After considering the screen shot above… and what it means for Truth, free speech and opinion, please watch the video (Just below) which was posted to me by a Pro-vax friend challenging me to ‘watch it if I dare.’
I will return to the above story of the screen shot in due course…
I can only assume my friend finds Bill Burr’s reasoning compelling… as my friend find’s my ‘Ccnspiratorial mindset and hesitancy’ to be irrational.
My friend also thinks Biden is the legitimately elected president of the USA!
That’s just some context of the sort of media my friend imbibes and gives credence… the mainstream heavily politicized and narrow officially sanctioned views.
I am obviously an ‘extremist”Nutjob’ ‘anti-science’, etc etc all the names the conformers give to the non-conformers.
I run the risk of becoming a social outcast.
I watched the video….
I like Bill Burr.
He’s a funny guy.
Ridicule is a legitimate means of attacking erroneous ideas and bad people, yet most thinking people realise you should not take your political cues from Comedians, Sports Personalities, etc without weighing up whether or not their opinions can withstand scrutiny.
Celebrity endorsements are of dubious value. Their opinions can be as valid, or as misguided as anyone else.
Bill chose to get the vax, and he even explains in a funny way why he discredits some of the ‘Conspiracy theories’.
Bill thinks the Mega Wealthy and Elites need ‘Sheeple’ like him… unthinking morons to do their bidding.
This was weak… The Trans-humanist Tech Lords don’t need him to dig their ditches… or most of the billions of now ‘obsolescent’ classes.
They want the world for themselves, and they only require a few hundered million… at best… to service their needs… the rest are just a gigantic pain in the arse… a threat to their power and ambitions.
And these people answer to no higher authority than their own desires.
Barr also said he knew people who died ‘of the virus’… and he undoubtedly also knows many people who have been vaccinated who appear ‘fine’.
That people he knows have died will have generated fear that would have played a big roll in his decision to get the shots, and undoubtedly stimulates many hesitant people to take the ‘leap of faith’ and get the vax even though it is an experimental tech the real results of which are presently unknown.
Just because people don’t all drop dead immediately after the shot (though many do… the number being suppressed) is not evidence the vax is safe in the long term… though many people seem to use that metric.
Yet even if the Frankenshots eventually turn out to be relatively safe, the most compelling ‘Conspiracy’ theories I know of have to do with a massive power grab… ending individual rights, and getting every person on earth registered onto a Global passport system to do ‘The Great reset’ and impose the NWO… a Technocracy… with a global Cashless economy and Social Credit systems… and that the Pandemic is merely the means by which this is to be achieved by spooking the sheeple into compliance and accepting the loss of rights…. and total control.
Now *that* is a fundamental theme in politics vs individual liberty… the price of which… is eternal vigilance… not fear driven compliance.
Let’s get back to Burrs conclusion that the ‘Depopulation Conspiracy’ is not credible.
He shows no cognizance of the Massive Malthusian propaganda campaign regarding overpopulation depleting the Earths resources and destroying the planet… which is yet again another Fear driven hysteria designed to ‘soften’ up the sheeple into accepting the end of Freedom and capitalism, and embracing a New Totalitarian control of the worlds resources (By Noble benevolent Socialists)
Bill Gates has talked about population control and ‘sustainability’. He has positioned himself as the worlds foremost advocate for Global vaccination (and has boasted about the massive profits involved)… and has the World health organisation and Fauchi in his back pocket.
Governments of the world parrot what Gates, and Schwab dictate to them.
In light of these things is it really so irrational to draw from these premises that the NWO will have a strategy to curtail the worlds population?
And that beyond bringing the world under a centralised power, that the Vax could also be a means of Depopulation via Sterilisation?
Fear of Climate catastrophe has billions of Idiots who will praise such a scheme to Cull the human contagion that is destroying ‘mother earth’.
Gates is at the forefront of this hysteria also… wanting to ‘dim the Sun’, etc.
Gates not a power mad Megalomaniac…. nooooooooooooooooooo.
Who would think such a thing?
He’s not the sort of person who … ‘Thanos-like’ could possibly imagine wiping out billions of ‘useless eaters’ could be a messianic Act! noooooooooo.
You can Trust Good ole Bill!
He’s a regular… down to earth kinda guy… who really cares about the little people… yes he does!
Bill Burr laughs…. Satan laughs… and spreads his wings.
Why do they insist Children get the vax?
Why do they expect people who have already had covid 19 to get the vax?
There is zero science in this… 100% politics.
Because this is a Globalist scheme to enslave all humanity.
They want everyone vaxxed so they get everyone onto the passport system.
There is growing evidence the vax attacks ovaries… True or not… the safety data is not in yet and it is outrageous to vaccinate Kids without this data.
In the mean time it is not ‘irrational’ to speculate that the vax might be harmful in the long term and that it is highly suspect therefore to demand the entire human race gets vaxxed!
It’s in fact Prudent to be cautious!
And yet the powers that be are attacking voices that argue caution should be taken!
Is the reason they are pushing hard to get the children vaxxed ASAP is not not only to entrap them in the global passport system, but so that when eventually the evidence is established that the Vax harms human fertility… and this generation of kids has been steralised… it’s too late to do anything about it… the job has already been done. And The Human population will take a massive hit.
All because the Morons were deceived via fearmongering and mass propaganda into throwing medical caution and established prudence out the window and thereby fell into the great trap that was set.
The Occult secret that the Elites hope the sheeple don’t figure out is that they will have taken care to insure *their own kids* don’t get sterilised… they are the chosen ones who are to ‘inherit the earth’.
This is the Satanic ‘Gospel of the NWO’ whereby the Global Centrailised Socialist government in total control of every person and all resources will ‘save humanity’.
This is antithetical to the Christian world view which is emphatic that Humanity *can’t save themselves* from their own wickedness.
And the ultimate evil of a Global Human ‘King of Kings’… The Beast… is not only prophesied in revelations and elsewhere but also fundamental to the story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.
By my reckoning the Rapture is imminent.
When it happens the Beast system will ‘materialise’.
The missing Raptured souls will simply be said to have died of Covid.
This being so the saved ought to be sharing the Gospel of God’s grace to the lost.
And we can expect persecution to grow.
The end is nigh.
My hope is in heaven, as I have no desire for my Children to live under a global Tyranny of the all seeing electronic Eye.
Special note to my critics..
And even if you don’t believe any Conspiratorial thing I have said, and maintain 100% faith in the humanitarian goodness of all the Powers that be… and doubt that Greed and power have anything to do with what is going on… still my arguments hold firm on the basis of Human Liberty and rights.
On that basis alone all this tyranny can be legitimately rejected, and protested against… and feared.
Reason is not the order of the day… Censorship is! So it is ‘Rich’ for anyone who supports the Covid Tyranny to pretend that science, and reason, and common sense are the preserve of the Pro-Vax faction.
They are the most suspect bunch… the least reasonable… the most tyranical…. the most propagandized bunch of sheeple on Earth.
Everything I have said here I have the right to think, and to say, and to discuss with anyone else who freely wishes to listen to me.
I have the Right!
I was also tagged recently into a new article which gloated about an anti-Vax person died of the Rona.
This was supposed to be ‘evidence’ of the folly of rejecting the vax, lockdowns, etc.
It is as if those who take the vax think that those of us who make the choice not to get vaxxed are all idiots who think there is no risk in our decision.
Most of us appreciate there is a real risk involved and that it possible could cost us our lives.
We also know that probability is extremely small.
Still as NZ is in full lockdown right now, We ourselves are not impervious to the heightened sense of danger that a lockdown brings with it… the public fear that this ‘Delta variant’ might break out of containment and run rampant.
This alone will no doubt sway many ‘hesitant’ people into getting the shot… whereas I will stand firm and take my chances… because *Freedom*…. because I don’t think it is the principled thing to *get an experimental genetic modification experimental shot* simply in blind faith of the Government and big Pharma… out of fear.
I think that is a fools and cowardly thing to do.
I want to maintain the Rights and liberties of a free society for my Kids sake.
Death may be the wages of my decision… I can live with that… and die in good conscience… Free.
Now back to the screenshot I put at the top of this post and appreciate Bill Burr lives in a bubble in which the powers that be control what information he has imbibed in the mainstream media…
It is highly probable Bill Burr is like the majority of pro-vaxers and is like my friend who challenged me to watch Burr’s interview ‘if I dare’… and yet this position is not ‘the scientific position’ or even ‘the informed position’… it is the heavily conditioned message… and position… that has been artificially created to corral the sheeple.
I call for an end to censorship of Covid 19 discussion, esp of medical experts who suffer persecution should they dare voice concerns about the vAxx,,, such as… Wellington Dr Matthew Shelton.
Only one opinion allowed. Good on this guy… takes Balls to stand up for your own conscience in such oppressive times. He is 100% right to be concerned about children and Pregnant woman getting the vax… in other times this was the normal precaution… yet they will try and make an example out of him so that other Doctors keep their mouths shut.
The Vax program is not about science, not about best medical practice… it’s about compliance to what the ‘Powers that be’ want.
Resist and they will try and break you…. then you wonder why there are so many sheeple who all think like zombies that the Vax is ‘safe’ and ‘based on science’, and that all ‘Real Doctors and medical experts’ endorse the Vax program…
The world is full of Zombies who dwell in cognitive dissonance that they are ‘Fully informed’ and that anyone who ‘resists’ is a fool and spreader of ‘mis-information’… and deserves to be censored and punished. So they are all in on the Mass-propaganda/ programing of Useful Idiots.
It is this sort of persecutive behavior by the powers that be against dissenting opinions that generates mistrust and ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ in people like myself because I clearly see the anti-freedom manipulation that is going on.
This abuse is happening in key issues because we have people in power whose ambitions are not constrained by the principles and limits on power and authority that are fundamental to a Free society.
They do not respect freedom. They do not like having to deal with counter-argument. And the certainly do not like having to accept that free people might choose to reject their advice or schemes… which the powers that be claim are for ‘the public good’.
So many morons buy into that scam… believing that those free people who chose to reject the governments scheme… ‘are behaving foolishly, selfishly, and pose a danger to ‘all the good, selfless, and compliant sheeple who have placed their trust in the government.
This is the environment of coercion.
Draconian Law… where it is very possible to get 51% support for Tyranny.
With regard to the up and coming referendum on the right to assisted death for the terminally ill, and to politics in general, a fundamental question asked by Libertarians is Who owns your life?
Answer: You do! Not society.
Upon that basis I believe a Yes vote for the right to assisted dying for the terminally ill is the moral vote because it is the only consistent position with the principle that (politically speaking) *you own yourself*.
Otherwise you become the slave/ property of society.
The above statement is clear cut, yet not without controversy.
The ‘No’ voters think this reform erodes the sanctity of Human life. So argues the New Conservative party.
I say it does the very opposite thing.
It removes power from the State and gives it back to individuals to make their own choices.
I myself am both a Libertarian, and a Christian, yet many Christians will not be able to reconcile my ‘Yes vote’ with how they interpret ‘Christian values’, and in fact many people… both believers and infidels can’t imagine how Christianity and Libertarianism can be coherently united and consistent in application.
More on these nuances later, first of all I want to talk about the curious mental gymnastics I am forced to engage in this election whereby my votes on both referendums will be in conflict with the expressed policies of the political party I have decided to support. New Conservatives.
I forgive people for this default starting assumption.
Hopefully those of you who find my decisions incredulous will take the trouble to read this post whereby I will do my best to extricate myself from being written off as a nutbar.
I know that my choices will win few friends, and will more likely annoy any I already have because splitting my votes will tend to draw the ire and consternation of *all camps*.
Nonetheless this is the course I am choosing to navigate.
We here in New Zealand live in chaotic times politically speaking, and the two referenda being run in unison with the national elections are two highly polarising subjects… which is why they have become referenda as neither of the two large parties have the Nads to legislate these reforms, or run with them as election policies.
The assisted dying referendum for the terminally ill has come about because of a bill presented to parliament by Act Leader David Seymour.
I will be supporting Seymour’s reform, yet I won’t be giving Act my party vote.
Even though Act have never been a great party, deciding not to vote Act this election was not an easy decision to make, as what other party even remotely represents my essential values?
On several key matters of personal freedom David Seymour had stood head and shoulders above the rest of parliament in how he conducted himself this election cycle, with respect to the issues of free Speech, and his opposition to the shameful way the new Firearms prohibitions were enacted.
In the light of these noble actions I was definitely leaning towards giving Act my vote and encouraging others to do the same, yet as time progressed, Seymour’s virtues became overshadowed by other unconscionable actions he would proceed to commit which have undermined my support.
With regards to the new abortion Legislation he not only supported late term abortions but also failed to vote for a proposed amendment that would have defended the rights of babies born alive after botched Abortions to receive medical aid rather than being neglected to die.
The whole basis of the pro-abortion arguments are that a woman is sovereign over her own body and the government has no authority to dictate what she does within her own body… yet once a baby has in fact been born… is *outside* the woman’s body, then they ought to have the full rights of an independent human being!
I consider these failings by David Seymour to be morally reprehensible.
And how disgusting that such laws were passed under a parliament led by a Woke PM who claims she entered politics ‘For the Children’!!!!
Seymour is fully complicit in this foul business.
I was also disgusted with the way he treated some of his most loyal candidates with regards to this elections Act party list, and I have always disliked what I see as a general lack of spine on some of the most important social issues facing our Nation such as ending the Race based seats in parliament, and his support for the UN Global compact on migration.
These are not attributes of a leader I can endorse.
In the not too distant past voting for me was a far less convoluted enterprise.
During the first decade of this new Millennium voting was relatively easy because New Zealand had a vibrant Libertarian Party for whom I could cast my vote with confidence, and for many elections in the second decade, I stood as a Libertarian Independent, and so obviously I at least knew which candidate I would support.. yet the question of where to place my party vote has never been an easy decision since the Libertarianz Party disbanded.
It is a matter of political folklore that the Act Party are a ‘Libertarian party’, yet this is to the largest extent a myth.
A myth that is mostly to the detriment of Libertarianism.
Politics in New Zealand truly is a confounding mess and almost madness to try and untangle… which causes many not to bother trying.
