”.
He also said to the Galatians “For all the law is fulflled in one word, even in this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’.” Nothing is a clearer indication of intolerance than resorting to legal suppression of dissenting opinion.
Nothing is a clearer admission to having lost the argument than abandoning Reason and resorting to Censorship, which is a form of tyranny!
What is truly “hateful” and truly dangerous is not the free expression of ideas, but the desire to limit free speech and silence your critics and any contrary opinion by force.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

We have less than 40 days to make submissions in protest to the proposed Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill which will enact Hate speech laws on the basis of offence taking and complaint.
Closing date 1 April 2021.
With this in mind I thought I would share one of the chapters I wrote for the Book ‘Free Speech Under Attack’.
Omitting the Climate change swindle, and the Great Reset, this chapter covers a significant portion of Leftist Woke Agenda they seek to use to justify their mass censorship, and oppression of dissenters opposed to their Totalitarian New World Order.

Please check out the proposed Bill and make submissions.

“The flame of Christian ethics is still our best guide”. Winston Churchill speaking at Oslo University, 11 May, 1948.

More from Tim…