Act may have been founded with the aid of some Libertarian minded people, yet there were also many Ex Labour Party Neo-liberal Bigwigs like Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble, and so instead of advocating any Libertarian social reforms, Act quickly became a Crony Capitalist/’National Socialist party’ that supported some Free market Economics, yet maintained Welfare State socialism with regards to virtually everything else.
Take a look at the picture (above) that exposes how far the National party have drifted from their original charter!
If only they had remained true to their original aspirations upon which they were founded!
Act became the most Right Wing party of New Zealand.. to the right of National.. a lobby to bludgeon Left wing heavy Taxation Anti-Business ambitions of Labor and their more radical minions yet despite lofty rhetoric Act absolutely failed to stand for any reforms on individual liberty.
This has remained the case throughout their history perhaps with the one exception during the party leadership by the Great New Zealander Don Brash.
It was under Brash that Act came anywhere near a forthright stand on any law reform that was a matter of personal freedom, when Brash came out on TV in favour of ending cannabis prohibition.
His party associates like John Banks nearly had a heart attack!
Brash stint with Act was short, and any mention of Cannabis law reform left when he did.
Act has always and only played lip service to being the party of small government and personal freedom.
This is because apart from Brash the Party has been run by a bunch of Ball-less wonders.
The most disappointing for me was Jamie Whyte… because of all of them he knew better.
Most of them put money matters above personal liberty and social justice.
Act are not Nazis, yet their party is part way down a continuum at the end of which is full blown fascism.
Labour are not Communists, yet their party is well down the continuum at the end of which stands full blown Communism. Today under Ardern their policies and loyalties lie not with the interests of New Zealanders but with UN Socialist Globalism.
By labeling Act as ‘Libertarian’ the leftist media managed to confound Libertarianism with being Far right.
This is disgraceful slander.
Libertarianism is fundamentally different to every other political ideology.
Act’s alignment with *Fascism* rather than true capitalism and Freedom, is why the True Libertarians who initially helped found Act, quickly realised what was afoot and jumped ship.
They formed their own genuine Libertarian party, and so Act became just another Party against whom the Libertarianz party had to cross swords.
For more than a decade the Libertarianz Party fought valiantly for Individual liberty and rights against ever expanding Government encroachment, yet sadly after years of courageous activism they were forced to throw in the towel from lack of traction and financial support.
MMp’s 5% mark to get an MP into parliament is in my opinion far too high, and represents a barrier to breaking the stranglehold the two major parties enjoy.
The Political playing field is also heavily tilted in favour of maintaining the status quo, and New Zealanders themselves are heavily conditioned to their chains.
The Libertarianz party could not sustain itself against the overwhelming odds.
Freedom lovers failed to rally under their noble banner from a delusion of ‘wasting their votes’.
Well… I ask… where did casting your votes for other parties get our Nation?
Because New Zealanders did not heed the Libertarians on their Soap boxes, and rally behind them is why our nation now experiences the dawning of an era of Tyranny!
I implore Freedom lovers to not make the same mistake!
Stop voting for the very parties that have abandoned our values and taken our nation towards complete enslavement!
The demise of the Libertarianz Party spelled the end of New Zealanders clear choice between Freedom and various levels of Tyranny.
Between Justice and various levels of oppression.
Between fairness in economics vs heavy Political obstacles.
Libertarian minded New Zealanders were cast adrift… forced to swim about in a stinking cesspool, looking for the best place to put their democratic votes.
The political climate and darkened mentality of our times have made this a very dirty business.
Most of the wares on offer by todays mongers are of dubious quality.
The Libertarian pines over his ale, looking out upon a scene of chaos, confusion, and mayhem.
Is there any hope to be found?
The question of which political parties (if any) should the Libertarian now give their vote is a highly troublesome dilemma, as at a glance there appear only shades of grey tending towards complete blackness.
It is very difficult to determine whether *any* of the parties standing ought to be supported.
The closest way to describe what voting now entails for a Kiwi Libertarian is to liken the decision making process to solving a bunch of ‘Trolley Problems’ that will be familiar to those who have to some degree studied moral philosophy.
‘The trolley problems’ are designed to highlight the many complexities involved in dealing with moral dilemmas in which *means and ends* are far from ideal.
Solution tends towards making pragmatic determinations hoping for the best outcomes attainable via the least repugnant means… for the overall sake of committing the lesser Evil.
The trouble is the lesser evil is still evil.
Wikipedia discussion on Trolley problems can be found here
There is no space here or sense in attempting to fully articulate the conundrums involved. It must suffice to say this is an abhorrent ‘game’ for any Idealist to be forced to play, and being independent thinkers, the once united Libertarians have now fragmented… going their own ways… as each individual makes their own determinations as to how to solve the set of trolley problems presented to them at election time. This election is particularly significant as we also must vote on the two referenda.
In truth the most moral of men and woman, and the greatest leaders of history have had to face frightful moral dilemmas, and most of them have had to carry the weight of harsh criticism for the decisions they made from lesser mortals who would have been stupefied and paralyzed had they themselves been faced with the same crisis.
To shrink from tuff calls is symptomatic of Moral weakness.
One day we all will stand before our Maker and give account of ourselves, and it is He who shall determine the virtue of those who made tuff calls.
Two examples might be the decision to use the Atom bomb on Japan in 1945, another might be Churchill’s decision to ally with Stalin for the sake of defeating Hitler.
Both of these involve weighty moral dilemmas that provoke strong criticism to this day.
Given today’s circumstances I know a few Ex Libertarianz party members who today throw up their hands in disgust… and refuse to vote… the irony is that not voting… *is their vote*… to do nothing.
In the perspective of the Trolley problems not voting is the equivalent of never choosing to throw the lever… not intervening at all to try and mitigate any crisis that is unfolding, and allowing things to take their course… no matter how horrendous the result of their inaction might be, or how things could have turned out had they been brave enough to reach for the switch.
Most of us have heard the saying “Evil prevails when good men do nothing”.
For me *to automatically* determine to ‘do nothing’ is no escape from moral culpability in what ensues, it is in fact an abdication of moral duty… a most heinous moral failing… maybe the worst of them all!
Bible Theologians would call this ‘The sin of Omission’… and one example of this in the Bible is told by Jesus when asked about the moral duty to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’.
He spoke of the predicament of the man who was beaten and robbed, yet the ‘Religious Jew’ walked past him without giving him any aid. It was only when the Good Samaritan came along that the man received care.
By doing nothing The Religious Jew was deemed to be wicked, and so *automatic inaction* cannot be the moral position…if there exists at all any plausible means of steering things towards a more desirable outcome without committing unconscionable evils in the process. ‘Not Voting’ cannot absolve a person from the resulting evils his inaction inevitably entails.
It’s like walking past our sick and dying country on the other side of the road as if it’s not your problem, rather than inconveniencing yourself and getting your hands dirty.
The reality is that though no registered political Party standing in October 17 is fundamentally a Libertarian party, there is still a broad range of parties standing and the fact is it still makes a massive difference which ones manage to get their hands on the levers of Power.
Lives are at stake!
Freedom is at stake!
Quality of life is at stake!
Our Children’s futures are at stake!
New Conservative candidate for Hamilton West Rudy du Plooy.
When I survey the Political landscape, despite the absence of a Libertarian party, judged by their policies and election campaigns certain parties do stand out as vastly superior to either National or Labour.
Some are worse, such as the Greens, and The Maori Party.
Some are no better such as NZ First, Top.
Many ex Libertarianz will be voting for Act, yet personally speaking of the two parties that most clearly articulate principles, and values that I considered honorable, it is the New Conservatives who come out on top.
Their forthright defense of Free speech.
Their rejection of 1080.
Repeal all the new and hastily enacted Firearms prohibitions created in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack.
Their defense of National sovereignty in opposition to UN Globalist slavery.
Their rejection of Ardern’s Covid 19 ‘elimination strategy, Lockdowns, and their absolute rejection of compulsory vaccinations.
No to carbon taxes, first 20k of income tax free.
Their rejection of ‘Transgender indoctrination’ in schools against parents wishes.
Their rejection of the UN Global compact on migration, etc all these clearly stated policies mean New Conservatives trump the Act Party by a country mile, and that is why I will be giving them my party vote, and having had a coffee with their Hamilton West candidate Rudy du Plooy last week I will also be giving him my candidate vote.
It is fitting that here I discuss one of NC’s most important policies, and examples of their party’s integrity and courage and that is their forthright call for the end of Treaty separatism and the race based seats in parliament.
Rudy is an immigrant from South Africa and so he has experienced the evils of Apartheid and appreciates just how violent and unjust Racist politics and bigotry can become.
That is why his party is calling for racial equality before the law.
The Treatment of White South Africans currently going on over there is appalling! Yet not a peep is raised about it by our Woke PM Ardern… because ultimately socialists like her support the oppression of White people.
Many of her own policies are heavily prejudiced against Pakeha New Zealanders, and for all her talk about humanitarian migration, she remains silent in opening New Zealand’s doors to help more oppressed white South Africans… because they are white.
This too despite the fact that White South Africans integrate well into our society as they share common traditional values… yet these are the very values socialists like her are determined to destroy.
Statistically speaking Ardern wants Less white people in New Zealand, and she can turn a blind eye to the fate of white farmers there under the contemptible socialist bromide that they are paying the dues of the white race for the past apartheid regime.
By Socialist math two wrongs do make a right.
Hence Ardern has little conscience about supporting Racist legislations under the pretense of ‘De-colonising’ New Zealand.
In New Plymouth which is a hot bed of Radical Maori separatist activism the NC candidate Murry Chong has heroically weathered a Tempest of outrage for his forthright stand against attempts to further entrench fraudulent Waitangi Apartheid and Treaty partnership doctrines and institutions there. He has suffered the most skewed press that mischaracterised his defense of Racial equality as ‘Opposition to Maori Representation’… which is a complete lie.
What he and his fellow New Conservatives oppose is the ongoing creation of special seats of power whereby Iwi can extort the rest of the people perpetually… as if they have more rights than everyone else.
They seek to rid our nation of such corrupt politics, and when the Maori seats and the rest of the apartheid institutions are abolished, He understands that Maori rights will still be protected by the Law in common with everyone else. Maori will still be able to stand of Parliament and Council, only to do so they will have to campaign before the entire community which will cut off the truly *racist radicals* for ever attaining office because their nasty bigoted views and ambitions will never fly with the whole of the people… and that is how a democracy is supposed to function!
The Racist radicals know that should apartheid politics be brought to an end… so too will their ability to extort unearned and undeserved wealth and privilege be broken.
So many New Zealanders have completely forgotten the most important fundamentals of justice and good government!
The New Conservatives have candidates in every electorate including the Maori seats.
Personally I don’t think it was the right thing to stand in those electorates, yet having said that I appreciate the Nads it takes to do so.
Their candidates in the Maori electorates will face heavy angst from many Maori who have been brainwashed into thinking their party policy to abolish the race based electoral system is a demonstration of anti-Maori bigotry. They will face threats. Yet should they maintain their composure and speak truth with eloquence they will be able to present their case with love.
Truth and principle, and Righteousness are on their side!
You know The New Conservatives are the party that threaten Left wing Radical socialism as no other party is enduring the hate and violence as they are…
I salute all NC candidates for their bravery… The one-eyed mainstream media takes no more pleasure than to pillory the small parties and their candidates who bravely challenge the ‘norms’ of the status quo.
Act’s David Seymour in private professes that the race based system is corrupt and ruining our country yet does not have the balls to say so in public at election time.
That is cowardly. That is unprincipled scheming, and demonstrates the sort of Game playing politician he really is.
How is he any different for the scoundrel Winston Peters who betrayed his supporters last election with regards to making the abolishment of the race-based seats a bottom line for coalition talks?
Sadly… when you dig deep down… despite many good things David has done… he and Winston are not as different as he likes to think.
He too is a game player.
The Leftist radicals of Labour, the Greens, and the Maori Party demonstrate their absolute disregard for fair elections in that they have implemented a strategy of destroying New Conservative election bill boards all about the country… despite their own parties getting far more Taxpayer loot to fund their own campaigns!
Like I said earlier about the struggles of the Libertarianz Party before them… New Zealand elections are far from fair… far for being fought on a level playing field, and so The New Conservatives face an uphill battle against dirty political tactics at every step.
I urge every New Zealander who is alarmed at our headlong plunge into tyranny under Jacinda Ardern to get behind the brave and principled New Conservative party!
If 5% of us do… they will be in parliament and possibly even be included in a coalition government, most likely with National and Act.
This would position them well to lever National into making concessions in alignment with our Values and principles… away from the direction Ardern has carried us.
These are good people who hold to the traditional values that made New Zealand a great and prosperous place to live.
They care about all New Zealanders.
I attended a public meeting a few months back in Te Awamutu where I heard several candidates speak, including the party’s passionate and compassionate deputy, Elliot Ikilei.
He spoke very well, and I was particularly impressed with his insights into the many social conditions that are common for troubled youth that play a large role in such important issues in Maori criminality.
He articulated that from his experience working in this field that all the separatist rhetoric about Maori crime statistics as being evidence of systemic oppression of Maori from colonisation are absolutely false!
Instead he argued that the main driver of Maori criminality was broken homes and a lack of a Father in the house, and thus all the ‘positive discrimination’ going on in the name of ‘closing the gaps’ between Maori and the rest of the country absolutely miss the fundamental issues.
He described how the institution of the Domestic Purposes benefit *was devastating for Maori* because that was corrosive to maintaining families, promoted single parent-ism, and it’s institution correlates perfectly with the exponential growth of Maori dependence on welfare and Broken homes.
Thus Elliot understands that socialism is a dangerous trap!
I myself also know Maori must take ownership of their own violence and substance abuse… these are not evils that can be justly blamed on their Pakeha neighbours but represent the ugly truth of a serious lack of wholesome values that are requisite in having happy homes and personal prosperity in a free and modern society.
Maori need to cut with the shameful blame, and take more ownership of their own mess!
I like the New Conservative party very much.
They have their hearts in the right place.
They offer real and much needed alternatives.
None of them appear to me to be in politics for powers sake, yet they are not perfect.
They have many policies and values I myself hold dear, yet I know they are not a consistent Libertarian party.
They are Democrats… with all the weakness that entails.’
This being so I see great opportunity for improvement, and given the chance I would like to engage in healthy dialogue to see if they are open to reasonable challenge on some of their policies which I do not endorse.
I have already mentioned that I will be voting yes for the right to assisted dying.
This is at variance with the New Conservatives.
Maybe sometime soon I will write a blogpost explaining in more detail why I believe they are wrong to oppose this legal reform, yet because this current post is already insanely long, I want to finish by discussing the New Conservative policy of Citizens Binding Referenda and my intention to vote ‘yes’ for Cannabis law reform in the forthcoming referenda which is again against the expressed policy of the New Conservatives.
At the Te Awamutu meeting my friend and fellow Libertarian Robin Thomsen and I introduced ourselves to Elliot and engaged in a short conversation.
Elliot was happy to talk and spoke candidly.
After a few other subjects I broached the topic of the Cannabis Referendum and asked what his party would do should they succeed in getting into parliament, yet also the people of New Zealand vote for Cannabis legalisation?
He said his party would honor that result despite it being contrary to their own policy and hopes.
That answer was consistent with their policy of citizens binding referenda and demonstrates integrity to that political school of thought despite the result going against their own opinions as to what is best for the country.
As far as ending the war on cannabis being ‘bad’ for New Zealand I emphatically reject that position.
This is a topic I have involved myself for many years having experienced first hand the injustice of criminalising cannabis users, and understand the manifold other detrimental effects these bad laws have on our society. I have been an activist for reform for over 30 years, and in fact it was activism to ‘Free the weed’ that was my first foray into politics trying to fix a broke system.
I would jump from hedge to hedge… covertly distributing ‘NORML’ Pamphlets in Tauranga letterboxes in the dead of night.
I knew the difference between dishonesty and violence, from peacefully enjoying a doobie with friends in my own home… I knew I was being oppressed and that the Law needed to be changed.
I will post links to other Blogposts on this subject below.
The point I wish to finish on, and one I hope the New Conservatives are open to reconsider is the weird way in which they promote binding Citizens referenda in the face of knowing it is just as likely for the majority of people to vote for laws they believe to be *Bad* as it is for good… and I am using the Cannabis referenda as an example.
Is it not apparent to them that *Mob Rule* is no guarantee of Good law or justice?
I see their policy on binding referenda as their Achilles heel.
It’s a policy that actually undermines the *Real foundations of Just Law* which are the Objective principles of Justice such as personal sovereignty, and equality before the Law… and that just government has strictly limited authority over the lives of citizens, the impartial enforcement of legally binding contracts, and limited powers over only such matters pertaining to the defense of rights.
The terms and condition upon which Government is founded, and limits of it’s powers ought to be embodied in a constitution with an iron clad bill of rights upon which democratically elected Parliaments have no authority to encroach.
This is a million miles away from having a system of Mob rule… open ended social arbitrary Law whereby the greatest mob get their way.
Under such a system there is no protection for Individuals or minorities, and the Masses are notorious for being easily duped and manipulated by Charismatic demagogues.
I have much to say on these matters, and it would be my pleasure to open a dialogue with the New Conservatives about these vital political truths.
Now remember the moral dilemmas of the Trolley problems and the uncomfortable reality of having to make choices under circumstances less than ideal, via means that are less than ideal, and which also probably will result… no matter what decision is made in ends that are less than ideal?
My decision to vote ‘Yes’ on the Act Party’s Right to assisted death for the terminally ill referendum, and ‘Yes’ on the Green Party’s Cannabis Law reform Referendum, and also ‘yes’ for the New Conservative party this election are each individual decisions I have arrived at as being the most moral, and just choices available to voters this election.
I am being compelled to make compromises, and there is always an element of risk, yet ultimately from my best evaluations all these choices are the most consistent with my Christian Libertarian values and ideals.
Such is the human condition and predicament.
I don’t pretend my choices are not open to critisism… such is the nature of moral dilemma.
I hope this blogpost is instrumental in winning support for the New Conservatives from Liberty lovers, Free thinkers, and all who are concerned about the Free fall of our country into socialist tyranny.
I believe they will reach 5% if enough of us resolve to give them our support.
They deserve it.
Our Country desperately needs to steer a new course to get back to the freedom and Values we enjoyed not too many years ago before the likes of Ardern came to power.
She is turning our Nation into a Police State!
I am going to release this post in a series that will eventually be parts of a whole.
I am doing this so that I can publish it to ‘Eternal vigilance’ as early as possible, and in chunks that are not ‘War and Peace’.
“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression which purports to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically; life is better in “uninteresting times” of peace and tranquility than in “interesting” ones, which are usually times of trouble.
Despite being so common in English as to be known as the “Chinese curse”, the saying is apocryphal, and no actual Chinese source has ever been produced.” Wikipedia.
These are interesting times.
This will be the most significant Blog post I have written for years.
It will encapsulate virtually all my most important values and warnings and declarations I have made over the past 20 years.
I will try and stitch together as many essential elements as possible without writing a book… yet a Book… many Books… will need to be written to explore the events that are unfolding around us… that threaten our very lives…and way of life.
A friend of mine took puerile glee on social media the other day … displaying contempt for our Panic… by asserting that the Covid-19 is… quote: ‘not an existential crisis’ for mankind *as a species* … because despite the death toll… human life will go on… yet such a shallow indifference to the fact that many thousands are dying… must also be called out for its callous indifference to the very real *existential crisis that is afoot for Human liberty and clear boundaries against Totalitarianism*.
Now I love my unnamed friend… and i know it’s poor taste and rough usage on my part to proceed to frame everything I am about to say upon his off hand remark, in truth the following is absolutely not about that… It is simply a matter that I can utilise his comment to exemplify *what is really at stake*… above the mere fact that life will go on for most.
He is correct in that… and I guess for many, that is all they care about… It does not even matter to them that things will never be the same.
To be fair I know my friend is as concerned about the leap Western Nations are making in the face of Covid-19 as I am… maybe even more so.
His remark was a protest that tyranny cannot be justified upon the false premise that Covidid-19 constitutes an existential threat to Humanity as a species.
This being so… what justification if any exists for the Usurpation of extraordinary powers by Governments, and the heavy curtailment of individual rights and liberties?
PM Jacinda Ardern was acting very casually when she introduced to the nation the 4 tier Government emergency response plan she would be implementing.
at the time of announcement the question of whether or not she actually has the legal authority to carry out this scheme was never put to her by the news media who are supposed to ask the tuff questions of our leadership… on behalf of We… the people.
And so she was allowed to do what ever she liked based upon the mere unquestioned assumption she had the authority to do so.
Was it a devious ruse on her part to set the country at alert level two, and to keep the schools open for the sake of keeping the people in a false state of calm for a critical few days when she was all along rushing to get ready to jump straight up to level 4 and shut the roads… trapping us in… so that we had no opportunity to relocate ourselves in more congenial spots to hibernate?
When we read of reports from places like Italy where before roadblocks were imposed or flight restriction, people left the main centers and traveled to other towns… that their governments considered this behavior detrimental to their ideas of containment…. I suspect Ardern *did* intentionally lull us into a false sense that things were better than they actually were.
Think about that, and what that says about the way she operates.
What ethics… if any… underpin her actions?
I put nothing past her… she displays all the characteristics of a person who thinks her ambitions justify any means necessary… including deception of the New Zealand public.
Remember how she ran for office on the promise of running the most open and transparent Government ever?
Yet time has proven the opposite is true… she has time and time again refused to answer questions put to her.
She springs edicts upon us without public discussion or debate.
I was offered a place to escape to out of Hamilton City yet because of Arderns sudden implementation of Alert level 4 it became too risky to be stopped on the roads by Police who might treat people looking to escape the cities as criminals.
There are other reasons why my family chose to weather the storm in Hamilton.
As a Maintenance Engineer at one of New Zealand’s ‘essential food industries’ I have continued to work while my family are in Isolation.
The Company has implemented many changes to make our working environment safer.
Sanitiser everywhere, no meetings in confined spaces, less people per Smoko room breaks, maintaining social distance of 2 meters, anyone who can work from home is doing so, etc.
There is still opportunity for Smokoroom banter and discussion about whats in the news… albeit at greater distances… and a continuous theme among my peers is an incessant exclamation that the government should be implementing Far heavier … Martial Law type actions.. than it already is upon those whom are perceived to be ‘non-compliant’ to self isolation.
The primary underlying thinking of these people is firstly Fear, and secondly they are exposing their fundamental belief that Tyrannical government is a Collective good that trumps individual rights.
These fools should be careful what they wish for!
In a National environment full of such thinking, Heavy handed’Jacinda Ardern’ type politicians are in their element, and she will be most willing to oblige them in their desires to be rendered Rightless slaves beneath her all powerful rule!
She is after all… a Socialist.
I am surrounded by ‘nice people’ who in fact endorse totalitarianism and are happy to surrender their rights in a heartbeat!
I am sure any legal authority to do so is being quietly, yet hastily drafted as we speak.
No media seem to be interested in asking such questions about what extra powers our government is planning to usurp… to rush through parliament… under urgency… with no public consultation.
Where did I get that impression?
Oh that’s right… that’s precisely what happened just last year… precisely how Comrade Number 1 Ardern and *all our elected representatives behaved *bar 1* in the wake of the Christchurch Terrorist attack when they flouted due legal process to rush the prohibition of semiautomatics and high capacity magazines into law!
All it took was for Ardern to declare Gun ownership in New Zealand is not a right, but a privilege!
This arbitrary assertion set up the notion that the State was not acting tyrannically in confiscating the Guns from Law abiding citizens who had done no wrong.
And it was basically swallowed hook, line, and sinker by virtually every member of parliament and almost every journalist in the country.
Virtually No time was allocated for Public consultations or submission of protest, and those few token submissions that were herd fell on deaf ears.
The Government simply gave themselves the legal powers they wanted.
Kinda like Hiter’s ‘Enabling Act’.
That’s the sort of government we have running this country!
Things are quite calm at present… 400 odd cases Nationally last time i checked.
Everyone has plenty of supplies… for a month or two.
No one has even died of the virus in New Zealand… The Morale of the nation is fearful… yet still high, yet this calm will not last long.
Panic will replace calm as hospitals become overwhelmed, and the virus starts to claim lives.
The Reaper will thrust in his sickle.
Family and friends will die.
Martial law is probably just around the corner… as the supermarkets begin to run out of supplies… and the people realise that they dont have enough stores in the cupboards.
All the compulsion that is being implemented and that will be ramped up is being almost universally touted as the only possible means of tackling this Pandemic.
Its taken as a given
It’s considered unquestionable.
Any suggestion that the governments and populations of the world could possibly have worked collectively together to fight this pandemic without Tyranny has not even been openly discussed.
Many consider anyone questioning why people should be compelled to obey all the restrictions as being dangerous to the common good… as being criminally negligent.
And because this is the path that most nations are taking, It may appear moot to even ponder whether or not things could have been done better… differently
When Chaos ensues and martial law imposed it will be even more difficult.
*yet to my mind if martial law is imposed it will signal the utter failure of Ardern’s heavy handed policies*… not justify them.
After the crisis has past… and the scale of devastation reconsidered, it is very probable many people will wake up to the fact that our Nations surrendered our precious rights too easily… and that the promised security that such Heavy handed Government imposed did very little to hinder the inevitable out come… over and above what could have been achieved by a purely voluntary approach that respected rights and liberties.
It is very possible that the governments whole strategy will be judged to be an abject failure.
That what in fact happened was we ended up with a Rash ‘Enemy like’ State working against the people … not for the people as was supposed.
Yet having gained broad ranging powers that circumvent any lawful obligation to follow important due processes that were created to keep Government just and in check… they will be very reluctant to surrender these powers.
Such powers that allow the police to enter houses without warrants, power to detain people on mere suspicion, the power to compel vaccinations, the power to arrest critics of Government edicts when ‘national emergencies have been declared’. etc.
They will be especially ardent in their desire to retain these powers even after the present crisis is passed because if they are allowed to do so it will mean they can use them to more easily impose the entire political UN Globalist agenda than otherwise would be the case if they were compelled to follow time-honored due process that exist to protect the people from Power grabs.
Many Independent thinkers perceive the current crisis as a practice run for the overthrow of Western civilization consisting of Free and independent sovereign nations by the UN Globalists embedded in almost every government on earth.
Will the ultimate result of the Ardern Doctrine prove to having been a disaster in the long run?
I suspect so.
My next part to this issue I will discuss more about how this crisis could have been handled much better… and far more justly.
I want to post this portion, yet for now let it be known that just because I strongly disagree with the usurpation of power Ardern and other world leaders have assumed in this crisis, that this means I wont voluntarily comply with all those edits that are in fact based upon common sense and sound reason.
The whole trust of my counter-argument rests upon the idea that Peoples ability to reason, and to grasp what is in their own best interests,and the interests of the country as a whole… and that when political leaders display high character and integrity… that by far that majority of people will willingly comply *to a national strategy that does not require State Jackboots.*
So let me make this very clear.
I am all for self isolation.
I am all for social distancing.
I am all for the washing of hands.
I am all for staying out of Public spaces as much as possible.
I am all for collective effort to flatten the curve!
Totalitarianism does not have a monopoly on these obvious actions, nor the means to impose them by force!
It is voluntary compliance that will be the deciding factor.
Ardern could have in fact still introduced the four tier alert system, and have called the nation to act collectively on a totally voluntary basis.
The meme above insinuates that *Even anarchists* become supporters of tyranny in such times as these, yet this is simply false.
This does not mean they endorse the States heavy hand.
It means they are asking people to voluntarily comply *to common sense actions*… and act in a collectively responsible manor… it is quite secondary that many of these wise ideas are *also government policy*.
The Idea that Anarchists *must* rebel against *all government policies and laws* just goes to show that people dont understand Anarchism or Libertarianism*… because both will *voluntarily* comply with Laws that are in accordance with their own values and Ideals… while maintaining the right to condemn Government coercion in such matters.
None of these essential basic habits require compulsion!
So why allow Ardern to strip us of our rights?
The need to do so is pure illusion.
I will sign off here with one final ‘shout out’ and that is to all the Good citizens still leaving their families, and the security of their own homes to go to work in the midst of this pandemic for that sake of keeping their communities supplied with the necessities of life!
It is truly Noble.
Their personal risk means our whole society will be able to maintain our isolation much longer… which is the best hope of defeating the spread of this killer disease, and will save lives by taking pressure off our hospitals.
I salute every Nurse and Doctor, and Orderly, Evert Trucky, every Supermarket check out person, Every factory worker and farmer, etc young, old … Boy or Girl… or other who continue to provide for us, mostly without any extra reward.
While some degenerates will use times of crisis to create chaos, these Good citizens are showing us that Tuff times are also when the best of humanity shines brightest.
Tonight Sunday 29-3-20 at 7pm the call has gone out for the Citizens of New Zealand to go out onto their front doorsteps, or to open a window… and put your hands together and give these essential workers a clap!
This is a token of our appreciation for what they are doing in such a dangerous time… the personal risks they are taking for our countries sake!
I also ask for every person of faith to say a prayer for their personal safety… esp the ones that you personally know.
And remember everyone… should you contract the virus or not…. remember that the throne of God’s love and grace is still open to you.
get right with God!
Look to the Cross of Christ for your salvation while the door is still open for you.
My prayers are with everyone who reads this post, and with your loved ones… may you all get through this crisis.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 30-3-20
“Police Commissioner Mike Bush explains what will happen to anyone not abiding the new laws.
The Defence Force is ready to respond with aircraft, vehicles and personnel if the public doesn’t comply with isolation rules during lockdown.
Commander Joint Forces NZ Rear Admiral Jim Gilmour said they have military planners and people with specialist skills working with the Government to assist in the response.
“We have a range of capabilities should these be required to assist in the response to Covid-19, including transport aircraft and vehicles, and skilled personnel who can assist other government agencies if needed,” he said.
“We have initiated Operation Protect to focus and organise our contributions to the all-of-government effort to respond to, and manage the effects of Covid-19.”
New Zealand ‘Last’ MP Ron Mark, NZ Minister of Defense.
The New Gun Prohibition is a massive weakening of our Nations Defense capability.
You have to have rocks in your head if you believe New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern’s new Firearms prohibitions outlawing Citizens from owning Semiautomatic Rifles and high capacity magazines has made our Nation safer.
Removing these Rifles from Citizens will render our Nation far less capable of National defense, which given how weak New Zealand’s Defense forces are already, we need to have a large percentage of our population well armed and competent as auxiliaries to our meager Armed forces for National defense against invasion.
Ardern and in fact our entire parliament except Act’s David Seymour have shown total disregard for the obvious and monumental *strategic foolishness* of removing this Citizen arsenal involving 10s of thousands of semi automatic Rifes and their Ammunition.
The Deterrent value against foreign invasion and terror attacks of having large numbers of these guns in skilled private hands is reason enough to condemn outright the new Arms amendments.
Armed private citizens with ARs have taken out terrorists attacking churches, etc ending the murder… saving lives … well before any Police were on site… this truth is what the New Zealand government wants to hide.
Where was New Zealands First’s Great defender of Gun Rights… and Minister of Defense, Ron Mark when this shameful, Unjust, and borderline Treasonous legislation was being passed? Cowering in the corner behind his Autocratic Party Leader Winston Peters!
The New Zealand gun fraternity used to look up to Ron Mark… as he postured himself as being New Zealand’s most Pro-gun Member of Parliament, yet we have seen his true colours!
YELLOW! Too scared of his Shady Boss Winston Peters to really put New Zealand first defend our country from this wicked legislation.
We have herd Zilch from him during this time of crisis… his silence is *Deafening!*
This equates to a betrayal of the New Zealand gun community and the people of New Zealand as a whole… our Minister of Defense is surrendering our Nations citizen arsenal to the tyrants he serves.
New Zealand has been subject to a heavy Propaganda campaign designed to keep us in a state of panic, so as to justify the States ongoing extreme tactics by the police and maintain ‘political momentum’ / pressure with respect to the governments gun Confiscations and new Strong Arm that treats *everyone* as a potential terrorist or hate-monger.
The Police said that ANZAC day celebrations had to be cancelled, and that Ramadan religious gatherings also should be cancelled due to ‘ongoing security threats’… yet *nothing happened* in either case… nor did the Police release *any proof* that such threats were real… and despite the fact that Winston Peters flew all the way to Turkey to convince The madman Dictator Erogan that the attack was a one-off anomaly and that there exists no security threat to Muslims in New Zealand.
All this tells me New Zealand is being taken over by a Police State.
CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND – MARCH 21: A police officer stands guard as relatives of victims of mosque attack arrive to attend the funeral of a victim who died at the mosque attack at Memorial Park Cemetery, in Christchurch, New Zealand on March 21, 2019. At least 50 people were reportedly killed in twin terror attacks targeting mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, an official said on Friday. Witnesses claim the Al Noor Mosque was targeted by armed assailants and there were up to 200 people inside for Friday Prayers. (Photo by Peter Adones/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
And Everyone must have noticed that after the Christchurch Terror attack that the Government stationed Armed Police with AR Rifles and high capacity Magazines?
Just about every article written about the New Zealand Police post Christchurch attack … whether about their disgusting Sunday morning Dawn raids, or about them guarding some Mosque or public event shows them en masse brandishing AR Rifles and high capacity magazines.
What this shows the thinking observer is obviously how highly regarded the AR is by the Police for the purpose of anti-terrorist defense (and for rounding up dissidents).
This being so it is clear that the new Gun Prohibitions against ARs is 100% opposed to *We the people* possessing these arms that are *the best defense* against being slaughtered en masse by terrorists who are guaranteed that should the wish to attack any public place… a church… or a mosque… they will meet zero self defense… ie New Zealanders are sitting ducks thanks to the tyrannic Anti gun… anti-self defense policies of our out of control Government and Police.
Not content with simply the demoralising effect of having theses guns on display during their recent harassment on the Gun community,*These Maniacs have been pointing their loaded Guns at Children!* That is such an outrage! to think the general public has been taught *NEVER POINT A GUN AT ANOTHER HUMAN BEING* never point a gun at anything you dont want to *Destroy*… yet these Mindless Minions think nothing of the Trauma they are inflicting upon the innocent… *This is what a Police state looks like*.
And when Ardern gives the Nod the armed Police standing guard around mosques will disappear.
In my submission opposing the New Gun prohibitions I said….
So I am saying that if New Zealand really wants to be safer… we should stop believing the empty promised of Jacinda Ardern… that her nanny state will keep us safe!
Instead we should instead be recognising New Zealanders rights to look to their own defense!
We should have more respect for the right to self defense… and more respect for Guns and the security they provide!
After what happened in Christchurch, if anyone is likely to be skeptical of Arderns bogus promises to keep them safe it will be immigrants and Muslims!
I would not blame NZ Muslims who witnessed what happened to instead desire the right to provide for their own defense!
The Government may be temporarily stationing Police outside mosques for the time being… until *they* assume the terrorist risk has diminished… and then the cops will pack up their guns and leave!
Yip… at some point the cops will leave mosques and churches absolutely defenseless again… just as they were before the attacks!
This bill does nothing to increase their security… it leaves them absolutely exposed to the next psychopath!
The solution is Obvious!
Everyone… Mosques, churches, everyone should be making provisions for their own security… which would include having armed guards… and better still concealed carry armed worshipers!
This is reality people!
The world is not a daycare center for children!
In this world dangerous. evil people exist, and the government cannot keep us safe.
And so when you do the math you find that the Governments rationale with regards to these new Gun Prohibitions does not hold water.
We see that the Police are absolutely out of control and are already confiscating Guns from Law abiding Citizens with absolute disregard for the September deadline or the fact that The Buyback scheme has not even been sorted out!
The Police are no longer acting in the interests of the People they are supposed to serve but are instead acting as a self-interested Power in cahoots with our Parliament that has thrown our rights and due process in the bin under the pretext of ‘a crisis’ and ‘Keeping us safe’.
The Ardern government thinks nothing of violating the Principle of the division of powers in allowing the police to write further Gun regulations and confiscations… as they so desire!
And we dont even hear a peep out of Nationals Simon Bridges on this issue *despite the fact that he is a high profile Lawyer!
This is because he’s not a man of Principle either.
And New Zealanders are such timid sheep as to let it all this happen without protest.
Of course all the reports of Armed raids with the Police terrorizing Families… some for simply exercising their rights to express their opposition to what the Government and Police are doing on social media is having a *suppressing effect* on open dialogue… some people comment on News articles about the Police raids warning people to take care what they say… lest they too get put on ‘the police list’.
Now this fear of speaking out… fear of protesting …effect works in the Jack boots favour as it renders the public incapable of rallying to their own defense… it makes it easier for the Police to continue picking off victims one by one, and so I say it is absolutely *essential* that in such times the people of New Zealand dig deep and find the courage to speak up… and rally together *in spite of the risks* that the Police may turn up at your door with Guns.
I am fully aware that by talking this way publicly, and by communicating with some of the people who have been raided that there is the highest probability that I am myself on the ‘watch list’, and that the Police would love to shut me down.
It is a terrible thing that I have had to explain this to my Wife and 8 year old child… Its traumatising.
You can understand how the actions of the Police are causing many people to shut their mouths and blend in with the herd.
*And this is what it was like in Nazi Germany, Stalin’s USSR, Kim Jung Un’s North Korea, China, etc etc!
People afraid to critisise their governments… and fearful of their politicized Police!
*Can you believe it that I am talking about this *vile evil* happening here in New Zealand????
just a few months ago it was inconceivable that we would be facing such an escalation of tyranny in such a short time… over a one off event.
The Resulting Tyranny is a far greater threat to our Nation than the horrific crime of Brenton Tarant… in fact I believe we are even more exposed to such events than ever before because of the Government has used this event to grab more power for itself, and not addressed the Peoples right to self defense at all!
My Blog Posts are notoriously too long… there is just so much going on that it is difficult to do justice to the Gravity of how bad things have become and I fear for our children future.
Orwell’s Distopia is fast upon us.
God Help us!
Its time to Rally people! Time to stand up and protest! Before its too late.
And The Time is right to abandon support for Both National and Labour, and NZ first, and the Greens!
They are all guilty of supporting what is happening.
Time to support Act!
David Seymour is almost the only MP whose integrity on these matters shines far above the rest of the shameful sell outs in parliament who have zero respect for the peoples rights or due process.
If Act is not your cup of Tea *Try the New Conservative party*. I have read many Good Policy press releases from them and they have been vocal in their condemnation of the new Gun Prohibitions and Police behavior post Christchurch.
And its time to abandon Facebook for their horrific Political bias and censorship of Voices of dissent.
Facebook may as well be on Ardern’s payroll.
Many freedom loving Conservatives and Libertarians are setting up shop on MeWe… I’m there… ready for when facebook pulls the plug on me for my activism…
Hopefully there will be large peaceful Public demonstrations against what is going on… I would be happy to speak.
We need individuals with a good public presence to organise such protests… as ‘small fish’ like myself has never been successful in rallying the Public… I dont have the ‘political capital’ to get the sheeple up off their couches.
None the less I do what is within my power, and I fulfill my civic duty as an individual to stand up and be counted… and I am ready to stand with likeminded citizens in protest against the Draconian Police state New Zealand has become.
Act Party Leader and MP for Epsom David Seymour.
If only New Zealanders (and esp gun owners) had listened to the warnings We Libertarians have been saying for the past 20 years… and voted for us… New Zealand would be taking a far different approach to things, and your rights would have been protected from such tyranny by a new constitution! Read this
The Libertarian solution is now more desperately needed than ever!
I salute the likes of Radio talk back host Sean Plunket for being vocal on these Issues and commend David Seymour also for not only being critical of Ardern’s contempt for democratic due process, but also giving notice to the New Zealand Police for their shocking behavior.
It is only via Free speech and Public outcry can we hope to put an end to this reign of terror that is upon us.
“Hate Speech Laws and Blasphemous Libel: A Tale of Hypocrisy.
A few months ago, the Honourable Andrew Little quite rightly proposed a bill that eventually removed the last blasphemy law (s 123 of the Crimes Act 1961) from our statute books.
Before its removal, the effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity with an intent to cause serious offence or by abusing sacred objects or beliefs (Bowman v Secular Society Ltd).
Section 123(3) went on to specify: “It is not an offence against this section to express in good faith and in decent language, or to attempt to establish by arguments used in good faith and conveyed in decent language, any opinion whatever on any religious subject”.
Thus the cumulative effect of s 123 was to make it an offence to vilify or degrade Christianity either in bad faith, or using indecent language.
At any rate, the repeal of s 123 was premised on concerns about the right to free expression. The necessary implication being that speech is *protected* notwithstanding that it is expressed in bad faith or indecent language, and vilifies Christianity.
If free speech grounds a right to vilify Christianity in bad faith or using indecent language, there is similarly a right to vilify any other religion in bad faith or using indecent language.
And yet I’m told that the latter would be legally actionable hate speech…”
The pace with which the current Ardern government is moving towards a police state, and the destruction of freedom is truly frightening!
And there seems to be nobody in parliament standing up in opposition to any of it!
The National Party have been hypnotized by the Ardern Cult of Personality… they pander to her every whim!
How the hell they ever expect this sort of Kowtowing to the Liberal agenda will help them get elected into power again is a mystery.
The Lefty infested New Zealand Press are hard at work lobbying for New Hate speech legislation and has acted like a Lynch mob towards Austrailian sports star Israel Folou quoting the Bible on his own social media page. and the condemnation he has received from our New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern herself, with the press goading her… begging her … to label what he said hate speech…here ‘Jacinda Ardern fires back at Israel Folau and social media comments’… while she was restrained by current legal definitions to label what he said as being a crime, she said she called it ‘Damaging’, yet we also know that her government is determined to push through New ‘hate speech’ legislation… with the same callous disregard for the rights of New Zealanders and due process they displayed with the latest Firearms prohibitions, and when you see what her minion Andrew Little thinks constitutes ‘hate speech’ if New Zealanders are not alarmed, and rise up against this abuse of power they truly deserve the expression of being a bunch of Sheep!
Unless new Zealanders wake up and stand against this sort of agenda driven anti-religious liberty… anti Free speech propaganda… Our country is doomed, and our children will not be taught anything other than what the government wants them to learn… and what they are allowed to believe… and think.
What has been circulated in the NZ media about Folou’s ‘Homophobia’ has been absolutely dishonest!
For the record… I’m too a Christian, I do not hate homosexuals, yet I reserve the right to peacefully and freely preach about my Religion and quote the Bible… precisely as I have done for the last 34 years, and no Law from Parliament will stop me from doing this… They will have to arrest me to stop me!
This is precisely what the Right to free speech entails!
Go study the history of religious oppression and the birth of religious liberty in western civilisation… This is where the right to free speech was born!
Look at What Arderns’ Minion Andrew Little has to say about a political pamphlet that was circulated in Point Chev… this is her main man responsible for framing new Hates speech laws!
The Pamphlet called for ‘One law for all’… thats an *inclusive* Ideal in which all peoples of New Zealand are subject to the same laws… no favoritism… no discrimination… and yet he has called this *Racism*!
Quote: “The pamphlet titled One Treaty One Nation, calls for an end to state partnership with Māori, scrapping the Waitangi Tribunal, Māori electorates and wards and says Māori have benefited from colonisation lifting them out of “a violent stone age existence”.
Andrew Little who is overseeing a review of hate speech in the wake of the terrorist attacks told the Herald his view was the pamphlet is racist.
“It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”
How Arse-backwards and hypocritical could anyone possibly be???
The Man is worse than an imbecile!
Hes a Dangerous Political snake… and if he thinks by writing legislation that outlaws political opinions that disagree with his own patently wrapped Ideas he has another thing coming!
Little is suggesting this pamphlet calling for one law for all is written by some nutcase when in reality it is expressing a view that is held by a great portion of New Zealanders including many respected politicians more than his equal and many other prominent and intelligent New Zealanders.
The Principle of Racial equality is neither ‘Anti-Maori’ nor Fringe!
It is a legitimate Political position held by thousands of New Zealanders, well reasoned, and has been a foremost topic of elections for the past 50 years!
Does Andrew Little think he can impose his own liberal apartheid views by labeling opposition as hate speech?
As a Libertarian… I reserve my right to propagate the Idea of *One law for all New Zealanders* and to fight for the Principle of Justice… *Racial equality before the law*… just as I have done for the past two decades, and no new ‘hate speech laws’ written under the excuse of the Christchurch atrocity
will silence me from condemning the apartheid state that Ardern and Little are now at the helm!
I dont care if Andrew Little believes that Fighting for Racial equality is somehow ‘Anti-Maori’ and Hate speech!
It is not hate speech! I do not Hate Maori… I am a Maori myself!
I want what is best for them and all the people of New Zealand, and I condemn as unjust and an absolute failure the current Apartheid syatem that has not lifted Maori out of the gutter of our Social statistics, but has been a gigantic extortion racket!
I will not stop… I will never cease from seeking to expose the dishonesty of the Governments False revisionist history that seeks to deceive New Zealanders into accepting the lie that the Treaty of Waitangi created a two tier Racial system rather than uniting *all the peoples of New Zealand as one people under one law and one sovereign with equal rights* The Government will have to arrest me and throw me in jail because I will never stop using my natural right to freely speak the truth!
I declare that the current policies of Waitangi separatism are Evil!
So New Zealanders… will you surrender our country to such evil and tyrannical powers as have manifested themselves under Jacinda Arderns Psychotic Government????
I wont!
I have Children and Grand children who I want to live free and know the truth!
Id rather die in jail that surrender Political Freedom and My faith to the evil powers that threaten these most precious of values!
Will I have to rot in a dungeon as a political prisoner for New Zealanders rights to free speech and the principle of racial equality before the Law???
That this is even a possibility shows how dangerous to rights and freedom this new proposal for hate speech legislation is!
We can be sure that Little’s new Hate speech laws will result in a wave of censorship and Punishment for Thought Crimes… maybe the will force some of us to drink Hemlock for not worshiping the State Gods and Corrupting the Youth!
Political writer Dr Muriel Newman has written about these things in an article named ‘A totalitarian state’ and I quote…
“Calls for restrictions on free speech by radical Government MPs should raise the alarm about our future. While the Bill of Rights protects our freedom of thought, expression, and association, as we have already seen through the Censor’s bans, these rights are fragile and can easily be taken away.
Laws to protect New Zealanders from ‘hate’ can already be found in the Crimes Act, Harmful Digital Communications Act, Human Rights Act, and the Sentencing Act. If the Government is committed to stronger deterrents, they simply need to enforce the existing laws.
Already the call for action against ‘hate’ since the Christchurch attack has resulted in people losing their jobs for making thoughtless remarks, websites being blocked, and a social media crackdown being implemented. It may also have been responsible for a man losing his life.
New Zealanders who value the freedom and liberty that underpins our society should strongly oppose new laws to ban ‘hate’. Such laws, that would enable the Police to act against anyone expressing ideas contrary to those deemed acceptable by the Government, have proven to be a disaster in countries where they have been introduced, over-criminalising the population and allowing vexatious complainants to destroy lives. “…
I concur with Muriel, and implore the People of New Zealand to rally and protest against this Hitlarian Drive against Freedom in our country!
Do you want your children to grow up free?
Do you reserve the right to teach them your own Values and beliefs?
Or do you surrender these priceless things .. and give your children’s minds to the State to brainwash them with the beliefs and ideals these Political psychopaths running the machine?
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
I have written an explanation as to why I have not redacted excerpts of the manifesto ‘the great replacement’ from this blog post… here
The Blog post below and an earlier post were written before the Chief Censor imposed the ban.
I’m being Punished for Anti-SJW activism.
Here I sit in Facebook jail for a week for the heinous thought crime of publicly criticising New Zealand Prime minister Jacinda Ardern’s New Gun prohibitions on the net.
My sentence was immediate … without warning… and I had no idea I was posting anything that could be construed as being ‘an offence’ of any kind.
I was merely exercising my right to free speech and open dialogue as a Libertarian activist and Blogger.
The Rush to make the SJW Agenda Law and suppressing reasoned opposition..
Much to my surprise Ardern has devised a Machiavellian scheme to make her prohibitions immediate without following the normal due democratic processes… she says this will happen in due course… as if its a foregone conclusion that parliament will support her plans. and the legislation will be retrospectively enacted, and Liberals around the globe have been Lording her like she is some sort of legislative Messiah and calling upon their own governments to follow her lead… precisely like the Terrorist expressly wanted them to do!
I believe Ardern was instructed to do this by her Mentor Helen Clark, whom used this same device of retrospective legislation herself when PM to stop a high court lawsuit she was facing for election fraud and misappropriation! (search up Pledgcardgate… good luck with that as most of the information about this has conveniently ‘disappeared’ off the net… Clark being a UN Lefty Big wig… this is precisely the sort of inconvenient facts the left have successfully suppressed )
Whenever politicians use ‘retrospective legislation’ the people should be vary wary… and in the Case of Jacinda Ardern’s ‘Immediate gun ban’ she is circumventing the safety checks of due democratic process… that is supposed to prevent legislation from being implemented too hastily, and insure there is plenty of public discussion and sober minded rationale… tested in the public domain.
UNITED NATIONS, NEW YORK CITY, NY, UNITED STATES – 2015/09/18: Helen Clark, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and candidate for the job of UN Secretary General 2016 during a Press briefing on the launch of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Gap Task Force Report 2015 today at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. (Photo by Luiz Rampelotto/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images)
SJW Ardern is using the heat of emotion generated by the terror attacks to maximise the chance of getting this legislation passed without much sober contemplation by Opposition Mps or the People, therefore she certainly does not want dissenting views and criticisms about her new Gun laws or large protests before they are ratified by parliament, and so The Activist SJW Liberals running facebook… acting unilaterally yet deliberately are banning Dissenting voices like mine, and I have been prevented from posting and commenting for 7 days even though I have not violated their community standards.
They have done so out of pure political bias… while claiming I have violated their community standards… without any explanation.
This is the post that got me ‘Zucc-ed’ (Photo below)…remember there was no ban on sharing excerpts from the manifesto when I posted this… and now that it has been banned you may appreciate the truth of what I am saying… Political suppression of dissenting opinion.
As you can see, I did not write anything that can be construed as being against any of the Facebook community standards with respect to nudity, hateful, or otherwise what is commonly understood to be offensive… Nothing racist, or sexist, etc… I simply expressed my political opinion about Arderns new and corrupt Gun prohibitions, and validated my statement with a factual quote and accompanied these facts with a relevant picture for readers to investigate for themselves.
I got the photo off Google.
And this post contains no inaccuracies, nor anything that has not been published on facebook by other media…
What is even more interesting is NZ Herald published video of the terror attack but have not yet been charged with a crime! here
Political Favoritism and Sly Expedience???? MUCH!
The Governments suppression and threats of Imprisonment.(please remember I wrote this passage before the Chief Censor Banned the Manifesto)
I did not share any of the video footage of the terrorist action that was put on the net, that has been outlawed by the New Zealand government, yet to my knowledge there is no prohibition on discussion or sharing the Manifesto the terrorist published on line in which he gave his reasons for why he committed this crime, and why he used guns, and it would be the height of political suppression of the truth if any such prohibition was imposed because that would muzzle the peoples right to discuss this heinous crime, and understand it, yet it appears the liberal running facebook made a completely arbitrary decision to ‘prohibit’ posts like mine on this topic.
and in so doing they display their extreme political prejudice.
I have not watched the footage and I have no desire to watch such a barbarous thing, yet still it is a gross act of suppression by the government to outlaw the video and prosecute people whom have shared it on their social media. Its suppression is part of the general desire of the government to steam roll through their oppressive new Gun control legislation without protests from the people who may watch the terrorist video and realise the government cant keep us safe from terrorism or mass murder, and demand *more gun rights* not less.
The video has been shared far and wide internationally… The Turkish president Erdoğan has used it many times for its propaganda value against Islamiphobia in the west as part of his election campaign!
yet our Government has made it a crime for us to share it… and what they have not been able to suppress by law, The social media working in cahoots have taken it upon themselves to shut down critisims of the left on their social media platforms.
Internet Tyranny, the Leftist war on Free speech.
This agenda driven censorship has become prolific, and demonstrates a massive political fraud being perpetrated against the entire world by the Left’s dominance over the world wide web, esp of social media like Facebook and it can be easily shown they are actively engaged in perverting the democratic processes of Western societies in favour of Leftist Political parties and their political agendas.
While it is harder for them to suppress Established sites with millions of followers, yet still because the left have lost on so many fronts in recent times to establish their Global tyranny… from Brexit, to the defeat of Hillary Clinton, they have moved against their outspoken adversaries under the guise of fighting ‘fake news’… They have suceeded in banning and marginalizing many popular voices on the right … and comparatively it has been a walk in the park to pick off small fry like me by the tens of thousands without any recompense!
By using so called ‘Community standards’ they are targeting Individuals like myself who are activists against Lefty Liberalism and thereby not only crushing well reasoned and truthful dissenting views and posts from spreading throughout the population and gaining a foothold in the public sphere, but are also projecting an atmosphere of Fear and suppression… intimidating many people from speaking their minds out of fear Facebook will punish them, and maybe even close their pages down.
This is the treat that hangs over Social media now and the threat that I now face.
Will they shut down my page?
One of my people actually told me he consciously watches what he posts out of fear he will be ‘Zucced’ as this will affect his business and livelihood!
And this is *outrageous* that the political bias of Facebook is so extreme that people are scared to be vocally critical of things like these new oppressive gun laws.
All it takes is for one slippery snake Liberal hiding in your group or friends list to report your post to the Facebook gestapo and you can find yourself jailed without any sort of due process… without the opportunity to say anything in your own defense. and of course these Snakes hiding in your grass never stand up and and say to your face they reported you… they are happy to remain hidden among your friends… These Judas types dont admit their collaboration with the gestapo to the rest of the group as they know they will be thrown out.
So there they sit… like a terrorist cell… evil malevolent minions of the powers that be… serving as the spies of the Facebook gestapo … ready to report any criticism that they dont like… Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
Google skews Web searches in favour of leftist ideology and buries site they disprove of.
De-Platforming their enemies from the Internet is now standard Left wing modus opperandi.
They get hysterical when any independent voice they cant control gains a large following. (here)
The left will move mountains to get visiting speakers they cant control visas revoked. (here)
This concerted agenda by the left is tantamount to staging a Global Coup!
These Gargantuan Internet Tyrants and mainstream media are in fact working in cahoots with Leftist Governments and parties and acting in a manor that is 100% contrary to the Ethical standards of Journalism and are flouting the duty of what a free press is supposed to be! Independent of Government and the vanguard of Liberty and free speech!
These powers have become the chief tools of censorship and imposing a heavy handed political agenda.
The Lefts massive manipulation and corruption of the foundations of Western Democracy and Elections.
This massive interference with free speech and discourse in New Zealand with respect to the Christchurch event not only demonstrates how the Social media Giants Liberal bias and activism is now being used around the globe to smooth the road for Leftist Legislators to get their oppressive agenda made Law, it also pales into insignificance any delusions people may have had about Russia interfering with the US elections!
So the hypocrisy of the Left is to cry blue murder when they suspect the internet has been used to spread propaganda against them… yet they have moved with utmost vigor to make sure the internet is now a propaganda machine for the Left… under the pretext of fighting fake news and hate speech.
I believe these massive internet giants controlled by Social Justice Warrior Liberals are perpetrating a massive fraud against the populations of the democratic world ant are acting with such extreme prejudice as to nearly eclipse what has been possible by most Authoritarian governments such as China and North Korea… and Russia in which Putin has just passed more ‘Fake news’ laws to further outlaw criticism of his government and to punish anyone who dares.
That is how tyranny works… By passing Laws under the pretext of a righteous cause when in reality they are legalising their own crimes against their political opponents.
Though the Internet Giants are privately owned, that cannot be a legitimate excuse for what they are doing because the Fraud they are committing is the pretense that their internet services are fair and objective and are not Bullying or suppressing genuine free speech.
This is their Great lie!
I believe there is a legitimate case of grand Election fraud these companies ought to be legally taken to task… something like the Muller investigation but against the bias and manipulation of the internet for personal political ends.
I dont understand why some wealthy and tech savvy entrepreneurs have not set up already set up better alternatives!???
The Market is crying out for it and I believe the future liberty and well being of western civilisation hangs on dire urgent need for the Lefts stranglehold over the internet to be smashed!
I may already be too late.
If there were credible competing alternative social media to Facebook, Google, and YouTube who acted in a more ethical fashion and who respected the rights of individuals to free speech and expression I would abandon the services of these prejudiced liberal companies voluntarily, and I am sure 50% of the internet would do so too, yet while they hold a virtual monopoly on social media, I refuse to ‘ban myself’ and abandon the internet to the Machiavellian Liberals!
I will go down fighting!
Defending NZ Gun rights from SJW Gun confiscations and criminalisation.
Before I was ‘Zucced’ I was busy on Facebook calling for Gun owners not to surrender their rights without protest. I was encouraging them to practice peaceful civil disobedience of the most honorable type… non compliance with unjust demands from the state.
With regards to the ploy of a government ‘buy back’, I argue that even if the government tries to bribe you into surrendering your rights Gun owners need to refuse to comply… In the US New Jersey State demanded all the high capacity mags get handed in… nobody complied!
*That is how Free people respond to unjust laws*
Read more here.
This is why they want to register Guns too… so then they can confiscate them.
Of course they will send the cops around to arrest a few non-compliant gun owners,,, yet all kiwi gun owners who are not slaves of the state will need to rally and help them with their legal defense.
Gun owners should be uniting and planning protests!
They have been made criminals though they have committed no crimes!
They have had their rights and liberties trampled upon by a tyrannical little nobody.
Yet there are Reports of hundreds of New Zealand gun owners voluntarily already surrendering their Semi Autos, with many kiwi believing the line… ‘gun ownership is a privilege… not a right’ Read more here
The New Zealand government does not want the NRA to help Kiwi gun owners rally and defend themselves from loosing their gun rights!
It appears these reports of large scale surrendering of guns to the police are just more propaganda designed to fool NZ gun owners into the belief that most gun owners agree with the new prohibition and in so doing demoralise any who are hoping to rally a large scale protest.
A friend of mine parroted these naive sentiments… “We in NZ don’t have a 2nd Amendment for gun ownership in the way you are suggesting.
Gun ownership is a privilege not a right allowed under the direction of the government. If the rules change they change we have to comply. Pretending that we are Americans will not work here sorry. We are now have a new law that we will have to comply with whether we like it or not.”.
I had to school him…. “The second amendment does not ‘grant’ a privilege to the American people at the generosity of the US government… what the second amendment does is *Enunciate a natural right that all human beings have* and that is why it tells the government *they shall pass no law that violates this natural human right* .
So that we kiwi dont have a second amendment *does not mean* we dont have the natural right to bear arms… the means of self defense… we do have that right irrespective of what our government thinks or wants.. or compels!
The problem we have is that our backward Nation has no protection of our rights from tyrants and socialists like Ardern… and so we are exposed to the evil of a government that can trample upon our rights… yet that does not make it just… it means we are the victims of oppressive government and evil laws.”
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
PS… A Gun rights petition is circulating Here
Please sign it!
Here is what it says…
Prime Minister
We are asking for you to reconsider your plans to rush legislation that drastically changes our firearms laws.
We have two main concerns:
1: The exclusion of subject matter experts WILL simply result in bad law.
2: Rushed legislation WILL make the nation LESS safe.
There is simply no need to suspend democracy here.
You have made one huge change on zero notice, after only a few days of consideration and with most of the affected parties excluded.
Now you have promised huge new law changes from Parliament in a matter of only days. Before many important issues have even been considered. All we have now are questions.
It has been thirty years since anything remotely comparable occurred. We have the time to do this right.
Thank you for your consideration.
Let us please do the RIGHT thing here. Not just be seen to act.
Update: Though I cant comment or make posts for 7 days I can still access my page and read my news feed, anyway I just received yet another facebook notification that I have violated Community standards on another post in which a simply posted a photo of the terrorist in his car and called him Scum!
I made this post within an hour of hearing about the terrorist attack, and in no way was their any ‘Ban’ on posting photos of the terrorist… it was quite a natural response!
Either I have again been reported by some snake, or Facebooks AI ‘Zuccbotts’ are hard at work supressing any pictures and commentary on the terrorist attack in Christchurch!
In no way did I say anything violent, or praise the terrorist!
I simply called him scum!
Interesting NZ Youtube video talks about the bias in NZ Media ‘Newshub’.
I concur about how disgusting Newhub is and in fact I blocked them from my facebook newsfeed only a few days ago out of pure disgust …
More… ISPs in AU and NZ start censoring the internet without legal precedent
Several websites including Voat, ZeroHedge,, LiveLeak, and others have been blocked in Australia and New Zealand in direct contravention to civil liberties that citizens are supposed to have. The biggest of these internet providers, Telstra, has published a blog post defending their censorship action – even acknowledging that free speech has been sacrificed by company decision:
“We appreciate that it is necessary to ensure free speech is carefully balanced against protecting the community – but with these sites continuing to host disturbing content we feel it is the right thing to do to block them.”
In fact, some of the blocked sites have been unfairly lambasted in mainstream media as “refusing” to take down offending material. Let’s be clear, each and every one of the blocked websites operates lawfully – that includes removing illegal material when requested. These internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia and New Zealand have taken it upon themselves to play judge, jury, and executioner in their condemnation of these websites and their visitors just for exercising free speech…
Note: Tyranny has been running amok here in New Zealand since the Christchurch Terrorist Atrocity happened with Censorship, and suppression, People getting arrested for mere comments on Facebook! Its like The Death of Free speech has arrived.
My Blogpost (below) was written *before* many of these Censorship laws were rushed into being and so it contains references to the now banned manifest… yet if you go and read my latest blogpost here you will understand why I have not deleted these references from my post below.
I also wrote another Blog post on this subject before that Censorship ban Here and another *after the Ban here … in which I explain why I have not redacted excerpts of the manifesto ‘the great replacement’ from these related blog posts.
As a Christian Libertarian New Zealander my sincere condolences go out to the Muslim community in Christ church and their greater families and friends… and their wounded in the hospitals are in my prayers.
This horrific act of terrorism has caused our Nation such a deep wound that cuts to the heart, and my post today is like so many others that will be written about this crime, and asking what can be done to prevent this sort of atrocity happening again, yet My words will not be in support of the plan being preached down from above by Jacinda Ardern who is promising the state will do more to keep us all safe.
I want to suggest that this crime is a wake up call for New Zealanders to snap out of their childish and misplaced dependence on Misguided politicians like her and to take more responsibility for our own defense.
I want New Zealanders to wake up to the fact that we have already been robbed of many of our natural rights to take care of our own security and to utterly reject Arden’s plans to render us even more defenseless, and take away our Semi-automatic firearms that are 99.999% used for peaceful purposes… hunting.
So Our Great leader thinks little about destroying the rights of millions of New Zealanders over the actions of a handful of extremists.
And in fact The terrorist expressly chose firearms because he knew that would cause politicians to try and Ban guns….
This being So Jacinda Ardern is proving to be a gullible puppet on a string!
A Predictable Simpleton.
In his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ published on line before the attack the Killer said the reason he used firearms over other options was to achieve maximum Media Hype and to provoke Leftist politicians (like Jacinda Ardern) into passing draconian fire arms restrictions!
And like a Puppet on a string that is precisely what Ardern has immediately proposed to do!
The following is an extract from the manifesto… ‘The Great Replacement’…. warning… its vile stuff…
Why did you choose to use firearms?
I could have chosen any weapons or means.A TATP filled rental van. Household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.A
ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.Gas,fire,vehicular attacks,plane
attacks, any means were available. I had the will and I had the resources. I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra
media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the
politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines. With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to
abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see
this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty. This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic
polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing
of the US along cultural and racial lines. Why did you choose New Zealand as a place to attack?
New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New
Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found
out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere
else in the West. Secondly an attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of
the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the
invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world
and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass
immigration. Was there any reason you attacked that(those) mosque(s) in
Originally the mosque in Dunedin was the main target,particularly after
watching the video on their facebook page named “Otago muslim
Socialist Governments are absolutely idiotic.
What we are seeing here with Ardern’s declaration of a future ban on semi automatic weapons, is the lie that Socialists sell the world over … the claim that the more defenseless they render everybody… the more they take away our rights… the more laws they pass… that the safer we all are supposed to be…. *when the opposite is true*
Contemplate the fate of the Venezuelan population whom complied with their socialist government, and were disarmed!
The more defenseless they render us… the more exposed to violence we become!
Ardern’s ‘Super genius socialist plan’ is no better than the *Same utter rubbish* being pedaled in London due to the so-called ‘Knife crisis’.
Having Banned handguns there… people are now Stabbing each other. ( Where Murder abounds is a testament to a moral crisis that is something socialists cant fix by their stupid prohibitions)
Reality pill people!
You cannot ‘Ban’ the universe into being a ‘safe space’ for defenseless children…. these Liberal Tyrants are turning our nations into Children’s daycare centers… and it does not work!
They are are simply making the population more dependent upon the State… and therefor less self reliant… and more exposed.
Ie *Less safe!*
They are turning our societies into Prisons… yet even in prisons Dangerous criminals can still make shanks and murder you… even in a prison with hundreds of guards and all Guns and knives Banned!
Only *Idiots* think these prohibitions are a good idea… or have any hope of success!
The concept that any time something bad happens is an indication that the government needs to do ‘more’ is retarded.
I want you to think about this instead… These terrible events can just as easily be seen as an indication the Government needs to do *less*!
Instead of the Govenment taking away more of our rights, they ought to be restoring our rights they have already foolishly taken away!
*Re-Empowering us* to look out for our own security.
This is what a society of Free, enlightened, and self-reliant Citizens would be… a society that does not believe the foolish idea that our politicians can keep us safe.
Yet this *Do less* response to these sorts of horrors rarely occurs to the minds of the Sheeple who seek to rely on Governments to keep them safe rather than take responsibility for their own safety…
The Sheeple refuse to see this atrocity as proof of the failure of Nanny State Socialism.
Sheeple prefer to have Less rights rather than More personal responsibility…. and this childish mentality is precisely what feeds the Socialist politicians and why these Little brainless tyrants get elected instead of more honest, and competent candidates.
Socialism Feeds on Paranoia.
Liberty requires Bravery…. and so any event that spooks the sheeple results in more Socialism… less freedom.
Why did the Maniac choose to come to New Zealand to shoot peaceful Muslims instead of going to Syria and shooting *Real Islamic Terrorists*?
Because though he maybe consumed with hatred … he is not *Insane*… He knew our Socialist state has disarmed *our Muslims* … and did not fancy the Idea of having his victims shooting back!
Now… up until this Cowardly atrocity happened, its most likely that New Zealand Muslim migrants would have had little concerns about being dis-armed by the New Zealand government, and many of them probably bought into the delusion that this law has a lot to do with why New Zealand is so much ‘Safer’ than many of the places they have escaped from… yet that is not the case at all!
What causes New Zealand to be a safer place is not our Gun Restrictions, but our policy of Tolerance and relative religious liberty that comes from our enlightened and Founding Protestant Culture.
And Muslim immigrants have taken full advantage of this liberty and tolerance we enjoy here in this country to maintain their Islamic faith and community, and they are *practicing this tolerance of others too*, and this is the foundation of peaceful co-existence in a free society made up of disparate groups , each following their own conscience and peacefully worshiping God as they believe is right.
*Its this Tollerance, and respect for the religious liberty of others that makes New Zealand such a great place to live… for everyone.
In this sense New Zealand has been an example to the world that Freedom of Religion works and that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Atheists, and Hindus, can all live together in the same communities to mutual benefit… based upon the common values that we all want to be safe in our lives and property, and be free to follow our own values while respecting the rights of our neighbors to do the same.
Yet even though by far the Majority of New Zealanders… both Native and new arrivals are tolerant and peaceful, there will always exist a tiny number of psychopaths and maliciously warped minds like these Freaks whom have cause our Nation such a horrific wound.
The lie That Socialist politicians continue to pedal … and the delusion of the Timid sheeple who worship Nanny State and vote for them… those who have no concept of the value of Freedom or self reliance … is that Socialist Nanny State can keep us all safe… if she is allowed to take away more of our rights and Liberties…
This is not only a dishonest lie that renders us all sitting ducks… it is also a Childish fantasy!
Its the Children’s fairy story about a Utopian world where folk have no need of Guns… where there are no Bad People who disobey the laws… dont make Guns or bombs… where the Government and police are angels and never act tyrannically or unjustly … etc etc
This is not the world we live in children!
This is the type of Childish thinking that refuses to see that though we have relative peace and liberty, and religious tolerance, that places like Mosques, Churches, and even schools, should have armed guards, and that it should be no big deal for ordinary people to carry the means of defending themselves.
I know that that last comment will have the sheep absolutely bleating!
Yet it is their sheepish terror that refuses to acknowledge *The real world truthfulness* of what I have said… and they want to cling to their fantasy that a disarmed population can be kept safe from this sort of Terrorism by Nanny state!
It has been reported that it took Police 36 minutes before they engaged the Terrorist from when they were first notified there was an active Gunman on the loose… and by then nearly 50 people were murdered and dozens more seriously injured.
And that we are taliking now about *Semi-autos* not Full automatic machine guns (which have already been banned) is a testament to *The Creeping socialist agenda to ban all privately owned guns* and leave only the State with fire arms!
The Tyrannical Government’s *wet Dream*… an absolutely helpless and subject population of slaves!
This is why The founding Fathers of American freedom enshrined the second amendment and why Tyranny loving Socialists Dems in the US are hell bent on abolishing the second.
The truth is This Terrorist attack against peaceful worshipers and immigrants proves We New Zealanders have lived in a socialist dream bubble that has burst.
The Root cause of this Terrorism is not too many Guns… but not enough… and it should become the norm that we have armed guards and *more gun rights not less* … generally speaking.
This is the reality pill that so few sheepish are willing to swallow and why our naive and simpleton Woke SJW Prime minister has already announced that semi-automatic fire arms will be outlawed!
This was a 100% predictable knee jerk reaction from her… I knew this would be her plan as soon as I herd about this crime, as it is Textbook for Socialist Liberals to use events like this to further empower themselves and take way the rights of the Millions of law abiding people under the pretext of public safety… and to try and keep the idiots believing the myth…maintaining the charade that * NANNY WILL KEEP US SAFE*… even though this Terror attack proves the lie!
Semi-automatic guns are the mainstay of Hunting in New Zealand.
They are Tools… not ‘Weapons’!
And we cannot allow our Virtue signally Woke SJW PM make New Zealand a laughing stock to the rest of the world… and an even more attractive destination for foreign extremists to commit these atrocities in the future!
Our Nation is rapidly being effeminated by the insanity of Lefty Liberalism.
It was only last century that New Zealanders were renowned for their Martial excellence distinguishing themselves in two world wars and that our enemies were very wary of our Nation because we were known to be a Nation of fearless warriors … Proud Gun owners who knew knew how to use them , and taught our children how to use them too.
*That is the sort of Mindset* that would make our country far less attractive to cowardly terrorists!
The very opposite message of what our foolish PM is broadcasting to the world.
Wake up New Zealand!
Professional Virtue signaler NZ PM Jacinda Ardern puts on her I care for Muslims ‘hat’
Well thankfully we do not yet live under *Her dictatorship* so thankfully she does not have the Authority to impose such an extreme and tyrannical Law upon us, and New Zealand still has a strong Hunting and gun ownership community (50 000 guns were imported into the country last year), and I am hoping New Zealander rally and publicly demonstrate against this new and absurd and extreme Gun regulation proposal… and I have high expectations that Jacinda Ardern will fail.
Lets hope so.
Read more here…
Muslims and Christians, and Schools, and even Liquor stores and dairies etc need to look to their own security, and the Government needs to roll back regulations that hinder these places from being able to bear the means of self defense against dangerous Criminals who already flout the Law!
I have read that the Guns used in the Christchurch terrorist attack were *illegally obtained*… and so why would any fool think that passing more laws is gong to hinder these sorts of fanatical criminals?
Stop being Gullible idiots to the delusional failed tyrannical prohibitions of Simpletons in parliament.
This Grotesquely heavy handed suppression of the Truth is barefaced Liberal tyranny!
Of Course the NZ government and police dont want people to see the truth of their failure to keep New Zealanders safe… or for any sudden enlightenment to break out that the government are partly responsible for the death toll because they have disarmed us all by law leaving us exposed to criminals and terrorists..
They dont want New Zealanders to be shocked int demanding their rights back to Concealed carry of side arms for their own defense!
So this is about suppression of truth for the sake of the political agenda of the powers that be… and agenda they seek to further impose with their plans for more heavy handed Gun regulations.
When the Evil was raging in Christchurch …Many heroic deeds and exploits were done in the face of this monstrous Crime!
So called ‘Toxic Masculinity’ was on display in all its glory…
Men gave their lives attempting to stop the Gunman.
Fathers took bullets shielding their children.
others took grave risks to aid the injured.
Read one here
It is the height of foolishness to think that any new measures …any new prohibitions can grantee such atrocities never happen again in the future!
The best you can hope to achieve is a well armed and proficient Citizenry who are ready and capable to look to their own defense.
Lets not let the Terrorists or the Tyrants win.
Lets up Keep our Rights and liberties, and our toleration and respect for the rights of others.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
It is my opinion that while she is correct about the Ideals of Capitalism and Freedom, Ayn Rand’s philosophy ‘Objectivism’ takes individualism to perverse extremes and in so doing has committed great disservice to the Libertarian cause.
She was a Megalomaniac says the late Nathaniel Branden, and by my reckoning… a Narcissist… and her cult attracts a high percentage of Disciples with similar Sociopathic tendencies.
Unfortunately The reputation of Objectivism has become entangled with that of the Libertarian movement.
Having usurped a position of authority in the Libertarian movement Objectivist teachings and character have caused the Libertarian movement to stink… All the High Ideals of Libertarianism have been sullied because of the delusion that Libertarians are selfish and dont give a toss about the poor, and as long as this is how the Voting Public veiws Libertarianism… There will never be a Libertarian Government elected into office.
Objectivists tend to drive out other types of Libertarians as it takes a very thick skin to bear their Obsessive derision of Religion and glorification of egotistical arrogance.
The accusation that ‘Libertarians are selfish bastards who dont give a shit about the poor’ is a characteristic easily assumed by Socialists and others who have the unpleasant misfortune of talking with an arrogant Randiod Egoist.
Though it is a terrible accusation… this sort of Critisism is often received by an Objectivist as a badge of Honour to be worn with pride! They think concern for others is a vice.
They assume they are imitating their Glorious master who teaches them to be absolutely impervious to the opinions of others.
Central to her Philosophy is also Militant Atheism…’Religion is the root of all evil’ type mentality that is not only overt, but also needs to be appreciated to understand that her Individualism is underpinned (and distorted) because of her Atheism.
Ironically I was prompted to write this blogpost critisising Rands contention that ‘selfishness is a virtue’ after having a Facebook conversation with an Objectivist who shares few (if any) of these common Objectivist traits, and is prepared to Diverge from Rand’s Rabid Anti-theism… Australia’s Colourful champion of Liberty… Prodos Marinakis.
From his comment below you can see for yourself he is willing to be honest and critical about the Objectivist movement.
He’s a very likable Guy.
As Facebook friends I saw one of his posts on ‘The political Compass’ which is a better ‘graph’ on which to plot peoples Political persuasions rather than the ridiculously simplistic Far Left to Far Right Linear graph that is adored by the Mainstream who only seek to maintain the two party system.
These ‘Left and Right’ parties dont like the ‘political compass’ because it outs them as anti-freedom Authoritarians.
Having answered a questionnaire to ascertain his political leanings… the result was plotted on the compass. Below is Prodos result…. and I’ll let our conversation carry on from here… yet for the record I myself am a Bible believing Christian and an Independent Libertarian activist.
…Prodos Marinakis
Political Compass Test — just for fun.
Mine is below. Similar score to Milton Friedman.
More “conservative” than “libertarian”.
Tim Wikiriwhi:
I’m not surprised by your result Prodos given how highly you regard Rand.
I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the vise of selfishness, whereas I highly Regard Jesus Christ and St Paul… and it will be no surprise to you that I usually register as a left leaning Libertarian.
And yet now having completed this test (above) I too have come out a Right leaning Libertarian … making a mockery of my earlier comment… 🙂
In fact We virtually got the same coordinates…[ Both Libertarians rather than Authoritarians …I was slightly to the left of Prodos… yet still on the right side of the spectrum]
Like me you were probably uncomfortable with the Direction of some of the questions and were forced to make some choices without the opportunity to explain your reasoning…
Prodos Marinakis:
Tim, thanks for sharing your Political Compass results & for your comments — both before and after doing the “Political Compass” test.
I’m very glad to see that we got such similar results. You are more surprised by that than I am, since I believe I understand you, better than you understand me.
You wrote, regarding Ayn Rand:
“I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the (vice) of selfishness …”
Well, to talk about Ayn Rand (or Jesus) and not get bogged down, it helps to have specific quotes and to also put them into the proper context. True?
Personally, I consider Charity to be a virtue — provided it’s not tainted by the Kantian notion of altruism (which, despite the modern Church’s reliance on this evil concept, is in fact a post-Christian and anti-Christian invention of Auguste Comte from the 1830’s).
As for “selfishness” as a motive … that term, in Ethics, usually refers to a bad motive.
Calling someone “selfish” usually means that they’re benefiting themselves — even when it’s at the expense of others. And they’re benefiting themselves in a way that’s indifferent to other people.
Yet, there is nothing in Ayn Rand’s fiction or non-fiction that advocates or esteems THAT kind of “selfishness”.
On the contrary, being “selfish” in the Ayn Rand sense — as she explained in The Virtue of Selfishness and encapsulated in her saying: “There are no conflicts of interests among rational men”.
Not to mention the whole model of Free Market Capitalism.
It is true, however, that Objectivism tends to underrate the value and virtue of Charity.
When a writer uses a word (or an expression) it’s important to understand what THE WRITER meant by that word (or expression).
When Jesus says “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” … we need to study what Jesus meant.
For instance he didn’t mean (as one of my colleagues recently argued) that Jesus is a supporter of taxation and “Big Government”.
(better leave it there for now as I have to cook dinner!)
Tim Wikiriwhi:
Prodos, I think you have a better grasp than the average Objecitivist because you differ from the average in two aspects.
1. You dont have an innate hatred of religion and so you dont ‘need’ to ‘prove’ it is ‘Evil’… and that gives you a far more objective view when discussing such matters, and (2) this is a corollary (or complimentary) of the fact that you are not afraid to diverge from the Orthodox dogma of the Cult.
Now One of the reasons I accuse Rand of Sophistry is because she trains her disciples to Bastardise the English language by arrogantly abandoning accepted meaning of terms… Re-defining words to mean something other than what they have been historically understood to mean and then proceeds to pretend she can prove the whole world was wrong … *and that she is some sort of Mega-genius* when in fact she is a fraud who has literally re-written the rules.
…often giving terms the very opposite meaning… and most importantly… she has ‘Pre-loaded’ the new meanings so that they will now appear to mathematically add up to the conclusion she wants to achieve… eg ‘that selfishness is now ‘a virtue’…. Objectivists dont even speak the same language… they are disconnected from the historical dialogue and dont even realise they have been swindled… mainly because they share Rands hatred of Christianity and are consumed by their own Egos… and think they too are super geniuses… ‘John Galts’ far above the average savage…. This is not the mentality of ‘Objectivity’… but a type of psychosis that blinds the mind of those who are not aware of what game she is playing.
Now though I know what her nefarious motives were… to discredit Charity… esp religious charity … therefore casting a devious lie to destroy faith in the goodness of Christ and the Christian faith… I can entertain her ‘Revisions’ and understand her silly definitions of ‘Rational selfishness’ vs ‘Irrational selfishness’ …(obviously by her reckoning the historical meaning of selfishness *was this irrational selfishness* and nothing more… not independence… not self-reliance… not self responsibility… and certainly not slavery to the collective!), yet her distortions of Egoism and selfishness, and twisted ideas about altruism as a form of slavery rather than voluntary Individual virtue of charity have contorted the average Objectivists views on Capitalism and Voluntary community Action.
Objectivists are always praising Blatant *Greed*… Rand has crippled their minds so that they are incapable of forming moral arguments that condemn Largess by CEOs at the expense of the well being of the average worker … because the average Objectivist cant understand that simply because a person may have the liberty to act a certain way… that this does not of necessity make it Just, or wise, or of Good character.
Likewise Objectivists tend excuse themselves from supporting worthy voluntary associations and community activities under the pretense that to ‘feel obliged’ to contribute is some sort of ‘psychological slavery’…. yet if any free society is to function it will rely Heavily on exactly these sorts of virtues and voluntarily self imposed moral duty’s.
These are my thoughts on why I suggested that On the Libertarian spectrum I would expect myself to be to the Left of you (Prodos), though I appreciate you are not ‘the average Objectivist’…. yet still your thinking will be ‘coloured’ to some degree by Rands Bents.
I have seen many of your posts that I have enjoyed very much in particular many that could not have been written by the’average Objectivist’ because they are Antireligious-lite… even commending… and that is not a common trait in the Cult.”
That is where I’ll finish this dialogue with Prodos.
I think think he is is a very interesting, and intelligent Man… a Champion of Liberty… a Man of Reason… who in my opinion avoids sycophantic Rand worship.
Someone a Christian can have a meaningful discussion with… free of petty conceit.
Despite the fact that Long Blog posts are unpopular, I do need to make one further clarification, and that is to say that though Christianity regards Charity as one of the highest virtues, and that People tend to associate this as a mentality common among left leaning political supporters, that it is a grievous error to automatically assume this means Christians ought to be socialists!
The notion that Christ was a socialist has been around for a long time, yet was systematically propagated and grew predominant among Western Christians in the 20th century when Communists infiltrated the churches and began to systematically sway Christians into supporting socialism… despite their Nations Prosperity,Freedom and capitalism being founded upon Christian protestant political reforms and values of Individual Rights, Private property, Hard work, Thrift, Voluntary charity, Honest Free-trade, etc.
This is quite a complex conundrum to untangle, yet when properly understood the confusion and false teaching gives way to definite clarity and broad understanding.
The Key is to understand the dispensational scheme of the scriptures and how things fit in properly with the plan of God.
Reading the Bible there are verses in the Gospels, and early Acts that appear to the unlearned to support the idea that Jesus was anti-wealth and promoted ‘Communism’… yet such an interpretation fails to take into account what Jesus was offering the Jews at the time, and that these instances… such as when he told the Rich young man to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor… and follow him… are not representative of the future Kingdom Christ had come to establish but was a special time of transition … from the Kingdom of Mammon… into the Messianic Kingdom of God on Earth whereby these injunctions were tests of worthiness to enter his kingdom… repentance for rebellion and sin… and a willingness to forsake the gains achieved under Mammon.. wealth… power… social status… and to enter the kingdom ‘Naked’… fully trusting that Christ would reward them when he had overthrown the Romans and established his rule in Jerusalem.
And here is the real Jam: Christs Kingdom will not be a Communist Utopia!
There will be private property!
The Lazy will not reap the harvests of the Virtuous and hard working, etc!
So the Important thing to appreciate about Christs Message to the Jews at that time and his injunctions to Sell their possessions, and have all things common, and to Turn the other cheek, and to endure persecution unto the end were not instructive of how his Kingdom would function… but tests of Faith and repentance… ie to be found worthy to enter his Kingdom The Jews had to have faith Plus works!
When this is understood the claim that Jesus promoted Socialism collapses… and is exposed as a wicked false doctrine used to deceive Christians for Evil political ends.
Sadly this False doctrine has been very successful with millions of Deceived Christians voting for Big Government Nanny State socialist Tyranny instead of for Liberty and self responsibility guided by personal ethics.
How Ironic that these Christians fail to see they are unwitting supporting Leviathan… enthroning the all powerful State as God… Mammon!
As this Blog post is already too long I will simply ad links to some of my other Blogposts that go into more detail about Christs Kingdom ministry to the Jews… and how that differs from the Christian Age of Grace that we live in today… which is a different dispensation, and has a different gospel..
I will add a link here to show that true Christian Charity is vastly different from the Atheist pseudo-morality of Socialist Tyranny and the forced redistribution of Wealth via welfare…
And finally below is a Link to a speech I delivered in 2006, at the Tenth anniversary of the now disbanded New Zealand Libertarian party… ‘The Libertarianz’ in which I tried to expound why I thought Rabid Objectivism needed to take a back seat to a more Humane and tolerant activism if the party was to have any hope of success at the polls… as can be seen from the date posted to the blog was in 2012… and I was still very angry about what had happened to the Libertarianz party… I was of the opinion that Objectivism was/ had suffocated the party.
I saw the party as becoming little more than a propaganda machine to further the Atheist Cult of Rand… I had already walked away from it by then.
Fanatical Objectivists have convinced themselves that by coining the phrase ‘Egoism’ that they can escape the the accusations of Egotism! another example of Rand’s Sophistry are work!
Egoism… self worship…they say is the highest Individual character trait!
New Zealand still needs a Libertarian Political Choice… yet if this is ever to rise again lessons need to be learned from the Objectivist Dominated Libertarianz party.
If a New Libertarian party is to rise it cannot become a recruitment tool for the Cult of Objectivism… Rands Philosophy cannot be adopted as the last word on Party Policy… and certainly Objectivist Intolerance towards religious views or Charity… cannot be allowed to set the tone of Party Literature and conduct.
A far more Libertarian and enlightened Character and charter needs to be set and presented to the voting public…one in which Libertarianism is expounded that shows Liberty is far more compassionate and Humane than Socialism ever was… and when you Look a a guy like Prodos Marinakis and his moderated style of Objectivism compared to the Rabid Rand worshiping Egoist and Millitant Atheists… the contrast is stark.
Its the difference between an enlightened and Tolerant, and thinking Libertarian… from an indoctrinated Fanatical Zealot of a God hating Cult of selfish arseholes!
This Caricature of Rand and Objectivism may be an exaggeration yet it is not wholly Unjustified as anyone who has had anything to do with the Objectivist movement will tell you… and you can read about just how delusional Rand was in person by one of her closest and most dedicated disciples… Nathaniel Branden… Read “My Years with Ayn Rand”.
When Judgement day comes for Any Rand she will be exposed as a fraud… In Reality she was not Great at all but a Delusional Woman full of the worst Character traits… and her toxic beliefs bring out the worst in those that are deceived by her.
Fortunately there are some New Zealand Objectivists and Libertarians who share the same virtues as Prodos… those that are prepared to think for themselves more and quote Rand less.
Any New party would need to maintain a separation of the Church of Ayn Rand and State… as much as a separation of any other personal ideology.
This is where hope lies and could be the basis for Cooperation between Libertarians of all persuasions.
Getting things all in their correct context and this way Libertarianism will have a much broader appeal… including winning Christians and others out of Socialism and into supporting Freedom where they ought to be. This will only happen when Egoism, and Atheism, and Selfishness are not the defining traits of the Libertarian party… But Enlightened tolerance and adherence to just principles, equality before the Law, and a desire to downsize Government and abolish unjust tyrannical laws and taxes… “He who governs best… governs least”. Thomas Jefferson.
Maybe sometime soon Kiwi Libertarians can have a Reunion… a few Beers… and talk about what could be… what should be in the near future.
Bruce drinking Waikato Draught and Joy (My future wife) at a friends 21st.
About 1995
Below is my hastily written goodbye to my long time friend Bruce Christopher Davies, who took his own life 4-3-18.
Bruce was a fully fledged Hard-man Engineering Rebel Bogan… He had a colorful existence… Cars, Bikes, Beer, Woman, and Song.
Hard work and Hard Rock.
In the end it all took its toll…
He will be missed by his Mates, and Family.
This Blog post is to pay Tribute to this Awesome dude… my fabulous friend with a Big Heart.. loved by many.. and for those who never got to pay their respects to Bruce with his unexpected passing.
Please leave comments and photos below.
Bruce and friends at Hamilton Jay day about 2007.
My tale of Bruce Davies.
By Tim Wikiriwhi
Spoken at his Funeral.(Edited)
This story of Bruce Davies … My Story…starts at New Haven engineering, Judea Tauranga in 1987, when I had just moved down from West Auckland a week after finishing my Engineering apprenticeship…
I had a small Bedford housebus that I drove, and parked up at my mums place in Gate pa.
I was 18, and I wanted to live in Tauranga as from visiting my mother who was living there… the Bay of Plenty appeared to be a paradise!
Plenty of Hot friendly girls, sunshine and beaches!
Just one great big Holiday park!
I was not in Tauranga long before I started looking for work as an engineer.
Being an Auckland Westy, when I met the Bay of Plenty Bogan Bruce Davies who was working at New Haven Structural Engineers … we were a cultural perfect fit… though I was a Christian… we had the same Westy Bogan values … and we hit it off immediately.
Not only that… we had had similar upbringings… not known our Fathers… being raised in a single parent house by our mothers, etc
New Haven was a Structural Fabrication Workshop and We were Building Tanks and structures for the Waihi Goldmine.
Bruce was a great engineer… a great welder and fabricator… a hard man.
Heavy Fabrication Engineering is a real mans job… Not afraid to get dirty… We took pride in being Hard.
He was also a great farmer.
As a New Guy… sitting in the New Haven smoko room full of workers and the Boss, Bruce loudly asks me… “Do you smoke Pot?”
I was shocked!
As a 19 year old Westy… OF Course I smoked pot! Yet we Westies were *secret squirrel* about such things at our Jobs… around ‘Nomies’/ trendies/etc… so I was like trying to wisper… bro keep it down!
Yet it was only a matter of days before I was smoking weed with Bruce outside his mums place in my bus… and drinking Waikato Draught Beer… two things that would become synonymous with our friendship that would last 30 years.
We would under age Drink Waikato ( Legal drinking age was 20 back then) and play pool at the Otumotai Trust hotel..with Bruce’s mates Al, Mark, and Guy… the five of us looked like black peas from the same pod… all would wear black Levis, black tee shirts, black jerseys, black beanies, and all were about the same height and all had shaggy long un-kept hair… and we were suspicious of anyone who did not look like us!
One day I rolled into the Trust Hotel car park in my bus and Bruce said to the boys… here comes ‘the blowfly’… referring to my green and black bus… and after that my nickname was Blowfly!
Thanks mate… it was a classic nickname… one that makes you cringe.
Me and my Bus.
I had my 21st party at Bruce’s and Nicky’s pad in Thompsons track Katikati… in a farmhouse where he was milking and farming.
I then moved back to Auckland for a few years with a pretty Tauranga Girl (Carol) and we soon had a Daughter (Melissa) … yet having got used to the Tauranga pace … the Auckland Rat race sucked and so we moved back to Tauranga… And I was soon working with Brucie again in Structural Engineering… for a company called Metal Trend… this is when my Son Jamie was born.
(Carol and I would separate a few years later… yet we are friends now)
Bruce had an affinity with cats.
He was a cool Cat! and he certainly had nine lives. He wreaked at least 50% of the vehicles he ever owned…
Bruce had his orange ginger cat ‘Russell’ who was Bruce’s best mate… “the greatest cat in the world” according to Bruce. He nick named Russell ‘Patrol leader’… Russell was always on patrol… and they spent many years together… even after Bruces great love Nicky left him for his [other] best friend.
Bruce and Cats went together.
Bruce found Joy (My Wife), Mine, and our sons grey cat Floyd as a tiny Kitten in the gutter outside the Te Rapa Pub Hamilton…One dark winter rainy nite… and brought him home to our place as at the time he was staying with us after going through another tuff break up with another lady…
And Bruce as many of you probably already know… had his last cat named ‘Tuesday’ with him in the car… and they passed way together. Tuseday is buried on site in the upper reaches of the Cormandal peninsula.
Floyd My Cat… who owes his life to Bruce.
Bruce was a romantic soul, yet like so many of us everytime he fell in love… it was followed by a painful break up… and these were the low points in his life.
I remember how happy Bruce was when he and Amanda had Michael… Bruce was a proud Father and it was devastating when He had a messy break up with Amanda, and it was virtually impossible for Bruce to maintain any contact with Michael… too painful to deal with the situation, and when Amanda moved to Australia that definitely was a barrier too far for Bruce, and Like me he would have been hoping that at some time when Mike had grown up… that they would make contact again … sadly Bruce took a heavy downturn… and now this will never happen.
Michael… You have my sincere apologies on Bruces behalf… he was a great Guy… yet he was a person who… in the end…did not like or function well according to the rules conservative society demands…
I hope you and I get a chance to talk about your old man so you get to know him better.
As the decades past we had countless good times … partying… smoking weed… and hanging out.
I got my first tattoos with Bruce at his house on a Kiwifruit orchard up Omanawa road (lower Kaimai ranges) … from a flatmate who was planning to become a tattoo artist and needed some suckers to practice on!
Bruce got a Ledzeplin wizard holding up a lantern on his arm, and the big Scorpion on his back and shoulder… Bruce was a Scorpio.
Now though some folk will not approve of this yet… as I have already mentioned smoking weed was a major recreational past time for Bruce and I.
I got busted by the police *twice* with Bruce over the years.
Both these times are quite amusing to look back on, yet I would become a staunch Libertarian activist for the decriminalisation of Cannabis… and Bruce being a Mate would help me with setting up Libertarianz party stands at Jay days etc… he would take the pics of me speaking, etc… and some of my best quality photos I have of Bruce are Libertarian activism pics… Both of us were now living in Hamilton Waikato (District).
The war on drugs is very oppressive for fringe-dwellers like Bruce… and myself… people who don’t want to conform to the sheepish standards that pass as ‘normal/ conservative’…
We Libertarians despise how oppressive the ‘Mob rule’ of our Nanny state democracy is, and defiantly ‘Live like its legal’… and because of righteous activism and world trends… cannabis will soon be legal here in New Zealand… as it has become in many countries around the world.
In 2002 Bruce would be the Best man at Joy and my wedding at Mc Clarens falls in the Kaimai hills above Tauranga.
It was an honor to have him as my best man.
Though I have been fortunate to have had more than one ‘Best mate’… Bruce earned the right to stand beside me on my most important day, in front of most of my other friends and family.
He rose to the occasion and was a great support…. The after party being the best party of my life… and he was a big part of that… we used his stereo for the Soundz, and he was a big help cleaning up in the days that followed.
About twenty years ago Bruce and I had another painful shock.
Bruces life long friend Mark Crosby… one of our tight Posse… killed himself in a car in a reserve on the Matamata side of the Kaimais.
I got the call from Bruce about it…. And every since then I had a fear… a premonition… that Bruce was harbouring thoughts that this was a legitimate option he had for himself.
And this has proved to be the case.
I must ask you all not to follow Bruces example!
It was a very Bad idea… Death will come calling for us soon enough and when someone takes their life… they take away any chance for Providence to shine again in their lives… The Sun will rise again if only you endure… Hold on and have faith… Don’t let the world break your spirit!
Find something that fills your life with value and meaning… I have my Christian faith…
Bruce had at least another 20 years of quality life… so many good things he will now miss… and because of what he did..we… the ones that loved him and appreciated him… will miss out too.
Now I am going to close this on a sad note.
About the time that Joy and I were expecting our son Roman, Bruce and I had a falling out… and I decided to stop visiting him and focus on my new responsibility as a Dad.
I was hoping Bruce would turn up one day and we would talk things through and get things settled and we would carry on as normal… I lost contact with him when he moved… yet always hoping… sadly the years quickly ticked by… and Bruce never showed.
I am very sad that we never managed to get it sorted.
I am angry that he chose to pass away without trying….
And I carry Guilt that I did not act upon my thoughts several years ago to track him down and sort it out.
I am sorry my friend for not being there when you needed me… not being there to tell you to get your shit together like I did many times before.
I hope you forgive me.
I hope you are in a better place… maybe with Mark, and Pat, and your Mum.
Good bye Mate… and thanks for everything.
Tim Wikiriwhi
With consent of Bruce’s family , We… his friends took Bruce the day before his funeral up into the hills overlooking Raglan, and gave him his ‘last rites’ Bogan style.
We Celebrated his life…. we had our last Beers with him, our last games of Pool… and spent all night laughing and telling hard case yarns about our Bro.
Girls turned up and wept over his coffin, and we transported him in style in a Holden Panel wagon with Triumph Bonneville Escort.
He was dressed in a Black Beanie, Shades, Pink Floyd Dark side of the Moon tee shirt, Blue Jeans and Black Army Boots.
We played his friend Paul Goughs’ Original ‘K9 Convention’ song… absolutely Unique… Rockin… and a track Bruce loved.
I know a lot of people will be bummed out they did not get the chance to see him off… things happened so quickly.
We hope all his mates approve of our send off… It was done in the best Bruce style.
Thanks to everyone who made it to pay their respects, and help make it worthy.
Special thanks to Brucies People in the Waikato.
And there will be a commemoration for Bruce in one years time somewhere appropriate with the idea of perhaps spreading his ashes, and this will be another opportunity for Bruce’s friends to pay their respects.
Maybe McClarens falls… first weekend in March… as Bruce was a part of The Kaimai community and so many of us had great times with Bruce in the Hills there.
Please check this post for updates.
Heaps more Photos of Bruce’s Celebration and Funeral go to my Facebook page … could not fit them into this post Here
Bands Brucie introduced me to.
The Who.
Judas Priest.
Joe Walsh.
Hunters and collectors.
Cheap Trick.
Dylan’s ‘Blood on the tracks’ LP.
Alice in Chains Dirt.
ACDC TNT album.
We would listen to all sorts of cool sounds.
I remember Rockin out to Steve miller Band with Bruce.
Jimmy Barn’s working Class man.
Frank Zappa ‘Sheik yerbouti’.
I introduced him to plenty of classic sounds too… Tool… Rory Gallager… Free… etc etc…
I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.
As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.
If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.
Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.
A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.
A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.
When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.
A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…
Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.
Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.
My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.
My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.